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Three Dimensional Assessment of Impingement Risk in Geometrically Parameterised Hips

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Received: 3 October 2016 Revised: 17 January 2017 Accepted: 18 January 2017

DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2867


Three‐dimensional assessment of impingement risk in

geometrically parameterised hips compared with clinical measures
Robert J. Cooper1 | Marlène Mengoni1 | Dawn Groves1 | Sophie Williams1 |
Marcus J.K. Bankes2 | Philip Robinson3 | Alison C. Jones1

Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering,
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Abstract
Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK Abnormal bony morphology is a factor implicated in hip joint soft tissue damage
Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 and an increased lifetime risk of osteoarthritis. Standard 2‐dimensional radiographic
9RT, UK measurements for diagnosis of hip deformities, such as cam deformities on the fem-
Leeds Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research oral neck, do not capture the full joint geometry and are not indicative of symptom-
Unit, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds, LS7 4SA,
atic damage.
In this study, a 3‐dimensional geometric parameterisation system was developed to
Alison Jones, Institute of Medical and Biological capture key variations in the femur and acetabulum of subjects with clinically diag-
Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, nosed cam deformity. The parameterisation was performed for computed tomogra-
University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK.
phy scans of 20 patients (10 female and 10 male). Novel quantitative measures of
cam deformity were taken and used to assess differences in morphological deformi-
Funding information
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research ties between males and females.
Council (EPSRC), Grant/Award Number: EP/ The parametric surfaces matched the more detailed, segmented hip bone geometry
F500513/1, EP/K020757/1, EP/G012172/1,
with low fitting error. The quantitative severity measures captured both the size
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
and the position of cams and distinguished between cam and control femurs. The
precision of the measures was sufficient to identify differences between subjects that
could not be seen with the sole use of 2‐dimensional imaging. In particular, cams
were found to be more superiorly located in males than in females.
As well as providing a means to distinguish between subjects more clearly, the new
geometric hip parameterisation facilitates the flexible and rapid generation of a range
of realistic hip geometries including cams. When combined with material property
models, these stratified cam shapes can be used for further assessment of the effect
of the geometric variation under impingement conditions.


alpha angle, femoroacetabular impingement, geometric parameterisation, hip joint,

parametric model, radiographic measures

1 | IN T RO D U C T IO N and internal rotation) can cause labral pathology and progres-

sive delamination of cartilage.1 The damage mechanisms are
Abnormal geometry of the hip joint is associated with not fully understood, and it is unclear why some abnormally
femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), which can result in pain shaped hips result in pain and damage whilst others do not.2
and intraarticular damage. Repeated contact between the femo- The risk of symptomatic impingement occurring is likely
ral bone and acetabular rim (typically resulting from flexion to depend on differences in natural soft tissue shape and

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2017 The Authors International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng 2017;33:e2867. 1 of 10
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quality, the activities performed by individuals, and, as inves- 2 | METHODS

tigated here, the position and shape of bone abnormalities.2
Assessment of tissue abnormalities can be challenging, even Preoperative pelvic CT images (Sensation 16 CT scanner,
in the case of radiographs for the analysis of bone, where Siemens, Berlin and Munich, Germany, voxel size:
the projected outline of the structures is relatively clear. 0.7422 × 0.7422 × 1 mm) of 20 patients (10 males and 10
Measurements from 2‐dimensional (2D) radiographs are females) who underwent surgery for cam type impingement
commonly used in the diagnosis of FAI.3–5 In particular, were used in this study. Ethical approval (reference MEEC
alpha angles were first described by Nötzli et al6 to assess 11‐044) was granted by the faculty research ethics commit-
the size of cam deformities (excess bone on the femoral tee at the University of Leeds. Patients included in the
neck), whilst centre edge (CE) and anteversion (AV) angles study were able to give written, informed consent, were
are used to identify acetabular abnormalities such as pincer aged 18 years or over (and skeletally mature at the time
impingement (acetabular overcoverage) and dysplasia of scanning) and had a clinical diagnosis of cam FAI with
(undercoverage).7 However, such 2D measurements do not preoperative CT scans readily available. Patients were
capture the full 3‐dimensional (3D) geometry of the hip.8 excluded from the study if they had undergone surgery in
The alpha angle is limited to providing a rough indication the affected hip prior to the CT scan being taken, or in
of the cam size in a single 2D view8,9; there is variation in the opinion of the clinical investigator (MB), had an
alpha angle measuring techniques10; and high alpha angles existing condition that would compromise their participa-
have been found in asymptomatic individuals.11 It is therefore tion in the study (eg, osteoarthritis).
not a reliable measurement to use to stratify the population by Bone surfaces (the proximal femur including the cam
cam type. deformity and the lunate surface of the acetabulum) were
There is a recent shift towards conducting clinical segmented from the CT scans using the image processing
research investigating FAI in 3D. Harris et al12 generated software ScanIP (version 7.0, Simpleware Ltd, Exeter, UK)
statistical shape models of hips with and without cams and (Figures 1A and 2A). Thresholding was used to isolate the
found noticeable differences between the groups at the bone, and this mask was then refined with paint tools and
anterolateral head‐neck junction. Bouma et al13 defined the smoothing and finally exported as triangulated surface
“omega surface” on a set of example cases to define meshes. Parametric surfaces were semiautomatically gener-
the region of impingement‐free motion. More recently, Yanke ated in 2 main steps. The parameters are described in
et al14 assessed sex differences in cams using computed detail in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 for the femoral head and
tomography (CT) scans and found males tended to have cams acetabular cavity, respectively. The geometry parameters
of larger volume and height than those in female patients. were systematically extracted from bone surface meshes
However, the alpha angle remains the most widely used using a custom‐made code in MATLAB (version
parameter to quantify differences in femoral morphology. R2014b, The MathWorks Inc, Natick, Massachusetts).
The overall objective of this work was to develop and test a Parametric surfaces were then automatically generated
novel method for generating parametric surfaces and 3D from these parameters using Python (version 2.7.3) with
severity measures of cam deformity of the hip joint. A success- Abaqus (version 6.14, Dassault Systèmes, Vélizy‐
ful methodology was considered to be one precise enough to Villacoublay, France). Fitting errors were calculated
provide some stratification of the population of subjects with between segmented and parametric triangulated surfaces
cams. The specific aims of this study were as follows: at different mesh densities; this is discussed in Sections
2.3 and 4.2.
1. To develop a geometric parameterisation method that Measurements were automatically derived from the
generates subject‐specific parametric surfaces to repre- parameters to indicate the risk of impingement on the basis
sent morphology of proximal femurs with cams and of 3D hip bone geometry. For comparison, 2D clinical
lunate articular acetabular surfaces, capturing key varia- measurements of the same hips were taken from
tions due to cam deformity in 3D. reconstructed radiographs, created by taking averages of
CT slices in certain views. Details of this are given in
2. To apply this method across a clinical data set, allowing
Section 2.4.
measurements assessing impingement risk to be obtained,
To assess the ability of the cam parameters to distin-
and assess morphological differences between male and
guish between patients diagnosed with cams and those
female hips diagnosed with cam type impingement.
without, we also tested the femoral parameterisation process
3. To verify the parameterisation system using shape fitting on an additional 18 control femurs (10 females and 8
error assessment between segmented and parametric males). These patients had undergone CT scans because
bone surfaces and comparison of 3D measures with of hip pain but were not diagnosed with cam impingement.
clinical, radiographic measures. Femoral bones from these patients were segmented and
4. To verify the ability of the femoral parameters to capture processed with the same methods used for the main patient
cam deformities by comparing with non‐cam cases. group.
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FIGURE 1 A, Femoral surface segmented from a CT scan (axes in mm). B, Femoral surface aligned to neck axis. Horizontal lines mark the top of the head
(where slice counting begins), bottom of the spherical cap region, and the positions of ellipses used for lofting. Ellipses were fitted to vertices on the triangulated
surface falling within 2‐mm slices centred on these lines (axes in mm). C, Parametric femoral surface generated by lofting, starting from the bottom of the
spherical cap and proceeding through the 4 ellipses (axes in mm). D, Impingement risk measurements shown on a single ellipse; the overall measurements are
the mean of each of these measurements across the 2 central ellipses

FIGURE 2 A, Pelvic surface segmented from CT scan (axes in mm). B, Splines fitted to selected nodes on the triangulated surface to capture the lunate surface
geometry. C, Parametric acetabular surface generated by lofting through the splines (axes in mm)

2.1 | Femoral parameterisation and severity and 1 of the control femurs, where the rotations were likely
measurements due to the subjects moving from neutral position in the
First, the head centre was located by fitting a sphere to the All segmented femurs were then rotated to align the neck
nodes on the proximal side of the femoral head. In cases axis with the vertical image axis (in line with the superior‐
where there was clear external rotation visible in the axial inferior axis) using a rotation about the anterior‐posterior axis
CT view, this was corrected by performing an initial rotation (Figure 1B). This rotation was based on the assumption that
of 20° about the axial axis passing through the centre of the patients' hips were in a neutral position in the CT scans and
head. This was necessary in 3 of the cam patient femurs was chosen to be 40° for all femurs.
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In this new orientation, the head centre position and 2.2 | Acetabular parameterisation and severity
radius were recalculated by again fitting a sphere to the nodes measurements
on the proximal head surface. Surface nodes found in 2‐mm
Parametric acetabular surfaces were generated by lofting
thick intervals of the head‐neck region perpendicular to the
through five 3D spline curves fitted to between 3 and 6 points
neck axis were then used to define slices of the proximal
on the segmented acetabulum (Figure 2A), manually selected
femur. The total number of slices, defined from the top of
to capture the lunate surface (Figure 2B). Each parametric
the head to the end of the modelled neck axis, was fixed to
lunate surface (Figure 2C) was generated from a total of 25
be equal to the head radius (rounded to the nearest mm) to
nodes selected from the segmented surface, on the outer
ensure that the most distal slice was in a comparable position
edges of the acetabulum, the inner edges of the lunate sur-
along the femoral neck for each femur. For example, for a
face, and the superior middle portion of the acetabular cavity.
head radius of 25 mm, 25 slices of 2 mm would be used,
Two clinically relevant angles, AV and CE angles, were
resulting in a height of 50 mm from the top of the head to
extracted from the 3D spline data representing the acetabula.
the end of the neck. Ellipses were then fitted to the segmented
Five AV angles were calculated in the transverse plane as
bone surface in a selection of 4 of these slices. The 4 slices
the acute angle between AP‐axis and the line between the
were selected automatically by taking a linearly spaced vector
most anterior and posterior points on the acetabular rim
with 4 points between x2 and x, where x was the total number
(Figure 3A). The most anterior and posterior points on the
of slices, and then rounding these points to integer values,
rim were captured by the nodes lying on the 2 outermost
thus focusing on the femoral neck region.
splines. The AV angle measurements were taken at different
Parametric surfaces representing the proximal femur
positions along the superior‐inferior axis corresponding to
(femoral head and neck including cam) were generated using
the 5 different nodes defining the outer splines. The mean
the extracted parameters (Figure 1C). A spherical cap with
AV angle from these 5 measurements was taken as the overall
25% of the surface area of a whole sphere was generated to
3D measured AV angle, quantifying the amount by which the
represent the proximal head.15 Lofting was used to complete
acetabulum as a whole was anteverted.
the surface, in which a 3D surface was generated by
Five CE angles were calculated in the coronal plane as the
transforming from a starting section shape and orientation
angle between the vertical line passing through the femoral
to an ending shape and orientation, with intermediate sec-
head centre and the line joining the head centre and the edge
tions defining the shape of the surface as it passes through
of the acetabulum (Figure 3B). The most superior node on
space. The lofting operation was performed from the circular
each spline represented the top edge of the acetabulum. By tak-
end of the spherical cap through the 4 ellipses.
ing the measurement for each spline, 5 measurements were
Measurements were defined to describe the size and
obtained at different positions along the anterior‐posterior
position of the cam to isolate the region with potential to
axis. The maximum CE angle from these 5 measurements
cause impingement. For each slice, the following were
was taken as the overall 3D measured CE angle, quantifying
defined (Figure 1D):
the most severe overcoverage in the acetabulum.

• Cam‐rad is the greatest planar distance between the head 2.3 | Fitting error calculations
centre and the anterior half of the fitted ellipse, recorded
as a percentage of the head radius. This indicates the level Fitting errors were calculated in MATLAB from the triangu-
of offset between the head and neck in the cam region. lated surfaces as the root mean squared distance that nodes on
the segmented surface in the region of interest had to move to
• Cam‐angle describes the position of the point on the
conform to the nearest node on the parametric surface.
ellipse where cam‐rad is defined (ie, where the head‐neck
A sphere was created in the +CAD module of ScanIP
offset is lowest). A zero angle represents an anteriorly
and resampled to the CT scan voxel resolution of
centred cam, and greater angles indicate a more superior
0.7422 × 0.7422 × 1 mm. The femoral parameterisation pro-
cedure was applied to this triangulated sphere to obtain the
• Cam‐width is the percentage of the neck circumference baseline fitting error, ie, the best fitting error that could be
whose distance from the head centre is greater than 90% achieved using this method at the specified CT resolution.
of the distance defined by cam‐rad. Cam‐width therefore
indicates the extent to which the circumference of the
2.4 | Two‐dimensional measurements
neck is affected by the cam. The position along the neck
where the ellipses were fitted is known from the geomet- For each of the 20 patients, 3 reconstructed radiographic
rical parameters. views (described in the following paragraphs) were generated
by using ImageJ (version 1.49 m, National Institute of Health,
The average of these measurements from the 2 central loft Maryland) to rotate the CT slices where necessary and then
slices were recorded as the overall Cam‐rad, Cam‐angle, and average the slices of interest to create a simulation of a radio-
Cam‐width. graphic view. This process used a fixed protocol and was not
COOPER ET AL. 5 of 10

FIGURE 3 Traditional 2D hip angle measurements; A, anteversion (AV) angle in the transverse plane; B, centre edge (CE) angle in the coronal plane; C, alpha
angle can be measured in various 2D views, shown here in the transverse plane

subject to interuser variation. OsiriX (lite 32 bit version 6.0.1, actual radiographs. Additionally, it has been reported that
Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland) was used by a consultant radi- alpha angles measured in this view correlated well with 3D
ologist (PR) to take 2D measurements of alpha, AV, and CE measured asphericity.8 The alpha angle was measured as the
angles from these reconstructed radiographs for each patient. angle between the line passing through the femoral neck mid-
An additional 3 researchers (RJC, ACJ, and MM) repeated point and the femoral head centre and the line from the fem-
the acetabular angle measurements to investigate user varia- oral head centre to the anterior point where the femoral head
tion in reading angles from such radiographs, where outer diverges from spherical (Figure 3C). Alpha angles were also
bone limits can be difficult to assess. measured on the original CT data with oblique axial recon-
An axial view was created by averaging the transverse CT structions and measurement of the alpha angle at the mid-
slices that included the acetabula. The AV angle was mea- point image.6,16,17
sured in this view as the angle between the line perpendicular Pearson correlation coefficients (r) and linear regressions
to the line joining the posterior edges of the acetabula on both were calculated between the 3D severity measurements and
sides (ie, the anterior‐posterior axis) and the line joining the the 2D measurements, and also between the 2 alpha angle
anterior and posterior edges of the acetabulum (Figure 3A). measurements. Independent samples t tests were performed
A coronal view was created by rotating transverse slices to test for differences in the potential impingement severity
into the correct orientation and averaging the slices including measurements between males and females (the data were first
the relevant femur. Both femurs were included in these checked for normality). Independent samples t tests were also
images to verify that the vertical axis represented an infe- used to test for differences in the femoral severity parameters
rior‐superior axis. The CE angle was measured in this view between the patient and control femurs (the data were again
as the angle between the vertical line through femoral head first checked for normality). All statistics were calculated
centre and the line passing through the femoral head centre using the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox in
and the top edge of acetabulum (Figure 3B). MATLAB.
A cross‐table lateral view was created by rotating the
femur 15° internally and by a 45° angle from the sagittal
plane and averaging CT slices with a view of the medial side 3 | R E S U LTS
of the femur. This view was chosen to measure alpha angles,
as it is a standard radiograph and can be readily simulated by The data associated with this paper are openly available from
rotating CT slices to obtain an image similar in appearance to the University of Leeds data repository.18
6 of 10 COOPER ET AL.

Parametric bone surfaces were a good fit to the seg- (mean 40.5°) than female cam patients (mean 16.5°) (
mented surfaces, with an average fitting error of 0.57 mm Figure 4). The 95% confidence interval for the difference
for cam femoral surfaces and 0.85 mm for the acetabular in means between these groups was (11.1°, 36.9°). None of
surfaces. The fitting error between the resampled sphere the other cam severity measures and neither of the acetabular
and the parametric sphere was 0.22 mm, representing the best angles showed a significant difference between males and
fit that could be obtained with the procedure using the CT females.
scan resolution and converged mesh density. A statistically significant difference (P = 0.0014) was
A wide range of values for the cam severity measure- identified showing the average cam‐rad was higher in the
ments was found (Table 1). In particular, a statistically sig- cam patient group than in the control group, and this was true
nificant difference (P = 0.0011) was identified showing for both the male and female groups as well as overall
that the average cam‐angle was higher in male cam patients (Figure 5). The differences remained significant when

TABLE 1 Femoral severity measurements obtained from parameterised surfaces representing the 20 cam and the 18 control femurs
Cam patient femurs Control femurs
Combined Females Males Combined Females Males

Cam‐rad (%) Range 86.1‐100.4 86.1‐99.6 89.3‐100.4 79.2‐93.9 85.1‐91.1 79.2‐93.9

Mean ± SD 93.9 ± 4.4 92.7 ± 4.8 95.0 ± 4.0 89.3 ± 3.4 89.1 ± 2.3 89.5 ± 4.6
Cam‐angle (o) Range 4.0‐65.5 4.0‐34.7 21.2‐65.5 2.9‐50.8 2.9‐35.7 5.1‐50.8
Mean ± SD 28.5 ± 18.2 16.5 ± 11.5 40.5 ± 15.7 19.8 ± 12.5 15.3 ± 10.1 25.3 ± 13.6
Cam‐width (%) Range 28.0‐67.0 28.0‐67.0 30.5‐60.5 29.5‐100 35.5‐100 29.5‐70.5
Mean ± SD 47.1 ± 13.4 44.7 ± 14.1 49.5 ± 13.0 56.4 ± 20.9 61.7 ± 24.9 49.7 ± 13.2

FIGURE 4 Comparison of cam position in

females and males. Cams with a high cam angle
are located more superiorly on the neck, shown in
the femur diagrams

FIGURE 5 Box and dot plot showing all of the cam‐rad measurements, to aid visualisation of the statistical significance of the differences between the control
and cam groups, both overall and in the female and male groups separately
COOPER ET AL. 7 of 10

outlying cases were removed. No significant difference was were only moderately correlated with the cam‐rad measure-
identified between the patient and control femurs for the other ments (Figure 6).
parameters. The identified difference in cam‐angle between The 2D measured CE and AV angles were well correlated
males and females was not present in the control femurs. with the 3D measured versions (Figure 7). When 3 additional
The 2 alpha angle measurements on the cam patients researchers measured the 2D CE and AV angles to investigate
were only moderately correlated with each other and both interuser variability, the average over all of the femurs of the

FIGURE 6 Moderate correlation was found between: A, cam‐rad measurements and the cross‐table measured alpha angles; B, cam‐rad measurements and the
CT measured alpha angles; and C, the 2 methods used to measure alpha angles

FIGURE 7 Strong correlation was found between: A, the 2D CE angles and the maximum 3D CE angles; B, the 2D AV angles and the mean 3D AV angles.
AV, anteversion; CE, centre edge
8 of 10 COOPER ET AL.

standard deviation across measurers was 1.97° and 1.90°, generally superior position of the cam in the male patient
respectively. group and more anterior position in female patient group.
The size of a cam (as measured here by cam‐rad) cannot
be easily predicted from a single radiographic alpha angle.
4 | DISCUSSION It was seen that multiple subjects with very similar alpha
angles had quite different 3D severity measures. Alpha angles
The aims of this study were to develop a geometric are dependent upon the view in which they are measured,
parameterisation tool to capture key hip shape variations in which is evident here in the differences between the CT and
3D and to use it to assess morphological differences between cross‐table alpha angles (Figure 6), and has been reported
male and female hips with clinically diagnosed cam type by others.8,21,22 Thus, it is possible for the same alpha angle
impingement. The novel 3D measurements obtained from to be recorded for cams of different sizes and positions. In
the semiautomatic parameterisation system provided addition to size of the cam for head‐neck offset, this study
additional information on the shape and position of cams also provides a novel method of quantifying the variation in
not captured by 2D measurements. This allowed differences cam position and extent of neck coverage (captured by the
between the male and female groups to be identified. Male cam‐angle and cam‐width measurements). Such information
subjects were more likely to have a superiorly located cam cannot be obtained from an alpha angle measurement. Whilst
(or “pistol grip” deformity), whereas cams in female subjects X‐rays are taken as standard, not all clinics use CT scans,
were more likely to be in an anterior position. which expose patients to high levels of radiation, or MRI
Performing the femoral parameterisation process on a scans, which can be prone to distortion and are less optimal
sample of control femurs verified its ability to differentiate for viewing bone. However, the risk of impingement in differ-
between femurs diagnosed with cams and those without. ent hip morphologies can be more accurately quantified when
Although control femurs do not have cams, the cam‐angle 3D imaging of the patient is available and this emphasises
parameter still detects the region with smallest head‐neck limitations of relying on radiographs alone. Radiographically,
offset. The lack of difference in cam‐angle between males an AP view shows cams in a superior position more clearly,
and females in the control group suggests that the more whilst the cross‐table view is more effective for detecting
superior location in males of this region may be a specific cams in an anterior position. The differences seen between
observation of morphological changes related to cam cam positioning in male subjects (more superior) and female
deformity, rather than being true in general. Since cam‐width subjects (more anterior) suggest that when only 2D imaging
is a measure on the basis of the value of cam‐rad, a direct is available, the choice of primary radiographic view could
comparison between control and cam groups was less useful. be tailored to sex of the patient; cross‐table radiographic
Cam‐width was generally higher in the control group simply views are even more important in females. However, AP view
because the cam‐rad values were lower. is still essential to identify abnormalities of acetabular mor-
The average fitting errors between the parametric and phology such as dysplasia and protrusio acetabuli.
segmented geometries were of a similar magnitude to others It has been reported that AV angles are usually higher in
reported for articular surfaces of the hip approximated by females whilst CE angles are usually not different between
sphere and conchoids19 and were smaller than differences males and females.7 This corresponds with the trends found
between subjects. Good correlation was found between CE in this study. Further, strong correlation between the 2D mea-
and AV angles and the 3D counterparts, providing addi- sured and maximum 3D measured CE angles (Figure 7A)
tional confidence in the 3D representation of acetabular suggests that the maximum 3D CE angle calculated from
coverage. Comparisons between the 3D cam severity the parametric surfaces is a reliable assessment of the overall
measures and the alpha angle measurements clearly level of acetabular coverage. Consideration of all 5 CE angles
demonstrated the challenges in assessing cam geometry in could provide information on the level of acetabular coverage
a 2 dimensional view.8,9 across different positions along the anterior‐posterior axis,
with a mean range across all patients for the 5 CE measure-
ments of 15.8°. This information cannot be gleaned when
4.1 | Significance only a radiographically measured CE angle is available. It
Recently, it has been reported that cams in female patients may be possible to use differences in angles from the splines
present in the same location as in males, but the volume to indicate regions at higher risk of pincer impingement,
and span of the cam was greater in males.14 Cam positions although no pincer patients were available for this study.
have also previously been reported to be anterolateral to ante- Similarly, strong correlation between the 2D‐measured and
rior in females, compared to lateral to anterior in males.20 average 3D‐measured AV angles (Figure 7B) suggests that
Cam position was assessed in this study using the greatest the mean 3D AV angles from the parametric surfaces provide
radius of the cam (the cam‐angle parameter is defined on a valid indication of the overall level of AV of the hip, and
the basis of cam‐rad, defined by the region with the lowest consideration of all 5 AV angles could provide information
head‐neck offset). This allowed the detection of the more on the level of anterior acetabular coverage along different
COOPER ET AL. 9 of 10

axial regions along the superior‐inferior axis. The mean range acetabulum to obtain an optimum fit, necessary because sub-
across all patients for the 5 AV measurements was 7.5°. ject‐specific irregularities in acetabular rim shape are not well
Again, this variation is information not captured when only captured using standard shapes. The measured angles were
a single 2D AV angle is recorded from an axial CT slice. calculated from nodes around the rim, which were the most
The low standard deviations between users when addi- straightforward to place, limiting the effect of this variation
tional researchers measured acetabular angles suggest that on acetabular severity measurements. Whilst the process
user variation would have minimal effect on the detected cor- would need further refinement and optimisation to be used
relations. Interuser variation in alpha angles is likely to be as a clinical tool, particularly on the acetabular side, which
higher, but alpha angles are in any case greatly affected by has not been tested on pincer patients, it is presently capable
viewpoint.8,9 of capturing complex hip geometry in a finite number of sim-
The automatic method of generating parametric surfaces ple geometric parameters. Variations of both surfaces with
provides the ability to represent the large variation in hip alternative parameters can be generated automatically, and it
morphology23 across populations. Changes to individual is possible to vary each parameter separately.
parameters can be used to represent precisely defined, clini- Fitting errors between triangulated surfaces are higher
cally relevant morphological differences. The parametric sur- when coarse surface meshes are used because the distance
faces could therefore be used in finite element models to from each node on a segmented surface to the nearest node
assess the effects of morphological changes on contact on the equivalent parametric surface may be higher than the
mechanics, providing potential to further investigate true distance between the surfaces at that point. Therefore,
impingement damage mechanisms. the mesh densities of both the parametric and segmented sur-
faces were iteratively increased until the fitting errors con-
verged so that the reported fitting errors (and extracted
4.2 | Limitations and challenges parameters) were limited by the resolution of the original
The parameterisation system depends on segmentation of CT scans rather than the mesh density. This occurred when
bone from 3D images and on the assumption that hips are ori- mesh densities were such that nodes on each surface were
entated neutrally in anatomical planes. In 3 cam femurs and 1 spaced at distances of around 0.25 to 0.3 mm.
control femur, this was seen in the axial view to be untrue, Preliminary tests found that using 4 ellipses was suffi-
and an additional rotation was used to align them approxi- cient to capture the geometry with a similar fitting error to
mately into a neutral rotation. Without this correction, the that found when all slices below the middle slice were
fitting errors for these cases were noticeably larger included. Using more slices resulted in an uneven surface
(>1 mm). Further, the neck axis was assumed to be at 40° because of the reduced distance between ellipses lofted
to the superior‐inferior axis for all femurs since it was not through, whilst using less than 4 ellipses leads to consider-
possible to measure the femoral neck shaft angle given the ably poorer fits between the parametric and segmented sur-
field of view in the scans, and defining the neck axis for each faces. Because there is some noise (as the best possible
femur presented a significant challenge because of the abnor- fitting error was seen to be 0.22 mm), the measures describ-
mal morphology resulting from the cam deformities. The ing cam severity are relative rather than absolute. The highest
value of 40° was therefore chosen to automate the process value of cam‐rad, 100.4%, should be interpreted as indicating
as it appeared in all cases to orientate the neck axis approxi- a particularly severe cam where there is very little head‐neck
mately vertically, as seen in Figure 1B. Sensitivity tests offset, rather than suggesting the cam radius is literally
revealed that varying this angle affected cam parameters greater than that of the head. Cam‐rad is sensitive to the posi-
because the ellipse was captured on a different plane through tion of slices used for lofting, which is why the method for
the neck. However, even when varying the angle by 25%, choosing number of slices was standardised as equal to the
these differences were generally less than the differences head radius and linearly spaced slices were chosen automati-
observed between individuals, so the cam‐rad measure was cally. Whilst a more accurate value for cam‐rad could be
still capable of detecting differences between cams of differ- obtained from the full segmented surface, the described
ent severities. The identified difference between cam position method allows all the severity measurements to be derived
in males and females was also still apparent. automatically using only the geometrical parameters describ-
The segmentation of bone surfaces from CT scans ing the bone shape, and the precision was sufficient to
followed a set protocol and user variability would be unlikely demonstrate differences between 2 population groups.
to cause more than minor differences in final parametric
models. Once bone surfaces have been segmented from CT
scans, the method is mostly automatic. The femoral 4.3 | Conclusions
parameterisation and severity measurements assessing the This study has demonstrated that it is possible to represent
cam are obtained fully automatically through scripts. The segmented geometry of the acetabular cavity and proximal
acetabular parameterisation requires manual intervention femur bone with a cam deformity, using a small number of
(including some expert adjustments) to select nodes on the parameterised curves and achieve a low overall fitting error.
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