Zamibia Deliotte
Zamibia Deliotte
Zamibia Deliotte
arisen from a source within Zambia and
• Zero-rate of VAT on tour packages
throughout Zambia.
• Zero-rate of VAT on other tourist services
provided to foreign tourists other than
those included in tour packages.
• Refund of VAT for non-resident tourists and
visitors on selected goods.
• No import VAT on all goods temporarily
imported into the country by foreign
• Inadequate infrastructure, service delivery
and limited marketing activities addressed
by the development of Kasaba Bay,
Livingstone and Mfuwe tourist areas and
future refund of certain expenses incurred
in showing movies that promote the
• In order to leverage the maximum benefit
from hosting the 2013 United Nations
World Tourism Organisation Conference,
Government proposes to suspend duty up
to 31 December 2013 on the following
goods: going concern.
- New motor vehicles for tourism • Equal treatment of services for VAT
enterprise that offer transport services irrespective of domicile of supplier (i.e.
- New articles and equipment needed to reverse VAT).
furnish or refurbish accommodation and • Cash accounting for VAT for members
catering facilities for businesses licensed of the Association of Building and Civil
as tourism enterprises. Engineering Contractors.
- Allocation of K21.1 billion (maintained • Guaranteed VAT input tax claim for three
from last year) towards marketing months prior to VAT registration for
activities in the tourism sector and businesses that have already commenced
Government has also allocated to Zambia trading.
Wildlife Authority, K15 billion towards its • Reintroduction of voluntary registration
recapitalisation. for compliant businesses whose turnover
• The Government aims to facilitate creation is below K800 per annum subject to
of 300 000 jobs in the tourism sector over conditions stated above.
the next five years. • Registered businesses allowed to re-claim
20% of input VAT paid on petrol.
General Incentives • Exemption of interest component of finance
• Import VAT relief for VAT registered leases from VAT.
businesses on imports of eligible capital • Reduction of VAT rate for investors in
goods (i.e. VAT Deferment). manufacturing, agriculture, commercial
• Zero rate of VAT on export of taxable banking and insurance operating in tax-free
products. zones.
• Guarantee of VAT refund within 30 days of • VAT relief on input tax paid for purchases
lodgement of adequately supported claims made by registered suppliers.
within 30 days of submission of the claim. • Income from non-traditional exports is
• Relief of VAT on transfer of business as a taxed at a reduced rate of 15%.
Rate of Inflation:
6.500% (October 2012)
(source: Bank of Zambia)
1. Annual inflation has been estimated at
6.5% in October 2012, compared to the
8.7% in October 2011. The reduction
is primarily as a result of, among other
factors, a statutory requirement for
all local transactions to be effected in
Zambian Kwacha.