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Ofoefule Et Al

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International Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 4 (8), pp.

535-539, September, 2009

Available online at
ISSN 1992 - 1950 © 2009 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Comparative study of the effect of different

pretreatment methods on biogas yield from water
Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
A. U. Ofoefule1*, E. O. Uzodinma1 and O. D. Onukwuli2
Biomass Unit, National center for Energy Research and Development, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Accepted 8 July, 2009

A comparative study of the effect of different pre-treatment methods on the biogas yield from Water
Hyacinth (WH) was carried out. The WH charged into metallic prototype digesters of 121 L capacity
were pre-treated as: dried and chopped alone (WH-A), dried and treated with KOH (WH-T), dried and
combined with cow dung (WH-C), while the fresh water Hyacinth (WH-F) served as control. They were all
subjected to anaerobic digestion to produce biogas for a 32 day retention period within a mesophilic
temperature range of 25 to 36 C. The results of the study showed highest cumulative biogas yield from
the WH-C with yield of 356.3 L/Total mass of slurry (TMS) while the WH-T had the shortest onset of gas
flammability of 6 days. The mean biogas yield of the fresh Water Hyacinth (WH-F) was 8.48 ± 3.77
L/TMS. When the water Hyacinth was dried and chopped alone (WH-A), dried and treated with KOH (50%
w/v) (WH-T) and dried and combined with cow dung (WH-C), the mean biogas yield increased to 9.75 ±
3.40 L/TMS, 9.51 ± 5.01 L/TMS and 11.88 ± L/TMS respectively. Flammable biogas was produced by the
WH-F from the 10 day of the digestion period whereas the WH-A, WH-T and WH-C commenced
th th th
flammable gas production from the 9 , 6 and 11 day respectively. Gas analysis from WH-F shows
Methane (65.0%), CO2 (34.94%). WH- A contained Methane (60.0%), CO2 (39.94%). WH-T contained
Methane (71.0%), CO2 (28.94%), while WH-C had Methane (64.0%) CO2 (35.94%). The other gases were
found in the same levels and in trace amounts in all the systems. The overall results showed that
treating water Hyacinth with chemical did not have a significant improvement on the biogas yield. It also
indicated that water Hyacinth is a very good biogas producer and the yield can be improved by drying
and combining it with Cow dung.

Key words: Water hyacinth, biogas production, pre-treatment, biogas yield, flammable biogas production,


In recent times where fossil fuels are gradually depleting, waste waters, municipal solid wastes, human and agro-
in addition to rising costs and instability in the major industrial wastes etc). The gas comprises majorly of
producer countries, renewable energy has become one methane (50 - 70%), CO2 (20 - 40%) and traces of other
of the best alternatives for sustainable energy develop- gases which includes CO, H2S, NH3 , H2 , N2 , O2 and
ment. Biogas, a renewable source of energy which is water vapour etc. (Energy Commission, 1998). Biogas
also environmentally friendly, is generated via anaerobic production is a three stage biochemical process
digestion of biomass wastes (animal dung, plant residues, comprising hydrolysis, acidogenesis/acetogenesis and

(C6H10 O5)n + nH2O n (C6 H12 O6) - Hydrolysis

*Corresponding author: E-mail: n (C6 H12 O6) n CH3 COOH - Acetogenesis/
536 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Acidogenesis Inlet
Stirrer Outlet
3nCH3 COOH n CH4 + CO2 - Methanogenesis
21 cm
15.5 cm
Biogas technology amongst other processes (including 15.6 cm


thermal, pyrolysis, combustion and gasification) has in

recent times also been viewed as a very good source of
sustainable waste treatment / management, as disposal
of wastes has become a major problem especially to the
third world countries (Arvanitoyannis et al., 2007a). The

40 cm
effluent of this process is a residue rich in essential inor-
ganic elements needed for healthy plant growth known as
biofertilizer which when applied to the soil enriches it with
no detrimental effects on the environment (Energy
commission, 1998). Various wastes have been utilized for 55.4 cm
biogas production and they include amongst others;
animal wastes (Nwagbo et al., 1991; Garba et al., 1996; Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the biodigester.
Zuru et al., 1998; Itodo and Kucha, 1998), industrial
wastes (Uzodinma et al., 2007), food processing wastes
(Arvanitoyannis et al., 2007b; Arvanitoyannis and Ladas, MATERIALS AND METHODS
2008; Arvanitoyannis and Varzakas, 2008), plant resi-
dues (Ofoefule and Uzodinma, 2008). Many are still The water hyacinth used for the study was obtained from Niger
being researched on as potential feedstock for biogas River at Onitsha in Anambra State, Nigeria. The cow dung was pro-
cured from an abattoir at Nsukka town. The chemicals were used
as procured without further purification. The potassium hydroxide
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) is aquatic bio- (99%) made by Avondale laboratories, England and Acetic acid
mass specie that exhibits prolific growth in many parts of (99%) made by Sigma -Aldreich laboratories, Germany were pro-
the world. It is a floating perennial herb of pickerel weed cured from a chemical scientific shop also at Nsukka town. The
family (Pontederiaceae) which propagates itself profusely water hyacinth was collected between March and April, 2008, while
and has constituted a menace to navigation by the experimental studies were carried out between May and June,
2008. The biodigesters used were of metallic prototype of 121 L ca-
obstructing channels with impenetrable masses of tightly pacity constructed at the National Centre for Energy Research and
bound plants (Garba and Ojukwu, 1998). With an in- Development, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (Figure 1). Other
crease in the amount of water hyacinth clogging our materials used were weighing balance 50 kg capacity (“Five Goats”
waterways, better use of the plant for energy generation with model no Z051599), water troughs, graduated transparent
is being given attention. It has been suggested as a plastic buckets, K- thermocouple thermo meter (-Hanna HI 8757),
strong candidate for production of methane because of its water bath for soaking the wastes. Jenway digital pH meter- 3510,
hose pipes, biogas burner fabricated locally for checking gas
high biomass yield potential (Klass, 1974). Studies have flammability.
been carried out which establish that methane can be
produced from water hyacinth (Wolverton et al., 1975;
Chin and Goh, 1978; Ryther, 1979; Lucas and Experimental set -up
Bamgboye, 1998). However, plant materials are more
The whole water hyacinth (leaves, stem and root) on collection was
difficult to biodegrade than animal manures. This is allowed to dry up under the sun for a period of one month to reduce
because hydrolysis of cellulose materials of crop residues the moisture content of the waste. They were chopped to small
is a slow process and can be a major rate determining sizes of about 2 . They were then soaked in big water baths for 2
step in anaerobic digestion process (Kozo et al., 1996). days to allow for partial decomposition of the waste by aerobic
Optimization of the biogas process can be in the form of microbes which are known to be better at breaking down cellulose
(Fulford, 1998). They were charged into the biodigesters as; dried
blending, size reduction, pre-decaying in water, chemical and chopped water hyacinth alone (WH-A), dried, chopped and
treatment (NaOH / KOH, Ca (OH)2 etc., addition of treated water hyacinth (WH-T), dried and chopped water hyacinth
inoculum and metals (CO, Ni, Fe, Ca, Mg) to the wastes combined with cow dung, 1:1 (WH-C), while the fresh water
at required levels etc. Earlier work carried out by Lucas hyacinth (WH-F) served as control. The chemical treatment was
and Bamgboye (1998) attributed the poor yield of biogas effected with 200 ml KOH (50% w/v), while 75 ml of acetic was
from water hyacinth to absence of seeding material, used to correct for pH when the alkalinity was exceeded. The
wastes were mixed with water in the ratio of 1:3 (25 kg of waste:
sheathing of biodigestible materials by a relatively thin- 75% of water). The anaerobic digestion was batch operated for 32
impervious outer layer on the plant and the presence of days. Daily biogas production, pH, ambient and slurry temperatures
lignin in the cell wall. The present study was undertaken were monitored throughout the period of study.
to investigate the effect of different pre-treatment me-
thods on the biogas yield from water hyacinth (WH), by
Analyses of wastes
using methods like drying alone (WH-A), drying and
blending with cow dung (WH-C) (1:1) and drying and Ash, moisture and fibre contents were determined using AOAC
treating with KOH/Acetic acid (WH-T). (1990) method. Fat, crude nitrogen and protein contents were de-
Ofoefule et al. 537

Vol of gas production (L/total mass

termined using soxhlet extraction and micro-Kjedhal methods as 35
described in Pearson (1976). Carbon content was determined using
Walkey and Black (1934) method, while total and volatile solids 30
were determined using Meynell (1976) method. 25

of slurry)
Analysis of gas WH-A
The quantitative analysis of the flammable biogas was carried out 10
to determine the composition of the gases from the different sy- WH-C
stems. This was carried out using “Crowcon Gasman” gas analyzer 5 WH-T
by the “Direct reading engineering method” (DREM).
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Retention time (Days)
The trend of the daily biogas production from all the
Figure 2. Daily biogas production.
digested systems is graphically shown in Figure 2. Bio-
gas production for WH-A and WH-C commenced with 24
h while WH-T and WH-F started gas production from the
nd Table 1. Physicochemical composition of the undigested wastes.
2 day. Flammable gas production for each of the sy-
stems also commenced at different lag periods (from the
time of charging the wastes to onset of gas flammability) Parameters WH-F WH- A WH-C WH- T
(Table 1). Fresh water hyacinth commenced flammable Moisture (%) 47.24 3.40 38.42 3.60
gas production 10 days post charging period with a cu- Ash (%) 0.79 0.74 6.52 65.40
mulative gas yield of 271.2 l / TMS. The pH of the waste Crude fibre (%) 19.10 17.80 10.40 40.88
on soaking it in water was 6.2, which was just slightly Fat content (%) 1.89 1.05 3.90 1.40
acidic. On drying, the pH increased to 6.8 (close to Crude protein (%) 6.88 2.38 4.69 7.00
neutral). Unlike most plant wastes whose pH range from Crude nitrogen (%) 1.10 0.38 0.75 1.12
3 - 5, WH- F exhibited a rare quality not found in other Total solids (%) 52.76 96.60 61.58 96.40
plant wastes. This suggests that the level of lignin in Volatile solids (%) 20.18 28.89 33.65 25.90
water hyacinth is low when compared to other plant
Carbon content (%) 16.18 19.45 29.65 26.45
wastes (Fulford, 1998). The methanogens that convert
C/N Ratio 17.80 28.41 30.50 23.62
the wastes to gas are pH sensitive, consequently effec-
pH 6.20 6.80 7.40 7.32
tive biogas production requires a pH range of 6.5 to 8.5
(Anonymous, 1989). Adequate physicochemical pro-
perties are also necessary for efficient biogas production.
The C/N ratio of the WH- F was below the recommended Table 2. Lag period, cumulative and mean volume of gas
level of 20 - 30: 1 for optimum gas production (Kanu, production for the wastes.
1988; Polprasert, 1989), its volatile solids (which is the
biodegradable portion of the waste) was also the least, Parameters WH-F WH- A WH- C WH- T
hence the need for some level of pre-treatment. All the Lag Period (Days) 9 8 6 5
other pre-treated systems produced relatively higher Cumulative gas yield
cumulative biogas yield with shorter lag periods (Table 2). (L/total mass of 271.20 292.41 356.30 285.21
The WH- C had the highest cumulative gas yield (Table slurry)
2) with reduced lag period of 6 days. Its volatile solids Mean vol. of gas
was also the highest. The C/N ratio was close to the production (L/total 8.48 9.75 11.88 9.51
required level for optimum gas production. It had ade- mass of slurry)
quate nutrients required for the methanogens to act on. Standard Deviation
Its pH was neutral showing that blending of the waste 3.77 3.40 5.01 8.63
stabilized the system to favour gas production. These
may be responsible for the enhanced performance of the
system. This performance also confirms the earlier
reports by other researchers that combining animal dung acceptable limit for effective biogas production. Table 2
with plant wastes catalyzes the biogas production with shows that WH-A possessed adequate physicochemical
consequent increased yield (Radhika et al., 1983; properties required for efficient biogas production. Drying
Ezeonu et al., 2002; Uzodinma and Ofoefule, 2009). The alone improved these properties from what they were in
WH-A had a relatively high cumulative biogas yield the fresh water Hyacinth with special regards to the
though it was slightly lower than that of WH-C. The pH volatile solids and the C/N ratio. WH-T had the shortest
was close to neutral (6.8), its C/N ratio was also within the onset of gas flammability of 5 days. Acid and bases are
538 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Table 3. Analysis of components of flammable biogas for the wastes

Wastes CH4 (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppm) NH3 (ppm) H2S (ppm)
WH-F 65 34.94 0.03 0.01 0.02
WH-A 60 39.94 0.03 0.01 0.02
WH-C 64 35.94 0.03 0.01 0.02
WH- T 71 28.94 0.03 0.01 0.02

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the breakdown of the lignin and cell wall of the water by the weed.
hyacinth with an improved pH for the methanogens to
gain access to the nutrients trapped in the plant. How- REFERENCES
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