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Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed.

, 42(1), 127–142 (2021)


Regular perturbation solution of Couette flow (non-Newtonian)

between two parallel porous plates: a numerical analysis with

M. NAZEER1 , M. I. KHAN2 , S. KADRY3 , Yuming CHU4,5,† ,

1. Department of Mathematics, Institute of Arts and Sciences, Government College
University, Chiniot Campus, Faisalabad 35400, Pakistan;
2. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Riphah International University I-14,
Islamabad 44000, Pakistan;
3. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Beirut Arab University,
Beirut 11-5020, Lebanon;
4. Department of Mathematics, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, Zhejiang Province, China;
5. Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis in
Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114, China;
6. Department of Applied Sciences, National Textile University, Faisalabad 38000, Pakistan;
7. Chair of Production Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology,
University of Twente, Enschede 7500 AE, The Netherlands;
8. Department of Mathematics, Riphah Inernational Lniversity, Faisalabad Campus,
Faiselabad 38000, Pakistan
(Received May 26, 2020 / Revised Aug. 6, 2020)

Abstract The unavailability of wasted energy due to the irreversibility in the process
is called the entropy generation. An irreversible process is a process in which the entropy
of the system is increased. The second law of thermodynamics is used to define whether
the given system is reversible or irreversible. Here, our focus is how to reduce the entropy
of the system and maximize the capability of the system. There are many methods for
maximizing the capacity of heat transport. The constant pressure gradient or motion of
the wall can be used to increase the heat transfer rate and minimize the entropy. The
objective of this study is to analyze the heat and mass transfer of an Eyring-Powell fluid
in a porous channel. For this, we choose two different fluid models, namely, the plane
and generalized Couette flows. The flow is generated in the channel due to a pressure
gradient or with the moving of the upper lid. The present analysis shows the effects of

∗ Citation: NAZEER, M., KHAN, M. I., KADRY, S., CHU, Y. M., AHMAD, F., ALI, W., IRFAN,
M., and SHAHEEN, M. Regular perturbation solution of Couette flow (non-Newtonian) between two
parallel porous plates: a numerical analysis with irreversibility. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
(English Edition), 42(1), 127–142 (2021)
† Corresponding author, E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11971142, 11871202,
61673169, 11701176, 11626101, and 11601485)
c Author(s) 2021
128 M. NAZEER et al.

the fluid parameters on the velocity, the temperature, the entropy generation, and the
Bejan number. The nonlinear boundary value problem of the flow problem is solved
with the help of the regular perturbation method. To validate the perturbation solution,
a numerical solution is also obtained with the help of the built-in command NDSolve
of MATHEMATICA 11.0. The velocity profile shows the shear thickening behavior via
first-order Eyring-Powell parameters. It is also observed that the profile of the Bejan
number has a decreasing trend against the Brinkman number. When ηi → 0 (i = 1, 2, 3),
the Eyring-Powell fluid is transformed into a Newtonian fluid.
Key words Couette flow, Eyring-Powell fluid, entropy generation, perturbation method,
Bejan number
Chinese Library Classification O361
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification 76A05, 76A10, 76Rxx, 76Wxx

1 Introduction

The study in non-Newtonian fluids gets much attention of researchers due to its great im-
portance in medical sciences, industries, and biological outcomes. It plays a vital role in bubble
absorption, boiling, and polymer and plastic foam manufacturing. The relation between the
stress and strain is more complex in non-Newtonian fluids as compared with that in Newto-
nian fluids. Further, these fluids deviate from Newton’s law of viscosity. The nature of the
non-Newtonian fluids cannot be understood from the single constitutive equation due to its
complexity. Due to this fact, various non-Newtonian constitutive models have been presented
by scientists and researchers such as the Sisko-fluid model, the Casson fluid model, the FENE-P
fluid model, the Power-law fluid model, the viscoelastic fluid model, the micropolar fluid model,
and the Eyring-Powell fluid model[1–10] . Ogunseye and Sibanda[11] worked on the Eyring-Powell
fluid model subject to various boundary constraints. First, this fluid model is derived from the
kinetic theory of fluids rather than the empirical relation. Second, this fluid model can be
reduced into a Newtonian fluid in a certain shear rate. The model of an Eyring-Powell fluid
can be used to formulate the flow of modern industrial materials such as ethylene glycol and
powder graphite. The heat and mass transfer of an Eyring-Powell fluid in the channels and
pipes has been studied by many researchers. Ali et al.[12] discussed the heat and mass transfer
of an Eyring-Powell fluid in a pipe under the effect of viscous dissipation. They used the per-
turbation and shooting methods to handle the nonlinear boundary-value problems. The effect
of variable viscosity on the Eyring-Powell fluid was analyzed by Nazeer et al.[13–14] . They used
numerical and analytical techniques to solve the non-dimensional equations. The flow and heat
transfer of an Eyring-Powell fluid in a porous channel was investigated by Khan et al.[15] . They
used the homotopy analysis method and the shooting method based on Newton’s Raphson
method to obtain the solution to the problem. Riaz et al.[16] analyzed the effect of heat and
mass transfer of an Eyring-Powell fluid within a rectangular complaint channel. They used
the perturbation method to find the analytical expression of velocity and temperature fields.
Waqas et al.[17] used the generalized Fourier’s and Fick’s laws to discuss the heat and mass
transfer of an Eyring-Powell fluid over a stretching cylinder.
Recently, the major challenge in various industrial processes is the loss of energy. The
attention of many researchers has been shifted towards the entropy generation in the flow of
non-Newtonian fluids. The applications of entropy generation can be found in heat exchanger
pumps and electronic cooling systems. Scientists and engineers are working to find methods on
how to control the wastage of useful energy. For this, the second law of thermodynamics is the
best, accurate, and eminent tool for optimizing a given system. According to Bejan[18] , various
investigations have been presented and available in the literature to minimize the entropy
generation based on the second law of thermodynamics. For this, Sivaraj and Sheremet[19]
analyzed the free convection flow with the effect of entropy generation of magnetohydrodynamic
Regular perturbation solution of Couette flow (non-Newtonian) 129

(MHD) ferrofluids in a conduit which was heated from the bottom side. They used the finite
difference scheme to solve the given nonlinear partial differential equations, and concluded that
the mean heat transfer rate and mean entropy generation have the inverse relation via the
magnetic parameter. The effect of the periodic magnetic field on the natural convection flow
and entropy generation on a ferrofluid was investigated by Mehryan et al.[20] . The finite element
method was used to solve the highly nonlinear boundary value problem. They observed that
the mean heat transfer rate and the mean entropy generation of the uniform magnetic field
are lower than the periodic magnetic field. Ganesh et al.[21] used the second-order thermal slip
condition and entropy generation to investigate the buoyancy-driven flow of viscous fluid over
a stretching surface.
Motivated by the above work, the research on entropy generation on the plane and gener-
alized Couette flows of an Eyring-Powell fluid in a porous channel was carried out for the first
time. We consider two flow phenomena, namely, the plane and generalized Couette flows, and
calculate the velocity distribution, the temperature field, the entropy, and the Bejan numbers,
separately with the help of the analytical and numerical approaches. For the analytical ap-
proach, we pick the perturbation method to solve both the systems. The built-in command of
NDSolve in MATHEMATICA is chosen to validate the analytical solution. The computational
results of both flow phenomena are discussed in a graphical form.

2 Mathematical formulations with geometry

Let us consider the two-type flows, namely, the plane and generalized Couette flows of the
Eyring-Powell fluid in a horizontal porous channel, as shown in Fig. 1. The distance between the
lower plate and the upper plate is 2H, in which the lower and upper plates are set at y = −H,
and y = H, respectively. It is assumed that the lower plate is maintained with the temperature
θ1 , and the upper plate has a temperature θ2 . The dimensionless equations for the given flow
problem with the boundary conditions are given as follows.

Fig. 1 Geometry of given problem

The component of the extra tensor of an Eyring-Powell fluid[22] is given by

∂u 1  1 ∂u 
τxy = μ + arcsin , (1)
∂y γ C ∂y
where μ is called the dynamic velocity, and γ and C are known as the material fluid parameters.
Use the Taylor’s series expansion as
 1 ∂u  1 ∂u 1  1 ∂u 3  1 ∂u 
arcsin = − ,    1. (2)
C ∂y C ∂y 6 C ∂y C ∂y
The continuity equation is
= 0. (3)
130 M. NAZEER et al.

The equation of motion is

∂τxy ∂u ∂p
+ ρv0 − = 0. (4)
∂y ∂y ∂x
The energy equation is

∂2θ ∂u ∂θ
k + τxy + ρCP v0 = 0. (5)
∂y 2 ∂y ∂y
Substituting Eq. (2) into Eqs. (4)–(5), we obtain the new forms of Eqs. (4)–(5) as
∂  ∂u 1  1 ∂u 1  1 ∂u 3  ∂u ∂p
μ + − + ρv0 − = 0, (6)
∂y ∂y γ C ∂y 6 C ∂y ∂y ∂x
∂2θ ∂θ ∂u  ∂u 1  1 ∂u 1  1 ∂u 3 
k 2 + ρCP v0 + μ + − = 0, (7)
∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y γ C ∂y 6 C ∂y
where ρ, p, k, and CP indicate the density, the pressure, the thermal conductivity, and the
specific heat, respectively. The boundary conditions are given by

u = 0, θ = θ1 at y = −H,
u = U0 , θ = θ2 at y = H,

where U0 , θ1 , and θ2 are called the velocity of moving plate and the temperatures of the lower
and upper walls of the channel, respectively.
To convert the above system of equations into a dimensionless form, we use the following
dimensionless quantities:
y u θ − θ1
ξ= , U= , T = . (9)
H U0 θ 2 − θ1
With the help of the above equation, we obtain the dimensionless equations with the boundary
conditions as
= 0, (10)
d2 U  dU 2
d2 U dU
(1 + η1 ) 2 + Re − η2 2 + Px = 0, (11)
dξ dξ dξ dξ
d2 θ dθ   dU 2 η  dU 4 
+ P e + Br (1 + η1 ) − = 0, (12)
dξ 2 dξ dξ 6 dξ
U (−1) = 0, U (1) = 1, T (−1) = 0, T (1) = 1, (13)

1 η1 v02 ρv0 CP μv02 v02
η1 = , η2 = , Pe = , Br = , η3 = .
μγC 2H 2 C 2 k k(θ2 − θ1 )H 2 μγC 3 H 2

3 Plane Couette flow

In 1890, a French physicist Maurice Couette presented the concept of flow between two
concentric cylinders to measure the viscosity of the fluids with the help of viscosimeter. This
flow is commonly used to account the dynamic viscosity between the two-concentric cylinder
and parallel plates. The plane Couette flow gives the simplest and easiest model to understand
the phenomenon of heat and mass transfer between co-axial infinite (finite) cylinders or parallel
channels. This type of flow is very important in lubrication, food processing, and polymer
Regular perturbation solution of Couette flow (non-Newtonian) 131

solutions. The Couette flow is also known as a simple shear flow because it predicts the
uniform shear stress distribution. In this flow, the velocity shows a linear relationship for
the laminar flow’s regime. In the plane Couette flow, both the boundaries (channel) have a
different velocity. In our model, the fluid flows between two parallel porous plates due to the
motion of the upper plate with the uniform velocity U0 (moving along the x-axis direction),
and the pressure gradient is zero. The equations of motion and energy for the present flow
situation are given by

d2 U dU d2 U  dU 2
(1 + η1 ) + Re − η 2 = 0, (14)
dξ 2 dξ dξ 2 dξ
d2 θ dθ   dU 2 η  dU 4 
+ P e + Br (1 + η1 ) − = 0, (15)
dξ 2 dξ dξ 6 dξ
U (−1) = 0, U (1) = 1, T (−1) = 0, T (1) = 1. (16)

Since an exact solution of the above developed system is not possible, to find the approx-
imate analytical solution, we use the regular perturbation method taking ε as a perturbation
parameter. For the continuous and convergent solution, we should have 0 < ε  1[23] . The
small values of the Brinkman number and the first-order non-dimensional Eyring-Powell param-
eter facilitate us to find the approximate analytical solution of the given problem. For this, we
assume the velocity and temperature in the term of formal power series of εn (n = 0, 1, 2, · · · ).

U = U0 + εU1 + O(ε2 ), T = T0 + εT1 + O(ε2 ), η2 = ελ, Br = εδ. (17)

Substituting Eq. (17) into Eqs. (14)–(16), we obtain the following zeroth- and first-order
systems of ordinary equations with boundary conditions.
O(ε0 ):

d2 U0 dU0
(1 + η1 ) 2
+ Re = 0, (18)
dξ dξ
d2 T0 dT0
+ Pe = 0, (19)
dξ dξ
U0 (−1) = 0, U0 (1) = 1, T0 (−1) = 0, T0 (1) = 1. (20)

O(ε1 ):

d2 U1 dU1  dU 2  d2 U 
0 0
(1 + η1 ) + Re −λ = 0, (21)
dξ2 dξ dξ dξ 2
d2 T1 dT1   dU 2 η  dU 4 
0 3 0
+ P e + δ (1 + η1 ) − = 0, (22)
dξ 2 dξ dξ 3 dξ
U1 (−1) = U1 (1) = 0, T1 (−1) = T1 (1) = 0. (23)

Using the values of the constants of integration into Eq. (12) and some simplification, we
U0 = λ0 + λ1 e (1+η1 )
. (24)

To find the values of constants of integration, we have the imposed boundary conditions
(23) and obtain
Reξ 3Re(−1+ξ)
− (1+η −
U1 = λ2 + λ3 e 1) + λ4 e (1+η1 )
. (25)
132 M. NAZEER et al.

Combining the solution of the velocity profile, we obtain the final expression of the velocity
profile in the original parameters as
Re−Reξ Reξ
− (1+η Reξ
− (1+η − 3Re(−1+ξ)
U = λ0 + λ1 e (1+η1 )
+ λ2 + λ3 e 1) + λ2 + λ3 e 1) + λ4 e (1+η )
1 . (26)

Putting the values of the constants of integration and making some simplification, we obtain

T0 = χ0 + χ1 e−P eξ . (27)

Solving the system of the temperature profile of order ε, we have

 − 2Re(−1+ξ) − 4Re(−1+ξ) 
T1 = δ χ2 + χ3 e−P eξ + χ4 e (1+η1 ) + χ5 e (1+η1 ) . (28)

Combining the solution of the velocity profile, we obtain the final version of the temperature
profile as follows:
 − 2Re(−1+ξ) − 4Re(−1+ξ) 
T = χ0 + χ1 e−P eξ + Br χ2 + χ3 e−P eξ + χ4 e (1+η1 ) + χ5 e (1+η1 ) . (29)

3.1 Entropy generation and Bejan number of plane Couette flow

The normalized form of the total entropy number is given by
 dT 2 Br  η3  dU 2  dU 2
Ns = + (1 + η1 ) − . (30)
dξ Ω 6 dξ dξ

The first term in the above equation is due to heat generation and is denoted by Ns1 , while the
second term comes due to viscous dissipation and is denoted by Ns2 , i.e.,
 dT 2 Br  η3  dU 2  dU 2
Ns1 = , Ns2 = (1 + η1 ) − . (31)
dξ Ω 6 dξ dξ

The analytical expressions of both terms are given by

  − Reξ − 2Re(−1+ξ) − 4Re(−1+ξ) 2
Ns1 = e−P eξ χ6 + η3 Re e (1+η1 ) χ7 + e (1+η1 ) χ8 + e (1+η1 ) χ9 ,
Br   Re−Reξ − Reξ − 3Re(−1+ξ) 2
Ns2 = (1 + η1 ) e (1+η1 ) λ5 + e (1+η1 ) λ6 + e (1+η1 ) λ7
η3  Re−Reξ − Reξ − 3Re(−1+ξ) 4 
− e (1+η1 ) λ5 + e (1+η1 ) λ6 + e (1+η1 ) λ7 .
The total entropy number is defined by Ns = Ns1 + Ns2 .
The relation for the Bejan number is defined by

Be = . (32)
Ns1 + Ns2

4 Generalized Couette flow

This physical model is similar to the previous flow model, i.e., the plane Couette flow. The
difference between this model and the previous one is the pressure gradient. In the previous
case, the fluid flows due to the motion of the upper plate, and the pressure gradient is zero.
However, in this scenario, the pressure gradient is not zero. The upper plate is heated, and
the lower one is cold, which is similar to the previous case. With the help of the perturbation
technique, we obtain the system of each order as follows.
Regular perturbation solution of Couette flow (non-Newtonian) 133

O(ε0 ):
d2 U0 dU0
(1 + η1 ) + Re + Px = 0, (33)
dξ 2 dξ
d2 T0 dT0
+ Pe = 0, (34)
dξ 2 dξ
U0 (−1) = 0, U0 (1) = 1, T0 (−1) = 0, T0 (1) = 1. (35)
O(ε ) :
d2 U1 dU1  dU 2  d2 U 
0 0
(1 + η1 ) + Re − λ = 0, (36)
dξ 2 dξ dξ dξ 2
d2 T1 dT1   dU 2 η  dU 4 
0 3 0
+ P e + δ (1 + η1 ) − = 0, (37)
dξ 2 dξ dξ 6 dξ
U1 (−1) = U1 (1) = 0, T1 (−1) = T (1) = 0. (38)
Using the values of the constants of integration and making some simplification, we obtain

U0 = λ8 + λ9 ξ + λ10 e− L . (39)
To find the values of constants of integration, we impose the conditions and obtain
Reξ Reξ Reξ 2Reξ 3Reξ
− (1+η − (1+η − (1+η − (1+η − (1+η
U1 = λ11 + λ12 e 1) + λ13 e 1 )
+ λ14 e 1) ξ + λ15 e 1)
+ λ16 e 1)
. (40)
Combining the solution of the velocity profile, we obtain the final version of the velocity profile
as follows:
Reξ Reξ Reξ
− (1+η − (1+η − (1+η
U =λ8 + λ9 ξ + λ10 e 1) + λ11 + λ12 e ) 1 + λ13 e 1)

Reξ 2Reξ 3Reξ

− (1+η − (1+η − (1+η
+ λ14 e 1) ξ + λ15 e 1) + λ16 e 1) . (41)
By using the boundary conditions, we have the values of constants as follows:
T0 = χ10 + χ11 e−P eξ . (42)
Solving the system of the temperature profile of order ε, we obtain
 − Reξ − 2Reξ − 3Reξ − 4Reξ 
T1 = δ χ12 +χ13 e−P eξ +χ14 ξ+χ15 e (1+η1 ) +χ16 e (1+η1 ) +χ17 e (1+η1 ) +χ18 e (1+η1 ) . (43)
Combining the solution of the velocity profile, we obtain the final version of the temperature
profile as follows:
 − Reξ
T =χ10 +χ11 e−P eξ + Br χ12 + χ13 e−P eξ + χ14 ξ + χ15 e (1+η1 )
− 2Reξ − 3Reξ − 4Reξ 
+ χ16 e (1+η1 ) + χ17 e (1+η1 ) + χ18 e (1+η1 ) . (44)
4.1 Entropy generation and Bejan number of generalized Couette flow
The entropy numbers for the generalized Couette flow given by
Reξ 2Reξ
− (1+η − (1+η
Ns1 = (e−P eξ χ19 + Br(χ14 + e−P eξ χ20 + e 1) χ21 + e )1 χ22
3Reξ 4Reξ
− (1+η − (1+η
+e 1) χ23 + e 1) χ24 ))2 , (45)
Reξ Reξ Reξ Reξ
− (1+η − (1+η − (1+η − (1+η
Ns2 = (1 + η1 )(λ9 + e 1) λ14 + e 1) λ17 + e 1) λ18 + e 1) λ19
Reξ 2Reξ 3Reξ
− (1+η − (1+η 2 − (1+η
+e 1 ) ξλ 1 λ ) 1 λ )
20 + e 21 + e 22 )
1 − Reξ − Reξ − Reξ − Reξ
− η3 (λ9 + e (1+η1 ) λ14 + e (1+η1 ) λ17 + e (1+η1 ) λ18 + e (1+η1 ) λ19
Reξ 2Reξ 3Reξ
− (1+η − (1+η − (1+η
+e 1) ξλ20 + e )1 λ21 + e )1 λ22 )4 . (46)
134 M. NAZEER et al.

The relation for the Bejan number is defined by Be = Ns1 /(Ns1 + Ns2 ).

5 Comparison with previous study

We compare our results with the results of Gupta and Massoudi[24] for the case of uniform
viscosity model. Gupta and Massoudi[24] discussed the plane Couette flow of generalized second
grade fluid between two heated walls for the case of Newtonian m = 0 and non-Newtonian m = 0
fluids under the consideration of constant and variable viscosity models. They set their plates
at y = 0 and y = H, respectively. For comparison purpose, we set our channels at y = 0 and
y = H. We present the values of velocity and temperature gradients for the Newtonian case
against the variations of pressure gradient and viscous dissipation parameters in Table 1, and
note that our solutions and those of Gupta and Massoudi[24] agree with each other.
Table 1 Comparison with Gupta and Massoudi[24] , when m = η1 = η2 = η3 = Re = P e = 0
Gupta and Massoudi[24] Present
Px Br
U  (0) U  (1) T  (0) T  (0) U  (0) U  (1) T  (0) T  (0)
−2 0 0.999 0 −0.998 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 0.999 0 −0.998 0 1.000 0 1.000 0
− 2 0.999 0 −0.998 0 1.334 3 0.668 7 0.999 0 −0.998 0 1.334 3 0.668 7
−3 0 1.498 5 −1.497 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.498 5 −1.497 0 1.000 0 1.000 0
− 2 1.498 5 −1.497 0 1.749 3 0.254 5 1.498 5 −1.497 0 1.749 3 0.254 5

6 Results and discussion

The numerical, as well as perturbation solutions, are obtained for the flow of Eyring-Powell
fluid in the porous channel. The upper and lower plates of the channel are set at the distance
2H, in which the lower plate is set at y = −H and the upper plates are at y = 0 and y = H.
We discuss two main flow fields, namely, the plane Couette flow and the generalized Couette
flow. The velocity distribution, the temperature field, the entropy generation, and the Bejan
number are also discussed. The equations of motion and energy are solved and the analytical
expressions of the velocity, the temperature, the entropy, and the Bejan number are found
for both flow cases. We use the built-in command NDSolve in MATHEMATICA 11.0 for the
validity of the perturbation solution. The ranges of the parameters are selected as follows.
The Eyring-Powell parameters η1 ∈ [0.1, 1], η2 ∈ [0.1, 1], η3 ∈ [0.1, 3], the Reynolds number
Re ∈ [1, 3], the Peclet number P e ∈ [1, 3], the Brinkman number Br ∈ [0.1, 1], the Pressure
gradient parameter Px ∈ [0.1, 2], and Ω = 0.017. Figures 2 and 3 show the effects of various
parameters on the velocity and temperature of the plane Couette flow. Figure 4 shows the
effects of controlling parameters on the velocity and temperature of the generalized Couette
flow. The total entropy number of the plane Couette flow is displayed via the length of the
channel in Figs. 8 and 9, while the profiles of the Bejan number of the plane Couette flow
are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. Similarly, the total entropy number and the Bejan number of
the generalized Couette flow are presented in Figs. 12–15. The effects of the Eyring-Powell
parameter η1 and the Reynolds number on the velocity of the fluid are presented in Fig. 2.
From this figure, it is observed that the velocity of the fluid has a decreasing behavior versus
the Eyring-Powell parameter, while an opposite behavior is seen via the Reynolds number. It
is noted that when ηi → 0 (i = 1, 2, 3), the flow will be Newtonian, and the maximum velocity
will be achieved in this situation. Further, the fluid gets thicker by increasing the values of
the Eyring-Powell parameter ηi . As a result, the viscosity of the fluid decreases. Physically,
the Eyring-Powell parameter predicts the shear-thickening effects. Figure 3 depicts the effects
of the Peclet number and the Brinkman number. These figures show that the temperature of
the fluid increases via the Peclet number and the Brinkman number in the entire length of the
channel. Increasing the Brinkman number, the effect of viscous dissipation increases, and thus
the temperature increases.
Regular perturbation solution of Couette flow (non-Newtonian) 135







Fig. 2 Plots of velocity versus material parameter and Reynolds number (color online)







Fig. 3 Effects of Peclet and Brinkman numbers on temperature profile (color online)

The effects of the Eyring-Powell parameter, the Reynolds number, and the pressure pa-
rameter on the velocity of the generalized Couette flow are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The same
observation is made on the velocity via the Eyring-Powell parameter and the Reynolds number
which we have explained in the previous case, i.e., the plane Couette flow. The new param-
eter, in this case, is the pressure gradient parameter which was missing in the previous case.
The reason is that in the case of the plane Couette flow, the flow is just due to the top lid
and the pressure gradient is not taken, for the case of generalized Couette flow, the source
of the fluid flowing is a constant pressure gradient and motion of the top lid. The velocity
of the generalized Couette flow increases with the increasing values of the pressure gradient
parameter. The physical justification is that when more pressure is applied on the fluid, more
fluid will take place in the plates with a higher velocity. Figures 6 and 7 depict the effects of
the pressure gradient parameter, the Eyring-Powell parameter, the Brinkman number, and the
Peclet number on the temperature profiles. It is noted that the temperature is an increasing
function of the Brinkman number, the pressure gradient parameter, and the Peclet number, but
a decreasing function of only the Eyring-Powell parameter. The effects of the Eyring-Powell
parameters, the Brinkman number, and the Peclet number on the total entropy number are
displayed in Figs. 8 and 9. The total entropy number shows an increasing trend via the Peclet
number, the Eyring-Powell parameter, and the Brinkman number, and an opposite behavior is
observed via the second Eyring-Powell parameter. It is observed that the total entropy number
gets the maximum values at the left wall and approaches zero at the end of the channel. The
profiles of the Bejan number versus the length of the channel under the effects of the Reynolds
number, the Brinkman number, the Peclet number, and the first-order Eyring-Powell param-
eter are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. The profiles show that the Bejan number is the maximum
at the end of the channel and the minimum at the start of the channel. It is also shown that the
136 M. NAZEER et al.






Fig. 4 Effects of material parameter and Reynolds number on velocity profile (color online)







Fig. 5 Effects of pressure gradient parameter and material parameter on velocity profile (color online)

Fig. 6 Effects of pressure gradient parameter and material parameter on temperature profile (color

Bejan number decreases versus the Eyring-Powell parameter and increases via the Brinkman
number and the Reynolds number in the whole interval [−1, 1]. On the other hand, the profile
of the Bejan number shows an increasing trend in the interval of [−1, 0] and a decreasing trend
in [0, 1], respectively, via the Peclet number. The profiles of the total entropy number and
the Bejan number for the case of the generalized Couette flow are shown in Figs. 12–15. The
same observation is captured on the total entropy number and the Bejan number versus the
Eyring-Powell parameter, the Brinkman number, and the Reynolds number which we have
already discussed in the previous case, i.e., the plane Couette flow. The entropy number has
an increasing behavior versus the pressure gradient parameter in the interval [−1, 0] and a
Regular perturbation solution of Couette flow (non-Newtonian) 137

#S   1F  





Fig. 7 Effects of Brinkman number and Peclet number on temperature profile (color online)

  3F 1F #S  3F 1F


    /T #S  



Fig. 8 Effects of material parameter and Brinkman number on entropy number (color online)

 3F1F#S  3F  #S






Fig. 9 Effects of material parameter and Peclet number on entropy number (color online)

decreasing trend in the rest of the channel. On the other hand, the Bejan number shows
a decreasing trend in the interval [−1, 0] and an increasing trend in [0, 1] via the pressure
gradient parameter.

7 Conclusions

The analytical and numerical solutions of the plane Couette flow and the generalized Couette
flow of an Eyring-Powell fluid through a porous channel are investigated. In the present study,
138 M. NAZEER et al.

Fig. 10 Effects of Brinkman number and Peclet number on Bejan number (color online)

  1F #S   1F #S






Fig. 11 Effects of material parameter and Reynolds number on Bejan number (color online)

1Y     3F 1Y






Fig. 12 Effects of pressure gradient parameter and Brinkman number on entropy number (color

we calculate the analytical solutions of the velocity and temperature profiles by using the per-
turbation technique. The numerical solution is also obtained by solving the direct dimensionless
equation along with the boundary conditions with the help of the built-in command NDSolve of
MATHEMATICA 11.0 software. From both solutions, it is noted that the perturbation solution
is in good agreement with the numerical one. The effects of various physical parameters on the
velocity, the temperature, the total entropy, and the Bejan numbers of both cases are captured
with the help of the plots. The ranges of the physical parameter are also presented. The main
findings of our study are summarized as follows.
Regular perturbation solution of Couette flow (non-Newtonian) 139

 #S 1Y 3F  1Y

 1F #S






Fig. 13 Effects of material parameters on entropy number (color online)

#S 1F   1Y 3F  


 #F  #S  



Fig. 14 Effects of pressure gradient parameter and Brinkman number on Bejan number (color online)

 1Y 3F  #S 

1Y 1F  #S









Fig. 15 Effects of material parameter and Reynolds number on Bejan number (color online)

(i) The first-order Eyring-Powell parameter predicts the shear-thickening behavior of the
(ii) When ηi → 0 (i = 1, 2, 3), the Eyring-Powell fluid is transformed into a Newtonian fluid.
(iii) The velocity and the temperature of the fluid have an increasing behavior for all fluidic
parameters except the first-order Eyring-Powell parameter.
(iv) The entropy generation is the maximum at the lower wall and approaches zero at the
top wall.
(v) The entropy number increases near the lower wall via the first-order Eyring-Powell
parameter, the Brinkman number, and the Peclet number, while the entropy number decreases
via the third-order Eyring-Powell parameter.
140 M. NAZEER et al.

(vi) The profile of the Bejan number decreases via the Brinkman number in the entire
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Appendix A

1“ “ Re ”” 1“ “ Re ””
λ0 = 1 + coth , λ1 = − −1 + coth ,
2 (1 + η1 ) 2 (1 + η1 )
2Re ` 2Re ´ ` Re 3Re 5Re ´
e (1+η1 ) 1 + e (1+η1 ) Re2 λ31 e (1+η1 ) + e (1+η1 ) + e (1+η1 ) λRe2 λ31
λ2 = , λ 3 = − ,
6(1 + η1 )3 6(1 + η1 )3
λRe2 λ31 1 csch P e
λ4 = , χ0 =(1 + coth P e), χ1 = − ,
6(1 + η1 )3 2 2
` 4Re ´
χ2 = δRe(−1 + coth P e)λ21 (−12 e2P e − e (1+η1 ) (1 + η1 )3 ((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re)
` 8Re ´
+ η3 e2P e − e (1+η1 ) ((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re)Re2 λ21 )
· (48(1 + η1 )2 ((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re)((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re)),
` 4Re ´ ` 4Re ´
χ3 = δeP e −1 + e (1+η1 ) Re(−1 + coth P e)λ21 (−12(1 + η1 )3 ((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re) + η3 1 + e (1+η1 )
· ((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re)Re2 λ21 )(48(1 + η1 )2 ((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re)((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re)),
δ(1 + η1 )Reλ21 η3 δRe3 λ41
χ4 = , χ5 = − , χ6 = P eχ1 , χ7 = −P eχ3 ,
2(1 + η1 )P e − 4Re 24(1 + η1 ) ((1 + η1 )P e
2 − 4Re)
2Reχ4 4Reχ5 Reλ1 2Reλ3 3Reλ4
χ8 = − , χ9 = − , λ5 = − , λ6 = − , λ7 = − ,
(1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 )
Re Re
Re + (2Px + Re)coth (1+η 1) −Px (2Px + Re)csch (1+η 1)
λ8 = , λ9 = , λ10 = − ,
2Re Re 2Re
“ Re Re ”
λ11 = λReλ2 3(1 + η1 )csch λ21 − 3(1 + η1 )λ1 λ2 + Recosh λ22 3(1 + η1 )3 ,
(1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 )
142 M. NAZEER et al.
“ Re ” 2 Re
λ12 = λλ2 (6(1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 ) − Recoth λ + 12(1 + η1 )Recosh λ1 λ2
(1 + η1 ) 1 (1 + η1 )
“ 2Re ” 2
− Re2 1 + 2cosh λ )6(1 + η1 )3 ,
(1 + η1 ) 2
λλ21 λ2 λReλ21 λ2 λReλ1 λ22 λRe2 λ32
λ13 = − , λ14 = − , λ15 = − , λ16 = ,
(1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 )2 (1 + η1 )2 6(1 + η1 )3
M6 = − (72(1+η1 )2 P e((1+η1 )P e−4Re)((1+η1 )P e−3Re)((1+η1 )P e−2Re)((1 + η1 )P e−Re))−1 ,
1 cschP e 1 cschP e
χ10 = (1 + cothP e), χ11 = − , χ10 = (1 + coth P e), χ11 = − , χ12 = M6 M7 ,
2 2 2 2
` ´ ` ´
eP e (−1+coth P e) “ 12λ1 −6(1+η1 )+η3 λ1 48(1+η1 ) sinh (1+η1 ) λ1 3(1+η1 )−η3 λ21 λ2
2 2 Re
χ13 = +
72 Pe (1+η1 )P e−Re
` 2
´ 2 2
36Re sinh (1+η2Re
(1 + η1 ) − η λ
3 1 λ 2 16η3 Re sinh 3Re
λ λ3
(1+η1 ) 1 2
− −
(1 + η1 )P e − 2Re (1 + η1 )2 P e − 3(1 + η1 )Re
3 4Re
3η3 Re sinh (1+η1 ) λ2 4 ”
+ ,
(1 + η1 ) ((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re)

Reχ15 2Reχ16
χ19 = − P eχ11 , χ20 = −P eχ13 , χ21 = − , χ22 = − ,
(1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 )
3Reχ17 4Reχ18 Reλ10 Reλ12
χ23 = − , χ24 = − , λ17 = − , λ18 = − ,
(1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 )
Reλ13 Reλ14 2Reλ15 3Reλ16
λ19 = − , λ20 = − , λ21 = − , λ22 = − ,
(1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 ) (1 + η1 )
− (1+η Re
M7 = e 1 ) (−1+ coth P e)(6η3 e (1+η1 ) (1 + e2P e )(1 + η1 )2 ((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re)
` 2Re ´
· ((1 + η1 )P e − 3Re)((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re)((1 + η1 )P e − Re)λ41 + 24η3 e2P e − e (1+η1 )
· (1 + η1 )3 P e((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re)((1 + η1 )P e − 3Re)((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re)λ31 λ2 )
P e+ Re
− 3e (1+η1 ) (P e((1 + η )P e − 3Re)((1 + η )P e − Re)Reλ2 )
1 1 2
“ “ 2Re ”
· − 12(1 + η1 ) ((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re) sinh P e −
(1 + η1 )
“ 4Re ” 2 ”
+ η3 ((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re)Re sinh P e − λ2
(1 + η1 )
P e+ (1+η
− 16e + η1 )P e((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re)((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re)
1 ) (1

“ “ Re ”
· λ1 λ2 9(1 + η1 )3 ((1 + η1 )P e − 3Re) sinh P e −
(1 + η1 )
“ 3Re ” ”
+ η3 Re2 (−(1 + η1 )P e + Re) sinh P e − λ2
(1 + η1 ) 2
P e+ (1+η
− 36e 1 ) (1 + η1 )2 ((1 + η1 )P e − 4Re)
· ((1 + η1 )P e − 3Re)((1 + η1 )P e − Re)λ21
“ “ 2Re ” 2 ”
· 2(1 + η1 )((1 + η1 )P e − 2Re) cosh P e + η3 P eRe sinh P e − λ2 ,
(1 + η1 )
` ´ ` ´
λ21 −6(1 + η1 ) + η3 λ21 2(1 + η1 )λ1 −3(1 + η1 ) + η3 λ21 λ2
χ14 = , χ15 = ,
6P e 3(1 + η1 )P e − 3Re
` ´
Re (1 + η1 ) − η3 λ21 λ22 2η3 Re2 λ1 λ32
χ16 = , χ17 = ,
2(1 + η1 )P e − 4Re 9(1 + η1 )2 P e − 27(1 + η1 )Re
η3 Re3 λ42
χ18 = − .
24(1 + η1 ) ((1 + η1 )P e
2 − 4Re)

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