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Week 1 - Introduction To Digital Marketing

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This program focuses primarily

on social media marketing, one form of digital marketing. But before we dive into
social media marketing, let's take a broader look at what we mean
when we talk about digital marketing. Simply put, digital marketing is
marketing that uses digital technology or digital media. It has revolutionized
because it's uniquely powerful. Let's watch this ad for Friskies cat
food that aired on TV in the 1970s. The goal was to generate awareness and
interest among cat owners for the Friskies brand. [MUSIC] >> The fun of Little
Friskies is in
its flavor, that's why cats love it. [MUSIC] >> Now imagine if Friskies
approached you today, and asked you to help them
generate awareness and interest in their line of organic
cat food among cat owners. Would a TV ad still be the most
obvious choice? Probably not. In our last lesson, we saw that people
are spending an increasing amount of time online, so chances are you
can get their attention there. However, that's not the only reason you
should consider advertising online. Digital marketing is unique in that
it allows you to specifically target your message to the people
that may be interested, and it let's you measure
the affect of your message. So let's take our Friskies example, advertising online
would give Friskies
targeting options they don't have on TV. If you advertise on TV, you can choose
when your ad appears, during which show, but you don't have much
information about who's watching. It's likely that many of the people that
would see the ad on TV aren't interested in cat food and don't even own a cat. With
online advertising,
you can reach people who own a cat and are more likely to be
interested in organic food. Another key feature of advertising
online is that you can measure your ad's effectiveness on the behavior
of the people who saw your ad. That's extremely important for
marketers, as this kind of measurement capability helps to spend your
marketing dollars more efficiently. You can measure what works, and adjust your
campaign when you find
there are options for improvement. A lot of what you learn in this course
centers around these two key strengths of digital marketing:
targeting who sees your message and the ability to measure
the effectiveness of your messages. Digital marketing is a broad term, and its
covers a wide range
of marketing activities. You'll hear people divide them up in
a few common categories related to different types of online activities.
Let's take a closer look. This program is about
social media marketing or marketing in social media channels, like
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. We'll cover how marketers can use social
media to connect to people online. How you can build up and
engage an audience, and we'll take a very close look at how
advertising on social media works. Examples of social media marketing you
may encounter include this Instagram account of Starbucks for instance,
where they carefully curate posts for their followers, or
this Facebook ad by Kellogg's. Another form of digital marketing
is search engine optimization and search engine marketing, or SEO and SEM. Search
engine marketers focus on making
businesses and their products and services discoverable through
search engines like Google. Search engine optimization focuses
on increasing the chance that a website shows up as an organic
search result when relevant keywords are typed into the search engine. Organic
search results are the results
a search engine returns without anyone paying to have the results come up. Search
engine marketing or
advertising, on the other hand, is focused on advertising
associated with certain keywords. Let's look at this example for
a search for non-stick pans. The results Google returns for this search exist of
search results, as well as ads. SEO, or search engine optimization,
is a series of actions that can help to make a website come up higher in
these organic search results for a relevant search,
in this case for non-stick pans. An SEM, or search engine marketing, focuses on the
placement of ads for
particular keywords. Another common form of digital
marketing is display advertising. Display advertising refers to advertising
with images or videos on websites or apps. It's a bit of a catchall term for
many of the ads you see online, like this ad from Terra Outdoor
on the CNN website, for instance, or these ads from HP and
Zyrtec on Then there's email marketing. Email is an important part
of online activity and marketers use it to connect with
current or prospective customers. Email marketing remains an important
tool in marketers' toolbox. Here is an example from Williams-Sonoma. Content
marketing is another
form of digital marketing. It's a strategic marketing approach
in which content is created and distributed with the goal to attract
customers to a product or service, but without overtly advertising the product.
Content marketers will often
focus on informational or educational content to encourage
interest in a product. Here's an example for REI, a video in which they explain how
to change the chain on a bike. They're not promoting bikes or
even bike parts in this video. The goal in content marketing
is to help build awareness and engagement with the brand. So people will think more
of the brand in the future or will check out what else the brand has
to offer on their website for instance. Social media marketing,
search engine optimization and marketing, display advertising, email marketing and
content marketing are the most
common forms of digital marketing. Of course, you'll find examples that
don't fall neatly in these categories and that are more of a blend of
the different techniques. These different types of digital marketing
often correspond with roles inside larger marketing teams or in agencies. Often a
marketing team will
include a search engine marketer, a social media marketer,
an email marketer, and a content marketer. On top of that, you'll find other roles
associated with different marketing goals, like brand marketers,
who are focused on establishing and maintaining a brand and its image. And direct
response marketers, who are focused on driving immediate
action from their audience. All these roles work together, and while
people will often specialize in one area, it's always good to know what
the other parts of marketing focus on. As marketing projects or advertising
campaigns typically
cut across different categories. So a social media marketing campaign
you develop for a particular product or service will often go hand in hand with
a campaign in search and email marketing. Now it's time to look at social media
marketing in a bit more depth in our next video.

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