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International Traditional Karate Federation Constitution 1

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Title, Purpose and General Matters ............................................................................................... 4

1.1 Title .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Definition of Traditional Karate............................................................................................... 4
1.4 Official Languages ................................................................................................................... 5
Activities ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 List of Activities ....................................................................................................................... 5
Organization ........................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Composition ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Participating Organizations ..................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Region Organizations .............................................................................................................. 8
1. General .................................................................................................................................... 8
2. Formation ................................................................................................................................ 8
3. Titles ........................................................................................................................................ 9
4. Limiting Local Rules ................................................................................................................. 9
5. Local Rules Changes ................................................................................................................ 9
6. Annual Business Plan ............................................................................................................. 10
7. Regional Associate Member.................................................................................................. 10
3.4 Championship Confederation ............................................................................................... 10
Officials ............................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Titles ...................................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Term‐of‐Office ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Duties and Method of Officer Election or Selection ............................................................. 11
1. President ............................................................................................................................... 11
2. Vice President(s) .................................................................................................................... 12
3. Chairman ............................................................................................................................... 12
4. Board of Directors ................................................................................................................. 12
5. General Secretary .................................................................................................................. 12
6. Treasurer ............................................................................................................................... 12
7. Director General .................................................................................................................... 13
8. Comptroller ........................................................................................................................... 13
9. Advisors ................................................................................................................................. 13

10. Honorary Officials .............................................................................................................. 13
4.4 Vacancies ............................................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Disqualification ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.6 Unworthy Conduct ................................................................................................................ 14
Meetings ............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.1 General Meeting ................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Directors Meeting ................................................................................................................. 14
5.3 Site and Time ......................................................................................................................... 15
5.4 Notices................................................................................................................................... 15
5.5 Chairperson ........................................................................................................................... 15
5.6 Order of Business .................................................................................................................. 15
5.7 Quorum ................................................................................................................................. 15
5.8 Voting .................................................................................................................................... 16
5.9 Minutes ................................................................................................................................. 16
5.10 Items Not Covered ................................................................................................................ 17
Special Committees ......................................................................................................................... 17
6.1 Appointment ......................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 17
6.3 Changes ................................................................................................................................. 17
Administrative Office....................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Administration....................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Responsibility ........................................................................................................................ 18
7.3 Location ................................................................................................................................. 18
Official Events ................................................................................................................................... 18
8.1 Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 18
8.2 Official Sanction .................................................................................................................... 18
8.3 World Championship ............................................................................................................. 19
11. Numbering......................................................................................................................... 19
12. Authority ........................................................................................................................... 19
13. Duties of Hosting Organization ......................................................................................... 20
14. Program ............................................................................................................................. 20
15. Eligibility ............................................................................................................................ 21
16. Financial Responsibility ..................................................................................................... 21
17. Others ................................................................................................................................ 21
8.4 National Title ......................................................................................................................... 21
8.5 Regional Tournaments .......................................................................................................... 22
8.6 Chairman’s approval ............................................................................................................. 22
Fiscal and Legal ................................................................................................................................ 22
9.1 Fiscal Year .............................................................................................................................. 22
9.2 Budget ................................................................................................................................... 22
9.3 Budget Changes and Loan Approvals .................................................................................... 23
9.4 Payment of Funds.................................................................................................................. 23
9.5 Financial Report..................................................................................................................... 23
9.6 Auditor and Audit Report ...................................................................................................... 23
Membership ....................................................................................................................................... 24
10.1 Application ............................................................................................................................ 24
10.2 Acceptance ............................................................................................................................ 24
10.3 Qualifications......................................................................................................................... 25
10.4 Duties .................................................................................................................................... 25
10.5 Loss of Status ......................................................................................................................... 25
10.6 Withdrawal ............................................................................................................................ 25
10.7 Suspension or Expulsion ........................................................................................................ 26
10.8 Appeals, Pardoning and Reinstatement ................................................................................ 26
Fees and Dues................................................................................................................................... 27
11.1 Entrance Fee and Annual Dues ............................................................................................. 27
11.2 Unpaid Dues .......................................................................................................................... 27
Reporting ............................................................................................................................................ 28
12.1 Tournament Results .............................................................................................................. 28
12.2 Minutes ................................................................................................................................. 28
12.3 Annual Reports ...................................................................................................................... 28
Television and Film Rights ............................................................................................................ 28
13.1 Rights ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Disciplinary Action........................................................................................................................... 29
14.1 Disciplinary Action ................................................................................................................. 29
Alteration of Articles, Rules or Dissolution............................................................................... 29
15.1 Alteration .............................................................................................................................. 29
15.2 Minor Procedural Changes .................................................................................................... 30
15.3 Dissolution ............................................................................................................................. 30
15.4 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 30



Article 1

Title, Purpose and General Matters

1.1 Title

This organization shall be called the International Traditional Karate Federation,

hereafter referred to as “ITKF”.

1.2 Purpose

The ITFK intends, by popularizing and developing Traditional Karate in the

proper direction and by promoting and strengthening friendly relations among
its Member Organizations and their members in all countries, to achieve the
advancement of world sports spirit and thereby to contribute to the perfection of
human character.

1.3 Definition of Traditional Karate

Victory itself is not the ultimate goal of Traditional Karate. Traditional Karate is
an art of self-defense which uses only the human body itself, in the most
effective way. It uses mainly blocking, punching, striking and kicking techniques
in combination with other related movements. A Traditional Karate competition
conducted under the rules of the ITKF must conform to this definition of
Traditional Karate. All rules enacted by the ITKF must always be considered
from the standpoint of helping and motivation the participant toward the
perfection of human character through unlimited physical and mental seeking.

The major element of Traditional Karate is the “finishing blow” or Todome, which
is a single technique sufficiently powerful to incapacitate an opponent. The
Todome is delivered either by punching (Tsuki), striking (Uchi), smashing (Ate)
or kicking (Keri) or other related techniques such as body shifting (Waza) and
blocking (Uke).

All training methods must incorporate the respect for the training partner and is
seen as a means by which to further and develop the best or human qualities
as the individual strives toward perfection of character.

1.4 Official Languages

The official language of ITKF is English as the primary language, with French,
Russian and Spanish as auxiliary languages. However, the Japanese language
shall be used for competition and judging therein. In case of any disagreement
as to interpretation to these articles or any rules or documents initiated
hereunder, the English text shall prevail.

Article 2


2.1 List of Activities

The ITKF, in order to achieve the above mentioned purposes, shall carry on the
following activities:

1. Hold the World Traditional Karate Championship and related activities.

2. Hold the Traditional Karate World Cup.
3. Hold and support regional tournaments, inter-country friendship
tournaments and other related events.
4. Establish, conduct and supervise various rules and regulations for
Traditional Karate.

5. Establish, conduct and supervise various standards pertaining to the
techniques of Traditional Karate.
6. Establish, conduct and supervise various standards pertaining to the
qualifications of instructors and judges.
7. Establish, conduct and supervise various standards pertaining to the athlete
8. Hold and support lectures and seminars pertaining to Traditional Karate.
9. Establish various educational and research institutions for the development
of Traditional Karate.
10. Publish and distribute official publications related to the activities of the
organization and Traditional Karate in general.
11. Exchange information to provide useful material for Member Organizations.
12. Carry on necessary activities for the achievement of the aims of this

Article 3


3.1 Composition

ITKF shall be composed of Member Organizations which are established

voluntarily and democratically in their own countries as the sole governing body
of Traditional Karate in their respective countries.

3.2 Participating Organizations

It is necessary that each Member Organization in ITKF have satisfied the

following qualifications set out in paragraphs (1) to (6) below:
1. Judicial body of respective countries functions as the national Traditional
Karate governing body.
2. Respective countries’ National Sports Ministry and/or National Olympic
Committee is recognized as the sole Traditional Karate governing body, or
actually, as sole national karate governing body of respective countries.
3. A Traditional Karate governing body of its nation, completely devoid of
commercial elements, which permits membership on an equal and open
basis regardless of or, in spite of any intra-group, jurisdictional, or political
machinations or influences.
4. The governing body must be run solely by Traditional Karate people (defined
as holding current ITKF qualifications as per Article 3.2.5.), free from any
kind of direct influences from non-Traditional Karate factors. The
organization mentioned above in this article number 1, 2, or 3 must be
completely free from any political, religious, racial or commercial influences.
5. Must have two or more technical officials who have current ITKF technical
6. Be recognized by the ITKF General Meeting.

In the event that a country has two or more organizations which fulfill the criteria
set above in 1, 2, or 3 it shall be obligation of the General Meeting to decide
whether one, both or all of the organizations must recognize the applicant for
membership in the ITKF. The Member Organization is the sole representative
from its respective country in all matters related to the organization to the ITKF.
All matters concerning Traditional Karate affairs in a particular country must first
be channeled through the ITKF Member Organization in that country.

ITKF recognizes only one National Federation per country. If two or more
Federations claim/apply for membership, they must merge and form one unified
Federation. If they cannot unify ITKF reserves the option, at is sole discretion,
to choose which Federation will become recognized as the ITKF National

If a country, region, or territory is not recognized as an independent country by

the United Nations, as such country, region, or territory has no National Olympic
Committee recognized by the International Olympic Committee, it may apply for
Associate Member Status:

A. If mother country of a particular region or territory does not have an ITKF

Member Organization, or,

B. If mother country has an ITKF Member Organization, but agrees to allow

said region or territory, as separate entity, to become as Associate Member.

If the mother country´s ITKF Member Organization disallows its region´s or
territory´s organization, said region or territory shall lose its associate status. If
Associated Member organization does not join larger national organization
which has become the official Member Organization of ITFK, then Associate
Member loses membership status.

Any national Traditional Karate organizations not fulfilling the criteria as a

national Traditional Karate governing body may apply for Associate

Associate Member Organizations will have all rights and duties of regular ITKF
member but no voting power.

3.3 Region Organizations

1. General

ITKF established its regions as follows:

Asia-Oceania, Africa, Europe and Western Hemisphere (Pan-America)

Member Organizations within each of above mentioned regions may

voluntarily and democratically organize a Region Organization for their
respective regions. Region Organizations may also be organized between
two or three regions upon conferring voluntarily and democratically. The
Region Organization shall consist of ITKF Member Organizations within its
respective region (or regions), and must have two-thirds (2/3), minimum
participation from all Member Organizations therein. All ITKF organizations
within a region shall have the absolute right to join such Region

2. Formation

When a Region Organization is to be formed, all the Member Organizations

within the respective region should be establish its purpose, rules and
regulations at a proper conference in accordance with the established
policies, procedures and purposes of ITKF. They should then present these
together with a list of officials to the Chairman of the ITKF, after which the
Chairman will present the information to the ITKF General Meeting for

3. Titles

A Region Organization shall be named “______________ Traditional Karate

Union of Federation” using is respective regional name stipulated in Article
3.3.1., and shall register a Trademark of its name to be held in the corporate
name of ITKF. However, Region Organization composed of two or three
regions shall have the name which geographically covers all corresponding
regions. Under no circumstances may the terms “world” or “international” be

4. Limiting Local Rules

The Region Organization shall not establish any rules, regulations or related
provisions which will violate directly or indirectly, the basic rights of the ITKF
Member Organizations within the region or which require membership in a
Region Organization as a prerequisite to membership in ITKF.

The ITKF rules and regulations, and related provisions supersede an have
priority over any of those established by the Region Organizations.

A country may not have more than 1/3 of the total number of seats (including
Chairman), on their regional Board of Directors

5. Local Rules Changes

Should there be any change in the information contained in the application

after approval, such change must be sent within three months to the ITKF
Chairman and approval of such change must be obtained from the ITKF
Directors. However, if the change in the information contained in the
application differs fundamentally from the original information contained
therein, the Chairman must present it to the ITKF General Meeting and
obtain the decision of the ITKF General Meeting.

6. Annual Business Plan

Each Region Organization must present its annual business plan and report
to the ITKF Chairman and obtain the approval of the ITKF directors.
If a Region Organization violated any ITKF rules and regulations or related
provisions based thereon the ITKF Chairman has the power to dissolve such
Region Organization upon conferring with ITKF General Meeting.

7. Regional Associate Member

A Region Organization may accept the participation of an organization as a

Regional Associate Member, without the power to vote from countries that
have no ITFK Member Organizations. A Regional Associate Member must
be a Traditional Karate Governing Body organization.

3.4 Championship Confederation

ITFK Member Organizations my organize a Championship Confederation for

the purpose of controlling regularly held championship to be held with regional
areas and may be held in conjunction with other sporting events. The name of
such Championship Confederation must use either the Regional Organization
area´s name or incorporate other sporting events name within the title of such

The confederation shall follow the procedures as set down in Articles 3.3 (2, 3,
4, 5 & 7), as applies, but if such Confederation falls entirely within a region then
the rules of such regional shall govern all activities.

The jurisdiction of a Championship Confederation´s control is limited to only the

respective area of the championship.

Article 4


4.1 Titles

ITKF shall have the following officials:

1. President (1 person)
2. Vice President (1-2 people)
3. Chairman (1 person)
4. Board of Directors (5-11 people)
5. General Secretary (1 person)
6. Treasurer (1 person)
7. General Director (1 person)
8. Comptroller (1-2 people)

4.2 Term-of-Office

The term-of-office for all ITKF Officials shall be four (4) years. All Officials may
be re-elected.

4.3 Duties and Method of Officer Election or Selection

The duties of the various Officials are those duties promulgated by the council
and the directors as follows:

1. President
President is recommended by Chairman and confirmed by the General
Meeting. The president shall be the representative of the ITKF at official
ceremonies and shall have no other responsibilities to the ITKF. The offices
of the President and Chairman as presently defined will be combined to
create the new office of the President. All the authorities and duties of current
President and Chairman will be assigned to the new Presidency.
2. Vice President(s)
If a region has ten (10) or more Full Members, it sends one (1), Vice
President. The Vice President(s) shall assist the President and shall perform
the duties of the President in the case of his absence or disability. In case of
multiple Vice Presidents, Chairman requests consent of Directors.

3. Chairman
The Chairman shall be elected by ITKF Directors at the Directors´ Meeting.
The Chairman is elected from among the Directors. When a Director is
elected as Chairman the region can elect a new Director to take his place.
The Chairman, in addition to taking action on the matter authorized by ITKF
Articles shall be responsible for carrying out all administrative concerning the

4. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be elected by each respective ITKF region.
a. Region Organization which has ten (10) or more Full Members has
two (2) Board of Directors members.
b. If nine (9) or less Full Members, then one (1) Board of Directors
c. If three (3) or less Full Members then no (0) Board of Directors
d. The chairman of the ITKF Technical Committee shall be a Board of
Directors member.

5. General Secretary
The General Secretary is selected by the Directors and confirmed by
General Meeting. The General Secretary shall maintain the records of the
ITKF official meetings and the legal documents of the ITKF. The General
Secretary may attend General Meetings to assist the Chairman but only as
a non-voting participant.

6. Treasurer
The Treasurer is selected by Directors and confirmed by the General
Meeting. The Treasurer receives all ITKF monies, deposits those monies
into the ITKF account and pays all bills approved by the Chairman. The

Treasurer may attend General Meetings to assist the Chairman but as a non-
voting participant.

7. Director General
Appointed by the Chairman and endorsed by the Directors. Director General
manages ITKF International Office under the supervision of the Chairman.

8. Comptroller
The Comptroller shall be elected by the General Meeting. The Comptroller
shall not hold any additional office in the ITKF. The Comptroller as stipulated
by the ITKF Articles, shall inspect the books of accounting and review
business activities of the ITKF.

9. Advisors
The Chairman may appoint advisor(s) from among worthy and prominent
individuals with the approval of the ITKF Directors. The Advisors shall
provide advice and suggestions as requested by the Chairman and Directors
and can attend the Directors’ meeting and express their own opinion.

10. Honorary Officials

The president with the approval of the General Meeting can appoint an
Honorary President and/or an Honorary Official. The honorary official has no
actual responsibility in the ITKF.

4.4 Vacancies

In case of resignation or death of an ITKF Official, the ITKF shall elect a

substitute whose term shall not exceed the remaining term of the vacated office.

4.5 Disqualification

If a representative or the Chairman of the Technical Committee loses his

qualifications as such, he shall there by automatically lose his qualification for
any other ITKF Official position he may hold.

4.6 Unworthy Conduct

In case any ITKF Official is found guilty of unworthy conduct he can be expelled
from his office by an ITKF General Meeting vote before his term of office expires.

Article 5


5.1 General Meeting

General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the ITKF. Except for
these articles, General Meeting decides all fundamental matters.

Composition of General Meeting is as follows:

1. ITKF Officials (Article 4.1)

2. Two Representatives from each ITKF Member Federation.

Regular General Meetings are held once every two years

Extraordinary Meetings determined by Director´s Meeting decision. Both

meetings are called by the Chairman.

5.2 Directors Meeting

Directors Meeting is composed of ITKF Officials (Article 4.1).

Except for these articles, Directors meetings decide details and execution of
matters from the General Meeting.

Regular Directors Meeting is held once a year. Extraordinary Meeting is held

when Chairman deems it necessary or upon request of three or more members
of the Board of Directors.

Directors Meeting is called by the Chairman.

5.3 Site and Time

The date and location of the official meeting shall be decided by the Chairman.

5.4 Notices

The notices for the official meetings must be mailed at least one (1) month prior
thereto to all the appropriate officials along with a list of items to be discussed
at the meeting. However the Chairman may shorten the above mentioned notice
time in case of emergency.

5.5 Chairperson

The Chairman shall be Chair of the meeting. An Executive Official shall assume
the Chair by the appointment of the Chairman, should the Chairman not be
available. If not appointed, the attending executive officials will elect the

5.6 Order of Business

All meetings are basically in the following order:

1. Roll Call
2. Greetings by Chairman
3. Selecting Official Recorder (s)
4. Discussions and decisions determined by Agenda
5. Proposed Agenda
6. Adjournment

5.7 Quorum

All ITKF official meetings, in order to conduct business, require a simple majority
of respective meeting´s total voting officials.
Proxy folders are recognized as attendance.

5.8 Voting

1. During the General Meeting each ITKF Member Organization have one vote.
ITKF Officials and Associate Members may voice their opinions but have no
voting rights.

Proxy folder must have citizenship from country represented.

Anyone who wishes to express an opinion must have Chairperson´s

approval to speak.

Except for these articles, a simple majority makes decisions.

The voting is done by voice, but if unclear, voting is done by a show of hands.
If the Chairperson deems it necessary, voting is done by secret ballot.

The Chairperson has no voting right, but in case of a tie, the Chairperson
may cast the deciding vote.

2. During the Directors Meeting, all qualified ITKF Officials have one vote each.
The Chairperson has no voting right, but in case of a tie, may cast the
deciding vote.

Procedures of voting are the same as the General Meeting.

5.9 Minutes

The minutes of the ITKF official meeting are to be written by the Chairperson
and signed by at least two (2) attending officials. Copies of the minutes are to
be mailed out to all the appropriate officials within three (3) months after the
close of the meeting. The original of the minutes is to be kept by the Chairman.

5.10 Items Not Covered

Items pertaining to the ITKF official meetings which are not stipulated in the
ITKF Articles are to be decided by the officials in attendance of each particular

Article 6

Special Committees

6.1 Appointment

Special Committees may be appointed by the Directors whenever it is deemed

necessary to carry out the function and business of the ITKF. However, the
following committees are to be established permanently:

1. Eligibility Committee;
2. Membership Committee (process applications and inspect Member
3. Technical Committee (establishes and supervises the technical standards
of ITKF).

6.2 Rules

Establishment of the rules and regulations and the number of members of the
special committee shall be decided by resolution of the meeting of the Directors.

6.3 Changes

The ITKF General Meeting can request the meeting of the Directors to make
changes pertaining to the rules, regulations and the number of special

Article 7

Administrative Office

7.1 Administration

The ITKF shall set up International Office in order to manage its functions an

7.2 Responsibility

The Director General shall carry out Chairman´s duty of managing the
International Office.

7.3 Location

The International Office of this organization shall be located in Los Angeles,

California, United States of America, at place to be selected by the Chairman.

Article 8

Official Events

8.1 Rules

The world regional championships and other international competitions shall be

held only under the rules of the ITKF.

8.2 Official Sanction

All championships, competitions or tournaments must have written approval by

the regional and/or international body governing the respective type of event.

Such approval shall be requested at least 3 months in advance to the proposed
date along with the date, place and type of competition and prospective

For a world scale event, an official sanction must be given by a decision of an

ITKF General Meeting. For a regional event, an official sanction must be given
by the respective Region Organizations General Meeting.

8.3 World Championship

The World Traditional Karate Championship (abbreviation “World

Championship”) shall be held once every two (2) years unless there are special
circumstances. It shall be a championship of justice and equality, gathering all
the Traditional Karate athletes of the world. There shall be no discrimination
against any nation or individual on racial, religious or political grounds.

11. Numbering
The World Championship shall de numbered starting from the First ITKF
World Championship which took place in Los Angeles, U.S.A. in 1975.

12. Authority
A. The authority to control the World Championship belongs to the ITKF.
The ITKF General Meeting shall have the highest authority to make
B. Each World Championship shall have a Tournament Committee (T.C.)
consisting of the Chairman, and one (1) representative from each
participating member of the Championship and all ITKF Officials
except the representatives and the comptroller. A Tournament
Organizing Committee (T.O.C.) shall be established by the hosting
organization which shall take care of administrative matters and report
to the T.C. A Tournament Judging Committee (T.J.C.) shall be
established by ITKF Technical Committee. This committee shall be
responsible for all competition and judging matter and report to the
ITKF Chairman. In the event of a discrepancy between T.O.C. and
T.J.C., they may appeal such action to the T.C. for resolution. Either
the T.O.C. or T.J.C., may appeal once to ITKF General Meeting but
not regarding any Championship results. General Meeting decision
shall not change the results of such Championship.

13. Duties of Hosting Organization

The duty of hosting the World Championship is to be entrusted to the ITKF
Member Organization of the host country by the vote of the ITKF General
Meeting. The authorization to select the city which is to be site of the
Championship is entrusted to the hosting organization. The host shall be
responsible for all related activities and shall take care of any necessary
matters pertaining to the event. It shall be responsible for requesting the
necessary information pertaining to the event. It shall be responsible for
requesting the necessary information from the Chairman and the Technical
Committee. Also, the host shall establish a T.O.C to handle pre-
championship preparations and post-championship activities required by the

14. Program
The program of the World Championship must include the following items:
A. Team Matches:
1. Kumite
2. Kata
3. Embu
B. Individual Matches:
a. Kumite
b. Kata
c. Fukugo

Team Matches are basically one team per country.

For Individual Matches, the number of participants is determined by the ITKF

Technical Committee and approved by ITKF Directors

15. Eligibility
In the World Championship only citizens of a nation can represent that
particular nation to participate in the Championship. Only ITKF Member
Organizations have the right to apply for participation in the World
Championship. Any nation which has no ITKF Member Organization, in
order to be permitted to participate in the World Championship, must first
form an organization and obtain the recognition of the ITKF General Meeting.
In any case, however, the organization which wishes to apply for
participation has the duty to give an equal opportunity to all Traditional
Karate athletes in that country. In order to be permitted to enter, all
participants must be stipulated under the ITKF Articles and Technical Rules.

Representatives eligible from “FULL MEMBER and ASSOCIATE MEMBER

FEDERATIONS” (not Regional Associate Member(s))

ITKF member federations which belong to countries sanctioned by the

United Nations may not participate as the representative of those countries.
They may, however, participate as individuals provided they are confirmed
by General Meeting.

16. Financial Responsibility

The ITKF Member Organization which holds the World Championship is
responsible for all the profits or losses derived from the World Championship
(the amount needed for organizing the Championship plus the amount
obligatory to the ITKF deducted from the total income).

17. Others
Items pertaining to the World Championship will be separately discussed
and decided by the ITKF General Meeting.

8.4 National Title

A team shall not be called by the title of a country unless the competitors of such
team have been selected by the Member Organization of their country.
8.5 Regional Tournaments

Competitions and tournaments shall not be arranged between such units of

different Member Organizations without the written sanction of their respective
regional or area organizations.

Regional/Area Championships follow the same guidelines as the World


8.6 Chairman’s approval

World scale international and inter-regional competitions shall not be arranged

without the sanction of the ITKF Chairman.

Article 9

Fiscal and Legal

9.1 Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the ITKF begins January 1st and ends on December 31st of
each year.

9.2 Budget

The budget of the ITKF, together with the business plan is to be compiled by the
Directors Meeting in the year of the regular ITKF General Meeting. Composite
budget is for the next two (2) years starting from the next year. The approval of
the ITKF General Meeting is required.

9.3 Budget Changes and Loan Approvals

When the assumption of new duties or the abandonment of old rights besides
those already stipulated in the budget are necessary, the approval of the
Directors and the General Meeting is required. The same is required in the case
of a loan.

9.4 Payment of Funds

Expenses of the ITKF shall be paid with the following items:

1. Allotted shares of contributions and dues from the ITKF Member

2. Interest from the capital of the ITKF.
3. Income from ITKF activities.
4. Contributions.
5. Other Income.

9.5 Financial Report

The financial report of the ITKF is to be compiled and presented by the

Chairman within three (3) months after each two (2) fiscal year period, and shall
receive the auditing of the Comptrollers together with the property inventory and
business report. It is required to be reported to the Directors and to obtain
approved authorization at the regular ITKF General Meeting for the preceding
two (2) fiscal year period.

9.6 Auditor and Audit Report

The General Meeting selects a Certified Public Accountant to audit the books
and financial records of the ITKF for the ensuing year. After completing the audit,
the auditor submits his report to the Secretary General who in turn submits the
report to the Directors before the next annual meeting, and such report shall be
available for review by a Member Organization upon request.

Article 10


10.1 Application

Upon receiving an application for ITKF membership, the ITKF Chairman shall
submit the application to the Directors.

10.2 Acceptance

Newly accepted members become Provisional Members after one year from the
date of the decision.

The next General Meeting will make the decision, in accordance with
membership criteria, for Full Member or Associate Member status.

Provisional Members have the right to participate at ITKF events but have no
voting rights.

If the national federation´s application criteria meet ITKF requirements, the

Board of Directors will grant provisional membership to that federation.

Provisional Members may participate in ITKF events but have no voting rights.

Provisional Members may apply for Full Membership status one year after
receiving approval or provisional membership.

Full and Associate Membership must be recommended by the Director´s and

approved at General Meeting.

Provisional and Associate Members pay the same membership dues as Full

10.3 Qualifications

ITKF recognizes only one Member Organization for each country. However,
organizations in the dominion or region of certain countries may be recognized
as Independent Member Organization upon recognition by the General Meeting
of the ITKF.

10.4 Duties

Member Organizations, in addition to their duty of paying the dues stipulated by

the ITKF, must abide by the rules and regulations of the ITKF, and the decisions
based thereon.

10.5 Loss of Status

A Member Organization may lose its status for the following reasons:

1. Withdrawal (voluntarily)
2. Loss of qualification as a Member Organization in the ITKF as stipulated in
Article 3.2.
3. Dissolution of the Member Organization.
4. Expulsion by ITKF.

10.6 Withdrawal

A Member Organization which wishes to withdraw from the ITKF must present
the notice of withdrawal with the reason to the Chairman of the ITKF. Full
member’s status can be accepted or withdrawn by authority of General Meeting;
in regards to Associate Member and Provisional Members the authority is by
the Directors.

10.7 Suspension or Expulsion

In the following cases the Chairman may suspend a federation’s membership

status with approval by the Directors.

1. Two years or more of unpaid membership fees.

2. When a split within the national federation results in the loss of control within
the federation or, when either side cannot control 30% or more of the
Traditional Karate athletes in their country.
3. Serious violation of ITKF rules and regulations.

In serious cases, the Chairman may, after suspension, make a motion for
expulsion. The decision is to be determined by the next General Meeting.

Suspended members lose all of their ITKF rights until the Directors Meeting lifts
the suspension. However, suspended members still have to fulfill their duties
and obligations to the ITKF.

Expelled members lose all rights to the ITKF but still have the obligation to pay
for any liabilities incurred during their membership time.

10.8 Appeals, Pardoning and Reinstatement

An organization which loses its qualification as a Member Organization in the

ITKF shall have no right to claim against the ITKF. An organization wishing to
appeal must present in writing such request to the Chairman who may present
such appeal to the Directors. The Directors decision shall be final in all cases
except those that have to refer to an interpretation of the ITKF Constitution
where upon an appeal must be referred to the General Meeting. A simple
majority vote of those present shall be final, refers to both Directors Meeting and
General Meeting.

Article 11

Fees and Dues

11.1 Entrance Fee and Annual Dues

The entrance fee payable by each Member Organization on applying for

affiliation shall be determined by the General Meeting. The Directors shall have
the power at its discretion to reduce the payments of the above prescribed
amounts in cases where full payment would cause a hardship to an affiliated
organization or necessitate its withdrawal from ITKF. But an organization which
has paid the full amounts laid down by this article shall not be entitled to be
represented at or vote at any meeting of function of the ITKF, except on payment
in full of any amounts which have been in arrears. In the event a budget overrun
is anticipated, the General Meeting will be notified and it shall decide if such
overrun is approved.

ITKF membership dues are payable February 1st. If dues are not received by
December 31st, the delinquent country will be suspended and lose all voting and
participations rights. To remove the suspension, the delinquent country must
pay its dues in full, including a 20% late payment fee. If delinquent for three
years, the country will be expelled from ITKF.

11.2 Unpaid Dues

Member Organizations not having paid their current dues as required shall not
be permitted to be present in any General Meeting or other meetings of functions
of the ITKF.

Article 12


12.1 Tournament Results

Copies of the official records for all ITKF Competition shall be delivered to
International Office of the ITKF within 30 days after the close of such

12.2 Minutes

Each regional or area organization must submit to ITKF General Secretary a

copy of the minutes of said meeting within 30 days after each meeting.

12.3 Annual Reports

The Secretary of each regional or area organization must submit to the ITKF
General Secretary a copy of the complete report of the proceedings of the
annual meeting of the organization within 30 days after annual meeting.

Article 13

Television and Film Rights

13.1 Rights

The World television and film rights are the property of the ITKF. The right to
televise or film the World Championship or other events organized by the ITKF
shall be the property of the ITKF which may delegate such rights in the case of
continental or regional events to the organizations concerned. Subject to any

specific arrangements made in connection with particular events, 30% of the
receipts for such delegation of rights shall be paid to the ITKF.

Article 14

Disciplinary Action

14.1 Disciplinary Action

Any breach of these rules by a Member Organization shall render organization

liable to suspension by the directors and shall be deprived of membership in the
ITKF. At next succeeding General Meeting such disciplinary action shall be
approved by no less than a simple majority of those voting.

The Directors shall have the power at any time to disqualify or suspend for a
period of time they think appropriate a competitor or official who at any official
event, conducts himself in a manner considered by the Directors to be
detrimental to the credit or best interest of the ITKF.

During such period of disqualification the individual shall not be eligible to take
any part in any official events in any capacity.

Article 15

Alteration of Articles, Rules or Dissolution

15.1 Alteration

Any alteration, addition, deletion or amendment to the Articles or Rules of the

ITKF shall only be made by a simple majority vote in the Directors Meeting and
the General Meeting is required to make a change in the ITKF Articles.

15.2 Minor Procedural Changes

Any by-laws or minor regulations necessary for the execution of the ITKF
Articles are to be decided separately by the Directors Meeting. However, those
which are defined to be under the authorization of the General Meeting require
the approval of the General Meeting.

15.3 Dissolution

A three-quarters (3/4) vote respectively in the Directors Meeting and the General
Meeting is required for the dissolution of the ITKF. The residual assets, upon
the dissolution of the ITKF are to be donated to some public welfare organization
which has a similar purpose as the ITKF with the unanimous approval of the
Directors and representatives.

15.4 Appendix

Special Election of Officers at Ratification Conference:

1. Upon ratification of these Articles at the conference provided for herein for
said purpose, special officers shall be elected to the offices set forth in Article
2. The term of these elected officers at said special election shall be for a term
ending on the office as set forth in Article 4.
3. These articles shall take effect starting September 27, 1974 as amended,
August 21, 1975, with an effective date of August 25, 1975.

_____________________ _____________________
ITKF Chairman ITKF General Secretary

Antonio Sérgio Palú Filho
ITKF Legal Advisor

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