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Structural Engineering

Damping Technologies for Tall Buildings

The scope of this paper is to review the possible solutions
for modifying building motions through dampers. The Research Project
three main categories of devices on the market for
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achieving this scope are “passive,” “active,” and “base
isolation.” The major solutions used by the tall building
Alberto Lago industry are reviewed here in relation to design
principles, interaction with other building systems,
testing, inspection and maintenance. Additionally, a study
of the tall buildings over 250 meters constructed globally
shows the wide utilization of these systems and the possible prominent
applications they could have in the future.
Keywords: Damping, Seismic, Wind
Hadi Moghadasi Faridani Dario Trabucco
Alberto Lago, Research Assistant The tall building industry is always looking to
Hadi Moghadasi Faridani, Research Assistant
Dario Trabucco, Research Manager enhance performance from the safety,
CTBUH Research Office, IUAV University of Venice comfort and sustainability points of view. In
Dorsoduro 2206
30123 Venice, Italy 2015, after receiving a US$230,000 grant from
t: +39 41 257 1441 Bouygues Construction, CTBUH began a review of how building performance goals
under earthquakes and strong winds can be
Alberto Lago is a researcher for CTBUH at IUAV improved, by looking at the current utilization
University of Venice, Italy. He holds a Master’s
degree in Civil Engineering from the UCLA and in of dynamic modification devices. The main
Architecture/Design from the University of Stuttgart. goal of this technological solution is to modify
He also holds a PhD in Earthquake Engineering from
the University of Pavia. He worked as a structural the dynamic behavior of a structure (mainly
engineer at Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP in through energy dissipation) to reduce
San Francisco before joining CTBUH. Lago is an
accredited Professional Engineer in California and possible damage and create more efficient
in Italy. solutions from a structural and environmental
Hadi Moghadasi Faridani is a researcher for the perspective. The goal was to create a Figure 1. Damping Technologies for Tall Buildings: Theory,
CTBUH office at the IUAV University of Venice, document that would bridge a needed gap in Design Guidance and Case Studies, will be available
Italy. He has a BSc in Civil Engineering and an MSc in October 2018. Find out more at:
in Structural Engineering. Faridani also obtained knowledge about the design and dampingtechnologies.
a PhD in Structural engineering from Politecnico construction of tall buildings equipped with
di Milano in 2015, with a dissertation entitled
“Replacement Beam Methods for the Analysis of dynamic modification devices. The scope of against relevant design, installation and
Tall Building Structural Systems.” He is the author this paper is to summarize the major aspects durability considerations. The basis of all
of several publications in international journals
and conferences. studied in the research; most importantly, the these discussions is to reach a more reliable
utilization of dynamic modification devices to building performance goal for a given hazard
Dario Trabucco is the CTBUH Research Manager enhance building performance in terms of level. This is considered one of the most
and researcher at the IUAV University of Venice, Italy.
He is involved in teaching and research activities safety and sustainability. The findings of this prominent aspects of tall building design, as
related to tall buildings, including the life-cycle research project will be further explored in is evidenced by the requirements of the
analysis of tall buildings, service core design and
issues pertaining the renovation/refurbishment of Damping Technologies for Tall Buildings: most recent national building codes.
tall buildings. In 2009 he obtained a PhD in building Theory, Design Guidance and Case Studies
technology with a thesis entitled “The Strategic Role
of the Service Core in the Energy Balance of a Tall (see Figure 1). After reviewing the major design criteria, the
Building.” From 2010 he has been the CTBUH Italy major steps involved in the design and
Country Representative.
The paper explains in detail several different construction process of tall buildings
aspects, from understanding the basics of equipped with these technological solutions
building dynamics to a review of the range of is discussed. Moreover, to comprehend the
devices available on the market, evaluated prominence of this topic in the tall building

42 | Structural Engineering CTBUH Journal | 2018 Issue III

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