Course Description:
The course comprises a study of strategic management through the process of the development of
business specific vision, mission and goals, analysis of the external and industry environments and
internal organizational factors, identifying strategic alternatives at business and corporate levels,
making appropriate choices, implementation, and evaluation of the same to develop sustainable
competitive advantage. Special focus on the contemporary strategic innovations and case method of
instruction will be used to provide hands-on experience in analysis and strategic decision making.
Course Objectives:
The course intends to achieve the following objectives -
1. To discuss the stages of strategy development, implementation, evaluation, and feedback.
2. To discuss the strategic choices that organizations make at Corporate, SBU and Functional levels
for future growth and sustainability.
3. To exhibit integrated thinking to assess the feasibility of business propositions and develop plans
4. To demonstrate a global perspective of the complex business opportunities and challenges in
applying business knowledge.
5. To incorporate the financial, social, and environmental context in decision making and social
awareness through community engagement.
2. Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage - Concepts and Cases,19e,
Thompson, A., Peteraf, M., Gamble, J., Strickland III, A. J., & Jain, A. K. McGraw-Hill
3. Concepts in Strategic Management & Business Policy, 13e, Thomas L Wheelen & David Hunger
J, Pearson publication.
4. Strategic Management, 3e, Dess, Lumpkin & Eisner, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, 5e, Jay B Barney & William S. Hesterly,
6. Competing for the Future, 1e: CK Prahalad & Gary Hamel, Free Press.
7. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, 1e - Prahalad, C. K. Pearson Education, India.
8. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition
Irrelevant, 1e - Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. Harvard Business Review Press.
9. Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers, 1e -
Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y., John Wiley & Sons.
10. Cases in Environment of Business, 1e, David W Conklin, Sage Publishing.
Additional Readings
1. Sustainability of Competitive Advantage
2. HBR Case - Tesla Motors
3. HBR Case - Bharti Infratel: Unlocking Value in Mobile Infrastructure
4. HBR Article - Strategy and Society - the link between CSR and CA
5. HBR Article - Using Balanced scorecard as a Strategic management system
S No Topic Learning Outcomes Reading / Activity
Strategic Understanding the risk of: HBR Article 1: Managing the
2 management - strategic drift Strategy Development Process:
process. - emergent versus intended Deliberate vs. Emergent Strategy
strategies; and logical
Competitive Understanding the necessity of Chapter 1
3 Advantage for Competitive Advantage (CA)
an organization
Evaluating Understanding the external
4, External environment through: In-class exercise on PESTEL
5 Environment PESTEL framework, and
National Diamond model HBR Article 2: The CA of Nations
Evaluating the Identifying the Sources of HBR Article 3: The Five
6, industry competition through Five Forces competitive forces that shape
7 structure Framework strategy
Industry structure as the source of HBR Case 1: Sandlands Vineyards
8, Understanding: Chapter 3
9, The Resource Based View (RBV)
& of a firm
IBS Hyderabad (Academic Year – 2024-25)
31, 32, 33 - Digital Transformation strategies across Industries / Project Presentation &
completion of internal evaluation
The course is supplemented by the Harvard Resources – 8 Cases and 9 Articles in addition to the
prescribed textbook and reference books and a project work - an online exercise.
IBS Hyderabad (Academic Year – 2024-25)