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Scheme of Work

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Scheme of work
Unit 1
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of
learning hours

1.1 Relic 2 hours, Learners read, explore, discuss and Learner’s Book Session 1.1
30 minutes summarise their impressions of a story Workbook Session 1.1
opening, and consider genre and story

1.2 The Doorkeeper 2 hours, Learners explore a writer’s structural Learner’s Book Session 1.2
30 minutes and language choices, examine Workbook Session 1.2
rhetorical punctuation and continue a Language worksheet 1.1
story in the style of an author.

1.3 Reviewing 2 hours, Learners discuss book recommendations Learner’s Book Session 1.3
Darkparis 30 minutes with their peers, explore how personal Workbook Session 1.3
context affects reading and writing, and
write a review.
1.4 The second test 2 hours, Learners act out a dramatic scene and Learner’s Book Session 1.4
30 minutes practise using voice and gesture in Workbook Session 1.4
drama. They also write their own Differentiated worksheets 1A, 1B
dramatic scene. and 1C

1.5 Visiting 2 hours, Learners explore the impact of explicit Learner’s Book Session 1.5
Coober Pedy 30 minutes information on the meaning of a text Workbook Session 1.5
and analyse extended metaphors and Language worksheet 1.2
other language choices.

1.6 Living under the 2 hours, Learners explore the structure, language Learner’s Book Session 1.6
ground 30 minutes and themes of travel writing, and Workbook Session 1.6
produce their own piece of travel

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 1

Unit 2
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of
learning hours

2.1 Right and 2 hours, Learners discuss the implications of key Learner’s Book Session 2.1
wrong 15 minutes information in a text, explore the effects Workbook Session 2.1
of different sentence types and compare
features of two texts on the same

2.2 Join the police 2 hours, Learners consider the features of an Learner’s Book Session 2.2
30 minutes informative text, explore views on a Workbook Session 2.2
complex topic and practise using colons Language worksheet 2.1
and semi-colons.

2.3 The art 2 hours, Learners discuss their own and others’ Learner’s Book Session 2.3
detective 30 minutes views on an article, summarise a Workbook Session 2.3
discussion and write a descriptive

2.4 Young 2 hours, Learners perform a dramatic scene and Learner’s Book Session 2.4
detectives 30 minutes explore the characters, events, tone and Workbook Session 2.4
structure of a mystery story.
2.5 Making 2 hours, Learners continue to explore the Learner’s Book Session 2.5
deductions 30 minutes implications of key information in texts, Workbook Session 2.5
compare characters in two texts and
write their own character study.

2.6 Detective 2 hours, Learners identify the conventions on Learner’s Book Session 2.6
fiction 30 minutes detective fiction and explore and Workbook Session 2.6
express views about the genre. They Language worksheet 2.2
also consider bias, figurative language Differentiated worksheets 2A, 2B
and grammar in a text. and 2C

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 2

Unit 3
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of
learning hours

3.1 The red-headed 2 hours, Learners work out the meaning of Learner’s Book Session 3.1
visitor 30 minutes unfamiliar words, interpret information Workbook Session 3.1
in a story and explore structural events Language worksheet 3.1
and the presentation of characters.

3.2 The assistant 2 hours, Learners explore the implications of Learner’s Book Session 3.2
30 minutes information in a detective story, Workbook Session 3.2
improvise a conversation in character
and consider developing feelings of
sympathy towards a character.

3.3 The end of the 2 hours, Learners interpret details about a Learner’s Book Session 3.3
League 30 minutes central character, identify and analyse Workbook Session 3.3
information in a story and write a formal
3.4 2 hours, Learners read an unseen text aloud, Learner’s Book Session 3.4
Investigating the 30 minutes discuss a series of clues and write and Workbook Session 3.4
street edit part of a mystery story involving

3.5 The dark cellar 2 hours, Learners consider the effect of structural Learner’s Book Session 3.5
30 minutes choices in a narrative, explore language Workbook Session 3.5
choices and effects, write descriptively Language worksheet 3.2
and evaluate what makes an effective

3.6 The solution 2 hours, Learners write a personal response to a Learner’s Book Session 3.6
30 minutes story, compare presentation of theme in Workbook Session 3.6
different texts and explore how context Differentiated worksheets 3A, 3B
affects reader reactions. and 3C

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 3

Unit 4
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of
learning hours

4.1 Moments in 2 hours, Learners explore the themes and Learner’s Book Session 4.1
time 30 minutes language in a poem, give a personal Workbook Session 4.1
response to a poem and write their own. Differentiated worksheets 4A, 4B
and 4C
4.2 Making the 2 hours, Learners examine the effect and Learner’s Book Session 4.2
most of time 30 minutes meaning of a poem’s language and Workbook Session 4.2
structure, discuss personal
interpretations and use genre features
in their own poem.

4.3 The tribe that 2 hours, Learners respond to an informative Learner’s Book Session 4.3
time forgot 30 minutes article, detect bias and write and Workbook Session 4.3
perform a persuasive speech. Language worksheet 4.1

4.4 The time 2 hours, Learners explore genre features, story Learner’s Book Session 4.4
tornado 30 minutes openings and verb choices. They also Workbook Session 4.4
write a story opening. Language worksheet 4.2

4.5 The visitor 2 hours, Learners explore how writers create Learner’s Book Session 4.5
30 minutes mystery, discuss predictions about a Workbook Session 4.5
story and write part of a mystery story.

4.6 Into the future 2 hours, Learners explore the impact of informal Learner’s Book Session 4.6
30 minutes and formal styles in speech. They also Workbook Session 4.6
consider how a writer creates an
informal voice and write in an informal
voice themselves.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 4

Unit 5
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of
learning hours

5.1 Leaving 2 hours, Learners read a drama script, explore Learner’s Book Session 5.1
Jamaica 30 minutes the features and importance of Workbook Session 5.1
performance in comedy and consider
how character is conveyed.
5.2 Arriving in 2 hours, Learners perform a comedy scene, Learner’s Book Session 5.2
England 30 minutes explore how contrast is used to create Workbook Session 5.2
humour, respond to familiar situations Differentiated worksheets 5A, 5B
and stereotypes and write their own and 5C
comedy scene.

5.3 The Boy Who 2 hours, Learners consider the importance of Learner’s Book Session 5.3
Harnessed the 30 minutes titles, explore the structure of Workbook Session 5.3
Wind autobiographies, consider how
figurative language adds meaning and
effect and write a first-person account.

5.4 K-pop 2 hours, Learners explore two texts on similar Learner’s Book Session 5.4
30 minutes themes, consider features of non-fiction Workbook Session 5.4
and analyse how context affects

5.5 Animals and 2 hours, Learners react to a persuasive text, Learner’s Book Session 5.5
entertainment 15 minutes identify political language and explore Workbook Session 5.5
how contexts affect interpretations. Language worksheet 5.1
5.6 The benefits of 2 hours, Learners read an opinion article, Learner’s Book Session 5.6
zoos 45 minutes compare arguments in two related texts, Workbook Session 5.6
explore language, punctuation and Language worksheet 5.2
grammar choices, and write a discursive

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 5

Unit 6
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of
learning hours

6.1 The city sings 2 hours, Learners explore language and structural Learner’s Book Session 6.1
30 minutes choices in descriptive fiction, respond to Workbook Session 6.1
a descriptive text and create a vivid Language worksheet 6.1
6.2 A love letter 2 hours, Learners explore structure and meaning Learner’s Book Session 6.2
to the Grand 30 minutes in travel writing, consider how humans’ Workbook Session 6.2
Canyon relationship with nature is presented
and write their own descriptive text.

6.3 Chasm 2 hours, Learners explore dialogue in a Learner’s Book Session 6.3
30 minutes metaphorical setting, consider the effect Workbook Session 6.3
of using a focal character and explore Differentiated worksheets 6A, 6B
the meaning of a spatial metaphor. and 6C
6.4 In the desert 2 hours, Learners identify meaning in a poem, Learner’s Book Session 6.4
45 minutes consider the effect of irony and contrast, Workbook Session 6.4
explore sonnets and analyse the setting Language worksheet 6.2
of a poem.

6.5 Pastoral poetry 2 hours, Learners explore a modern sonnet, learn Learner’s Book Session 6.5
15 minutes about pastoral literature and using Workbook Session 6.5
poetic structures for effect, and
compare the use of couplets.

6.6 Returning 2 hours, Learners respond to audio and written Learner’s Book Session 6.6
home 15 minutes texts, consider the effect of pathetic Workbook Session 6.6
fallacy and non-chronological features,
and write a sentimental account.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 6

Unit 7
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of learning

7.1 The Tree 2 hours, Learners identify meanings in a story Learner’s Book Session 7.1
30 minutes opening, explore motifs and write an Workbook Session 7.1
account in the fantasy genre. Language worksheet 7.1

7.2 The farmers 2 hours, Learners use their voices to convey Learner’s Book Session 7.2
30 minutes character, consider formality in dialogue Workbook Session 7.2
and discuss themes and patterns in a Language worksheet 7.2
fantasy story.

7.3 The bronze 2 hours, Learners explore time in a text, consider Learner’s Book Session 7.3
door 30 minutes how a theme is presented, explore the Workbook Session 7.3
effect of setting on character and
describe a fantasy setting.

7.4 The crow 2 hours, Learners consider plot and character Learner’s Book Session 7.4
45 minutes development, compare symbols in two Workbook Session 7.4
texts, explore fantasy stories further and
write a monologue.

7.5 Nothing 2 hours, Learners work out unfamiliar words, Learner’s Book Session 7.5
30 minutes consider the effect of anti-climax, Workbook Session 7.5
explore how beliefs are reflected in a
text and analyse the theme of nature.

7.6 Chosen 2 hours, Learners react to a story ending, discuss Learner’s Book Session 7.6
One 30 minutes the genre of Bildungsroman, listen to Workbook Session 7.6
the views of others and write their own Differentiated worksheets 7A, 7B
fantasy story. and 7C

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 7

Unit 8
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of
learning hours

8.1 The aeroplane 2 hours, Learners explore drama, movement, set Learner’s Book Session 8.1
30 minutes design, characters and themes. They Workbook Session 8.1
also consider how conflict can be shown
through language choices.

8.2 Mrs Manzi 2 hours, Learners compare how characters are Learner’s Book Session 8.2
30 minutes presented within a play and write a Workbook Session 8.2
scene with contrasting characters.

8.3 A different 2 hours, Learners explore the content, structure Learner’s Book Session 8.3
voice 30 minutes and point of view of an informative Workbook Session 8.3
article, and write their own feature Language worksheet 8.1
article. Differentiated worksheets 8A, 8B
and 8C

8.4 He for she 2 hours, Learners explore the content and Learner’s Book Session 8.4
30 minutes techniques of a persuasive speech and Workbook Session 8.4
consider the effects of different pronoun Language worksheet 8.2
choices. Learners also write and deliver
a persuasive speech.

8.5 The transporter 2 hours, Learners compare the presentation of Learner’s Book Session 8.5
30 minutes characters in two texts, consider genre Workbook Session 8.5
conventions and respond to views about
story openings.

8.6 A strange ship 2 hours, Learners explore the conventions of Learner’s Book Session 8.6
30 minutes science fiction and the functions of Workbook Session 8.6
dialogue and narrative. They also write
part of a science-fiction story.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 8

Unit 9
Session Approximate Outline of learning content Resources
number of
learning hours

9.1 Stranger in a 2 hours, Learners explore meaning and language Learner’s Book Session 9.1
strange land 30 minutes choices in a poem and discuss structural Workbook Session 9.1

9.2 A strange 2 hours, Learners explore language, plot and Learner’s Book Session 9.2
meeting 30 minutes characterisation in Macbeth, understand Workbook Session 9.2
the conventions of tragedy and compare Differentiated worksheets 9A, 9B
two texts. and 9C
9.3 Fun with 2 hours, Learners explore modern versions of Learner’s Book Session 9.3
Macbeth 30 minutes Macbeth and write their own version. Workbook Session 9.3

9.4 An unusual job 2 hours, Learners discuss features of an article, Learner’s Book Session 9.4
30 minutes consider representation and write a Workbook Session 9.4
feature article. Language worksheet 9.1

9.5 Unusual 2 hours, Learners explore conventional and Learner’s Book Session 9.5
endings 30 minutes unconventional endings and write their Workbook Session 9.5
own unconventional ending.
9.6 A twist in the 2 hours, Learners explore how a writer blends Learner’s Book Session 9.6
tail 30 minutes elements from science fiction, comedy Workbook Session 9.6
and thrillers, and consider ambiguity in Language worksheet 9.2
language such as puns and double

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