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Military Camp Life On Upper Manhattan Island and Adjacent Mainland During The American Revolution...

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Early Investigations of Camp Sites of the American Revolution.

In addition to History Written with Pick and Shovel, William Louis Calver and Reginald Pelham Bolton also wrote a report on the sites they investigated. The investigations of William L. Calver and Reginald P. Bolton around New York City in the first decades of the 20th century would not qualify as scientific archeology today. But a large part of their efforts were what might be thought of as early salvage archeology; an effort to recover, record and preserve, artifacts of the American Revolution in the face of rapid urban development. The sites included fortifications, military quarters, barracks and hut sites, and importantly, some of the /very/ few and rare archaeological observations of what can be considered military camp-fire sites. This lengthy, chatty, article appears to be a more detailed report of what is presented in Calver and Boltons History Written with Pick and Shovel, which presents far more photographs of artifacts, with summary narrative. By the same token, Pick and Shovel occasionally mentions artifacts that this report omits. The following is an attempt to reduce the material into a form that might be of use to us. I omitted most scattered references to bullets, buttons, nails and other ubiquitous items. The find of marked regimental buttons seldom seems to point to definitive occupation of a site by one and only one regiment. Many were occupied at different times by American, British, Loyalist and Hessian troops, so most references were omitted here. Likewise, where possible, I omitted some identifications and narrative that are the most obviously based on outdated interpretations, but retained them and added a brief note in brackets where necessary. Bolton, Reginald Pelham; Military Camp Life on Upper Manhattan Island and Adjacent Mainland during the American Revolution, Disclosed by Recent Archaeological Excavations. The article begins on p. 347 with some general discussion. Discussion of artifacts observed or recovered: ...sawn bones, fragments of skulls of sheep, ox and deer, the shells of oyster, clam and crab... p. 362-63. About a dozen large bar-shot were dislodged by workmen on the site of Chelsea Methodist Episcopal Church at 178th Street, on Fort Washington Avenue, which were probably from a series of fire hearths of military huts. p. 365. [Calver and Bolton quickly recognized that bar shot, primarily a Naval munition consisting of two complete or half shot, connected by an iron bar, were the common improvised fireplace andirons in these camps. Most seem to have been related to use in the huts. See note in Appendix, below.]

VI. WASHINGTONS HEADQUARTERS AND THE CAMP OF THE 38TH FOOT REGIMENT. Morriss White House, Headquarters House, near Fort Washington. p. 383. [Refers to Krafft diary mentions of this site. The Krafft diary and plans are major resources throughout.] At 942 Avenue Saint Nicholas a camp fire-place was disturbed upon the widening of the old highway, which contained a couple of the doubleheaded bar-shot frequently used as fire-dogs. p. 396. Exhibit of finds at Jumel mansion: Upon the hearth of the fireplace there has been reconstructed the rude stone fireplace of the hut (numbered 10) of the camp of the Body Regiment [i. e., Du Corps?], which was measured, photographed and removed to this place in 1913. On the ashes of the fireplace are arranged examples of the crude pot hooks, tongs and other utensils made by the soldiery out of barrel-hoops. Another is a group of the soldiers pot hooks from various fireplaces... p. 389. VII. CAMP OF THE MUSKETEER REGIMENT VON DONOP. [Near 173rd Street on the old Kings Bridge Road, later, Broadway.] p. 390. [At 168th Street, between Broadway and Fort Washington Avenue, about 500 feet west of Broadway.] ...quantities of animal bones, which had been sawn into slabs, many being perforated by a circular cutting tool forming the bone but[t]ons, some of which have been found on nearly every camp site on the heights. Several pocket clasp-knives were also found there, with the usual pothooks, nails and broken bottles... p. 391. There were scattered pits that had been dug in the sandy soil, in which fires had burned, but no numbered buttons were discovered... p. 391. West of Fort Washington Avenue, on the grounds of the one-time Lespinasse residence or French Academy, at 171st Street, to Haven Avenue... fire-places, small angular earthwork. In a fire-pit, pot hooks, black glass schnapps flask [case bottle] broken china and glass and a broken bayonet. p. 392. Huts close to the bog... Saxon coin of 12 Heller, date 1757. p. 392. VIII. THE VAN OBLIENIS FARM. [Near 12th Avenue and 176th Street.] A mass of household rubbish was found at a depth of from a foot to two feet below, the upper layers of which soon proved to be of military character. These included nearly two dozen of pike-butt points, which have been found on every soldiers camp [probably tent pole spikes or similar items], and several of the little rectangular iron plates perforated with a keyed opening, the use of which is not known. The large square sockets having a handle on a chain, were found, of which

another specimen was taken out of the barrack site on Bennett Avenue. [These are on-line at the NYHS.] These were followed by a more determinate evidence in the shape of a pewter button of the American Continental Army, and a silver button of the 54th British... p. 397. [Calver and Bolton frequently mention these spikes.] The pit containing the rubbish descended to about three feet depth at the lowest point, and eventually extended to ten feet or more diameter. It contained, besides the military objects, quantities of bones, shell, large and small forged nails, spikes, hinges, padlocks, broken bottles and scraps of earthenware, and a few household articles such as knives and forks, evidencing the usual household waste. Masses of red Colonial brick lay at the end of the pit nearest the dwelling. p. 397. [Residence formerly of Hosea B. Perkins, facing Broadway at 179th St.] Two small bar-shot were found on a fireplace near the Broadway, which had evidently been used in the fireplace of one of the huts... p. 398. In a nearby foundation: One of the bottle-necks bore traces of wire which had secured the cork... [This feature is also known from artifacts studied by Ivor Noel Hume.] p. 398. Directly in the rear of this property, across Fort Washington Avenue, an excavation for the Chelsea Methodist Episcopal Church bought to light other evidences of military life. The site, at the north-west corner of 178th Street, was cleared in 1909, in great haste, and a number of fireplaces disturbed around rocks, about one hundred feet from the Avenue, from which Mr. John Brown, the contractor, rescued a bayonet and seven of the largest size of double-headed bar shot, weighing upwards of twenty-five pounds apiece... He also secured the blade of a lance, which he presented, with two of the shot, to the collection... In clearing out one fire-pit, there were afterwards found an iron canteen of the type used by Hessian soldiers, and a large brass buckle, both lying in the ashes of the fire pit. [Metal canteens were thought to have been used only by Hessian troops at this time.] Part of the garrison probably camped out on this spot, and upon hastily vacating their quarters, left behind them such heavy implements as these weighty shot, evidently used as fire-dogs on the hearths, as shown by the envelope of wood ashes in which they were encased. p. 399. IX. FORT WASHINGTON OR FORT KNYPHAUSEN... 1910. North side of 181st Street for the Reformed (Dutch) Church. In 1910, an excavation was made on the north side of 181st Street for the construction of the Reformed (Dutch) Church, which cut deeply into the hillside, extending into the line of the breastworks. A search along the cut disclosed a few indications of military character, a gunflint, a bullet or so, and then led to a fire pit at the northwest corned of the Church in which were found buttons of the 38th Foot, and one of a private soldier of the 82nd... p. 404. 1913. Outer works of Fort Washington. between 181st Street and Fort Washington Avenue. A small hole was dug and disclosed some old red bricks lying flat and

close together... uncovered a brick-laid space extending west and north, floored evenly with old-style red and blue bricks, mostly in halves or bats, a fair indication of a revolutionary hut, but of superior character. ... Only a short distance along this floor, old ironwork was found consisting of barrel hoops, old hinges, spikes, and a narrow shovel. Broken pipes, one of unmistakably Colonial style, and some scraps of china were discovered, and the back of a button, similar in manufacture to officers buttons of the Revolutionary period. Following the brick floor, it was found to extend about nine or ten feet across, and after reaching its westerly limit, it was concluded that, if a fireplace existed, it would be to the north, and efforts in that direction were soon rewarded by finding large stones which formed a large fireplace, the hearth being carefully laid in half-bricks, with a rather limited amount of ashes on the surface, but with the customary presence of nails and spikes and charcoal. On the west side of the little space two large bar-shot were uncovered, which lay at right angles to each other, one in its original position, as a fire dog, on the hearth, the other lying outside. The bricks of the hearth were grooved across, where the edges of the shot had worn them. This gave a clear decision to the character of the place, and some good photographs were secured. The shot weighted fully fifty pounds apiece, each being more than two feet in length... p. 405. The following Sunday... Little more was found on the floor save an iron grape shot, a bullet, and part of a brass brooch or pin. p. 405. The floor of the hut was carefully cleaned and measured, and was found to cover a space in front of the fireplace twelve feet in width and extending back nine feet to the south. The south-west corner, for a space of about six feet by four feet, was unpaved, of beaten sand. This portion was probably under a bed or table. On the east side was a depressed space which was probably the entrance, and the bricks had become wet and sunken at this point. Close by the doorway were scraps of window glass, and two wrought iron hinges, such as would be suited to window frames or screens. These were near an old type of shovel, which lay nearer the fireplace. On the eastern part of the floor was a large camp axe-head, broken at the back, having been used probably as a maul... close to the fireplace lay a small brass object, which, on closer examination, looked like the top of a wooden snuff-box, brassmounted, with some of the wood adhering. A few scraps of a cream-ware tea-cup and of a blue-edged plate lay on the floor, and various fragments of clay pipes, one of which bore a trade mark J. W., in a cartouche design. The bricks forming the floor were of varying sizes and shapes, mostly in halves, but quite a number were whole as were those lying loose on the floor, which had evidently fallen into the fire-place from the chimney. Some of the bricks were glazed by the action of fire, and all were of Colonial proportions. The hearth measured 36 inches wide by 20 inches deep, and was constructed outside the hut floor. The two barshot were found to be not quite the same size... p. 406. [Rubbish dump about 25 feet from the hut.] Oyster shells... meat bones, shells, charcoal and ash, bullets,

ironwork, hoops and broken pottery... button of the 57th Regiment... A button of the 38th, of unusual design, soon rewarded the sifters, and two bone buttons, used on underwear [technically, plausible] were followed by several cuff-links, one of which bore a design of a female figure bending over an anchor... three fine silver buckles in almost perfect condition, save that their steel hinge-pins are rusted away. They appear to be such as were used on the high stocks and collars of that period. The broken china included part of a handpainted Chinese porcelain cup, and [p. 407.] [p. 408] some English cream ware, forming part of a bowl and saucer, also, a hand-painted English Delft [more recently the word is spelled delft to distinguish the English ware] saucer. The glass included part of a drinking tumble decorated with an engraved design, probably Stiegel glass, from Pennsylvania [Stiegel glass is very similar to Germanic glass of the same era. More recently, candidates are referred to as being Stiegel-type.], and parts of a large square black glass schnapps flask [case bottle]... p. 407-08. There were many bullets of several sizes, a buckshot, and some musket flints... barrel hoops and nails, and another much abused axe head. A broken knife and pipe bowls were mixed with oyster shells and quantities of scraps of bone. p. 408. On the north side of the hut... another hut site was found of a much humbler character, the floor being of beaten sand, and the area only about eight feet square. Although the customary pot-hook lay on the floor, there was no distinct fire-place... may have been removed in some old time regrading. p. 408. The final search of the surrounding soil, contiguous to the hut, rewarded the explorers with several interesting additions. [p. 408.] [p. 409.] Buttons of 22nd and 80th Regiments. A frail cord of silver thread was found... p. 409. X. BARRACKS OF THE FORT WASHINGTON GARRISON. [Largely a general discussion and how the area had been altered and scalped for relics.] Near Bennett Avenue near intersection of 182nd Street. ...a piece of iron chain with a handle or crossbar which was attached to a square socket of iron, of similar shape to one which had been found some years before in an excavation near Dyckman Street... p. 414. [Some of these are viewable at the NYHS website - they are still mysterious.] [Nearby.] ...the debris of the camp-fire and soup-kettle - the pot-hooks, burnt stones and charcoal, broken bottles and china, meat bones, oyster and clam shells. p. 415. ... a plain gold button with an ivory back, apparently that of an officer, was found close to a pewter button of the Seventy-Sixth Highland Regiment. With these came to light numerous clay pipe bowls, some bearing the mark W. G. - a familiar sign of the presence of soldiery of that period, many black gun-flints, numerous bullets, buckshot, two pistol ram-rod guides of brass, close to the latter of which

was found a penny [copper half-penny?] bearing the familiar superscription and visage of George III. p. 415. Some interesting groups of objects were found, which afforded some indication that the broken or lost objects had been cast out from the doors or windows of the buildings. In such groups there was much broken chinaware, some of excellent quality and interesting design. One curious object of this kind was a legless Dresden[?] china lamb, possibly the toy of some child of the camp. Quantities of broken clay pipes, both bowl and stems... One stem was found, bearing the full name and address of a manufacturer W. Hutchinson, Liverpool. in close proximity to a button of the 33rd Regiment... p. 415. In some places the buttons of various corps lay quite close together, as if old uniforms had been buried or thrown away in one place, with a number of buttons upon them... twenty-five numbered buttons were found, the majority being those of the 76th McDonald Highlanders, with others of the 33d Foot. p. 415. Among the unnumbered buttons were some of similar pattern to others which have been found on sites in which the presence of the Hessian troops was known... also occupied by American troops was indicated by one of the ornamental pewter buttons, which was identical with specimens which hve been discovered on the site of the American quarters known as the Hempstead Huts, situated in the Continental Village in the Highlands of the Hudson. p. 416. ...easterly side of Bennett Avenue southwards to 181st Street... a fine bronze belt-plate of the 7th Regiment, or Royal Fusiliers, was found lying face down, the inscription being thus perfectly preserved. The face is engraved with a monogram R. F. in elaborate script. p. 416. [At an area between 183rd and 184th Streets, known as the Death Gap.] ...some wooden building, which had evidently been destroyed by fire, as much burnt debris lay over the surface including nails, bricks and stones, broken bottles, oyster shells and meat bones, all more or less exhibiting the effects of fire. A British half-penny of 1774 [most of this year are counterfeits], a fine ornamental brass button, and a small Spanish silver coin... p. 416. [Line of a dry brook, on the line of 181st Street, west of Broadway to the Harlem River.] ...bullets, three gun-flints, a brass knee-buckle, an iron horseshoe, a camp broad axe the cutting edge of which is nearly eight inches wide, a sappers pick, and part of an oval iron canteen of Hessian pattern. [Also a French officers button.] p. 418. Pewter button of the 14th Regiment of Foot. Near this and other buttons were found flat pieces of lead, bent so as to form a hold for gun-flints in the locks of muskets, and also a pencil of soft lead about two and one-half inches long, one of a number... p. 419. ...sixteen bullets and an equal number of gun-flints, were taken out,

some being found perfect and unused. Among other objects, a number of scraps of thin sheet lead were found, which had been cut into various shapes by knife or scissors. From their quantity and appearance they are assumed to have been used for padding the lapels of uniforms[?], or to have been sewn into the lower edges of coats and were probably in the discarded garments thrown into the dump. Quantities of fragments of fragments of rum bottles, china, pottery and porcelain, medicine bottles and wine glasses were found, and numerous forged nails and iron spikes up to eight inches in length with here and there the butt end of a military pike staff[?]... [Buttons of the 45th Regiment.] The presence of Scotch soldiers was indicated by a heart-shaped blue glass jewel... [/assumed/ to be a plaid brooch...] p. 419. We found an iron socket 1 1/4 inches in diameter by 3 inches long, but rounded... [Assumed to be from a regimental colour, but speculative.] p. 419. ...bullets and gun-flints, broken files and part of a saw. p. 420. As small glass jewel was found, possibly from a set of cuff links, which was cut intaglio with a rose, and hard by was a button of the Sixth Regiment, this having a pewter loop, an unusual feature in a British military button. Contiguous to this button were other British buttons, such as those of the 4th, 10th, 38th, 57th and 82nd Regiments. A curious find close to these objects was a hair pin which lay with a large silver button among many fragments of porcelain and scratched [known also as scratch blue] and salt-glazed earthenware [more aptly termed stoneware]... p. 420. Still working downstream and only six feet further on, a larger layer was encountered but at a greater depth from the surface. Here was found a vein of material having the appearance of burnt straw, which proved to be rich in a number of objects connected with the use of horses, such as horse-shoes, harness buckles, shoe buckles, spurs, the bail of a pail, and a complete snaffle bit. p. 420. Along part of the bed of the brook there was a pile of broken bricks and large boulders, about three feet under the ground, which had apparently formed the easterly edge of a one-time pit or excavation, but even below these bricks we found in the wet clay of the brook bed broken bottles, bullets, flints, broken china, and pieces of brass buckles, and with these some buttons of the Thirty-eighth and Fiftyseventh Regiments. The bricks appeared to have fallen together, and were all broken Colonial red bricks, of good shape and appearance. Their position indicated their use as part of a bricked-in sink or cess pit. p. 421. At this point, were were rewarded by finding, among the debris of the 38th Regiment, as indicated by their buttons, a bronze belt-plate bearing the royal initials G. R. with the number of the regiment in Roman numerals, close to which lay a silver button of an officer of the same corps, having the figure of a lion over a crown surmounting the regimental number... broken clay pipes, one of which had been broken off short and then re-cut... it had a trade mark T within a wreath.

p. p. 422. ...a coin of one of the German States, which bore the words Fennig Scheidemunze, the little coin being pierced with a hole... p. 422. 1912. A pit halfway between the previous one and Bennett Ave. ... a brass stock-plate of a musket, bearing the rack number 278. p. 423. This pit yielded a number of complete bowls of English clay pipes... one with the familiar initials T. D. but placed in a cartouche design... a small brownish colored pipe, having about four inches of the stem intact, bearing on one side an unusual trade-mark D. G.... p. 423. A one-pound cannon ball... with many bullets, buck-shot, musket flints, pike butt points and belt buckles... layers of wood ash, in which were many large meat bones, the skulls of cattle and sheep, broken bottles, table glass and chinaware. p. 423. One of the interesting objects discovered was a little oval seal, which under the magnifying glass disclosed the word Liberty engraved across its face, in reverse. Near this was another small blue glass seal, or perhaps an ornament from a cuff link, which bears in part the words Bill of Rights. p. 423. [The mottos Liberty and Bill of Rights date to England in the late 1760s and early 1770s, associated with John Wilkes and were common decorative motifs. Such items are occasionally associated with British sites.] XI. THE HESSIAN HUT CAMP. The high bank of the west side of Bennett Avenue cut by the street grading was later examined, and on its upper margin, about two feet below the surface, a fireplace was found, over the hearth of which numerous red bricks were piled, which had evidently formed part of the construction of a chimney. The floor was the usual packed and discolored dirt. In front of the hearth lay the greater part of a bowl of Leeds creamware, also a couple of bullets, fragments of coarse pottery, some forged nails, and strange to say, a small Indian arrowpoint of war pattern. p. 425. The fireplace was constructed in a rather unusual form, being quite rectangular. it was 30 inches square, made of large stones, accurately set in sand beds; and the hearth itself and an equal space in front of it were floored with flat stones... a drawing was made of its details... p. 425. Due north, and about 25 feet from this hut, was another, the floor of which was of hard beaten sand, extending about 12 feet north and south. Only a small fireplace was found in it, formed of rude stones, with ashes on the hearth, and a pot hook and a few bullets and plain buttons on the floor surface. it appeared to be Hessian, and to have been occupied by common soldiers. p. 425. Of barrel hoops: Evidently the hoops lay scattered around the camp, as the many samples which have been found on this and other camp sites go

to show. They answered all sorts of purposes, being used to make hooks to hang the pots over the camp fires, and others to form fire tongs, broilers and kettle handles. p. 427. [Calver and Bolton cite the von Krafft diary, see Appendix, below.] XII. LAUREL HILL, LATER FORT GEORGE. ...double-headed navy bar-shot found by the late F. W. Hofele, with which some of the spikes and nails with which it was filled between its heads, were still in contact... [???] p. 438. Quantities of leaden bullets have been found, associated as usual with the broken and lost gun flints, and portions of ironwork of muskets, ramrod guides and bayonet scabbard hooks. p. 438-39. The camp tools are of interest. Among these are several used by blacksmiths, and a small swage or block of the type used for splitting gun-flints.[?] Part of a sword blade was found by Mr. Calver, and some of the old-style ramrod sockets, indicating a breakage or destruction of muskets... Of personal relics... cuff-links of officers, adorned with glass crystals mounted in rather flimsy gilt and silver settings; shoe and knee buckles, ornamented and plain, and many belt and harness buckles, chains and horseshoes, the latter particularly around the spot near 190th Street and Fort George Avenue... p. 439. Broken earthenware, china and bottles were distributed throughout the soil, and two scraps of wine bottles are of special interest, as one bears a seal with the name Geo. Errington and the other the initials R. M.... p. 439. A large exposed boulder... east side of Audobon Avenue, on the line of 191st St. Its surface was much scored and cracked by the action of fire... This rock must have stood very close to the south line of the earthwork of the embankment of Fort George, probably at the entrance of the fortification. On an attempt being made to ascertain whether the rock had been used as a shelter for the fires of the soldiery, the discovery was made of a fireplace at the south end of this boulder, [p. 439.] [p. 440.] the hearth of which was laid carefully with red bricks, the back composed of large stones. Around this hearth a number of objects, familiar as evidences of camp life, were found, such as charcoal, meat bones, broken bottles, pot hooks and nails... p. 440. [Ansbach Artillery belt plate found here.] XIII. FORT TRYON, OR FOREST HILL. A bronze belt buckle was found having the letters C. G. cut out in its central part. This probably was a part of the accoutrements of a soldier of the Coldstream Guards. It was given by Mr. W. L. Calver in June, 1914, to that regiment and is placed in their headquarters in St. James palace, London. A bronze copy of it was made for record. p. 446. XIV. THE CAMP OF THE HESSIAN BODY GUARD. [East of Broadway between 194th Street and Dyckman Avenue.] Some later and more extensive excavations brought to light the remains of several fireplaces, one having the appearance of a bake-oven, formed

of large stones set together and covering over a hearth, in which was a mass of wood ashes, containing no less than twenty-one of the butt ends of pikes[?], frequently found near other camp fires. No buttons were, however, found at this place. p. 447-48. In 1911, a new street, rejoicing in the inappropriate name of Elwood, was excavated across the vacant land north of Zereners farm, extending from Nagel Avenue to Broadway, the cutting of which very promptly disclosed military occupation. When the ground was disturbed by the workmen, they unfortunately tore away several fire-pits. About 300 feet west of Nagel Avenue, there was a place which appeared have been the floor of a hut, the ground leveled off and beaten very hard, and several large stones being set together as a fireplace, with burnt clay and ashes and nails near by. On the hard surface lay the butt end of a pike, the customary broken bottles, bones, clay pipe fragments, and several barrel hoops and pot hooks. p. 448. Other fire-pits were found about one hundred feet west by north, which contained a bone button and a large pot hook, another yielded a silver button and a bullet, and a large pit afforded a store of articles taken by the Spier brothers, including a bone-handle fork, a knife blade, a pocket knife, brass and iron shoe buckles, a stirrup, two gun-flints and nails and bones. Later, a bullet and a brass spoon were found at the same place, with a barrel hoop ingeniously bent and twisted so as to form a handle for a kettle or pot. p. 449. [Nearby:] ...a complete ramrod nearly four feet in length... With this were two bayonets, and several table knives and forks having silvermounted mahogany handles, evidently the possessions of an officer, whose identity was, strange to relate, disclosed by a fine silver beltplate bearing the Royal monogram and the name and number of the 28th Foot Regiment. When this object came into the possession of Mr. Calver, his close examination disclosed the presence of the initials J. E. scratched deeply in the back of the plate. [Some good detective work. Apparently belonged to a Lt. James Edwards of that regiment.] p. 449. Indications of other fireplaces were found in the immediate vicinity and were thought to have marked the position of other dug-out huts. The outline of one such construction was traceable in the side of the sand bank excavated for the street, and showed that the floor of a hut had been cut into the hillside to a distance of about ten feet and a depth at the rear of about five feet, where stones had been placed for a small fireplace, from which some idea was gathered as to how these places of shelter were formed. p. 450. Just south of Thayer Street a line of black earth in the sand bank, well up the knoll, showed some past disturbance of the surface and this was followed up by Leslie Spier, who uncovered a hut with a large fireplace constructed of flat stones, having a mass of wood ashes on the hearth. In this hut he secured a complete glass bottle, and the usual pot hooks, also a curious broiler made of a barrel hoop twisted around to form a suitable shape for the purpose. p. 451.

A later excavation disclosed a complete glass rum bottle, some shoe buckles, a pewter spoon of crude shape and several barrel hoops, so located as to indicate the presence of a tub at one corner of the occupied space, probably used as a wash bowl. [Equally likely to be a necessary tub.] p. 451. [These finds led to the discovery of a row of huts, generally yielding few artifacts other than broken glass and ceramics. One had a fireplace a mere sand bed without stones...] p. 451. [Higher up on the Knoll:] The latter [fireplace] was of crude construction, and around it lay glass and china-ware in many fragments, and the hoops of barrels which at one time perhaps formed its rude chimney [possibly lined with clay]. Immediately to the west side of this hearth, a quantity of leaden musket balls were found scattered upon the floor. With these was a quantity of used and spent bullets, some of which bore marks of their contact with stone and woodwork, and some had been cut or sliced with a knife, evidently for the purpose of remolding, as they lay close to fragments of lead slag. p. 455. [In another hut:] ...ornament of silver thread wound around a core, forming a silver rosette. p. 455. [Next hut:] on the margin of the southerly side of the excavation of Arden Street, high up on the hillock, and was unusually large, being at least twelve feet square. Upon the beaten floor was a well constructed fireplace and part of the charred back logs were still lying upon it. Accompanying the usual pot-hooks was found a fine bayonet which was standing upright alongside the fireplace and the sockets [sic] of which bore the traces of a wrapping of coarsely-woven material such as a blanket which had probably been applied when it was used in the fire. p. 455. Clay pipe, marked on the stem W. Morgan, Liverpool. possibly corresponds with a bowl marked W. M. p. 456. Among the more interesting objects disclosed from time to time was a complete iron canteen which had been covered with tin; this frail object owed its preservation to the fact that its position was upside down and its interior was therefore free of moisture... p. 456. Some of the huts were doubtless occupied by soldiers engaged in the sutlers service such as the camp cooking. [Such was a common belief of the time.] In one hut was an unusual number of meat bones, and a very long pot-hook, which must have been extended up to some support as high as the surface of the ground. alongside another lay the iron parts of a small wheel... p. 456. [A total of 23 huts were found.] [Search for the old house of one Sebastian Kortright:] ... a round shot and bullets spoke clearly of the soldiers occupying the house, and the presence of a fireplace of rough stones in the southeast angle of the foundation, close to which a bayonet stood upright in the soil, indicated that the house had been destroyed and

its remains utilized as a military shelter. p. 459. XV. THE HUT CAMP OF THE 17TH REGIMENT OF FOOT. [West of Broadway, north of Dyckman Street.] ...the remains of the Indian tribe and of the British troops are found closely over this area, and the camp fire pits are sunk in the shell beds left by their predecessors [Wickaquaskeek clan]... p. 460-61. The countless fragments of old black bottles that bestrew the field tell their own story. A few complete specimens of these wine and rum bottles have been recovered... p. 461. On the grading of Prescott Avenue, some fifteen years ago, immediately north of Reiffs cottage, the workmen disturbed several ovens or fireplaces, and the stump of what was thought to have been a flag staff[?]. p. 465-66. In August, 1905, a young resident, Arthur Kennedy, saw at the side of the Avenue some brickwork, at which he dug and disclosed part of a fireplace, which was then carefully excavated and found to be one of those that had existed in one of the military huts. It was composed of various kinds of brick, yellow and red, Dutch and Colonial, with a hearth laid in half bricks, and a large number of loose bricks had evidently composed the chimney. It faced south by east. Upon the floor and around the hearth lay three good specimens of pot or kettle hooks, part of a fry-pan, ashes, charcoal and meat bones. At the north angle lay the bowl of a clay tobacco pipe, bearing the trade-mark T. D., the first of that manufacture definitely associated with the Revolutionary period. Close to this was a musket bullet, and two buttons of the 17th regiment fixed the character of the place as one of their huts. From the vicinity, Mr. Howard Carlson and other residents have taken many objects of military character, among which are British copper coins, gun-flints and buckles. Mr. Calver found the basket guard of a sword and the lock of a pistol hard by... p. 466. Further away in 1909 a search among the rocks some distance south of Reiffs cottage was awarded by locating an occupied site on a large flat rock, below which debris of various kinds had been thrown... a pair of ice creepers... a small solid shot... much broken china and some excellent Chinese porcelain... p. 466. [Line of Seaman Avenue:] Here Mr. Calver picked up a fine bronze bonnet badge [or pouch plate?] of the 71st Highland Regiment of foot, of which only one other is known to exist, having been found at Ticonderoga [?]... p. 467. In 1908, upon the cutting through of Seaman Avenue, the burnt earth at a spot on the west bank disclosed the existence of a camp fire pit. This was carefully cleared, and among its usual accompaniments were two unusual objects, one a silver button of an officer of the Royal Marines [sic], and the other a human toe bone! The presence of the latter was accounted for when further digging to the south disclosed the remains of two Indians, a male and a female buried together in a shallow grave, part of which had been disturbed by the fire-pit of the Marine officer.

Later search brought to light other of the foot bones of the male skeleton on the other side of the fireplace. p. 467. [See Appendix, below.] [East of Prescott Avenue:] ...bullets, ironwork, pot-hooks and nails, bones, broken glass and china, the latter of colonial manufacture. [Exploration east of Prescott Avenue.] Buttons of 17th and 28th, and a USA button, and a GR and Crown badge. p. 468-69. ...a handsome silver-plated shoe-buckle, several ice-creepers bullets, bayonet-scabbard hooks mixed with the debris of china, glass, bones, and a considerable quantity of mussel shells. p. 469. An oval silver sleeve link with a gilded face... two more ice-creepers and a skate... a bottle, complete except for the beaded mouthpiece... cream-ware tea-cup... a bronze half-penny of George III of the year 1776 [probably counterfeit if of this date]... p. 469. [Further, they found they were:] ...within an abandoned dug-out hut, the floor of which was of compact earth extending below the debris, on the surface of which floor more buttons and objects were found. Among the former were those of some corps not previously discovered, such as the 10th and the 14th in rather poor condition. These were accompanied by others of the U. S. A., and one of the 71st Highlander. A shoebuckle, more bullets, a whole pipe bowl of a plain pattern, a pocket knife and a sheet iron pail [possible camp kettle] with barrel hoops within which lay a mass of white clay, which was recognized as the substitute for pipe clay, to which von Krafft refers as having been brought from Newtown, Long Island, for whitening in April 1781 [there are other instances of using local clay]. This hut was reopened in 1914 and the fire-place was found. it consisted only of a few small stones and much wood ash. Only a button or two of the 17th was added to the collection from this hut. [See below for von Krafft reference to clay, in Appendix.] [Another hut, one the other side of the Avenue.:] ...old Colonial red bricks were found lying together. Stones lay below having the appearance of a fireplace... a fine silver button of the 17th Foot Regiment... some bricks were found laid in a line... a well-laid hearth, consisting of a flat stone around the edge of which on three sides were red bricks set on edge, a new style of such work... several small pot hooks and some broken bottles. It was a rather large hut... p. 472. [Higher up the hill:] A careful search with the steel rod disclosed some large stones in the steep bank, and some hard work soon uncovered one of the finest fireplaces yet discovered. It was at the northerly end of a hut floor which was composed of hard beaten sand and was about 12 feet in length, and of undecided width as it extended under the roadway. Some of the familiar objects of military life came to hand, and the usual pot-hook was found close to the hearth, which was covered several inches deep with the ashes of its long extinguished fires.

But a pewter button of the 17th Foot soon established the character of the place, and the fireplace was carefully cleared out preparatory to photographing it. It turned out to be of the usual tapered form 2-6 wide at back, 3-9 wide at the mouth and 2 deep, evidently English measures. The hearth was of sand, the walls all of stone and only a few bricks were found. On the ash bed at one side was a flat stone that might have been used as a hob which was lifted after a photograph had been taken, when a button of the 14th Foot or Buckinghamshire Regiment [later] was found, lying face upwards, underneath it. On working around the ingleneuk of the fireplace a single shovelful of soil was transferred to the sifter which contained three buttons, one of which was a fine pewter button of the 52nd Regiment. According to von Krafft, this regiment was at Kings Bridge, as this place was called in a general way, in August, 1778, after which the corps, being greatly depleted, was sent home to England... p. 472. [Another hut:] ... a bullet or two and an ice creeper... p. 473. [Another site nearby:] ...turned out to be a sort of dump, possibly a cess-pit. nearly 5 feet below the surface were some fragments of good china, and at the lowest point lay a complete ramrod. This proved of much interest, as only one other complete ramrod had been found, that of Arden Street camp. The new find was 37 inches long, and the thread or screw at one end was still traceable. This thread was used to secure the little worm or double screw which was used to extract a wad, or to hold some rag to clean the bore. Strange to say, the worm itself [or a worm to a different rammer] was found in the next hut, which was located by measurement in the same manner. This proved much more interesting, for the floor was very well preserved and extended about 12 feet in length by some 6 feet in width. On the floor lay seven small silver buttons of the 17th, and their similarity let to the conjecture that they must have been on a single garment. The sifter brought to light fragments of carbonized cloth and a piece of silver lace which confirmed this idea. When a pair of shears, a thimble and a brass pin were discovered, we concluded that the hut had been used by the regimental tailor... Under the microscope, the cloth appeared to be of two weaves, one of which was distinctly a sort of braid [???]. Its color, of course, had been changed to black, perhaps by fire. There was no fireplace to this hut [found]. It perhaps existed under the roadway. p. 474. [Another hut:] Broken bottles and glass, of a pair of brass cuff-links... a classical design with the head of a Persian monarch... Then an iron funnel was taken out, which, taken in connection with the abundance of bottles, indicated that the place might have been used as the grog-shop or canteen of the regiment. The floor was not in very good condition and there was a quantity of charcoal in the soil above, so that it was probably burnt down... p. 474. [A third row of huts:] The place on further development appeared to have been a sort of pit or rubbish hole dug at the back of a fireplace containing bones and shells. The large stones of a fireplace lay at the

bottom part, under one of which was a long pot-hook. Several pewter buttons of the 17th and one of the 71st Fraser Highlanders came to hand, with a bronze cuff-link having the design of the rose, thistle and shamrock. A bayonet socket, a bullet and a gun-flint were familiar military accompaniments of the buttons. An odd find was a bronze needle about 2 inches in length, evidently a home-made article... On working to the south around the large stones, it was found that they had formed part of a large wrecked fireplace which belonged to another large hut... p. 475. [Found:] unusually large pile of barrel-hoops... p. 475. [Another hut of the 3rd line:] ...a large hut about 20 by 12 feet, with a very hard floor of packed sand, extending fully 20 feet into the hillsdie, where the back part was five feet underground. In this deep part there was a rough fireplace with a mass of ashes and debris situated in one corner, and unusual position. (Hut Q; see plate 30.) [Buttons, ice-creepers, bullets, gun-flints, a razor and a knife and fork.] There was an unusual abundance of oyster, clam and mussel shells composing a layer evidently after the hut floor had been filled partly up. Very little china or ironwork came to hand, except a crushed Hessian canteen [in Calver and Boltons time, all metal canteens were thought to be Germanic, which we now know to be untrue.] and part of a Staffordshire iron tripod cooking pot. p. 476. [Another hut was found and deemed barren. Another hut:] ... a complete rum bottle... The fireplace was quite fifteen feet in the hillside and faced northeastwards and occupied, as in the case of the previous discovery, the corner of the hut. On the ashes lay no less than eight pot hooks, one of which was a yard long... a good ice creeper, a camp axe-head, a bullet beaten into a flat disc, and an illegible copper halfpenny. p. 477. [In search of further sites:] ...a row of stones set in a line about 2 feet below the sod. The situation was just between the huts last opened... p. 477. The row of stones extended east and west, and on the north side was military debris, bullets, gun-flints and plain pewter buttons. About 5 feet down was a mass of blackened sand and much ashes with a single barrel hoop laying flat. Careful sifting brought out a bronze sleevelink with an ornamental design, a part of a brass badge of thin metal, and ice-creeper and a small brass thimble, with a scrap of porcelain having the mark W thereon. There was a good fireplace facing eastward built of large stones. This fireplace again occupied a corner of the hut space for the original sand wall was very clear along side of it. The hut was curiously crowded in between the other sites and seemed to be shallower than others. On this floor no less than sixteen bullets were taken [p. 477.] [p. 478.] up... p. 477-78. On the floor, alongside the inevitable pot-hook, were many fragments of a soup tureen. It was nearly complete... p. 478. [Another hut:] The last hut discovered up to the time of completing

this record was again thirty feet northward on the third line of huts, where the sounding rod indicated conditions. As the hole was sunk the rod followed and finally located a floor surface quite five feet below the slope of the hill. Soon followed abundant evidence of its occupation in bullets, bones and pot hooks of which several lay at different depths. Fully seven feet below the ground the hearth of the fireplace was found, in front of which was a large flat hearth-stone and on and around it were fragments of hand-painted English Delft [delft] paste-ware. An odd discovery was the stem of an Indian clay pipe which had evidently been discovered by some soldier who had cut it with a knife to ascertain its material and then proceeded to further develop it into a whistle! He apparently got tired of the pastime and threw it away... The stones which once composed the upper part of the fireplace were found to have fallen in upon the hearth, and on removal the stone structure was uncovered and found to be one of the best yet unearthed. It faced northwards as others had below had done. The chimney-stones and a number of excellent red bricks were saved for reconstruction. (Hut S; see plate 30.) p. 478. [Also recovered:] ...a pair of ice-creepers, half-a-dozen bullets, gun-flints, fragments of buckles, and a horses bit. An interesting clay pipe was found with much of its broken stem lying nearby. It has an elaborate raised design on each side of the bowl composed of the Royal arms of Great Britain, and it was of the church warden type with a long stem. Nearby were pewter buttons of the 17th Regiment and a handsome gold-plated ornamental button of an unusual design... [Among this debris were two brass pins and a pocket knife.] There was a great deal of rubbish in the filled-in material, quantities of ashes, oysters and bones with bullets and gun-flints, a lead pencil, and small fragments of porcelain. A complete little pipe bowl had a heart design encircling the well-known initials T. D. and a W. G. pipe was a familiar companion. Several more 71st Regiment buttons came to hand and one of the 35th, making five regiments identified with the occupancy of the hut. p. 479. XVI HOLLANDS FERRY CAMP. Fordham Hill, University of New York. [Mostly scattered finds.] On the side of the knoll facing towards Shermans bay, a bayonet and a bill hook... easterly side of the knoll facing the Harlem river, such as knives, spoons, forks, scissors, jews-harps, shoe buckles, tentspikes [is this a change of terminology from pikes?] broken tea-cups and fragments of various objects of pottery and glassware. p. 483. [At an area called the Point, a trash pit was later found:] Military buttons, and Two small buttons were found, having a porcelain surface, on which is painted in colors a view of a sail-boat, the face being secured within an open-work front of filigree brass. p. 485. Some other curiosities were revealed in scraps of silver braid and cord, cuff links of several patterns and a small crystal jewel, probably a seal, cut intaglio with the head of a gentleman of the Colonial period, his hair tied with ribbon in a queue. Among the buckles for shoe, knee and strap lay part of a pewter brooch formed like a butterfly [?]... p. 485.

...Here lay, as they had fallen in the heated ashes, fragments of burnt brick, forged nails of all sizes, hoop iron bent into kettle and pot hooks, both long and short; some ingeniously twisted to serve as supports for several utensils, with fragments of the great iron pot in which perhaps the regimental mess was cooked. ...quantities of oyster shells, some of prodigious size, clam, scallop and mussel, turtle carapaces, beef, pork and chicken bones, and numbers of peach pits,... p. 486. ...two-tined forks, the pewter spoons, the rusted table knives and horn-handled clasp knives of the soldiers, with broken china plates and dishes, pots and pans, of all kinds of makes, colors and glazing, some of the porcelain of surprising fragility and excellence of design. Some fractured tea-cups and saucers looked as though they had deserved more delicate company, and we associated with scraps of sheet lead such as is used to provide the covering of packages of tea... p. 486. bottles... wine glasses... p. 486. ...broken stems and bowls of clay, some bearing the trade-mark of W. G.... a fragment of a silver snuff-box bearing unfortunately only the last four letters of the owners name in script, iley. p. 486. Jews-harp, lead sinkers, fish bones, brass pins, razor blade, grapeshot, scraps of sheet lead supposed to have been sewn into clothing... copper coin, the size and appearance of a British penny, stamped deeply with the figure 1... p. 486-87. [Mentions the find of a crude halberd American? p. 488.] [Digging in the bank towards the Harlem:] Delicate chinaware, ...also small jewels of glass and natural stone, several varieties of linked sleeve buttons, one pair of which bore the familiar square and compass of the Masonic fraternity. One relic, the base and lower portion of a wine glass, is worthy of special mention with its lace-like interior spiral design. other specimens of such glass have been found in the site of Broncks house, Morisania, at 189th Street near Fort George, and other camp sites. p. 488. XVII. THE NAGEL HOMESTEAD, OF CENTURY HOUSE. [Removed, 1907. On the Harlem River at 213th. St. [This site is mixed civilian and military artifacts.] [A vanished building apparently in use at the time of the American Revolution was found.] ...two bayonets and the hammers [cocks] of several flintlock muskets. p. 491. In the fireplace lay two 16-pound navy barshot, which had evidently been utilized a fire dogs... Below the sandy floor... a large part of an exploded shell... [Also American occupation:] It is stated that, prior to the fall of Fort Washington, General

William Heath made the farm house the headquarters of his division of the American Army... p. 492. [Pins and buttons... as usual.] [Searched for a military guard-house:] ...the hearth of a rough stone fireplace... Around the charcoal still lying on the floor of the fireplace were the broken clay pipes, the broken rum bottles, the bullets, flints, shoe and belt buckles of the soldiery... p. 492. Digging wide, and sifting every spadeful of the rich loam, the searchers found the debris of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods strewn broadcast below the surface soil as they proceeded over the surface of the bank. Layers of loam containing Indian chips, flints and arrows, other layers with early American earthenware, fine pieces of hand-painted china, old knives and forks of all kinds and patterns, pewter spoons, china plates, and dishes, wine glasses and rough steins proclaimed the times of ample feasting and reckless destruction of good household materials. Every here and there were bullets, new and used, beaten and cut by idle soldiers, sometimes chewed to mere ragged slugs, with one sinister-looking bullet having a large forged nail securely driven into it, lying in close proximity to buttons of three British regiments. p. 493. [Chewed bullets - was this a hospital????] Broken gunlocks, one of which held the flint between its jaws, round shot and grapeshot lay around, and among them a button marked IMB, probably... the 1st Maryland battalion... p. 493. Coins of William and Mary, George of Hanover and First of England, George II and George III, with bone buttons such as the military used to cut out of meat bones... p. 493. Thus we worked back to a second old buried building and uncovered a long line of stone wall, finding the rough and lime-washed plaster still adhering in places. At the corner of this old basement was another stone fireplace in which lay a long bayonet which had been bent to form a hook for lifting pots off the fire... p. 493. XVIII. THE EXTERIOR FORTS AND ENCAMPMENTS. [Few remained.] Fort Swartwout... The first excavation was inside the slope of the northern rampart and at a depth of about one and a half feet, debris was found indicating fire; several large stones being arranged together with ashes, charcoal and a barrel hoop, all of which showed the usual indications of a fireplace. In this was found a plain pewter button with an iron shank, apparently Hessian; also half a sleeve-link or ornamental design; a pike butt point[?] and a clay pipe in fragments; musket bullets, and a black gun-flint, a number of [p. 496.] [p. 497.] forged nails, many pieces of glass bottles, and near by, part of a carpenters auger. p. 496-97. Excavations around the inner margin of the bank showed large stones at

a depth og about one and a half feet. The inner side had probably been stoned up with a rough line of rocks, probably supporting a sentry walk. Holes sunk in other parts than the north angle failed to show much buried material, except oyster shells and an occasional piece of brick but there were some indications of a mud floor in the centre of the earthwork, perhaps that of a guard house. p. 497. [Camp of a corps referred to vaguely as a corps of Jagers commanded by Emmerich. This is no doubt an oversimplification.] Location ...just across the Harlem River, at the head of Farmers Bridge, which is now buried under Muscoota Street or 225th St. [Along Heath Ave.:] ...a few pieces of the familiar rum bottle... a fine complete bayonet... near the original line of soil at the top of the sand cut, we found a fireplace in good preservation, formed of rough stones. Here we found the usual soldiers occupation, in barrel hoops, pot hooks and broken pipes. p. 498. A careful investigation of the whole bank followed... several more fireplaces, set in a line, approximately twenty paces apart, running along the line north and south of the bank. Two of these were quite complete, one in particular, a little higher up than the rest, on hillside above the driveway leading to the Barney residence. These yielded bullets, chinaware, knives and ironwork, [p. 498.] [p. 499.] and from the side of one fireplace, a complete rum bottle, of the pint size, which had a round hole punched in it, such as would result from the impact from a bullet[?] p. 499. Fort No. 5. [South side of the Jerome reservoir.] ...scraps of old china and glass... p. 500. ...fragments of the familiar rum bottles... red bricks... pike point[?] and another pot hook... broken bricks and squared stones had been thrown, evidently the ruins of a guard-house... the fire hearth, which proved to be a regularly constructed open fireplace, built of Colonial brick, four feet wide at the back, and five feet wide at the opening, with a depth of three feet. The enclosed space was filled with a deep bed of wood ashes, lying in which were discovered two or three pot hooks, nine butt ends of pikes?], barrel hoops, nails, broken and melted bottles; and also an iron and a pewter button, both being of Hessian character. p. 500. ...a bronze coin of the period of George II, with a clay pipe having the trademark W. G.... Chinese porcelain... around the front of the hearth. ...more pike points... p. 500. At the side of what had at one time been the exterior of the chimney, a number of military objects were discovered, in a sort of pit, including a musket strap or clevis [probably what we would call a sling swivel] a complete brass shoe buckle, and ornamental pewter buckle, and the familiar lead clip for the flint of a musket, the edge of which was cut in a serrated form [Odd but interesting - perhaps they had started out to make a buzzer?]. A heavy iron door hinge was probably that of the door of the guard-house of which the fireplace had formed a part. A fine pair of cuff-links, with glass ornaments, lay

close to another bronze coin of George II, near which was a pipe with the trademark P. of Dutch shape, having a small coat-of-arms impressed upon the handle. The next military button to be discovered was one of the 71st Highland regiment, and as the excavation was carried around the back of the fireplace, the discovery was made that a second fireplace existed, backing on to that which had been excavated [This is beginning to sound more like a barrack than a guard-room.]. This fireplace proved to be somewhat smaller, and bore evidence of having been constructed at a later date than the large fireplace. Facing north, in front of the hearth, was a floored space carefully laid with flat stones and small spaces filled in with half-bricks. A deep mass of ashes formed the hearth, within which was a penny of 1773 [probably, properly a halfpenny], and a complete pewter spoon. The work was then extended northwards... [twenty-five bullets, buttons] the brass part of a shoemakers measure[???]... fragment of a brass rule such as those used by printers to adjust type. p. 503.

Bolton, Reginald Pelham; Military Camp Life on Upper Manhattan Island and Adjacent Mainland during the American Revolution, Disclosed by Recent Archaeological Excavations. In Twentieth Annual Report, 1915 of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. J. B. Lyon, Albany, 1915. [Google Book Search.] --Further Details on Firepits of the AWI. Quoting Reginald P. Bolton: [Writing of the location associated with a military camp on Seaman Avenue in Manhattan:] Sunday, March 22nd, being the first day in the field for exploration for 1908, W. L. Calver and the writer and the writer met at Seaman Avenue and Hawthorne Street, Manhattan, to discuss plans for further excavations of this Indian village site. The rains of the winter 1907-08 had washed the west bank where the layer of oyster shells and black dirt lay along the hill, and a patch of red burnt earth was observed, which on digging out, disclosed a fireplace, evidently of the period of the Revolution, having some large burnt stones, ashes, wood charcoal, brick, broken rum bottles, a wine glass nearly complete, a large open clasp-knife with bone handle, a hoop-iron pot-hook, various forged head nails and a curious folding corkscrew. Gold buttons of Revolutionary pattern and an officers button of the Royal Marines [sic], together with a pewter buttons of the 17th Regiment disclosed who had occupied the spot. At one part of the fireplace, we came upon a pocket of oyster shells, evidently Indian, about two feet deep, and on removing some of these, had the good fortune to uncover a human thigh-bone. [This is where they found that the firepit had overlapped a Native burial.] p. 51. Skinner, Alanson; The Indians of Manhattan Island and Vicinity.

A Guide to the Special Exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History. New York, 1909. [Google Books.] --APPENDIX. Bar Shot as Fire-Irons. James Pattison, Colonel, Royal Artillery, Major-General in N. America. [To Captain Waugh from Captain Stephen Adye, Pattisons Aide-de-Camp.] New York, Septr 9th 1779. Sir, I am directed by Major Genl Pattison Commandant, to desire that a Room may be immediately Allotted at Brooklyn, neat the Ferry, for an Officers Guard Room, and that it is to be furnished with two Guard Beds, large enough for four Officers, a Table and Benches, Bar-Shot as Fire Irons, Candlesticks, Brooms & whatever is usual for an Officers Guard Room. I am, Sir, Captn Waugh, Barrk Master, Long Island. p. 269. Pattison, James; Collections of the New York Historical Society for the Year 1875. Letters of General James Pattison. New York Historical Society, New York, 1875. --EXTRACTS FROM THE VON KRAFFT JOURNAL. Calver and Bolton found the von Krafft journal a valuable research tool, giving however, only partial citations. The following are some extracts relating to the hut camps and their material culture. Charles Philip von Krafft was a former Prussian Officer turned soldierof-fortune in the name of gaining rank and reputation. He courted both the Americans and the British, finally accepting an appointment with the Hesse forces. His rank as well as his unit assingments at different times, not to mention his colorful personality, are so convoluted that to trace them here would serve no purpose. Krafft is nonspecific about the exact date he first moved in to a cabin-type military hut. He notes several times previously, the construction of improvised huts commonly made of brush-wood during the campaign. He first seems to note a formal hut on November 9. 1778: 9 Nov. [1778. Fort Knyphausen.] Mond. This afternoon Donops and Trimbachs regiment advanced up before Fort Kniphaus- [p. 69.] [p. 70.] sen into the huts of the deserted camp of the 3 regiments of Knipphausen, Loosberg and Wollwarth... p. 70. 15. Nov. [1778. As above.] Sund. On command dhonneur. At 10 A. M. we were relieved by a detachment from the 3 regiments, Body Regiment, Donop and Trimbach, 1 Captain and 1 Subaltern, and we went back to our

old [p. 70.] [p. 71.] camp of the Yagers, most of the huts of which had, however, been torn down. It was very cold, snowing, and therefore we had a rough time of it... p. 71. Poorly-drained. 18. Nov. [1778.] Wed... At 3 P. M. I left New York and reached our camp, which was 11 miles distant, at sun-down. Our camp was very poor, because many of the huts which lay around the foot of the hill, among them mine, got full of water whenever it rained. The drinking water was also very bad, and in every respect matters were in such as state, that if no changes are made, diseases must unavoidably arise. p. 71. 20 Nov. [1778. As above.] Frid. Tent-coverings, iron pegs [nails?] axes, saws and divers other articles were furnished, which were very serviceable to protect us against the cold. p. 71. [This occurs /after/ moving into a hut. Evidently, the tents were used to provide roofs.] 24 Nov. [1778. As above.] Tues. At 5 oclock this afternoon the Body Company and ours, being Lieut. Companies, [p. 71.] [p. 72.] received the order to move to the camp of the huts of Trimbachs regiment, which was contiguous to our camp on a height towards Fort Knipphausen. The Trimbachers were to march into the barracks at fort Knipphausen to have winter quarters there. The workmen on the barracks did not complete their work, so our change was postponed. p. 72. Too small. 1 Dec. [1778. In camp at 11th English mile-stone Under Fort Knipphausen. p. 72.] When I returned from this command we moved, as above mentioned, into Trimbachs deserted huts, which turned out to be so small that they had to be enlarged. In consequence thereof and of the cold weather there were many vexatious occurrences and one was compelled to shift for a few days, as best he could (which was miserably enough), before any improvement could be brought about. p. 72. 2 Dec. [1778. As above.]... In the morning I ordered my 7 tent soldiers to begin to enlarge my tent by adding one to it that had been torn down. In the meantime I had the absent field chaplains hut to live in, which Capt. v. Donop and the Adjutant permitted me to do, on account of the bad weather, until the field-chaplain should return from New York. p. 73. [Ambiguous, but reads more like a tent than a hut.] Leaky. 10 Dec. Thurs. [1778. As above.] There was such a cruel rain and wind, that it looked very bad for us in the huts, because the water leaked through everywhere. Besides it was very cold, but one could not keep a fire on account of the smoke from the wind and the water, nor was it possible to sleep dry under our blankets. p. 74. 13 Dec. [1778. As above.] Sund. There was again astonishing wind and rain and some of the huts caved in owing to the bad ground. p. 74. Open cess-pit.

22 Dec. [1778. As above.] Tues. At daybreak this morning after leaving the picket with my 6 men from [Fort or Redoubt] Number 1 - it had been snowing all night so that one could not find any foot-path - I fell several times into large snow-covered pools of water, and finally into what had been a cess-pool, but unfortunately only a little above the knee of my left leg. Both of my big toes were almost frozen in my linen stockings. p. 74. Barrel hoop. 25 Dec. [1778.] Frid. First Christmas holiday. I was detached, without bread, on active command on /Nord River Hill/. No bread could be procured, not even for money. I also had Company inspection and therefore wished to wake the men early that were going under my command. When, in the act of doing this, I had got to the Sergeant Majors hut, I accidentally stepped upon an iron barrel-hoop, fell over a log of wood and cut my shin on it. It made quite a wound and they advised me to give up my command and remain behind on account of the cold. But not wishing to do so I only put some rum and soap on it myself... p. 75. Snow blowing into huts. 26 Dec. [1778. As above.] Sat... it was surprisingly cold, and this was greatly increased by an unbearable wind, with heavy snow. The watch house here on [p. 75.] [p. 76.] North River Hill was the best of all those near York, and there was also an ample supply of wood near by, and we consequently had enough fire to be almost roasted - yet we nearly froze on the side away from the fire. The snow found the smallest crevices in the roof and it lay a hand high right near the fire without melting. p. 76. 1779. Problems with fires. 12 Febr. [1779. Huts by Fort Knyphausen.] On picket. In No. 1 on East River remaining all night. N. B. I had to stay with the picket on the East river till the afternoon of the next day at 3 0clock, because, before, the picket huts had always been burnt down. p. 80. Camp kettle. 22 Febr. [1779. As above.]... The previous night the rain had poured so much water into our huts that we had to bail out many camp-kettles full. p. 80. Camp kettle. 7 Mar. [1779. Huts near Fort Knyphausen.] Sund. Each man recieved Spruce Beer which was taken daily to every hut in a camp kettle. p. 82. 1780. Deforestation. 21 [October, 1780. Huts at Fort Knyphausen.] Sat... at 8 oclock P. M. we arrived at our hut camp at Fort Knyphausen. After the companies had played (drawn lots) we, being the Lieut. Colonels Company, got our huts on a different hill from last year, but we had enough repairing to do on the old huts. The whole neighborhood [p. 122.] [p. 123.] was, in

comparison with last year, quite unrecognizable, the woods and bushes having been cut away. We now had our fire-wood furnished us, and a sorry affair it was. p. 123. 1781. Clay for coloring belts. 6 [April, 1781.] Our Captain of Arms in the Company being sick, and it being my turn to make the grand rounds, I had to go with two other sub-officers and 30 privates of the regiment to Long Island and near Newtown (beyond two churches which stood near together). There I had them dig clay for coloring, a little one side to the right... p. 133. Gardens. 23 May. [1781. Huts near Fort Knyphausen.]... All the prospects for this year are not of the best for us against the enemy, and on account of our weakness we will not be able to undertake anything this year. Since therefore we shall probably remain here until winter, there are few places in our camp which have not been made into gardens. I too had two pretty spots near my hut for my garden in which I raised almost all the necessary vegetables, the seeds for which I procured in New York. p. 138. 1782. Clay for coloring belts. 26 [May, 1782. New York.] Sun. At 2 oclock this morning I was detached with a certain number of men on fatigue to get paint for whitening, on Long Island across /Holl-gotts/ [Hell-gate?] Ferry to Newtown, where I obtained a horse through the kindness of /Lengerke/ (now Colonel) from the battalion and at 4 oclock in the afternoon I was back in New York. p. 161. Krafft, John; Journal of Lieutenant John Charles Philip von Krafft, of the Regiment von Bose, 1776-1784. In Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1882. Printed for the Society, New York, 1883.

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