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Science and Corporate Strategy Ch18

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Making a Revolution: Du Pont

and Synthetic Fibers

In little more than a quarter-century, Du Pont R&D effected a revolution

in textiles reminiscent of those sweeping changes in weaving and spinning
techniques associated with the Industrial Revolution in eighteenth-century
England. But this was a revolution in fibers — in the creation of wholly
synthetic fibers to supplement and sometimes even supplant the natural ones
that had been used throughout human history. Like the earlier revolution,
the synthetic fibers revolution entailed the rapid development of novel pro-
duction machinery, and it wrought changes in backward linkages, such as
raw materials and intermediates, and in forward linkages, such as dyeing,
finishing, and fabrication of apparel, carpeting, and entirely new structures
that could not be made with natural fibers. The earlier textile-technology
revolution centered on new production techniques for natural fibers the
characteristics of which had been known at least in gross terms for centuries.
But the synthetic-fibers revolution demanded the rapid acquisition of knowl-
edge about and means to control the characteristics of the new fibers. It
also required a fundamental understanding of the natural fibers targeted for
displacement by the new synthetics.
On the eve of World War II, Du Pont was well poised to effect the syn-
thetic fibers revolution. The firm had been manufacturing rayon and acetate
fibers ("man-made" fibers based on natural cellulose) since the 192os and
had gained a keen appreciation for the textile fibers business. The importance
of Du Pont's manufacture of cellulosic fibers to its growth in synthetics
cannot be gainsaid. Yet rayon and acetate would never have brought about
radical change in the industry; that remained for the wholly synthetic fibers
such as nylon, acrylic, and polyester. In 194o, one year after Du Pont opened
its first commercial nylon plant, approximately Soo million pounds of rayon
and acetate were consumed in the United States compared to 4.5 billion
pounds of natural fibers. Within the next twenty-five years, however, con-
sumption of truly synthetic fibers outstripped cellulosic fiber consumption
and totaled more than a third of natural fiber consumption. A decade later,
synthetic production matched natural fiber production, and by 198o more
than twice as much synthetic fiber was consumed as natural fiber.' That
year, Americans bought on a per capita basis thirty-one pounds of synthetics
for every eleven pounds of cotton and wool.' (See Figures 18.1 and 18.2

Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers
38 5
12 000

10 000

8 000
..... ..- dm
..- -. .......
6 000
-....."'"..°1' , ;°''''
5 000 P. 0
4 000 •
••• .
3 000 r /.
2 000 . . .•
..- — ._ .. e
..- I
co 1 .-
O e
z e
ao 1 000
o 800
z 600
a 50
.1 i
£ 40 I
I . /
30 I /

20 I /

10 )
40 i

30 i ,

1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980

Figure 18.1. U.S. Consumption of Natural and Man-Made Fibers, 1940-80.

Source: Adapted from Textile Organon soz (March 1981), p. 38.

for data on total consumption of natural and man-made fibers, 1940—80,

and Du Pont fiber shipments, 194o-80.)
Of course, the critical step in Du Pont's rise as a giant in synthetic fibers
manufacture was the commercialization of the first truly synthetic fiber,
nylon, in 1939. Because of nylon's instant success, by 1941 Du Pont had
386 Chemistry Enshrined


Billions 1 NYLON_

100 Millions 1


4 ACETAT50„/

10 Millions 1

Millions i 1 1 1 1 1 i l l I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 ! I I I
1950 1960 1970 1980

Figure 18.z. Du Pont World Fiber Shipments, 194o-8o, Rayon, Acetate, Nylon,
Orlon, Dacron. Source: Data (five-year intervals) from Textile Fibers Department,
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.

doubled the capacity of its first commercial nylon plant at Seaford, Dela-
ware, had started up a second plant at Martinsville, Virginia, and had
announced yet another expansion of nylon capacity.
The discovery of nylon led Du Pont and several other companies to begin
a systematic search for other synthetic fibers. I. G. Farben polymerized
caprolactam and spun it into a nylon-6 fiber, which had characteristics
(except for a lower melting point) similar to those of Du Pont's nylon. In
1939, American Viscose and Carbide and Carbon Company commercialized
Vinyon, fibers made from vinyl chloride copolymers, and Firestone Plastics
Company followed in 1941 with its Saran fiber spun from polyvinylidene
chloride.3 But the great leap forward came in the early 195os when Du Pont
commercialized Orlon acrylic fiber and Dacron polyester fiber.
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 387

The discoveries of Orlon and Dacron were by no means as elegant sci-

entifically as Carothers's discovery of nylon. Similarly, the development of
each fiber was far messier and far more expensive than that of nylon. Nylon's
silklike appearance and its properties of high tenacity and excellent abrasion
resistance allowed Du Pont to chart a comparatively simple development
strategy of replacing silk with nylon in women's hosiery. Orlon's and Dac-
ron's initial markets were not that clear-cut. Each possessed unique prop-
erties that suggested logical market targets, but these markets fell through
when tried. A less apparent property ultimately proved to be critical. This
property was resilience — the ability of a fiber to recover from deformation.
Under the direction of W. Hale Charch, the Pioneering Research Laboratory
brought out the resilient properties of Orlon and Dacron. When produced
in a dyeable, lofted staple form, Orlon soon penetrated the sock and sweater
market. Charch wanted Dacron to replace wool and therefore encouraged
his researchers to find ways to spin polyester fibers that were as resilient as
wool. This strategy worked, but not exactly in the way Charch envisioned.
Dacron polyester did penetrate the wool market for suiting material (mostly
as a blend), but its important early market was in cotton-blended "wash
and wear" shirts and blouses. Charch did not anticipate this market, but
the resilience his laboratory developed in Dacron polyester and its inherent
resistance to water proved to be decisive in its rise as the most important
fiber in the United States.
With the development of Orlon and Dacron, Du Pont now had a family
of man-made fibers, and it had to learn quickly what distinguished one fiber
from another, how to sell each on this basis, and how to have them all
prosper and grow. But two of Du Pont's fiber family members — rayon and
acetate — were victims of sibling rivalry. There has probably never been a
clearer case of the Shumpeterian principle of technological innovation bring-
ing about the destruction of capital than with nylon's, Orlon's, and Dacron's
impact on rayon and acetate. In 1941, rayon and acetate plants represented
Du Pont's largest investments. From 1954 to 1963, Du Pont progressively
closed down its rayon plants, and the company made no new major in-
vestments in its acetate business after 195o. While painfully aware of this
massive destruction of capital, Du Pont's executives could appreciate that
they, not their competitors, could fully exploit the inevitable product cyde.
This chapter focuses on Du Pont's execution of the synthetic fibers rev-
olution. In particular, it concentrates on the research and development that
lay behind the introduction of Orlon and Dacron. Unlike many other chap-
ters in the history of Du Pont after World War II, these innovations strongly
supported the wisdom of the overall corporate strategy of growth through
internal research and development. By looking at development as well as
research, the chapter articulates one of the company's greatest problems in
the postwar period, which in a few words was the growing scale problem
in the development of new industrial products. With nylon targeted for
women's hosiery, development costs were contained because Du Pont
3 88 Chemistry Enshrined

needed comparatively small amounts of intermediates and polymer to see

if it had a good product (a pair of stockings weighs only ten grams). But
with less well-defined markets, Orlon's and Dacron's development costs
greatly exceeded those of nylon because the company had to put a lot of
fiber into the market for testing before it really knew whether it had a
product or not. Making a million pounds of Dacron for market testing
posed real problems in intermediates procurement, polymerization equip-
ment, and spinning machinery. Here is where scale became expensive, and
this problem would grow even larger as Du Pont elaborated the synthetic
fibers revolution beyond Orlon and Dacron.

Organization of Fibers Research and Development

Before 1952, fibers research at Du Pont was housed in what was called the
technical division of the Rayon Department. This division had responsibility
for research on both fibers and cellophane until 195o, when the cellophane
division was split off from Rayon and reorganized as the Film Department.
In 1952, Du Pont changed the name of the Rayon Department to the Textile
Fibers Department. Subsequently, the organization of the department
changed, but the technical division (sometimes called the research division
in the 195os) remained the principal seat for fibers research. Development
responsibilities shifted significantly with the organizational changes in the
mid-195os, a problem that will be discussed more thoroughly in this
Throughout much of the period under discussion, the technical division
was divided into sections corresponding to the businesses of the department
— viscose rayon, acetate, nylon, and so on. There were also other sections,
including pioneering research, development, and patent service. The tech-
nical division was headquartered in Wilmington, as were the directors of
each of the sections, but the division's research was carried out at several
locations, which changed over time (as indicated in Figures 18.3a and
The development of nylon at the Experimental Station in Wilmington
initiated a profound change in the technical division in Textile Fibers. As
discussed in Chapter 8, most of the research work done by the division in
the late i9zos and 193os was devoted to process work on rayon, acetate,
and cellophane. Hale Charch, the head of the Pioneering Research Labo-
ratory, had tried unsuccessfully to obtain permission to diversify the de-
partment's research into noncellulose polymer work.5 The discovery and
early promise of nylon vindicated Charch's view that other materials might
compete with cellulose. Ironically, Charch did not have an opportunity to
initiate exploration of noncellulose polymers until 1938, when his boss,
E. K. Gladding, left the technical division to head the nylon division. Even
then, his laboratory lacked the expertise in polymer chemistry necessary to
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 389


Buffalo, NY, established 1925, 1 .
moved to Richmond, VA, 1941

'Buffalo, NY, established 1935,
moved to Wilmington, DE, 1950

WILMINGTON (see Figure 18.3b)



moved from Buffalo, NY, 1941
to Richmond, VA; closed 1957

_Waynesboro, VA, established 1930

Kinston, NC, established 1954

Figure 18.3a. Textile Fibers Department Laboratory Locations.

do work comparable to that done in the Chemical Department, which had

pursued exploratory work on fiber synthesis beyond nylon 6-6. For example,
by 1938, that department's chemists had synthesized more than a thousand
linear polymers and evaluated many of them as potential fibers.'
Looking at the results of the Chemical Department's high-quality scientific
research on polymers, "a considerable number of people in the DuPont
Company" determined that the Textile Fibers Department should have a
greater research capability than heretofore. Accordingly, in 1939 Ernest B.
Benger was brought back from the Chemical Department to direct research
in the technical division under the figurehead manager, Maurice du Pont
Lee. Leonard Yerkes, general manager of the Textile Fibers Department,
gave Benger a mandate: The "Technical Division is to be strengthened and
built up to perform its research and experimental duties in a more thorough,
390 Chemistry Enshrined


NYLON RESEARCH (Building 302, Experimental Station),
(CAROTHERS) LABORATORY, established 1950
(Experimental Station), \ PENNSYLVANIA
established 1938, closed 1977 l0 f 202



,WILMINGTON established 1964

New le'el


established 1954
established 1945, converted to
Industrial Products Research Lab,
1954, closed 1962

Figure 18.3b. Textile Fibers Department's Laboratories in the Wilmington Area.

systemmatic [sic] and broader manner than has ever been possible in the
Benger swiftly effected major changes in the technical division with a goal
of "having the Technical Division operate as a unit and ... present[ing] a
united front and unanimity of opinion to the Management."' Seeking better
research personnel, Benger maintained that the division should "hire good
men whether we ha[ve] a place for them or not."9 He envisioned moving
less competent research men out of the technical division to make room for
higher-caliber researchers.
Recognizing that polymer chemistry was taught at very few universities
in the United States, Benger took a major step to educate his research staff
in 194o when he brought Herman Mark to the United States to serve as a
consultant to the Textile Fibers Department.m Mark's contribution to rais-
ing the level of knowledge among technical division research personnel
became quickly apparent. As Lester S. Sinness, then assistant director of
viscose research, recently said of Mark, "What he did was to educate us on
high polymers, and on that basis, we could engineer an honest-to-God basic
[research] program.""
Benger initiated important changes in the management of the technical
division, many of them based on his experience in the Chemical Department.
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 3 91
For example, he instituted regular reviews whereby the divisions, from the
director down to the bench chemist, reported formally on their research
programs.' To build team spirit among his directors and to improve co-
ordination, Benger started holding weekly (later biweekly) staff meetings,
similar to the Chemical Department's steering committee meetings. In ad-
dition to dealing with the immediate problems of research management, the
directors' meetings became — particularly after Andrew E. Buchanan was
named Benger's assistant — a forum for discussing broad issues in the man-
agement of research. Out of such often freewheeling discussions emerged
the research associate plan.~3
Benger also enhanced the communication of research results and created
a healthy sort of competition among his research divisions when he pro-
moted an annual meeting of the entire technical division in Wilmington.
He had several goals for the annual meeting. At the very least, he wanted
to dazzle higher management in the company. Elaborate exhibits were staged
by each of the research divisions to show results of research." But the annual
meeting also provided an opportunity to bring all research managers, re-
search supervisors, and research associates together to discuss common
problems. Benger's meetings helped him build a high level of camaraderie
and an esprit de corps in the division, which are readily apparent in surviving

The Pioneering Spirit

Nowhere was the spirit of R&D higher than in the Pioneering Research
Laboratory when it was under the direction of Hale Charch in the 194os
and 195os. Once Charch received permission in 1939 to pursue noncellulose
research, he moved Pioneering swiftly into new areas of synthetic polymers.
By the time of Charch's untimely death in 1958, Pioneering had been the
seedbed of such successful products as Orlon acrylic, Dacron polyester, and
soon-to-be-named Lycra spandex fibers. Pioneering Research's name per-
fectly fit its mission and achievements. Charch was in part responsible for
this success. He possessed a keen appreciation for commercial objectives
and clear entrepreneurial instincts.
In 1941, when the Textile Fibers Department was riding high with nylon,
Charch cautioned against thinking that nylon was the first and last synthetic
fiber. He argued that it would be "a gross mistake ... to overlook the pos-
sibility of a competitive fiber from some other base than a polyamide." With
increasing numbers of new polymers being synthesized, "it can be stated
with almost complete certainty," Charch maintained, "that polyamide poly-
mers are not the last super-polymers which the world is going to see in the
form of threads and fibers." The real problem lay in attacking the seem-
ingly unlimited opportunities presented by the explosion in polymers.
Charch proposed that both Pioneering and the Chemical Department
392 Chemistry Enshrined
synthesize new polymers and evaluate them as fiber candidates. He intended
this evaluation to be done within the context of commercial market op-
portunities. Specifically, Charch had begun (as early as 1936) to target wool
for displacement by man-made fibers. He had initiated a long-term project
to engineer a fiber to "show ... any one or a combination of the properties
of wool fibers, such as crimp, curl, [and] irregularity in denier.'" 7 Although
his enthusiasm for wool-like fibers met with little interest in the department,
Charch continued to ponder the matter. He identified a critical barrier to
penetrating the wool fiber business: lack of a fundamental understanding
of wool's properties and the nature of the wool textile business. By mid-
1937 he had established a group of chemists who, as he wrote, "are thinking
wool week in and week out."'
To many, Charch's actions might have seemed at best as duplicating work
already being done in both the acetate and viscose research sections. These
sections were working on wool-like acetate and rayon fibers, and the Chem-
ical Department was trying to develop a crimped, wool-like nylon fiber
based on its study of the form and properties of wool.~9 But Charch believed
these efforts fell far short of the mark; he was in search of "radically new
fiber products of woolly character" based on a "radical departure."'
Charch's thinking about these matters went through several stages before
Pioneering ultimately hit upon the successful approach to the problem. The
complexity of wool itself created the problem. Examination of wool under
a microscope shows that it is not simply a crimped filament but rather has
a scalelike structure. For many, trying to 'duplicate wool meant duplicating
not only the material basis of wool but also its physical structure. Charch
abandoned this notion, however. The reports of the viscose rayon division's
sales section provided the key. Several of these stressed that broader pen-
etration of fiber markets by rayon staple would not occur without increasing
the resilience of Du Pont's fibers. Charch's thinking, therefore, began to
focus on resilience as a critical fiber characteristic. Fully abstracted, wool
is simply a resilient fiber. If Pioneering could develop a resilient synthetic
fiber, such a fiber might be a candidate for the wool fiber market.
In the early 194os, Charch launched a multipronged research program
designed to obtain a more resilient fiber. One approach, which he pursued
both in his own laboratory and in the Chemical Department, was aimed at
building resilience into rayon by cross-linking cellulose molecules with syn-
thetic polymers." The Chemical Department investigated cross-linking
mechanisms on a fundamental level while Pioneering worked more empir-
ically at cross-linking rayon. Pioneering's efforts soon led to the development
of Orlon, which is discussed below. But these efforts probably would have
been unsuccessful had Charch not run two other projects as part of his
overall resilience program. Both of these projects were of a fundamental
Charch organized a project aimed at correlating chemical structure with
physical properties as a first step in building resilient fibers. Charch explained
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 393
proudly, "This is a very fundamental line of activity and might best be
compared to some of Carothers's early investigation[s] leading to the dis-
covery of the first synthetic linear polymers. This line of activity reflects our
repeated insistence that before true resilience is built into our fibers we have
to develop some new basic chemical knowledge upon which to build more
practical commercial applications."" Pioneering would continue its struc-
ture-property studies throughout the decade, and these would eventually
allow the laboratory to design polymers for specific fiber applications.
Ironically, the resilience project Charch considered the least important
eventually allowed him to recognize the significance of both acrylic and
polyester fibers and to steer their development in ultimately successful di-
rections. In many respects, this project was the most fundamental of the
resilience program, for it was aimed at developing a comprehensive under-
standing of what resilience actually is in a fiber. Charch initially believed
this chore was so simple that he established it as a part-time project." But
more than five years went by before Pioneering's researchers had gotten a
firm grip on the elusive concept of resilience. The war interrupted these
studies, but even after they were resumed in 1944, the solution to the
problem of resilience proved more difficult than Charch had envisioned."
Nevertheless, throughout this period Charch believed that his main goal of
"synthesizing specifically for resilience" would be stymied until his labo-
ratory understood the concept of resilience.~ 5
A group of physical chemists led by Robert M. Hoffman took up Charch's
call. Hoffman joined Pioneering from Acetate Research in Waynesboro,
Virginia, in August 1945. Although this group had made some progress on
resilience, Hoffman's arrival proved to be critical. The group had been
groping with the concept without great success; Hoffman furnished the key
by introducing the time element in determining fiber behavior." He and
L. F. Beste developed three-dimensional "resilience maps," which provided
a logical classification of fiber properties. Beste gave the study the rigorous
mathematical analysis necessary to bring order out of chaos. Others con-
tributed to the effort by devising a comprehensive set of new fabric tests,
by reinterpreting older literature in light of new developments, and by cor-
relating molecular fiber structure with mechanical fiber properties using X-
ray diffraction techniques. This latter work gave Pioneering the capability
to identify approximate structures for wool-like fibers. ' 7 By 1946, Pioneer-
ing's researchers had gained sufficient understanding of resilience to rec-
ognize it in, if not engineer it into, a new synthetic fiber.
Charch soon began to see even greater possibilities for his laboratory's
fiber characterization work after receiving an enthusiastic response from
Lester Sinness, director of viscose rayon research and a fellow physical
chemist by training. Sinness had pointed out, "You may have a means here
[in your research on resilience] of establishing correlation between fiber
properties and fabric properties."" Charch became increasingly optimistic
that this research would provide him with a new and powerful tool — a
394 Chemistry Enshrined
means of predicting properties of fabrics from the characteristics of a single
By the end of 1946, Pioneering's resilience studies had yielded enormous
results. With a quantitative understanding of the characteristics required
for a wool-like fiber, Charch could cast aside the notion that the way to
make a synthetic wool was to fabricate a synthetic fiber having wool's unique
physical structure (i.e., its chemical composition, scaliness, nonuniform den-
ier, and crimp). Now he could ignore wool's structure and simply find a
fiber that had wool-like properties. As Charch wrote, "We don't need a
Chinese copy of [wool] for a synthetic wool-like fiber."3° With the ability
to predict fabric properties from fiber characteristics, Pioneering could also
now achieve major savings in time and money in the identification and
development of commercially viable synthetic fibers.3' Charch and his staff
appreciated this benefit, for they were in the midst of developing an acrylic
fiber later to be named Orlon and were well along on their development of
polyester fiber, eventually known as Dacron. The success of the resiliency
study in 1946 became apparent in the laboratory's work on polyester, lead-
ing Charch to advocate further refinement of resiliency criteria, which in
turn greatly reinforced the development of Orlon and Dacron.3' More im-
portant, Pioneering's resiliency study reinforced Charch's conviction that
Orlon and Dacron were fibers of the future.

The Development of Orlon

In 1967, a quarter-century after its discovery and seventeen years after its
commercialization, Orlon acrylic fiber ranked as the third-largest all-time
earner among hundreds of products commercialized by Du Pont after 193o,
right behind neoprene synthetic rubber and well behind nylon. The devel-
opment of Orlon proved to be fraught with major hurdles, the largest of
which was the new fiber's being so resistant to water (hydrophobic) that it
could not be dyed with existing dyes and dyeing techniques. The Textile
Fibers Department stumbled seriously along the way, largely because its
managers became so enamored with Orlon's then-unique properties of ex-
treme resistance to degradation by sunlight and bacterial action that they
failed to grasp Charch's belief that Orlon was the wool-like synthetic he
had been seeking for ten years. Not until the development of Orlon fell flat
on its face, when the initial filament yarn plant failed to generate any busi-
ness, did managers see fully the wisdom of Charch's views. Based on data
derived from Pioneering's resiliency studies, Charch had maintained from
1946 onward that Orlon should be developed as a wool substitute by man-
ufacturing it in staple form rather than as filament yarn. (See Figure 18.4
for a schematic explanation of fiber forms.) The Pioneering Research Lab-
oratory had to reenter the Orlon staple development program in a significant
way after it had formally turned over the development to the acetate research
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers
Staple monofilament Filament
yarn Staple \ yarn Tow

Figure 18.4. Forms of Fibers Made by Du Pont (see Figure 18.5 for a diagram
of spinning methods). Source: Adapted from Man-Made Fiber Fact Book (Wash-
ington, D.C.: Man-Made Fiber Producers Association, Inc., 1978), p. io.

division. Orlon staple proved to be an astounding success in knitwear once

the dyeing problems were overcome.
Orlon's success rested on the intense efforts of many researchers in Pi-
oneering, acetate research, and in the dye research laboratories of the Or-
ganic Chemicals Department. Outside processors also contributed to
Orlon's success. Orlon's greatest champion, however, was Hale Charch.
Orlon emerged from Ray C. Houtz's discovery in 1941 of how to spin
polyacrylonitrile into a fiber possessing a high melting point and good chem-
ical stability. Houtz's discovery came while he was working on a project to
improve the wet strength and resilience of rayon by cross-linking cellulose
molecules with a vinyl polymer. Charch urged this approach after he ob-
served the outstanding tensile properties of partially oriented polyvinyl al-
cohol films. Scanning the field of known vinyl polymers, researchers focused
on polyacrylonitrile because of potential low-cost intermediates and its heat
resistance. The Chemical Department devoted much attention to the poly-
merization of acrylonitrile, but Charch also asked its chemists "to react
acrylonitrile with ... regenerated cellulose in a manner so as to yield a fi-
brous, partially reacted product ... as a basis for a crushproofed fiber or a
fiber of lower water-sensitivity."3 3 In Pioneering, Houtz tried to polymerize
acrylonitrile in situ in rayon fibers but soon became convinced that poly-
acrylonitrile itself might make an excellent fiber.34
Houtz was by no means the first chemist to polymerize acrylonitrile.
Herman Mark had described polyacrylonitrile in a patent issued to I. G.
Farben in 1929.35 The challenge of making a fiber out of the polymer lay
396 Chemistry Enshrined

in its intractability. Unlike nylon, polyacrylonitrile cannot be melt-spun

because the polymer decomposes instead of melting. Houtz, therefore, began
to look for a solvent. From the literature, he knew that common organic
solvents, such as acetone, ethanol, and aromatic hydrocarbons, had no effect
on polyacrylonitrile, yet he also learned through two patents of Herbert
Rein assigned to I. G. Farben that highly concentrated solutions of some
inorganic aqueous salts dissolved the polymer.° Rein's polymer solutions,
however, yielded only very brittle fibers or films and were thus ruled out.
Research therefore centered on obtaining an understanding of the structure
of the polymer to account for its insolubility.
Two theories on this issue prevailed. One argued that polyacrylonitrile
was a cross-linked, three-dimensional structure, thus explaining its insolu-
bility. Making a fiber from such a polymer would have been impossible.
The other suggested that it was a regular linear polymer "whose insolubility
arose from secondary interchain forces of which one type would be hydrogen
bonding."37 Guided by the work of Du Pont's veteran consultant, Carl
"Speed" Marvel, Houtz pursued an organic solvent for polyacrylonitrile
using the latter theory.° At Illinois, Marvel had been studying the rela-
tionship between hydrogen bonding and the solubility of small molecules,
and his approach was suggestive for Houtz.
Consequently, Houtz and his group tested several thousand polar organic
compounds as potential solvents and found that many were indeed effec-
tive.39 Marvel suggested that he try dimethylacetamide (DMAC), which he
did without success. Houtz then tried dimethylformamide (DMF), and this
compound worked well.4° Only later did Pioneering discover that the
DMAC sample tried by Houtz was an azeotrope of 90 percent DMAC and
10 percent water and that pure DMAC would work.' Houtz also later
learned that the Chemical Department's G. H. Latham had demonstrated
that the polymer could be dissolved in dimethylformamide. Houtz found
that he could spin an interesting fiber from viscous DMF solutions of poly-
acrylonitrile with techniques similar to those used in either cellulose acetate
manufacture ("dry spinning," which involves evaporation of the solvent
from the spun fiber) or in viscose rayon production ("wet spinning," in
which the filament is coagulated in a liquid after it emerges from the spin-
neret).4' (See Figure 18.5 for a representation of fiber spinning methods.)
Houtz's discovery was code-named Fiber A, and its path toward commer-
cialization as Orlon was begun. But the journey proved to be far more
arduous and expensive than Charch or anyone else in the technical division
imagined, and more than once top management of the department bade the
acrylic wayfarers to turn back.
Houtz soon produced polyacrylonitrile fibers with wool-like properties
(achieved when the spun fibers were left undrawn or drawn only slightly)
and also fibers that looked and felt like silk (after they had been drawn in
a way similar to nylon). Determining what kind of fiber would be most
attractive in the marketplace would be a critical factor in the success or
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 397

rl cell

in Warm

t olution





Cool air flow


Figure 18.5. Spinning Methods Used in Man-Made Fiber Production. Source:

Adapted from Man Made Fiber Fact Book (New York: Man-Made Fiber Pro-
ducers Association, Inc., 1970), p. 6.

failure of Orlon. But in 1942, both the wool-like and silklike aspects of the
new fiber seemed secondary after Pioneering observed that it possessed
excellent resistance to light, chemicals, and bacteria.43 Pioneering's research-
ers stepped up their development efforts in spite of the concerns of the
department's general manager, Leonard A. Yerkes, that Fiber A was "highly
Pioneering soon encountered a fundamental problem in fiber development
that had not existed with nylon: production of enough fiber to make mean-
ingful evaluations of the fiber's commercial potential. Targeting markets
required the immediate production of much more fiber for end-use evalu-
ation than had been required for nylon, and Pioneering did not have the
funds to scale up its operations. The laboratory nonetheless managed to
produce enough fiber of both silklike and wool-like forms for the devel-
opment section of the technical division to perform high-spot evaluations
for end uses.'
In September 1942, Development issued its first report on Fiber A, which
pointed up what would become the major problem: dyeing.'` Without good
dyeing, no apparel fiber could succeed commercially no matter how good
39 8 Chemistry Enshrined

its other characteristics were. Houtz and Charch had been aware of this
problem, and Charch had gone to the Jackson Laboratory of the Organic
Chemicals Department for help. The Jackson Laboratory soon reported to
Charch that no dye among all Du Pont's dye classes was satisfactory for
dyeing Fiber A.47
Lack of dyeability threatened to kill Fiber A.48 Three other factors also
worked against pushing its development. The first was World War II, which
made it difficult to procure adequate supplies for scaling up the process
beyond the laboratory.49 Second, Carbide and Carbon Company introduced
Vinyon N, a modification of its Vinyon, which contained 5o percent acrylo-
nitrile and 5o percent vinyl chloride. To Yerkes, Vinyon N appeared to be
much cheaper than Fiber A could ever be, and therefore he saw little in-
centive to go ahead with the project.5° Finally, Du Pont's Haskell Laboratory
of Industrial Toxicology revised its 1938 data on the safety of dimethyl-
formamide. Haskell now warned that atmospheric concentrations must be
kept low and that all skin contact with the solvent should be strictly
avoided." These problems had all presented themselves by mid-I944; in
spite of Yerkes's general pessimism, the technical division pushed the new
fiber by addressing each problem as directly as possible.
The dye problems and the war-induced procurement difficulties combined
to shape the development of Fiber A. Although Benger succeeded in con-
vincing Orchem to appoint representatives from its Jackson Laboratory and
its Technical Laboratory to a Fiber A dye committee, he and his higher
management chose a principal development strategy that did not depend
entirely on Fiber A's dyeability." The strategy keyed on Fiber A's extreme
resistance to sunlight, chemicals, and bacteria. The development section
soon sold the military on the critical importance of Fiber A for applications
in jungles where U.S. servicemen had seen their cotton tents and shoelaces
rot before their eyes. Though possessing a poor, off-white natural color and
lacking dyeability, Fiber A might find excellent markets in tents, tarpaulins,
and awnings. Such a strategy both appeased Yerkes and provided Du Pont
the means to obtain a higher classification for materials procurement.S3
Charch addressed the perceived threat of Vinyon N while arguing for
Fiber A's development as a wool substitute. He assured Benger and Yerkes
that Vinyon N posed no danger to Fiber A because the 5o/5o polymer not
only melted well below the thermal decomposition temperature of poly-
acrylonitrile but also made it far less resistant to common solvents.S4 Charch
noted with alarm that his repeated urging to develop Fiber A as a wool-
like staple "has been slow to soak into people's heads, I think largely because
our idea of `staple' is a 154 per pound product of the viscose rayon type.
We have overlooked the unique properties of Fiber A as a curly staple which
would bring it into the very high price wool field such as vicuna, cashmere,
and a lot of fancy wools selling for upwards of $5.00 per pound and some
even higher.""
Haskell's bad news about DMF's toxicity meant that process development
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 399
would have to be done more carefully to ensure against exposure of re-
searchers and operators to the solvent. Greater care meant greater expend-
itures. But overall, the dry spinning process used for acetate was highly
amenable to Fiber A production because the fiber could be spun in closed
cells and the solvent recovered comparatively easily.
By the end of 1944, the Fiber A project, though behind schedule, was
nevertheless alive and expanding. The technical division planned to double
its daily production of polyacrylonitrile to almost seventy pounds.° Only
with this scale of production could the development division fully explore
and develop market opportunities for Fiber A.
A year later, however, continued delays in reaching goals for the scale-
up of dry spinning operations at Waynesboro and failure to make any real
progress on the dye problem led top management of Fibers to call for a
complete review of the program. The technical division had been able to
deliver only 3,2.55 pounds of usable Fiber A yarn, whereas the target had
been io,000—zo,000 pounds.'' Despite regular meetings of the Fiber A dye
committee, no one had developed any great new leads to solving the problem
of dyeing this hydrophobic fiber. The department had spent roughly
$1 million on Fiber A; Pioneering's share represented $400,000 of the
Before the review, Benger's assistant, Andrew Buchanan, informed Charch
that management would be justified in suspending all work on Fiber A on
the basis of the dyeing problem alone. He argued that Pioneering had been
using a "shot-gun approach" to solving the dye problem while making only
incremental improvements to Fiber A's other problems, such as its poor
color and its high spinning costs. Buchanan urged Charch to concentrate
on a "more fundamental approach to the general problem of dyeing hy-
drophobic fibers."S9 Reading Buchanan clearly, Charch agreed to reduce
Pioneering's 1946 expenditures on Fiber A by more than 6o percent and to
shift the remaining 4o percent to more fundamental research on dyeing all
hydrophobic fibers. At the same time, Charch concurred that acetate re-
search should take formal responsibility for Fiber A's development.'
The management review, held in late November 1945, laid on the table
the overriding concerns of Yerkes and his successor, Benjamin M. May, and
also led to narrowing the scope of Fiber A's development. Benger stressed
that most of Fiber A's major problems had been overcome and "we have
an acceptable product and workable process now." Here, Benger was clearly
alluding to filament yarn aimed at outdoor applications rather than Charch's
much desired wool-like staple. May wanted to know only one thing: Would
Fiber A compete with nylon and rayon? The head of the development sec-
tion, R. M. Horsey, said emphatically that the new fiber would "not take
business away from nylon or viscose rayon." Rather, it would penetrate the
cotton market. Fiber A was a very good fiber, argued Horsey, but it would
not be like nylon in that it had no obvious market like women's hosiery.
The fiber would find markets in a "wide variety of applications where its
4soo Chemistry Enshrined

unique combination of properties qualifies it above all other fibers." Once

assured of the nonthreat of Fiber A to rayon and nylon, May and his as-
sistants sought to contain the costs of developing the new fiber rather than
to kill it. These managers wanted to target "a few of the best prospective
applicazions and concentrate the pilot-production there instead of spreading
samples more widely." This meant that Fiber A's development would be
focused on markets where resistance to sunlight, solvents, and bacteria were
primary desiderata. With this stricture, May allowed the development of
Fiber A to proceed, and the group determined that they would make a
definitive decision on whether to commercialize the new fiber by March 15,
When informed of the outcome of this meeting, Charch argued that May's
stricture on market development was unwise. He strongly advocated de-
veloping markets for filament yarns where silklike qualities were sought,
for staple where Fiber A could replace wool, and for fiber blending where
Fiber A could enhance wool's utility in fabrics and knitwear. No doubt
Charch realized that his advocacy of staple fiber would remain hollow until
the dye problem was solved. He therefore promised to "rejuvenate" the dye
program with "a much more vigorous attack than we had ever given this
subject before.i6' This included not only trying to synthesize dyes for Fiber A
but also copolymerizing acrylonitrile with other monomers to make it more
receptive to standard dyes. But Orchem was still not convinced to launch
an all-out effort to solve Fiber A's dye problem.
The technical division fell short of its goal to bring the general manager
to a decision on commercialization by March 15, 1946. Many of the reasons
for this failure lay in the management of the acetate research section. Seeking
to overcome delays, Benger and Buchanan removed acetate research's di-
rector Fenton H. Swezey from direct responsibility for Fiber A in February
1946 and appointed G. Preston Hoff, director of nylon research and the
man who had so successfully directed the development of nylon, as special
coordinator of Fiber A development. Later, in January 1947, Hoff was
named director of acetate research, and Swezey became a research associate.
Hoff moved swiftly to arrive at decisions about a plant and the processes
it would employ. The technical division's engineering research section had
put together a study with cost estimates for plants of two different sizes —
a 6-million-pound-per-year filament plant to satisfy the market projections
of the development division and a smaller z-million-pound-per-year filament
plant to appease the more skeptical general management. Hoff dismissed
the smaller plant out of hand and directed his division's efforts toward
solving process problems and cutting estimated plant costs from $15 million
to $9 million or below.`;
Hoff's swift action won a strong vote of confidence in the Fiber A program
by general management, and he received permission to continue it. Soon,
Hoff reached several important decisions on its development, almost all of
which were based on expediting rather than optimizing commercialization.
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 401
The most critical of these was to abandon development of a continuous
process (from polymerization all the way through spinning, solvent extrac-
tion, drawing, and final packaging) for Fiber A production — something that
Hale Charch had been advocating. As Hoff explained to Buchanan, this
process would impede development. "The important thing," he said, "is to
define the necessary minimum satisfactory elements of the process and es-
tablish their sequence." Hoff determined that "we should proceed on the
basis of building demonstration equipment only, for the elements of the
preferred process. An affirmative decision to commercialize the product
could then carry with it a decision to scale up the preferred process equip-
ment and operate it as a pilot plant."
Fiber A moved steadily forward under Hoff's leadership. The develop-
ment section continued to find new uses for filament yarn and to receive
enthusiastic responses from the textile industry.' The Executive Committee
authorized funds for construction of a dedicated Fiber A research building
at Waynesboro, which was occupied in October 1946, and in May 1946
the committee authorized the Fibers Department to carry out the initial
design of a commercial plant."
This design work took one year to complete, but during this period the
technical division and the general management had to make some tough
decisions before commercialization could proceed. Tension existed between
the needs of the acetate research section and those of the development section
over operation of the semiworks. Continued problems with Fiber A pro-
cesses interfered with output of fibers that the development section needed
in building market opportunities for the new fiber. By the end of 1946, the
semiworks had delivered only 17,000 pounds of Fiber A to the textile in-
dustry for evaluation, an amount that the development section considered
far below what was necessary. Therefore the department's managers decided
to construct a pilot plant at Waynesboro to produce io,000 pounds a month
and to put at least 1 zo,000 pounds of Fiber A into Du Pont customers'
hands by the time the commercial plant began producing fiber. The pilot
plant would both produce fiber for trade evaluation and serve as the testing
and training ground for the commercial process'7
The magnitude of the remaining process problems can best be measured
by the fact that the pilot plant did not begin operation until June I, 1949
— three months after construction began on what became known as the
May Plant, the first commercial plant for Fiber A, now trademarked Orlon.68
Moreover, the product made by the pilot plant was entirely different than
that initially manufactured at the May Plant. This major change resulted
not from factors growing out of scale-up but from problems associated with
dyeing Orlon fibers.
The Orlon dye problem had become acute. But it had now become a
generic problem for all hydrophobic fibers. Expansion of nylon beyond
women's hosiery demanded better dyes and dyeing techniques." Pioneer-
ing's work on polyester fiber, which began in 1944 and is discussed below,
402. Chemistry Enshrined
heightened the dyeing problem. Here were-three synthetic fibers, each with
unique properties unrivaled by natural fibers, which could not be satisfac-
torily dyed. Commercial exploitation and the growth of these hydrophobic
fibers depended in large measure on solving the dye problems.
The efforts of the Fiber A dye committee had come to naught by mid-
1946. For the next three years, Fibers and Orchem research units exchanged
insults more than anything else. Fibers charged that Orchem was not in-
terested in solving the problem of dyeing hydrophobic fibers. Orchem argued
that the potential market for dyes for hydrophobic fibers did not justify
expenditure of its precious research dollars when better opportunities existed
elsewhere. Gradually Orchem devoted more effort to this problem after
arguments reached the general manager level. Not until Fibers agreed to
fund much of Orchem's research did Orchem's efforts fully satisfy Fibers.7°
Charch was unquestionably the most outspoken critic of Orchem's re-
search efforts." Although he actively encouraged his management to prod
Orchem into doing more research for Fibers, he basically decided that the
technical division of Fibers would have to solve the problem by itself. To
this end, Charch assigned a growing number of his own researchers to
Fiber A dyeing. He also commissioned the Chemical Department to under-
take fundamental research on dyeing hydrophobic fibers, began to follow
closely ICI's fundamental research on dyestuffs, and initiated long-term
fundamental dye research programs at the Textile Research Institute (Prince-
ton University) and at the University of Illinois. But more important, Charch
recruited Chiles E. Sparks, a group leader in the azo colors research division
at the Jackson Laboratory, to work for Pioneering. With Sparks at Pioneer-
ing, Charch believed his laboratory had a good chance of solving the hy-
drophobic fibers dyeing problem because "the solution of the problem can
conceivably come out of a knowledge of fiber technology as readily as it
can come out of dyestuffs technology." Pioneering could pursue an inte-
grated approach to the problem, an approach he argued that "has yet to
be fully applied."" Sparks organized a broad-based dye research program
on hydrophobic fibers.73 Soon Pioneering began to meet with success
through chemical modification of Fiber A.
Early in Fiber A's development, Pioneering researchers attempted to in-
crease dyeability of the fiber through chemical modification. These efforts
initially centered on copolymerizing acrylonitrile with a small percentage
of methacrylic acid. Not satisfied, they tried styrene as a comonomer but
then tried z-vinylpyridine. A copolymer of 95 percent acrylonitrile and
5 percent z-vinylpyridine, labeled A-3, yielded excellent dyeing results. Pi-
oneering determined that Orlon A-3 had eliminated the Fiber A dye
p roblem.74
Although impressed by the dramatic improvement in dyeability of
Orlon A-3, the development section fretted about some of the practical
problems posed by this approach." The acquisition of enough z-vinylpyr-
idine presented the greatest drawback. The compound was not commercially
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 403
available on a large scale, and Du Pont's supplier could make it only in low
yields and at high costs. Du Pont's Explosives Department, which was anx-
ious to manufacture intermediates for Textile Fibers, had little hope of
making the compound. Instead, it urged substituting the more readily avail-
able 5-ethyl-z.-vinylpyridine.76
Over the next year, however, Sparks and others in the technical division
grew more sanguine about the z-vinylpyridine copolymer. In fact, Sparks
declared it "a practical dyeing yarn."77 The Organic Chemicals Department
conducted a concerted campaign to synthesize new dyes for Orlon A-3 to
fill in the gaps of colors not available. Orchem's Technical Laboratory and
Textile's newly equipped Newport Laboratory also worked on new dyeing
processes with success, although few of these techniques had been fully tried
in commercial equipment. The Explosives Department still urged the sub-
stitution of 5-ethyl-z-vinylpyridine. Sparks reported that fibers made from
this copolymer showed inferior dyeing results but agreed to explore its
feasibility on an even larger scale because the prospects for obtaining large
quantities of z-vinylpyridine had not improved during the previous year."
Hence at the end of 1948, Orlon's dye problem had really not been solved.
Du Pont's response to this situation is interesting. At the top level, the
Executive and Finance committees approved the department's appropriation
request for a 6.5-million-pound commercial filament yarn plant to be erected
in Camden, South Carolina (dedicated on July 3, 195o, as the May Plant).79
In a presentation to the Executive Committee, the technical division's W. W.
Heckert drew a persuasive analogy between Orlon's dyeing problem and
the lack of a sizing process for nylon when the Seaford plant was authorized.
Du Pont research had found the solution to the size problem just in time
for the Seaford plant to open on schedule. Would not Du Pont research on
Orlon dyeing result in a similar triumph?' At the department level, man-
agers determined that the pilot plant would produce both pure polyacry-
lonitrile fiber and Orlon A-3 (despite the improbability of procuring
commercial quantities of z-vinylpyridine monomer)." Trade evaluation of
Orlon A-3 proved to be highly favorable, especially as progress was made
on dyeing processes. But the development section's marketing work on
unmodified Orlon for awnings and tarpaulins suggested that Du Pont could
sell it despite lack of dyeability.
Nine months before the dedication of the May Plant, the department had
still not decided which fiber to produce, modified or unmodified Orlon. But
by early 195o, only a few months before the start-up, Du Pont's customers,
anxious not to be left out on a new wonder fiber as some had been with
nylon, had already contracted for the initial production of the May Plant's
filament yarn, whether it was dyeable or not. This success in selling settled
the matter. The plant would initially produce unmodified yarn. The devel-
opment section continued to believe that Orlon's unique characteristics of
sunlight and solvent resistance would make it "a commercial certainty."'
With excellent initial sales, the department charted in January 1951 a fil-
404 Chemistry Enshrined
ament yarn expansion program, which called for an output of 4o million
pounds by 1955.83 But by year's end, optimism had turned to grave doubts
about the future of Orlon filament yarn.
As Du Pont learned more and more about the Orlon yarn process and
its economics, the more discouraged its managers became. Process difficulties
were not ironed out as had been expected, and studies indicated that no
significant mill cost reductions could be expected in a plant of less than
15 million pounds annual output.84 Within six months of the May Plant's
opening, Du Pont found that it could not sell its total output despite sig-
nificantly lowering prices. By August 1951, the handwriting was on the
wall. All plans for expansion of filament yarn capacity were scotched, and
research was reoriented to reflect changed conditions.s5 Orlon filament yarn
never became a successful product.
The department's Orlon staple program took on new importance.86
Charch had long been preaching that Orlon's significance lay in its wool-
like properties. Interest in Orlon staple grew rapidly in the technical division
after Pioneering developed modified A-3 Orlon. Although the principal
problem with the staple centered on dyeing, commercialization of the prod-
uct also involved other aspects of fiber development. Orlon staple was not
simply continuous filament yarn cut into staple-length pieces. Rather, staple
required the development of differently drawn filaments with different cross
sections. Here is where Pioneering's fundamental research on fiber char-
acterization and resiliency became of paramount importance. Moreover, the
parallel development of Dacron polyester fiber had provided increased un-
derstanding of how to build resilience into a fiber. Dacron had demonstrated
great responsiveness to physical as opposed to chemical changes in its mo-
lecular structure and had led Pioneering researchers to see orientation and
crystallinity — determined by the degree to which fibers were drawn — as
controlling factors in resiliency. This increased knowledge of Dacron's na-
ture was fed back to Orlon's development, and wool-like Orlon fibers were
engineered to be even more woolly than had been obtained previously."
From the summer of 1948, Waynesboro's staple development was based
on Orlon A-3.S8 The development section built a market evaluation and
development program around this modified Orlon fiber. Subsequent events
essentially undermined the development section's work.
Continued concern over the ability to secure enough z-vinylpyridine led
managers in February 195o to decide to manufacture Orlon staple from a
different copolymer than Orlon A-3. They made this decision less than two
months after the Executive Committee had authorized $40 million for the
construction of a 3o-million-pound-per-year staple facility to be built at the
May Plant site. The new staple was now to be spun from Orlon A-4 — a
copolymer of acrylonitrile and z-methyl-5-vinylpyridine. Pioneering and
Orchem had only preliminarily evaluated A-4 as being more readily dyeable
than A-3 with approximately the same dye fastness, and the Explosives
Department had assured Fibers executives that it could produce enough of
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 40 5
the new modifier." With the decision to use Orlon A-4, the design for the
commercial staple plant was frozen, and all subsequent development work
was done on this basis.
These plans were shelved within a year, however. In late 1950, the Carbide
and Carbon Company announced that using cuprous ions in the dye bath
would dramatically increase polyacrylonitrile's receptivity to acid dyes. It
now appeared that the dye problem had been solved and that no expensive
modifier would be necessary.' The Fibers Department immediately initiated
research at Pioneering, Waynesboro, the Jackson Laboratory, and Orchem's
Technical Laboratory to determine if cuprous ions were indeed the solution
to the long-unsolved dye problem.
With steel about to be erected for the May staple plant, a decision was
necessary on which type of Orlon would be spun. Laboratory research
suggested that copper dyeing was promising, but there were problems, es-
pecially in control of the dyeing and disposal of wastes. The trade-offs were
clear: By choosing to go back to pure polyacrylonitrile, the department
would be abandoning a known and increasingly satisfactory dyeing situation
for a promising but unproven one; it would be gaining a higher thermal
stability and a lower-cost polymer; and it would be scrapping for the second
time strides made in developing markets, which would mean starting over
again from designing new fabrics to building customer acceptance. Man-
agers decided to take the risk in the hope that "an adequate dyeing tech-
nology could be built up using the newly discovered cuprous ion technique
with acid dyes."" The commercial staple plant would manufacture straight
polyacrylonitrile, to be known as Type 41 Orlon.
Fifteen months separated the date of this decision and the planned start-
up of the staple plant. Only a limited amount of the new Type 41 staple
would be available from the pilot plant at Waynesboro — nothing close to
what the development section considered necessary to build markets for the
3o-million-pound output of the May staple plant. Nevertheless, the devel-
opment section implemented a strategy to build market acceptance for the
new staple: Choose a few key areas for product development, prove them
out as well as possible, and hope that "the trade at large would enter into
a broad development program" once more staple became available."
This strategy failed. Although Du Pont found that demand for Type 41
staple evaluations exceeded the supply available from the pilot plant, once
commercial start-up began in May 1952, Type 41 met a rapid death in the
marketplace. On the basis of their trust in Du Pont alone, customers bought
some 14 million pounds of Orlon staple, largely as a pig in a poke. "The
faith of our customers," noted a postmortem report, "was not justified by
the performance of the commercial Type 41 product."93 The failure of Type
41 staple was attributed to poor textile processing caused by static electricity,
extreme nonuniformity of staple, and the development of odors in wool
blends. Above all, the cuprous ion method of dyeing was declared a "com-
plete failure."94
406 Chemistry Enshrined
With Orlon filament yarn failing to grow and Type 41 staple yarn dead,
the Textile Fibers Department found itself in a bind. Du Pont had invested
almost $50 million in commercial plant and about $7 million in R&D."
The solution to Du Pont's problems with its acrylic fiber came from the
rapid development of another modified polymer, Orlon A-6 (a copolymer
of 94 percent acrylonitrile and 6 percent methyl acrylate) known as Type
4z Orlon. Even here, however, success was not certain, and Textile Fibers
was lucky that its acetate research section had not totally abandoned poly-
mer modification as a solution to the dye problem in favor of the cuprous
ion approachg6
When Type 41 Orlon staple was declared dead, it was not obvious that
the new Type 42. copolymer would save the day. In fact, some R&D man-
agers argued against it. Returning to a modified Orlon entailed drawbacks,
including a lower temperature resistance. This had been a major weakness
with earlier Orlon copolymers and, when compared with Du Pont's other
new fiber, Dacron, even unmodified Orlon's decomposition temperature
seemed low.97 But in switching to Orlon Type 42 staple, Du Pont would be
making a highly unorthodox move in that not a single test of the Type 4z
staple had been carried out in a customer's mill. For Du Pont, this was a
drastic move 98 But the department was in a position that demanded such
Du Pont's problems were exacerbated by the problems experienced by its
competitor Chemstrand with Acrilan acrylic fiber. Like Orlon, Acrilan had
been introduced with much fanfare, but once in customers' mills it per-
formed poorly. The problems were so bad that Chemstrand had to close
its plant to fix the fiber at the very same time Du Pont had announced the
end of Type 41 Orlon. Customers were confused and rapidly grew suspicious
of acrylic fibers. Almost all of them had suffered losses with acrylics."
Moreover, the introduction of Du Pont's Dacron and other synthetics by
competitors added to the confusion. Even within Du Pont there was grave
concern over competition between Dacron and Orlon not only for markets
but also for research dollars."'
With the changeover from Type 41 to Type 42. Orlon, Du Pont found
itself with a 3o-million-pound-per-year plant turning out a product that
was "to all intents and purposes... untried and untested, and which the
trade is willing to buy only in pilot quantity." Managers in the Fibers
Department realized that they had to launch an all-out fabric development
program because it had already been demonstrated that "straight substi-
tution of Type 4z for Type 41 was not satisfactory." They believed that
there was "no magic button" to push to restore confidence in Orlon and
that "the way back [would] be long and hard." Above all, they wanted to
ensure that no additional radical changes would be made in Orlon staple,
even though researchers might come up with something big and important.
Research at the Jackson Laboratory on the mechanism of dyeing Type 42
Orlon suggested that a further modification would improve the dyeability
of acrylic fibers. They found that Orlon could be dyed with basic dyes, a
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 407
class very little used in textiles. This work soon led to the development of
an Orlon with a styrenesulfonic acid copolymer, which was not introduced
until I957.'"
Fortunately for Du Pont, Orlon staple — even the banished Type 41 —
was enthusiastically received in the knitwear field. Fashion trends were
moving consumers into bulky sweaters, for which Orlon proved to be ideal.
The development section and the sales development force working on Orlon
had failed to anticipate this market. In January 1951, when the sales force
developed its first Orlon market forecast through 1955, sweaters figured as
only z percent of the total market for Orlon staple.'" Yet sweaters helped
Du Pont dig itself out of the deep hole in which it found itself in 1953. Type
42. production started in March, and sales fell as low as 550,000 pounds
in June and July. But soon everything turned around. With great help from
the outside development of the turbo-processor, which produced high-bulk
yarn — and Du Pont's purchase and dedication of turbo-processing patents
— Type 42. Orlon took off. By the end of 1954, the May staple plant was
sold to capacity. Sales continued to show strength, and in 1956 Du Pont
doubled the capacity of the staple plant and announced the construction of
a 4o-million-pound-per-year staple plant at Waynesboro. The sweater mar-
ket proved to be so strong that Fibers managers became concerned about
being too dependent on it and therefore devoted considerable effort to woven
fabric design, which had been the intended market for staple all along. By
1957, these efforts had begun to pay off when it sold 22 million pounds of
Orlon (or roughly a third of total output) for woven fabrics, particularly
worsted blends. Orion sales had reached almost loo million pounds a year
by the end of the 195os, and Orlon was a brilliant commercial success.'°3
The lessons of Orlon were important to the Textile Fibers Department.
Orlon yarn's properties appeared to be so important and unique as to
guarantee success, but these proved insufficient. The development of Orlon
staple left a lasting impression on the department's managers. Du Pont could
not afford to repeat the Orlon staple experience, in which continual changes
in the experimental product undermined market development efforts.
Du Pont could not pursue a strategy of developing only a few markets or
applications for a fiber and then hoping converters would develop more.
The company would have to devote considerably more effort — and therefore
more money — to applications and market development.' The Orlon ex-
perience helped lead the department into a dramatically expanded end-use
development program, which meant that in the future, the development of
a product would be far more expensive than that of Orlon had been.

The Development of Dacron

The discovery and development of Orlon acrylic fiber dramatically con-

firmed Hale Charch's 1941 thesis that nylon polyamides would not be "the
last super-polymers which the world is going to see in the form of threads
408 Chemistry Enshrined

and fibers." But the successful synthesis and spinning of polyester fi bers in
1945 brought an embarrassment of riches to Du Pont and posed major
issues regarding its development, especially because it appeared to possess
properties that would make it competitive with both nylon and Orlon, not
to mention rayon and acetate. Ultimately, polyester would become the most
important synthetic fiber in the U.S. market, but its success as an innovation
was by no means apparent in the early days of its development. Dacron's
development uncannily paralleled Orlon's.
Pioneering's first fibers from polyethylene terephthalate (polyester) had
the important properties of high tenacity and wet strength and excellent
blending characteristics. Resiliency studies also indicated that this new fiber
probably could be made into the most wool-like of any Du Pont fiber made
to date. Charch wanted polyester's development to go this way. But keying
on the high tenacity of the new fiber, striving to find a large and easily
developed market, and wishing to avoid broad competition with nylon and
Orlon, the department's managers decided that polyester's prime initial
development would be as a tire cord. After a year of work, the project failed
miserably, and the managers opened up the development of polyester in
other areas.
Armed with even better resiliency data, Charch continued to advocate
developing polyester as a wool substitute. His laboratory rapidly pushed
the development of wool-like polyester fibers and fabrics and eventually
demonstrated the potential of this approach. Wool-like fiber eventually
became an important market for polyester, but the development of cotton/
polyester blended fabrics — "wash-and-wear" or "permanently pressed"
goods — by outside processors provided the great impetus to polyester's
success. Polyester fiberfill also built capacity. Both these developments were
based on the resilience of polyester, which the Pioneering Laboratory rec-
ognized and sought to maximize.
Charch's sense of proprietorship about Dacron polyester fiber ran very
deep, even though legally Dacron was Du Pont's trademark for the poly-
ethylene terephthalate fiber developed by Imperial Chemical Industries as
Terylene. In 1946, at Charch's recommendation Du Pont purchased ICI's
U.S. patent application on polyethylene terephthalate fibers. Over time,
however, Charch came to regard Dacron as a Du Pont creation that bore
little relation to Terylene.'o5 Although the history of ICI's Terylene has been
well documented, how Pioneering came upon polyethylene terephthalate
has not been adequately told.
The origins of both Terylene and Dacron are rooted in the work
Wallace H. Carothers carried out in the Chemical Department's Purity Hall
in the late i9zos and early 193os. As part of his research on polymers,
Carothers published a paper in the Journal of the American Chemical Society
(1929) describing the preparation of several aliphatic polyesters.io6 Caroth-
ers noted that all these polyesters had low melting points and were hygro-
scopic (i.e., they absorbed moisture or were easily hydrolyzed). In a
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 409
subsequent paper, Carothers discussed the polymerization of what was
called an "omega super polyester," which, with a molecular weight as high
as 12,000, was both spinnable and drawable as fiber.'" But these polyester
fibers, like the earlier ones, melted at low temperatures, were easily hydro-
lyzed, and therefore did not appear to be commercially attractive. Subse-
quently, other researchers in the Chemical Department prepared many more
polyesters, and in fact one chemist in Carothers's group, Edgar Spanagel,
prepared polyethylene terephthalate in October I934.'08 But follow-up work
was not pursued primarily for two reasons. First, work on the extremely
promising polyamides (i.e., nylon) had begun to command the Chemical
Department's attention. But more important, there was no point in such
follow-up because researchers had developed a mindset that polyesters were
inherently low-softening and easily hydrolyzed.
This mindset went well beyond the Chemical Department, but certainly
it originated there. In 1942 for example, at a routine consulting session with
chemists in the nylon research section, Herman Mark suggested that polyes-
ters might make higher-tenacity yarns than nylon because they could be
handled more easily at very long chain lengths. Led by Vernal R. Hardy, a
former member of the Chemical Department, nylon researchers informed
Mark that "their water solubility and low softening point make the polyes-
ters uninteresting."'"
Chemists in the Pioneering Research Laboratory also operated within this
conventional wisdom, but as they became more sophisticated in their knowl-
edge of polymer chemistry they began to think that they could get around
the problem of hydrolysis through some clever tricks."0 Charch later noted
that there was "an ever-stronger urge to reinvestigate polyesters" in the
early 194os, but the outbreak of the war prevented him from establishing
the necessary program to explore the polyesters."' Specifically, Charch
maintained that his best polymer chemists were young men whose draft
deferments were contingent upon being assigned to work of immediate
relevance to the war effort. Thus they were precluded from undertaking
any exploratory research. In mid-1944, however, changes in draft deferment
regulations eased the tight restrictions on military-related research, and
Charch quickly took advantage of the changes by launching a broad ex-
ploratory program under the title "New Condensation Polymers," which
was run by Emmette F. Izard, one of Pioneering's best chemists.'"
By this time, however, Pioneering's work on polyesters had been stimu-
lated by both rumors and news about Terylene, which had been discovered
in 1941 and, because of war-time security measures, had been kept out of
Du Pont's purview by the British government. Izard's supervisor, W. W.
Watkins, first learned of the British development while attending the Gibson
Island research conference during the last week of June 1944. There, Herman
Mark told Watkins about the English development of a new fiber that might
be polyacrylonitrile and arranged a meeting with a representative from the
Boston consulting firm of Arthur D. Little, Inc., which was studying the
410 Chemistry Enshrined
polymer for the U.S. Quartermaster's Office. From a conversation with this
representative, Watkins quickly concluded that the British had not developed
a polyacrylonitrile fiber because the new fiber was a melt-spun polymer."3
But the representative's statement that the British fiber was much like nylon
in its properties proved disconcerting. Two weeks later at the Gibson Island
conference, Preston Hoff learned even more about the British fiber. Again
Mark was the source. As Hoff wrote to Benger's assistant, "Dr. Mark men-
tioned that a Major Hobson of the Quartermaster Corps had brought back
from England a sample of a fiber called 'Terrylite' and ... Dr. Mark thought
it might be a polyurethane or similar condensation product. It was not
obtained through the I.C.I."~~4 Mark had not gotten the chemical identity,
but Du Pont was well on its way to determining the mystery fiber's com-
position because the A. D. Little representative told Mark that "it was easy
to guess from the name.""S Thus the news from the Gibson Island meetings
served as an important reminder that nylon and Fiber A would not be the
last polymers to make good fibers.
Evidence suggests that by the time Izard began his polyester work
(October zo, 1944), he had learned the actual composition of Terylene but
that he and others in Pioneering were skeptical about the polymer. As he
described his thinking at the time, "While ethylene glycol esters were not
specifically mentioned in the project write-up it was intended that such esters
would be studied and the ones actually mentioned in the project were our
ideas of means by which we could produce other higher melting polymers
or more stable polymers since we were still laboring under the delusion that
even if [poly]ethylene terephthalate was as good as reported it would be
too low melting or not stable enough, basing our opinions of course on the
aliphatic derivatives produced in the past.ii6
Not until February 1945 did Izard seriously consider a polyester of eth-
ylene terephthalate. His thinking on this polymer had not changed until he
observed that a related terephthalate melted at a much higher temperature
than he had assumed. Izard then concluded that indeed ethylene terephthal-
ate might make a good polymer. He subsequently prepared a high-melting
polymer of dihydroxyethyl terephthalate"' using an ester exchange reaction,
similar to that described by Carothers in 193o. With this and other successes
in ester exchange techniques, Izard produced polyethylene terephthalate by
reacting an excess of ethylene glycol with dimethyl terephthalate. The results
were outstanding. With a high intrinsic viscosity and high melting point,
polyethylene terephthalate proved to be easily melt-spun into a drawable
fiber with excellent properties.i8 The rumors about Terylene had indeed
proven to be true in spite of all the disbelief among Du Pont's researchers.
Within days of Pioneering's first preparation of fibers from polyethylene
terephthalate, representatives from ICI met with Du Pont officials in Wil-
mington to convey information on Terylene. ICI had requested its New
York office to inform Du Pont about the new fiber on February 19, 1945
(the same day Izard obtained a good polymer) and to set up a meeting of
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 411
its England-based patent expert, R. R. Melhuish, with Du Pont. Charch had
learned about this meeting, scheduled for March 15, and asked to be in-
cluded."9 No doubt he also pushed his researchers to learn as much as
possible about Izard's polymer and the resulting fibers before the meeting
with Melhuish so that Du Pont's position would be more firm.
At the meeting, Melhuish spent the morning briefing Du Pont on the
history of Terylene.'" ICI had not invented it. That honor belonged to two
researchers from Calico Printers Association, Ltd., of Lancashire, J. R.
Whinfield and J. T. Dickson, who based their work on the classic publi-
cations of Carothers. In 194o, Whinfield and Dickson substituted tere-
phthalic acid for the aliphatic acids used by Carothers and achieved a stable
fiber-forming polymer, polyethylene terephthalate.'" They applied for two
patents on their work, which they assigned to Calico Printers Association.
Through the British Ministry of Supply, Calico Printers and ICI came to-
gether in late 1943 to discuss the development of this new polymer named
Terylene. ICI had learned enough about Terylene to know that it did not
want to miss out on its development.'" It quickly negotiated a contract
with Calico Printers giving ICI an exclusive, worldwide twenty-year license
on Terylene. Du Pont's British ally now had its own "nylon."
Melhuish gave the Du Pont officials a sample of the polyester fiber, copies
of the two patent applications, copies of ICI's most comprehensive technical
report on Terylene, and a copy of a recent cable from England containing
more up-to-date data on the fiber's properties. The meeting produced a
consensus that Carothers's basic patents dominated the Terylene patents
but that this did "not prevent [Whinfield and Dickson from] getting valid
patents for Terylene.""3
Charch was fully prepared to report on the substantial progress made by
the Pioneering Laboratory. In the afternoon, he demonstrated that his lab-
oratory had produced a polyester with higher intrinsic viscosity and stiffer
fibers with higher tenacity than ICI's samples. Charch and others in the
department told Melhuish that because the fiber looked so good, Du Pont
planned for the "very rigorous prosecution of further studies.'"'-4 Although
Charch privately told Ernest Benger that "it was very interesting to note
that both the English and our own people have apparently arrived very
closely at the same point quite independently," he recommended that
Du Pont negotiate to obtain the U.S. rights to Terylene because it was "one
of the most important developments that has come to our attention for a
long time."'~5 Du Pont moved more aggressively with polyester than did
ICI, largely because it possessed greater expertise in developing a fiber.
Although the two firms shared information on polyester from 1946 to 1948,
the rate and manner of development differed substantially. This difference
grew even larger after Du Pont and ICI canceled their Patents and Processes
Agreement in 1948.
Du Pont's Executive Committee must have been troubled to learn of the
development of polyethylene terephthalate fiber — now code-named Fiber V
4I 2 Chemistry Enshrined

— especially in the way Charch discussed it. With his usual optimism, Charch
argued that Fiber V's properties closely paralleled those of nylon but that
its most attractive feature was "its extremely low cost."1z' Benger's assistant,
A. E. Buchanan, tempered Charch's enthusiasm for the new fiber in his
report to the Executive Committee by pointing out that Fiber V's excellent
resistance to hydrolysis might make it impossible to dye. As Pioneering
learned more about Fiber V's properties, Charch grew in his enthusiasm
and continued to see it as a fiber that would be cheaper to make than nylon.
Regarding the potential nondyeability of Fiber V, Charch believed Bu-
chanan's statement to the Executive Committee to be "somewhat ultra-
Despite any concerns about Fiber V destroying the company's recent ex-
tensive capital expenditures on nylon, the technical division received the
full support of the Du Pont Company for the rapid development of the
fiber.' With the Orlon experience still fresh in his mind, Charch wanted
the development of Fiber V to follow an ideal process for innovation within
the department. That is, he believed his laboratory's proper role was to
pioneer products and processes, not to perfect them in a commercial sense.
The Pioneering Laboratory should bring new products and processes to a
point at which no major basic questions remained. Subsequent scale-up and
development should be undertaken by a product division laboratory.~~9
Pioneering's work on Fiber V moved along rapidly but not entirely free
of conflict with the development section of the technical division. Early in
1946, the development section proposed that initial primary development
efforts be directed toward tire cord by establishing an extensive tire cord
program. Charch objected strenuously. He argued that a special trade eval-
uation program would "interfere with the program on the fiber as a
whole."'3° Fiber V was still in the early pioneering stage, he maintained,
and trade evaluations should not be initiated until it became the province
of an industrial research section. Yet three days later — perhaps after learning
that he was in the minority on the tire cord program — Charch recommended
to Benger that responsibility for Fiber V's development be transferred to
the Nylon Research Laboratory. He chose this laboratory because the new
polymer could be melt-spun in existing nylon equipment. With "no bugs
or mysteries connected with any point in the process any longer," Charch
maintained that problems hereafter would stem from scale-up and the prep-
aration of large quantities of yarn for development section tests.~3'
Benger and his assistant Buchanan accepted Charch's recommendation,
which meant that G. Preston Hoff, head of the nylon research division,
would be responsible for Fiber V's development.'3' Nylon research would
immediately relieve V. R. Hardy of his nylon work and assign him exclu-
sively to Fiber V and also put two other men on Fiber V. Charch could
expect that personnel from Pioneering would be transferred to the Nylon
Research Laboratory, which would begin scale-up work immediately.
These decisions had several implications. First, by giving Hoff responsi-
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 413
bility for Fiber V, the technical division hoped to achieve good coordination
between the development of Fiber V and that of Orlon, for which Hoff had
assumed responsibility three months earlier. Research priorities were being
shifted to "problems that bear directly on rapid reduction to practice."
Pioneering Research's Fiber V program would be at least partially governed
by Hoff, but Buchanan assured Charch that he could carry out "some longer
range studies bearing on the ultimate commercial process of Fiber V." Bu-
chanan reiterated that Fiber V's initial development would be in tire cord.
He and Benger were so convinced that Fiber V had all the right properties
to be a great tire cord that they ordered all research on nylon tire cord to
be shifted to Fiber V as soon as possible.X33
This development strategy soon proved to be premature. In early Septem-
ber 1946, the technical division made its first disclosure of Fiber V to four
major tire companies, giving each 1.5-pound samples of the cord and prom-
ising subsequent delivery to each company of 3o pounds of cord by
October 1 and another zoo pounds by January 1, 1947.X34 All four com-
panies were anxious to evaluate Fiber V, and they quickly built tires with
the cord provided by Du Pont. The results were disappointing. In late No-
vember, both Goodyear and Goodrich reported that Fiber V tires suffered
ply separation and fatigue failures at mileages significantly lower than con-
trol tires of rayon and nylon."5 Although these initial failures did not spell
an immediate end to the division's strategy, subsequent failures during the
next few months brought a radical change. These failures convinced tech-
nical division management that a successful polyester tire cord would not
be easy and that much more time would be required to develop an adequate
adhesive for the new hydrophobic fiber. Therefore in early March 1947,
they determined to abandon the single-market strategy and to develop
Fiber V as a textile yarn, a move that would potentially bring Fiber V into
competition with nylon and Orlon.~;6 It would take another fifteen years
before the industry solved the problems of using polyester as a tire cord,
but once it did polyester became the predominant fiber for automotive
Fortunately for Fiber V's future, the earlier strategy of tire cord devel-
opment had not affected the Pioneering Research Laboratory. Pioneering
had been allowed to pursue its basic studies on the characterization of
Fiber V polymer and to pursue the spinning of higher intrinsic viscosity
Fiber V. Pioneering had also continued its work on fiber drawing (trying to
correlate fiber properties with various drawing, heating, and relaxing treat-
ments) and its fundamental studies of fiber-to-fabric properties. Only in the
area of developing a continuous polymerization process was Pioneering's
major Fiber V program directed toward immediate commercial ends. Pi-
oneering's freedom to pursue Fiber V's development in the direction Charch
wanted to go — making a wool-like fiber — proved to be critical.x;8
Early in 1946, Pioneering researchers had observed that Fiber V drawn
at low ratios (e.g., four times) had an X-ray diffraction pattern very similar
414 Chemistry Enshrined
to that of wool.'39 This finding fit neatly with other physical property and
fiber characterization data on Fiber V. R. M. Hoffman and his associates
had gathered and begun to interpret an increasingly large body of data on
fiber characteristics, and Fiber V data greatly expanded their understanding.
Pioneering researchers learned that they could manipulate Fiber V's char-
acteristics by varying the degree of crystallization. By the time the Fiber V
development program had been fully turned over to Nylon Research, Pi-
oneering had concluded that "we have not yet begun to scratch the surface
of making yarn properties to ordered specifications. The possibilities seem
limitless."' The issuance of Hoffman's report, "A Generalized Concept of
Resilience," produced the framework by which Pioneering developed
Fiber V as its best candidate for a synthetic wool. By knowing what the
"wool-like" properties of wool were and keenly appreciating Fiber V's "ex-
treme responsiveness to physical rather than chemical changes in its mo-
lecular structure," Pioneering was able to engineer a fiber that closely
approximated the resiliency of wool."'
This knowledge came into play when managers decided to open up the
development to include textile applications. After reviewing Pioneering's
work, the development section enthusiastically endorsed Charch's approach
to the fi ber.' Pioneering soon won a license to assume a greater role in
the Fiber V development program.
Pioneering aggressively pursued developing wool-like Fiber V. All its
Fiber V work was concentrated on staple rather than continuous filament
yarns. Pioneering's Fiber V research included work on polymerization, spin-
ning, drawing, dyeing, and fabric development."3 The laboratory produced
a small amount of highly promising wool-like fiber. Researchers there
wanted to initiate larger fabric tests with this fiber than their own spinning
equipment allowed, so in the summer of 1947 they secured from Nylon
Research twenty-five pounds of Fiber V spun to their specifications. Pi-
oneering researchers employed their newly devised drawing and finishing
techniques to create their favored wool-like candidate. In the late summer
of 1946, they took this fiber to the Lowell Textile Institute to see how it
performed on commercial staple-processing equipment.X44
That Pioneering employed Lowell Textile Institute to help determine how
its wool-like Fiber V handled on commercial textile machinery pointed up
a severe problem in the Textile Fibers Department. The department's fa-
cilities for evaluating new fibers and developing fabrics from them seriously
lagged behind its ability to produce new fibers.X45 Not until 1945 did it have
its own weaving facilities, but this facility, the Newport Weaving Labora-
tory, lacked commercial machinery to carry out preweaving operations for
woolens and worsteds. Gradually, the Newport operation added more tex-
tile processing machinery but at a pace far slower than Charch desired. The
department finally took aggressive action to meet its needs for textile pro-
cessing, end-use research, and fabric development in 1952 when it resolved
to build an entirely new facility on a large site roughly two miles from the
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 415
recently expanded Experimental Station. Seeing other departments with
similar end-use research problems, the Executive Committee used the Fibers
project as a vehicle to induce as many departments as it could persuade into
locating their end-use research facilities on the same site. With the Fibers
Department leading the way, the Chestnut Run campus emerged when the
new, fully equipped Textile Research Laboratory opened its doors in January
The Chestnut Run facility was a far cry from the hand spinner and weaver
Pioneering researchers had found in Buffalo to convert their experimental
staple into woven fabrics. When they had exhausted the possibilities offered
by this artisan in 1947, they went to Lowell to obtain that institution's
expertise with woolen textile processing. The Pioneering—Lowell relation-
ship lasted for almost two years and provided Pioneering with the critical
know-how it needed to keep the Fiber V project in a commercial context
while ensuring its independence to pursue its own Fiber V program."'
In late February 1948, Pioneering's H. J. Kolb and a counterpart from
the development section took two zoo-pound samples of differently drawn
and finished Fiber V tow along with a wool control to the worsted division
of Pacific Mills in Lawrence, Massachusetts. A highly innovative firm, Pacific
Mills would play an important role in the successful adoption of synthetics
by woolen and worsted producers. Pacific converted the samples of Fiber V
tow into staple on its Pacific Converter and processed the staple into sliver.
The sliver was then taken to another New England firm and spun into 14-
count worsted yarn. In turn, the yarn was woven into a gabardine at the
Newport Laboratory and finished by a commercial dyeing firm in Phila-
delphia. The outcome of these long-drawn-out efforts proved highly en-
couraging. The development section pronounced the wool-like Fiber V fab-
ric "the most resilient... we have seen to date." The fabric possessed a
"liveliness and springiness similar to wool" and exhibited "excellent re-
sistance to wrinkling and good recovery from wrinkling.""8 Thus Pioneer-
ing's resiliency studies, when pursued in the context of Fiber V's
development, had begun to pay off.
Charch soon raised a major issue connected with the development of
wool-like synthetic fibers. Although he had avoided pursuing artificial wool
by exactly duplicating the physical and chemical structure of wool, he main-
tained that wool's crimp was critical to the fiber's performance in fabrics.
Therefore, he became alarmed when he learned from Kolb that the oper-
ations on Fiber V at Pacific Mills had tended to remove much of the crimp
put mechanically into the staple at Nylon Research. He told Kolb that he
could not overemphasize the importance of imparting a permanent crimp.'49
Kolb, Hoffman, and other researchers in Pioneering quickly moved to in-
corporate the study of crimp into their fiber-to-fabric characterization
work."' Generally, Pioneering's researchers followed Charch's leadership
regarding the importance of built-in, as opposed to mechanically imposed,
crimp in Fiber V staple. Yet the matter of crimp became a major issue within
416 Chemistry Enshrined
the technical division. Based on earlier unsuccessful attempts to build crimp
into nylon, the head of Nylon Research and the management of the technical
division opposed Charch's efforts to produce crimp spontaneously in
Fiber V."' Although Pioneering discovered a promising means to achieve
such crimp and strongly advocated its development, Fiber V staple was
commercialized with conventional mechanical crimping techniques.
Pioneering Research was involved in other controversies concerning
Fiber V's development. The major issue centered on the staple manufac-
turing process. When Buchanan, now head of the technical division follow-
ing Benger's retirement, determined to call off heavy betting on tire cord
and redirect the Fiber V development program toward staple, he gave Pi-
oneering responsibility for developing a high-speed direct spin-draw process
that would feed drawn fiber immediately into a cutter, thus producing a
cut staple at the spinning machine. He also charged Pioneering with devel-
oping an alternative high-speed spinning process coupled with a separate
high-speed drawing and cutting operation. Nylon Research was given the
task of building a "conventional" process of making Fiber V tow and staple,
much in the way nylon tow and staple were produced:5' Keen competition,
and even enmity, developed over these alternative processes. Charch strongly
backed the direct spin-draw process, but its full development would have
delayed the start-up of the commercial staple plant.~S3 Therefore Du Pont
relied upon its existing staple technology.
By mid-1948, the technical division had spent about $1.5 million on
Fiber V. Buchanan believed that the time had come to evaluate the entire
program, to assess weaknesses in the advancing research and development
front, and to redefine overall objectives of the program if necessary.X 54 The
paramount research problem with Fiber V was its lack of dyeability. Unlike
Orlon, the dyeability of which by this time had been significantly improved
through copolymerization, Fiber V had remained undyeable despite a similar
approach. But as with Orlon, Fiber V's immediate future development de-
pended in large part on scaling-up to produce enough fiber for the devel-
opment section's marketing research and development program. These scale-
up problems entailed not only such things as polymerization (which every-
one thought should be done by a continuous process), spinning, and draw-
ing, but also securing adequate supplies of intermediates. Ethylene glycol
posed no problems, but obtaining sufficient quantities of DMT with good
color and high purity placed demands on the Explosives Department, which
was pursuing the Fiber V intermediates business.'"
One other issue that had been lingering since Pioneering had first spun
Fiber V began to rear its ugly head. This was the issue of interfiber com-
petition, and it had become a major concern of the Executive Committee.
The committee had already committed itself to scaling up the Orlon process
and was being primed to approve the commercial plant. Moreover, it had
made substantial commitments to nylon plant expansion, especially for
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 41 7
textile yarns and staples. In late August 1948, Textile Fibers submitted a
report it hoped would assuage the committee's growing fears that Fiber V
and Orlon would undermine the company's rapidly rising investment in
nylon. Apparently, the committee was not persuaded by the report or the
oral arguments of Fibers's managers because it asked for another study
squarely addressing the issue of competition among Du Pont's synthetic
fibers. In particular, the committee wanted an "amplification" of data on
Fiber V's potential markets and comparative costs. From subsequent action
by the committee's members, it is clear that the committee was not ques-
tioning Fiber V's development but rather sought to learn quickly and with
the least expenditure how good Fiber V would be in both properties and
cost. Therefore, the committee asked the Fibers Department to explore other
routes to commercialization than the one the department normally would
take, which was to build a pilot plant before the commercial unit.X 56
The Executive Committee's action resulted in greater attention being paid
within the technical division to questions of interfiber competition. The
threat of interfiber competition in turn moved the division to a more careful
differentiation of properties and applications among the three synthetic
fibers. Also, the committee's request for exploring a quicker route to com-
mercialization led to a plan that no doubt saved time and expense in scaling
up for critical market development and proving out commercial processes:
The department would use a portion of its Seaford, Delaware, commercial
nylon plant as a pilot plant for Fiber V.'57
Fortunately for Du Pont, Fiber V could be polymerized, spun, and drawn
with modified nylon technology. The Nylon Research Laboratory had pro-
duced Fiber V in semiworks quantities, and it therefore made sense to scale
up in a pilot plant at the Seaford works. Thus the nylon approach signifi-
cantly reduced the time and expense required to manufacture the quantities
of Fiber V necessary for market testing and development.
But nylon technology also had its limitations, which the technical division
grasped in short order. All the company's nylon was being made with a
batch polymerization process. But a batch process for polyethylene tere-
phthalate posed greater problems with water removal and decomposition
when the polymer was remelted before spinning. A continuous process
would eliminate these problems and reduce investment. Only recently, Ny-
lon Research had developed a continuous polymerization process for nylon,
and the first commercial unit had been installed. This process, however,
would not work for Polymer V because its melt viscosity is some ten times
that of nylon at a given temperature and a vacuum is required to control
molecular weight.
Developing a continuous polymerization process posed enormous prob-
lems for the technical division, and it tested the nerves of executives who
had approved the construction of the first commercial Fiber V plant. At the
time construction began on this plant — located at Kinston, North Carolina
418 Chemistry Enshrined
— the Nylon Research Laboratory had not succeeded in polymerizing eth-
ylene terephthalate continuously, yet the plant was predicated on this
approach.' s8
Through some intense and creative research and development work in
Nylon Research and elsewhere in the technical division, a successful con-
tinuous polymerizing unit was designed and operated at Carothers Research
Laboratory. This in turn was rapidly scaled up and installed at Seaford just
in time to allow the operating division to gain experience with it before six
such units were installed at Kinston. By the time of start-up — March 1953
— most of the process problems had been worked out. The decision to go
with continuous polymerization had been the biggest gamble of the project
and had paid off.'S9 Moreover, new dyeing techniques and dyestuffs had
significantly improved the Fiber V dyeing situation, and Nylon Research
had worked out the bugs in the conventional staple process.'
By the time of the Kinston start-up in March 1953, the department had
gained substantial experience with Dacron staple. The Seaford pilot plant
produced by the end of 1951 about z million pounds of Dacron, which was
sold to the trade for evaluation. In 1952 it manufactured 2.4 million pounds
of staple and tow and 700,000 pounds of filament yarn.x6'
With this amount of fiber in the trade, problems began to emerge, some
expected, some completely unanticipated. Static charge was a not wholly
unanticipated problem, both in the working of the fiber and in fabrics. The
division spent considerable time and money trying to eliminate or reduce
static. Hole-melting from cigarette embers also showed up as a potential
problem. But pilling — the development of little snarled balls of staple on
the surface of some woven fabrics — took the department by surprise in the
spring of 195o. The technical division responded aggressively to the pilling
problem by launching a four-pronged approach: (r) developing a laboratory
test to assess a fabric's tendency to pill, (z) finding the mechanism of pilling,
(3) correlating fiber characteristics with the tendency of fabrics to pill, and
(4) seeing if different fabric construction and finishing techniques would
reduce pilling.i6a
Researchers in the Textile Research Laboratory quickly built machines
that would simulate fabric wear and raise pills on certain fabrics. They also
observed the mechanism of pill formation. Understanding pill formation
was one thing; preventing it was another. Two approaches seemed work-
able. One was to adjust fiber properties, fabric construction, and fabric
finishing to hinder raising a nap on the fabric, which was the first step
toward pilling. The second was to change the fiber configuration so that if
a nap were raised, pills would not form. This latter approach seemed the
best route to take.'" In the late 194os, Joseph Rivers in Pioneering had
explored different cross sections of Fiber V in an effort to affect resiliency.
Among other shapes, he had spun cruciform fibers, which now showed a
reduced tendency to pill. But the handle or feel of fabrics made from cru-
ciform fibers was inferior.i6' Consequently, researchers experimented with
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 419
a variety of cross sections hoping to find one that reduced or eliminated
pilling while not sacrificing fabric handle. Fiber morphology became an
important discipline in the department. Researchers thought they had found
the perfect solution to the problem by the end of 1951: fibers with a ribbon
cross section, which showed no pilling after fifty wearings in slacks. Soon
after the Kinston plant opened, part of the operation was converted from
round to ribbon cross-section fibers. But when these ribbon fibers went into
the trade, another flaw emerged. Fabrics made from them and dyed in dark
shades tended to glitter in the sunlight. Other fiber cross sections were tried
in an attempt to solve the problem." Eventually the Dacron Research
Laboratory, established in 1954, developed a lower molecular weight fiber,
which does not pill. This new fiber cost more than ordinary Dacron polyes-
ter, so not all Du Pont's customers adopted it.
Early sales of Dacron from the Kinston plant ran frighteningly parallel
to those of Orlon from the May plant. Sales of Dacron from the Seaford
pilot plant had been excellent, and the response of the market seemed
excellent. But after the Kinston plant began producing staple in March ( z5-
million-pound capacity) and filament yarn in July (1 z-million-pound ca-
pacity), the market seemed to vanish because of a widespread weakening
of the textile industry.'" Sales were so weak that the Kinston plant never
ran all its polymerizers at once." Markets deteriorated further and inven-
tory mounted. With experience gained on the commercial equipment, total
annual staple capacity was upgraded to 35 million pounds — little comfort
in 1954 when Du Pont could sell only to million pounds of staple even
though it dropped prices from $1.8o to $1.59 per pound. Additional price
cuts, much experimentation to bring pilling under control, and important
fabric developments from some of Du Pont's best customers led gradually
to increased demand for Dacron staple. Blending Dacron staple with rayon,
wool, and cotton — developments made largely by Du Pont's customers —
created an important, enduring market for Dacron staple.i68 In 1956,
Du Pont sold 15 million pounds of staple and tow, and the following year
it marketed 47 million pounds of staple, tow, and fiberfill (synthetic down).
Three years later, it sold 57 million pounds.i6'
Although not "another nylon" in terms of almost instantaneous market
success and earnings and as a driving force in the growth of the Du Pont
Company, Dacron proved to be a highly successful product. Du Pont — and
an increasing number of competitors that entered the polyester business in
the 196os — dramatically expanded production in the next decade. With
growing competition, Du Pont lost market position, seeing a drop from
about 95 percent in 196o (when its patents began to expire) to less than
58 percent in 1965 and 37 percent in 1971.'7° During the late 196os and
early 197os, fashion trends — the craze for double-knit polyester fabrics in
particular — brought about a significant shift in Du Pont's Dacron business.
Although Dacron staple sales continued to grow, Dacron filament yarn
business boomed, but once double-knits went out of fashion, the yarn busi-
42.0 Chemistry Enshrined
ness severely contracted. Nevertheless, during the double-knit boom, total
Dacron earnings surpassed those of nylon — a milestone in the company's

Interfiber Competition

The development and commercialization of Orlon and Dacron were major

achievements. Du Pont moved aggressively with these fibers even though
Executive Committee members worried that they would undermine the
company's investment in nylon.~7' In retrospect, the problem of interfiber
competition does not appear to have been all that serious, especially because
Du Pont succeeded with both Orlon and Dacron while continuing to expand
its nylon capacity dramatically. But the problem was real, and had Du Pont
not managed it correctly, the history of its three fibers might have been
Concern over interfiber competition made it imperative for the technical
division to define fiber characteristics precisely and to delineate respective
market areas for each of Du Pont's fibers. This approach further reinforced
a generally perceived need in the department to increase greatly the amount
of assistance given to the company's fiber customers — assistance in the form
of fabric development, processing and finishing specifications, and sales
development. The Chestnut Run facility, opened in 1954, provided this kind
of R8cD.'73
Such end-use research would have been undermined had the Textile Fibers
Department not taken bold steps in reorganizing the way it sold fibers. Until
1952, Du Pont's fiber sales were conducted along the department's divisional
lines: each fiber division possessed its own sales section. This organizational
scheme resulted in what one manager called "a parochial, undesirably com-
petitive attitude" among salesmen from the various divisions.X74 It was not
uncommon for a fiber customer — a mill owner — to be visited by five different
Du Pont fibers salesmen, each selling a different fiber, each claiming supe-
riority for their particular fiber, and each belittling the other divisions'
products. As Lester Sinness noted, such a customer, "understandably, was
confused."' 75
The Textile Fibers Department solved this problem when in 1952 it
adopted a functional organizational structure in the place of the product
division scheme it had employed since the 193os. Now a manager would
preside over all departmental sales, and other managers would supervise
manufacturing and research. A single sales-service organization handled
service work for all fibers as well as all fabric and sales development. Under
the new arrangement, a customer could get answers to questions about all
Du Pont's fibers from a single individual."'
With these organizational changes and aggressive marketing programs,
Du Pont contained as best as possible the problem of competition among
Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers 42I
its own fibers. The technical division's extensive knowledge of fiber prop-
erties and fabric characteristics provided a critical element in the depart-
ment's efforts to target particular fibers for particular markets. And of course
this knowledge greatly helped Du Pont in its pursuit of natural fibers mar-
kets. But at the same time this knowledge had made it clear — almost from
the outset of Orlon and Dacron — that rayon and acetate would succumb
to the new synthetics in most markets. It was only a matter of time.
Because of their keen appreciation for fiber properties, the technical di-
vision's managers were the first to appreciate fully the fate of Du Pont's
cellulose fibers business. Competition within the rayon business itself had
already made it difficult for the technical division to justify its rayon research
budget, but the promise of both acrylic and polyester fibers greatly amplified
the problem. In mid-I947, the research directors of the technical division
had their first full discussion of this problem in one of their biweekly staff
meetings. The question was one of what director Ernest Benger and then
rayon research director Sinness called "the philosophy of research for the
Viscose Rayon business." Both had reached the conclusion that "it is dif-
ficult, if not impossible, to invest money at this time in the Viscose Rayon
business and obtain the return required by the Executive Committee rules."
Those in the technical division favored systematic withdrawal from the
rayon business and even more aggressive investment in new products, but
as they recognized in 1947, "this opinion is not shared by all concerned,"
especially by those in the general management of the department."' Antic-
ipating the fate of rayon, Sinness, director of viscose rayon research up to
1950, "progressively whittled down the size" of his section's activities. As
a consequence, he was criticized — once "rather vociferously" — for being
disloyal to his product area. But Sinness rejected such accusations, saying
that product loyalty had nothing to do with the matter; the simple fact was
that on a property basis, rayon "was outclassed.""8 Charch vigorously
supported Sinness's position, and by 1948 Pioneering refused to do any
work on viscose and acetate fibers. They were a thing of the past, not of
the future.19
Still, there were rayon diehards — mostly managers above those in the
technical division who possessed a deep sense of responsibility for the
$ oo million investment Du Pont maintained in rayon and the 9,000 work-
ers it employed in the business. Although Du Pont's rayon business was at
its peak in 1950 on a poundage basis (at some zoo million annual pounds),
the department had reached a serious impasse when it learned that lowering
prices no longer resulted in increased rayon sales. Once this point was
reached, managers knew that the fiber was in trouble. Keenly aware that
in the past rayon had been "responsive to technology," some of them looked
toward research to find a magic bullet with which to "blow the top off"
the rayon market. Their search was one of desperation.'"
As the fortunes of nylon, Orlon, and Dacron rose, those of rayon and
acetate fell. In December 1957, the technical division closed its Viscose
42 2 Chemistry Enshrined
Rayon Research Laboratory — more than a decade after it had wished.
Du Pont remained in the rayon business only long enough to maintain its
employees until nylon and Dacron expansions would be installed at its rayon
sites." Du Pont's acetate fiber business suffered a similar fate.'
Orlon and Dacron provided the Executive Committee with firm evidence
that its strategy of growth through research and development had been
successful and would continue to work. But research managers in the Textile
Fibers Department knew that with nylon, Orlon, and Dacron, it was unlikely
that another fiber would be as successful in terms of market size and earn-
ings. The department would devote most of its research budget to expanding
the synthetic fibers revolution through additional research on nylon, acrylic,
and polyester fibers and their applications. The pioneering portion of the
budget, however, would be directed increasingly toward "specialty" fibers
that could be sold in much smaller quantities but at premium prices. This
strategy called for new directions in fibers R&D.
Notes to pages 380-90 68 7
58 McQueen, "Physical Research." The
publishing statistics are from Hodge,
"Rate Your Company's Research Productivity."
59 R. G. Bergman, G. W. Parshall, and K. N. Raymond,
"Earl Leonard Muetter-
ties, 1927-1984," Organometallics 4 (1958): 1-4.
6o On Parshall, see American Men and Women of Science,
15th ed. (198z).
61 "Statistical Data on Research and Other Technical Activities,"
Acc. 1784.
6z On Hardy, see his company biography in Acc. 185o and
"Scientist Superstar
in a New Role," Chemical Week (Dec. 1z, 1984): z-16.
Hardy, who had
been director of research for life sciences at Du Pont, took early
from Du Pont in 1984 and became president of BioTechnica International. The
estimate of man-years invested in nitrogen fixation work is from "Research:
Where Du Pont Bets the Future."
63 Arrington, "Research Policy — Central Research."
64 P. L. Salzberg to the Executive Committee, "Annual Report for 1966 and
Budgets for 1967," Jan. 2.5, 1967, Acc. 1784.
65 See the Central Research Department annual reports, Acc. 1784; Cairns inter-
views, Nov. 12, 19, 1982.
66 Roger Adams to T. L. Cairns, Sept. zo, 1967, Rogers Adams Papers, Box 33,
University of Illinois Archives, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.
67 C. H. Greenewalt to P. L. Salzberg, July 13, 1967, Acc. 1814, Box 5.
68 On McQueen, see his company biography in Acc. 1850 and McQueen
69 David M. McQueen to P. L. Salzberg, "Enduring Themes of Central Research
Department," Jan. 5, 1965, CRDD Files.
7o David M. McQueen, "Selection of Research Programs," July 2.2., 1966, CRDD
71 David M. McQueen to T. L. Cairns, "Exploratory Research," July 8, 1971,
Acc. 1784.

Chapter 18. Making a Revolution: Du Pont and Synthetic Fibers

1 Data from Textile Organon 5z (Mar. 1981).

z U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States 1985 (Wash-
ington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984), p. 767.
see Chemistry in the Economy
3 For a brief history of synthetic textile fibers,
(Washington: American Chemical Society, 1973), pp. 87-115.
this chapter, we will use the name
4 For the sake of clarity and consistency in
Textile Fibers Department to refer to the Rayon Department before it officially
division to
adopted the new name. Similarly, we will use the name technical
refer to the research unit of the department.
"Pioneering Research."
5 See Chapter Eight, section titled Report — 1938," Jan. 12.,
6 E. K. Bolton to the Executive Committee, "Annual
1939, Acc. 1784.
Hoff, July 7, 1939, II, 2., Box 963.
7 Maurice du Pont Lee to G. P.
8 R. M. Horsey to H. R. Fry et al., Nov. 1o, 1939, II, 2., Box 963. See also
Minutes of the Technical Division Weekly Staff Meeting, July 2.3, 1941, PR
Records, Box 110195; Ernest B. Benger to W. H. Bradshaw et al., Nov. 14,
z8, 194o, II, z, Box 963.
1939, and Benger to W. H. Charch et al., Aug.
688 Notes to pages 390-4

9 Minutes of Technical Division Weekly Staff Meeting, Oct. 17, 1941, PR Rec-
ords, Box 1I0195.
Io For details on Mark's coming to the United States and Benger's role in it, see
Chapter 15, section titled "Recruiting a Research Force."
11 Sinness interview. See also marginal notes of W. W. Heckert on Ernest Benger
to V. L. Bohnson et al., Feb. 21, 1941, II, 2, Box 963. See also J. B. Miles to
W. W. H[eckert], Feb. 24, 1941, and Hale Charch to Ernest B. Benger, Sept.
22, 1941, II, 2, Box 963.
12 On the evolution of research reviews and their intention, see discussion led by
Lester S. Sinness noted in the Minutes of the Technical Division Bi-Weekly
Staff Meeting, Jan. 5, 1945, PR Records, Box 180180.
13 Minutes for most of the technical division staff meetings in the Benger era
survive in the PR Records. The research associates plan is discussed in Chapter
In 195o, W. W. Heckert, assistant manager of the technical division, wrote that
"the only reason for having an exhibit is to do an internal selling job, partic-
ularly to those on the 9th Floor [i.e., the Executive and Finance committees]."
W. W. Heckert to W. L. Hyden, March 13, 195o, PR Records, Box 180193.
15 This is not to say that there were no differences of opinion among research
directors in the technical division, for there certainly were, as will be noted
later in this chapter. For more information on the annual meetings of the
technical division, see PR Records, MR-46-3, MR-48-8, and miscellaneous
16 W. H. Charch to G. P. Hoff, Aug. 7, 1941, PR Records, Box 110195, also
excerpted in a note from L[eonard] A. Y[erkes] to W[alter] S. C[arpenter], Jr.,
n.d., II, z, Box 831.
17 W. H. Charch to E. K. Gladding, March 23, 1936, PR Records, Box 72.486.
8 W. H. Charch to J. S. Denham, June 2.4, 1937, PR Records, Box 72489.
19 For information on the Chemical Department's efforts to develop a wool-like
nylon, see Chapter 13.
zo The first quoted expression appears in Charch to Denham, June 24, 1937,
whereas the latter quotation appears in W. H. Charch to Maurice du Pont Lee,
"Annual Report for 1937 — Pioneering Research," Nov. z6, 1937, PR Records,
Box 72488.
21 W. H. Charch to E. B. Benger, Sept. 30, 1941, PR Records, Box 110195.
2.2. W. H. Charch to G. W. Filson, Aug. 14, 1941, PR Records, Box 110195.
23 Ibid.
24 W. H. Charch to L. S. Sinness and F. H. Coker, July 12, 1944, PR Records,
Box 180177.
25 W. H. Charch, "For File PD-1," Mar. 1944, PR Records, Box 180177.
z6 R. M. Hoffman, "Resilience," Oct. 18, 1945, PR Records, Box 180181.
27 W. W. Heckert, "Textile Fiber Resilience Criteria," Special Compensation Files.
28 Lester S. Sinness to W. H. Charch, Aug. 18, 1944, PR Records, Box 180179.
29 R. M. Hoffman to W. H. Charch, Feb. 20, 1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
3o Marginal notation on H. J. Kolb, "Resilience Program," Nov. 13, 1946, PR
Records, Box 180184.
31 Heckert makes this point in "Textile Fiber Resilience Criteria."
3 2' See Charch's comments on p. 24 of History of Fiber V in Pioneering Research.
Notes to pages 394-9 689
compiled by R. M. Hoffman and edited by W. H. Charch, ca. 1953, typescript
in PRL Hist. Files.
33 W. H. Charch to P. L. Salzberg, Dec. 3, 1941, PR Records, Box 110195.
34 E. A. Tippetts, "Fiber-Forming Polyacrylonitrile `Orlon,' " Special Compen-
sation Files.
35 German Patent 580,351, July 26, 192,9.
36 U.S. Patent 2,,II7,zro, May ro, 1938, and U.S. Patent 2,140,921, Dec. zo,
37 Ray C. Houtz, "'Orion' Acrylic Fiber: Chemistry and Properties," Address
Presented at the Conference on Textiles, Gordon Research Conferences, Colby
Junior College, July 18, 1949, PRL Authors.
38 Ibid. On Pioneering's use of Marvel as a consultant, see W. H. Charch to A. P.
Tanberg, Sept. 23, 1941, PR Records, Box 110195.
39 Houtz, "'Orion' Acrylic Fiber."
40 Tippetts, "Fiber-Forming Polyacrylonitrile `Orlon.' "
41 Chemstrand introduced its Acrylan in 1949, which was wet-spun from DMAC.
42, Houtz, " 'Orion' Acrylic Fiber" and Tippetts, "Fiber-Forming Polyacrylonitrile
'Orion.' "
43 Tippetts, "Fiber-Forming Polyacrylonitrile `Orlon.' "
44 G. W. Filson to W. H. Charch, Dec. 3o, 1942, Acc. 1850.
45 L. P. Haner to R. C. Houtz, "On 'Orion' History," Feb. 3, 1949, PR Records,
Box 180191.
46 Ibid.
47 C. E. Sparks, "Dyestuffs for Fiber A," JLR-43-458, No. r, Aug. 6, 1943, filed
as MR 1636, PR Records, Box 150137.
48 E. B. Benger to W. H. Charch, Jan. 4, 1944, PR Records, Box 180179.
49 A. E. Buchanan, "Minutes of Fiber A Meeting," Nov. zi, 1944, PR Records,
Box 180181.
5o W. H. Charch to E. B. Benger, July 6, 1944, PR Records, Box 180179.
51 Medical Research Project Report, MR-12.1, Mar. 9, 1944. The earlier report
was MR-1603, July z8, 1938. The reports are summarized in C. M. Smith,
"Visit to Buffalo, May 31—June 8, Fiber A," June zo, 1944, PR Records, Box
52. E. B. Benger to J. W. Kinsman, Jan. 14, 1944; Kinsman to Benger, Jan. 17,
1944; Benger to W. H. Charch, Jan. 4, 1944, PR Records, Box 180179-
53 J. B. Quig to C. R. Humphreys, Apr. 5, 1944, PR Records, Box 180179; R. M.
Horsey to L. Yerkes et al., "Fiber `A' Program," June 7, 1944, PR Records,
Box 180179; R. M. Horsey to J. B. Quig, Feb. 22, 1945, PR Records, Box
34 W. H. Charch to E. B. Benger, July 6, 1944, PR Records, Box 180179.
55 W. H. Charch to R. M. Horsey, May 24, 1944, PR Records, Box 180179.
56 JTW, "Monomer and Polymer Consumption," Nov- 14, 1944, PR Records,
Box 180179. See also A. E. Buchanan, "Minutes of Fiber A Meeting," Nov.
21, 1945, PR Records, Box 180181.
57 Buchanan, "Minutes of Fiber A Meeting."
58 A. E. Buchanan to W. H. Charch, Oct. 17, 1945, PR Records, Box 180181.
59 Ibid.
6o W. H. Charch to A. E. Buchanan, Oct. 29, 1945, PR Records,- Box 180181.
690 Notes to pages 400-4
61 A. E. Buchanan, "Minutes of Fiber A Meeting."
6z W. H. Charch to A. E. Buchanan, Nov. 2.9, 1945, PR Records, Box 180181.
63 W. T. Anderson to G. M. Karns and W. C. Eberlin, "Fiber A Plant Study,"
April 9, 1946; W. E. Larsen, "Minutes of Meeting on Fiber A Held at Wil-
mington on April 15-16, 1946," PR Records, Box 180183.
64 G. P. Hoff to A. E. Buchanan, May 2.2., 1946, PR Records, Box 180183.
65 G. P. Hoff to A. E. Buchanan, June 2.0, 1946, PR Records, Box 180183.
66 EC Minutes, July 31, 1946, May 7, 1947-
67 J. H. Ellett, "Pilot Plant Operation," in The Story of "Orion" Acrylic Fiber,
Oct. 13, 1949, in II, 2., Box 6o8.
68 The Orlon trademark was officially announced on Aug. 23, 1948.
69 W. H. Charch to W. W. Watkins, March 13, 1944, PR Records, Box 180180.
Hosiery nylon had been dyed satisfactorily with acetate dyes, but expansion
of nylon beyond stockings required deeper and faster dyestuffs, which simply
did not exist for nylon in 1944.
7o A full record of the Textile Fiber — Orchem dyeing effort is in PR Records.
71 See, e.g., W. H. Charch to E. B. Benger, July 5, 1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
72. W. H. Charch to E. B. Benger, June 19, 1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
73 C. E. Sparks to A. E. Buchanan, Aug. 12, 1948, PR Records, Box 180189.
74 L. G. Ray to R. A. Scheiderbauer, Sept. zo, 1948, PR Records, Box 180189,
provides an excellent summary of Pioneering's work on Fibers A-1 (methacrylic
copolymer), A-2 (styrene copolymer), and A-3. On the early work with meth-
acrylic acid modifiers, see A. K. Schneider to J. W. Hill, "Conference on Nylon
and Fiber A Dyeing," June 26, 1944, PR Records, Box 180179.
75 These problems included lack of a full range of colors, the necessity of dyeing
"at the boil" (which most commercial dyers could not do with their existing
equipment), and the failure of the fiber to dye properly when blended with
76 C. E. Sparks to D. F. Holmes, Nov. 1, 1948, PR Records, Box 180189.
77 C. E. Sparks, "Annual Report: Dyeing of Synthetic Fibers," Oct. 5, 1948, PR
Records, Box 180190.
78 Ibid.
79 EC Minutes, Oct. 6, 1948. The Finance Committee authorized the plant on
Oct. 15, 1948.
8o W. W. Heckert, "Status of Fiber A Research," n.d. [ca. 1948 — recopied March
18, 1949], in Acc. 1193, Box 5.
81 Ellett, "Pilot Plant Operation."
8z D. L. Holmes to W. L. Hyden, Nov. 3o, 1948, PR Records, Box 180189.
83 The figure on expansion is from D. F. Holmes, History of the Du Pont Com-
pany's Textile Fibers Department (Wilmington, Del.: Textile Fibers Depart-
ment, Du Pont, 1983), p. 69.
84 Ibid.
85 W. W. Heckert to W. H. Charch et al., Aug. 8, 195z, PR Records, Box 184995.
86 Ibid.
87 Hale Charch's comments in History of Fiber V in Pioneering Research, p. 14.
88 Acetate research devoted an increasing amount of its R&D work to Orlon
staple. By October 1949, half its Orlon research staff was working on staple.
W. E. Eberlin, "Research Plans — Process," in The Story of "Orlon" Acrylic
Notes to pages 405-9 691
89 J. H. Trepagnier to H. A. Lubs, "Status of the Dyeing of Hydrophobic Fibers
— January 1950," Feb. 16, 1950, PR Records, Box 180195. See also "Report
of 'Orion' Product Committee Study of 'Orion' Acrylic Staple — July, 1953,"
July 3o, 1953, II, z, Box 609.
90 "Research Items Used in the Rayon Department Monthly Report to the Ex-
ecutive Committee, December, 1950," Jan. 2.9, 1951, PR Records, Box
91 "Report of 'Orion' Product Committee Study of 'Orion' Staple — July, 1953."
92. Ibid.

93 Ibid.
94 Ibid.
95 Control Division, "History: Textile Fibers Plants, Permanent Investment,"
July 24, 1958, Acc. 1850; R. M. Busche to E. B. Yelton, "1969 Status: De-
velopment and Commercialization of New Products," July 31, 1969, DD Files.
96 Some research managers had wanted to end all work on modified Orlon. E. A.
Tippetts, "Dyeability of Type 42. `Orlon' Acrylic Staple," Feb. z8, 1955,
Special Compensation Files.
97 J. B. Quig stressed the hazards of a lower softening point in his comments in
"A Survey of Present Research Problems: 'Orion' Acrylic Fiber," II, 2., Box
98 Both Holmes, History of the Du Pont Company's Textile Fibers Department,
and "Report of 'Orion' Product Committee Study of 'Orion' Acrylic Staple
— July, 1953," stress this point.
99 Ibid. See also "The Chips Are Down," Chemical Week (Aug. 8, 1953): 67.
too Hoffman and Quig make this point repeatedly in the "Survey of Present
Research Problems: 'Orion' Acrylic Fiber."
tot "Report of 'Orion' Product Committee Study of 'Orion' Acrylic Staple — July,
io2. Holmes, History of the Du Pont Company's Textile Fibers Department,
p. 7o.
103 Ibid., pp. 7o, 76.
104 The paradox was, however, that at least initially, Orlon's success rested on a
single market — knitted wear.
105 Charch's views about Dacron are expressed in his comments in History of
Fiber V in Pioneering Research.
io6 W. H. Carothers and G. A. Arvin, "Polyesters," Journal of the American
Chemical Society 51 (1929): 2.56o-7o.
107 W. H. Carothers and J. W. Hill, "Linear Superpolyesters," Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 54 (1932): 1559-66.
108 Experimental Station Notebook 2260, p. 2.1, CRDD Notebooks. In this entry,
Spanagel described the reaction of ethylene glycol with dimethyl terephthalate
at 200° C, followed by a vacuum cycle at 2.40° C to produce a polymer. He
also produced other polyesters in 1934, including some based on aromatic
109 J. M. Swanson, "Meeting with Dr. Mark — 1012.6142.," Nov. 9, 1942, II, 2.,
Box 963.
110 Specifically, they thought that by using hindered acids, they could produce a
hydrolytically stable polyester. On Aug. 17, 1942., Stanley B. Speck of Pio-
neering first suggested the hindered acid approach to overcome the hydrolytic
instability of polyesters. History of Fiber V in Pioneering Research, p. 9.
692 Notes to pages 409-13
III Ibid.
1'2, Ibid., p. 7.
113 Emmette F. Izard to W. W. Smith, Mar. 2.9, 1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
114 Quoted in History of Fiber V in Pioneering Research, p. II.
115 Ibid., p. I2.
116 Izard to Smith, Mar. z9, 1946. Izard wrote: "Later in 1944 during one of
Dr. Mark's visits to Pioneering he told us of a rumored new polymer that
I.C.I. were working on which he called Tery and reported to be polyeth-
ylene terephthalate." Managers in the Chemical Department also must
have heard about ICI's work. On October 3, 1944, H. B. Dykstra, one of
the department's patent experts, wrote M. M. Brubaker a memorandum
entitled, "Fiber-Forming Polymer from Terephthalic Acid and Ethylene
Glycol," which discusses his search for a disclosure on such a polymer
and argues that Carothers's basic patent on superpolymers (U.S.
2,071,250) would dominate the new polymer. A copy of Dykstra's memo-
randum is in PR Records, Box 180181.
117 The correct chemical name for this compound is bis (z-hydroxyethyl)
118 Izard to W. W. Smith, Mar. 2,9, 1946.
119 W. H. Charch to R. M. Horsey, Mar. z, 1945, PR Records, Box 180181.
120 The following account of the meeting derives principally from W. H. Charch,
" Terylene' Fibers — ICI — Calico Printers Assn.," Mar. 21, 1945, PR Records,
Box 180181.
r zx J. R. Whinfield, "Textile Fibers: Variations on Some Familiar Themes," Jubilee
Memorial Lecture, Chemistry & Industry (March 14, 1953): 226-9. A tran-
script of this lecture, as published, is in PR Records, Box 191115. See also
J. R. Whinfield, "The Development of Terylene," Textile Research Journal
23 (May 1953): 289-93.
122 W. J. Reader, Imperial Chemical Industries: A History (London: Oxford
University Press, 1975), II, pp. 381-5.
123 Charch, " `Terylene' Fibers," Mar. zi, 1945.
12.4 Ibid.
125 W. H. Charch to E. B. Benger, Mar. zi, 1945, PR Records, Box 18018i.
12.6 W. H. Charch to A. E. Buchanan, "Material for Annual Report to Executive
Committee," Mar. 2.1, 1945, PR Records, Box 180180.
117 W. H. Charch to W. R. Haefele, May 16, 1945, PR Records, Box 18018i.
12.8 A. E. Buchanan to W. H. Charch, Apr. 24, 1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
129 Charch implicitly expressed this philosophy in W. H. Charch to E. B. Benger,
Feb. r, 1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
130 W. H. Charch to R. M. Horsey, Jan. 2.9, 1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
131 Charch to Benger, Feb. r, 1946. Cf. W. F. Underwood to E. B. Benger, Feb. 7,
1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
132. Buchanan to Charch, Apr. 2.4, 1946.
133 Ibid. On the tire cord program, see also W. W. Heckert to E. B. Benger, Mar.
2.0, 1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
134 Donald F. Holmes, "Disclosure of Fiber V to the Tire Companies," Sept. 9,
1946, PR Records, Box 180184.
135 D. M. Thornton, "Report of Interview, Fiber V Tire Cord," Nov. 2.2., 1946,
PR Records, Box 180184.
Notes to pages 413-16 693
136 D. M. Thornton, "Program: Initial Characterization of Fiber V ...," n.d.
[received in Pioneering Research Mar. 8, 1947]. See also "Minutes of the
Fiber V Coordination Meeting of April 2.9, 1947," May 6, 1947, PR Records,
Box 180185.
137 Unfortunately, space considerations prevent a discussion of Du Pont's efforts
to develop polyester for industrial uses, including tire cord. This is an im-
portant part of Dacron's history.
138 After the decision to devote all research effort on Fiber V to tire cord, Pio-
neering Research reclassified much of its work on Fiber V toward the more
fundamental aspects of fiber development, but Charch did not significantly
alter the substance of this research.
139 Carl E. Black made this discovery, which was reported in a bimonthly mem-
orandum dated Feb. 4, 1946. History of Fiber V in Pioneering Research, pp.
140 Ibid., p. 33.
Iv Ibid., p. 25.
142. J. B. Quig to R. M. Hoffman, July 23, 1947, PR Records, Box 180185. See
also History of Fiber V in Pioneering Research, pp. 41-2.
143 W. H. Charch to A. E. Buchanan, Aug. 13, 1947, PR Records, Box 180185.
144 H. J. Kolb to V. R. Hardy, May 15, 1947, and J. T. Rivers to R. M. Hoffman,
Sept. Io, 1947, PR Records, Box '80'85.
145 Charch found this condition unacceptable. See W. H. Charch to H. C. Free-
ling, Nov. 3, 1948, PR Records, Box 180188.
146 On Chestnut Run's history and operations, see Textile Fibers Department,
"Chestnut Run: History and General Information," June 15, 1961, TF Files
and Holmes, History of the Du Pont Company's Textile Fibers Department,
p. 2.0.
147 See PR Records, Boxes 180185 and 180188, for records on the work at Lowell.
148 H. J. Kolb, "Memorandum: Fiber V Test at Pacific Mills," Feb. zo, 1948, and
E. H. Largen to F. H. Thompson, "Finishing of Spun Fiber V Fabric," July I,
1948, PR Records, Box 180188.
149 W. H. Charch to H. J. Kolb, Mar. z, 1948, PR Records, Box 180188. See
also Charch to F. K. Signaigo, May 12, 1948, PR Records, Box 180188.
150 See, e.g., R. M. Hoffman to F. K. Signaigo, "Crimp in Fiber V," Oct. I, 1948,
PR Records, Box 180188.
151 V. R. Hardy to H. J. Kolb, July 12., 1948; F. K. Signaigo to V. R. Hardy, July
16, 1948; F. K. Signaigo to W. H. Charch, Aug. 2.6, 1948, PR Records, Box
152 W. H. Charch to A. E. Buchanan, Aug. 13, 1947.
153 The history of Pioneering's draw-spin process in well treated in History of
Fiber V in Pioneering Research, pp. 50-69. See also W. H. Charch to F. K.
Signaigo, Sept. 1, 1948, PR Records, Box 180188.
154 H. C. Froehling to A. E. Buchanan, et al., "Coordination Meeting —
Polymer V," July 9, 1948, PR Records, Box 180187.
155 The department's immediate goal was to begin producing I,000 pounds per
month of "wool-like" staple beginning Jan. 1, 1949, and to prepare markets
for pilot plant production of 1.8 million pounds per year. See H. C. Froehling,
"Coordination Meeting — Fiber V Staple," Oct. I I, 1948, and Froehling to
W. L. Hyden, "Fiber `V' Program," Oct. 24, 1948, PR Records, Box 180188.
694 Notes to pages 417-21
156 EC Minutes, Sept. 8, 1948.
157 Froehling to Hyden, Oct. 25, 1948. See also Froehling to A. E. Buchanan,
Nov. 4, 1948, PR Records, Box 18o188.
.158 Swank interview.
159 Ibid. See also C. E. Sparks, "Polyethylene Terephthalate — Continuous Poly-
merization," Special Compensation Files.
16o On the history of Fiber V dyeing, see C. E. Sparks to L. F. Salisbury, "History
of Fiber V. Dyeing," Nov. 24, 195o, in PRL Hist. Files, and J. H. Trepagnier,
"History of Dyeing `Dacron' Polyester Fiber — 11/15/50 to 8/1/53," II, z,
Box 595.
161 Holmes, History of the Du Pont Company's Textile Fibers Department, pp.
79, 80-
162 Quig, "History of `Dacron' Polyester Fiber," p. it, Acc. 185o.
163 Ibid., pp. 11-12.
164 Rivers's work is well documented in PR Records. See also Rivers interview.
165 Quig, "History of `Dacron' Polyester Fiber," p. 13.
166 Holmes, History of the Du Pont Company's Textile Fibers Department, pp.
167 Swank interview.
168 Hart, Schaffner & Marx introduced the Dacron and worsted wool-blended
suit, and Brooks Brothers initiated the permanently pressed shirt of 6o percent
Dacron and 4o percent cotton in January 1953. Some members of the technical
division, including Charch and Quig, had advocated developing polyester-
blended fabrics.
169 Holmes, History of the Du Pont Company's Textile Fibers Department, pp.
17o Ibid., p. 132.
171 In 1971, Dacron generated $156 million in earnings compared to nylon's
$1o5 million. This figure for Dacron was, however, significantly below nylon's
record earnings of $2.2o million in 1965. W. R. Beacham to H. W. Swank et
al., "Historical Data," Feb. t, 1973, Acc. 1850. Dacron's profits for 1973
exceeded those for 1971. Edwin A. Gee to Executive Committee, "Textile
Fibers Department," July 3, 1976, EC Files.
172 Roger Williams to E. K. Bolton et al., Nov. 3, 1949, PR Records, Box 180192.
173 Sinness interview and Holmes's History of the Du Pont Company's Textile
Fibers Department.
174 Holmes, History of the Du Pont Company's Textile Fibers Department,
p. z5-
175 Sinness interview. See also W. H. Charch's annotation on L. S. Sinness to
W. H. Charch, June 4, 1951, PR Records, Box 184993.
176 Sinness interview. See also the chapter on Du Pont in E. Raymond Corey and
Steven H. Star, Organization Strategy: A Marketing Approach (Boston: Har-
vard University Graduate School of Business Administration, 1971), pp. 187-
177 Minutes of the Technical Division Staff Meeting, June 27, 1947, PR Records,
Box 180185.
178 Sinness interview.
179 W. H. Charch, notes of presentation to Pioneering Research Staff, Jan. 1948,
PRL Authors File.
18o J. B. Quig to J. L. Martin, Nov. ro, 1952, II, 2, Box 618.
Notes to pages 422-7 695
181 Holmes, History of the Du Pont Company's Textile Fibers Department, pp.
182. Ibid., pp. 49- 51, 91.

Chapter 19. New Directions in Fibers R&D

W. H. Charch to W. W. Heckert, Oct. 27, 1948, PR Records, Box 180187.

See also Charch to A. E. Buchanan et al., "Research and the Future," Jan. 14,
1948, PRL Authors, and Minutes of Special Staff Meeting, Jan. 16, 1948, PR
Records, Box 180187.
z W. H. Charch, notes of presentation to Pioneering Research Staff, Jan. 194 8,
and idem. [remarks at Pioneering Research Review], Mar. II, 1948, PRL
3 Charch noted these delays in several of his presentations to his staff. See also
R. M. Hoffman to W. H. Charch, Sept. 19, 1949, PR Records, Box 180190,
which notes that Pioneering had "most of our high caliber organic chemists"
at work on the dye problem for Orlon and Dacron.
4 W. H. Charch, handwritten annotation on Paul R. Austin to W. H. Charch,
Oct. 12, 1945, PR, Box 180181; W. H. Charch to E. B. Benger, "Polyurethanes
— New German Mission," Oct. 1z, 1945, PR, Box 180180.
5 R. C. Houtz to R. E. Burk, "Polyurethanes," Nov. z6, 1948, PR Records, Box
180188 and W. H. Charch, Draft of "A" Bonus Recommendation, "Interfacial
Polymerizations and Their Applications," Oct. 3o, 1953, PRL Hist. Files.
6 This work is discussed in L. H. Smith, Synthetic Fiber Developments in Ger-
many (New York: Textile Research Institute, 1946), pp. 700-10.
7 Wittbecker designed experiments to circumvent hydrolysis by cutting the re-
action time for polymerization to a minimum. Starting with a solution of
diamine, caustic, and an emulsifying agent in cold water, he added a second
solution of acid chloride prepared in an anhydrous organic solvent while rapidly
stirring the diamine mixture. Charch, Draft of "A" Bonus Recommendation.
8 "Research Items Used in the Rayon Department Monthly Report to the Ex-
ecutive Committee, January, 1951," Feb. 2.3, 1951, PR Records, Box 184993;
Pioneering Research Division, Quarterly Report, Nov. 16, 1950, to Feb. 15,
1951, PR Records, Box 184993. Work on polyamides was done by Eugene
Magat in the Nylon Research Laboratory, which by this time had been dedi-
cated as the Carothers Laboratory.
9 M. L. Ernsberger to R. C. Houtz, Jan. 22., 1951, PR Records, Box 184993.
Io See, e.g., Emerson L. Wittbecker and Paul W. Morgan, "Interfacial Polycon-
densation. I.," Journal of Polymer Science 40 (1959): 2.89-97; Paul W. Morgan,
"Interfacial Polycondensation: A Versatile Method of Polymer Preparation,
Society of Plastics Engineers Journal 15 (1959): 485-95; Paul W. Morgan an
Stephanie L. Kwolek, "Interfacial Polycondensation. II. Fundamentals of P
ymer Formation at Liquid Interfaces," Journal of Polymer Science 40 (195.
2.99-32.7; Paul W. Morgan, Condensation Polymers by Interfacial and Solur
Methods (New York: Interscience, 1965); and Paul W. Morgan, "Comm/
on the Status and Future of Interfacial Polycondensation," Journal of
cromolecular Science and Chemistry 5 (1981): 683-99.
Morgan interview.

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