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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction

Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

Main Contractor: Description of works: Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing RA Reference:
Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat )
Sub-Contractor: MESTALLA CONSTRUCTION LLC Location of works: HIAEP-0063 MST Reference ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001

RA made by: Mr. Sujesh Signature: Date: 16 Feb 2022

RA reviewed by: Menardo Malapitan Signature: Date:

Risk Risk
assessment assessment







Activitie Controls to be


S/N Who affected Hazards/Risks Ris
s implemented

(check all that 1. STARRT and/or RA/MS (mitigation
discussed with all persons
involved in the task prior to works commencing works
supervisor to discuss hazards and any mitigation
measures to be taken.
2. Driver to perform Vehicle inspection.
3. Ensure vehicle Driver licensed, Vehicle is road
worthy and update road test.
Consultants, Sub 4. Drive carefully. Follow road instructions, speed
Contractors’, 1.Transportation failure limits on site. Main access Rd 40kp/h All other roads
Visitors, HSE 2. RTA - Injury- 15kp/h unless otherwise indicated.
1 Site Preparation personnel , Client’s 3. Incompetent persons 2 3 6 6 5. Do not drive in fog/low visibility. 2 2 4 4
Representatives, 4. Misinformed/unoriented 6. Do not drive when feeling tired.
Operators, 5. Hand/Body Injury 7. Drive with headlights on whilst on site.
workforce 8. Use of mobile phones voice or texting is forbidden.
9. Secure all tools during travel.

10. Trained, Competent and Authorized Supervision

shall be present at all times to ensure workforce are
adhering to safe working procedures.
11.Make sure all employees are Safety inducted
before they can work on site.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. Provision of insulated flasks to all operatives to be

filled with cool water.
2. Provision of adequate and regular supply of cool
drinking water. Also, encourage operatives to
drink a cup of water (200ml) every 10 to 15
minutes subject to the heat/humidity index
chart12. Job rotation among operative to reduced
exposure time.
3. Supervision is required full time
4. If possible, work area to be shade.
Working in Extreme Heat and 5. Provision of shaded rest areas with suitable
seating arrangements.
Consultants, Sub
1. Heat Stroke 6. Provision of periodic rest breaks and rest facilities
2 Contractors’, Visitors,
2. Heat Stress in cool conditions.
HSE personnel ,
3. Muscle cramps 4 3 12 12 7. Use of PPE and light clothing that permits the 4 1 4 4
Representatives, 4. Fainting evaporation of sweat should be wear (e.g., cotton
Operators, workforce 5. Feeling Sick clothing). Use sunscreen and cover your head
when working outside.
8. Adoption of heat/humidity flag system across the
9. Follow Ministry of Administrative Development,
Labor and Social Affairs (MADLSA) the
implementation of its Minister Decision No. (17) for
the year 2021 regarding the necessary
precautions to protect workers from heat stress in
open work sites during the summer period.
10. Emergency Procedure and Heat Stress
Management Plan to be follow.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. Ensure appropriate dust masks are worn during

1. Spraying chemical in high winds / high wind and dusty conditions.
Illness due to inhalation to 2. Works at high levels shall be suspended during
personnel working nearby. dust storm, high winds.
Consultants, 2. Dust or debris in the air / Eye 3. Work supervisors/Engineers shall ensure that all
Contractors, Sub Injury loose materials are secured and shall not fly away
contractors, Visitors, 3. Exposure to skin, especially in the during high winds.
HSE, Dept. Public, cold 4. Equipment operations shall be suspended during
4. Loads, equipment or vehicles that high winds depending on the recommended wind
Representatives, fall, drop, or tip over / Injury, speed under which the equipment’s can operate. 4
Skilled and Property Damage, Fatality. 5. Workers shall ensure that they wear clothes to
Unskilled 5. Reduced visibility / Injury, Property keep them warm during cold weather conditions.
Working in Extreme Cold, High
3 workers/Drivers/ Damage. 4 3 12 12 6. Workers to ensure adequate water intake even
winds and Dusty condition
Operators/Foremen/ during cold weather as they are prone to feel less
Supervisors/Charge thirsty during cold weather.
Hands/Safety 7. Workers to ensure adequate PPE is worn whilst at
Officers/Riggers/Ba work.
nk sman/ 8. Spraying of chemicals to be suspended during
Lifting supervisor high winds.
/ 9. Regularly monitoring the Qatar Meteorological
Scaffolders/ forecast and communicated to all worker’s. 4 1 4

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. Avoid manual handling where possible

2. Ensure STARRT and/or RAMS are discussed with
the work group prior to works commencing If manual
handling cannot be avoided, automation, mechanization
and the use of lifting and transport equipment should be
considered (e.g. Hoists, cranes, pallet trucks, lift trucks,
barrows, trolleys). However, attention should be paid to
Consultants, ensure that new work risks are not created (e.g.
Contractors’, Sub 1. Musculoskeletal disorders through noise, or hand-arm vibration).
Contractors’, 2. Cuts, abrasions and fractures 3. Heavy or frequent manual handling tasks should be
3. Slip, Trip Fall carried out by several people or, if possible, the amount
Visitors, HSE Dept.,
4 Manual Handling 4. Back Injury 3 4 12 12 that is handled should be reduced or the load split into 3 1 3 3
Public, Client’s 5. Sharp Objects smaller ones
Representatives, 6. Heavy Objects 4. The rate of manual handling should not be set by a
workforce, 7. Hand Injury machine, supervisor or colleagues. The time taken to
supervisor carry out manual handling tasks should be extended by
taking breaks, or by alternating them with other tasks so
that the muscles have time to recover
5. Employees are provided with the correct lifting /
handling technique
6. Trained, Competent and Authorized Supervision
present at all times to ensure employees/workers are
adhering to manual handling safe working procedures.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. Only Trained, Competent and Authorised persons to

use hand tools
2. Tools are required to be suitable for the purpose for
which they will be used.
3. Prior to using the tool the person(s) must inspect it to
ensure it is not damaged in any way which could create
a hazard. Where damage is identified the hand tool is
returned to the store for a replacement to be issued.
4. STARRT and/or RAMS discussed to all persons
Contractors’, involved in the task prior to works commencing
Sub 5. Open bladed knives, screwdrivers, and other sharp
Contractors’, 1. Tripping tools are to be carried and used so as not to cause
Visitors, 2. Splinters
3. Eye / hand / body / feet injuries injury to the user or others.
HSE Dept., 4. Damage to the tool if used incorrectly 3 6. Insulated tools must be used where there is a
5 Use of Hand Tools 5. Fractures/injuries to hands & fingers, 2 6 6 3 1 3 3
Public, possibility of live electrical work.
6. Struck by, 7. All tools should be kept clear of unnecessary grease,
Client’s 7.Use of damaged tools,
Representati 8.Inadequate PPE moisture or dirt.
ves, 8. Regular maintenance (sharpening, oiling, etc.)
workforce, provided to certain types of tools to ensure good
supervisor working order, i.e. timber plane, chisels, etc.
9. Face shields to be worn when chipping of concrete
10. Hammers and chisels to be in good condition and
not modified, supervisor to inspect tools on a daily basis
and return damaged tools to the stores
11.Trained, Competent and Authorised Supervision
present at all times to ensure employees/workers are
using safe tools and correctly using them for their
intention and design.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. Trained, Competent and Authorized operatives

are allowed to use power tools
2. Qualified, Competent and Authorized electricians
to test all portable electrical equipment at
recommended regular intervals
3. Employee conducts daily inspections of power
tools (including electrical cords) before operation
1. Eye injuries from dust, swarf or
and where faults are identified that require
other fragments
immediate maintenance the tool is put out of
Consultants, 2. Wrist and hand injuries due to tool
service until maintenance is conducted by a
Contractors’, Sub jamming or binding
Trained, Competent and Authorised person
Contractors’, 3. Hand/Arm Vibration Syndrome
4. All power feeds, electrical, pneumatic or
6 Use of Power Tools Visitors, HSE Dept., 3 3 9 9 hydraulic, to comply with Qatar National Standards 3 1 3 3
4. Air/hydraulic lines becoming
Public, Client’s and maintained in good condition
detached or bursting
Representatives, 5. Ensure that the power tool has the correct guard,
5. Electric shock/Electrocution
Operator, workforce 6. Fire/explosion shield or other attachment that the manufacturer
recommends. Ensure all electrical distribution
7. Health hazard
boards are fitted with ELCB and this is regularly
8. Noise
tested to evaluate if it is working safely or not with
immediate rectification of all faults
6. STARRT and/or RAMS discussed to all persons
involved in the task prior to works commencing
7. All powertools should be PAT tested.
8. Tools must be used in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

9. Select power tools with lowest vibration level. A

tool producing high levels of vibration to have anti-
vibration handles to reduce the risks
10. Minimize the time individuals use the equipment,
i.e. job rotation
11. Noise Assessment required where deemed
12. A safe working platform is required when using a
3 3 9 9 power tool 3 1 3 3
13. Power tools shall only be used in well-lit and
ventilated areas
14. Wear or use personal protective equipment
(PPE) or clothing that is appropriate for the work you
are doing; this may include items such as safety
glasses or goggles, or a face shield (with safety
glasses or goggles), hearing protection, dust mask,
gloves, safety boots or shoes, or rubber boots.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. Trained, Competent and Authorized persons to

conduct operations
2. Person operating machine activities with valid 3rd
party certificate
3. All the plants and equipment’s have 3rd party
tested with valid certificate
4. Trained, Competent and Authorized Supervision
1. Dust
present at all times to ensure employees/workers are
2. Noise
Consultants, using all types of tools and machineries correctly and
3. Vibration
Contractors’, Sub adhering to safe working procedures.
4. Flying debris
Contractors’, 5. STARRT and RAMS discussed to all persons
5. Fire explosion
Asphalt Works ( Base Course, involved in the task prior to works commencing
Visitors, HSE Dept., 6. Slips and trips
7 Wearing Course, Prime coat & 4 3 12 12 6. Ensure daily inspections for all types of 4 1 4 4
Public, Client’s 7. Manual handling
Tack Coat ) tools/machineries occur by the Trained, Competent
Representatives, 8. Moving parts - cut-off saw disc
and Authorized person prior to works commencing.
workforce, 9. Hazardous substances, mortar
7. Any defects identified during inspections which
supervisor 10. Falling objects hitting head, body,
pose a hazard the equipment must not be used and
including feet or structures
the equipment is isolated and reported to the
immediate supervisor
8. Ensure that appropriate dust suppression or
extraction measures are provided while asphalt works
9. All necessary warning signs shall be placed
properly prior to start the activities.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. It is necessary to have a proper knowledge

while manual handling in order to overcome
many health and safety issues in working
2. Take the appropriate organizational measures
to reduce the risk if manual handling cannot be
3. Ensure proper training and precise information
on how to handle loads correctly
4. Inform the workers to increase their
awareness of risk factors present, how to
3 2 6 6 recognize and avoid unsafe working 2 1 2 2
conditions and the consequences of not
avoiding them. Furthermore, workers have to
be trained in using the safe and healthy
working methods.
5. Ensure employees are provided training with
safe manual handling techniques and how to
report faults with the equipment.
6. Ensure regular and daily housekeeping
7. Appropriate PPE (safety gloves, safety
glasses, respiratory protection, ear defender,
etc.) must be provided

File Name: SF-HIRA-03 Risk Assessment and Control Page 9 of 14 SF- HIRA-03 Issued
Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. After completion the job, the work area

shall be cleaned. All materials not in use
shall be removed and stored in the
storage area.
Consultants, 2. Floors shall be regularly cleaned and free
Contractors’, Sub from excessive waste materials and other
Contractors’, extraneous object.
Visitors, HSE Dept., 1. Poor housekeeping
3. Materials being lifted shall be safely
8 Winding Up the activities 2. Pathway obstruction 4 3 12 12 4 1 4 4
Public, Client’s positioned to avoid pathway obstruction.
3. Fall of materials
Representatives, 4. Power tools shall be kept away in their
workforce, boxes when not in used and shall be
supervisor properly managed when in use.
5. when work procedures are completed,
area must be checked to ensure that all
tools and other materials have been
safely kept.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. Poor housekeeping / Slip, trip, fall

injuries, Fire, Respiratory distress
2. Striking against projecting 1. Minimize fire hazards by keeping
Consultants, poorly stacked item, workplace free of accumulated combustible
Contractors, Protruding materials / materials and waste.
Sub Impalement injury 2. Ensure that exits and aisles are clear of
Contractors 3. Poor stacking, inadequate obstructions to allow easy evacuation of the
Visitors, protection / Property, Material work area.
HSE damage.
3. Place all trash and scrap in proper containers.
Dept. Public, 4. Cutting, puncturing, or tearing the
4. Dispose of hazardous materials in approved
Client’s skin of hands or other parts of the
marked containers.
Representatives body on projecting nails, wire or
5. Store equipment and materials in their
Skilled and steel strapping.
assigned location. 3 1 3 3
Housekeeping& waste Unskilled 5. Spillage / Environment impact,
9 6. Ensure that pipes are located on a firm
management workers/Drivers/ Fire.
foundation and properly stacked.
Operators/Foremen 6. Blocked access / Injury, Fatality 3 4 12 12
for being trapped. 7. Clean up tools and unused materials after
/ finishing a job or before leaving the job site.
Supervisors/Charge 8. Do not pile material around fire extinguishers, or
Hands/Safety emergency exits.
Officers/Riggers/Ba 9. Do not leave clean-up to last few minutes of shift
nk sman/ or day.
Lifting supervisor 10. Do not use bare hands when collecting waste.
Wear gloves to avoid cuts and splinters.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. During works on dimmed areas or at

night-time, sufficient task lights to be
provided as per QCS 2014.
2. No works shall be allowed with task
lighting. Use proper work area lighting.
Consultants, 3. Emergency lights to deploy in the
Contractors’, Sub 1. Lack of Sleep work location.
Contractors’, loss/fatigue 4. Approved electricians shall carry out
10 Night Works 3 4 12 12 3 1 3 3
Visitors, Client’s 2. Poor the installation of lighting fixtures.
Representatives, illumination 5. Lux level checks shall be carried out.
workforce 6. Proper supervision and monitoring.
7. TBT and STARRT card briefing should be
conducted and discuss the site related
hazards during night time.
8. ALL personnel must be aware of HIA
Emergency contact details.

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Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. All site personnel must be aware of the

dangers of FOD and what actions to take to
reduce its creation, presence and removal to
a place of safety.
2. All personnel must immediately report the
presence of FOD that is not safe to recover to
a place of safety (e.g. near operational
aircraft, taxiways, runways etc.).
3. Regular housekeeping should be
4. Ensure that all construction materials should
be properly secured at all times.
5. All rubbish skips should be covered at all
Consultants, Sub times.
Contractors’, 6. ALL personnel must be aware of HIA
Visitors, HSE 1. FOD
11 Airport Operations 3 4 12 12 Emergency contact details. 3 1 3 3
personnel , Client’s 2. High Noise.
Representatives, 7. Prior to the commencement of landside and
Operators, workforce airside works, all interested stakeholders must
be identified, engaged and permission/permits
obtained to undertake the necessary works as
8. Noise level monitoring to be undertaken as
per approved CEMP.
9. Exposure of personnel to be limited by time,
distance and/or the use of suitable PPE's.
10. Ensure suitable signs are posted in clear
11. Ensure suitable training of personnel with
regular updates and toolbox talks.
12. All personnel to undergo regular health

File Name: SF-HIRA-03 Risk Assessment and Control Page 13 of 14 SF- HIRA-03 Issued
Project Name: HIAEP-0063: Cargo Bridging Facility and AVI Construction
Document Title Risk Assessment for Asphalt Works ( Base Course, Wearing Course, Prime coat & Tack Coat ) Date 16 Feb 2022
Document No. ME-00063-C1530-CN-CDC-A-00-MST-00001 Rev. No. 00

1. Ensure to comply with the COVID 19

protocols by the competent authorities
Contractors, Visitors, 2. Ensure to wear face mask at all times.
Client’s 3. Ensure to maintain social distancing.
Representatives 4. Avoid sharing of tools where possible.
Skilled/Unskilled 5. Ensure tools are disinfected before sharing
the same with other personnel.
12 COVID 19 labor, Technicians 1. Illness/Fatality 4 4 16 16 6. Ensure Ehteraz is Green. 4 1 4 4
Foremen, 7. Ensure temperature of all work personnel is
Supervisor, monitored. No personnel with COVID 19
Operators, symptoms shall report to work. They shall
isolate themselves and seek medical
Inspectors assistance.
8. Ensure to wash your hands with soap and
water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizers.

Severity       1 - No potential for injury, illness, or incident.

2 - Potential for minor injury, illness, or incident. 1 - Very Unlikely

1 2 3 4 5   Risk level
3 - Potential for a recordable injury, illness, or incident. 2 - Unlikely
2 4 6 8 10   Low
4 - Potential for major incident, or major injury or illness causing short term 3 - Likely
3 6 9 12 15   Medium disability. 4 - Very Likely
4 8 12 16 20   High 5 - Potential for major incident, or major injury or illness causing a fatality 5 - Certain
or long term disability.
5 10 15 20 25      

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