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Model Class Media

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Model Class

Topic: The Media

Teacher: Gleydi Oneida Ventura Ve lasquez
Establishment: Official Rural Mixed School Caserío 5 de Mayo, Malacatán, San Marcos
Grade: 5th. Primary
Director: Flora Felicita Recinos Mérida
Educational Supervisor: Pedro Danilo Munguía Mérida
Competencies Contents Strategy Methodology dynamic Activity Assessment
1. Interprets 1.3. Determines 1.3.3. Use of Constructive active- Games Activity 1. What Checklist
different types the important information learning and participatory through is a means of
of oral details of the obtained orally and meaningful riddles, communication? Oral
messages that information through the mass learning Previous poems, questions
guide you in transmitted media in the knowledge. songs
carrying out a orally and by planning of Learning
job. mass media for activities to guide Gallery Present the Activity 7. What
the organization the performance of vocabulary in if the media
of your work. their work Critical reading communication disappeared?
(Establishment of and situations and
the purposes for interpretation always linked to Why use media
carrying out the of images and an image. in school?
work, selection of illustrations
the central theme Develop the
and secondary contents through:
ideas, definition of repetition of oral
graphic supports to structures,
use, among others) games, questions
and answers,
drawings, murals,
Didactic Material: Outline; Cutouts, pencil, pen, crayons, markers, colored sheets, glue, scissors and bond paper.

Communication is a process that consists of a subject who emits a message with an

intention and a receiver who is the one who receives it. This exchange and interaction is
called communication.

Throughout history, human beings have sought to improve and transform the means by
which they carry out the communication process, and taking into account the importance
of public knowledge of certain topics of global interest, the need arises to implement the
media. The media are channels through which information is disseminated massively.
These are intended to inform, educate, entertain and form opinions, everything will
always depend on the intention with which the message or information is transmitted.

For this reason, it is very important to form a critical vision and an attitude of inquiry
towards the information presented, to have knowledge of the mass media and what the
process is within the information process, this will facilitate the understanding of reality
and the structuring of arguments for decision making.

The main purpose of the mass media (press, magazines, radio and television news,
cinema, websites) is, precisely, to communicate, but depending on their type of ideology
they can specialize in; inform, educate, transmit, entertain, train, give opinions, teach,

It is part of the conventional media, which are those that are disseminated massively.
This is one of the most important means of visual communication due to its easy access,
allowing millions of people around the world to use it immediately and easily.

It has been considered the most massive and important means of communication of all
and even in the era of new technologies it continues to occupy its place of importance. It
is the medium with the greatest reach, since it reaches all social classes for free and
with the greatest coverage capacity.

The press
After the appearance in 1444 with the printing press, the press began to become the
most important medium for journalism and the communication of opinion to the masses.
The printed press bases its maintenance on advertising, due to the high costs of
materials, now the digital press has made it possible to inform at lower costs and with
greater immediacy.
This means of communication had great significance during World War II because it was
used as a means of communication and information through which troops in the territory
learned about the details of the war. Cinema is communication through images or
photography, it is a language that is at the same time communicative (because it
communicates and expresses something) and aesthetic (because it is not comparable to
spoken languages because it is not a homogeneous system of signs). , the multiple
dimensions that this means of communication houses enable a narrative richness, which
places it as the seventh art and the characteristic means of expression of the 20th

The Web
Today the web or the Internet is considered a means of mass communication due to its
great expansion and impact on society, it was initially conceived as a military
telecommunications system, but it overflowed in such a way that it became popular and
reached All public. Creating a virtual territory without cultural or political barriers,
although technological ones. Unlike other media, it is still difficult to define it in its
entirety because of everything it encompasses.
Its characteristics are: Decentralized, horizontal, open, borderless, immediate,
anonymous, bidirectional and commercial structure.

How are they classified?

The media are classified according to the physical structure that supports the
transmission of information, we can distinguish:

A) Audiovisual media are those that can be simultaneously heard and seen. They are
based on technological devices that emit images and sounds in order to transmit
information, as is the case of television and cinema.

 Television, which appeared in the 1930s, is the medium with the largest
audience worldwide . Viewers around the world receive the signal of this
information tool in real time, live or delayed. Almost any world event can be
transmitted with image and sound to almost any part of the world. From this a
whole industry of manufacturing televisions and also transition channels

B) Radio media are the only media that is based exclusively on information transmitted
in sound format . It requires a much simpler production process than television. Its level
of access is also an aspect in which it surpasses the rest of the media. On the other
hand, from the point of view of radio broadcasting, it is also truly very simple, since to
achieve the broadcast, few sound machines, microphones and few people are required.
The main limitation has to do with geographical distance and accidents that make
transmission impossible, and the sound is affected.

C) Printed media includes:

magazines , newspapers , magazines , brochures and pamphlets , all publications that
contain information to be transmitted. Currently, these media, due to the high production
cost and the interference of the Internet, are in decline in that their audience prefers
other media when it comes to obtaining information. Many points are required to certify
quality production in this medium, for example: editors, proofreaders, good quality of
paper, recognized writers and analysts, etc.

D) Digital media , emerged in the 1980s. These “new technologies” have managed to
expand massively. They are based on personal computers, as well as cell phones,
tablets and all types of technological devices, they transmit information more and more
quickly, reaching thousands of people.

I will fly wherever you send me without having wings or feet to tell your friends what they
want to know.
(The letter)

A very dark box with a bright window that tells many stories to those sitting in front.
(The television)

They enter my mouth, But I don't know how to read, and although I swallow them all I
never stain their paper.
(The mailbox)

POETRY LETTER (Miguel Hernández)

When I'm going to write to you, the inkwells get excited: the cold black inkwells turn red
and tremulous.
Letters, related, letters, postcards, dreams, fragments of tenderness, projected in the
There goes my warm letter, a dove forged in the fire, with both wings folded and the
direction in the middle.
SONG (invented by the great Mister Bell)
Ring Ring! -Tell me -I'm your friend, can you hear me correctly? -I think so, tell me that I
will listen to you here. -Don't make noise, listen well and I'll tell you a secret. -You speak
clearly too. Tell me soon What it is. -That the phone as it is,

Media at school
Activities to reflect on the media and the place they occupy in everyday life. Yo

Activity 1. What is a means of communication?

Write all the definitions you can think of about what a means of communication is.

Do they match?

They're all the same?

What differences exist between the different definitions they proposed?

What are the most important characteristics of a media from the definitions you

Think of a message, information or idea that you want to communicate to other kids at

What would be the best way to transmit it?

Using the diary?


Radio? Because?

Activity 7. What if the media disappeared?

Imagine that one day, when you wake up, your parents inform you that starting that
morning there will be no more media outlets in the country. Newspapers, magazines,
radio, television and the Internet will have disappeared.

Analyze the consequences of this disappearance. Discuss in groups and then share
among everyone:

What do you think would happen in the country?

And in the world?

What do you think it would affect?

What media would you miss the most? Because?

What would happen to reading?

Would more books be published?

And with the information?

How do you think people would be informed?

And how would this influence the industry and work?

How would people communicate?

And what would he talk about? What would happen to politics?

And with sport?

Would there be more enthusiasm?

What would happen to art?

Would more people go to museums or would they also disappear?

Why use media in school?

The school's relationship with the media has always been very complex. The great
wealth of information that a child receives daily, the desire to contribute to a better
distribution of information in society, the possibility of expanding the horizon of the
classroom and the need for children and young people to learn to interpret messages as
readings of reality and not its reproduction, are the reasons for the use of media in

Checklist and Oral Questions
Didactic Material: Outline; Cutouts, pencil, pen, crayons, markers, colored sheets, glue,
scissors and bond paper.

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