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Python Revision Tour

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II/\ LF-YE/\RLY EXAMINATION [2022 -. 2023]

nmc: Jh~~~ Dote:
l 17.. Which OIJNiltor i!> used for string conc<1te11ation?
il . ' b.// ,C. .·I d.-
13. Write tho outrut of tilP followinp.
G1'nrr,1I Instructions:
li st('wc lome') fl.. I JI..() I l
l' I.. d \,vJ' \ el '7
I I hi<. qtJC-<,tlon p,ipt't c crnt.1i11s five srctions, S0cl1011 !\tor.. I I I_)
l !\II qtH'•,tion!-, ,11 (' c ornpul'iory. · l4 . clel Stilt<'mcn t c,111 cl Piel<' the followinr, frorn the list
J. 18 C'JLll~!->l1011, CiHry11\p, 01 n1ark 1',Kh.
!',t'rt inn ,\ h,wt•
il , '>rng lr• rlcnwnt h. rnultirle elc?mcnt~ ?· all elcrncnts alone with li',l 1

•l S.-ctinn n h,l!> 0 7 V1,ry <:,hort /\nswer type questions cilrryinc 02 marks e; 15. Which of the followinr, statements will c;:cate a tuple?
1 _tpl ,= ("a", "b'') b tpl.[2] = ("il", "b") c. tpl = (3)"'3
8'. d. None of thei
'1 \i•c·t,on Ch_,,~ 0 1 Short /\nswer type ciuc~stlonc; c;,rrylng 03 mJrks c;ich.
(). ~t'c tipn D hil\ 031 ong Answer type ciu0stlonc; curying OS mr1rks each. 16. Choose the correct statcmc~t(s).
l 5L'rt,on 1. h;i.-, 02 (lucstiot\S cc1rryinr, 04 marks e;ich. a. l)oth tuples c1nd lists are Immutable.
~ All prog, ilt11ming questions ;ir~ to be ;,11swercd using Pyihon Language c l"l1!uplcs are imniut;ible while lists· are mutable. -
c. Both tuples and lists arc mutable.
t11 1· _ where ;,II the steps are executed orTe after the other ,s s. d. Tuples ar~ mutable while lists are immutable.
17. Which of the following function return the frequency of particular elc
i1 flowchart IY. Algorithm c. Pseudocode d. None a. index() b, max() c. count() • d. None
2. Whirh of tl1e f ollowinc is an invalid variable?
18. Whc1t will be the output of the fallowing Python code?
cl 111y _Strine_ 1 b~ J st_strine C. foo d.
my_tunle = (1 , 2, 3, 4)
3. ,,,,allli51 elenwnt of python code is ca lled _ __
111y_luplc.r1rpe11d ( (5, 6, 7))
~- lclentifi<'rs b~Tokens c. keywords d. delirr prrnl( lcn(rny tuple?))
4. \•\Ir 11!' 11w out rut of the following code? il , 1 b. 5 C. 2 d. Error •
Y· 3 19. What is the difference between source code and object code?
X-'-Yl ~ (OR}
p1 int(X ➔ Y) llow is a process-different from, a prograrn?
5. 1/✓ ritinr; comments is m,rndatory in python. 20. What are token s in. Python? How many types of tokens are allowed In ~
;1 1r ll" b rc1ls~ • . Exrmplify your t1nswer.
G. outrrnt of print(2• 3 • • 7) is_._
.-'· 21. '6fhal are variables?,How are th~y important for a program?
., . JG b. 611 c18 22. Whol ;,re dclla types? How are they important?
7. Which of the following store data in pair? (OR}
a 14-,1_ b.Tuple c, String Why is Booler1n considered a subtype of integers?
s:1mnt(lfool(1 ilr)d 6)) gvaluntc'> to _ __ 23. WhiJl nrc immutable and mutable types? List immutable and mutc1ble t
r1 f ;il•,e . r>. True• c, Frror d. None (OR)
9. Vint<' the output of the following code? Predict the output:
, " , 11 11 11 11 r, 11
. SECTION-C (),W(tk ►
cerui. H.tU
26. Whcit are Jump state 1 34. Wt1at will b SECTION-E
27. How is b k .· men ts · Name them? Explc1in with ;in excimple. _ e the output produced by following code? State reas
re;:i d1fferent fr • cl .b
• C - 1. 1, 2
28 . nte a program to c I I
om continue? Explain with an example.
d ==a+ b
a cu ate the arer1 of an eciuilateral trianele.
e = 1.0 ·
I :n~ln·
. (OR)
pr_ogram to input the rudius of c1 sphere and c;ilculr1te Its volume .
,r1t 15 following code doing? What would it print for input r1s 3?
f::: 1.0
g = 2.0
h=e +f
n =1nt(input("Enter an integer:")) print(c = d)
if 11 <1: . pnnt(c is d)
f>rint ("invalid value") print(g == h) .:
el se : pnnt(g is h)
for i in rr1n13e (1, n ➔ 1) : 1· a.) What output .prod-uced by print(c=d) _
print (i • i)
. -b.) Wh-at output produced by print(c is d)
Find the errors in the code given below and correct the code: ·- cT What output produced-byprint(g"'=hf
d .) What output produced by print(g is h)
L _ _ _ _ --
1f n == 0
print ("ze1 o")
35 . Consider the following code segm·ent:
elif :n 1 == a = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
print ('one') b = int(input("Enter an integer:"))
elif if a< = 0:
-n 2: == b = b·+1
print("two") else :
else n 3: == ;i =a+ 1
print (" three") if a > 0 and b > 0:
30. Wr ite a program which replaces all vowels in the string with'*' . print ("W")
elif a> O:
Write a program which reverses a string and stores the reversed string in , print(''X")
if b > 0:
SECTION- D print("Y") \
31 1. Given a list L1 = [3, 4.5, 12, 25 .7, (2, 1, 0, 5], 88] which function can cl else :
prin!('~•z~")c....-- - -- - - - : - - - - : - : - : - : - - - - - - - - - -
(a) [3, 4.5, 17., ?.5 .7, 88) a. What letters will be printed if the use enters Ofor a and 0
(b) 13, 4.5, 12, 25 .7) a. Only W b. Only X Only Y d. Wan,
(c) [12 , 1, 0, SI, 88] . '. b. what letters will be printed if the user enters 1 for a and 1
ii. Find the output generated by following code fragments:. I a . Wand X b. Wand Y c. X and Y d. X anc
a. r,l,ine = ("Passengers", "Lugeage") c. ; - ➔What l~tters will be printed if the user enters 1 for a and -1
f "'q
Class Test 1 (2)
')?,'U. Grade: 11 7. Identify the output of the following Python statements :
Subject: Computer Science - Duration: 40 minutes T = ( I 0,20,30)
--- --- --- --- -
Topic: Tuples in Python
Date: - - - - -
for i in T:

Marks: 20 (2)
8. Differentiate List and Tuple.
----------------------------------------------- 9. Write down the similarittes you find in between tuple and list.
1. What will be the output for the following Python Statements (l) 10. Write a statement to be used for changing the given list objc:ct into tuple object.
T = ( I 0,20,30,40,50) X = [J0,3,7, 12.2,15)
T=T+(60 ,)
,. print(T) •
___, ~
(a) (10,20,30,40,50,60) (b) (60,10,20,30,40,50)
(c) ( l 0,20,30,40,50,60) @)Error
2. What will be the eutp\!t for the following Python Statements ( l)
r = (10,20,fo,(46:so,60),10,so)
T[!J[2) = 100
print(T) 'v
(a) ( I 0,20,30,(40,50,60), 70,80) "'1'I'. I0,20, I 00,( 40,50,60), 70,80)
~0,20,30 ,(40,50,1 00),70,80 ) (d) Error
J. Which of the following 1s a valid Python statement?
(a) (I 0,20,30) + 40,50,60 (b) 10.20,30 • (10,20)
(c) (10,20,30,40)[2)=50 ~ 0,20,30) + (20)
of marks)
4. The record ofa student (Name, Roll_no, Marks ID five subjects and percentage
is stored in the following tuple.
strecord = ("HarryPo\;°er", 56044, [98,9 l",92, .89,95),93.0)
Write Python statements to re~ieve the follo~g info~tion from the tuple
(i) Perc.entage of the student
(ii) Marks in the fourth subject
(iii) Maximum marks oftbe student
(iv) Roll_no oftbe student
(v) Add grade value "Al" to the tuple strecord(Find the possible way)
5. What will be the output of the following code segment:
Nitish has declared a tuple T ID Python as following:
T = ( 10,20,30)
the tuple
Now, he wants to insert an element 40/fler tl~se three elements ofT. So that
may contain (I 0,20,30,40) 1t l4 Dl )
tuple T.
Guess the statement used by Nitish, In order to insert the element 40 into the
6. Identify the output of the following Python statements:
T= tupleO
for i in range(?):
T=T+ (i,)
1Ml3-:.!U:l:.!1 :.!U6-WAUUU:.!.Jpg
Grade : 11 Class Test - l 12Jlfth e following code is executed, what will be the output
of the following code?
-- Marks: 20 Tille= "Artificial Intelligence"
Subje ct: Comp uter Scien ce Durat ion: 30 minutes
Name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: print(Tillc[::-1 ])
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Find the output of the following:
1. Which of the followi ng stateme nt is incorre ct?
>>>Nam e= "Pytho_n ~~amination"
A. X=*Y B. My_na me = 'Deepe sh' C. While= 400 >>>print (Nam'e [ : 8 : -1])
D. None of these
2. Which of the followi ng is not used to repeat some 14. Whtch of the following is not a valid identifier name
code in Python? in Python? Justify reason for it not
;. A. for loop B. d9,cwhile loop being a valid name._ ,
C. wlule loop •n. None of the above.
3. The _ _ _ _ stateme nt termina tes the executi
on of the enrire loop. ,a) 5Total b) _Radius c) pie d)Wh.ile
A. continu e B. break C. pass D. exit 15. What will be the output of following program:
4. Negativ e index - I belongs to _ _ _ of string.
A. first charact er a='hello'
B. second charact er
C. second last charact er b='virat'
D. last characf er
5. Predict the output ofthc followi ng code: for i in range(len(a)):
for x in range(/ 0, 35):
if x%5== 0: ~Find the output of the following;
prinr(."I', end='') >>>Lin e= "Fun with Python"
6. Identify the valid logical operato r in Python. >>> print (Name [ : 5 : -1])
(a) ith Python (b) th Python -(d) nohty
(i) % (ii) ! (iii) or (iv) II (c) nohtyP ht
7. Identif y the invalid identifTers from the followin g: 17. Identify the output of the following Pythot1_statements.
(i) else x=0
(ii) fF (iii) 4boolcl (iv) stud_na rne
8. If the followi ng code is execute d, what will be the output while x < 15:
of the followin g code?
>>>Str l = ~•AAR DWOR JCvsSM ARTWO RK" print(x, end=")
x=x+ 3
>>>pri nt(Str I [7: 15]
a) 036912 15 b) 036912 _ c) 369121 5 d)369l 2
9. Find the invalid identifi er from the followi ng 18. Identify the output of the followin g Python stateme
a) yourNa me b) _false ~ 2My_N amc d) My_Na me
COtUtt= 0
I 0. Which of the followi ng is a valid assignm ent
operato r in Python ?
for a in range(0 , 20, 2): '
a)_. b) >= c) += e➔ !=
d) <=
I \...- ifa-0:
I J. If the followi ng code is execute d, what will be the output
of the followi ng code?
continu e
>>>nam e="Com putef §cie~cS with Python "
elifa% 2=0:
>>>pri nt(nam e[5: 16:2])
\ EL\ \l\fAL \1DHYASHR.\ \f -St:RAJ'ET
O.~s ,:._·



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'; C !.:.C fc,lb'l::.g code

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