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Document Submittal Form

submittal no.
Contract no. Date


Document no. Type Description Action required
Method Approval Comments
Statement & Risk Assessment
PLN for Loading and Unloading 02
Information Others
Miscellaneous Material

Contractor authorized signatory



PMC’s comments

Exception as noted revise

No exception taken Revise and resubmit
Status code and resubmit for record
Rejected Review not required Issued for Construction


Received by Contractor
Name Date


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Method Statement & Risk Assessment for Loading
and Unloading Miscellaneous Material

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Document History

Revision code Description of changes Purpose of issue Date

Document approval

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by


Job Title Site Superintendent Construction Manager Project Manager

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1. Purpose

2. Scope

3. Equipment

4. Plans, Permits, & Pre-mobilization Activities Safety, Health, & Environment Responsibilities

5. Safety, Health & Environment

6. Responsibilities

7. Control Plans

8. Methodology

9. Quality Assurance & Quality Control

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1.0 Purpose

• The purpose of this Method Statement is to present the procedure for Safe load and
unloading material throughout construction phase
2.0 Scope of Work

This procedure applies to staff assigned to carry out safe work during loading and unloading
of miscellaneous material.

3.0 Equipment

• Mobile Crane

 Boom lift

• Fork lift

4.0 Plans, Permits and Pre-Mobilization Activities

• A level area will be cleared for the standing of the mobile crane and trailer. Prior to
standing and rigging of crane on the project site, the HSE officer will be responsible for ensuring
that Plant Check list is completed and that copies of relevant documentation is available.

5.0 Health, Safety & Environment

Barriers and warning signs will be provided as appropriate. Fixed and solid barriers will used for
edge protection if any. Tape will be used as a warning of danger.

• Defensive Driving {program shall be developed then effectuated}. Drivers & Operators
shall be trained and adept and shall obey the Project Driving rules.

• Drivers shall have valid license accepted in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

• Lifting Equipment shall be inspected daily and prior to the beginning of work to
safeguard good working condition.

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• Entrances and exits to/from the work area as well as haul roads shall be approved prior
to loading and unloading activity.

• Mobile phones shall not be used during the operation of loading and unloading.

5.1 Personal Protective Equipment

• Safety Helmet

• Safety Foot wear

• High visible Safety vest

• Cover All (Dungarees)

• Safety glasses and ear protectors

• Safety Gloves

• Ear Protectors

5.2 Emergency Procedure

Refer to the Approved Health & Safety/ Emergency Plan.

First aid kits will be provided on site for light injuries as well as First Aid Station and a Nurse. In
the event of an emergency all workers will be asked to evacuate and assemble at the designated
assembly area and wait for further instruction from supervisors.

5.3 Environmental Issues

• Contractor does not envisage any major environmental impact because of loading and
unloading activity.

• The Job Hazard Analysis Chart provides the action and/or procedure taken to minimize
the identified risks.

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6.0 Responsibilities

Refer Project Quality Manual.

6.1 Work Flow Chart

1. General Project Manager

2. Project Manager
3. Safety Manager
4. Environmental Engineer
5. QA/QC Manager
6. QA/QC Engineers and Inspectors
7. Construction Manager
8. Site Engineers
9. Foremen

6.2 Safety Manager

Safety Manager is responsible to co‐ordinate all activities are fulfilling the safety rules
and polices.

6.3 Construction Manager

The CM will coordinate with Site Engineer and ensure that the necessary resources to
implement the approved method statement have been allocated to the task.

6.4 Quality Control Manager

QCM is responsible to co‐ordinate all activities required to direct and control quality.

6.5 Site Engineer

The S.E will ensure that all activities are conducted according to the approved method
statement and all in-situ tests according to the ITP are implemented.

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7.0 Control Plans

Slippage/turning of heavy equipment shall be controlled.

8.0 Methodology
Before loading and unloading activities lifting plan will be briefed (tool box talk) prior to
start of activity/ lifting operations.

Lifting will be designated “Authorized Personnel only” and will be demarked and signage
displayed to ensure that no unauthorized personnel can gain entry to the lifting zone.

Safe access and egress for the route of the forklift/ mobile crane for loading and unloading
material will be determined. Access will be free of obstructions and be properly

The lifting equipment for loading/unloading utilized for the task should be rated for safe
working load capacity to lift off. The lifting load will be suitably bound or lashed to ensure it
is secure and on a pallet

Loading and Unloading Material with Mobile Crane/Boom truck

Equipment will be delivered at site, A level area will be identified, agreed with Main
Contractor and cleared for the positioning of mobile crane and trailer prior to the lifting and
. unload task

Outrigger mats or suitable timbers will be positioned under outriggers. The hydraulic out
riggers will be extended over mats and the crane leveled. The cranes boom will be raised
and telescoped to the required length. The Automatic Safe Load Indicator will be checked for
. correct operation

Only one piece of load to be lifted one at the time. The Slinger/banksman will attach chain
sling from crane hook point, hook block. The banksman will be attached 2 Nos web sling
. with equipment and chain sling hook

Once it is confirmed by the Banksman/slinger that the load is level, the lift will commence to
the required position under the strict guidance of the Banks man. If the Crane operator can
. not see banksman then he is to stop the lift immediately

Ensure that set down area is clear where the load is going to be offload. Tag lines are to be
used to prevent swinging. On completion of lifting operations, all lifting is to be removed and
.stored properly

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TASK Lifting of Loading and Unloading Miscellaneous Materials

DATE Sep 21, 2023 New Revised Revision Date Sep 21, 2023

Cold Work Hot Work Excavation Confined Space Work At Height

1.0 Permit(s) Required:
LOTO Permit Night Work Radiography Lifting Permit Road Closure Permit

Hard Hat Fluorescent Reflective Vest Rain Suit Cut resistant gloves
Clear Safety Glasses Dust Mask Disposable Coverall Leather Gloves
Dark Safety Glasses Cartridge Respirator Mask Fire resistant coverall Rubber Gloves
2.0 PPE Required: Coverall Air supplied respirator Chemical Goggles Nitrile gloves
Cotton Gloves SCBA Cutting Goggles Elect Insulated gloves
Ear Plugs Face Shield Welding Aprons
Safety Shoes
Earmuffs Welding Hood Welding Leggings
Dielectric footwear
Special Tools and Gas Badge Anemometer Lifeline Fire Extinguisher
3.0 Equipment Dosimeter Lux Meter Retrieval Line Ventilation Fans
Required: Multi-Gas Monitor Noise Meter Full body Harness Lighting
Foreman / Supervisors to secure work permit before commencing activity and conduct brief safety talk
(E.g. toolbox meeting, topics shall include heat stress awareness).
Wear mandatory PPE’s (hard hats, safety glass, coverall, safety shoes, visibility vest)
4.0 Ensure availability of sufficient hydration and rest shade area.
Maintain adequate supervision.
Dangerous occurrence, near miss and other related incident shall be reported accordingly.
Eltizam on Safe lifting operation &Neom SOP on safe lifting operation

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Use The Risk Score Calculator To Determine The Level Of Risk Of Each Hazard

What would What is the LIKELIHOOD of an occurrence? Hierarchy of Controls

the SEVERITY Severit Almos Very Very
Of an occurrence be? Likely Unlikely Can the hazard be Eliminated or removed from the work place?
y t Likel Unlikel
Rating Certai y y
High High High Me Me Can the product or process be substituted for a less hazardous
Multiple Fatalities / 5 alternative?
Environmental release with detrimental effects requiring 25 20 15 d d
external emergency services
10 5
Major High High High Me Lo
Major Illness or Injury, disability/ 4 Can the hazard be engineered away with guards or barriers?
Environmental release with minimal off site impact 20 16 12 d w
8 4
Serious but non-permanent injury or ill health High High Me Me Lo Can Administrative Controls be adopted
Work days lost/ 3 i.e. procedures, job rotation etc
On site release requiring environmental emergency 15 12 d d w
plan to be activated 9 6 3
Me Me Me Lo Lo
Medical attention needed. 2 Can Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing be worn to
No work restrictions./ d d d w w safeguard against hazards?
Local on site environmental release treated locally
10 8 6 4 2
Negligible Me Lo Lo Lo Lo
Minor cuts & bruises or sickness/ 1 d w w w w RISK RATING (Likelihood x Severity)
Nuisance release with no adverse
impact 5 4 3 2 1
1-4 LOW RISK (No further action required)
5-10 MEDIUM RISK (Procedure to be available)
Likelihood Rating 5 4 3 2 1 11-25 HIGH RISK (Full time supervision present)

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SN Activity Potential Hazard L S RL Control Measures L S RR

1 Complete all • Missed information 3 3 9  Mobile plant and construction equipment vehicle Plan. 1 2 2
necessary • Incompliance to  Ensure Permit documents, Location drawing verify the HSE Team.
documents (Safe specification and  Work location physical examination by site foreman &HSE Team
Work Permit) Safety requirements.  Comply to the requirements lifting permit. Lifting accessories
Toolbox Meeting, • Missed steps. certificate, operator certificate by HSE Team
Lifting Plan • Working without valid  Work permit must be available before starting the job.
permit.  Conduct tool box meeting and discuss the activity before to start
 the work.
 A lifting plan must be prepared and implemented according to the
 lifting activity.
 Supervisor must be present during the lifting activity.
2 Pre-task briefing Lack of communication 4 5 20 Proper Communicate with all workers during work activity, permit 2 2 4
(Activity Briefing) and requirement to be communicated.
between workers may cause harm. Be undertaken at the point of work in languages the workers understand.
Unaware of significant hazards from Involve no more than 15 workers (optimum number of 8 people).
the task. Discuss with workforce all activity related significant hazards &control
Poor supervision at workplace measures with workforce.
Empower the workers to stop the work if it becomes unsafe
Activity briefing safety instructions by Foreman/supervisor.
All Supervisors should complete Projects Supervisor Activity Briefing
Training to support in the delivery of effective briefings.

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SN Activity Potential Hazard L S RL Control Measures L S RR

3 Lifting Operation by Defective lifting equipment 4 5 20  Ensure lifting equipment (appliances and accessories) has valid 1 4 4
Crane, Boom Truck certification.
& Excavator  Inspect equipment prior to use and ensure that lifting accessories
(Loading/ Unloading, are correctly color coded.
& Installation of  Ensure equipment is regularly maintained, follow manufacturer’s
NJBs, port cabin, instructions.
generator).  Lifting equipment shall be inspected annually by 3rd party.
 All accessories (Lifting belts, lifting Chain, D-Shakel, chain slings)
shall be certified every 6 months by 3rd party and inspected on
regular basis by rigger/ inspector.
 Color coding procedures and tagging system to be implemented.
 Ensure excavator only designed by manufacturer with an eye on
the bucket’s head can be used for suspend, lower and raise the
Incorrect use of lifting 5 4 20  Trained riggers, Person In Charge, crane operator etc. must 1 4 4
equipment be competent and qualified.
 Equipment operator required to carry out a daily inspection and
record it.
 Supervision of a competent supervisor is a must
Abrupt movements 3 4 12  Load to be lifted/lowered carefully 1 5 5
 Watch out for objects in the way of the load
 Operator to follow the signals of the trained rigger

4 Unstable, uneven ground 4 4 16  Position crane on stable and even ground 1 3 3

 Ensure the outriggers are set correctly
 Use mats under the outriggers to distribute ground pressure
 Keep sufficient distance from the edge of trenches
 Ensure riggers and crane operator are qualified Supervision

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SN Activity Potential Hazard L S RL Control Measures L S RR

5 Improper handling of load 3 4 12  Check suitability of crane position in relation to radius, boom 1 3 3
length and load chart
 Make sure load down area is safe
 In case of loading a vehicle ensure its position is suitable
 Ensure correct and certified rigging is used
 Use tag lines to avoid swinging of the load
 Lift the load carefully 10-20cm before proceeding
 Ensure riggers and crane operator are qualified/certified
 Ensure crane operator will follow signals of trained
rigger Supervision
6 Suspended load 3 3 9  Personnel never to be allowed under suspended load or within 1 4 4
swinging radius
 No tools, food or drinks to be allowed near moving crane parts
 Use tag lines to avoid swinging of the load
 Cordon off area
 Restrict area to and limit number of authorized persons
 Crane operator shall not leave controls unattended
 Never leave load unattended

Overloading crane  Ensure correct capacity crane is selected 1 3 3

 Ensure load computer is working correctly
 Ensure load charts and boom angle indicator are available
4 5 20  SWL, inspection and next due date are displayed prominently on
the boom
 Load only to be lifted vertically.

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SN Activity Potential Hazard L S RL Control Measures L S RR

Inadequate work space /  Plan the work to avoid congestion and conflicting tasks in that area
Congested area  Ensure adequate space is available to work and maneuver crane
and vehicle
 Parking not to be allowed in the area
5 4 20  Provide proper storage area 1 3 3
 Maintain good house keeping
 Use only qualified/certified riggers and crane operator
 Supervision.

Insufficient communication  Use only qualified/certified riggers and crane operator

 Ensure it is clear who is in charge (trained rigger)
 Ensure trained rigger is easily recognized by wearing a color vest or
4 4 16 1 3 3
helmet (red)
 Ensure rigger’s signals are understood and followed
 Restrict area to and limit number of authorized persons
Bad weather  Follow strictly crane manufacturers requirements for wind speed
 Stop work if the conditions are beyond the limit as mentioned by
4 3 12 1 5 5
 No Lifting during adverse weather.
Heat stress.  Ensure to implement as per project approved, Heat Stress
 Install sun's shades and shelters appropriate for number of
working crews.
1 3 3
 Schedule work for the cooler time of the day or nightshift.
 Schedule work rest rotations and awareness briefing.
 Need to ensure no work proceed during summer break hours (12
noon to 15:00 Hrs.)

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SN Activity Potential Hazard L S RL Control Measures L S RR

7 Equipment and Struck-by or Caught-in-between 3 4 12  Only trained and experienced operatives to be allowed to operate
Vehicles movement or vehicle contact with plant.
personnel/flagman/pedestrian.  Exclusive zone around the plant &equipment 10 meters, no person
Poor traffic signs and Allow to stand, sit near this 10-meter danger zone.
barriers.  Don’t leave(or)stand inside the construction vehicle cabin without
Poor vehicle access and Isolation the plant & equipment.
traffic routes.  Construction vehicle while Approaching parking zone need to have
Overturning / overloading maintain safe distance with another vehicle frontside 10 meter.
of vehicles.  A safe following distance of 20 meters in front of other heavy
equipment and 10 meters to the rear and sides.
 Plant &equipment parking in a sequence left to right &leave,
equipment leaves from parking zone from left to right.
 All parking zones secured with hard barriers with behind the
parking have pedestrian access to reach welfare area.
 Operatives must be in possession of a SAG license of competency
1 4 4
from government.
 Only properly maintained and inspected plant used.
 Operation or travel near to excavations will be prevented.
 Machine will be prohibited from approaching steelwork on which
 erectors are working at height or in confined space.
 Materials are only to be lifted using forks when not moving
 If materials are lifted on forks, measures to be taken when
 necessary (unbalanced load etc) to ensure material cannot slip
 thoroughly examined and tested at least every 12 months.

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SN Activity Potential Hazard L S RL Control Measures L S RR

8 Lifting Operation Incompetent 4 4 16  TBT to be conducted and the entire hazard associated to be
operators/personnel.  discussed.
Run-over and back-over  MSRA Communicated with workforce.
injuries and worker  Lifting Supervisor Appointed for lifting operations
fatalities.  The operator shall have a valid Saudi Arabia Driving license and 3rd
party certification.
 All the vehicles in use at work site are to conform to Company.
 Periodic equipment /Vehicle maintenance to be done.
 Adhere to NEOM driving / road safety policy.
 In sand storm, the vehicle speed shall be reduced.
1 5 5
 Segregate pedestrians from machines.
 Installation of physical barriers like concrete jersey barriers, etc.
 Improve alert / awareness of mobile equipment
 Training of equipment operators and flag men.
 Trained flagman shall be in place and ensure that minimum
 Installation of warning signs, lights and alarms system.
 Equipment rotating radius shall be properly barricaded and no
 one shall enter the area during the operation.
 3rd Party equipment inspection or equipment ‘fit for purpose’

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SN Activity Potential Hazard L S RL Control Measures L S RR

9 Parking Improper parking of equipment at 4 5 16 Sequence of Parking and mobilization of plant:

workplace (MMI) Close parking During morning start the work shift, lunch break, shift change time
for equipment/truck Inadequate foreman ensure that entry &exit of plant and equipment at
physical barriers between men parking zone controlled.
machine moment area. Absence Plant &equipment park in a sequence left to right &leave, equipment
of warning signs for parking leaves from parking zone from left to right. (Parking zone Image
Operatives Sitting near the Attached)
parking equipment Poor hand Operation and plant mobilization must be done under supervision and
signal &poor communication on in a controlled manner, with a safe following distance of 20 meters in
hand signaling front of other heavy equipment and 10 meters to the rear and sides.
For Dump truck while travelling need to maintain front side 50-meter
safe distance. Plant &Equipment should not approach other Mobile
Plant and encroach on the 10m danger zone.

All items of mobile plant and equipment must be capable of 360-

degree vision or fitted with 360-degree visibility aids, such as reversing
cameras and Proximity sensors/alarms system in place.
1 3 3
Hand signal proper communicated with All Drivers, operators during
activity briefing.
Contractor will renew TMPs for all local or temporary vehicle and
equipment parking, quarantine and staging areas, to include a Zoning
Risk Plan for vehicle movements and access control for all personnel.

Need to maintain safe distance between to vehicle during parking.

Ensure adequate physical barricades in place to avoid MMI (Men
machine Interface)
Adequate illumination (Lux Lvel-10) in place for nightshift. No sitting
nearby parking areas. No person allows to sit &take rest nearby
parking equipment prohibited. All operatives Trained in men machine
Interface. Disciplinary action notice system in place.

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SN Activity Potential Hazard L S RL Control Measures L S RR

Prepared By Approved By
Position Project Manager



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Appendix A
Lifting Plan template NEOM

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Lifting Equipment and Lifting Accessories Register
Applicability: This lifting operation register is to ensure that the lifting operation at NEOM’s Projects complies with NEOM-NPR-SOP 34.0 – safe use of lifting equipment and lifting accessories Procedure.

Section 1: Particulars
Project: Location: Consultant:
Project No: GPS Coordinates: Contractor:
Section 2: Lifting Equipment/Accessories Details
Lifting Equip. Annual Compliance
Sl Item/Equip Type SWL/ Certificate Inspection Date
/Accessories (sling, chain, shackle, Item Description Expiry Date Comment
No. spreader, etc.)
WLL Number Date (Certificate of Proof
ID No. Load & Examination)

Prepared By:



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