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Aphex Compellor

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APHEX Compel/or e

Dual Mono/Stereo
• Compressor/Leveler
Model 320

The Compellor Model 320 builds upon the legacy established by the Model 300 in dynamic audio
processing. The 320 delivers intelligent compression, leveling and peak limiting simultaneously. Patented
control circuits include analog computers that constantly analyze the input signal and vary the control
characteristics. This provides for invisible operation regardless of the dynamics of program. Simply adjust
the drive level to generate the desired amount of processing, set the process balance between leveling and

compression and adjust the output level for unity gain. The Compellor will then provide complete dynamic
control -smooth, inaudible compression, increased loudness, desired program density, and the freedom
from constant gain riding -all automatically. Its unique circuitry actually enhances transient qualities,
making even heavy processing undetectable.

This smart, versatile and cost effective processor is equally at home in broadcast processing, microphone
control, audio recording and production, tape duplicating, live sound and film dubbing.

The 320 features dual mono operation which allows completely independent processing of two mono
sources as is sometimes necessary in music recording, post production or sound reinforcement. Two
modes of stereo are offered by linking the leveling control signals or linking both the compression and
leveling signals. A simple metering select alternates the display of input, output or gain reduction levels. All
potentiometers are detented for accurate resetting of controls. Leveling speed (fast/slow) is switch
selectable from the front panel as is adefeat for the peak limiter. On the back panel, the operating reference
level is switchable from -10,+4 or +8 dBm and RJ-1 1connectors facilitate remote, relay bypass of the unit.

Intelligent AGC for consistent program levels

"Invisible" compression for tighter dynamics without audible effect

Instantaneous peak limiting for equipment protection (with Defeat)

Adaptive control circuits for simple set-up and no readjustment for varying programs

• o
Aphex Compel/or Model 320

The COMPELLOR's simple audio path is composed of aservo-balanced input stage, the world renown Aphex 1001 VGA, and
anew, electronically, servo-balanced output stage which can be used balanced or single-ended. The nominal operating level
of the COMPELLOR (and OVU on the meter) is rear panel selectable for -10, +4, and +8dBm to match any system.
There are three main detector circuits for compression, leveling and peak limiting.
LEVELING is performed in amanner related to the way the ear perceives loudness over long time intervals. The circuit
maintains output level within 1dB for a20dB input level change. The action is slow enough to have minimal effect on program
transients or short term dynamics.
When leveling and compression are used together, the leveler maintains the gain platform so that compression is consistent
over varying levels of material, providing auniquely smooth sounding dynamic compression.
The leveling action is interactive between the two channels when the leveling link button is depressed, one control signal is
used to preserve overall balance and stereo imaging.
COMPRESSION is also accomplished over a20dB range of input levels, with the ratio varying from 1.1:1 to 8:1, the attack and
release times derived from, and varying with, the program material. This "soft knee" helps to prevent the "choked" sound
usually associated with deep compression. Further program dependent characteristics are imparted by other sections of the
The DVG monitors short term and long term average levels, compares them, and impedes gain changes when program
dynamics might be sacrificed for arbitrary gain reduction. The DVG also prevents gain release during short term program
pauses which otherwise would cause "pumping" or "breathing" effects. Vocal material is especially benefited by this
feature, sounding natural even when extremely compressed. DVG action is indicated by afront panel LED.
The DRC allows very rapid recovery from gain reduction under certain complex wave conditions. Signals that are high in
peak amplitude but low in relative power can cause an increase in compression release rate. Unrequired gain reduction is
thus inhibited, preventing loss of transient wavefronts, holes, etc. The sonic benefit is substantial, contributing toward
natural, open sound, even when highly compressed.
The PEAK LIMITER provides further dynamic control, holding an absolute ceiling 12dB above the nominal (OVU) level. It may
be bypassed using afront panel switch.
The SILENCE GATE detects significant gaps in program material and freezes the processing, preventing noise "swell" or
buildup common in other AGC devices, then instantly releases when program resumes.

The STEREO ENHANCE feature does just that. By detecting and matrixing certain stereo information and sending it to the
sidechains, STEREO ENHANCE creates asubtle natural widening of the stereo image that is fully mono compatible. It is not a
"stereo synthesizer" and it has no effect on mono or center channel material.
COMPELLOR, Dynamic Verification Gate and Dynamic Recovery Computer are trademarks of Aphex Systems Ltd.


In the PROGRAM MODE, VU (average) level is shown as ared bar; simultaneously peak level detection and matrixing circuit which causes
is shown as agreen bar above the red! This novel visual presentation of dynamic range can be apleasant widening of the stereo image
switched to read input or output, allowing an instant display of changes in peak to average ratio. without affecting non-stereo information. An
In the GAIN REDUCTION mode, the meters display compression as agreen bar and leveling LED indicates circuit operation.
as a red dot on the same scale, thus showing total gain reduction at aglance.

DRIVE is a DC control that varies the output of the VCA and, PROCESS BALANCE sets the ratio between compression IN/OUT ins
thus, the amount of processing. Maximum compression and leveling depending on the need. A 50/50 balance is most A/B compar'
and/or leveling is achieved with the control fully clockwise. useful, as the leveling keeps the compression constant over is also afail
varying program levels. LED indicate
each chann-
In the race for loudness it is quality which usually suffers. When required to work too hard, even the best multi-band

processors degrade the audio. By pre-conditioning the signal with the COMPELLOR, the following processor is fed asignal
with an optimized dynamic range, thus allowing it to be operated in its "sweet spot" without concern for possible overload.
Since the COMPELLOR does not degrade the audio, the total result will be cleaner sound, with equal, or greater, apparent
A different problem faces classical stations, especially with the newly expanded dynamic range of digital audio. The quieter
passages get "lost" in the ambient noise floor, which may, in amoving automobile be higher by more than 30dB. The
COMPELLOR can "lift" these passages without changing the dynamic and transient feel, thereby pleasing the audiophile and
commuter alike.
Another benefit of the COMPELLOR in the broadcast chain is that fader settings on the console become less critical. The
sound of the station will not change from the DJ who loves the sound of the meters pegging to the DJ who is afraid to make
them move.
Television broadcasters are often faced with the problem of alarge difference of apparent loudness between program material
and commercials. With aCOMPELLOR, the apparent loudness of the program can be increased, while already heavily
compressed commercials go through without further processing. The net result is consistent apparent levels from program to
program and from program to commercial.


Matching levels among multiple sources, within asingle source and transitions between dialogue is often ajob which requires
more than one person to ride gain and switch sources at the appropriate times. The COMPELLOR makes the job much


Feedback is one of the biggest problems in live sound. Just when the fader on avocal input is set, the vocalist starts to sing
louder. The COMPELLOR, however, can maintain maximum level before feedback.
The COMPELLOR also shines in controlling multiple sources of different levels, such as conferences. The mic levels will all be
equal in approximate loudness without changing the character of each individual's voice.
Paging systems can sound louder and clearer without any overload distortion and without increasing amplification.


Maintaining consistent drive levels while controlling peaks is just another way of describing the COMPELLOR. High modulation

• of the STL can be sustained without concern for overload. Audio level will be kept well above the noise floor of phone lines or
STL, again without crashing anything following the COMPELLOR.

Different audio levels from cart to cart is an all too typical problem. With the COMPELLOR, levels can be easily maintained to
assure maximum signal to noise performance without tape saturation. The COMPELLOR is especially useful in assembling
tapes from several sources with varying levels onto asingle tape.

One of the most difficult signals aprocessor encounters is the human voice. The COMPELLOR works beautifully on voice by
producing adense, "punchy" sound while retaining dynamic and transient qualities. The apparent level will be consistent
without changing the urgency and excitement of ascreaming DJ or altering the intimacy of asoft-spoken female voice.

MUNK for dual mono operation. LEVELING SPEED SILENCE GATE THRESHOLD sets the threshold of the SILENCE GATE
Fast or Slow between -40 to OdB referenced to nominal input level. Below threshold the
LINK selects one of the stereo modes.: SILENCE GATE freezes gain reduction release, such as during program
leveling control signal or compression gaps or quiet passages. This will prevent noise buildup and permits normal
and leveling signals linked. fades, even with heavy processing. An LED shows SILENCE GATE action.
Two SILENCE GATES for dual mono operation.


ly takes the COMPELLOR in or out of circuit for OUTPUT adjusts the level over a20dB range PEAK LIMITER DEFEAT
n. Sealed relays provide ahardwire bypass which to compensate for heavy gain reduction.
efeedthrough in case of power supply failure.
status as aglance (red-in, green-out). One for
(remote controllable), RJ-11 connectors.
Dual Mono/Stereo Compressor/Leveler
Model 320
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I—MC T111.000



Specifications (Architects and Engineers Specifications and drawings available on disk.)

Type RF-filtered true instrumentation differential servo balanced
Input impedance 50k Ohms balanced
Nominal operating level User selectable OVU =-10, +4, +8dBm
Max input level +27dBm
CMRR Greater than 60dB
Attack time 5-50m Sec
Release time 200m Sec-1 Sec
Ratio 1.1:1-8:1
Threshold 30dB below nominal level (OVU) with drive full clockwise
Attack time 2.5 Sec
Release time 5Sec
Rate 0.5-5dB/Sec
Threshold Same as Compression
Peak Limiter
Attack Time 1µSec
Release Time 10m Sec
Threshold 12dB above nominal level (OVU)
Gain reduction element APHEX VCA 1001 Voltage Controlled Attenuator
Type Electronically balanced transformerless. May be operated balanced or single-ended
Source impedance 60 Ohm balanced. 30 Ohm unbalanced
Maximum output +27dBm balanced or +21dBm unbalanced
Bandwidth +0-1dB 5Hz-65kHz
Hum and noise unity gain, +4 op level -80dBm
Noise refered to max output -102dBm
Dynamic THD 10dB compression, 1kHz, +4 op level, 0.05%; leveling 0.03%
IMD 0.03%
SIZE 13/4"H x19"W x10"D
POWER REQUIREMENTS 90-250 VAC, 50-60Hz, 20W. AC input is IEC standard receptacle, voltage select & RF filter
REMOTE LOGIC Short to Ground; RJ-11 Connector. X2

SYSTEMS 11068 Randall Street •Sun Valley, CA 91352 •(818) 767-2929 •FAX (818) 767-2641
Aphex is proudly American...100% owned, engineered and manufactured in the U.S.A.
Aphex is constantly striving to maintain the highest professional standards. As aresult of these efforts, modifications may be made
from time to time to existing products without prior notice. Specifications and appearance may differ from those listed or shown.

Part No. 02-320-02 Printed in U.S.A.

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Aural Exciters
The Aphex Aural Exciter is apat-
ented audio process that will recre-
ate and restore missing harmonics. Aural Exciter Type Ill Model 250
These harmonics are musically and
dynamically related to the original This fully professional Aural Ex- ier to use. Adjustable Harmonics
sound. When added, they restore citer is loaded with powerful pro- Mixing of the exact harmonics
natural brightness, clarity and pres- level desired in now available,
cessing features and improved
ence, and can actually increase
circuitry. Noise and distortion are making the Type III more flexible
audio bandwidth. These harmonics
virtually eliminated in the Type ifi and easier to use.
are so low in level however, they
circuitry. The two modes of noise NULL FILL is anew and useful
add little power to the signal. Un-
like an equalizer or other "bright- reduction now make enhancement tuning adjustment introduced for
ness enhancers" which can only possible while actually reducing the first time with the Aural Ex-
boost high frequencies, an Aural noise from noisy sources. citer Type II. The addition of
Exciter extends the high frequen- The "SPR" (Spectral Phase Refrac- NULL FILL to the PEAKING and
cies. It is asingle-ended process tor) function of the Type III is ata TUNE controls gives the Type HI
that can be applied at any point in tally new concept in more power and flexibility to en-
the audio chain, and needs no de- psychoacoustic enhancement. The hance all types of audio sources.
coding. "SPR" corrects the bass delay Additional features of the Aural
anomaly inherent in the recording Exciter Type III include: Servo Bal-
Aural Exciter Applications process to restore clarity and open- anced I/O to XLR-Type Connec-
•Recording Studio Tracking ness, and significantly increases tors; Aphex VCA 1001; I/O Levels
and Mixdowns the apparent bass energy level from +4dBm to -10dBv, balanced
•Sound Reinforcement without adding any amplitude or unbalanced operation automati-
•Film & Video
equalization or "bass boost". cally; RF Filtered AC Power Input;
•"On Air" Broadcasting
The "Drive" control of previous Remote Controllable Bypass Relay.
•AM/FM Broadcasting
•Tape Duplication Aural Exciters has been eliminated
•Narrow Format Recording to make the Type III faster and eas-
and Mixing

Aural Exciter Type 02 with BIG BOTTOMTm Model 104

The NEW Aural Exciter Type professional Type III in an all new ness without vastly increasing
C2 embodies the next technologi- circuit that's virtually noise free! peak amplitude or generating sub-
cal leap in enhancement process- Harmonics setting is simplified harmonics; both potentially 4m-
ing, with two processing types to with aswitch for normal and high aging to speakers. The Type C`
allow the user to enhance both enhancement drive. BIG BOTTOM features 1/4" phone jacks for
ends of the spectrum. The Aural is the revolutionary new bass en- audio interface and can be oper-
Exciter portion utilizes the same hancer that dramatically increases ated at -10 and +4.
psychoacoustic principals of the bass presence, density and loud-

are AC

Modular Aural Exciters Models 519B, 520C



flp MIX Models 519B and 520C Aural Ex- The 519B connects to the
TUN* citers are plug-in modules that fit amplifier's preamp OUT and amp
TOA 900, University (Raymer) 9000, IN jacks on the rear with standard
Gemco and Peavy MA Series power phono type cords, and processes the
amplifiers. The 519B or 520C installs entire amplifier output.
in one input module space in the The 520C is asingle channel mut-
II> MIX rear of the amplifier, taking its ing input card. Its RCA type phono
ROM PROW' power from the amplifier. Both mod- jack takes any line level unbalanced_

M.HE X SYSTEMS LTD APHE X sySTE US ITO els feature ajumper selectable Bass input. The operating level may be
Made in USA Marls r USA
Boost for 0, +6 or +12 dB boost. selected for -10dBv or +4dBm.
»M-- 1111.111111e Male

9000 Series

The Aphex Modular System was intermodulation. The 9721 features

designed to provide all the adjustable density and alimiter
processing power of several of our threshold adjustable in 1dB steps
most popular products in aspace over a22dB range. Switchable
saving size. All feature our onboard pre/de-emphasis for
Servo-Balanced inputs and outputs. broadcast applications.
Currently the following products are NEW! Parametric Equalizer
available as single channel modules: Model 9901 -three overlapping
Aural Exciter Model 9251 -the bands of fully parametric
signal enhancer that increases equalization, each with 15dB boost
intelligibility, presence, clarity, and or cut. Peak or shelf filter shapes on
detail. each band (an Aphex first) allows
Compellor Model 9301 -the for even greater tonal possibilities!
"intelligent" compressor/leveler Output clip LED indicator.
that controls levels as if amixer Model 9000R is the basic
were riding faders. building block of the Aphex
Expander/Gate Model 9611 - Modular Rack System. It can hold 11
simply the world's finest gate, no Aphex or dbx® compatible modules.
one ever met our $10,000 challenge Model 9000PS is aheavy duty
to find abetter one! power supply designed to provide
Expressor Model 9651 -afull clean power to the Model 9000R
featured compressor/limiter that Modular System Rack, providing
lets you tailor the sound your way. ±15V @3A for the modules. The
NEW! Dominator II Model 9721 Model 9001PS is designed for the
(not pictured) -the "ultimate" peak Model 9000R when it uses a
limiter, the Dominator's unique combination of Aphex and dbx 900
layout combines multiband limiting Series modules. The 9001PS
with apeak clipper for absolute provides both ±15V 0103A and ±24V
peak control without spectral gain C41.5A.

(414) 235-89301722-6604/739-8900/FAX 235-4233
IN STATE WATS 1-800-445-0222 OUT OF STATE WATS 1-800-5584222

SYSTEMS 11068 Randall Street •Sun Valley, CA 91352 •(818) 767-2929 •FAX (818) 767-2641
Aphex is proudly American...100% owned, engineered and manufactured in the U.S.A.

Aphex, Aural Exciter and Compellor are registered trademarks of Aphex Systems Ltd.; Dominator and Expressor are trademarks
of Aphex Systems. dbx® is aregistered trademark of Carillon Electronics Corporation.
Aural Exciter is covered by U. S. Patent No. 4,150,253. Foreign patents issued. Patents issued and pending for Compellor,
Dominator and Expressor.
All Aphex products are ETL listed or in the process of being listed.

Aphex is constantly striving to maintain the highest professional standards. As aresult of these efforts, modifications may be
made from time to time to existing products without prior notice. Specifications and appearance may differ from those listed or
SF-P592 Printed in U.S.A.
Compellor Nor'

e Compressor/Leveler/ Limiter
time o e BM , Ilealedes

Model 320 (Dual Applications

Broadcasting — The Compellor STL/Phone Line Driver — With the
Model 301 (Mono) will provide aclean "consistent Compellor, high modulation of the
Model 303 (Mono with sound when used as apre-processor. Su, can be easily maintained
Fader settings are less critical, the without concern for overload. Audio
Aural Exciter) sound of the station will not change level will be kept well above the
from DJ to DJ. For TV, level changes noise floor of phone lines or SU
between programs and commercials without crashing anything following
will be smoothed out without the Compellor.
The Compellor is the world's Carting/Tape Duplication — The
affecting the audio quality.
most acclaimed audio level Production —It is almost Compellor is especially useful in
processor. Its completely impossible to get an "effect" or assembling tapes from several
transparent audio path is "coloration" from the Compellor. It sources with varying levels onto a
comprised of servo-balanced achieves perfect uncolored level single tape. It assures maximum
transformerless inputs and control for any particular track and is signal-to-noise performance without
outputs terminated to XLR-type excellent for processing atotal mix to any tape saturation.
jacks, and the Aphex VCA 1001. maintain consistency and loudness. MIC Processing — The Compellor
The Compellor has two Sound Reinforcement — The works beautifully on voice by
Compellor can maintain maximum producing aconsistent sound while
"Brains" -the Dynamic
level before feedback no matter how retaining dynamic and transient
Verification Gate (DVG) and the
loud the soloist gets. In conference qualities. The apparent level will be
Dynamic Release Computer systems, the Compellor will keep all consistent without changing the
(DRC). These "Brains" control speakers in equal approximate urgency and excitement of aDJ or
the attack and release loudness without changing the altering the intimacy of asoft-spoken
characteristics of the leveler and character of each individual's voice. voice.
the compressor based upon the Paging systems can sound louder
texture of the input. This allows and deaner without any overload FEATURES: Model 320
the Compellor to be set once ... distortion.
even if the input changes Film Dubbing — The Compellor
• Dual Mono/Stereo
makes matching levels between
between rock, classical, jazz, • Detented Controls
multiple sources and within asingle
voice and back again. • Remote Relay Bypass
source asimple job. It is especially
The user simply decides how effective on optical sound tracks • Front Panel Defeatable Peek
much the lowest level signal will which are very sensitive to any peak Limiter
be brought up and the proportion overload. • Selectable Leveling Speed
of leveling to compression, and Cable TV Systems — By using a
• Two Stereo Link Modes
trims the output for unity gain. Compellor for each channel on the
The result sounds as if system, viewers will receive • Operating Level Selectable at
someone is riding faders consistent levels when changing -10dBv, +4dBm or +8dBm
extremely well. There is no channels. It also "levels" out
overprocessed spots thus eliminating
change in the sound quality -
subscriber complaints.
only level correction -automatic
and seamless.



Model 651 The "sound" you were looking restores bass clarity and punch
for, but could not find! "Punch, without any increase in amplitude.
(Single Channel) Servo-balanced input and output
slap, fat, pump or squeeze" ... now

you can get it fast ... get it clean on XLR-type connectors allow use
with fully adjustable controls and in any audio environment. Side
unparalleled audio performance. Chain patch point ( /

The exclusive high frequency two units linkable for stereo

expander (HFX) allows higher operation.
ratios without the "dullness" of
other wideband devices. "SPR"
Dominator II im
Multiband Precision Peak
Model 720
Because of its function and Features
Model 723
performance, the Dominator II has
applications in almost all audio • 104dB Dynamic Range
The Dominator II is astereo
fields such as: (5-times better than digital)
(dual channel linked) multiband • Broadcasting—Production
• Servo-Balanced
peak limiter with zero overshoot. and Transmission for
Transformerless Inputs and
Once the PEAK CEILING is set, AM,FM,TV
Outputs terminated to
there is no higher amplitude in the • Satellite and SU Uplink
XLR-type jacks
• Recording
output. Awareness of headroom • Relay Bypass, Remote
• Sampling
limitations and the price of Controllable
• Mixing
• Detented Potentiometers
exceeding those limitations is • Mastering—CD, Film, Analog
• Peak Protection without
important for any audio Disk
Pumping or Spectral Gain
application and critical for most • Sound Reinforcement
(especially digital). The Dominator • Location Recording
• Peak Ceiling Trimmable in
• Video Post-Production
II allows the user to work 0.2dB Steps over a34dB
• Tape Duplication
confidently, creatively and quickly Range
Model 720 is designed for
• Adjustable Density (Relative
by freeing the user from the fear of applications in which the
Crest Height)
"crashing". frequency response is flat -
• Switchable Crossover
recording, mixing, mastering,
In addition to providing peak Frequencies
sampling, sound reinforcement
protection, the Dominator II may and certain broadcast applications.
be used to gain greater loudness. Model 723 is designed for
Compared to conventional limiters, applications in which the
frequency response must follow a
the Dominator II will provide at
pre-emphasis curve (either 50 or
least 3to 6dB greater loudness 75 microsecond) -broadcasting,
with higher sound quality. satellite and su, uplink.
Achieving this "brick-wall"
result and loudness while retaining
complete fidelity is the art and
science of the Dominator IL

Two-Channel •
.10• MM. MM.


The Model 612 is atrue dual The "heart" of the

channel expander using Expander/Gate is the Aphex VCA
Model 612
downward expansion with a 1001 which will not "click"
variable ratio (1.2:1 to 30:1), thus regardless of attack or release time!
allowing an infinite variety of Attack time as low as 4
dynamics control which are microseconds (wavefront
impossible with agate. High and dependent). Absolute stability,
Low pass filters on the KEY input prevents settings from
allow frequency selected gating. "wandering".
With high ratio, the Model 612 XLR-type Servo-Balanced I/O
becomes the world's finest gate. It means foolproof installing with
is also aducker, allowing akey balanced or unbalanced systems.
input to lower (duck) the level of
the audio input.
1111•1111g 01101111..111•••• «b. 1

bi I

The Model 120A is aone in, one be easily driven without loss of
through, four out distribution stability or frequency response.
Model 120A amplifier, the all metal half-rack The electronically Servo-Balanced
chassis provides maximum input and outputs provide all the
shielding while the inputs and benefits of transformers without
outputs are RF protected. The degrading the audio.
Servo-Balanced input circuit The 120A was designed to
provides high common-mode provide outstanding audio
rejection, and its high input performance with abandwidth to
impedance allows several DAs to 100kHz and dynamic range 10x
be driven from the same source. better than 16 bit digital.
The four independently trimmed Optional rack mount kit available
isolated output amplifiers are (Aphex Part No. 44-008).
very low impedance allowing
long lines and capacitive loads to

Audio Level e
Me! e

Interface A -10dBV to +4dBm interface, frequency response and perfect

for linking consumer hi-fi square waves to preserve
Model 124A equipment such as tape decks, transients. Hum and noise
VCRs, equalizers, CD players and rejection are very high while the
new DAT tape recorders to noise and distortion are almost
professional equipment. Like all non-existent. All inputs and
Aphex products, the 124A outputs are carefully filtered for
features superb audio freedom from RF interference.
performance. Inputs and outputs Fits in ahalf rack space. Optional
are transformerless, rack mount kit available (Aphex
Servo-Balanced for wide, flat Part No. 44-008).

Two Channel 11111111111113

OA. •Je-


Controlled The Aphex 150 audio remote

control is simple to hook-up, easy
back-up. The sturdy steel
package provides excellent

to use and features unmatched shielding and may be used
sonic transparency. The 150 stand-alone or rack mounted.
consists of two independent One Model 150 supports up to
Model 150 self-contained channels with the 16 Model 175 Remote
highest quality VCA — the Controllers; 4Model 176 Remote
Aphex VCA 1001. Each channel Controllers; 16 Model 177
has Servo- Balanced inputs and Remote Controllers; unlimited
outputs for safe, easy installation. digital remotes without displays;
The fully buffered control ports one analog remote per channel
can be run independently or using apotentiometer.
linked for stereo operation.
The 150 can be used in the Optional Accessories
most demanding professional Model 175
situations without degrading Digital Wall Mount Remote with
bargraph display.
audio signals. An ordinary pot or
Model 176
switch is all that is needed for full Digital Wall Mount Remote with
remote control of audio signals in numeric display
awide variety of applications. All Model 177
level settings are protected from Digital Wall Remote with security
power outages by abattery key operation and bargraph display.

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