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07 PM-Tricks - Communication

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Question: 1 Correct

You are a project manager managing a large software project.

Your project team sent confidential information to the
subcontractor by mistake. What could have prevented this

Reviewing the Communication management Plan

Reviewing the stakeholder engagement Plan

Reviewing the Scope management Plan

Review stakeholder register

The communications management plan is a component of the project management plan that
describes how project communications will be planned, structured, implemented, and monitored
for effectiveness. The plan contains the following information: Person responsible for authorizing
the release of confidential information; Stakeholder communication requirements; Escalation
processes; Timeframe and frequency for the distribution of required information and Person
responsible for communicating the information.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 377]

Question: 2 Correct

You are a project manager for an infrastructure project. During

the implementation phase, you found that there is a great
opportunity and you decide to transfer the ownership of an
opportunity to a third party so that it shares some of the
benefits if the opportunity occurs. Therefore, a joint venture 1/23
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was made with another company to catch these benefits. Now,

you became responsible for the project as a whole. What will
your next step be?

Update Communication Management Plan

Update Resource Management Plan

Update Project Team Assignment

Update Cost Management Plan

Due to a joint venture was made So next step should be updated communication management
plan because its contains Stakeholder communication requirements , Information to be
communicated, including language, format, content, and level of detail, Timeframe and frequency
for the distribution of required information and receipt of acknowledgment or response, if
applicable, Person responsible for communicating the information, Person responsible for
authorizing release of confidential information, Person or groups who will receive the information,
including information about their needs, requirements, and expectations and Methods or
technologies used to convey the information, such as memos, email, press releases, or social
media . [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 444, 377 ]

Question: 3 Correct

A project manager analyzed the project’s communication

requirements and decided that 10 out of the 30 stakeholders in
the project would only need voicemail updates of certain
information. This type of communication method is called:

Push communication

Pull communication

Interactive communication 2/23
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On-demand communication

Voicemail is an example of Push communication. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 374]

Question: 4 Incorrect

The project manager, Steve, is currently updating the project

wiki with dashboard reports to include the latest data gathered
from a project process as a means to disseminate the most
updated information of the project to project team members
and stakeholders. What type of communication method does
he use?

Pull Communication

Interactive Communication

Push Communication

Static Communication

Keyword (dashboard) updating the project wiki with dashboard reports to updated information of
the project to project team members and stakeholders its an example of pull communication.
[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 374]

Question: 5 Correct

A project manager is in charge of managing a large

construction project of 4 billion USD. Various teams from
different countries are involved in this project and the teams
need to work cohesively and seamlessly for the success of the 3/23
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project. The task of one team member is highly dependent on

that of other team members. Which of the following is
important for the overall success of project integration?

Communications management plan

Change management

Adherence to professional code of conduct

Detailed definition of the work packages

The communication management plan is vital for the success of project integration.

Question: 6 Correct

Your company has created an electronic network to share

information between stakeholders and access to information at
any time. Which communication method is used?

Pull communication

Push communication

Multidirectional communication

Interactive communication

An electronic network is a form of Pull communication. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 374] 4/23
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Question: 7 Correct

Which of the following techniques are used to determine the

type, format of information needed and the communication
needs of the project stakeholders?

Communication requirements analysis

Communication models

Communication Methods

Root Cause Analysis

Analysis of communication requirements determines the information needs of the project
stakeholders. These requirements are defined by combining the type and format of information
needed with an analysis of the value of that information. [PMBOK 6th edition, Pages 369]

Question: 8 Correct

You are working on a project with 10 stakeholders. The number

of communication channels on this project is:





Its important for real exam . the number of communication channel = N(N-1)/2. You + 10 stake
holders = 11 so 11*10/2 = 55. 5/23
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Question: 9 Incorrect

In the communication model, who is responsible for ensuring

that the message was received and understood?

Both Sender and Receiver

Change Control Board (CCB)



The sender is responsible for the transmission of the message, ensuring the information being
communicated is clear and complete, and confirming the message is correctly interpreted. The
receiver is responsible for ensuring that the information is received in its entirety, interpreted
correctly, and acknowledged or responded to appropriately. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 372]

Question: 10 Correct

While having a coffee with a key stakeholder in your project

that you have a good relationship with, he was surprised that
you do not have the information that your project will be
canceled due to future changes in company plans, and your
team members will be released. As a Project manager, what
should you do?

Review the communication management plan and validate why you

did not get this information through it.

Hold a meeting with your team and inform them about what will
happen. 6/23
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Hold a meeting with stakeholders and discuss this information

openly with them

Hold a meeting with the sponsor and discuss this info with him.

Keyword ( you do not have the information that your project will be canceled) so the PM should
Review the communication management plan because this plan contains the Information to be
communicated and the Person or groups who will receive the information. [PMBOK 6th edition,
Page 377]

Question: 11 Correct

You are managing a project with project teams in different

geographical locations. During project execution, the customer
requests a major scope change. The project manager wants to
communicate and get approval for this change. What is the
BEST communication method for this purpose?

Interactive communication

Pull communication

Push communication

Static Communication

(Interactive Communication) because scope change is critical and need more discussion with the
stakeholders and the best communication method is interactive communication.

Question: 12 Incorrect 7/23
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Sayed is a project manager in a Critical Project for the

organization. Sayed held a meeting with the team members to
discuss the status of the project, and during the meeting, he
observed side conversations and some of the team members
not listening well to the meeting. What could have been done
differently to prevent this type of situation?

Meeting management techniques

Presentation techniques

Listening techniques

Writing style

[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 386]

Question: 13 Correct

One of the shareholders sent a change request from the

previous month, and till now he has not received any response.
How can this situation be resolved?

By reviewing the communications management plan

By reviewing the issue log

By reviewing the stakeholder register

Reach out to your team lead to understand why it was miss 8/23
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The communications management plan is a component of the project management plan that
describes how the project communications will be planned, structured, implemented, and
monitored for effectiveness. The plan contains: - Stakeholder communication requirements -
Timeframe and frequency for the distribution of required information - The person responsible for
communicating the information - Person or groups who will receive the information [PMBOK 6th
edition, Page 377]

Question: 14 Correct

A new Project Manager takes over a project during the

execution phase. One of the main issues faced by the project is
that the customer complains of poor visibility on the project.
What should be his first step toward resolving the issue?

Go through the communication management plan to understand

customer communication requirements and assess whether they are
being addressed properly

The Project Manager should first understand the project and go

through project management plan to understand the project properly

Have a discussion with the customer to understand why he feels the

project lacks visibility

Have a discussion with the team members who have been in the
project since the beginning to understand customer-specific
communication needs

Since the communication management plan details the communication requirements of all the
stakeholders, the project manager should first ensure that the plan is being properly followed.
Refer to PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition, Project Communication Management, page 377.

Question: 15 Correct 9/23
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You are in the process of communications planning for your

project. You are therefore reviewing the project charter to
understand stakeholders and analyze their communications
needs. What other information is key for this planning, if

Stakeholder engagement plan

At least one of the project baselines

The assumptions log, so that project assumptions can be considered

in the communications planning

The issue log of the project, so that any ongoing issues can be
related to communications planning

Explanation: The stakeholder engagement plan, stakeholder register, project requirements,
resource management plan are key inputs during communication planning apart from project
charter. High-level project assumptions will already be available in the project charter.[PMBOK 6th
edition, Page 368]

Question: 16 Correct

While deciding communication technology, several factors

have to be considered? Which of these is not such a factor?

Project organization chart

Urgency of information

Ease of use of technology

Sensitivity of the information 10/23
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Explanation: Project organization chart does not impact the communications technology used in
the project. Even if it does, other options are the key consideration.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 370]

Question: 17 Correct

You have organized a project meeting. Some participants

acknowledge your messages but you have no idea if they really
understood you. What should you do to improve this
communication model?

Switch from the basic to interactive communication model

Respond to their acknowledgements properly

Decode their acknowledgements properly and encode your message

delivery also properly

Use a better transmission medium

An interactive model of communication will allow you to check whether participants are
understanding you or not, wherein feedback/response from the participants is facilitated rather
than just their acknowledgments. This can do by asking them something simple as "any
questions?" or "can anyone summarize what I just said?[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 372]

Question: 18 Correct

In your project meetings, you regularly find that project staff

are nodding their heads but do not speak much or ask
questions. Which of the below training will help improve this

Active listening skills 11/23
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Body language training

Presentation skills

Interpersonal skills

Explanation: Active listening related to acknowledging, confirming, clarifying, understanding and
removing communication barriers.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 381]

Question: 19 Correct

You are managing an agile software project. Previously you had

managed only non-Agile projects. Which type of meetings
would you find to be unique to your current project compared
to your earlier projects?

Sprint meetings

Design meetings

Quality review meetings

Vendor performance review meetings

Explanation: Sprint meetings are unique to agile projects.

Question: 20 Incorrect 12/23
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Your team has created a project related blog site which also
allows non-project readers to comment on articles written by
project staff. Which method of communication is being used?

Push Communication

Interactive Communication

Pull Communication

Small Communication

Explanation: A blog is a push method of communication where the writer expresses
himself/herself irrespective of whether the reader has asked for or interested in it or not.[PMBOK
6th edition, Page 374]

Question: 21 Incorrect

In the basic sender/receiver communication model, a physical

pain you experience in your back while you are trying to listen
to a message is called?





Explanation: Answer =. Noise. Noise includes any interference or barriers that might compromise
the understanding of the message, such as the distraction of the receiver, variations in the
perceptions of receivers, or lack of appropriate knowledge or interest. (PMBOK Guide gp372) 13/23
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Question: 22 Correct

As part of a joint venture, a project manager working with

another company needs to share some confidential information
related to intellectual property rights. She wants to know the
person responsible for authorizing the release of this
confidential information. Which project document should she

Project Communication Management Plan

Stakeholder Management Plan

Organizational Breakdown Structure

Project Charter

A project communication management plan captures the details of the person responsible for
authorizing the release of the confidential information on the project.

Question: 23 Correct

A project manager working in a matrix project environment

feels there is some discontent in the team members related to
their dual reporting and the role of the project manager on the
project. The project manager wants to communicate with the
team to clarify their doubts. What is the BEST form of
communication for addressing this problem?

Face-to-face meeting 14/23
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Informal written mail

Informal chat with the team

Formal written mail

A face-to-face meeting is ideal for project communication. It would give the project manager an
avenue to understand the reasons for discontent in the team members and clarify their doubts.
Face-to-face meetings have an added advantage of being accompanied with non-verbal (body
movements and physical mannerisms) and paralingual (pitch and tone of voice) elements which
are important for effective communication.

Question: 24 Correct

A key stakeholder expresses his concern over the lack of

project visibility and progress. He says that he has seen the
project status reports, but most of the time they lack
information relevant to his department. How should the project
manager respond?

Review the Project Communication Management Plan to determine

the stakeholder's needs

Relook at Manage Communication Process to identify the gaps

Raise a change request to address the stakeholder's feedback

Relook at Control Communications Process to understand the


The communication management plan determines the project stakeholder information needs and
defines the communication approach. 15/23
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Question: 25 Correct

You are managing a multinational project with team members

across different countries and varying time zones. In this
scenario, you wish to choose a communication media which is
most efficient to project requirements. What should be the
most appropriate way to address this?

Discuss the communication requirements and the available options

with stakeholders to seek their inputs

Use a combination of communication technology as is done in your

peer's project

Use the most cost effective technique, and involve everyone to

explain its usage

Explore communication tools available in the market, and ask for

quotation exclusively for your project instead of using existing tool
in the organization

It is important to have effective communication media in this project, especially considering the
team is in different geographical locations and communication requirements are complex. It is
best to take input from the stakeholders of the project and understand their communication
requirements before finalizing a technique.

Question: 26 Correct

Mark is working on an international project which involves 150

team members and the project budget is $1,400,000. The
weekly status meeting is conducted worldwide and is
scheduled for Wednesday at 5:00 PM and the duration of the 16/23
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meeting is two hours. All of the team members globally

communicate using the video conferencing unit at their
location. What kind of communication method is this?

Interactive communication

Pull communication

Push communication

Push Pull communication

Interactive communication is the most efficient way to ensure a common understanding by all
participants on specified topics and is performed between two or more parties performing a
multidirectional exchange of information. It includes meetings, phone calls, video conferencing to
name a few.

Question: 27 Correct

You are managing a project to develop the marketing strategy

for launching a new body freshener. Recently you found out
that a couple of your client representatives made some
disparaging remarks regarding your progress reports as they
seem to be written in a language that they do not understand.
How could you have avoided this situation?

Develop a communication management plan

Take their names out of the mailing list if possible, otherwise ignore
them after all you cannot satisfy everyone involved in the project

Hire an expert writer who can translate the reports in the required
format 17/23
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Perform more rigorous status progress meetings with the client's


This scenario shows the absence of a communication management plan. The communication
management plan describes the communication needs and expectations for the project, how and
in what format information will be communicated, when and where each communication will be
made, and who is responsible for providing each type of communication.

Question: 28 Correct

The Monitor and Control Project Work process receives an

input from the Monitor Communications process in what form?

Work Performance Information

Communications Management Plan

Team Performance Assessments

Work Performance data

The Monitor and Control Project Work process receives the Work Performance Information as an
input from the Monitor Communications process.

Question: 29 Correct

You are in the executing phase of your project and

stakeholders are escalating issues to management directly
without involving you. Which of the following would have
prevented this from happening if well documented and
communicated? 18/23
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Communications Management Plan

Project Charter

Issues log

Risk register

The Communications Management Plan contains information about the escalation process. This
process describes how and when to escalate issues. This process has to be defined and also
adequately explained and communicated to stakeholders, so you an have an effective escalation

Question: 30 Correct

Which of the following activities is the most important to

perform to help manage a project meeting?

Create and follow an agenda

Limit the meeting to a specific length of time

Follow up on action items

Ensure that every attendee has a chance to speak

Creating and following an agenda is the most important activity you can perform when managing
project meetings. The meeting agenda sets the tone, the length, and the format of how the meeting
will be conducted. Using a formal agenda makes it easy to create meeting minutes and followup
action items after the meeting. Ensuring that every attendee has a chance to speak may be
important for some meetings but not necessarily for all meetings. Limiting the meeting to a
specific length of time, in general, is good practice and will help you end your meeting on time but
it is not as critical when compared to creating and following an agenda. At times, meetings may
run over time for it to fulfill the agenda. Following up on action items is also important but this
occurs after the meeting itself. 19/23
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Question: 31 Correct

You are a Project Manager of a highly visible and critical project

in your company. The project is well underway, and you are
currently actively collecting and storing information about each
deliverable team's progress, creating forecasts for your
sponsor, distributing work performance reports and planning
presentations to key stakeholders, and verifying delivery.
Which process are you performing?

Manage Communications

Monitor Communications

Manage Stakeholder Engagement

Plan Communications Management

To answer this question, first, determine under which knowledge area the described activities fall.
With reference to sponsors and stakeholders, you may guess that it is Stakeholder Management.
However, the activities of collection, creation, distribution, storage, and monitoring project
information fall under Communications Management. Next, determine what process group is
related to these activities. Is it Planning or Monitoring & Controlling? No, the task is not to develop
the communication models in Planning, nor is the task to identify if the planned communications
artifacts and activities have had the desired effect. Instead, the current activities are mostly
collection, creation and distribution and delivery, which take place while executing the work of the
project. An important clue is that you are distributing work performance reports, which is an
output of the Direct and Manage Project Work process in the Integration knowledge area, in the
Executing process group. Therefore, the correct answer is that these activities fall under Manage

Question: 32 Correct 20/23
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The virtual project team consists of people located in seven

different countries. What will be the most critical tools for a
successful project?

Well defined communications and people skills

Good translators

Video conferencing equipment

Research on cultural differences

Well defined communications and people skills. These will be the most critical tools for success

Question: 33 Incorrect

Political awareness is required while applying interpersonal or

team skills during communications planning. How is this really

It enables the project manager to work effectively within the power


It helps the project manager to understand politics

It helps in stakeholder assessment

It helps to understand the power/interest grid

Political awareness is important during communications planning to understand power
relationships and work within those situations. 21/23
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Question: 34 Correct

You have considered the communication model, methods,

styles and stakeholder needs in your communications
planning. What else must you consider?

Communication Technology

Procurement requirements

List of project risks

Project staff list

Communication technology is a key factor to consider during communication planning. Other
options are not relevant

Question: 35 Correct

A project has regular formal communications between the

customer and the project manager. However, there are conflicts
when the meeting minutes of such discussions are published
to other stakeholders. What might help reduce these conflicts?

Including appropriate stakeholders in these discussions

Social computing tools

Performing stakeholder identification

Using lessons learned from these meetings for improvement 22/23
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Including relevant stakeholders in such meetings will eliminate some of the conflicts which are
occurring. 23/23

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