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SITE1101 HW02 Instructions Rev0

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ADA University

School of Information Technologies and Engineering

SITE 1101: Principles of Information Systems
Spring Semester, 2024

Homework 2: Hour of Code / how software works?

Information Technology Concepts: Software / Algorithmic Concepts

You will develop your understanding of algorithms and share your knowledge with your
community. This homework includes individual and team assignments to complete.
 Complete the course at individually:
Computer Science Fundamentals: Express Course (2023) is designed for ages 9-18. Students
will develop their understanding of algorithms, loops, conditionals, and more. Remember:
completing this course will help you to understand Programming Principles better.
1. Register when you are asked to do so, once you follow the link above. Use your ADA
email address and full name i.e. your name and surname in English with correct
capitalization (exactly as it appears in Blackboard) for your Display Name, during the
registration. If you took this course before then register with a different email address
and start it again. Important: Not following this instruction will result in zero for the
individual assignment.
2. Choose Azerbaijani in the language selection box to test the translated course (if you
are an international student, choose your country’s official language). Act as a tester
and take notes about any bugs, translation mistakes or omissions. Feel free to switch to
English anytime you want to clarify the puzzle statement.
3. Show code after finishing every puzzle to see the JavScript version of your code.
4. Don’t get stuck on challenging puzzles, just move forward as you can always come
back to those questions later. Remember: this is an individual assignment.

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify

"coding", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in this field.
The Hour of Code campaign takes place each year during the Computer Science Education
Week, which was 4-10 December in 2023. Even if the week is yet to start, you can still run an
Hour of Code event. Check out and the events from the previous
years hereı for inspiration.

 Organize an Hour of Code together with your team:

1. Get together with your class mates to form a team of 4±1 (you may be assigned to a
team of randomly selected students) and decide on the roles for each team member.
Read guidelines at Select a team leader.
2. Decide on and talk to the community where you will run your Hour of Code. It can
be with neighborhood children, a training centre or company in your neighborhood.
Coordinate with other teams, so you do not go to the same community. Important: it is
strongly recommended to run your event with a community that otherwise do not run
such activities. Remember: your participants will need internet connection and some
equipment e.g. computers, mobile phones or projector.
3. Post announcements in the neighborhood, check with parents, agree exact date and
time, make sure you get their permission for photo- and video-recording, and follow all
health and safety rules. Important: Use your communication and persuasion skills to
organize your Hour of Code. If you have issues with one community, choose another
one to go with.

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ADA University
School of Information Technologies and Engineering
SITE 1101: Principles of Information Systems
Spring Semester, 2024

4. Register your Hour of Code event at

Remember: The team leader will use their ADA email address and full name during
the registration. Important: use the proper English name of the community or
organization, make sure you use “Karabakh” in the name of the refugee communities
e.g. Lachin (Karabakh) refugee community at Asad Ahmadov street in Baku.
5. During the Hour of Code event you may use the Classic Maze puzzle: You should have at least 20 participants. Remember:
you can choose Azerbaijani in the language selection box. One team member may act as
a tutor, showing the puzzles (perhaps through the projector), while others will provide
support by helping individual students to keep the pace, taking photos or videos, etc.
Note: start your event with a short introduction about ADA University and your school
(you will be given a PPT file to select slides from).

 Write and post a report about your Hour of Code event:

1. Write a short report with the basic details of your event e.g. date, time, place, number
of participants, and 10-15 action-packed photos from the event.
2. Publish your short report online as a personal public Facebook post (optionally
also on Twitter or other social media) with hash-tags including #HourOfCode,
#KodSaatı, #KodÇərşənbəsi, #SITE1101 and #ADAUniversity
3. Individual contribution should be described with details given in the table below.
The ideal case is when the total of 100% is equally distributed among the team
members, e.g. 25% for each of the members of a 4-student team. It is expected that the
difference between percentages will not be bigger than 20 in case of a team of 2 people
and bigger than 10 in case of a team of 3 or 4:
Team member Contribution to the event and report Estimated %
<Student Name 1> <Detailed description of the work contributed> <percentage>%
<Student Name 2>
<Student Name 3>
4. Bonus 1: Add an engaging video from the event to your public online post to get
maximum extra 20% points.
5. Bonus 2: Write a detailed report around 1,000 words in length to get extra 30%
points. Your score will change proportional to variation of the length of your text from
the required number.
o Discuss in the detailed report: What happened during the Hour of Code? Did
the participants use similar courses previously? Did they like it? How well they
progressed through the course? What went well, what did not? What did you do
for preparation? What were the main challenges? Whom do you want to thank
for support and how did they help your team?
o The detailed report will be graded based on the following criteria2: Clarity
(25%), Technical Soundness (15%), Thoroughness and Coverage (25%),
Relevance (25%), Utilization of resources (10%).
o Edit your report for grammatical errors and readability. You are encouraged to
consult with the university Writing Center for checking your report3.

2 See Appendix 1 for more details. Exception is “Utilization of resources”, which in this case means use of
engaging, interesting photos and other illustrations.
3 Please contact the Writing Center by email: and visit them.

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ADA University
School of Information Technologies and Engineering
SITE 1101: Principles of Information Systems
Spring Semester, 2024

 You will be graded based on your individual progress in the course (40%) and
on your individual stake in the team assignment score (60%).

 Submit your assignment through the course website:

1. Submit to the grader a single Microsoft© Word document, which includes the
following information, before the deadline:
o For all team members: The image of the personalized certificate you get after
completing all the steps, through the course website.
o For all team members: The screenshots of the full unit overview page, which
shows your progress in the course, similar to the one below:

Note: The picture above is not complete. Make sure you select this ‘compact’ view.
o The individual contribution table with the names of your team members,
o The URL of the online report, any additional details,
o For Bonus 2, detailed report (if available).
2. Do not forget to coordinate with your team mates, to avoid conflicting submissions.

 Academic misconduct will not be tolerated and will be referred to the ADA Honor
Council. Penalties for misconduct will be a zero for this assignment, a fail grade in the
course, and/or other disciplinary action that may be applied by the ADA Honor Council.


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Appendix 1
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Clarity Disorganized or hard- Satisfactory but some Generally organized Very clear, organized Exceptionally clear,
to-understand parts of the submission and clear and persuasive organized and
are disorganized or presentation of ideas persuasive presentation
hard to understand and designs of ideas and designs

Technical Little understanding of, Some understanding of Overall understanding Very good overall Excellent, deep
Soundness or insight into material material technically of much material understanding of understanding of
technically technically technical material, with technical material and
some real depth its inter-relationships

Thoroughness and Hardly covers any of the Covers some of the Reasonable coverage of Thorough coverage of Exceptionally thorough
Coverage major relevant issues major relevant issues the major relevant almost all of the major coverage of all major
areas relevant issues relevant issues

Relevance Mostly unfocused or Only some of the Most or all of the All of the content is All of the content is
Focus is off topic or on content is meaningful content is reasonably reasonably meaningful entirely relevant and
insubstantial or and on topic meaningful and on- and on-topic meaningful
secondary issues topic

Utilization of No useful use of notes, Some useful use of Fairly good use of notes, Very good use of notes, Excellent use of notes,
resources text(s), or Web with notes, text(s), or Web text(s), or Web with text(s), or Web with text(s), or Web with
incorrect details or with mostly correct correct details or correct details or entirely correct details
applicability details or applicability applicability applicability or applicability

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