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Eggshells As A Sustainable Source For Acetone Prod

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Original article

Eggshells as a Sustainable Source for Acetone Production

Mohammed Nsaif Abbas, Suha Anwer Ibrahim, Zaid Nsaif Abbas, Thekra
Atta Ibrahim

PII: S1018-3639(21)00012-X
Reference: JKSUES 479

To appear in: Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sci‐


Received Date: 15 May 2020

Revised Date: 22 January 2021
Accepted Date: 25 January 2021

Please cite this article as: Nsaif Abbas, M., Anwer Ibrahim, S., Nsaif Abbas, Z., Atta Ibrahim, T., Eggshells as a
Sustainable Source for Acetone Production, Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences (2021), doi:

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Eggshells as a Sustainable Source for prepared calcium acetate at 380 °C to
Acetone Production produce acetone in a stainless steel reactor.
Mohammed Nsaif Abbas1, Suha Anwer The results of testing the samples by the gas
Ibrahim1, Zaid Nsaif Abbas 2, Thekra Atta chromatography (GC) showed that the
Ibrahim3 maximum yield of acetone is 96.395%. With
1 Mustansiriyah University, College of these experimental results, this study
Engineering, Environmental Engineering presents a new idea in food waste
Department management as one of the solid waste types
2 Al-Nahrain University, Biotechnology by utilizing it in a useful manner to produce
College, Department of Biomedical important materials in an economical,
Technology beneficial and environmentally friendly
3 Diyala University, College of Education way, reaching to the concept of zero residue
for Pure Science, Department of Biology level (ZRL).
Key words: Acetone, eggshells,
Abstract sustainability, residues, thermal decomposes
Everyday, tons of food wastes are and zero residue level (ZRL)
thrown to the environment constantly by 1. Introduction
people in the cities, which contain many Acetone or propanone is the first, simplest,
beneficial substances. One of these and easiest type of compounds belongs to
beneficial wastes of unknown value is the ketones group (Yoshimura and Chang,
eggshells. Although the eggshells are 1998). It is characterized as a colorless
considered negligible and not valuable transparent liquid with a density lower than
material, however, the many researches that water density (its specific weight is 0.787 at
dealt with this substance proved its high room temperature) while its boiling point is
potential to turn into many useful substances 56.53 °C (Howard, 2002). It has a
such as a catalyst in biodiesel preparation or distinctive sharp odor that resembles flowers
as a media for adsorption of heavy metals or cucumber. Acetone is high solubility in
and dyes or soil fertilizer and others. The water and most other organic solvents such
current study highlighted the benefit as ether, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol,
possibility of white chicken eggshells chloroform and benzene (Bingham and
(WCES) from another side, considering it as Cohrssen, 2012). Acetone comprises of a
a raw material for preparing acetone one of ketone functional group in addition to two
the most important industrial solvents. The identical alkyls, which are the methyl group
results obtained showed that this worthless on both sides of the ketone functional group,
raw material has a high effectiveness for so its chemical formula is CH3COCH3 and
acetone production by containing 94.519% its molecular weight is 58.08 g/mole
by weight of calcium carbonate. The process (Howard, 2002). Acetone itself is an
of converting WCES to acetone was carried important industrial solvent and usually
out in two steps, the first one were Eggshells as a Sustainable Source for
producing calcium acetate by treating it with Acetone Production
glacial acetic acid in a batch mode reaction Abstract: Everyday, tons of food wastes are
unit at room temperature and agitation thrown to the environment constantly by
speed, acid % excess and contact time of people in the cities, which contain many
200 rpm, 20% and 2 hours respectively. beneficial substances. One of these
Whereas, the next step involved conducting beneficial wastes of unknown value is
the process of thermal decomposition of the eggshells. Although the eggshells are
considered negligible and not valuable easiest type of compounds belongs to the
material, however, the many researches that ketones group (Yoshimura and Chang,
dealt with this substance proved its high 1998). It is characterized as a colorless
potential to turn into many useful substances transparent liquid with a density lower than
such as a catalyst in biodiesel preparation or water density (its specific weight is 0.787 at
as a media for adsorption of heavy metals room temperature) while its boiling point is
and dyes or soil fertilizer and others. The 56.53 °C (Howard, 2002). It has a
current study highlighted the benefit distinctive sharp odor that resembles flowers
possibility of white chicken eggshells or cucumber. Acetone is high solubility in
(WCES) from another side, considering it as water and most other organic solvents such
a raw material for preparing acetone one of as ether, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol,
the most important industrial solvents. The chloroform and benzene (Bingham and
results obtained showed that this worthless Cohrssen, 2012). Acetone comprises of a
raw material has a high effectiveness for ketone functional group in addition to two
acetone production by containing 94.519% identical alkyls, which are the methyl group
by weight of calcium carbonate. The process on both sides of the ketone functional group,
of converting WCES to acetone was carried so its chemical formula is CH3COCH3 and
out in two steps, the first one were its molecular weight is 58.08 g/mole
producing calcium acetate by treated it with (Howard, 2002). Acetone was first
glacial acetic acid in a batch mode reaction recognized by chemists in the late of middle
unit at room temperature and agitation ages by dry distillation of metal acetates
speed, acid % excess and contact time of such as Lead acetate (Gorman and
200 rpm, 20% and 2 hours respectively. Doering, 1959). The French chemist Jean
Whereas, the next step involved conducting Baptiste André Dumas (Dumas, 1832) and
the process of thermal decomposition of the the German chemist Justus Freiherr von
prepared calcium acetate at 380 °C to Liebig (Liebig, 1832) was able to determine
produce acetone in a stainless steel reactor. the experimental chemical formula for this
The results of testing the samples by the gas compound in 1832. One year later (i.e. in
chromatography (GC) showed that the 1833) this compound was called (acetone)
maximum yield of acetone is 96.395%. With by another French chemist, Antoine
these experimental results, this study Alexandre Brutus Bussy, who attached the
presents a new idea in food waste corresponding acid stem (acetic acid) by the
management as one of the solid waste types suffix (-one) (Bussy, 1833). In 1852, the
by utilizing it in a useful manner to produce English chemist Alexander William
important materials in an economical, Williamson defined acetone as methyl acetyl
beneficial and environmentally friendly (Williamson, 1852). The acetone structure
way, reaching to the concept of zero residue was mentioned in 1861 by the Austrian
level (ZRL). scientist Johann Josef Loschmidt, but his
Key words: Acetone, eggshells, booklet published privately received little
sustainability, residues, thermal decomposes attention (Loschmidt, 1861). Therefore, the
and zero residue level (ZRL) structural formula of acetone is attributed to
Introduction: Acetone or propanone, also the German chemist Friedrich August
known as di-methyl ketone and 2- Kekulé von Stradonitz which he wrote down
propanone, is an organic compound in one of his papers in 1865 (Kekulé, 1865
consisting of three carbon atoms (Allen et. and Kekulé, 1866). Acetone itself is an
al., 1952) and is the first, simplest, and important industrial solvent and usually
considered the preferred solvent for acetone, as it achieved a production close to
laboratory cleaning (Drueckhammer et. al., 95%, in which the vapor is passed in the
2013). Large quantities of it are used as a presence a catalyst of copper or brass at high
solvent for cellulose acetate in rayon (Chen temperature ranging from 400 - 500 °C, by
et. al., 2014) and used as a main compound the mid-1960s, all US acetone production
in the dyes’ industries (Chen et. al., 2017), was made using this method (Howard,
manufacture of plastics (Chandrasekaran, 2011). After that a new method for
2007), fibers (Keith et. al., 2017), producing acetone based on direct oxidation
pharmaceuticals (Grodowska and of propylene was developed by Wacker
Parczewski, 2010), used as a solvent in Chemie (Coker, 2015), but there is no clear
some washing liquids and other chemicals evidence of its use as a commercial
(Carniel et. al., 2017). Acetone is also used production method, especially in the United
to get rid of stains for floors and furniture, States, but it was used by Kyowa Kuka
especially ink stains. Moreover it is used for Company and Mitsubishi Kassi Corporation
cleaning utensils made from chinaware and to produce acetone in Japan (Howard,
ceramic and removing glue and adhesive 2011). On the other hand, Shell Chemical
materials (Leung et. al., 2018). Previously Corporation produced acetone as a
until the first years of the World War I secondary compound associated with
acetone was produced in commercial glycerin at a rate of 1.26 kg of acetone per
quantities via dry distillation of the acetate kg of glycerin based on the hydrogenation of
in a ketonic decarboxylation process such as the raw material, which is propylene to
dry distillation of calcium acetate from lime isopropyl alcohol (Rosales-Calderon and
and pyroligneous acid (Howard, 2011). Arantes, 2019). By the mid-1970s, the
Then, during World War I, Chaim Azriel method of producing acetone as well as
Weizmann developed a new method for phenol from the cleavage of cumene
acetone production through acetone-butanol- hydroperoxide represented about 65% of US
ethanol-industrial bacterial fermentation production where the yield of acetone by
using a specific type of microbiology which this way is 94% on average and the weight
is Clostridium acetobutylicum bacteria ratio of acetone to phenol ranges between
(Birgen et al., 2019). The time of this 0.60- 0.62 (Abbas and Abbas, 2013).
process was important due to the increasing Acetone production continued at a yield of
need for this material, since acetone was an approximately 90% in addition to hydrogen
essential and important compound in the peroxide by Shell Chemical Corporation as
production of the necessary Cordite required by-products of the non-catalytic oxidation
for synthesis of weapons, and this process of isopropyl alcohol in the liquid
contributed in helping the British war effort phase until the mid-1980s (Centi et. al.,
significantly. The acetone-butanol-ethanol 2009). Thereafter, the same company
fermentation process was subsequently developed a Hock process to produce phenol
abandoned due to insignificant production through double oxidation of cumene and
and innovation of newer production methods sec-butylbenzene; the coproducts of this
in greater quantities and better quality process were methyl ethyl ketone and
(Sifniades and Levy, 2005). In the early acetone. Moreover, the process was
twenties of last century, the most widely characterized by the possibility to change
used method for producing acetone was the ratio of acetone (acetone) to MEK.
dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol. This Despite the high cost of the Hock phenol
method proved its efficiency in preparing process, the large amount produced from
MEK was compensated the additional cost beneficial manures used to develop the
(Howard, 2011). In a similar method to the concept of zero residue level (ZRL).
cumene cleavage method, Methodology
diisopropylbenzene was used to produce The Raw Material: The raw material for
acetone in addition to benzene-1,4-diol or preparing acetone in this study is white
quinol (Durairaj, 2005). Currently, the chicken eggshell (WCES), which is deemed
cumene cleavage method produces more as a source of calcium carbonite (CaCO3).
than 90% of the global acetone production, WCES were obtained from the remains of
as well as the direct oxidation of domestic usage, and wastes of fast food
hydrocarbons and the catalytic oxidation of restaurants in Baghdad city. The collection
isopropyl alcohol methods (Abbas and process took place during December 2019 as
Abbas, 2013). In vitro, acetone can be the consumption of chicken eggs in the
prepared from the oxidation of isopropyl winter season is higher than the rest months
alcohol, the thermal decomposes of calcium of the year in Iraq. After that the collected
acetate, or by bacterial fermentation of some WCES was washed very carefully with
sugar types (Rosales-Calderon and excess of tap water to remove dirt, dust,
Arantes, 2019). It is also produced as a by- stuck and food waste then washed with
product of the Hock process, in which deionized water. The next step in the
benzene and propane are used as feedstocks preparation was to get rid of the inner
to produce phenol, and from other methods, membranes of WCES because they contain
acetone is produced by smaller quantities substances such as fibrous proteins,
(Daowdat et. al., 2017). On the other hand, glycosaminoglycans and other unwanted
Eggshell represents a very benefit non- substances. The WCES contains two
valuable material and used in many membranes; the first one can be removed,
applications such as adsorption of heavy which can be observed directly easily, while
metals due to their characteristics properties the other needs to finger rubbing or by brush
(Abbas and Ibrahim, 2019 and Abbas and to remove it. The washed WCES was wiped
Alalwan, 2019) like its surface area and with paper towel very carefully and then
contains of calcium carbonate. The current dried using sun heat for 7 days at an average
paper discusses the possibility of using the of 8 hours per day. After 3 p.m. on each
food wastes represented by the white working day, the WCES are kept in a dry
chicken eggshell (WCES) as a raw material place to avoid exposure to nighttime
for producing acetone by a chemical process moisture due to the temperature drop after
includes two steps; the first step is digested sunset. When the natural drying period was
the WCES with glacial acetic acid to prepare ended, the WCES were dried in the oven for
calcium acetate and then decomposes 48 hours at a temperature of 50 °C to avoid
calcium acetate thermally to produce burning and turning to carbon form. The
acetone in the second step. The study also completely dried WCES were crushed using
aims to determine the optimum conditions mortar and pestle and then sieved by series
for acetone production in a maximum yield. of standard sieves to study the particle size
By this method; the utilizing from a kind of distribution of WCES i.e. the raw material.
residue, namely white chicken eggshell The nominal aperture sizes of sieves used
(WCES), which is throwing with huge ranged between 3-18 mesh. Finally, the
quantities to the environment in economical sieved WCES were stored in a 500 ml sealed
and eco-friendly way as one of the amber glass jars of 100 mm screw white lid
and in a dry place until used later.
Determination of Calcium Carbonate in containing 0.1 M of sodium hydroxide
WCES: Back titration method was used to solution. When all air bubbles were removed
calculate the percentage weight of calcium from the burette and the initial volume was
carbonate in the white chicken eggshells recorded to the nearest ± 0.01 ml, the
(WCES), which is the source of the titration process was begun and continued
feedstock. Initially, certain quantities of carefully and precisely until a persistent
WCES were treated with different volumes barely-pink color is gradually faded when
of 0.1M Hydrochloric acid (HCL of 37% the endpoint is reached. Addition of NaOH
concentration) supplied by Fluka Company. to the solution was continuous very slowly
Digestion test took place in 100 ml drop by drop until the color remains at least
Erlenmeyer conical flasks covered with 30 seconds until it disappears, then the final
aluminum foil using Hotplate Magnetic volume of burette was recorded to the
stirrer (CMS-03H CONTECH Instruments nearest ±0.01 ml. The titration process was
Ltd) at a temperature of 50 °C and moderate triplicate for each sample in order to reduce
agitation speed. 3-5 drops of ethanol alcohol the experimental error of the results
was added to the mixture as a wetting agent obtained. The volume resulted by
which helps to dissolve the calcium subtracting the last reading from the initial
carbonate in WCES by hydrochloric acid. reading in the burette represents the volume
After 10-15 minutes the WCES was of sodium hydroxide required for reacted
agglomerated and settle in the bottom of the with residual hydrochloric acid in the
flask and form a white layer of digestion sample. Thereafter from the
proteinaceous substance. Therefore, it was knowledge of the initial amount, it is
necessary to wash the sides of the flask possible to know the quantity of HCl acid
using a squirt bottle periodically to maintain reacted with calcium carbonate. Thus the
a steady level of liquid in the beaker and to weight percentage of CaCO3 in the WCES
continue the reaction in addition to get was calculated.
complete dissolution of the calcium Acetone Production Process: After
carbonate and also to prevent the WCES determining the weight percentage of
from burning and transforming to brown calcium carbonate (i.e. the amount of
color. When the WCES have completely CaCO3) in the WCES as aforementioned
dissolved and no settling amount has above, it became theoretically possible to
occurred, the reaction is completed. determine the amount of WCES required as
Proteinaceous substances remain floating on a feedstock for acetone production process.
the surface of the fluid in the flask after The production of acetone from WCES
allowed to cool down, and so the beaker included two major steps. The first one was
walls were washed for last time. Back the preparation of calcium acetate from the
titration was the next step, as the resulting treatment of WCES with vinegar (glacial
digestion sample was titrated with a known acetic acid solution was used), while the
volume and concentration sample of sodium other step represented by conducting of
hydroxide NaOH supplied by Fluka thermal decomposition of calcium acetate at
Company. Before beginning by the titration various temperatures. Following, a detailed
process, 3-4 drops of Phenolphthalein explanation of the two steps for acetone
solution 1% in ethanol indicator (purchased production.
by Sigma Aldrich Co.-Germany) were added First step: Preparation of Calcium
to the sample. The Erlenmeyer conical flask Acetate CaCO3: The calcium acetate
is placed under a 150 ml filled burette Ca(CH3COO)2 needed to produce acetone
was manufactured by the reaction of calcium 1.4
carbonate CaCO3available by 94.519 Wt.%
in WCES with a different % excess of the 1.2
100% concentrated glacial acetic acid

CH3COOH purchased by Sigma Aldrich
Co.-Germany. The reaction was carried out 0.8
in a batch mode unit (thermo-scientific
MaxQ SHKE7000 Benchtop Water Bath 0.6
Shaker, Model 4303) at different % excess
of glacial acetic acid which was varied
between 5-25%. While the other operational 0.2
factors, i.e., temperature, agitation speed and
reaction time ranged were constant at room 0
temperature 300 rpm and 120 minutes 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
respectively. The maximum amount of Acetic Acid Concentration, (mg/l)
calcium acetate prepared was determined
based on the remaining concentration of Figure 1 The calibration curve of glacial
glacial acetic acid; since the design acetic acid using UV-spectrophotometer at
conditions in which the amount of acetic λmax = 204 nm
acid consumed was as large as possible were Second Step: Acetone Production: After
optimal operational conditions. completing the preparation of the feedstock
Determination of Glacial Acetic Acid (calcium acetate) from the raw material
Remaining: The chemicals resulting from (WCES), the process of producing acetone
the reaction of calcium carbonate and glacial through thermal decomposition of the
acetic acid were calcium acetate, water, prepared calcium carbonate was started. The
carbon dioxide gas and the excess of glacial thermal decomposition process was carried
acetic acid according to balanced chemical out in a locally fabricated stainless steel
equation (1): tubular reactor of 125 ml, 3.81 cm and 2 mm
𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑂3 + 2𝐶𝐻3𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻→𝐶𝑎(𝐶𝐻3𝐶𝑂𝑂)2 + 𝐻2𝑂 + 𝐶𝑂capacity, 2 …(1) diameter and thickness
Therefore, the remaining glacial acetic acid respectively. The reactor comprises of three
concentration was calculated for inferencing zones, the height of each upper and the
and subsequent calculating of calcium lower zones was 3 cm and filled with small
acetate produced according to equation (1) clear transparent glass beads of spherical
stoichiometry after the reaction was shape of approximately 0.8 mm outer
completed. Measuring of glacial acetic acid diameter while the middle zone contains
remaining concentration was performed exactly 158.17 g of calcium acetate. The
spectrophotometrically. Whereas, several reactor was heated by heating tape (Dual-
known concentrations of glacial acetic acid Element Heating Tape) of half inches in
were prepared and the absorbance was diameter and 72 inches length and supplied
measured at the wavelength of 204 nm thus, by digital temperature controller (41102405
the calibration curve was prepared according BriskHeat CPSDCJCA-BWH052060LD).
to the method described in (McConnell et. The outer surface of reactor was insulated
al., 1993). Figure 1 shows the calibration by three layers of fiberglass of conductivity
curve of glacial acetic acid using the 0.05 W/m.K. From the top, the reactor was
spectrophotometer at λmax = 204 nm. connected by laboratory flexible rubber hose
(resistance to pressure and heat) with glass
condenser (300mm, 24/40, Glass Graham
Condenser, Jacket 30cm and 10 mm
diameter, Coiled Exchanger) held by
stainless steel stand and clamp. The cold
water was supplied to condenser from chiller
(850 W TopChiller® INTERNATIONAL)
in order to condense the products produced
from the decomposition process which was
collected in an Erlenmeyer conical flasks of
100 ml putted under the outlet of condenser.
Initially the reactor was heated via gradually
increasing the temperature by 5 °C per
minute from the ambient temperature until it
reaches 400 °C, which is the maximum
temperature at which the decomposes
process of calcium acetate was took place.
When the temperature reaches to 145 °C the
sample was completely dried from any
moisture. Thereafter the feedstock turned on Figure 2 The schematic diagram of calcium
dehydrated calcium acetate when the inner acetate decomposing unit
and outer water crystals were evaporated
between 145-248 °C. The dehydrated
calcium acetate was beginning to
decompose at 250 °C; where the evaporated
products condensed and distilled inside the
collecting flask as and the process was
continued up to 400 °C when the unit is was
shut down. Figure 2 shows the schematic
diagram of decomposing unit. The amount
of acetone in collected sample was
determined using gas chromatography
device (Dani instrument GC/1000) of
column Supel-QTM PLOT according to the
method describes in (Valavala et. al., 2018).
As revealed from Figure 3 also, the GC
analysis of standard sample and calibration
curve of acetone.
Figure 3 The GC analysis of acetone and
calibration curve

Results and Discussion

WECS Particle size: Experiments to study
the effect of varying the particle size of
WCES on the volume of acetone produced
had been carried out on at 400 ° C and 25%
excess of glacial acetic acid. Figure 4
explains the effect between two variables. It
is noticeable that there is a direct
proportional relationship between the WCES

Volume of Acetone Produced, (ml)

particles size and the volume of producing
acetone, as the WCES particle size increases 70
from 3-16 mesh, the volume produced
increases from 49.2509 ml to 71.3653 ml, 65
i.e. about 31%. The definition of mesh size
is the number of sieve openings per square 60
inch, i.e. the greater mesh size, meaning
more holes, and therefore the particle size is 55
increase. Therefore, when the surface area of
the WCES increases, the area exposed to the 50
reaction with glacial acetic acid will be
greater and the quantity of calcium acetate 45
result will be higher and thus the production 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
of acetone for the same amount of WCES WCES Particle Size, (mesh)
will increase. So increasing mesh size from
3 to 16 means the WCES particle size has Figure 4 Effect of varying of WCES
decreased from 6.73 mm to 1 mm, which particle size on the volume of acetone
raises the surface area of the WCES by at produced
least 38.5%. This means that there is an Glacial acetic acid % Excess: Glacial
increase in the reaction surface for the same acetic acid is the main material for
amount and therefore the calcium acetate converting the content of calcium carbonate
synthesis will be greater and the amount of in the WCES to calcium acetate and
WCES unreacted will be decreased. This subsequent to acetone. The basis of present
explains the increase in the volume of study was constant amount of 105.891 g of
acetone produced from the decomposition of WCES which contains 100.0869 g of
calcium acetate. This result is consistent calcium carbonate in all experiments. As a
with the findings of (Fu et. al., 2014) in result of fluid behavior (including glacial
their study on the reaction kinetic of the acetic acid) and other operational conditions,
nanopartic zinc sulfate oxidation and also the required volume of acid for reacting with
with the results of (Dubois et. al., 2010) calcium carbonate contained in WCES may
who conclude a relationship between the be insufficient to achieve the maximum
particle size and the surface area of chlorite yield of the process. Therefore, the alteration
and K-feldspar. in the percentage excess glacial acetic acid
was studied to determine the best value
approaching the optimal production of
acetone, which is 74.0344 ml which
concluded from material balance
calculations according to the balanced
chemical equation (1). While the other
operating variables were kept constant at
400 °C and 16 mesh for dissociation
temperature and WCES particle size
respectively. As shown in Figure (5), the
increase in the % excess of glacial acetic
acid leads to an increase in the volume of
acetone produced in the range (1-20) %,
meaning that the relationship between them Temperature of Calcium acetate
is directly proportional. The reason for this decomposition: After determining the
result can be attributed to that the increase in optimum WCES particle size and the
the % excess of glacial acetic acid provided required % excess of glacial acetic acid, the
an additional number of molecules that can effect of varying the temperature factor of
react with calcium carbonate at the optimum calcium acetate decomposition on the
WCES particle size and therefore there will acetone productivity was discussed in this
be an additional conversion of the raw section. By reviewing the literature (Asmi
material to calcium carbonate. This will lead and Low, 2014) and (Bilton et. al., 2012) it
to an increase in the amount of calcium was found that the ideal range for thermal
acetate produced and thus increase the decomposes of calcium acetate to produce
volume of acetone produced, i.e. increasing acetone is 250-400 °C. The experimental
the reaction yield. In addition to the data obtained for the effect of temperature
foregoing, it is observed from Figure (5) that change on the thermal decomposition of
the volume of acetone produced remains calcium acetate within the studied range are
constant despite the increase in the % excess represented in Figure 6. Figure 6 shows
of glacial acetic acid beyond 20%. This may that increasing the decomposition
explain that the constant number of calcium temperature of calcium acetate resulted in
carbonate molecules in WCES does not increasing the volume of acetone produced
require an additional amount of glacial between 250-380 °C. In general, the
acetic acid (at this operating conditions), and temperature factor is considered one of the
that the number of surplus glacial acid most important factors affecting the
molecules will remain in the solution chemical reactions. Thus, increasing
without reacting to consume the raw temperature leads to an increase in the
material. Thus, the 20% excess of glacial kinetic energy of the reacting molecules,
acetic acid is the optimum value for acetone which increases the chance of effective
production, which is 71.3653 ml. This result collisions or the formation of the activated
is agreed with (Luyben, 2000) and (Abbas complex and thus increases the efficiency of
and Abbas, 2013). the reaction. In the present study, this result
can be explained by the fact that increasing
Volume of Acetone Produced, (ml)

the reaction temperature increases the
70 susceptibility of the calcium acetate
molecules to decompose by providing them
65 with additional energy that leads to their
liberation from the molecular bonding in the
60 material. On the other hand, it enables it to
form a new molecular structure, that is to
55 say, another chemical after liberation, and
thus the yield of acetone will increase,
50 thereby increasing the efficiency of the
decomposition reaction. Increasing the
45 decomposition temperature of calcium
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 acetate
21 from 24 250 27
°C to 380 °C lead to
Excess of Acetic Acid (%) increase the volume of acetone produced
from 48.4613 ml to 71.3653 ml and this
Figure 5 Effect of % excess of glacial acetic result is consistent with the result of (Asmi
acid on the volume of acetone produced
and Low, 2014). It is noted that raising the acetone involves two steps the first
temperature to 400 degrees does not step is digesting it using glacial
influence the production of acetone, which acetic acid at laboratory temperature,
indicates that the ideal temperature for reaction time, % excess of acid and
preparing acetone from thermal agitation speed of 2 hours, 20% and
decomposition of calcium acetate is 380 °C. 200 rpm, respectively. The second
Also, there are no opportunities to produce step is thermally decomposition of
an additional quantity of acetone beyond calcium acetate at 380 °C to produce
400 °C because experimental conditions will acetone.
be appropriate for converting of acetone to 4. The volume of acetone produced
allene CH2=C=CH2 or to free radicals as from 105.891 g of WCES ranged
mentioned in (Bilton et. al., 2012). between 47.9687-71.3653 ml, while
the maximum yield was 96.435%
Volume of Acetone Produced, (ml)

and the lowest conversion was
70 67.216%.
5. The concept of zero residue level
65 (ZRL) can be reached by exploiting a
neglected and non-valuable material
60 i.e. WCES in this study and
converting them into a useful and
55 important material which is acetone
in a beneficial, economic and
50 environmentally friendly manner.

45 Acknowledgment:
225 250 275 300 325 350 375 The 400authors
425 would like to thank
Temperature of Thermal Decomposition, (°C) University
( Baghdad –
Figure 6 Effect of temperature of thermal Iraq, Al-Nahrain University
decomposition on the volume of acetone ( and Diyala
produced University (
Conclusions: The following results can be for their support in the present work.
inferred from the current study: References:
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can be considered an effective and “Manufacturing of Phenol Using
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of the important types of solvents in Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-
addition to being an industrial 659-41143-4
material of wide uses. Abbas M. N. and Alalwan H. A., (2019),
2. WCES contains calcium carbonate “Catalytic Oxidative and Adsorptive
with a high rate of 94.519% by Desulfurization of Heavy Naphtha
weight, and this high percentage Fraction”, Korean Journal of
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