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Photographs of executants and attorney

General Power of Attorney

On Non-judicial stamp paper worth (as per local rates of place of execution)

This General Power of attorney is executed today the ______day of

October, 2023 at ____________ by _________________w/daughter of
____________________ r/o _______________________ presently
resident of ____________________ aged ______years (hereinafter
referred to as executants or I)


Shri _______________ s/o __________________ resident of

____________________ aged _________ years( hereinafter referred to as
the attorney)

WHEREAS the executants is permanently settled abroad in ___________

though hails from India where she has got multiple interests including ____
share undevgided in House No. ______ Sector _______, Chandigarh
measuring _______ Sq Yds

AND WHEREAS being abroad preoccupied I am not in a position to take

care of my share in this valuable property as well as the affairs/litigation in
relation thereto which in fact I am too willing to attend to the same.

I thereafter appoint , nominate and constitute Shri __________ s/o Shri

_______________ aforesaid as my lawful general attorney to represent
and act on my behalf in respect of various acts, deeds and things as have
been mentioned herein i.e to say :

i. To represent me in all the courts, tribunals, authorities and offices

etc wherever, my representations may be required to ensure that
none of my interests is effected prejudicial to my interest
personally or through another attorney or counsel appointed by my
said attorney and for that matter, to sign and verify wherever
required all authorizations, letters, vakalatnama/s or other requisite
document if any. He will also be authorized to buy and return any
court fee or non-judicial stamp and affix the same at the requisite
place and for that matter he will also be competent to remit the
same by of bank instrument or e-filing;
ii. To sign and verify all the applications, petitions, plaints, written
statements, pleadings, appeals, revisions, reviews or other
document if any and also appear as party or witness on my behalf
on oath or otherwise and he will also be competent to seek any
adjournment if required to seek any instruction or information if
required from me wherever I may be in any manner in writing or
orally or telephonically or other mode of communication including
e-mail or whats app etc and I undertake to remain in touch with
him and to keep him fully informed of my particulars like
number/means of communication. My attorney shall also be
competent to execute any order or decree and effect the recovery
and compliance and also to refer the matter to any arbitration, get
the or lok adalat and to settle the same by a compromise and to
get the arbitrator appointed, obtain the award and also to
challenge the same if required by him till the highest court of law
iii. To initiate, continue, pursue/defend any litigation or action of
whatsoever nature the same may be personally or through any
other means as may be considered applicable/appropriate by my
said attorney who will also be competent to even spend any
amount in this context and I undertake to indemnify my said
attorney without any questioning and his simple demand in this
context will be suffice to enable him to claim the amount which will
be remitted in any practicable manner as may be expressed by my
said attorney without any delay and inany case if on my neglect
my attorney fails to perform as may be expected within the means
of this attorney, my attorney shall not incur any obligation either
towards me or anyone else
iv. To sell, mortgage, transfer, charge or encumber my share in this
property in any manner considered by my attorney wholly or
partially by doing all that is necessary in this regard including
obtaining any permission, clearance, NOC or fulfilling any
formalities which may be necessary for attaining desired result
from any office or court or even from Govt department or even
Income Tax department.
v. To deal with all official or non-official department or office or
authority wherever the same may be located by dealing with the
same and going to that place in a ny practicable , presentable,
efficient and graceful manner and completing the formalities in
respect of the same.
vi. To purchase or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable
property, make investment of any kind which my attorney may
deem fit to do on my behalf in stocks or any securities or
commodities and pass on an effectual receipt/s and execute the
necessary documents including acknowledgement for the amount
paid or compliance/fulfilment done , get the title/conveyance deed
executed and registered in manner required under the law and
also to get the mutation/transfer in favor of executant
vii. To buy and return any travel ticket/s for the requisite destination
for my visit/programme and also obtain visa from any embassy,
High Commission and make any appearance or statement as may
be required for that result/end and make the requisite payment/s or
fees or visits and furnishing any documents and also to furnish any
undertaking in any manner as may be required to be done on my
behalf and effect the delivery or any document/goods or objects
which I may be entitled to
viii. To deal with the Estate Office or any superior office to the same
and fulfil the formalities, deposit the fee and collect the receipt of
fee and documents on my behalf, file applications,
representations, appeals etc in respect of the aforesaid property or
any other property in which I may be interested or inclined to be
ix. My attorney will also be competent to deal with the Insurance
authorities or any kind pertaining to any kind of insurance as may
be required by me and to receive any policy or compensation and
to pay the premium or other dues and to challenge the order
before any authority or court as the case may be. Besides he will
also be competent to represent me before Reserve Bank of India if
so required including before Ombudsman of any discipline i.e
banking or insurance or Income Tax or any other service and also
to challenge the same before the concerned department authority
or otherwise by filing a Writ under the Constitution of India and
eventually to execute the award in accordance with the law.
x. AND WHEREAS my attorney shall be competent to do
whatsoever required under the law whether mentioned in this
Power of attorney or not which my attorney considered appropriate
to be done on behalf to protect my interest and which I as the
principal may be competent to do under the circumstances of the
case but he shall not be competent to do if the thing considered to
be done is contrary to law or rules.
xi. It is thus placed on record that anything done performed by
attorney on my behalf and under his signature shall be as effective
and binding on me as if the same has been done by me under my
on signature in full consciousness and understanding and I hereby
agree to ratify all done by my attorney as if the same was done by
me in person.
xii. My attorney shall also be competent to open account/s in any
bank/sin my name after doing the formalities thereof and also avail
credit facilities if so required and for that matter he will be also
entitled to forward a copy of my Passport or other document to
prove the identity of executants and further to operate the same. In
the event of the necessity ceasing to exist for bank account, he will
also be competent to close the same too and again open if so

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I set my hands on this General power of

attorney on the date month and year first above written in presence of
the witnesses described hereunder

Witness No. 1 Executant

Witness No. 2 Accepted


____________ s/o ____________


To be registered with the Sub Registrar, Concerned

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