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Tes GR VB Electrical 2013 Paper 0

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~ ~
. Paper· : I --fo
t]-,.,o 1J
Grade : V(A) - Degree (}) ; ~ (j)
Full Marks - 200 > >
• .I
•• Time - Three. hours c:J ;;;
~ OJ·

0 (1)1}~
'i The figures in the margin indicate
for the questions.

Candidates are required to give their answers

in · their own words as far as practicable.

, Answer the following questions (Each answer
should be restricted to 40 words.) : 6 x 15 .90

1. State the steps involved in the manufacturing
process of Portland cement by wet method.

:2. What is the main property of refractory bricks ?

\\'here are these bricks used ? Give the
·c lassifications of refractory bricks and uses.

l 3. State the various operations of the manufacturing

process of bricks.

[Tum over

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tf ,
:I lllllnc 1111d dctocribe, very hriclly, lhc
tic I r·el:l iu I imhcr. c 01111 "~

:,. IIJ~ I lu · •work ahili ly • r1f crmcrclc. Wh-

• " "llllllllll ruclhorf:: o I. mcusurrr1g
. •11 urc , •ct.
•workubiiic 1
(. II(JCJC((: '/ 'y ~f

• WII 11t i:l che i 111 port rrrrce of cQmpaceion

cwr~t·e te 'l Wrilc down lite points Wlriclr sbou:1
lw lo<>f, cd inlo 111 the tirrrc of lnying a~
q '"'l !llCI itil~ concrete.
'I .
1\ lrudy h: lirll~iceled
lo 11 lcrr silc or compress\
lo11d . 1 ;.~ plrri11
lire lcrrns ' l'rirnrrry slnrin ' arr
· I .111cr11 I s1rni 11 · of llr is h<>dy us u resu It d
11p1) I ic11 1iorr or lire loud. II ow do we get ' l'oissnn·r

I'll 1io • li-r "'' f>ri 11uuy sl n1i11 1111d L<llcru I strain 1
1'o 1
Deli 111: lite 1<:rms. •Nehvnrk ur /'low Diagrarn·
11 ru I ·'I 01111 F lou1·. used i rr CI'M (Cri 1ical I'a~
Ml;fiJOd ).

Nw 11c llrrcc cnrllr muv irrg cq uiprncnt s used fO!
cxcuv~rrlrrp, nrrd cn n)'irr!-: und lhrcc cquiprncnls ooly f(>r cxcuvuring.
1\ l11o rurrrrc sorrrc irr1por11rrr1 works nssc1ciutcd with
~: uclt cquiplliCtll s.

Ill . Hint c II u: vnriorrs wuys in which 11 ri vctcd joinl

HJJty filii.

71 l'l< l l f:S/('. J/ V(I\)113 (2)

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11· Distinguish between ' under reinforced sections'
and 'over reinforced sections'.
!the 12. What are the reasons for using high strength
~ of

13. How columns are classified depending upon the

type of Loading ?

14. Explain the terms 'Modulus of Elasticity' and

' Elastic limit'.

I 5. A beam is subjected to bending moment greater

than the moment of resistance o f maximum
available rolled steel section and the depth of the
beam is also to be restricted. How beam is to
be strengthened to meet the situation ?
Choose the correct answer from the four
alternatives provided with each question :
2 x40=80

1. Results for testing efflorescence of a brick show

I0 to 25% precipitation. The efflorescence of the
brick is
(a) Slight
(b) Moderate
(c) Heavy
(d) Can be ignored

(3) [Turn over

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:, l ( tll\l ~tHit\it ' "'"' t\w • ~'pill h:tJ~.~nins (~·n\e.tlt is
( n) -HHl m 1\\lh' .'\

(h) S·H> tnh\\H'-·~

~t.· ) hOO mhmtt·~

(d) <'<'0 t\\ inuh:!\

J. At\1\\ll {tf rtlhl

. . :mn "'''od or~
• :\
~:l) l)ist i1h.' t

(h) \ .c~s ~Hstim:t

tc) Not vbdhk

(tl) Visibk ()\\ ~c mtchin~


·l . \\'hkh ,,r the fnllowin~ is nnt nn nrtiticinl

scasnn i th! '?
(a) Vapour scnscuun ~

(h) Water scnsoning

(c) Kiln scusuning
(d ) (ins seasoning

(h) 0'.>5.
(d) 0•45

7fHU I'ES/C-l/V(A)/ 13 (4)

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is 6. Relation between Modulus of Elasticity 'E', Bulk

Modulus 'K' and Shear Modulus or Modulus of
Rigidity 'N' is

(a) E= KN (b) E= KN
N+2K 2N+3K

(c) E = 3KN (d) E = 9KN

N+3K N+3K

A simply supported beam of length 'L' is loaded

with a uniform load of ' W' /un it length.
Maximum Bending Moment in the beam will be

(a) (b)
ial 4 6

(c) (d)
8 12

8. In a double cover butt joint, two p lates are p laced

end to e11d and are joined by plate known as
(a) Bearing plate
(b) Cover plate

(c) Shearing plate

(d) Butt plate

7ffR/fES/C-IN(A)/l3 (5) [Tum over

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9. Columns, struts, posts on sections, in a direction
parallel to longitudinal axis, are subjected to

(a) Tensile stress

(b) Compression stress

(c) Bending stress

(d) Torsional stress

10. o·80L is the effective length of a column of actual !

length 'L', which is effectively held in position
at both ends and

(a) restrained in direction at one end

I (b) restrained in direction at both ends

(c) partially restrained in direction at one end

(d) not restrained in direction at both ends

II. For a rivet of 20 mm diameter, diameter of revet

/ 7' . ~~~e: is -::;-1-::-~ -,
I - - - ~·
'l' ' ,. · - - I
~.- I - J(a) '21-b'
m m I"'' (b) 21'5 mm
c; . I
· 'I o 1
•... L.: d , ,-: J

· -:.-~t (ct-21~~-mm:}:~.
__. . .._, . . I
(d) 2o·smm
--...__ _,
---.. - I

7ffRITES/C-IN(A)/13 (6)

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:o f
ion 12. f-or designing a Plnte Girder. it is assumed that
the shear intensity is uniform throuihout the
depth of the

(n) Web (b) Top flange

(c) Bottom flange (d) Girder

13. A rivet joint may fail if the shear stress in the
I rivet
ual ~ ! (a) exceeds the working shear stress of the rivet

ion (b) equals the working shear stress of the rivet

{c) is· less than the working shear stress of the


(d) exceeds the b.earing s.tress of the joint

14. The net sectional area of a bolt shall he taken..,.,.-#.. ..... r"',

as the ..~ ..t '\

, r
·u ·~, . ;.(i '

(a) area of the threaded part // ~../:~~~~ :' ~: ·

et ./"( /.t-....~ ~(- ·~ \ '
(b) area of the unthreaded part /./~
· " ~~ t~"'/( ~ : \

, ~,
t>. ('~-
~•• '-J ....
< -
,~ '/ ./

(c) greater of (a) and (b) ~ ~J ,, \ ...- .,. • :

. Q \~~\:j ./~ /
(d) smaller of (a) and (b) ~.::~
'\ .. _ .
' , ,/
7ffR!TES/C-IIV(A)/13 (7) [Turn over

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21. Back-hoe is an equipment used for

(a) Excavating and carrymg

(b) Excavating
(c) Hau ling '

(d) Hoisting

22. One of lhc advanlages of Tower Buckets is

(a) Economical in the long run for high


(b). Uniform flow of concrete

(c) Low initial cost

(d) High capacity

23. In a network on flow diagram, flow of events

is normally from

~..- (a) Left to right

~ r ,...l, \
j ~-:,:-.:;;\(JY\ Right to left
. . . .•.-.u~ ..->- '\
, . \ .. ·'' \
\ '
J ~. .. :f(c~..Top to bottom
' .
· ~
. ~ \ (\ \

··· ' ·c• (ih ' Bottom to top

\ ".' ~~ o ,\ ,)~\
'. " 0 :? ' ,
\ 7!11¥fESfQ'-_!Y(A)/13 (10) 600
. :. ....,.........
.. ___ , /


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24. Late Fin:Lh l i me (LFTJ h the J:n~t time rr;
which an activity can be: complL-1JA

(a) Allowing adrlitional time

(b) Without delaying the project

(c) Without c.-xtra cost
(d) Deferring the proj e<..'t

25. In Tripura, whc.-re flow of cons truction ma:teri.aJ;~

is not certain, ~pccially in rainy seas(m t:nd
interruption in the smooth progress of wort.: due
to high rainfall is also a ccrtainity, an effecti ve
method to take care of these is the technique of

(a) PERT (b) Bar Chart

(c) CPM (d) T&P

26. A fictitious activity, used to maintain sequential

order of activities in a network is knovm as

(a) Dummy event

(b) Dummy activity

(c) Dummy occurrence

(d) Dummy action

7/TR!fES/C-JN(A)/13 (11 ) [Tum over

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~ 7. ln~ di ft't·noni.'c.' h~twt-al tht· nm.ximum tim~

u.llowro f~,.,r !l.Il scthi ty :uuJ the time :tct-u:llh·
requin.'<i hy the !l~ti\'ity i~ ~mm11 !L'

(a) Fn't· FINlt (h) lntt' rfcring FIN t

(c) Totnl Floot (d) Net Flo.'lt

28. PERT is the acn""~nym of

(a) Planning Evaluation and Re,iew Tl'Chniquc

(b) Projet":t Evaluation and Review Tc:chnique

(c) Project E'·aluation n.nd Rntionnliznrion


(d) Planning Evaluation and Re,icw Trenttn~t

29. One salient feature of Bar Chrut is

(a) Modification to the chart can be carried out
r --.. . . . _
I --, ,.....,- (b)..~ Modification
-- .... to the chart can not be cruricd

._.: '
• '- ..... I
~, f, ~::.., - out_easilr --. 1
"" • '-
"1 I
..,. ,
/.~·;·f 3.J;.·(c) 1 S~ulnJeio'1activities is clearly defined
• ., - (., 7 ., I
"0 ~- ' i t ! :::J
_'(d) Each .item-of work is not shown separately
•' -.).
' I
7ffRITES/C-IN(A)Il3 (12)

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30. Final
. setting time for Portland Pozzolana cement

(a) 480 minutes (b) 600 minutes

(c) 720 minutes (d) 900 minutes

31. The load on the prestressed member causing

reduction in the stresses is
(a) Dead load (b) Live load
(c) Wmd load (d) Seismic load

32. Method which ·is not adopted in prestressing is

(a) Post tensioning
(b) Circular prestressing
(c) Vertical prestressing
(d) Linear prestressing ,.•

33. One of the following is not ~ type of shear failure

in beams

(a) Shear tension

(b) Shear compression
(c) Shear bending

(d) Shear stress

. 7/TR!fES/C-IN(A)/13 (13) [Tum over

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34. In the <.lc~ign of ncxurul member employing limit
stutc C)f eollupsc, the acccpU.thlc strcss-Rtrain

curve of concrete is nssumcd lo be

(u) trypcrbolic (b) Para holic

(c) Semicircular (d) Straight line

35. For structures subjected to the maximum design

loads out of the possible combination of several
types of Joad, limit stute of collapse deals with

(a) strength and stability

(b) defl ection

(c) cracking

(d) only stability

-· 36. IS 456 : 2000 stipulates that for a cantilever

(d) 8

7rfRJTES/C-IN(A)/13 (14)

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- r

3'7. Yielding of longitudinal steel at the outennost
row near the left edge of a column and crushing
?f concrete at the right edge occur simultaneously

(a) Compression failure (b) Tension failure

(c) Balanced failure (d) Shear failure

38. Let 'H' be the height of back fill, measured

vertically above the heel of a retaining wall, 'W'
be the density of soil and 'tf>' is the angle of
repose. The lateral force acting on ~e vertical
face on the retaining wall is

c-sin ~ J
l+sin ~
(b) WH
r -sin ~ J
l+sin ~

c+Sin ~ J
1- sin~
1- sin~

39. Over reinforced sections are those

(a) in which steel reaches the yield strain earlier
than that of concrete.
(b) in which concrete reaches the yield strain
simultaneously with steel.
(c) in which concrete .reaches the yield strain
earlier than that of steel.
(d) in which requirement of steel is small.

71TR!fES/C-IN(A)/13 (15) [Turn over


~------~----------------==~-===------~ -·
" -"'
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40. Let 'w' be the unit weight of soil, 'p' be the sa1
bearing capacity of soil under the footing and '4
be the angle of repose. The minimum depth o
foundation according to Rankine's theory is

( . ~)2
1- Stn If' _£_ ( I + sin
(b) w 1-sin $
$) 2

w 1+s in~

c w ( 1- sin ~ )
( ) p 1+sin~

(11-+sinsin ~~) 2

Answer the following questions. 5x6=30

I. A floor slab of a residential building, 4m by 6m

and simply supported on all sides without any
provision for torsion at comers, is to be designed
using M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD
l·ars. Select the overall depth and check the same

against bending moment.

Pennissible stresses, bar diameter etc. are to be
suitably assumed.

7ffR/TES/C-IJV(A)/13 (16) 600

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· 2. r\ 1· ·....,m is to be ~ cd ff)r an ofhu: fl ith
t~ f<lllowi n~ ~p.cdficatirr,-; :
C k .'!r ·•p..1n - ?. m
C~·re 1n cCt•r c ~ 'l':lnf: of sup ru :e gJJw
!-'- d n2 of 1-bclrn: - 2m
St. b thic r.~<; ·- l5fJ rnm
~~~ntcriahi : Concrete ~de ~ ~1-10. Fe~ 15 HYSD
h~. .
[k "'tM the m1in rcinforce:men · . A J ~o cbec' if lbc
~ ro ·c.,
m "1ecl and concrete a:c v, ith in safe
pcnna-;•qhle limits . Penni • ible $l.!CS'".cl arc to be
c:uitnbly ns.sumcd.

j. /\ f~cto~cd load o f 1SCYJ

l:N if> supported on a
cirru lar column. 300 mm diameter. wi th
rcinfoxemcnt . The co lum n has a.'1 un"up;>arte:d
length o f 3 metre and i5 hi7~ced agains t si d~ wa:·.
M -20 grodc concrete and Fe-41 5 HY D ,~ D..t-e
to be used.
~i gnthe longitud iMI rcinforccm~ ts foi the
co lumn. (fd =20 1 'mm2 f! = 4 15 N lmm=)

4. t\ riveted plnte gir{)er is to C:UT}' n su perim posed

lood of I 00 kN per metre em nn effective pan
o f 2·1 metre. The girder is to be latcrnlly
supported th roughout.
F md th e maxi mum bending m mt:nt and sheo!.r
force. .1axi mum aHo, \-ablc in ten~ion and
com~ion ic; 165 1Pa_

( li)

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5. A solid footing has to transfer a dead load of
1000 kN from a square column 400"400 mm
with 16 mrn bars. Find the effective depth for one
way shear and also from bending moment. : ~

Assume t'c"k= 20 N/mm2, fy= 415 N/mm2 and I


safe bearing capacity of soil = 200 kN/m 2• Any • f I

other data, if necessary, is to be suitably assumed.


7ffRJTES/C.I/V(A)/13 (18) 600

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