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Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

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Entropy generation in convective radiative flow of a Casson

nanofluid in non-Darcy porous medium with Hall current and
activation energy: The multiple regression model
A. Sahoo, R. Nandkeolyar∗
Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur 831014, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present article’s primary goal is to analyze entropy generation on unsteady three
Received 3 October 2020 dimensional thermally radiating magnetohydrodynamic flow of Casson nanofluid past a
Revised 1 December 2020
vertical stretching sheet embedded in a non-Darcy porous medium under the influence of
Accepted 19 December 2020
mixed convection, Hall current, viscous dissipation, Ohmic heating, and heat generation.
The combined effects of Brownian motion and thermophoretic diffusion are taken into
Keywords: consideration, and the impact of the chemical reaction initiated by activation energy
Casson nanofluid is also incorporated in the flow-field. A mathematical model of the physical problem
Magnetic field containing highly nonlinear coupled partial differential equations with convective bound-
Thermal radiation ary conditions is developed. Suitable similarity transformation is applied to convert the
Mixed convection governing highly nonlinear coupled partial differential equations into nonlinear coupled
Hall current
ordinary differential equations, and then the resulting nonlinear coupled ordinary differ-
Non-Darcy porous medium
ential equations are numerically solved with the help of the spectral quasi-linearization
Activation energy
Entropy generation method. A detailed investigation is performed to illustrate the impact of several pertinent
flow parameters on the velocity, temperature, concentration, entropy generation and
Bejan number profiles. In contrast, the numerical values of skin friction coefficients in
x and z directions, local Nusselt number, and local Sherwood number are presented in
tabular forms for varying values of pertinent flow parameters. Apart from this, linear
and quadratic multiple regression analyses for the physical quantities of engineering
interest have been executed to upgrade the present model’s efficiency and application
in various industrial and engineering processes. With a variation in magnetic parameter,
the maximum relative errors in the linear regression estimates for the skin- friction
coefficients in x and z directions are found to be 2.28–2.37% and 0.85–1.72%, respectively.
Besides, due to the enhancement in magnetic parameter, the maximum relative errors
in the quadratic regression estimations for the reduced Nusselt number Nux Re−1 x
the reduced Sherwood number Shx Rex are 0.56% − 0.58% and 0.30%, respectively. It is
observed that the error of each solution of the present physical problem approaches to
be less than 10−8 in mere six iterations. Moreover, the findings of the current research
work signify that the Brownian motion and thermophoretic diffusion minimize entropy
generation adjacent to the sheet; on the contrary, activation energy intensifies entropy
generation rate closer to the sheet. Furthermore, the appropriate resemblance is obtained
through verifying the present results with previous existing results.
© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Nandkeolyar).
0 096-30 03/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

1. Introduction

Nanofluid, a heat transfer medium, is formed by colloidal suspensions of nanosized particles made of metals, oxides,
carbides, or carbon nanotubes in a base fluid such as water, ethylene glycol, oil, and many others. Increment in the effec-
tiveness and performance of coolant is necessary in various industrial and engineering areas. Due to huge requirements, the
researchers have given much attention to enhancing the thermal conductivity of traditional fluids like water, ethylene gly-
col, oil, etc., for obtaining high-performance coolant. Generally, nanoparticles are used in base fluids for improving thermal
conductivity and convective heat transfer. Firstly, Choi and Eastman [1] showed keen interest in establishing an innovative
new class of heat transfer nanofluids produced by suspending metallic nanoparticles in conventional heat transfer fluids for
developing thermal conductivities to increase heat transfer. Hong et al. [2] examined the increment of Fe nanofluid’s ther-
mal conductivity to strengthen the heat transfer of nanofluids. Sundar et al. [3] attempted to analyze the development of
thermal conductivity and viscosity of F e3 O4 nanofluid for heat transfer applications. The investigations of various innovative
aspects on nanoparticle fluid flow is of great concern for the researchers because of its fruitful applications in human life.
Taking care of it Sohail et al. [4] described hyperthermia treatment originated by magnetic nanoparticles whose most unique
feature was the reaction and modulation by a magnetic force which has enormous potential as heating mediators for cancer
therapy. Moreover, Sohail et al. [5] created a unique physical model regarding a videographic assessment of ferrofluid dur-
ing magnetic drug targeting, which proved to be a useful application of artificial intelligence in nanomedicine. Hosseinzadeh
et al. [6] examined micropolar hybrid ferrofluid flow over a vertical plate by taking various base fluid and nanoparticle shape
factor into account. Bég et al. [7] exhibited an experimental study of improved rheology and lubricity properties of a drilling
fluid enhanced with nanoparticles. Hosseinzadeh et al. [8] reported cross-fluid flow containing gyrotactic microorganisms
and nanoparticles over a horizontal and three-dimensional cylinder in the presence of various physical conditions. Ros-
tami et al. [9] introduced a hydrothermal analysis of ethylene glycol nanofluid through a porous medium with a complex
snowflake-shaped inner wall by considering convective heat transfer. Hosseinzadeh et al. [10] developed a mathematical
model containing the flow of a mixture of water and ethylene glycol (5050% ) with hybrid nanoparticles (MW CNT − Ag)
over a vertical stretching cylinder through a porous medium in the presence of shape factor effect. Hosseinzadeh et al.
[11] carried out a detailed analysis about the impact of internal fins together with Hybrid Nano-Particles on the solid pro-
cess in star-shapee triplex Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage System by utilization of numerical simulation. Gholinia et al.
[12] studied the 3-dimensional stagnation point flow of hybrid Nanofluids over a vertical circular cylinder with sinusoidal
radius by taking C2 H6 O2 , H2 O and engine oil as an ordinary liquid along with SWCNT and MWCNT as nanoparticles. Hos-
seinzadeh et al. [13] revealed an experimental and numerical analysis regarding the influence of SiO2 super-hydrophobic
coating and self-rewetting fluid on two-phase closed thermosyphon heat transfer characteristics. Some of the relevant and
useful research works on nanofluid are discussed in the articles [14–16].
Nowadays, the investigation of non-Newtonian fluid is an important research area due to its wide range of industrial
and engineering applications, especially in the extraction of crude oil from petroleum products, food mixing, syrup drugs,
and blood flow atomic water transfer, geothermal energy creation, etc. Casson fluid is distinguished as the most popu-
lar non-Newtonian fluid due to its rheological characteristics and its remarkable significance in various areas of modern
science such as petrochemical, food processing, and metallurgy, bio-engineering tasks, etc. Casson fluid is one type of shear-
thinning liquid and exhibits the yield shear stresses. Moreover, features of Casson fluid are typically observed in fluids
such as tomato sauce, honey, soup, blood, etc. Researchers paid more attention to find the characteristics of electrically
conducting non-Newtonian Casson fluid in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field due to its fascinating ap-
plications in industrial and engineering areas. Eldabe and Salwa [17] were the first to analyze the heat transfer of steady
MHD non-Newtonian Casson fluid flow between coaxial cylinders. Dash et al. [18] studied the implication of Casson fluid
flow in a tube filled with a homogeneous porous medium using the Brinkman model. Furthermore, Ahmad et al. [19] pre-
sented a crucial mathematical model concerning the steady Casson nanofluid flow past a wedge associated with Newtonian
heating in the presence of a magnetic field. They inferred that the flow of a Newtonian fluid was highly responsible for
rising skin friction compared to the Casson fluid. Usman et al. [20] discussed significantly about Casson nanofluid’s heat
and mass transfer over an inclined permeable stretching cylinder subjected to a transverse magnetic field with consider-
ing Buongiorno’s model. In this context, many useful and innovative investigations were later performed by several authors
Thermal radiation is a crucial process by which heat is transported from the hotter side to the fluid-flow region’s cooler
side. In a word, the heat transfer system is significantly controlled by thermal radiation. The impact of thermal radiation has
several reliable applications in different industrial and engineering processes such as electrical power generation, nuclear en-
ergy plants, astrophysical flows, space vehicles, solar systems, gas production, etc. For this demand, researchers found keen
interest in investigating heat transfer phenomena caused due to thermal radiation. Dogonchi et al. [24] explored flow and
heat transfer of MHD nanofluid between parallel plates under the impact of thermal radiation. They displayed the effect
of pertinent flow parameters on velocity and temperature distribution prominently. As per the outcomes of their research
work, radiation parameter enables to raise the temperature and strengthens mass transfer within the nanofluid-flow region.
Souayeh et al. [25] introduced a mathematical model for investigating significant consequences of nonlinear radiative heat
transfer on MHD Casson nanofluid past a thin needle. They depicted the performance of different material parameters on
velocity, temperature, and species concentration profiles along with significant physical quantities like skin friction coeffi-
cient, rate of energy transfer, and Sherwood number through various graphs. Shah et al. [26] researched nonlinear thermal

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

radiative heat transfer of MHD Casson nanofluid flow past a horizontally rotating disk. Some recent research works about
this phenomena are also presented by several authors [27–29].
It is an established fact that the flow of an electrically conducting fluid under the impact of a magnetic field produces a
transverse flow due to the rise of Hall current, which is produced due to the vigorous intensity of the magnetic field. Hall
effect has the potential to deal with many real-life problems and has great importance in signifying different flow features
within the flow field. For its special applications, the researchers developed a keen interest in analyzing the impacts of Hall
current on the MHD flow of a viscous, incompressible, and electrically conducting fluid. Maleque and Sattar [30] studied
the effects of variable properties along with the impact of suction/injection and Hall current on a steady MHD convective
flow generated by an infinite rotating porous disk. They inferred that Hall parameter m has an amazing effect on the radial
and axial velocity profiles. They noticed that, increasing the values of m(> 2.0 ) results in diminishing the radial and axial
velocity profiles. Maqbool et al. [31] scrutinized Hall effects on Falkner-Skan boundary layer steady flow of FENE-P fluid over
a flat stretching sheet. Some of the recent research works about this phenomena are executed by several authors [32–36].
Activation energy signifies the minimum energy gained through atoms or molecules to stimulate the chemical reaction.
Different chemical reactions require an additional amount of activation energy, and in some cases, the quantity of activation
energy required turns out to be zero. The activation energy phenomenon with binary chemical reaction occurs only in
heat and mass transfer within the nanofluid flow region. Due to its wide range of applications in scientific, industrial, and
engineering processes such as chemical engineering, geothermal reservoirs, oil emulsion, food processing, manufacturing
of electronic devices, etc., researchers were deeply motivated towards the investigation of the effects of activation energy
and chemical reaction on heat and mass transmission inside the nanofluid flow region. Keeping all these applications in
mind, Bestman [37] studied the procedure of simultaneous heat and mass transfer of free convection boundary layer flow
in a porous medium. He firstly employed the research to incorporate chemical reaction with Arrhenius activation energy
to the prescribed model related to a binary reaction. Ijaz et al. [38] suggested an interesting physical model on the novel
characteristics of Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model for the nonlinear radiative flow of Casson nanofluid over an inclined
permeable stretched cylinder under the impact of Joule heating and Arrhenius activation energy. Besides that, Salahuddin
et al. [39] proposed an investigation on the variation of thermophysical properties and internal energy of convective Casson
fluid flow in the presence of activation energy under the impact of physical constraints imposed on the prescribed system.
The results of their research work showed that higher activation energy enabled to enhance temperature noticeably. Recently
some useful research works related to the present investigation are depicted in the articles [40–42].
The investigation of the flow and heat transfer in a porous medium over a stretching surface is a significant concern
for the researchers due to its potential applications in scientific, industrial, and engineering processes, such as chemical
reactors and hydrology geophysics, groundwater flow, etc. However, the magnetic effects and porous medium can control
the overall transmission procedure in electrically conducting fluids. Ullah et al. [43] tried exceedingly to develop a model on
the combined impacts of slip condition and Newtonian heating on MHD flow of Casson fluid over a nonlinearly stretching
sheet embedded in a porous medium. Oyelakin et al. [44] emphasized the study of the influence of thermal radiation,
heat, and mass transfer on the unsteady MHD flow of three-dimensional Casson nanofluid past a porous stretching sheet
in the presence of physical constraints imposed on the proposed system. Durgaprasad et al. [45] developed an attractive
mathematical model to describe the characteristics of combined effects of Brownian motion and thermophoretic phenomena
on three-dimensional Casson nanofluid flow across a slender sheet in porous layers. In this context, few innovative and
useful research works dealt with the present investigation are obtained in various recent articles [46–48].
During the past few years, the research on entropy generation was executed by several researchers. In a thermodynamic
system the measure of disorder in a system or consumption of available energy is known as entropy. In a thermodynamic
system, friction forces, diffusion process, Joule heating, a chemical reaction between concrete surfaces, fluid viscosity, etc.,
cause to destruct energy to generate entropy. Different thermal systems are related to irreversibility due to viscous dissi-
pation, Joule dissipation, heat transfer, mass transfer, etc., which are highly responsible for creating entropy generation. It
is well known that the entropy generation plays a crucial role in diminishing the desired energy in thermodynamic and
mechanical devices. Irreversible energy destruction reduces the performance and efficiency of engineering and scientific
equipment significantly. Researchers noted the necessity to minimize the entropy generation for better performance of var-
ious industrial equipment such as microchannels and reactors. The ratio of entropy generation due to heat transfer to the
total entropy generation is known as Bejan number, which was defined by Bejan [49,50]. Dalir et al. [51] explored entropy
generation of steady laminar two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flow of a Jeffrey nanofluid over
a stretching sheet considering heat and mass transport. They highlighted the performance of several controlling flow param-
eters on velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles together with heat transport, mass transport, and entropy gener-
ation graphically. Keeping in mind the necessity of minimization of entropy generation in most industrial and engineering
processes, Khan et al. [52] scrutinized MHD radiative entropy generation nanomaterial flow of a Casson fluid towards a
stretching surface considering the impacts of Arrhenius activation energy. Rasool et al. [53] presented an excellent mathe-
matical model to explain entropy generation and results of binary chemical reaction on MHD Williamson nanofluid flow in a
porous medium over nonlinearly stretching flat surface subjected to Darcy- Forchheimer environment. Their results signified
that the larger Weissenberg number boosted to augment the Bejan number. In recent years the different flow configurations
along with minimization of entropy generation have been discussed in numerous research articles [54–56].
Being motivated by the above-mentioned investigations, the present research work is performed to explore the un-
steady three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic mixed convective flow of a Casson nanofluid over a vertical stretching sheet

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

through a non-Darcy porous medium utilizing the Darcy-Forchheimer model for flows in a porous medium. The fluid flow
model bears the influence of the Hall current. The heat and nanoparticle mass transport phenomena investigate the im-
pacts of radiative heat transfer and the binary chemical reaction initiated by activation energy taking viscous dissipation,
Brownian motion, Ohmic heating, thermophoretic effect, heat generation. The main aim of addressing the present research
work is to explore the physical impacts of Hall current, viscous and Joule dissipations, chemical reaction stimulated by
activation energy on the unsteady three-dimensional incompressible and electrically conducting the hydromagnetic mixed
convective flow of a Casson nanofluid over a vertical stretching sheet through a non-Darcy porous medium. In order to have
an in-depth idea of the flow and heat transport phenomena, the radiative and convective heat transfer, Brownian motion,
thermophoretic effect, heat generation, and entropy generation are also considered. It is observed that a similar research
work lacks its presence in the existing literature. An appropriate mathematical model is developed to carry out the desired
investigation on the flow, heat, and mass transport phenomena. Apart from this, multiple regression analysis on physical
quantities such as skin-friction coefficients in x and z directions, along with the reduced Nusselt number and the reduced
Sherwood number, is also included in the study. The influence of essential flow parameters on these physical quantities
is demonstrated through statistical analysis. The critical characteristics of entropy generation and the impacts of various
pertinent flow parameters on the entropy generation rate and Bejan number are depicted.

2. Mathematical formulation

We consider the unsteady three-dimensional mixed convective flow of an incompressible and electrically conducting
Casson nanofluid over a vertical stretching sheet embedded in a non-Darcy porous medium taking into account thermal
radiation, viscous dissipation, Ohmic heating, and heat generation. The present system is assumed to be set up in the Darcy-
Forchheimer environment under the influence of an externally applied magnetic field. The cartesian coordinate system is
chosen so that the surface of the sheet is in xz-plane, x- axis is along the sheet in the upward direction, and y- axis is
normal to the sheet. It is supposed that the nanofluid is confined in the region y  0. We further assume that the flow in
this region is induced due to the sheet’s movement, which is stretched along the x-axis in an upward direction with a time-
dependent velocity u = uw (x, t ). The geometry of the problem is clearly indicated in Fig. 1. The Boussinesq approximation is
followed so that the density variation obtained by concentration or temperature difference is neglected except in the case
of buoyancy force. In order to derive the present model, it is assumed that the nanoparticle and base fluids are in thermal
equilibrium. The binary chemical reaction stimulated by activation energy is assumed to occur between the fluid and the
species with a constant rate of kr . The nanofluid flow model includes the effects of Brownian motion and the thermophoretic
diffusion of nanoparticles. The surface of the sheet is assumed to be convectively heated with the heat transfer coefficient
h1 . Moreover, the energy dissipation due to the influence of the viscosity of the fluid and permeability of porous medium
is taken into account, and the impact of the applied magnetic field is also considered. The entire flow-field is permeated

Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of the physical problem.

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

with an external time-dependent magnetic field B(t ) exerted in the positive y-direction. The magnetic Reynolds number Rem
is taken to be very small (Rem  1) so that the induced magnetic field is discarded in comparison to the applied one. The
intensity of the applied magnetic field is so strong that the Hall current is generated in the flow field.
The rheological equation of the Casson fluid is given as follows:
⎪ py
⎨2 μB +
⎪ √

ei j , π > πc
τi j =   (1)

⎪ py
⎩2 μB + √ ei j , π < πc
2 πc
where ei j is the (i, j )t h component of the deformation rate, μB is the plastic dynamic viscosity of the non-Newtonian fluid,
py is the yield stress of the fluid, π = ei j ei j is the product of the component of the deformation rate with itself and πc

μ 2π
denotes a critical value of this product based on the non-Newtonian model. Here β = B py c is the Casson parameter.
Using the above assumptions, the governing boundary layer equations i.e. continuity, momentum, energy and concentra-
tion equations can be expressed, respectively as follows [39,44,57]:
∂ u ∂v ∂ w
+ + =0 (2)
∂x ∂y ∂z

∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u  1 ∂ 2u σ B2 (t )
+u + +w = νn f 1 + − (u + mw ) + gβT (T − T∞ ) + gβC (C − C∞ )
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z β ∂y 2 ρ ( 1 + m2 )
 1 νn f u
− Fr u2 − 1 + (3)
β kp

∂w ∂w ∂w ∂w  1 ∂ 2w σ B2 (t )  1 νn f w
+u +v +w = νn f 1 + + ( mu − w ) − F w 2
− 1+ (4)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z β ∂ y2 ρ ( 1 + m2 ) r
β kp
∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T κn f ∂ 2 T 1 ∂ qr (ρ c p )np ∂ C ∂ T DT ∂ T
+u +v +w = − + D +
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z (ρ c p )n f ∂ y2 (ρ c p )n f ∂ y (ρ c p )n f
∂ y ∂ y T∞ ∂ y
μn f  1 μn f  1  2  Q (t )(T − T∞ )
+ 1+ u2y + w2y + 1+ u + w2 +
( ρ c p )n f β k p ( ρ c p )n f β ( ρ c p )n f
σ B (t )
+ u2 + w2 (5)
( ρ c p )n f ( 1 + m2 )

∂C ∂C ∂C ∂C ∂ 2 C DT ∂ 2 T T n1  −E
+u +v +w = DB 2 + − k2r (C − C∞ ) exp (6)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂y T∞ ∂ y 2 T∞ K∗T
The governing boundary conditions are defined as follows:

∂T   ∂C  
At y = 0 : u = uw , v = 0, w = 0, −k1 = h1 T f − T , −k2 = h2 C f − C ⎬
∂y ∂y

As y → ∞ : u → 0, w → 0, T → T∞ , C → C∞ ;
where uw is the stretching velocity in x direction. Let uw (x, t ) = ax
1−γ t and the time dependent magnetic field is taken as
B(t ) = B0 (1 − γ t )−1/2 . Here a and γ are constants. Further, in the above equations, u, v and w are the components of veloc-
ity in x, y and z directions, respectively. t is time variable, β is the Casson fluid parameter, σ denotes electrical conductivity,
νn f is the nanofluid’s kinematic viscosity, m is Hall current parameter, k p is permeability of porous medium, T is the tem-
perature of fluid within the boundary layer, C denotes nanoparticle concentration within  boundary
 layer region, κ denotes
thermal conductivity of the nanofluid, ρ c p denotes the heat capacity of nanofluid, ρ c p denotes nanoparticle heat ca-
nf np
pacity, DB is coefficient of Brownian diffusion, DT is coefficient of thermophoretic diffusion, Fr = 1 is non-uniform inertia
xk p2
coefficient, n1 is fitted rate constant, kr is reaction rate, Ea is activation energy, K ∗ is Boltzmann constant, βT is coefficient
of thermal expansion and βC is coefficient of concentration expansion, qr radiative heat flux, T f is the hot fluid temperature,
C f is the hot nanofluid concentration, h1 andand h2 are the heat and mass transfer coefficients, respectively, T = T∞ denotes
ambient fluid temperature, and C∞ is the ambient species concentration.
Considering the fluid to be optically thick, the radiative heat flux vector is defined using the Rosseland approximation as
4σ ∗ ∂ T 4
qr = − (7)
3α ∗ ∂ y

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

where σ ∗ is Stefen-Boltzmann constant and α ∗ is the coefficient of Rosseland mean absorption. Following, Pantokratoras
and Fang [58], from Eq. (7), we have the simplified radiative heat flux as

16σ ∗ 3 ∂ T
qr = − T . (8)
3α ∗ ∂y
Finally, Eq. (8) in Eq. (5) gives the heat transport equation including the effects of radiative heat transfer. In order to simplify
the resulting mathematical model, the similarity transformations [59,60] are introduced as follows
a ax aνn f ⎪
f (η ),⎪

η=y , u= v=−f (η ), ⎬
νn f ( 1 − γ t ) (1 − γ t ) (1 − γ t )
ax T − T∞ C − C∞ ⎪

w= g(η ), θ (η ) = , φ (η ) = . ⎭
(1 − γ t ) T f − T∞ C f − C∞

Utilizing the similarity transformations, the governing highly nonlinear coupled partial differential equations are transformed
into nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations which are presented as follows
 η M    1

1+ f  + f f  − f 2 − A f  + f  − f + mg + λ1 θ + λ2 φ − F f 2 − 1 + f = 0 (9)
β 2 1+m 2 β
 η M    1
1+ g − g f  + f g − A g + g +   m f  − g − F g2 − 1 + g = 0 (10)
β 2 1 + m2 β

 4 η  
1+ θ  + 4Nr (tr − 1 )(1 + (tr − 1 )θ )2 θ 2 − PrA θ  + Pr f θ  + αθ
Nr (1 + (tr − 1 )θ )3
3 2
   1  2  P rEcM  2   1  
+ P r N bφ θ + Nt θ  2
+ P rEc 1 + f +g +  2
f + g2
+ P r 1+ Ec f 2 + g2 = 0 (11)
β (1 + m ) 2 β

Nt  A
φ  + θ + Sc f φ  − φ  ηSc − σr Scφ (θ α1 + 1 )n1 exp = 0. (12)
Nb 2 θ α1 + 1
The boundary conditions reduce to the following form

f  = 1, f = 0, g = 0, θ  = −Bi1 (1 − θ ), φ  = −Bi2 (1 − φ ) at η=0 (13)

f  → 0, g → 0, θ → 0, φ → 0 as η → ∞ (14)
where the non-dimensional parameters, introduced above, are unsteadiness parameter A = a , Magnetic Parameter M =
σ B20 4σ ∗ T∞
3 (μc p )n f Tf
ρn f a , Radiation parameter Nr = κn f α ∗ , Prandtl number P r = κn f , Temperature ratio parameter tr = T∞ , Schmidt num-
ν (ρ c p )np DB C f −C∞ (1−γ t )νn f
ber Sc = Dn f , Brownian motion parameter Nb = , porosity parameter  = , thermophoretic pa-
( ρ c p )n f νn f ak p

( p )np T f ∞
ρ c D T −T u 2
rameter Nt = , Eckert number Ec = c (T w−T ) ,local Reynolds number Rex = uνw x , thermal Grashof number
(ρ c p )n f νn f T∞ p f ∞ nf
gβT (T f −T∞ )x3 gβC (C f −C∞ )x3
Gr = , solutal Grashof number Gr ∗ = , thermal buoyancy parameter λ1 = Gr
, heat generation pa-
νn2 f νn2 f Re2x
Gr ∗ Cb
rameter, α = a(ρ c0 ) , concentration buoyancy parameter λ2 =
, inertia coefficient parameter F = , activation energy
p nf Re2x 1
k p2

k2r (1−γ t ) νn f (1−γ t )
chemical reaction parameter σr =
Ea h1
parameter E = K ∗ T∞ , , thermal Biot number Bi1 = , and solutal Biot
 a k1 a

h2 νn f (1−γ t )
number Bi2 = k2 a .

3. Physical quantities of engineering interest

For engineering interest, the significant physical quantities such as skin friction coefficients in x and z directions C f x , C f z ,
the local Nusselt number (rate of heat transfer) Nux and the Sherwood number(rate of mass transfer) Shx are important. The
are, respectively defined as

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

τwx τwz xqw xJw

Cfx = , Cfz = , Nux = , Shx = (15)
ρ u2w ρ u2w κn f (Tw − T∞ ) DB (Cw − C∞ )

where the shear-stress components τwx , τwz , heat flux qw and mass flux Jw , at the surface, are expressed as
∂u ∂w
1 1
τwx = μn f 1 + , τwz = μn f 1 + ⎪

β β ∂y ∂y
    y=0  y=0
∂T ∂C  ⎪
qw = −κn f + qr , Jw = −DB . ⎪

∂y y=0
∂ y y=0

These physical quantities in non-dimensional form are

1 1 1 1 ⎪
C f x Rex2 = 1 + f  (0 ), C f z Rex2 = 1 + g (0 ), ⎬
β β
θ  (0 ), Shx Rex2 = −φ  (0 ).⎭
−1 −1
= − 1 + Nr (1 + (tr − 1 )θ (0 ) )
Nux Rex 2

where Rex = xu w
νn f is the local Reynolds number.

4. Solution methodology

The nonlinear coupled ordinary differential Eqs. (9)-(12) along with the boundary conditions in (13) and (14) are solved
numerically with the help of the spectral quasi-linearization method (SQLM). This method uses a one-term Taylor series
approximation about the previous iteration, say r, to linearize the nonlinear terms of transformed ordinary differential equa-
tions. Following the framework of SQLM, the following iterative scheme is obtained
a113,r fr+1 + a112,r fr+1 + a111,r fr+1 + a110,r fr+1 + a120,r gr+1 + a130,r θr+1 + a140,r φr+1 = R1,r (18)

a222,r gr+1 + a221,r gr+1 + a220,r gr+1 + a211,r fr+1 + a210,r fr+1 = R2,r (19)

a332,r θr+1 + a331,r θr+1 + a330,r θr+1 + a310,r fr+1 + a311,r fr+1 + a312,r fr+1 + a341,r φr+1 + a320,r gr+1 + a321,r gr+1 = R3,r

φr+1 + a441,r φr+1 + a440,r φr+1 + a430,r θr+1 + a432,r θr+1 + a410,r fr+1 = R4,r . (21)

the boundary conditions in iterative form are


fr+1 = 1, fr+1 = 0, gr+1 = 0, θr+1 = −Bi1 (1 − θr+1 ), φr+1 = −Bi2 (1 − φr+1 ) at η = 0

and fr+1 → 0, gr+1 → 0, θr+1 → 0, φr+1 → 0 as η → ∞.
 order to start the iteration process, the initial guess functions are assumed as f0 = 1 − e , g0 = 0, θ0 =
Bi1 −η Bi2 −η
e , φ0 = Bi +1 e . For numerically solving the linearized decoupled equations (18)-(21), a well-known method,
Bi +1
1 2
namely the Chebyshev spectral collocation method, is used. The method uses the Chebyshev polynomials defined in [−1, 1]
to discretize the computational domain. For the purpose, the physical region [0, ∞ ) is truncated to a domain [0, L∞ ], which
is then transformed to the interval [−1, 1] by using the following linear transformation

L∞ ( ζ + 1 )
η= , −1  ζ  1.
where L∞ is the scaling parameter, which is large but a finite number. It is chosen to reveal the behavior of the flow
properties outside the boundary layer region. Let P be the number of Gauss-Lobatto collocation points used to discretize the
domain [−1, 1] and are defined as

ζi = cos , i = 0, 1, 2 . . . P.

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

At these P collocation points the functions Fj , G j ,  j and  j for j  1 are approximated with the help of kth Chebyshev
polynomial Tk∗ as follows

Fj (ζ ) ≈ Fj (ζk )Tk∗ (ζ ) (22)

G j (ζ ) ≈ G j (ζk )Tk∗ (ζ ) (23)

 j (ζ ) ≈  j (ζk )Tk∗ (ζ ) (24)

 j (ζ ) ≈  j (ζk )Tk∗ (ζ ) (25)

where the kth Chebyshev polynomial is defined as

Tk∗ (ζ ) = cos kcos−1 (ζ ) .

The jth derivative of unknown functions Fr+1 , Gr+1 , r+1 and r+1 are constructed as

d j Fr+1  j P

= Ski fr+1 (ζk ) = S j Fr+1 , ⎪

dη j ⎪

k=0 ⎪

P ⎪

Ski gr+1 (ζk ) = S Gr+1 , ⎪
d j Gr+1
= j ⎪

dη j ⎬
i = 0, 1, 2 . . . P. (26)
d r+1
j  j P ⎪

= Ski θr+1 (ζk ) = S j r+1 , ⎪

dη j ⎪

k=0 ⎪

d r+1
P ⎪

= Ski φr+1 (ζk ) = S r+1 ,⎪
j j

dη j

Here S = L , D is Chebyshev differentiation matrix. The entries of this matrix are defined as follows

2P 2 + 1 ci (−1 )i+k
D00 = , Dik = , i = k; i, k = 0, 1 . . . P⎪

6 ck (ζi − ζk )
2P 2 + 1 ζk ⎪
DPP = − , Dkk = − , k = 1, 2 . . . P − 1 ⎪

6 2(1 − ζk2 )

2 i = 0 or P
where ci =
1 otherwise.

At the end, we obtain following matrix equation

⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
A11 A12 A13 A14 Fr+1 R1,r
⎢A21 A22 A23 A24 ⎥⎢ Gr+1 ⎥ ⎢R2,r ⎥
⎣A A32 A33 A34 ⎦⎣r+1 ⎦ ⎣R3,r ⎦
= (28)
A41 A42 A43 A44 r+1 R4,r

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

where each Ai j is of order (P + 1 ) × (P + 1 ) and the order of each R1,r , R2,r , R3,r and R4,r is (P + 1 ) × 1, and

Fr+1 = [ fr+1 (ζ0 ), fr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . fr+1 (ζP )] ,

Gr+1 = [gr+1 (ζ0 ), gr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . gr+1 (ζP )] , ⎪ ⎪

r+1 = [θr+1 (ζ0 ), θr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . θr+1 (ζP )]T , ⎪ ⎪

T ⎪
r+1 = [φr+1 (ζ0 ), φr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . φr+1 (ζP )] ,⎪ ⎪

R1,r = [r1,r (ζ0 ), r1,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r1,r (ζP )]T , ⎪

R2,r = [r2,r (ζ0 ), r2,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r2,r (ζP )] ,
T ⎪

R3,r = [r3,r (ζ0 ), r3,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r3,r (ζP )] ,
T ⎪

R4,r = [r4,r (ζ0 ), r4,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r4,r (ζP )] ,
T ⎪

A11 = a113,r S3 + a112,r S2 + a111,r S + a110,r I, ⎪

A12 = a120,r I, ⎪

A13 = a130,r I, ⎪

A14 = a140,r I,
A21 = a211,r S + a210,r I, ⎪

A22 = a222,r S + a221,r S + a220,r I,
2 ⎪

A23 = O ⎪

A24 = O, ⎪

A31 = a310,r I + a311,r S + a312,r S2 ⎪

A32 = a320,r I + a321,r S, ⎪

A33 = a332,r S2 + a331,r S + a330 I, ⎪

A34 = a341,r S, ⎪

A41 = a410,r I, ⎪

A42 = O, ⎪

A43 = a432,r S2 + a430,r I ⎪

A44 = S2 + a441,r S + a440,r I.

5. Solution error

In order to have a stopping criterion for the above iteration scheme, we define

error F = || fr+1 − fr ||∞ , error G = ||gr+1 − gr ||∞ , error  = ||θr+1 − θr ||∞ and error  = ||φr+1 − φr ||∞ .

where error denotes the error in the respective variables. The iteration scheme is stopped once the above-defined errors
approach the desired tolerance level, which for the present work, is set to be 10−8 . Plots for these errors are presented in
Fig. 2(a)–(d). From these figures, it is visualized that only six iterations are sufficient to achieve an accuracy level of 10−8 ,
and hence the method works well for the presented model.

6. Validation of approximate solution

In order to verify the present results, a comparison with the results obtained by Khan and Pop [61] is executed by dis-
carding extra parameters involved in the present mathematical model. Through Table 3, the comparison of present outcomes
of local Nusselt number and Sherwood number versus the specific controlling flow parameter Nt, with Khan and Pop is ex-
hibited by taking β → ∞, Bi1 → ∞, Bi2 → ∞, P r = 10, Sc = 10, Nb = 0.2. In this comparison, an appropriate similarity is
visualized, which assists us in validating the present results.

7. Analysis of entropy generation

Investigation of the entropy generation in any system is essential for measuring thermal energy’s irreversibility in the
system. If entropy is created in a system, it plays a significant role in reducing the desired energy. The present mathematical
model’s main objective is to minimize entropy generation for obtaining better outcomes by controlling various physical

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 2. Solution error for (a ) f (η ), (b) g(η ), (c ) θ (η ), (d ) φ (η ).

The entropy generation rate per unit volume of the present model can be stated mathematically as follows

  2  2  2
1 16σ ∗ T 3 ∂T μn f  1 ∂u ∂w μn f  1  2 
EG = κn f + + 1 + + + 1+ u + w2
T∞2 3α ∗ ∂y T∞ β ∂y ∂y k p T∞ β
σ B2 (t )  2  RDB ∂ C 2 RDB ∂ T ∂C
+ u + w2 + + . (29)
(1 + m )T∞
2 C∞ ∂ y T∞ ∂ y ∂y

The non-dimensional form of entropy generation is expressed as

2 y
EG T∞ η
NG = =  2 EG (30)
EG0 κn f T f − T∞
κn f T f −T∞
where EG0 =  2 .
2 y
T∞ η

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Utilizing the similarity transformation, the non-dimensional entropy generation can be obtained in the following form
 MBr   2 2   1 Br   2  2   1 Br   2 2 

NG = 1 + {θ (tr − 1 ) + 1}3 θ 2+   f +g + 1+ f +g + 1+ f +g
! 3
"# $ 1 + m2 α1 β α1 β α1
NGT ! "# $
% &
α22 L  2 Lα2  
+ φ + φθ (31)
α2 α1
! 1 "# $

μ u2 μ a2 x2 T f −T∞
where Brinkman number Br = κ n fwT = nf
 , dimensionless temperature ratio variable α1 =
T∞ ,
nf (1−γ t )2 κn f T f −T∞
C f −C∞
less concentration ratio variable α2 =
C∞ , diffusive variable L = κn f . , NG is total entropy generation of the system,
NGT is entropy generation number due to heat transfer including thermal radiation, NGF F defines entropy generation num-
ber due to fluid friction including the impact of externally applied magnetic field and porous permeability, NGM denotes
entropy generation number due to mass transfer.
A significant parameter used in the analysis of entropy generation is Bejan number. The dimensionless Bejan number is
given by
NGT NGT Entropy generation due to heat transfer
Be = = = . (32)
NG NGT + NGF F + NGM Total entropy generation
From Eq. (32), it is clear that the Bejan number ranges from 0 to 1. If Be 0.5, the entropy generation due to fluid fric-
tion irreversibility becomes dominant, whereas, if Be 0.5, the entropy generation due to heat transfer irreversibility is
dominating. For Be = 0.5, the heat transfer irreversibility and fluid friction irreversibility are equal.

8. Results and discussion

The present model of the physical problem is governed by a set of time and space dependent highly nonlinear cou-
pled partial differential equations containing momentum equation, energy equation and concentration equation along with
appropriate boundary conditions. Suitable similarity transformations are utilized to obtain a set of nonlinear coupled or-
dinary differential equations and robust numerical technique, namely, the spectral quasi-linearization method (SQLM) is
used to solve these nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations subject to the relevant boundary conditions. The so-
lutions for the momentum, thermal and concentration boundary layers are derived using the SQLM technique described
briefly in Section 4. From physical point of view, the effects of specific flow controlling parameters on velocity, tempera-
ture, concentration, entropy generation number and Bejan number profiles together with the physical quantities of engi-
neering interests, such as local skin friction coefficients in x and z directions (C f x Re1x /2 and C f z Rex2 ), local Nusselt number
(Nux Re−1
), and local Sherwood number (Shx Re−1
) are illustrated and displayed graphical and tabular forms. In order to
present a parametric study, the default values of pertinent flow controlling parameters involved in governing equations are
chosen as Bi1 = 3, Bi2 = 2,  = o.2, F = 0.5, A = 0.1, M = 5, m = 0.5, β = 0.3, Nr = 0.5, P r = 6, α1 = 1.8, Sc = 1.5, Nb =
0.2, Nt = 0.1, λ1 = 7, λ2 = 5, E = 5, n1 = 0.5, σr = 4.5, Br = 0.4, L = 1, α2 = 1, Ec = 0.1 and α = 0.1 until otherwise spec-
ified particularly.

8.1. Nanofluid velocity profiles

Figs. 3–9 elaborate the influence of several specific parameters on velocity distribution. Fig. 3(a) displays that the mag-
netic parameter declines the velocity profile in x-direction, whereas Figure reffig3(b) tends to increase the transverse ve-
locity near the sheet. However, at a certain distance from the sheet, the transverse velocity is decreased gradually within
the boundary layer with the increment in the magnetic parameter. The applied magnetic field in an electrically conducting
nanofluid generates a resistive force called Lorentz force, which slows down Casson nanofluid’s motion within the boundary
layer. Hall current parameter accelerates velocity components in x and z directions as shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b). Physically,
the presence of Hall current retards the conflicting force produced by the applied magnetic field, due to which the motion
of Casson nanofluid accelerates. Fig. 5(a) portraits that the Casson parameter resists the nanofluid motion in x- direction.
On the contrary, the transverse velocity increases substantially near the sheet up to a certain height of boundary layer, and
then it decreases sharply within the boundary layer away from the sheet as presented in Fig. 5(b). Consequently, the Casson
parameter’s larger values enhance plastic dynamic viscosity, diminishing the yield stress due to which motion of Casson
nanofluid declines. Fig. 6(a) and (b) demonstrate the influence of porosity parameter on velocity profiles. The porosity pa-
rameter defines the permeability of the porous medium. Permeability refers to the ability of a porous medium to let fluid
flow through it. Hence, increasing the porosity parameter  means increasing the number of holes in the porous sheet,
which generates resistance in the flow path due to the relation of porosity parameter with frictional force and substantial
drag force caused retardation of overall Casson nanofluid motion. Subsequently, the momentum boundary layer becomes

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 3. Impact of M on (a) f (η ), (b) g(η ).

Fig. 4. Impact of m on (a) f (η ), (b) g(η ).

thinner. Moreover, it is evident from Fig. 7(a) and (b) that the parameter F has an adverse effect on velocity distribution.
Inertia coefficient is deeply related to drag force. A higher estimation of inertia parameter F known as the Forchheimer
parameter creates intensive resistance in nanofluid motion, leading to retardation in the nanofluid motion. Furthermore, the
impact of thermal buoyancy parameter λ1 and concentration buoyancy parameter λ2 on velocity distribution in x and z di-
rections is depicted prominently through the Fig. 8(a), (b) and 9(a), (b), respectively. The parameters λ1 and λ2 are directly
proportional to thermal Grashof number and solutal Grashof number, respectively. Consequently, thermal Grashof number
Gr and solutal Grashof number Gr ∗ indicate the ratio of thermal buoyancy force to viscous force and the ratio of solutal
buoyancy force to viscous force, respectively, which clarifies that an increment in either of Gr or Gr ∗ upsurges the buoyancy
force resulting in enhancement of velocity components in x and z directions. As a result, the momentum boundary layer
thickens significantly.

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 5. Impact of β on (a) f (η ), (b) g(η ).

Fig. 6. Impact of  on (a) f (η ), (b) g(η ).

8.2. Nanofluid temperature profiles

Fig. 10 (a) to (b) and 11(a) to (b) display the impact of disparate values of pertinent flow parameters on Casson nanofluid
temperature profiles within the thermal boundary layer. Fig. 10(a) suggests that magnetic parameter has a favorable impact
on temperature distribution. Generally, an externally applied magnetic field enables increased Ohmic heating, which refers
to an increase in energy dissipation through Lorentz force, and as a result of this, the temperature rises. It can be witnessed
from Fig. 10(b) that the nanofluid temperature gets decreased under the increment of the Casson parameter. Increasing the
Casson parameter diminishes the yield stress, resulting in declining the thermal boundary layer thickness. It is evident from

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 7. Impact of F on (a) f (η ), (b) g(η ).

Fig. 8. Impact of λ1 on (a) f (η ), (b) g(η ).

Fig. 10(c) that the Eckert number leads to augment temperature in higher quantity within the boundary layer. The Eckert
number is the ratio of kinetic energy to the enthalpy. Hence, with a small increment in the Eckert number, dissipative heat
is generated in the fluid due to friction between two adjacent electrically conducting fluid layers through viscous and Ohmic
heating. As a result, temperature increases noticeably, which increases the thermal boundary layer thickness significantly.
Fig. 10(d) demonstrates that an increase in the Prandtl number causes the temperature to drop sharply within the bound-

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 9. Impact of λ2 on (a) f (η ), (b) g(η ).

ary layer region. The Prandtl number measures the ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity. On increasing the
Prandtl number, momentum diffusivity becomes high, and thermal diffusivity lowers. As a result, lower thermal diffusivity
decays the nanofluid temperature, due to which thermal boundary layer thickness becomes thinner. Fig. 11(a) shows that
parameter Nt rises the temperature within the overall boundary layer. Physically, an increment in Nt is associated with the
presence of a thermophoretic phenomenon. Thermophoresis is one type of particle motion under the influence of applied
thermal gradients. Increasing values of parameter Nt refers that the nanoparticles transfer their kinetic energy from hotter
side to the cooler side within the boundary layer region due to diffusion of particles caused by the thermophoretic effect,
which results in heating of the region. As a result, the thickness of the thermal boundary layer gets increased. Furthermore,
it can be observed from the Fig. 11(b) that Brownian motion parameter Nb acts as an assisting parameter to the tempera-
ture distribution throughout the boundary layer. Brownian motion is a random motion of particles suspended in the fluid.
Physically heat is generated in the flow region due to an increment in Brownian diffusion with increasing collisions between
fluid particles. Thus temperature increases, and the thermal boundary layer becomes thicker. As per Fig. 11(c), it is inferred
that the thermal radiation parameter Nr is responsible for raising the temperature in high quantity within the boundary
layer region. The strength of thermal radiation enables the retard of the absorption coefficient so that thermal radiation
performs an important role in the case of surface heat transfer. In contrast, the convective heat transfer coefficient becomes
smaller, which results in the increment of the temperature within the overall boundary layer. Fig. 11(d) demonstrates that
the thermal Biot number Bi1 has an increasing effect on the temperature profile. Generally, raising the thermal Biot number
is responsible for declining the sheet’s surface’s thermal resistance and causes to strengthen the convective heat transfer.
As a result, the temperature gets increased, and the thermal boundary layer becomes thicker. However, it is perceived from
Fig. 11(c) that porosity parameter  makes an increase in the nanofluid temperature profile. Physically, the porosity param-
eter’s intensity produces effective resistance on the overall Casson nanofluid motion. This resistive force is the main reason
for increasing temperature, which results in thickening the thermal boundary layer. Moreover, it can be concluded from
Fig. 11(f) that a little change in Brinkman number creates prominent enhancement in temperature and thermal boundary
layer thickness. From a physical point of view, it is inferred that on increasing the Brinkmann number, the energy dissi-
pation, due to the viscosity of nanofluid, permeability of the medium, and the applied magnetic field, contributes extra
thermal energy, which in turn plays a significant role to rise the nanofluid temperature.

8.3. Nanofluid concentration profiles

Fig. 12(a)–(b) are portrayed to depict the impacts of disparate values of specific flow parameters on the nanoparticle
concentration profiles throughout the boundary layer region. It is ascertained from Fig. 12(a) that Nt tends to enhance
the overall boundary layer region’s concentration distribution. Physical reason behind this trend of Nt is the rise in tem-
perature difference with a growing thermophoretic parameter, which raises the nanofluid molecular kinetic energy. Also,
thermophoresis is a phenomenon that leads to the occurrence of diffusion under the impact of a temperature gradient. Gen-
erally, as the thermophoretic parameter dominates, a severe diffusion of nanoparticles is created in the base fluid, causing

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 10. Impact of (a ) M, (b) β , (c ) Ec, (d ) Pr on temperature distribution.

an increase in concentration. As a result of which the thickness of the nanoparticle concentration boundary layer improves.
Moreover, the decreasing behavior of Brownian motion parameter Nb towards concentration profile can be noticed through
the Fig. 12(b). Physically, the Brownian motion of the nanoparticles tends to warm up the fluid within the boundary layer
region and motivates the particles to move away from the fluid flow regime towards the surface, due to which concen-
tration of the nanoparticles diminishes, and with this, the concentration boundary layer becomes thinner. It is clear from
Fig. 12(c) that the solutal Biot number Bi2 promotes the nanoparticle concentration up to a certain distance from the sheet;

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 11. Impact of (a ) Nt, (b) Nb, (c ) Nr, (d ) Bi1 , (e ) , ( f ) Br on temperature distribution.

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 12. Impact of (a ) Nt, (b) Nb, (c ) Bi2 , (d ) E, (e ) σr on concentration distribution.

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 13. Impact of Br on (a ) NG , (b) Be.

beyond that, there is a negligible variation of concentration distribution visualized within the boundary layer region under
the increment of solutal Biot number. It is perceived that larger Bi2 enables increasing the rate of mass transfer to en-
hance concentration. Interestingly, the increasing trend of activation energy E on the concentration profiles is seen through
 T 12
n1(d). The
 a reason
 behind the increase in concentration is that the increment in E reduces modified Arrhenius function
T∞ exp −E
K ∗ T , as a result, the generated chemical reaction gets stronger and the thickness of concentration boundary
layer is enhanced. However, the chemical reaction parameter σr has an adverse impact on the concentration and its asso-
ciated layer, as noticed in Fig. 12(e). Physically, the strength of chemical reaction rises due to larger values of the chemical
reaction parameter, resulting in the decrement of concentration and related boundary layer thickness.

8.4. Entropy generation and bejan number

Figs. 13–19 explore the effect of pertinent parameters on the entropy generation and Bejan number. Figs. 13(a) and 14(a)
elaborate that the entropy generation rate is an increasing function of the Brinkman number, whereas the Bejan number is a
decreasing function of the Brinkman number. Brinkman number is the ratio of heat produced by viscous dissipation to heat
transported by molecular conduction. Physically, increasing the Brinkman number, the heat conduction rate generated due
to viscous dissipation depreciate, which is the main cause of the increase in the entropy generation rate. Moreover, the total
entropy generation rate rises due to an increment in Brinkman number, leading to a decline in the Bejan number. Fig. 14(a)
exhibits that entropy generation rate gets augmented substantially in the proximity of the sheet; after a little distance
from the sheet, it is diminished significantly under the impact of increasing Prandtl number. From a physical aspect, it
is concluded that the Prandtl number tends to decay temperature prominently due to which entropy generation rate gets
decreased after a certain distance from the sheet. Fig. 14(d) shows that a higher Prandtl number forces an increment in
the Bejan number closer to the sheet, and then it tends the Bejan number to decline far from the sheet. It is because
of the fact that, on increasing the Prandtl number near the sheet, the heat transfer irreversibility dominates over fluid
friction irreversibility, resulting in the enhancement of Bejan number. However, away from the sheet, the viscous effect
is much greater than the heat transfer effect, which boosts the decay in the Bejan number. Fig. 15(a) and (b) illustrate
that the increasing thermal Biot number has an increasing tendency towards both entropy generation and Bejan number.
Physically, thermal Biot number intensifies the convective heat transfer rate, and as a result of this, more heat is produced,
which tends to raise the entropy generation NG . Consequently, the heat transfer irreversibility dominates over fluid friction
irreversibility under the rising impact of thermal Biot number, due to which the Bejan number upsurges. Fig. 16(a) and
(b) indicate that the solutal Biot number has a favorable impact on entropy generation rate, but a reverse impact on the
Bejan number can be witnessed. Solutal Biot number speeds up the rate of mass transfer, and as a result of this, NG gets
enhanced due to the increasing mass transfer irreversibility. Since the total entropy generation rate upgrades, the Bejan
number decays. However, Fig. 17(a) and (b) demonstrate that for larger values of Nt, NG decreases closer to the sheet;
however, after a certain distance from the sheet, NG gets elevated. On the contrary, the increasing trend of Nt reduces the
Bejan number. Because the thermophoretic force tends to move the particles from the hotter region to the colder region, it

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 14. Impact of Pr on (a ) NG , (b) Be .

Fig. 15. Impact of Bi1 on (a ) NG , (b) Be.

gets intensified for larger values of Nt, thus causing a boost in the entropy generation rate far from the sheet. It resembles
that the fluid friction irreversibility, including the impact of the applied strong magnetic field and the permeability, is more
significant than the heat transfer irreversibility due to the increasing influence of thermophoretic parameter, resulting in
the decrement of Bejan number. Fig. 18(a) and (b) examine the behavior of Nb on entropy generation and Bejan number,
and it is evident that NG is decreased in the vicinity of the sheet; however, after a certain distance from the sheet, NG
rises with larger values of Nb. A similar impact of Nb on the distribution of the Bejan number can be observed clearly. It
can be concluded that the enhancement in Nb speeds up the Brownian motion of nanoparticles, which is responsible for
transferring heat to the remote region due to which entropy generation augments away from the sheet. Basically, in the
neighborhood of the sheet, the entropy generation due to fluid friction irreversibility, including the impact of the applied
magnetic field and permeability, dominates over thermal irreversibility. However, after a certain distance from the sheet,

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 16. Impact of Bi2 on (a ) NG , (b) Be .

Fig. 17. Impact of Nt on (a ) NG , (b) Be.

the heat transfer irreversibility strengthens under the increment of Brownian motion. As a result, the Bejan number falls in
the proximity of the sheet, and then becomes larger away from the sheet. Furthermore, Fig. 19(a) and (b) are sketched to
describe the variation of entropy generation and Bejan number profiles against the multiple values of the activation energy
parameter E. When the activation energy becomes large, the entropy generation rate upgrades up to a certain distance from
the sheet, and after that, a negligible change can be noticed, whereas the graph of the Bejan number dwindles for increasing
activation energy. The increment in activation energy enhances nanoparticles’ concentration, resulting in the intensification
of mass transfer irreversibility due to which entropy generation rate strengthens near the sheet. Generally, total entropy
generation increases for rising activation energy, which leads to diminishing the Bejan number.

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Fig. 18. Impact of Nb on (a ) NG , (b) Be .

Fig. 19. Impact of E on (a ) NG , (b) Be .

8.5. Skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number

For engineering interest, the effect of different values of specific parameters on the numerical values of physical quan-
tities, such as, skin friction coefficients (C f x and C f z ), local Nusselt number and local Sherwood number, are elaborated in
Tables 1 and 2. From Tables 1 and 2, it is clearly noticed that the magnitude of skin friction coefficient in x direction is
an increasing function of A, m, β , Nr, Ec, F , λ1 , λ2 , Nt, Nb andE, while it is a decreasing function of M, P r, , σr and n1 . More-
over, it is quite evident that the parameters A, M, m, Nr, Ec, λ1 , λ2 , Nt and E have increasing trend towards the magnitude of
skin friction coefficient in z direction, whereas the reverse effect of the parameters β , P r, , F , Nb, σr and n1 on it can be

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Table 1  
Numerical values of skin friction coefficients C f x and C f z , Nusselt Number Nux , and Sherwood number Shx for σr = 4.5, λ1 = 7, λ2 = 5, α = 0.1, Nt =
0.1, Nb = 0.2, Sc = 1.5, F = 0.1, E = 5, tr = 2.8, and n1 = 0.5.
1 1 −1 −1
A M m β Nr Pr Ec  C f x Rex2 C f z Rex2 Nux Rex 2 Shx Rex 2

0.1 5 0.5 0.3 0.5 6 0.1 0.2 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.12 0.2233 1.4236 0.7587 0.9135
0.15 0.2425 1.4277 0.6796 0.9134
0.1 2 0.5 0.3 0.5 6 0.1 0.2 1.6693 0.7581 2.0945 0.8950
3 1.1617 1.0196 1.6437 0.9017
5 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.1 5 0.5 0.3 0.5 6 0.1 0.2 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.8 0.6399 1.8855 1.1713 0.9081
1 0.9160 2.0443 1.4079 0.9045
0.1 5 0.5 0.3 0.5 6 0.1 0.2 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.4 0.4181 1.3365 0.9412 0.9118
0.5 0.5313 1.2767 1.0186 0.9108
0.1 5 0.5 0.3 0.5 6 0.1 0.2 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.8 0.3942 1.4802 1.2981 0.9097
1 0.4833 1.5112 1.5722 0.9084
0.1 5 0.5 0.3 0.5 6 0.1 0.2 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
8 0.0959 1.3849 0.7122 0.9178
10 0.0137 1.3601 0.5786 0.9222
0.1 5 0.5 0.3 0.5 6 0.08 0.2 0.0537 1.3911 1.4327 0.8993
0.1 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.12 0.3790 1.4530 0.1163 0.9277
0.1 5 0.5 0.3 0.5 6 0.1 0.1 0.4342 1.4806 1.0021 0.9108
0.15 0.3220 1.4501 0.9056 0.9122
0.2 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136

Table 2  
Numerical values of skin friction coefficients C f x and C f z , Nusselt Number Nux , and Sherwood number Shx for A = 0.1, M = 5, m = 0.5, β = 0.3, Nr =
0.5, tr = 2.8, Ec = 0.1,  = 0.2, and α = 0.1.
1 1 −1 −1
F λ1 λ2 Nt Nb E σr n1 C f x Rex2 C f z Rex2 Nux Rex 2 Shx Rex 2

0.1 7 5 0.1 0.2 3 4.5 0.5 −0.0455 1.3960 0.8623 1.0530

0.2 −0.1015 1.3902 0.8691 1.0528
0.3 −0.1567 1.3846 0.8754 1.0526
0.1 7 5 0.1 0.2 5 4.5 0.5 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
8 0.8386 1.4818 0.6918 0.9191
9 1.4821 1.5440 0.5272 0.9255
0.1 7 5 0.1 0.2 5 4.5 0.5 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
6 0.3929 1.4342 0.7886 0.9148
7 0.5740 1.4474 0.7655 0.9160
0.1 7 5 0.1 0.2 5 4.5 0.5 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.2 0.2536 1.4477 0.6838 0.9488
0.3 0.2843 1.4717 0.5533 0.9853
0.1 7 5 0.1 0.1 5 4.5 0.5 0.2079 1.4376 0.8390 0.9450
0.2 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.3 0.2189 1.4164 0.7682 0.9038
0.1 7 5 0.1 0.2 5 4.5 0.5 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
6 0.3216 1.4312 0.7845 0.8556
7 0.4139 1.4395 0.7622 0.8077
0.1 7 5 0.1 0.2 5 4.5 0.5 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
5 0.1787 1.4181 0.8172 0.9315
6 0.1213 1.4131 0.8295 0.9640
0.1 7 5 0.1 0.2 5 4.5 0.5 0.2108 1.4209 0.8101 0.9136
0.8 0.1229 1.4138 0.8291 0.9655
1 0.0616 1.4089 0.8418 1.0030

witnessed prominently. However, the parameters m, β , Nr, F , σr and n1 assist in increasing the rate of heat transfer in mag-
nitude, but the parameters A, M, P r, Ec, , λ1 , λ2 , Nt, Nb, and E tend to slow down the rate of heat transfer. Definitely, the
parameters M, P r, Ec, , λ1 , λ2 , Nt, σr and n1 intensify the rate of mass transfer in magnitude, on the contrary, the opposing
nature of the parameters A, m, β , Nr, F , Nb and E on the rate of mass transfer is visualized.

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Table 3 −1 −1
Comparison of numerical values of Nux Rex 2 and Shx Rex 2 against Nt for β → ∞, Bi1 → ∞, Bi2 →
∞, Pr = 10, Sc = 10, Nb = 0.2.

Present results Khan and Pop [61]

−1 −1 −1 −1
Nt Nux Rex2
Shx Rex 2
Nux Rex 2 Nux Rex 2

0.1 0.5056 2.3819 0.5056 2.3819

0.2 0.3654 2.5152 0.3654 2.5152
0.3 0.2731 2.6555 0.2731 2.6555
0.4 0.2110 2.7818 0.2110 2.7818
0.5 0.1681 2.8883 0.1681 2.8883

Table 4
Numerical computations for linear regression coefficients and error bound for estimated C f x Re1x /2 .

M Cfx b1 b2 b3 b4 εC f x
0.8 −3.4960 −0.0001 −0.7019 0.0317 −0.5735 0.0228
1 −3.5910 −0.0001 −0.6857 0.0319 −0.5612 0.0233
1.2 −3.6845 −0.0001 −0.6703 0.0321 −0.5496 0.0237

9. Multiple regression analysis

In the present section, the skin friction coefficients in x and z directions C f x and C f z are estimated by the utilization of
linear multiple regression method. The approximated linear regression models for C f x Re1x /2 and C f z Re1x /2 is constructed as

C f xest = C f x + b1 λ1 + b2 A + b3 λ2 + b4 F (33)

C f zest = C f z + c1 A + c2 F (34)
where b1 , b2 , b3 and b4 are the linear regression coefficients corresponding to the parameters λ1 , A, λ2 and F , respec-
tively, of the linear regression model for C f x Re1x /2 , while c1 and c2 are the regression coefficients corresponding to the pa-
rameters A and F of the linear regression model for C f z Rex2 . For executing the linear regression model on skin friction
coefficient in x-direction, the values of C f x Re1x /2 are estimated for 100 sets of values of λ1 , A, λ2 and F taken randomly
from the intervals [1, 8], [0, 0.15], [1, 8]and [0.01, 0.4] , while the values of other parameters are assumed to be fixed. Simi-
larly, in order to carry out same model on skin friction coefficient in z-direction, the values of C f z Rex2 are estimated for 100
sets of values of A and F generated randomly from the intervals [0, 0.15] and [0.01, 0.4] , respectively, keeping the other
parameters as constant. The maximum relative errors εC f x and εC f z are defined as
 C f xest − C f x 
εC f x 
=  (35)
 C f zest − C f z 
εC f z 
= . (36)
Proceeding this way, the following linear regression model is obtained
C f xest = −3.4960 − 0.0 0 01λ1 − 0.7019A + 0.0317λ2 − 0.5735F (37)
where maximum relative error is around 2.28%.
From Table 4, it is visualized that on increasing magnetic parameter M, the coefficients of A, and F are greater than the
coefficients of other parameters in magnitude which signifies that a small variation in the parameters A, and F leads to a
large perturbation in C f x Re1x /2 as compared to the thermal and concentration buoyancy parameters. Since C f x and the coeffi-
cients of parameters A, F are negative, it can be concluded from equation (33) that the magnitude of skin friction coefficient
in x direction is an increasing function of A and F while parameter λ1 has negligible effect on the skin friction coefficient
in x direction. The same fact can be observed through Table 5 under the variation of Hall current parameter m. Table 6
displays that the coefficients of A, and F are positive and negative, respectively, under the variation of magnetic parameter.
Therefore, equation (34) clarifies that parameter A has increasing effect on skin friction coefficient in z direction whereas
a reverse effect of the parameter F on it can be noted. Since the values of coefficient of A are greater than the values of
coefficient of F in magnitude under the enhancement of magnetic parameter, a small change in the unsteadiness parameter
A enables a large variation in skin friction coefficient in z direction as compared to the inertia coefficient parameter F . Also,
a similar conclusion is drawn from Table 7 for the variation of Hall current parameter m. Apart from it, it can be concluded

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Table 5
Numerical computations for linear regression coefficients and error bound for estimated C f x Re1x /2 .

m Cfx b1 b2 b3 b4 εC f x
0.5 −3.8211 −0.0001 −0.6611 0.0324 −0.5362 0.0238
0.8 −3.6787 −0.0001 −0.6754 0.0321 −0.5513 0.0235
1 −3.5910 −0.0001 −0.6857 0.0319 −0.5612 0.0233

Table 6
Numerical computations for linear regression coefficients and error bound for
estimated C f z Re1x /2 .

M Cfz c1 c2 εC f z
1.5 0.1568 0.0209 −0.0113 0.0085
2 0.1989 0.0391 −0.0147 0.0134
2.3 0.2231 0.0523 −0.0169 0.0172

Table 7
Numerical computations for linear regression coefficients and error
bound for estimated C f z Re1x /2 .

m Cfz c1 c2 εC f z
0.1 0.1568 0.0209 −0.0113 0.0085
0.3 0.4406 0.0533 −0.0325 0.0112
0.5 0.6530 0.0658 −0.0492 0.0148

that the accuracy of linear regression estimation for the skin friction coefficient in z direction is more than the accuracy of
linear regression estimation for the skin friction coefficient in x-direction.
We now formulate the quadratic regression models to estimate the values of the reduced Nusselt number Nux Re−1 x
the reduced Sherwood number Shx Rex . The estimated quadratic regression models for these physical quantities can be
defined as
Nuest = Nu + a1 Nt + a2 Nb + a3 Nt 2 + a4 Nb2 + a5 NtN b (38)

Shest = Sh + d1 Nt + d2 Nb + d3 Nt 2 + d4 Nb2 + d5 NtN b + d6 A + d7 A2 + d8 ANt + d9 ANb (39)

where a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 and d1 , d2 , d3 , d4 , d5 , d6 , d7 , d8 , d9 are the coefficients of the quadratic regression models for
the reduced Nusselt number Nux Re−1 x
and the reduced Sherwood number Shx Re−1 x
, respectively. Here the values of re-
duced Nusselt number Nux Rex are approximated for 100 sets of values of Nt and N b which are randomly generated from
the interval [0.1, 0.3], whereas the values of other parameters are considered fixed. Moreover, to perform the quadratic
regression analysis on the reduced Sherwood number, the values of Shx Re−1 x
are computed for 100 sets of values of
Nt, N b and A generated arbitrarily from the intervals [0.1, 0.3], [0.1, 0.3] and [0, 0.15] respectively, where other parameters
are kept constant. The maximum relative errors εNu and εSh can then be defined as follows
 Nu − Nu 
εNu =  est  (40)
 Shest − Sh 

εSh =  . (41)
Proceeding in this way, the quadratic regression model is reduced to the following form
Nuest = 0.8435 − 0.0054Nt − 0.0104Nb + 0.0014Nt 2 + 0.0173Nb2 − 0.0184NtNb (42)

Shest = Sh + 0.0199Nt − 0.0220Nb − 0.0868Nt 2 + 0.0483Nb2 + 0.0249NtNb − 0.0244A − 0.0729A2

+ 0.1824ANt − 0.1095AN b (43)
with maximum relative error around 0.56%. It can be noticed through Tables 8 and 9 that as the magnetic parameter or
Eckert number enhances, the coefficients of Nt and N b become negative. From equation (42), it can be ascertained that the
thermophoretic parameter and Brownian motion parameter have adverse effects on the reduced Nusselt number Nux Re−1 x
Moreover, the values of the coefficient of Nb are greater than the values of the coefficients of Nt in magnitude which clarifies
that a slight change in Nb causes a substantial variation in the reduced Nusselt number Nux Re−1
in comparison to the Nt.
Apart from it, Tables 10 and 11 elaborate regression coefficients along with the maximum relative errors in the quadratic

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

Table 8
Numerical computations for quadratic regression coefficients and error bound for estimated Nux Re−1

M Nu a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 εNu
0.1 0.8435 −0.0054 −0.0104 0.0014 0.0173 −0.0184 0.0056
0.4 0.8172 −0.0058 −0.0099 0.0013 0.0162 −0.0172 0.0057
0.6 0.7993 −0.0060 −0.0096 0.0013 0.0154 −0.0164 0.0058

Table 9
Numerical computations for quadratic regression coefficients and error bound for estimated Nux Re−1

Ec Nu a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 εNu
0.1 0.8435 −0.0054 −0.0104 0.0014 0.0173 −0.0184 0.0056
0.2 0.7734 −0.0058 −0.0100 0.0014 0.0171 −0.0182 0.0061
0.3 0.6997 −0.0062 −0.0097 0.0014 0.0172 −0.0183 0.0068

Table 10
Numerical computations for quadratic regression coefficients and error bound for estimated Shx Re−1

M Sh d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 εSh
0.1 1.2787 0.0199 −0.0220 −0.0868 0.0483 0.0249 −0.0244 −0.0729 0.1824 −0.1095 0.0030
0.8 1.2782 0.0189 −0.0209 −0.0827 0.0458 0.0240 −0.0243 −0.0694 0.1735 −0.1041 0.0030

Table 11
Numerical computations for quadratic regression coefficients and error bound for estimated Shx Re−1

Ec Sh d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 εSh
0.1 1.2787 0.0199 −0.0220 −0.0868 0.0483 0.0249 −0.0244 −0.0729 0.1824 −0.1095 0.0030
0.2 1.2790 0.0213 −0.0236 −0.0930 0.0517 0.0267 −0.0245 −0.0780 0.1954 −0.1173 0.0030
0.4 1.2797 0.0247 −0.0273 −0.1079 0.0599 0.0311 −0.0248 −0.0903 0.2266 −0.1360 0.0031

regression estimation for the reduced Sherwood number Shx Re−1 x

under the influence of increasing magnetic parameter
and Eckert number, respectively. In both Tables, it is worthy to note that the coefficients of Nb and A are negative, while
the values of the coefficient of Nt are positive. From equation (43) it is prominently evident that the thermophoretic pa-
rameter has a tendency to increase the reduced Sherwood number Shx Re−1 x
, whereas the Brownian motion parameter and
unsteadiness parameter decline the reduced Sherwood number. It is a significant finding that the maximum relative error of
the quadratic regression estimation for the reduced Sherwood number is close to zero and the rate of approaching towards
this excellent accuracy level is faster than that of the quadratic regression estimation for the reduced Nusselt number.

10. Conclusions

The governing boundary layer equations consisting of highly nonlinear coupled partial differential equations are trans-
formed into nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations using a suitable similarity transformation. The resulting non-
linear coupled ordinary differential equations are solved numerically with the help of spectral quasi-linearization method
and Chebyshev spectral collocation method. The physical impact of several flow parameters on the flow-field is displayed
graphically and in tabular form. The noticeable outcomes of the present investigation are briefed below

• Both magnetic parameter and Casson parameter decelerate velocity components in x and z directions, but both of these
parameters are highly responsible for the acceleration of the velocity component in y-direction adjacent to the sheet.
Thermal and concentration buoyancy parameters along with Hall current parameter enable to speed up Casson nanofluid
motion throughout the boundary layer region, resulting in enhancement of the momentum boundary layer thickness.
On the contrary, porosity parameter and inertia parameter retard the nanofluid motion throughout the boundary layer
region due to which the momentum boundary layer becomes thinner.
• Magnetic parameter, Eckert number, Brownian motion, Brinkman number, thermophoretic diffusion, thermal radiation
parameter and thermal Biot number lead to a prominent rise in temperature distribution which results in thickening of
the thermal boundary layer, whereas the opposing behavior of Casson parameter on the temperature distribution can be
noticed, as a result of which the thermal boundary layer gets thinner.
• Brownian motion and chemical reaction parameter assist in the decay of species concentration throughout the boundary
layer region, which leads to dwindle the concentration boundary layer thickness. On the other hand, the increasing effect
of thermophoretic diffusion and activation energy on the species concentration is remarked evidently as a result of which
the thickness of concentration boundary layer is increased.

A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 125923

• It is worthy to note that that the solutal Biot number Bi2 improves the species concentration up to a certain distance
from the sheet, beyond that a negligible variation of concentration distribution can be seen within the boundary layer
region with further enhancement of solutal Biot number.
• The linear multiple regression analysis showed that the with the variation of externally applied magnetic field or of Hall
current, a small change in the parameters A and F causes a large perturbation in skin friction coefficient in x-direction
as compared to the thermal and concentration buoyancy parameters. On intensifying the impact of parameters A and F ,
the magnitude of skin friction coefficient in x- direction gets enhanced, while a negligible influence of thermal buoyancy
parameter on it is revealed.
• From linear multiple regression analysis it is quite evident that the skin friction coefficient in z-direction is an increasing
function of unsteadiness parameter, whereas a reverse trend with respect to the inertia parameter is observed. No matter
whether the magnetic parameter is increased or the impact of Hall current intensifies, a little change in the unsteadiness
parameter A makes a large variation in skin friction coefficient in z- direction as compared to the inertia coefficient
• Through quadratic multiple regression analysis, the adverse nature of Brownian motion and thermophoretic diffusion on
the reduced Nusselt number is noted. On the other hand, the favourable influence of thermophoretic diffusion on the
reduced Sherwood number takes place while a contradictory tendency of Brownian motion and unsteadiness parameter
to it is perceived.
• It is remarked that the parameters Br, Bi1 and Bi2 tend to augment the entropy generation. Thermal Biot number
leads towards an upgrade in Bejan number whereas an opposite pattern is demonstrated in case of parameters
Br, Nt, E and solutal Biot number Bi2 . It is worthy to indicate that the activation energy provides an upsurge in entropy
generation up to a certain distance from the sheet, after that a negligible effect of activation energy on it is seen. Apart
form it, both the thermophoretic diffusion and Brownian motion minimize entropy generation in the proximity of the
sheet and then speed-up the entropy generation rate away from the sheet.


R. Nandkeolyar is thankful to the Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Gov-
ernment of India for providing financial support vide File No. ECR/2017/0 0 0118/PMS. Ms. Anindita Sahoo thankfully acknowl-
edges the Research Fellowship received from the National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, India.


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