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Course Syllabus: Vmiyer@uncg - Edu

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ACC 638 Information Systems Auditing

Spring 2016

Please note that this is an online course.

Course Description:
Theory and practice of information systems auditing; role of information systems auditor in systems
development; computer based system controls.

Instructor: Dr. Venkat Iyer, Ph.D., CPA

Office: Bryan 337
Phone: 256-0187; E-mail:

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better (a C- is not sufficient) in ACC 440.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this semester, you should be able to

# Describe the general framework for IT risks and control.

# Identify the unique elements of computer environment and discuss how they affect the audit process.
# Describe the controls and audit issues related to computer operations.
# Understand the audit objectives and procedures used to test data management controls.
# Discuss the stages in the Systems Development Life Cycle and describe the change management
# Identify and describe the nature of electronic commerce systems and associated controls and audit
# Describe the key features of Computer Assisted Audit Techniques.
# Use some of the most commonly used Generalized Audit Software for data extraction and analysis.
# Describe the tests of controls and substantive tests of revenue and expenditure cycles.
# Discuss the issues related to computer ethics.
# Use ACL (audit software) to analyze data.

Office Hours: By appointment.

Any time I am in my office you may call or stop by to ask any questions pertaining to the class.
Please call 256-0187 (you can leave a message if I am not there) or e-mail me if you wish to set a
specific appointment.
I plan to use Blackboard Collaborate which facilitates live online discussions for the class as a
group. More information will be provided later.

Required Materials:

1. Information Technology Auditing. 4th Ed. James A. Hall. Cengage Learning.

ISBN-13: 9781133949886
2. Reading List (links provided in course web site)

Strongly Recommended:

1. Auditing. Latest Edition. Arens, Elder, and Beasley. Pearson. or any introductory auditing
text book.

Additional Topics and Emphasis of ACC 638

As part of providing an integrative learning experience with other courses you will take in the Bryan
School we will intentionally emphasize certain general business concepts, perspectives and skills.
Please review the following to see what you can expect:
1. Heavy coverage of technology issues, developments, and applications.
2. Moderate coverage of ethical issues.
3. Little or light coverage of political, diversity, and environmental issues.
4. Moderate to heavy coverage of written communication and analytical skills.
5. Moderate to medium coverage of group skills.
6. Light coverage of international issues.

Performance Evaluation:
All students are required to follow the provisions of the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy
( in completing course work. Tentatively, it is planned that
course grades will be based upon:
Mid-Term Exam - 25%
Final Exam - 35%
ACL assignments - 15%
Student Profile / Online Contribution/
Articles/ Quizzes/Other Assignments - 10%
Cases - 15%

The grade scale is based upon percent of points earned on each item. Appropriate cutoffs for
letter grades will be determined at the end of the course. It is possible that I may have to make minor
changes in the weights and nature of assignments. You should also note that all assignments are
individual in nature unless otherwise stated. Each student is expected to do his/her own work.

Assignments: Due dates and format guidelines

Canvas will have the due dates for all the assignments. These will have to be turned in online. Please
use software features to check spelling and grammar. However, dont assume that the software will
catch all errors. Please proofread your work carefully. Spelling, sentence structure and grammar errors
will reduce your grade. Be sure to cover all assignment parts. Use headings for each part.

Late assignments: No credit will be given for late assignments except in rare cases.

Communication: Important announcements about the class will be posted on the course website. I
may also send e-mail to your uncg e-mail account. It is your responsibility to keep abreast of these
announcements by checking the course site at least once every day.

CLASS FORMAT: This is an on-line class that depends in large part on your participation and
interaction for success. Your input and questions will make this a better class. The more you put into the
class, the more you will take from it. The class was designed with the thought that you have been
exposed to auditing and systems, but are not experts. It is also based on the premise that you will be
involved in the business world and that a thorough understanding of the audit process and technology
will be important assets. The intent of the assignments is to provide you with a background that you can
take into the workplace and be successful. Since the class is designed to be very interactive, participation
is necessary. With the expectation that you are pursuing a career in business, you should be prepared to
act and to submit assignments in a professional manner.

This is an online course but we will have scheduled Collaborate sessions. Most of these are
optional but I strongly encourage you to attend. I will have a few sessions for which attendance may
be required. If you are unable to attend these sessions, you may have to complete a make-up

Make-up exams and assignments will not be given except in very rare circumstances. You should
contact me immediately if you cannot attend on the exam date. Doing internship is not a valid

Backup Copies of Assignments: Please keep a backup copy of any material (hard or soft copies)
submitted to me.

Specific Assignments

1. ACL: This is a PC based file interrogation package and generalized audit software that allows
accountants, auditors and financial managers to view, sample and analyze data from any other
computerized systems. You will complete a set of exercises using ACL.

2. Article/Case Presentation: The typical work environment in professional organizations, including

public accounting firms, requires people to work as team members, to critically analyze difficult
issues and arrive at a common resolution. Many of your experiences in this class will follow this
same model. Each group will be assigned a few cases to complete.

3. Regardless of the method used to present material (team presentations, group work, lecture, etc.),
you are encouraged to actively participate. If you have questions, ask them. If the discussion is
related to your job experience or you can add to the discussion, please contribute. The class will be
much more rewarding and interesting if you take an active role in it!

4. Exams: Exams are cumulative. Exams will contain some objective type questions and short answer
questions. Exams may contain questions from any of the materials discussed in class including
journal articles and video presentations.

Please note that the final exam is an in-class proctored exam. Please let me know in advance if
you cant come to UNCG to take the final exam so that we can make alternate arrangements.

Note: Auditing requires mastery of the standards and techniques as well as good judgment,
communication, and listening skills. In this class, we will attempt to learn these skills. You will have to
put in sufficient time and effort to prepare for each class meeting as well as for the exams.

Important Dates: Please refer to for important dates.

Netiquette: The same guidelines that apply to traditional classes should be observed in the virtual
classroom environment. Please use proper netiquette when interacting with class members and the

Policy on Server Unavailability or Other Technical Difficulties: The university is committed to

providing a reliable online course system to all users. If you are not able to access a working computer
with a consistent and reliable internet connection you will not be able to complete this class. However,
in the event of any unexpected server outage or any unusual technical difficulty which prevents students

from completing a time sensitive assessment activity, the instructor will extend the time windows and
provide an appropriate accommodation based on the situation. Students should immediately report any
problems to the instructor and also contact to report the problem. Provide as much
details about the situation in your communication to help resolve it soon.

Adverse Weather: The University of North Carolina at Greensboro will remain open during adverse
weather conditions unless an administrative decision on changing work and class schedules is made by
the Chancellor. Students can receive details on the UNCG home page (, or by dialing
three campus telephone numbers: Adverse Weather Line (336-334-4400); Campus Switchboard (336-
334-5000); and University Police (336-334-5963).

Academic Honor Policy:

The Academic Honor Policy, administered by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, is
described in detail in the Policies for Students handbook (Please refer to Students are responsible for becoming familiar with the
Honor Policy in all its aspects and for indicating their knowledge and acceptance of the Honor Policy by
signing the honor pledge for all major work submitted. Students should recognize their responsibility to
uphold the Honor Policy and to report apparent violations to the appropriate persons.
It is my policy to collect and retain all examination materials. This means that students are to
return all test materials (test documents, scrap paper, etc.) to the instructor immediately after completion
of the examination. Notes, textbooks, and other reference materials may not be used unless specifically
authorized by the instructor for the particular exam. Students should feel free, however, to request a
review of examination results during regular office hours.

Cooperative Learning and Academic Dishonesty:

You are encouraged to study with other students outside of class cooperative studying can be
an aid to learning. However, all materials turned in and all exams are to be your own work. This means
that you may share ideas and solicit suggestions for improving your solution, but the final written
product turned in must be your own work. I suggest that you work together on the conceptual and
planning phases of your assignments, and then separate and do the actual product (the work you turned
in) on your own. A pattern of similar wording among papers or with solutions from prior semesters will
be considered prima-facie evidence of plagiarism.

Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom:

Please familiarize with the disruptive behavior policy which is available online at It states that
The instructor may withdraw a student from a course for behavior that is deemed by the
instructor to be disruptive to the class. The grade assigned will be W if the behavior occurs before the
deadline for dropping a course without academic penalty, and the instructor has the option of giving a
W or a WF if the behavior occurs after the deadline.
ACC 638 Spring 2016 Tentative Class Schedule

Canvas will have the most recent schedule that we will follow. Following is a tentative calendar. However, it may be necessary to spend
more/less time on some topics that could change our plans. If changes are needed, they will be reflected in the course calendar on Canvas.

Week Topics Readings (Posted in Canvas)

Jan 11 Introduction
Ch 1 (Arens)The Demand for Audit and Assurance Services

Jan 18 MLK Holiday

Ch 10 (Arens): Internal Controls

Jan 25 Auditing and Internal Control (Ch 1 Hall)

Ch 9 (Arens): Audit Risk

Feb 1 Ch 6 (Arens): Financial Statement Cycles

Ch 7 (Arens): Audit Evidence

Feb 8 ACL

Feb 15 Ch 7 CAAT (Hall)

Ch 12 (Arens)
Feb 22 ACL

Feb 29 Review
Mid-Term Exam

Mar 7 Hall Ch 9: Revenue Cycle

Mar 14 Hall Ch 10 Expenditure Cycle

Mar 21 Hall Ch 2: Auditing IT Governance controls

Mar 28 Hall Ch 3 Auditing Operating Systems

April 4 Hall Ch 5 Systems Development and Program Change

April 11 Hall Ch 4 Auditing Databases

Apr 18 Review

TBD Final Exam

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