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WST111 Class Test 3/ Klastoets 3


Round final answers to two decimal places./ Rond finale antwoorde af tot twee desimale plekke.

1. Five people claim that they can distinguish Pepsi Cola from Coca Cola by taste. Each is given a
sample of both, and asked to identify which is Pepsi Cola. If all the people are in fact guessing,
what is the probability that:
Vyf mense beweer dat hulle deur smaak kan onderskei tussen Pepsi Cola en Coca Cola. Elkeen
word voorsien van ‘n slukkie van beide en gevra om die Pepsi Cola te identifiseer. Indien al die
mense eintlik aan die raai is, wat is die waarskynlikheid dat:

(a) all 5 guess correctly?/ al vyf reg raai?

 

(b) 3 out of 5 guess correctly?/ 3 uit 5 reg raai?

 5  / 2 5 = 0.3125
 

2. Suppose A, B and C are three events in a sample space, and that P(A)=0.6, P(B)=0.2,
P(B ∪ C)=0.3 and P(A|B)=0.5. Determine:
Veronderstel A, B en C is drie gebeurtenisse in ‘n steekproefruimte, en dat P(A)=0.6, P(B)=0.2,
P(B ∪ C)=0.3 en P(A|B)=0.5. Bepaal:

P(B|A)=P(A∩B)/P(A) Def. 2.9
=P(A|B)P(B)/P(A) Th.2.5

b) P(C) if B and C are mutually exclusive / P(C) indien B en C onderling uitsluitend is

P(B ∪ C)=P(B)+P(C) Th.2.6


c) P(C) if B and C are independent / P(C) indien B en C onafhanklik

but P(B ∪ C)=P(B)+P(C)-P(B∩C)
and P(B)+P(C)- P(B ∪ C)=P(B)P(C) if B and C independent (Def.2.10)
Then P(C)[1-P(B)]=0.3-0.2
so that P(C)=0.1/(1-0.2)=0.125


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