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Analytical Modeling of Current-Voltage Photovoltaic Performance An Easy Approach To Solar Panel Behavior

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Analytical Modeling of Current-Voltage Photovoltaic
Performance: An Easy Approach to Solar Panel Behavior
José Miguel Álvarez 1 , Daniel Alfonso-Corcuera 1,2 , Elena Roibás-Millán 1,2 , Javier Cubas 1,2 ,
Juan Cubero-Estalrrich 1 , Alejandro Gonzalez-Estrada 1 , Rocío Jado-Puente 1 , Marlon Sanabria-Pinzón 1 and
Santiago Pindado 1,2, *

1 Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM), ETSI Aeronáutica y del Espacio,
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Plaza del Cardenal Cisneros 3, 28040 Madrid, Spain; (J.M.Á.); (D.A.-C.); (E.R.-M.); (J.C.); (J.C.-E.); (A.G.-E.); (R.J.-P.); (M.S.-P.)
2 Departamento de Sistemas Aeroespaciales, Transporte Aéreo y Aeropuertos (SATAA), ETSI Aeronáutica y del
Espacio, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Plaza del Cardenal Cisneros 3, 28040 Madrid, Spain
* Correspondence:

Abstract: In this paper, we propose very simple analytical methodologies for modeling the behavior
of photovoltaic (solar cells/panels) using a one-diode/two-resistor (1-D/2-R) equivalent circuit.
!"#!$%&'(! A value of a = 1 for the ideality factor is shown to be very reasonable for the different photovoltaic
technologies studied here. The solutions to the analytical equations of this model are simplified
Citation: Álvarez, J.M.; Alfonso- using easy mathematical expressions defined for the Lambert W-function. The definition of these
Corcuera, D.; Roibás-Millán, E.; mathematical expressions was based on a large dataset related to solar cells and panels obtained from
Cubas, J.; Cubero-Estalrrich, J.; the available academic literature. These simplified approaches were successfully used to extract the
Gonzalez-Estrada, A.; Jado-Puente,
parameters from explicit methods for analyzing the behavior of solar cells/panels, where the exact
R.; Sanabria-Pinzón, M.; Pindado, S.
solutions depend on the Lambert W-function. Finally, a case study was carried out that consisted of
Analytical Modeling of Current-
fitting the aforementioned models to the behavior (that is, the I-V curve) of two solar panels from the
Voltage Photovoltaic Performance:
An Easy Approach to Solar Panel
UPMSat-1 satellite. The results show a fairly high level of accuracy for the proposed methodologies.
Behavior. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250. Keywords: solar cell; solar panel; parameter extraction; analytical; Lambert W-function; spacecraft
solar panels; I-V curve; modeling
Academic Editor:
Luis Hernández-Callejo

Received: 13 March 2021 1. Introduction

Accepted: 3 May 2021
Based on the installation of power plants over the last few decades, it can be seen
Published: 7 May 2021
that photovoltaic energy has emerged as a very important factor in policies relating to
renewable energy sources [1–7]. As an energy source, solar panels have a significant
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
competitive edge over other renewable energy sources due to their potential for dual-use
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
at either the industrial or the domestic scale. Both possibilities have provided an impetus
published maps and institutional affil-
for the increasing growth in demand for photovoltaic systems [5,8–11].
Photovoltaic energy has also been demonstrated to be crucial for stand-alone power
systems such as glow-in-the-dark lettering and illuminated signs on highways. One of the
first such stand-alone industrial applications of photovoltaic technologies was in power
generation in spacecraft. According to Rauschenbach, “The first solar cell array that
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. successfully operated in space was launched on 17 March 1958, on board Vanguard I, the
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
second U.S. earth satellite” [12].
This article is an open access article
Modeling the performance of power sub-systems for space missions is essential at
distributed under the terms and
the predesign stage. At these early configuration stages of a space mission, simple, fast
conditions of the Creative Commons
simulations are required that are as accurate as possible. This trend has also been amplified
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
by the increasing importance of Concurrent Design (CD) in industrial processes. According
to the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS), CD is especially important

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 2 of 23

in the early predesign phase of space missions. It is based on the parallelization of processes
associated with different sub-systems and is carried out in a special working environment
organized into Concurrent Design Facilities (CDFs), where design parameters are shared,
and the information flow is organized thus that stable solutions can be reached as quickly
as possible [13–17].
Research carried out at the IDR/UPM Institute on solar panels has been driven by the
need for simple procedures to calculate the performance of these panels. This need has
arisen in the context of mission predesign at the CDF [18,19], and particularly in relation
to sub-system coupling effects, such as those that can be found when analyzing thermal
control and power distribution in spacecraft.
The simulation of photovoltaic devices (solar cells/panels) is normally carried out by
means of equivalent circuit models, which are defined by implicit mathematical expressions.
However, problems arise in terms of:
• The extraction of the parameters appearing in this equation, which define the per-
formance of the photovoltaic device at a certain temperature and irradiance level,
• The calculation of the output current as a function of the output voltage, or vice versa,
since this equation is implicit.
There are multiple ways to fit the equation for the photovoltaic equivalent circuit
models to experimental data [20–29]. All of these approaches can essentially be grouped
into two different types: Numerical (in which the equation is fitted to a large dataset that
represents the I-V curve of the photovoltaic device) and analytical (in which the parameters
of the equation are extracted based on three points of the I-V curve: short circuit, maximum
power, and open voltage).
The second issue described above, i.e., the calculation of the output current as a func-
tion of the output voltage once the parameters of the equation have been extracted, can
only be solved by numerical approaches [30–46] (which include iterative solutions [47–49]),
or by using of the Lambert W-function [50–55] (whose exact calculation requires a numeri-
cal approach).
Possible solutions to the aforementioned problems include explicit methods of photo-
voltaic modeling, which are based on explicit equations with parameters defined based on
the characteristic points of the I-V curve. Some of these methods also require the use of the
Lambert W-function to define the parameters [56].
In the present work, we explore two important aspects of the analytical approach to
the one diode/two resistor (1-D/2-R) equivalent circuit model for solar panels:
• Selection of a proper ideality factor for extraction of the model parameters based
on analytical methods, as this forms the cornerstone for extracting the other four
parameters [57], and;
• Development of a simplified approach to the Lambert W-function, which is required
in this analytical methodology in order to:
# Obtain the value of the first parameter of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model,
i.e., the value of the resistance of the series-connected resistor, and;
# Solve the implicit equation of this model to derive the output current in relation
to the output voltage.
Our simplified approach to the Lambert W-function is also proven to be a relatively
powerful tool for extracting the parameters of some of the most accurate explicit equations
for photovoltaic modeling that can be found in the literature: the models of Kalmarlar and
Haneefa [58,59] and Das [60].
The aim of this paper is to define very simple methodologies to measure the perfor-
mance of photovoltaic devices (solar cells/panels), thus that these can be implemented
as part of more complex simulations. One example of this type of simulation is the cou-
pled thermo-electrical modeling of space systems with ESATAN© [61]. It should also be
emphasized that these methodologies may be useful tools for professionals within small
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 3 of 23

and medium-sized enterprises in the solar energy sector to allow them to estimate the
performance of the systems they design. Additionally, the increasing use of photovoltaic
generation in small grids [62,63] could increase the worth of the easy approximations to
solar panels performance included in this paper.
This paper is organized as follows. A simple model of solar panels is described
in Section 2, and simplified equations for solving the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model
and the Lambert W-function are given in Section 3. A case study is also described and
solved in Section 3, using the procedures described in the preceding sub-sections. Finally,
conclusions are presented in Section 4.

2. Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems

2.1. The 1-D/2-R Equivalent Circuit Model
The most widely used method of modeling the performance of a solar cell/panel
(based on its I-V curve, where I is the output current and V the output voltage) is an
equivalent circuit based on one current source, one diode, and two resistors (series and
shunt resistors), as shown in Figure 1. The equation that describes the performance of this
model is as follows [57,64–66]:
 ✓ ◆
V + IRs V + IRs
I = I pv I0 exp 1 (1)
naVT Rsh

where Ipv is the photocurrent, I0 is the reverse saturation current of the diode, Rsh is the
resistance of the shunt resistor, Rs is the resistance of the series-connected resistor, and VT
is the thermal voltage:
VT = (2)

Figure 1. (a) I-V curves for three different solar cells; (b) 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model for
analyzing the behavior of a solar cell/panel.

In the above equation, k = 1.38064852·10 23 m2 kg s 2 K 1 is the Boltzmann constant,

T is the temperature expressed in K, and q = 1.60217662·10 19 C is the electron charge.
In Equation (1), a is the ideality factor of the diode (in principle, the effect of temperature
on this parameter can be left aside [64]), and n is the number of series-connected cells in
the solar panel (obviously, n = 1 when studying the performance of a single cell).
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The first problem of modeling a photovoltaic device with the 1-D/2-R equivalent
circuit model lies in extracting the five parameters of the model: Ipv , I0 , a, Rs , and Rsh .
Depending on the available information, which might be either:
• The I-V curve with an enough large number of points, or;
• The three characteristic points of the I-V curve (short circuit output current, Isc , open
circuit output voltage, Voc , and output current and voltage levels at the Maximum
Power Point (MPP), Imp and Vmp ,
It is possible to extract these five parameters either by numerically fitting Equation
(1) to the I-V curve, or by using the three characteristic points, which in practice represent
four conditions [67]: the first three of which force the equation to match the points (0, Isc ),
(Vmp , Imp ) and (Voc , 0), and the fourth is related to the maximum power condition:

∂I Imp
= . (3)
∂V (Vmp ,Imp ) Vmp

Modeling the performance of photovoltaic systems with the equivalent circuit de-
scribed here can be very advantageous, as these circuits somehow preserve the physical
processes of a pair formed of a current source and a p-n junction [68]. The effect of the
series-connected resistor, Rs , is mainly associated with power losses in the solder bonds and
interconnections between cells, whereas the effect of the shunt resistor, Rsh , is associated
with current leakages across the p-n junction [69,70]. In recent years, several reviews of the
different procedures and techniques for the parameter extraction problem related to the
1-D/2-R model have been published [20,21,23,24,67,71–73]. The present work focuses on
an analytical approach based on the use of information from the characteristic points to
calculate the five parameters in Equation (1). The following equations can be derived [57]:
✓ ◆
naVT Vmp 2Imp Isc Vmp + Imp Rs Voc
= exp , (4)
Vmp Isc + Voc Imp Isc Vmp Imp Rs naVT Vmp Isc Voc Imp naVT

Vmp Imp Rs Vmp Rs Isc Imp naVT

Rsh = , (5)
Vmp Imp Rs Isc Imp naVT Imp
Rsh + Rs
I pv = Isc , (6)
( Rsh + Rs ) Isc Voc
I0 = ⇣ ⌘ . (7)
Rsh exp naV T

Three problems arise at this point:

• A sufficiently accurate estimation of the ideality factor a is required;
• Equation (4) is an implicit mathematical expression for solving Rs , and an iterative
process is, therefore, required to extract this parameter; and
• Equation (1), which defines the performance of the solar cell/panel, is also an implicit
expression. As a consequence, once all the parameters of this equation have been
extracted, an additional iterative process will be required to solve it (i.e., to derive the
value of the output current, I, for a given value of the output voltage level, V).
Fortunately, the ideality factor can be estimated by taking a value within the range
from a = 1 to a = 1.5 [74,75], and the value of the resistance of the series-connected resistor,
Rs , can be derived from [64]:

R s = A (W 1 ( B exp(C )) ( D + C )), (8)

where W 1 is the negative branch of the Lambert W-function (see Section 2.1). The variables
A, B, C, and D are defined as:
A= , (9)
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 5 of 23

Vmp 2Imp Isc

B= , (10)
Vmp Isc + Voc Imp Isc
2Vmp Voc Vmp Isc Voc Imp
C= + , (11)
naVT Vmp Isc + Voc Imp Isc
Vmp Voc
D= . (12)
However, the problem of solving the implicit equation in (1) still remains after the
extraction of parameters a and Rs . Authors such as Peng et al. [50] have shown that this
equation can also be solved using the Lambert W-function:
Rsh I pv + I0 V naVT Rsh Rs I0 Rsh Rs I pv + I0 + Rsh V
I= W0 exp , (13)
Rsh + Rs Rs naVT ( Rsh + Rs ) naVT ( Rsh + Rs )

where W 0 is the positive branch of the Lambert W-function (see Section 2.1).

2.2. Explicit Equations/Models as Alternative to the 1-D/2-R Equivalent Circuit Model

The difficulties associated with solving the 1-D/2-R model implicit equation drove
researchers to develop explicit equations for modeling the performance of solar cells/
panels [58,59,76–82]. These photovoltaic models give the output current as a function of
the output voltage by using simple mathematical models or equations that can be easily
solved without the need for advanced mathematical tools. Of these, three models appear
to be fairly accurate in relation to the I-V curve. The model proposed by Kalmarkar and
Haneefa [58,59] is: ✓ ◆
I V V m
= 1 (1 g ) g , (14)
Isc Voc Voc
where [56]: ⇣ ⌘
2 Isc 1
g= ⇣ ⌘m , (15)
(m 1) Voc
✓ ⇣ ⌘1⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘◆
Voc K 1 Vmp
W 1 Vmp K ln Voc 1
m= ⇣
⌘ + + 1, (16)
ln K

and: ⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘
Imp Vmp
1 Isc Voc
K= ⇣
⌘ , (17)
2 Isc 1

the model proposed by Das [60] is:

⇣ ⌘k
I 1 Voc
= ⇣ ⌘, (18)
Isc 1 + h VVoc

where [56]: ⇣⇣ ⇣⌘ ⌘⌘
Imp V
W 1 Iscln Vmpoc
k= ⇣ ⌘
, (19)
ln Voc
✓ ◆✓ ◆
Voc Isc 1
h= 1 , (20)
Vmp Imp k
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 6 of 23

while the model of Pindado and Cubas [56,80] is:

8 !
> ⇣ ⌘⇣ ⌘ Imp
> Imp V Isc I mp
< Isc 1 1 Isc Vmp ; V  Vmp
I= ⇣ ⌘ ✓ ⇣ ⌘ ◆ , (21)
> Vmp V Vmp f
: Imp V 1 ; V Vmp
Voc Vmp

where: ✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆
Isc Isc Voc Vmp
f= . (22)
Imp Isc Imp Voc
In the graph in Figure 2, these models are fitted to the experimental I-V curve for
an RTC solar cell, taken from the well-known work by Easwarakhanthan et al. [83]. The
1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model is also fitted to these data, and it can be seen that the
accuracy of the explicit models is quite high, as stated in [56,81]. The problem with using
some of these models again lies in the need to solve the Lambert W-function, which requires
some mathematical ability.

Figure 2. I-V curve of the RTC solar cell [83], with the results from the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit
model, and the explicit models of Kalmarkar and Haneefa, Das, and Pindado and Cubas.

2.3. The Lambert W-Function

From the methodologies described above, it is clear that in order to work with the
equations of the implicit 1-D/2-R model and some of the explicit models, some knowledge
of the Lambert W-function is required. The Lambert W-function, W(z) (plotted in Figure 3),
is defined as:
z = W (z) exp(W (z)), (23)
In the above equation, z is a complex number. If a real variable x is considered, the
Lambert function is then defined within the range [ 1/e, •]. It should also be noted that
this function gives a double value within the range [ 1/e, 0]. Two different branches,
called the positive and negative branches, are normally defined for this function, as follows:
• W 0 (x), for W(x) 1, and
• W 1 (x), for W(x)  1.
This function is a useful tool for solving equations that involve exponentials since if
X = Yexp(Y), then Y = W(X). However, as stated above, a certain level of expertise is
required to solve these [84,85]. Barry et al. developed an interesting explicit approach,
although this may not be sufficiently direct to obtain a solution [86].
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 7 of 23

Figure 3. The Lambert W-function, with its two different branches.

3. Results
In this section, a method that facilitates the use of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model
is presented. It is organized into three sub-sections, as follows:
• Sub-Section 3.1 describes the problem of selecting a suitable value for the ideality
factor, a, in order to obtain the values for the rest of the parameters.
• Very simple equations for the Lambert W-function, for use in solving the equations
described in the section above, are included in Sub-Section 3.2.
• Finally, a case study in which our methodologies are applied to the modeling of
spacecraft solar panels is included in Sub-Section 3.3.

3.1. On the Best Value for the Ideality Factor

In a paper published in the 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy
Research and Applications (ICRERA 2013), our research group demonstrated a hyperbolic
relationship between the non-dimensional RMSE, x, of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit
model fitted to the I-V curve of a solar cell, and the value of the ideality factor, a [87].
The non-dimensional (or normalized) RMSE is defined as:
u N⇣ ⌘2
RMSE 1 u
= Â
Isc N i=1
I Ire f , (24)

where N is the number of point of the I-V curve, I is the current obtained from modeling
the corresponding solar cell/panel, and Iref is the measured current associated with each
one of those points. The aforementioned relationship between x and a is plotted in Figure 4.
It can be seen that the curve has a hyperbolic shape, with a minimum value of the non-
dimensional RMSE at a = 1.18. This hyperbolic shape was also confirmed in a recent work
by Elkholy and Abou El-Ela [88].
The normalized RMSE can be used to compare the accuracy of different models
applied to different photovoltaic technologies. However, it should also be taken into
account that variations in temperature and irradiance could somehow affect the accuracy of
the model’s accuracy. In the present work, the current at the short circuit from the reference
I-V curve has been selected as it was in previous works such as [57]. This way to normalize
the RMSE has been used by other authors [89]. However, it was not the only one, as the
average current value from the measured dataset that represents the I-V curve [88,90], or
the difference between the current at two points [91], has also been proposed as current
values to normalize the RMSE.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 8 of 23

Figure 4. Non-dimensional RMSE, x, for a 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model fitted to the I-V curve of
an Emcore ZTJ solar cell (see Figure 1) versus the ideality factor, a.

The value of the ideality factor, a, was studied with the aim of providing future
researchers with an accurate but much simpler fitting of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit
model. To carry out this analysis, the I-V curves from four solar cells and three solar
panels were selected from previous works [56,81], as shown in Table 1. The parameters
extracted by fitting Equation (1) to these I-V curves using Matlab© are given in Table 2.
These fits were used as a reference for the values calculated analytically since it could be
reasonably assumed that they were the most accurate ones for the I-V curves. It should also
be remarked that the equations for the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model resulting from
these fits may not exactly meet the requirements for the short circuit, MPP, and open-circuit
conditions, as they represent the best fits not only to the three characteristic points but to a
large number of additional points.

Table 1. Solar cell/panel I-V curves used in the present work (where n is the number of series-connected cells for each of
these photovoltaic devices; T is the temperature; and the characteristic points are Isc , Imp , Vmp , and Voc ).

Solar Cell/Panel Technology n T [ C] Isc [A] Imp [A] Vmp [V] Voc [V]
RTC France 1 Si 1 33 0.7605 0.6894 0.4507 0.5727
TNJ Spectrolab 2 GaInP2/GaAs/Ge 3 28 0.5259 0.4969 2.273 2.592
ZTJ Emcore 2 InGaP/InGaAs/Ge 3 28 0.4634 0.4424 2.398 2.726
Azur Space 3G30C 3 GaInP/GaAs/Ge 3 28 0.5270 0.5023 2.468 2.711
Photowatt PWP 201 1 Si 36 45 1.032 0.9255 12.493 16.778
Kyocera KC200GT-2 2 Si polycrystalline 54 25 8.182 7.605 26.90 32.92
Selex Galileo SPVS X5 4 GaInP/GaAs/Ge 15 20 0.5029 0.4783 12.406 13.603
1 Taken from Easwarakhantan et al. [83]. 2 Graphically extracted from the manufacturer’s datasheet. 3 Supplied by Azur Space. 4 Measured
at CIEMAT (Spain).

Table 2. Parameters for the 1-D/2-E equivalent circuit models, numerically fitted to I-V curves based on data from RTC
France, TNJ Spectrolab, ZTJ Emcore, and Azrur Space 3G30C solar cells, and Photowatt PWP 201, Kyocera KC200GT-2, and
Selex Galileo SPVS X5 solar panels (where x is the non-dimensional RMSE for the fit).

Solar Cell/Panel Ipv [A] I0 [A] a Rs [W] Rsh [W] x

RTC France 7.617·10 01 2.746·10 07 1.466 3.697·10 02 4.421·10+01 8.49·10 04

TNJ Spectrolab 5.261·10 01 7.543·10 15 1.045 1.033·10 01 2.315·10+02 3.80·10 03

ZTJ Emcore 4.640·10 01 5.863·10 14 1.180 5.918·10 02 4.669·10+02 3.00·10 03

Azur Space 3G30C 5.274·10 01 8.522·10 19 0.850 8.580·10 02 2.202·10+03 1.57·10 03

Photowatt PWP 201 1.033·10+00 1.732·10 06 1.282 1.312·10+00 6.832·10+02 1.79·10 03

Kyocera KC200GT-2 8.179·10+00 2.693·10 09 1.089 2.280·10 01 1.449·10+02 3.53·10 03

Selex Galileo SPVS X5 4.994·10 01 6.165·10 18 0.921 1.885·10 01 1.422·10+03 6.50·10 03

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 9 of 23

The 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model was also analytically fitted to the aforemen-
tioned I-V curves. Using specific values for the ideality factor, a, and the characteristic
points of the curve, Isc , Vmp , Imp and Voc , the different parameters of the model were found
using the following procedure:
• Rs was calculated using Equation (8) to (12);
• Rsh was calculated using Equation (5);
• Ipv was calculated using Equation (6);
• I0 was calculated using Equation (7).
Once all the parameters were known, the I-V curve was found by obtaining the values
of the current, I, for each value of the voltage, V, using Equation (13). The ideality factor
was initially varied from a = 0.5 to a = 1.8 for each photovoltaic device (although this range
was extended for some devices), and the non-dimensional RMSE, x, was calculated in each
case. The results are plotted in Figure 5. Table 3 shows the values of the parameter a at
which the minimum value of x is reached, with the rest of the parameters for the 1-D/2-R
equivalent circuit.

Figure 5. Non-dimensional RMSE, x, corresponding to the analytical approximations for extracting

the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit parameters in relation to the ideality factor, a, selected, for each one of
the analyzed solar cells and panels.

Table 3. Parameters of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit models analytically fitted to I-V curves corresponding to data from
RTC France, TNJ Spectrolab, ZTJ Emcore, and Azrur Space 3G30C solar cells, and Photowatt PWP 201, Kyocera KC200GT-2,
and Selex Galileo SPVS X5 solar panels (where x is the non-dimensional RMSE for the fit).

Solar Cell/Panel Ipv [A] I0 [A] a Rs [W] Rsh [W] x

RTC France 7.610·10 01 3.200·10 07 1.48 3.621·10 02 5.195·10+01 9.33·10 03

TNJ Spectrolab 5.262·10 01 9.045·10 16 0.98 1.157·10 01 1.845·10+02 4.52·10 03

ZTJ Emcore 4.634·10 01 5.954·10 14 1.18 5.683·10 02 6.026·10+02 3.32·10 03

Azur Space 3G30C 5.275·10 01 5.012·10 28 0.56 1.322·10 01 1.554·10+02 1.60·10 02

Photowatt PWP 201 1.031·10+00 7.808·10 06 1.44 1.273·10+00 1.121·10+03 1.06·10 02

Kyocera KC200GT-2 8.194·10+00 6.298·10 10 1.02 2.447·10 01 1.720·10+02 6.57·10 03

Selex Galileo SPVS X5 5.034·10 01 7.007·10 29 0.56 6.884·10 01 7.523·10+02 3.44·10 03

Some important conclusions can be drawn based on these results, as follows:

• The analytical methodology suggested in the present work may give unacceptable
results when the ideality factor exceeds a certain value, as complex numbers start to
emerge in the calculations.
• One of the parameters obtained analytically for the best fit in terms of the non-
dimensional RMSE has no physical meaning: this is the negative value of the resistance
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 10 of 23

of the shunt resistor shown in Table 3, which is obtained for the Photowatt PWP
201 solar panel.
• The best analytical fit gave remarkably low values of a in two cases: the Azur Space
3G30C solar cell, and the Selex Galileo SPVS X5 solar panel (composed of five Azur
Space 3G28C series-connected cells), as their values were outside the range [1,1.5]
suggested by Villalva et al. [74,75].
In order to compare both types of fit, the values of the ideality factor that gave the
lowest values of x for the analytical fittings, abf-a , were plotted against the values obtained
from the numerical fittings, abf-n , in Figure 6. It can be seen that the correlation between
the fits is high, with the exception of only two devices: the Azur Space 3G30C solar cell,
and the Selex Galileo SPVS X5 solar panel (which are both based on the same photovoltaic
technology, as shown in Table 1). However, this correlation does not allow us to identify
any rule that would suggest a reasonable value for the ideality factor. We, therefore, plotted
the average values of the non-dimensional RMSE, x av , obtained from the analytical fits
versus the ideality factor, a. It can be seen from Figure 6 that the minimum value of x av was
obtained at a = 0.98. As a consequence, the value suggested for all devices is a = 1.

Figure 6. (a) Ideality factor corresponding to the best analytical fit to the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model, abf-a , for the
studied I-V curves, versus ideality factors obtained from the numerical fittings, abf-n . The line corresponding to perfect
correlation between both factors is shown as a reference. (b) Averaged non-dimensional RMSE for all analytical fittings,
x av , versus the ideality factor, a, used in the fits.

Figure 7 shows a comparison of the non-dimensional RMSE values obtained from the
numerical fit, the analytical fit, and the analytical fit for a = 1 (see Table 4) for all of the
photovoltaic devices. Although the differences may appear high, it should be taken into
account that photovoltaic systems are normally designed to operate at the MPP, which
is exactly reproduced by all of the analytical approximations for solving the parameter
extraction of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model. In addition, we reviewed the results
from several works published over the last five years on parameter extraction for 1-D/2-R
equivalent circuit models, based on the same experimental data from the RTC France solar
cell and the Photowatt PWP 201 solar panel. The values obtained in these works for the
non-dimensional RMSE for the fits were lower than the results from our method, with
average values of x = 1.20·10 03 (RTC France solar cell) and x = 4.03·10 03 (Photowatt PWP
201 solar panel). Although these more accurate values were based on numerical rather
than analytical procedures, it should be pointed out that numerical approaches do not
always reach a more accurate solution [92].
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 11 of 23

Figure 7. Values for the non-dimensional RMSE, x, obtained from a numerical fit of the 1-D/2-R
equivalent circuit model to the studied I-V curves (see Table 2), an analytical fit (see Table 3), and an
analytical fit with a = 1 (see Table 4).

Table 4. Analytically fitted parameters for 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit models, with a = 1, for I-V curves corresponding to
RTC France, TNJ Spectrolab, ZTJ Emcore, and Azrur Space 3G30C solar cells, and Photowatt PWP 201, Kyocera KC200GT-2,
and Selex Galileo SPVS X5 solar panels (where x is the non-dimensional RMSE for the fit).

Solar Cell/Panel Ipv [A] I0 [A] a Rs [W] Rsh [W] x

RTC France 7.638·10 01 2.721·10 10 1 6.912·10 02 1.615·10+01 1.77·10 02

TNJ Spectrolab 5.262·10 01 1.786·10 15 1 1.078·10 01 1.895·10+02 5.08·10 03

ZTJ Emcore 4.636·10 01 2.835·10 16 1 1.348·10 01 3.723·10+02 9.51·10 03

Azur Space 3G30C 5.269·10 01 3.881·10 16 1 6.068·10 02 2.643·10+02 3.38·10 02

Photowatt PWP 201 1.036·10+00 4.163·10 08 1 1.982·10+00 5.430·10+02 1.76·10 02

Kyocera KC200GT-2 8.195·10+00 3.950·10 10 1 2.522·10 01 1.638·10+02 6.71·10 03

Selex Galileo SPVS X5 5.028·10 01 1.261·10 16 1 3.091·10 01 1.185·10+03 3.96·10 02

3.2. Lambert W-Function Simplified Equations for Solar Cell/Panel Modeling

A thorough review of the available literature from between 2000 and 2020 was carried
out to find relevant data on photovoltaic devices, including the five parameters of the
1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model (Ipv , I0 , a, Rs , and Rsh ), the characteristic points of the
I-V curve (Isc , Vmp , Imp , and Voc ), the temperature of the cells, T, which is related to the
performance curve, and the number of series-corrected cells, n. Information was found for
90 photovoltaic devices, most of which were solar panels.
The positive branch of the Lambert W-function needs to be solved for in Equation (13),
and must be evaluated at certain points x for a given value of the output voltage, V (within
the range [0, Voc ]):
x = f I pv , I0 , a, Rs , Rsh , n, T, V . (25)
After post-processing the data from the 90 solar cells/panels, it was clear that
Equation (13) refers to the right-side section of the Lambert’s W-function positive branch,
W0 + . The following expressions were proposed:
⇣ ⌘ h i
W0+ ( x ) = x exp 0.71116x2 0.98639x , x 2 2·10 16 , 2·10 1 , (26)

⇣ ⌘0.25
W0+ ( x ) = 1.6579 + 0.1396 2.9179·105 (x 22.8345)4 , x 2 [0.2, 1.2], (27)
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 12 of 23

⇣ ⌘0.25
W0+ ( x ) = 1.2216 + 3.4724·10 2
1.7091·108 (x 114.146)4 , x 2 [1.2, 10]. (28)

The error for these equations was below 0.15% (Equation (26)), 0.16% (Equation (27)),
and 0.08% (Equation (28)). For larger values of x, we recommend using the approximation
proposed by Barry et al. [86] (see Appendix A). In Figure 8, the positive branch of Lambert’s
W-function, W 0 + , calculated at the points x (Equation (25)) corresponding to the data for the
solar cells/panels, evaluated at V = 0 and V = Voc , is shown together with Equation (26) to
(28). Depending on the magnitude of x (that is, depending on how closely it approaches 0+ ),
W 0 + can be reasonably estimated as:

W0+ = x 0.98639x2 + 1.1976x3 ⇡ x 0.98639x2 ⇡ x, (29)

Figure 8. Positive branch of Lambert’s W-function (right-side), W0 + , calculated at V = 0 and V = Voc

for points x (Equation (25)) corresponding to the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model, based on the data
for the solar cells/panels. Our approximation for W 0 + (Equation (26) to (28)) is also shown.

The negative branch of the Lambert W-function, W 1, needs to be calculated at:

x = f I pv , I0 , a, Rs , Rsh , n, T, V (30)

when estimating the series resistance, Rs , for the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model
(Equation (8) to (12)). Since the above equation for the different solar cells/panels from
the database gives values of x within the range [ 2.77·10 3 , 10 35 ], two expressions
were defined:

W 1⇥( x ) = 9.7117·10 5⇤ln( x )3 + 6.8669·10 3 ln( x )2 + 1.2 ln( x ) 1.1102,

x2 10 2 , 5·10 13

W 1⇥( x ) = 1.6705·10 6 ln( x )3 + 4.4514·10 4 ln( x )2 + 1.0511 ln( x ) 2.3364,

⇤ . (32)
x2 5·10 13 , 10 40

The error for these equations was below 0.42% (Equation (31)) and 0.02% (Equation (32))
(see Figure 9). Equation (32) can be applied for values of up to x = 10 50 , with errors of
below 0.07%.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 13 of 23

Figure 9. (a) Negative branch of Lambert’s W-function, W-1 , calculated for points x (Equation (30)) corresponding to
the series resistance, Rs , of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model, based on data for solar cells/panels. Our approximate
expression for W 1 (Equations (31) and (32)) is also shown. (b) Negative branch of Lambert’s W-function, W 1 , calculated
for points x (Equation (33)) corresponding to the explicit models proposed by Kalmarkar and Haneefa and Das, based on
data for solar cells/panels. Our approximate expression for W 1 (Equations (35) and (36)) is also shown.

Finally, if the explicit models proposed by Kalmarkar and Haneefa, and Das are used,
W-1 needs to be calculated at points x defined by the characteristic points of the I-V curve
(Isc , Vmp , Imp , and Voc (see Equations (16) and (19)):

x = f Isc , Imp , Voc , Vmp (33)

as shown in Figure 9. Based on the post-processed data for the 90 solar cells/panels, the
values of x calculated using these explicit methods were within the range [ 0.304, 0.1].
The following equation for W -1 was initially suggested, which was characterized by an
error of less than 1.6%22 within this range:

W 1 (x) = 248.42x4 + 134.24x3 + 4.4258x2 14.629x 4.9631 (34)

In order to extend both the range of validity and the accuracy of the above equation, a
splitting into two sub-branches at the point where the curvature of the function changes its
sign (x = 0.27), the following equations were suggested:
W 1 (x) = 1 42.949x2 + 37.694x + 8.0542, x 2 [ 0.36785, 0.27] (35)

W 1 ( x ) = 0.14279 ln( x )3 + 1.04416 ln( x )2 + 3.92 ln( x ) + 1.65795,

x 2 [ 0.27, 0.0732]
The error for the above equations was below 0.23% (Equation (35)) and 0.02%
(Equation (36)) (see Figure 9). It should also be emphasized that caution needs to be
used with regard to Equation (35), as it gives complex solutions when x! 1/e+ (that is,
when x 2 [ 1/e, 0.36785]).

3.3. Case Study: The Solar Panels of the UPMSat-1

The general characteristics from the I-V curves for the UPM-5 and UPM-6 solar
panels for UPMSat-1 (see Figure 10) are shown in Tables 1, 2 and 5 (Appendix B). These
panels are based on two different technologies: Si (UPM-5) and Ga-As (UPM-6). In the
latter, the number of series-connected cells n was 32; however, since they were based
on double-junction technology, this number must be multiplied by two, unlike in the
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 14 of 23

1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model (the Selex Galileo SPVS X5, formed from five Azur Space
triple-junction technology series-connected solar cells, where n = 15, as shown in Table 1).

Figure 10. The UPMSat-1 satellite; launched in 1995, this was the tenth university-developed space mission in history [93].
(a) Satellite during the integration in the Ariane IV-40 launcher (V75 flight). (b) Exploded view drawing.

Table 5. Characteristics of the measured I-V curves corresponding to the UPM-5 and UPM-6 solar
panels of UPMSat-1 (see Figure 10).

Solar Panel Technology n T [ C] Isc [A] Imp [A] Vmp [V] Voc [V]
UPM-5 Si 51 25 1.431 1.329 25.139 30.513
UPM-6 Ga-As 64 25 1.423 1.318 25.806 31.351

The I-V curves for the UPM-5 and UPM-6 solar panels are plotted in Figures 11 and 12,
respectively, with several other curves corresponding to:
• The best fit of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model (see Table 6);
• The analytical fit for a = 1 (Equations (5–12)), and our approximations to the Lambert
W-function (Equations (26)–(28),(31,32));
• The explicit models proposed by Kalmarkar and Haneefa, Das (Equations (14)–(20),
(35,36)), and Pindado and Cubas (Equations (21) and (22)), see Table 7.

Table 6. Parameters for the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model (where Num. represents the numerical
best fit, and An. represents the analytical fit with a = 1) for the UPM-5 and UPM-6 solar panels of the
UPMSat-1 satellite. x is the non-dimensional RMSE for the experimental data.

Fitting Ipv [A] I0 [A] a Rs [W] Rsh [W] x
Num. 1.4314 1.0495·10 09 1.105 1.0368 4.3761·10+03 1.80·10 03
UPM-5 10
An. 1.4323 1.0855·10 1 1.2045 1.3023·10+03 5.63·10 03

Num. 1.4295 1.0285·10 09 0.902 0.8483 9.9115·10+02 9.50·10 03

UPM-6 09
An. 1.4238 7.3448·10 1 0.7207 1.3524·10+03 1.70·10 02
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 15 of 23

Table 7. Parameters for the explicit models proposed by Kalmarkar and Haneefa, Das and Pindado
and Cubas, for the UPM-5 and UPM-6 solar panels of the UPMSat-1 satellite. x is the non-dimensional
RMSE for the experimental data.

Model Parameters; x UPM-5 UPM-6

g 9.942·10 01 9.912·10 01
Kalmarkar and Haneefa m 1.401·10 01 1.392·10 01
x 3.35·10 02 3.71·10 02
k 1.401·10 01 1.393·10 01
Das h 6.526·10 03 9.568·10 03
x 3.33·10 02 3.69·10 02
f 2.6605 2.5879
Pindado and Cubas
x 2.04·10 02 2.12·10 02

Figure 11. I-V experimental curve (left axis) for the UPM-5 solar panel. Curves for the 1-D/2-R equiv-
alent circuit model (obtained using two procedures: best fit to the parameters obtained numerically
and analytical extraction) and the explicit methods proposed by Kalmarkar and Haneefa, Das and
Pindado and Cubas are shown. The differences in the current compared to the experimental data are
indicated on the right axis.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 16 of 23

Figure 12. I-V experimental curve (left axis) for the UPM-6 solar panel. Curves for the 1-D/2-R equiv-
alent circuit model (obtained using two procedures: best fit to the parameters obtained numerically
and analytical extraction) and the explicit methods of Kalmarkar and Haneefa, Das and Pindado and
Cubas are shown. The differences in the current compared to the experimental data are indicated on
the right axis.

The differences in the current for these models with regard to the experimental I-V
curves are plotted in Figures 11 and 12.
The differences were relatively small, with the maximum always located in a rea-
sonably small range between the MPP and the open voltage point. The values of the
non-dimensional RMSE, x, for the fits are plotted in Figure 13. The results show reasonably
good agreement with the mathematical approaches proposed in the present work.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 17 of 23

Figure 13. Non-dimensional RMSE, x, for the numerical fit of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model,
and the analytical fit with the proposed method, for the UPM-5 and UPM-6 solar panels of UPMSat-1.
Values derived from the explicit methods studied here are also shown.

4. Conclusions
In this study, we have reviewed analytical approaches for extracting the five param-
eters of the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model from the characteristic points of the I-V
curve (short circuit, MPP, and open circuit points). Five different problems were identified,
as follows:
• An initial estimation of the ideality factor, a, is required.
• The equation for the value of the resistance of the series-connected resistor, Rs, is an
implicit expression, meaning that either an iterative process or the Lambert W-function
is required.
• When all the parameters for the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model have been extracted,
an implicit equation must be solved (or the Lambert W-function must be used) to
derive the value of the output current for a given output voltage.
• The use of the Lambert W-function requires some numerical and calculation resources
and skills.
• The use of explicit models rather than the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model, in order
to avoid the problems described above, may not be possible, as some of them require
the Lambert W-function to derive their parameters, based on the characteristic points
of the I-V curve.
I-V curves from seven different solar cells/panels were used to test our proposed
approach. I-V curves from two of the solar panels of the UPMSat-1 spacecraft were also
analyzed as a case study.
The most important conclusions of this work are as follows:
• A value of a = 1 for the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model was shown to be reasonable
for most photovoltaic technologies.
• The analytical procedure for extracting the parameters for the 1-D/2-R equivalent
circuit model may give values for the resistance of one resistor (or even both) that are
negative. However, this does not affect the results (i.e., the modeled performance of
the photovoltaic device).
• The Lambert W-function can be simplified for use in modeling the performance of
photovoltaic devices. Accurate simplified versions of the Lambert W-function are
proposed here for three cases, depending on the specific need: (i) calculation of Rs; (ii)
calculation of the output current using the equation for the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit;
or (iii) calculation of the parameters for certain explicit models.
• Explicit models are also accurate alternatives to the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 18 of 23

Our approach was carefully verified in a case study in which the fits of the1-D/2-R
equivalent circuit model and the explicit methods to the measured data (I-V curve) for two
solar panels from the UPMSat-1 satellite were compared with the results of the proposed
Finally, it should be highlighted that the results from this work open up new possi-
bilities for coupled calculations, both for the performance of photovoltaic systems and in
other disciplines such as thermodynamics and power distribution in grids. The simple
but accurate solutions to the 1-D/2-R equivalent circuit model and the explicit methods
described here can easily be implemented in software packages such as ESATAN© .

Author Contributions: Project administration, S.P., J.C., E.R.-M.; methodology, S.P.; conceptualiza-
tion, S.P.; formal analysis, S.P.; supervision S.P., J.C., E.R.-M.; investigation, J.M.Á., D.A.-C., J.C.-E.,
M.S.-P., R.J.-P., A.G.-E.; software, J.M.Á., D.A.-C., J.C.-E., M.S.-P., R.J.-P., A.G.-E.; validation, visualiza-
tion, J.M.Á., D.A.-C., J.C.-E., M.S.-P., R.J.-P., A.G.-E.; writing—original draft, J.M.Á., D.A.-C., E.R.-M.,
J.C.-E., M.S.-P., R.J.-P., A.G.-E.; writing—review and editing, S.P. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: This work was carried out within the framework of the Educational Innovation
Project PIE IE1920.1402 ‘PIRAMIDE: Proyectos de Investigación Realizados por Alumnos de Máster/Grado
para la Innovación y el Desarrollo Espacial’. This Academic Innovation Project (AIP) was funded by
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in the 2019/2020 call ‘Ayudas a la innovación educativa y a la
mejora en la calidad de la enseñanza’. The authors are indebted to Ángel Sanz-Andrés for his support
with regard to the research program on the performance of solar panels at Instituto Universitario de
Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). The authors
are grateful to the reviewers for their kind help in improving the present paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A. Approximation to the Right-Side of the Lambert W-Function Positive

Branch by Larry et al. (2000) (see References)
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1.2x 2x
W0+ ( x ) = 1.4586887 ln 0.4586887 ln . (A1)
ln(2.4x/ln(1 + 2.4x )) ln(1 + 2x )

Appendix B. I-V Curves of the UPMSat-1 Solar Panels.

Table 1. I-V curve of the UPM-5 solar panel of the UPMSat-1.

V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A]
0.950 1.431 5.189 1.430 10.813 1.429 16.204 1.428 21.510 1.418 26.428 1.213
0.801 1.431 5.330 1.430 10.944 1.429 13.338 1.428 21.632 1.417 26.545 1.198
0.660 1.431 5.471 1.430 11.077 1.429 16.459 1.428 21.758 1.416 26.657 1.182
0.510 1.431 5.613 1.430 11.217 1.429 16.589 1.427 21.879 1.415 26.775 1.165
0.370 1.431 5.744 1.430 11.348 1.429 16.723 1.427 22.001 1.414 26.887 1.148
0.221 1.431 5.888 1.430 11.480 1.429 16.848 1.427 22.128 1.413 27.006 1.129
0.079 1.431 6.026 1.430 11.614 1.429 16.980 1.427 22.248 1.412 27.118 1.110
0.067 1.431 6.167 1.430 11.745 1.429 17.101 1.427 22.372 1.411 27.226 1.090
0.210 1.431 6.309 1.430 11.885 1.429 17.234 1.427 22.493 1.409 27.343 1.068
0.360 1.431 6.440 1.430 12.019 1.429 17.388 1.427 22.617 1.408 27.453 1.048
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 19 of 23

Table 1. Cont.

V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A]
0.600 1.431 6.580 1.430 12.149 1.429 17.489 1.427 22.741 1.406 27.572 1.021
0.660 1.431 6.727 1.430 12.282 1.429 17.621 1.427 22.861 1.405 27.681 0.997
0.782 1.431 6.863 1.430 12.413 1.429 17.744 1.427 22.987 1.403 27.789 0.972
0.924 1.431 6.983 1.429 12.545 1.428 17.999 1.427 23.099 1.401 27.908 0.943
1.071 1.431 7.136 1.429 12.678 1.428 18.122 1.427 23.221 1.399 28.013 0.916
1.214 1.430 7.277 1.429 12.810 1.428 18.253 1.426 23.343 1.396 28.122 0.888
1.364 1.430 7.407 1.429 12.942 1.428 18.278 1.426 23.485 1.394 28.230 0.858
1.503 1.430 7.546 1.429 13.075 1.428 18.510 1.426 23.588 1.391 28.345 0.825
1.643 1.430 7.689 1.429 13.206 1.428 18.635 1.426 23.712 1.388 28.483 0.793
1.786 1.430 7.822 1.429 13.336 1.428 18.756 1.426 23.827 1.385 28.558 0.761
1.936 1.430 7.963 1.429 13.470 1.428 18.889 1.426 23.948 1.381 28.665 0.727
2.076 1.430 8.094 1.429 13.601 1.428 19.011 1.426 24.071 1.378 28.780 0.689
2.216 1.430 8.235 1.429 13.734 1.428 19.138 1.426 24.183 1.374 28.884 0.653
2.367 1.430 8.374 1.429 13.884 1.428 19.267 1.425 24.305 1.370 28.992 0.615
2.508 1.430 8.507 1.429 13.997 1.428 19.390 1.425 24.427 1.365 29.096 0.577
2.648 1.430 8.648 1.429 14.129 1.428 19.514 1.425 24.550 1.360 29.200 0.538
2.709 1.430 8.780 1.429 14.262 1.428 19.648 1.425 24.671 1.354 29.314 0.494
2.930 1.430 8.923 1.429 14.392 1.428 19.769 1.424 24.784 1.349 29.420 0.452
3.068 1.430 9.053 1.429 14.515 1.428 19.892 1.424 24.905 1.343 29.524 0.410
3.219 1.430 9.194 1.429 14.649 1.428 20.016 1.424 25.027 1.338 29.629 0.366
3.359 1.430 9.325 1.429 14.780 1.428 20.146 1.424 25.139 1.329 29.738 0.320
3.500 1.430 9.456 1.429 14.911 1.428 20.263 1.423 25.261 1.322 29.847 0.271
3.642 1.430 9.598 1.429 15.042 1.428 20.395 1.423 25.377 1.314 29.960 0.220
4.064 1.430 9.730 1.429 15.168 1.428 20.518 1.422 25.496 1.305 30.074 0.167
4.204 1.430 9.870 1.429 16.297 1.428 20.639 1.422 25.617 1.296 30.189 0.113
4.347 1.430 10.003 1.429 15.430 1.428 20.762 1.422 25.729 1.286 30.299 0.067
4.485 1.430 10.136 1.429 15.561 1.428 20.896 1.421 25.848 1.278 30.409 0.018
4.628 1.430 10.275 1.429 15.666 1.428 21.018 1.421 25.961 1.265 30.513 0.000
4.767 1.430 10.407 1.429 15.815 1.428 21.140 1.420 26.082 1.253
4.909 1.430 10.540 1.429 15.949 1.428 21.265 1.419 26.193 1.241
5.047 1.430 10.661 1.429 16.082 1.428 21.388 1.419 26.314 1.227

Table 2. I-V curve of the UPM-6 solar panel of the UPMSat-1.

V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A]
0.638 1.423 9.402 1.419 19.166 1.416 22.469 1.399 25.814 1.310 28.142 1.093
0.518 1.423 9.722 1.419 19.269 1.416 22.593 1.398 25.844 1.309 28.249 1.069
0.198 1.423 10.042 1.419 19.373 1.416 22.687 1.396 25.917 1.305 28.367 1.047
0.122 1.423 10.362 1.419 19.476 1.415 22.801 1.395 25.990 1.300 28.485 1.031
0.442 1.423 10.882 1.419 19.560 1.415 22.905 1.393 26.063 1.296 28.581 0.999
0.782 1.423 11.002 1.419 19.684 1.415 23.009 1.391 26.136 1.292 28.680 0.980
1.082 1.422 13.322 1.419 19.788 1.415 23.113 1.390 26.209 1.287 28.795 0.984
1.402 1.422 11.842 1.419 19.892 1.415 23.217 1.388 26.282 1.283 28.990 0.923
1.722 1.422 11.962 1.419 19.986 1.415 23.320 1.386 26.365 1.278 29.007 0.892
2.042 1.422 12.282 1.418 20.100 1.414 23.424 1.384 26.428 1.273 29.112 0.883
2.362 1.422 12.602 1.418 20.204 1.414 23.528 1.382 26.500 1.268 29.216 0.828
2.882 1.422 12.922 1.418 20.308 1.414 23.632 1.380 26.573 1.262 29.321 0.793
3.002 1.422 13.242 1.418 20.411 1.414 23.736 1.377 26.646 1.257 29.424 0.753
3.322 1.422 13.682 1.418 20.515 1.414 23.840 1.375 26.718 1.251 29.527 0.718
3.642 1.421 13.882 1.418 20.619 1.413 23.944 1.372 26.792 1.248 29.630 0.678
3.882 1.421 14.202 1.418 20.723 1.413 24.048 1.370 26.865 1.240 29.732 0.632
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4250 20 of 23

Table 2. Cont.

V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A] V [V] I [A]
4.282 1.421 14.522 1.418 20.827 1.413 24.152 1.367 26.938 1.234 29.834 0.589
4.602 1.421 14.842 1.417 20.931 1.412 24.265 1.364 27.011 1.227 29.935 0.543
4.922 1.421 15.162 1.417 21.035 1.412 24.590 1.362 27.084 1.221 30.035 0.502
5.242 1.421 15.482 1.417 21.139 1.411 24.483 1.359 27.157 1.214 30.138 0.465
5.562 1.421 15.802 1.417 21.243 1.410 24.567 1.356 27.230 1.207 30.239 0.416
5.882 1.421 16.122 1.417 21.248 1.410 24.671 1.352 27.303 1.200 30.344 0.382
6.202 1.421 16.442 1.417 21.450 1.409 24.776 1.349 27.378 1.193 30.455 0.329
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