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DIE in The Dungeon!.rules10x8new - en

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Components 1
Setup 2,3
Creature Board 4
Ability Cards 5
Dice 6
Hero Cards 7
Hero Chart 8
Dungeon Tiles 9
Tokens 10
Gameplay 11
Combat 12,13
Epic Party Tiles 14
Turn Example 15

DIE in the Dungeon! v1.0

Game Design
Wesley Woodbury

FunDaMental Games

Tristam Rossin

Promotional Images
Davis Palermo

Hopes Game


Initial Distribution
HubTrotter Logistics

1x Rulebook
1x Dungeon Guide
4x Creature Boards w/
Hero Chart
16x Ability Cards
4x Creature Standees
4x Player Aid Cards
3x Dice Sets
52x Hero Cards
60x Dungeon Tiles
14x DieMinion Tokens
9x Stat Tokens
6x Die-Namic Dice

You are a powerful creature, used to being in control, with others in constant fear of you. Without warning,
you were taken away from your lands by a spell, cast by someone known only as The Die Master, a
mighty wizard that even you could not stop. Now you find yourself in an unknown dungeon, full of weaker
monsters and annoying adventurers. The Die Master has said you will only be released if you eradicate
the many heroes that have infiltrated the dungeon. You must destroy those who are seeking treasure and
fame at The Die Master’s expense.


You win the game once you have defeated the win condition of the Dungeon Map. Usually this involves
defeating 1 or more Epic Party Tiles, but some scenarios will present different victory conditions. You lose
the game if, at the end of any turn, you have 0 Time or 0 Health

In a two player game, the player who defeats 2 Epic Party Tilies first wins the game. A 2 player game is
played with a specific Dungeon Map, which is provided in the Dungeon Guide.

Inside the lid of the box is a very simple Dungeon Map to train new players with turn sequence, combat,
DieMinons, and Stat Tokens before you take on the first full Dungeon Map from the Dungeon Guide.
Details on how to set this up are described in the Dungeon Guide.


Choose the creature you’d like to play and place the Creature Board in front of you.
Take the 4 Ability Cards for the chosen creature and place them face up on the table near
your card. Place the Player Aid card near your Creature Board if you are unfamiliar with the
turn sequence and combat rules.

Take one full set of dice (d4,d6,d8,d10,d12,d20).

Set the d4 to a 1, place it below the Ability icon on your stat bar.
Set the d20 to 20, place it below the Time icon on your stat bar.
Take the remaining four dice and set them to their max values (6,8,10,and 12), then place
them as you wish beneath each of the other four stat icons.
Read about Stat Dice for more information on this.

The other two sets of dice are to be used for rolling results throughout the game, and for
upgrading dice on your Creature Board. Place them in an accessible area and give yourself
room to roll them.

Sort the Hero Cards into each of the Hero Types (Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, and Cleric).
Note that each card has two sides, but this is not relevant until you encounter heroes in the
Dungeon. You can keep the sorted cards in a single pile, or if you have the table space it is
helpful to have them sorted into each Type.
Place the Epic Heroes (Barbarian, Assassin, Warlock, and Patriarch) in a single pile near the
Heroes. These will only be used a few times in the course of a game.
Place the Hero Chart near the Heroes for reference to their abilities.

Sort the Dungeon Tiles into stacks based on their type. The types are:
Start Tile, End Tile, Corner Tile, 2Way Tile, 3Way Tile, 4Way Tile, and DIE Tile.
Shuffle each of the piles and set them face down to prepare for Dungeon Building!
Note that some Dungeon Maps will request that you remove certain tile types before setup.
Refer to the Dungeon Guide to identify which map you will use for your game.
Assemble your Dungeon by placing pieces onto the table, adjacent to one another, to form
the Dungeon Map. Any extra tiles are set in the game box and will not be used this game.

Place Tokens on the Dungeon Tiles according to the Dungeon Map you are playing. Details
will be in the Dungeon Guide. Unused tokens can be set aside, or returned to the game box.

Place your Creature Standee on the Start Tile. The other Creature Standees will not be used
unless indicated by the Dungeon Map, or if it is a multi-player game.

Place the six mini-dice, referred to as Die-Namic Cubes, near your Creature Board. These
will be placed on your Creature Board as you defeat Heroes and earn Victory Points.

Stretch each of your fingers and thumbs, wiggle them around a bit, give your neck a turn or
two, and prepare yourself. You may very well DIE in the Dungeon, but you won’t go down
without a fight!

The Creature Board represents you throughout the game. There are 4 powerful creatures you can
choose from. Each creature has 2 special abilities on their board that can be used, at the cost of the
appropriate number of Action Points. Each Creature also has 4 Ability Cards specific to them, these cards
are used just like the abilities on your Creature Card, but can only be used once each per game. The
Creature options are:

The Deyeroller
A mystical creature with many eyes, and innate magical abilities. It has abilities that will allow you to
manipulate dice, and manipulate heroes.

The Troll O’ Bones

The big guy was hunting in the swamps for more bones to carve into dice before being summoned to the
Dungeon, and he’s not happy about it. He has abilities that help him recover health and avoid damage.

The Diemon
Transported from another plane of existence, this fiery demon is extremely strong. His fire strike is
particularly devastating against larger groups of heroes.

The Dierake
The Dierake loves hoarding dice, but she’s not afraid to part with them when she needs to take down
some potent Heroes!

Every time you defeat a Hero in the game
you earn one Victory Point. Once you have
an amount of Victory Points equal to a box,
you gain a Die-Namic Die. It is placed on
the square, and set to the number of pips
shown to the right of the die.
These dice may be used to increase your
die rolls, until all of the pips are used up.

Each creature has 2 reusable special
abilities. To use one, you must spend
a number of Ability points equal to the
amount shown on the Ability icon next to
it. Once you do, immediately follow the
direction on the Ability.

Every creature has the same stat board setup. The stat dice are described on the next page. Some important rules to
remember for these dice are:
• Time and Ability dice cannot be upgraded or downgraded. Time is always a d20, Ability is always a d4.
• Might, Agility, and Magic stats may be reduced during Combat in two ways, either by boosting your attack roll of the
same type, or by taking damage to the stat instead of your health.
• Stat dice may never be reduced below 1. You cannot have more than 2 of any type of die on your Creature Board.
• If your Health is reduced to 0, you lose the game. If your Time is below 1 at the end of a turn, you lose the game.
• The ability die may be reduced to zero, as its not a stat. If it is at zero, remove it from the board until you are back to
1 Ability point.

Each creature comes with 4 Ability Cards. These are unique to each
creature, representing some of their skills and powers.

Ability Cards may be used at the beginning of your turn (after you earn
your Ability point, or before). They can also be used at the beginning
of a round of Combat, just like a normal ability.

To use an Ability Card, you must reduce your Ability die by the value
shown on the card. If you cannot, the card cannot be used.

When you use a card, immediately follow the directions on the card,
then the card is removed from the game.

It is highly encouraged to speak aloud the phrase at the bottom of

the card, even when playing alone. Your creature will have a greater
feeling of self confidence and empowerment if you do so, which may
help prevent you from dying in the dungeon!

The Creature Board has 6 icons along its bottom edge. Place dice in the slots beneath them to represent
your statistics in the game. How you set these up at the beginning of the game will affect how you choose
to fight, where you choose to go in the Dungeon, and will generally represent the “character” of your
When deciding to take damage to your health or your stats, remember that Might, Agility, and Magic can
receive upgrades to their Die Type if you gain more stat points while at the max value on a die.
You have a lot of flexibility in how you manage your greatest resource, your stats, and these will ultimately
determine your fate (and the fate of the heroes) in the Dungeon.

TIME You begin the game with 20 Time points. At least once per turn you will lose
1 time, but there will be effects that can restore time. If you have 0 Time at
the end of a turn, you lose the game.
MIGHT This represents your strength and combat skills, and defense against Fighters.

AGILITY This represents your stealth and speed skills, and defense against Rogues.

MAGIC This represents your innate magical skills, and defense against Wizards.

HEALTH Your life force, if you lose your last Health point you immediately lose the
ABILITY Points used to activate any Creature Abilities or Ability Cards you have. This
die cannot be upgraded.

Let’s be perfectly clear here... This game has dice rolling, and lots of it! There is luck involved with that,
but there are plenty of player decision points that allow you to impact how and when certain dice are
rolled, and ways to modify die roll results.
There are 3 full sets of standard polyhedron dice. 1 set is for making Attack rolls and for Stat Checks.
The other 2 sets are for your Creature Stats.
At the beginning of the game you will have 1 of each die type for your Stats. There will be opportunities
to upgrade a die to the next size die. When you increase a Stat beyond the limit of the current die, you
can upgrade the Stat to the next higher die type to reflect its new value.
Note that you can never have more than 2 of a type of die on your Creature at any time. If something
would change your die to a type of which there are already 2 on your Creature, that effect is ignored.

Some things to know about your Stats:

• The Time and Ability Stats are always a d20 and a d4 respectively. There are no effects that can alter
the Die Type of these two Stats.
• Each of your Stats are set at the beginning of the game to the other 4 types of dice. How you position
them will play a role in your combat strategies, and your vulnerability to certain types of heroes.
• Your Might, Agility, and Magic dice serve four purposes:
• They each represent what die type you will roll when you make an attack using that Stat.
• The value of the Stat is your defense against the heroes’ attacks. The heroes must roll a
value higher than your current Stat value for that attack type, so the higher a Stat is, the
more likely you are to dodge that kind of Stat attack.
• If you are hit by a hero or a Stat Check, you may permanently reduce the Stat die matching
the type of attack or check by the amount of damage you took. So if you took 2 damage
for failing an Agility Stat Check, you could either lose 2 Health or lose 2 Agility (or even 1 of
• The Stat value can be reduced to modify rolls of that type that you make. For example, if
you make a Might Attack, or a Might Check, you can permanently reduce your Might Stat
die and add that value to your roll (this is done AFTER the roll). You cannot modify rolls
made by the heroes, only your own attack and Stat Check rolls.

• There will be many times in the game where you will gain Stat points. When this happens, if you
would gain enough points to put you higher than the Stat Die’s maximum value, you upgrade the die
and continue increasing its value. For example, lets say you have 7 Health on a d8 on your Creature
Board. You find a Health Token that gives you 2 Health. This will bring your Health to 9, which cannot
be shown on a d8. You must upgrade your die to a d10 to do this.
• If you cannot place the next highest die when doing an upgrade because you already have 2 on your
Creature Board, then you can only gain points to the max of the current die, and do not upgrade.

• There are 6 miniature d6’s, called Die-Namic Dice. These are a series of bonus modifier dice which
can be acquired as you defeat Heroes in the Dungeon.
• Each time you defeat a Hero, regardless of their difficulty, you earn one Victory point. Once you
achieve the number of points shown on your Creature Board you place one of the mini-dice on the
number, set to a number of pips equal to the +value to the right.
• Any time you would roll a die for your actions, you may use pips to add 1 to the roll (1 pip = +1 to roll).
If this would reduce your die to zero, set the die to the side so you know it has been used up.
Daring adventurers, seeking fame and wealth, or just driven by some need to do what they call “Good,”
are represented by Hero Cards. There are four hero types, and in each type there are four levels of that
Hero Cards are used when you face an Encounter on a Dungeon Tile. The number of heroes and their
difficulty level is determined by the tile. The Hero Cards are placed adjacent to one another to form a
Party, which you must battle against at the same time. The hero Stats are always added together when
they perform their attacks, and to determine their defense in each Stat.

Illustration of the Heroes. There
may be cards that are identical,
but with different images.

The hero level matches up with
the difficulty level of the Dungeon
Tiles. Some creature abilities may
refer to a hero’s level also.

Each hero has their own Stats,
but all hero Stats are added
together when determining the
“Party” Stat values and die types.

EXAMPLE Heroes Stat Value to Attack Die

This Hero Party consists of four level 2
Heroes. Each of them have their own Stats,
but they always combine when in Combat. 1-4 d4 9-10 d10
This party would have:

11 Might, 18 Agility, and 19 Magic. 5-6 d6 11-12 d12

As Heroes are defeated, these Stat totals
must be recalculated for the remaining
Heroes. 7-8 d8 13+ d20

These do-gooder dungeon delvers are
more than a few numbers, they’ve got
some sneaky skills of their own that they
will try to use to take you down. The
heroes are strongest when they work
together, so they always band together as
a party. When there is more than one of
any specific basic hero type, they gain a
special perk. It is important to look at the
hero abilities before beginning the combat,
as the Wizard and Cleric will impact you
before the Combat begins.

For example, if you encounter a party

that has 3 Wizards, you would lose 2 time
before you could use an ability, before
Combat begins.

As another example, if you encounter 3

Rogues you would have a chance to use
an Ability, then they would get 3 Agility
attacks prior to your first attack.

Each hero also has a secondary ability,

often triggered based on the result of the
Combat roll(s).

For the Bonus of the Fighter, Rogue, and Cleric, this refers to the final value of their roll after any
modifiers. For example, a party of 3 Fighters with a Might attack roll of 8 would then add the +2 modifier
from the Fighters ability, bringing the result to 10. This is enough to activate their Might Bonus, thus
inflicting 2 damage with a hit instead of the standard 1 damage.
The Cleric does not have a rolling bonus, but anytime there are Clerics in combat, you must defeat them
prior to defeating any other hero types.

When you see the ? icon on a Dungeon Tile, this means there is a random Hero. You must roll a d6 for
each ? icon.
1- Fighter, 2- Rogue, 3- Wizard, 4- Cleric, 5- Ranged Attack, lose 1 Health, 6- Choose the hero type
Note that there will be Stretch Goal to turn this into an extra, heat transferred die with images of Hero
heads instead of #s.

The Epic Party tiles also have an Epic Hero. These are more powerful heroes that make Combat much
more difficult. They are not counted as their matching class for the purposes of their abilities and rolling
bonuses (i.e., A Barbarian does not count as a Fighter when calculating the # of Fighters).

Defeating an Epic Hero is worth 2 Victory points when earning Die-Namic Cubes.

Combat with an Epic Party can be complex, so it is recommended to read each Hero & Epic Hero ability
prior to starting Combat, and again when making attack rolls.

Exploring the Dungeon involves moving your Standee next to any unflipped Tile which is adjacent to the
starting tile, or any already explored Tile. Once the challenges on the Tile are completed, you will move
onto the explored Tile.
Each Dungeon Tile has a Level of Difficulty, a Title, an Effect, and Encounter information (if there is an
encounter on that tile). The tile Effect must be resolved completely before facing the Encounter, unless
the Effect is about the Encounter. Once a tile’s Effect and Encounter have been resolved, it stays face up
on the table, but it is considered Explored and will not affect the game any further.


There are 4 levels of difficulty. A way to identify the different
The levels are used to identify the types of tiles.
types of Hero cards to use when
there is an Encounter.
The image on the tile shows
which ways you can travel
through the Dungeon.
If there is are any Hero heads
on the tile, you must face an
Encounter. For each hero head TILE EFFECT
on the tile, find a Hero that Follow the direction written here
matches the tile’s difficulty level. prior to facing the Encounter (if
You must enter Combat with there is one).
those heroes.

Non-Encounter tiles will have a
There are some abilities
number as well. The higher the
that allow you to ignore or
number, the more dangerous the
automatically succeed against
tile is. For easier games, remove
the higher value tiles.
You may attempt to roll your Stat
to pass the trap naturally before
using ability points or cards.
Some Dungeon Tiles will require
In all cases, you may also
you to make a Stat Check. When
decrease the Stat Die of the type
this happens, you must roll a die
of Trap you are trying to pass to
type identical to the Stat being
modify your die roll.
checked. In some cases you will
not be able to succeed the check.



The backs of the tiles are used

to create the different Dungeon
Maps in the Dungeon Guide.
Start/Blank Tiles: 4
Epic Party Tiles: 4
Dead End Tiles: 10
Corner Tiles: 10
TwoWay Tiles: 10
ThreeWay Tiles: 8
FourWay Tiles: 8
Blank Tiles: 2

When you Explore a Dungeon Tile that has a DieMinion or a Stat Token, you acquire it immediately, then
complete the revealed tile’s action and encounter as usual. Tokens may be used at any time in the game.

DieMinion Tokens
At the start of the game you have one d6 DieMinion at your disposal, and you have the opportunity to
acquire more by traversing along different paths of the Dungeon. DieMinions are your little sidekicks,
ready to be tossed at heroes and Dungeon traps alike to increase your odds of victory.
DieMinions are double sided tokens. The standard die image, and the DieMinion image. There is no
gameplay effect on which side you put face-up, the two sides are just there for your preference.

DieMinions are used after you have made an Attack roll or a Stat Check. If you failed your roll, you may
use a DieMinion token to make a roll with the die type matching the token. Add the die roll to your roll.
You may use as many DieMinions as you want for any roll.
All DieMinion tokens that are used must be discarded.
There are some tiles that will cause you damage if you have DieMinions, they can be an unruly bunch
when they want to be! But overall, having these extra roll tokens are crucial to your success in defeating
Epic Party hero groups in the Dungeon.


On many of the Dungeon Maps you will see the icons from your Creature Board on the Map, as tokens.
The Might, Agility, Magic, and Health icons are Stat Tokens. When used, immediately give the Stat
Die represented an increase of +2. If this would put a die higher than its max value, that Stat Die gets
increased to the next Die Type.
For example, if you have a d6 for Might, and it is at 5 when you acquire the Might token, you will go up to
7 Might. Since a d6 cannot go higher than 6, you would upgrade your die to a d8 and set it to 7.

You may never have more than two dice of the same type on your Creature Board. If you would normally
upgrade a Die, but cannot because it would break this rule, you must leave your Die at the max value of
its current type instead.

The Time Token and the Ability Token can be used immediately when you acquire them, or they can be
saved for a more suitable time. Each of these tokens provide a +2 to their respective values, but cannot
be used to upgrade a Die.

Your goal in the game is to find, and defeat, the Epic Party heroes that are clearing their way through the
Dungeon. Everything you do should be geared toward preparing yourself, while reserving enough Time
and Health to defeat them. The game will take place over a series of turns in which you will have several
decisions to make. Each turn you complete each of the actions below. Combat only takes place if there is
an Encounter on the Explored Dungeon Tile.
Power Up: Gain 1 Ability Point by rotating your d4 to the next highest
number. You cannot gain more than 4 Ability Points. +1

Rest: You may spend up to 3 Time Points to gain an equal

amount of Health Points.
Move: Choose a tile adjacent to a tile that has been Explored. Move
your creature Standee next to that tile, then flip the new tile over.

Ex. Only tiles

Blank tiles
are not yet 1 1 and 2 can be
moved to this
Explored. It turn.
takes 1 time When moving
to move to, through the
and flip over, Explored Tiles Unexplored Tiles dungeon,
an unexplored have their blank you may find
tile. It must be sides showing. DieMinion
adjacent to an tokens. If you
Explored tile. 2 Move to a tile
with one of
these, acquire it
Tile Effects: Complete any immediate effects stated on the flipped Dungeon immediately.
Tile. If there is an Encounter on the tile, proceed to step 5.
If there is not an Encounter on the tile, your turn ends here.
Encounter: Find a number of hero cards matching the hero types shown on the Dungeon
Tile, with hero levels matching the difficulty of the revealed tile. Place the group
of hero cards together to form the hero party.

Examples of how
Dungeon Tiles with
Encounter icons turn
into a Hero Party.

Combat: You must fight the hero party over a series of rounds of
Combat (see Combat section). Once all heroes are defeated
the turn is over. If you die, well... these things happen when
you are a giant monster. Better luck next time!

The moment you’ve been waiting for! You were summoned to fight the heroes, which is perfect since you
enjoy squishing the puny little things anyhow.
Combat is broken down into a series of “rounds”. A round is the sequence of both the heroes and your-
self completing each of your required actions.
Here are the combat steps in full detail. A summarized version of these are provided on your Player Aid
card, for quick reference when it is too cramped in the Dungeon to whip out this giant rulebook.
You may choose to use an Ability from your Creature
Card or from your available Ability Cards by expending
Ability Points.

If there is a Fighter or Barbarian in the party, the heroes

make one Might attack roll. If the result is higher than
your current Might value (or they roll the highest number
on their die), the attack is successful and you lose 1
Health, or 1 Might, your choice.

If there is a Rogue or Assassin in the party, the heroes

make one Agility attack roll. If the result is higher than
your current Agility value (or they roll the highest number
on their die), the attack is successful and you lose 1
Health or 1 Agility, your choice.

If there is a Wizard or Warlock in the party, the heroes

make one Magic attack roll. If the result is higher than
your current Magic value (or they roll the highest number
on their die), the attack is successful and you lose 1
Health or 1 Magic, your choice.

or or You now get to make 1 attack against the party. You may
make a Might attack, an Agility attack, or a Magic Attack
against the party.
If you roll higher than the total of their matching stat, you
are successful, and defeat one of the Heroes of your
choice. If the heroes are of different levels, the lowest
level hero must be defeated first. Return the defeated
card to the Hero deck.
If you roll less than, or the same as, their total stat value
than you have the option to Modify your roll by losing as
many points off of the stat you are attacking with as you
have available. For each point you lose this way, add one
point to the result of your attack roll.
You may not reduce your Stat dice below 1.

Repeat the Combat steps until all of the heroes are

defeated, or until you “DIE in the Dungeon!”

An important part of combat is to know what kind of dice the heroes attack with.
The general rule is that the heroes attack with the lowest value die that could roll the combined total
of the stat with which they are attacking (Might, Agility, and Magic). If the combined total is over 13, no
matter how high it is, a d20 would be the largest die type rolled. See below for an example!

Because there is a Fighter in the party, a Might attack is performed by the

heroes. The Might value of the party is calculated by adding the Might of all
heroes in the party. In this example it is 6+3+1+1=11.
The lowest type of die that could result in a 11 is a d12, therefore the heroes’
Might attack is completed by rolling a d12.

Because there is a Rogue in the party, an Agility attack is performed by the

heroes. The Agility value of the party is calculated by adding the Agility of all
heroes in the party. In this example it is 4+8+3+3=18.
The lowest type of die that could result in a 18 is a d20, therefore the heroes’
Agility attack is completed by rolling a d20.

Because there is a Wizard in the party, a Magic attack is performed by the

heroes. The Magic value of the party is calculated by adding the Magic of all
heroes in the party. In this example it is 2+1+8+8=19.
The lowest type of die that could result in a 19 is a d20, therefore the heroes’
Magic attack is completed by rolling a d20.

Heroes Stat Value to Attack Die As the heroes are defeated, the party Stat values will
decrease, thus decreasing the dice they use for their
1-4 d4 9-10 d10 For example, if the Rogue and a Wizard were
defeated, that would leave the Fighter and a Wizard.
This would be 7 Might (d10), 7 Agility (d10), and 10
5-6 d6 11-12 d12 Magic (d10). If the Fighter were defeated, that would
leave the Wizard having Might of 1 (d4, Agility 3 (d4),
and Magic 8 (d8).
7-8 d8 13+ d20

The purpose of the game is to defeat a specified number of the Epic Party Tiles. The number of Epic
Party tiles in the Dungeon will vary dependent on what Dungeon Map you are playing, or how difficult you
wish to make the game in the Build Your Own Dungeon mode.
An Epic Party is any party containing at least one Epic Hero. It will always have the Epic Party text on it.
Below are a few examples of Epic Party Tiles in the game, and what to be wary of.

This party is led by an Assassin, who is well protected by two Clerics and a
standard Rogue. The Clerics not only protect the Assassin and the Rogue from
getting defeated, but due to this tiles effect, they also prevent any Creature
Abilities from being played.

This party is led by a Barbarian, who is accompanied by a Level 2 Wizard &
Cleric. The Barbarian has to be hit twice to be defeated, allowing the full party to
get in at least two attacks.

This party is led by a Warlock, and is a pure spellcasting party. With the Warlocks
power, the party is likely to decimate your DieMinions if they are not used up
quickly. The Warlock’s ability to weaken magic defense almost guarantees the
party to hit you a few times.

This party is led by a Patriarch. Although the Patriarch does not have high Stat
figures, its special ability provides excellent protection for the Fighter and the
It’s most frustrating power is that it denies the use of Abilities and DieMinions
until the Patriarch has been defeated.

It is important to read the ability of the Epic Party, as it may

influence your Abilties, your Dice options, or other parts of the
game. Each Epic Party tile has a different effect.

Sometimes reading the rules alone doesn’t help fully grasp how a turn of play works, so this page is a
start to finish turn, taking place on the second turn of the game. We have our Deyeroller, with its Stat dice
in place, and its Ability cards face up on the table below it (can be held in your hands as well).

Gain One Ability Point

I had one ability point, so I rotate the d4 on the
right from a 1 to a 2.

Optional Rest
I am at full health, so nothing happens here. If
I had less than full health, I could lose up to 3
Time to recover the same amount of Health.
This is done by rotating the Stat Die values by
the chosen amount.

Lose 1 Time, Move to a New Tile

Choose an adjacent, unexplored tile in the
Dungeon, reduce your d20 Time die by 1, then
flip over that tile.

Read the Text on the Tile

This tile does not have any text to follow, so I
can move on to the Encounter. If there were
directions on it, those would be completed
before progressing to the Encounter.

Assemble the Encounter

This tile has four heroes that I must Combat.
The tile is a level 1 tile, so I find the level
one heroes shown on the bottom of the tile.
A Fighter, a Rogue, a Wizard, and a Cleric.
Place them on the table next to my creature.
Calculating Hero Stats & Dice
As described in the Hero section, the heroes you Combat
encounter will have fluctuating stat values and Follow the Combat steps. This consists of:
attack dice throughout the combat. Use an Ability by spending Ability Points
In the above sample of heroes, their values are as (optional)
follows: Might attack if party has a Fighter or Barbarian
Might: 4 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 9, a d10 is used for attack Agility attack if party has a Rogue or Assassin
Agility: 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 9, a d10 is used for attack Magic attack if party has a Wizard or Warlock
Magic: 1 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 10, a d10 is used for attack You attack with the Stat Die of your choice
Repeat until the heroes, or you, are defeated
As heroes are defeated, and removed from
Combat, their combined Stat values are reduced, End the Turn
as are the size of their attack dice. Turn is now over, begin the next turn.
Their combined stat values are the number you
must roll above with the matching stat type to
defeat one of them.


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