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The Globe and Mail - July 5, 2024

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U.K.’s Labour set for landslide; Ottawa backs

Tories suffer historic defeat $6.9-billion
takeover of
Starmer on pace to become next PM as early results suggest party will more than double its seats Teck coal unit

The federal government has

approved Glencore PLC’s US$6.9-
billion acquisition of the metal-
lurgical coal business of Teck
Resources Ltd. with stringent and
legally binding conditions.
Federal Industry Minister Fran-
çois-Philippe Champagne had
been reviewing the deal on both a
net-benefit and national-security
basis over the past eight months.
Ottawa over the past few years
has stepped in to prevent deals
involving the foreign acquisition
of Canadian mining companies.
In approving the deal Thurs-
day night, Mr. Champagne also
released a new stricter policy
directive around net-benefit re-
views of foreign takeovers of
miners with significant critical-
minerals operations.
“Henceforth, such trans-
actions will only be found of net
benefit in the most exceptional of
circumstances,” he said. “This
high bar is reflective of the strate-
gic importance of Canada’s criti-
cal minerals sector and how im-
portant it is that we take decisive
action to protect it.”
British Labour Party Leader Keir Starmer and his wife, Victoria Starmer, walk outside a polling station in London during Thursday’s The deal between Switzerland-
general election. Mr. Starmer is forecast to be the fourth Labour leader in the past 80 years to win an election. CLAUDIA GRECO/REUTERS based Glencore and Vancouver-
based Teck was announced last
fall and came after Teck enter-
PAUL WALDIE Final results are expected on Friday, but night for the Conservative Party,” said tained takeover offers from sev-
EUROPE CORRESPONDENT if the current trend continues, Mr. Starmer Steve Baker, an incumbent Tory MP and eral other parties over a period of
LONDON will be only the fourth Labour leader in the former cabinet minister. about six months.
past 80 years to win an election. Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Su- GLENCORE, A15
“To everyone who has campaigned for nak is paying a steep price for gambling on
Britain’s Labour Party is on course for a Labour in this election, to everyone who an early election. Mr. Sunak hoped to catch
landslide victory in the country’s general voted for us and put their trust in our his opponents off guard and take advan-
election, ending 14 years of Conservative changed Labour Party – thank you,” Mr. tage of a drop in inflation and signs that
rule and setting up leader Keir Starmer as Starmer posted on Twitter shortly after the the British economy was beginning to turn Ontario facility
the next prime minister. poll results were released. around.
Labour is forecast to win about 410 seats,
according to early returns and an exit poll
The Conservatives are forecast to fall to
about 131 seats, down from 365 in 2019, ac-
The Conservative campaign never got
traction. Mr. Sunak’s biggest challenge was
for problem
released just after polling stations closed at
10 p.m. local time on Thursday. That would
cording to the poll that is based on
interviews with 20,000 voters after they
trying to shake off the Conservatives’ lega-
cy of scandals, missteps and internal
be more than double the 202 seats the par-
ty won in the last election in 2019 and one
cast their ballots. That result would be the
worst showing in the party’s history.
feuding that led to three leadership chang-
es in two years.
sees addictions
of the largest Labour victories ever. Thursday was a “pretty devastating BRITAIN, A15
going digital

Hezbollah launches massive assault on Israeli targets


after commander’s killing, feeding fears of wider war

hen Diana Gabriele start-
ed working as a counsel-
MARK MacKINNON lor at Ontario’s only in-
SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT patient treatment for problem
BEIRUT gamblers a decade ago, her clients
were mostly trying to break free of
their addictions to slot machines
GLOBE IN MIDDLE EAST and other games at casinos.
Their profiles fit neatly with the
Hezbollah launched more than 200 mis- original raison d’être of the Centre
siles and drones at targets in Israel on for Problem Gambling and Digital
Thursday, a day after one of the Lebanese Dependency at Hôtel-Dieu Grace
militia’s senior commanders was assassi- Healthcare in Windsor, a program
nated in an Israeli drone strike. established in 1994 when the bor-
The attack was Hezbollah’s biggest salvo der city was granted the first casi-
in almost nine months of tit-for-tat strikes no in Ontario.
across the Israel-Lebanon border, feeding But in recent years, there has
fears that this conflict – which has grad- been a sea change in the nature of
ually unfolded alongside the war in Gaza – the addictions that send people to
is set to erupt into another all-out war. the provincially funded, three-
Hezbollah said it fired at 13 military tar- week in-patient recovery pro-
gets in the Galilee region of northern Is- gram and its related outpatient
rael, as well as the occupied Golan Heights, program.
setting several large fires. Sirens sounded Today’s clients, Ms. Gabriele
as far south as the city of Acre, 20 kilo- said, tend to be hooked on online
metres from the border, where part of an casinos and sports betting. Some
air-defence missile fell on a shopping mall. Members of Hezbollah and their supporters carry the coffin of Mohammed Nasser
have even tried to sneak smart-
Israel said 200 projectiles and 20 “suspi- during his funeral in Beirut on Thursday, a day after the senior commander’s assassination
phones into the device-free recov-
cious aerial targets” had been launched in an Israeli drone strike. OLIVER MARSDEN/THE GLOBE AND MAIL
ery program by sewing them into
from Lebanon. At least two people were the lining of their suitcases.
wounded. the Lebanese capital. near the southern Lebanese city of Tyre. “It’s a nightmare,” Ms. Gabriele
The Israeli military said it responded to The escalation followed Wednesday’s Mr. Nasser’s death came three weeks said, singling out online sports be-
the attacks by targeting launching sites assassination of Mohammed Nasser, who after Taleb Abdallah, another of Hezbol- tting as a particular challenge be-
across southern Lebanon. At least two was described by Hezbollah as one of its re- lah’s top front-line commanders, was cause of the tsunami of advertise-
sonic booms were heard over Beirut, mark- gional commanders. Mr. Nasser was killed killed in an Israeli air strike on a house in ments that portray it as a natural
ing the second day in a row that Israeli jets along with another Hezbollah member southern Lebanon. part of fan culture.
have conducted mock bombing raids over when an explosive drone struck their car HEZBOLLAH, A4 “With the merging of online ac-
tivity with gambling activity, the
lines have become so incredibly
blurred,” she added. “Online ac-
tivities have become so normal-
ized, that, for the most part, peo-
ME D I A FO L IO R EP O RT O N B U S IN ES S ple are not recognizing how in-
Foreign streaming services While U.S. states, U.K. limit sale Hudson’s Bay to buy luxury credibly detrimental it is” – until
they find themselves broke and
bring legal challenges over of chemical used in suicides, retail chain Neiman Marcus alienated from their families.
implementation of Bill C-11 A3 Canada hasn’t followed suit A8 in $2.65-billion deal B1 GAMBLING, A15

Explore our national database of freedom of information requests


KONRAD YAKABUSKI . . . . . . . . . A11 FOLIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8-9 REPORT ON BUSINESS . . . . . . . . . B1 A look back at our A WAY TO SECURELY SHARE INFORMATION WITH

(HDFFC|00005W /s.x
GARY MASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A11 EDITORIAL & LETTERS . . . . . . . A10 OPINION & ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . B4 discussion on ‘gentle
NINA L. KHRUSHCHEVA. . . . . . . A11 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A11 GLOBE INVESTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8 parenting’ – the appeal MON-FRI: $5.00
ASHLEY NUNES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B4 WEEKEND WATCHING . . . . . . . . A12 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B11
TONY KELLER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B4 FIRST PERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A13 COMICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B12 and the controversy SATURDAY: $8.00
PREET BANERJEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8 WEATHER & PUZZLES . . . . . . . . A14 OBITUARIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B16 HIGHER IN SOME AREAS




he show about nothing began with ratings to climb. Over nine seasons, Seinfeld steadily
to match. expanded its pop-culture profile through offbeat
Launched in the summer doldrums as characters the Soup Nazi, the Close Talker, et al.
The Seinfeld Chronicles, the low-concept and a relentless succession of catchphrases and
comedy revolving around the privileged New ork slang – from “spongeworthy” to Festivus.
existence of stand-up erry Seinfeld and pals More than 80 million viewers watched the 1998
George ason Alexander and Kramer Michael finale, after which Seinfeld immediately became
Richards drew a minimal audience for its first few the most successful syndicated program world-
outings. NBC trimmed the title and bolstered the wide.
sitcom setup with the addition of ulia Louis-Drey- Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
fus as erry’s spirited ex, laine, and ratings began ANDREW RYAN 20




North and south of n retirement, efunds are not enough

the Canada-U.S. border, eonard Belsher is for stranded West et
voters are as ing returning to the world travellers they deserve
themselves, how did of the paranormal by cold, hard cash to cover
we end up here A11 leading ghost tours A13 their incurred costs B4


A Thursday ne s article about an Ontario Court of Appeal O ing to an editing error, a June 2 ne s article about
ruling that has voided t o parents’ murder convictions t o former Liberal ministers ho are calling for rime
identified Justice Gary Trotter as the riter of the ruling. Minister Justin Trudeau to step do n as party leader in
He as part of a three udge panel ho released the rul correctly stated Wayne Easter as first elected as a mem
ing, hich as ritten in the name of the court. ber of arliament in 2000. He as first elected in .

L O workers to begin strike as talks with

rown cor oration break down, union sa s
MARIYA POSTELNYAK bargaining table. he said.
“We are particularly disap- Ontario’s provincial govern-
pointed that OPS U is opposed to ment said expanding privatiza-
LCBO stores across Ontario are giving people in Ontario the tion would add 8,500 new alcohol
set to close after labour negotia- choice and convenience of buy- purchase locations across the
tions between the Crown corpo- ing readymade drinks, like cool- province and that LCBO would be
ration and the union represent- ers and seltzers, in grocery and the wholesaler, with its revenues
ing its workers broke down just convenience stores,” the state- possibly surging by as much as
hours before a strike deadline, ment says. $1-billion.
marking a historic departure “We urge OPS U to return to But The Globe and Mail previ-
from talks in previous years. the negotiating table and work ously learned that wholesale
Colleen MacLeod, chair of the towards a deal that prioritizes work for the new outlets has
Ontario Public Service mployees Ontario consumers and pro- already been contracted to pri-
Union OPS U bargaining com- ducers.” vate-sector company Trillium
mittee, said Thursday that more In a statement released last Supply Chain Services, which is
than 9,000 Liquor Control Board month, the LCBO said a strike owned by DHL.
Elegance in Bloom. of Ontario workers will be on
strike when the clock strikes mid-
would see all of its stores shut for
two weeks while they adjust to a
Ms. MacLeod said the move
would have a serious impact on
Gold Diamond Bangle & night. new operating model. Customers LCBO revenue, pointing to the
The biggest sticking point, Ms. will still be able to shop online $2.5-billion that the Crown corpo-
Gemstone Earrings for Your MacLeod said, was Premier Doug and at 2,300 private retailers ration generates in profit every
Ford’s recent decision to allow across Ontario, including grocery year, which ultimately contrib-
Signature Look. alcohol sales in convenience and stores, wineries and distilleries, utes to the financing of public ser-
Please call for pricing & availability. big-box stores starting in Septem- Beer Stores and small general vices.
ber, particularly ready-to-drink stores licensed to sell alcohol. “Premier Ford is trying to sell
beverages such as coolers. The After two weeks, a few dozen us a bad deal, one that hands over
province’s move to privatize stores will reopen for shopping more of the alcohol market to big
liquor sales challenges the on Fridays, Saturdays and Sun- grocers and convenience chains
LCBO’s position as a Crown cor- days, with limited hours. like Loblaws and Circle K,” she
poration and alcohol retailer. An LCBO customer, Michael said in a news conference on une
“If we were dealing with the Bathurst, who was picking up 18.
employer and not the Premier, wine at a midtown-Toronto loca- “It will threaten hundreds of
we’re certain this strike could’ve tion ahead of the strike, said he millions of dollars in public reve-
been avoided,” she said. “We have would’ve been more panicked nues that fund public services
a ghost at the table in the form of about the news if he was a bigger like health care and education.”
the Premier.” drinker, and if there were fewer Compensation and job securi-
The failure to reach an agree- alternatives to the Crown corpo- ty were also key points of conten-
ment before a strike deadline is ration as there were in the past. tion in the labour negotiations, as
unprecedented. On previous oc- “A couple years ago if it was 0 per cent of the work force is
casions, including four times in coming up I’d be nervous – not so currently made up of casual
the past 20 years, LCBO workers much now, I think it’s gonna be employees. Ms. MacLeod previ-
have consistently reached a deal fine,” he said. ously told The Globe that workers
without walking off the job. Ian Lee, a professor who who hold full-time status – usu-
An LCBO statement after the researches unions at Carleton ally after years as casual staff –
OPS U’s news conference said University’s Sprott School of make $16. 5 an hour to start,
the corporation’s latest offer, Business, said the expanded priv- while top earners could get $30.5
tabled at 4 20 p.m. on Thursday, atization of alcohol sales has after nine years.
Toronto’s Fine Jewelry Store, Since 1979 responded to a number of OPS U decreased the OPS U’s bargain- “LCBO workers deserve job se-
Family owned & operated demands including wage increas- ing power. curity, livable wages and fair
es and invited the union to pro- “Unlike the other striking treatment,” said Stephen Blais,
Yorkville Village vide a counterproposal, but the unions that held bargaining the Ontario Liberal critic for
OPS U refused to do so. power, OPS U has much less labour and skills training in a
87 Avenue Road • Toronto • 416.944.3863 In a written statement, Ontario power – indeed, a strike may fur- press statement. Finance Minister Peter Bethlen- ther reduce their power if the gov- “We know OPS U workers are
falvy said that the government is ernment of Ontario accelerates at the table ready to bargain for a
disappointed by OPS U’s deci- the decision to open up sales to fair deal, the government needs
sion to walk away from the grocery stores and corner stores,” to do the same.”

giants launch
multi le legal
Platforms are battling Bill C-11’s mandate
they must pay millions of dollars in Canada

Foreign streaming platforms – including Netflix, Amazon and

Spotify – have launched Federal Court challenges to the way
Ottawa’s Online Streaming Act, which will force them to in-
ject millions of dollars into Canada’s broadcast sector, is being
implemented by the regulator.
The challenges threaten to delay the implementation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland said Toronto area MPs gathered in her
the act, which would compel foreign streaming giants to pay backyard on Wednesday to talk about what MPs are hearing from constituents. SEAN IL ATRIC /C
about $200-million a year to support Canadian music, TV,
film and radio.
The Motion Picture Association-Canada, which represents
Netflix as well as Hollywood studios such as Paramount, Uni-
versal and Warner Bros. Discovery, this week launched dual
a orit ’ of Liberal caucus su orts
legal challenges in Federal Court to decisions by the Canadian
Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission,
Trudeau after b -election loss reeland
which is implementing the act.
The music streaming platforms Amazon, Apple and Spot- LAURA STONE MILTON, ONT. sents a central Toronto riding, since 2015.
ify also filed legal challenges in Federal Court over the CRTC’s MARIEKE WALSH OTTAWA said some Toronto-area MPs The Prime Minister is resisting
decision to compel them to make financial contributions in gathered in her backyard on calls for an immediate caucus
Canada under the act, also known as Bill C-11. Wednesday at a meeting chaired meeting and instead he is doing
The Motion Picture Association-Canada argues the fund- Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia by long-time Liberal MP ohn one-on-one calls with his MPs as
ing mechanism chosen by the CRTC could lead to the disclo- Freeland says ustin Trudeau has McKay. She said she offered up other ministers, including Ms.
sure of confidential financial information to Canadian broad- the full support of cabinet and a her place “because it’s in a cen- Freeland, also reach out to Liber-
casters that its members compete with. It is concerned the vast majority of the Liberal cau- tral location,” and that Mr. als.
CRTC would make its members contribute to the Canadian cus, but that the party needs to McKay chaired the meeting of In the face of widespread calls
Association of Broadcasters CAB , named with the CRTC in work harder to address afforda- what’s known as the “416 cau- for significant change from Liber-
the court filings. It alleges this would enable CAB to calculate bility concerns after last week’s cus,” named for one of Toronto’s als outside government, the
how much foreign streamers make from broadcasting in Can- surprising by-election loss in area codes. Mr. McKay did not Prime Minister has made the
ada by doing the math on the money studios contribute. what was once a safe Toronto rid- immediately respond to requests case for continuity, and deliver-
The CRTC announced last month that platforms such as ing. for comment. ing on the programs he has al-
Netflix, Spotify and Amazon Prime will have to contribute 5 Ms. Freeland said voters in To- Ms. Freeland called it a “valua- ready announced, such as dental
per cent of their annual Canadian revenues to support broad- ronto-St. Paul’s, who elected a ble opportunity” to talk about care, pharmacare, child care and
casting in this country. Conservative last Monday for the the by-election result and what it more affordable housing.
Foreign streaming platforms that are not affiliated with a first time in three decades, sent means, and about what MPs are The Liberals have been badly
Canadian broadcaster and make at least $25-million or more the Liberals a clear message that hearing from constituents. She trailing the Conservatives in na-
of Canadian broadcasting revenue a year will have to pay out, life is hard and the government said members talked about tional public opinion polling
under a regime that follows the passing of Bill C-11 last year. needs to do a better job of ad- “working really, really hard to do since last summer. ven with a
The Motion Picture Association-Canada has also chal- dressing it. a better job of delivering for Can- recent uptick in support reported
lenged a CRTC decision to make streaming platforms, includ- “The people of Toronto-St. adians” on housing, affordability in two different polls, the minor-
ing Netflix, contribute to local news in Canada. It says the Paul’s did send us a message, and and economic growth “in a fis- ity government still trails the Of-
CRTC has no authority to make them support local news here it is absolutely incumbent on us cally responsible way” so that in- ficial Opposition party by double
and that this was not envisaged when Bill C-11 was going to hear that message. That mess- terest rates can continue to come digits. And in the first quarter of
through Parliament. age was Things are hard. Life is down. the year, the Conservatives
“The CRTC’s decision to require global entertainment really challenging right now. And Mr. Trudeau has faced calls raised more than three times
streaming services to pay for local news is a discriminatory you, our government, need to do from MPs and party members to what the Liberals did $10. -mil-
measure that goes far beyond what Parliament intended, ex- a better job delivering for us on either meet with all of his caucus lion compared to $3.1-million.
ceeds the CRTC’s authority and contradicts the goal of creat- the things that matter in our together, make major changes in Adam van Koeverden, the Lib-
ing a modern, flexible framework that recognizes the nature lives,” Ms. Freeland told reporters his government or resign entirely eral MP for Milton who appeared
of the services global streamers provide,” Wendy Noss, presi- in Milton, Ont., where she was after the party’s loss in Toronto- alongside Ms. Freeland at the an-
dent of the MPA-Canada, said in a statement to The Globe and making an announcement about St. Paul’s. But while several for- nouncement, said that time
Mail on Thursday. funding for Canadian athletes. mer senior Liberal ministers spent in his community over the
“Our members’ streaming services do not produce local “And I think we are collective- have publicly called for his oust- summer is important to hear
news, nor are they granted the significant legal privileges and ly absolutely committed to doing er, only one sitting MP made the from constituents and to remind
protections enjoyed by Canadian broadcasters in exchange that.” same demand, and many Liber- them of what the government is
for the responsibility to provide local news.” Ms. Freeland said the Prime als believe most of Mr. Trudeau’s doing on measures such as a na-
Graham Davies, president and C O of the Digital Media As- Minister has her full support and caucus is resigned to him staying tional school food program. He
sociation, said three of its members – Amazon, Apple and that of cabinet, as well as the on. expressed his full support for Mr.
Spotify – have filed legal challenges in Canada about contri- “vast, vast majority of Liberal The midtown Toronto riding Trudeau.
butions they would have to make under Bill C-11. The music MPs,” echoing verbatim recent was one of the safest seats for the “I think he’s one of the great-
streaming platforms have also raised concerns about having remarks from nergy Minister o- Liberals, staying in their column est leaders we’ve ever had in this
to contribute to a fund supporting local news in Canada. nathan Wilkinson. since 1993, and the defeat marks country. He continues to be an
“The contributions must be made to various government- The Deputy Prime Minister the first time the Liberals have extraordinary communicator,”
mandated funds, such as local news production for the bene- and Finance Minister, who repre- lost a race in Canada’s largest city Mr. van Koeverden said.
fit of commercial radio stations, that have been pre-selected
by the CRTC,” he said in a statement on Thursday. “The ap-
proach taken is backward-looking and bad public policy from
the current government of Canada and fails to acknowledge
streaming’s existing contributions to music production.” Ottawa’s new online hate watchdogs set
The Digital Media Association has warned previously that
the act could lead to prices being driven up for consumers.
Foreign streaming platforms will have to contribute to a va-
to cost $ -million, O anal sis sa s
riety of funds, including those supporting the creation of In-
digenous content and work by Black filmmakers and other MARIE WOOLF OTTAWA would be better redirected to oth- mily Laidlaw, the University
Canadians from diverse backgrounds. er means of protecting Canadians. of Calgary’s Canada Research
The Federal Court challenges do not involve payments by In a social-media post on re- Chair in cybersecurity law, said
the movie and TV studios to these funds. New digital hate watchdogs under sponding to the PBO’s report, Mr. the bodies need to be established
The MPA-Canada said it is concerned about studios having the Liberal government’s online Poilievre signalled he would scrap swiftly.
to pay into a Canadian local news fund administered by the harms bill would cost $201-mil- the online harms bill if his party “Online threats to safety are
Canadian Association of Broadcasters. It says Bill C-11 requires lion over the next five years, an in- forms the next government. only getting worse, and I don’t
foreign streaming services to contribute to Canadian broad- dependent parliamentary report Conservative MP Michelle think most Canadians are aware
casting in a fair way appropriate to the nature of the service. estimates – drawing criticism Rempel-Garner said the online of how bad it is and how few op-
This means studios that do not produce local news should not from Conservative Leader Pierre harms bill will spend millions on tions they currently have for help.
have to support its creation in Canada. Poilievre, who pledges to scrap Prime Minister ustin Trudeau’s So, the sooner the better in get-
Kevin Desjardins, president of the Canadian Association of the legislation if he becomes “useless 330 person censorship ting this set up,” she said.
Broadcasters, said the CAB has historically received “confi- Prime Minister. bureaucracy instead of using that Also on Thursday, the federal
dential financial information from cable and satellite distrib- The Parliamentary Budget Offi- money to hire police, protect Can- government enacted its digital
utors and dealt with it appropriately and without issue. We cer’s analysis, published Thurs- adians, and lock up criminals.” services tax on big foreign tech-
have the ability and the integrity to do so going forward.” day, calculated the operating Chantalle Aubertin, a spokes- nology companies, despite warn-
The MPA-Canada’s lawsuit demonstrates the foreign costs for three new bodies the fed- person for Arif Virani, the ustice ings of trade retaliation from the
streamers’ “avaricious approach to the Canadian market,” he eral government wants to set up Minister who is shepherding the United States.
added. “As the foreign global streamers remain focused on to ensure social media companies bill through Parliament, hit back The DST would apply to com-
sucking billions of Canadian dollars out of the Canadian-own- limit harmful content online and at the Conservatives, saying, “On- panies with annual worldwide
ed media system, the CAB remains focused on ensuring that to help victims of hate on social line harms have real-world im- revenue exceeding around $1.1-
we keep Canadian journalists in Canadian newsrooms.” media a Digital Safety Commis- pacts with tragic, even fatal, con- billion, such as Meta. It imposes a
He added that the CAB administers funds such as the Inde- sion, a Digital Safety Ombudsper- sequences. Ask the families of the 3-per-cent levy on the digital ser-
pendent Local News Fund without fees. son and a Digital Safety Office. six people killed at the uebec vices revenue a company makes
Mirabella Salem, a spokesperson for the CRTC, said “the But the PBO said its estimates City Mosque by someone radical- from Canadian users above $20-
Online Streaming Act, which amended the Broadcasting Act, for Bill C-63 did not include funds ized online.” million in a calendar year.
requires the CRTC to modernize the Canadian broadcasting the commission may generate by She added “The volume of The Canadian Chamber of
framework.” imposing fines on online plat- harmful content online is stagger- Commerce warned the DST could
“As this particular matter is before the Federal Court of Ap- forms. ing. Canadians deserve to have a harm trade relations with the
peal, it would be inappropriate for the CRTC to comment.” “There is a high degree of un- Digital Safety Commission with United States, saying the federal
certainty in the revenues that will the resources to do its job effec- government should reverse the
be generated since it depends on tively.” decision.
the willingness of outside enter- She said social-media compa- ”The imposition of a retroac-
prises to follow the requirements nies will be required to help cover tive discriminatory digital servic-
set out by the Commission and the costs of the new commission es tax by the federal government
the Online Harms Act,” the report and ombudsperson. will not only make life more ex-
says. The commission would have pensive for Canadian families,
The PBO also did not look at the power to develop regulations businesses and workers, but it will
other potential costs arising from to improve online safety and significantly harm our relation-
the bill, which would also allow could also issue fines to online ship with the United States,” said
people to complain about hate platforms that contravene the Robin Guy, vice-president and
speech online to the Canadian terms of the act or refuse to com- deputy leader, government rela-
Human Rights Commission. ply, while the ombudsperson tions.
The report cites estimates from would help users of social media “The government should re-
the Department of Canadian Her- services who have fallen victim to verse its unilateral decision that is
itage that the three new bodies online hate or abuse. out of step with our allies, and in-
would have up to 330 full-time The two bodies will be support- stead, work with our trading part-
Graham Da ies, Digital Media Association president and CEO, equivalent employees. ed by a third, the Digital Safety Of- ners on an international solution
says Bill C 11 is backward looking and bad public policy,’ from But the Conservatives oppose fice, managed by a chief executive that would better serve Cana-
the federal go ernment. ANNA MONEYMA ER/GETTY IMAGES Bill C-63’s price tag, saying it officer. dians.”

U of T ma be a case stud in ending cam us rotests

Several encampments with action against students or staff who took
part in the protest, with the exception of
similar demands continue those who engaged in violence, property
at postsecondary institutions damage or harassment, as well as those
across the country who entered buildings without authoriza-
At the University of Waterloo, the
OE FRIESEN administration engaged a mediator to
POSTSECONDAR EDUCATION REPORTER assist with negotiations. But it has also
issued a notice of trespass, beginning a
legal process similar to what occurred in
The end of the pro-Palestinian encamp- the U of T case. It has also launched a civil
ment at the University of Toronto this lawsuit seeking damages from the protes-
week may offer a path to resolution for ters for alleged vandalism and harm to the
similar protests that continue across the university’s reputation.
country. At McGill, the Montreal university is
As many as two dozen encampments awaiting a court date to have its case for an
have popped up at universities across the injunction heard. But it broke off negotia-
country since late April and a number of tions with the encampment in une after
those have since been disbanded or resolv- protesters rejected an offer of mediation.
ed. But several also continue to occupy In Western Canada, encampments con-
parts of some campuses and it’s not clear tinue at the University of British Columbia,
whether their demands will be resolved Workers remo e the fencing surrounding the site of a former pro Palestinian encampment the University of Victoria and Vancouver
through negotiation. on the Uni ersity of Toronto campus on Wednesday. The protesters left the campus Island University, among others.
On Wednesday, protesters cleared out peacefully without police in ol ement. CHRISTO HER ATSAROV/THE CANADIAN RESS At the University of Toronto, the admin-
the encampment at King’s College Circle istration’s conservative estimate for the
on the University of Toronto’s St. George money is invested, that they divest from The University of Toronto’s success in costs incurred as a result of the encamp-
campus a few hours ahead of a court- weapons manufacturers connected to the using the courts and the peaceful disman- ment was more than $300,000 as of late
imposed deadline to leave. Israeli military or companies that support tling of the camp that ensued may be a May, with a further $200,000 expected to
The Ontario Superior Court had issued what they describe as Israeli apartheid, and path other universities will try to follow. be spent on remediating the field at King’s
an injunction authorizing police to clear that they break ties with Israeli universities At the University of Western Ontario in College Circle once it was returned to the
the encampment. ustice Markus Koehnen that operate in the occupied territories. London, Ont., president Alan Shepard said university.
sided with the university, saying that as the Over the course of the past two months in a note to campus this week that the uni- The university’s administration said it is
property owner it has the right to deter- several universities have engaged in talks versity has made an offer to the encamp- still assessing the condition of the field and
mine how its space is used. with encampment leaders that addressed ment that includes a commitment to cre- it hopes to have it reopened to the commu-
The protesters at U of T left peacefully, so some of the protest demands. Negotiations ating a process for raising concerns about nity before the start of classes in Septem-
there was no need for police to enforce the have brought an end to encampments at its investments and for taking human- ber.
injunction. The protesters have vowed to McMaster University, Ontario Tech, rights considerations into account in its in- Sandy Welsh, a U of T vice-provost, said
continue their fight using other tactics. ueen’s University and the University of ternational partnerships. no new protests had been launched Thurs-
Many of the encampments share rough- uebec at Montreal. He also said that if the camp is disman- day. She added that free speech is essential
ly similar demands with those at U of T But those discussions have proved tled by the end of the weekend, the to campus life and that students can exer-
that the universities disclose where their difficult in many cases. university will not pursue disciplinary cise their right to lawful protest.

Hezbollah bo t mo rners attend memorial ser ice in eir t


That assassination was followed by a simi-

lar response, with Hezbollah claiming to
launch some 215 missiles and drones at
nine military targets in Israel.
assem asir, a Lebanese expert on
Hezbollah, said Mr. Nasser appeared to be
equal in rank to Mr. Abdallah. “This is
part of Israel’s plan to get rid of all the
resistance leaders on the ground,” Mr.
asir said of the assassination.
The Israeli military said Mr. Nasser held
several key roles within Hezbollah and
had “led the rockets and anti-tank missile
attacks from southwestern Lebanon to-
ward Israeli civilians, communities and
security forces” before and since the start
of the most recent fighting.
On Thursday, some 1,000 mourners –
including about 100 camouflage-clad
fighters – gathered for a memorial service
for Mr. Nasser held in a hangar in the
southern suburbs of Beirut. Afterward,
the crowd chanted, “Death to America ”
and “Death to Israel ” as Mr. Nasser’s cof-
fin, draped in a yellow Hezbollah flag, was
carried through the streets.
Hashem Safieddin, the head of Hezbol-
lah’s executive council, told the mourners
that the military response to Mr. Nasser’s
killing was ongoing and “will continue to
target new sites that the enemy did not
think would be hit. It is certain that there
are many casualties, including dead and
wounded.” Members of Hezbollah and their supporters carry the coffin of assassinated Hezbollah commander Mohammed Nasar through the streets of
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was Beirut, Lebanon, on Thursday. OLIVER MARSDEN/THE GLOBE AND MAIL
expected to give a speech Friday.
Mr. asir said he expected Hezbollah’s living in internal exile since October can southern Israel, which killed more than Western governments to bring the Gaza
response would stay within the unofficial return in time for the start of the new 1,100 people and provoked an Israeli in- campaign to an end, was due to discuss
rules of the conflict to date, striking at school year. An estimated 100,000 Leba- vasion of Gaza that has killed more than the latest ceasefire proposal with his secu-
only military targets in the north of Israel nese have also been forced to flee their 38,000 Palestinians, including 58 more on rity cabinet Thursday. He suggested last
– with the militia holding back on using homes. Thursday alone, according to the Palesti- month that Israel could begin moving
its longer-range arsenal. More than 435 Lebanese have been nian Ministry of Health. Hezbollah says its more troops to the Lebanese border as
Both sides have evacuated most of killed over the past nine months, includ- near-daily missile and drone launches are the fighting in Gaza winds down.
their citizens from the towns and villages ing upward of 350 acknowledged by Hez- an act of solidarity with the Palestinians – Mr. asir said any escalation of the cur-
in the border area, though Israeli Prime bollah as members. Nineteen Israeli sol- both it and Hamas are backed by Iran – rent fighting between Israel and Hezbol-
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under diers have been killed on the country’s and that it will cease its attacks as soon as lah is in Mr. Netanyahu’s hands. “We’re in
escalating pressure to do something to northern front. there is a complete ceasefire in Gaza. a position where it’s really difficult to pre-
change the status quo so the 60,000 resi- The long-simmering conflict was reig- Mr. Netanyahu, who has resisted pres- dict what is going to happen next,” he
dents of northern Israel who have been nited by the Oct. Hamas-led attack on sure from the United States and other said.

Israel a roves lans for nearl ,

new homes in est ank settlements
TIA GOLDENBERG Israeli anti-settlement monitor- Gaza – areas captured by Israel in
KAREEM CHEHAYEB TEL A I ing Peace Now said the govern- the 196 Mideast war – for an
ment’s Higher Planning Council independent state.
had approved or advanced plans The new housing approvals
The Israeli government has ap- for 5,295 homes in settlements could also rankle Israel’s ally, the
proved plans to build nearly 5,300 across the West Bank. It also U.S., which speaks out against set-
new homes in settlements in the “legalized” three informal out- tlements, though it has done lit-
occupied West Bank, a monitor- posts as new neighborhoods of tle to pressure Israel on the issue.
ing group said Thursday, the lat- existing settlements in the ordan The revival of cease-fire talks
est in a campaign to accelerate Valley and near the city of appeared to mark another at-
settlement expansion, aimed at Hebron. tempt by U.S., atari and gyp-
cementing Israeli control over On Wednesday, Peace Now said tian mediators to overcome the
the territory and preventing the Israel approved the largest sei- gap that has repeatedly thwarted
establishment of a future Palesti- zure of land in the West Bank in a deal over the past months.
nian state. over three decades. COGAT, the Hamas wants a deal that ensures
Word of the decision emerged Israeli defense body that oversees Israeli troops fully leave Gaza and
as diplomatic efforts aimed at the planning council, referred the war ends Mr. Netanyahu says
ending the nine-month war in questions to Mr. Netanyahu’s the war cannot end before Hamas
Gaza appeared to be stirring back office, which did not immediately is eliminated.
to life after a weeks-long hiatus. respond to a request for com- Israeli negotiators are expect-
Prime Minister Benjamin Neta- ment. ed to arrive in Doha, atar’s cap-
nyahu’s office said he had decid- Mr. Netanyahu’s government ital, for the talks as early as Friday,
ed to send negotiators to resume is dominated by settlers and their with American, gyptian and
negotiations. A day earlier, the supporters. Hard-line nationalist atari officials present. A senior
militant Hamas group handed Finance Minister Bazalel Smo- Biden administration official said
mediators its latest response to a trich, himself a settler, has been the White House viewed the
U.S.-backed proposal for a deal. put in charge of settlement policy resumption of negotiations as a
Israel’s settlement drive and has said his rapid expansion “breakthrough” that “moves the
Veleros, oil on canvas, 51 x 38" threatens to further stoke ten- drive is in part intended to ensure process forward” while caution-
sions in the West Bank, which has a Palestinian state cannot be cre- ing there is still work to do.
seen a surge in violence since the ated. The Palestinians seek the
war in Gaza began on Oct. . The West Bank, east erusalem and ASSOCIATED RESS

. coli case s urs second closing of algar da care

Fueling Brains was
at the centre of a
bacterial infection
outbreak last year,
which affected hundreds


A Calgary daycare operated by

Fueling Brains, the company at
the centre of an outbreak of . coli
last fall that sickened hundreds,
has closed again this week after a
child tested positive for the bacte-
rial infection.
Fueling Brains, in a statement,
said it was notified late on
Wednesday that a one-year-old
child attending the West 85th
campus in southwest Calgary had
tested positive for . coli. The
company said it promptly noti-
fied parents and Alberta Health
“We have no evidence this orig-
inated at the campus, nor that it
has spread,” the statement said.
“However, out of an abundance
of caution, we voluntarily closed
the West 85th campus for the re-
mainder of the week to allow for In a statement, Fueling Brains says it was notified late on Wednesday that a one year old child attending the West 85th campus in southwest Calgary
deep cleaning and to ensure the had tested positi e for E. coli. The company says it promptly notified parents and Alberta Health Ser ices. TODD OROL/THE GLOBE AND MAIL
safety and well-being of our stu-
dents and staff.” said. “At this time, AHS does not statement Thursday, that no indicated there is no need for an No violations were reported
West 85th was one of six Fuel- have any evidence to suggest that charges have been laid. outbreak status.” Staff began during the last public-health
ing Brains locations connected to there has been on-site transmis- The catering kitchen has not wearing masks and an outside inspection of the West 85th cam-
the outbreak of . coli that infect- sion, however we will be monitor- been in operation since Aug. 31, company was hired to deep clean pus, conducted on April 25.
ed nearly 500 people, most of ing this situation closely.” according to Fueling Brains. the facility, according to the letter. The Walden location has not
whom were children, between Last year’s outbreak was traced Last November, Meals on Inspectors traced the source of been inspected since last Novem-
September and October last year. to food prepared at Fueling Wheels was contracted to provide last year’s . coli outbreak to ber, during which inspectors
It was one of the largest recorded Minds, a catering kitchen that meals to Fueling Brains attend- meatloaf and its vegan equiva- noted its thermometer, used to
outbreaks of . coli in Canada’s shared the same owners as Fuel- ees, but it is unclear if it is still do- lent, but were never able to deter- monitor foods during cooling,
history. ing Brains. Five other child-care ing so. The company did not re- mine how the food was contam- cooking and reheating, had “not
Kerry Williamson, a spokes- sites, which obtained food from spond to requests for comment. inated. been calibrated to ensure accura-
person with Alberta Health Ser- the catering kitchen, had to shut On Wednesday, the daycare Fueling Minds was notified cy.” The report states that the vio-
vices, said in a statement that the their doors during the outbreak, operator also flagged an increas- repeatedly over three years by lation was corrected during the
health authority is aware of the which ended Oct. 31. ing number of illnesses around its public-health inspectors of con- inspection.
most recent case and is working Fueling Minds was charged last Walden location in southeast Cal- cerns over its kitchen’s cleanli- Other violations were related
with the daycare facility to “gath- September under municipal by- gary, according to a screenshot of ness. Following the outbreak, a to utensils and equipment stor-
er information on this situation.” laws for providing third-party a uly 3 letter to parents from the health inspection revealed that age. Inspectors noted that cutting
“AHS has not declared an out- food services to those five academy. food was being transported with- knives were stored in a wooden
break at the facility at this time. daycares without the appropriate “Over the past couple of days out temperature control for long- knife block that is “porous and
Out of an abundance of caution, business licence. Calgary police we have noticed a notable rise in er than 90 minutes, living and not cleanable” and cutting boards
the operator has voluntarily are still investigating the initial respiratory sickness around our dead cockroaches were in the were kept within the “splash
closed the facility and is perform- outbreak in co-ordination with area,” the letter said. “In commu- food-preparation area and there zone” of the sink used for hand
ing a deep clean,” Mr. Williamson AHS and confirmed, in a nications with AHS, they have was a “sewer gas smell.” and toy washing.


W y e tro erts o eat c eese are appier

cademic literature While studying in Boston, I l ans in Paris has proposed that
had the good fortune of meeting promoting subjective well-being
tells us that the emotion Abraham Maslow, professor of is not only desirable on its own
is complex and can’t psychology at Brandeis Universi- but leads to higher productivity
in fact be defined ty. In 1945 he first published his and the economic prosperity of
“hierarchy of needs that motivate the country.
or measured using humanity” and then continued A word about perfectionism.
ust one dimension to expand on these needs that in- While I think it is important in
clude basic physical, safety , so- life to apply oneself fully and pro-
cial love, esteem , and self. fessionally to any enterprise,
THOMAS R. Physical needs must be satis- striving to be the perfect son or
VERNY fied before social needs, and so- perfect father or writing the per-
cial needs before self-fulfilment. fect column is a surefire recipe for
O INION To act unselfishly, a person must grief and disappointment.
have met their most basic needs, There is now research to show
an achievement that leads to that, as Tzuhsuan Ma has written,
THE AGE OF BREA THROUGHS growth and self-actualization “As soon as you release yourself
and, we may add – happiness 9 . from being perfect, you would be
MD, a clinical psychiatrist, academic, ew-Kwang Ng, distinguished surprised just how many ways
a ard inning author, public fellow of the Academy of the So- there are to solve a problem.” 13
speaker, poet and podcaster. He is ILLUSTRATION BY DREW SHANNON cial Sciences in Australia, sug- My advice have realistic expecta-
the author of eight books, including gests a higher fifth level, not of tions and aim for very good rath-
the global bestseller The Secret Life Subjective well-being is a very healthy enhances happiness and self-actualization, but “beyond er than perfect and you will enjoy
of the Unborn Child and 202 ’s The active area of research with about being happy benefits your health. oneself” a concern for the welfare life a lot more.
Embodied Mind: Understanding the 1 0,000 articles and books pub- One such study comes from of others including animals. 10 Does Money Buy Happiness
Mysteries of Cellular Memory, lished on the topic in the past 15 the Shanghai iao Tong Universi- Actions or activities that an in- The answer is, yes and no. At any
Consciousness and Our Bodies. years. 2 These studies show that ty School of Medicine that collect- dividual undertakes to benefit or given time, those with higher in-
certain factors such as personal- ed data on 2.4 million individuals protect the environment have comes are generally happier,
ccording to a Gallup poll ity, health, social relationships, and found potential causal evi- been shown to dramatically both within and across nations,
published in The World religious belief and employment dence that better mental well-be- boost human happiness. 11 but over time, happiness does
Global Happiness Report if are strongly and positively associ- ing, measured by life satisfaction, “There is mounting evidence, not increase as incomes rise. A
you are a Canadian your happi- ated with happiness 3, 4 . mood, neuroticism, and depres- from dozens and dozens of re- key reason for this paradox is that
ness index was 6.9 out of 10 max- The most reliable predictors of sive symptoms, promote a longer searchers, that nature has bene- our satisfaction with our income
imum happiness , if American, life satisfaction are personality and healthier life. fits for both physical and psycho- depends much on how it com-
6. . Compared to other countries, traits of extraversion, conscien- A surprising finding of this re- logical human well-being,” says pares to the incomes of others
Canada placed 15th and the U.S. tiousness and emotional stability search was that when it focused Lisa Nisbet, PhD, a psychologist 14 .
23rd. The happiest countries were 5 . on 33 individuals from the u- at Trent University in Ontario, And I cannot let you go before I
Finland . , Denmark .6 , and In addition to these largely ge- ropean data sets those who re- who studies connectedness to na- tell you about a recent study by
Iceland .5 . Interestingly, in netically inherited traits influen- ported eating more cheese regis- ture. Kira Birditt, research professor at
both countries as well as North- ced as they are by family constel- tered 3.6 higher in self-rated “ ou can boost your mood just the University of Michigan who
ern urope, the older generation lations, child rearing, education health and longer lifespans 6 . by walking in nature, even in ur- found that couples who drink to-
is significantly happier than the and culture are lifestyle choices While high fat foods are often ban nature. And the sense of con- gether live longer 15 . This is not
younger one. 1 including healthy diet and exer- considered detrimental to health, nection you have with the natu- advocating for increased con-
Happiness, much like love, is cise on the positive side and studies at University College Du- ral world seems to contribute to sumption of alcohol. Rather the
one of the emotions and experi- spending too much time watch- blin suggest that in moderation, happiness even when you’re not study emphasizes the impor-
ences in human life that is highly ing TV or on the computer, alco- the consumption of dairy fat can physically immersed in nature.” tance of shared lifestyle habits for
valued yet, in some ways, the holism and substance addictions lower cholesterol and reduce 12 both health and relationship sat-
most elusive. on the negative side. mortality from all causes includ- This does not preclude impor- isfaction.
Turning to the academic litera- All studies agree that fostering ing cancer . Findings from Sun tant instrumental values of hap- And remember, most people
ture for assistance to address thus one’s physical and mental health at-sen University, Guangzhou, piness, including success in one’s derive happiness by helping oth-
riddle, it becomes quickly appar- increases a person’s chances for a China reinforce the above and as- career and productivity or work ers in need, animals or humans.
ent that happiness is complex happy life. The positive relation- sert that cheese consumption has performance. So, make a contribution to your
and cannot be defined or mea- ship between health and happi- neutral to moderate benefits for Charles Henri DiMaria from own happiness and increase the
sured using just one dimension. ness is likely reciprocal being human health 8 . the Laboratoire d’ conomie d’Or- happiness of others.

. The World Happiness Report 2020 . The Role of a Happy erson 2. ness, Concept, Measurement and E. B., Blo , F. C. 2024 . Alcohol Use
2024 . http // 0. 24/ ality in the Relationship of Sub ective . O’Connor, A., Feeney, E. L., Noron romotion. Springer Singapore. and Mortality Among Older Couples
hr kk m b5 2. Social Status and Domain Specific Sat ha, N., Gibney, E. R. 2022 . Deter . Venhoeven, L. A., Bolderdi k, J. in the United States Evidence of Indi
2. Diener, Ed Tay, Louis 20 . A isfaction in China. Applied Research mination of factors associated ith W., Steg, L. 20 . Why acting en vidual and artner Effects. The Ge
scientific revie of the remarkable Quality Life. https // 0. 00 / serum cholesterol response to dairy vironmentally friendly feels good rontologist, 4 2 , gnad 0 .
benefits of happiness for successful s 4 2 020 0 fat consumption in over eight Exploring the role of self image. . DiMaria, C. H., eroni, C., Sarra
and healthy living. In Happiness 5. Obylin ska, D., a enko ski, M., adults secondary analysis from an Frontiers in sychology, , 4 cino, F. 2020 . Happiness matters
Transforming the Development Le c uk, . et al. 2020 . The media RCT. Frontiers in Nutrition, , 45 2 . 2. Weir, irsten 2020 . Nurtured by roductivity gains from sub ective
Landscape pp. 0– . The Centre tional role of emotion regulation in . hang, M., Dong, ., Wang, Y., Nature. A A Monitor, vol. 5 , no. . ell being. Journal of Happiness
for Bhutan Studies and GNH. the relationship bet een personality Giovannucci, E. L. 202 . Cheese https // Studies, 2 , 0 .
. Amato, . R., James, S. L. 20 . and sub ective ell being. Current consumption and multiple health tor/2020/04/nurtured nature . Delle Fave, Antonella, Massimini,
Changes in spousal relationships sychology. https // outcomes an umbrella revie and . Ma, T., Hermundstad, A. M. Fausto Bassi, Marta 20 . Hedo
over the marital life course, In Al 0. 00 /s 2 44 020 updated meta analysis of prospective 2024 . A vast space of compact strat nism and eudaimonism in positive
inD., FelmleeD., reager D. eds . 00 studies. Advances in Nutrition, 4 5 , egies for effective decisions. Science psychology. In A. Delle Fave Eds.
Social Net orks and the Life Course, . Ye, C. J., Liu, D., Wang, Y. Y., 0 Advances, 0 25 , ead 40 4. sychological Selection and Optimal
Frontiers in Sociology and Social Re Wang, T. G. 2024 . Mendelian rando . Maslo , A. H. 54/ 0a/ . 4. Easterlin, R. A. . Does mon Experience across Cultures. Cross
search, vol 2. Springer, Cham, pp. mi ation evidence for the causal ef Motivation and ersonality. Ne ey buy happiness The public inter Cultural Advancements in ositive
– 5 . fect of mental ell being on healthy York Harper Ro . est, 0, . sychology, 2 – . Ne York
4. Leng, ., Han, J., heng, Y. et al. aging. Nature Human Behaviour, 0. Ye ang Ng 2022 . Happi 5. Birditt, . S., Turkelson, A., Ware, Springer.

Trudeau, oilievre, ingh

begin fundraising cam aigns
in lberta and ontreal
IAN BAILEY OTTAWA NDP national director Lucy Watson
said in a statement that Leader agmeet
Singh has been out raising funds for the
With the House of Commons on a sum- party as recently as last week when he
mer break, Prime Minister ustin Tru- held an event in LaSalle- mard-Verdun,
deau and Conservative Leader Pierre where a by-election is expected to re-
Poilievre are out on the fundraising trail place former justice minister David La-
this week, with the leaders looking to metti.
Montreal and Alberta for support. “The leader will continue to fundraise
Accompanied by a pair of ministers, wherever he goes this summer so we can
Mr. Trudeau held an event in Montreal continue to grow the great momentum
on Wednesday, and Mr. Poilievre has we are building,” Ms. Watson said in a
events planned in Alberta on Friday and statement.
Saturday. “We just finished the second quarter
Pat King has pleaded not guilty to mischief, counselling others to commit mischief and MPs are not scheduled to return to the fundraising and we are proud to note
other offences related to his role in the con oy. S ENCER COLBY/THE CANADIAN RESS Commons until Sept. 16. that our digital donations are up at least
On Wednesday, Prime Minister ustin 25 per cent from last year.”
Trudeau made an announcement in The federal Conservatives have been
TRIAL OF OTTAWA CONVOY ORGANIZER PAT KING ADJOURNED TO JULY 15 Montreal, and later attended a Liberal consistently running ahead of the Liber-
fundraising event in the als in public opinion polling,
city, accompanied by Tou- with greater support for the
OTTAWA The criminal trial of convoy ustin Trudeau. rism Minister Soraya Marti- According to party as well as Mr. Poilievre
organizer Pat King was adjourned this Mr. King has pleaded not guilty to nez Ferrada and Foreign Af- as leader compared with Mr.
morning without proceeding to the mischief, counselling others to commit fairs Minister M lanie oly.
fundraising numbers Trudeau.
defence case. mischief, obstructing police, and other According to the Con- for 202 released in According to fundraising
Mr. King was a prominent figure in offences related to his role in the three- servative Party website, Mr. January by Elections numbers for 2023 released
the convoy that gridlocked downtown week long demonstration. Poilievre has three events Canada, the in anuary by lections Can-
Ottawa for more than three weeks in His defence was expected to present scheduled in Alberta this Conservatives under ada, the Conservatives un-
2022 in a massive protest against CO- its case today at Superior Court of Onta- week in Calgary and the der Mr. Poilievre raised
VID-19 public health restrictions, vac- rio in Ottawa, but the matter was ad- southern Alberta Foothills
ierre oilievre more money than all other
cine mandates, and Prime Minister journed to uly 15. THE CANADIAN RESS County municipal district. raised more money major political parties com-
On Saturday, he will attend than all other ma or bined.
a barbecue in Calgary to political parties They raised nearly $35.3-
celebrate the Calgary combined. million in 2023, compared
On Tuesday, Mr. Poilievre has an eve- Liberals in the same period of time.
ning fundraising event in Vancouver fol- Last year the Bloc u b cois raised
MOSCOW China’s President, i inping, unity and jointly oppose external lowed by a Thursday event in the Mon- $1.8-million the NDP, $6.9-million the
and Russia’s Vladimir Putin pressed interference in the face of the real treal suburb of Hampstead. Green Party, $1.9-million and the Peo-
their case on Thursday for closer secu- challenges of interference and divi- The Conservative Leader’s fundrais- ple’s Party of Canada, $1.6-million.
rity, political and economic co-oper- sion,” inhua news agency quoted Mr. ing calendar this month also includes an As well, the Conservatives spent more
ation between countries of the vast i as saying, warning against the West’s event featuring a high-profile supporter than $8.5-million on advertising last
urasian region as a counterweight to “Cold War mentality.” of his party. Dan Daviau, the president year, substantially exceeding what its
Western alliances. Mr. Putin, in his address to the SCO, and C O of the Toronto-based invest- political rivals spent.
They were speaking on the second reiterated Russia’s call for “a new archi- ment bank Canaccord Genuity Group The Liberals spent around $381,000,
and final day of a summit in the Ka- tecture of co-operation, indivisible Corp., is to host Mr. Poilievre at a uly 22 while the NDP spent only about $42,000.
zakh capital Astana of the Shanghai security and development in urasia, event in the regional municipality of The numbers are detailed in federal
Cooperation Organisation SCO , a club designed to replace the outdated u- Muskoka, according to an advisory ob- parties’ annual financial returns for 2023,
launched in 2001 by Russia, China and rocentric and uro-Atlantic models, tained by The Globe and Mail. which lections Canada posted online
Central Asian states and now including which gave unilateral advantages only Mr. Daviau has been a regular donor to this week.
India, Iran and Pakistan. to certain states.” federal Conservatives over the years, ac-
“SCO members should consolidate REUTERS cording to lections Canada records. With a report from The Canadian ress


esting t e aters
Firefighters move a apid
eployment Craft into the water as
they prepare to aid a small capsi ed
boat during a simulated rescue
at Woodbine Beach in oronto
on Wednesday


small ebras a congressional district HURRICANE BERYL HEADS


co ld play a ge role in t e election STRIKING JAMAICA


Possibility shows how uir s “This is the tiebreaker state. The tie- Bacon hopes, will work to his advantage as Hurricane Beryl churned over
break district,” he said. he seeks re-election. the Cayman Islands on Thurs-
in the system can endow It’s not the first time the region has “The issues are on our side in this dis- day as it took aim at some of
parts of the electoral map played an outsized role In the 2008 elec- trict,” the congressman said in an inter- Mexico’s top tourist resorts,
with unusual influence tion that sent Barack Obama to the White view. He pointed to the relatively sunny ec- after belting amaica with
House for the first time, the state’s second onomic situation in Nebraska, which is led winds that uprooted trees and
congressional district was “my personal fa- by Republicans and boasts one of the fas- tore apart buildings.
NATHAN VANDERKLIPPE vourite target,” David Plouffe, who man- ter-growing economies in the country. Over the past few days,
INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT aged Mr. Obama’s 2008 presidential cam- “Hopefully people will give credit where Beryl, now at Category 2
NEBRAS A paign, wrote in The d ci o in. He re- credit is due,” he said. strength, has left behind a
counted a conversation with Mr. Obama But like elsewhere, politics here are be- deadly trail of destruction
about how Nebraska could edge the Dem- ing shaped by battles within the political across several smaller Carib-
ebraska’s second congressional ocrats to an unusual victory. right. Nebraska’s state Republican appara- bean islands.
district has accumulated a few “Plouffe, that’s interesting daydream- tus has been taken over by populist sup- At least 10 people are pro-
nicknames. It sometimes goes by ing,” Mr. Obama responded. “Let’s try not porters of Donald Trump, who have re- nounced dead as a result of the
Pac-Man, because of the shape it to have it all come down to Nebraska 2.” fused to endorse their own party’s candi- storm, a number that could
cuts across Omaha and its surrounding ar- In the end, Mr. Obama won by a wide dates – including Mr. Bacon. rise, especially in the eastern
eas. Democrats call it the “blue dot,” a dis- enough margin that a single electoral col- “It’s a liability for us,” said Mr. Bacon, Caribbean as communications
trict they hope to win again this year by lege vote became inconse- who is considered by some are restored on islands devas-
turning their “ omaha” signs into what quential. But he did win Ne- to be one of the most biparti- tated by extensive flooding and
could be a surprisingly consequential vic- braska’s second congression- The district’s san members of Congress. powerful winds.
tory for oe Biden, if he becomes the par- al district. So did Mr. Biden, in “There are some people that “We’re happy to be alive,
ty’s presidential nominee despite growing 2020. potential to be would rather have purity happy that the damage was not
concern about his age. Conservatives This year again, Democrats consequential is than the majority.” more extensive,” said oseph
grudgingly accept it as the “purple dot,” a have identified the Nebraska serious enough that His opponent, Democrat Patterson, a beekeeper active in
politically diverse spot on a state map oth- district as a key area of focus – strategists from both Tony Vargas, has seized on local politics who lives in the
erwise coloured in Republican red. and spending. the conflict to suggest that southwestern amaican town of
Indeed, this one small district, with just “We’re considered a battle- parties have already even among Republicans, Bogue in St. lizabeth parish.
more than 400,000 registered voters, is ground state,” said Precious committed millions many don’t support Mr. Ba- He described felled power lines,
poised to play a role in determining who McKesson, executive director of dollars in ad con – a candidate Mr. Vargas roads blocked with debris and
controls both the White House and Con- of the Nebraska Democratic spending to it. nonetheless criticized as in “tremendous damage” to local
gress in this year’s elections. That possibil- Party. She was the chosen thrall to Mr. Trump. farms.
ity is a reflection of how quirks in the sys- elector for the second congressional dis- Mr. Vargas has campaigned as a fiscally Around 1,000 people hun-
tem for choosing the country’s president trict in 2008. responsible member of the state legisla- kered down in shelters on
can endow small parts of the electoral map “The voters in this district could make ture who is dedicated to lowering health Wednesday evening, Richard
with unusual influence, but also of the ra- the decision of the 2024 presidential elec- care costs and fighting for abortion rights. Thompson, acting head of
zor-edge margins that have decided recent tion,” she said. “Republicans are not standing on the amaica’s disaster agency told
U.S. elections. Of course, it takes a very narrow set of side of women,” he said. “They’re not local media. So far, only one
The district’s potential to be consequen- outcomes to make Nebraska pivotal, and standing on the side of common sense de- death has been attributed to
tial is serious enough that strategists from polling suggests that, at the moment, Mr. cision-making. They’ve gone too far.” Beryl, he said.
both parties have already committed mil- Trump enjoys a comfortable position in Money is pouring in to help both candi- More than half of the cus-
lions of dollars in ad spending to it, with key swing states – a position that has im- dates make their case. By the end of une, tomers of the island nation’s
Democrats airing commercials many proved after Mr. Biden’s weak debate per- Mr. Bacon had raised $3.4-million, Mr. Var- main electricity company were
months before the Nov. 5 vote. formance last week. gas $2.4-million. That is more than four without power on Thursday
U.S. presidents are selected not by vot- “In the overall scheme of things, I don’t times the total raised in the neighbouring afternoon.
ers, but by presidential electors. Most think he’s so worried about this electoral district. Beryl’s centre skirted amai-
states assign all of their electors to the can- vote, just based on the polling in these tar- Still, in terms of its importance to the ca’s southern coast, pummell-
didate that wins a majority. Nebraska is an get states,” said Sam Fischer, a retired Re- federal election, a single district in Nebras- ing communities as a powerful
exception as is Maine , allocating electors publican campaign consultant in Omaha. ka is considerably less crucial than major Category 4 storm on the five-
to the winner of individual congressional But in many ways, what is taking place swing states, noted Randall Adkins, a polit- step Saffir-Simpson Hurricane
districts. In two recent elections – 2008 and in Nebraska’s second congressional dis- ical scientist at the University of Nebraska Wind Scale before weakening
2020 – Nebraska as a state has voted Re- trict is emblematic of the broader election Omaha who specializes in campaigns and slightly later in the day.
publican, but the second congressional campaign. The district is ethnically diverse elections. Its winds are expected to
district has chosen a Democratic elector. and politically divided, split between ur- The attention and the funds directed to- slow further over next day or
In most elections, a single elector mat- ban Omaha and more conservative rural ward the district, he said, reflect the im- two, but will likely remain at
ters little. But if the ballots fall a certain districts, with 38 per cent of voters regis- mense and growing sums of cash now hurricane strength until it
way – with Mr. Biden winning swing states tered Republican, 35 per cent Democrat coursing through the U.S. electoral system, approaches Mexico’s ucatan
Minnesota, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and much of the remainder independent. not merely a tight presidential election Peninsula.
and Mr. Trump taking Arizona, Nevada “Omaha voters are driven by a sense of race. OpenSecrets, an independent non- By Thursday afternoon, Beryl
and Georgia – the one vote from Nebras- fairness and they’re solutions-oriented – profit, tracked US$14.4-billion in spending had crossed over the Cayman
ka’s second congressional district stands to and I think they’re a good proxy for a cer- on the 2020 election, more than double Islands. The unusually fierce,
determine whether Mr. Biden wins, or tain type of median American voter,” said the previous presidential campaign. early hurricane was located
whether the country is deadlocked, plac- Charlie llsworth, who was a regional field “The biggest thing that’s driving it is about 21 kilometres west of
ing the choice of president in the hands of director in Omaha for the Obama cam- that they just have money to spend,” Prof. Grand Cayman, the largest of
the House of Representatives. paign in 2008. Adkins said. That’s enough to direct funds the three islands that make up
Don Bacon, the Republican who cur- Republican public opinion surveys to priorities, even if there is only a slim pos- the British territory, according
rently occupies the second district seat in show that local voters place the border, sibility they matter. “When you’ve got that to the latest advisory from the
the House of Representatives, called the crime and inflation at the top of their list of much money, you can spend money on U.S. National Hurricane Center.
scenario “plausible.” concerns in the coming election. That, Mr. one electoral college vote in Nebraska.” ASSOCIATED RESS



SAO PAULO Brazilian federal Mr. Bolsonaro’s leftist succes-

police on Thursday formally sor President Luiz Inacio Lula da
accused former president air Silva called for an investigation
Bolsonaro of embezzlement for and one of his cabinet ministers
misappropriating jewellery he called Mr. Bolsonaro’s actions
received while head of state, “smuggling.”
including luxury items given by Mr. Bolsonaro’s lawyer did not
the Saudi Arabian government, return calls requesting comment.
two police sources said. The police officers, who spoke Xpandable™ Bracelets & Rings
This is the second time police to Reuters on the condition of
Discover Italy’s finest in
have formally accused Mr. Bolso- anonymity, said charges were
naro of a crime. He was charged also brought against former flexible fitting jewellery for
in March with forging his CO- mines and energy minister Bento a perfect fit every time.
VID-19 vaccine records. Albuquerque, whose aide had
The jewellery, some of it made returned with him from a visit to
by Chopard of Switzerland, was Riyadh, Mr. Bolsonaro’s former
valued at US$3.2-million and aide-de-camp Mauro Cid who
included a diamond necklace, was allegedly involved in selling
ring, watch and earrings given to jewellery, his lawyer Frederick
Mr. Bolsonaro and former first Wassef and his spokesperson
lady Michelle Bolsonaro by the Fabio Wajngarten.
Saudi government. In an investigation authorized
Some of the jewellery was by Supreme Court ustice Minis-
seized by customs officials at Sao ter Alexandre de Moraes, police
Paulo’s international airport in last year searched the homes of
October, 2021, when it was found military officers who allegedly
in the backpack of a government helped Mr. Bolsonaro sell the
aide returning from Riyadh. jewellery in the U.S. REUTERS
A8 O O O T H E G LOB E A N D M A I L | FR I DAY , U LY 5 , 0 4

Kim Prosser holds a photo of her late son, Ashtyn Prosser, who took his own life at the age of 1 after consuming a dose of sodium nitrite he purchased online. Canadian regulators ha e
decided not to restrict the sale of the chemical, lea ing Ms. Prosser to ask How many more people is it going to take before something changes ’ DA MELMER/THE GLOBE AND MAIL

U. . and U.K. take ste s to curb access to

sodium nitrite, anada doesn’t follow suit
Health Canada doesn’t regard the salt, often used as a food preservative, as a threat when used as intended,’ documents show

COLIN FREEZE substance, even in relatively lion against vendors who sell the curing-salt chemicals had fac-
MIKE HAGER small quantities, are deadly. salt to people who have no legiti- tored into “limited cases of self-
The Globe conducted a survey no n as the Youth mate use for it. harm suicide” but that the gov-
of Canadian coroners’ databases oisoning rotection The Colorado law requires ernment assessed that “when
In the wake of a wave of deaths and found that at least 60 suicide Act, the federal U.S. clear labels on packages and in used as intended, they do not
linked to the ingestion of sodium deaths in the past five years can online ads warning that the pose a risk to human health.”
nitrite, the U.K. and some states be attributed to consumption of legislation seeks to ban chemical causes “extreme pain If “pressed” on the issues relat-
in the U.S. have restricted its sale, two toxic curing salts. retail sales of the or imminent death.” The statute ed to the chemical as a suicide
but Canadian regulators have so In a Dec. 22, 2023, memo to de- chemical at notes other U.S. legislatures are substance, the minister was ad-
far not followed suit. partment officials, Health Cana- concentrations contemplating similar laws in vised to respond that “there is no
The chemical, a salt often used da’s senior communications ad- shared hopes that “restricting ac- health without mental health.”
as a food preservative, is at the viser Sarah Hoelscher acknowl- of 0 per cent purity cess to sodium nitrite will save The briefing materials suggest he
heart of 14 first-degree murder edged that “coroners, medical or higher. The bill lives, particularly among vulner- could then highlight billions of
charges against Kenneth Law, a advocates and families” have passed a House of able and developing young dollars in Liberal health invest-
Canadian who allegedly sold the called on the federal government Representatives vote in adults.” ments, or the federal govern-
substance online to people at to “ban or restrict the sale of so- Colorado legislators were ment’s then-imminent creation
risk of harming themselves – dium nitrite in Canada.” May and no a aits moved to pass the law after hear- of a suicide hotline.
some of whom later died by sui- While that has not been done consideration by the ing testimony last anuary from The briefing note and the lack
cide. in this country, politicians in U.S. Senate. David Ramirez, who explained of action has angered the mother
Authorities have said they be- three U.S. states have introduced how his 22-year-old daughter No- of one of the 14 people Mr. Law is
lieve Mr. Law, 59, shipped more or passed laws restricting the sale elle killed herself with a packet of accused of killing, who says it’s
than 1,200 packages to more than of the chemical, and a bill cur- the chemical that he alleges she unrealistic for anyone to say that
40 countries. Mr. Law’s lawyer rently before U.S. legislature bought online from Canada. sodium nitrite is safe.
has said the man intends to would impose nationwide re- Similar bills were passed last “That’s an absurd, absurd
plead not guilty. In une, the fam- strictions. year in California, where online statement,” said Kim Prosser, of
ilies of the 14 individuals related Known as the outh Poisoning sales of the substance to anyone Windsor, Ont., whose 19-year-old
to the case were notified by Protection Act, the federal U.S. under the age of 18 are banned son, Ashtyn, died after consum-
Crown lawyers that the trial legislation seeks to ban retail and sales of high concentrations ing the chemical. “How many
could begin in September, 2025, sales of the chemical at concen- of the salt are prohibited. And more people is it going to take
though they were told this date is trations of 10-per-cent purity or last year, elected representatives before something changes ”
not certain. higher. The bill passed a House of in New ork State introduced No representative from the
Documents obtained by The Representatives vote in May and laws restricting it that have not Liberal government contacted by
Globe and Mail under freedom of now awaits consideration by the passed yet. The Globe, nor the Conservatives
information laws show Health U.S. Senate. “There’s simply no In Britain, new rules an- or New Democrats, agreed to an
Canada does not regard sodium reason it should be available to nounced by the British Home Of- interview about whether the
nitrite as a threat “when used as the public, particularly with its fice last October require vendors chemical needs to be more strict-
intended.” The chemical is used promotion on online suicide fo- to relay information about suspi- ly regulated in this country.
in lower concentrations by the rums,” said sponsoring congress- cious transactions involving so- Mr. Law, 58, was arrested on
food industry to fight bacteria woman Lori Trahan in a state- dium nitrite to the government May, 2023, at his basement apart-
and speed up the curing of bacon ment. within 24 hours and turn over ment in Mississauga. The former
and other meats, but it is also udy Amabile, a state repre- names, e-mail addresses and engineer and chef is charged
promoted in online forums tar- sentative in Colorado, intro- payment information. Britain al- with the first-degree murder of a
geted at those seeking informa- duced a state version of that law so announced last fall it was group of Ontarians aged between
tion on how to kill themselves. that passed earlier this year. It al- launching a suicide surveillance 16 and 40, and he is also charged
Higher concentrations of the lows for fines of up to US$1-mil- tool as an early warning system with counselling those same
about changes in suicide rates people to kill themselves. In an
and methods. interview with The Globe a week
Last month, British Mental before his arrest, Mr. Law main-
Health Minister Maria Caulfield tained he had no control over
said her government is taking ad- what his clients did with the
ditional steps to stop the spread chemical.
of the sodium nitrite. In a une The U.K.’s National Crime
letter responding to a coroner’s Agency is investigating allega-
inquiry involving a suicide death tions that Mr. Law sent from Can-
from the chemical, she described ada packages to 2 2 people in
the formation of U.K. working that country, with 90 of those cli-
group involving police, academ- ents dying. No criminal charges
ics, health and government offi- have been laid in Britain.
cials who are collectively trying Amrita Ahluwalia, a British
to restrict its trade. scientist who is the dean of re-
Canada’s Mental Health Minis- search at ueen Mary University
ter a’ara Saks declined an inter- of London, said although her
view request, but her spokesper- main focus is to study the poten-
son Alexander Fernandes said tial medical benefits of chemical
the government is working with compounds, her expertise is now
law enforcement to respond to routinely sought by coroners ask-
the issue. Ms. Saks told The Globe ing her to look at the availability
last fall that the substance is not of the salts.
being considered for additional “Those people that determine
regulation. policy – we’re talking about gov-
Released records show that ernments – they need to wake
Health Canada prepared a ues- up,” Dr. Ahluwalia said in an in-
tion Period briefing note for Lib- terview. “They need to get it un-
eral cabinet ministers in une, der control. At the moment,
2023, in case MPs raised ques- clearly there’s a lot of deaths that
In May, 0 3, police arrested Kenneth Law alleging that he had aided suicides by globally shipping more tions about the substance in Par- are taking place on both sides of
than 1, 00 potentially lethal sodium nitrite packages. ARLYN McADOREY/THE CANADIAN RESS liament. The note said that such the Atlantic.”

loo into t e li es of t ose

o ingested t e s icide s bstance
Sodium nitrite, a chemical salt that is deadly in high concentrations,
is currently unregulated in Canada. Here are the stories of individuals from
our country, and abroad, who have ingested it only one of whom survived



When he was happy, Benji Cohn

had a chuckle that was conta-
gious. “That’s the sound I hear in
my head. He has a very unique
giggle,” his brother Gerry Cohn
remembers. “And unfortunately, At the time of his death, Dan Tucker had been
I’m never pop get to hear it out studying biology at the U.K.’s Open Uni ersity.
The siblings were raised in the
Chicago suburb of Des Plaines by DAN TUCKER, 4
a single mother who worked long LONDON, U.K.
days as a therapist to provide for DIED A RIL, 2022
“She truly enjoys helping oth- Dan Tucker was an intelligent and gentle soul who
ers,” says Gerry, who was three revelled in his own company. As a child, he would
years older than his younger don a Spider-Man costume and run around the park
brother. When they were teenag- near his house. In his teens, he played guitar and
ers, his mom treated the family drums, and posted videos of himself to ouTube.
with the purchase of a red Pontiac “He had a strong moral compass,” says Clare
Sunfire. Gerry drove it when he vans, a lawyer for the family in London, ngland.
got his driver’s licence and he re- “He chose to become vegetarian as a teen due to his
members 13-year-old Benji beam- love of animals. And when he got his driving li-
ing in the passenger seat. For the cence, he would never exceed the speed limit, al-
brothers, then, the road ahead ways maintaining a steady 0 on the motorway.”
seemed full of adventure. At the time of his death, Mr. Tucker had been
In high school, Benji got into Ben i Cohn’s brother says he had the biggest heart’ and had a natural studying biology at the U.K.’s Open University, hav-
wrestling and later Brazilian jiu- empathy, e en for people he’d ust met. COURTESY OF FAMILY ing overcome, with treatment, mental-health prob-
jitsu, but he wasn’t a tough guy. lems that were diagnosed in his late teens. His first
“He had the biggest heart,” says Northeastern Illinois university. wrestled with depression. institutional crisis care plans were developed by
Mr. Cohn. He said his brother had In his 20s and 30s he also worked He died in 2023 in a rented a medical officials in 2018, or four years before he
a natural empathy – even for peo- as an account manager for tech hotel room near his home after died.
ple he’d just met – but also strug- companies. He lived in Denver for ingesting sodium nitrite that, In April, 2022, Mr. Tucker was placed in psychiat-
gled with criticism, which he of- a time, but he was uncomfortable based on invoice found on his ric care in a London hospital as he was diagnosed
ten felt far too deeply. in unfamiliar places. He eventual- phone, had been shipped to him with emotionally unstable personality disorder.
Benji studied psychology at ly returned to Illinois where he from Canada. Medical reports noted that he had been struggling
through multiple instances of self-harm, including
a suicide attempt.
He was detained for two weeks but a coroner’s
report says hospital staff suddenly allowed him to
leave – he was “physically though not formally
discharged” – over the advice of a clinical psycholo-
EMMA MORRISON, 4 which she said helped her devel- gist who raised concerns he was not ready for re-
SURREY, U.K. op methods to improve her men- lease.
INGESTED IN DECEMBER, 2022, tal health. Mr. Tucker left the hospital around 6 p.m. that
BUT SURVIVED But by the end of 2022, when evening. By 9 p.m., a friend was calling an ambu-
her mental health once again de- lance after discovering Mr. Tucker had consumed
teriorated, she rejoined the forum sodium nitrite he had stashed that March.
mma Morrison was 1 when she and was soon privately messaging The ambulance did not arrive in time and Mr.
first started researching online for with the same user who had re- Tucker died of a cardiac arrest. A coroner’s inquiry
ways to kill herself. ferred her to the Canadian source later castigated the medical officials who were en-
Now 24, she said back then she in the past. trusted with his care.
quickly found herself on a forum While living with her former “The whole system failed him,” said Ms. vans,
where anonymous users dis- partner in Dundee, Scotland, she the family lawyer. In an interview, she said the fam-
cussed various suicide methods, said she ordered the salt again ily found e-mailed receipts for the poison powder
posted farewells and used private and ingested it. Within 15 minutes, showing that it had been shipped to Britain from
direct messages to refer others to she had a seizure and fell to the Canada.
sources for poisons. floor feeling dizzy, cold and weak.
It was at once depressing and Her partner found her moments
reassuring, Ms. Morrison told The later and called an ambulance. Pa-
Globe. Emma Morrison ingested sodium ramedics discovered the packet of
“Knowing people were at that nitrite but sur i ed and has since poison and rushed her to a nearby
stage, a similar stage to me, was a undergone mental health hospital, where she was given
nice thought – and having a place treatment, and with the help of methylene blue, an antidote that
to openly talk about it is quite family and friends, has reco ered. saved her life.
comforting when you’re at that COURTESY OF EMMA MORRISON Ms. Morrison said she has since
low point,” she said in a phone in- undergone more mental-health
terview from her home in Surrey, da that marketed itself as a seller treatment, and with the help of
U.K. of commercial food products. But, family and friends, she recovered.
Ms. Morrison lurked in the fo- the green logo of the business had Since then, she’s heard about
rum for a year before engaging in the initials of the chemical sub- how other people around the
any of the discussions. She then stance highlighted in red, and the world had died from the same
got cold feet and deleted her pro- site peddled the salt in a concen- poison she ordered, and she
file on the site, determined to im- tration exponentially higher than wants others with suicidal
prove her mental health. She re- is necessary for the meat industry. thoughts to know their mental
joined several months later and She ordered a packet of the health can improve if they seek
posted asking for a source for tox- chemical in 2019, but her parents support.
ic salt, which she had read others found it on their doorstep and Ms. Morrison is now working as
inquiring about. She said she re- threw it out. Ms. Morrison was a veterinary care assistant with
ceived a direct message referring then treated by her local mental- plans to become a veterinarian.
her to an online business in Cana- health crisis intervention team, “It does get better,” she said.

eshenia Bedoya Lopez’s mother says she was a

friend, confidante and a okester. COURTESY OF FAMILY


ADAM BIRCH, 8 took a toll on his mental health. DIED SE TEMBER, 2022
LEEK, U.K. Doctors told the family his con-
DIED MARCH, 202 dition could get worse if he took As the summer of 2022 approached, eshenia Bed-
the COVID-19 vaccine, so they oya- Lopez, then 1 years old, appeared to be on the
began limiting their in-person cusp of a fulfilling adulthood.
Adam Birch was only 14, but visits to prevent him from get- The family had moved cities several times – in-
knew his mother was fibbing ting COVID. The introverted cluding to Calgary and Toronto – since arriving in
when she asked him if he could young man became more isolat- Canada as refugees from Colombia seven years prior.
recommend an online dating site ed. While Ms. Bedoya-Lopez’s parents worked nights
for a friend. The tech-savvy teen About a year before his death, doing cleaning and flooring jobs, she studied hard
guessed she was actually the one he phoned his parents and told and graduated with good grades from high school in
interested in finding love after them he wanted to end his life, the Greater Toronto Area town of Aurora.
her relationship with his father Ms. Dornford-May said. They A fan of apanese manga comics and emo pop star
ended, so he set her up on a site rushed over and took him to the Billie ilish, Ms. Bedoya-Lopez turned 18 that uly
and began helping her vet poten- hospital, where he was provided and had joined a gym to improve her fitness as she
tial partners. support and treatment for his began pursuing her dream of becoming a police offi-
He and his mom eventually mental health and eventually cer.
found Sarah Dornford-May, who discharged. Her father, Leonardo Bedoya, said she was in-
later became Mr. Birch’s step- After that, his dad would spired by his niece and nephews, who serve in the
mother. Ms. Dornford-May said swing by every day with his son’s United States military.
Mr. Birch’s suicide in March of prescription to ensure he took “She was fine, she had no problems at all and a
last year, at the age of 28, has his daily dose, Ms. Dornford-May good vision of the future,” Mr. Bedoya said during an
shattered his mother. said. That seemed to be working, interview in Spanish with The Globe and Mail.
The introverted online gamer, and his family was surprised by Ms. Bedoya-Lopez’s mother, Maria Lopez, said
who twice tried university and his death in March, 2023. their only child was a jokester – and also her friend
dropped out, had been living “They talked about anything and confidante. Her daughter, she says, found the
with the pair in Cheshire, U.K., and everything and that’s what first waves of the pandemic isolating and arduous
before moving out three years Dawn finds hard that he but the couple were shocked when she took her own
ago. Adam Birch’s stepmother says couldn’t talk to her about this,” life on Sept. 10, 2022, after consuming the toxic salt.
Living in a nearby town down he worked for a company making Ms. Dornford-May says of her “I don’t know what happened because she actual-
the street from his father, he retro ideo games and spent his partner’s trouble processing her ly looked fine,” Ms. Lopez said of the time leading up
worked for a company making free time re iewing games online. son’s death. to her final day.
retro video games and spent To help her partner, Ms. Dorn- Another shock came when police knocked on
considerable amounts of his free mother and stepmother eventu- ford-May says wants to access their door months later and notified them that they
time reviewing games online, ally planned to retire in, Mr. support group for parents of believed Ms. Bedoya-Lopez bought a packet of the
said Ms. Dornford-May. Birch began experiencing severe those killed by the chemical, in lethal chemical from a man in Mississauga named
Around the time he began liv- and unexplained tinnitus, a dis- hopes they can help each other Kenneth Law. She is now one of the 14 Ontario resi-
ing on his own in a home his orienting ringing in the ears that heal. dents he stands accused of murdering.



The subject who is truly loyal to the chief magistrate will neither advise nor submit to arbitrary measures - Junius

e rong
time to tal
abo t amnesty
mmigration Minister Marc Miller says the federal cabinet
is split over whether to provide a pathway to citizenship –
a targeted amnesty – for hundreds of thousands of “un-
documented workers” living in Canada.
Some of those people, while in Canada illegally, have built
a life here. Some have spouses, some have children. All are
living in the shadows, vulnerable to exploitation by uneth-
ical employers and others.
Prime Minister ustin Trudeau strongly believes in the im-
portance of finding a path to citizenship for at least some
undocumented migrants. In his 2021 mandate letter to then-
incoming immigration minister Sean Fraser, the Prime Min-
ister directed him to “further explore ways of regularizing
status for undocumented workers who are contributing to
Canadian communities.”
However, when Mr. Miller finally took a proposal to cabi-
net in une, he discovered that some of its members sharply
opposed any amnesty program. As he result, he said, even a
limited program “is not something that is going to get rolled
out soon.”
But ministers are debating the wrong issue. Ottawa must
first address the flaws in the immigration system that made it
possible for those hundreds of thousands of migrants to re-
main in Canada illegally in the first place. UNDER FIRE ROOM FOR ALL BASIC STUFF
Only when those flaws have been fixed can there be a dis-
Re “Free rein” Letters, uly 4 I Re “An V trade war with China Re “Homeless people in Denver
cussion about a circumscribed amnesty. Without significant
am always amused at various will cost Canadian consumers were given thousands of dollars
reform, it will only be a matter of time before other migrants contributors to your paper fu- heavily” Opinion, une 29 No for free. Guess what happened
choose to live in Canada without status or documentation, riously gnashing their teeth and need for a trade war with China next” une 28 A similar effort
ripping out their hair at what is over inexpensive electric vehi- took place in Ontario under the
rather than leave. looking more and more like a sec- cles. provincial Liberal government in
Locating and removing undocumented residents is diffi- ond Trump presidential term. There should be room at the 201 .
Relax. The United States is not low end of the market for anyone As a city councillor and mem-
cult and expensive. But that does not mean the government a third-world dictatorship. It has wanting to supply it. Those will- ber of the Hamilton Roundtable
should simply give up enforcing immigration laws. Public multiple checks and balances ing to pay for luxury would con- for Poverty Reduction, I was over-
which exist precisely to prevent tinue to buy from the usual sourc- joyed by then-premier Kathleen
confidence in Canada’s immigration system is already weak- overamplified beliefs in suspect- es of comfort, convenience and Wynne’s exemplary vision in im-
ening. A recent Leger poll showed negative attitudes to im- ed abuses of power by deplora- quality. plementing the Ontario Basic In-
bles. Democracy is safe in the Far more important to move come Pilot Project also launched
migration among many millennial and Gen citizens. United States, despite what the sooner rather than later to a zero- in Brantford, Thunder Bay and
An amnesty program, even if limited, without stepped-up polar extremes may believe. carbon economy. Let’s not parse Lindsay .
our contributors should be where the cars come from. Participants could receive up
enforcement would further erode confidence. If the Cana- more worried about the potential Let China provide subsidies, to $16,989 a year, regardless of
dian consensus in favour of immigration is lost, one of this suppression of Canadian free not Canadian taxpayers. employment status. Based on a
speech owing to various Trudeau Tom Masters survey of 21 former participants
country’s most important competitive advantages and Liberal bills being imposed with North Co ichan, B.C and 40 in-depth interviews, a re-
proudest achievements would be in peril. the endorsement of the NDP. port from McMaster University’s
Richard Stonehouse Delta, B.C. labour studies department found
Let’s be clear Undocumented residents are in Canada ille- WHOSE DECISION
that those receiving a basic in-
gally. They may have come to this country on a student visa Re “For progressives, the Trudeau come had better mental and
by-election and Biden debate di- Re “Making plans” Letters, uly physical health, fewer hospital
and then failed to depart when the visa expired. They may
saster were blessings in disguise” 2 Developers should not be emergency visits, more stable
have sought asylum, had their application rejected and then uly 4 Had the Liberals won the making final planning decisions housing and an improved sense
failed to return to their country of origin. by-election, even by say 5 per cent municipal councils do that based of well-being.
of the popular vote, we might on advice from their planners, de- As has been the case for most
As the Liberal government increased the number of per- have read that the party and velopers and their planners, resi- good things in Ontario, Doug
manent residents, temporary foreign workers and interna- brand are still strong, that the cor- dents, business owners and oth- Ford’s Progressive Conservatives
ner has been turned and good ers. promptly cancelled the pilot ef-
tional students entering Canada, the number of undocu- times are ahead, as long as we A council can make decisions fort upon assuming office.
mented migrants appears to have increased as well. Al- keep the faith and continue to that turn out to be not in the best Brian McHattie
vote for a hat trick of minority interests of a municipality. Then Former city councillor, Ward
though no one knows for sure, Mr. Miller believes there are governments. blame the council for being be- Hamilton
between 300,000 and 600,000 undocumented residents. Thankfully that didn’t happen, holden to developers, or for cav-
and the only reflection done by ing to NIMB residents or local Basic income’s ability to improve
One major reason for the uncertainty Ottawa does not the party leader seems to be ad- business owners. lives is also confirmed in Cana-
keep track of when people voluntarily leave the country. Ac- miring his own. The outcome of When planners advise council, dian pilots. Recipients boosted
the next federal election looks their advice also reflects their work skills, job security, health
cording to data from the Canada Border Services Agency, abundantly clear, given that the own preferences. It is up to coun- and sense of self-worth.
there were 21,236 people whose refugee claims had been de- cast of characters won’t change. cil to weigh all competing inter- What about the cost The Par-
Pity we likely won’t see a snap ests when they vote on a planning liamentary Budget Officer esti-
nied prior to 2015, but who may still be in the country. The election any time soon, so we can decisions. mates the net annual cost of a
agency is not able to say whether those people – who should get on with restarting the engine Not an easy job being a coun- Canada-wide basic income at
that Canada was to the world. cillor – or a planner. about $51-billion. This is approxi-
have departed Canada nearly a decade ago, or longer – had
Clay Atcheson North Vancouver Reiner aakson mately the amount we pay for
left on their own, or had remained here illegally. That’s just Retired urban planner corporate subsidies, 80 per cent
one facet of a yawning data gap that needs to be closed so the Oakville, Ont. of which are ineffective and even
harmful, according to the C.D.
government can enforce Canada’s immigration laws. Re “Inside the crisis facing Cana- Howe Institute “ ears of corpo-
A lack of resources is not the problem. The number of peo- Re “Pro-Palestinian protesters re- da’s dysfunctional housing mar- rate handouts achieved nothing.
move encampment at U of T ket” Report on Business, une It’s time for something different”
ple working in the Department of Immigration, Refugees and ahead of court-imposed dead- 29 Higher-than-expected first- – une 13 .
Citizenship has nearly doubled since the Liberals came to line” uly 4 Having earned year acceptances at the Universi- Canada would enjoy a far grea-
three degrees from three differ- ty of Guelph are faulted for the ter productivity boost redirecting
power in 2015. The Immigration and Refugee Board has more ent universities, I have spent “housing crunch” in that city. It is those subsidies to a basic income,
than doubled its numbers. The CBSA has grown by a more countless hours on campuses and explained that some, but not all, from those already thriving to
still enjoy riding my bike through of the continuing financial crisis those needing more opportunity.
modest 1 per cent. the beautiful grounds of the near- in higher education in Ontario is Local economies would grow.
And yet it can take years for an asylum claim to go through by University of Alberta. caused by the Ford government. Our overstretched health and jus-
Fortunately, we haven’t had es, that government froze do- tice systems would see big sav-
the hearing and adjudication process. There are legal protec- certain students and apparently mestic tuition and government ings. Societal stresses imposed by
tions for asylum claimants that can slow things down. But many others camping there and funding for colleges and universi- the growing income gap would
issuing “demands” for the past ties in 2019. But to “boost enroll- ease.
knowledgeable observers say that, with sufficient effort, the two months as they have at the ment numbers to meet rising The bottom line We’d all gain.
claims process could be streamlined so that cases are resolv- University of Toronto and McGill costs” would ignore the provin- Elizabeth Snell Guelph, Ont.
University. The administrations cial “corridor funding” model,
ed within six months and removal, if the claim fails, occurs
here and at the University of Cal- where more domestic students
within two months. gary had the common sense and may actually mean less per-stu- Letters to the Editor should be
courage to deal with the issue dent government funding. exclusive to The Globe and Mail.
So far, the Liberals have taken only halting steps on im-
forthwith by removing the tres- If the real problem in Guelph is Include name, address and daytime
migration, in the face of obvious problems and growing pub- passing “protesters” within a few Doug Ford, then the real solution phone number. Keep letters under
days of their arrival. should be an increase in provin- 150 words. Letters may be edited for
lic concern. Bolder action is needed to restore the integrity of
There appears to be a clear les- cial funding. length and clarity. E-mail:
the immigration system – a critical precursor to any debate son here for the well-educated Kate Lawson
over even a limited amnesty program. overseers of our hallowed halls of Associate professor,
learning. department of English
Ke in McGoey Edmonton University of Waterloo


F RI DAY , U LY 5, 0 4 | T HE GLO BE AN D M AIL O NEWS | A11

ime s p for oe iden
His debate performance was a registered Republican. Mr. Biden’s terrifyingly wobbly had published an article defend- crats are still debating whether
When The Wall Street ournal debate performance was agoniz- ing Mr. Biden against “mislead- they should push Mr. Biden out
laid bare that the last month published a long arti- ing to watch. It laid bare for the en- ing” Republican videos that the door before it is too late.
world’s most powerful cle that documented a series of tire planet what most of Washing- claimed to depict Mr. Biden’s ap- On Wednesday, the Times re-
man is a shadow of his behind-closed-doors meetings in ton has been whispering about parent mental lapses during his ported that Mr. Biden has private-
which participants said Mr. Biden for months – that the world’s recent uropean trips, came out ly acknowledged that he may not
former self, struggling to often stumbled over his words, most powerful man is a shadow of with a scathing editorial calling be able to salvage his candidacy.
articulate his thoughts got names and facts wrong or ap- his former self, struggling to on Mr. Biden to step down in fa- “Absolutely false,” the White
peared to tune out, the blowback string his sentences together and vour of a new Democratic nomi- House riposted.
from the White House was brutal sounding at times as incoherent nee to take on Mr. Trump. Mr. Biden has been underesti-
KONRAD and dismissive. as Grampa Simpson. “As it stands, the President is mated so many times in his five-
YAKABUSKI Democrats accused the ournal In the aftermath of the debate, engaged in a reckless gamble,” the decade-long political career that
of propagating a false Republican the White House has nevertheless Times editorial board said. “It’s it may be tempting for his staun-
O INION narrative about the 81-year-old tried to pass off his performance too big of a bet to simply hope chest supporters to think this
Mr. Biden and not paying the as a one-off. As the disaster was Americans will overlook or dis- time is no different. But it is. Dem-
same amount of attention to the unfolding in real-time, Democrat- count Mr. Biden’s age and infirmi- ocrats have six weeks to organize
n the months leading up to last age 8 and mental acuity of pre- ic aides said that Mr. Biden had a ty that they see with their own an open convention before they
week’s watershed presidential sumptive GOP nominee Donald cold. Later, they tried to spin the eyes.” meet in late August to officially
debate, the White House angri- Trump. But we now know that the narrative that he was simply worn ven after this, the Biden cam- choose their party’s presidential
ly pushed back against any sug- Democrats were either in denial down by a punishing travel sched- paign sent out a fundraising e- nominee. The circumstances are
gestion that oe Biden’s declining or complicit in a deceitful ule that had taken him to urope mail on the weekend that claimed less than ideal and there is no
cognitive fitness was interfering cover-up. twice in the past month, first to the media had ignored the Presi- clear alternative to Mr. Biden who
with his ability to perform the The lid has now been blown off join in D-Day commemorations dent’s bouncy postdebate ap- has the name recognition, favour-
toughest and most important job this scandal. Could the timing be in France, then to the G summit pearances because they were “bu- ability rating and experience to
in the world. any worse, with only four months in Italy. Neither of those excuses sy hyperventilating and trying to avoid what might be a nasty nom-
In March, when the special to go until the election and with flew. manifest drama to boost ratings.” ination race.
counsel investigating Mr. Biden’s Mr. Trump riding a wave of good “Telling people they didn’t see Well, anyone who cares about Democrats have no one to
handling of classified documents news A Supreme Court decision what they saw is not the way to re- democracy and the future of the blame but themselves for this
after he stepped down as vice- this week on presidential immu- spond to this,” Ben Rhodes, for- free world should be hyperventi- mess. Most of them have long
president described him as “an el- nity could deal a fatal blow to spe- mer deputy national security ad- lating right now. The prospect of a known that Mr. Biden was tempt-
derly man with a poor memory,” cial counsel ack Smith’s indict- viser under Barack Obama, wrote Trump “revenge” presidency, fa- ing fate by seeking a second term.
Democrats circled the wagons ment of the former president for on on debate night. cilitated by the Supreme Court’s That might not have mattered if
and attacked the messenger. The his attempts to overturn the 2020 The next day, The New ork removal of limits on executive only his career was on the line. We
special counsel, they countered, election results. Times, which just a week earlier power, is very real. And Demo- all know that is not the case.

rogressi e oters in t e and anada a e a rig t to be f rio s

GARY own abilities, that he’s staying on
MASON to prove something What a com-
plete and utter fool – as are those
O INION around him urging him to stay.
They, too, should be ashamed of
rogressive-minded voters in Are they such cowards that
Canada and the United they don’t have the jam to stand
States share a common up to the boss and deliver the
question today How did we end truth I understand young staff-
up in this mess ers in the Prime Minister’s Office
Americans who loathe the might not have the self-assured-
prospect of con man Donald ness to be that person. But there
Trump returning to power are le- are other adults in the PMO for
gitimately furious that the Demo- whom delivering this kind of so-
cratic Party allowed itself to sup- ber message should not be be-
port someone in his 80s for the yond the limits of their internal
party’s presidential nomination. fortitude.
Gee, what could go wrong If there is even a sliver of justi-
As it turns out, a lot. It fication for such dereliction of du-
shouldn’t have mattered that oe ty, it might be the fact that there is
Biden has done a commendable no one waiting in the wings who
job as President. There were plen- has the kind of charisma and cen-
ty of signs of cognitive and phys- trist appeal needed to help the
ical decline that should have dis- Liberals overcome the deep defi-
qualified him from running cit of distrust Mr. Trudeau has cre-
again. The recent debate with Mr. ated for his party.
Trump revealed just how serious All the names routinely men-
his mental faculties have deterio- tioned as a possible successor are
rated. But because of his own self- so incredibly underwhelming
ishness, and the self-centredness Chrystia Freeland, M lanie oly,
of the sycophants surrounding Dominic LeBlanc and Sean Fras-
him, there appears little chance California Go ernor Ga in Newsom speaks to members of the press on the day of the first presidential debate er, to name a few. I don’t see one
he will do the right thing and hosted by CNN in Atlanta last Thursday. MARCO BELLO/REUTERS of them being able to come to
make way for a more attractive Western Canada and relate to a
candidate. which is more than you can say take years to remedy. chance his party has of contin- broad swathe of the electorate
The prospect of a debate be- for the federal Liberal Party of I understand it can sometimes uing in power under the leader- there.
tween Mr. Trump and, say, Cali- Canada. be hard to dump a federal leader ship of someone else. Where is the Pete Buttigieg in
fornia Governor Gavin Newsom Like their progressive counter- who is in charge of running the In fact, he has already done so their midst The Gavin Newsom
standing in as the Democratic parts in the U.S., Canadians of lib- country. I get, too, that it’s not a much damage there is little hope Mark Carney is whip-smart,
presidential nominee, makes the eral mind and spirit are, too, ask- job one easily gives up, given the a fresh face could salvage enough yes, but oh my, his r sum
mouth water. Mr. Newsom would ing themselves how the party power it bestows on a person not trust from voters to give the Lib- screams elitist. And many people
destroy Mr. Trump. A moderator that represents their priorities to mention the perks . erals another chance. Mr. Tru- in this country are tired of being
might even have to step in and and interests fell to the unimagin- Still, there are plenty of exam- deau has sullied the party’s good ruled by people they can’t relate
stop the debate it would be so able depths it has today. And ples of leaders who have seen the name, has sullied his record of ac- to. It’s one of the reasons Pierre
one-sided. more to the point how could fed- writing on the wall – or at least complishment and damaged the Poilievre is winning.
Pete Buttigieg, the current U.S. eral Liberal powerbrokers have did so after an internal revolt – prospects of anyone else who Had ustin Trudeau done the
Transportation Minister, would allowed Prime Minister ustin and did the right thing. Mr. Tru- might be a potential leader. And right thing much earlier, there
likewise have a field day with Mr. Trudeau to drag the party down deau has a famously large ego. for what legitimate reason might have been time to find
Trump in a debate. And so would for so long without any interven- Still, it is inconceivable that he Is he so blinded by his disdain someone who could perpetrate a
many others. The Democrats tion The resentment that now would allow his oversized sense for federal Conservative Leader progressive agenda in Canada. It’s
have lots of attractive options – ensconces the Liberal brand may of self-worth to destroy any Pierre Poilievre, and belief in his likely too late now.

e demigods of pop lism

NINA L. KHRUSHCHEVA democratic spirit partly by declar- incarnation of the holy czars, es- contrast, Mr. Putin uses religion school curricula to emphasize re-
ing himself a Christian. With that, pecially Peter the Great and Cath- to justify the creation or aggrava- ligious studies and promote “na-
God, not Lenin, became the mea- erine the Great – God’s emissaries tion of crises. tional values.”
O INION sure of post-Soviet leaders’ non- on earth. He is not a fanatic, but Mr. Putin is not alone nowa- Then there is Donald Trump,
dictatorial aspirations. rather a man of destiny, uniquely days. Indian Prime Minister Na- the “orange esus” of America’s
rofessor of international affairs at But Russia’s current president, qualified to wage a sacred rendra Modi, for example, de- radical right. Mr. Trump might
the Ne School, and the co author Vladimir Putin, has turned this crusade. clared earlier this year that he has not know any Bible verses, but he
ith Jeffrey Tayler of n utin s approach on its head, taking post- Mr. Putin has been cultivating “completely dedicated” himself does know how to stoke religious
ootste s: Searching for the Soul of Soviet piousness to an evangeli- this image for a long time. In to God, who sent him “for a pur- fervour to unite his base. And for
an Em ire cross ussia s Ele en cal level to serve his dictatorial 200 , a group of Russian Ortho- pose.” Though Mr. Modi’s cult of Mr. Trump’s supporters, no claim
Time ones aims. dox adherents established a new personality failed to deliver a ma- is too bizarre. In 2021, for exam-
While Russia is not a theocracy, sect based on the belief that Mr. jority to his Hindu-nationalist ple, hundreds of Trump-loving

hen the Soviet Union Orthodox Christianity, the state Putin is the reincarnation of Paul Bharatiya anata Party in the re- conspiracy theorists gathered in
collapsed and global religion, has become nearly as all- the Apostle, returning to fight the cent general election – India’s de- Dallas for the second coming not
communism retreated, embracing as communism once Antichrist. In the 2010s, Vladislav mocracy has not fully gone the of esus, but of ohn F. Kennedy,
many hoped that the days of au- was. For example, state officials Surkov, one of Mr. Putin’s then- way of Russia’s – he remains the r., who they believed would be-
thoritarian leaders cultivating might cancel an anatomy exhibit close advisers, declared him to be world’s most popular elected come vice-president when Mr.
“cults of personality” were over. simply because it could “insult a “white knight” sent by God to leader. Trump was inexplicably rein-
We had reached the “end of histo- the feelings of the faithful.” And save Russia. And after the full- Turkish President Recep Tayy- stated as president.
ry,” and liberal democracy won. when Mr. Putin rails against the scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, ip rdogan – another autocrat in Leaders who claim to have di-
Regular, peaceful transitions of West, he often highlights its “dec- references to God – and Mr. Pu- democratic clothing – has used vine missions are leaders who
power among democratically adence.” Russia – a “distinct civi- tin’s special connection to him – religion in a similar way, such as seek to increase their power and
elected officials would be the lization” with historical linkages dominated the official airwaves. in 2020, when he declared Istan- extend their rule, ideally indefi-
norm, and no one would dare to the Byzantine mpire – must One might argue that there is bul’s iconic Byzantine basilica, nitely. Mr. Putin has already
claim to be infallible, let alone lead the way in defending “tradi- nothing unusual or even particu- Hagia Sophia, a mosque. Some of achieved that goal, and Mr. Modi
divine. tional values” such as heterosex- larly problematic about invoking his acolytes now claim that he and Mr. rdogan have been
In the USSR, communism uality and the nuclear family. faith to comfort or motivate peo- was “sent by Allah” as a hope for marching in the same direction.
could be the only “religion.” And Mr. Putin does not claim to be ple in times of crisis even Stalin Muslims. Since Mr. rdogan’s us- But Mr. Trump might represent
if communism was godless, its divine, but he does speak for it. embraced the Orthodox Church tice and Development Party suf- the gravest danger. One cannot
opponents concluded, the anti- Soviet general secretaries were during the Second World War fered a rare electoral defeat in ignore the possibility that, if he
dote must be Christianity. Rus- descendants of the prophets of people would be more likely to April, Mr. rdogan has doubled wins the presidency in Novem-
sia’s first post-Soviet president, the faith – Lenin, Marx and ngels support the fight if they believed down on religion, such as by ber, the U.S. will not hold an elec-
Boris eltsin, communicated his – Mr. Putin is a modern that God was on their side. By pushing through changes to tion in 2028.


e dominion
of t e inion


Despicable Me 4

Directed by Chris Renaud

Written by Mike White and en Daurio
Featuring the voices of Steve Carell, Will Ferrell and ierre Coffin

ur summer movie season is now established, and
has an appearance that promises fortune but in
this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except
death, taxes and Minions. Not to bite Benjamin
Franklin too hard, but six movies deep into the es ic le e
franchise, I’m ready to wave the white flag and declare those
pesky little yellow henchmen the founding fathers of 21st-
century Hollywood. ou’ve finally won me over, fellas Or
more accurately, you’ve beat me senseless into an adoring
mush of banana-coloured pulp.
es, the Minions Kevin, Stuart and Bob – plus several A Brighter Summer Day, Edward Yang’s semi autobiographical reflection on coming of age, is one of his
hundred of their fellow pint-sized sidekicks – are back in the features screening in TIFF Cinemathe ue’s must see summer retrospecti e, Edward Yang’s Taipei Stories.
new animated feature es ic le e , and causing roughly
the same amount of chaos as in the first three movies, plus

d ard ang as a
their two spinoff features. et, from my perch, the Minions’
antics have evolved from being mildly irritating merchandis-
ing opportunities to subversively slapstick-ian anti-heroes of

filmma er a ead of is time

the first order. Given that contemporary animated films
operate on either one of two default modes – Pixar’s senti-
mental nostalgia or Disney’s theatre-kid mythology – there is
something admiringly unruly about the Minions and their
episodic anarchism.
specially if the little weirdos are placed in such a bizarrely rewarding rewatching richest cities in the world. ang’s 1994 posits that simulated
frenetic film as es ic le e . The sequel isn’t a masterpiece specific thematic focuses are on emotions are indistinguishable –
of children’s entertainment by any stretch, but it is sufficient- of all seven of his films the increasing influence of U.S. if not more real – than the real
ly bizarre and thrilling enough to turn the head of any kid, cements his eminence consumerism and cultural impe- ones. In the rarely screened h
parent or – judging by my curiously populated press screen- as an urban poet with rialism through rock music, on 1996 , which sees a French
ing the other night – fully grown and childless adult around baseball, McDonald’s etc. , the na f Virginie Ledoyen arriving
and around till the room resembles a Looney Tune. a coherent body of wor greed and corruption infusing in Taipei to surprise her expat
After encountering his vengeful old nemesis Maxime Le business and art in the time of British boyfriend, the scamming
Mal Will Ferrell at a high-school reunion, super-villain- rapid economic growth and the is all on the surface. It’s a more
turned-super-dad Gru Steve Carell must enter the witness MARK PERANSON paradoxes inherent in a chang- off-putting piece of noir where
protection program along with his family, including a hand- ing culture where an historically blackmail is considered “ac-
ful of Minions. While Gru has certainly faced off against collective mindset is over- counts receivable,” and, as one

imposing foes before, Le Mal is another breed – quite literally, hen I visited Taipei last whelmed by rampant individual- character gleefully points out,
as he has genetically modified his body with cockroach DNA, summer for a film festiv- ism. there are two kinds of people
to genuinely grotesque results. And so begins a series of com- al, on the way in from Non-descript offices, middle- crooks and dopes. As the eco-
ical misadventures that are partly predictable, partly madcap the airport my guide eagerly in- class apartments, both occupied nomic bubble is about to burst,
and partly so intense as to require my four-year-old son to formed me that the first compre- and vacant, gaudy bars the foreigners have invaded One
clutch my arm hard, despite having already mainlined the hensive show on the late director including, in h on , the Tai- just wishes they were better ac-
entire franchise several times over. dward ang was about to open pei Hard Rock Caf – these are tors.
Its narrative duct-taped together with disparate pop-cul- at the Taipei Museum of Fine where ang’s urban pseudo-war- What many critics consider
tural homages – there are either deliberate or weirdly unin- Arts, featuring curated displays riors haplessly bear witness to ang’s two greatest films alterna-
tentional allusions to everything from The Si sons’ episode of a vast array of personal docu- the fracturing of their relation- tively find the director in a novel-
“Cape Feare” to David Cronenberg’s The l to Ferrell’s own ments and manuscripts. Then, as ships, impelled by the strain of istic mode, shaping sprawling
S e ro hers – the screenplay by Ken Daurio and new Illumi- we entered the historic city cen- late capitalism and the sudden multigenerational portraits rich
nation studio house scribe Mike White i r ion is a total tre, he proudly pointed out loca- reappearance of long-lost loves. in detail that both climax with
shamble. tions from ang’s seminal film Over the course of film-historical teenage murder. Set a decade af-
But at least the film’s set-pieces are visually inventive – T i ei S or , buildings unchanged time, ang’s protagonists morph ter the Chinese Nationalists fled
including an extended sequence in which a group of Minions since 1985 despite the city’s hy- from alienated to aspirational, the mainland, the 1991 23 -min-
receives Fantastic Four-esque superpowers – and the vocal perdevelopment that ang him- jaded to grotesque, dreamy to ute teen gang epic ri h er
performances are all fiercely energetic. Carell has by this self captured with an unblinking realistic. One thing is certain S er is ang’s semi-auto-
point nailed Gru’s mix of boiling-point frustration and pup- gaze and a sardonic beauty. They aren’t a happy lot. biographical reflection on what
py-dog vulnerability, while Ferrell gives himself a refreshed This goes to show how much arly in his career, ang was it was like, and what it means, to
spin on his old ool nder villain. And as always, Pierre Coffin dward ang is still held in es- compared to Michelangelo Anto- come of age in a politically
brings his own unique pipsqueak peppiness to the Minions, teem in his homeland. ang trag- nioni, and his debut feature Th fraught, repressive society. Un-
all while developing what might be the most famous fiction- ically passed away too early from on he e ch 1983 , does fea- forgettably lyrical and moving,
al language since Klingon. cancer at 59 in 200 and only ture a disappeared protagonist, it’s a flat-out masterpiece, and a
May the MCU – that’d be Minion Cinematic Universe – con- made seven features over 25 like en r . But it’s in his toss-up with Hou’s Ci of S dness
tinue to expand. Or to paraphrase the words of Benjamin years. A rewarding rewatching of first masterpiece Terrori ers as the greatest Taiwanese film
Franklin once more, love your Minions, for they tell you your all seven films, many of which 1986 that one truly feels the in- ever made.
faults. have been unavailable in decent fluence. It’s a coolly shot film The children of ri h er
prints for ages, confirms ang’s about a city threatening to ex- S er have grown up and
es icable Me is no playing in theatres. eminence as an auteur with a plode that’s as much a time cap- procreated, metaphorically
truly coherent body of work, one sule of Taipei in the 1980s as speaking, in 2000’s much-lauded
both of and ahead of its time. lo was for swinging Lon- ensemble family drama i i,
Along with the 1982 omnibus n don in the 1960s, down to the screening in a 35mm print. Less
r Ti e, to which ang contrib- keen fashion sense. Intertwining adventurous following the suck-
uted one of four chapters, all his four simultaneous storylines er punches of Conf ci n Conf
features will screen mainly in across class lines, ang creates a sion and h on , i i remains a
new vibrant digital restorations spatial postmodern puzzle that fitting capper to ang’s prema-
throughout the month of uly in remaps Taipei as a location of turely terminated career. An
TIFF Cinematheque’s must-see chance encounters and fractured expertly crafted work about the
summer retrospective, dward identity. members of a contemporary
ang’s Taipei Stories. In the mid-1990s, ang went generation conscious of the
Unlike fellow Taiwanese New from depicting alienation to cre- emptiness of their own lives, i
Waver Hou Hsiao-hsien, who ating films that alienated his i also provides a glimmer of
starred in ang’s T i ei S or but viewers, or at the very least poki- hope for a better tomorrow.
in his own directorial career was ng them where it hurt, as he
concentrated on rural stories, dared criticize the inherent pit- Special to The Globe and Mail
ang was an urban poet. His falls of progress. A fake-it-till-
films are evidence of the drastic you-make-it comedy about the TIFF’s Ed ard Yang’s Taipei Stories
Ste e Carell returns as the oice of Gru, left, alongside Kristen societal change that took place dirty business of culture, the un- retrospective runs July 4 through
Wiig as Lucy Wilde in Despicable Me 4. as Taipei became one of the derrated Conf ci n Conf sion 0 in Toronto .

ll aboard t e o n Wic press

BARRY HERTZ feature is built on a number of sly speed. Amrit can kick, punch and uyal , who leads his familial
narrative and stylistic tricks that Inspired by stab with the best of em, but there band of thieves with a wildly psy-
gradually cement its status as a is a repetitiveness to the choreog- chotic blood-lust.
REVIEW new action classic full of nasty the real life raphy that just barely keeps the Inspired by the real-life phe-
surprises. phenomenon of audience hanging on. It turns out nomenon of Indian train robbers
Kill The film opens with a strain of Indian train robbers that the slow-blow pacing is delib- dubbed “dacoits,” Bhat’s film in-
CL ASSIFIC ATIO N N /A 0 5 M IN UTES chaste romantic melodrama that dubbed ‘dacoits,’ erate, though, with Bhat suddenly geniously amps up the stakes by
might be more familiar to fans of turning things upside-down and having all the goons be members
Written and directed by Nikhil co-star Tanya Maniktala, here Bhat’s film ramping up the intensity to a of the same extended family.
Nagesh Bhat playing a young woman named ingeniously amps up neck-snapping degree. When one is dispatched, the other
Starring Lakshya, Tanya Maniktala Tulika who is engaged against her the stakes by having Without spoiling the details of is driven to furious action to
and Raghav Juyal will to a wealthy dud when in fact this twist, the delayed moment of avenge his fallen uncle, cousin or
she is in love with the stoic army
all the goons be narrative and aesthetic accelera- brother. And as the body count
CRI T I C’ S PI CK commando Amrit Lakshya . In a members of the tion is also when the director fi- rises on both sides, the film toys
bid to stop the impending mar- same extended nally drops the film’s title card on- with the concept of just what
film that answers the likely riage, Amrit boards an overnight family. When one is screen, resulting in one of the best “family honour” means to
unasked-till-now-but-still- train bound for New Delhi, which late-movie “opening” credit mo- different clans and classes.
important question of is carrying Tulika and her entire
dispatched, the ments since ri e C r. Naturally, there are already
what would happen if ohn Wick family. But when the train is other is driven to Finding inventively lethal uses plans for an nglish-language re-
boarded the train in Sno iercer, boarded by a group of ruthless furious action to for everything from curtains to make of ill, produced by ohn
the new Hindi-language film ill thugs, Amrit is forced to deploy avenge his fallen fire extinguishers, Amrit is a one- ic ’s own director Chad Stahel-
is a spectacular exercise in high- his very particular set of skills to man killing machine who might ski. But for action-movie purists,
speed, throat-kicking chaos. ensure the safety of his sweet-
uncle, cousin even scare off Mr. Wick, and Bhat’s train ride hell needs no
Pushing the limits of Bolly- heart. or brother. Lakshya conjures the hero with translation. Bite your tongue, and
wood’s typically conservative tol- For its first half-hour, ill’s frightening ferocity. And the good keep your kicks high.
erance for blood and guts, writer- fights are plentiful if slightly pe- guy’s strengths are matched beat
director Nikhil Nagesh Bhat’s destrian in their staging and for bloody beat by Fani Raghav ill opens in theatres Friday.
F RI DAY , U LY 5, 0 4 | T HE GLO BE AN D M AIL O NEWS | A13

g astly good time in retirement


My part-time ob leading ghost

tours allows me to connect
with a world beyond our own,
Leonard Belsher writes

hen I retired last year, I posted
on Facebook about becoming
a retiree. It caught the eye of a
manager at another firm
where I had worked evenings off and on
for many years as a storyteller, leading
haunted walking tours. A message was
dispatched to inquire whether I would be
interested in returning to work there on a
part-time basis. I was intrigued. I would
lead groups of up to 12 on paranormal in-
vestigations attempting to communicate
with spirits within a historic village mu-
seum for several months.
But I should back up a bit first.
In the early 1990s, I was employed by a
theatre company in London, Ont., which
believed that the ghost of theatrical ty-
coon Ambrose Small resided within its
premises. At the time I did not believe in ILLUSTRATION BY MARY IR ATRIC
such utter nonsense however, I was hap-
py to adopt the narrative since my live- decided to let me know he was present ating him throughout that particular year, I know that some friends and family
lihood and paycheque depended on it. and aware of exactly what was going on. I was the focus of his warped sense of grat- look at me sideways when I start to wax
One day, a manager decided it would be Oh, it started harmlessly enough with itude. poetic about my latest adventures how-
a fine idea for me to dress up as the in- items from my desk moving suspiciously So after decades of interactions with a ever, I also sense curiosity and even a hint
famous Ambrose – who mysteriously van- to other parts of the office. It also seemed multitude of spirits across Ontario and of jealousy. Until someone has participa-
ished without a trace in London in De- to me that the building’s elevator kept uebec, I am now leading other curious ted in a paranormal investigation, I see no
cember, 1919, and continues to attract at- malfunctioning every time I stepped into individuals in paranormal investigations reason to poke fun or be critical of such an
tention to this day. In costume, I’d make it. It reached a point where colleagues through historic buildings across the Na- undertaking. When a nervous participant
appearances at public events to promote would not dare ride on it with me. ventu- tional Capital Region. hears tapping, senses a sudden temper-
the company. I readily agreed, secretly rel- ally, I had to resort to taking the stairs. Frankly, I don’t believe the spirit world ature change, feels their hair being tugged
ishing the idea of getting out of the office Ambrose’s tomfoolery continued and I is that much different from our own. or even sees an apparition, all skepticism
more frequently. A costume, replete with was often overheard chastising and curs- Common sense and manners go a long melts away and a new door is opened to
top hat, tails, gloves and even a walking ing the invisible force that was wreaking way when communicating with the un- an entire world that is just waiting to be
stick, was issued to me. havoc on my daily work life. alive. After all, these entities were once discovered.
The job was an incredibly steep learn- While it is safe to say I never became living, breathing humans themselves – Who could say boo to that
ing curve in coming to terms with the fact friends with the ghost, we did learn how just now located in a different dimension.
that – for at least some people – ghosts to get along. I interpreted Ambrose’s ac- So why should they be treated with any Leonard Belsher lives in Sha ville, Que.
and the paranormal are a normal part of tion as his way of alerting me that he was less dignity than while they lived I relish
everyday life. It certainly became that for flattered at the attention being showered getting to know numerous spirits by First erson is a daily personal piece
me from the moment I first donned the upon him so many decades later. And, as name, some of whom have even shared submitted by readers. Have a story to tell
outfit. The ghost I was impersonating the one who was charged with imperson- parts of their life-stories with me. See our guidelines at

ose o li e in grind o ses s o ldn t t ro grindstones

SARAH TAI BLACK these murders including the same time, leading to nothing
brilliantly cast Bobby Cannavale outside of themselves.
as well as a menacing private in- Combined with a third act
REVIEW vestigator, ohn Labat in anoth- that completely fumbles its sto-
er casting win, Kevin Bacon , ryline owing to a failure to fully
Ma ine with ties to the serial killer who commit, ine leaves much
C LASSIFICATION 4A 04 M INUTES threatens to expose the young to be desired beyond its easy
woman’s past Texas dealings. compilation of style and tropes.
Written and directed by Ti West It’s a game of cat and mouse While not encyclopedic in its un-
Starring Mia Goth, evin Bacon and that takes its cues from the era’s dertaking, there is still a knowl-
Eli abeth Debicki genre flicks alongside the major edge of film and video here that
influence that the introduction, betrays the fact that filmmaking
n this business, until you’re and subsequent popularity, of like West’s – the kind that has a
known as a monster, you’re home video had at the time. clearly studied affection for
not a star.” ine, the ine offers up a buffet of genre, camp, schlock and visual
newest film from horror auteur slasher motifs, paying tribute to excess – should, ostensibly, know
Ti West, opens with this oft-quot- the decade’s cultural obsession better, but continues to flub its
ed sentiment from silver screen with “video nasties” with its own own narrative worlds, unable to
icon Bette Davis. With his third heaps of bright red blood, gory evoke the successes of films to
instalment in the film series Mia Goth stars as Ma ine Min in Ma ine. The mo ie follows the slasher scenes and frequent which he is paying tribute.
following the original 2022 film – e ents of and sees Ma ine working her way through Los Angeles’ shots of disembodied leather- While one can’t be sure if it
to which ine serves as a adult film industry in 1 85 as a serial killer threatens her career. gloved hands clenching with a comes down to a lack of sincerity
direct sequel – and its prequel, clearly homicidal kind of eroti- or a lack of skill, it is at least fit-
e rl, also released in 2022, the ambitions than ever, refusing to aestheticized vision of 1980s Hol- cism. ting that West hits us over the
writer-director and editor is let the pervasive fear of Los An- lywood sin that evokes the era’s As compared to both and head with the onscreen quote
quick to resituate audiences in geles’ then active serial killer, Ri- sticky cinema seats and grimy e rl, West’s bag of cinema tricks from Bette Davis during
the universe and the lust for chard Ramirez, a.k.a. The Night back alleys with a crystal-clear in ine reaches a level of ine s opening moments. As is
stardom of its tenacious central Stalker, deter her from climbing clarity. engagement that feels both com- now custom for the filmmaker,
character, Maxine Mia Goth . the Tinseltown ladder. Having just landed the lead in pulsive and abridged. A man he seems content to all too easily
The year is 1985 and Maxine This is the era of porn theat- a Satanic possession movie a se- dressed like Buster Keaton tries point outward rather than doing
Minx as she is known in the res, anti-porn protests and Satan- quel, of course , Maxine is on the to assault Maxine in an alley Ba- the more laborious work of
world of adult filmmaking is ic panic of austere Reaganomics precipice of crossing over from con’s PI runs around Hollywood building out the kinds of internal
hustling day and night on the in the time of the crack era of porn to mainstream filmmaking movie lots dressed like ack Ni- worlds that made the actress’
Hollywood strip, still in search of Twisted Sister front-man Dee as the new slasher scream queen. cholson in Chin o n Maxine films and characters so revered.
stardom, however seedy it may Snider testifying at the U.S. Sen- The only problem is her friends hides from him inside the set of
be. Having survived the 19 9 Tex- ate against proposed music cen- keep dying. While trying to keep the dilapidated house used in Special to The Globe and Mail
as massacre of her former porn sorship legislation. West, as al- up appearances on the movie’s the original s cho. It’s a verita-
production crew as told in , ways, is a master at evoking time set, Maxine is dogged both by ble show of allusions and evoca- Ma ine opens in theatres
Maxine is more tenacious in her and place, situating us within an cops charged with investigating tions that race by while, at the Friday.

at erine reillat s taboo renc drama ast mmer is an inconsistent ca tionary tale
SAFFRON MAEVE Olivier Rabourdin , and their In an early sex scene between vulnerable and unsuspecting, a instigating a sexual relationship
two adopted daughters, as Anne and Pierre, she recounts, bi- child gradually coming to realize with her 1 -year-old stepson
Pierre’s troubled teenage son zarrely, that at 1 , she was attract- that his desire conceals ugly con- played by 1 -year-old Kircher –
REVIEW from a previous marriage, Th o ed to a 33-year-old man, stating sequences. The throbbing quality hence the lack of full-frontal nud-
Samuel Kircher , comes to live that she is a gerontophile, and of this affair is largely refracted ity, uncharacteristic of Breillat .
Last Summer with them. Th o’s antics arrests, prefers “a body that’s lived, that’s off of Anne’s daughters, whom The actors seem to know this,
CLASSIFICATION N/A 04 M INUTES altercations, suspensions go lost the firmness of youth.” she stands to lose if her violations whether or not their director
largely unnoticed by Pierre, a She repeatedly separates her- come to light, and who Th o is agrees. s S er, then, is func-
Directed by Catherine Breillat non-descript businessman sel- self from the chaff which might shown to lovingly care for – the tional as a cautionary text against
Written by Catherine Breillat and dom seen at home. When Anne clarify why she pines after a heartbreak is twofold, between abuse, if only incidentally.
ascal Bonit er catches Th o staging a robbery of thorny, tattooed juvenile. There is their own immoral relationship
Starring L a Drucker, Olivier their home and chooses not to a cleft in Breillat’s misdirection and their untainted affection for Special to The Globe and Mail
Rabourdin and Samuel ircher tell his father, the two form a here Is Anne suppressing her their family.
strange bond that culminates in own attitudes toward aging, be- There is nothing innocent Last Summer opens in select
s S er, the latest effort an affair, threatening Anne’s fam- coming the object of her forlorn about Anne, an attorney sought theatres including the TIFF Lightbox
from French filmmaker ily and career, and Th o’s well- gerontophilia Is she unsatisfied after to prosecute sexual assault, on Friday
Catherine Breillat irl, being. and slipping into the abusive
n o of ell , opens with a The film is a remake of May el- character she habitually prose-
teenage girl receiving legal coun- Toukhy’s 2019 Danish drama cutes Perhaps she’s seeking
sel after being sexually assaulted, een of e r s, featuring a nearly dominance over motherhood, TODAY’S SUDOKU SOLUTION TODAY’S KENKEN SOLUTION
telling her lawyer through tears identical script up until the end- her marriage, her unruly step-
the number of people she slept ing – an extreme divergence. Pro- son
with that year. ducer Sa d Ben Sa d bought the It is unsurprising that Breillat
“In court, the victims often be- rights to the Danish film and sent would examine this story
come the accused,” her lawyer Breillat a note saying he wished through the lens of first-degree
Anne L a Drucker explains. to produce a remake and believed murder. The notion that the
Anne is somewhat impatient, she could do a better job than the spontaneous, “unpremeditated”
though not stony she clearly has original. One can lodge the com- quality of Anne’s affection should
a wealth of experience in such plaint that s S er is redun- absolve her does little to serve
lawsuits, and her probing serves dant, though Breillat’s aims differ Drucker’s layered performance,
to prepare her client for the significantly from el-Toukhy’s. where she plays Anne on a spec-
worst, or rather, the inevitable. The trouble lies instead with the trum from thoughtless and en-
The French-language film fol- inconsistency and loathsome- thralled to frigid and vindictive.
lows Anne, her husband Pierre ness of these aims. Kircher also plays Th o as


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AMSTERDAM 17/15 SH 19/12 SH 19/12 SH BANFF 22/8 S 22/8 SH 26/10 S 5/2/C
ATHENS 30/22 SH 32/22 S 33/23 S BARRIE 28/18 T 24/15 T 26/17 PC
BANGKOK 31/25 T 32/26 T 33/27 SH BRANDON 25/15 T 25/15 T 25/15 T
BEIJING 34/23 PC 35/25 S 35/24 PC CALGARY 23/11 S 23/10 SH 25/12 S
BERLIN 21/15 PC 29/15 PC 23/12 PC CHARLOTTETOWN 25/18 PC 24/18 R 25/17 SH 20/9/PC
BRUSSELS 21/15 SH 19/10 SH 19/11 SH CHICOUTIMI 22/14 PC 23/16 R 26/15 SH
COPENHAGEN 17/12 SH 20/14 C 19/14 SH CHURCHILL 19/8 SH 16/8 SH 15/8 PC
FRANKFURT 21/13 PC 26/12 SH 19/12 PC CORNER BROOK 24/14 S 25/16 PC 20/14 SH
HONG KONG 30/27 T 30/27 T 29/27 T CORNWALL 29/21 PC 28/19 T 27/18 PC CHURCHILL 23/11/PC
JERUSALEM 32/19 S 29/18 S 30/21 S EDMONTON 25/14 S 25/12 S 27/15 S 19/8/SH
LAS VEGAS 45/30 S 45/30 S 48/31 S HALIFAX 22/16 SH 23/17 C 22/18 R
LONDON 19/14 R 18/12 SH 19/12 SH HAMILTON 26/19 T 26/15 T 27/17 S
LOS ANGELES 33/24 S 34/23 S 29/22 S
HUNTSVILLE 28/19 PC 22/14 T 27/17 PC
MADRID 37/22 S 33/19 SH 31/19 S IQALUIT 6/2 SH 6/3 C 6/4 SH 25/14/S
MIAMI 33/26 T 32/26 S 31/27 T JASPER 24/9 S 25/9 S 28/12 S REGINA
MOSCOW 30/17 T 24/14 S 27/17 S KELOWNA 30/16 S 31/15 S 33/17 S 22/14/T HALIFAX
NEW DELHI 33/26 T 31/26 R 32/26 R
KINGSTON 28/21 PC 26/18 T 25/19 SH
NEW YORK 28/23 T 29/23 T 30/21 PC LONDON 27/19 T 25/15 T 28/18 S MONTRÉAL
NICE 26/20 S 26/21 S 27/21 S MONTRÉAL 28/21 S 28/20 T 27/19 SH
25/16/S 29/20/S
ORLANDO 34/25 S 35/25 S 35/26 S NIAGARA FALLS 30/21 T 26/16 SH 26/17 S PORTLAND, OR TORONTO BOSTON
PARIS 24/16 PC 21/11 C 21/13 PC NORTH BAY 25/17 PC 20/14 T 25/16 PC 25/19/PC 24/20/T 30/23/PC
PHOENIX 46/31 S 45/32 S 45/32 S OTTAWA 29/20 S 27/17 T 27/18 PC
ROME 30/19 S 31/20 S 31/20 S PRINCE GEORGE 24/12 S 27/13 S 30/14 S CHICAGO
SAN FRANCISCO 17/13 PC 19/13 S 17/13 S PETERBOROUGH 29/20 PC 25/16 T 27/17 PC 26/19/SH WASHINGTON
SEOUL 27/22 PC 29/22 R 29/23 PC QUÉBEC 27/19 S 26/19 R 27/17 SH 36/26/SH
SINGAPORE 28/24 R 29/25 T 29/26 T REGINA 22/14 T 24/14 T 24/14 SH DENVER -30
SYDNEY 17/12 SH 17/11 SH 17/11 SH 28/14/S
SASKATOON 25/13 T 24/14 T 25/14 S
TOKYO 32/25 S 32/25 PC 31/25 PC SAULT STE MARIE 21/15 R 21/12 PC 25/17 S LAS VEGAS
WASHINGTON 36/26 SH 36/25 SH 33/24 PC SAINT JOHN 21/16 PC 19/16 R 21/16 R 45/30/S -10
SEPT-ÎLES 20/13 S 17/15 R 20/15 PC
46/31/S 33/23/T
LEGEND SUDBURY 25/16 SH 21/14 T 27/16 PC 33/24/S 10
THUNDER BAY 20/15 SH 25/15 S 21/14 SH
Daytime high, overnight low, and conditions
THOMPSON 27/15 T 25/15 T 23/14 PC NEW ORLEANS
TORONTO 24/20 T 25/17 SH 25/18 PC HOUSTON 32/26/T 30
C CLOUDY RS RAIN/SNOW VAL-D'OR 23/15 S 20/14 T 26/16 PC Snow Rain Thunder Freezing 36/26/S
FG FOG S SUN VANCOUVER 25/15 S 28/19 S 30/18 S storm rain MIAMI 40
FR FREEZING RAIN SN SNOW VICTORIA 28/14 S 30/17 S 31/17 S 33/26/T
Jet Warm Cold Occlusion Trough 32/27/SH
Stream Front Front ©The Weather Network

BRIDGE 1. Three hearts. Partner’s have excellent values oppo- is to pass rather than bid either If partner responds with
BY STEVE BECKER double is for takeout, and you site partner’s presumed 13 or three spades or three notrump. four hearts, four spades or ve
FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2024 therefore respond in your best more points, and you should It is true that you are overrid- clubs, you should raise him to
suit, hearts. To pass in this situ- show them by jumping to four ing partner’s intent, but pass- six. If he does anything else
ation, contending that the hand spades. If you were to bid only ing is likely to yield the best beyond one of those bids, you
ou are South, both sides vul- is too weak to bid, could be cata- three spades, there would be result in the great majority of should go all the way to seven,
nerable, and the bidding has strophic. Partner wants you to no way for partner to know cases. with full con dence in the
gone bid, and the only time you can you had such a promising hand 4. Four diamonds. This is a outcome.
overrule him by passing is when when you would make the same huge hand to hold opposite a
you have considerable strength bid with a much weaker hand, takeout double, and you should
in the enemy’s suit. Here, West such as the one in the previous immediately start thinking
What would you bid with each might easily make three dia- problem. in terms of a slam – possibly
of the following four hands monds doubled, giving his side a 3. Pass. ou should feel virtu- even a grand slam. By cue-bid-
game. ou’d like to have a better ally certain of defeating three ding West’s suit, you achieve
hand and a better suit when you diamonds doubled – you have the dual purpose of suggest-
bid three hearts, but this is what two defensive tricks, and your ing a slam while at the same
you were dealt. partner gures to take at least time locating the best trump
2. Four spades. Here you three – so the best thing to do suit.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

10 11 12

13 14 15 16


18 19 20

21 22 23
INSTRUCTIONS Fill in the grid so that eaCh row of nine squares, eaCh Column of nine
and eaCh seCtion of nine (three squares by three) Contains the numbers 1 through 9
in any order. There is only one solution to eaCh puzzle.

24 25
1. EaCh row and eaCh
ACROSS DOWN ACROSS the numbers 1 through
1 Sphere of influence (5) 6 without repeating.
1 Quite small in a way but 1 Clients’ letters churned
very agreeable (5) out from this? (7) 4 To damp (7)
4 Time for expansion (7) 2 Longer period on 8 A charge for a service (3) 2. The numbers within
the heavily outlined
the phone (9) 9 Sometime soon (3,3,3)
8 Take a tasty morsel (3) boxes, Called Cages,
3 Stiff resolution shown 10 Obliquely (7) must Combine using
9 Just scrap (4,5)
in disputes (5) 11 Insinuate (5) the given operation (in
10 Can a saint have a 13 Empty (6)
game of cards? (7) 4 The continual round any order) to produCe
of wage increases? (6) 15 Manually (2,4) the target numbers in
11 One way to score (5) 18 Commonplace (5)
5 A worker in oils the top-left Corners.
13 Hang around and see 19 Endeavour (7)
it return again (6) perhaps (7)
21 Constant (9) Freebies: Fill in
15 We get trained about 6 A tower of strength (3) 23 Inordinately (3) 3. single-box Cages with
the way tea’s made (6) 7 A way to hold (5) 24 Be available to act (5,2) the numbers in the
18 Creature to stop 12 Local news 25 Unspoken (5) top-left Corner.
and act part (5) broadcaster (4,5)
19 I may be scared 14 An illustration no longer DOWN
about travelling on large enough (7) 1 Without premeditation (7) ©2024 KENKEN Puzzle LLC. KENKEN is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. Dist. by Andrews MCMeel
a motorbike (7) 16 Put out of mind (7) 2 Emerge without profit or loss (5,4) www.kenken.Com
21 Youth employed 17 Beast of burden 3 To aim (5)
4 Violent disorder (6) YESTERDAY'S CRYPTIC
to skin fish (9) given first aid (6)
5 Senselessness (7) ACROSS: 1 Administer, 8 Manet, 9 Precise, 10 Immoral, 11 Denis, 12 Onside,
23 Man in a mix-up (3) 18 Copper band? (5) 14 Pelted, 17 Ethos, 19 Lambent, 21 Terrace, 22 Riser, 23 Minute hand.
6 Unit of weight (3)
24 A challenge to climbers 20 Painter when old DOWN: 2 Dynamos, 3 Inter, 4 Impale, 5 Treadle, 6 Reign, 7 News editor,
7 Absolutely not (2,3)
the day before a holiday (7) retires south (5) 8 Maisonette, 13 Disdain, 15 Treason, 16 Albeit, 18 Harem, 20 March.
12 Guided by practical experience (9)
25 Wait to start the game (5) 22 A French way to 14 Badly brought up (3-4)
feel remorse (3) YESTERDAY'S QUICK
16 Northern US industrial city (7) ACROSS: 1 Ivory tower, 8 Circa, 9 Allegro, 10 Idiotic, 11 Often, 12 Detect, 14 Bereft,
17 Equality in status (6) 17 Power, 19 At large, 21 Attract, 22 Brawl, 23 Hanky-panky.
18 Melancholy (5) DOWN: 2 Verdict, 3 Roast, 4 Trance, 5 Welcome, 6 Right, 7 Down at heel,
Solutions to today's Sudoku and Kenken can be found in the Life & Arts content 20 Firmly (5) 8 Child’s play, 13 Certain, 15 Earmark, 16 Partly, 18 Watch, 20 Libra.
area of the A section. Crossword solutions will be with tomorrow's puzzles. 22 By way of (3)
F RI DAY , U LY 5, 0 4 | T HE GLO BE AN D M AIL O NEWS | A15


Teck agreed in November to sell

per cent of its coal business to
Glencore. The remaining 23 per
cent was sold to apan’s Nippon
Steel and South Korea’s POSCO.
Those transactions were prompt-
ly approved by Innovation, Sci-
ence and conomic Development
Mr. Champagne said in Thurs-
day night’s release that he was ap-
proving the deal, but that it came
with a long list of conditions that
are being imposed on Glencore.
For the next 10 years, the coal
business must retain a Canadian
head office in Vancouver and
have a majority of Canadian di-
rectors. As well, at least 66 per
cent of executive and senior-
management roles must be Cana-
Glencore has also committed
to maintain significant levels of
employment in the coal business
over the next five years.
The Swiss miner also agreed to
invest an additional $350-million
in mine rehabilitation and clos-
People gather outside the BBC’s Broadcasting House on Thursday in London as a pro ection on the building’s e terior shows an e it poll ings in Canada over five years.
that predicts the Labour Party, led by Keir Starmer, will win 410 seats in Britain’s general election. OLI SCARFF/GETTY IMAGES Glencore will also be respon-
sible for payment of all environ-
mental obligations under Cana-

ritain tarmer is ban ing on ic starting t e economy dian law stemming from the ac-
quisition through to 2050, even in
the event that it subsequently
FROM A1 into an acceptable alternative. He ruthless- run up against local opposition. sells the coal business to another
ly pulled the party toward the centre and He has also scrapped an earlier commit- party.
The election’s other big winners are pro- sidelined his predecessor, eremy Corbyn, ment to spend 28-billion $48.6-billion a “Glencore’s commitment will
jected to be the centrist Liberal Democrats, and Mr. Corbyn’s hard-left allies. year on environmental projects, arguing it result in generational assurance
who are expected to take about 61 seats, up During the election campaign, Mr. was no longer feasible. of sound environmental steward-
from 11 in 2019, and the upstart Reform UK Starmer largely played it safe by making Mr. Starmer is banking on his govern- ship of the asset, regardless of its
led by Nigel Farage, which is forecast to win few promises and presenting Labour as ment kick-starting the British economy. future ownership,” Mr. Cham-
about 13 seats, far more than most pundits “pro-worker, pro-business.” He vowed not That, he hopes, will give him more room to pagne said in the statement.
predicted. to raise taxes or introduce massive increas- boost spending and resolve longstanding Founded in 1913, Teck is Cana-
Among the other losers is the Scottish es in public spending. problems with the NHS. While he has ruled da’s largest diversified mining
National Party, which has been in power in The new government will out Britain rejoining the u- company, a major employer in
Scotland for 1 years. The SNP is forecast to face several immediate chal- ropean Union, Mr. Starmer British Columbia and one of the
lose 38 seats and drop to just 10, with La- lenges. Some of the has said he will improve Brit- oldest miners in the country.
bour claiming most of the victories. “They might get lucky with ish ties with the U and ne- Glencore originally proposed
The SNP has been mired in a scandal the economy,” said Paul immediate concerns gotiate a new trade agree- buying all of Teck early last year,
over party finances and its last leader, ohnson, director of the Insti- ill be National ment. including the company’s copper
Humza ousaf, was forced to resign in tute for Fiscal Studies, a Lon- Health Service However, Mr. Sunak and and zinc mines, in a US$23.1-bil-
April. The result could raise questions don-based think tank. But if aiting times, others have insisted that any lion transaction. But Teck repeat-
about the future of Scottish independence, the economy doesn’t turn discussions with Brussels edly rejected Glencore’s advanc-
which the SNP has championed. around sharply, Mr. ohnson public sector pay will have to include the rein- es.
Mr. Sunak has only been Prime Minister said, Mr. Starmer’s govern- disputes, troduction of the free move- The company’s controlling
for about 18 months but he was saddled ment “is going to have to overcro ded prisons ment of U citizens to Bri- shareholder, Norman B. Keevil,
with the fallout from his predecessor Liz make really tough choices.” and funding for local tain, which is an U corner- said he was opposed to Glencore
Truss. She took over as party leader and Some of the immediate stone and a major reason buying all of Teck, telling The
prime minister from Boris ohnson, who concerns will be National authorities. why a majority of Britons Globe that “Canada is not for
had been ousted by Tory MPs in the sum- Health Service waiting times, voted to leave the bloc in sale.” Mr. Keevil later softened his
mer of 2022 because of a series of scandals. public-sector pay disputes, overcrowded 2016. Mr. Starmer has said he won’t agree to stand, saying that if Teck’s man-
Ms. Truss was pushed out by Tory MPs after prisons and funding for local authorities. free movement, but he has not explained agement, board and shareholders
just 49 days in office when her mini-budget Mr. Starmer offered few details during how he would reach a new agreement. were in favour of a deal with Glen-
caused havoc in financial markets by call- the campaign on his priorities and he had In the end, though, Mr. Starmer’s key core he would not exercise his ve-
ing for steep tax cuts without a corre- difficulty responding to attacks from Mr. message that it was time for a change res- to power.
sponding plan for how the breaks would be Sunak and others that Labour would have onated with voters. And after he meets After the Glencore transaction
funded. to raise taxes eventually. He has also prom- King Charles III on Friday, he will begin a for Teck’s coal business was an-
By then Mr. Starmer, who took over as ised to ease regulations to spur construc- new Labour era in government as prime nounced, Ottawa indicated that
party leader in 2020, had reshaped Labour tion of houses, but that is almost certain to minister. approving the deal wasn’t a sure
Deputy Prime Minister Chrys-
tia Freeland said the transaction

Gambling as st escaping and pressing b ttons would be closely scrutinized, with

consideration for the impact on
Canadian jobs, Indigenous rights
FROM A1 and environmental concerns.
British Columbia Premier Da-
It’s not yet clear how the rise of legal online vid by also said he had concerns
betting in Canada – a phenomenon super- about Glencore buying Teck’s
charged by Ontario opening its market to coal operations because of Glen-
commercial casino and sports-betting core’s past regulatory offences.
websites in 2022 – has affected rates of Glencore in 2022 paid more than
problem gambling. arlier this week, the US$1-billion in fines to settle brib-
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and ery and market-manipulation
Addiction called for a national strategy to cases with U.S., British and Brazi-
curb gambling advertisements and to lian regulators
monitor harms such as betting-related sui- Working in Glencore’s favour
cides, bankruptcies and divorces. for approval was the fact that
The group also urged governments to metallurgical coal isn’t classified
offer more counselling for gamblers whose as a critical mineral in Canada.
vice is always a swipe away. For advice on Another big plus for Glencore
how to do that, health leaders could look is it already had a large footprint
to the programs at Hôtel-Dieu Grace, in Canadian mining, employing
which have pivoted to treating smart- roughly 9,000 people in the coun-
phone-addicted gamblers while still help- try. The bulk of its operations
ing those hooked on real-world casinos here are a result of its 2013 acqui-
and video games. sition of fellow Swiss miner stra-
Clients’ underlying problems are often ta PLC, which bought former Can-
similar, regardless of their preferred game adian mining giant Falconbridge
of chance, Ms. Gabriele said. Betting can Wayne Ladouceur, now 38, checked into the digital dependency stream of H tel Dieu Ltd. in the mid-2000s.
offer a dopamine-fuelled escape from Grace’s in patient program to break free from his dawn to dusk ideo game habit, which he After the deal closes, Teck will
trauma, loneliness, depression and other de eloped after a childhood in and out of foster care. DA MELMER/THE GLOBE AND MAIL sharpen its focus to copper and
ills. zinc. Last year, the company put a
“It was always emotional,” Lesley, 41, counselling and group therapy sessions gratitude board with sticky notes from massive copper mine, called B2,
said of her addiction to online slot ma- during which counsellors explain addic- past clients reading “I’m grateful for a sec- into production in Chile.
chines. “I never really wanted to go and tion theory, and teach clients to set bound- ond chance” and “I’m grateful to fully un-
play online slots if I was in a happy aries, communicate with their families and derstand that the past does not equal the
mood. Then it became emotional every face the emotional struggles that led them future.”
day because I had this cloud over me over to gamble in the first place. ach patient has his or her own simple CSIS DIRECTOR VIGNEAULT
losing this money.” They gave her practical tips, too, such as bedroom for the three-week cycle, with ac- STEPPING DOWN
Lesley joined Hôtel-Dieu Grace’s outpa- subscribing to services that block gam- cess to a kitchen and common room. very
tient program last October. To protect her bling websites on all devices with pass- day, participants take part in group ther-
privacy, The Globe and Mail is not using words held by friends or family. apy sessions that include preparing for OTTAWA David Vigneault says he
her last name. A remote tech worker with Lesley has abstained from Family Day, when relatives is stepping down from his job at
a husband and three kids, she was staying gambling since joining the and friends confront partici- the head of Canada’s spy agency.
awake for hours every night playing slots program. The most recent The outpatient pants in often searing ways The director of the Canadian
on websites such as Party Poker, ackpot one-year follow-up data about the damage their gam- Security Intelligence Service,
City and BetRivers. found that 5 per cent of par- program at bling inflicted on people who spent seven years at the
She found she couldn’t manage her ticipants achieved the same H tel Dieu Grace they love. helm, is leaving the public ser-
bankroll the way she had as a former poker success, Ms. Gabriele said. treated patients For Wayne Ladouceur, vice altogether.
professional at real tables. Once she The outpatient program at in 202 24, of now 38, checking into the Mr. Vigneault said in a state-
switched to online slots, “the difference Hôtel-Dieu Grace treated 119 digital dependency stream ment that he’s proud of the
was, the logic and my brain just kind of patients in 2023-24, 8 of them male and four of the in-patient program al- work he’s done to bring CSIS
shut down. I was just escaping and press- them male and four of them of them or lowed him to break free from “out of the shadows” and make
ing buttons.” 1 or younger. That total is up younger. the dawn-to-dusk video- its role on national security and
At one point, she won a $100,000 jack- from 93, 0, 3 and 85 in the game habit he developed in combating foreign interfe-
pot from a slots website that, as far as she four previous years. after a childhood in and out of foster care. rence more visible.
could tell, only allowed her to withdraw The in-patient program, which wel- Living at the centre “was like the com- He called his time in the job
$10,000 of her winnings a week. After col- comes five or six clients at a time for three- plete opposite of my whole life up to that one of the most challenging and
lecting the first instalment, she gambled week cycles, treated 5 patients in each of point,” Mr. Ladouceur said. The staff were rewarding periods of his career,
most of the rest away on the same site. She the past two fiscal years, up from 41 and 40 firm about structure and routine. They but said it’s time to pass the
played more, hoping to recoup her losses, in the worst years of the pandemic. In 2019- taught him to be open with others and to baton as the organization cele-
but fell deeper into debt. 20, the last year before COVID-19 struck, fill his days with satisfying in-person activ- brates its 40th anniversary this
Lesley’s husband worried she might the in-patient program treated 85 clients ities. month.
hurt herself. He urged her to call Hôtel- and often had a wait-list. “This was the first time in my life that I CSIS declined to say when Mr.
Dieu. As a Windsorite, she was able to live Clients entering the in-patient centre on knew what it felt like to be unconditionally Vigneault’s last day will be.
at home while attending one-on-one Hôtel-Dieu’s verdant grounds are met by a loved,” he said. THE CANADIAN RESS

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H to bu eiman arcus anide

detected in
in $ .6 -billion deal ukon creek
after agle
Canadian retailer adds to luxury portfolio, with minority help from ma on, Salesforce mine colla se
SUSAN KRASHINSKY ROBERTSON When the deal closes, HBC will establish will continue to hold the company’s Cana- NIALL McGEE
RETAILING REPORTER a new company called Saks Global, com- dian real estate assets, which HBC says are MINING REPORTER
bining Saks, Saks Off 5th, Neiman Marcus worth $2-billion. The deal will also recapi-
and Bergdorf Goodman. The company will talize the Canadian business to reduce its
The parent company of Canadian retailer hold the combined U.S. real estate assets of leverage and provide “enhanced liquidity,” Significant levels of cyanide
Hudson’s Bay is buying Neiman Marcus HBC and Neiman Marcus Group, which are according to a press release on Thursday. threatening fish populations
Group in a US$2.65-billion deal that worth US$ -billion, according to the com- The Canadian operations have been have been detected in a water
includes an investment from e-commerce pany. struggling, cutting hundreds of jobs since body downstream of a gold mine
giant Inc. HBC operates 39 Saks Fifth Avenue the beginning of last year and falling behind in ukon that experienced a dev-
HBC L.P., which also owns Saks Fifth stores across North America, and 95 Saks on payments to some suppliers last fall. astating heap-leach failure late
Avenue, announced the deal on Thursday, Off 5th locations Neiman Marcus has 36 HBC is financing the deal with equity last month.
consolidating the luxury department stores, as well as two Bergdorf Goodman capital from new and existing investors. Giant piles of cyanide-laced
stores at a time when consumers suffering locations and five discount Last Call stores. Those include Amazon and Salesforce Inc., rocks collapsed une 24 at a heap-
under the weight of inflation and higher The Canadian retail operations will con- which will both be minority shareholders leach facility at the agle mine
interest rates have been cutting back on tinue to operate separately from Saks Glob- in the new company. operated by Victoria Gold Corp.,
non-essential purchases. al as a wholly owned division of HBC, and HBC, B triggering a massive landslide.
Up until Thursday, it was un-
known how much cyanide had
escaped the containment area,
and how much the environment
was threatened.
At a technical briefing on
Thursday, ohn Streicker, ukon’s
Minister of nergy, Mines and
Resources, said early testing had
revealed “elevated levels” of
cyanide at Haggart Creek, which
is downstream of the mine. Per-
mitted levels of cyanide are no
more than 0.005 milligrams per
litre, but 0.04 milligrams per litre
was detected there.
The high cyanide levels mean
fish populations are at risk. Toxic-
ity tests are under way.
Mr. Streicker cautioned that
much more testing is necessary to
ascertain the true extent of the
cyanide contamination.
“This is a serious and signifi-
cant slide,” he said. “Over time,
we will need to do a lot of
monitoring to understand how,
where and when those potential
contaminants are moving
through either the surface or the

want clarit on
com ensation
O O for est et’s
Workers weed an eggplant field at Ferme Chez Mario in Sainte Madeleine, ue., Thursday. Co owner Mathieu PIPPA NORMAN
Beauregard says rising costs are a problem this growing season Our fi ed costs are constantly rising... . Prices
are stagnating while wages, packaging, e uipment are increasing.’ GRAHAM HUGHES/THE GLOBE AND MAIL
West et Airlines Ltd. customers
are growing anxious about a lack
of communication from the com-
pany following a strike that left
some passengers stranded and
out thousands of dollars in travel
expenses, with no clarity on how
much they will be compensated.
From emergency hotel stays to
unplanned airport meals, cus-
Grain industr grou loses members
Semi-conductor ma ers tomers say the large chunks of
money they’ve spent go way be-
as lan for new building uestioned get $12 -million boost yond the cost of their cancelled
from ttawa B3 flights, and there’s no confirma-
tion they’ll be reimbursed for
KATE HELMORE about the future of Cereals Canada. Main- anything other than their tickets.
taining and expanding the cereal indus- Since une 2 , more than 1, 00
try’s $10.8-billion export market is the pri- flights have been cancelled by the
Cereals Canada, a player in promoting mary mandate of the organization. A new O PINIO N ANALYSIS airline, upending the travel plans
Canadian grains that grew out of the ashes building, while expensive, is key to achiev- While others establish of hundreds of thousands of
of the Canadian Wheat Board, is suffering ing this mandate, the association says. passengers travelling over the
from a crisis of confidence after several However, members are not so confi- open ban ing, Canada Canada Day long weekend.
high-profile members signalled an intent dent. Contending with thinning margins, dithers B4 The disruption began after the
to leave the organization after announce- some are cutting membership costs. company’s aircraft maintenance
ments for a new, $100-million facility in Others are asking why Cereals Canada is engineers unexpectedly walked
downtown Winnipeg. still relevant today. off the job Friday evening. The
Cargill and BASF Canada Agricultural Cereals Canada’s mandate is to improve GLO B E INVESTO R two parties reached a tentative
Solutions are among a number of com- access to international markets through he unexpected biases agreement on Sunday that in-
panies to recently submit withdrawal offering high-value Canadian products, cludes improvements to the me-
notices to Cereals Canada. said Dean Dias, chief executive officer of that come with parents’ chanics’ wages and benefits.
BASF filed the notice to the organiza- Cereals Canada. down-payment gifts B8 In an e-mailed statement,
tion ahead of its annual meeting on “The goal is to make sure that our cus- West et spokesperson Madison
une 2 . A focus of the meeting was the tomers around the world are demanding Kruger said customers are entit-
planned $100-million Global Agriculture the quality of Canadian crops.” led to request a refund to their
Technology xchange, a research and tech- Cereals Canada is the replacement for original form of payment in the
nical services facility. Another industry the Canadian Wheat Board, the sole buyer event of a flight cancellation if
giant, Cargill, submitted a similar notice and seller of Prairie wheat and barley. The COMPANIES alternative travel arrangements
earlier in the month. The withdrawals are board was discontinued by former prime AMA ON.COM ...................... B2 were not provided to them with-
not effective immediately and members minister Stephen Harper’s government in CANADIAN TIRE .................... B in 48 hours, according to the Air
must continue to pay fees for two years. 2012. In 2020, Cereals Canada also merged CGI ......................................... B Passenger Protection Regula-
On une 2 , the association also an- with the Canadian International Grains IM ERIAL OIL ......................... B tions.
nounced that it has replaced its chair, ex- Institute, which provided technical sup- MANULIFE FINANCIAL ........... B WEST ET, B
ecutive committee and four board mem- port for the Canadian grain sector, estab- SUNCOR ENERGY ............. B ,B
bers. lished in 19 2. TERRAVEST INDUSTRIES ....... B Opinion Inconvenienced travellers need
The turn of events raises questions CEREALS, B more than refunds and sympathy B4

B11 B15

Houston Astros beat Toronto Blue ays for their 12th win in 14 games

U.S. ustice Department opens criminal investigation in Chinese doping case




Construction starts on rental homes in Canada are anada is undergoing a once-in-a-generation boom in rental housing
way up, with oronto barely outbuilding dmonton construction that should eventually help renters faced with a dearth of
vacancies and soaring rental rates. Unfortunately, not all parts of the
country are building at the same speed, and Canada’s largest city risks
Rental housing starts in major census metropolitan areas falling behind.
Number of rental starts Rental housing construction starts in Canada exceeded 80,000 a year in both
2022 and 2023, nearly double the average annual increase between 2015 and
2017 12 months ending May 2024 2019, according to a report this week by Royal Bank of Canada. The surge in
building follows moves by all levels of government since 201 to promote more
rental building.
et a comparison of Canada’s major cities highlighted by RBC shows that in
10,000 the 12 months prior to May, there were only 1,200 more new rental starts in
Toronto than in dmonton.
ven though Toronto’s population is 4.4 times larger than that of dmonton,
8,000 and the Ontario provincial capital added more than 600,000 people since 201
compared with 1 6,000 for dmonton, rental construction starts actually grew
faster in Alberta’s capital during the period.
Toronto’s rental supply is being weighed down by a sharp slowdown in new
starts that began in the second half of last year. High interest rates are behind
4,000 part of that trend, as are rising construction costs. et over that same period,
rental starts in dmonton have actually ramped up.
ven if rental starts in some cities gain steam, Canada’s overall rental imbal-
2,000 ance is worsening as a combination of record immigration levels, high interest
rates and steep home ownership costs push more people into the rental market.
Demand for rentals grew more than three times faster than Canada added
purpose-built rental homes between 201 and 2023, wrote RBC economist
Toronto Montreal Vancouver Ottawa Calgary Edmonton
Rachel Battaglia in the report. “The rental market supply shortage is massive.”

egulated industries moving .L. remier

takes aim at
fastest on I e ecutive Ottawa over
reo ened
Sectors li e health care cod fisher
and life insurance
which have extensive SARAH SMELLIE ST. OHN S
databases with lots of
potential are een Newfoundland and Labrador’s
not to be left behind Liberal Premier has once again
penned a letter to the federal gov-
ernment opposing one of its deci-
TARA DESCHAMPS sions – this time about the reo-
pening of the province’s commer-
cial northern cod fishery.
As a wave of companies rush to In a letter Wednesday to feder-
embed artificial intelligence into al Fisheries Minister Diane Le-
their operations, Matt Wood has bouthillier, Premier Andrew Fu-
noticed the technology’s fastest rey said foreign offshore vessels
adopters are businesses more have no place in the province’s
typically described as slow to fishery. The federal Fisheries De-
change. partment’s decision to allow
The speedy adopters span reg- these boats to catch cod in the
ulated industries such as health reinstated fishery is “an affront”
care, life sciences, financial ser- to Newfoundland and Labrador’s
vices, insurance and manufactur- fishers and processors, and the
ing – a shock even for someone as work they’ve done to help the cod
plugged into the world of AI as Mr. stock grow, Mr. Furey wrote.
Wood, Amazon Web Services’ and patient and insurance re- Amazon Web Ser ices played a little, shall we say, fast Newfoundland and Labrador,
global vice-president of AI prod- cords that hold a lot of potential does not use data from and loose with the data that has and its small coastal communi-
ucts. because the organizations are pri- paid corporate customers been available to them.” ties, “deserve to be the sole bene-
“If you’d have told me a year vately held. to train underlying But Mr. Wood insists there are ficiary” of the northern cod fish-
and a half ago that 160-year-old “The models have never seen models and also gi es ways to balance privacy and ery, he said.
life insurance companies were go- them before, and as a result, you them full control o er potential. “These decisions should not
ing to be in the vanguard of artifi- can use generative AI to be able to where their data reside, Many companies only use AI have been taken without consul-
cial-intelligence usage, I probably understand, read, connect the how they mo e and what with anonymized or deidentified tations with stakeholders in New-
would have been a bit surprised, dots, find similarities, find differ- network they are on, data, while others offer secure foundland and Labrador,” Mr.
but that’s turning out to be the ences across these very large col- says Matt Wood, its digital environments where staff Furey wrote, adding “The time
case,” Mr. Wood said, referencing lections of data,” Mr. Wood said. global ice president can test AI without the fear of has come for the province to have
Sun Life Financial Inc. in an inter- Knowing the data’s value often of AI products. data leaking to the public or train- a direct say over our resources.”
view, fresh off a visit to Toronto also means understanding what NOAH BERGER/ ing future models. Ms. Lebouthillier announced
for the Collision tech conference. it takes to protect it. AWS VIA REUTERS Mr. Wood said AWS, Amazon- last week that she was ending a
His observation turns age-old Some AI systems, for example, .com Inc.’s cloud-computing sub- 32-year moratorium on the com-
assumptions about innovation collect, use and train on any data sidiary, does not use data from mercial northern cod fishery, call-
and who is open to embracing input into them but many com- paid corporate customers to train ing the decision “a historic mile-
technology upside down. It panies have policies promising underlying models and also gives stone for Newfoundlanders and
comes as nearly every sector is not to disclose or share customer them full control over where their Labradorians.” The moratorium
grappling with advances in AI and or patient information. data reside, how they move and was imposed on uly 2, 1992, after
considering how the technology Regulated industries already what network they are on. The cod stocks off the province’s east
can increase productivity and know how to navigate these company also doesn’t have inter- cost collapsed.
profitability. thorny issues in a way that won’t nal or third-party staff reviewing The Fisheries Department said
Mr. Wood has recently seen life stymie or block organizations Many companies their clients’ prompts. last week that Canadian vessels
insurance companies turn to AI from implementing technology, The speed with which they would be allowed to catch 18,000
to review 90-year-old policies and making AI adoption faster, Mr. only use AI ith navigate data privacy aside, the fi- tonnes in the 2024 season, which
identity risks they could pose Wood said. anonymi ed or nal reason Mr. Wood thinks regu- represents 95 per cent of the total
over the next decade or so when “They’ve already figured out deidentified data, lated businesses have rushed to- allowable catch. The rest – rough-
they are likely to be paid out. what data they have, what it can hile others offer ward AI adoption is because ly 950 tonnes – will go to foreign
Doctors have also adopted the be used for, who it can be used by, they’re keen not to be left behind vessels according to a previous
technology, using it to transcribe what tools it can be used with, all secure digital by the latest technological whirl- agreement with the Northwest
exchanges with patients and cob- those sorts of things,” he said. environments here wind. Atlantic Fisheries Organization,
ble together appointment sum- That understanding gives staff can test AI “They’ve had to sit on the side- the department said.
maries that are so accurate, blind- them a head start compared with lines a little bit as digital transfor- Many have opposed the deci-
testing has shown health care other organizations who haven’t
ithout the fear of mation has washed across other sion. George Rose, a marine scien-
providers would choose them confronted these issues before or data leaking to the industries,” he said, offering the tist who studied Newfoundland
over human-crafted summaries who don’t believe there’s a way public or training example of how media and enter- cod for decades, said that by lift-
seven out of 10 times. forward for them with AI. future models. tainment companies have been ing the moratorium, the Fisheries
Mr. Wood suspects regulated “There is a kind of schism in pushed ahead by streaming plat- Department is “rolling the dice
sectors have moved faster than some customers’ minds that in forms. on this important fishery.” The
others on AI for a few reasons. order to be successful with gener- “They’re looking at generative northern cod stock off the prov-
The first stems from the trove ative AI, you have to make some AI not just as a way to kind of ince’s east coast hasn’t grown sig-
of data at their fingertips. sort of negative trade-off when it catch up, but as a way to leapfrog, nificantly since 2015-16, he added.
Many regulated companies are comes to the privacy of the data significantly kick-start that digital The union representing in-
sitting on extensive databases, that you’re using,” said Mr. Wood. transformation.” shore fishers and processing
market research and develop- “I can understand where that plant workers has called on Otta-
ment reports, clinical trial results comes from. Some folks have THE CANADIAN RESS wa to reinstate the moratorium.
The 14,000-member Fish, Food
and Allied Workers union said
Tuesday that Canadian offshore
CANADA S SERVICES PMI FALLS TO THREE MONTH LOW IN JUNE vessels, which it calls “draggers,”
should not be given part of the
catch, nor should foreign fleets.
TORONTO Canada’s services economy economics director at S P Global Mar- Last month, the BoC became the first Union president Greg Pretty
moved back into contraction in une as ket Intelligence, said in a statement. G central bank to begin cutting in- has said the offshore ships are
a decline in new business weighed on “Activity and new business both fell terest rates. “environmentally destructive”
the sector’s performance even as in- at solid rates, amid reports of weak The prices charged index fell to 50.9 and do not contribute to the long-
flation pressures cooled, S P Global market demand.” last month from 55.4 in May and the term sustainability of the prov-
Canada services PMI data showed on The new business index dropped measure of input prices was at 56.2, ince’s coastal communities.
Thursday. below the 50.0 no-change mark for the down from 60.0, marking its lowest Inshore fishers operate smaller
The headline business activity index first time in three months, falling to level since February, 2021. boats – typically shorter than 20
fell to 4 .1 from 51.1 in May, posting its 4 .9 from 51.8 in May, while the mea- The S P Global Canada Composite metres – and they fish closer to
lowest level since March. sure of outstanding business was at 45.1, PMI Output Index, which captures shore than the offshore vessels,
A reading below 50 signals deteriora- its lowest level since December, 2020, as manufacturing as well as service sector which are longer than 30 metres,
tion in activity. The reading for May was firms comfortably managed their work- activity, also slipped back into contrac- according to the Fisheries Depart-
the first time in a year that the index loads. tion in une, falling to 4 .5 from 50.6 in ment.
had been above the 50 threshold. One bit of “good news” in the data May. In his letter Wednesday, Mr.
“Following a return to growth in May, was a slowdown in both input and Data on Monday showed that Cana- Furey said he has raised his objec-
Canada’s services economy slipped back output price inflation, which could da’s manufacturing PMI was 49.3 last tions with Prime Minister ustin
into the moribund trend that has so contribute to the Bank of Canada’s month, matching the level posted in Trudeau.
characterized its performance in the confidence that inflation pressures are May.
post-pandemic period,” Paul Smith, contained, Mr. Smith said. REUTERS THE CANADIAN RESS

igeria chosen to host

new frica nerg ank

Nigeria has been chosen to host the newly formed Africa n-

ergy Bank A B , its oil minister said on Thursday, as Africa’s
top oil producer beat three rival countries for rights to the
multilateral lender.
The decision, reached at an extraordinary meeting of the
Council of Ministers of the African Petroleum Producers Or-
ganization APPO , places Nigeria at the forefront of Africa’s
energy future, Minister of State Petroleum Resources Heine-
ken Lokpobiri said in a statement.
Nigeria’s bid to host the A B was strengthened in late May
after it ratified the bank’s charter and President Bola Tinubu
approved a US$100-million investment to the bank, greater
than the required US$83.33-million for member states.
The fossil fuel-focused bank, a partnership between Afrex-
im Bank and APPO, aims to fund energy projects on the con-
tinent and support its energy transition goals.
“This decision reflects our collective ambition to create
African solutions to African energy challenges,” Mr. Lokpobi-
ri said.
“The African nergy Bank will be instrumental in provid-
ing the necessary financial backbone for energy projects that
Federal Industry Minister Fran ois Philippe Champagne announces funding for the Fabrication of Integrated will drive growth and development across the continent,” he
Components for the Internet’s Edge program on Thursday in Montreal. CHRISTINNE MUSCHI/THE CANADIAN RESS added.
The A B initially has US$5-billion to spend when it takes
off later this year.

Ottawa invests $ -million Analysts said that Nigeria, as a founding member of APPO
and Africa’s top energy producers, has shown strong interest
in the bank as the country makes a new push for investment

in semi-conductor initiative into its lagging oil and gas industry.

“Hosting the bank would be a vote of confidence in Nigeria
at a time its energy industry badly needs a boost,” Clemen-
tine Wallop, director for sub-Saharan Africa at political risk
Five-year program aims not afford them alone. It also pro- vantage of CHIP Act funding. U.S. consultancy Horizon ngage, said before the announcement
vides engineering expertise and companies pay five to 10 times as was made.
to boost chip businesses skills training. much as Canadian companies do,
and train students Semi-conductors are physical as CMC’s services here are subsi- REUTERS
components that control the dized by the government.
flow of electric current in micro- Already, CMC has attracted at-
IRENE GALEA chips, which are essential to al- tention from American startups,
most every electronic device, and a potential project to support STRIKING SAFRAN WORKERS REACH AGREEMENT
from L D light bulbs and blen- hundreds of research groups IN PRINCIPLE WITH JET ENGINE MAKER, UNION SAYS
The federal government is invest- ders to Vs and rocket ships. through a University of Purdue-
ing $120-million in an initiative to Of the $120-million from Otta- led project, Mr. Harling said.
boost Canada’s semi-conductor wa, $63-million will go to subsi- Despite the possibility for “big Safran workers in the Montreal area have reached an agree-
industry, which is facing intense dies for Canadian companies money,“ Mr. Harling said CMC ment in principle with the French jet engine maker after
competition in light of new crit- working with CMC, allocated will continue to operate as a not- being on strike over pay since May 28, union representative
ical technologies and major through a third-party governance for-profit in Canada as long as the Michael Durand told Reuters on Thursday.
spending by global economies. committee $3 -million will be government is willing to subsi- Workers will vote on Friday at a special assembly over
The investment from Industry spent at Canada’s existing manu- dize it. But if that support ended, whether to accept the agreement, he said.
Canada through its Strategic In- facturing facilities to develop the organization would have to The workers, who make components for landing gear
novation Fund was announced new “fab” processes and $20- consider a for-profit model to used in Airbus and Boeing jets, began an unlimited general
by Industry Minister François- million will go toward tools and support itself. The organization strike about a month ago.
Philippe Champagne in Montreal training for universities. got a glimpse of that possibility More than 100 Safran workers who produce parts used
Thursday morning. It will sup- Gordon Harling, CMC’s presi- last year, when CMC was passed in aircraft such as Airbus’s A320 family and A350 jets, along
port Fabrication of Integrated dent and chief executive officer, over for funding by another body, with Boeing’s 8 , walked off the job on May 28, initially for
Components for the Internet’s first proposed the FABrIC initia- the Canada Foundation for Inno- one week in an effort to “catch up” on pay.
dge FABrIC , a five-year pro- tive in 2021. The U.S. introduced vation. The aerospace industry has been beset with supply
gram to boost chip businesses its CHIPS Act in 2022, and while it “We get paid for our work and issues for months. uropean aerospace giant Airbus in une
and train students. has spent the majority of its $53- we’ll use that to cover our ex- lowered its forecast for deliveries this year to around 0
It’s the latest element of Cana- billion funding on building chip penses outside of FABrIC. The jets from 800 and delayed a multiyear hike in narrow-body
da’s strategy to grow its chip val- fabrication plants, FABrIC will in- money will flow to the benefit of production amid a shortage of parts. REUTERS
ue chain, as developments in arti- stead be focusing its investments Canada.” Mr. Harling said. “We’ll
ficial intelligence, cleantech and in building skills in specialized ar- do that in the background so that
electric vehicles heighten the eas such as photonics, quantum the next time our funding all
need for advanced chips, and technologies and micro-electro- drops away, we’ll be able to sur- BORDER WORKERS VOTE TO RATIFY LABOUR DEAL
amid escalating geopolitical ten- mechanical systems M MS . vive and keep our people.”
sions involving Taiwan, the “We’ve chosen areas that have He says all funding from Cana-
world’s leading chip manufactur- long life, high growth and are ve- dian governments is tracked sep- Canadian border workers voted to ratify a labour deal,
er. ry unique. I think we can dom- arately from CMC s international according to results released by their union on Thursday.
Meanwhile, CMC Microsys- inate globally in these areas,” Mr. business to ensure Canadian tax- Of the ballots cast, 91 per cent were in favour of the
tems, the Canadian not-for-profit Harling said. payer dollars are being used on new contract, the Public Service Alliance of Canada said
behind the initiative, has ex- The funding is conditional on domestic startups only. in a statement. The vote took place from une 20 to uly
panded into the U.S. in order to CMC raising $40-million from the Among those Canadian com- 4.
sell its services to private compa- provinces to put toward increas- panies supported in their early About 9,000 workers had threatened to strike and
nies, and says it would move to a ing company subsidies. Mr. Har- days by CMC is Ranovus, which while about 90 per cent of front-line border guards are
for-profit model in Canada as ling said he has already been in makes advanced silicon chips. designated essential workers, according to the federal
well should its government fund- discussions with Ontario, ue- Hamid Arabzadeh, the compa- government, experts said they could have significantly
ing stop in the future. bec, Alberta, British Columbia ny’s chief executive officer, called slowed down border operations.
Founded in 1984, CMC helps and Nova Scotia to secure sup- the non-profit the “glue” of Cana- The deal includes wage increases totalling 14.8 per cent
the Canadian semi-conductor in- port. da’s chip ecosystem, and said the over four years retroactive to une, 2022, according to the
dustry by buying expensive tools CMC also operates in 16 other funding will help train employ- union, as well as protections around technological chang-
and manufacturing runs, and countries and recently started of- ees which will benefit later-stage es and a requirement for managers to assess remote-
splitting the costs between star- fering its services in the U.S. to chip companies in Canada as work requests individually and provide written responses.
tups and academics who could join proposals there and take ad- well. REUTERS


cor r c. has shut comment on whether Firebag across Alberta and officials have
down its 215,000 barrel-a-day production had been affected. rated the danger in the prov- MONTREAL CG c. says it has signed a deal with the three
b d Firebag oil sands site in “An emergency-response ince’s north as very high to Prairie credit union centrals to acquire Celero, a provider of
Northern Alberta as a precau- team is monitoring the sit- extreme, he added. technology services to credit unions and financial institu-
tion owing to a wildfire about uation closely and prepared to Weather forecasts show an tions.
eight kilometres away, a pro- take further action if necessary,” extended period of hot weather Financial terms of the deal with the Credit Union Central
vincial minister said on social a Suncor spokesperson said in a will settle over Western Canada of Manitoba, the Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan and
media on Thursday. statement. in the coming days, with tem- the Credit Union Central of Alberta were not immediately
Suncor, Canada’s second- “There is no risk to our other peratures expected to exceed 30 available.
largest oil producer, said it was operations or the Firebag air- C by next week. Under the agreement, CGI will acquire Celero’s managed
keeping only essential workers port at this time.” Canada is the world’s fourth- services business with more than 90 credit unions and
at the facility, which lies rough- Alberta’s Minister of Forestry largest oil producer and more create new partnerships with the centrals.
ly 100 kilometres northeast of and Parks, Todd Loewen, said than two-thirds of its five mil- More than 150 Celero employees will also join CGI.
the oil sands hub of Fort Firebag had been shut down on lion b d of crude comes from Celero was established as a joint venture by the three
McMurray. Wednesday night out of caution. Alberta’s oil sands. Prairie centrals to provide core banking and other tech-
The company declined to There are more than 60 fires REUTERS nology services to credit unions. THE CANADIAN RESS

West et s o ld offer cas on top of ref nds
ravellers who faced patience and understanding,” entitled to request a refund to et the couple’s claim for com- does anything but. In fact, the
West et’s president said in a state- their original form of payment,” pensation under the APPR was APPR, often touted by Ottawa as
cancellations during the ment. the airline notes on its website. denied. Air Canada – the operat- protecting passengers, is explicit-
stri e over the wee end So there you have it. Canadians I’m talking about cash for out- ing airline – argued that the can- ly written in a way that ensures
are out of poc et plenty firmed up their travel plans of-pocket expenses incurred be- cellation was “due to crew con- legitimate compensation claims
months in advance, spent thou- cause of delayed or cancelled straints” linked to the pandemic will be constantly and consistent-
of expenses because sands of dollars and arrived at the flights. xpenses such as food, and was “safety-related.” vident- ly denied. If delays occur because
of disrupted flights airport early as instructed by the water and hotels that passengers ly, failing to adequately staff your the engine is sputtering, claims
airline – given the summer rush must pay for through no fault of airplanes is a safety problem – can be denied the airline will say
– only to be greeted by hours of their own. On paper, the APPR ad- one for which passengers, not the delays are due to safety-relat-
ASHLEY NUNES delays, a deluge of flight cancella- dresses this, too. Passengers can management, must pay the price. ed issues . If cancellations occur
tions and absurdly long wait claim $400 in compensation I had a similar experience because the toilets won’t flush,
times at West et call centres from the airline if they experi- recently. My Air Canada flight was claims can be denied the airline
O INION assuming they could get ence delays lasting at least three cancelled for what the airline said will argue the aircraft requires
through to someone at all . What hours. That figure rises to $1,000 was “unforeseen maintenance unscheduled maintenance and,
Senior research associate at Harvard do passengers have to show for if the delay exceeds nine hours. that does not include scheduled for good measure, will cite safety
La School, ho teaches economic suffering these indignities Union But – and this is important – maintenance or mechanical concerns .
policy at Harvard College “regret” and C-suite “apprecia- those claims are only paid out if problems identified during I’m admittedly not keen to fly
tion.” ou know what flyers the delay is “within the airline’s scheduled maintenance.” The on an airplane with malfunction-
arely able to hide its glee would like better Cold, hard control and not related to safety.” language here – lifted predictably ing engines or a clogged toilet. I’d
over the financial conces- cash. ou don’t need a Harvard MBA to and almost verbatim from the like those problems to be resolv-
sions it extracted in contract I’m not talking about a refund figure out what comes next. APPR – is telling. If a flight is can- ed before I’m hurtling through
talks, the West et mechanics for cancelled flights. The Air Pas- To control costs, airlines will celled because of scheduled the air at almost the speed of
union has expressed “regret” to senger Protection Regulations argue that any flight delays or maintenance, the airline is on the sound. But the fact that those
the more than 100,000 affected guarantee that right. If an airline cancellations are either out of hook for compensation. If main- problems arise does not – and
passengers union executives cancels your flight, you are entit- their control or related to safety. tenance is unscheduled, no com- should not – absolve an airline of
said striking during one of the led to a refund, which explains Consider the case of a Saskatoon pensation needs to be paid out. its fiduciary duty toward its cus-
busiest travel periods was why West et wasted no time in couple who were flying from Re- ou know what comes next. De- tomers.
“coincidental,” though you’re on saying so. “In compliance with gina to Victoria. Their first flight spite getting me to my destina- ou don’t get a financial pass
your own if you believe that . Not the Air Passenger Protection Reg- was delayed by five hours the tion 10 hours later than originally for inconveniencing flyers be-
to be outdone in the sympathy ulations APPR , in the event re- second, cancelled. Neither the de- scheduled, Air Canada denied my cause your intentions were good.
department are the airline exec- accommodation with West et or lay nor the cancellation was relat- compensation claim. Canadians deserve better. If we
utives. “We fully recognize the an alternative airline isn’t availa- ed to, for example, weather out- Where flying is concerned, the are going to have a passenger bill
continued impact on our guests ble within 48 hours of a guest’s side the airline’s control or leak- APPR is supposed to afford pas- of rights, the bill must work for
and sincerely appreciate their scheduled departure, guests are ing oil or jet fuel safety-related . sengers a semblance of dignity. It passengers.

e of occ pation as illegal W y eca se it as an occ pation

TONY use that space for a period of over 50 days ”
KELLER The injunction prevents camping and
erecting structures, or protesting between
O INION 11 p.m. and a.m. U of T Occupy for Pales-
tine remains free to hold demonstrations.
And so, before the Wednesday evening
wo months ago, I wrote a column deadline imposed by the injunction, that’s
with this headline “The campus what the group did. It ended the encamp-
occupations aren’t protected by ment and started a protest march.
free speech, because they aren’t In a post on , U of T Occupy wrote that
speech.” the cops were surely “foaming at the
Two months later, Ontario Superior mouth to unleash your violence,” but “we
Court ustice Markus Koehnen said as refuse to give the Toronto Police Service
much when he issued an injunction any opportunity to brutalize us, as they
against an encampment that had occupied have done repeatedly since October to pro-
the centre of the University of Toronto’s Palestinian protestors across the GTA. We
downtown campus since May 2. are leaving on our terms to protect our
The university’s request for an injunc- community from the violence that the Uni-
tion was granted not because of the pro- versity of Toronto has been eager to un-
Palestinian protesters’ ideas, beliefs or leash upon us.”
words. It’s not about what they said. It’s In recent weeks, the occupation organiz-
about what they did – namely taking over a ers’ social media has called police “pigs,”
space, denying its use to others, policing Protesters remo e items Wednesday from the pro Palestinian encampment at the whose “purpose is violence.” It has also on
entry, erecting a tent city and pledging to Uni ersity of Toronto, 3 days after the occupation began. MELISSA TAIT/THE GLOBE AND MAIL more than one occasion referred to police
remain until their demands were met. by a vulgar acronym that can’t be printed in
ustice Koehnen’s uly 2 ruling is a civics need better lawyers. The problem is the “If it is not the owner who gets to deter- this newspaper. They have called “kkkana-
lesson. It’s a reminder of the liberal princi- verb in the middle of their name. mine what happens on the property it will da” an illegitimate “settler colony.” On
ples that underpin our society and our “The protesters’ conduct is inconsistent become a brutal free-for-all. If protesters Thursday, they wrote that U of T being
laws, and which make it possible for people with freedom of expression,” wrote the can just take Front Campus, nothing pre- granted an injunction means that “the
with starkly different views to share a coun- judge. Not protected by freedom of expres- vents a stronger group from coming along masks have come off, and the true face of
try, living together in peaceful disagree- sion – inconsistent with it. and forcibly taking it over from the current settler-colonial western institutions has
ment. An occupation is also inconsistent with protest group for another cause or a coun- been revealed.”
Canadian law offers exceptionally broad property rights, the rule of law, a liberal so- ter protest.” Writing such things, and believing them,
protections for freedom of assembly, asso- ciety and peace, order and good govern- The protesters argued that the lawn at U takes many years of advanced education.
ciation and expression. But the encamp- ment. Again None of this has anything to of T is public rather than private property, This being actual Canada, not the Marx-
ment’s lawyers were unable to point to “a do with whether you support, oppose or and that somehow made it okay for them ist bedtime-story version, helpful police of-
single case in which a court has allowed are indifferent to the protesters’ ideas or to appropriate it. ustice Koehnen said the ficers in bike shorts were there on Wednes-
someone to appropriate private or public words. The same goes for the 2022 Freedom distinction makes no difference. day evening to assist and enable the pro-
property for a prolonged period of time to Convoy movement that blocked roads in During the encampment, “the only peo- test, as they have assisted and enabled
exercise their rights of freedom of expres- Ottawa and other locations. ple who are allowed onto Front Campus are scores of pro-Palestinian protests since last
sion,” ustice Koehnen wrote. “On the con- “As passionate as the protesters may be those who agree with or at least who do fall, by blocking streets to car traffic.
trary, courts have found exactly the oppo- about their cause, they do not have the uni- not openly disagree with the protesters’ A couple of hundred flag-waving and
site.” lateral right to decide how Front Campus beliefs,” he wrote. “If the property truly is a slogan-chanting protesters paraded up St.
The protesters, operating under the can be used by their exercise of force, occu- quasi-public space, why should one ad hoc George Street. Those who wanted to join in
name U of T Occupy for Palestine, don’t pation or intimidation,” wrote the judge. group of people get to determine who can did. veryone else went about their day.

Open ban ing s o ld a e already appened W at s t e old p

WILL CHRISTODOULOU as they should. Canada. The lack of decisive ac- saved us from experiencing the in ways that strengthen their posi-
REN SYLVAIN B DARD Historically, banks have ex- tion from Ottawa on open bank- worst parts of the 2008 recession. tion, especially if they partner
changed data daily. What used to ing reflects a broader trend of fa- The policies Paul Martin estab- with fintechs.
be a private network known as the vouring incumbents over innova- lished during his tenure as fi- Take Wealthsimple, for exam-
O INION Canadian Payment Association tion. nance minister ensured that our ple. This fintech amassed more
evolved into Interac. It still serves This shortsightedness stifles mortgage market remained sta- than three million users by mak-
Will Christodoulou is co founder and the same purpose to exchange competition and hinders our abil- ble, dramatically reducing the im- ing investing simpler – a move
CTO of Cyder, a Toronto based data between banks. The speed of ity to attract investment and tal- pact of the subprime crisis. which has pressured banks to fol-
fintech startup that helps financial exchange might have accelerated ent in the fintech sector. It’s a mis- Apprehension about major low. Open banking would diversi-
institutions ethically source real time over the years, but the process re- sed opportunity to lead and shape legislative changes to our finan- fy Canada’s financial landscape
data. mains the same. For those seeking the future of finance, especially cial sector is understandable, but and further pressure banks to
change, this was like running on a when Canadians face enormous we can’t let the fear of the past dic- evolve. Maintaining the status
Ren Sylvain B dard is the founder treadmill you’re burning calories economic challenges. Inflation is tate our future. It’s certainly pos- quo benefits nobody.
of Indominus, a Quebec based but aren’t getting anywhere. high, and the cost of living is ris- sible those fears are slowing down The fintech community has
cybersecurity firm. During Ren -Sylvain’s time in ing. An open banking system al- fintech adoption, but there has been angry with the Canadian
the Canadian financial sector, he lows Canadians to take advantage been some effort toward imple- government for being so stagnant
Both are alumni of Rogers found that enacting change was of diverse financial services that menting an open banking system. in innovation. We should have our
Cybersecure Catalyst’s Cyber difficult even with the biggest better meet their needs. The problem is achieving a tan- own thriving fintech ecosystem
Accelerator program at Toronto team and R D budget. The sys- Britain, Australia and several gible process has been painfully that doesn’t require promising
Metropolitan University. tems in place are meant to stay in other uropean countries have slow. The 2024 budget provided startups to move to the United
place. It was a culture focused on embraced open banking. These no official launch date and only States. We hope the funding pro-
he open banking system, sticking to what’s familiar. regions have seen a surge in fin- allocated $5.1-million to the de- vided by the 2024 budget will
which has been gaining For years, the Canadian govern- tech innovation, improved cus- velopment and oversight of an bring change. Only time will tell.
traction around the world, ment has snubbed innovation tomer experiences and competi- open banking system. In this With open banking, Canada
enables consumers to share their and competition to protect their tion, ultimately benefiting con- country, that’s virtually nothing. can unlock a wave of innovation,
financial information securely regulated industries. It’s almost sumers and driving economic Australia provided almost 15 empower Canadians to have
with banks and other financial in- guaranteed that if a change is re- growth. times the funding and took only more control over their financial
stitutions. Introducing an open- quired in banking, insurance or Contrast this with a Canadian two years to launch open bank- affairs and strengthen our finan-
banking framework will give Can- telecommunications, our mem- government, characterized by a ing. cial sector in the global economy.
adians greater control over their bers of Parliament will always reluctance to disrupt the status In an era when convenience We need a clear timeline, a devel-
financial data. For the economy, it provide them with accommoda- quo. Our policy makers seem has become a greater priority, oped and sustainable framework
will boost growth and innovation, tions to make the transition slow- more concerned with protecting people are naturally more in- and more avenues for collabora-
bringing new competition to the ly. established players than fostering clined to switch to a fintech com- tion between traditional banks
financial sector. The latest of these preferential a dynamic and competitive finan- pany that provides faster and and fintech startups.
So what’s the holdup treatments has been in the Cana- cial ecosystem. more personalized services. The longer we delay, the fur-
Let’s look back at how things dian banking industry. It has been While pointing out this short- Open banking could shake up ther we fall behind. Open banking
have been done for the past 50 six years since the federal govern- coming, it wouldn’t be fair if we the monopoly banks hold over should have happened yesterday
years. It’ will give us a glimpse into ment introduced the idea of hav- didn’t mention that the Canadian the Canadian financial landscape. – let’s not wait any longer to em-
why things are not moving as fast ing an open banking system in banking system’s tight legislation It could also help them innovate brace the future of finance.

inister e ects more carbon-ca ture ro ects soon

Wil inson says 2 to He added he expects some of carbon-capture projects, is what ful of CCS projects in operation. storage in a range of heavy indus-
those projects will be green-lit by many heavy industrial compa- Since 2000, these projects – tries, including power generation,
25 pro ects could brea companies soon, now that a new nies have been waiting for in or- which include an existing Shell cement, steel and fertilizer manu-
ground in Canada federal investment tax credit for der to make a final investment project, called uest – have facturing, mining and petro-
within the next decade carbon capture and storage is in decision. stored about 44 million tonnes of chemical processing.
effect. “The Shell Polaris announce- CO2, the equivalent of taking But it’s the oil and gas industry
“I do expect to see more car- ment last week was a direct result more than 9.4 million cars off the that has proposed the highest-
AMANDA STEPHENSON CALGAR bon-capture announcements in of the investment tax credit it road. profile carbon capture and stor-
the coming months,” Mr. Wilkin- was a direct result of the royal as- But the federal emissions re- age project in Canada thus far. A
son said in Calgary this week, sent on that,” Mr. Wilkinson said. duction plan – which calls for group of oil sands companies
Shell Canada’s decision last week where he is attending an annual Carbon capture and storage Canada to cut its emissions by 40 known as the Pathways Alliance
to green light its Polaris carbon- gathering of federal, provincial CCS is a term for the use of tech- to 45 per cent below 2005 levels by has proposed investing $16.5-bil-
capture project is likely just the and territorial ministers respon- nology to trap the harmful green- 2030 and to reach net-zero emis- lion to build a massive pipeline
start of a wave of positive invest- sible for energy and mining port- house-gas emissions from indus- sions by 2050 – envisions national that would transport captured
ment decisions by proponents of folios. trial processes and store them CCS capacity more than tripling carbon from 14 individual oil
the emissions-reducing technolo- While getting the investment safely in underground geological by 2030. That would require add- sands sites to a storage location
gy, federal Natural Resources tax credit enshrined into law formations. Shell’s Polaris pro- ing facilities that can capture and near Cold Lake.
Minister onathan Wilkinson “took longer” than the federal ject, for example, will be designed store at least 15 million tonnes of If built, it would be one of the
said. government would have liked, to capture about 650,000 tonnes carbon-dioxide emissions an- world’s largest CCS projects, but
Mr. Wilkinson said in an inter- Mr. Wilkinson said, companies of carbon dioxide annually from nually. the Pathways companies have
view he expects 20 to 25 commer- now have the ability to apply for the Shell-owned Scotford refinery The Regina-based Internation- not yet made a final investment
cial-scale carbon capture and and receive the credit. He said the and chemicals complex near d- al CCS Knowledge Centre says decision.
storage projects to break ground tax incentive, which will cover up monton. meeting this goal will require im-
in Canada within the next decade. to 50 per cent of the capital cost of So far, Canada only has a hand- plementing carbon capture and THE CANADIAN RESS


IN T E MATTER O T E COMPANIES’ CREDITORS Cook Optionally Retrievable IVC Filters

R.S.C. 198 . C-36 AS AMENDED Please read this Notice carefully – your legal rights may be affected.
AND IN T E MATTER O NE ADA COPPER INC. This notice does not constitute medical advice. Individuals who have had an IVC Filter Product placed should consult with their physicians if they
have any questions about their course of treatment and/or medical condition.
NE ADA COPPER CORP. 060 92 B.C TD. Why is this Notice being published?
ION IRON CORP. NC ARMS C AND NC DITC A Canada-wide settlement has been reached with Cook (Canada) Inc., Cook Incorporated, and William Cook Europe APS ( “Cook”) in a certified
class action titled Kuiper et al. v. Cook (Canada) Inc. et al., in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Court (the “Class Action”). The Settlement of
COMPAN C the Class Action has been approved by the Court.
APP ICATION O NE ADA COPPER INC. UNDER What is this Class Action about?
The Class Action alleges that Cook marketed and sold IVC Filter Products, namely the Gunther Tulip Vena Cava Filter Set, the Cook Celect Vena
SECTION 46 O T E COMPANIES’ CREDITORS Cava Filter Set, and the Cook Celect Platinum Vena Cava Filter Set (collectively, “Cook IVC Filter Products”) without properly warning of the
ARRANGEMENT ACT alleged increased risks of complications and injuries. Cook denies liability whatsoever, and the Court did not come to a decision as to who was
right. The Parties have instead decided to settle the lawsuit.
You are a Class Member if you are or were a resident of Canada:
P EASE BE AD ISED that this Notice is being published pursuant to an Initial
Recognition Order (Foreign Main Proceeding) of the Ontario Superior Court (a) who was implanted with a Cook IVC Filter Product at any time on or before January 8, 2020, which was manufactured, marketed, and/or
sold or otherwise placed into the stream of commerce in Canada by Cook; and
of Justice (Commercial List) (the “C C ”) granted on June 21,
(b) who, by virtue of a personal relationship to one or more of such persons described in (a) above, has standing in this action pursuant to
2024 (the “I R O ”). section 61(1) of the Family Law Act, RSO 1990, c F 3 or analogous provincial legislation.
P EASE TA E NOTICE that on June 10, 2024, Nevada Copper, Inc., Nevada For greater certainty, the residency requirement for class membership relates to the time of the placement of the Cook IVC Filter Product.
Primary Class Members must have had a Cook IVC Filter Product placed in Canada but are not required to reside in Canada at present. You
Copper Corp., 0607792 B.C. Ltd., Lion Iron Corp., NC Farms LLC and NC can no longer opt out of the Class Action. The opt-out period for the Class Action ended on March 16, 2021. Class Members will be bound by
Ditch Company LLC (collectively, the “D ”) commenced voluntary the Settlement Agreement if it is approved by the Court.
proceedings (the “C 11 C ”) pursuant to Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the What is the available under the Settlement?
United States Code with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District Under the Settlement, Cook will provide a claims-made settlement of up to $54,000 CAD for each Qualifying Fracture Claimant, $81,000 CAD
of Nevada (the “U.S. B C ”). In connection with the Chapter for each Qualifying Death Claimant, and $169,500 CAD for each Qualifying Open Surgery Claimant, with a pro rata reduction of in the amount of
11 Cases, Nevada Copper, Inc., was appointed to act as a foreign represen- each payment to the extent that the total amount of the claims in categories (a), (b) and (c) above exceed $4,062,720 CAD. Also, a payment in
tative (in such capacity, the “ R ”) in respect of the the amount of $2,708,480 CAD will be made for Class Counsel to pay costs, including Administration Costs, Notice Plan Costs, Class Counsel
Debtors. The Foreign Representative’s address is 61 E. Pursel Lane P.O Box Fees, interest, applicable taxes, and certain Other Qualified Claims as provided in the Settlement Agreement. The final value of the compensation
will not be determined until the end of the claim period.
1649, Yerington, Nevada 89447. The Debtors carry on business in Canada
under the name “N C ”. The Court has approved a Compensation Protocol that determines which Class Members are eligible for compensation and in what amount.
For more information about how compensation is determined, you should review the long-form Notice, Compensation Protocol, Settlement
Agreement and related documents at, or contact Class Counsel listed below.
AND TA E NOTICE that the Initial Recognition Order and a Supplemental
Order (Foreign Main Proceeding) (collectively with the Initial Recognition How can I participate in the Settlement?
Order, the “R O ”) have been issued by the Canadian To make a claim for compensation under the Settlement Agreement, you must complete and submit a Claim Form (including the necessary
supporting evidence detailed in the Compensation Protocol) to the Claims Administrator before November 11, 2024. If you do NOT submit your
Court in proceedings (the “R P ”) under Part IV of the Claim Form on time, you will not be eligible for any benefits under the Settlement Agreement.
Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, as amended
The Claim Form requires that you provide medical records which can be time consuming to retrieve. It is very important that you start this
(the “CCAA”). The Recognition Orders, among other things: (i) declared process as soon as possible if you or your lawyer have not already done so. You may wish to retain a lawyer to assist you in this process. You
that the Chapter 11 Cases are recognized as a “foreign main proceeding”, can retain Class Counsel or a lawyer of your choice.
as defined in section 45 of the CCAA, in respect of the Debtors; (ii) granted Questions? The court offices will be unable to answer any questions about the matters in this Notice. If you have questions about the
a stay of proceedings in Canada in respect of the Debtors and their prop- Settlement and/or would like to obtain more information, please visit or contact Class Counsel
erty and business; (iii) prohibited the commencement of any proceedings directly, as follows:
against the Debtors or their respective directors and officers in Canada Siskinds LLP Toll-Free Tel.: 1.800.461.6166 McKenzie Lake Toll-Free Tel.: 1.844.672.5666
absent further order of the Canadian Court; (iv) recognized certain orders Email: Lawyers LLP Email:
granted by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Chapter 11 Cases; and (v) Merchant Law 1.888.567.7777 Koskie 1.800.764.7717 Siskinds 1.800.461.6166
appointed Alvarez & Marsal Canada Inc. as the information officer with Group LLP Minsky LLP Desmeules
respect to the Recognition Proceedings (the “I O ”). This Notice was approved by order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
AND TA E NOTICE that motions, orders and notices filed with the
U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Chapter 11 Cases are available at: https:// and that the Recognition Orders, and T D OC
any other orders that may be granted by the Canadian Court in the NOT . DO NOT
Recognition Proceedings, are available at: https://www.alvarezandmarsal.
com/NevadaCopper/. In your D OC P O
AND TA E NOTICE that counsel for the Foreign Representative is:
Torys LLP
79 Wellington St. W., 30th Floor Box 270, TD South Tower AND D O C AIMS BAR DATE
Toronto, ON M5K 1N2 Memorialize and NOTICE IS EREB GI EN that, pursuant to an order of the Court of King’s
celebrate a loved one in Bench of Alberta dated June 28, 2024 (the “D O C P O ”)
Attention: Nevada Copper Recognition Proceedings a claims process has been commenced for the purpose of identifying and
Email:; The Globe and Mail.
determining certain claims against the Directors and Officers of the Applicants
P EASE INA TA E NOTICE that if you wish to receive copies of the (Lynx Air Holdings Corporation and 1263343 Alberta Inc. dba Lynx). All capi-
Recognition Orders or obtain further information in respect of the matters talized terms in this Notice are defined in the D&O Claims Procedure Order,
set forth in this Notice, you may contact the Information Officer at: a copy of which can be found on the website of the Monitor, FTI Consulting
Canada Inc. at
Alvarez & Marsal Canada Inc.
Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower P EASE TA E NOTICE that this D&O claims process only addresses certain
200 Bay Street, Suite 3501 claims against the Directors and Officers of the Applicants, defined as D&O
P.O. Box 22 Claims in the D&O Claims Procedure Order. Any Person who believes that it
Toronto, ON M5J 2J5 has a D&O Claim against a Director or Officer of the Applicants should send
a Proof of Claim to the Monitor to be received M 00 . .
Attention: Nevada Copper Recognition Proceedings C A 1 2024 C B D .
Phone: (416) 847-5203
DATED AT TORONTO ONTARIO this 28th day of June, 2024.
Claimants who require a Proof of Claim form may access these forms at
A M C I . the Monitor’s website at or they
(solely in its capacity as Information Officer of the Debtors and not in its may contact the Monitor (Attention: Brett Wislon, Telephone: 1-833-738-
personal or corporate capacity) 7742, Email: to obtain a claims package.
Claimants should file their Proof of Claim with the Monitor by mail, email,
courier or hand delivery, so that the Proof of Claim is actually received by
NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Monitor by the Claims Bar Date at the address below.
15177561 CANADA INC. & 15177570 CANADA INC. Address of the Monitor
FTI Consulting Canada Inc.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the bankruptcy of In its capacity as Monitor of Lynx Air Holdings Corporation and 1263343
Alberta Inc. dba Lynx Air
15177561 Canada Inc. and 15177570 Canada Inc. Suite 1610
occurred on the 24th day of June 2024; and that the Calgary, AB T2P 3R7
First Meeting of Creditors will be held via teleconference Attention: Brett Wilson
on July 15, 2024 at 2:00 PM, EST.
15177561 Canada Inc. and 15177570 Canada Inc. are DI IDENDS
residual entities created in connection with the restructuring
transactions of Acerus Pharmaceuticals Corporation and
certain affiliated entities.
Notice is hereby given that the following dividends have been declared.
To be eligible to attend the meeting and to vote, creditors All amounts shown are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified.
must file with the Trustee, prior to the meeting, a proof Issuer Issue Record Payable Rate
of claim and where necessary, proxies. Creditors who are Date Date
eligible to attend must pre-register with the Trustee, in order Bank of Montreal Common July 30, 2024 August 27, 2024 $1.55
Bank of Montreal Pref. B, Series 29 July 30, 2024 August 26, 2024 $0.2265
to be provided with access to the Creditors’ Meeting. Bank of Montreal Pref. B, Series 31 July 30, 2024 August 26, 2024 $0.240688
Dated at Toronto, Ontario this 24th day of June 2024. Bank of Montreal Pref. B, Series 33 July 30, 2024 August 26, 2024 $0.190875
Bank of Montreal Pref. B, Series 44 July 30, 2024 August 26, 2024 $0.426
Ernst & Young Inc.,
© 2024 Ernst & Young Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In its capacity as Trustee of

15177561 Canada Inc. and 15177570 Canada Inc.
100 Adelaide St. West
Toronto, ON M5H 0B3 Report on Business
Contact: Donna Comerford
Tel. : 613-598-4841
Facsimilie: 613-232-5324
Email: CONTACT US k k k

est et any tra ellers

say t ey are st c aiting
to see if t ey ll be reimb rsed

“Our teams across West et are working diligently to support

all impacted guests as quickly as possible,” she wrote.
However, for West et customer Mel Offner, getting
through to someone at the airline to request a refund in the
days after her cancelled flight has proven extremely diffi-
cult, she said.
Ms. Offner, her partner and their four-year-old daughter
were trying to fly from Santa Ana, Calif., to their home on
B.C.’s Sunshine Coast on une 30. Less than 24 hours before
they were supposed to take off, they saw online that their
flight had been cancelled.
After three nights of hotels, two extra days of a car rental,
three days’ worth of meals, a ferry rebooking, two extra
days of airport parking and a phone bill run up by in-
ternational calls, Ms. Offner said she has $1,500 in un-
planned expenses and is unsure if she’ll be reimbursed.
Despite multiple efforts to call and tagging the airline in
Neiman Marcus went bankrupt in 0 0, a process that wiped out the e uity of the chain’s owners at the time, social-media posts, she said all she has received in return
which included the Canada Pension Plan In estment Board. LM OTERO/ASSOCIATED RESS are generic statements and the promise to pay $150 for their
first night in a hotel – which has yet to be fulfilled.
“The cost of living already is so high these days. I don’t

H ry department stores don t old have $2,000 or $1,500 just lying around ready to pay for it,
and after missing work as well, it’s just been a really frus-

significant infl ence it brands li e t ey sed to

trating experience,” she said.
According to Ms. Kruger, West et is not required to pro-
vide compensation for hotels and meals for situations out-
FROM B1 though he added that the retail- the previous year, before Mr. side of the airline carrier’s control, according to the pas-
ers may gain some increased Baker took HBC private – also fil- senger protection rules.
Amazon will also work with Saks buying power once combined. ed for bankruptcy protection in “The courts have held that the declaration of a strike
Global to help the retailer to “in- Insight Partners previously in- 2020, closing down all of its marks the onset of a labour disruption. Therefore, flights
novate,” according to the press vested a combined US$ 00-mil- stores. The retailer continues to disrupted due to a declaration of a strike and the strike
release. xisting investors, in- lion in the e-commerce oper- operate online. itself are considered outside of a carrier’s control under the
cluding private-equity firms ations and Sak- Demand for luxury products APPR,” she wrote.
Rhône Capital and Insight Part-, which the company increased significantly after the West et is obligated to respond to passenger claims re-
ners, will continue as sharehol- spun off into separate businesses easing of pandemic-era restric- ceived within a 30-day period, Ms. Kruger said, adding pas-
ders in Saks Global. in 2021. Those digital businesses tions, but spending in the U.S. sengers should submit claims for eligible expenses on the
Apollo Global Management is will also be part of Saks Global has slowed more recently amid airline’s website.
providing US$1.15-billion in debt once the transaction closes. inflationary pressures. According Until recently, West et customer ennifer Litowski said
financing. HBC also secured a The current chief executive of- to consultancy Bain Co., luxu- she had no hope of reimbursement for the US$1,400 she
US$2-billion revolving asset- ficer of, Marc Metrick, ry spending declined by 8 per spent on airline tickets for her niece and her boyfriend or
based loan facility from lead un- will be C O of Saks Global. Ian cent in the Americas region last for the $800 that was spent on hotels and meals for the two
derwriter Bank of America, Citi- Putnam, who is currently presi- year compared with 2022. teens.
group, Morgan Stanley, RBC Cap- dent and C O of HBC Properties Other large department store She said since the second flight in the two teens’ journey
ital Markets and Wells Fargo. and Investments, will be C O of retailers have been struggling. from Regina to visit her in Boston was cancelled, she had
“This is an exciting time in Saks Global Properties and In- arlier this year, Macy’s an- only received two e-mails from the airline.
luxury retail, with technological vestments. Both will report to nounced it would close 150 un- “One was a customer service survey on Sunday, which is
advancements creating new op- Mr. Baker, who will be executive derperforming stores over the ironic, and I did not fill it out. It’s now expired. And then
portunities to redefine the cus- chairman of Saks Global. Mr. next three years. Luxury chain the second one I received Wednesday, which was prepare
tomer experience, and we look Baker will continue to be the Nordstrom closed all 13 of its lo- for your upcoming flight for the flight from Boston to Regi-
forward to unlocking significant controlling shareholder of the cations in Canada last year, say- na. Their return trip for the trip that never happened and
value for our customers, brand company. ing the company saw no path to that I can’t cancel,” she said.
partners and employees,” HBC The boards of directors of profitability in the market. Finally, Ms. Litowski said she reached a West et agent
executive chairman and C O Ri- both HBC and Neiman Marcus But Amazon has seen an op- over the phone after three hours on hold Thursday after-
chard Baker wrote in a statement Group have approved the trans- portunity to sell more luxury noon and has submitted her expenses for a refund.
Thursday. action, according to Thursday’s products, which come with high- Kathleen Carrigan and her 82-year-old father are also
Luxury department stores announcement. The deal is sub- er markups than other items. waiting for their refund to come through from Avion Re-
used to hold significant influen- ject to regulatory approvals and The e-commerce giant would wards – the loyalty program they used to book their West et
ce with fashion brands that re- other closing conditions. not provide further comment on flight.
lied on them to reach consum- Neiman Marcus went bank- the reason for its investment in She said her father recently rekindled a connection with
ers. “The department stores had rupt in 2020, as retailers were Saks Global on Thursday. But his high-school sweetheart over the phone and they were
some leverage in terms of orders, forced to temporarily shut their Amazon has been working for planning to fly from Vancouver Island to Halifax on uly 1 so
payment terms, margins and so doors during the COVID-19 pan- years to break into the luxury the two could reconnect.
on,” said Vancouver-based in- demic – forcing those who were market, and currently sells However, since their original West et flight was cancelled
dustry consultant David Ian already struggling to restructure brands such as Prada and Altu- and the loyalty program couldn’t rebook them on another
Gray. But over time, as luxury their businesses. The process zarra on its site. It has also begun airline without added expenses, she said they were forced
brands have increasingly opened wiped out the equity of the selling luxury fashion second- to cancel their trip after a year of saving up points.
their own stores and sold direct chain’s owners at the time, hand, and has recently partnered Now, they’re waiting anxiously to see the refunds prom-
to customers online, that has which included the Canada Pen- with resale businesses such as ised by Avion come through before they can afford to plan
shifted. “There has been a ba- sion Plan Investment Board. Hardly ver Worn It H WI and another trip.
lancing out of the power of that Another chain, Lord Taylor Hypebeast’s e-commerce busi- But with her dad’s colon cancer coming back and his
relationship,” Mr. Gray said, – which Hudson’s Bay Co. sold ness HB . high-school sweetheart on oxygen, Ms. Carrigan said she’s
unsure if there will be another chance to make the trip.
“I hope that by September, we have the refund and then
hopefully I can get him on a plane,” she said.

ereals armer belie es a ne b ilding is ort it

if it elps t e promoter contin e to e pand e ports ine Wildfire acti ity in
on is complicating efforts

But this mandate is not possible

in the current building, said Mr.
Dias. The current facility houses a
to mitigate t e damage
flour mill, analytical labs, pilot FROM B1
bakery and Asian milling line,
among other things. Geotechnical engineer Mark Smith said further landslides
However, there is no capacity could lead to more damage to mine infrastructure and addi-
for more equipment, said Mr. tional leaching of cyanide into the environment, especially
Dias. For example, Cereals Canada considering that around 100 millimetres of rain typically falls
would like to explore the poten- in both uly and August at the mine site.
tial for Canadian-durum cous- “That’s enough rainfall to make me worried,” he said.
cous, a commodity in high de- He pointed to one extremely steep slope on the heap mea-
mand in North Africa. But the suring between 50 and 60 metres in height.
building – under government “It’s too steep to be stable, he said. “That slope will come
lease – will not accommodate the down. It will either come down in a big rainstorm, or we will
new equipment needed to build a find some way to safely bring it down.”
couscous assembly line. The original landslide measured 11 2 kilometres in length
The $100-million cost of the and contained four million tonnes of material. Half of that, or
Global Agriculture Technology Gunter ochum, president of the Wheat Growers Association, would like two million tonnes, escaped the containment area, with
xchange includes land costs and to see Cereals Canada focus on macro le el go ernment policy, such as roughly 300,000 cubic litres of solution containing cyanide
updated equipment. Cereals Can- Bill 8 , which prohibits foreign access to supply managed markets in seeping into the environment, according to Mr. Smith, who
ada is hoping to secure industry new trade agreements. LIAM RICHARDS/THE GLOBE AND MAIL attended the ukon government’s briefing on Thursday.
and public funding from all tiers Wildfire activity in ukon is complicating the efforts of
of government. total of $ 00,000 annually, are rations and universities cannot both ukon workers and Victoria Gold’s staff as they work to
The proposed sites in down- worth it. So too is a new building if do alone, he said. mitigate the damage. Fires have already set back efforts to
town Winnipeg places the ex- it helps Cereals Canada continue Mr. ochum would like to see gather more water samples, and reduced the number of es-
change close to industry associ- to expand exports. Cereals Canada focus on macro- sential personnel permitted on the mine site to roughly 60.
ations and an international air- Others aren’t convinced. “As a level government policy, such as Victoria Gold had more than $230-million in debt at the
port, said Mr. Dias. farmer I find it baffling and almost Bill 282, which prohibits foreign end of March, and was holding only about $2 . -million in
“The goal was to launch the vi- offensive,” Gunter ochum said access to supply managed mar- cash. The company currently has no cash flow as it halted its
sion,” he said. “The vision is to be about plans for the new building. kets in new trade agreements. production after the landslide occurred. On Thursday, the
in the space that will help us con- Mr. ochum, a grain and oilseed Other industry partners are company said it had received notices of default from its lend-
tinue to be globally recognized, farmer and president of the more concerned about costs. ers.
best-in-class expertise.” Wheat Growers Association, has North West Terminals, which The cost to fix the catastrophe is unknown, and may ulti-
One of the proposed sites is questions about why the new withdrew its membership a cou- mately fall on the ukon government. The territory holds
owned by Richardson, a member building is needed, and why it ple of years ago, said it could no surety bonds worth $103. -million that are supposed to be
and one of Canada’s largest agri- must be based in downtown Win- longer afford to keep paying. Rev- used to reclaim and rehabilitate the site in the event the
businesses. nipeg. He questions why Cereals enue has been thinning as large mine’s owner doesn’t have the financial wherewithal to do so.
Greg Sears, a regional director Canada has failed to provide a competitors invest in infrastruc- The government has said the bonds are equivalent to cash
at Alberta Grains and farmer in business plan for the new build- ture and aggressively buy up and that there’s no chance it won’t get paid. But the funds
Peace River Country, is loosely in ing, a budget breakdown or a val- grain, suppressing prices, said were supposed to be used for a site that is in a normal end-of-
favour of this new plan. ue proposition. C O ason Skinner. mine state, and not the location of a landslide that now re-
Mr. Sears believes that Cereals When The Globe and Mail BASF said its decision to with- quires a massive cleanup effort.
Canada does good work. He point- asked Cereals Canada for these drawal was not final, and was part The agle mine is located about 3 5 kilometres north of
ed to the organization’s work on items, spokesperson Brigit Har- of a process to reconsider all Whitehorse and 85 kilometres north of the village of Mayo, on
opening the Vietnamese market vey said they had been shared memberships across the busi- the traditional territory of the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak
to Canadian producers by lobby- with the board and members but, ness. It is conditional based on Dun.
ing authorities to revise a quaran- for confidentiality purposes, changes to the two-year notice pe- The First Nation on Wednesday called for a stop to all
tine pest list that had restricted could not be released. riod. mining activity in its traditional territory, saying all of the fo-
Canadian imports owing to the But Mr. ochum also takes issue A Cargill echoed the same sen- cus should be on the cleanup effort at the agle mine. For gen-
creeping thistle weed common in with the vision for Cereals Cana- timent in a statement e-mailed to erations, Na-Cho Nyak Dun members have hunted, trapped
Canadian grains. da. A national association of all The Globe, and failed to respond and fished in the vicinity of the mine.
He believes the membership cereals growers should be focused to questions about timing of the Mr. Streicker on Thursday in the briefing indicated he had
dues, which cost Alberta Grains a on doing what individual corpo- withdrawal. no intention of halting mining in the territory.

ncertainty in election may soften mar ets
November’s vote adds une for a third straight month, corporate sector,” the analysts finance and infrastructure con- corresponded with a -per-cent
and service-sector employment wrote last week. struction. decline in FDI from the mean.
an additional headwind and new orders slumped. Mr. Davis, senior fellow at the The results at the macro level The recent market ructions in
for an economy already This is the economic landscape Hoover Institution and co-foun- are less clear-cut, but rising uncer- Mexico, India and France are stark
showing signs of four months from a November der of the PU index, said the cur- tainty tends to foreshadow de- reminders to investors that they
election that is still expected to be rent level of PU in the United clines in investment, output, and underestimate or ignore political
losing momentum fought between front-runners States is “a bit of a puzzle,” given employment. And PU usually risk at their peril. There are signs
President oe Biden and former the fiscal, monetary policy and ge- rises around election time. that the U.S. bond market is be-
president Donald Trump, despite opolitical uncertainty already In a 2020 follow-up working pa- ginning to price in a Trump victo-
AMIE McGEEVER ORLANDO the incumbent’s widely-panned swirling ahead of the election. per titled lections, Political Po- ry and the tax-cutting largesse
TV debate performance last week. “I expect to see more elevated larization, and conomic Uncer- that might entail.
Populism, polarization and an levels of PU,” in the coming tainty, Mr. Davis and colleagues U.S. betting markets have
f history is any guide, uncer- expected tight race produce a per- months, Mr. Davis said, noting found that PU increases by 18 per swung heavily in favour of Mr.
tainty surrounding the U.S. fect storm for a surge in the co- that at the aggregate level, the cent in the November of a “typi- Trump in the wake of last week’s
presidential election will rise as nomic Policy Uncertainty Index, drag on GDP growth from a some- cal” presidential election. When TV debate. But there is a long way
the November vote draws closer, PU a news-headline-based in- what elevated PU is modest. elections are close – with a win- to go, and the last two elections
which would be an additional dex created in 2016 by economics “But there are episodes in ning margin of less than 5 per cent show how thin the margins of vic-
headwind for an economy already professors Steven . Davis, Scott R. which high levels of uncertainty – and polarized, PU jumps by 28 tory and defeat can be.
showing signs of losing momen- Baker and Nick Bloom. can have quite a negative impact per cent in the month of the elec- Although nearly a quarter of a
tum. Rising PU occurs when a mud- and materially amplify recession- tion. billion people are eligible to vote
conomic policy uncertainty died outlook for government pol- ary forces,” Mr. Davis said. This is backed up by the find- in November, it’s worth remem-
indexes capturing these trends icy forces consumers to delay The U.S. economy is not in ings of a 2018 paper, Partisan Con- bering that in 2016 Hillary Clinton
have not kicked in yet. But assum- spending and businesses to put recession yet, at least not official- flict and Private Investment, by lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and
ing they do, the heightened anxie- investment and hiring on ice. ly. But the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow Marina Azzimonti, a senior econ- Wisconsin by just ,000 votes,
ty could herald a softer second Analysts at Brandywine Global second-quarter tracking estimate omist and research adviser at the and in 2020 oe Biden defeated
half of the year not only for the say this may be happening. They has slumped to 1.5-per-cent real Richmond Fed, that suggested a Donald Trump by only 44,000
economy but for Wall Street, too. note that the University of Michi- GDP growth from more than 4 per rise in partisan conflict in Wash- votes in Wisconsin, Arizona and
Much of this year’s stock-mar- gan’s current conomic Condi- cent in mid-May, and U.S. eco- ington can reduce corporate in- Georgia.
ket strength has been built on sol- tions Index is below the xpecta- nomic surprises are the most neg- vestment by as much as 2 per With the outcome potentially
id earnings growth forecasts. tions Index, a rare occurrence that ative in two years. cent. resting on razor-thin margins in a
These are likely to be revised if suggests consumers are unusual- Mr. Davis’s 2016 research found High levels of partisan conflict handful of states, there is plenty
economic growth, consumer ly anxious. that on a micro level, policy in the U.S. can also slow foreign di- of scope for a higher PU in the
spending, corporate investment “Our take on this development uncertainty is associated with rect investment. Studying data coming months. And if growth is
or hiring cools further. is that this year’s election cycle, greater stock-price volatility, and over a 30-year period from 1985 to already waning, markets could be
Institute for Supply Manage- whether warranted or not, is al- reduced investment and employ- 2016, Ms. Azzimonti estimates in for a rocky ride.
ment data this week show that ready having an impact on the ment in policy-sensitive sectors that a 10-per-cent rise in her
manufacturing activity shrank in U.S. consumer and, by default, the such as defence, health care, “Trade Partisan Conflict Index” REUTERS

ltigenerational li ing
is on t e rise ere s o to
s are costs and a mortgage
PENELOPE GRAHAM can be split. Meanwhile, everyone
involved is building equity and
helping to create generational
O INION wealth. The government even of-
fers a tax credit to offset the cost of
Director of content at creating a secondary in-law suite.
In Canada, there are two main
he soaring cost of home products that cater to those look-
ownership has made single- ing for a multigenerational mort-
family living an unattaina- gage. The first is a “joint tenancy”
ble dream for some Canadians. mortgage, where all parties are on
And while co-owning a home, the title and own an equal share of
such as in a multigenerational liv- the property, and are equally on
ing context, helps share costs, it the hook for mortgage payments.
can also be tricky – especially if a The second is a “tenants-in-
family member wants to be re- common” arrangement, which
Skyrocketing prices ha e pushed homeownership out of reach for many young Canadians, creating a leased from the mortgage or pas- allows family members the ability
stark generational di ide between parents and their children. SAMMY OGAN/THE GLOBE AND MAIL ses away. to be responsible for different
Interest rates and home prices amounts of the mortgage. All par-
are pushing the limits of afforda- ties own the home, but the

o anadian parents infl ence bility. According to a May report

from economists at National
Bank, in the first quarter of 2024,
amount of equity they’re entitled
to will be based on their mortgage
share. But, as is often the case with
t eir c ildren s o sing c oices homeowners shelled out nearly
60 per cent of their pretax income
families and money, sharing a
mortgage can get complicated.
to pay the mortgage on a median- Legal agreements that spell out
PREET BANER EE trend of parental financial assistance, with the priced home in Canada. That’s what happens in the cases of mis-
average gift size breaching $200,000 in B.C. double the old personal finance sed payments, who gets to live in
While generous, this level of support may skew rule that your housing costs the home and estate planning are
O INION perceptions of affordability and reinforce unre- should be capped at around 30 crucial. It’s especially important
alistic expectations. Alternatively, loss aversion per cent. to hammer out what will happen
Consultant to the ealth management industry may lead young adults to feel an overwhelming Meanwhile,’s affor- to the mortgage if someone wants
ith a focus on commercial applications of pressure to buy, fearing they’ll miss out on po- dability index, which tracks the to leave, sell or passes away.
behavioural finance research tential gains if they don’t act now. income required to qualify for a
This fear of missing out can drive people to mortgage, found it got tougher to
any Canadians may scoff at the idea make financially unsound decisions, prioritiz- purchase a home in 11 of 13 An additional report
of arranged marriages – all the while ing homeownership at the expense of other tracked cities in May. For those
actively endorsing a culture of ar- important financial goals. But here’s the trying to get into the market – and from Statscan found
ranged mortgages for their own uncomfortable truth we need to confront The especially first-time buyers – it’s that one out of six
children. path to financial security that worked for previ- tough to cobble together even the residential properties
A recent report shows that the average gift ous generations may no longer be viable. An minimum 5-per-cent down pay- o ned by people born
for a first-home down payment is a staggering entire cohort of Canadians may need to ment.
$115,000. This is basically a Canadian dowry. “de-bias” themselves from the singular focus But, there’s a workaround in the 0s ere
The culture of homeownership runs deep in on homeownership at any cost. Shack up with your parents. While co o ned ith their
Canada. While there are many emotional and This isn’t to say that owning a home is inher- hardly a new concept, multigen- parents in 202 .
financial benefits to homeownership over the ently bad or unattainable for everyone. Rather, erational living is on the rise in
long run, there are locales where the numbers it’s about recognizing that our inherited finan- Canada. According to the latest Let’s say an owner – such as
don’t add up. And they haven’t been adding up cial biases may be clouding our judgment in a data from Statistics Canada, the Mom or Dad – wants to move out
in many parts of Canada for a while now, yet the currently warped marketplace. number of properties shared by and leave their equity to their
pressure to become a homeowner remains. We must also acknowledge the emotional multiple generations has grown adult children. In this case, they
“I noticed that my spouse and I had very dif- premium placed on homeownership. There’s by 45 per cent over the past 20 can be released from the mort-
ferent approaches when it came to making an undeniable allure to being an owner rather years, representing per cent of gage, with the kids taking on their
decisions together, such as renting or buying a than a renter. But the question we need to ask all Canadian households, or share of the payments. If an exist-
house,” said Gizem Turna Cebeci, an assistant ourselves is this How much of a premium are 986,400 homes. As well, more ing co-owner wants a pay-out,
professor at Fenerbahçe University in Turkey. we willing to pay for this emotional satisfac- than 500,000 – nearly one in 10 – however, the mortgage will need
“Then I realized that our parents also differ in a tion In today’s market, that premium comes at of all children between the ages of to be refinanced. In each case, the
very similar way. I was curious about when the cost of financial flexibility, career opportu- zero to 14 live in the same house- lender would have to approve the
these behaviours were formed.” nities and even personal relationships. hold with a grandparent. change in ownership and new
She’s the author of a new study that sheds The current housing crisis is robbing many And perhaps the most telling lending arrangements.
light on how financial biases are transmitted of their personal agency. oung Canadians are sign of the times The proportion If someone dies, and the mort-
from parents to children. Biases such as over- delaying major life decisions – having children, of young adults living with at least gage is a joint tenancy agreement,
confidence excessive faith in one’s judg- leaving unfulfilling relationships, pursuing one parent has been on the rise ownership can simply be trans-
ments , loss aversion preferring to avoid loss- career changes – all because of the financial across the country, but particular- ferred to the surviving mortgage
es over acquiring equivalent gains and the illu- handcuffs imposed by housing unaffordability. ly so in Ontario, at a whopping 49 holders. In a tenants-in-common
sion of control overestimating one’s ability to It’s crucial to challenge the notion that per cent. An additional report arrangement, though, a benefici-
influence outcomes are often passed down, homeownership is the only path to financial from Statscan found that one out ary of the deceased can take own-
shaping our financial decision-making in ways stability. This seems to be gaining traction in of six residential properties own- ership of their share. They may
we may not even realize. the U.S., with a report released in February by ed by people born in the 1990s choose to live in the home and
How might these inherited biases be influen- indicating it was cheaper to rent were co-owned with their parents make payments, or perhaps sell
cing an entire generation’s approach to home- than buy a starter home in every single one of in 2021. out to the others. In some cases,
ownership in Canada Consider the current the top 50 cities in the country. Buying a home with multiple the death of an owner could re-
state of our housing market. Skyrocketing pric- For those with discipline, renting can actual- adults can certainly make it easier quire the surviving mortgage
es have pushed homeownership out of reach ly be a savvy financial move. If the difference in to get a mortgage. Assuming ev- holders to requalify, depending
for many young Canadians, creating a stark monthly costs between renting and owning is eryone in the household is work- on the health of the estate and
generational divide. Those who benefited from invested wisely, it’s possible to build significant ing, more income is used to qual- their own income.
more affordable housing in the past may strug- equity over time. This approach requires a shift ify. Pooling together funds can Splitting housing costs can
gle to understand why their children can’t sim- in mindset – one that values financial flexibility make it easier to make a 20-per- make plenty of good financial
ply follow in their footsteps. over the traditional markers of success. cent down payment, avoiding the sense these days, but it’s impor-
This is where inherited biases come into Instead of passing down the intractable ide- added cost of mortgage default in- tant for all family members to en-
play. Parents who experienced success through ology that homeownership is the only respon- surance. As a whole, the group ter such living situations with
homeownership may unconsciously transmit sible way forward, perhaps we can pass down can put forth a stronger mortgage their eyes wide open. Blood may
an overconfidence bias to their children, the idea that being responsible with our finan- application, and access more be thicker than water, but an iron-
encouraging them to stretch beyond their cial choices means figuring out the plan that competitive interest rates. Recur- clad legal agreement will keep
means to enter the market. This overconfi- makes the most sense for the hands we have ring costs, such as mortgage pay- things harmonious – hopefully
dence might be further fuelled by the growing been dealt. ments, property tax and utilities, for generations to come.

T climbs close to five-week high

nvestors are focused on rates over the last couple of cludes precious and base metals
years,” he said. “ conomists are miners and fertilizer companies,
Friday, which will bring still expecting reasonable payroll was up 0.2 per cent, adding to its
fresh obs numbers in growth.” 3.4-per-cent gain on Wednesday,
both Canada and the Recent signs of a slowdown in which was its biggest advance
the U.S. economy have led to in- this year.
U.S., analyst says creased bets the Federal Reserve nergy also gained ground, ris-
would begin cutting rates as soon ing 0.3 per cent, as the price of oil
as September. increased 0.2 per cent to
Canada’s main stock index edged “They’ll need some real, strong US$84.06 a barrel, approaching
up to a near five-week high on economic evidence before its highest level in more than two
Thursday, as resource shares ad- they bring rates down in the U.S., months.
vanced ahead of U.S. and Cana- that inflation is under control, be- Suncor nergy Inc. was not
dian employment data that could cause the risk in the U.S. is that in- among the advancing stocks,
guide expectations for central flation starts to tick back up ending nearly unchanged. The
banks’ interest-rate cuts. again. And that’s not something company has shut down its Fire-
The Toronto Stock xchange’s that they want to see,” said Mr. bag oil sands site as a precaution
S P TS Composite Index ended Chopra. owing to a wildfire about eight
up 20.35 points, or 0.1 per cent, at The Bank of Canada has al- kilometres away, an Alberta gov-
22,244.022, its highest closing lev- ready begun its easing cycle, low- ernment minister said.
el since May 31. Volumes were ering its benchmark rate by 25 ba- Of the 10 major sectors, only fi-
lighter than usual, with U.S. mar- Traders work on the floor numbers in both the U.S. and sis points to 4. 5 per cent last nancials were down, dipping 0.1
kets closed for Independence at the New York Stock Canada, said Mr. Chopra. month. Investors see a roughly per cent.
Day. E change on Wednesday. The data could have implica- 40-per-cent chance the BoC Shares of consumer lending
“It’s a slow trading day in Cana- Signs of a slowdown in tions for interest-rate cuts in both would cut again in uly. company goeasy Ltd. slid 9.9 per
da because of the U.S. holiday,” the U.S. economy ha e countries. conomists expect the “The hopes of interest-rate de- cent after the company an-
said Anish Chopra, managing di- led to increased bets of U.S. economy to have added creases have been very positive nounced its chief executive offi-
rector with Portfolio Manage- rate cuts starting in about 190,000 jobs in une, down for the resource sector,” said Gra- cer ason Mullins will transition
ment Corp. September. from May, said Mr. Chopra. ham Priest, investment adviser at out of his role at year-end.
Investors are focused on Fri- BRENDAN McDERMID/ “The U.S. economy has been BlueShore Financial.
day, which will bring fresh jobs REUTERS quite strong despite the rise in The materials group, which in- GLOBE STAFF, WIRE SERVICES


e s here ner ns ders a la e

ahead o s e al d dend o shareholders
Hemisphere Energy Corp. HME TS Venture Insider trading Buying Selling
. 5 nhanced oil recovery focused Hemisphere nergy Corp.’s HM - first-quar-
. 0 ter production which was 3,133 barrels of oil equivalent. Hemisphere will pay a
special dividend of 3 cents a share on uly 26 to shareholders of record on uly 12.
The dividend is in addition to the quarterly dividend of $0.025 a share paid in
.40 une. Last month, director Gregg Vernon bought 9,800 shares at an average
.25 price of $1. 0. Five insiders also accumulated a total of 1,256,400 shares via op-
January February March April May June
tions with an average exercise price of 95 cents not shown on chart .
Volume HME TS Venture total daily volume, in thousands
Ted i on is C of ese rch hich ro ides insider ne s nd no led e o
2 5
in es ors or ore c ro nd on insider re or in in C n d isi he sec ion
January February March April May June Sec ri ies referenced in his rofile h e lre d
e red in recen re or s dis ri ed o s scri ers s ff lso hold
osi ion in rofiled sec ri ies Ch r reflec s lic r e r ns c ions of co on
sh res or ni r s s co n officers nd direc ors

i stoc s re arding in estors it large b ybac s and di idends

SCOTT CLAYTON Hefty buybacks strong di idends Successful Investor, and the TSI
Dividend Advisor. TSI Network is
also affiliated with Successful In-
C I B C CM-T H 0 5. .0 .0 .
MBA and a senior analyst for TSI T -D B TD-T H 0 5. .0 - . .0
Net ork and associate editor of TSI WHAT WE FOUND
M F C . MFC-T A A . . . .58
Dividend Advisor S E I . SU-T A A 8 . 8. . 5 . Our TSI Dividend Sustainability
5 I O L . IMO-T A A 8 .5 50. 0. 5. Rating System generated six
N L . NTR-T A A . .8 - 0.5 0.0 stocks, including Suncor nergy.
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR Rival Calgary-based p rial il
o rce i idend Ad isor an ing is determined i idend staina i it core
Canadian companies rewarding ere o era points are t e same ana sts considered di idend ie d and ind str o t oo to decide ina p acements
td. which also keeps raising its
investors with share buybacks dividend – and recently an-
and sustainable dividends. Better still, any resulting capi- continuous dividend payments, an industry leader. nounced a big new share buy-
tal gain tax associated with the and two points for more than Companies with 10 to 12 points back. tri td., headquar-
share price rise is put off until an five have the most-secure dividends, tered in Saskatoon, plans to con-
THE SCREEN tinue its substantial stock repur-
investor sells those shares. That’s Two points if it has raised the or the highest sustainability.
Calgary-based cor r distinctly different from dividend payment in the past five years Those with seven to nine points chases this year, and also recently
c. is now accelerating its stock income, which is taxed in the One point for management’s have above-average sustainabili- hiked its dividend. Ca adia
buybacks in response to activist same year it is received. commitment to dividends ty average sustainability, four to p rial a o Co rc and
pressure, on the heels of increas- Our search started with a list of One point for operating in six points and below average oro to o i io a , both
ing its already attractive dividend Canadian companies with strong non-cyclical industries sustainability, one to three based in Toronto, are in the midst
by 4.8 per cent. revenue and earnings outlooks One point for limited expo- points. of their own share buyback plans.
The dividend hike is appreciat- and which are now rewarding sure to foreign currency rates and What’s more, each increased its
ed by shareholders, but don’t shareholders with a double gift freedom from political interfe- dividend payout late last year.
overlook the impact of the share MORE ABOUT TSI NETWORK And finally, leading Canadian in-
hefty buybacks and strong, sus- rence
repurchase. Following a buyback tainable dividends. In most cases, Two points for a strong bal- t or is the online home surer a li i a cial Corp.,
of common shares, and their can- those income payments are also ance sheet, including managea- of The Successful Investor Inc. – headquartered in Toronto, has
cellation, fewer shares are left rising. We then applied our TSI Di- ble debt and adequate cash the group of widely followed Can- bought back about $5.5-billion of
outstanding. That translates into vidend Sustainability Rating Sys- Two points for a long-term re- adian investment newsletters by its shares over the past five years –
higher per-share earnings, which tem. It awards points to a stock cord of positive earnings and cash editor and publisher Pat McKe- and expects to repurchase a fur-
usually lifts market interest and, based on key factors flow to cover dividends ough. They include our award- ther $2-billion this year. It also re-
ultimately, the share price. One point for five years of One point if the company is winning flagship newsletter, The cently raised its dividend.


CLOSE . ,U 5 CLOSE 0. , U 2 CLOSE 5.2 , U CLOSE . 0, U .4 CLOSE 0.2 , U

National Bank Financial analyst While National Bank Financial While Desjardins Securities ana- Calling it a “quality compounder CIBC World Markets analyst Den-
Vishal Shreedhar is expecting a analyst Rupert Merer now has a lyst Frederic Tremblay gleaned with a proven M A formula cen- nis Fong sees it cap
“soft” second-quarter from Ca “softer” forecast for r little new information from a tred on procurement synergies,” o rc c. $520-million sale
adia ir Corp. td. owing to a l r c. second presentation on Tuesday from Desjardins Securities analyst Ga- of infratructure assets immedi-
“tepid” consumer spending, but quarter, he sees it “refocusing atriot att r tal c. chief ry Ho initiated coverage of r ately improving its balance sheet
he sees improvement coming its portfolio for future growth.” executive Ken Brinsden, he said raV t d tri c. with a capacity and opening up growth
through the second half of the ar t Reiterating an “outper- it “offered a solid overview of the “buy” recommendation. “It has a opportunities. “We estimate the
year. “We anticipate a return to form” rating for Innergex shares progress made so far, as well as proven M A strategy with mea- company will show $1-billion of
PS growth in H2 24, primarily after updating his estimates for future milestones at Corvette, ningful procurement benefits outstanding net debt at year-end
reflecting an improved inventory the quarter, its asset sell-downs which we continue to view as a and step-out opportunities to ex- and $2-billion in credit capacity
position dealers significantly and ITC support, Mr. Merer world-class project within the pand its TAM total addressable on strip pricing,” he said.
drew down winter inventory last raised his Street-high target by $1 burgeoning North American lith- market ,” he said, ar t Mr. Fong reaffirmed an
year ,” he said. to $1 . Consensus is $11. 8. ium supply chain.” ar t Mr. Ho set a $95 target, “outperformer” rating and $15
ar t His target slid to $146 ar t His target is to $16.50 implying a potential 32-per-cent target. Consensus is $13.62.
from $149 with a “sector per- from $18, remaining above the return. Consensus is $91.
form” rating. Consensus is $14.38 consensus, with a “buy”
$152.10. recommendation.



.0 0. 5 0.0 . YTD 8 VOL 000




TS COMPOSITE IND .0 0. 5 0.0 8 . TRP TC ENERGY COR 5 . 0.0 0.0 0 0.8 BN-P - BROOKFIEL . 0 0. 5 0. 8.0 G R GREENFIRE RES . . 8.00 .85
TS 0 INDE . 8 0.55 0.0 0 . 0 TD TORONTO-DOMINI 5.8 -0. -0. 0 - . BEP-PR-R BROOKFIE 8.55 -0.0 -0.05 . IA -PR-B INDUSTRI 5.05 0.08 0. .
TS COMPLETION IN . .0 0. 0 0 .50 PO POWER CORP OF . 0. 0.5 . 0 BR -PR-C BROOKFIE .08 -0.0 -0. . 8 INE-PR-A INNERGE .8 0.0 0. .
TS SMALLCAP INDE .0 . 0. 5 .55 CN CANADIAN NATU .8 0.00 0.00 . 8 C B CDN WESTERN B . 0 0. 0. 8 00 .5 IPCO INTERNATIONA . 8 0. . 5 .
TS VENTURE COMPO 5 .88 . 0. 5 8 .88 NU BETAPRO NAT G .5 -0. - .8 - .8 CS -UN CHARTWELL . 0 0.08 0. . M C MANULIFE FIN . 0. 5 0. 8 5.
TS CONSUMER DISC . 0. 0. 5 8 . BNS BANK OF NOVA .0 -0. 8 -0. - . 8 CMG COMPUTER MODE .0 0. 8 .0 8.50 NA-PR-E NATIONAL . 0 0.00 0.00 .5
TS CONSUMER STAP . 0. 0.0 8 . 5 C E CENOVUS ENERG .58 0. 0. . CSU CONSTELLATION 0 . - . 0 -0. 8 .8 NA-R NATIONAL BAN .0 .5 . 5 .8
TS ENERGY CAPPED 0. 8 0. 0. 5 0 . ENB ENBRIDGE INC 8. 5 0. 0. 5 8 . DTO D L INC . 0.5 .50 0 5.0 PSI PASON SYSTEMS 8. 8 0. 0. .
TS FINANCIALS CA 8.08 -0. 0 -0.08 . R ROYAL BANK OF .5 0. 0. . DC-PR-B DUNDEE CO .50 0.0 0.05 .8 P -PR-O POWER FI .5 0.08 0. .
TS HEALTH CARE C . 0. 0.5 . E WELL HEALTH .8 0. . 80 5. EMA-PR- EMERA IN . 5 0. 0. 8 . PIC-PR-A PREMIUM . 0.05 0. 0 . 0
TS INDUSTRIALS C 5 . 5 0. 0 0.0 05 8.08 BIT BITFARMS LTD . -0.08 - . 5 - .5 EMA-PR-C EMERA IN .85 -0.05 -0. 8 .85 R ROYAL BANK OF .5 0. 0. .
TS INFORMATION T . 5 0. 5 0. 585 .5 ATD ALIMENTATION . 8 0. 0. 8 -0.0 ENB-PR- ENBRIDGE 8.00 0. 0 0.5 8.8 SIS SAVARIA CORP 8. 0. . 8 0.
TS MATERIALS CAP . 0.8 0. 88 .5 CM CANADIAN IMPER . 0.00 0.00 .8 ENB-P -E ENBRIDGE . 8 0. 0. 8. SEC SENVEST CAPIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 8
TS REAL ESTATE C .8 0. 0.0 - . BCE BCE INC .0 0. 0 0. 0 - .5 ENB-P -G ENBRIDGE . 0. 0.8 0.0 TD-P -I TD BANK P 5. 0 -0.0 -0. 5 .
TS GLOBAL GOLD I .5 0.5 0. 5 08 5. BTE BAYTE ENERGY . 0.0 0. 0 0 . ENB-PR- ENBRIDGE . 0. 0. 8 .88 TM GROUP LTD 8.8 0. 0. .
TS GLOBAL MINING . 0 0.0 0.05 5 8.0 T TELUS CORP 0. 0. 0.8 0 - .0 ENB-P - ENBRIDGE . 0. 5 . .8 TP TOPAZ ENERGY .8 0. 0 . 8.
TS INCOME TRUST . .00 0.5 5 -5. 5 BTO B GOLD CORP . -0.0 -0.5 0 5 - 0. -PR-M FAIRFA . 5 0. 0 0. 0. TRP-PR-B TRANSCAN . 0 -0.05 -0. 0.5
TS PREFERRED SHA 00. 0. 0. 0 8 .0 EMA EMERA INCORPO 5. -0. -0. 00 - 0. I FILO MINING C . 0. . 00 .5 TRP-PR-D TRANSCAN . 0 0. 0.88 8.00
TS COMMUNICATION .8 .0 0. - . AC AIR CANADA .5 -0. -. 8 -5. TS-PR- FORTIS I . 0. .08 . 0 CN WASTE CONNECT . 5 . 0. . 5
TS UTILITIES CAP . . 5 0. 5 5 - .5 A A ALTAGAS LTD .0 -0.0 -0. 0 . 5 N GEORGE WESTON 0 .8 -0.55 -0. . DO WESDOME GOLD .0 0. .0 5 5 .


G R GREENFIRE RES . . 8.00 .85 D CG DOMINION LEN . 0 -0. 8 - 0. 8 .8 APS APTOSE BIOSCI .0 0. 0 0.00 - . PRB PROBE GOLD IN .8 -0.0 -0.8 8 - .
S E SOURCE ENERG .5 . . 5 8 . 8 GS GOEASY LTD 8 . 0 - 0. 0 - . 0 0 .85 BUI BUHLER IND .0 -0.08 - .8 - . IPT UIPT HOME M .0 -0. - . - 0.5
CDR CONDOR ENERGI . 0. 5 0. 0 8. 8 UNI UNISYNC CORP . -0. 5 - . 8 .5 CR N-NT CROWN CAP 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 5. 8 ROOT ROOTS CORP .0 -0.0 -0. - 8. 0
APS APTOSE BIOSCI .0 0. 0 0.00 - . G O GLOBAL ATOMIC . -0. 5 - . 5 5 - 0. D MO DYNAMIC ACTI .0 0.0 0.5
ECOR ANGLO PACIFI . 0. .0 - 0.5 ET -U PURPOSE ET . 0 -0. 8 - . 0 .
BR BIG ROCK BREWE . 0. 0 8. - . A ISHARES CYBE . - . - . 0 .
MDP MEDE US PHARM . 0. 8. 5 - .5 BTCC- PURPOSE BI . -0. 5 - . .0
PME SENTRY SELECT . 0. 5 .08 5.0 UT HUT 8 CORP 0. -. - . 55 .
RR KARORA RESOUR . 0. 5.8 50 . ET -U ETHER FUND . 0 - .8 -5. 8.88
TD TDB SPLIT COR .00 0. 5.8 - . ETC-U EVOLVE CRYP .8 -0. 8 -5. .
AG JAGUAR MINING . 0. .80 0 8.8 ET I COINSHAR .8 -0.8 - . .50
PTM PLATINUM GROU . 0. . 8 5. ET -U I COINSH . 0 -0. - .8 .
E WELL HEALTH .8 0. . 80 5. ET PURPOSE ETHE .58 -0. - . 0 5 .
CG -U CI GLD GIA . 0. 5 . 0.8 C WALL FINANCIA 8.8 -0. - . -0.58
DTO D L INC . 0.5 .50 0 5.0 ET FIDELITY ADV 5 . - . - . 8 . 8
MDNA MEDICENNA TH .8 0.08 . 50.00 ETC EVOLVE CRYPTO .85 -0. 0 - . 0. 8
ORA VERTICALSCOP . 0 0. 8 . 8. ET R ETHER UNHEDG .5 -0. - . 0 .
S -PR- SUN LIFE 0. 0. 5 .8 -. ET -B PURPOSE ET . -0. - .0 80 8. 8
ECO ECOSYNTHETI . 0 0. . 5 0.5 ET -B PURPOSE ET . -0. - .0 5 .
AR FORACO INTERN .5 0.0 . . ET -U CI GALA Y .0 -0.5 - .0 5.



AA ADVANTAGE OIL 0. 0 -0.0 -0. . CS -UN CHARTWELL . 0 0.08 0. . NT K MINING IN 8.0 0.0 0. 80 .8 REI-UN RIOCAN REA .08 0.0 0. 8 -8.
AOI AFRICA OIL CO .5 -0.0 -. 8 . C P-UN CHOICE PRO . 5 -0.0 -0. 5 - . E KELT E PLORAT . 0.0 0. 5 . RCI-B ROGERS COMM 50. 0. 0.58 - 8.
AEM AGNICO EAGLE . 0. 0. 8. CCA COGECO COMMUN 5 . 5 0. 5 . - . E KEYERA CORP .8 0. 0. 8. R ROYAL BANK OF .5 0. 0. .
AC AIR CANADA .5 -0. -. 8 -5. CIGI COLLIERS INT 5 .8 0. 0.0 - . MP-UN KILLAM APA . 0.0 0. 88 - .8 RUS RUSSEL METALS . -0.05 -0. - 8.
AGI ALAMOS GOLD I . 0. . . CSU CONSTELLATION 0 . - . 0 -0. 8 .8 S KINA IS INC 0. 0. 0. 8.
AST ALGOMA STEEL . 0. 0 .0 5 - . CRR-UN CROMBIE RE . 0.00 0.00 -8.0 KINROSS GOLD CO . 0.05 0. . SS SANDSTORM GOL . 0.00 0.00 5.
A N ALGON UIN POW 8. 8 -0.0 -0. 80 -0. SAP SAPUTO INC 0. -0.0 -0.0 00 5.
ATD ALIMENTATION . 8 0. 0. 8 -0.0 D DEFINITY FINA .50 -0. -0. 8.5 I LABRADOR IRON .8 0. 0.88 0 - . 0 SEA SEABRIDGE GOL . 0.0 0. 8 0.
AP-UN ALLIED PROP 5.85 0. . 8 - . DM DENISON MINES .8 -0.0 -0. 5 0 . 8 B LAURENTIAN BAN .5 0. 5 . 08 - .88 SES SECURE ENERGY . 0.0 0.58 5 .0
A A ALTAGAS LTD .0 -0.0 -0. 0 . 5 DSG DESCARTES SYS . . 0 0.8 .00 SPD LIGHTSPEED C 8.8 0. . - . 8 S OP SHOPIFY INC . -0. -0.5 - .
AI ALTUS GROUP L 5. -0. -0. .85 DO DOLLARAMA INC . 8 0. 8 0. 0 5 . 0 NR LINAMAR CORP .88 -0. 5 -0. . SIA SIENNA SENIOR .5 0.0 0. 5 . 8
AR ARC RESOURCES 5. 5 0.00 0.00 8. DIR-UN DREAM INDU .8 -0.0 -0.08 80 -8. LOBLAW CO .05 0. 0. 0 . SI SILVERCREST M . 0.08 0. 8 .5
AT ARITZIA INC 8.0 0. 0. 8 8. DPM DUNDEE PRECIO . 0.0 0.8 . UG LUNDIN GOLD I 0. 8 0. 0. .8 SLEEP COUNTRY 5.8 0. 0.5 .0
ACO- ATCO LTD CL .5 0. . . UN LUNDIN MINING 5. 0 0.0 0. 8 5 . 8 SRU-UN SMARTCENTR . 0.0 0. - 0. 5
AT ATHABASCA OIL 5. 0.0 0. . 8 E B E B INC . - .00 - .05 5
8. ATR SNC-LAVALIN 58. 5 0. 5 0. .
ATS ATS CORP . -0. -0. 8 - .88 E D ELDORADO GOLD . 5 0.05 0. 5
.55 MAG MAG SILVER CO .85 0.0 0. . TO SPIN MASTER C 8. 0. . 0 - .5
A A AYA GOLD AND . 0 0. .00 5 . E N ELEMENT FLEET 5. 0 -0.0 -0. . MG MAGNA INTERNAT 58. 8 0.0 0.0 - 5.5 SII SPROTT INC 58. 0.0 0. .
EMA EMERA INCORPO 5. -0. -0. 00 - 0. M C MANULIFE FIN . 0. 5 0. 8 5. SSRM SSR MINING I . -0.0 -0. -5 .5
BTO B GOLD CORP . -0.0 -0.5 0 - 0. EMP-A EMPIRE COMP 5.5 0.0 0. . M I MAPLE LEAF FO .8 0. 0. - . STN STANTEC INC . 8 0. 0.8 8 0.
BCE BCE INC .0 0. 0 0. 0
- .5 ENB ENBRIDGE INC 8. 5 0. 0. 5 8 . MATR MATTR CORP .5 0. . 5 5.5 ST C STELCO HOLDI .0 -0.0 -0.08 - 8.0
BDGI BADGER INFRA .5 0.0 0.08 - . E R ENERGY FUELS 8. 0.05 0. 5 - .58 MDA MDA LTD . 0 -0.0 -0. 5 .58 S STELLA JONES I 88. 0. 0. 8 .
B DP BALLARD POWE . 0 0.0 . - .8 ENG ENGHOUSE SYS 0.8 0. . 5 0 - .05 MEG MEG ENERGY CO . 0 0. 0.58 05 5. 8 S I STORAGEVAULT .50 0.00 0.00 0 - .
BMO BANK OF MONTR .08 -0.0 -0.0 - . E E UINO GOLD . 0.0 0. 0 5. M METHANE CORP .8 -0. 5 -0. 0 . 8 S SUN LIFE FINA . -0. -0. 8 -.
BNS BANK OF NOVA .0 -0. 8 -0. - . 8 ERO ERO COPPER CO .0 0. . 8.0 MRU METRO INC .5 0.0 0.0 8 .0 SU SUNCOR ENERGY 5 . -0.0 -0.0 5 5.8
AB BARRICK GOLD . -0.0 -0. 8 - .0 EI E CHANGE INCO 5. 5 -0.0 -0. 0 0. MT MTY FOOD GROU 5.0 -0. -0. - 0. SPB SUPERIOR PLUS 8. -0.0 -0. 08 - .
B C BAUSCH HEALTH .5 0.0 0. - 0.5 MT MULLEN GROUP . 0.0 0. - . 8
BTE BAYTE ENERGY . 0.0 0. 0 0 . FAIRFA FINAN 5 0.00 .0 0. 0 8. TRP TC ENERGY COR 5 . 0.0 0.0 0 0.8
BIR BIRCHCLIFF EN . 0.0 . .5 I FILO MINING C . 0. . 00 .5 NA NATIONAL BANK 0. 0. 0. 5 .8 TM GROUP LTD 8.8 0. 0. .
BB BLACKBERRY LTD . 0.05 . 8 - . TT FINNING INTL 0. 0. 0 0. . NGD NEW GOLD INC .88 0.00 0.00 5 50.00 T E TAMARACK VALL .8 0.0 0.5 0 5.08
BEI-UN BOARDWALK . 0 -0.0 -0.0 0.50 CR-UN FIRST CAPI . 0 0.0 0. 55 - .8 N E NE GEN ENERGY . 0.08 0.8 . TEC -B TECK RESOU 8. 5 0. 0. .0
BBD-B BOMBARDIER 8 . -0. 8 -0. . 8 AG FIRST MAJESTIC 8.5 0.0 0. - .0 N I NFI GROUP INC . 0. 8 .0 0 0. T TELUS CORP 0. 0. 0.8 0 - .0
B BORALE INC .0 0. .0 0 .0 M FIRST UANTUM .5 -0.0 -0.05 .50 NPI NORTHLAND POW .5 0. 0.8 - . T II TFI INTERNAT 00.5 . . . 5
B D BOYD GROUP SE 5 .5 0. 0. - .8 S FIRSTSERVICE . -0. -0. -. N -UN NORTHWEST . -0.0 -0. - .50 N C THE NORTH WES . 0.0 0. .
BAM BROOKFIELD AS 5 . -0. -0.58 0. TS FORTIS INC 5 .5 -0.0 -0.0 - .80 NG NOVAGOLD RES I .88 0. . -. TRI THOMSON REUTE . -0. -0. 0 58 .
BBU-UN BROOKFIELD . -0. 0 -0.8 - 0.0 I FORTUNA SILVE .0 0.05 0. .0 NTR NUTRIEN LTD . -0. 0 -0. 85 - . T R TILRAY INC . 0 0.0 0. 5 - .5
BN BROOKFIELD COR 58. -0. -0. 0.50 N FRANCO-NEVADA .0 0.0 0.0 5 .8 N EI NUVEI CORP .00 -0. -0. 8 0 . 0 TP TOPAZ ENERGY .8 0. 0 . 8.
BIP-UN BROOKFIELD 0. 8 0.58 . - . 0 RU FREEHOLD ROYA .8 0.0 0. 5 . N A NUVISTA ENERG . 0. .55 0. T G TORE GOLD RE . 0. . 0 5.
BEP-UN BROOKFIELD 5. 0.0 0. 0 0 . TI TOROMONT IND . -0. 0 -0. 5 .8
DOO BRP INC 88.50 0. 0. - . N GEORGE WESTON 0 .8 -0.55 -0. . OGC OCEANAGOLD CO . 0.05 .5 8 .0 TD TORONTO-DOMINI 5.8 -0. -0. 0 - .
G GFL ENVIRONME 5 . 0 -0.0 -0. . 8 ONE ONE CORP . -0. 5 -0. 5 5 . TOU TOURMALINE OI . 0.5 0.8 85 5. 0
CAR-UN CDN APARTM 5. 0 0. 0. 5 - .58 GEI GIBSON ENERGY . 0. 0. . 0 OTE OPEN TE T CO . -0. -0. - . TA TRANSALTA CORP .50 0.0 0. - .
C B CDN WESTERN B . 0 0. 0. 8 00 .5 GI GILDAN ACTIVE 5 . 0 .0 . 0. O A ORLA MINING L 5. 0.0 0.5 5 .5 TC -A TRANSCONTIN 5. 0. 0 0. 5 .
GIB-A CGI GROUP I 8. 5 .05 0. - . GS GOEASY LTD 8 . 0 - 0. 0 - . 0 0 .85 OR OSISKO GOLD RO . 0. .0 5. TSU TRISURA GROUP .55 -0. -0. 8 .
CI CI FINANCIAL . -0.0 -0. 0 0 -0. GRT-UN GRANITE RE . -0.0 -0.0 - 0.8 OS OSISKO MINING . 0.05 .58 50 0.
CRT-UN CT REAL ES . 0.05 0. -8. G O GREAT-WEST LI . -0. -0.55 - . RN VEREN INC . 0.05 0. 5 - . 8
CAE CAE INC 5. 5 -0. 0 - . - . PAAS PAN AMERICAN 8.5 0.0 0.0 8 .0 ET VERMILION ENE 5.5 0.0 0. 5 - . 8
C B CALIBRE MININ . 0.00 0.00 5 . 5 R-UN H&R REAL ES .05 0.00 0.00 -8.5 POU PARAMOUNT RES . 0. 0. 0 . 8
CCO CAMECO CORP 8.50 -0. -0. . 0 HEADWATER E P . 0.0 0.5 5 .5 P T PARE RESOURC .8 0. 0. 0 585 - .55 SP WSP GLOBAL IN 8. -0. 0 -0. 0 . 0
GOOS CANADA GOOSE . 8 0. 0. 8 0 .05 BM HUDBAY MINERA .5 0. 0.8 80. 8 P I PARKLAND FUEL 8.0 -0.0 -0. 8 - 0.8 CN WASTE CONNECT . 5 . 0. . 5
CM CANADIAN IMPER . 0.00 0.00 .8 HYDRO ONE LTD 0.00 0. 0. 5 0 0. PSI PASON SYSTEMS 8. 8 0. 0. . DO WESDOME GOLD .0 0. .0 5 5 .
CNR CANADIAN NATI . -0. -0. - . PP PEMBINA PIPEL 5. 0. 0. 0 .58 G WEST FRASER T 0 . -0. 5 -0. 5 50 -8.
CN CANADIAN NATU .8 0.00 0.00 . 8 IAG IA FINANCIAL 85. 0.0 0.0 0 - .88 PET PET VALU HOLD 5.5 0.0 0. 5 - .5 TE WESTSHORE TER .0 0. .0 - 5.
CP CANADIAN PACIF 0. -0. -0. 8 5. IMG IAMGOLD CORP 5. 5 0.0 . 5 . PE PEYTO E PLORA . 0.0 0. .8 PM WHEATON PRECI . 0. 8 0. 8 .8
CTC-A CANADIAN TI .88 0. 5 0. - .0 IGM IGM FINANCIAL . 0 0.00 0.00 8 8. 5 PO POWER CORP OF . 0. 0.5 . 0 CP WHITECAP RESO 0. 0.0 0.5 5.
CU CANADIAN UTILI . 0. 8 0. - . 8 IMO IMPERIAL OIL . 5 0. .0 0 . 5 PS PRAIRIESKY RO .8 0. 8 . 85 5.5 P WINPAK LTD . 0.00 0.00 .
C P CANFOR CORP . 5 -0. - .8 - 0. INE INNERGE RENE 0. 0. . 0 5 .0 PD PRECISION DRIL . 5 .5 . 0 8 .
CP CAPITAL POWER . 5 0. 0.85 8 . I C INTACT FINANC . - .0 -0. . PB PREMIUM BRAND 5.8 -0.5 -0.55 5 . 8
CS CAPSTONE MININ 0. 0 0. . 5 . I P INTERFOR CORP . -0. - .0 55 - 0. 0 PM -UN PRIMARIS R . 8 -0.0 -0. 5 0 - .
C T CARGOJET INC .0 -0.8 -0. 0 . 0 IPCO INTERNATIONA . 8 0. . 5 . PRM PRIMO WATER . -0. -0.5 0 .
CC -B CCL INDUSTR .0 -0. -0. 5 . 0 IIP-UN INTERRENT .0 0.0 0. -8.
C S CELESTICA INC 80. .00 . 88 0 . I N IVANHOE MINES 8. 0.00 0.00 5. 8 BR-B UEBECOR IN 8. 8 0. 0. 5 -8.
C E CENOVUS ENERG .58 0. 0. .
CG CENTERRA GOLD .8 -0.0 -0. 8 .0 E JAMIESON WEL . 0.0 0. 0 -8. SR RESTAURANT BR 5. -0. 5 -0. - .8
CEU CES ENERGY SO . 0.08 .0 0.58 RC RICHELIEU HAR . 0 -0. 8 -0. 5 - .8


2- EAR .08 -0.0 CAD - 0. .0 0 0. 0.5 5 8. 5 0.
BITI BETAPRO INVE 5. 0. 0 .88 - . 8 NU BETAPRO NAT G .5 -0. - .8 - .8 - EAR .58 -0.0 USD . - . 8 0. 0. 8 8 . 0.8
BTCC-B PURPOSE BI . -0. - .0 0 . OD BETAPRO CRUDE 5. -0.0 -0. - .0 10- EAR .5 -0.0 AUD 0. 58 0. 8 - 0. 0.5 08. 0. 05
BTCC PURPOSE BITC 0. 5 -0. 5 - . .8 OU BETAPRO CRUDE . 0. 0.8 . 30- EAR . -0.0 EUR . .08 . 0 - 0.8 . 0. 0
BTC -B CI GALA Y . -0. 8 - . 55 .55 TGED TD ACTIVE GL 5. -0.0 -0. .5 GBP . . 5 .8 5 . 80 - 05. . 8
CAS G HIGH INTE 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T CD TD CANADIA .80 0.0 0. 8 .5 P 0.008 0.00 0.00 0.005 0.00 - 0.558
CB ISHARES - 0 . -0.0 -0.0 8 -0.58 VANGUARD S&P . -0. 0 -0. .8 RATES RATE CHG C .5 5 . . 5 .0 8 0.8 08 .8 -
D R-U G US DOLLA 0. 0.00 0.00 8 0. 0 EG ISHARES S&P T 8. 0.0 0. 8 .
BTC FIDELITY ADV . -0. - . 5 8 0. IU ISHARES S&P T .5 -0.0 -0.0 8 . 0 CANADIAN PRIME . 5 UNCH
GD BETAPRO CDN G . -0.0 -. - . 0 UT ISHARES S&P T 5. 0.0 0. 0 -. o rce ires
MA HAMILTON CDN . 5 -0.0 -0. - . 5 AG BMO AGGREGATE . -0.0 -0. 5 5 - .8
ND BETAPRO NAT G 80.0 . .0 - .5 EB BMO S&P TS E 5. 5 0.0 0.08 -0.



2- EAR TREASUR . -0.0

30- EAR TREASUR .5 -0.0
GO D . 0 .00 EAN OGS 8 . 5 0.5 CORN 0 .50 .50
SI ER 0.8 .8 CO EE 5. 5 0.00 SO BEAN .50 .50
NATURA GAS . -0.0 A UMINUM 8 . 5 . 5 CANO A . 0 - .80 RATES RATE CHG
CRUDE OI TI 8 .88 .0 E NIC E CN 080.0 - 00.0 S P 00 COMM SR S 55. 0 0. 5
CRUDE OI BRENT 8 . .0 EAT 55 .50 - .00 EED EAT .50 - .00 FED TARGET RATE 5. 5-5.50 UNCH
o rce ires
old Sil er S o s S ilS rrel Co er S l i coin S e n o s in S cen s l
Coffee S l l in S onne ic el in en in i n onne er S o rd f
he Corn nd So e ns in S cen s shel C nol nd rle in Cdn doll rs onne eed he in r o nds onne DATA ROVIDED BY BARCHART, E CE T WHERE NOTED

ndian fans celebrate roenewegen sprints
their cric et stars after to a stage win at the
wenty2 triumph B1 our de France B13


ernande falls to former orld o

eylah Fernande plays a bac hand return to Caroline Wo niac i during their second-round match
at Wimbledon in ondon on hursday. Wo niac i defeated the Canadian 6- , 2-6, -5 B13


orld uatics confirms investigation into ositive do ing tests

GRAHAM DUNBAR outside the U.S. The 23 swimmers tested positive for tri- separate appeals against the 23 swimmers
EDDIE PELLS GENE A World Aquatics confirmed to The Asso- metazidine in anuary, 2021, and those before the Tokyo Olympics. Any appeals
ciated Press on Thursday that executive were filed weeks later in the global anti- seeking suspensions for the swimmers
director Brent Nowicki was subpoenaed to doping database. They included hang would have been heard at the Court of
The international swimming federation testify in the investigation. ufei, who went on take Olympic gold in Arbitration for Sport, where Nowicki was
says its top administrator has been or- “World Aquatics can confirm that its the women’s 200-metre butterfly and a long-time senior counsel before joining
dered to testify as a witness in a U.S. crimi- executive director, Brent Nowicki, was 4x200 freestyle relay, and Wang Shun, the World Aquatics in 2021.
nal investigation into the case of 23 Chi- served with a witness subpoena by the men’s 200 medley champion. “This scandal raises serious legal, eth-
nese swimmers who failed doping tests in United States government,” the federation A later investigation by Chinese state ical, and competitive concerns and may
2021 yet were allowed to continue compet- said in a statement to AP. authorities said traces of the constitute a broader state-sponsored
ing. “He is working to schedule a substance were found in the strategy by the People’s Republic of China
The news comes just three weeks be- meeting with the govern- A later investigation kitchen of a hotel where the to unfairly compete at the Olympic Games
fore the Paris Olympics, where 11 of the ment, which, in all likeli- team stayed. No explanation in ways Russia has previously done,” the
Chinese swimmers who tested positive for hood will obviate the need by Chinese state has been given about how Select Committee on the Chinese Com-
the banned heart medication three years for testimony before a Grand authorities said and why the drug prescribed munist Party said in the letter to the us-
ago are set to compete. ury.” traces of the in pill form got there. tice Department and FBI.
The swimmers won three gold medals World Aquatics declined substance ere WADA accepted the theo- The case was also raised at a congres-
for China at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, just to answer questions about ry which allowed the Chi- sional hearing last month in which swim-
weeks after the World Anti-Doping Agen- where and when Nowicki found in the kitchen nese swimmers to continue ming great Michael Phelps said athletes
cy declined to challenge Chinese author- was served his subpoena and of a hotel here the to compete, and has since have lost faith in WADA as the global
ities’ explanation of food contamination didn’t say which office was team stayed. described it as “a relatively watchdog trying to keep cheaters out of
at a hotel to justify not suspending them. handling the investigation. straightforward case of mass sports.
Those decisions, which World Aquatics “Per our standard practice, the FBI does contamination.” Officials from the Montreal-based agen-
separately reached also, were not revealed not confirm nor deny the existence of an The agency has since defended its cy declined an invitation to come to the
until reporting in April by the New ork investigation,” the bureau said Thursday handling of the case that was kept secret hearing, saying it would be “inappropriate
Times and German broadcaster ARD. in an e-mail reply. in 2021, saying it had no way to independ- to be pulled into a political debate before
A House Committee on China asked The Chinese swimmers case could be- ently disprove the theory during the CO- a U.S. congressional committee regarding
the ustice Department and the FBI on come the highest-profile use so far of a VID-19 pandemic when travel to China a case from a different country, especially
May 21 to investigate the case under a fed- U.S. federal law passed in 2020 in fallout was not possible. while an independent review into WADA’s
eral law that allows probes into suspected from the long-running scandal of Russian Lawyers for WADA said in April this handling of the case is ongoing.”
doping conspiracies even if they occurred state-backed doping in sports. year they did not have evidence to win DOPING, B15

a s dro series finale against stros as offence fizzles after first inning
MYLES DICHTER Bassitt, whose record dropped to -
with the loss, was on the mound for the
top half of a see-saw first inning in which
After a big first inning, the Blue ays ap- the teams combined for six runs, eight
peared all set to bring some fireworks to hits and 10 baserunners.
their uly 4 tilt against the Houston Astros. After Houston loaded the bases with
Instead, the rest of the game played out nobody out to start the game, catcher
all too familiarly for Toronto, which was ainer Diaz drove in a run on a groundout
unable to keep its offence rolling past a before designated hitter on Singleton’s
wild start in a 5-3 loss to Houston. two-run single handed the Astros an early
The series-finale loss drops the Blue 3-0 lead.
ays to nine games below .500 39-48 and “I thought I made a lot of really good
farther away from evening their win-loss pitches tonight and they just put better
record than they have been all season. swings on them,” Bassitt said. “I mean I
Starting pitcher Chris Bassitt said his was throwing pitches literally in the other
approach is unwavering as the team em- batter’s box and they were getting hits, so,
barks upon a nine-game road swing be- I mean, you tip your hat a little bit on
ginning Friday. those.”
“ ust win tomorrow,” he said. “That’s it. The Blue ays responded when second
If you’re starting to think about all the baseman Spencer Horwitz hit a two-run
other stuff, it does not help anything. Like single with the bases loaded and catcher
there’s no benefit to thinking about it, so Alejandro Kirk followed with a run-scor-
just win tomorrow, make it simple. Any- ing double to tie the game 3-3.
thing else I think is the wrong answer.” But the Blue ays failed to score another
Toronto finishes the season with two run in the game, and Mauricio Dubon’s
wins in seven games against Houston 45- Blue ays outfielder George Springer misplays a single hit by Astros second baseman ose two-out RBI single in the fifth was enough
42 after losing two of three on the road in Altu e during the second inning of Thursday’s game in Toronto. Houston won 5 3. to give the Astros the win.
May and three of four now at home. CHRISTO HER ATSAROV/THE CANADIAN RESS AYS, B14

ollaros on sidelines as ombers

prepare to face edblac s
UDY OWEN WINNIPEG ball was picked off by Stampeders
defensive back Demerio Houston.
Rene Paredes then booted a 52-
hris Streveler will make his yard field goal for the Calgary vic-
first start in almost five tory.
years, but the Blue Bombers Streveler, who was 4-8 as Win-
quarterback isn’t feeling any nipeg’s starter over two seasons,
nerves as the team continues to headed south after he and Colla-
seek its first win of the season. ros teamed up to help the Bom-
Streveler replaces ach Colla- bers capture the 2019 Grey Cup.
ros, whom Winnipeg head coach He spent four years in the NFL in
Mike O’Shea said won’t dress for minor roles.
Friday’s home game against the When he signed with Winni-
Ottawa Redblacks 2-1 because peg earlier this year, teammates
of a thorax injury. He is “close” to and fans welcomed back his high-
being ready, but Terry Wilson will energy, bruising style of play.
be the backup. Wolitarsky knows Collaros and
“The temptation when the Streveler have different personal-
India’s cricketers celebrate during an open bus roadshow upon their arri al in Mumbai on Thursday, guys dress is to run in there,” ities and styles, but he has confi-
after winning the Twenty 0 World Cup in Barbados. UNIT ARANJ E/AF VIA GETTY IMAGES O’Shea said with a laugh after dence in both their skillsets.
Thursday’s walk-through prac- “I always describe ach as kind
tice. “So I’ll take that temptation of big uncle, Greek mobster,” Wol-

India cricketers f ted in away from him.”

Streveler is excited to make his
first start since Oct. 19, 2019. Win-
itarsky said. “He’s going to take
care of business, but he’s going to
do it quietly. Strev is definitely an

victor arade in umbai nipeg had acquired Collaros in a

trade with the Toronto Argonauts
10 days earlier.
extrovert to the max. nergy guy,
bringing guys up, taking hits, de-
livering hits. He’s going to be ac-
“I just really have an apprecia- tive in that sense.”
Fans hit streets to celebrate the other cricket stars. tion for these opportunities, for
The victorious squad landed in New Delhi these moments,” Streveler said.
wenty2 World Cup champions early Thursday on a charter flight from Barba- “Honestly, every day I get to put ARBITRATOR REINSTATES
dos. They met Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the pads on I just take a moment
his residence and later left for Mumbai. and feel thankful for getting to
ASHOK SHARMA NEW DELHI Hundreds of supporters were gathered at play this game. It’s not an oppor- An arbitrator has reinstated the
New Delhi International Airport, many of them tunity I take lightly.” CFL’s indefinite suspension of
chanting “India, India” as the players came out Collaros was hit in the chest ar- Montreal Alouettes defensive li-
Tens of thousands of jubilant fans poured onto and boarded a bus. ea by Stampeders defensive tack- neman Shawn Lemon for gam-
Mumbai’s Marine Drive to cheer India’s new There were hundreds more waiting at the ho- le osiah Coatney late in the first bling on sports. The CFL said in a
world cricket champions when they returned tel to continue the celebrations, which started half of Winnipeg’s 22-19 overtime statement Lemon will remain
home on Thursday. on Saturday as soon as the final was won. Some loss last Saturday in Calgary. It suspended until after an arbitra-
India beat South Africa in a tight finish in the of the players danced to drum beats when they dropped the Bombers to 0-4 for tion hearing which has been res-
Twenty20 World Cup final last weekend in Bar- reached their hotel. The team’s return from the the first time since 2012. cheduled for Aug. 1-2. The league
bados for their first world cricket title in 13 years. Caribbean was delayed because of a shutdown Streveler had thrown Winni- suspended Lemon indefinitely
Skipper Rohit Sharma and Hardik Pandya in Barbados forced by Hurricane Beryl peg’s first touchdown pass of the April 24 for allegedly betting on
held the coveted trophy in an open bus convoy The T20 triumph was India’s first World Cup season, a 16-yard strike to Drew games, including one he played
to Wankhede stadium, where they were to par- title since 2011, when it won the 50-over version. Wolitarsky that tied the game 19- in. Lemon appealed the suspen-
ticipate in celebrations organized by the Board The BCCI has announced a cash bonus of 1.25- 19 with 3 seconds left in regula- sion in May, which allowed him to
of Control for Cricket in India. billion rupees $20-million for the winning tion. On Winnipeg’s first posses- report to Montreal’s training
Fans danced, waved the India flag, and squad. sion of overtime, Streveler was hit camp and play with the CFL team.
flashed smartphone lights after waiting for while attempting a pass to Nic
hours to glimpse Sharma, Virat Kohli and the THE ASSOCIATED RESS Demski in the end zone and the THE CANADIAN RESS


AT London, England GP W L T GF GA PT
W L PcT GB W L PcT GB Miami 22 14 3 5 50 31 47 All Times EasTern
Baltimore 55 32 .632 — Cincinnati 22 14 4 3 36 25 45 Q1 — Spain vs. Germany, 12 p.m.
Philadelphia 57 30 .655 — Montreal 4 4 0 0 127 73 8 Alex de Minaur (9), Australia, def.
Columbus 19 10 3 6 36 18 36 Q2 — France vs. Portugal, 3 p.m.
New York 54 35 .607 2 Atlanta 47 37 .560 8 / 1
Toronto 3 2 1 0 94 93 4 Jaume Munar, Spain, 6-2, 6-2, 7-5.
N.Y. City F.C. 21 11 8 2 32 25 35

Boston 47 39 .547 7 / 1
New York 42 43 .494 14 Ottawa 3 2 1 0 68 88 4 Arthur Fils, France, def. Hubert Hurkacz SaTurday, July 6
N.Y. Red Bulls 21 9 4 8 36 27 35

Tampa Bay 43 43 .500 11 / 1

Washington 41 46 .471 16 Hamilton 4 0 4 0 96 125 0 (7), Poland, 7-6 (2), 6-4, 2-6, 6-6, ret. Q3 — England vs. Switzerland, 12 p.m.
Charlotte 22 9 8 5 24 23 32

Toronto 39 48 .448 16 Miami 30 57 .345 27 Ben Shelton (14), United States, def. Q4 — Netherlands vs. Turkiye, 3 p.m.
WEST DIVISION Nashville 21 6 7 8 24 27 26
CENTRAL DIVISION CENTRAL DIVISION GP W L T PF PA PT Lloyd Harris, South Africa, 4-6, 7-6 (5), 6-
Cleveland 54 31 .635 — Milwaukee 52 35 .598 — 7 (5), 6-3, 7-6 (7).
Atlanta 21 6 9 6 29 27 24 COPA AMERICA 2024
Saskatchewan 3 3 0 0 98 71 6 Orlando 21 6 9 6 27 36 24
Minnesota 49 38 .563 6 St. Louis 45 41 .523 6 / 1
British Columbia 4 3 1 0 103 97 6 GrigorDimitrov(10),Bulgaria,def.Juncheng
Toronto 22 7 12 3 30 39 24 QUARTERFINALS
Kansas City 48 40 .545 7 / Cincinnati 42 45 .483 10 Calgary 3 2 1 0 71 69 4 Shang,China,5-7,6-7(4),6-4,6-2,6-4.
New England 19 7 11 1 20 36 22

Detroit 39 48 .448 16 Pittsburgh 41 45 .477 10 / Winnipeg 4 0 4 0 74 98 0 Denis Shapovalov, Vaughan, OnT., def.
Montreal 21 5 9 7 30 45 22 Thursday

Chicago 25 64 .281 31 Chicago 40 48 .455 12 / Edmonton 4 0 4 0 98 115 0 Daniel Altmaier, Germany, 7-6 (3), 6-3, 1-
Chicago 21 5 10 6 28 39 21 QF1 — Argentina vs. Ecuador
WEST DIVISION WEST DIVISION Bye: Edmonton 6, 6-7 (3), 6-4.
Philadelphia 21 4 9 8 36 39 20
Seattle 48 41 .539 — Los Angeles 53 34 .609 — Thursday Novak Djokovic (2), Serbia, def. Jacob
D.C. 22 4 10 8 30 42 20 Friday
Houston 45 42 .517 2 San Diego 48 43 .527 7 Toronto at Saskatchewan Fearnley, Britain, 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 7-5.
All Times EasTern
Texas 39 48 .448 8 Arizona 42 44 .488 10 / 1
2 Friday — All Times EasTern Alexei Popyrin, Australia, def. Tomas WESTERN CONFERENCE QF2 — Venezuela vs. Canada, 9 p.m.
Los Angeles 36 50 .419 10 / 1
2 San Francisco 42 45 .483 11 Ottawa at Winnipeg, 8:30 p.m. Martin Etcheverry (30), Argentina, 3-6, 6- GP W L T GF GA PT
Oakland 33 56 .371 15 4, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3. Los Angeles F.C. 20 12 4 4 41 23 40
Colorado 29 57 .337 23 / SaTurday, July 6

Thursday Lorenzo Musetti (25), Italy, def. Luciano Salt Lake City 21 11 3 7 43 25 40
Thursday QF3 — Colombia vs. Panama, 6 p.m.
Minnesota 12, Detroit 3, 7 innings Darderi, Italy, 6-4, 4-6, 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-4. L.A. Galaxy 21 11 3 7 41 27 40
Washington 1, N.Y. Mets 0 EASTERN CONFERENCE QF4 — Uruguay vs. Brazil, 9 p.m.
Houston 5, Toronto 3 Alejandro Tabilo (24), Chile, def. Flavio Vancouver 20 9 7 4 33 28 31
St. Louis 3, Pittsburgh 2, 10 innings
GP W L PcT GB Cobolli, Italy, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (4), 4-6, 4-6, 6-4. Colorado 21 9 8 4 38 35 31
Cleveland 8, Chicago White Sox 4 Cincinnati 8, N.Y. Yankees 4
Niagara 13 8 5 .615 Ñ Holger Rune (15), Denmark, def. Thiago Portland 21 8 7 6 39 35 30
Cincinnati 8, N.Y. Yankees 4 Chicago Cubs 10, Philadelphia 2
Boston 6, Miami 5, 12 innings Boston 6, Miami 5, 12 innings
Scarborough 12 6 6 .500 1/ 1
2 Seyboth Wild, Brazil, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2. Houston 21 8 7 6 29 26 30 FRIDAY (ALL TIMES EASTERN)
Brampton 14 6 8 .428 2/ 1
Taylor Fritz (13), United States, def. Arthur Minnesota 21 8 8 5 34 35 29
San Diego 3, Texas 1 San Diego 3, Texas 1

Ottawa 11 3 8 .273 4 Rinderknech, France, 6-3, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4. Seattle 21 7 7 7 29 26 28 AUTO SPORTS
Oakland 5, L.A. Angels 0 San Francisco at Atlanta
Montreal 12 3 9 .250 4/ 1
QuentinHalys,France,def.Karen Austin 21 7 8 6 23 30 27 Formula 1: British Grand Prix, Practice 2,
Seattle 7, Baltimore 3 Milwaukee at Colorado

Tampa Bay at Kansas City Arizona at L.A. Dodgers WESTERN CONFERENCE Khachanov(21),Russia,4-6,6-3,3-6,6-3,6-4. St. Louis 21 4 7 10 29 35 22 10:45 a.m., TSN 2
Wednesday GP W L PcT GB Cameron Norrie, Britain, def. Jack Dallas 20 5 10 5 27 32 20
Chicago White Sox 8, Cleveland 2 Vancouver 12 9 3 .750 Ñ Draper (28), Britain, 7-6 (3), 6-4, 7-6 (6). Kansas City 21 4 12 5 33 44 17 BASEBALL
Washington 7, N.Y. Mets 5
Boston 7, Miami 2 Edmonton 13 9 4 .692 / EmilRuusuvuori,Finland,def.Stefanos San Jose 21 3 16 2 29 56 11
Pittsburgh 5, St. Louis 4, 10 innings
MLB: Toronto at Seattle, 9:30 p.m.,
Cincinnati 3, N.Y. Yankees 2 Winnipeg 12 7 5 .583 2 Tsitsipas(11),Greece,7-6(6),7-6(10),3-6,6-3. Thursday
Boston 7, Miami 2 SN O, E, W, P
Houston 9, Toronto 2 Calgary 13 6 7 .462 3 / Alexander Zverev (4), Germany, def.
Cincinnati 3, N.Y. Yankees 2

Detroit 9, Minnesota 2 Saskatchewan 12 5 7 .417 4 Marcos Giron, United States, 6-2, 6-1, 6-4. Portland at Dallas
Atlanta 3, San Francisco 1
Thursday WOMEN’S SINGLES — SECOND ROUND Kansas City at Colorado FOOTBALL
Kansas City 4, Tampa Bay 2 Philadelphia 5, Chicago Cubs 3
Niagara 109 Calgary 89 Daria Kasatkina (14), Russia, def. Yuriko Los Angeles F.C. at L.A. Galaxy CFL:OttawaatWinnipeg,8:30p.m.,TSN3,5
San Diego 6, Texas 4 San Diego 6, Texas 4
Montreal at Ottawa Lily Miyazaki, Britain, 6-0, 6-0.
Oakland 5, L.A. Angels 0 Milwaukee 3, Colorado 0
Wednesday Madison Keys (12), United States, def. GOLF
Baltimore 4, Seattle 1 Arizona 12, L.A. Dodgers 4 Wednesday
Friday Brampton 108 Calgary 105 Wang Yafan, China, 6-2, 6-2.
Friday DP World Tour: BMW International
All Times EasTern Winnipeg 102 Edmonton 101 Yulia Putintseva, Kazakhstan, def. Katerina
All Times EasTern Chicago 4 Philadelphia 3 Open, Second Round, 6:30 a.m., GOLF
Friday — All Times EasTern Siniakova (27), Czechia, 6-0, 4-6, 6-2.
L.A. Angels (Canning 3-8) at Chicago L.A. Angels (Canning 3-8) at Chicago Cincinnati 3 D.C 2 PGA Tour: John Deere Classic, Second
Winnipeg at Montreal, 8 p.m. Barbora Krejcikova (31), Czechia, def. Katie
Cubs (Steele 0-3), 2:20 p.m. Cubs (Steele 0-3), 2:20 p.m. Columbus 2 Nashville 0
Vancouver at Edmonton, 9 p.m. Volynets, United States, 7-6 (6), 7-6 (5). Round, 4 p.m., GOLF
Boston (Houck 7-6) at N.Y. Yankees N.Y. Mets (Severino 5-2) at Pittsburgh Miami 2 Charlotte 1
Scarborough at Saskatchewan, 9:30 p.m. Beatriz Haddad Maia (20), Brazil, def.
(Cortes 4-7), 7:05 p.m. (Skenes 4-0), 6:40 p.m. New England 2 Atlanta 1
Chicago White Sox (Thorpe 2-1) at Miami Camila Osorio, Colombia, 3-0, ret. RODEO
St. Louis (Gray 9-5) at Washington (Cor- New York City F.C. 2 Montreal 0
(Muñoz 1-3), 7:10 p.m. bin 1-8), 6:45 p.m. WNBA Marta Kostyuk (18), Ukraine, def. Daria CalgaryStampede,3:30p.m.,SNO,E,W,P,1;
Saville, Australia, 4-6, 7-6 (2), 6-4. Orlando 2 Toronto 1
Detroit (Olson 2-8) at Cincinnati (Spiers 2- Chicago White Sox (Thorpe 2-1) at Miami Salt Lake City 3 Houston 2 10:30p.m.,SN1
1), 7:10 p.m.
EASTERN CONFERENCE Wang Xinyu, China, def. Jessica Pegula
(Muñoz 1-3), 7:10 p.m. St. Louis 2 San Jose 0
San Francisco (TBD) at Cleveland (Bibee W L PcT GB (5), United States, 6-4, 6-7 (7), 6-1.
Detroit (Olson 2-8) at Cincinnati (Spiers 2- Vancouver 3 Minnesota 1 RUGBY
7-2), 7:10 p.m. New York 17 3 .850 — Anna Kalinskaya (17), Russia, def. Marie
1), 7:10 p.m. Super League: Warrington vs. Huddersfield,
Tampa Bay (TBD) at Texas (Lorenzen 4-4), Connecticut 15 4 .789 1/
Bouzkova, Czechia, 6-4, 6-1.
San Francisco (TBD) at Cleveland (Bibee 2

8:05 p.m. 7-2), 7:10 p.m. Atlanta 7 11 .389 9 Harriet Dart, Britain, def. Katie Boulter CPL 3 p.m., SN WL
Houston (Dubin 1-1) at Minnesota (López Chicago 7 11 .389 9 (32), Britain, 4-6, 6-1, 7-6 (8).
Philadelphia (Nola 9-4) at Atlanta (Fried GP W L T GF GA PT
8-6), 8:10 p.m. Indiana 8 13 .381 9/
Jelena Ostapenko (13), Latvia, def. SOCCER
7-3), 7:20 p.m. 2

Ottawa 12 7 1 4 23 12 25
Kansas City (Ragans 5-6) at Colorado Washington 5 15 .250 12 Daria Snigur, Ukraine, 6-3, 6-0. EuropeanChampionship:Spainvs.Ger-
Kansas City (Ragans 5-6) at Colorado Vancouver 12 5 4 3 16 19 18
(Freeland 0-3), 8:10 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Ons Jabeur (10), Tunisia, def. Robin
(Freeland 0-3), 8:10 p.m. Hamilton 11 5 4 2 18 15 17 many,11:30a.m.,TLN;11:45a.m.,TSN1,4;
Baltimore (Suárez 4-2) at Oakland (Harris Montgomery, United States, 6-1, 7-5.
Arizona (Cecconi 2-6) at San Diego (Vás- W L PcT GB York 12 5 5 2 17 18 17 12p.m.,WJBK(FOX)
1-2), 9:40 p.m. Danielle Collins (11), United States, def.
quez 2-4), 9:40 p.m. Minnesota 14 5 .737 — Victoria 12 4 4 4 11 10 16 European Championship: Portugal vs.
Toronto (Gausman 6-7) at Seattle (Cas- Dalma Galfi, Hungary, 6-3, 6-4.
Milwaukee (Peralta 6-4) at L.A. Dodgers Seattle 13 6 .684 1 Calgary 12 2 2 8 12 11 14 France, 2:30 p.m., TLN; 2:45 p.m., TSN 1, 4;
tillo 6-9), 9:40 p.m. Elina Svitolina (21), Ukraine, def. Jule
(Glasnow 8-5), 10:10 p.m. Las Vegas 11 6 .647 2 Halifax 11 2 5 4 13 15 10
SaTurday Niemeier, Germany, 6-3, 6-4. 3 p.m., WJBK (FOX)
SaTurday Phoenix 10 10 .500 4 /1
Winnipeg 12 3 8 1 12 22 10
Bernarda Pera, United States, def.

Boston at N.Y. Yankees, 1:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m. Los Angeles 4 15 .211 10 CPL: Vancouver at Hamilton, 7 p.m.,
Caroline Garcia (23), France, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4. Friday
Houston at Minnesota, 2:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets at Pittsburgh, 4:05 p.m. Dallas 4 16 .200 10 / OneSoccer
All Times EasTern

Iga Swiatek (1), Poland, def. Petra


L.A. Angels at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m. St. Louis at Washington, 4:05 p.m. Thursday Vancouver at Hamilton, 7 p.m. Copa America: Venezuela vs. Canada,
Tampa Bay at Texas, 4:05 p.m. Connecticut at Minnesota Martic, Croatia, 6-4, 6-3.
Chicago White Sox at Miami, 4:10 p.m. 8:45 p.m., CKVR (CTV2), TSN 1, 4
Baltimore at Oakland, 4:07 p.m. Washington at Las Vegas Elena Rybakina (4), Kazakhstan, def.
Detroit at Cincinnati, 4:10 p.m. SaTurday, July 6
Chicago White Sox at Miami, 4:10 p.m. Wednesday Laura Siegemund, Germany, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3.
San Francisco at Cleveland, 4:10 p.m. Halifax at York, 4 p.m. TENNIS
Detroit at Cincinnati, 4:10 p.m. Phoenix 104, Dallas 96 Liudmila Samsonova (15), Russia, def.
Milwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, 7:15 p.m.
Friday — All Times EasTern Elina Avanesyan, Russia, 6-3, 6-3. ATP/WTATour:Wimbledon, 6a.m.,TSN3,5
San Francisco at Cleveland, 4:10 p.m. Philadelphia at Atlanta, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, July 7
Toronto at Seattle, 4:10 p.m. Atlanta at Dallas, 7:30 p.m. Caroline Wozniacki, Denmark, def. Ley-
Kansas City at Colorado, 9:10 p.m. Victoria at Ottawa, 1 p.m.
Kansas City at Colorado, 9:10 p.m. Chicago at Seattle, 10 p.m. lah Annie Fernandez (30), MonTreal, RESULTS AS OF THURSDAY,
Arizona at San Diego, 9:40 p.m. Calgary at Winnipeg, 5 p.m.
Las Vegas at Los Angeles, 10 p.m. Que., 6-3, 2-6, 7-5. JULY 4, 9:30 P.M.



urra ’s imbledon farewell tour begins

with a doubles loss with his brother
wo-time champion
met with standing
ovations and a
video tribute


There were tears from Andy Mur-

ray. Standing ovations from the
Centre Court crowd. A video trib-
ute replete with messages from
Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, No-
vak Djokovic and Venus Wil-
liams. And, yes, a doubles match
Murray played alongside his
brother Thursday, all part of the
first stop on the two-time Wim-
bledon singles champion’s fare-
well tour at a tournament that
meant so much to him.
The Murrays lost -6 6 , 6-4 in
the first round of men’s doubles
against Rinky Hijikata and ohn
Peers – but the result was, truly,
beside the point on this evening.
“The match itself, it was tough,
physically. It was hard for me. I
was fortunate I was even able to
get on the court to play,” said
Murray, who had surgery to re-
move a cyst from his spine less
than two weeks ago, forcing him
to withdraw from singles.
“It was pretty emotional,” the
3 -year-old Murray said about
the postmatch tribute. “Watching
the video was nice, but hard as
well, for me. Because you know Andy Murray wa es to the crowd following a doubles first round match with amie Murray against Rinky Hi ikata and ohn Peers at Wimbledon on
it’s coming to the end of some- Thursday in London. SEAN M. HAFFEY/GETTY IMAGES
thing that you absolutely loved
doing for such a long time. So third round where he will face Svitolina, seeded 21st, beat Ger- sitting with Andy’s wife, Kim, tongues of his shoes or clenching
that was difficult.” Briton Cameron Norrie. Finland’s many’s ule Niemeier 6-3, 6-4 to and two of the couple’s four chil- a fist while looking up at the
It was the first time a men’s mil Ruusuvuori stunned 11th set up a third-round meeting dren. stands. There wasn’t as much of
doubles first-round match was seed Stefanos Tsitsipas of Greece with 10th seed Ons abeur. Tuni- “It was a fun experience for the fire and brimstone he was fa-
played in the event’s main stadi- -6 6 , -6 10 , 3-6, 6-3 in a sian 10th seed Ons abeur, twice a me to be out there and play with mous for, the cursing and mut-
um in nearly 30 years, a fitting thrilling second-round clash. finalist, advanced to the third him,” amie said. “It was sort of tering directed at his team or,
way for him to begin to say good- American 13th seed Taylor Fritz round after a 6-1, -5 victory over strange knowing what the back- just as frequently, himself.
bye – and for his many fans to moved past Frenchman Arthur American teenager Robin Mont- ground was.” “Sometimes,” Djokovic said
offer their thanks and well wish- Rinderknech 6-3, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4 to gomery. amie’s younger brother be- during the four-minute video, “it
es, too. set up a third-round clash with “I’m ready to finish playing,” came a superstar in these parts looked like you against the
Murray, a 3 -year-old from Chile’s Alejandro Tabilo. Ameri- Murray said, “because I can’t play by winning Wimbledon in 2013, world.”
Scotland, has said he will head can 14th seed Ben Shelton rallied to the level I want to any more.” making him the first British man Then it was Federer’s turn to
into retirement after playing at from a set down to beat South Murray occasionally fidgeted to triumph in singles at the All say “But you were never alone.
the All ngland Club, where he is Africa’s Lloyd Harris 4-6, -6 5 , with his back and looked a tad ngland Club in years. He won Because while you carried your
also entered in mixed doubles 6- 5 , 6-3, -6 . uncomfortable while playing, the title again in 2016. own dreams, you also carried
with 2021 U.S. Open winner In women’s action, world No. 1 but he also let out a celebratory His other Grand Slam trophy theirs,” referring to Murray’s
mma Raducanu, and the Paris Iga Swiatek beat Croatian Petra scream after hitting a forehand came at the U.S. Open in 2012, many fans.
Olympics, which begin later this Martic 6-4 6-3 and will face Ka- return winner to go up a break at the same year he won his first After the ceremony, Murray
month. zakhstan’s ulia Putintseva in 2-0 in the second set, the type of singles gold medal at the London was greeted by several current
lsewhere in men’s action on the third round. Russian Liudmi- shot that helped him reach No. 1 Olympics at Centre Court – “One and former players, including
Wednesday, Serbian second seed la Samsonova had no trouble in the rankings. of my favourite days I’ve ever Djokovic, Iga Swiatek, Lleyton
Novak Djokovic continued his overcoming compatriot lina This was the first time the had, certainly as an athlete,” he Hewitt, Holger Rune, Cam Nor-
quest for an eight Wimbledon Avanesyan 6-3, 6-3 to reach the Murray siblings had played to- said Thursday – and the next, at rie, Martina Navratilova and ohn
crown with a hard-fought 6-3, third round. She will next face gether at the All ngland Club. Rio de aneiro in 2016, made him Mc nroe.
6-4, 5- , -5 win over Briton acob fellow Russian Anna Kalinskaya. They bumped fists before the the only player with two in a row. And then Murray walked over
Fearnley to reach round three. The 2022 champion, lena Ryba- match began they slapped There were some of his usual to his brother, and they hugged.
German fourth seed Alexander kina, seeded fourth, beat Germa- palms between points. Their mannerisms, whether it was tug-
verev made light work of Mar- ny’s Laura Siegemund 6-3, 3-6, mother, udy, who taught both ging on the brim of his white hat THE ASSOCIATED RESS
cos Giron 6-2, 6-1, 6-4 to reach the 6-3. Last year’s semi-finalist lina boys tennis, was in a guest box, or leaning over to pull on the ith a report from Reuters

ha ovalov advances to third round, ernandez eliminated

LONDON total of 51. match was initially suspended
Shapovalov is making his due to darkness. With rain fore-
seventh appearance at the All cast for London on Friday, it was
Canada’s Denis Shapovalov is off ngland Club. His best showing instead moved indoors to Court
to the third round of Wimbledon to date being a run to the semi- 1.
following a hard-fought -6 3 , finals before losing to eventual The Canadian had her chances
6-3, 1-6, 6- 3 , 6-4 win over Ger- champion Novak Djokovic in after the change in venue. After
many’s Daniel Altmaier on 2021. He made it to the Round of holding to go up 4-3, Fernandez
Thursday. 16 last year. had double break point but
In an uneven effort, Shapova- A deep run at Wimbledon failed to convert as Wozniacki
lov fired nine aces while commit- could turn around what has evened the set.
ting 16 double faults. The 25- been a disappointing season for Fernandez then had match
year-old from Richmond Hill, Shapovalov, a former world No. point twice in Game 10 but failed
Ont., finished the match with 58 10. He entered Wimbledon to put the match away. Woz-
unforced errors, compared to 28 ranked 121st in the world, and niacki took advantage and
from Altmaier. even with his two wins at the All scored a huge break to go up 6-5
Shapovalov will next play 14th ngland Club he has a losing re- in the set. Fernandez saved break
seed Ben Shelton of the United cord on the year at 12-15. point three times in the game
States. It will be the first meeting With the need to pick up rank- before finally losing on an un-
between the players. Denis Shapo alo plays a forehand to Daniel Altmaier during their ing points, he decided to take forced error.
Also Thursday, Leylah Fernan- second round match at Wimbledon on Thursday. ALBERTO E ALI/A himself out of consideration for The Dane completed the win
dez of Laval, ue., was defeated Canada’s Olympic tennis team. in the 12th game of the set when
6-3, 2-6, -5 by former world No. 1 a dominant third set that saw Altmaier claimed with back-to- He has committed to play at the Fernandez committed another
Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark him win the last five games. back forehand winners. Citi Open in Washington, uly 2 unforced error – her 44th of the
in a match that was delayed and An early break and a hold to Shapovalov responded in the to Aug. 4, which is the same time match – on match point.
moved to a different court mid- start the fourth set increased the decisive fifth set by converting as the Olympic tennis tourna- Fernandez, 21, has never made
way through the third set. German’s winning streak to sev- an early break to go up 2-0 and ment. it past the second round at Wim-
After Shapovalov won the first en games. Shapovalov got the then holding serve for the win. Fernandez, who was seeded bledon.
two sets to take control of the break back in the eighth game as He put the match away with a 30th in the women’s draw, tied
match, Altmaier responded with the set went to a tiebreak, which pair of winners, giving him a 3-3 with Wozniacki when the THE CANADIAN RESS

utch s rinter Groenewegen wins si th stage of Tour de rance in hoto finish

DI ON, RANCE for an irregular sprint. contenders for the yellow jersey is polka-dot jersey of best climber, scare for the UA Team mirates
“I actually don’t know what expected to resume on Friday at the top of a short climb and leader as the second group with
happened but I was first,” Groe- during the race’s first-time trial. went on a breakaway with Axel his teammates managed to
Dutch champion Dylan Groene- newegen said. The 25-kilometre race against the ingle. The duo was caught soon bridge the gap in the end.
wegen won the sixth stage of the There was no change among clock features a climb with an av- after. The sprinters’ teams took con-
Tour de France after a mass sprint the overall leaders, with Pogacar erage gradient of 6.1 per cent that On long sections of roads ex- trol with four kilometres left as
that was decided in a photo finish staying 45 seconds ahead of Rem- will put riders to the test in the fi- posed to wind, the peloton rode the fastest men of the peloton got
on Thursday. co venepoel. Two-time defend- nal section. at a steady pace, with riders care- ready for their final, brutal effort.
Tadej Pogacar kept the yellow ing champion onas Vingegaard Thursday’s relatively short ful not to get caught in a split. Groenewegen was not immedi-
jersey after a nervous day on the remained in third place, 50 sec- stage of 163.5 kilometres started About 85 kilometres from the fin- ately sure he won and waited to
bike amid crosswinds. onds off the pace. from Macon, taking the peloton ish, Vingegaard’s teammates be 100 per cent sure before he let
Groenewegen earned a sixth After Matthieu Van der Poel through the Burgundy vineyards. Wout van Aert and Christophe La- his joy explode with staff mem-
career stage victory at cycling’s opened the sprint in the city of arly into the stage, riders rode porte moved to the front to speed bers of the Team ayco AlUla.
biggest race ahead of Biniam Gir- Dijon with an excellent lead-out past a giant drawing of France up the pace and harden the race. “It was so close I couldn’t cele-
may, the Stage 3 winner, and Fer- for his teammate Philipsen, Groe- striker Antoine Griezmann, who The peloton lined out and split brate on the finish line,” Groene-
nando Gaviria, the Stage 3 run- newegen timed his effort perfect- was born in Macon. in two but all the main conten- wegen said. “In the end, we
ner-up. asper Philipsen was ini- ly and used his great power to onas Abrahamsen ignited the ders managed to stay in the first grabbed it.”
tially the runner-up for a second prevail by just a few inches. first move of the day to claim group, although Pogacar found
straight stage but was relegated The fight between the main points in the classification for the himself isolated. It was just a THE ASSOCIATED RESS

bapp rges rance to s pport rie mann

head of match against
Portugal, French forward
describes onaldo as a legend’


ylian Mbapp described Cristiano

Ronaldo as a “footballing legend”
and “one of a kind” as the super-
stars prepare to meet in the u-
ropean Championship quarter-finals.
For many, the major subplot of the Por-
tugal versus France match in Hamburg on
Friday is the head to head between their
Mbapp has previously called Ronaldo
his idol and he spoke in glowing terms
about the 39-year-old striker who has said
he is playing in his last uropean Cham-
“ veryone knows just how much I ad-
mire Cristiano Ronaldo as a player,” Mbap-
p said on Thursday in the prematch news
conference. “Over time, I have been lucky
to brush shoulders with him, to get to
know and have a chat with him. We are
still in contact. He is always helping me –
he keeps up with what is going on in my
life and he gives me tips.
“It’s an honour for me, especially when
we think about what he has done for the
footballing world. Regardless of what has
happened before or what happens after, France teammates including Marcus Thuram, left, Kylian Mbapp , centre, and Oli ier Giroud, right, attend a training session at the
he will be a footballing legend.” Volksparkstadion in Hamburg, Germany, on Thursday during practice for the Euro championship. FRANC FIFE/AF VIA GETTY IMAGES
Mbapp recently signed for Real Ma-
drid, where Ronaldo starred from 2009-18,
and now he could bring an end to his ri-
val’s uropean Championship career.
baton” occasion
“No, I think that he is one of kind,” STUTTGART, GERMANY Spain onderkid him, Nagelsmann said at a ne s confer his first season in professional soccer, ith
Mbapp said. “There is only one Cristiano Lamine Yamal has had a charmed run in ence on Thursday. Barcelona. Spain teammate Nico Williams
Ronaldo, there will only ever be one. the European Championship. We need to be prepared for several – ho has also been dra ing plaudits at
“I am following my own path. My It’s time to end it, says Germany coach things. But on the other hand he doesn’t the age of 2 – has yet to play European
dream of playing at Real Madrid is coming Julian Nagelsmann. have so much experience hen things club soccer ith his team Athletic Bilbao.
a reality. I hope that I will also be able to Germany and Spain, both record three don’t go his ay. We’ll see ho he reacts Germany also has a young and ener
mark football but I am not going to write time Euro champions, meet in a uicy then. This is not an instruction to knock getic attack in 2 year olds Jamal Musiala
the next chapter of Cristiano Ronaldo’s quarter final on Friday. him off his feet, don’t orry. We ant to and Florian Wirt . They play their club
story. I hope I will be able to be one of a Yamal has had a breakthrough Euro have the ball, not hurt the player. soccer at Bayern Munich and Bayer Lev
kind at Real Madrid and be completely dif- 2024. He’s thrilled fans, helped drive Yamal came to Euro 2024 ith a bunch erkusen respectively. Not only have they
ferent.” Spain to the final eight, and been com of ‘youngest’ records, and has inevitably featured regularly in top level European
Mbapp , who was the top scorer at the pared to Lionel Messi – all at the age of set more. He became the youngest player matches, but they’ve often been decisive.
2022 World Cup with eight goals, has net- ust . to feature at a men’s Euro hen he started My focus is not so much on Yamal but
ted only once in three games at uro 2024 He’s only so there are big chances in Spain’s opening 0 in over Croatia. on Jamal, Nagelsmann said ith a smile.
– from the penalty spot – as the French for our players in that regard to defend Ho ever, Yamal has only ust finished THE ASSOCIATED RESS
struggle to get their attacking game flow-
Indeed, no France player has scored ed – Paul Pogba, for example, in midfield Among those being called out for par- key member of the team that won the
from open play, the team’s other two goals and with him I knew I needed to get my ticular criticism for France’s lack of a cut- World Cup in 2018 and reached the final in
being own-goals. head down and run. I call for the ball and ting edge in attack is Antoine Griezmann, 2022.
Mbapp said he was having to modify the ball is at my feet. who has played in two positions – central “It is maybe a tough spell at the mo-
his style of play for his country because of “Now, it’s different. The idea is about midfield and on the right wing – so far and ment and it’s a shame we are kicking him
the different personnel behind him. analyzing the type of players you are play- was even dropped for the group closer while he is down,” Mbapp said. “It
“A forward needs to adapt to all the dif- ing with. With the players we have, maybe against Poland. doesn’t sit well with me – he is one of the
ferent situations, to teammates, to differ- we can’t play into space because it isn’t Mbapp said Griezmann has “been in best players in modern French football.”
ent player profiles on the pitch,” he said. their type of playing style. But if there are the firing line” and deserved better after
“We had different players when I first start- spaces, I love eating up those spaces.” playing 133 times for France and being a THE ASSOCIATED RESS

oach Herdman looks for answers as CANADA OUT TO CONTINUE SURPRISING


inconsistent T continues to lose History is at stake for both Venezuela and Canada when
they meet on Friday in Arlington, Tex., in the second Copa
NEIL DAVIDSON America quarter-final. Long considered one of the min-
nows of South American football, Venezuela would guaran-
tee tying their best Copa America showing by advancing
ohn Herdman walked through past Canada, ensuring they at least match their fourth-
the doors of Toronto FC’s training place finish in 2011. Venezuela won all three of its Group B
facility at 8 a.m. Thursday, just matches but perhaps rode their luck a bit in the process,
hours after watching his team aided by nner Valencia’s early red card in a 2-1 win over
blow an early 1-0 lead and suffer cuador and Orbelin Pineda’s penalty miss in a 1-0 win
its fifth straight loss. over Mexico. In its first Copa America appearance, Canada
Winless in eight 0-6-2 thanks also got some breaks in its path to the quarter-finals, de-
to a 2-1 loss to Orlando City, To- feating Peru 1-0 and drawing Chile 0-0 in matches in which
ronto has not made for lie-ins or both opponents received red cards.
peaceful sleeps for its passionate Canada’s one goal, scored via onathan David, is the
coach. fewest among teams that advanced and they will be with-
“ eah it is tough,” Herdman out winger Tajon Buchanan, who suffered a broken tibia in
acknowledged. “There’s no training following the Chile draw that clinched the second-
doubt, it’s tough. After this type place finish in Group A. “There’s so much room for im-
of run, you take it to heart. Of provement,” manager esse Marsch said after the Chile
course you do. ou want to do so draw. “I’m proud of them, but more so, I’m happy for
well for the fans for the city, for them.” REUTERS
the lads, for the club.” Toronto FC forward Lorenzo Insigne, centre, tries to get between Orlando
Herdman knows the regular- City midfielders Cesar Arau o, left, and Dagur Thorhallsson during their
season runway is getting shorter MLS match in Toronto on Wednesday. COLE BURSTON/C
with just 12 games remaining.
ighth-place Toronto -12-3 is fifth minute, showed what TFC his attempted pass to Thompson a s imene made is
deb t it start at s ortstop
struggling to hang on to a playoff can do. roll into touch as the defender
wild-card spot and, more worry- But Toronto became static as failed to move forward as antici-
ing, is just four points out of the the half wore on. Lack of move- pated.
astern Conference basement. ment made for an ineffective TFC The Toronto press was ineffec- FROM B11
After picking up 10 of a possi- offence while opening up chan- tive, allowing Orlando to stroke
ble 15 points from its first five nels for Orlando attackers. the ball around. And Toronto The lefty Horwitz continued to be a bright spot for the Blue
games of the campaign 3-1-1 , And the home side was puni- found itself behind in the 45th ays, ending the game with three hits – all against southpaws.
TFC has collected just 14 of a pos- shed in the 2 th minute after Ber- minute on a move that began “ He was aggressive when he should’ve been with runners
sible 51 in the 1 games since 4- nardeschi lost the ball with a with an Orlando goal kick. in scoring position and really, really battled against a really
11-2 . poor touch and conceded a free Seven touches later, with the tough lefty in osh Hader. Pretty impressive at-bats from
Injuries, players away on inter- kick near halfway trying to win it last off Toronto defender Nick- him today all around,” ays manager ohn Schneider said.
national duty and a lack of depth back. soen Gomis, the ball was in the eremy Pena provided insurance in the seventh when he
have hurt Herdman’s team. So Seven touches later, Orlando TFC goal. The virtually unimped- greeted reliever Trevor Richards with a solo blast to left field.
has a tendency to turn off during pulled even. Toronto was caught ed Orlando attack saw the Toron- Genesis Cabrera and Chad Green also appeared out of the
games. flat-footed down the left flank to half of the field covered in just bullpen for the ays. Schneider called it a “hard-fought” series.
On Wednesday, Herdman la- and Martin Ojeda headed home two passes, with Facundo Torres’s “ We were right there today. Double plays didn’t help, hit-
mented a lacklustre 20-minute Ivan Angulo’s cross to complete a cross bouncing off Gomis’s leg ting some balls at people didn’t help,” he said.
period in the first half, allowing largely unchallenged Orlando past goalkeeper Sean ohnson. Bassitt struggled from the get-go, allowing five of the first
Orlando to get back in the game buildup. Herdman says he sees “the real six batters he faced to reach base. He needed 30 pitches to get
and hand Toronto its fifth defeat Toronto’s rigidity was shown opportunity that this team has to out of the first inning and lasted five total, giving up four
in its last six outings at BMO again in the 32nd minute when be a top team in MLS.” But bot- earned runs on eight hits and four walks while striking out
Field. Insigne, despite nine teammates tom line, there is plenty more three.
“It’s the story of TFC this sea- in his immediate vicinity, gave work to do. Astros starter Framber Valdez faced similar traffic over his
son,” he said. “These 20-minute the ball away when his attempted “We’re dealing with a team six innings of work, but he was able to induce three double
periods, where, for whatever rea- chipped pass was intercepted. that has a little bit of square pegs plays to limit the damage. Valdez surrendered three earned
son, whether we’re playing at That led to a Deybi Flores foul in round holes,” said Herdman. runs, nine hits and two walks while striking out four.
home or away, there’s just not and an Orlando free kick from a “With a deeper squad and with Toronto’s Leo imenez, 25, made his MLB debut, starting at
that desire or intensity.” dangerous position. the summer transfer window shortstop. The team’s fifth-ranked prospect, per,
The game started with some That turned into an Orlando being able to increase the quality struck out in his first plate appearance and earned a walk in
early, ominous warning signs corner – and another scoring in certain positions and depth, his second before he was replaced by a pinch-hitter in the sev-
with giveaways from Toronto’s chance. we’ll still be in with a fighting enth inning. Shortstop Bo Bichette was scratched an hour be-
Derrick tienne r., Kosi Thomp- Thompson gave the ball away chance here,” he added hopeful- fore the game with a right forearm contusion after being hit by
son, Aime Mabika and Lorenzo soon after, failing to find Bernar- ly. a pitch on Wednesday.
Insigne in the first four minutes. deschi with a pass. And in the
But the opening goal, in the 36th minute, an irate Flores saw THE CANADIAN RESS THE CANADIAN RESS
F RI DAY , U LY 5, 0 4 | T HE GLO BE AN D M AIL O B 15


Sports in brief

CAMERON CHOSEN CANADA points, 11 rebounds and 10 William Carrier, Tyson ost and
HEAD COACH FOR 5 assists, and Slovenia beat New ric Robinson and defencemen
WORLD JUNIORS ealand 104- 8 on Thursday to Sean Walker and Shayne Gostis- TO ADVERTISE 1-866-999-9237
CALGARY Dave Cameron will be clinch a semi-final spot in the behere in an effort to make the ADVERTISIN @ LOBEANDMAIL.COM
back behind the Canadian Olympic qualifying tournament playoffs for a seventh consec-
bench at the 2025 world junior at Piraeus, Greece. Slovenia utive year under coach Rod BUSINESS HOURS EST
hockey championship. Hockey needed to win by at least 10 Brind’Amour. SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS 1:00PM 5:00PM
Canada announced Thursday points to make the semi-finals. THE ASSOCIATED RESS
that Cameron will serve as Slovenia’s opponent on Sat- DEADLINES EST
head coach as it revealed its urday is Greece, meaning it’ll JETS SIGN DEFENCEMAN 2 00 M DAY RIOR
team staff for the upcoming be Doncic and fellow NBA HAYDN FLEURY, FORWARD AYMENT/A ROVAL 00 M DAY RIOR
tournament in Ottawa. Cam- all-star Giannis Antetokounmpo MASON SHAW
eron, the head coach of the leading their squads – with the WINNI EG The Winnipeg ets
OHL’s Ottawa 6 ’s, was head winner advancing to Sunday’s have signed defenceman Haydn DEATHS
coach of the Canadian team final with a berth in the Paris Fleury and forward Mason
that won the junior title in Olympics at stake, and the Shaw. The ets said Thursday
2022. Canada lost in the quar- loser eliminated. The matchups that both deals are one-year,
ter-finals of the 2024 cham- for Saturday’s semi-finals are two-way contracts with an
pionship in Gothenburg, Swe- taking shape. At Valencia, Spain average annual value of
den, following back-to-back – Finland winner vs. Spain US$ 5,000 in the NHL.
gold medals. Sylvain Favreau, Bahamas vs. Lebanon. At Pi- THE CANADIAN RESS
Mike ohnston and Chris Lazary raeus, Greece – Slovenia vs.
will serve as assistant coaches Greece Croatia vs. Dominican HAYDEN SPRINGER SHOOTS
on a staff that includes goal- Republic. At Riga, Latvia – 5 AT JOHN DEERE CLASSIC
tending consultant ustin Pogge Brazil vs. Philippines Cam- Hayden Springer used an un-
and video coach ames mery. eroon vs. Latvia. At San uan, likely eagle-birdie finish to
THE CANADIAN RESS Puerto Rico – Lithuania vs. shoot a 12-under 59 to open
Italy or Puerto Rico Italy or the ohn Deere Classic on C
RAPTORS SIGN DRAFT Puerto Rico vs. Mexico. The Thursday, marking the 14th J
PICKS WALTER, MOGBO finals at all four sites are Sun- sub-60 round in PGA Tour J 1 , 1 54
AND SHEAD day, and those four winners go history. Springer will head into J 2, 2024
The Toronto Raptors have to the Paris Olympics. Friday with a two-shot lead
signed 2024 draft picks a’Kobe THE ASSOCIATED RESS over Finland’s Sami Valimaki, Jeff Roddick was one of those rare
Walter, onathan Mogbo and who made 11 birdies in his individuals who quietly stepped
amal Shead. The Raptors did HURRICANES CONTINUE round of 61. ric Cole is close in and helped when help was
needed, without being showy or
not provide financial terms of RESTOCKING IN behind in third at nine-under
asking for praise. It was only later,
the deals when announcing the FREE AGENCY 62. Springer fired an eight- sometimes much later, when the
signings Thursday but said The Carolina Hurricanes contin- under 2 on the front nine at problem had been solved or the
Walter signed a rookie-scale ued to restock in free agency TPC Deere Run in Silvis, Ill. – crisis averted, that you realized Jeff
contract through 2025-26 while Thursday by signing forward the lowest nine-hole score on had worked his unobtrusive magic.
Mogbo and Shead signed multi- ack Roslovic to a one-year tour since 2000 – then went He had a straightforward approach
year deals. Toronto selected contract worth US$2.8-million. quiet for several holes. He was to life: do what had to be done;
Walter, a 6-foot-4 guard out of Roslovic is the sixth NHL play- nine under through 16 holes say what had to be said; and,
Baylor, with the 19th-overall er the Hurricanes have added when he holed out from the whenever or wherever possible,
pick in the draft. this week, with new general rough for eagle at the par-five have fun. That could be when he
THE CANADIAN RESS manager ric Tulsky in charge 1 th. That put him one birdie was hiking in Algonquin Park with
as the successor to Don Wad- away from the elusive 59. his beloved wife, Terry, working
on old cars with his brother, Gord,
LUKA DONCIC, SLOVENIA dell. The 2 -year-old Roslovic Adam Svensson of Surrey, B.C.,
or playing poker in Toronto with
HEAD TO OLYMPIC finished last season with the shot an opening 64 and is friends he had known since his
UALIFYING SEMI FINALS New ork Rangers and has 234 seven under. Ben Silverman of first job at IBM. His broad smile
Luka Doncic and Slovenia still points in 481 regular-season Thornhill, Ont., shot a five- and easy going personality lit up
have Olympic hopes. And so and playoff games with them, under 66. Roger Sloan of Mer- every family gathering.

does the Philippines, much to Winnipeg and Columbus. Car- ritt, B.C., is four under after a Jeff was born in Montreal and
its own surprise. Doncic had 36 olina also signed forwards 6 . REUTERS moved with his late parents,
Marie (Roach) and Reay Roddick
to Toronto, where his younger TO LACE AN AD 2
brother Gord was born. He went ADVERTISING GLOBEANDMAIL.COM

Doping: AgEncy chiEf ExEcutivE suggEstEd

to Michael Power High School and
the University of Toronto, where
he studied computer science. He C A

invEstigation could makE sport officials ‘fEarful’ specialized in software finance

and sales at IBM and then

StorageTek, becoming president

FROM B11 have to answer questions about
their activities from the FBI.”
However, WADA lobbied
against what it saw as a risk of
of their Canadian division and
then head of European operations
That review report is pending The U.S. will host the 2028 Sum- overreach from the “extraterrito- based in London, England. Early
from a WADA-appointed former
public prosecutor in the Swiss
mer Games in Los Angeles, and in
Paris on uly 24 the IOC should
rial” jurisdiction it could give to
U.S. federal agencies, and the IOC
retirement allowed him to travel
North America in his motorhome
canton of Vaud that is home to the confirm Salt Lake City as host for also voiced concerns. The Rod- with Terry and their Golden, Estates, Antiques,
Bailey, spending winters at
International Olympic Commit- the 2034 Winter Games. chenkov Act, Tygart said, “was en- Myakka River, Florida. Silver Plate & Sterling,
tee and governing bodies of many The Rodchenkov Anti-Doping acted in 2021 with broad athlete,
Olympic sports. Act, named for a whistle-blower sport and multinational govern- There is a long list of people who Gold & Costume Jewelry,
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency chief who exposed Russian state- mental support because WADA want to celebrate his life but also
deeply mourn his passing, starting
Watches, Coins, Stamps,
executive Travis Tygart suggested backed doping, passed with bi- could not be trusted to be a strong,
to The Associated Press a contin- partisan backing. It received fair global watchdog to protect
with Terry and Gord, and Gord’s and World Paper Money
wife, Sue, and Roddick relatives
uing federal investigation could broad support from the global clean athletes and fair sport.” in Ontario and Saskatchewan.
make sport officials travelling to
the U.S. “fearful that they may
sports world for its aims to crimi-
nalize doping. THE ASSOCIATED RESS
His mother-in-law, Joan Drohan
(Jack), will miss his support and
advice; as will his sisters-in-law, Diamonds, Rolex, Cartier, Faberge,
Mary-Lou (Greg), Madelaine Tiffany, Georg Jensen, etc.
(David), Sharon (David), Catherine
(Mike); and brother-in-law, Paul
Federal government to deliver budget (Joyce). He was predeceased by
his brother-in-law, Frank; and
Call Bob 416-605-1640
money to Paris-bound athletes sister-in-law, Joyce (Roland).
He touched the lives of his
numerous nephews and nieces
and their children: Wyatt (Victoria,
DONNA SPENCER CALGARY Roughly 1,900 athletes across continue to make investments in Beckham); Bronwynn (Peter, Have The Globe
Miles); Taylor (Steve); Madison
90 sports receive monthly the sport system.”
(Connor, Nolan); Corbin (Allyson, and Mail delivered
The federal government fulfilled “This increase in AAP funding, WRIGHT LEADS CANADIAN Annie, Frankie); Lauren (Jesse); uo your door
Madi (C.J., Jack). His many friends
a budget promise to Canada’s also known as carding among WOMEN S WATER POLO TEAM include his poker buddies, Frank,
athletes preparing for the Olym- the athletes, is vital,” said bob- INTO PARIS Dick, Ken, Bob, Andrew, the two
pic and Paralympic Games with sled pilot Cynthia Appiah. “The MONTREAL Team captain mma Brians, Dan, Gary and Rob.
Monday’s announcement of funding hasn’t changed in seven, Wright will lead Canada’s wom- Family and friends plan to celebrate
$55-million infusion into the eight years. en’s water polo team at the Jeff’s life on July 16th at the shop
sport system. “It can be the difference be- upcoming Paris Olympics. Water where he and Gord worked on cars
National Sport Minister Carla tween being able to go to that Polo Canada and the Canadian and where the poker buddies held
ualtrough, Minister of mploy- last competition that will help Olympic Committee announced their games. If you would like to
ment Randy Boissonnault and you qualify for the Olympics or the team’s roster Thursday. make a donation in Jeff’s memory,
Treasury Board President Anita not, or Commonwealth Games Canada qualified for Paris follow- please consider the Salvation
Anand said in Calgary that mon- or not. ing the 2024 World aquatics Army, Princess Margaret Hospital
Cancer Foundation, or Campfire
ey for athletes’ monthly cheques, “Right now, we’re in a bit of a championships. The Canadians Circle (a camp for children with
CALL 00 5400
safe sport and removing barriers flux. The sport system is strug- appeared to have failed in their serious illnesses).
to sport that was promised in gling to be able to maintain and quest to qualify after losing 18-12
April’s budget is on its way. continue the high level of suc- to Italy in their final game in
“I’m squarely focused on a cess this country expects us to Doha, atar but were entered
new vision for sport in Canada get when we go to these high- into the tournament when South
with a sport system that looks level competitions.” Africa forfeited its allocated spot.
like Canada,” ualtrough said. Athletes saw their AAP in- Canada’s women’s water polo
“A system that invests in
athletes and organizations who
are working hard to represent
crease in 201 by $265 a month,
or 18 per cent, in the first raise
since 2004.
team is appearing at its fourth
Summer Games, with a fifth-
place finish when the sport made
Canada internationally, and
invest in grassroots organiza-
tions that enable more Cana-
The 2024 Olympic Games
open uly 26 and close Aug.11,
followed by the Paralympic
its Olympic debut in 2000 re-
maining its best result. Women’s
water polo starts uly 2 .
dians to participate in sport and Games from Aug. 28 to Sept. 8.
live more active lives.” The federal government will CANADA GETS ANOTHER Memorialize and celebrate a loved
The largest investment is in put $16-million over the next SPOT IN WOMEN S 1 M one in The Globe and Mail.
the Athletes Assistance Program two years into safe sport and DIVING EVENT
AAP or carding money. $15-million into removing bar- Canada has been allocated a
Top athletes were receiving riers to community sport pro- second spot in the women’s
$1, 65 per month – $1,060 for a grams individual 10-metre diving event
development-level athlete – to The Canadian Olympic Com- at the Paris Olympics. Diving
pay their bills and cover training mittee and Canadian Paralympic Canada announced Thursday
and competition costs their Committee had asked for $104- that Kate Miller will dive in the
national sports organization million in this year’s federal event, along with Caeli McKay.
can’t. budget for 61 national sports Miller, from Ottawa, earned the
The federal government will organizations that COC president spot by finishing second behind
invest $35-million in the AAP David Shoemaker said were “on McKay in the 10m event at the
over the next five years and the brink of crisis.” Canadian Diving Trials in Wind-
$ -million annually thereafter, That was not granted, and sor, Ont., at the beginning of May.
which represents an increase of ualtrough acknowledged that The 19-year-old Miller, making
about 25 per cent. gap Thursday. her Olympic debut in Paris, will
That’s above the 18.8 per cent “Those conversations are also team with Calgary’s McKay
called for by AthletesCAN, the ongoing,” she said. “I would in the 10m synchronized event.
Canadian Olympic Committee expect in the future as we contin- Canada announced its five-
Athletes’ Commission, and ue to get our own house in order member Olympic team on une
Canadian Paralympic Committee at the Government of Canada 19. TO ADVERTISE 1-866-999-9237 | ADVERTISING@GLOBEANDMAIL.COM
Athletes’ Council before the and across the sport system, that
federal budget. I’m extremely hopeful we will THE CANADIAN RESS



For a time he was a rare auteur’ among screenwriters and held prestige comparable to the actors and directors he wor ed with.
He also brought a highly personal and influential vision of os ngeles onto the screen, which helped to define its aded allure

HILLEL ITALIE NEW OR to Chin o n. In The i ood e, publish-

ed in 2020, Mr. Wasson alleged that Mr.
Towne was helped extensively by a ghost
obert Towne, the Oscar-winning writer – former college roommate dward
screenplay writer of Sh oo, The Taylor. According to The i ood e, for
s e il and other acclaimed which Mr. Towne declined to be inter-
films whose work on Chin o n viewed, Mr. Taylor did not ask for credit
became a model of the art form and on the film because his “friendship with
helped define the jaded allure of his na- Robert” mattered more.
tive Los Angeles, has died. He was 89. Mr. Wasson also wrote that the movie’s
Mr. Towne died Monday surrounded by famous closing line originated with a vice
family at his home in Los Angeles, said cop who had told Mr. Towne that crimes
publicist Carri McClure. She declined to in Chinatown were seldom prosecuted.
comment on any cause of death. “Robert Towne once said that China-
In an industry which gave birth to rue- town is a state of mind,” Mr. Wasson
ful jokes about the writer’s status, Mr. wrote.
Towne for a time held prestige compara- “Not just a place on the map in Los
ble to the actors and directors he worked Angeles, but a condition of total aware-
with. Through his friendships with two of ness almost indistinguishable from blind-
the biggest stars of the 1960s and 0s, ness. Dreaming you’re in paradise and
Warren Beatty and ack Nicholson, he waking up in the dark – that’s Chinatown.
wrote or co-wrote some of the signature Thinking you’ve got it figured out and re-
films of an era when artists held an un- alizing you’re dead – that’s Chinatown.”
usual level of creative control. The rare The studios assumed more power after
“auteur” among screenwriters, Mr. Towne the mid-19 0s and Mr. Towne’s standing
managed to bring a highly personal and declined. His own efforts at directing, in-
influential vision of Los Angeles onto the cluding erson l es and Te il S nrise,
screen. had mixed results. The T o es, the
“It’s a city that’s so illusory,” Mr. Towne long-awaited sequel to Chin o n, was a
told the Associated Press in a 2006 inter- commercial and critical disappointment
view. “It’s the westernmost west of Amer- when released in 1990 and led to a tempo-
ica. It’s a sort of place of last resort. It’s a rary estrangement between Mr. Towne
place where, in a word, people go to make and Mr. Nicholson.
their dreams come true. And they’re for- Around the same time, he agreed to
ever disappointed.” work on a movie far removed from the
Recognizable around Hollywood for his art-house aspirations of the seventies, the
high forehead and full beard, Mr. Towne Don Simpson- erry Bruckheimer produc-
won an Academy Award for Chin o n tion s of Th nder, starring Tom Cruise
and was nominated three other times, for as a race-car driver and Robert Duvall as
The s e il, Sh oo and re s o e. In his crew chief. The 1990 movie was fa-
199 , he received a lifetime achievement mously over budget and mostly panned,
award from the Writers Guild of America. although its admirers include uentin Ta-
“His life, like the characters he created, rantino and countless racing fans. And Mr.
was incisive, iconoclastic and entirely Towne’s script popularized an expression
original ,” Sh oo actor Lee Grant said used by Mr. Duvall after Mr. Cruise com-
on . plains another car slammed him “He
Mr. Towne’s success came after a long didn’t slam into you, he didn’t bump you,
stretch of working in television, including he didn’t nudge you. He rubbed you.
The n fro C and The lo d “And rubbin’, son, is racin.’ ”
rid es Sho , and on low-budget movies Mr. Towne later worked with Mr. Cruise
for “B” producer Roger Corman. In a clas- on The ir and the first two ission
sic show-business story, he owed his Screenwriter Robert Towne, seen at New York’s Regency Hotel in 00 , recei ed a lifetime ossi le movies. His most recent film was
breakthrough in part to his psychiatrist, achie ement award from the Writers Guild of America in 1 . JIM COO ER/A s he s , a Los Angeles story he wrote
through whom he met Mr. Beatty, a fellow and directed that came out in 2006. Mr.
patient. As Mr. Beatty worked on onnie ied by velyn’s ruthless father, Noah Cross But the concept began with Mr. Towne, Towne was married twice, the second
nd Cl de, he brought in Mr. Towne for ohn Huston . who had turned down the chance to time to Luisa Gaule, and had two children.
revisions of the Robert Benton-David Influenced by the fiction of Raymond adapt The re s for the screen so His brother, Roger Towne, also wrote
Newman script and had him on the set Chandler, Mr. Towne resurrected the men- he could work on Chin o n, partly in- screenplays, his credits include The
while the movie was filmed in Texas. ace and mood of a classic Los Angeles film spired by a book published in 1946, Carey r l.
Mr. Towne’s contributions were un- noir, but cast Mr. Gittes’s labyrinthine McWilliams’s So hern C liforni n s Mr. Towne was born Robert Bertram
credited for onnie nd Cl de, the land- odyssey across a grander and more insidi- l nd on he nd. Schwartz in Los Angeles and moved to
mark crime film released in 196 , and for ous portrait of Southern California. Clues “In it was a chapter called Water, water, San Pedro after his father’s business, a
years he was a favourite ghost writer. He accumulate into a timeless detective tale, water,’ which was a revelation to me. And dress shop, closed down because of the
helped out on The odf her, The r ll and lead helplessly to tragedy, summed I thought Why not do a picture about a Great Depression. His father changed the
ie and e en C n i among others up by one of the most repeated lines in crime that’s right out in front of everybo- family name to Towne. He had always
and referred to himself as a “relief pitcher movie history, words of grim fatalism a dy,’ ” he told The Hollywood Reporter in loved to write and was inspired to work in
who could come in for an inning, not devastated Mr. Gittes receives from his 2009. movies by the proximity of the Warner
pitch the whole game.” But Mr. Towne was partner Lawrence Walsh oe Mantell “Instead of a jewel-encrusted falcon, Bros. Theater and from reading the critic
credited by name for Mr. Nicholson’s ma- “Forget it, ake, it’s Chinatown.” make it something as prevalent as water ames Agee. For a time, Mr. Towne worked
cho The s e il and Mr. Beatty’s sex Mr. Towne’s script has been a staple of faucets, and make a conspiracy out of on a tuna boat and would speak often of
comedy Sh oo and was immortalized film writing classes ever since, although it that. And after reading about what they its impact.
by Chin o n, the 19 4 thriller set during also serves as a lesson in how movies of- were doing, dumping water and starving “I’ve identified fishing with writing in
the Great Depression. ten get made and in the risks of crediting the farmers out of their land, I realized my mind to the extent that each script is
Chin o n was directed by Roman Po- any film to a single viewpoint. He would the visual and dramatic possibilities were like a trip that you’re taking – and you are
lanski and starred Mr. Nicholson as . . acknowledge working closely with Mr. Po- enormous.” fishing,” he told the Writers Guild Associ-
ake Gittes, a private detective asked to lanski as they revised and tightened the The back story of Chin o n has itself ation in 2013. “Sometimes they both in-
follow the husband of velyn Mulwray story and arguing fiercely with the direc- become a kind of detective story, explored volve an act of faith Sometimes it’s
played by Faye Dunaway . The husband tor over the film’s despairing ending – an in producer Robert vans’s memoir, The sheer faith alone that sustains you, be-
is chief engineer of the Los Angeles De- ending Mr. Polanski pushed for and Mr. id S s in he ic re in Peter Biskind’s cause you think, God damn it, nothing –
partment of Water and Power and Mr. Towne later agreed was the right choice s iders in lls, a history of not a bite today. Nothing is happening.’”
Gittes finds himself caught in a chaotic No one has officially been credited for 1960s- 0s Hollywood, and in Sam Was-
spiral of corruption and violence, embod- writing “Forget it, ake, it’s Chinatown” . son’s The i ood e, dedicated entirely ASSOCIATED RESS



transgender individuals in a non- successful. As my supervisor, Dr.

DR. ROBERT GARDINER judgmental, sympathetic fashion Guillemin was kind and consider-
in a clinic that would have been ate. He had a delightful personal-
was a medical student at one of the first of its kind in the ity. His laboratory was a happy
McGill University in 1982 and country. one, staffed by several skilled and
chose to do an elective rota- He not only taught the science dedicated colleagues. He was also
tion in endocrinology with Dr. of medicine but also the art, dis- a realist, as this quote from his
Robert Gardiner primarily to playing an attitude that I believe 1969 letter to me confirms “I am
learn more about how to manage all doctors should aspire to. I only sorry that your first taste of
diabetes, an important skill for learned a lot from him and re- basic research was of no better
any doctor. Dr. Gardiner was an member that rotation fondly. satisfaction and enlightenment.
excellent physician role model. Anyway when things don’t go ex-
He displayed a calm equanimity Charles rice, MD CM Mississauga actly as you wish in your ward,
and respectful attitude to pa- you can always think that they
tients and trainees alike, includ- can be worse in a laboratory.” This
ing myself when I recall some- advice provided comforting per-
what bungling a presentation on spective during my career in clin-
vitamin D metabolism, concepts n 1966 as a research fellow in ical endocrinology. Dr. Guillemin
of which I hadn’t understood as Dr. Roger Guillemin’s laborato- and Dr. Wylie Vale independently
well as I should have at the time. ry at Baylor University College finally found the elusive mole-
As well as clinics in diabetes of Medicine, in Houston, I at- cule in 1982.
and thyroid disease, he super- tempted to isolate a growth hor-
vised the hormone therapies of mone releasing factor but was un- N. Wilson Rodger, MD London, Ont. Dr. Robert Gardiner

To submit an I Remember obit

Send us a memory of someone e have recently profiled on the Obituaries page.
lease include I Remember in the sub ect field


t was an area of derelict warehouses and vacant lots when Howard and eslie ems y bought their first building in 2 1.
Now, Buffalo’s ar inville shows big city neighbourhoods can be reborn H4

An 18 0s former ta ern and rooming house at 1 Swan St. in Buffalo is now home to the Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant and Brewery. DAVE LeBLANC/THE GLOBE AND MAIL

ridloc in oronto s l ry real estate poc ets

CAROLYN abundant inventory except in houses off this one sale.” tage conservation rules. But at the lower end, buyers
IRELAND cases where they need to list be- As inventory in Rosedale Mr. Warren says that some sell- who rely on a mortgage are wait-
cause of a job transfer, an estate soared in recent weeks, a cluster ers prefer to set an ambitious ask- ing for interest rates to drop fur-
NE T MOVE sale or another pressing reason. of properties sat unsold at that ing price at the start but that can ther. She says some sellers are
“Unless I absolutely had to, I level. backfire quickly. Agents with pulling their listings with a plan
would wait until the fall,” says Mr. “ ou can’t have seven or eight competing listings point to the to relist in September.
surfeit of listings in many Warren. “The audience isn’t lis- houses in Rosedale at $20-mil- value that their property offers by Ms. Springate-Renaud recently
Toronto neighbourhoods tening right now.” lion-plus. Where are the buyers ” comparison. took down the listing for a condo
has prompted an increas- Mr. Warren does much of his The $21-million property had “If you’re not well-priced on Blue ays Way with an asking
ing number of real estate agents business in Rosedale, where one some elements that neighbour- you’re going to sit,” he says. price of $829,000.
to resort to an unfamiliar strate- luxury property traded hands in ing properties can’t match The “ ou’re going to be used to sell “If you don’t need to sell, let’s
gy they are discouraging home- November for $21-million. sale and closing took place quick- other houses that are better wait for the inventory to come
owners from listing their homes “The gentleman bought it for ly as 2023 wound down because priced.” down,” was her advice to the
for sale. full price, first showing,” says Mr. hikes to the City of Toronto’s mu- Anita Springate-Renaud, bro- owner.
In early uly, some sellers who Warren. nicipal land transfer tax rate for ker with ngel Volkers in cen- Despite the more frequent rec-
have failed to land a deal have re- The problem since, Mr. Warren homes valued above $3-million tral Toronto, believes buyer confi- ommendations from agents that
cently taken their properties off says, is that other homeowners in were set to come into effect on dence is slowly building. She homeowners hold tight, Ms.
the market while buyers vacillate. the upscale enclave have been an. 1. points to a home in her own Springate-Renaud says the pho-
ames Warren, real estate agent setting asking prices around the Another draw was that the neighbourhood of Lawrence tographers and stagers she talks
with Chestnut Park Real state $20-million mark, aiming for a house was built about 10 years Park, where inventory is tight. to remain busy prepping more
Ltd., says he is advising home- similar result without success. ago, which is unusual in an en- “It was on for just over a week properties.
owners to hold off in areas with “People are pricing their clave of homes protected by heri- and sold for $9-million.” IRELAND, H3


Census data show that there are New rules that allow -year mortgages esign of house in oronto’s
plenty of boomer and en renters might not ma e much of an impact Hoggs Hollow area was influenced
in oronto and ancouver in most mar ets, experts say by Fran loyd Wright’s wor
H H3 H

etirees ma e p a large c n of renters

New report also
loo s into why older
generations are avoiding
home ownership




ne-third of Canadian
households are renters.
And although it’s a com-
mon belief that older people are
big on property ownership, a key
part of the renting pool are Gen
ers and boomers.
New census data released by
Statistics Canada show renters by
individual and by age, instead of
household. In Vancouver and To-
ronto, 30 per cent of individuals
over the age of 55 are renters.
“This is the first time this pop-
ulation has been broken down by
age and made available, so we
learn a little more about Canadian
renters,” says data analyst Andy
an, director of Simon Fraser Uni-
versity’s City Program, and associ-
ate professor of urban studies.
There’s another surprising
shift under way, too, that defies
the common narrative that older GWL Realty Ad isors ust finished leasing out the new Bowline rental building at E. nd St. in North Vancou er. It has 15 modern units with
people are enjoying privileges the iews from balconies, a rooftop terrace, hotel lobby, gym, clubhouse with kitchen and lounge area with fireplace. GWL REALTY ADVISORS
younger demographic can only
dream of. LePage, Toronto-based Phil Sop- But now that the oldest boom- Mr. Heu knows a real estate ex- basement. Rents are around $5.50
“People over the age of 55 are al- er, studies data and market ers are 8 years old, the move to- ecutive who sold his house to rent a foot.
so the fastest growing population trends, and he anecdotally groups ward renting will only grow. And instead. “These are the types of renters
in homelessness,” says Prof. an. the older renters into four catego- their needs are different from mil- “Renting does offer a certain that are less price sensitive and
“Canada is a nation of renters, but ries. The ones who choose rental lennial needs. amount of appeal to the more ma- able to pay these higher rents,” he
what does it mean to be a nation desire convenience and flexibili- “ The shift is spurring rentals ture renter. And it’s not because says. “We believe the level of im-
for renters ” ty, not having to mow the lawn in different places, not necessarily they need to rent they want to,” migration and the growth of the
One in five Canadian individu- and being able to move if they so close to downtown cores or he says. “Many of them they have population and how expensive
als over the age of 55 are renters, desire. These renters may even close to great school districts, but built up equity in their single- ownership real estate is, that
according to his analysis. In Victo- continue to own property, or sev- rather in smaller towns, recre- family home or we have heard of there will be continued market for
ria, 40 per cent of that age group eral properties. ational towns,” says Mr. Soper. instances where they rent out purpose-built rental. And not
are renters. Montreal leads the The second group worries He cites small walkable com- their single-family home in the necessarily for people who can’t
way with 4 per cent, and in more about the real estate market as an munities such as Collingwood in suburbs, and they rent to be clos- buy.”
affordable housing markets like investment. Moving to rental Ontario, or Squamish, in B.C. er.” Hani Lammam, executive vice-
Calgary and dmonton, it’s only frees up their capital and they can “I think the shift is going to Some rent to be near their kids, president, Cressey Development
16 per cent and 21 per cent, respec- put it into a guaranteed invest- result in some freeing up of family or because it gives them the flex- Group, said the company just fin-
tively. ment certificate, for example. homes in our cities for Gen ers ibility of moving around. And a ished a rental building called Cen-
But there’s a stark contrast be- “Then there’s the group that who aren’t in home ownership high-end purpose-built rental tury that was designed for the
tween those who choose to rent, needs the capital to live on, so yet.” building gives them long-term se- downsizer. The two concrete mid-
and those who don’t. they turn it into a liquid asset for And the wealthiest boomers curity, as opposed to renting a rises with a bridge connection
Royal LePage released a report vacations – or maybe even food. are demanding units that are on condo unit. and quarter-acre park is in North
on renters this month and asked “And the fourth group would par with nice condo units, push- “Because we are building to Vancouver at 250 . 15th St. The
respondents whether they had be those becoming infirm and ing up rents. this higher level of design, our suites have a Scandinavian look,
tried to purchase before signing a who need to be in some kind of Great West Life Realty Advisors projects tend to appeal to the ma- there’s a reception desk with staff,
rental lease. In B.C., one-quarter managed care.” develop rental properties as long- ture renter who wants something spin classes, social nights, private
of respondents said yes, but only Mr. Soper guesses that, based term assets, particularly high-end a little bit more sophisticated,” dining room for gatherings, pri-
12 per cent of people over 55 said on other data, most moving into premium rentals, close to transit Mr. Heu says. vate office space, workshop to
yes. When asked if they planned rental are getting too old to main- and shops, that have a lot of GWL’s new, completely rented build things, suites for guests, cof-
on buying a property in the next tain a home, which is a natural amenities and include air condi- Bowline apartments in North fee area, huge lounge with pool ta-
two years, 2 per cent of British progression. With boomers, it just tioning – which is a key feature for Vancouver’s Lower Lonsdale ble. Leasing starts on Aug. 1.
Columbians said yes and only 6 happens later. the 55-plus renter, says Geoff Heu, neighbourhood has 159 modern “It’s a bit early right now to as-
per cent of 55-plus year olds said “I attribute that to them living GWL Realty Advisors vice-presi- units with views from balconies, a sess whether the tenant profile
yes. Of that group, most rent be- longer and therefore working dent, development. rooftop terrace, hotel lobby, gym, will skew older, but that was part
cause of housing costs. Another longer, and not needing the mon- People who’ve accumulated a clubhouse with kitchen and of our plan from the start,” says
29 per cent didn’t want to do prop- ey as early in life, the money that lot of wealth can afford to pay lounge area with fireplace. These Mr. Lammam. “Our instinct was to
erty maintenance. surfaces from selling and becom- rents of around $5.50 or $5. 5 per are not the old-school rentals target the downsizer demograph-
President and C O of Royal ing a renter.” square foot. with a shared laundry room in the ic.”

o e to ontreal as anco er sellers ready to deal


1 10 Bayshore Dr., No. 403,

Vancou er

Asking price . million

Selling price . 0 million
Jan. 24
Days on market Seven
Taxes 4,44 . 4
Listing agent Ian Watt, Sutton
Group West Coast Realty

THE ACTION The sellers had lived in

the unit for many years but were
selling to move to Montreal for
work. body committed to the property the unit had undergone a com- scaped gardens, a huge foyer, a I’m sure they wouldn’t have
The buyers made a higher offer and they are committed to selling plete renovation. gym and two secured parking bought the ultraexpensive
than asking because it was condi- their place. It’s better than noth- The updates included custom spots. The location, steps to the fridge.”
tional on the sale of their town- ing.” wood panelling, cabinetry, new Stanley Park seawall, is a big part
house down the street. In the cur- wood flooring, and a high-end of the price tag. THE AGENT’S TA E “There are buyers
rent sluggish market, subject-to- WHAT THEY GOT The buyers also got kitchen with expensive applianc- “They over-renovated, to be out there they just want a deal,”
sale offers are more common top-notch finishings. The 1,315- es. The suite features air condi- honest, because they didn’t ex- says Mr. Watt. “They won’t pay
than before, but they can work square-foot, two-bedroom, two- tioning, two balconies with ocean pect to sell,” says Mr. Watt. “That last year’s price.”
out, says agent Ian Watt. bathroom unit is in an older views, and the building includes was not their plan. If they were The sale completed in April.
“The reality is, you have some- building constructed in 199 , but 24-hour concierge, mature land- just doing the reno just to sell it, ERR GOLD

e mortgages are coming and t e de il s in t e details

ules that allow -year down payment – is just the tip of “The price per square foot of a In addition, these parts of the “ ou’re seeing reports now of
the iceberg. new build is significantly higher country are not the ones facing tons of new build scams, or they
amorti ation period “It isn’t a massive difference, than the price per square foot of a the worst affordability crisis. cancel projects – people are more
will only affect specific but it’s still an increase. If we’re resale,” Mr. Laird says. “So even In Royal LePage’s 2024 ranking weary of purchasing preconstruc-
situations, experts say trying to help first-time home- though you qualify for more of Canada’s most affordable real tion.”
buyers, why are we gouging them money, your dollar actually estate markets, cities such as d- Steve Pomeroy, a McMaster
with an insurance premium ” doesn’t go as far.” monton, Red Deer, Alta., and professor specializing in housing-
MARIYA POSTELNYAK The bigger problem, says Ms. For condos in particular, Ms. Saint ohn topped the affordabil- policy research, says that all
Power, is the strict criteria to qual- Power says buyers will also need ity index. things considered, extending am-
ify for the 30-year insured mort- to factor in additional condo fees In dmonton, for example, the ortizations to 30 years for insured
ast week, two months after gage, which will exclude many on top of the higher purchase median housing price in the first mortgages is a positive initiative
the Liberal government Canadians trying to access the re- price for new constructions. quarter of 2024 was $442,200, that should be seen as part of a
moved to introduce 30-year sale market and limit many qual- Despite the possible pitfall of which aligns with Alberta’s systemic approach to making
amortization for insured mort- ifying buyers to the condo mar- dishing out higher interest pay- median household income of housing accessible. It should in-
gages, the Canada Mortgage and ket. “This is strictly for first-time ments over time, mortgage bro- $95,900. In Toronto and Vancouv- clude stimulating supply while
Housing Corp. CMHC an- homebuyers purchasing new ker Ron Butler believes 30-year er, the same housing price mea- dealing with excessive demand,
nounced that it will boost its pre- builds – I don’t know any new amortizations should be availa- sure was well above $1-million, he said.
mium for this type of mortgage builds around me, around the ble across the board, as they with median household income He pointed to complementary
by 20 basis points. GTA, for less than a million.” make monthly payments more in the mid-$80,000 range, ac- initiatives such as Minister Free-
Starting Aug. 1, Canadian first- In Ontario and British Colum- manageable for Canadians. These cording to Statistics Canada. land’s additional announcement
time homebuyers purchasing a bia, the criteria will firmly ex- mortgages don’t always need to It’s also worth mentioning that in April that first-time home-
newly built home for less than $1- clude anyone except condo come with significantly higher in- Toronto saw a dramatic drop in buyers will be able to pull up to
million with a down payment buyers, says ames Laird, chief op- terest accumulation or lower new-build condo construction $60,000 from their registered re-
smaller than 20 per cent will be erating officer of, a home equity, he says. this year, with a 52-per-cent de- tirement savings plans to use in a
able to opt in to an insured 30- mortgage comparison platform. “The idea that by increasing crease from last year, according to down payment on a home – up
year amortization period – up “There are no newly built single- the mortgage to 30 years you’re an April report from Urbanation. from $35,000.
from a 25-year maximum – with family homes under $1-million in adding so much interest, that Damien Charbonneau, co- Benjamin Reitzes, an econo-
the additional 0.2 per cent premi- the big cities,” he said. makes an assumption that no founder of Nesto, a Canadian dig- mist with the Bank of Montreal,
um hike. Ratehub’s calculations show one chooses to make prepay- ital mortgage lender based in says that there are inconsisten-
The new mortgage policy was that homebuyers who do fulfill ments or to reduce the amortiza- Montreal, said he could narrow cies in the market that simply
designed to make home owner- the eligibility criteria will qualify tion down the line,” Mr. Butler down the number of his clients can’t be addressed with some-
ship more tenable for young Can- for 6 to per cent more in mort- says. “ ou can make lump-sum who would benefit from the new thing like the new mortgage legis-
adians by curbing monthly mort- gage loans with the new 30-year payments up to 20 per cent, you mortgage scheme to about 1 per lation.
gage costs, according to Finance amortization, which is not a triv- can increase your mortgage cent. “If we continue to get the pop-
Minister Chrystia Freeland. But ial amount. there are lots of things people While he sees the policy as a ulation growth we had over the
the strict eligibility requirements On a $400,000 loan, the differ- do.” move in the right direction, he past few years, it continues to cre-
and CMHC’s recent premium hike ence in monthly payments be- As it stands, Mr. Butler says, the says it would make a bigger im- ate upward pressure,” Mr. Reitzes
have cast doubts on the true ben- tween a 30- and 25-year mortgage few mortgage seekers who would pact if the $1-million threshold says. “Thirty-year amortization,
efit of the new policy for housing amortization would be about substantially benefit from the was indexed to something like or anything like it, won’t be a sil-
affordability. $200 a month, Mr. Laird says. “I new policy are those in the Prai- the rate of inflation. ver bullet – what has driven the
Samantha Power, an Ontario- would call that significant – that’s ries and the Maritimes. In these Anya ttinger, a Toronto-based problem is lots of demand.”
based mortgage broker, says the a full grocery shop for a family.” regions, new builds might actual- real estate agent who often works Meanwhile, Ms. Power feels
higher premium on mortgage in- But there’s just one problem, ly meet the under-$1-million with first-time homebuyers says like the policy is a missed oppor-
surance – which protects lenders Mr. Laird says those who qualify threshold and include some sin- many are also put off by new tunity. “In the grand scheme of
in case of mortgage default and is would be limited to new con- gle-family homes though the ca- builds not just because they’re things, who are we helping here
mandatory when buyers can struction homes, meaning their veat is that new builds are rare in more expensive, but because of Homebuyers or just the develop-
make less than 20 per cent in a dollars won’t go as far. places like the Maritimes. the flurry of negative media. ers ”

Ireland ore interest rate relief needed to sp r t e real estate mar et economist says
FROM H1 and can buy a home without a properties in Forest Hill and Ro-
mortgage, but they are usually sedale are downsizers who want
“My stager was glad to get some moving up from an existing to buy a townhouse or condo, he
of her stuff back. It was in a prop- property. said. They learn about transac-
erty forever and it didn’t sell.” Mr. Warren says gridlock ap- tions at full price and resist re-
The positive news for thwart- pears to be starting around the ducing their own asking price, he
ed would-be sellers, is that the $5-million mark because buyers adds.
outlook for the second half of purchasing a house for less than “They don’t need to sell. They
the year is a little brighter. that tend to need financing and have the financial capability to
Rishi Sondhi, economist with many are waiting for a drop in stay in the house.”
Toronto-Dominion Bank, is pre- mortgage rates. But Mr. Warren says home-
dicting that sales in Toronto, “If someone buys for $20-mil- owners who set an asking price
Vancouver and other cities lion, and sells an existing house that’s too rich to start with do
across Canada will soon begin to for $10-million, the person who themselves a disservice because
gain traction after a sluggish is buying that house may be the house soon appears stale
spring. thinking about interest rates. and the buyers have more lev-
Still, in his latest cross-country The person who buys their erage.
report on the housing-market house is definitely going to be “Then if you are going to re-
outlook, Mr. Sondhi cautions sensitive to interest rates,” he ex- duce, hold your breath,” Mr. War-
that the nascent recovery is like- Lu ury home sales in Toronto areas such as Rosedale often in ol e plains. ren warns. “Now you’ve brought
ly to be only mediocre because downsizers who resist reducing their asking price, as they can afford to And while inventory was it down 15 per cent and you’re
cuts to interest rates on both stay in the house, an agent says. FRED LUM/THE GLOBE AND MAIL shooting up in Rosedale and oth- going to have to sell 5 to 10 per
sides of the border may take er high-end pockets during the cent below that.”
longer than economists had pre- managed to grind higher in the may make sense. spring, he says, many buyers on Many of the houses that have
viously expected. spring as more expensive homes “ ou don’t necessarily want to the fence were in no rush to pull been sitting in Toronto’s more
The Bank of Canada trimmed took a larger share of the sales be listing your home in that en- their money out of stocks with exclusive areas belong to empty
its key interest rate in une to pie. vironment.” equity markets climbing. nesters who last renovated when
4. 5 per cent from 5 per cent, but That trend is particularly no- Looking farther out to 2025, Mr. Warren believes some sell- their kids were young, he says,
real estate prices remain unaffor- table in the Greater Toronto Ar- Mr. Sondhi lifted his growth fore- ers with asking prices above $5- and family lifestyles have
dable for many buyers waiting ea, where the swelling inventory casts for sales and prices as more million need to reduce that changed.
on the sidelines, he points out. in the condo market put down- of those buyers on the sidelines amount by 10 to 15 per cent. Some potential buyers are
“ ou really need more mea- ward pressure on prices at the move into the market and relief In his opinion, the old adage willing to take on a renovation,
ningful rate relief,” Mr. Sondhi lower end. Meanwhile, relatively from high interest rates is more that the three most important but they must factor in the cost
said in an interview. fewer listings in the detached apparent. factors in real estate are location, and duration of the project, and
TD is forecasting the next home segment put a floor under In Ontario, Mr. Sondhi pre- location, location is outdated. they have to worry that their ex-
Bank of Canada cut will come in those prices, he says. dicts the average price will jump Price is paramount for attract- isting house in a lower price
September after a pause at the Mr. Sondhi is forecasting that 4 per cent next year. ing buyers in today’s market, he range may not sell.
uly 24th meeting. the average price in Ontario will There may be an upside sur- said, followed by a good renova- In addition, higher prices,
The U.S. Federal Reserve, edge down 0.2 per cent in 2024 prise if bond yields fall more tion. Location has fallen to third higher interest rates and the
meanwhile, recently signalled because of the relatively loose sharply, Mr. Sondhi says, while on the list, he says. higher land transfer tax are all
that a rate cut will likely be supply compared with muted the downside risk to his forecast Learning the reason one adding up to a market that is
pushed off until late 2024. The demand. includes federal government pol- house sells while another lan- struggling above $5-million, he
delay will spill over onto Cana- Across Canada, new listings icies which could rein in popula- guishes is key to setting a price, says.
dian bond yields, which will like- are roughly in line with the long- tion growth in the coming quar- he said. A reno may take 2 1 2 years, and
ly see more limited declines over term average, Mr. Sondhi says, ters. He points to the recent sale of many families choose to find a
the remainder of the year as a but in Ontario, that figure is He’s also cautiously watching one Rosedale property that drew rental property for between
result, Mr. Sondhi says. about 5 per cent higher than the the condo market in the GTA three offers and sold in the $15- $8,000 and $20,000 a month, Mr.
That in turn will keep fixed- long-term average. and beyond to see if listings rise million range after it was listed Warren says, to avoid having
term mortgage rates in Canada In May, the sales-to-new-list- more significantly than he ex- with an asking price of $11-mil- their kids change schools.
from falling as quickly as expect- ings ratio stood at about 40 per pects, which could in turn drag lion. Competition erupted be- In addition to mounting costs,
ed. cent in the GTA, which puts the down the average price. cause the house was recently a reno brings upheaval, Mr. War-
The strongest sales gains in market in balanced territory. Mr. Warren points out that renovated, he says. ren says.
the country should come in On- Mr. Sondhi says he hears anec- buyers in the various tiers of the One of the couples that bid on “The other thing to consider
tario and British Columbia, Mr. dotally from agents about prop- market may be affected by differ- that property then paid the full is, how strong is my marriage
Sondhi says, because buyers in erties sitting for a longer time. ent economic forces, but the dy- asking price of $18.5-million for a and tolerance for doing this
those provinces have plenty of As more agents caution sellers namic in one segment cascades nearby house because they Somebody’s got to go over there
pent-up demand to unleash. against launching a property on into another. didn’t want to lose another one, every day at 30 a.m. to see if
As for prices, Mr. Sondhi says the market now if they don’t Buyers in the upper echelons Mr. Warren says. they showed up, and say, I didn’t
that the national average price have to, Mr. Sondhi says a delay often hold a portfolio of assets Many people selling luxury order that tile.’ ”

Stay Active
Jump Rope
1. Swing the rope over the child’s head
in a circular motion

2. Each time the rope touches the

ground, the child jumps over it

3. Swing the rope steadily and


es for
more simple and fun iddeas.

Leslie, left, and Howard Zemsky ha e breakfast at the Swan Street Diner in Buffalo’s Larkin ille neighbourhood, which has been re italized by rede elopment done by the couple. Mr.
Zemsky says the small diner has become a gathering place and has had a positi e impact on the neighbourhood. HOTOS BY DAVE LEBLANC/THE GLOBE AND MAIL

ffalo s ar in ille is a rep rposed

neig bo r ood creating ne istory
Couple purchased first
building in 2 1 and
have been breathing
new life into the area
through redevelopment,
renovation ever since



oward emsky waited five

years to have a pancake at
the Swan Street Diner.
To be clear, it’s not the pan-
cake that’s just been placed in
front of him on this sweltering
day in une, 2024, but rather the
one he ate in October, 201 , when
the 193 diner finally reopened in
Buffalo’s Larkinville neighbour-
Then again, when you’re
building a neighbourhood practi-
cally from scratch – partly by re-
purposing heritage buildings,
partly by building new ones, and
even by relocating vintage diner
cars from 160 kilometres away –
you learn to have patience.
And a diner, no matter how
beautiful, does not make practi-
cal sense until there are enough
people living or working in a
neighbourhood to support it. So,
when Mr. emsky began his de-
velopment journey almost a
quarter century ago, the thought The Swan Street Diner was reopened in 01 and crafted out of a intage diner car that Mr. Zemsky found in Newark, N.Y.
of opening such a business never
entered his mind. But when he wasn’t that way when Mr. em- geous 1890s former tavern and where a combination of squat enormous historic photographs
saw the old 50-seater in Newark, sky purchased his first building in rooming house at 16 Swan St., two-storey buildings and vacant of the neighbourhood, plus a car-
N. . east of Rochester a dozen 2001 the abandoned, 600,000 sq. with metal columns embossed land once stood, there is the toon map of Larkinville the
years ago and was told by its long- ft., 1912 Larkin Co. Terminal Ware- with “Washington Iron Works, trompe-l’oeil of Millrace Com- name comes from a colleague
in-the-tooth owner that it might house. In its heyday of the 1920s Buffalo, N. .” framing graceful mons, an 85,000-sq.-ft. mixed- playfully calling Mr. emsky “the
be for sale, a light bulb switched and 30s, the Larkin Company, arched windows, had seen better use complex of apartment units mayor of Larkinville” during a
on. It took five more years to which had grown from manufac- days before it became home to and retail shops that looks like gathering and it stuck , parked a
complete the purchase, fully re- turing soap to all manner of Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant and four, dentil-moulding-encrusted 1910 Larkin delivery truck, and on
store the porcelain enamel-clad household goods, employed Brewery. The beautiful polychro- heritage buildings and a bit of display is a newly-acquired diora-
diner car to original specifica- more than 2,000 people here. matic Schaefer Building at 40 glassy infill that have been there ma of the Larkin buildings made
tions the Sterling Co. made din- And to service their massive mail Seneca St., he says, had been for more than a hundred years. of yarn by artist Kurt Treeby.
ers in Marrimac, Mass. from 1936 order business, the Terminal boarded up and left to rot. And And about those retail shops And, with the restoration of
to 1942 , transport it, and then building was designed to allow Larkin Square, that big, beautiful the emskys say their role as de- the old Larkin employee club-
find the right operator. two locomotives to pull rows of public space filled with restau- velopers goes beyond the build- house under way it will contain
“We’ve probably developed empty boxcars inside in order to rant patios, pickleball courts, out. It’s about creating an inter- nine apartment units and talk of
900,000 square feet or more leave laden with goods . deck chairs and food trucks on esting neighbourhood, one with- a school that may be built on a
down here in Larkinville but Walking with Mr. emsky to- Tuesdays , wasn’t here until it out tacky vaping supply stores or big parcel of land near Smith
this 1,000 or 2,000-sq.-ft. diner day, it’s a treat to hear his recol- was built and opened to the pub- businesses that generate too Street, even more history is in the
has a tremendously dispropor- lections of what the area looked lic in 2012. much noise for residents. “We’re works. Add it all up, and it’s an
tionate positive impact on the like when the Brooklyn-born, 65- Then again, says Mr. emsky, looking for people that have incredible legacy done with taste,
neighbourhood,” he says while year-old first moved to Buffalo in this is a part of the city that strong entrepreneurial spirit and skill, respect and incredible pa-
digging into his 2024 pancake 1981 along with his family’s busi- “wasn’t well understood. a variety, we wouldn’t have two tience.
while his wife, Leslie, sips from a ness, delicatessen meat manufac- “It was a very rich, active area coffee shops in here,” says Ms. “I’d be lying if I said we knew
thick-walled, Swan-branded turer Russer Foods. When the for many decades, but when Buf- emsky as we pop into Toasted what this would all turn into, but
mug. “It’s just a gathering place. business was sold, he began his falo went into decline, it also Buffalo, which began selling we did decide to take a shot on
It draws people from every- career as a real estate developer. went into decline. very inch of toasted treats, smoothies and that building,” says Mr. emsky
where – the size and scale of it, Pointing across to Seneca property was occupied by build- coffee in Millrace Commons two of the Terminal Warehouse as he
which was so appealing from the Street at the now-thriving Bratts ings there were over 20 bars and years ago. “Some of these retail- relaxes at Toasted Buffalo. “If we
get-go, it’s very warm and wel- Hill restaurant housed in a low- taverns from Van Rensselaer ers, it’s their first time having had followed the traditional
coming.” rise, art deco garage, he describes Street to Smith Street – every brick-and-mortar.” model at the time, which was you
The entire neighbourhood, the condition when the Larkin time we dig to do something we New history to go along with prelease half of it, then you do it,
southeast of downtown and Development Group purchased it find old foundations.” the old, then. In the 10-storey Ter- we’d still be trying to lease half of
hemmed in by both railroad – “abandoned, rusted metal pan- The Larkin Development minal Warehouse – now branded it 23 years later.”
tracks and Interstate 190, is very els from the former Gulf station.” Group has been digging. Along “Larkin at xchange” – the em- And he might never have had
warm and welcoming, but it And, right beside us, the gor- Seneca near Hydraulic Street, skys have pasted the walls with that pancake.

The 10 storey Terminal Warehouse has been rebranded as Larkin at E change’ and e plores the history of the area. HOTOS BY DAVE LeBLANC/THE GLOBE AND MAIL

On Seneca Street is the

Bratts Hill restaurant,
which is housed in a
low rise, art deco
garage. Prior to its
rede elopment it was an
abandoned former
Gulf station.

Millrace Commons is an 85,000 s . ft. mi ed use comple of apartment units and retail shops. The Schaefer Building at 40 Seneca St. had been boarded up and left to rot.

Larkin S uare is a big,

beautiful public space
that is filled with
restaurant patios,
pickleball courts, deck
chairs and food trucks
on Tuesdays . It was
built and opened to the
public in 01 .

This house at 3 Green Valley Rd. in Toronto was built and originally owned by Isadore Sharp and Rosalie Wise Sharp. Mr. Sharp was a legendary hotelier who brought the Four Seasons
brand to Toronto and also worked on the Inn on the Park. The fi e star designs of those hotels inspired work on the house. HOTOS BY RAY HANG/HOUSSMA .CA

ond memories at
t e former ome of
o r easons fo nder
House in the leafy enclave of Hoggs Hollow
was an icon of oronto neighbourhood

CAROLYN IRELAND The hotel’s dining room and poolside

terrace soon became favourite haunts of
the creative types working at the CBC stu-
3 Green Valley Rd. dios across the street. David Cardarelli and real estate agent l- and dances in the living room with vaulted
TO RO NTO With that jaunt into the hospitality li Davis of Sotheby’s International Realty ceiling, wood floors and large windows
business, Mr. Sharp went on to become a Canada invited Ms. Sharp to revisit her overlooking the garden.
Asking rice 5. million legendary hotelier who advanced the art of family’s first home. “The first year we got some bales of hay
Taxes 2 , 0.4 202 five-star service from Toronto to Tokyo un- Throughout the house, influences from and we had a New ear’s party with a
Lot Si e 5 by 20 feet der the Four Seasons brand. the Four Seasons and Inn on the Park are square dancing caller,” she recalls.
Agents Elli Davis, Sotheby’s International After his success on arvis Street, Mr. preserved in the form of stone walls, cedar A double-sided stone fireplace and a
Realty Canada Sharp began work on the Inn on the Park, beams and walls of glass. built-in cabinet divide the living area from
also designed by Mr. Dickinson. “We used the same fieldstone at the Four the dining room, which also has a wall of
The new home was under way, recalls Seasons on arvis,” Ms. Sharp says, pausing glass providing a view of the greenery out-
THE BACKSTORY Ms. Sharp, but her husband wasn’t happy to run her hand over a curved wall inside side.
with the design created by some of the aco- the entrance. Ms. Sharp found an nglish four pedes-
Isadore Sharp and Rosalie Wise Sharp lytes in Mr. Dickinson’s studio. He went to Frank Lloyd Wright and his use of har- tal dining table large enough to accommo-
spent their early years of family life in tight visit the architect, who picked up some monizing materials indoors and out was a date friends and family. The circa 1 80 ma-
quarters. napkins at hand and quickly sketched a significant influence at the time, says the hogany table has moved with her to her
“We had three little boys in an apart- new design. founder of Rosalie Wise Design. current house.
ment,” Ms. Sharp recalls. The couple had set a budget of $50,000 Another hallmark of the vaunted Amer- “We have it in our dining room now.”
Mr. Sharp was working with his father, at the time and the cost of their spacious ican architect was the practice of minimiz- The large eat-in kitchen has terracotta
Max, in the house-building business, and five-bedroom residence was approaching ing interior walls to emphasize openness floor tiles, wood cabinets and a pantry
soon plans were under way to build a $ 0,000, so Mr. Sharp decided the couple and community. built by Mr. Sharp.
house for the family in the leafy enclave of should sell the property and find a more The Cardarelli family has kept the lay- “I did a mass of cooking on this,” Ms.
Hoggs Hollow. In 1960, Mr. Sharp broke modest dwelling. out unaltered since Mr. Sharp built it more Sharp says, examining the original Ther-
ground on a bucolic piece of land at the “It doesn’t matter what it is, I can fix it,” than 50 years ago. mador cooktop.
end of Green Valley Road, overlooking the Ms. Sharp told her husband. As an artist “Why change a good thing ” was the The family’s favourite dish was pasta
historic Rosedale Golf Club. and interior designer, she was certain she motto of his parents, ohn and Kay Carda- with three cheeses, which her sons still try
At the same time, the younger Mr. Sharp could make a comfortable home out of any relli, the son says. to imitate, she says.
was looking for a side venture in real es- place they landed. His family was living on nearby Knight- The bedrooms were carpeted in char-
tate. He teamed with new partners to ac- “He capitulated at the last minute, and swood Road when the Sharp property coal grey office carpet, Ms. Sharp says, be-
quire land on arvis Street and begin con- we moved in.” came up for sale. cause she didn’t like thick broadloom.
struction of the Four Seasons Motor Hotel. veryone in Hoggs Hollow knew the One of the few changes the Cardarelli
The site was in one of the seediest parts house, which was considered an icon in a family did make was to replace the carpet
of Toronto at the time, but Mr. Sharp neighbourhood of more traditional dwell- in the bedroom wing with wood floors in a
doubted that land in the centre of a fast- ings, he says. herringbone pattern.
growing city could remain cheap. He hired The one-storey residence Mr. Sharp built “It was extremely modern compared The primary suite has a bedroom with
noted architect Peter Dickinson, who de- was recently listed for sale by the Cardarelli with the Cape Cod style.” views of the garden and a large bathroom.
signed a modern building centred around family, who purchased it from the Sharps Ms. Sharp has many memories of gath- The Sharps’ fourth son was born after they
a garden courtyard and swimming pool. in 19 2. ering friends for games of bridge, parties moved into the house, and the open show-
er was large enough for the kids to pile in.
“My husband and all four boys would
shower together,” Ms. Sharp says with a
A large room was added to the house to
provide an art studio for Ms. Sharp. Today
the large sink she used for cleaning screens
has been removed and the space serves as
a TV and family room.


Outside, the house is sheltered by a treed

slope at the rear and surrounded by a large
lot. An in-ground pool put in by the Carda-
rellis is still in the backyard but no longer
The stretch of land between the house
and the Rosedale Golf Club is covered with
mature trees.
“That was a clear view out to the golf
course,” says Ms. Sharp, whose children
rode down the snowy slopes.
Mr. Cardarelli says the woods are home
to a variety of birds who visit the backyard
Ms. Davis believes the mid-20th-century
bungalow still makes a good family home
today. But in Hoggs Hollow, many of the
original homes have been torn down and
replaced with larger dwellings.
In her opinion, it’s likely a new buyer
will choose to do the same on the cul-de-
sac lot.

A double sided stone

fireplace and a built in
cabinet di ide the li ing area
from the dining room. The
li ing room has aulted
ceilings and large windows
o erlooking the garden.


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