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2020-21 S2 T2 Grammar Exam - QAB (2nd Draft)

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Subject/Paper: F2 English / Language Systems

Name: __________________ Class: 2____ Class No.:_____

Group: G1 / G2 / G4 / G5 / G6 / G7 / G8 / G9 (circle one)

Time allowed: 45 minutes

Question-Answer Book

Instructions to Students:

1. Maximum Score: 93 marks.

2. This paper consists of 13 pages, including this cover page.
3. There are two parts (A and B) in this paper. Attempt ALL questions in BOTH Part A and
Part B.
4. All answers should be written on this Question-Answer Book.
5. Follow the instruction given at the beginning of each section.
6. For multiple-choice questions, mark only ONE answer to each question. Two or more
answers will score NO MARKS.
7. You are advised to use an HB pencil to mark all the answers on the multiple-choice answer
sheet so that wrong marks can be completely erased with a clean eraser. You must mark the
answers clearly; you will lose marks if the answers cannot be captured.
8. Write your name, class, class number and circle your group number on this page.

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.1

Section A Mixed Tenses (15 marks)
Read the newspaper article. Select the best option and blacken the box below.

Food addiction support group

Do you always 1. ___________ for food? 2. ___________ you ever ____________ yourself
unable to resist eating even though you’re full after a satisfying meal? Have you 3.
_____________ any physical illnesses resulting from an overconsumption of food? If you 4.
_____________ of the appearance of these symptoms in your daily life, you might have a food

Don’t worry! You’re not alone. According to a questionnaire survey 5. __________ by the
Anti-addiction Society on food addiction, more than twenty per cent of our fellow schoolmates
6. _____________ they were familiar with the addiction symptoms and expressed concern over
their health. In light of this pressing situation, the Anti-addiction Society 7. _____________ a
food addiction support group to provide help for students in need. If you or someone you know
10 8. _____________ from food addiction, it’s important to seek help right away.

What to expect at the meetings:

First, health talks 9. _______________ by professional nutritionists. They will provide
medical advice to help you identify symptoms and causes of your food addiction. With
fascinating games and medical documentaries, you 10. ____________ learn about the solutions
to food addiction and the ways to develop healthier eating habits.

Second, our meetings 11. ___________ a secure and supportive place for you to discuss and
enquire about addiction. Participants 12.___________ to share their personal stories with the
group. However, people who 13. __________ talking about their problems may just want to
listen at their first meeting.

When to arrive:

Our meetings start at 4 p.m. after school on Fridays. It’s good to arrive five minutes early so
that you 14. ________ sufficient time to get relaxed and comfortable before we 15. _______.

If you are in need of advice and support to get rid of food addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out
for help. We’re ready to lend you a hand. See you at the meetings!

Source: Unseen Mock Test 2019-20, Oxford University Press

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.2

1. A. craving 6. A. suggest 11. A. offering
B. craves B. has suggested B. has offered
C. craved C. have suggested C. has been offered
D. crave D. suggested D. offer

2. A. Has…found 7. A. organised 12. A. is encouraged

B. Had…found B. has organised B. was encouraged
C. Have…found C. was organised C. were encouraged
D. Were…found D. had organised D. are encouraged

3. A. experience 8. A. suffer 13. A. are used to

B. experienced B. suffered B. are not used to
C. experiencing C. was suffering C. is used to
D. experiences D. is suffering D. is not used to

4. A. aware 9. A. identifying 14. A. have

B. were aware B. identify B. are having
C. are aware C. identified C. had
D. is aware D. identifies D. will have

5. A. conduct 10. A. are to 15. A. begin

B. conducted B. will B. begins
C. was conducted C. do C. began
D. had been conducted D. did D. begun

1 11

Mark your answers as

follows: A B C D A B C D
2 12

33 A B C D A B C D
3 13

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.3

Wrong marks should be A B C D A B C D
4 14
completely erased with a
clean rubber.
5 15






Section B ‘be (not) used to’ and ‘used to/did not use to’ (10 marks)

You are writing descriptions of characters in a story. Complete the profiles with the correct form of
‘be (not) used to’ and ‘used to/did not use to’.

Gabriel Selena Rankor

As a brave warrior, Gabriel Selena is a spoiled princess and Rankor is an evil wizard. He
(1)____________ fighting. (5) _________________ having (8) ________________ help
a luxurious lifestyle. people but one day he became
He was raised on Sunny
greedy and learnt dark magic.
Island, where he (2) _______ However, her family was killed
be a shepherd. As the island by Rankor. She lost everything. He (9) _________________
is only populated by men, he She (6) _______________ have be so powerful, but he has
(3) ________________ magical powers but Rankor stolen many magical powers

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.4

being around women and is took them away. from people like Selena.
sometimes disrespectful to
As she (7) _______________ The kingdom (10)
hard work, she often complains, __________ be peaceful, but
He (4) ____________ fight which annoys Gabriel. Rankor has made it a dark and
for money, but is now miserable place.
committed to defeating

Section C Defining and Non-defining relative clauses (12 marks)

You are editing an article about fashion weeks for the school newspaper. Improve the article by
rewriting the underlined sentences with defining OR non-defining relative clauses.

A quick peek at fashion weeks

During fashion weeks, some designers reveal their new collections. They want to showcase
their latest designs. (defining relative clause)
The biggest fashion weeks take place in London, Milan, Paris and New York. They are
known as ‘the big four’. (non-defining relative clause)
New York Fashion Week was inspired by an event in 1903. The Ehrich brothers wanted to
put on a fashion show to attract shoppers. Their shop sold women’s clothes. (non-defining
relative clause) The idea took off and the first fashion week started in New York in 1943.
Milan was the next city to start an international fashion week. The fashion week was a huge
success. (defining relative clause) Famous medieval areas such as the Piazza Duomo are
transformed into catwalks.
Paris Fashion Week started in 1973. It usually features designs by Chanel, Louis Vuitton and
Yves Saint Laurent. They create some of the most expensive and imaginative designs in the
world. (non-defining relative clause) Paris is the place to come for elegance and romance.
London Fashion Week is more innovative than its rivals. It started in 1984. (non-defining
relative clause) New designers such as Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen and Vivienne
Westwood shocked the fashion world with outrageous and original designs in London.

Important fashion weeks are also held in Hong Kong, São Paulo, Shanghai and Tokyo. Why not
visit one and check out the latest trends?

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2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.6

Section D Conditionals (Type 2) (10 marks)

You are giving a friend some feedback on a plan for a story. You have written some notes. Complete
your feedback by using your notes to write conditional sentences about unreal situations.

Feedback on the plan for House of Horrors


In this comedy-horror, three teenage supernatural creatures live together. They try to lead normal
lives, but often fail hilariously. For example, one of the creatures makes a girlfriend but accidentally
kills her. The main characters are a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. The werewolf is very vain and
arrogant. The vampire is shy and easily scared. The ghost is very optimistic. The story’s set in a big,
scary house in the countryside in 1980.


(creatures family members/story make more sense)

1 _________________________________________________________________________

(girlfriend become zombie/have another main character)

2 ________________________________________________________________________


(one character wizard/story also feature magic)

3 _________________________________________________________________________

(have pet dragon/cause some entertaining adventures)

4 ________________________________________________________________________


(story set in modern day/jokes more relevant to readers)

5 _________________________________________________________________________

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.7

Section E Nouns with and without articles (10 marks)

You interviewed a fashion model for the school newspaper. Complete the interview transcript using
‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’. Put a cross (X) if no article is needed.

Me: When did you decide to become (1) ______ model?

Jill: I was going to school on (2) ______ bus when I was 12. I saw an advert for (3) ______

shoes and the models looked really elegant. That’s when I decided.

Me: And how did you get into the business?

Jill: I started doing amateur fashion shows in (4) ______ Hong Kong. When I was older, I got

(5) ______ agent. He booked me my first show the next day!

Me: Which modelling experience was the most memorable?

Jill: Oh, there are too many! One time I modelled in front of (6) ______ Taylor Swift, my

favourite singer. I was so nervous! Another time I did a shoot on top of (7) ______ Eiffel

Tower, and I hate heights! I looked really pale in the photos!

Me: It sounds like a glamorous career, but surely there are some downsides. What are they?

Jill: There’s a lot of travel—it’s France one week and (8) ______ USA the next week. I often

have to work until after (9) ______ midnight, so I’m usually exhausted. Also, modelling at

(10) ______ fashion show means a lot of waiting around! I love this job though.

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.8

Me: That’s very interesting. Thank you for your time!

Section F Proofreading (13 marks)

You are writing a letter of advice to your friend. Proofread your letter. Underline your mistakes and write the
correct words on the lines on the right. Add missing words with a ‘^’.

Dear Charles,

I’m sorry to hear that your friend is suffering from a video game

addiction. Last year, I were struggling with the exact same addiction. 1 _______________

It’s not easy to defeat, but it’s definately possible. A lot of people with 2 _______________

video addictions don’t know who asking for help, so the fact that 3 _______________

your friend came to you is a good start. If I were you, I start by 4 _______________

encouraging my friend to watch a counsellor. Professional counsellors 5 _______________

are more likely to know which to deal with these situations.

I wasn’t very nice to my family when I was adicted to video games. 6 _______________

Once, while I was playing one of my favourite games, my sister 7 _______________

interrupting me. I lashed out and said a lot of unkind words I didn’t 8 _______________

mean. Keep this in mind with your friend. He mighty say things he 9 _______________

doesn’t mean, and that’s because of the addiction. Also, remember that 10 ______________

you don’t always need to know what say. Sometimes just spending 11 ______________

time with your friend will be helpful.

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.9

This won’t be easy, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. If I don’t

go though that tough time, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

12 ______________

13 ______________


Section 1 (12 marks)
The following is an email Miss Chan sent to her students. Help her complete it by filling in the
blanks with the vocabulary in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used ONCE.

folktales crime humor fables romance

fantasy adventure science-fiction horrors children’s fiction
genres westerns suspense

Genres for the Summer Holiday Reading Assignment.

Dear students,

Now that the final examinations are over, I think you’re all set for the summer holiday. As you enjoy
the break, don’t forget you have to read at least 5 books and write reports on them. I forgot to tell
you that these 5 books have to be of different genres. I’m going to give you a brief introduction of
some genres you can choose from.

First of all, you can read 1. _________________ stories. These stories usually deal with kingdoms
and magic. I’m sure you still remember the one we did about The Dark Ages at the beginning of the
term this year. Besides, 2. ____________________ are short stories typically with animals as
characters. These stories aim to teach us a lesson and convey a moral. They are surely worth reading.

If you are thinking of something exciting, how about 3. ________________________ stories? This
genre involves conflicts between man against nature. In Allistair MacLean’s Night Without End, for
example, the hero, while investigating a mysterious Arctic air crash, also finds himself dealing with
espionage, sabotage and murder. I think boys may also like 4. _____________. These books are

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.10

specifically set in the old American West. Plotlines include survival, romance, and adventures with
characters of the time, for example, cowboys, frontiersmen, Indians, mountain men, and miners. On
the other hand, girls who enjoy reading books in which the love relationship between a man and a
woman pervades the plot would like 5. ________________ I personally am thrilled by stories which
are told from the viewpoint of the heroine, who meets the hero, falls in love with him, encounters a
conflict that hinders their relationship, then resolves the conflict.

Those of you who are fans the Star Wars and Star Trek series should read 6.
_____________________ novels. The genre always depicts distant worlds and futuristic
technologies that whirl readers far away from the here and now and yet provoke contemplation of
contemporary issues. I remember most of you really enjoyed reading The Speckled Band by Arthur
Conan Doyle. In deed, 7. ____________ is a popular genre. It can be truly enjoyable as we are
absorbed in the plot and try to solve the mystery. In fact, if you like this genre, I believe you may
also like 8. _______________. This genre involves pursuit and escape and a character in jeopardy
dominates these stories.

You guys are all light hearted and care free, so I think you should also choose 9. ______________
stories. They can be silly but the interesting twists at the end may make you laugh. Last but not least,
you can also pick 10. _____________. These are high-pitched scary stories involving pursuit and
escape. The protagonist must overcome supernatural or demonic beings. They are not my favourite
but maybe some of you would like the thrill of reading them.

OK, that’s all for now. Have a great summer holiday.


Miss Chan

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.11

Section 2 (11 marks)
You are reading an article about online addiction. Fill in the blanks using the words or phrases in the box
below. Each word or phrase can only be used ONCE.

At risk of On the rise Chilling Cut off

In excellent health Dropped dead Without a break prevalent
Share insights Pick their brains Overcoming challenges Hooked on
Combat this epidemic

‘I must check everything. I must update!’

How serious is social media addiction? With reports of teens dangerously (1)__________________
hooked on sites like Instagram and Snapchat, researchers are racing to discover how addictive social
media really is.

For 15-year-old Brooke, her smartphone was more than just a device: “It was my heart. I couldn’t
put it down… It felt like a part of me.”

Why? Because her phone was the gateway to the world of social media: “FaceTime, Snapchat,
Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Vine, Kik”, Brooke used them all — even creating multiple accounts
(she had six different Instagram profiles).

Eventually, her online life became all-consuming: She was constantly on social media
(2)__________________ without a break. “It was always about refreshing my feed and I’d stay up
until like 4:30 in the morning.”

2020-21/S2/Second Term Examination/ELA/Language Systems/QAB p.12

While she cultivated online connections, real-life bonds was totally (3) _________________ cut off.
“There was no relationship between us”, her father recalls: “The most (4) _________________
chilling part is we were just a means to provide her with food and shelter and money... and a phone.”

Brooke’s story may sound extreme, but the numbers of teenagers becoming addicted to social media
are (5) ___________________________ on the rise— with potentially disastrous effects on their
physical and mental health. This is (6)___________________ prevalent to most countries. And there
is some scientific evidence backing up these concerns. A teenager who was (7)
_____________________ in excellent health could (8) _______________________ drop dead after
spending 20 hours on Internet.

One study claims that the continuous rewards social media gives its users (such as “likes”) could
make some users addicted. Scientists also claim that those spending more than two hours a day on
social media are more likely to report mental health problems.

Instagram may be one of the worst offenders: a survey of young people ranked it the most
detrimental for health issues like anxiety and depression.

What should be done to (9) _________________________ combat this epidemic? Experts had
(10)__________________ picked their brains. The Chines government-imposed gaming curfew to
those who are under 18 between 10pm to 8am. The French government has proposed banning phones
in schools, as well as a law requiring under-16s to get parental permission before opening Facebook,
Snapchat or Instagram accounts.

But how worried should we be about social media addiction? Let’s (11) _______________________
share some insights.


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