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PMP Points

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Information Description
Project Stages: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring, Controlling & Closure
N ∗ (N − 1) / 2 = # of communication channels for the team where N = the number of members.
Precedence Diagramming
Creation of a change control procedure
To formally authorize the project - Project Charter
Hybrid Approach of project management
The risk register is the document that evolves throughout the risk management processes.
What is the function of the WBS Dictionary - Describes the details of each component in the project WBS
Control Procurements process - Does not involve Negotiation
Bidder Conferences
earned value analysis report - SPI number should be 1 - If less than 1 then project is behind schedule
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) = a document that shows the work assigned to each project team member.
Costs - Direct, Indirect, Variable & Fixed costs
test-driven development - if quality of deliverables is an issue
Project Closure Guidelines
type of dependency = Start-to-finish, Finish-to-start, Finish-to-finish - Lead & Lag
According to Tuckman - stages of team development
The cost baseline or project budget is developed in the Determine Budget process which is a planning process in project cost m
The critical path - can have zero, positive, or negative float.
tools and techniques of the Acquire Resources process
Planning Types = Agile planning, Progressive planning, Water fall planning, Rolling wave planning
fishbone diagram = (also called cause and effect analysis or Ishikawa diagram) is used in the Identify Risks)
identified stakeholders = Stakeholder cube, the Salience model, and the Power/Interest grid are stakeholder mapping and categ
Contingent response strategies
According to the APG, the most important cultural norm needed is one that enables a safe work environment.
Sunk costs should not be considered when deciding on continuing a project.
output from the Acquire Resources process = Project team assignments
Inputs of the Develop Project Charter process are: = Business Case, Agreements, Enterprise Environmental Factors, Organizatio
Procurement Documentation = can be used for lessons learned and as a basis for evaluating contractors for future contracts.
Small autonomous teams that have earned the trust of project stakeholders are characteristics of an adaptive culture.
The Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix (SEAM) enables you to plot whether stakeholders are resistant, neutral, sup
Conflicts can come from seven main sources, of which the first three account for 50%: Schedules, Project priorities, Manpo
project administration, Costs, Personalities
conflict resolution technique = Collaborating, Forcing, …..
analogous estimating is a technique for estimating the duration or cost of an activity or a project using historical data from a s
Reserve Analysis is one of the techniques which is used in more than one process. Three processes of Estimate Costs, Determin
this tool.
Servant Leadership is the best approach for a change-driven project and when the team is experienced.
The project charter formally authorizes the existence of a project, and provides the project manager with the authority.
Fishbowl window is used for simple and quick communications. (Fishbowl windows is an open dialog which is used in discussin
Free float vs Total float = Total Float represents the amount of time a task can be delayed without affecting the completion d
be delayed without affecting the start date of its subsequent tasks.
EEF (Enterprise Environmental Factors) - Internal: Organizational culture, structure, and governance, Geographic distribution
Resource availability & Employee capability.
EEF (Enterprise Environmental Factors) - External: Marketplace conditions, Social and cultural influences and issues, Legal res
industry standards, Financial considerations & Physical environmental elements
OPA (Organizational Process Assets) - (1) Processes, Policies & procedures & (2) Organizational knowledge bases
Organizational Knowledge Repositories - Configuration management knowledge repositories, Financial data repositories, His
defect management data repositories, Data repositories for metrics used & Project files from previous projects
Negative Risks - Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate, or Accept
Positive Risks - Exploit, Share, Enhance or Accept
Maslow's hierarchy triangle
Monte Carlo simulation - Used to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty in prediction and forecasting models.
Kano Model (Customer Delight vs. Implementation Investment)
PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) - project management planning tool used to calculate the amount of time it
tasks within a project — making it easier to schedule deliverables and coordinate with team members.
Herzberg Theory - Job security, salary, clean and safe working conditions are examples of hygiene factors. Appreciation at work
User Story - As as <Role> I want <Functionality / Goal> So that <Business Benefit / Motivation>
Knowledge Areas Processes
Develop Project Charter
Develop Project Management Plan
Direct and Manage Project Work
1) Project Integration Management Manage Project Knowledge
Monitor and Control Project Work
Perform Integrated Change Control
Close Project or Phase
Plan Scope Management
Collect Requirements
Define Scope
2) Project Scope Management
Create WBS
Validate Scope
Control Scope
Plan Schedule Management
Define Activities
Sequence Activities
3) Project Schedule Management
Estimate Activity Durations
Develop Schedule
Control Schedule
Plan Cost Management
Estimate Costs
4) Project Cost Management
Determine Budget
Control Costs
Plan Quality Management
5) Project Quality Management Manage Quality
Control Quality
Plan Resource Management
Estimate Activity Resources
Acquire Resources
6) Project Resource Management
Develop Team
Manage Team
Control Resources
Plan Communications Management
7) Project Communications Management Manage Communications
Monitor Communications
Plan Risk Management
Identify Risks
Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
8) Project Risk Management Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
Plan Risk Responses
Implement Risk Responses
Monitor Risks
Plan Procurement Management
9) Project Procurement Management Conduct Procurements
Control Procurements
Identify Stakeholders
Plan Stakeholder Engagement
10) Project Stakeholder Management
10) Project Stakeholder Management
Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement

11) Configuration Management

12) Change Management
Sr. # Data Analysis Tools

1 Alternatives Analysis

2 Assumptions & Constraints

3 Cost Benefit Analysis

4 Document Analysis

5 Performance Reviews

6 Reserve Analysis

7 Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

8 Simulation


10 Trend Analysis

11 What-If Analysis

12 Variance Analysis

13 Value-stream mapping

14 Earned Value Analysis

Sr. # Data Representation Tools

1 Affinity Diagrams

2 Cause & Effect Diagram

3 Control Charts

4 Flowcharts

5 Hierarchical charts

6 Histograms

7 Logical Data Models

8 Matrix Diagrams / Charts

9 Mind Mapping

10 Probability & Impact Metrices

11 Release Maps

12 Scatter Diagrams

Stakeholder Engagement
Assessment Metrices

Stakeholder Mapping /

15 Text Oriented Formats

Sr. # Decision Making Tools

1 Fist of Five

Multicriteria Decision Analysis


3 Voting

Sr. # Estimating Techniques

1 Analogous

2 Top Down
3 Bottom Up

4 Expert Judgment

5 Parametric

6 Planning Poker

An alternative analysis is the evaluation of the various routes you can pursue to achieve the goal of a project or a particular proje
beyond the status quo to compare different ways of getting work done

A cost-benefit analysis in project management is a tool to evaluate the costs vs. benefits of an important project or business pro
approach for guiding organizations and managers in making solid investment decisions

Document analysis involves analysing documents for specific purposes like requirements gathering, risk identification, test case d

Performance reviews is a technique employed in project management that is used to gauge, compare, and analyse the performa
baseline of the project.
Used for estimating activity duration and cost, reserve analysis includes estimation of additional time to the project schedule (to
additional cost to the project budget (in case of activity cost overruns).
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a problem-solving process used in proactive project management. It looks beyond the superficial ca
roots of the problem to discover what went wrong and what caused it.
Simulation software helps you predict the behaviour of a system. You can use simulation software to evaluate a new design, diag
and test a system under conditions that are hard to reproduce, such as a satellite in outer space

SWOT Analysis helps you to identify your organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It guides you to bui
you're lacking, seize new openings, and minimize risks. Apply a SWOT Analysis to assess your organization's position before you

Trend analysis is a technique used to examine and predict movements of an item based on current and historical data. You can u
business using trend data to inform your decision-making.

What-if analysis is used to explore and compare various plan and schedule alternatives based on changing conditions. It can be
try out scenarios and optimize your plan. During execution, it is an important tool used to predict the consequence of any event

Variance analysis is the quantitative investigation of the difference between actual and planned behaviour. This technique is use
of difference between the baseline and actual performance and to maintain control over a project.
Value-stream mapping, also known as "material- and information-flow mapping", is a lean-management method for analysing t
state for the series of events that take a product or service from the beginning of the specific process until it reaches the custom
Earned Value Analysis (EVA) is a method that allows the project manager to measure the amount of work actually performed on
and schedule reports. EVA provides a method that permits the project to be measured by progress achieved.


(1) Group data gathered during research or ideas generated during brainstorming sessions. (2) Organize an unsorted or unorgan
Stimulate new patterns of thinking sparked by groups formed during the affinity method process.
A cause-effect diagram is a visual tool used to logically organize possible causes for a specific problem or effect by graphically d
suggesting causal relationships among theories. A popular type is also referred to as a fishbone or Ishikawa diagram.
A Project control chart in PMP is designed to detect variations within the project and alert you when the values go beyond prese
variations and patterns that should be investigated.

A project management process flowchart is a graphical aid, designed to visualize the sequence of steps to be followed througho

Hierarchical charts shows the organization of the team and is used to intersect with the WBS.
The PMP histogram provides information about a process in terms of time and the occurrence of specific aspects. Instead of an
histogram conveys critical information with an image.
The logical data model helps to build a common understanding of business data elements and requirements and is the basis of
avoid data redundancy and helps to prevent inconsistencies in the data.
Matrix diagrams are primarily used to help in the process of decision-making by project managers. They illustrate the relationshi
patterns that help stakeholders and project managers make the right decisions
Mind mapping in project management is a visual way to organize information. It offers an alternative to linear project planning,
their thoughts to form an initial, realistic idea.
A probability and impact matrix is a tool used in qualitative risk analysis to evaluate the likelihood and impact of identified risks.
likelihood and impact of each risk, which can then be used to prioritize risks and develop strategies to mitigate or manage them

A scatter diagram in the PMP exam is a quality tool that aids project managers in analysing and comprehending the relationship
changes in a dependent variable alongside changes in the independent variable.
A stakeholder engagement assessment matrix allows for a comparison between the current engagement levels and the desired
successful project delivery. (Unaware, Resistant, Neutral, Supportive & Leading)
A stakeholder map is a visual, four-quadrant influence-interest matrix used in project management to identify stakeholders and
influence and interest in the project. A stakeholder map might also be referred to as a stakeholder matrix, power interest grid or
High, Medium & Low)
Text oriented formats are documents that provide information such as responsibilities, authority, competencies, and qualificatio
names including position descriptions and role-responsibility-authority forms


Fist to Five is accomplished by raising hands as in voting, with the number of fingers raised that indicates level of agreement. (1
blocking, 2 = I don’t much like this but I’ll go along, 3 = in the middle somewhere, 4 = fine & 5 = the best possible decision)
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis is a decision-making technique that is used to identify the best possible option in a set of choice
by using both qualitative and quantitative data. It helps to decide which alternative is the best in a set of alternatives.
Voting is used by a group to determine whether to proceed, change, or reject something. Voting can be, majority wins, unanimit
where a majority is not obtained, but the most popular decision is chosen


Analogous estimating is a technique that uses information from a similar past project in order to estimate the cost and duration
often used when there is limited data available for a project, making it difficult to generate accurate estimates.

Expert judgment is a technique in the project planning process that refers to making a judgment based on skill, expertise, or spe
The expertise can be based on an individual's training or educational background, career experience, or knowledge of the produ
Parametric estimating is quantitative and uses statistics to calculate the expected amount of resources needed to complete your
even human resources. Project managers use parameters or characteristics based on historical data or past projects when calcula
Sr. # Value
0 Planned Value (PV)
1 Earned Value (EV)
2 Cost Variance (CV)
3 Schedule Variance (SV)
4 Cost Performance Index (CPI)
5 Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
6 Critical Ratio (CR)
7 Estimate at Completion (EAC)
8 Variance at Completion (VAC)
9 Estimate to Complete (ETC)
PV = Planned % Complete * Budget at Completion (BAC)
EV = % Completed Work * Budget at Completion (BAC)
CV = Earned Value (EV) – Actual Cost (AC)
SV = Earned Value (EV) – Planned Value (PV)
CPI = Earned Value (EV) / Actual Cost (AC)
SPI = Earned Value (EV) / Planned Value (PV)
CR = Schedule Performance Index (SPI) * Cost Performance Index (CPI)
EAC = Budget at Completion (BAC) / Cost Performance Index (CPI)
VAC = Estimate at Completion (EAC) - Budget at Completion (BAC)
ETC = Estimate at Completion (EAC) - Actual Cost (AC)
The authorized, time-phased budget assigned to accomplish the scheduled work
The level of work completed on a project against the plan.
This measures the difference between the budgeted costs and the actual costs
This checks the value of the actual work against the planned progress
CPI is an indicator if the project is going as per budget
The Schedule Performance Index measures how efficient the project schedule is.
A CR of “1” indicates that the overall project performance is on target.
EAC is the current expectation of the total costs of a project once completed.
VAC is a projection of the budget surplus or deficit.
ETC is the remaining cost you expect to pay in order to complete a project.

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