Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.1 (a) What is scan time in PLC? Explain total scan time. 03
(b) Explain difference between PLC I/O module and RTU. 04
(c) What is SCADA? Explain it in detail with suitable diagram and 07
1)Addition 2) Subtraction 3) Multiplication 4) Division
5) Square Root 6) Sine 7) Cosine
Q.5 (a) List out any 3 names of vendors of PLC. 03
(b) Briefly explain PLC MOVE functions. 04
(c) With suitable diagram explain networking in PLC 07
Q.5 (a) List out any 3 names of vendors of SCADA 03
(b) Briefly Explain analog operations in PLC. 04
(c) Explain controlling a robot with PLC. 07