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G10 Review Chemistry

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CHEMISTRY * hydrogen gas

> The study of the composition and structure of the changes in * sodium metal
matter. * iodine crystals
Historical Development of the Atomic Structure * pure gold

Atom The 118* Element: Oganesson (0g)- synthetic chemical element

- Smallest possible unit into which matter can be divided, while
still maintaining its properties Classification of Elements
- Building blocks of Matter Metal
- Has protons (+), neutrons (0), and electrons (-) → usually solid and is a good conductor of heat and electricity,
e.g. copper or iron → metals exist as solid with the exception
1. Democritus was a Greek philosopher who first introduced of mercury and gallium
the concept of atoms. He believed that matter is comprised of
tiny indivisible particles known as atomos. FERRO
-Ferromagnetic substances are those substances which are
2. Antoine Lavoisier- Father of modern chemistry strongly attracted by a magnet.
Eg. Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Gadolinium, Dysprosium, etc.
3. The discovery of the different sub-atomic particles:
i. J. J. Thompson discovered electron using a Non-metal
cathode ray tube. → a chemical element that are poor conductors of heat and
ii. Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus through electricity
his alpha scattering experiment. → it includes oxygen gas, which supports life; carbon, bromine
iii. Eugen Goldstein discovered the proton with his and sulfur.
experiment using a gas discharge tube.
iv. James Chadwick discovered the neutron. Metalloid
→ intermediate in properties between the metals and the
4. The Atomic and Mass numbers nonmetals, are sometimes considered a separate class and
i. Atomic number of an element refers to the number sometimes known as the borderline elements
of protons it has.
ii. Mass number of an element refers to the number 2. Compound
of protons and neutrons it has. - A substance formed by the chemical combination of elements
in fixed proportions
5. Isotopes refer to atoms of the same elements having the - Water (H20), which is made of two atoms of hydrogen and
same atomic number but different mass numbers. The three one atom of oxygen, is one of the most abundant compounds
isotopes of hydrogen are protium, deuterium, and tritium. found in our planet
- Carbon dioxide (COz) gas, table sugar (C12H22 O) and
6. Placements of electrons table salt (NaCI)
 Energy level or main shell, numbered into n=1, - Alcohol is a class of organic compound characterized by a
n=2..., so on hydroxyl bonded to an alkyl group
1. Sublevel or subshell - Nicotine- an example of alkaloid
a. s- sharp
b. p- principal 1. Chemical Bonding: Covalent Bonds
c. d- diffuse - Sharing of electrons of two or more non-metals
d. f- fundamental * Examples: H2O, CHa, CO,
• orbitals- can hold a maximum of two
electrons, thus: 2. Chemical Bonding: lonic Bonds
1. s has one orbital- a maximum of 2 electrons - Bonding between metals and non-metals
2. p has 3 orbitals- a maximum of 6 electrons - Metal loses electrons, non-metal receives electrons
3. f d has 5 orbitals- a maximum of 10 electrons * NaCl (Sodium Chloride), NaF (Sodium Fluoride)
4. has 7 orbitals- a maximum of 14 electrons
NON-MATTER → a substance consisting of two or more substances that
→ does not occupy a space and does not have a mass have been combined without chemical bonding
MATTER taking place, therefore physical combination
→ anything that occupies space (volume) and has mass
*Therefore, anything that occupies space and has mass is 1. Homogenous Mixture
matter. → a homogeneous mixture has only a single phase
→ it cannot be separated by filtration.
PURE SUBSTANCE Example: water + sugar = sugar solution
→ substances that exhibit definite properties and composition
2. Heterogenous Mixture
1. Element → components of the mixture are visually distinguished
- Substances that are made up of only one type of atom. → it can be separated by physical means like filtration,
- Pure substance that cannot be broken down by chemical evaporation, sublimation, crystallization, distillation
processes into simpler substances. Example: salad, gravel, macaroni, soup, cake, plastics, fog,
Element paints
* oxygen gas *Colloid- Contains particles that do not settle
Example: milk, gelatin, cloud, plastic, foams, emulsions and AB + CD → AD + CB
A. Endothermic Reaction (needs energy)
Tyndall effect is the scattering of light, experienced by AB + energy → A + B
colloids. A+B + energy → AB

*Suspension- contains larger particles that eventually settle B. Exothermic Reaction (releases energy)
out. Particles have to be re-suspended. AB → A + B + energy
Example: chocolate milk, orange juice A+B → AB + energy


1. Solid- have definite shape and volume, particles are tightly
packed, have very little energy, particles vibrate in 1. Acids have pH value of below 7
place 2. Bases have pH value of above 7
3. pH value of 7 is neutral
2. Liquid- have definite volume but no definite shape (takes 4. Acids are usually distinguished from bases through the use
the shape of the container), particles are loosely packed, of indicators.
medium energy level, particles flow around each other  Litmus is a common indicator.
 Acid turns the color of blue litmus to red
3. Gas- do not have definite volume and shape, particles move  Base turns red to blue.
freely and have lots of energy  Unite aids ento balses, neutral compounds do not
change the color of indicators.
4. Plasma-A very hot gas of nuclei and electrons, superheated
gas, electrically charged, 4'" form of matter

5. BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate)- super unexcited, super

cold at absolute zero

Changes in the states of matter

1. Freezing- liquid to solid
2. Melting- solid to liquid
3. Evaporation- liquid to gas
4. Condensation- gas to liquid
5. Sublimation- solid to gas
6. Deposition- gas to solid

Physical Change
→ the chemical composition remains the same. It involves
only a change in the size or shape or state of subdivision, as
well as changes in state
Example: tearing of paper, chopping of woods, breaking of

Chemical Change
→ a change wherein the chemical composition has been
altered or a chemical reaction has taken place
Example: rusting of iron, metallic iron reacts with oxygen from
the atmosphere to form rust


1. Synthesis
→ It is a reaction between two or more simple substances to
form a single product
А + В → АВ

2. Decomposition
→ A single reactant is broken down to two or more products
AB → A + B

3. Substitution or Displacement
→ A more active element replaces a less active element in a
AB + C → AC + B

4. Double Decomposition or Meta thesis

→ Two or more compounds produce two or more new

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