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Neuroscience: a Medical Student's Guide
Neuroscience: a Medical Student's Guide
Neuroscience: a Medical Student's Guide
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Neuroscience: a Medical Student's Guide

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This book is a concise guide into the everchanging and complex discipline of neuroscience for those students who are looking for clarity in a complex subject. The manner the information is presented to the reader is easy to comprehend and to apply those priciples to acadamic course work. The information provded is direct and to the point while continuing to provide the reader with the depth of understanding to successfully comprehend the basic principles of neuroscience.
Release dateOct 31, 2012
Neuroscience: a Medical Student's Guide

David W. Karam MDPhD

Dr. Karam has been educating medical students, health professionals and graduate students for more than 10 years. His experience in teaching neuroscience, Neuroanatomy, anatomy and biochemistry have shaped his writing style. His extensive reasearch and clinical and acadamic background has provided a valuable insight into providing the information from complex materials and everchanging new research in a very easy to understand format.

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    Neuroscience - David W. Karam MDPhD




    I n order to properly understand the human nervous system, a review of the structures is necessary. An in depth understanding of the basic structural make up begins with a complete review of medical terminology. In anatomy we describe things in terms of location, function, size, orientation, direction of pull and shape. In the organization of the nervous system we are concerned with orientation and as such we can imagine a quadruped animal in orientation such as a cat. We utilize terms such as rostral, dorsal, ventral, caudal in the description of location of the tissue contained in the nervous system. Rostral refers to the position closer to the cats head while the term caudal refers to the tail of the cat. The term ventral is analogous to the belly while the term dorsal refers to the back of the animal. The other terms utilized are medial, median and lateral. Median is the understanding of the midline while medial refers to being closer to the midline. Lateral is understood to mean further from the midline. We use terms such as ipsilateral that mean we are referring to the same side of the body or contralateral meaning we are referring to the opposite side of the body. When referring to both sides we will use the term bilateral. Anterior, meaning to the front is the same as when we say ventral, likewise posterior is analogous to dorsal. We use terms such as superior or cranial to indicate a position more towards the top. In Neuroanatomy we use the term afferent to indicate something that is carrying information to another structure and conversely, we use the term efferent to indicate that the information is being carried away. We use a axiom that goes like this DAS Dorsal—Afferent-Sensory /VEM Ventral—Efferent-Motor that holds true in most instances.

    We also discuss planes of view (Sagittal, Coronal—transverse, and Horizontal). Sagittal cuts reveal right and left portions. As in the midline reference this cut is possible to be on the midline and if such is the case, it is referred to as the midsagittal cut. Coronal cuts will reveal a anterior posterior view, while the horizontal cut will produce a top-bottom view. Confusion for many medical students comes with the manner that the coronal cut is referred to in the head versus the body. In the head if the cut is perpendicular to the axis of the forebrain it is termed Coronal and this holds true to the point of the Neuraxis where the cephalic flexure. It is important to understand the planes of the view, especially in reference to viewing radiographic studies. In radiologic studies, the coronal scans are viewed as if the patient is facing the examiner. In the axial studies, the view is as if the examiner is looking upwards through the feet. These descriptors are absolute in relation to the long axis of the spinal cord and the brain.

    The human nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The CNS is composed of the brain and the spinal cord. Both the brain and the spinal cord are found encased in a protective layer of bone, viscous fluid and membranes called meninges. The central nervous system is the higher cognitive aspect of the nervous system. The central nervous system is also subdivided into specific regions such as the cerebral hemispheres, the thalamus, the pons, the cerebellum the medulla, and the spinal cord. These regions will be discussed in greater detail in subsequent chapters. The brain is composed of the outer cortex, composed predominately of grey matter. Microscopic examination has shown that the grey matter is composed mainly of the cell bodies thus giving it the grayish coloration. This is contrasted by the inner white matter that is mainly the axons that will compromise the paths or the tracts of the brain. Within the inner aspects of the brain are fluid filled voids that are called ventricles. These ventricles are filled with cerebrospinal fluid and are demonstrated on radiographic studies. The size and shape of these compartments may indicate pathology.

    The spinal cord on the other hand is a reversal of the brain in regards to the histologic and cytoarchitectural make up between the grey and white matter. In the spinal cord, the grey matter is located in the central aspects, while the white matter occupies the peripheral position. The spinal cord contains two enlargements, a cervical and a lumbar enlargement that will be discussed in detail later in this book. The spinal cord is a neural tube like structure that terminates in the lumbar region at the conus medullaris. Students always ask how large is the spinal cord and a general rule is that is about the size of the students 5th digit. In adults the termination is at the level of L2 in adults and L3 in a newborn. This discrepancy between these two structures is found due to the growth and development of the spinal cord versus the boney spinal column. The vertebral column grows more rapidly than the spinal cord and as such stretches the spinal cord. There are 12 cranial nerves that are seen to exit from the bony protection of the skull on the ventral surface of the brain (exception is the Trochlear nerve CN4) and 31 pairs of spinal nerves that exit the spinal cord. These cranial nerves are actually considered as part of the peripheral nervous system.

    The peripheral nervous system is made up of the nerves that will connect the structures outside the CNS to the CNS. Connection to the CNS and integration is via the 31 pairs of spinal nerves, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and a single coccygeal. The manner that the spinal nerves are formed is noteworthy as they form from the joining of a dorsal and a ventral root thus producing a spinal nerve. The dorsal root contains a ganglion that is located within the intervertebral foramen and that can have clinical implications. The motor fibers are found to posse a cell body within the central nervous system and a sensory root that will form a sensory ganglion that is considered outside the central nervous system. Structures within the CNS will have some specific terms that indicate specific tissue types and or function. Nucleus (individually) nuclei (plural) indicates that we are referring to a collection of functionally related nerve cell bodies located within the CNS. The term column indicated that we are referring to a collection of functionally related nerve cell bodies that respond to like stimuli with a like response to stimuli, in the cerebral cortex or collection of functionally related nerve cell bodies that run through a portion or the entirety of the spinal cord. A layer of tissue in neuroanatomy is termed as either a lamina, or strata (stratum) and in indicative of functionally related cells that will form a layer of tissue but that runs parallel to the plane of the larger neuronal structure associated to it. A tract in Neuroanatomy may have several names, fasciculus (fasciculi), lemniscus (lemnisci) indicates a reference to a collection of tissue that are axons and that are running parallel to each other. The term funiculus (funiculi) refers to several fasciculi running in parallel.

    The peripheral nervous system is composed of the cranial nerves, the spinal nerves, and the ganglia associated to them.



    The peripheral nervous system is further subdivided into the somatic system and the autonomic system. The nerves of the peripheral nervous system innervate the smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and also cardiac muscle. Along with the muscle innervation, the PNS will innervate glandular epithelial tissue and contain a variety of sensory fibers. In the PNS the fibers are referred to as a ganglion when they are a group of nerve cell bodies found within a peripheral nerve root. In the peripheral nervous system the term nerve refers to the structure made of parallel arranged axons with the cell associated to it. These sensory fibers will enter the spinal cord via the posterior root, AKA. Dorsal root. Motor fibers of the peripheral system will exit via the anterior or the ventral root. As these nerves are in close proximity, they will join to form a mixed nerve; this structure will be called a spinal nerve.

    The somatic nervous system is both a motor and sensory in function. The dorsal root mentioned above is the sensory component while the ventral root is the motor component. These specialty organizations are responsible for the dermatomes (sensory) and the myotomes (motor) areas utilized for clinical assessment.

    There is another division of the human nervous system called the Autonomic Nervous System. The Autonomic Nervous System is quite different from the two previously mentioned anatomic divisions as it is not a true anatomic division. The Autonomic division is really a functional division that has components located in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The Autonomic nervous system consists of neurons that innervate the cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glandular epithelium. The autonomic nervous system has also been called the visceral nervous system or the vegetative nervous system, because its control is outside the conscious control. In reality, there are three further subdivisions of the ANS: the sympathetic, the parasympathetic and the enteric nervous system. The traditional view of the sympathetic nervous system is that it is the Fight or flight portion of the system while the parasympathetic nervous system is the resting aspect of the ANS, leaving the enteric nervous system to influence the digestive factors. It is important to understand that even though the three are described as a single unit along the ANS the enteric system is able to function independently of the other two. However, there is a tremendous amount of influence from the parasympathetic and the sympathetic system on digestion.

    So how does this system function? What makes this complex system work? The human nervous system uses neurons as the basis for the electrochemical impulses that are used for producing the action of the system. It is very unusual in that it takes electrochemical energy and then transmits that into a movement in some instances or perpetuation of the impulses in others. In this system of communication, the human body utilizes these neurons as if they were the wiring of your home. It is imperative for the system to function most effectively if all the circuits are connected, however there are some redundant systems built in so that there can still be function even if some fail. In addition to this circuitry, the ability of the system to remodel itself or re-wire itself is something that we are just beginning to understand. This concept of remodeling makes tremendous sense as neurons are seen to die off during the lifetime of us as humans.

    Since the human nervous system is so much like the electrical circuits that we make analogy to, it is easy to describe things in that manner. With over a billion connections that must be made, and the speed with which these connections must be made, the parallel manner that the nervous system is arranged in is best suited for humans to perform these vast numbers of connections and the speed with which they must be made. This arrangement has been demonstrated experimentally to in fact be the best way to provide a mechanism for the tremendous numbers of synaptic transmissions that must take place in such a time compressed period. The cytoarchitectural design of the tracts, fasculi demonstrate the parallel arrangement that occurs even within the brain and the spinal cord itself. This tissue arrangement allows for rapid delivery of information but also a method for the redundant circuits that are seen in the human nervous system. There is however a serial component to the system. This aspect is seen in the manner that one neuron may communicate with another. It is this arrangement that allows a vast ability to manipulate the inputs and the outputs intensity, firing sequence to name a few.

    Looking at the human nervous system, it can be described in terms of a simple electrical circuit, with a battery and resistor. In this traditional description, the battery is the power source that will produce the voltage for the system. In the human nervous system just as in the simple circuit, there must be a flow of the voltage through the system for the system to communicate information. The system depends on a difference in the voltage across the resistor for the voltage difference to be passed through the system and generate its effect. This voltage difference (V) that is generated across the resistor, or the neurons is the basis of the system’s function. Malfunction in this will create impairment of the neuron transmitting the impulse. By convention, the system is described with the flow of the voltage difference moving from the negative pole of the battery towards the positive pole of the battery. In this description, it is a closed circuit. The circuit can be defined by Ohm’s Law V=IR. Ohm’s Law is represented as V= voltage difference across the resistor and is measured in volts and I= the current as it flows through the resistor and is measured in Ampers’s with R= resistance within the resistor and is measured in Ohm’s. In the nervous system, the resistance is influenced by the myelin sheath. In the human nervous system, the word potential is substituted for voltage difference. So there is a measurable amount of resistance that is possible to be derived as the electrons move through the closed circuit with means that there is a possible dissipation of the net flow of the electrons. In the electrical world, the wires will be insulated and in the human nervous system, we insulate with the myelin sheath as mentioned above. If there is a mathematical representation for the resistance of a system, then there must be a mathematical representation for the passage of those electrons. Conductance is the expression of the ease of the passing of the electrons. Conductance is expressed as G=I/R. In this formula, the conductance is (G) and is measured in Siemens (S) with the I representing the current flow across a resistor and is measured again in Amperes, and the R representing the resistance of the resistor and is still measured in Ohm’s. In this system description, there is no net transfer of the charge through the resistor, can demonstrate a transfer of the charge when the current is passed across a capacitor. This differential is expressed as Q=CV. In this equation, Q represents the amount of charge that is stored within the capacitor and is measured in units called coulombs (C) and the capacitance is measured in units called farads (F).




    I n order to better understand the human nervous system, a discussion of the anatomy with regard to position is imperative. In humans the brain demonstrates a curvature at the point of the junction of the midbrain—thalamus junction. This flexure is called the cephalic flexure. This flexure is important as it will allow for the increased area within the calvarium for additional brain matter. This flexure is what orients the forebrain into a position that is very close to being perpendicular to the long axis of the spinal cord. It points the anterior pole towards the nose. Below this flexure, the posterior aspect of the brain surface and the spinal cord is considered to be a dorsal position. This description is consistent with the general anatomic-geographic orientation. The anterior aspect of the spinal cord and the anterior portion of the brainstem are considered as being ventral in position. These positions are altered slightly as one moves further toward the face in linear relationship. The positional differences are created by the aforementioned flexure. As one moves closer toward the face the position is considered rostral. The general anatomic terms of medial and lateral are used in relation to the orientation with the midline. In agreement with general anatomic terms, medial will refer to a position that is closer to the midline, while lateral refers to a position that is further away from the midline.

    The orientations of the planes of the nervous system are the same as in general anatomic descriptions. These planes are the Sagittal, Coronal and Transverse. The sagittal plane will divide the specimen into a right and left orientation. The Coronal plane will divide the specimen into an anterior posterior orientation. The transverse plane will divide the specimen into a superior and inferior orientation. With these planar orientations in mind, the orientations in viewing films of the nervous system will demonstrate the following positions, the axial views of a film are set in such a manner that one would be looking at the patient as if from the feet toward the head. The coronal view is taken with the orientation as if you are looking directly into the face of the patient. This has the patient’s left side oriented to the examiner’s right.


    As was discussed previously in this chapter, the brain is able to be further subdivided into five specific anatomic regions. The regions are the result of the continued differentiation and proliferation of the neural tube and this development will be detailed later in chapter 5. The telencephelon, the diencephelon, the mesencephelon, the metencephelon and the myelencephelon make up the five subdivisions of the brain. The telencephelon is made of the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia. The cerebral cortex is the most easily recognizable portion of the human brain. It consists of the surface of the brain and it is so well photographed that many of the structures are known to the student purely by photographic representation without any medical training. The elevations within this tissue mass are called gyri while the depressions are called sulci. Individual elevations are called a gyrus and the individual depressions are called a sulcus. There is a very large sulcus, the longitudinal fissure, which is seen to divide the brain into the right and left halves. These halves are then in turn designated the right and left hemispheres. Within the surface description, there are two very prominent landmarks. The central sulcus also known as the fissure of Rolando and the lateral sulcus also known as the Sylvan fissure are the most easily identifiable of the sulci. The central sulcus is seen to separate the frontal and the parietal lobes. These lobes are named for the bones of the skull that overlie them. The lateral sulcus is seen to run along the frontal and parietal lobes and is the demarcation of the temporal lobe.

    The largest of the lobes of the brain is the frontal lobe. It is inclusive of the cortex rostral to the central sulcus and dorsal to the cingulated sulcus. Included in this region of the brain is the precentral gyrus. This structure houses the tissue mass that is known as the primary motor cortex. Spatially, the premotor cortex is seen to lie just rostral to the precentral gyrus. Moving more rostral, the superior, middle and the inferior frontal gyri are found. The inferior frontal gyrus is able to be further subdivided into the pars triangularis, the pars opercularis, and the pars orbitalis. These structures are of prime importance with relation to functional properties, as the pars triangularis and the pars opercularis constitute Baroca’s area or the region of verbal expression. This is seen in and is indicative of the dominant hemisphere. These anatomic structures will be reviewed as a discussion of pathologic conditions is undertaken.

    The parietal lobe is inclusive of the cortex that extends from the cingulate gyrus to the anterior pole of the occipital lobe. The lateral sulcus is the defining border of the parietal and the temporal lobes. The postcentral gyrus is located on the posterior aspect of the central sulcus. Within this gyrus is found the somatosensory cortex. There is also a demarcation sulcus called the intraparietal sulcus that is the demarcation line between the subdivision of the parietal lobe into the superior and inferior parietal lobules. The inferior parietal lobule is important in the interpretation of the integrative information sent via the somatosensory, auditory and visual regions of the adjacent tissue.

    The temporal lobe is seen to lie within and occupy the entire middle cranial fossa. The exterior surface of the temporal lobe is subdivided into the superior, middle and inferior gyri. Anatomically, these gyri are found in a parallel orientation with the Sylvian Fissure. Within the confines of the superior aspect of the tissue, there is additional inclusive tissue that will form the auditory cortex. The duties of the primary auditory cortex are many. The primary auditory cortex is involved in the integration of the processed language center and language comprehension. Therefore, any compromise to this region of neural tissue will exhibit devastating deficit. Within the temporal lobe are the regions responsible for the processing of the visual information through the occipitotemporal and parahippocampal gyri. The primitive sense of olfaction is found to lie within a region of tissue called the uncus. The uncus is found to occupy the most medial aspect and the very tip of the parahippocampal gyrus.

    Found within the most posteriocaudal aspect of the parietal and the temporal lobe is the occipital lobe. The calcarine sulcus is the large fissure that is found oriented along the medial aspect of the lobe. This is the primary visual interpretation area. The architecture of this lobe is such that the functional capacity of the lobe is oriented from a caudal to rostral manner. These are the demarcated areas of the cerebral cortex. There are continued functional divisions that are not as well anatomically defined as those mentioned previously. In these areas, the term has been used calling the tissue synthetic lobes due to the lack of anatomic demarcation. These synthetic lobe areas are the limbic lobe, located as a composite of tissue from the medial aspects of the frontal, temporal and the parietal lobes, and the insula that is found along the innermost aspects of the lateral sulcus. The insula is covered by the opercular cortex. Functionally, the insula is responsible for the gustatory information processing mainly. There is additional evidence as to the role of the insula in the maintenance of the cardiovascular, pulmonary and gastric functional activities. The limbic lobe on the other hand is a very complex region of tissue. The limbic lobe is functionally responsible for the expression of emotion. The limbic lobe is itself a conglomeration of tissue that is derived from the subcallosal, cingulate and the parahippocampal gyri and inclusive of the hippocampal tissue itself. The anatomic arrangement of these tissues is rather unusual in that they form a blanket of tissue surrounding the diencephelon.

    Included in this mass of tissue called the cerebral cortex is the basal ganglia. The basal ganglia are made from several different regions of brain tissue within the telencephelon. These tissues consist of the caudate nucleus, the globus pallidus, the putamen, and the amygdyla. There are variations of

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