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Mba Iv Sem Imprtant Questions 2022-2024 Batch

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1. What are the steps involved in BPR Process?

2. State the important benefits and disadvantages of BPR.
3. Discuss the benefits and challenges of industry of 4.0.
4. Explain the benefits of design thinking.
5. Explain the difference between BPR and continuous improvement approaches.
6. What is process mapping? Explain how process mapping is done along with its benefits and
7. Explain technology as an essential imperative in BPR.
8. Define ERP. What are its characteristics features?
9. Discuss the challenges and contemplations in new technology.
10. What are KPIs? Discuss the role of KPIs in BPR.
11. Distinguish between TQM and BPR.
12. Explain in detail about social and environmental responsibility in BPR.
13. What are the lessons that can be learned from BPR?
14. What do you mean by green business process reengineering? Explain the steps involved in
green BPR approach.

Short Questions
1. Write any fur principles of BPR.
2. What are the issues involved in BPR.
3. State few benefits of Design Thinking.
4. What are the steps involved in process mapping?
5. What is the role of technology in BPR?
6. What are the components of data science?
7. What are the tolls for project management in BPR?
8. What are the reasons for using agile methodology in BPR?
9. Write about competitive advantage world in BPR.
10. Write a note on balancing efficiency with social impact in BPR context.

1. Explain about Evolution of logistics and its functions.
2. Explain the difference between logistics and supply chain management.
3. What is role and importance of transportation in logistics?
4. Explain about Inbound and outbound Logistics.
5. Discuss the objectives and functions of supply chain management. Also explain the conceptual
frame work of SCM.
6. What is integrated logistics strategy? Discuss the process involved in developing integrated
logistics strategy.
7. Discuss the role of inventory management in effective supply chain management.
8. Discuss about gaining competitive advantage through logistics
9. Discuss in detail about types of warehouses and warehousing operations.
10. Explain about steps in supply chain management.
11. Explain about role of distribution centers in SCM.
12. Explain the role of handling systems in effective warehouse management.
13. Critically examine the role of IT in supply chain management.

1. ConceptualframeworkofSCM
2. Bull-whipeffect
3. JIT
4. Logisticsmeans
5. SCORmodel
6. Barcoding
7. Benchmarking
8. RoleofITinSCM
9. Reverselogistics
10. VMI
11. ObjectivesofSCM
12. OutboundLogistics
13. Consistency
14. PrivateFleetFormat
15. EDI
16. RetailSCM
17. RFID
18. Merchandizing
19. ComponentsofCRM
20. WorkforceManagement.

1. WhatisBusinessIntelligence?Discussindetailaboutitshistoryandevolution
2. WhatisRealTimebusinessintelligence?Explainitsroleinbusinessperformance
3. Listthestylesofbusinessintelligenceandalsodiscussitsbenefits.
4. Writeaboutbusinessintelligencevaluechain?
5. Whatisadatawarehouse?Discussitscharacteristics
6. Describevarioustypesofdatawarehouses.
7. Explainvariousclassificationtechniquesofdatamining.
8. Listoutvarioussoftwaretoolsofdatamining.
9. Whatisperformancemeasurementsystem?
10. Whatarethecharacteristicsofaneffectiveperformancemeasurementsystem?
11. Whatislogicalsystemarchitecture?Whatarethebasicparts/elementsofBPMarchitecture?
12. Compareandcontrastbetweenbusinessperformancemeasurementandbusinessintelligence
13. ExplainindetailboutBPMcycle.
14. Whatisbusinessanalytics?Explainvarioustoolsandtechniquesofbusinessanalytics
15. DiscussindetailtoolsandtechniquesofBusinessAnalytics.
16. Writeinshortaboutdatavisualizationandvisualizationspreadsheets.
17. Explainvariousmethodsofdatavisualization.
18. CompareandcontrastbetweenGISandGPS
19. Briefly explainthemanagerialissuesrelatedtobusinessintelligenceimplementation.
20. Explaintheroleofsocialnetworksinbusinessintelligence
21. Whatarethecriticalsuccessfactorsforbusinessintelligenceimplementation?
22. Explainindetailtheemergingtrendsinbusinessintelligenceimplementation
23. DiscussindetailaboutRFID.

1. BusinessIntelligence
2. BusinessPerformance
3. DataIntegration
4. BusinessArchitecture
5. BPMarchitecture
6. WhatisRealityMining?
7. WhatisGPS?
8. ValueChain
9. Definedatawarehouse
10. Whataretheadvantagesofdatawarehouse?
11. ListsthebenefitsofBI
12. WritebrieflyaboutTSA’sPIMS
13. ExplainindetailaboutBPMCycle
14. DiscussindetailaboutWebMining
15. WhatisperformanceDashboards
16. WhatisRFIDandBusinessIntelligence
17. DifferencebetweenGISVsGPS
18. Discussindetailaboutweb2.0
19. WhatisAutomatedDecisionSystems(ADS)
20. Discussinbriefaboutdataintegration


1. ExplainaboutstructureofIndianbankingsystem
2. ExplainabouttypesofbankingsysteminIndia
3. ExplainvariousservicesofferedbyIndia
4. DiscussaboutRBI
5. Differenttypesofloanandtheirfeatures
6. ExplainthecausesofNPAanditsimplications
7. Explainthebasicmodelofloanpricing
8. Explainaboutregulationofbankcapital
9. Basel-I,II,III
10. Explaintheproblemsandprospectusofinternetbanking
11. ExplaintherolesandImportanceinsurance
12. ExplainaboutIRDAregulatory
13. ExplainabouttypesofInsurance
14. ExplainaboutlifeInsuranceproducts
15. DifferenttypesofgeneralInsurance.
16. WhatisgroupInsuranceandDiscuss?


1. RoleofCommercialBanks
2. Advantagesoflifeinsurance
3. BankerandCustomerRelationship
4. RetailBanking
5. Differenttypesofloans
6. Agent
7. DifferenttypesofBanksaccounts
8. FundTransfer
9. MWallets
10. Natbanking
11. EvaluationofBanking
12. ConceptofEconomicModel
13. ImportanceofInsurance
14. Reinsurance
15. IRDA
16. ProspectsofInsurancecompanies
17. Taxtreatmentofinsurance
18. Groupinsurance
19. Pensionplans
20. Generalinsurancetypes

1. Explainabout thenature,scopeandimportanceofinternationalfinance.
2. Discussaboutvariousinternationalfinancialinstruments.
3. ExplainaboutgoldstandardsandBretton woodsagreement.
4. Explainaboutglobalfinancialinstitutions.
5. Explainaboutmajor participantsofforeignexchangemarkets.
6. Discusstheconcept ofNEERand REER.Differentiatebetweenthem.
7. ExplainaboutBOP.
8. Explainaboutpurchasingpowerparity.
9. Describethe typesofexchange raterisk.
10. Discussriskmanagementthroughhedging.
11. WhatdoyoubyIMFandexplaininbrief?
12. ExplainaboutFDI.TheoriesofFDI.
13. DescribetheprocessofcalculatingAPV.
14. Whatistaxation?Explainthevarioustypesoftaxes.
15. Whatistransferpricing?Explainvarioustransferpricingtechniques.
16. Explainthemodesofdoubletaxationrelief.

1.ProblemsOnExchange Rate

Section– II
1. Adrs 11. Foreignexchangemarket
2. BalanceofPayment 12. TypesofRisk
3. Euro Bond 13. Taxplanning
4. Goldstandards 14. InternationalfinancialManagement
5. Hedging 15. VAT
6. Typesoftaxation 16. Forwardcontract
7. NPV 17. Typesofbanking
8. FDI 18. Internationalmonetaryfund
9. Derivatives 19. Modesofforeigninvestment
10. RiskManagement 20. Foreigntaxcredits

1. What are the major factors that influence Consumer Behaviour?
2. What are the theories of motivation? Explain in detail?
3. Explain about the Maslow’s Hierarchy theory of Needs.
4. Briefly explain the theories of Personality.
1. Define Perception, Concepts and perception process, Explain.
2. Explain information Processing theory with model.
3. Discuss the Split-Brain or Involvement theory.
1. What is Indian Socio-Cultural Frames. Explain the factors influencing Indian Social
cultural Settings.
2. Explain in detail the cultural dimensions of Indian Consumers.
3. Define Reference group, various types, advantages and disadvantages of reference
1. What are the various factors influencing buyer decision-making and industrial buying
2. Briefly explain the Consumer decision making process.
3. Discuss the steps between evaluation of alternatives and purchase decisions.
1. Evaluate the generic model of consumer behavior with an iilustration.
2. Briefly explain Howard Sheth model and Engel model of Consumer Behaviour.
3. Define Consumerism. Explain the concept of consumerism in India.

Short Questions
1. Consumer Motives
2. Super Ego
3. Define perception
4. Define Cognitive Learning
5. Retention of Information
6. Cross Cultural Marketing Practices
7. Family life cycle stages
8. Write about Information Search
9. What do you mean by Pre-purchase Evaluation
10. What is Howard-Sheth Model?
11. State EBM Model.

1. Explain the concept and scope of services?
2. What is “Market Segmentation”? How to segment the markets in service sector?
Explain with Examples.
3. Define Positioning. What are the objectives of positioning ? Explain in detail
positioning Process.
1. What is Marketing Research? State the Research Objectives for services.
2. What do you understand by Consumer Expectation of Service? Discuss the two
levels of consumer Expectation.
3. Explain the Strategies for influencing customer Perception in services.
1. What is Service Marketing Mix? Explain.
2. Discuss the Significant pricing Strategies for Service marketing.
3. What is service Delivery? What are the various methods of service delivery ?
Explain service delivery process.
4. Discuss the steps involved in building a service blueprint.
1. Define Digital Marketing? Objectives, need and scope, benefits and limitations.
2. Explain the current Scenario of the digital marketing industry.
3. What do you understand by Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Explain the
history and growth of SEO.
4. What do you mean by Google Adwords? Explain the key benefits of Google
1. What is Blogging? Explain blogging as a social medium. State the advantages and
disadvantages of blog marketing.
2. What is web analytics and how it contributes to digital marketing? Explain.
3. What is Campaign Tagging? Explain the steps involved in Campaign Tagging.

Short Questions
1. Service Marketing Triangle
2. Interactive Marketing
3. Distinguish between Consumer Perception and Consumer Satisfaction
4. 7ps of Service Marketing
5. Advantages of Service Blue Printing
6. Differentiate between SEO and SEM
7. Compare and Contrast any four digital marketing tools.
8. How Social media marketing is important for B2B?
9. How to get more traffic on website?
10. Interactive Marketing.

Unit –I
1. Define Leadership. Describe the characteristics and significance of leadership.
2. Explain managerial grid o leadership grid style.
3. What is meant by Personality? Briefly write about five factors model of Personality.

Short Questions
1. Features of Leadership.
2. Social Responsibility of a Leader.

1. What is Leadership development program? What are the characteristics of leadership
development program?
2. What is self –leadership? What are the perspective of Self -Leadership .
Short Questions
1. leadership development
2. Exchange theory

1. What is strategic change process? Discuss various aspects involved in strategic change
2. What is planned change? What are the models of planned change?
3. What do you mean by resistance to change? Why people resist to change? What are the
methods to manage resistance to change?

Short Questions
1. Proactive change
2. Discuss hopsons change curve.

1. Discuss in detail Leavitt model of organizational system.
2. Examine about Beckhards change formula.

Short Questions
1. Gestalt change cycle.
2. Organizational change matrix.

1. Describe about Warfield 6-3-5 method.
2. Discuss Edward de Bonos Six thinking Hats.

Short Questions
1. Tony Buzans mind maps.
2. Johari window.
1. Define performance management. Explain the characteristics and objectives.
2. Define performance appraisal. Explain the methods of performance appraisal.
3. What is job performance? Explain the determinants of job performance.
4. Explain the process of performance management.
5. What is performance management cycle? Explain the stages in PMC.
6. Explain the concept of KPAs with example. Discuss the role of KPA method in performance
7. Discuss various approaches for measuring the performance of employees.
8. What are the various methods used in assessment centers?
9. What are the various types of psychometric tests.
10. What is 360o appraisal method. Who are the parties involving 360o appraisal process.
11. What do you mean by critical incident techniques. What are steps involved in implementing
12. Write a note on combining behavior and out comes. Describe in detail about attribution theory.
13. Write in detail about human information processing and performance loop.
14. Describe the performance shaping factors. How to use them effectively to improve the
employee performance.
15. Explain the EFQM excellence model for performance bench marking.
16. Discuss the impact of performance management on line managers and employees.
17. Competency is linked to performance planning – comment.
18. Describe the various models of competency mapping.
19. Discuss the types of organizational competencies.
20. Discuss briefly about the Mercer’s human capital wheel.
21. Explain the concept of human asset worth estimator and accession rate.
22. Define human capital. Explain the measurement approaches of human capital.
23. Discuss the McBer’s generic managerial competency model.
24. Discuss the competency casual model.
25. Write in details about performance measurement pyramid.
26. Explain the DHL and RCN model of performance management.
27. Explain Gilberts performance matrices.
28. Elaborate, Mager and Pipes trouble shouting model
29. Discuss in details about integrated model of performance management.
30. Examine the SEARS model for organizational performance

1. Performance targets.
2. Performance management system.
3. Performance mapping
4. Role play
5. Performance review.
6. Performance analysis
7. Bench marking
8. Performance management audit.
9. Performance management pathway analysis.
10. Competency mapping
11. CIPD – Human Capital Framework
12. Cafeteria benefits
13. Competency gap
14. Competency assessment
15. Balanced score card
16. Behavioral Engineering model

1. Discuss in detail the history of Data Visualization. Also, discuss the current scope of Data
2. Write notes on : a) Data Reduction b) Common Visualization Idioms
3. Discuss various interactive visualization features. Explain by citing examples.
4. Write short notes on: a) Difference between ETL and ELT b) Need for data integration.
5. Discuss the role of relevance of KPI's in data visualization. Explain by citing examples.
6. Discuss the Shaffer 4 C’s of data visualization in detail by citing a relevant example
7. Discuss the role and relevance of storytelling in Data Visualization. Explain by citing
8. Write notes on: a) How to choose an effective visual tool? b) Applications of Info graphics.
9. Discuss the Types of dashboards- Operational? Explain the Tactical and Strategic
10. Explain about Major Building Blocks of Power BI.
11. Discuss the Types of Visualizations, Area charts, Bar and Column charts.
12. Explain about Getting Data Source-Excel as a source, SQL as source.
13. Discuss about the Creating and interacting with Dashboards.
14. Explain about Power Query editor for querying data and Report server for reports
15. Hierarchical and Landscape Data Visualization tools.

1. What are the applications of bar charts?
2. What is data .visualization?
3. What is ETL?
4. What is Staging Layer?
5. What is meant by KPI?
6. What is a Dashboard?
7. What is a Storyboard?
8. What is a Star Schema?
9. A brief history of Data Visualization
10. Types of data - categorical,
11. Data Visualization tools
12. Definition- Performance of dashboard,
13. Types of dashboards- Operational
14. Dashboard design,
15. Common pitfalls of dashboard design.
16. Organizing data for dashboards
17. What is the Power BI,
18. Concepts-Parts of Power BI Desktop
19. Types of Visualizations
20. SQL as source
21. Web as a source
22. Report server for reports

1. What is Data Mining? Explain the scope of Data Mining.
2. Explain the architecture of Data Mining.
3. Explain the architecture of Knowledge Discovery in Database.
4. Explain the Process of data mining.
5. Define data Pre-Processing. Explain the steps involved in data Pre-Processing.
6. Define Data Cleaning. Explain the steps Involved in Data Cleaning.
7. Explain various methods of Data Cleaning.
8. Discuss the approaches and issues in data Integration.
9. Explain the concept of data discrete-zation and Hierarchy.
10. Define Association. Explain briefly about Association rule mining.
11. Explain briefly about Apriori Algorithm.
12. What are the variations of Apriori Algorithms?
13. How do you generate association rules from frequent item sets?
14. Define Web Mining. State the applications of Web mining.
15. What is web content mining? State the approaches.
16. What is web usage mining? Discuses about web structure mining with an example.
17. Explain the models of multimedia mining?
18. How date mining can help financial data analysis.
19. Explain applications of data mining in banking sector.
20. Define CRM. Explain the application of data mining CRM.
21. Explain the application of data mining in Tourism Industry?

1. What is data mining?
2. Scope of Data Mining.
3. Data Mining evolved?
4. Explain various tasks of data mining.
5. Define data pre-processing.
6. What is data reduction?
7. What is Data Integration?
8. What is ETL Processes
9. Naïve algorithm.
10. What is Feature Transformation?
11. What is Classification?
12. Different types of clustering?
13. Market basket analysis
14. Apriori Algorithm.
15. Web content mining.
16. Disadvantages of web usage mining?
17. What is spatial data mining?
18. What is Text Mining?
19. What is Social Media Marketing?
20. Explain different types of CRM.

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