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Grade 1 - 2 Redspot

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English Longuoge

Fomily Heritog e Studies


tcT 57-52

Visuol Performing Arts,

MD AND PE 63-76


Moths qnd Science 94-111

Answers 112-145

Vowels ond sounds
oe i o U

* Soy the vowel sound

Sqy the letter sound


fF gG hH iI jr
pP qQ rR SS IT

UU VV WW xx yY

z7 xl

* ldentify ond soy the sounds

r k sp f g h t vy n .,
m b C

Nyahanrnu: 0774305983 4 Kutlq,: 0773630487

Ao * ont of ctn 0s oxe opple
Bb - bog big buy bus bin box bed boy bod

Cc - cot cup cop cut con cow


Dd - doy dot dog dig dom dip dom doll

Ee - egg eot eosy empty end elephont eight

Ff - fst fun fit fon fish fother fost fell

Gg - God gun get go gos gop

Hh - hen hot hut hit hot him hop hug

li - ink in it is

Jj - jom jet jug jot

kittle kite kiss

Ll lop tid lip lot lit lost lion let

- leg
Mm - mon mop moy mad mud men met

Nn - nut net not no nest nut nine

Oo - on oronge on ox

Pp - pet pit pot pig pin poy pen pCId post

Qq queen quilt quiz

Rr - rot run rod rot red

Ss - sip sun set sit six sin sod

Nyahannua: 0774305983 5 Xudzr,: A773630187

Tl - ten
tin top tip top
Uu - under up un

Vv - vet von vim vegetoble vose

Ww - wet win won well wotch wos

Xx - oxe ox box fox fix mix wox

Yy - yom yes yet yellow

7z - zip zog zoo zebro

Soy the sounds ond reod the words

t bog bot mot pot sot rot fot rot
von cot op

* met peg let net pet


* lit sit dip pig pin sin bin tin win

* box boy big rot fox got not pot

* but jug sun fun

NTahanana: 0774305983 6 Kudz1,: 0773630487

book look hook cook foot room moon

food good noon root soon zoo

beot eot heol resd seot meot jecn

neot beons weok neor leof teo dreom clean
speor beoch weother teocher pleose peok


rood boot goot soop


feet meet keep cheese weed week

sheep feel geese queen tree
heel sleep wheel reed greet
three free see


breod brove bright breok brown brush

cr cry crow crop crowd crosh creom

drive drop drum drink dreom draw


fry from fruit friend free

N4-a ha n a n o : 0 7 74 j 0 59 83 Kurliy: 0773630487
fl - flosh flush floot flome flock flog
green grow grob grey greet greot grode

pr -proy preoch proud pride prop print price


pl - ploy pleot plot plug plont ploce

tr - tree trop troin trock truck trend try troy

- write wrong

wr wrot e i

show shoe shirt short


sh - shoke shine I


shorp sheep shop fresh shope osh wosh I


ch - chop church chln choose chip chock


chslk children chick chort cheek I


child chocolote choir chest chain cherry i


thot the those these them this their there !-

they brother cloth smooth fother poth thick

thing thin then with think mother teeth both


why which whose where whct who

Nyahanano: 0774305983 I Kud4y: 077j6j0487

-esr- eor speor cleor deor tear heor
smeOr neor
sk - skirt skin sky skip skirting

-or- for orm cor cort form former gorden

morket bork ork mork dark tor pork stor

-or- horn short for more sport storm

north morning story glory forgive
work fork door horse
-ir- shirt girl bird first dirty oir foir

-oi- noise boil coil soil voice

-il woll sell cqll toll

wsll villoge selling telling

-rr- sorry conots worry lorry terror tenible

horror borrow borrow correction

-tt- letter better motter butter button kettle

fotter hotter cottle little kitten writt

NTahanano: 0771305983 9 Kutlty: 07736j0487

big - smoll Ieof - leoves
cleon :ArtV colf - colves
ps1*"pold shelf - shelves
dowli - up wolf - wolves
wet - dry knife - knives
old - new boy - boys
good - bcd chick - chicks
fother - mother bottle - bottles
brother - sister dress - dresses
front * bock bus - buses
top - bottom box - boxes
rich - poor child - children
junior- senior cow - cows
beoutiful - ugly book - books
friend - enermy tin - tins
hord - cup - cups
hoppy - sod cobb e;.
hot - cold boby - bobies
cruel - kind ox - oxen
lorge - smoll gloss - glosses
lough - cry tox - toxes
sweet - sour fox - foxes
wide - norrow bus - buses
huge - tiny Bo ies
top - bottom city - cities
rude - potite fish - fish
deep * shollow sheep -sheep
love - hotred tooth- teeth
young - old ox- oxen
cold - hot mon - men
offroid - brove womon - wowen
birth - deoth goose - geese
long - short doy- doys
men - women country -countries
king - queen donkey - donkeys

Nyohanana: 0774305983 10 Kudqy: 0773630487

Complelethewords(o e i o u)

c) b) c)

h*_n b**.x
A \4

d) e) f)

L-*n P-*$ rn-*-r

s) h) i)

h.,*",L $"**n h.",_d

J) k) r)

JJ I**"O u--"F h*--x

m) n) o)

p) q)
3 P_n

b-n m*_L r*_n

Nyahanana: 0774305983 1t Xud4y: 0773630487

th* urords.,

ne**- o) =-":b)

\J\...r** C d)

r e) f)

s) ffil*."...-*.*.r,1

**'n*__" i) ki .-..,.,.-**, i)

I k)

*LJ**.-**m) Y/

!&fr-*.- n)

Ufi**.*** o)" (.,



$L-***" q)

Nyahanana; 0774305983 t2 Kud4y: 0773630487

$h/ & ttjrr vv{-r

*_trn bl a

cl dl


kl rl

ml nl

ol pI

I ol
'' ',"* * rl lt
\.r\., V*-***.-...-
--@_gtflW il

Nyahanana: 0774305983
t3 Kudry: 0773630487


f" l
tr *--*-*- bl

cl f""-.srL
el fl
s dr
)1.*..,**"m r-*-lrld
il i1


ml nl

!l:i. 3f*
L __1_L

Nyohanana: 0771305983 14 Kutlzy: 0773630487

fi*# th*rl Bn ,t e,

burn $urf hurt- church

murs* t*;rn curl txrtJ U A


ol bl
ffiw#' ri.r r,ff

cI dl

el fl

sl hl

il il

Nyahanana: 0774305983 t5 Kud4y: 0773630487


i: : ::

OB K *
_,,-,--. i
,,. ,. ,*. .i i.. .. .

i. i, i

I j L ri X
$".$...--.; L;--,-.
t. ip
; r '. tr f
l-JU . r-.-,-,-.-.-.,i i,,. ,..- ,r-;

: _ --- _ _ '

ERT 'l i

i R ,. lJ .

,&:iS:i ffit .L Y".

tv'ya ha nano : 0 7 7 4 3 0 59 I3 16 Kuday: 07736-104E7

W*x*rw *w ttu* &,rx*wuw*?
Fill in th* blarhs with the wards giuen below {dr*g and drap}.

L 7

The cat ls __ tl:e table" Yhe &*g is ?he box-

w {ffird
'wj The duck is---*_**ihe table.

The rst is _ th* box-

$ &

The rabhit as _.**_ the t;rble" Yh* hen is _ **_ the tabl*.

Th* gtraff* ir T.iNe. ,.re*)tq, and th* *?rair "


Nyahanana: 0774305983 t7 Kudzy: 077J630487

F# m tn Uao-,& tn{r o,r fiv*l-&f* e "S*it

"w s,,,rl ffi*

*,..pp*... w c.,,t
:.t.*.,,:r -a.,:.

? .".9 ..-gg
.,*;l' *

f b...ll
W h...Fl:l.f

w P *,o b*.-"t
.., F\c .. . tr

h.,.t ,.-n* C..,tk

ffi* #* ,,,fl,.n
$. *n

*,1tb ;

Wn.ft b...g

T.wk w\.J {#{ wwn* ," LWY\Y\*


Nyahanano: 0774305983 1E Kut4,: 0773630487

ffirymm &fffid*$mtnnm
*x*, * wwd* tr" Zfu* wwd b*nw, tr* t*r*xh w;h *r-*L****

#*X* c,*k*, w*** rxl*,*

; +
t *m* **v* *ffi #

Y **n Wl*V * ffi

lr Wr *\l"W
*aL t** *lr* in ]ts
X *x** mW *xrT*d*y

Ltl s
II h t)
\J \*J I
h I
I \)
r t*
th \1


*x* Lh* X* *l**{}t


M .W:
f", {E
lln r;fttrr {pd} Tnp e S11-
I ' {^-ul
*#$..*. - .*.r '-*iS
'-; i-'l 1*l i.,' .-t .., .- * r i{ .: 4;#ni#b-}.
l' r.;*;&'a{,$}':r
b t,.-.i: ;-*1S:

&Ss& erw6rffi{*-i

Nj,o ha nano : A 7 74 3 0 59 I 3 T9 Kutlq,: 0773630487


fi I Nwrw,

The $n*il

**rl t*w xnxil yv*s Yffy snd.

*** felt *k* xlw w*s t*c plcin

"Tkrrw* lrrw t* {rx *}ri*|. *}re

md *m*ybrmtr'- .I yryr$ ,dx*n *ry &d*w*hp#hfio

G*l did not wqilt to waif. She got s pcill and strted

#*&*d *ff, W*h* ffit#l u$$s plmn trSffilft* ffi ##


*WW w****twdll
-_i- ffie-


ffi W**t trd*cil t* t*h*n cheil?

ffi W %x *Mrey w*w&*rlpt*nxgur#

Nythanono: 0774j05983 20 Kurlzy: 0773630187


$entcnc* fun
end f ittr in the rri**ing w*rd
*ir"ections; Resri the *erAeece
th* ***rd b*nk
rnud s{jn vfr{\ d*g
e*t p*n bog tub
ItU pig is in ths
1 **'.#-J

Z 1 Sn t* the P#rk in c

3 mg dad has * r*d

&. I take, # nfrP *n rnv o *-
S I *cn tske ff bdh in th*
*. Yh* fr*g is on th* w
t. ffig b*ll is *n fhe #'-r_dwil!.#*


I t he ,in$ tl on r'*g ffi#

4 l1g;*b is ts &
i &aK
1* i see ?h* h*t !/u

KudzY: 0773630487
Nyohanana: 0774305983
ffiy H*&**
'*ur hnumx 1* vxry niss,

It has two bedrooms.

lffp sork *n* est in the

kltrh*n- lff* w*tr* TV in lh* ttruin* toofir; My

fmvnrits r**r& 1* nry hsdroom. I tlhe [r ruud

b*nks xrxd d* rfry finmework in my bsdruom,

t* My {xn\$ livex In *

2. S*r ***** has lvt* ,

3. l#e e**h and *at in thr )

4. We vratch TV ln the *

&, My fav*rilx r**rn is

*, I lihx L* *n*
In rrry *x#r**fa"

N1,a hanana : 0774 30 59 83 22 Kutltl,: 077j6-10487

Test I
Muke words
r . h-------r 2. b--------r 3. c------r
4. s----
Read lhe story ond qnswer lhe queslions below
Brion wos ten yeors old. His sister wos Liz. They went to
sunshine Primory school. Brion hod to toke Liz to school
becouse she wos young. Everydoy mother gove them two
little cokes. They ote them of breok time.

5. Brion wos yeors old.

6. His sisler wos
7 The nome of their school wos--:--
8. gsve them cokes
9. They ote the cokes of ------- time

' Opposites
10. Dry
Il. ColdI ,

12. Girl

(cre) to complete sentences

Use (is) or
13. The dogs ---:------ drinking woter.
14. The girl running.
This -:----- o cup.
Reod the story

The pot is block. lt is on the box. The pot is big. Kudo likes
the pot.

Nya hanana: 0774 305983 23 Kudzy: 0773630487


16. Where is the pot?

17. ls the pot big or smoll?
rB. Who likes the pot?
r9. Write two words. o) p_ b) p_
One mony
20. Shirt
21 . child
22. Tree

correcl onsvver
Fill in the
23. Dorcos o long dress. ( hos , hove)
24. some books on the toble. (lhere ore
there is)
25. We hove breokfqst in the morning

Todoy Yesterdoy
26. Cook
27. Drink

Choose lhe right word

28. I sow o -------- riding o bicycle. (elephont , girl)
29. An ::-- is q very big onimol. (elephont , girl)

Using vt qs or were
30. The wolking oround the school.
3.I. The boby ploying with her toys.
32. Mutso reoding o book.
33. The boys crossinE the river.
34. Mory woshing clothes.
Nyahanana: 0774305983 24 Kud4y: 0773630487
Reod the story

Look of the cot. The cot is big. The eyes ore big. The cot is
35. Whot is in the picture?
36. ls the cot big or smoll?
37. Whot colour is the cot?

38. We dig with o ..------ (hoe / knife)
39. He cuts wood with (o knife I on oxe)
40. Fother wonts o --------- of beons. (loof / linl


Test 2
Moke words
1) 2) b
3) 4)
s) br 6)- dr
Whot is this?

Nyahanoao: 0774305983 07736304E7


t0) il)

%8 12)
Complete lhese senlences
heor sing see
13) I ..with my mouth.
14l' I ..with my eyes.
15) I ..with my eors.

Buying lhings

bottle pockel tin loqf

I5) A ..of breod.
17) A ..of milk.
I 8) A ... . ..of sweels.
19) A of beans.
20) I wont on . ...pleose. (oronge / bqnono)
2l) The girls . .going to school. (ore / is)

221 She ..reoding her book. (ore / is)

N),a ha nana: 07 74 30 59 E3 26 Kudq': 0773630487

Reod lhe slory snd onsyver questions .
There ore big tobles in our clossroom . There ore nice
choirs. There ore mony books.
books choirs big

,. 24) There ore nice

25) There ore mony......

Moke sentence
{bog lbqskel / bottle / pockel / cup}
26) Mother hos o -----.- of sugor.
27) Peter drinks o ------- of woter.
28) She bought o --:-* of cooking oil.
29) I hove o ------ of eggs.
30) We hove o ------- of rice.

Reqd the slory

Rudo reoding the book. The book is smoll. The book
is is
green in colour. Rudo likes her book.
31) Who is reoding the book?
32ills the book big or smoll?
33) Whot colour is the book?
3a) Who likes her book?

Complete the sentences

35) Plonts grow in the (soil / coit)
N],ah s na na : 0774 30 59 83 77 Kudzy: 0773630487
Test 3
Reqd ond snsnrer queslions.
Thobo soys, "Our house is in o town. The nome of our
town is Horore." Rudo soys, "Our house is neor the bus
t. lives in town.
2.The nome of Thobo's town
3.Rudo's house is neor the
Mske words.
4 br
6. hoppy old/sod
T.inside on/oulside
Whot is it mqde of?
LA book is mode of poper/metsl
?.A toble is mode of wood/poper

Choose lhe correcl word

10. Corlcort/bike

1 I . gross/tree/flower

N1,a ho nan a : 0 7 74 3 0 59 I3 28 Kutlzy: 07736i0487

Whose is it?
ours mine yours his
12. Peter hos o boll. lt is
,l3. This is
our clossroom. lt is


The girl is the trees.

15. The boy is the toble. under/on

16. Peter - sick yesterdoy.

17. The twins ploying on Sundoy.

Complete -
18. A bokes breod.
19. A looks ofter sick people.
2A, The child o heodoche.

Use like or likes

22. Mother fruits for breokfqst.
23. Fother to drink milk for breokfost.
24. Grondmother doesn't --*--- porridge.
Nyahanaaa: 0774305983 )a Kudq.: A773630487
25. We :*-- rice ond meot for supper.

(former / teqch et / dressmoker I vendor)
25. A ------- works in o school.
27, A ------- mokes clothes.
28. A *----- sells vegetobles.
29. A -*--- grows crops.

Reod ond onswer lhe queslions below.

Mother wonts some tomotoes. She gives the children
some money. Mother soys, "Go to the morket."
Ruvimbo ond Toforo ore going to the morket. They
must wolk fost. At the morket they see mony people.
Formers sell their crops of the morket. Toforo wonts
some fruits. Ruvimbo wonts some vegetobles.

(money/ vegetobles / morket I fruits /tomotoes)

30. Mother wonts some
31. Formers sell crops of the
32. Toforo wonts some
33. We buy food with
34. Ruvimbo wonts some
35. The plurol of tomoto is -**
Reod fhe story :t

Thondie is o girl. She is 5 yeors old. Thondie is in grode I.

Thondie is toll. Thondie likes oronges.
36. Whct is the nome of the girl?
37. How old is Thondie?

Nyahanona: 0774305983 30 Kud4;: 07736j0487

38 Thodie is in grode
39 Who likes oronges?
40 Plurols - oronge

Test 4

Moke words
l. gr. 2. ch

Reod ond onswer lhe questions

Grondfother Vuyo lives in o villoge. He hos o very big ox.
We like to visit Grondfother Vuyo. He tokes us to the river
for swimming ond fishing.
3 lives in o villoge.

S.Grondfother Vuyo hos o very big

6. tin
7 .lorry
B. A ruler is mode of
9. My sister is m
(loll / clinic / plostic)

10. Pleose coll John. This book is

I I . This school is we keep it cleon.

I hove 0 new pen. lt is

Nyohanono: 0774305983 3t Kurt4,: 07736 j0487

13. big

14. cleon
15. The boys ploying footboll. {wos were }
16. The boby ....crying. (is ore )
l7* Rudo ....1o school yesterdoy. {comes, cornkrg,
lB. . ,....the children in this closs like eggs. {Both, All}
19. I om eight yeors old. Next yeor I will be ..

24. I don't hove ..books. {some, ony}

Use is or ore

22. Grandporents ---*- going to visit us"

23. The boys herding cottle.
24. The lesrners plonting trees.
25. Rutendo smiling.

( on / under / in)
26. The pot is the stove.

28. The cot is the cor.

Nyahanana: 0774305983 32 Kudty: 07736j0487

( fork / worm / horns / torch )

29. Some onimols hove

30. A gives us light.
3.l. I con use o to eot.
32. A lives in the soil.
Reod lhe story

Look of the boy. is short. The boy is ploying with o

boll. The boll is white.
33. Whot con you see?
34. The boy is {toll / smoll)
35. Who is ploying with the boll?
36. Whot colour is the boll?

Complete the senlences

37. Mother wonts to the woter. (soil / boil)
38. Fother -------- o bicycle. (hoye / hos)
39. A gives us meot. (cow1 zebro)
40.1con use o to drink woter. (cup / pol)

Nyahanana: 0774305983 33 Kudtl': 0773630487

Test 5
Choose the correct word to complete lhe senlences
{fhinks, cut, know, wolks, sings, osks}
l. They how to count to 20.
2. I ---..-- the cpple in holf.
3. He thot sums ore difficult.
'4. My fother me a question.
5. The king o song.

Choose lhe correct word

(born, fsrm, porfy, shorp, turn)
5. There ore lots of peopte of the :----
7. The pin hos o ----- point.
B. The cow is in the
?. On Soturdoy is my birthdoy
10. Frorn the school gote you left to go to the
head teocher's office.

Pqst tense
I l. Todoy I stoy of home. Lost week I ----- of home,
12. Todoy I wotch o television. Yesterdoy | --*- television.

Choose lhe correct word

(al, in, of, open, on)
13. I om the room.
14. My pencil is --:- the desk.
The book is ---- ond I om reoding.

Nya hancna: 0774 305983 34 Kudry:0773630487

16. I left my bog home.
17. I will give Tendoi holf my sweets.
lB. bush
I 9. hot
20. book
Reod snd onswer the queslions
Mory lives in o town. she lives neor her school. Her fother is
o police officer. He works of the police stotion. Her mother
is o nurse. She works of the clinic. Mory's little brother stoys
of home. He is still o boby. His nome is Som
21. Mory lives in o -----
22. Mory is o -:--
23. Mory's mother works in o ----:
25. Who is Mory's brother?

Tesl 6
Moke words
1. 2. dr 3. pr-
Complete with oeio u
4. el_phont 5. heod_che
6. v_lloge

Whot is this?
T.Toble B. leof 9. bosket

Nlnhanano: 0774305983 Kudt!: 0773630487

( bod folher fqr short sod J

10.long I 1. good
I 2. neor 13. mother
hoppy _
One mony One mony
15. leg 18" girl
I 6. tin 1?. pencil
I 7. closs

Todoy Yesterdoy
20. Wosh
21. Wolk
22. Climb

Complete senlences
23.Mother is cooking sodzo in o dress / pot}
24.Father is driving o -{ / bqll
( lorry )

25.A pencil is mcde of _-* ( plostic / wood )

Hollo. My nome is lomo-oged
.I have sisters ond brother. I

like eoting ond I dislike

My friend is

Mrs Moyo is a teocher. She has two children. Her children
cre Vuso crnd Alice. They like to eot meot. They keep pigs
ond cows.

Nl,a hsnana: 0774 30 5983 36 Kudzy: 0773630487

26.Mrs Moyo is o

2V .Ihe children ore ond

2B.They like

29.They keep ond

30.Mrs Moyo hos children.

-- Iest 7
l. The young one of o cow is o. ,. (calf/ cow)
2This is my book. lt is . ..... (my/ mine)
Sihle lives with his mother. They live neor the river. Sihle hos
o dog.
3.Sihle ,..... with his mother.

4.They live neor the . (dom/ river)

6.My books ore . .. the bog. {inl over}

7.1...,.. o new jersey. {hos/ hove)
8. A of sweets. (pocket/ bucket)
9.Plurols box .... (boxs/ boxes)
10. The opposite of tr:ll is (short/ for)
The post tense of cook is ... .. {cdoked/ cook}
** *e3 i, &* r.& ds * r.1** *W 1' '&b S* q.,

An ...... ( bus / qeroplone)

Nyahonano: 0774305983 37 Kudzy: 07736j0487

13. The boll is ......the choir. ( neor /under )

14. This is Sipho's bog. lt is........ (his, hers )

Use o or on
15. This is ......opple.

Reod qnd onswer queslions.

My grondmother is Mrs Moyo. She wolks with o wolking
stick. She likes to eot sodzo ond meot. She likes music.

16. My grondmother is .........

I7. Grondmother likes to eot

Complete these sentences

1 8. Mother is cooking cooking. 1ne/ She)

20. big, bigger, (bigs / biggest)

Test 8

Reod ond onswer lhe queslions

Chengeto hos o pet. Her pet is o dog. The dog is smoll. lt is

o young dog. A young dog is o puppy. The puppy is block

Nyahanano: 0774305983 38 Kud4,: 077j630487

and white. The puppy is colled Boss. It hos short legs ond
big red eyes. lt lives in o kennel. The kennel is under the big
green tree. Chengeto likes her pet.
1. Chengeto hos o _
2. Whot colour is the pet?
3. A young dog is o
4. The nome of the pet is

5. The puppy lives in o


6. up
7. old
8. leof
?, bog
I0. fomily
Complete lhese senlences
(turn / burn / church / nurse I purse)
1 I . On Sundoy he goes to _
12. A
-- helps sick people.
13. Fire con the forest.
14. Mother put the money in o _
15. You cCIn the lights on of night.

NJ,a hanano : 0774 30 5983 39 Kudxy: 07736j0487

Resd ond onsyver the queslions {

Mr Bondo is o boker. He bokes cokes, breod ond biscuits.

He sells the cokes in his shop. Mony people come to his

shop to buy breod ond cokes. Every doy he wokes up very

eorly in the morning. He woshes his body. He goes to the
bokery qnd storts boking cokes. He mokes biscuits too.
Every doy he sells o lot of cokes ond breod to the people.
He olso tokes some looves of breod ond cokes to his fomily.

(wosh I eal / sweep / goes / bokes)

I6. Every dsy Mr Bondo _ breod ond cokes.
17. Mr Bando - to work eorly.
18. We * food every doy.
19. I the house every doy.
20. They their clothes every doy.
Using hove or hos
21 . Rudo ofever.
22. Muso ond Ngoni -_* some books.
23. Mother o new bog.
24. We tr new cor.
25. l-oheodoche.
Post tense

26. eot
27. keep
28. go

Nlnha nano: 0774 305983 40 Kudty: 07736j0487
Young ones
puppy kitten chick lqmb cqlf
29. The young one of o cow is o _
30. The young one of o sheep is o _.
31. The young one of o cot is o _--.
32. The young one of o dog is o
33. The young one of o hen is o
Gomplele lhese sentences
{on / under / oYer / neor / in }

34. The cottle ore the krool.

35. The school is there.
36. The children ore wolking the bridge.
37. The goois ore the big tree.
38. The dip is ----- the river.
Use copitcl lelters
3?. Jonnes is visiting his ount in nyongo.
40. Vendors sell their things in horore.

Nyahtnana: 0774305983 41 Kudzy: 077363018?


l. My nome is
2. Iomo----------
3. I <rm yeors old.
4. My school is ---*-
5. My teocher is ------
6. The heod teocher of my school is
7. Nome the kitchen utensils

8. Fighting is {good / bod)

9. ------..- burns. (fire / Ploying gomes)
I0.We must elders. ( greel / kick]
I I.Wosh your ---*before you eot. (legs / honds)
12.11is good to ----- old people. {hote / help)
I3. Grondmother tells us --------. (stories / books)
14. We ploy of school. (gomes I work)
Children must --------- elders. (beol / help)

17 .lt is ----- to steol. {good / bod}

I B. Podo is o {gome / song}
19. lt is ------ to ploy with fire. (good / bod)

Nyahanona: 0774305983 42 Kudzy: 07736j0187

20. Whot is this?

21 . ::**-. (Zimbqbwe / Bofswono)

My country is

22. Ndebele's come from (Mutore / Bulqwoyo)

23, At school we sing the ----*-. (Notional floy / nolionsl
24, -**-o colour on the notionol flog, {Pink I ned}

25. We see the notionol flog of the ------:: {school / river}

(school / fomily)
27. Fother on,C mother ore my (porents / brolher
ond sister)
28. Grandrnother ond grondfother ore my
(brother ond sisler / grondporents)

30. Bod use of someone ---:-. {love / obuse)

31. Abuse con be done by *---*-. (God / onyone)

32. At home I -------- my porents. {help /kicki

Nyohanana: 0774305983 4i Kudly: 07736304E7

33. Nome the shelter in the picture.




e) f)

kennel birds prolection qnts cclve

35. Bsboons live in 0 -.-.-*-----.

36. A is o shelter for dogs.
37. -------* live in onthills.
38. A nest is o shelter for

N!,o hanana : 0774 30 59 83 44 Xutl^a.*: 0773fiA487

39. I hove a right to {good food / hove sweefs}
40. I hove the responsibility to --*----. (copy / do my
41. Long CIgo people lived in :-:--**. {coves / tents)
42. A shelter for horses is colled o --------.
43. A person who connot see is

44. Someone who connot wolk con use o

(wheelchoir / heoring oid)
45. We get milk from
46. Eggs ore food from
47. Where con you keep money sofely?
48" --------- is o form of weolth.
49. Atroin moves on o
50. A boot is ..*-- tronsport.
5l An
. is oir tronsport.
52. A ond ore rood tronsport.

55. Whot is this?

b C

Nyaltuano: 0774305983 45 Kudry: {,77i630487

56. A:---- is o mecns of communicotio

57. We sweep with o (tin / broom)

58 cuts firewood. (mothet / fother)
59. This is o ... .....{pumpkin / meolie)

60. r no (lown / villoge)

61. Sweets ore. ....(heollhV lunheolthy)
62. Eggs ore . (unheollhV / heolthY)
53. Drow o school
64. Drow o fork
65. I cut meot with o r....i ...."(spoan / knife)
66. Boys (dresses / shorl)
This is o ... {hot / huf)

68. A colours. (3 / 5)

6?.1see withmy. .. {eors / eYes)

70. My teocher is o .... (mon / womon)

This is o (nesl / school)

Nyalunana: 0774305983 46 Kudzy: 0773630487
Nome the foods below

73. A is mode of (sond / clay )

7 4. W e put rubbish in the . . .. (bin / ground)

75. Gome hove .. (rules / lows)


An ont hill.
An . I
.....llves in onthill. (cove / ont)
. He is hungry he needs , . . . .'. .. {clothes I food)

78. Whot colour is o banono?

79. A goods troin corries (goods / people)
80. On o robot green soys .... (stop / go)

This is 0 ,.. . {Tv / rodio}

NJ,aha nano: 0774 30 59 83 47 Kulry: 0773630487


He is ... (digging / sweeping)

83. Children need .....(food / gordens)
84. At home boys milk the . .. (hen / cow)
BS.The us to cross the rood. (police / doctor)
S6.Working together mokes work .. (hord / eosier)
87. Name one tool we use in the gorden.

88. Fother Children
89. Communities get together of .i,...1,.. {funerols I
90. Schools hove ... r........ :{rules / Iows}

91. Which one is not a modern gome? {zoi roksorc /

92. Write one indigenous gome.
?3. lt is .., (bod / good) to come to school eorly.

It'so {bike/drum)

95. The song for Zimbobwe is colled notionol

{pledge / onthem)

Nyahantnu: 0774j05983 48 Kudzy: 0773630487

96. A bus corries (people / cool)


A spiderweb is o shelter for .... {snoils / spider}

98. We store moize in o. .... (butchery / gronory)
99. Whot do we use money for?
100. We preserve food by .. {milking / solting}
I 0l . We shore ... ..ot home. (duties / pills)

wheot. (plough / hqrvest)

1 03. Greot' Zimbcbwe hos ..; ,. r. .. .wolls. {bri,ck / stone}
Which one is not on indigenous fruit? (hubvo I spple)
I05. We celebrote Christmos in {August / December}
I06. A blind mon does not ...;.....,(heor / seel
1Q7, We celebrote doy in August.
(independence / heroes)
l0B. We use tools to do
1 09.

tt:* * &,"..$-

This is o _(oxe / shovel)

1 10. Children hove the right to {educolion /

' Nyahanana:0774305983 49 Kurkl': 0773630487


Cows live in o _(kennel / krqql)

112. My fother's brother is _{ount / uncle)
I 13. We must visitors. (welcome / kick)
1l4. We sing the notionol {pledge / onthem}
I A hoe is used for cufring / digging)
I 16. Sickness is o time of o fomily. (hoppiness
/ sodness)
117 .

r.*i-: -.-@
Threshing stick
It is used for {peeling / threshing}
I I B. Our president lives in {Mulore / Horore}
I 19. We sing donces / songs)
120. We shore o n the cornmunity. (borehole /
l2l . Tools ore things we use to do (gomes / work)
122. People live os o fomily to ::-- one onother. (hit /
123. Working together os o fomily mokes work
(horder / eosier)

.Nyahanona: 077430 59 83 50 Kutky: 07736j0487

124. My fother's fother is my (grondfother / uncle)
125. We communicote using o ------. (phone/ porenls)
126. Fomilies in o community should eoch other.
(respect / lough)
127 . People come to funerols to the fomily. (lough
of / comfort)
128. People who celebrote together remoin (united
/ divided)
129, con be used to teoch good monners. (Beoting
/ Folktoles)
130. Who con teoch children good monners?
13,l. is notionol symbols.
132. How mony colours ore on the notionol flog?
Where con we find Zimbobwe bird?
134. On l8 April we celebrote
Notionol ----- ond ore buried of the Notionol
Heroes Acre.
Whoi do we celebrote on the second Mondoy of
l3T.People in Zimbobwe speok ------- longuoges. (the
some / different)
l38. Gomes teoch us to follow (nothing / rules)
139. A ------- ond o ------- ore humon shelter.
I40. A ------- ond o ------ ore onimol shelter.
141 . Whot do people do to o house to moke it bigger?

N],o hanana : 0774 30 5983 5I Kudzy: 07736j0487

142. The wolls of Greot Zimbqbwe were built using

143. -----*{s o hero in Zimbobwe.

144. Whot does o pilot do?
I45. Whot do we cqll time to rest?
146. Whot couses floods?

fsther grondfother
I48. Members of the extended fomily ore my
brolhers relotives friends
149. Tools ore things we use to do
work garnes using
I50. Rules help us to stoy
smqrl sofe home
l5l. _
We must elders.
respect beql see
152. We see the Zirnbobwe on the tlog.
people bird blood
We celebrote Heroes doy in
,l54. Jonuory August December
is o colour on the notionol floq.

blue brown blqck
All children hove o right to
sweels gomes food
An honest person tells the
lruth lies everylhing

Mulsre Hwonge Mosvingo

158. A is humon shelter.

krool web tenl
I 59. people go to the hospitol for help.
good sick doctors

Nluhanana: 0774305983 52 Xutlzy: 0773630487

A disobility mokes it for someone to do
some tosks.
eosy better ditficult
People crops when they ore wilt.
grow horvesl woter
162. Sowing is o woy of food.
gronqry horvesling growing
We must other people's rights.
respect see hole
164. A is onimol shelter.
hut holehouse
165. I mointoin ond repoir motor vehicles. I om o
pilot porter mechonic
166. People wotch news on the
rqdio television newspoper
167 . ln the posl people used to poss messoges.
letlers phones drums

168. A mokes things from cloy.

corpenler potter welder
169. Leisure time is time to
plsy work eot

I 70. Heovy couse floods.

things liffing rqins
I 71 . Soil erosion is
good bod roots

Nyahonana: 0774305983 53 Kudzs,: 0773630487

172. We go to school on _ {five I foot }.
173. We trovel using o _ ( cellphone I bus).
174. Cyclist use o _ { wheelbarrow I bicycle).

175. Long ogo people used _ to communicote ( horn I

176. We wolk on the side of the rood. ( right /left).
177. A
_ is o meons of communicotion. { von / letter ).
178. A _ moves on woter. ( bus I boot ).

179. We cross the rood on o _ crossing ( zebro / zero ).

I80. Soccer ployers fly to Zombio using on _ { afu I

oeroplone ).
1Bl. We wotch _ on television ( vldeos / now).
182. Nowodoys we use to communicote { compu ler /
183. A goods troin coniescon / cool }. * {
184" We con communicote with o ( whistle I white).

185. People use _ to go to the grinding mill { oeroplone /

186. The chief beat cr * for people to come for meeting (

desk / drum).
187 " Children ore fought _ monners" (good/bod)



Nyahanana: 0774305983 54 Kudzy: 07736j0487

]88. A (hoe/pick)
'l89. A pig
stoys in o _ (pigslylkrool)
A bird lives in o :--- (nest / hole)
I 91 . We stond of when we ore singing the notionol
onthem. {otlention/line)
192. We celebrote lndependence Doy on _ (18 Apri/
193. All tools ore kept in o ( clossroom/sloreroom)
194. A humble leoder is o _ leoder. ( good/bod)

r 95. (house/Hut)
196. is o troditionol gome. (hondbol/ingwini)


197. This is o (cup/pot)

198. mends shoes. (cobbler/shopkeeper)
19?. Going to school is o right to

200. Snooker is o gome. (troditionol /modern)

201 . This is the Zimbobwe -(ploy/educolion)

N),ahanona: 077$A5983 Kad4,: 077i630487

202. A silo is used for_ food. (growing/ storing/
2A3. We use money to _ whot we wont. (buy/ sell/
244. A _ flies on oeroplone. (porter/ pilotl driver)
205. A _ is o meons of communicotion. (rood/ rodio/
206. Cutting down trees ond not replocing them
couses-. (deforeslolion/ soit erosion/ floods)

Nyahanana: 0774305983 56 Kutlzy: 07736i0487

lnformqtion Communicotion ond
Technolosy (lCT)
l. A -----* is o mochine which works under instructions to
corry out o tosk. (keyboord / computer)
2. A loptop is:-- thon o desktop computer. {bigger,l
3 This is 0 ------- computer.

{desktop I loptop}
This is e -;-;--- computer.

{desklop / loplo
5. A loptop is -.**- to corry. (heavy l eosy)
6. We found desktop computers in ----*---. { buses /
schools ) ;t

7. Nome ony three ports of o computer.

8. A computer con be used to perform mony different
types of tosks. {true / fslse)
9. We use computers of school to leorn. {true / folse}

' Nlahanano:A774305983 57 Kadzy: 077i630487

10. This is CI ---------- (mon$tor / mouse)

I',t . A ---* is o pointing device. {monitor'/ mouse}

12. A ------- disploys the results produced by o computer.
{mouse / monitor}
13. This is o *------- {rnonitor / mouse}

The purpose of o is to provide letters of the

olphobet ond numbers which we use when typing.
(mouse / keyboord)
t5 lnside o -------- we find o CPU which is used to corry
out instructions in order for o computer to perform o
tosk. ikeyboord I syslem unif)
This is o --------- (mouse / keyboord)


Nyahanann: 0774305983 58 Kukt: 477J630487

17. This is o ::- (syslem unit / monitor)

rB. We con ploy gomes using keyboord ond o --*--

{keyboord / mouse)
I?. I use on opp known os ------ when drowing on o
computer. (poinl / mouse)
24. The port of o computer I use when I om drowing is o -

{point / mouse)
21 .

22. This shope is o :---- {lriongle / rectongle)

23. This shope is o ----- {circle I triongle)

24. This shope is o ---: (circle'/ reclongle)

Nyahanana: 077$A5983 59 Xudzyt 077jdi0487

25. This picture W shows o ------- icon. (shopes /
fill with colour)

26. This picture shows o ------- icon. (pencil /

27 . This

picture w shows o ------ icon. (brushes /

28. Selecting ---- is sometimes referred to os

highlighting. (texl / pencil icon)
29. We seporote words by clicking ----- . (spocebor /
30. The chonging of text in o document is colled
formotting. {document / text)
3t. You should select the ------ before you con formot it.
(keyboord / lext)
32. We use the ----- icon when we wont to moke text
bold. (underline I bold)
33. We use the ------- icon when we wont to underline
text. {underline / bold)

34. This ffi is the icon. (underline / bold)

Nyahunona: 0774305983 60 Kudq: 4773630487

35. This u is theicon. {underline / bold}
36. A ------ con store both music ond videos. ( CD /

37. We use the ----- Explorer opp lo view files which ore
on ony storoge device. fioystick / file)

38. This picture shows o -------- ( flosh stick /

memory cord)

,.e g8
39. This picture shows o -*----- ( flosh stick /
memory cord)
40. We use the ---:- Medio Ployer opp to ploy medio
files. (Windows / File)
41 , This picture shows o ------ button. {ploy /

42. This picture shows o ------ button. (ploy

nexl/ ploy previous)

43. This picture

@ shows o *----- button. (ploy
next/ ploy previous)
44. lncorrect lighting in o computer room moy couse -----
stroin. (eye I bock)

Nyahonant: 0774305983 6I Kudzl:: 077363()487

45. A ---- which floshes on ond off moy ccuse
heodoches. (monitor / mouse)
46. Compuler progromming is the process of creoting --
(hordwore / opps)
47. A computer progrom is o set of ------ which o
computer should follow in order to corry out o given
tosk. (inslructions / tools)

48. This is o (mouse/cell phone)

49. I use o mouse for (typing/clicking)
50. I con ploy gomes using (printer/loptop)
51. Do not bring in the lob. (woler/mouse)
52. I tolk with niy friend through (colculotor/cell
53. A key boord is used to words ond numbers.

N),a ha ns n a: 0 7 74 3 0 59 I3 62 Kudzy: 0773630487

Visuql qnd Pe rforminq Arts, PE
qnd M.Dlsplqys
l. A person who sings is o -*---. (musicion / pointer)
2. Musiciqns sing, move to music ond (weove /
ploy musicql instruments)
3. _{eyes / nose)

4. lsmell with my (nose / eors)

(shokers / sticks)

This is o (drum/ tin)

7. Drow ond nome one locol musicion.

B. This is o (plote / cvp)

9. A potter uses to moke ortefocts.
{cloy / reeds)
10. A pointer designs ortefocts using
(stones I reeds)
il. ond ore
primory colours. ( white, pink, grey / blue, yellow, red)

Nyohanana: 077430598i 63 Kud4,: 07736i04E7

12. This is o (crolchel / semi-
r3. Iq o donce costume in the post.
(nhembe / jeons)
14. is o donce in the modern culture.
(mhonde / borrowdole)
I5. We con moke body movements by
(sleeping / jumping)
| 6. Drow someone boloncing on one point.
17. ond ore secondo ry
colours. (green, oronge / blue, yellow)
I8. How mony colours ore on the notionol flog
(seven / five)
19. Locomotion con be through
(running / sitting)
2A. Nome the locomotion below.

umping / running)

21 . I toste with my _(tongue / nose)

22. A s o dongerous object. (cup / knife)
Nyahonana: 0774305983 64 Kudzy: 077i630487
23. A o heolth y food. (sweel / bonono)

24. We must _our teeth everydoy. (comb /brush)

25. I hove two to heor. {eyes / eors}
26. I hove two to wolk. f honds / leqsl

27. @@
One con see with their (eors / eyes)
28. Which one is not o bod y pqrt?
leg hot

29. I write with my _(legs / honds)

30. Which food toste sweet? (biscuits / meot)
3,|. Which one is o dongerous object? {rozor / boll)
32. Woter odds our bodies. {sugor / blood)
33. We should our teeth ofter every meol to
ovoid tooth decoy. / brush)
34. mell bod. (perfume / rotlen egg)
35. Which of the following is o woy of exercising. (eoting
/ running)
36. Sqdzo ond sweet pototoes provide our bodies with
(energy / growth)
37. The boy is boloncing on the

{heod / leg)
' NTahanana: 0774305983 o5 Kud4y: $7736j9467
38. Which item below ore used to mqke o boll?
(sticks / plostics)
39. You need o skip. (bqll / rope)
40. Which of the following ore proper clothes to weor
when swimming? (swimming costume / lrousers)
41 . Which direction do you foce when running?

(bockwqrds / front)
42. An oeroplone {flies / wolks)
43. lloke pictures. lom o- (potter/photogropher)
44. I moke ortefocts from point. I om o
(potler / pointer)
45. A story possed down by telling is colled o
(dromo / folktole)
46. An exomple of troditionol donce is
{clorks / mbokumbo}
47 . Music brings {sodness / joy)
48. Which of the following is o musicol instrument?
(guitor / pen)
49. 2. This is o (triongle / lqmbourine)

50. Drow o cloypot.

5.|. o primory colour. (green / red)
52. This is o ... .....{minim / quover)

Nyahonana: 077430598i Kud\t: A7n6j0487

53. o musician. (killerT / Vhorozipi)
54. o doncing costume in the post. {T shirt /
55. A person who octs in o dromo is colled ..... (octor
/ musicion)
56. ....points elements of designs. (potter / pointer)
57. I chew with my (teeth / honds)
58. Comb your .,..everydoy. (teeth / hoir)
5?. .,is unheolthy food. {sweels / eggs)

on two legs / wolking on tins)

61. When running you should ,..,,. (keep your heod
up lsil ond sleep)
62. Locomotion is ... (sleeping / rolling)
63. o secondory cotour. (purple I yellow)
64. Drow o rectongle.

66. A ........hos oll four sides equol. {rectongle / squore)

68. We sing celebrotion songs -----. {when q new boby
is born / when cryingJ
69. The ---- could not climb o tree. {bobbon / hore}
70. The song Doi hupenyu hwaitengwo wos sung by **:.
(Joh Proyzoh / Soul Joh Love)

N),a ha na nc: 0774 30 59 83 67 KudzS: 0773630187

71. Music cCIn moke people cry, sleep or hoppy. {true /
72. A ------- woves to music. {heod / hond}
73. Moving to music os shown by someone is colled ----
(free movemenls I guided movement)
74. A ------- cen wclk to music. (woist / leg)
75. Movies moke people (lough I singl
76. Mony children like to wotch csrt---ns.
77. A camerq is used for *--- (toking photogrophs /
ploying gomes)
78. We ore to see noked pictures in q computer.
(ollowed / not ollowed)
7?. Technology tools ore used for (leorning I
80. A person doing forword roll is moving
(bockwclrd / forword)
81. o solo bolonce. {pyromid / hesd stond}

(junnping / sleeping)
83. Blue ond give us {purple / green)


(hosho / drum)

Nyalunanu: 0774305983 68 KudzS:: 0773630487

(throwing / kicking)


{circulor / lriongulor}
87. Nome one gome. (netboll / kicking)

A drum is mode of (wood / plostic)

89. d:r:m: s:l:t:d {n/f}
90. o troditionol donce. (lsitshikilsho / rhumbs)
91. People ploy o ... ...ot umbuyiso ceremony. (drum
/ guitor)

J {too / tote}
93. I drow with o (brush / pencil)
94. A ... sung by one person. (choir / solo)
95. We wotch videos on c: (televisian / drum)
?6. Rombo is (onoctor/rrsinger)
97. lngwini is o . ....gome. (modern I indigenous)

Nyohanonu: 0774305983 69 Kuday*: 0773$4487

?8. We use o to point a woll. (brush 1 broom)

9?. o. b C

bosket wooden spoon cloy pot

Heolfhy foods. Motch
]00. o b (^


bononos eggs breod

erous objects
101 . (knife / cup)

1 02. This is o ..... {broken botlle / stone)

1 03. Locomotion is moving from one to onother.
{ploce / speed}
104. con be done from point A to B. {Movement /
;105. You con move using {objects / stones}
Sofe con be used in octivities. {honds / objects}

Nyahonant: 0774305983 70 Kud4y: 0773630487

1A7 " A ------ is on orrongement of people. (group I
.l08. :-----.
You con bolonce on mony (weight / points)
10?. Running is ::*-. (donce I movement)
I 10. Folktoles show different ------- ond volues. fdonce
ilytes / norms)
I I l. Roin moking donce is on exomple of on indigenous
donce. {lrue / folse}
112. We heor Jerusoremo drums during news on
(rodio / church)
I 13. The troditionol donce in Murehwo is ----*- (Hhoso /
I 14. The other nome for Mbende is ---- {Jerusoremo I

of liberotion. (Troditio nsl / Liberolion wor)

'I6. Liberotion wor
1 songs provided ---=-- to the freedom
fighters. {support / shelter}
117. Contemporory music is music of ------ (present time
/ long ogo)
I 18. lnstruments produce sounds thot ore colled -----
(sirens / melodies)
I I?" instruments cre sounded by being struck by <:

beoter or rubbed by hond. {big / percussion}

Nyahanana: 0774305983 7T Kud41': 0773630487

group of people. (longuoge / homes)
121. At hoppy events people sing songs. {culturol /
122. sing gorne songs. {old people / children}
123. Chimurengo songs ore ------- songs. {wor / jokworo}
124. Musicions -----.-. (beot people l sing songs)
125. is o femole musicion. (Joh Proyzoh / Amqro
126. Culturol songs sre trodilionol songs. {true / folse}
127 . A cloy pot is used for --*---
128. Whot do we use to corry wild fruits? {drums / bqskets}
12?. Whot sense is used in visuol ort? {seeing / smelling}
130. An oudience sre the people who o ploy. {watch
/ oct)
131 . Body ports must work together for the body to
welt. (sleep / function)
132. A ------orrests criminols. (soldiers / police officer )
133. This musicol instrument is o -------- {drum I

A note which is like o fother wolking is o -----(
crotchel I quover )

N)'ahanana: 077$A5983 7? Kutlzy: 0773630487

I35. This note volue is o (minim / crolchel )

l i
t x
.ffi| ,.--,q.g.l
A ploce where ortworks ore stored is colled o ----------
{gollery / sculplure)
137. We con record music on o ( guitor /
An exomple of costume in donce performonce is ---
---(onimol skin clothes / drum)
l3?. Which of the following is o woy of exercising?
(bothing / drowing / running)
140. Whot does o frog do? (it throws / it jumps)
141 . This gome is colled --------:{ soccer / Dunhu )

142. This is o ---------. (stor / heort)

Which diseose is coused by swimming in untreoted
woter? (molorio / bilhorziq)

Nyahanana: 0774305983 73 Kud4,: 0773630487

144, Flooters ossist one to --:-- { drown / swim}
r 45. is on internol body port. (lungs/leg)
1 46. is good food. (sweelslbeons)

147. {oronge/boll)
148. We throw the bolt using {feet/hqnds}
14? . We use o to cut our noils.{knifelnoil
150. --used to ptoy fennis. (rqcket/stick)


1 51 . (see-sow/swing)
152. Pick up -..--..- oround the ploying oreo. {broken

Nyahnnana: 0774305983 74 Kutlty: 0773630487

I 53. They ore_ (swinging/skipping)

' 154. roce (socklreloy)

155. A person doing bockword roll is movin


r 56. (jumpiriiiAepifsl

157 . This is o ------- {guitor / drum)

l58. Eoting unheolthy foods leods to_ heolth.
I 59. is o heolthy food. (chips/ ice creom/

Nyahonana: 0774305983 75 Kudzy: 0773630487

160. Nome the instrument

(morimbo/ horn/ drum)

NJ,o ho na ns: 0 77410 59 83 76 Kudty: 0773630487

Chishon o Mitinhimiro
o A i o U
bo be br bo bu
fo fe fi fo fu
go ge gi go gu
"do de di do du
hc: he hi ho hu
mCI me mt mo MU
pa pi po pu
nCI nt no NU
ro ri ro l'u
tc: ti to tu
wct wi wo WU
jo ji jo ju
ko ke ki ko ku
yo ye yr yo yu
swCI swe swi swo swu

bho bhe bhi bho bhu

mbo mbe mbi mbo mbu
nga nge ngi ngo ngu
mbwo mbwe mbwi mbwo rnbwu
dzva dzve dzvi dzvo dzvu
Nyahanana: 0774305983 77 Kudzy: 07736-?0487
ngwo ngwB ngwi ngwo ngwu
ndwo ndwe ndwi ndwo ndwu
cho che chi cho chu
shc: she shi sho shu
rnWC mwe mwi mwo mwu i


nho nhe nhi nho nhu


hwa hwe hwi hwo hwu t

kwq kwe kwi kwo kwu

ndo n,Ce ndi ndo ndo 1

dhe dhi dho dhu

pfe pfi pfo pfu
tse tsi tso tsu
tye tvi tyo tyu
rwo nI/e rwi rwo nA/u
nwct nwe nwi nwo nwu
dzo dze dzi dzo dzu
gwa gwe gwi gwo gwu
nyo nye nyi nyo nyu
vho vhe vhi vho vhu
nj0 nje nji nj0 nju
zho zhe zhi zhu
dyo dye dvi dyo dyu
two twe twi two twu
pw0 pwe pwi pwo pwu
nz0 nze nzi nZC- nzu

Nyahanana: 077$A5983 78 Kud4,: 0773630487



7WCl zwe zwi zwo Z.nvu
mvo mve MVI mvo rnVU
bwo bwe bwi bwo bwu
nno n'e n'l n'o n'u
SVO sve SVI svo SVU
NZWCI naMe nzwi nzwo nzwu
dzwo dzwe dzwi dzwo dzvvu
tswo tswe tswi tswo tswu
tsvo tsve tsvi tsvo tsvu
shwo shwe shwi shwo shwu
chwo chwe chwi chwo chwu
zhwo zhwe zhwi zhwo zhwu

N7,a ha na na : 0 7 74 3 0 59 I3 79 KudrS,: 0773630487

Verengo mozu/i oyo.
magwiri mugwogwo mogwere
nhotu nhete nhume
nyomCI nyimc: nyoro
mcpepa moprpr mop0pu
nyere nyuro nyoro
iokoto iekete jokoto
mboriro rnbiri mberi
gumbo gcmbo gombe
mbodzo mbudzi mbodzi
tsitsi tsotsi tsotso
tsoru tsuro tsiru
shiri shure shere
dondo dende dondo
ndirq ndoro ndere
mhuri mhoro mhere
bhero bhoro bhoro
mhondu mhondi mhindo
nzombe nzimbe nzembe
vhiri vhuro vhora
Mwori mweyo mwoyo
rwendo rwizi rwodzi
NZEVE nzunqu nziro
MVUTO mvono mvere
pfugomo pfeko pfigo
chokwodi chikwereti chokwiriro
hwohwo hwemo hwowo
zvino zvivi zvoke
svondo Mosvingo TUSVOVO
dhorodho mudhoro dhidho
mopfeni mupfuro pfokocho

Nyuhantna: $774305983 80 Kudzy: A78630487

Voko mozwi
I. S 2.

3.r 4. t
5. 6.

m ti hov
7 8

P-to zis

9. Amoi (oko / ovo)

I0. Huku {iyo / iro}
I l. Mozoi (uyo / oyo)
12. Anobiko ne ( / mugoti)
I3. Tinotemo ne (bongo / demo)
14. Tuva rino _. (piso / tonhoro)
lzvi zvi|?
15. 16. 17.

Mwono ono { rimo / lombo)
19. lni ndinonzi
20. Ndiri _
21. Ndine mokore

Nyahanana: 0774305983 8t Kudly: 077J630487

Verengo nyoyo iyi
Kudo noAnesu vonogoro kuGokwe" vonogoro notete
wovo Paido. Anesu one mokore mctsere. Kudo one
mokore gumi. Anesu onoforiro kusuko ndiro. Tete poido
vonoshr:ndo pochipotoro. 1

22. Kudo noAnesu vonogoro kupi?

23. Anesu one mokore mongoni?

24. _onoforiro kusuko ndiro.


25. Ndioni onoshonda kuchipotoro? I

26. Kudo one mokore mongoni? I


27. Mbudzi (oko / idzo|
28. Musikono (ovo / uvo)
29. sodzo iri / utwo)
30. Miti _(idzo / iyo)

Vqko mozwi
31 " 32.
dz 34.
Godziriss mitsoro inotevero
35. rudo anogoro kuharore
36" one musoro muhornbe

37. Chiutsi chinoti udengo. {zii / pwititi}
38. Vono vokoti kuseko. (pwoti / togo)

Nya ltanana: 0 77430 59 83 82 Kudzy: 0773630487

39. Mwono onotongo kuberekwo ononzi
(gotwe / dongwe)

lso muuzhinji
40. demo (modemo / motemo)
41. bongo (bongo / mopongo)
Pedziso nemqro onokodzero
43 44

45.tof_ro 46. S_ko 47. Simuk_
48. voberek- 49. Muk_mono

50. Toriro musiko_ murefu. (no / nu)
ovo ri. (vi / ve)
51. Vone B3on
52. Mukoko {voviri / unonoko)
53. Musotemo (gomo I mili )
54. Vokomono vorouro (hope / hove)
55. Anobiko ne {dimuro / mugoti)
56. Sekuru vonotouro ne_ / mvriwo)
vovo. (vozukurv
57. Mwono _ anoycrmwo pozomu. (mucheche /

Nyahanana: 0774305983 83 Kudq,: 07736j0487

58. Hori ine mo_ (tsito I demo)
5?. Mwono wemombe ononzi (nyenye / mhuru)

6'l . Tinoyombuko _(rwendo / rwizi)

Vqko mozwi
62. bh 63. Mv 64. Ng
65. Nyimo ... (idzi / iyo)
66. Twonq Tworosiko. (ovo / utwo)
67. Nguvo yechondo kuno (piso / tonhoro)
68. Mitsvoiro .biwo. (dzoko / yoko)
69. Huku inokondiro (nyomo / mozoi)

Vskq mozwi
70. tsv........ 71 . I\lh

72. dz. 23. Mbw

Nderipi inzwi rinopesono nerokopiwo

75. Nhosi Todiwo okosuwo. (rebo / foro)

lsq muuzhinji
76. lmbo (imbo / dzimbo)
77. dengu (modengv / molengu)

Nychhnana: 077430SY83 84 Kutlqy: 0773630487

Zsdziso mitsorq inotevero.
78. Tinofemo ne.. {rnozino / mhino)
79. Tinosokuro ne (demo / bodzo)
80. Gorwe rinogoro .. .. (mumuti I mumvuro)
81 . Gore rine mwedzi mingoni? {minom\,ve / gumi


moheu mu (pfuko / rusero)

84. Tinocheko nyomo ne .. / bongo)

85. MwonCI wembudzi ..... {mbudzono / mhuru}

Godziriso milsoro iyi

86. tinotendo onoforiro mukoko.
87. nezvro ndokoendo kuhouno.

88. Modomosi oko.....
89. Hove inogoro (murnvuro I mumwero)

Zodziss no dza mwc dzi mbo chi

90. Usiku kune mwe_ wokocheno.
91 . Bobo vonogaro po_garo chovo.
?2. Muguto mune hombe.
Nyahanana: 0774305983 85 Xudzy: 0773630487
93. Amoi vone _n0 mucheche. I
?4. Tinochero nebo_. \
Zqdzisa milsoro inotevers.
95. Kono zuvo robudo kuchikor"o. {tichoendo /
?6,Tinosungo huni pomwe chete ne (chirquro /
?7. VoGorno ihomo {rongu -. / yongu}
/ dzongu
98. Nzou imhuko {huru / ziguru}
9?. Kudyo chete ndiko kunopedzo _ {nyoto I nzars /

Verengq ndimo iyi ugopinduro rnibvunzo inolevero.

VoMohoso nemuzukuru wovo

VoMohoso vonodo muzukuru wovo, Towongo zvikuru.

Vokomupo imbwo ine mouto. Tcwongo okotumidzo
imbwa yoke zito rekufi shosho. Mushure mesvondo mbiri,
Shosho yokobereko mbwonono nhotu. Tcwongo okopo
imwe mbwonono kuno Fungoi, mwono wotefe voke, iye
ndokusoro nedzimwe. Fungoi okopowo mbwoncno yoke
zila rekuti Shumbo. Fungoi onoti imbwo yoke yokr:do
kufonono neiyo mhuko yemusongo inonzi shumbo kono
kuti mhondoro.

NS'ahanona: 077$A5983 86 Kudzy: 0773630187

100. Towongo oive (mukomqno / mwons I

l0l . Towongo oiiti (bobo / sekuru / tete) kuno VoMohcso.

102. VoMohoso vokopo Towongo imbwo (hodzi / rume /

103. Akopo imwe mbwonono kuno Fungoi, Towongo

okoscro (nenhotu / neimwe I nembiri)
104. Fungoi oive mwono _ (wolele voTowongo /
wqVoMohoso / woAmoi voTowongo)

105. lmbwq ine mouto inenge yove kuda _ {kufo /

kubereko / kudyo)
105. Akopo imbwo yoke zito rekuti Shosho ndi_
{VoMohoso I Fungoi / Towongo}

lso muuzhinji
107 . mudzidzisi
108. chikoro
109. gore
1 10. dombo

Vano vemhuko
(gwoyono / nhiyo / mhuru / mbwonono)
I I 1. Mwono wemombe ononzi ---:--
Njtohanona; A77430 5983 87 Kudlyt: 077363{)487
I Mwono wehuku ononzi
I I3. Mwono wegwoi ononzi
114. Mwono wembwo cnonzi -------

Zodziso neizwi rqkokodzero

Mukomono uyu mu (temo / demo)
1 I6. Dhishi iri i------ (temo / demo)
117 . Sekuru ovo (murefu
/ vorefu)
I 18. Topiwo mu ------- {dzvuku / tsvuku)
I 19. Tinokuiro dovi pq--- {rusero / gvyol
12A. Mombe mudongo. {zvinogoro / dzinogoro}
121 . Kumbo kune voenzi nhosi. (yedu / kwedu)

122. Mudunhu medu vonhu vokovondo" (mune /


Mozwi onopikisanq
123. foro
124. mukomono
126. shure

Zodziso neizwi rokokodzero

127. ---
rinogoro mumvuro. {Gudo / Gorwe)
128. Tinowono rwodzi (muhocho / musoso)
129. ----- rinokondiro mozoi. (Zizi / Govo)

Nyahanana: 0774305983 88 Ka&y: 0773630487

130. Tinowonq ---------kubvo pomiti. (mopon ga / nyomo)

Zodzisq nezvinongedzo zvoko kodzero

131. Mopongo --*--- ouyo nosekuru. (iro / owo)
132. Huni dzokowondo. (iyi / idzi)
133. Songo rine michero yokowondo. {iri / iyi)
134. Shumbo ine vono. (iyo / iro)

Nyoro mozilo ezvinhu zviri pomifononidzo inotevero.

35. 1 36.

137. r 38.

Pinduro mibvunzo inoteverq

139. Sekuru votemo muti (zirefu / murefu)
I40. Mokudo mumundo mongu. (rodyo / odyo)

N),a ha nana: 077430 5983 89 Xudly: A77j630487

l4l . Mota yokonoko. (kavo / yovo) I

142. Tinowono dzidzo ku*-*- {chikoro / chipotoro} I

Pindurq zvokszqrs
I43i'Mwedzi wekutongo kwegore ndi
144. Gore rine rnwedzi I

145. Mwedzi wokupedzisiro pogore ndi **---

146. Vhiki ine mozuvo I

147 . Zuvo rokupedzisiro povhiki ndi-----

148. Mwedzi une movhiki
149. Zuvo rokutongo kwevhiki ndi--::-


{rnosvosve I mukokq / gunguwo / dzvqdzvqlsva I bere}

150. Mozino oke okocheno kunge -----.-
151 . Ane hongonwo sedze --------
152. Anoruto se**---:
Hoogori posi, onofqmbiso kunge
154. Vonhu voinge vokowondo kunge

155. Bobo / ovo)
dondo .-:*- (iro / ovo)
1 57 . Touroi {uyo I iyol
Njwhantno: 0774305983 90 Xutlt:': 0773630487
Mszwi muuzhinji
15?. gejo
160. duri ---:

Zodziss pokoshqrno
16,|. Tinosokuro ne
162. Tinorimo ne --------

I63. Huku inogoro mu ---:-

| 64. Mombe inogcro rnu-------

Mozwi qkqfqnono
1 66. Bhizoutore --------
167 . Pwere

Zodziso noiyi , ichi kono iri pomitsoro inotever,o

l68. Motokori --..-. inomhonyiso.
169.lgwc rokokuro.
17A. Chitimo chokonoko.

171 . Bhozi rokofo.

( fomosi / musiko / bhucho 1 bhowo)
172. Tinotengesa nyomo mu

Nyahanana: 0774305983 9t Kudzy: 07736j0487

l/3. Tinotengo michero nemodomosi po -------
174. Doro rinotengeswo mu --------
175. Mishongo tinoitengo mu --------


Musho woVoVhozu wokonoko. Une dzimbo dzokonoko.

Vokochereso tsime remvuro. Tsime rovo rokonoko. Rine
chivhoro kuti risopindo tsvino. Vononwo mvuro yokocheno
kubvo mutsime. Pone chimbuzi. Munhu kono opedzo
kushondiso chimbudzi onogezo mooko oke. VoVhozu
vonodo kuchengetedzo utsonono. Vokopiwo muboiro
weutsonono mudunhu movo.

I 76. VoVhozu vokochereso

I72. Tsime rovo rine -----.-- kuti risopindo tsvino.
178. Mvuro yemutsime roVoVhozu yoko---
Tinogezo mooko kono topedzo kus----- chimbudzi.
180. VoVhozu vokopiwo muboiro wei mudunhu movo?


182. Rokwe roambuyo rokoti ------- kusvibo. (weke / ndoo)
I83. Ronjisi rokoti ------- kudonhc mumuti. (pi-i / rokoto)

Nyuhahana: 0774305983 92 Kudqy: 0773630487

184. Chingomo chinoriro chichiti (dhi dhi / pongu


N!,a htnana : 0774 3 0 59 83 93 Kttd4y: 0773630487

Mqths ond science

0 I 2 3
5 6 7 B ? 4
10 lt
12 I3 14 15 16 17 IB 19
2A 21 22 23 24: 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 47
46 48 49
s0 5t 52 s3 54 55 57
56 5B 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 67
66 6B 69
70 71 72 73 74 75 76
77 7B 79
BO BI 82 B3 B4 B5 B6 87 BB B9
?0 91 92 93 94 95 ?6 97 9B ?9

Nyahanana: 0774305983 94 Kutlzy: 0773630487

I This is o ----------- (squore / triongte)

2. ** How mCIny stors?


3 3+ 1=
4 5-2=
5 A dog hos --- eyes

7. A ,Cog is o *--onimol.(wild /domeslic)

8. A tree hos -:- ( leoves / lights )

9. 4c+lc=
r0. 3c-2c=

12. Tminus2=
13. Drow o set of three.
14. Rudo is number I . She is the .( second / first )
15. 6+0=
15. l0- I =

17. Which one is toll?


Nyahonana: 0774305983 95 Kutlz.y: 07736j0487

It is {sunny / windy}
19. 9 plus I =
20. Plonts need - to grow. ( teo / woter )

How mony ore left?

22. 2ond3moke
23. 3+B=
24. I 2 4 5

25. 9, B, 7, 5,4
26. This is o -------- (reclongle / triongle)

27. I counts on 5 =
28. Mondoy comes ofter

29. Third doy of the week is ----- (Wednesdoy /



6 * I

Nl,aha na na : 0 7 74 3 0 59 8J 96 Kud4': 0773630487


Pot spoon CUP

is on 2no posifion

32. I see with my *---- (eyes / eors )

33. A --------- sink in woter (key / leof)

34. ------is o port of o plont. (leof / stick)

35. Drow o domestic onimol

35. 13-4=

37. This is cr ----:----- (Sun / condle)

38. We con put out fire using ----- (honds / sond)
39. 23 to the neorest l0 is --:"-/.20 / 301

40. A mochine is o -------- { cup / tool)


41 . Woter hos no (colour / leof)

42. A snoke lives in o ----(nesl / hole)

43. 8 to the neorest l0 is -------(I A / A)

44 Which shope is this one?

Nyohonana: 0774305983 97 Kudzy: A773630487

45. A bicycle hos wheels
46. Drow o set of nine.
47. Fill in the missing number.
15 14 12

48. Write 20 in words

49. Write eighteen in numerols.
50. A blind mon does not -----. ( heor / see) i

51. A dentist looks ofter our --------. ( eyes / teeth)

52. o. T U b T U c.TU
20 I 3 3 2

9 4 + B

53. Find the sum of 3, 2 ond 1

54. Birds hove ( toil / wings)

55. A zebro is o ------- onimol. (domestic wild)
56. Muso hod 8 sweets. She ote 5 sweets. How mony
were left?
57. ln o closs there ore ten boys ond 7 girls. How mony
childr in the closs?

58 Lobel the ports


N),ahanaia: A77. 98 Kudzy: A78630487

59. Nqme one onimol which live of home
60. A hen gives us meot ond
6r. The second doy of the week is ----:

wlll How mony?

63. This is o ----------

64. When woter is heoted it forms -----------. ( gos / ice)

65. A --------- is o gross plont. (beons / wheot)
66. 2 sets of 5 =

67. 26

68. l9counton2=
69. l4-3=


Apple Pot Leof Tree

is third
71. 30 32 36 38

Nyahanana: 0774305983 99 Kud4,: 0773630487

72. 28 is neor -(20 / 301
73. 29
-1 2
7 4. A toble is :--- thon a choir (lighter / heovier)

l*ffi# H{#ffi ilr tens ond units

7 6. Bicycle Cor Aeroplone

is the smollest

@=@o @
78. A monkey is o -------- onimol. (domeslic / wild)

7? ;i
Boncnos ore (bod / good)

BO (rools / trunk)

Bl. The birds lives in o --..--- (nest / kennel)

82. We need --------- to live (oir / dust)
83. Do not ploy with -----(boll / fire)
8,4. We must --------- our honds. (drink / wosh)
85. There ore -------- doys in o week. (5 / 7l
86. An elephont is _ thon o hore ( lighter /heovier ).

hlwhanana: 077430598j 100 Kud4y: 077j630487

87. A _ is something you do most of the time. ( heolth /
hobit ).

88. 16 17 19 20
89. Wosh _ before you eot it. (flowers / fruits ).
90. A tomoto is _ thon o melon ( heovier / Iighter ).
91 . A heolthy body hos _- heolth. ( bod /good ).

92. o.5 'rc9 b. l3kg* 6kg c.5c"lSc

93. is coused by bod heolth ( obesity / oblong ).
94, 45 is neorer to _ ( 40 / 5O 1.

95. Don't run on school _ ( corridor / curve ).

?6. Moke the school yord cleon by popers. ( piclures
/ picking
97. Twenty-five os o numerol is

Arronge from biggest to smqllesl

98. 0 35 B 16 2 7 23
99. gives us heot ond light ( Moon lFire l.
I 00. 47 48 50
r0.l. Fire con horm or kill ( onimols / obout).
102. Which is the smoller number_ ( 31 /I3 ).
1 destroys lives ( people / pegs).
03. Fire

104. 42is neor _ (50 I 4Al.

r05. We use _ to put out fire { fire exlinguisher / log)

N),o ha na na: 07 74i0 59 83 101 Kudzl,: 0773630487

106. ffiWffi@ Howmonyleoves? ={412a1.
147 . _ ( soil / fue).
We cook using
I0B. Fire destroys property ond _ ( vegetolion /overoge ).
I I 0. Fire is _ ( down / dqngerous ).
I I I . Don't put out fire on your _( on / own ).
112. B0 count on 3 is
I I hove 30 goots. I sell 15 goots. I left with goots
114. A mochine mokes work (horder / eosier).
1I 5. 25 count bock 7 = _.

I 6. A _
1 is o simple machine ( hocksow / hot ).

117 . 36 toke owoy 12 =

I A is source of light ( sun / sow ).
119.40-20 =--
12A. Fire gives us _ ( heot / cold ).
121. A_ holds less ( cup / drum ).
122. Light trovels in o line. ( zigzog / skoight ).
123. A gloss holds is thon o teospoon. ( less / rnore).
124. help us to see (Dork
- / tighf ).
125. We use heot to _ (cook / cqn ).
1 26. lOc 5c 5c = _c.
127. A lever to_ ( bolonce / eot ).
128. There ore _ 2c in I 0c.
129. We con bolonce objects in our _(honds /eyes ).
]130. 40c - 30c = c.
Nyahanona: 0774305983 102 Kudzl: 0773630487
13r . o source of electricity { cool / cow ).

132. We use for cooking. { stove l rodio }.

33. Don't stond under o when roining { tree I root}.
r 34. 23 - 13.
35. Don't ploy with electricity. lt is
1 ( dongerous /
down ).
r 36. Mother hos 35c, She buy breod for l5c" How mony

Ieft? _ c
137. We use _ energy to sove electricity ( solor I cloud ).
r 38. Hydro-electriCity from dom ( Koribo I Kqroi ).
r 39. A triongle hos -sides. (3/4)

141 .38 is neor __ {30/40)
142. A _is the slowest" (bicycle/oeroplone)
143. A dog is o cot. (lighter/heovier)
144.1 tolk with my {eyes/mouth)
145. Woter tokes the of the contoiner.(shope/squore)

147 . We get from hens. {milk/eggs)

148. Green soys (stop/go)
14?. ore bod for teeth. (sweets/milk)
150. ln winter it is {hot/cold)

Nyohanana: 0774305983 t03 Kudzy: 0773630487

l5l . Air mokes things _ (drylwet)
152. Mochines give out heot ond_ (light/sound)
_ is o domestic onimol. (cotllion)
153. A
.l54. live in the soil.
1 55. Some plonts hove_(eyes/flowers)
* 4 4

r*-. *--.
utisf @6 rir,loloail,rlrdn

Poul Mox Bob John.

155. is first.
157 . Mqx is {second / third)
l58. 19countonS=
159. Muso hos Z sweets. She eots 4 sweets. She left with
1 60. 34 toke cwoy 3 =
161 .2 sets of 4 =
Arronge storling with lhe smqllesl
162. 15 12 t0 14 il t3
163. i5 plus 4= ......
164. 14 minus B -......
Woter mokes things (wet/dry1
166. We get cleon woter from (dom / borehole )

167 . Plonts need to grow.

I 68. A.... .... sinks in woter. ( leof / stone )

Nyahanano: 0774305983 104 Rudq': 0773630487

169. A cow is o onimol ( witd / domestic )
17A. 45
1 7l . The sum of l5 ond 5 is

172. Anno hos 25 cents. she rost r5 cents.

she hos .....
173. 10 count bock Z is
174.Touroi hos 25 sweets. He gives Richord lg
sweets. He
now hos ----- sweets left.
175. l0-g=
176. 7 + 4-
177. 012tr45678?
178. Apencil is mode of_(wood, metol)
179 . V'loter is* (colourless/red)
I80. A dog lives in o . (Kennet/Krool)
l8l . A. lives in the soit. (miflipede/fish)

182. 13 I le
183. I weor o ......when it is hot fiersey/sunhot)
l84. A torch uses o (bofiery/fuel)
for.. .. {digging/cutting)
A hoe is used
l85. lgo to school in the. .....(evening/morning)

Nyahanona: 0774JLSgtJ
105 Kud4': 0773630487
Use the groph to complele lhe senlences below
W ednesdoy
@ww w
Fridoy &&&b
ww Yw
187 sweets were bought on Mondoy.
I88. Most sweets were bought on --------.
The leost sweefs were bought on -------.
l90. On Fridoy --- sweets were bought.
Answer the follow{ng
192,25 = '----* tens units
1 ?3. n/\^
filly chcnge Xr t

Look of lhe groph qnd snswer queslions


() 4

-t 1


Pat ean ECIttle Ju&

Nythauina: 0774305g8i 106 Kudt1,: 077i630487
1?4. The pot holds i--.*- litres.
I ?5. The bottle holds ------ titres.
196. The con holds
197 . The jug holds

l98" The pot holds more litres thon the :---:-

1?9. The --*-- is the contoiner thot holds more litres.
2OA. The litres in the con ond jug oltogether moke
201 . The con holds litres thon the botile.

Using more or less

242. Drum

203. n holds thon o pot.

244. 9tzl=
20s. I0 sets of 2 =
206. Ssetsof5=

Nya hanrn a : l) 7743 0 59 83 107 Kud$,: 077i630487

207. How mony wheels does o troctor hove?
208. Ruforo hod 3 troys of mushrooms. Eoch troy holds l0
mushrooms. How mony mushrooms ore there
209 . How mony eyes do 3 girls hov e? 3(2) = --------
210. Nome five electricol opplionces.
211 . There is need to follow when using electricity.
{sofety rules / schools)

212. The clock shows

213, We eot supper in the
214. We come bock from school in the
215. Breok time is in the

2t 6. *1 oott

Nluhanina: 0774305983 108 Kudzy: 077i630487

217. 3+ 3+3=-------
2.l8. Shcre the following between 2.

219. 1 set of 2 = 1{21 = --------

220. Plonts need oirto (grow / die)

221 . People need oir to (breolhe / tolk)
222. Air is found (house / everywhere)

223 iss hcded

224. A -------- fomily contributes to o heolth relotionship.

(bod I sood)

225. This is o --------- (zebro crossing / rood sign)

Nyahanano: 077430598i 109 Kudry: 0773630487

226, Swimming pools should be *------ to prevent
occident. (widened / covered)
227 . Whot is the difference between 78 ond 53?
228.80 toke owoy 40 is
229.,I7 minus 6 equols:----
Tendci had 1 Teggs
John hod 2 i eggs
Altogether they hcd ll*ggu
231 . Soil tokes the of the contoiner.
232" Loom soil keeps -:--: (moisture / filtrotion)

(sond / Ioom / clay I coorse)

233. soil hos lorge loose porticles.
234. Sond soil feels ------ in your honds.
235. soil hos smoll ond lorge porticles.
236. soil hos fine porticle.
237. Nome the onimol below

{horse / zebra)

Nyohanana: 0774305983 IIO Kudzs,: 0773630187

238. Name these sources of woter below

0 b. C

d A f.
'23?. We get dr{nking woter from o -------
of home.
240. A person hos senses.
241 . How mony cents ore in the 50c?

Nyahanana: 0774305983 Ilt Kudry: 0773630487


Vowels (o e io u) Sh/ch/th/wh -eo'/'ee'/ -or- -ur-

o. hen o. nest o. fish o. leof o. burn
b. top b. belt b. thin b. tree b. curl
C. SIX c. tent c. three c. cord c. hurt
d. ten d. fold d. chin d. feet d. church
e.ptg e. rub e. thorn e. stor e. purple
f. mop f. jump f. shed f. dreom f. burn
g. hot g. hond g. wheel g. orm g. nurse
h. sun h. milk h. shop h. reod h. purse
i. bod i.egg i. chip i. sleep i. turtle
j.j ug j. kiss i. sheep j. shorp j. turn
k. zip k. tift k. whip k. beok
l. box l. help l. chop l. cor
m. jom m. foce m. think m. beods
n. dog n. wng n. chick n. peCIs
o. pen o. wrg o. ship o. stort
p. bon p. sock p. crosh p. green
q. mot q. slng q. teeth q. meot
r. run r. rock r. shelf r. tort

Nyahanana: 0774305983 r12 Kudqr: fr773636437

Book bog
Pencil pen
Eroser ruler

l. on 2 in
3. nexl to 4. ln front
5. under 6. behind
7. between

opple sun cot

pig egg truck
fish boll hen
dog robbit pencil
hot ink duck
bush born choin
gift bug owl


Nyalrunana: 0774i05983 113 KudA,: 0773630487

l. she felt she wos too ploin.
2. stoin it with point.
3. Point wos woshed off.


1. house

2. bedrooms
3. kitchen
4. living room
5. my bedroom
5. reod books ond do home work I
Tesl 1

1 . hot, heot, horf, hurt, hot 21. children

2. bit, boot, belt, but, bot 22. trees
3. cor, cheer 23. hove
4. see, soft, surf, seo 24. there ore
5. ten yeors old 25. morning

n"y,o h onana : 0 7 74 3 0 59 I3 II4 Kudiy: 0773630487

6. Liz 26. cooked
7. Sunshine Primory 27. drunk
B. mother 28. girl
9. breok time 29. elephont
10. wet 30. were
I 1. hot 31. wos
12. boy 32. wos
ore 33. were
14. is 34. wos
15. is 35. cot
I6. on the box 36. big
17. big 32. block
I 8. Kudo 38. hoe
I9. pot, pun, pool, pig, peos 39. on oxe
20. shirts 40. loof

Test 2

1. dog, dig, door, dom, deor 21 . ore

2. book, bog, box, boot, beg 22. is
3. breod, beor, eor, reod 23. big
4. book, foot, broom, room 24. choirs
5. breod, breom, breok 25. books
5. dreom, drum, drip, dress 26. pocket
7. fish 27. cvp

Nyo hanona : ()774 3 05983 115 KudrSt: 077-1630487

B. cot 28. bottle
9. car 29. bosket
1 0 eggs 30. bog
I l. hen 31. Rudo
tree 32. smoll
13. sing 33. green
see 34. Rudo
I 5. heor 35. soil
I6. loof
17. bottle
19. tin

20. oronge

lrst 3

l. Thobo 21. wotered

2. Horore 22.likes
3. bus stotion 23. likes
4. breod, brush, breok, brick 24. likes, shirt, short, shorp 25. like
6. sod 26. teocher

Nyahanana: 0774305983 1r6 KudV: 077j630487

7" outside 27. dressmoker
B, poper 28. vendor
9. wood 29. former
I 0. cor 30. tomotoes
I l. tree 3]. morket
12. his 32. fruits
I3. ours 33. money
between 34. vegetobles
I 5. under 35. tomotoes
I6, wos 36. Thondie
17. were 37 . 5 yeors
18. boker 38. one
I 9. nurse 39. Thondie
20. hove 40. oronges

Tesl 4

1 . green, grip, glioss, grope 21. is

2. chip, cheese, chop, chest 22. ore

3. grondfother Vuyo 23. ore
4. swimming 24. ore
5. ox 25. is

5. tins 26. on
7. lorries
B. plostic 28. under

Nyahunana: 07743A598i 117 Kudzy: 0773630487

?. toll 2?. horns
10. his 30. torch
ll.ours 3l . fork
mine 32. worm
smoll 33. a boy ploying with o botl
14. dirly 34. smoll
5. were 35. o boy
16. is 36. white
17. cqme 37. boil
18. oll 38. hove
nine yeors 39. cow
20. ony 40. cup

Test 5
1. know 21. town
2. cut 22. gul
3. thinks 23. clinic
zl. osks 24. police officer
5. sings 25. Som
6. porty
7. shorp
B. form

9. born
I0. turn

N1ahaiana: 0774305983 118 Kudq,: 07736J0487

1. stoyed
I3. in
I 5. open
I B. bushes
20. books

Test 6

I. wheel, who, which, whot 2.l. wolked

2. drive, drop, drum, drink 22. climbed
3. proy, pride, proud, price 23. pot
4. elephont 24.lorry
5. heodoche 25. wood
6. villoge 26. teocher
7. leof 27 . Yuso ond Alice
B. bosket 28. meot
9. toble 29. pigs ond cows
I0. short 30. two
1 l. bod
12. tar

Nyohanana: 0774305983 119 Kadry: 0773630487

13. fother

I 4. hoppy
15. legs

16. tins

I 7. closses
18. girls

19. pencils

20. woshed

Tesl 7

i. colf
2. rnine
3. lives
4. river
6. in
7. hove
B. pocket
9. boxes
l. cooked
12. oeroplone

Nyahanana: 0774305983 120 Kutl4,: 0773630t187

I 3. under
16. Mrs Moyo

17. sodzo ond meot

20. biggest

Test 8

1. pet 21. hove

2. block ond white 22. hos
3. puppy 23. hove
4. boss 24. hos
5. kennel 25. hove
6. down 26. ate
7. new 27 . kept

8. leoves 28. went

9. bogs 29. calt
10. fomilies 30. lomb
I l. church 31. kitten
I 2. nurse 32. puppy
burn 33. chick
14. purse 34. in

Nyahanona: 0774305983 121 Kutlzl,: 0773630487

15. turn 35. over
I 6. bokes 36. on
1 7. goes 37. under
eot 38. neor
19. sweep 39. Jomes is visiting his
ount in Nyongo.
20. wosh 40. Vendors sell their things
in Horore.

Eomilv ond heritoge studies

. own onswer 21 . Zimbobwe
2. own onswer 22. Bulowoyo
3. own onswer 23. notionol onthem
,,1. own onswer 24. red
5. own onswer 25. school
6. own onswer 26. tomily
7. musiko, duri, tsero 27. porents
B. bsd 28. grondporents
9. fire 29. honesty
10. greet 30. obuse
I l. honds 3 l. onyone
12. help 32. help

N)'a hanano : 0 77430 59 83 122 Kutlzg: 07736j04E7

stories 33.o. tent b. shop
c. house d. school
e. church f. hut
14. gomes 34. protection
15. help 35. cove
15. rules 36. kennel
I 7. bod 37. onts
18. gome 38. birds
1 9. bod 39. good food
2A. Zimbobweon flog 40. do my homework

4.l. coves 6l . unheolthy

42. stoble 62. heolthy
43. blind 63. school

44. wheelchoir 64. tork

45. cow 65. knife
46. hen 66. short

47. bonk 67 . hvt

48. cottle, lond 68" five

49. roil 69. eyes

50. woter 70. mon / womon
5.l. oeroplone 7l . school
52. bus, cor, lorry, von 72. tish
53. right 73. cloy

Nyahanona: 0774305983 r23 Kudry: 0773630487

54. follow 7 4. bin
55. o. phone b. rodio 75. rules
c. television
56. horn 7 6. onI
57. broom 77. tood
58. fother 78. yellow
59. pumpkin 79. goods
60. villoge / town 80. go

Bl. rodio I0l . duties

82. digging 102. horvest
83. food 103. stone

84. cow 144, opple

85. police 105. December
86. eosier 105. see

87. ony one gorden tool rc7. heroes

88. mother 108. work

89. funerols I 09. oxe

90. rules I 10. educotion
9l . zoi rokoorc: 1 I l. krool
92. zoi rokooro, tsoro 112. uncle

93. good I 13. welcome

5r4. drum 114. onthem

?5. onthem I 15. digging

Nynhanana: 0774305983 124 Kudzy: 0773630487

96. people I sodness
97. spider I 17. threshing
98. gronory I I B. Horore
99. buying food, clothes I 19. songs
.l00. .l20.
solting borehole

121 . work l4l. extend the house

122. help 142. stones
123. eosier 1 43. Joshuo Nkomo, Josioh
124, grondfother 144. flies on oeroplone
125. phone leisure
126. respect 146. too much roins
127 . comfort 147 . grondmother
128. united I48. relotives
129. folktoles 149 . work
elders 150. sofe
131 . Zimbobwe bird 1 51 . respect
I32. five 152. bird
flog 153. August
.l34. .l54.
independence block
,l35. ,l55.
heroes ond heroines food

Nyahanano: 077430598j 12s Kuttq,: 0?7j630487

136. we celebrote heroes 156. truth

137 . different 157 . Mosvingo

I38. rules l58. tent
139. hut , house, lent 159. sick

140. kennel, nest, stoble I 60. difficult

woter 18.l . videos
162. growing 182. computer
163. respect 1 83. cool
164. hole I84. whistle
mechonic 1 85. donkey
166. television 185. drum
167 . drums 187 . good
I68. potter I 88. hoe
169. ploy 189. pigsty
170. roins 190. nest
171 . bod I 9l . ottention
172. foot 192. 1B April
1 73. bus 193. storeroom

17 4. bicycle 194. good

17 5. horn I 95. hut
17 6. right 196" ingwini

Nyahanana: 0774305983 126 Kudty: 0773630487

177 .letler 197 . pot
178. boot 1 ?8. cobber
179. zebro 199. educotion
I80. oeroplone 20A. modern

201 . bird 205. rodio

202. storing 206. soil erosion
203. buy

204. pilot

Nyohanano: 077$A5983 127 Kud4y: 0773630487

I .c.T
l. computer 21. colour
2. smoller 22. rectongle
3. loptop 23. triongle
,4. desktop 24. circle
5. eosy 25. shopes
6. schools 26. text
7. mouse, monitor, CPU, 27. brushes
B. true 28. text
9. true 2?. spocebor
mouse 30. text
I 1. mouse 3l . text
12. monitor 32. bold
I3. monitor 33. underline
14. keyboord 34. bold
system unit 35. underline
16. keyboord 36. CD
1 7. system unit 37. File
I8. mouse 38. flosh stick
19. point 39. memory cord
20. mouse 40. Windows

Nyahanana: 0774305983 128 Kutl4y: 0773630487

41. ploy 48. cell phone
42. play next 49. clicking
43. ploy previous 50. loptop
44. eye 5,l. woter
:\ 45. monitor 52. cell phone
46. opps 53. write
47 . instructions



Nlwhonana: 0774305983 129 Kudty: 07736J0487


l. musicion 21. tongue

2. ploy musicol instruments 22. knite
3. eyes 23. bonono
4. nose 24. brush
5. shokers 25. eors
5. drum 26. legs
7. own onswer 27. eyes
B. cup 28. hot
?. cloy 29. honds
i 0. stones 30. biscuits
1 l. blue, yellow, red 3l . rozor
12. semi-breve 32. blood
i 3. nhembe 33. brush
14. Borrowdole 34. rotten egg
15. jumping 35. running
15. own drowing 36. energy
'l 7. green, oronge 37. heod
five 38. plostics
19. running 39. rope
20. running 40. swimming costume

Nyahanana: 0774305983 130 Xudq,: 077i630487

4l . front 6'l . keep your heod up
42. flies 62. rolling
43. photogropher 63. purple
44. pointer 64. own drowing
45. folktole 65. red
46. mbokumbo 66. squore
47 . joy 67 . wedding
48. guitor 68. when o new boby is

49. triongle 69. hore
50. own drowing 70. Soul Joh Love
51 . red 7] . true
52. quover 72. head
53. Killer T 23. guided movement
54. mogovhu 7 4.leg
55. octor 75. lough
56. pointer 76. cortons

& 57. teeth 77. tsking photogrophs

58. hoir 78. not ollowed
59. sweets T9.learning
60. wolking on tins 80. forword

Nt'a ho na no : 0 774 30 59 83 13t Kudz1,: 0773630487

Bl. hesd stond l0l . knife
82. jumping 102. broken bottle
83. purple ploce
84. hosho 104. movement
85. kicking objects
86. triongulor 106. objects
87. netboll 107 . formotion
88. wood 108. points
89. f movement
?0. isitshikitsho 1 10. norms
?.l. drum I I l. true
?2. too 112. rodio
?3. pencil I 13. Mbende
94. solo 114. Jerusoremo
95. television 1 liberotion wor
95. on octor 1 16. support
97. indigenous 117 . present time
?8. brush I 18. melodies
99. o. cloypot b. bosket I percussion
c. wooden spoon
100. o. breod b. bononos l2A.longuoge
c. eggs

Nyahanana: 0774i059E3 132 Kutlry: 07736j0487

121 . celebrotion l 4l . soccer
122. children 142. heort
123. wor bilhozio
124. sing songs 144. swim

125. Amoro Brown 145. lungs

126. true 1 46. beons

127 . cooking l42. boll

128. boskets I 48. honds
12? . seeing 149. noil cutter
130. wotch rocket
l3l . function 15.| . swing
132. police officer 152. broken bottles
133. drum 153. skipping

134. quover 154. reloy

135. crotchet 155. bockword
gollery 156. jumping
137 . smortphone 157 . gultor
F 138. onimol skin clothes I 58. bod
running 159. umfushwo

140. it jumps 160. morimbo

Nyahanana: 0774i059E3 133 Kutlry: 0773630487


1. soro, soro, seko, simo 21 . {mhinduro yako)

2. goro, gore, guru, gumi 22. KuGokwe
3. ri mo, roro, rumo, rero 23. mosere
4. toro, tose, tumo, turo 24. Anesu
5. muti 25. tete Poido
6. hove 26. gumi
7. poto 27 . idzo
8. ziso 28. uyo
9. ovo 29. ri
10. iyo 30. idzo
i 1. oyo 3l " twizo, tworo, twosuko
12. mugoti 32. tyoro, tyoiro, tyiso
13. demo 33. dzoko, dzingo, dzoso
'14. piso
34. pfupi, pfiro, pfeko
bhoro 35. Rudo onogoro
moto 36. Ane musoro :
7. imbo (kicheni)
37. pwititi
18. tombo 38. pwoti
19. {mhinduro yoko) 39. dongwe
20. (mhinduro yako) 40. motemo

Nyahanano: 0774j05983 134 Kutlty: 07736j0187

41. mopongo 6l . rwizi
42. hove 62. bhoro, bhoro, bhozi
43. hori 63. mvuro
44. ruwa 64. ngono, ngozi, ngomo
45. toforo 65. idzi
46. seko 66. utwo
47. simuko 67. tonhoro
48. vobereki 68. yokobiwo
49. mukomono 69. mozoi
50. no 20. tsvimbo, tsvino, tsveto
5.l. vi 71. nhomo, nhoro, nhoro
52. unonoko 72. dzoka, dzidzo, dzose
53. miti 73. mbwonono, imbwo
54. hove 7 4. yokoon,Co
55. mugoti 75. okoforo
56. vozukuru 76. dzimba
!: 57. mucheche 77. motengu
58. tsito 78. mhino
59. mhuru 79. badzo
60. rimo 80. mumvuro

Nyoha nana : ()7 74 i0 59 83 ti5 Kudt1,: 0773630487

81. gumi nemiviri l0l . sekuru
82. Svondo 102. hodzi

83. pfuko 103. nembiri

84. bongo 104. wotete voTowongo
85. mbudzono 105. kubereko
86. Tinotendo onoforiro Towongo
87. Nezuro ndokoendo 107 . vodzidzisi
88. tsvuko 108. zvikoro

B?. mumvuro 109. mokore

90. mwedzi 1 10. motombo
?1. pochigoro 1 I l. mhuru
92. dzimbo 112. nhiyo
93. mwono I gwoyono
94. bodzo 114. mbwonono
95. tinoendo 1 15. mutemo
96. rvvodzi I temo
97. yongu 1 17 . vorefu
98. huru I I B. tsvuku
99. nzoro I 1 9. guyo
muzukuru 120. dzinogoro

Nyahanana: 0774305983 136 Kutlzl,: 0773630487

121 . kwedu 1 41 . yovo
122. mune 142. chikoro
123. tsomwo Ndiro
124. musikono 144. gumi nemiviri

125. vhuro 1 45. Zvito

126. mberi 146. mosere
127. gorwe 147 . Mvgovero
I 28. musoso 148. mono
129. zizi 149. Svondo

130. mopongo I50. mukoko

131 . owo I5l . gunguwo
132. idzi 152. bere
133. iri dzvodzvotsvo
iyo 154. mosvosve

135. imbwo 155. ovcr

.I36. ,I56.
mbizi iro
137 . bhoro I 57. uyo

138. nguruwe i 58. mokopu

murefu 159. mogejo
14A. odyo i 60. moturi

Nyahonana: 0774305983 Ii7 Kudty: 077j630487

I 6l . bodzo 177 . chivhoro
162. gejo 178. cheno
muchikwere 179. kushondiso
164. mudongo weutsoncno
155. ngorovo I 8l . zi-i

1 66. bhosikoro 182. ndoo

167 . vono 183. pi-i
1 68. iyi 184. pongu pongu
1 69. ri

I 70. ichi
171 . iri
172. bhucho
173. pomusiko

17 4. mubhowo
17 5. mufomosi
17 6. tsime

Nyvhonana: 0774305983 138 Kudis:: 07736i0487


1. triongle 21 .2
2.4 22. 5

3.4 23. 1t
4.3 24. 3
5.2 25. 6

6.5 26. rectongle

7. domestic 27. t5
B. leoves 28. Sundoy
9. 5c 29. Tuesdoy
r0. rc 30. >
ll 4c 31 . spoon
12. 5 32. eyes
13. own drowing 33. key
14. first 34. leof
15. 6 35. own onswer
16. 9 36. I
17. A 37. condle
I8. sunny 38. sond
r9. r0 39.20
20. woter 40. tool

Nyahonona: 0774305983 1.19 Kud4': 07736j0487

4]. colour 61 . Mondcy
42. hole 62. 13
43. l0 63. top
44. squore 64. gos
45. two 65. wheot
46. own drowing 66. 10
47.13, ll 67. 39
48. twenty 68.21
49. 18 69. il
50. see 70. leof
5'l . teeth 71 .34
52.o. ll b.9 c.40 72.30
53. 6 73. 17

54. wings 7 4. heovier

55. wild 75. 2 tens ond 3 units
56. 3 sweets 76. bicycle
57. 17 77. I 0c
58. o. leoves b. truck 78. wild
59. cow, goCIt, dog, donkey 79. good
60. eggs 80. roots

Nyohanana: 0774305983 140 Kudzy: 0773630487

Bl. nest l0l . onimols
82. oir r02.13
83. fire people
84. wosh 104. 40
85. 7 fire extinguisher
86. heovier 106. 4
87. hobit I07. fire
BB. IB vegetotion
8?. fruits 109. 4 tens ond 2 units
90. lighter 1 10. dcngerous
91. good lll.own
92.0.< b.> c.< il2.83
93. obesity I r3. 15
94. 50 114. eosier
95. corridor t1 5. 1B
96. picking 1 16. hocksow

?7.25 117 . 24

98. 35, 23, 1 6, 8,7, 2, A I 18. sun

?9. fire r 19. 20

r 00. 49 120. heot

Nyahanona: A774305983 141 Kttdzt: A7BbiA487 I

121 . cup 141. 40
122. stroight 142. bicycle
123. more 143. heovier
124. light 144. mouth
125. cook 145. shope
126. 2Oc 146. roots
127. bolonce 147 . eggs
128. 5 I 48. go
129. honds 149 . sweets
1 30. I0c 150. cold
I 31. cool I 51. dry
132. stove 152. light
I vrlr.
tl UU I 53. cot
134. r 0 154. onts
135. dongerous flowers
1 35. 2Oc I 56. Poul
137, solor I 57. Second
I38. Koribo 158. 24
139. 3 r59.3
140. circle 1 60. 3r

Nyahanona: 0774305983 142 Kudts,: 0773630487

8 I Bl . millipede
162, 10, 11, 12,'13, 14, 15
163. 20 sunhot
164. 6 184. bottery
wet 185. digging
166. borehole 186. morning
167, woter 187. four
I 68. stone lBB. Tuesdoy
169. domestic 189. Thursdoy
170. 89 190. four

171. 20 1 91 . seven
172. 10c 192.2 tens 5 units
173. 3 I 93. 3c
174. 6 194,2 litres
175. I 195. i litre
176. 11 196.4litres

.t 177. 3 197 .5 litres


178. wood 198. bottle

179. colourless 199. jug
I 80. kennel 200. I

N),ohanana: 0774 30 5983 143 Kurlzy": 0773630487


201 . four 224. good

202. more 225. zebro crossing
203. less 226. covered
204.18 227.25
205. 20 228. 4A
206. 2s 229 1l
207. 4 230. 28 eggs
208. 30 231 . shope
209. 6 232. moisfure
214. rodio, TV, fridge, stove, 233. sond
woter heoter
2.11 . rules 234. coorse
212. 3 o'clock 235.loom
213. evening 236. cloy
214. ofternoon 237. zebro
215. morning 238. o. top b. borehole
c. river d. well
e. dont f. tonk
216. holf post 6 239. borehole / tap /
protected well
217.9 24A. five
218. 2 241 . s0
219. 2
220. grow

N_va h a na na: 0 7 7 4 3 0 59 I3 144 Kudq,: 0773630487

I 221 . breothe
222, everywhere
223. % is shoded



Nyahanana: 0774305983 145 Kudty: 0773630187


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