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Manual de Segurança Alimentar Boas Práticas para Os Serviços de Alimentação 1st Edition Clever Jucene Full Chapter Download PDF

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Manual de Segurança Alimentar Boas

Práticas Para os Serviços de

Alimentação 1st Edition Clever Jucene
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As the tide covered the Rock he could be seen in the clear
moonlight ploughing along the creamy surface, stretching his tether
in every direction in futile efforts to escape. At daylight next morning
he was found sheltering under a projecting ledge of rock. What a
clean, well-groomed fellow he looked, with his sleek, glossy coat
glistening in the sunshine, his squat, plump body adapting itself to
the inequalities of the surface on which it rested. His coat, by the
way, as much fur as that of a horse—grey above, mottled with dark
spots, while the under surface is of a creamy yellow. His beautiful
teeth gleaming white against the scarlet interior of his mouth, as he
snapped fruitlessly on either side, suggested the maximum of robust
animal health. As a memento of his visit the camera was brought on
the scene, and another addition made to our list of illustrious visitors.
Liberating him proved to be more difficult than his capture, for
when cut adrift he persisted in facing us instead of making for the
water, towards which we endeavoured to drive him. After some
manœuvring, however, he was driven to the edge of the gulley, but
even with his body half submerged he maintained a defensive
attitude, not seeming to realise that he was at liberty to depart. An
incoming wave, however, moved him to a sense of his position, and
with a defiant snort he slipped under water. Omitting, in his hurry, to
take proper bearings, he took the wrong direction, and, finding
himself in a cul-de-sac, made his appearance again on the surface,
and with a hurried glance at his position again sank, this time making
a bee-line for the outlet, being clearly seen, as he passed under
water close to where we stood, and was last seen buffeting his way
through the foaming breakers, evidently none the worse for his
compulsory detention on the Rock.

The broken stones and other debris, consequent upon the late
alterations here, which had collected in various holes in the Rock
and maintained their position up till now, have nearly all been cleared
out by the severe gales of this month, and a couple of heavy iron
poles, erected lately to mark the boat tracks or entrances to the
landings, and which were sunk two feet in the solid rock and heavily
cemented, have been shaken loose in their sockets by the pounding
seas which have been besieging us of late. The rocks appear bleak
and bare, and utterly void of vegetation. The white whelks have
collected their scattered forces, and gone into winter quarters.
Secure in sheltering nooks, they lie huddled together in close packed
squadrons. Numerous small white banded whelks adhere to the
base of the tower with a tenacity that seems surprising considering
the swirling seas they are subjected to. This species, however, never
seem to dream of hibernating. The eiders and longtails, with an
unswerving attention to business, pursue their calling amid the hurly-
burly of broken, tumbling seas—evidently little concerned whether
the weather be fair or foul—and in the glassy hollows alternating
between the breakers they can be distinctly seen scurrying over the
rock surface like so many fish. Gannets this month are conspicuous
by their absence, and only a few parasitic gulls divide their attention
between the kitchen refuse and the hard won earnings of the eiders.
On several occasions during the month our fog signal was
brought into action through the occurrence of heavy snowfalls. A
silent, feathery fall on shore no doubt has charms peculiarly its own,
but at sea constitutes a very serious danger to the anxious mariner
as he steams at reduced speed through the fleecy curtain, shrieking
his every two minute warning, his vessel’s head scarcely visible from
the bridge. In snowstorms such as we have had of late our lantern
soon becomes plastered up with snow on the weather side,
necessitating constant removal to prevent it from completely blinding
our light in that direction. This is an operation often accomplished
with difficulty, especially when carried out in the teeth of a gale—an
experience somewhat akin to lying out on a yardarm under similar
conditions, only one doesn’t have the lift and ’scend of the vessel to
contend with; yet his grip must be equally as sure, or, as the old salts
phrase it, “Every finger a fish-hook,” on such occasions. Mounting by
an outside ladder to the grated gallery which encircles the base of
the lantern, one is exposed to the full force of the blast, and a firm
grip must be taken to avoid being blown away. Below, the seas in
wild tumult break against the building with a deafening roar, sending
a perceptible tremor through the entire structure with each impact.
Only by energetically hauling on the hand-rail can the slightest
progress be made in the desired direction, the wind’s eye being the
objective point, where possibly on arrival one may find himself
pinned flat to the lantern, like an entomological specimen, by the
force of the wind. The snow removed, the return journey is effected
by simply allowing oneself to be blown gradually back.
While relieving the Bass Rock on our way ashore last relief, a
good opportunity was afforded of witnessing the mode of effecting a
landing under adverse circumstances. On arrival there, it was
considered dangerous to attempt a landing at either of the two
landing places, owing to the heavy sea then running. The landings—
a flight of concrete steps from the water edge to the rocks above—
are situated on either side of a slight promontory immediately
beneath the lighthouse; and as deep water obtains to the rock face,
it will be obvious that similar conditions must frequently prevail at
either landing. The boat being loaded with the necessary stores, and
the relieving keeper on board, an approach was made to within
suitable distance of the Rock. A kedge anchor was then thrown
overboard, and the boat slacked down till within working distance.
The keepers meanwhile had been busy erecting an iron pole or
derrick on the rocks above the position now occupied by the boat,
and which, being slightly inclined seawards, a tackle from its
extremity was drawn by means of a guy-line to the boat, and the
stores hoisted ashore by the keepers in charge of the tackle-fall
above. Seated in a loop of the rope, the relieving keeper was then
hoisted, and his shore-going neighbour similarly lowered. As an
extra precaution, a second boat was sent from the ship to stand by
the working boat in case of accident. Fortunately, however, their
services were not required.
Our final relief here for the year was effected with some difficulty
on the 29th. Owing to the doubtful aspect of the landing, only one
boat was sent ashore instead of two as usual. The fortnightly supply
of coal and water being omitted on this occasion does not, however,
inconvenience us, as a three months’ reserve stock of necessaries is
always maintained during the winter months.

Bright, sunny weather characterised the opening day of the year,

the sea assuming a suspicious placidity quite summer-like in
appearance but for the keen nip in the air perceptible out of doors.
This state of affairs, however, proved but ephemeral, and for the
remainder of the month we have experienced most boisterous
weather. Strong westerly winds occasionally attained the force of a
gale, accompanied with driving seas, which roared and sang a
lullaby scarcely compatible with the shore-dwellers’ sense of
security, but which, strange to say, has a more somnolent effect
upon us than a breathless stillness, though an occasional thumper of
a sea, more forceful than its fellows, demonstrates the stability of our
domicile by imparting a gentle tremor to the entire structure,
awakening in the sleeper a glimmer of consciousness and a hazy
impression of a traction-engine lumbering somewhere in the vicinity.
Our entrance doorway—thirty feet from the Rock—faces south-
west, and is guarded by a heavy double leaved door, which opens
outwards, and held open against the building by means of heavy
brass thumb-snecks. An inner or vestibule door of solid brass is
placed six feet further inwards—the walls here, by the way, being
seven feet thick, tapering to one foot immediately beneath the
balcony, sixty feet higher up. This door is also double-leaved, with
the upper panels of heavy plate glass, frequently obscured by the
strong westerly wind whipping the tops of the seas as they rise in
front, and carrying them souse into the doorway. Standing here
during the prevalence of a gale, the outlook is being constantly
darkened by a curtain of hissing foam drawn across the doorway, as
each sea breaks against the base of the tower, flinging the spray
high overhead. Fifteen miles in front of us lies the Isle of May, with its
castle-like lighthouse crowning its summit, while on a lower level
stands a whitewashed relic—remnant of a time, not so long ago,
when the Island boasted a double light, and electricity had not as yet
usurped sole sway. Emerging from the right of the May appears the
bluff outline of the Bass Rock, while away in the far distance North
Berwick Law cleaves the sky-line. Away to St Abb’s Head, on the
left, the Haddington coast stretches hazy and indistinct, while the
green, grassy slopes of Fife, with the spires of St Andrews faintly
visible, fill in the right of the picture. Laying hold of the man-ropes
suspended in the doorway, and turning to the right, the Forfarshire
coast is seen extending from the Tay in a long unbroken line, with
the snow-clad Grampians towering majestically in the background.
Right in front of us are the smoking stalks of Arbroath. Two
conspicuous white dots in the foreground mark the pierheads, in
front of which an impatient “flaxer” cruises in glorious uncertainty of
ever being permitted to fulfil her charter and deposit her Riga-run
freight on the right side of the bar. This is the panorama from the
viewpoint of our doorway on a clear day, but, as seen of late through
sheets of flying foam, it reminds one of a cinematograph display, in
which the films are far from perfect.
On the first Sunday of the year hundreds of gulls were seen
resting on the surface of the sea, half a mile nor’-west from here,
evidently by their movements enjoying a feast of “fry,” and in all
probability proclaiming the presence of herring shoals. During the
gale of 10th January over a dozen gannets were seen swooping and
diving, presumably at herring. Only with difficulty could we maintain
our position on the balcony, owing to the force of the wind, yet these
birds circled and dived amid the turmoil of wind and water with a
graceful ease and precision that seemed truly wonderful considering
the force of wind they occasionally beat up against, or, as they
turned broadside on, were wafted without the least exertion in the
opposite direction. The first week of February saw hundreds of these
birds back to their breeding haunts on the Bass Rock. From the deck
of the “Relief” steamer lying within a few hundred yards their
movements are clearly seen. Each projecting ledge of the
precipitous cliffs is tenanted by some members of the cackling
crowd, their heads see-sawing from side to side. The birds are
evidently engaged in brisk conversation, a monopoly of which is
certainly not tolerated amongst them, judging by the vigorous efforts
of each to be heard above his neighbour. Probably the new
lighthouse is being discussed in the light of an innovation on their
ancestral rights of possession, and later, as its beams fall athwart
their nursery, tradition may recall man’s former intrusion on their
solitary keep many hundred years ago. No doubt their ups and
downs since last meeting on terra firma are fully discussed, for it is a
curious fact that these birds are rarely, if ever, known to rest on
shore except when engaged in domestic duties. Occasionally a
depraved specimen may be seen floating helplessly on the water, a
victim of his own gluttony, having dined not wisely but too well.
February has been a repetition of its predecessor, cold and blowy,
with excessive rainfalls. In a shallow depression on the higher rock
surface our attention has been attracted to a solitary plant, a
specimen, I understand, of “Himanthalia lorea.” A cylindrical stem
(an inch in length) supports a thick, fleshy disc, about an inch in
diameter. From the centre of this disc three separate branches rise
with their terminals, blunted at first, but which were gradually seen to
bifurcate. This is our “flower in the crannied wall,” and is in its own
way equally as suggestive.
The eiders are occasionally seen varying their diet with a
vegetable course. Seizing the tip of a tangle blade two or three
inches from the surface, they spin round it like a top, till the portion
held in their bill is twisted off and greedily swallowed. No need for
them to evade the gulls while engaged in this repast. It is most
amusing to witness the discomfiture of the gulls as they hurry from a
distance expecting to share in something edible, only to find the duck
negotiating six inches of seaweed. That the white whelk itself is not
immune from enemies was recently brought before our notice, one
being picked up with a long black worm dangling from its mouth. On
withdrawing the worm—somewhat resembling a boot lace—portions
of the deceased tenant followed. Doubtless every organism has its
own particular parasite.
“Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite ’em,
And these again have lesser fleas and so ad infinitum.”
MARCH 1903.

Traditionally correct, the advent of this month was decidedly

leonine, and its exit as certainly lamb-like; but between these
periods, though a few really beautiful days could be credited to the
latter symbol of peacefulness, the lion was largely in the ascendant.
Borne on the off-shore wind comes the odour of heather—not the
fragrant perfume one usually associates with this sweet-smelling
plant, but the smoky incense consequent on moor-burning—and at
night the higher levels of the coast line exhibit lights which are
certainly not recognised in the Mariners’ Sailing Directions.
Over a score of steam trawlers have been busy in our
neighbourhood all the month. Sunday or Saturday is all the same to
them; they are at it night and day, and the weather must be bad
indeed to detain them in port. Often they are seen passing here
burying themselves to the foremast in the seas on their way to the
fishing grounds, perhaps twenty miles outside of us. The Rock
seems to be a recognised stage in their journey; for, whenever
abreast of it, over goes their log, and a compass course is laid for
the distant banks. Here, far outside the three-mile limit, the presence
of the Brenda or the Minna[1] causes no alarm; and, providing their
numbers are correctly exposed, receive no interference from these
coasting policemen. A few summers ago, one of these same
trawlers, while on her way out from Dundee one Sunday, surprised
us by driving right up on the reef in broad daylight, a hundred yards
from the tower. Fortunately, the sea was like glass at the time,
otherwise the consequences must have been disastrous. The tide
being on the ebb, their attempts to back off were unsuccessful; and
there they remained hard and fast from one o’clock till six in the
evening, when a passing trawler succeeded in towing them off,
evidently none the worse of their brief acquaintance with the Bell
Rock. During their detention, the crew paid us a visit in their boat,
recalling to our mind a story in which a clumsily handled brig, in
coming to an anchorage in a crowded harbour, ran aboard of a
vessel already anchored. Visiting this vessel a few days later, to
apologise for the occurrence, the offender was thus announced by
the steward: “Captain S—— has come on board, Sir.” “Oh, indeed,”
sarcastically remarked the aggrieved mariner. “Has he brought his
brig with him?”
The rocks are this year more plentifully strewn with mussel-spawn
and acorn barnacles than usual; and already the whelks have sallied
from their winter’s sleep, bent on their destruction. Hundreds of
hermit crabs have also made their appearance, notably first in the
deeper pools, but gradually taking up their quarters in the shallows.
Towards the end of the month, a few small spats of paidlefish spawn
were seen deposited in convenient crevices of the rocks. This is
unusually early for “nesting” operations, and engenders hopes of an
early fishing, as the ova is generally the first inducement for the
wandering cod to come within reach of our rods. Numerous clusters
of the wheat-like ova of the white whelk are also seen; but, unlike
that of the paidlefish (lumpsucker)—which may be detached from its
gelatinous fastenings in a solid mass—each egg adheres separately
by its own footstalk. Though the adult “paidles” are only to be seen
here during the period of incubation—the term seems quite
applicable, seeing that the guardian “cock” is always in close
attendance, with his nose thrust into the centre of the mass of ova, at
which point there is always a depression, and frequently a hole right
through it—juveniles are occasionally met with at all seasons; and,
on the first anniversary of their birthday, are seen to have attained
the length of two inches.
Numbers of peculiar looking slugs are met with at present,
somewhat resembling a section of a small orange with the skin
attached. On their upper surface, near to one end, a minute orifice is
seen, through which a small rosette like arrangement is protruded
when at rest, but which is instantly withdrawn when the animal is
disturbed. This is the only visible sign of life in this otherwise inert
object, and is probably its means of obtaining a living. Its under or
ambulatory surface is similar to that of a limpet, without its tenacity,
but with a somewhat similar rate of progression. Another small slug
noticed this month—no larger than one’s finger nail and recalling the
general appearance of the “fretful porcupine,” with “quills” arranged
along its back, and displaying beautiful shades of brilliant blue and
Saturday, 14th.—A beautiful warm sunny day, the sea like glass,
dappled here and there with great greasy-like patches peculiar to still
weather. Flocks of eiders, longtails, and gulls appear to be having a
day off, and float listlessly hither and thither, seeming only intent on
making themselves aggressively audible in the stillness, the longtails
piping a shrill treble to the sonorous bass of the eiders, while the
gulls contribute a fairly good imitation of a laughing chorus. Later, the
gulls are seen to bestir themselves, as myriads of small circles break
the glassy surface in their vicinity, betraying the presence of “fry,”
their legitimate food. Pecking from side to side as they float silently
through the shoal, they evidently enjoy the feast thus provided for
them. The sight of the gulls thus engaged apparently reminds the
ducks of their negligence in this respect, and paddling full speed
ahead, they are soon busy diving in the shallower water of the reef.
The longtails push their way right up to the base of the tower, round
which they are seen circling, plucking at the green vegetation
adhering to the stonework, and cackling loudly as they breathe for a
few seconds on the surface, all unconscious of our presence on the
balcony above them. A small piece of coal dropped while they are
still under water causes them to shoot away like startled minnows,
and only when they have put some distance between them and the
source of alarm do they make their appearance on the surface,
evidently much flustered by the mysterious noise. Though a couple
of fathoms deep, their alarm was apparent at the same moment the
coal struck the surface, proving that the sound and not the
appearance of the falling body was the disturbing cause. The end of
the month still sees them in close attendance, but any day now may
witness their exodus. But few spring migrants have come our way
this month, principally a few blackbirds, thrushes, and starlings.

[1] Fishery Board cruisers.

APRIL 1903.

Warm, sunny weather in the earlier part of the month raised our
hopes of a change of diet, and, coupled with the early appearance of
the paidlefish spawn, our expectations of an early fishing ran high.
On the 8th, the capture of three small cods in “Johnny Gray” track
increased our hopes, and again on the 9th, eight were taken, but
since then we’ve had no other. Cold, blowy weather, with heavy
seas, has rendered all attempts in this direction futile; however, the
attraction—as evidenced by the stomachs of those captured—still
increases, and numbers of bloated paidle “hens,” with their lower
jaws protruding like a prize bull-dog, are seen cruising sluggishly
among the tangles in quest of a suitable nesting place. The nests
this season are unusually small; sometimes they contain as much
ova as would fill a quart pot. Each ovum is a sixteenth of an inch in
diameter, and were all permitted to come to maturity—instead of
becoming food for other fishes as most do—would soon fill the sea
of themselves. “All nature is at one with rapine and war,” and
necessarily so, otherwise we would soon be crowded out of
Our winter residents, the eiders and longtails, have gradually
disappeared. On the 4th, a representative pair of each alone
remained, but these have now thought better of it and gone the way
of their more sensible comrades. A few gulls, herring, and kittiwakes
hover about, and guillemots and gannets are now common.
The gannets, I am informed by the keepers on the Bass Rock,
commenced laying there on the 11th. The solitary egg these birds
deposit is heavily coated with lime, which, when scrubbed off,
exposes a pale blue surface. This coating is probably the origin of
the fallacy that these birds ensure the safety of their eggs by
cementing them to the bare rock. On the contrary, each nest is
composed of quite a barrow-load of material of the most
miscellaneous description. One of these nests noted on the Bass
this season was seen to have the end of a soft-soap barrel for a
foundation, armfuls of withered grass, dried tangles, bits of rope,
string, cotton waste, and other flotsam and jetsam picked up about
the Rock. Amongst the lining of the nest, pheasant and partridge
feathers were seen, which were certainly not garnered on the Bass.
The harvesting of the withered grass was accomplished between
dark and daylight, and, therefore, unnoticed by the keepers, but the
area of their operations, as seen next day, suggested the presence
of a lawn mower. Thousands of these birds are slaughtered annually
by the St Kildians as an article of diet, and the wonder is, considering
the solitary egg deposited and that three years elapse before the
adult stage is reached, that they continue so numerous.
Dr Wallace, in his “Natural Selection,” speaking of birds in
general, tells us that, if permitted to live, in the ordinary course of
production “in fifteen years each pair of birds would have increased
to more than two thousand millions. Whereas we have no reason to
believe that the number of the birds of any country increases at all in
fifteen or in one hundred and fifty years. On the average, all above
one become food for hawks and kites, wild cats or weasels, or perish
of cold and hunger as winter comes on.”
Myriads of white whelks are now scattered over the Rock surface,
and already patches of mussels and acorn barnacles have been
cleared by their voracity. Their ova, which is to be met with in almost
every nook and cranny, is left to take care of itself. A patch of this
ova is situated in a position which a paidle-hen subsequently fancied
for a nursery, and, scorning all rights of possession, plastered her
ova indiscriminately over that of the whelks, with the result that they
are now under the special care of the guardian “cock.”
A stranded cuttlefish was an object of much interest one evening
this month. What a queer-looking object it appeared, with its eight
long tentacles squirming in all directions, its body a slobbery mass of
animated mucilage. Although only a foot in diameter it required some
force to detach it from the rock, as each of the tentacles is furnished
with rows of suckers on its under side. By extending the tentacles in
front, the animal was able to move along the Rock surface, not in a
jerky fashion, as might be expected, but with a continuous gliding
motion, clearly showing that each sucker acted independently of its
neighbour. If taken hold of, one or other of the tentacles is
immediately twisted round the hand with a tenacity that seems
surprising considering the size of the animal, and one can then
realise to some extent the stories occasionally heard of its giant
relatives of the tropics. Irritated, it appears to have the properties of
the chameleon, flushing through all the gradations of colour in quick
succession, and latterly discharging a jet of fluid of inky blackness.
This resource, however, was utterly useless in the present
circumstances, but, on placing the animal in a shallow pool of water,
its use was at once apparent, for on being touched it immediately
rendered itself invisible by the inky fluid discharged. Frequent
irritation, however, exhausted its stock of ink, and latterly only clear
water was expelled. This expulsion, when effected on the Rock, was
accompanied by an audible murmur. The narrow slits of eyes closely
resemble those of a dog-fish, and the head, with the anterior tentacle
elevated in the air, grotesquely reminds one of an elephant in the act
of trumpeting.
MAY 1903.

During the first few hours of this month our lantern was the centre
of a twittering throng of feathered migrants. Wheatears, rockpipits,
starlings, wrens, and robins fluttered erratically through the rays or
clamoured in their innocence against the glass, apparently desiring a
closer acquaintance with the source of light. Puffs of feathers floated
away on the easterly breeze as some unfortunate, less discreet than
his fellows, crashed against the invisible barrier. The coming dawn,
however, reveals to the survivors the absurdity of their position, and
ere the light is extinguished they have resumed their journey
shorewards. Frequent fogs occurred in the earlier part of the month,
and during the prevalence of a long spell a long-eared owl was
captured on the balcony and held prisoner for a week, during which
time various samples of our commissariat were offered for his
acceptance without avail. A luckless sparrow, the only one by the
way I have seen here, was then captured and placed at his disposal.
This proved more in his line of business, for on the morning after the
rump and tail feathers alone were left. Next day the indigestible
portions, feathers, etc., were cast up in the form of a compact ball.
Later a thrush was similarly offered, but after a couple of days in
each other’s company remained untouched. It was amusing to see
the spirited attitude assumed by the thrush when in the presence of
his natural foe. Screaming aggressively at the slightest movement of
the owl, he would lunge furiously in his direction, his bill all the while
snapping audibly. The fog having cleared somewhat, both were then
set at liberty.
Another very rare visitor seen here this month was a sheldrake,
which passed close overhead flying south. This is the first I have
seen here, but in Orkney these birds are very numerous and are
there known as the burrow duck, or sly-goose. Sly they certainly are,
as evidenced by a pair which nested regularly within a couple of
hundred yards of the lighthouse at which I was then stationed. A
covered drain was the site annually chosen, the nest being placed
several yards from the mouth, which opened out on a spacious
grassy hollow. The bright brown and white plumage, with vermilion
bill and feet, render these birds most conspicuous objects in an
ordinary landscape; but squatting on a shingly beach, where their
colours harmonise better with their surroundings, their presence is
less easily detected. Frequently I have watched their movements
with a telescope from the lantern, and though no one was stirring
within seeing distance of them, the greatest caution was always
exercised in approaching the nest. Lighting a hundred yards from the
nest, a pretence of feeding diligently was made, though their heads
could be seen frequently lifting in the direction from which intrusion
was to be expected. Gradually circling nearer the nest, passing and
repassing it with apparent indifference, till within a few feet of it they
would then suddenly vanish. The exact moment of their entrance I
was never able to note, as they appeared to assume an invisibility
during the remaining few feet of their journey that was really
astonishing, but which is less a matter of surprise when one has
witnessed the squatting in concealment of a hen pheasant on sparse
grassy ground. Burrow duck is a name applied to these birds from
their habit of nesting in disused rabbit burrows. I have counted as
many as forty young ones following a single pair, while others may
have only three or four juveniles in their train. It is said they do not
scruple to steal the young ones from each other. If alarmed while
feeding among the decaying seaware on the beach, some of the
parents will fly to meet the intruder and endeavour to divert his
attention in another direction, while the others fly seawards, followed
by their callow broods flapping their little wings, while their feet tip-tip
the surface—a veritable walking on the waters.
Just as the rocks were being overflowed the other day, we had a
visit of another bird which is but rarely seen here, namely, the oyster-
catcher. The plumage beautiful black and white, the feet and bill a
brilliant red; the latter, which is flattened vertically, suggestive of a
stick of sealing wax. Though fairly well acquainted with this species, I
never had the good fortune till now to see them in the rôle of limpet
pickers, by which name they are known in some localities. From the
balcony, with the aid of the telescope, his movements were brought
within a few feet of us. Wading an inch or so deep, where the limpets
were probably opening to the influence of the incoming tide, he
appeared to make a judicious selection; then, with a single sidelong
blow of his chisel-like bill, he turned the no doubt astonished mollusc
upside down. Seizing it in his bill, he carried it to a still dry portion of
the Rock, and in a twinkling he had the limpet out of its shell, and
journeying up his long bill to its doom. The tip of the upper mandible
appeared to do the scooping out, while the lower merely acted as a
resistance outside the shell, the operation being performed more
quickly than even the adroit oyster-man turns out his wares on the
half-shell. Though not web-footed nor in the habit of diving, I
remember seeing one of these birds, which had been winged with a
gun-shot, dive repeatedly in order to escape further injury.
On the afternoon of the 16th, two days earlier than last year, a
loud chorus of discordant voices floating to our bedroom windows
announced the presence of a large flock of terns—their first arrival
here since wintering in the sunny south. Screaming and diving, they
appear tireless in the pursuit of their prey, which, with the aid of the
telescope, is seen to consist of inch-long “fry.” How trim and neat
they appear as they cluster on the rocks as the tide recedes, pruning
their feathers and chattering vociferously; the head enshrouded in a
black, glossy skull-cap, the back and wings a bluish grey, the under
parts of unsullied white; the long sharp-pointed scarlet bill tipped with
black in harmony with the legs, and small webbed feet. This active
little bird is also called the Sea Swallow, an alias assumed from its
long narrow wings and forked tail.
The sea has been literally alive with large poddlies this month.
Morning and evening they can be seen “breaking” on the surface in
pursuit of “fry,” splashing loudly in their efforts. Though somewhat
averse to our lure, we generally manage to secure a breakfast. On
quiet, still days, good sized cod are seen prowling over the rocks;
and, though lines were set at low water, they were seen at high
water to pass the temptation with indifference. Fishermen aver that
all fish have times when the most tempting delicacy fails to attract
their attention; and possibly this is the case with those which have
been lately under our observation. Hermit crabs at present are seen
to be carrying spawn; and one which was removed from its shell was
seen to have the spawn so far advanced that, when placed in a
shallow pool, they released their attachment with the parent, and
began life as free swimmers. A small fish of the blenny species,
when taken from the crevice in which the tide had left it, was quite
dark coloured, but when placed in a pool was seen to adapt itself to
the colouring of the bottom on which it rested, assuming a mottled
grey scarcely distinguishable from the pool bottom.
Painters have been busy for the latter half of this month repainting
the outside of the building. Favoured with suitable weather, a
fortnight sufficed for the operation of donning the triennial coat,
which will explain the apparent proximity with which it has been lately
viewed from Arbroath.

A close inspection of the flowing tide as it swirls around our gratings

reveals the presence of myriads of minute globular jellyfishes—the
cydippe pileus—said to be the favourite food of the arctic whale,
though one would scarcely expect these bulky cetaceans to thrive or
even subsist on such watery diet. Ranging in size from a pin head to
a walnut, what a gap each mouthful must make in their numbers.
The poddlies themselves are not averse to this form of food, as they
are occasionally seen to disgorge them when landed in our doorway.
The common jellyfish progresses through the water with a pulsating
movement of the entire disc, such movement being termed
“pulmonigrade,” and somewhat resembles the action of an umbrella
being partially opened and closed. The mode of progression in the
case of the cydippe is, however, different, and is termed “ciliograde,”
as the propulsion is effected by means of eight vertical bands of cilia
or minute plates overlapping each other. Each plate having an
independent action of its own, the animal can propel itself in any
desired direction, or, by resting them against its spherical body, sink
to the bottom. In sunshine these animals in their evolutions emit the
most beautiful combinations of colour one could imagine, but “you
seize the flower, its bloom is shed”—scooped up in the hollow of the
hand their beauty vanishes, and only a small spat of inert
transparent jelly remains. Here at present in the Rock pools one may
witness a peculiar phase in the evolution of the jellyfish. Along with
many beautiful varieties of marine vegetation, miniature forests of fir
trees garnish the bottom of each shallow pool. These lilliputian firs,
with their branches no thicker than a hair, are but plants in
semblance, for here is the opening chapter in the life history of the
medusae. Under the lens each fragile shoot is seen to consist of
multitudes of small discs piled upon each other like so many
saucers, each of which will, in due course, detach itself from its
neighbour and enter on its new existence as fully equipped as the
exaggerated specimens frequently seen stranded on our beaches.
Lurking amongst the vegetation in the pools are numerous tiny
spider-crabs, roaming about in search of food. Only by their
movements can they be located, as each bears about with it quite a
luxuriant growth of vegetation, with which I understand all
crustaceans would become invested did they not—ludicrous as it
may seem—regularly attend to their toilet. The “spider,” however,
unable to procure a living by force of arms like his bigger brother,
has recourse to the subterfuge of posing as an innocent patch of
marine vegetation, and by such concealment is enabled to capture
food which would be otherwise unattainable. The females at present
are seen to be carrying spawn. When changing their position in the
pool it is somewhat surprising to see a portion of the plants, which
one has been admiring, suddenly become endowed with the powers
of locomotion, detach itself from the mass, and, ambling leisurely
round the pool, come to rest on the fringe of some other patch with
which it completely harmonises.
During the whole of June, at daybreak and again in the evening,
the sea around us appeared literally alive with large-sized poddlies.
Their continual flip-flop on the surface in pursuit of “fry” could be
distinctly heard from the balcony. Though frequently within reach of
our attempts from the doorway, they failed to appreciate our
invitation to any extent, and only with much perseverance did we
occasionally manage to breakfast at their expense. A few cod have
been taken from the pools at low water. The deepest of these pools
is about a couple of fathoms at low water, and has the reputation of
being a sort of convalescent home, as fish are occasionally taken
there which are in anything but the pink of condition. Fishing there
lately, I hooked a cod two feet long, and was somewhat surprised to
see the feeble resistance it made. On landing it, however, it was
seen to be a most phthisical-looking specimen and in the last stages
of emaciation, the bones almost protruding through the skin.
Needless to state, his life was spared, and the patient returned to his
element. I have frequently seen emaciated specimens of the cod
family, but as they were full grown, fishermen attributed this to old
age, but this was certainly not the case with our catch, it being but
half grown.

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