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FRM - Guijo (2015)

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J1'n \ . I) I'l;'J· ..

Association of Professional Foresters for Environmental
Conservation and Sustalnabillty (APECS)
Purok Lemonslto, Mankllam, Tagum City
SEC Registration No. 2013-29515

APECS Preboard
Forest Production Management
. Guijo (-i.-1.i)
Direction Please read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer and
shade in the answer sheet provided. Strictly, no erasures.
1. What is the term use in the plantation f9rest that represents the number of years for
it to be allowed to grow? t
a. Financial maturity l c. Allowable cut
b. Rotation II d. Cutting cycle

2. It is a chart showing the rise and fall of si ream flow during a period of time.
a. Rain Gauge Chart c. Water Table Map
b. Hydrograph d. Hydrometer

3. What is the effect of grazing on the soil characteristics of the grazeland?

a. Low forage production
b. High forage production
c. Compacted soil
d. High and low forage production

4. A tree has been felled , bucked and piled with a total merchantable volume of 0.45
cords. How many cubic feet of wood, bark and airspace does it contain?
a. 55.7 C. 59.2
b. 60.00 d. 57.6

5. The sustainability of a forest stand: can be obtained with reference to a

predetermined relationship between the! number of trees per hectares and average
tree size . What is this measure to obtain··this?
a. Stocking density c. Yield index
b. Stand density index d. Site index

6. What is the difference between the total revenue and total cost?
a. Overhead cost c. Shadow price
b. Market price d. Profit or net revenue

7. What is the value of five P2,000 annual payment at the end of the 5th year if the
interest rate is 4.75%
a. P25 ,186.03 C. P10,000.50
b. P14,250.11 d. P10 ,996.21

8. What survey is required that would seek:to provide pertinent data and information for
preparation of a forest plantation and development plan?
a. Timber inventory survey c. Biophysical survey
b. Plantation survey d. Physiographic survey

9. This is the process of controlling forest production and harvest in order to obtain
a. Cut scheduling c. Cut allocation
b. Forest control d. Forest regulation

1O. It is the moisture condition of the soil wh,are all the macropores are filled with water.
a. Hydroscopic coefficient c. Capillary fringe
b. Water holding capacity d. Field capacity

2015 APE CS Preboard- Forest Production Management ' Page 1

11. The practice of multiple use forestry in _forest lands can be justified by what of the
following circumstances.
a. Multiple uses is better than single usH
b. All of it
c. Presence of various sectoral concerns
d. Forest provide multiple benefits

12. What is the law that establishes an Environmental Impact Statement System?
a. PD 705 c. PD 1586
b. PD1559 d.PD1151

13.ABC has invested in plantation and wood processing business. In it, it allows a
margin for profit and risk at 15% per year. If ABC has an average working capital of
P5,000,00.00 and fixed-interest bearing investment of P7,650,000.00. What is the
computed margin?
a. P1 ,987,500.00
c. P1 ,789,500.00
b. P1 ,897,500.00
d. P1 ,798,500.00

14. It is the systematic inventory and analysis of all factors relating on the use of a range
including the drafting of a plan to manage the forage resources.
a. Forage Survey c. Pasture Survey
b. Range Survey d. Vegetative Survey

15. Under DAO 99-53, the maximum area available for an Integrated Forest
Management Agreement (IFMA) is 40,000 hectares. Which of the following area are
not available for IFMA program?
a. Production residual natural forest
b. Areas or lands subject to CADC/CALC
c. Government reforestation project
d. Areas covered by cancelled/expired grazing permit

16. In order to attain sustainability of a forest operation, there is a need to control forest
production and harvest. What forestry a~tivity must be applied in this instance?
a. Forest Organization c. Forest Management
b. Forest Valuation d. Forest Regulation

17. What is the value of Php. 500.00 at the end of 10 years at 5% interest rate?
a. Php 390.96 c. Php 309.96
b. Php 814.45 d. Php 841 .45

18. Pursuant to DAO 2000-63, new rate of forest charges is prescribed. A planted tree
however is exempted charges. Under what circumstances when charges or
government share is imposed on plantec_ltrees.
a. Planted trees are harvested from a private land
b. Planted trees harvested are in compliance to TLA reforestation activity
c. Planted trees are harvested from ITP
d. Planted trees are harvested from areas with approved land application

19. There are four methods of thinning operation. Which of the follo~ing type of thinning
involves the removal of trees from the middle and upper portion of the range of
crown and diameter?
a. Low thinning c. Mechanical thinning ·
b. Selection thinning d. Crown thinning

20. What do call the group of forest trees which are broad leaved.
a. Softwood . c. Co_nifers
b. Lianas d. Hardwoods

2015 APECS Preboard- Forest Production Management Page 2

I 21 . What is the first step in undertak ing watershe d managem ent planning?
a. Participa tory process
b. Preparato ry planning
c. Accurate planning
d. synchron ized planning

22. This is a roadway having logs, saplings and small poles cross-laid or placed side by
a. Cablewa y c. Unpaired road
b. Road corduroy d. Skid road

23. Which of the following is not a potential conseque nce of improper felling operation s?
a. Excessiv e damage to residual trees c1nd seedlings
b. Low profitability from improper bucked logs
c. Trees should be felled in the direction of canopy gaps
d. Utilization rate are too low

24. The road on the map which measure s 5 cm with a scale of 1 :10,000 correspo ndents
to the ground of about _ _ _ _ meters.
a. 250 C. 500
b. 750 d. 1000

25. The growth of a forest is affected by age, species, site quality, forest density and the
managem ent strategy to be applied by the forest manager. Which of the following
factors may affect site quality?
a. Site Index
b. Physical character istics of the land
c. Historical yield records
d. Vegetativ e indicators

26. This is the ability of a tree to endure, develop and grow under the shade.
a. Layering c. Slivics ·
b. Intoleran ce d. Tolerance *

27. Given the following data, computer for 1.he gross incremen t including ingrowth after
10 years of forest stand in Region 6.

Volume 10 years after = 150.71 cu. m.

Initial volume = 83.88 cu . m.
Mortality = 9.82 cu. m.
Ingrowth = 0.81 cu. m.
a. 66.83 cu. m. C. 76.65 CU . m .
b. 77.46 cu. m. d. 67.64 cu . m.

28 . How do you conduct and determine the difference between an elite trees from plus
a. Growth characteristics
b. Good crown form
c. Cylindrical and Straight bole
d. Progenc y- testing

29.A successful forest plantation can be attributed by any of the following :

a. Quality and size of planting stock
b. Size of planting holes
c. All of it
d. Depth of rooting horizon and planting depth

2015 APECS Preboard- Forest Production Management Page 3

30. When there is an intense competition of the planted tree
species, which of the
following harvesting/treatment may not correct the competition?
a. Thinning c. Pruning
b. Improvement cutting d. Clearing

31. What is the assumed height of diameter at breast height of a

tree above the ground?
a. 5.0 meters c. 2.0 meter ·
b. 1.3 meter d. 1.0 meter
32. This is a forest protection strategy launched by the DENR which
involves the active
participation of the different stakeholders.
a. Forest Conservation Program
b. Integrated Approach
c. Multisectoral Forest Protection Approach
d. Forest Protection Strategies

33. This is a system of managing a forest wherein the area

is stratified for timber,
recreation, protection, agro-forestry and other uses.
a. Forest Management
b. Sustained Yield Forest Managemetlt
c. Multiple-use Forest Management
d. Sustainable Forest Management

34. The stand and stock table summarizes the timber content of
a given forest area. The
harvestable volume outside of Palawan and Region 8 is determ
ined using which of
the following proportion ratio?
a. 50% of the volume of 50 cm dbh plus 100% of 60 cm dbh and
b. 100% of volume 60 cm dbh and up
c. 50% of the volume of 60 cm dbh plus 100% of 70 cm dbh and
d. 50% of the volume of 60 cm. dbh plus 50% of 70 cm dbh and
35. This is a concept of harvesting timber prescribed under
forestry rules and
regulations where it intends to bring balance between annual growth
and yield .
a. Forest administration c. Clear cutting
b. Sustainable yield d. Selection cutting
36. What is the area that has been depleted of its natura
l forest cover and is
predominantly covered by grasses, herbaceous space or bare soil.
a. Inadequately stocked forest
b. Depleted forest
c. Open and denuded land
d. Brush land

37. This is a plan that has to be done before the preparation of a

planting plan.
a. Reconnaissance survey c. Inventory survey
b. Survey Plan d. Planting survey
38. What is the benefit cost ratio after 10 years given the following:

Discounted cost - P49,495.00

Discounted return - P92,783.00
a. 18.7 C. 1.87
b. 0.87 d. 0.53
39. Seeds which cannot be stored for long period under low tempe
rature are referred to
as _ _ _ __

2015 APECS Preboard- Forest Production Management Page 4

a. Dormant c. Intermediate
b. Recalcitrant d. Orthodox

40. The relative capacity of a forest area which is determined by the site factor is known
as _ _ _
a. Site index c. Land capacity
b. Site quality d. Soil fertility
41. The harvesting of timber in the dipterocarp forest is regulated based on the principle
a. Volume control c. Area and Volume control
b. Annual Yield d. Area control

42. This is a forest which includes critical watershed, mossy forest, strips of rivers,
streams, shoreline and reservoir, and stHep, rocky areas.
a. Park/outdoors
forest c. Protection forest
b. Residual forest d. Production forest

43. Under what section of E.O. 23 that allows tree cutting in the natural and residual
forest provided the area is degraded forest and site preparation is implemented for
plantation development.
a. Section 2(2.1) c. Section 2(2.4)
b. Section 2(2.2) . d. Section 2(2.3)

44. They represent the highest value of foreBt in the eyes of the tribal people.
a. Wild animals c. Minor forest ·production
b. Timber d. Minerals

45. This is where height growth of a tree occurs.

a. Heartwood c. Lateral Meristem
b. Apical Meristem d. Shoot Apex

46. What is the basis of computing the amount to be levied as forest changes for timber
cut in the forest as prescribed in RA 7161?
a. 10% of FOB market price c. 20% of FOB market price
b. 25% of FOB market price d. 15°(o of FOB market price

47. What part of the constitution can you find that - "All lands of the public domain .. .
forest or timber ... and other natural resqurces are owned by the state."?
a. Article XII. Sec. 9 c. Article XII, Sec. 1
b. Article XIII , Sec. 2 d. Article XII, Sec. 2

48. What is the diameter at breast height (DBH) of a tree if the circumference at that
point is 216.77 centimeter?
a. 65.02cm c. 63.4 cm
b. 69.0 cm d. 75.1 cm

49. Range areas are being re-oriented to increase forage production and improve forage
quality by way of integrating leguminous species in the area. In what aspect does
the leguminous species improve forage quality?
a. It has the ability to grow under sevemly low soil moisture condition.
b. All of it
c. It increases nitrogen content
d. It has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen

2015 APECS Preboard- Forest Production Management Page 5

50. What do you call that table which shows the estimated volume of lumber in b~~rd
feet that can be derived from logs with given diameter and lengths under a specified
utilization standards?
a. Yield table
b. Yield and Equation formula
c. Log Rule
d. Volume table

51. As provided for in DENR Adm. Order No. 2, Series of 1992, what is the percentage
of the trees 60 cm in diameter can be cut as part of the annual allowable cut?
a. 40% C. 60%
b. 50% d. 100%

52. In forest stumpage appraisal, what is that ·term when the overhead costs,
depreciation, and margin for profit exceeded the estimated gross annual surplus?
a. Negative margin for profit and risk
b. Negative stumpage value
c. Positive stumpage value
d. Positive appraisal value

53. In aerial photography, what is the term. that is drawn which connects the principal
and conjugate principal points? '
a. lsocenter c. Flight line · ·
b. Flying height d. Nadir

54. It is a plane-wise application of fire for specific purposes.

a. Grazeland burning c. Controlled burning
b. Prescribe burning . d. Slash and burn

55. The practice of storing young trees prioI· to the planting by placing them in a trench
and covering their roots with soil is known as
a. Packing ------
c. Mud-puddling
b. Hardening-off d. Heeling-in

56. Which of the following situation is not a characteristic or qualities of a hardened

a. Seedlings have firm lignified tissues
b. Seedlings are sturdy, stocky with well developed crown
c. Seedlings are succulent, weak and oversized
d. Seedlings has a compact root system

57. This is the incapacity of a tree to develop and grow ·in the shade of and in
competition with other trees.
a. Layering c. Silvics
b. Tolerance d. Intolerance
58. Under what law in the Philippines is the practice of forestry profession is regulated
a. R.A. 6239 of 1972 c. R.A. 6293 of 1972 ·
b. R.A. 6239 of 1971 d. R.A. 6293 of 1971

59. This is the potential capacity of the seeds to germinate under a favorable condition .
a. Germination percentage
b. Seed viability
c. Purity of seeds
d. Seedling growth percentage

60. It is a branch of forestry which deals with the measurement and determination of the
volume of logs and standing trees Including the study of increments and yield .

2015 APECS Preboard- Forest Production Management Page6

a. Forest Stand Assessment c. Forest Mensuration
b. Forest Yield Prediction d. Forest Inventory

61. What kind of market situation can you find if there is one seller and one specific
a. Pure competition c. Pure monopoly
b. Oligopoly d. Monopoly

62. Company "A" is a TLA holder who reforested kaingined areas inside its concession
with Gmelina species. Later upon requirement by the company was allowed by
government to harvest the planted Gmelina trees. The government h~s assessed
the company to pay a forest charge but has objected because the same are planted
and must be exempted from forest charges. Pursuant to RA 7161 and DAO 2000-
63, what is the share of government if the LTA holder will now harvest these planted
a. Forest charge of P950.00/cu. m.
b. 30% base on gross sales of timber at farm gate price
c. Forest charge of P95.00/cu. m.
d. Forest charge of P900.00/cu. m.

63. The reduction in the diameter in the diameter of a tree from the butt to the small end
at the first branch. ·
a. Decline c. Taper
b. Reduction d. Decrease

64. This is a natural forest stand whose basal area is five (5) square meters per hectare
or more and be properly managed as sustainable and economic source of natural
grown timber.
a. Protection forest area
b. Production Residual Natural Forest
c. Degraded Residual Natural Forest
d. Production forest area

65. What do you call the group of trees whose crown receives full light from above and
partly from the sides?
a. Codominant trees c. Reproduction
b. Dominant trees d. Sampling

66. What type of cost that cannot be assignE1d easily to pay any particular operation?
a. Direct cost c. On cost
b. Overhead cost d. Shadow cost

67.The forest management functions of the DENR have been devolved to the LGU
(Province). Under what Republic Act prescribed this devolution?
a. RA 6147 c. RA 7161
b. RA 7160 d. RA 7586

68. What percent of the total trees in the 40 cm dbh shall be marked as residuals for
Palawan and Region 8?
a. 80% and 75% for Palawan and Region 8
b. 80% and 85% for Palawan and Region 8
c. 75% and 80% for Palawan and Region 8
d. 75% and 75% for Palawan and Region 8

69. For planning purpose, a forest area has to be subdivided in order to guide the forest
manager of the type of activities to be conducted . What do you call the subdivision of
the area based on topographic features?

2015 APECS Preboard- Forest Production Management Page?

a. Compartment
c. All of it
b. Block
d. Set-up
70. This is an intermediate method of
cuttin~J which when employed involves
investment. an outright
a. Fertilization
c. Stand improvement
b. Chemical application
d. Climber cutting
71 . You were able to measure two (2)
stumps whose diameters are 40 cm
respectively . What are the basal areas and 55 cm
of the two (2) steps?
a. 1257; 2376 square meters
b. 0.1257; 0.2376 square meters
c. 1.257;2.376 square meters
d. 12.57; 23.76 square meters

72. When there are identification and

development activities as well as plan
to optimize production of forest products ning in order
. What forest management processes
to be undertaken? have
a. Socio-economic survey and planning
b. Forest utilization and planning
c. Reconnaissance survey and plannin~
d. Forest Development Scheduling and
73. Wha t is the contribution of the fore
stry sHctor to the country 's national eco
a. It has an income-generating capacit nomy?
b. It has an employment-generating cap
c. All of it
d. It has a linkages with other sectors
or industry
7 4. It is a forest stand with good genotyp
e e!,tablished for seed production purp
a. Residual stand oses.
c. Production forest
b. Seed production
d. Seed orchard
75. An operable forest area can be
sustainably harvested of its timber reso
determination of the tree making goa urces by
l. What percent of the total trees in the
dbh diam eter class shall be marked and 20 cm .
left as residual trees?
a. 55%
C. 70%
b. 60%
d. 65%
76.A s provided for in DAO 99-53. The
IFMA regulation , IFMA holders may
exchange sell or conveys any righ transfer,
ts. Which of the following provider
criteria? the best
a. Transferees shall assume obligation.
b. All of it
c. Have been in existence for at leas
t three (3) years.
d. Transferee is qualified to hold on IFM
77. Wh at is the average volume per
hectam of 12 plots that has an average
32 cu. m. and if the area per plot is 0.10 volume of
of a hectare?
a. 120 cu . m.
c. 38.4 cu. m.
b. 320 cu . m.
d. 384 cu . m.
78 . This is a tree species growing in
the stand that deprives adjacent tree
growing space requirement. s of light and
a. Cod omi nant trees c. Dominant trees
b. Root grafted tree s d. Wo lf trees
79. Wh ich of the following tree species
can be best sown using-broadcast met
2015 APECS Preboard- Forest Productio
n Management .
Page 8
a. Lumbang c. Tindalo
b. lpil d. Kaatoan bangkal

80. This is a cheap, fast and effective strategy to restore denuded forest lands. It aims to
liberate naturally growing broad leaved species from competing vegetation ,
encourage faster growth and facilitate their domination over the area.
a. Artificial regeneration
b. Liberation cutting
c. Enrichment/Supplemental Planting
d. Assisted natural Regeneration

81 . In determining the annual allowable cut of a productive second growth forest, which
of the following factors is not considered in the computation?
a. Annual Cutting Area
b. Marking Goal
c. Harvesting Volume per hectare
d. Initial Reduction Factor

82. This is a watershed whose boundaries includes land occurring within at least one but
not more than two provinces whose area ranges form 100-500 square kilometers.
a. Micro watershed c. Medium watershed
b. Large watershed d. Small watershed

83. What is the cash flow after 8 years if the discounted costs at 12% interest rate is
PS ,656 and the discounted return is P20,200.00?
a. 3.57 C. 0.28
b. P14,544 d. P12,635

84. The rate applied each year to initial value alone and not to any previous
accumulated interest is called - - - -
a. Compound interest c. Savings
b. Annuity d. Simple Interest

85. Which of the following shows the expected volume per unit area as affected by site
quality, spacing , basal area, age and sy~:tem of management?
a. Stand table c. Yield table .
b. Volume table d. Stock table

86. Using the government scaling formula., what is the volume of an 8 meter long
Apitong log if it has a small end diameter of 60 cm and big end diameter of 78 cm?
a. 2.34199 C. 2.19739
b. 2.99143 d. 2.43199

87. What is the gross increment of a forest stand after 10 years given the following
data? Please include ingrowth

Volume 10 years after = 150.71 cum

Initial Volume = 83.88 cu r,n
Mortality = 9.82 cum
Ingrowth = 0.81 cum
a. 67.64 cum C. 66.83 CU m
b. 76.65 cum d. 77.46 cum

88. A license is operating a timber concession in Region 8 and Palawan. The area is an
uneven-aged forest stand with trees hc1ving diameter ran_ges from 20 cm and up.
What would be the smallest diameter class of trees t9 be cut in order to still have
enough trees for future harvest?
2015 APECS Preboard- Forest Production Management
a. 60 cm. dbh c. 50 cm. dbh
b. 40 cm. dbh d. 70 cm . dbh

89. The volume of harvested bolts or sticks can be in the form of talaksa
n . Are there
how many standard talaksan is 8 cu. M.?
a. 6 C. 5
b. 7 d. 4
90. This involves silvicultural activity that fn3es a young forest stand
of desirab le tr~es
not past the sampling stage from the competition of undesirable trees
that tends to
suppress them.
a. Clean cutting c. Selection
b. Salvage cutting d. Release Cutting

91. This is the amoun t paid to the government by a permitee or license

d holder for the
extraction and utilization of forest products.
a. Forest Rent c. Forest Surcharge
b. Forest Tax d. Forest Charges

92. What is one of the disadvantages of potted seedlings over bare-ro

oted seedlings for
a. The root system is not disturbed during planting
b. There is great percentage of survival
c. A delay of planting for two or more days will not cause loss of viability
d. The cost of handling and transportation is higher

93. What is the principle which involves the reallocation of forest produc
ts resources
wherein the position of one is improve without harming the other?
a. Principle of Financial Maturity
b. Principle of Monopoly
c. Principle of Equal Distribution
d. Principle of Economics

94. If a pine forest is to be selectively harve:,ted what is the minimum

numbe r of healthy
seed trees with a diamet er of 40 cm . dbh and larger per hectare be left
and properly
distributed in the area.
a. At least 10 trees c. 5-1 0 trees
b. 10-15 trees d. 16-20 trees

95. A timber licensee gathered a total of 200 cubic meters that was
utilized for the
emerge ncy repair of two (2) wooden bridges destroyed by a heavy
rain. Can the
govern ment impose the payment of forest charges and penalties on
the 200 cubic
meters gathered?
a. Forest charges should not be imposed because the volume of timber
was used in
the develo pment of the licensed area.
b. A penalty equivalent to 300% of t,he regular forest charges should
only be
imposed .
c. A regular: forest charges should be imposed only on the volume
of the timber
used for the repair of the two bridges
d. A regular forest charges can be imposed plus 300% sur.charges.

96. Which among the following facto rs is not primarily consideration in

pruning trees?
a. Age . c. Height
b. Species · d. Climate

20 15 APECS Preboard - Forest Production Managem ent Page 10

97 •What kind of silvicultural system is appliEld in a mangrove forest?
a. Shelterwood c. Selective harvesting
b. Clearcut and plant d. Seed trees and plant

98 . What kind of permit can the government grant to cut and remove timber from the
forest land free charge?
a. Salvage Permit c. Recovery Permit
b. Special Permit d. Gratuitous Permit

99. Determine the gross increment including ingrowth after 10 years of a forest stand
given the following data:

Volume 10 year after 152.50 cu. m.

Initial Volume 80.85 cu. m.
Mortality 9.50 cu. m
Ingrowth 0.82 cu. m
a. 72.47 cu. m C. 81.15 CU. m.
b. 71 .65 cu. m. d. 81.97 cu. m.

100. As a forester, you were ask to determine the net scale of log, which of the
following is needed to be deducted from the gross measurement?
a. Sawdust c. All natural defects
b. Slabs d. Bark

20 15 APECS Preboard- Forest Production Management Page 11

~u, MA~<PE~T
.u~ (.i.o,r>
1. !) 51. !>
2.& 52. &
3. C, 53.C
4.1) 54. &
5. !) 55. D
6.,, 56. C.
7. p 57. D
8. C. 58. t>
9. b 59. ~
10. D 60. C-
11. ~ 61. C.
12. c.. 62. I
14. !,
15." 65. !,
16. I) 66. p,
17. P, 67.i,
18. B 68.13
19. 0 69.e
20. t) 70. c.
21. & 71. f>
22. & 72. D
23. C. 73. C.
24. C. 74.0
25." 75.C,
26. 0 76.C.
27. P, n.1
28. 0 78.D
29. D 79. D
30. D 80.1)
31. & 81. &
82. C.
C, 83.,,
34.A 84.!,
35. e, as.c.
36. c:.. 86. r,
37. D 87.0
38. C, 88. C.
39. t) 89. I)
40. e, 90. I)
41. C. 91.D
42. '- 92. I)
43. !,· 93. C.
44. C, 94. 0
45." 95. C,
47. 0
96. t>
97. B
48." 98. D
49. 8 99. 0
50.C, 100.C

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