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Varnish Tester

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12 13

PI,lCt' 50 rnl of hOlllogenized (suspend the contdfllll1,ltion) silmple dnd 50
rnL of hexi'lnes Into the 12S ml. plrlc,tlc lr lpIlnlPYPf fld'l~ w/b luE' lid (as
,,!lown III PICf'UIP 1). lhe two flurch wil l IPlllC1l1l sepd rdtt'd (picture 12)
un t rl the f lask IS sWirled to m ix (picture 13 ). rour entire content o f the
fl,'lsk IfltO t he prT'v loLJsiy prepared filtrdtlon appi'l l iltus (the patc h MUST
be w_t'\IY~lrJl_e~LbefO!e putting the appal-dtus together) dn d engage the
VdCUU lll. Rinse the flask uSing the squPpz€' bnttlp fll lf'd With !lp xilnps.
Once the flask IS comp lete ly rrnsed (Hlci no f lulcl r-PllldlllS In t he filtration
fUllnl' i, r l llSI:' t he funnel cll1d the patch until no oil Il,,:ddue IPrl1dlns. Keep
ttl(> VdClJlHll on ;mci SepMJte the bluE' fdtfdtlon fUllrH'1 prf'Cf' (,l'> picture
g) I\lI1se tlw pelteh flJlther If {H1Y od resldup I'> VISible. Keep the VellUlJlll
on until the pdteil IS dry (dny wheJQ between 2 _. ~ il1lilutes depending on
cOllt,HlllJ1tltlon). I\ernove the patch from tlw <:.ueerl USlllg the fmceps
dJ1d nledsure the lillal weight. Mdkt· sure 110 lontclrllllldtl()11 fldke':> off
wlwil trtlnsferJlI1g hom the hltrdtlon ,IPPdJdtlJS to tllP hdldllce. C~lculatt~
the difference between finClI and Illltlal pdtch weight I hl<, IS the value
ppr SO IllL. Empty the collection vessel prior t o completing subsequent
retch weig hts.
Operating Instructions for

EPT Re-Usable MPC Filtration Kit

II Assemble Filtration
Apparat us
Remove the 47 mm filter holder
I Rinse Down Inside
of Funnel
Direct a jet of solvent against all
assembly from the vacuum f1ltration the inner surfaces of the funnel.
flask. If necessary, use the butt-end Use enough solvent to carry all the
of the forceps to pry against the contaminants through the filter
flask rim at the cutout slot. Invert holder screen and into the flask.
the holder assembly and install it on
the flask, with the funnel up and the
seating holder base flange resting
evenly against the flask rim.

II Install Cel lulose-Nitrate

0.45 um Fitter Patch
II Attach Vacuum Pump

Remove the funnel from the test The free end of the flexible tube of
filter holder by turning the knurled the vacuum pump (the end with the
ring from right to left until free, then male luer-Iock) should be inserted
lifting. With forceps, center a 47 mm - firmly into the small hole on the side
white cellulose-nitrate filter paper of the filter holder base.
on the wire mesh support screen .
Replace the funnel and fe-tighten
the knurled ring to seal the filter
in place.

I Filter Test Sample . . Rinse Contamination

iii From Sample Flask
Shake the sample flask containing Rinse the inside of the sample flask
50 mL of sample and SO ml of
using solvent and pour the solvent
pentane (or hexanes or petroleum
into the funnel as soon as the level
ether). Empty the contents into the of fluid in the funnel permits.
funnel, pouring against the funnel Sustain vacuum as required.
walls to distribute the fluid evenly
over the surface of the filter. Draw
vacuum inside the flask using a
vacuum pump. More contaminated
fluids will require more vacuum.

I Rinse Conta mination

From Funnel Walls
When the sample level in the funnel
. . . Remove Filter and
iii analyte colour using Hab
Remove the funnel , lift off the
drops to the narrow neck of the test filter with forceps and place it
funnel. wash down the inner surfaces face-up in an uncovered Petridish .
of the funnel with solvent. let the filter dry completely in still
air. place the I-Lab directly on the
filter and rei:ord the MPC dE value
3X and calculate average.
NOTE : MPC dE readings will vary
depending on the table surface.
Recommend taking measurements
on aluminum foil to improve

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