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Embryology Timeline

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The document outlines the major developmental milestones from the pre-implantation period through week 38 of gestation.

Some of the key stages from weeks 3 to 8 include morula formation, blastocyst attachment, implantation, formation of the primitive streak and germ layers, somite and organ development.

From weeks 9 to 12 the fetus develops distinct human characteristics, external genitalia appear, the intestines move into the abdomen, and limb growth occurs.


(According to the Developing Human Text)

1st week PREIMPLANTATION PERIOD 3 days morula 5 days zona pellucida shed 6 days blastocyst attach to epithlium 7 days cytotrophoblasts and syncitiotrophoblast from trophoblast - hypoblast develops 8 days - implantation complete 9 days - blood filled lacunae in syncitiotrophoblast 10 days completely embedded (filled by closing plug) 10/11 days - lacunar network formed 11/12 days uteroplacental circulation 12/13 days defect in endometrial epithelium disappears - fibrin coagulum 13/14 days - primary chorionic villi 14 days bilaminar disc- flat with prechordal plate Primitive streak o streak > node > groove > pit Formation of germ layers o Ectoderm o Mesoderm o Ectoderm o Notochordal process > notochordal canal > notochordal plate > notochord o *Neurenteric canal Allantois (day 16) Neurulation o Neural plate (> neural groove > neural folds) > neural tube + neural crest Somites Intraembryonic coelom Heart tube Secondary chorionic villi > tertiary chorionic villi Cytotrophoblastic shell Neuropores o Cranial closes 25th day o Caudal closes 27th day Pharyngeal arches (24 days) o 3 pairs visible by day 26 Forebrain elevation Upper limb buds (day 26/27) Otic pits Lens placodes Lower limb buds (day 28/29) 4th pair of pharyngeal arches long tail like eminence Cervical sinus Hand plates, digital rays Auricle hillocks External acoustic meatus Twitching Head size increase Trunk and neck straighten



4th week

5th week

6th week

7th week

Notches between digital rays Yolk stalk Umbilical herniation Nipples Ossification of toes begin Digits separated but webbed Scalp vascular plexus head Regions of limbs apparent Limb movements Ossification in lower limbs recognizable Caudal eminence disappears by the end Hands and feet approach each other ventrally Distinct human characteristics Eyelids closing Sex differences exist but not distinctive 9th week o broad face, eyes separated, eyelids fused o legs short, thighs small o external genetalia appear different o liver major site of erythropoiesis th week 10 o intestinal coils in proximal end of umbilical cord th week 11 o intestines in abdomen th week 12 o upper limbs almost at final length o mature form of genetalia o primary ossification centres in skeleton o CRL doubled o Erythropoiesis begins in spleen (end of 12th week) o OVER ENTIRE PERIOD: Urine formation begins Sex determined (12th to 14th week) Limb movements coordinated (14 weeks) Head to body ratio smaller relative to 12th week (16 weeks) Ossification of skeleton visible in imaged (16 weeks) Ovaries differentiated (16 weeks) Eyes anterior, external ears close to definitive position (16 weeks) Scalp hair patterning Quickening Vernix caseosa Brown fat Growth slows down Uterus formed (18 weeks) Testes descend (20 weeks) Eyebrows and head hair (20 weeks) Lanugo (20 weeks) Substantial weight gain Skin: wrinkly, translucent, pink-red Rapid eye movements (21 weeks) Secretory epithelial cells (24 weeks) Surfactant produced (24 weeks) Fingernails formed (24 weeks)

8th week

9th 12th weeks

13th 16th weeks

17th 20th weeks

21th 25th weeks

26th 29th weeks

Lungs and pulmonary vasulature developed sufficiently CNS can direct rhythmic breathing movements and temperature Lanugo and head hair well developed Toenails Subcutaneous fat Spleen important site of haemopoesis White fate 3.5% of weight Eyelids opened (26 weeks) Erythropoiesis ends in spleen bone marrow instead (28 weeks) Foetus can survive if born prematurely at this stage Pupillary light reflex (30 weeks) Skin pink Upper and lower limbs chubby White fat 8% 35th week o Firm grasp 36th week o Circumference of head and abdomen equal 37th week o Foot length slightly larger than femoral length 38th week o CRL 360 mm o Weight 3400 gm o White fat 16%

30th 34th weeks

35th 38th weeks

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