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2436480-Goblin Defense DM Information

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Goblin Defense: Overview Day Actions

This is a mini-game based short campaign, where For each day that passes with no adventurers, each
the party gets to play weak, low-level characters player character may take a Day Action (specified in
with restricted gear, and level up and gain more the Player Handouts) to improve the lair, gather
gear by killing those dastardly adventurers. They resources, or otherwise help the tribe.
command a small number of minions who will help On days when adventurers attack, these actions are
in combat. The party starts at 1 level. The elders interrupted and left un-completed. Use the intended
of the tribe (chief, shaman, loremaster, and most of action for the day to determine where the player
the other senior warriors) were just killed in a failed goblins and their minion squads are when the
raid on a caravan nearby. adventurers show up. This is especially relevant if
they have failed to post guards, and the adventurers
The PCs were in training as successors, but aren’t can arrive and enter the lair unnoticed.
quite ready. Life is hard as a goblin tribe, so they
will have to make do. If they get attacked by Contingencies
adventurers looking to collect the bounty on goblin This is D&D! Not everything can be predicted. If
ears, maybe they can kill them and get some better the players allow enemies to escape, have the
gear. escapee(s) return leading the next party, or at least
having passed on information about what they will
This document contains DM-specific information. face. If the players take hostages, use the
Reading the player-facing rules is also required to apparent composition of the adventurer group (good,
run the game. The lair map can be drawn on a evil, etc.) to see if they will negotiate or if they are
battle mat, or can be printed on 24”x36” (Arch D) willing to just let the player-goblins kill the hostages.
size paper using the included PDF at FedEx office Adventurers might also set up camp outside and try
or similar printing establishments. Expect the to stage a stealth incursion to free hostages –
players to make plenty of tunnels, traps, doors, and especially if the player-goblins have not set up a
other modifications. Be sure to review the rules good jail or holding area.
around vision and light on PHB 183.
If the players manage to bargain in good faith with
Pacing adventurers, count it as a success! However, other
The PCs will be repeatedly attacked. Each adventuring groups may hear about this and come
successive group of adventurers is slightly tougher, to claim the seemingly more difficult or prestigious
and generally 1-2 levels higher than the player bounty on them – especially groups of opposing
characters. The adventurers are built out fully using alignment.
player characters, so they have more damage but
fewer hit points than most monsters, and plenty of If the players repeatedly raid the village for food
options. This also lets the DM briefly try out a lot of and tools, they are now a major threat! Change up
classes and subclasses. the order so they face tougher adventurers sooner,
or give adventurers a minion or two from the back of
Adventurers appear every 2d6 days after the the Monster Manual.
previous fight. Sometimes the goblins will have lots
of time to prepare. Other times, life is tough. If the PCs decide to try to proactively attack
incoming adventurers, assume the adventurers
After the first fight, the party levels up to 2. After have taken reasonable precautions appropriate for
two more fights, they level up to 3. Once they have their capabilities (someone on watch, Alarm spell,
reached level 3, the goblin PCs level up after every etc.). They are more likely to escape to warn others
3 attacks. when confronted in the forest.

Between each battle, roll once on the Random Difficulty

Events table, re-rolling any events that have been The adventurers (other than the very first group)
rolled before. There are a few bad events, a few rd th th th
may bear iron (3 -4 level), bronze (5 -6 level),
with roleplay-only effects, and some that offer minor th th th
silver (7-8 level), and maybe gold (9 -12 level)
boons or information. badges to indicate their status with the local
adventuring guild and approximate level. Smart
PCs can use this to judge threats!
Character Death Spell-Enhanced Lair Improvements
The party will have no access to any form of Mold Earth can be used to dig tunnels much faster,
resurrection magic until at least level 5. If a but it doesn’t reinforce them to keep them from
character dies, the player should create a new one, collapsing easily. Also, stones still have to be pried
one level down from the level of the dead character. out of the way by hand. Mold Earth tunnels can be
After one fight, the new character levels up to catch made at a speed of 15’ of tunnel per day, or 20’ with
up with the rest of the group. This module does not proper digging tools available. This is generally
support characters remaining substantially under- three to four times the speed of digging by hand.
leveled for long periods of time due to difficulty. If the tunnels are left as easily collapsible, Mold
Earth can dig 60’ per day. The fragility of the
In an emergency, a minion can have a “burst of rage” tunnels will be obvious to anyone who looks at them.
and immediately acquire 1-2 class levels as it
becomes the new PC to avoid a complete wipeout. In general, the lair is assumed to have flat stones
covering the floor, walls, and roof, with the
Make no mistake. Casualties will happen. The remainder of the cliff being made of a mix of
initial playthrough of this campaign, done online with sandstone, rocks, and gravel. Err in the players’
people who had time to think and coordinate favor when it comes to indulging creativity.
throughout each combat, and brought reasonably
optimized characters, resulted in the following: Making Items
2 dead Player Characters Making wooden weapons other than clubs requires
8 dead non-combatants oversight by someone with woodworking tools and
27 dead Goblin Warriors proficiency. Simple melee weapons can be made
This was under an earlier version of the rules where at a rate of 3 per day, or bows at a rate of 1 per day.
more than one goblin in a squad could be killed by a
single attack or effect. Slings can be made at no cost from simple and
easily available materials, with a simple Day action
Resizing Equipment being enough to equip the entire force of
The noncombatant goblins can resize leather and combatants.
wood items in the background. Metal armor can be
resized, but requires that someone in the tribe have Kobolds or Other Species
tools appropriate for metal-working. Magical items Players may wish to play using Kobolds or some
automatically resize themselves to fit the wearer. other species that is usually a low-level threat. This
is fine. Kobolds have a Cower/Grovel ability that
Setting Traps & Secret Doors can be used to grant allies advantage, which is a
Players will no doubt want to set traps for incoming good offensive tool. However, the Goblin ability to
adventurers. The DMG does not contain rules for disengage as a bonus action lets them run away
this in detail, but does contain sample traps that can and pick their engagements much more carefully.
be reviewed for comparison. In general, a trap
should not do more damage than 1 PC for 1 round, Modifying for 4 players
unless it is extremely complex or deadly. An extra player character is a substantial firepower
boost. For four players, the following modifications
For un-concealed traps or doors, assume they will are suggested:
be visible. For concealed traps, compare 1. Goblin squads contain only two goblins, not 3,
adventurers’ passive perception (or active, if with a corresponding decrease in HP and
searching) versus a trap concealment DC. The trap number of attacks.
concealment DC is equal to 10 plus the appropriate 2. Player characters are built with a 25 point buy
ability score + proficiency bonus: Int (Tool, instead of 27 point buy.
woodworking or masonry), Wis (Survival), or 3. Adventurers attack every 2d4 days instead of
Dexterity (Deception). It will then be up to the every 2d6 days.
goblin players to funnel the less perceptive enemies
into the trap. Traps with a magical component
require someone to expend a spell slot to cast the
appropriate spell daily for 3 days, plus material
components (gold, herbs, or other special materials)
equal to 100gp x the level of the spell.
The Sarcophagus: Are you sure you want Choose their final employer based on what the
goblins have done. If they have been using undead,
to do that? a necromancer would like to hire them. If they have
The lair contains a stone sarcophagus locked away a strong barbarian war champion, maybe they fall in
in a tomb-like room. Unfortunately, it is not marked line with an ogre or hobgoblin warlord. If they have
with any distinctive writing or symbols. Anyone who done extensive work with traps and fortifications, a
touches the sarcophagus feels an aura of dread and dragon may want them to help protect and guard its
evil, and must make a DC 10 Wisdom save or use lair and hoard.
their action to run away in fear for 1 round. The
room is unsuitable for resting. The sarcophagus
can be opened with a DC 12 Athletics check, and
3. Departure
contains the restless body of a mighty spellsword. If This is against the intent of the module, but is
opened, it will attack the nearest living creature and included because D&D characters often do the
continue until no living creatures are in sight, then unexpected.
return to its sarcophagus.
The party decides to leave the area and find a
Cunning PCs might lure enemies here and hope to newer lair in the Ogrespine Mountains. This should
unleash the inhabitant as an emergency measure. be an arduous and risky journey, where the players
If slain, the spellsword leaves behind a +1 Scimitar have to guard the caravan. Have the players
that deals 2 points of additional cold damage on hit. describe what sort of lair they are looking for (ruins,
cave, hidden valley, etc.). Roll Survival checks
Use the statistics of the Cambion (MM 36), with the each day as they travel (using the highest Survival
following changes: score in the party). When the party reaches a total
of 100 on their checks, they find their goal and can
• It is undead and thus immune to poison,
exhaustion, unconsciousness, and charm. settle in peace – or at least somewhere where they
are attacked less frequently. In the meantime, they
• Its speed is 30’ fly as it hovers just above the
will have to subsist on hunted food, which may
require stops en route.
• In melee, it wields a +1 scimitar that deals 2
extra points of cold damage on hit. (+8 to hit, 5’,
During travel, roll on the Complications table below
1d6+4 slashing damage + 2 cold damage)
twice during the day and once at night for each day
• Instead of Fire Rays, the restless undead fires they travel. Feel free to combine rolls for more
Grave Bolts that each deal 2d8 cold damage. interesting encounters!
• In place of the Fiendish Charm, it may deal 4d8
cold damage to all living creatures within 15’ of Day
it, Con DC 14 half. This may only be used once
1 Human bandits (MM 343-344) accost them and
per day.
demand gold.
2 3 Perytons (MM 251) hunt the caravan
Ending the Campaign 3 Forest fire – The group must make DC 12
The campaign is intended to continue until one of Survival checks to figure out which way to run
three endings happens. to escape a forest fire. They lose ½ day of
1. TPK 4 Thunderstorm – 4 hours of progress is lost, and
everyone gets wet.
The goblins are wiped out! There are no non-
5 A Wyvern (MM 303) hunts in the area, and may
combatants or warriors remaining. The tribe dies.
find them if they do not hide.
It’s time to start a new campaign. If the players
6 2 Hill Giants (MM 155) demand all their magic
wish to try again, a different map will be needed,
items, and that the goblins perform a humiliating
and the DM should swap enemies between the
dance and then leave three of their number
attacking parties to avoid repeating the same
behind to act as servants
7 Nothing
8 Nothing
2. Level 7 9 Nothing
The goblin leaders reach level 7. After a final battle 10 Nothing
at level 7, they are notable enough to attract job
offers to serve regional power player strong enough
and rich enough to supply them with a much safer
lair, better equipment, and a long term position as
valued and powerful minions.
Night 8 A tunnel collapses, trapping two goblins (DM
1 An Owlbear (MM 249) stumbles into their camp chooses type). Unless magic is available, a
2 Elven patrol finds them (use 5x Scout, MM 349, Day action is lost retrieving them.
with Darkvision and +1 AC/to-hit from increased 9 A skunk gets into the food storage area. A DC
Dex) 12 Animal Handling check is required to safely
3 An adventuring party (the next one in order) remove it. On a failed check, 2 days’ worth of
finds their trail and tries to approach them. food is ruined and there are many complaints
4 Nothing about the room being stinky for the next two
5 Nothing weeks.
6 Nothing 10 A noncombatant named Ironbelly finds some
poisonous mushrooms the hard way, and
doesn’t survive because he ate most of them in
Random Events one sitting. There are enough left that one day
This table contains things that may happen between of Brewing work can turn them into 3 doses of
adventurer raids. Roll 1d20 after each raid and poison that can be applied to weapons, or an
have the event take place before the next raid. ingested poison sufficient to affect up to 5
Note: After the very first raid, do not use Random people. Applying poison takes an action. On
Events, as the players will still be adjusting to the hit, the target must make a DC 12 Constitution
unusual game concept and do not need the extra save or be Poisoned. The target may save at
complexity. the end of each turn to end the effect; otherwise,
it lasts for one minute. Alternatively, you can
1 A Hunting goblin is bitten by a poisonous snake. keep the mushrooms and try to use them as
Unless someone hunting with him has a healing food-borne poison. In that case, anyone who
ability or item that heals 8hp or eats a full meal prepared with them must make
neutralizes/cures poison, he dies. a DC 12 Constitution save 30 minutes after the
2 Two different goblins complain of nightmares meal, or be incapacitated by nausea and
about the sarcophagus, but can’t remember any vomiting for 1 hour.
details. One squad starts the next fight with two 11 Head Scout only – a large herd of aurochs are
levels of Exhaustion. travelling through the region. You can gain +1
3 A goblin argues he should be the leader instead. food per day of hunting, but they’re far away
If the PCs go along with it, replace every PC’s and it’s a lot to haul back. If you commit to a 3-
chosen Day with a randomly rolled choice for day hunt, you’ll gain 9 food instead of 6, but you
one day, and this event may recur. won’t benefit from your chance to spot incoming
4 One of the noncombatants has a difficult birth. enemies.
A DC 12 Medicine check causes it to succeed, 12 Chief only – Some of your warriors get
giving +1 noncombatant; on a failure, the discouraged at continually fighting more
mother dies. The Help action may only be used powerful enemies. How do you choose to
by proficient characters. motivate them? If fear, they each gain 3
5 One of the goblin children, Quickfeet, steals a temporary HP at the start of the next battle. If
dagger and begins playing with it and practicing. inspiration, they each get +1 to hit at the start of
If the PCs take it away from Quickfeet, nothing the next battle.
happens. If Quickfeet is allowed to keep it or 13 Shaman only – Your dreams are odd for
trained, then if an enemy makes it to the several nights. You feel like you’re seeing
noncombatant area, Quickfeet may make 1 someone else’s memories. They involve lots of
attack at +4 to hit for 1d4+2+1d6 sneak attack fighting, and betrayal. A few stray symbols of
damage to try to kill that enemy as a last ditch some old form of writing catch your eye as
effort. being similar to those on the sarcophagus. Will
6 A forager named Pebbles finds some sweet fruit. you try resting in the sarcophagus room? If yes,
It can serve as components for brewing 2 your next dreams are clearer. You can tell that
healing potions at once, or she can bake it to a malevolent spirit of power rests uneasily,
make a dessert for the tribe. The dessert ends desiring to kill the living… but you are also
up being a sweet jam-like sauce that goes well certain that Protection from Evil will render you
on meat, bread, and mushrooms. invisible to it, at least for a little while, and that it
7 While digging, Pyrite finds a shiny gemstone. will not stray far unless the living are in front of it.
He wants to stop work and polish it. If allowed, 14 Battle Champion only – Magic items are a big
it’s an emerald worth 120gp. part of hitting hard for your skill and size. You
realize one day that you can, just barely, feel
magic auras on items. Choice: You can either
try to handle it like a spellcaster would by
making it systematic, or you can go with your
instincts. If the Champion chooses to make it
Animal Taming
systematic, the Champion may cast Detect Goblins often seem to be found in association with
Magic once per day. If the Champion chooses other creatures that they have tamed or partnered
to follow gut instincts, the Champion may attune with. If your party tries to find animal allies, this
to one additional magic item. table contains creatures were selected to be weak
15 Loremaster only – A potion being brewed enough to not be overpowering, but still fun and
begins to fizzle and bubble unexpectedly, potentially useful to have.
shaking the container. The loremaster can
choose to dampen the reaction, destroying the Finding them requires the Scout action with a
potion, or let it go. If it is allowed to continue specific goal of looking for pet-suitable animal, and
brewing, roll 1d20. On a 1-8, the potion usually takes 2-3 days (not necessarily contiguous).
explodes, giving off reactive gasses that destroy Roll Survival checks for each day, with a DC of 12.
all Herbs in store. On a 9-12, the potion Two successful checks are required to recruit an
becomes a Potion of Poison. On a 13-16, it animal.
becomes a Potion of Stone Giant Strength. On
a 17-20, it becomes a Potion of Supreme Beasts must be fed and provided a suitable lair
Healing. within the goblins’ home. This is typically a den of
16 One of the hunters gets lost. He doesn’t make at least 10 square feet in size, with walls and a
his way back until the next morning, arriving just single entrance.
one round before the adventurers who have
been chasing him since they woke him up in the They will not fight to the death unless cornered.
middle of the night. They have deliberately left They will attack opportunistically when safe to do so,
him alive to follow him back. Having a Head depending on the specific creature. Persuading
Scout negates the negative effects. them to attack when outnumbered or charge into
17 A withered old crone of a goblin, Mypot, steals a dangerous situations requires an Animal Handling
spellbook you’ve looted from wizards, and check as an action, typically DC 15. The DC is
claims it as hers. If anyone enters the lowered to 8 if a character they have specifically
Noncombatant room, they will get one casting befriended is in danger.
of Magic Missile (1d4+1 x 3) to the face.
18 Someone gets sick. Disease spreads unless 1 5 Giant Fire Beetles (MM 325)
party has a way to contain it. Make a hidden 2 1d6+2 Weasels (MM 340)
Medicine roll for every proficient PC. If it’s 3 3 Wild Mastiffs (MM 332)
under 10, the disease is spotted when there are 4 3 Giant Rats (MM 327)
8 sick; 10-14, the disease is spotted when there 5 1 Panther (MM 333), which has a 50% chance
are four sick individuals; 15+, two. Sick of being present in the lair for a fight, as it hunts
individuals remain ill for 1 week and double their for itself
numbers each day. If spreads for 3 days, then 6 2 Wolves (MM 341)
on next combat, roll 1d3-1 (0-2) for each squad, 7 2 Giant Weasels (MM 329)
and that squad starts with that level of 8 2 Giant Badgers (MM 323)
exhaustion from feeling cruddy. 9 1 Black Bear (MM 318)
19 Some of your warriors have started gambling, 10 2 Crocodiles (MM 320), which will live in the
wagering food, chores, pretty rocks, and trinkets. lake nearby and attack anyone who enters the
Several fights have broken out, resulting in a water. Note: 10% chance of losing a
few lost teeth and other minor injuries. How do noncombatant between each fight if the goblins
you respond? are fishing.
20 Maglubiyet blesses the tribe for their success, 11 1 Rust Monster (MM 262). Must be fed 10lbs
IF they have completely wiped out the last two metal per day.
adventuring groups. If so, he appears in a 12 1 Orange Faerie Dragon. Requires pay of 50gp
vision to the priest/shaman and encourages per fight in shiny coins or gems, which it takes
them to continue what they are doing. Each PC to a hidden cache nearby, and may lodge a
gains 3hp permanently. Each squad member claim to shiny magical items. It will depart if it is
gains 1hp permanently. unpaid, or if the cache is located.
If they have not, he encourages them to do
better at killing weakened enemies, and
enchants one pair of boots to give +10’ speed.
Trading Reviews
The goblin clan defending this lair isn’t the only one Positive reviews are the only way for good content
of its kind. Other bands of goblins, hobgoblins, to stand out. If you feel this is a fun and unique
kobolds, orcs, ogres, pixies, and the like are in the module, please leave a positive review.
area. They aren’t interested in helping, or taking If you run it, please leave a comment on the DM’s
over the lair of some smelly goblins, but they will be Guild indicating how many goblins died out of each
interested in trading for magical items. As Scouting category.
for Trading opportunities is likely to be done by only
one PC, trading or selling items in this module is Inspiration
mostly abstracted, so that one player’s character The Wandering Inn probably helped inspire this
doesn’t end up being the only one having something concept.
to do for half an hour.

When a player chooses to Scout for Trading Image Credits

opportunities, have the player roll a Survival check Goblins image (C) WOTC.
to represent the difficulty of locating other groups of
creatures who are themselves trying to conceal their Special Thanks
lairs. On a 13 or above, the player locates a group
To A, B, and P, the forum members who helped trial
that would be willing to trade.
this module, and whose feedback helped improve it.
Boomfizzle, Big Head, Gobblehop, Manyteeth, and
Nobody out in the wilderness has everything that
Not A Pet were a lot of fun.
the players may want. Instead, what they have for
trade is rolled randomly on the DMG tables on a
like-for-like basis. For each item of a given category, Copyright Notice
roll the number of times specified below on the loot DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
table. When in doubt, look at what DMG loot table Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
an item is in, and use that table. dragon ampersand, Ravnica, and all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective
These are the items that the group the Trading logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the
player has found may be willing to trade. If they USA and other countries.
aren’t a good fit, try again tomorrow somewhere This work contains material that is copyright
else. A maximum of 3 trades may be made per day. Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the
Important note: All item trading is at the DM Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
discretion. A few items, such as those that fix a stat Masters Guild.
to 19, should be treated as one level higher than
they actually are. It may be safe to assume that All other original material in this work is copyright
some exploitable items, such as Wands of Magic 2023 by Jonathan Hightower and published under
Missile, are too valuable for trade. Imagine what a the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
group that arms two squads with 6 such wands Masters Guild.
could do…

• Basic magic consumables (healing potions,

scrolls up to 2 level):
Magic Item Table A, 4 rolls
• Greater potions, consumables, and utility items:
Magic Item Table B, 2 rolls
• +1 equipment and basic items:
Magic Item Table F, 2 rolls
• +2, Weapons with a damage bonus, elemental
resistance, etc.:
Magic Item Table G, 1 roll

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