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MS 28 Labour Laws July Dec 2012

1. Explain the sources of industrial jurisprudence. Describe the genesis, objectives and classification of labour legislation in India. Discuss how labour laws ensure the health, welfare and safety of the working class with suitable examples. 2. Discuss the scope and coverage of the Mines Act, 1952. Describe the enforcement of the Act citing suitable examples from the organisations you are aware of. Also discuss the hours and limitations of employment under the Act. 3. Discuss the objectives, scope and coverage of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Describe the various machineries for investigation and settlement of disputes under the Act with suitable examples. What are the measures for prevention of conflicts and disputes under the Act? 4. Explain the concept and enactment of payment of Bonus Act, 1965. Describe the obligations of employees and rights of employees under this Act, citing examples from any organisation you are familiar with. What can make an employee eligible or disqualified for the payment of bonus under the Act? 5. Explain genesis, applicability and contributions of the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. Discuss the various benefits being paid to the employees under the Act in any organisation you are familiar with. What is the procedure for registration of a factory or an establishment under the Act?

MS 44 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management July Dec 2012

1. Explain the principles of Portfolio Management. Distinguish between security Analysis and Portfolio Management. 2. Define Capital Asset Pricing Model. What are the basic assumptions underlying Capital Asset Pricing Model? 3. What do you understand by Portfolio Revision? Discuss the various constraints in portfolio revision. 4. What is Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Explain the techniques for testing the various forms of E.M.H. 5. What do you mean by formula plans? Critically examine the formula plans and discuss their limitations.

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MS 45 International Financial Managements July Dec 2012

1. How does the International Monetary Fund raise the resources? What are Special Drawing Rights? Briefly explain the funding facilities provided by IMF to its member countries. 2. Explain the structure of balance of payments and discuss what is the impact of various international financial flows on the structure of balance of payments. 3. Explain Purchasing Power Parity and reasons for its deviation. Also discuss its applications. 4. Discuss the reasons for the differences in the cost of capital across various counties. How is the cut off rate of foreign projects determined? Discuss. 5. What are different types of Exchange Rate Exposures? Describe the techniques used to mange Transaction exposure.

MS 46 Management of Financial Services July Dec 2012

1. Describe the major components of the financial system. Discuss the role and functions of financial markets. 2. Explain the different types of debt instruments. What are the issues which need to be resolved in order to make the Indian debt market more efficient and vibrant? Discuss. 3. What do you understand by Venture Capital? Discuss the various modes of financing by Venture Capital funds. Explain the difference exist routes available to a Venture Capitalist from an investee company. 4. Explain the mechanism of factoring and components of cost of factoring. Discuss the present position of factoring services in India. 5. Distinguish between Mergers and Takeovers and discuss the motives behind them. Describe the steps involved in merger and the role of merchant banks in this context.

MS 55 Logistics and Supply Chain Management July Dec 2012

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1. Describe the supply chain involved in making the self-instructional material of MS-55 that you have just received from the university. 2. Discuss the key processes required to enhance customer focus in the supply chain. 3. Explain global sourcing and its advantages and disadvantages. How can you arrive at the best course of action for global sourcing? 4. What is Customer Profitability Analysis? Why it has gained importance in the recent times. Is it ethical to deny a customer that is not profitable? 5. Write short notes on 1) Bullwhip effect 2) Hierarchical Based Measurement System 3) Risk Hedging supply chains

MS 56 Materials Management July Dec 2012

1. Talk about the Materials Logistics Management program (MLM). Does the MLM stand validated in present business circumstances too? Comment! 2. Identify the elements that determine a stronger and longer buyer-seller relationship. Does multiple sourcing lead to a bad relations with suppliers? Why or Why not? 3. Describe six stages of life cycle of spare parts. Also converse on the importance of each stage. 4. Explicate the Balanced Score Card approach & SCOR framework for performance appraisal. 5. Write shot notes on a) Manufacturing Execution System (MES) b) CONWIP models c) Competitive Bidding and Negotiation

MS 57 Maintenance Management July Dec 2012

1. Elaborate the concept of Life Cycle Cost of any plant and equipment. How maintenance function can affect the Life Cycle Cost and profit? 2. Discuss the various issues related to maintenance control.

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3. What are the various classifications of maintenance costs? Explain the process of collecting this cost with the help of an example from thermal power plant. 4. What do you understand by the term Total Safety Management? How can a maintenance function help in Risk Management? 5. Define Reliability, Availability and Maintainability. Also explain the importance of BATHTUB curve in maintenance of equipment. 6. Explain the process of Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) and it benefits.

MS 58 Management of R & D and Innovation July Dec 2012

1. Define innovation. How it is related to creativity? Discuss the role of creativity in innovativeness. 2. Explain the role of Technology Portfolio Analysis in business strategy of the organization. 3. Explain the impact of long or short technology life cycle has on measuring the economic value of an invention. 4. Discuss the salient features of technology policy of India. What have been the achievement and failure of the technology policy? 5. What is GATS? How can it facilitate access to technology and technical information for developing countries? 6. Discuss the major issues related to allocation and management of R&D funds.

MS 66 Marketing Research July Dec 2012

1. a) Discuss the importance of Marketing Research in the current business environment. Comment on the ways of conducting M.R. in India. b) Explain the relationship between Data and the Research Process. 2. a) What makes Sampling significant in marketing research studies? Discuss the steps involved in the sampling process. b) In what situations Qualitative Research is relevant. Explain two methods of conducting Qualitative Research with suitable examples.

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3. a) Elaborate on the strategic importance of Questionnaire in conducting market research studies. b) Burgerking is a fast food firm known for its quality and competitive pricing. Burgerking has developed a new cooking process that makes burgers taste better. However, before the new burger is introduced in the market, taste test will be conducted. i) How should the sample size for this taste test be determined? ii) Develop a Questionnaire to obtain feedback post taste test from young college goers. 4. a) Explain and bring out the major differences among, univariate bi variate and multivariate analysis in marketing research studies with suitable example. b) What are the major applications areas of marketing research in India? (Avoid reproducing from the course/study material)

MS 68 Management of Marketing Communication & Advertising July Dec 2012

1. a) Discuss the importance of Marketing Communication in effective marketing of a firms offering by taking one example each from an FMCG and service offering of your choice. b) What do you understand by creative consideration in advertising campaign? Select two recent examples of your choice where the role of creative consideration has largely contributed towards the success of the brands. 2. Collect information (up to 2011) pertaining to the different vehicles of Indian Media available to the marketers and elaborate on the major changes that have taken place since the year 2000. In the light of the above findings ascertain the opportunities that the Indian advertisers can look forward. 3. a) What do you understand by the term Media in the Indian context? Why it is increasingly becoming a challenging task for advertiser to decide on the media options. b) Make a visit to any company in your location or you are associated with. Interact/contact the P.R. Department and find out the kind of Publicity and Public Relations activity they undertake and based on the above information try and ascertain the scope for these activities. 4. a) Do you think that the role of advertising agency is changing and extremely becoming complex. If yes or no substantiate your answer with relevant examples. b) Social Marketing Communication is relevant is bringing about charge? Discuss.

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MS 91 Advanced Strategic Management July Dec 2012

1. Distinguish between the Internal and External determinants of Corporate Policy and analyze how they are important in the present corporate scenario? 2. Identify a Chairman and a CEO of a Company and assess how they have performed their respective functions? 3. Explain the basis of classification of markets with special reference to impact of regulation on market competition. 4. Describe the two sources and types of knowledge and explain their contribution in Knowledge Management. 5. Selecting any Company of your choice highlight any three key developments in social transparency and reporting. 6. Write short notes on the following: a) Transnational Strategy b) Balanced Autonomy c) Global Reporting Index (GRI)

MS 94 Technology Management July Dec 2012

1. Discuss the role of technology at the enterprise level in a nation. List out the factors which may affect the management decisions concerning technology. 2. Explain the concept of Information Technology Revolution citing relevant examples. 3. What do you understand by relevance trees? Develop a problem relevance tree for a solar car. 4. Think of a technological innovation which has changed the world. List out the major attributes of this innovation and how these attributes can be used to develop a communication strategy for the target market. 5. List out the options available for financing new technology projects. Explain each of them in brief.

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MS 95 Research Methodology for Management Decisions July Dec 2012

1. Explain the meaning of Analysis of Variance. Describe briefly the techniques of analysis of variance for two-way classifications. 2. Define and classify secondary data. Also discuss the process of evaluating the secondary data. 3. What is the meaning of measurement in research? What difference does it make if we measure in terms of a nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale? 4. The customers arriving at the booking counter of a Road traffic Corporation sex-wise are expected to follow a random sequence. The position in respect of 30 passengers on a day was as follows: MMFFFMFFMMF FFFMMMFFMMFMMMFFFMM Comment whether the arrival pattern is random. 5. Write shot notes on a) Components of a Research Problem. b) Thurstone Scale c) Multivariate Analysis

MS 96 Total Quality Management July Dec 2012

1. Deming prescribed fourteen-point cure for seven deadly diseases. Discuss the seven deadly diseases along with Demings fourteen-point cure. Also discuss the relevance of Demings fourteen-point cure system in the changing times. 2. How are corporate strategy and TQM related? Explain with the help of an illustration 3. Many people think of technology as automation, mechanization, machines and computers but the term has a much broader meaning. It is a means of transforming inputs into outputs. Critically discuss the statement.

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4. Traditionally, it is thought that training needs must be identified during performance appraisal and these needs must then be accumulated to arrive at the organizations needs. What in your opinion is the relevance of identifying training needs in the competitive world? 5. What do you understand by Professional status and code of ethics? Do you think that these are important for an organization? Justify giving examples.

MS 612 Retail Management July Dec 2012

1. a) The retailing sector is perceived as an emerging sector in India. Identify and discuss the growth drivers and their possible contribution to the Indian economy. b) Discuss the importance of Marketing Research in retailing citing two examples of research application in the recent past. 2. a) What makes Locational Decisions strategic in Retail Business? Discuss with two suitable examples of your choice. b) What are the various steps involved in the design of an effective Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy with a suitable illustrations. 3. The purpose of Merchandise mix is to ensure customer pull. Discuss what are the factors that merchandise managers, should consider in planning their merchandise mix in the following situations : a) Premium ready made garments for men b) Chain of coffee shops c) Multibrand retail outlet selling Laptops. 4. a) What do you understand by the term Sourcing? Elaborate the issues and challenges involved in sourcing merchandise by a leading grocery retailer. b) Enumerate and explain the various issues impacting retail business in India with a suitable example of choice.

MS 611Rural Marketing July Dec 2012

1. Briefly discuss the rural economic and technological environment. How do these environmental factors affect the marketing decisions and opportunities in case of banking services? 2. You are the marketing head of the company manufacturing electrical appliances for the urban markets. Now your company has decided to tap the rural customers. Taking any product of your

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choice, explain what modifications in the product and pricing strategies would you suggest to the company to tap the rural markets. 3. Explain the concept of reference group influence in context of rural markets. How does it differ from urban markets? Explain giving suitable examples. 4. Having identified the rural market potential, your company is planning to promote its economic range of hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, hair colors and hair oil etc. in the rural markets. What media mix would you suggest to the company and why? 5. You have been asked to assess the market acceptance for the data cards used for internet surfing in the villages of your region. What sources of secondary and primary data will you use for your market research? Explain. 6. Suppose you are the marketer of perishable products such as bread, egg, biscuits etc. What distribution channels do you think would be appropriate for such products in case of rural markets? Justify your choice.

MS 97 International Business July Dec 2012

1. Different countries have been bestowed with different factor endowments, and the differences in factor endowments cause trade between the trading partners. Explain with reference to international trade theory with two factor inputs namely labour and capital. 2. Identify an organization of your choice and describe the changes in the mode of planning adopted by it. 3. Describe any two accounting aspects of Multinational Control Systems. 4. In cross cultural negotiations successful negotiations require each party to do self analysis and also analysis of the other party. Discuss. 5. Select any sector of your choice like insurance, retailing and analyze what would be the direct impact of FDI? 6. Write short notes on the following: a) Multi Centre System b) Performance Evaluator c) Backward Integration

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MS 11 Strategic Management July Dec 2012

1. Explain in what sense the top management takes decisions for a company and in what sense it does not takes the strategic decisions for a company alone? Illustrate with suitable examples. 2. Identify two firms of your choice. One that is a single business unit and the other which has several related businesses. Read the published information about these firms and analyze the corporate profile of each company. 3. Identify two companies that have recently merged. Read the published information on the two companies. Based on the study identify the issues and challenges the two companies are currently facing in combining their respective organizational cultures. 4. Select an organization of your choice and analyze how focus strategy has been useful for the organization to build its competitive advantage.

MS 10 Organization Design, Development and Change July Dec 2012

1. What is the meaning and purpose of an organizational design? Briefly describe key factors which affect organizational design. Discuss the principles which should be kept in mind for a good organizational design. 2. Describe any three organizational structures and their advantages and disadvantages. 3. Briefly describe time and motion study and its relevance in the present day scenario. 4. Discuss Questionnaire and Task Force as diagnostic methods and their advantages and limitations. 5. Describe the process of change and discuss process consultation and organizational Mirroring as interventions.

MS 09 Managerial Economics July Dec 2012

1. The relevance of Opportunity Costs is not limited to individual decisions but also to governments decisions. Explain giving examples.

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2. If we have two products, A and B, which are substitutes, we can expect that a rise in the price of A (or B) will cause the demand for B (or A) to go up. Examine this statement with reference to other prices as determinants of demand. 3. Using the output cost data of a pharmaceutical firm, the following total cost function was estimated using quadratic function TC= 2018 6.63Q + 0.011Q2 i) Determine average and marginal cost functions. ii) Determine the output rate that will minimize average cost and the per unit cost at that rate of output. 4. Discuss the Equilibrium of a Firm under Monopoly. Illustrate using graphs. 5. Explain the difference between First and Third Degree Price Discrimination. 6. Write short notes on the following : a) Opportunity Set b) Substitutes c) Alternative Costs

MS 08 Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications July Dec 2012

1. A tour operator charges Rs 136 per passenger for 100 passengers with a discount of Rs 4 each for 10 passengers in excess of 100. Determine the number of passengers that will maximize the amount of money the tour operator receives. 2. Calculate Bowleys coefficient of skewness (based on quartiles) from the following data Weight (lbs) No. of students Weight (lbs) No. of students 70-80 12 110-120 50 80-90 18 120-130 45 90-100 35 130-140 20 100-110 42 140-150 8 3. A normal curve has mean=20 and standard deviation = 10. Find the area between x1=15 and x2=40.

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4. A simple random sample of the height of 6400 Englishmen has a mean of 67.85 and a standard deviation of 2.56 while a simple random sample of heights of 1600 Austrians has a mean of 68.55 and standard deviation of 2.52. Do the data indicate that the Austrians are on average taller than the Englishmen? Give reasons for your answer. 5. Write short notes on: a) One-tail & two-tail tests b) Moving average models c) Standard error of the slope

MS 07 Information System for Managers July Dec 2012

1. What are Operating Systems? What are their functions? Describe the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model (OSI Model) & its seven layers. 2. Define MIS. Describe the function that MIS supports in an organization. What are the various ways of assessing the value of information. Also explain each method briefly. 3. Distinguish between information and knowledge. Develop an information system for human resource department. Explain how a properly developed information system contributes to business development and company profits. 4. Discuss the steps involved in system analysis and design. What specific considerations are required for proper implementation and maintenance? 5. What do you understand by Intranet and Internet? E-commerce has emerged as vital component in todays business. Explain by giving its features, constraints and examples

MS 06 Marketing for Managers July Dec 2012

1. Discuss the various characteristics of services that make them unique from product. Briefly explain the implications of these characteristics in designing suitable Marketing Strategy for any two service offerings of your choice. 2. a) The success of a firm largely depends on the right blending of Marketing Mix elements. Discuss with two recent examples of your choice by picking up one each from an FMCG category another from any Industrial product. b) Elaborate on the relevance and scope of Marketing Research in supplementing and

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complementing the marketing activities in accomplishing the marketing goals of a firm. 3. Explain the term Indian Consumer Market. Collect and compile the updated information on Indian consumer environment from various secondary sources and comment on its impact on market opportunities available for Indian companies. 4. a) Discuss the situation/major factors that warrant the need for New Product Development (NPD) initiatives in the following. i) An FMCG Company ii) Small Car Manufacturer b) What Pricing strategy would you recommend in the following situations? Justify i) New Brand of Bottled Water ii) Cinema tickets

MS 05 Management of Machines and Materials July Dec 2012

1. Explain the concept of Systems Life-Cycle. 2. How should an organization balance the different design characteristics in a new product? Elaborate. 3. Define Job Design. Explain the important factors to be considered for Job designing. 4. Elaborate your understanding about Aggregate Production Planning. 5. Define Value Engineering and Analysis. What are the various methods for VE and VA? Explain one of these methods with an example. 6. Write short notes of the following. a) Learning Curve b) Acceptance Sampling c) Assembly Line Balancing d) Material Requirement Planning e) Standardization and Variety Reduction

MS 04 Accounting and Finance for Managers July Dec 2012

1. a) What do you understand by capitalization of earning? How is the value of a firm ascertained with the help of its earnings? Explain with an example.

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b) What do you understand by the net worth of a company? I- low is it different from the owners equity? What items comprise the net worth? Is dividend policy connected with the net worth in any way? Explain. 2. Explain the important determinants of the Working Capital needs of a firm. Can two firms with different Working Capital achieve the same amount of sales? If so, explain how? 3. What is the importance of preparing cash flow statement for a business organization? Discuss the various sources of cash flows and explain the concept of cash cycle. 4. What do you understand by Capital Structure Planning? Explain the various determinants of the capital structure of a company. 5. Discuss the concept and significance of Budgetary Control. Explain briefly different types of budgets that are prepared in a business organization.

MS 03 Economic and Social Environment July Dec 2012

1. Briefly review the New Economic Policy of 1991. Highlight the landmark developments undertaken in the field of Public Sector Policy. 2. State the measures taken by Indian Government to tackle industrial sickness in SSI and Non-SSI Sector. . 3. An important objective of industrial policy and licensing is to prevent the emergence of private monopolies and the concentration of economic power in the hands of a small number of individuals. Briefly examine this statement. 4. How is Current Account Convertibility different from Capital Account Convertibility? Explain. 5. The Narasimham Committee recognized that the quantitative success of the public sector banks in India was achieved at the expense of deterioration in qualitative factors. Critically examine this statement. 6. Write short notes on the following : a) SICA Act, 1985 b) NNP per capita c) SLR and CRR

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MS 02 Management of Human Resources July Dec 2012

1) The 21st century would see the following inter-related phenomena emerging, posing challenges to the corporate world and culminating in Olympian competition: Borderless world Diversity, and Knowledge Power The cross-cultural, cross-border mingling has resulted in the creation of a new class of peopleglobal citizens with global attitudes, tastes and networks. Since it unleashes multiple variables, the borderless world precludes immense complexity-complexity in the environment, in interorganizational relationships, in modes of conducting business and in socio-cultural diversity. Elaborate this statement and discuss the underlying concepts with relevant example. You may describe the incident/situation being referred/quoted in support of answer/s. 2) Discuss and critically evaluate the concept and purpose of mobility as part of overall organisational process and functioning. Explain the effect/impact of mobility on the functioning of organisation with real life organisational example you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to. 3) What are various methods of Performance Appraisal? What problem are generally encountered in Performance Appraisal? Explain with examples from the organisation you have been working in or familiar with. Describe the organisational set up you are referring to. 4) Why are motivational aspects and Reward Management assuming greater importance in organisational functioning day by day? Explain with live example from your own experience or from your familiarity as to what kind of Reward System exists in the organisation and the impact it had on the overall management of the organisation. Briefly describe the organisation and the situation you are referring to.

MS-1 Management Of Human Behaviour June Dec 2012

1) Describe the process of conflict. Critically evaluate the impact of conflict on performance/productivity of an organization. Relate the situation of organization you are working in or familiar with as to how conflict affects the functioning of an organization. Briefly describe the organisation and situation, you are referring to. 2) What are various channels of communication used in an organisational set up? Why does grapevine assumes so much importance in the formal organisationalsituations? Which channel of

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communication you think is more effective and why?Explain with examples from the organisation you are working in or familiar with. Describe the organisation and the situations you are referring to. 3) What are the ways and means adopted by the organisation to deal effectively with managerial obsolescence? Does leadership matters in the process? Explain with reference to the organisation you are working in or familiar with. Briefly describe the situation and the organisation you are referring to. 4) How does MIS affect the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation? Explain and discuss with the help of MIS of an organisation known to you. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to, along with basic components of the MIS and reporting relationship system currently existing in the organisation. 5) What are the essential preceding prerequisites for effective delegation of authority in an organisation and why? What are the significant key considerations in effecting delegation of authority in an organisational set up? Critically evaluate with examples known to you by way of working in an organisation or having acquaintance with. Briefly explain the situation and the organisation being referred by you.

MS 27 Wage and Salary Administration July Dec 2012

1. Explain the role and structure of compensation. Describe how the compensation functions and responsibilities are being carried out in any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to. 2. Explain the constitutional perspective on wages. Describe the norms for fixation of wages of any organisation you are aware of. What is the role played by the International Labour Organisation on wage fixing machinery? 3. Define job evaluation. Discuss the objectives and procedure of job-evaluation. Describe the methods and systems of job-evaluation in any organisation you are familiar with. How jobevaluation is linked with wage fixation, explain with suitable examples. 4. Define and discuss the meaning and classification of incentives. Describe the various incentive systems which have been followed in any organisation you are familiar with. Discuss the merits and demerits of the incentive systems. 5. Explain the concept of tax planning. Describe the tax planning for employee compensation of any organisation you are familiar with. What is the distinction between tax planning and tax avoidance?

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MS 28 Labour Laws July Dec 2012

1. Explain the sources of industrial jurisprudence. Describe the genesis, objectives and classification of labour legislation in India. Discuss how labour laws ensure the health, welfare and safety of the working class with suitable examples. 2. Discuss the scope and coverage of the Mines Act, 1952. Describe the enforcement of the Act citing suitable examples from the organisations you are aware of. Also discuss the hours and limitations of employment under the Act. 3. Discuss the objectives, scope and coverage of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Describe the various machineries for investigation and settlement of disputes under the Act with suitable examples. What are the measures for prevention of conflicts and disputes under the Act? 4. Explain the concept and enactment of payment of Bonus Act, 1965. Describe the obligations of employees and rights of employees under this Act, citing examples from any organisation you are familiar with. What can make an employee eligible or disqualified for the payment of bonus under the Act? 5. Explain genesis, applicability and contributions of the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. Discuss the various benefits being paid to the employees under the Act in any organisation you are familiar with. What is the procedure for registration of a factory or an establishment under the Act?

MS-25 Managing Change in Organizations Jul Dec 2012

1. Describe the factors to taken care of before proceeding for cultural change. Briefly discuss indigenization and the complexities involved in the Management of change. 2. What is turn around management? Briefly explain the kinds of Turn around situations before an organization goes ahead with strategies. Give an example where turnaround was used. Briefly discuss the organization you are referring to. 3. Explain the concept of Intervention and discuss different types of interventions. Briefly describe comprehensive interventions and their relevance. 4. Describe various reasons for resistance to change. Discuss different ways by which resistance to change can be handled. Discuss with reference to an organization how change process has taken place and handled resistance to change. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

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5. Discuss the reasons for the process change to occur. Illustrate any one of these processes with reference to an organization where this process was used and its effectiveness. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

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