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*Disclaimer – – This legal form and document is for reference only.

Any document that you enter

into, should be in consultation with an Advocate or a Solicitor. The Government will not be
responsible for any claim arising out of the use of the following document.

Note : (This format has been prepared as applicable to flats. The word "flat" can be substituted with
the type of property for which the power of attorney is being executed. Similarly, the name of the
concerned authority can also be changed as applicable. )

General power of attorney

BE IT KNOWN TO ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, Shri/Smt./Kumari__________ __________

Son/Daughter of __________ __________ Resident of __________ __________ __________
__________ (hereinafter called the Executants) do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint
Shri/Smt./Kumari __________ __________ Son/Daughter of Shri/Smt/Kumari __________
__________ Resident of __________ __________ __________ __________ as my true and lawful
General Attorney in respect of my Flat No. __________, situated in the layout plan of __________
__________ __________ __________ built on Plot No. __________ known as __________
__________ __________ __________ (hereinafter called the Flat). WHEREAS THE EXECUTANTS, is
the sole and absolute owner/allotted and in physical and lawful possession of Flat No. __________,
comprising of two bedrooms, one drawing cum dining room, one study room, kitchen, two toilet
cum bathrooms and balcony situated at __________ __________ __________ __________ built on
Plot no. __________, known as __________the above said flat allotted by _________ Development
Authority through __________ __________ __________ on the basis of Membership
No.__________. AND WHEREAS the Executants is unable to look after the affairs of the said Flat.
AND WHEREAS my said lawful General Power of Attorney shall act on my behalf to do all acts, deeds
and things hereinafter mentioned i.e. to say:

1. To manage, control, look after and supervise the said Flat in any manner as my said attorney
may deem fit and proper.

2. To represent me before the office of said Co-operative Group Housing Society Limited, or
any office/authority of any State, Central Government or local body i.e. _____________ etc. which
are connected and/or concerned with my said Flat, what-so-ever and to make any statement,
application, affidavit, undertaking etc. for and on my behalf and in my name in respect thereof
and/or any matter incidental thereto.

3. To get fresh/additional/reinstallation of water /sewer /electricity/power connection and

other services in the said Flat, to the extent not provided by the society, and for the purpose to do
all the acts, deeds and things on my behalf.

4. To deposit and pay the outstanding taxes, charges, levies, dues and demands of the
society/concerned authorities in respect of the said flat, and to pay the sub-lease money and other
dues in respect thereof and to make applications for withdrawals of such taxes, charges, levies, dues,
demands etc. paid in excess or not chargeable and to receive the amounts and sign receipts thereof.
5. To get the sub-lease and or supplemental deed of the said Flat and/or the land beneath the
same, for and on my behalf under my name, and to get the same registered in the office of Sub-
Registrar concerned at______________.

6. To make any additions/alterations in the super structure which is handed over by the
society, after seeking permission from the society/_____/ Competent authority in this regard and for
the purpose(s) to apply for/and get the plan sanctioned, to obtain C Forms and other permissions, if
required and to get the authorized quotas of cement/building materials and engage any labour /
contractor / architect etc. for the said purpose.

7. To get the said property assessed for house tax, to pay the same and to get the refund
thereof, if paid in excess.

8. To let out the said property in full or in part to any intended tenant(s), to realize rents in
his / her / their own name, to issue receipts thereof under his / her / their own signatures and to
deal with the tenants in any lawful manner.

9. To negotiate, agree to sell, dispose off or transfer by way of exchange, lease (whether
permanent, for long or short period) the entire property or any part thereof, at such terms which my
said lawful general attorney at his / her / their sole discretion deems fit and proper, with any person,
whatsoever and to enter into any agreement with the purchaser, to receive earnest money in his /
her / their own name and to issue receipts thereof.

10. To apply for and get the Income Tax Clearance Certificate if so required for the sale /
transfer of my rights, interests, liens and titles in the said flat/property or any part thereof, from the
office of the concerned Income Tax Officer in Form 34-A, under the provisions of Section 230-A, of
the Income Tax Act, 1961, and for the purpose to sign and apply any form / document and to do all
acts, deed and things which are necessary for the same.

11. To apply for and get permission from the office of the said Co-operative Group Housing
Society Limited, DDA/ Competent authority for the sale / transfer of my rights, interests, liens and
titles in the said flat / property and the land beneath the same, or any part thereof, in favour of the
intended purchaser(s) or of his / her / their nominee(s).

12. To execute, sign and present for registration, before the proper Registering Authority,
proper Sale / Conveyance Deed, for conveying my rights, interests, liens and titles in the property of
the said Flat, and the land beneath the same, or any part thereof, in favour of the intended
purchaser(s) or his / her / their nominee(s) and to do all other acts, deeds and things which are
necessary for the purpose i.e. to receive the consideration and to admit the receipt thereof, and to
deliver the possession to the said purchaser(s) or his / her / their nominee(s) either physical or
constructive as may be feasible.

13. To file, defend, compromise, compound and withdraw any suit in any court of law in any
matter concerning my said flat or any matter incidental thereto and for the purpose to appoint any
advocate, pleader, vakil, attorney etc. and to make any statement, application, affidavit, undertaking
etc. on my behalf under my name.
14. To execute, sign and present all kinds of suits, writs, complaints, petitions, revisions, written
statement, appeals, etc., in the courts of law, i.e. Civil, Criminal or revenue and/or tribunal and to
proceed in all proceedings before Arbitrator or any other authority in my name and on my behalf in
any matter concerning my said Flat. He/She is also authorized to compromise, compound or
withdraw money, to deposit or withdraw documents and to issue receipts and to take every step in
the above mentioned suits, writs, complaints, petitions, revisions, appeals etc. concerning my said
flat, and / or any incidental thereto.

15. To execute a rectification deed of any deed(s) executed in respect of the said Flat to get the
same registered before the office of the Sub-registrar,_______________.

16. To appoint any Arbitrator in respect of any dispute, to accept the award of the said
Arbitrator and/or to file the application for the rule of the court of the decision of the said

17. That the said General Attorney shall have full right of conversion of the said Flat from lease
hold to free hold and to make application, Indemnity Bond, Undertaking, Affidavit etc. to the
concerned authorities.

18. To appoint any other person(s) as my attorney authorizing him/her to do all or any of the
above act, or any other acts, which have been specifically mentioned therein above and in the
opinion of my attorney, ought to be done, executed or performed in respect of the said Flat or any
matter incidental thereto and to cancel, withdraw or revoke the powers conferred upon the said
attorney. AND GENERALLY TO DO all acts, deeds and things which are not even specifically
mentioned in this deed but are deemed to be fit and necessary by my said attorney / relating to my
said Flat. AND I THE EXECUTANTS, do hereby specifically mention that the acts, deeds and things
done or got to be done by my said attorney, by virtue of this general power of attorney, in respect of
my said Flat be construed as acts, deeds and things done by me. IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, I the
Executants have put my hands by these presents in the presence of following witnesses, on this day
of __________ 20__ at __________

WITNESSES: 1. _____________ EXECUTANT (S)

2. _____________

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