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Affiliation Index

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 1 / 15]

A*STAR, Singapore Bangor University, UK
Yu Zhong Patrick Burn, I.W. Davies, Chris Hancock,
C A Fast Algorithm for Microwave Biomedical Aeron W. Jones, C. Palego, Shaun C. Preston,
Imaging with Inhomogeneous Background William Taplin, Louis A. Turner
C Electropermeabilization of Isolated Cancer
Stem Cells with a Novel and Versatile
Nanosecond Pulse Generator
C Miniature Flexible Planar Microwave and
RF Energy Delivery Structure for New
Endoscopic Procedures — Design and
Initial Pre-Clinical Data
C A Novel Miniature Tissue Resection Device
with Moveable Jaws that Combines
400KHz and 5.8GHz Energy for Cutting
and Coagulation
C Discrimination of Glioblastoma Cancer
Stem Cells by Measuring Their
UHF-Dielectrophoresis Crossover
C Flexible Ablation Device with Single
Applicator Structure that Supports both
Radiofrequency and Microwave Energy
C A Microwave Ablation System for the
Visualisation and Treatment of Pulmonary
Nodules and Tumours

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 2 / 15]

Creo Medical, UK
C J. Bishop, G. Hodgkins, Steve Morris
Cardiff University, UK C Electropermeabilization of Isolated Cancer
A. Aboubakary, S. Ambala, W. Baradat, Stem Cells with a Novel and Versatile
Heungjae Choi, G. Comat, G.M. Geroni, Nanosecond Pulse Generator
S. Jones, J. Lees, D. Lloyd, Adrian Porch, C Miniature Flexible Planar Microwave and
S. Voisin, C.F. Williams RF Energy Delivery Structure for New
C Microwave Noninvasive Blood Glucose Endoscopic Procedures — Design and
Monitoring Sensor: Penetration Depth and Initial Pre-Clinical Data
Sensitivity Analysis Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
C Real-Time Microscopic Observation of M. Cifra, D. Havelka, O. Krivosudský, J. Průša
Biological Interactions with Microwave C Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Service
Fields of Microwave Dielectric Analysis of
Cleveland State University, USA Biomolecules
Wenbing Zhao
C Numerical Study of Pore Density
Distribution and Pore Formation Energy
C Simulation of Electroporation in Cell Using
Bipolar AC Pulse
CRCT (UMR 1037), France
J.-J. Fournié, M. Poupot
C Low Volume and Label-Free Molecules
Characterization and Cell Monitoring with
Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 3 / 15]

DRDO, India ELEDIA@CTU, Czech Republic
Satish Chauhan, Asheesh Gupta, Luis Díaz, Ondrej Fiser, David Vrba, Jan Vrba
Santanu Karmakar, Gaurav K. Keshri, C Numerical Evaluation of Sensitivity of
Kumar V. Mani, Manish Sharma, Microwave Metamaterial and Microstrip TL
Saurabh Verma Sensors to Blood Glucose Concentration
C X-Band Microwave Radiation Induced ENEA, Italy
Biological Effects in Rats Skin: Plausible A. Casciati, C. Merla, A. Zambotti
Role of Heat Shock Proteins C Shared Knowledge, Gaps and Challenges of
Microdosimetry: Realistic Models of Cells
and Endoplasmic Reticulum
C Electropermeabilization of Isolated Cancer
Stem Cells with a Novel and Versatile
Nanosecond Pulse Generator

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 4 / 15]

Florida International University, USA
Satheesh Bojja-Venkatakrishnan,
Carolina Moncion, Jorge Riera Diaz, H
John Volakis Hangzhou Dianzi University, China
C Low-Impedance Probes for Wireless Kuiwen Xu
Monitoring of Neural Activation C A Fast Algorithm for Microwave Biomedical
C Multi-Channel Wireless and Battery-Less Imaging with Inhomogeneous Background
Brain Signal Monitoring System HCP (EA 3842), France
Fort Valley State University, USA S. Battu, G. Begaud, B. Bessette,
Hao Qiu M.O. Jauberteau, F. Lalloue, S. Saada
C Numerical Study of Pore Density C Discrimination of Glioblastoma Cancer
Distribution and Pore Formation Energy Stem Cells by Measuring Their
C Simulation of Electroporation in Cell Using UHF-Dielectrophoresis Crossover
Bipolar AC Pulse Frequency
Fourth Military Medical University, China Health Canada, Canada
Qiang An, Jianqi Wang D.S. Shumakov
C Total Variation Constrained Sparse Image C Real-Time Microwave Imaging of Breast
Reconstruction of Multiple Stationary Phantoms with Constrained Deconvolution
Human Targets Behind Walls of Planar Data
Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Yuichiro Kogi
C Real-Time Evaluation of Heart Rate and
Heart Rate Variability Using Microwave

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 5 / 15]

C Homodyne and Heterodyne Terahertz

I Dielectric Sensors: Prototyping and
IEMN (UMR 8520), France Comparison in BiCMOS Technology for
H. Happy, S. Mhedbhi, E. Pallecchi, P. Tilmant, Lab-on-Chip Applications
W. Wei IIT Madras, India
C Towards High-Transconductance Kavitha Arunachalam, C.V. Krishnamurthy,
Graphene High-Speed Biosensors Sathya Priya Sugumar
IHP, Germany C Characterization of Microwave Dicke
C. Baristiran Kaynak, Johannes Borngräber, Radiometer for Non-Invasive Tissue
Mohamed Hussein Eissa, M. Inac, M. Kaynak, Thermometry
Dietmar Kissinger, Minsu Ko, Imperial College London, UK
Maciej Kucharski, H.J. Ng, Klaus Schmalz, Pallav Shah
Bernd Tillack, Defu Wang, Yong Wang, C Flexible Ablation Device with Single
Jan Wessel, Rahul Kumar Yadav, Applicator Structure that Supports both
Jongwon Yun Radiofrequency and Microwave Energy
C Integrated Millimeter-Wave and THz Delivery
Analyzer Platforms for Miniature IMS (UMR 5218), France
Biosensors C. Dejous, L. Di Trocchio, S. Hemour,
C A 60GHz Mixer-Based Reflectometer in J.-L. Lachaud
130nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology Toward C High-Q Implantable Resonator for Wireless
Dielectric Spectroscopy in Medical Power Delivery
Applications INRS-EMT, Canada
C Discrimination of Glioblastoma Cancer Homa Arab, Salam Benchikh,
Stem Cells by Measuring Their Serioja Ovidiu Tatu
UHF-Dielectrophoresis Crossover C A Novel Millimeter Wave Radar Sensor for
Frequency Medical Signal Detection

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 6 / 15]

ISM (UMR 5255), France

A. Kuhn K
C High-Q Implantable Resonator for Wireless Kansas State University, USA
Power Delivery Hojjatollah Fallahi, Punit Prakash
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Italy C Measurement of Broadband
M. Bellomi, G. Renne, P.E. Summers Temperature-Dependent Dielectric
C Correlation Between Dielectric Properties Properties of Liver Tissue
and Women Age for Breast Cancer Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Detection at 30GHz Juncheng Bao, Paweł Barmuta,
Tomislav Marković, Ilja Ocket,
Dominique Schreurs
J C Preliminary Measurements of Magnetic
Nanoparticles as Potential Biomarkers for
Impedance Flow Cytometry
KTH, Sweden
Frank Niklaus, Mina Rajabi
C Initial in-vitro Trial for Intra-Cranial
Pressure Monitoring Using Subdermal
Proximity-Coupled Split-Ring Resonator
Kyushu University, Japan
A. Baraket, Sumin Chalise, Toru Maruyama,
Atsushi Mase, R.K. Pokharel, M.R. Saad,
F. Tahar, Kuniaki Yoshitomi
C High Efficiency Wireless Power Transfer
System Using Spiral DGS Resonators
Through Biological Tissues
C Real-Time Evaluation of Heart Rate and
Heart Rate Variability Using Microwave

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 7 / 15]

LAAS, France Maastricht UMC+, The Netherlands
F. Artis, T. Chen, W. Chen, D. Dubuc, Taco J. Blokhuis
K. Grenier, G. Poiroux, A. Tamra, A. Zedek C Effect of Thickness Inhomogeneity in Fat
C Low Volume and Label-Free Molecules Tissue on In-Body Microwave Propagation
Characterization and Cell Monitoring with Mayo Clinic, USA
Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy Xiaolei Xu, Jingchun Yang
Lehigh University, USA C Characterization of Passive Wireless
Xuanhong Cheng, Xiaotian Du, Electrocardiogram Acquisition in Adult
James C.M. Hwang, Hang Li, Xiao Ma, Zebrafish
Yaqing Ning McMaster University, Canada
C Validation of Clausius-Mossotti Function in E.A. Eveleigh, F. Foroutan, N.K. Nikolova,
Single-Cell Dielectrophoresis A.D. Pitcher, D. Tajik
C Real-Time Microwave Imaging of Breast
Phantoms with Constrained Deconvolution
of Planar Data

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 8 / 15]

C A Miniature Wireless 64-Channel System

N for Monitoring Gastrointestinal Activity
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan New York University, USA
Po-Kai Chan, Ta-Chung Chang, Shahram Shahsavari
Wei-Fang Chang, Kuan-Wei Chen, C Multi-Target Vital-Signs Monitoring Using a
Chin-Lung Yang Dual-Beam Hybrid Doppler Radar
C Noise Tolerable Vital Sign Detection Using NIST, USA
Phase Accumulated Demodulation for James C. Booth, Charles E. Little,
FMCW Radar System Christian J. Long, Nathan D. Orloff,
C Soft Wearable Sensors for Precise Angela C. Stelson
Physiological Signals Measurements Based C Measuring Ion-Pairing in Buffer Solutions
on the Fabric-Substrate Complementary with Microwave Microfluidics
Split-Ring Resonator Northeastern University, USA
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan Huaihao Chen, Cunzheng Dong, Shadi Emam,
T.-S. Jason Horng Yuan Gao, Yingxue Guo, Xianfeng Liang,
C Biomedical Radars Using Hwaider Lin, Alexei Matyushov, Neville Sun,
Self-Injection-Locking Technology Nian X. Sun, Xinjun Wang, Zhiguang Wang,
National University of Singapore, Singapore Mohsen Zaeimbashi
Xudong Chen, Yongxin Guo C NEMS Magnetoelectric Antennas for
C RF in Medicine: Current Status and Future Biomedical Application
Directions of Antennas and Wireless Power C NanoNeuroRFID: A Low Loss Brain
C A Fast Algorithm for Microwave Biomedical Implantable Device Based on
Imaging with Inhomogeneous Background Magnetoelectric Antenna
New York Institute of Technology, USA NTT, Japan
Zaid Abukhalaf, Wahib Alrofati, Rui Bao, Masahito Nakamura, Michiko Seyama,
Aydin Farajidavar, Amir Javan-Khoshkholgh Takuro Tajima
C Towards a Distributed Multi-Channel C A Noninvasive Blood Glucose Measurement
System for Studying Gastrointestinal Tract by Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy:
Drift Correction Technique

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 9 / 15]

Old Dominion University, USA
Robert D. Bruno, Peter A. Mollica,
Ross A. Petrella, Patrick C. Sachs, Shu Xiao,
Martina Zamponi
Robert Bosch, Germany
C Non-Contact Picosecond Pulsed Electric Mohamed Elkhouly
Fields Up Regulate SOX2 Gene Expression C Homodyne and Heterodyne Terahertz
in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Dielectric Sensors: Prototyping and
Comparison in BiCMOS Technology for
Lab-on-Chip Applications
P Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Panos P. Markopoulos
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Ahmed Ibrahim, Mehdi Kiani C Robust Radar-Based Human Motion
C A Miniature Wireless 64-Channel System Recognition with L1-Norm Linear
for Monitoring Gastrointestinal Activity Discriminant Analysis
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Rowan University, USA
Krzysztof Fronc, Izabela Kamińska, Steven Schwartz, Gary L. Thompson
Bożena Sikora C Predicting Nonthermal Electroporation of
C Preliminary Measurements of Magnetic Intervertebral Disc Tissue
Nanoparticles as Potential Biomarkers for Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Impedance Flow Cytometry Christoph Baer, Birk Hattenhorst,
Purdue University, USA Thomas Musch
Abdulrahman Alghamdi, Saeed Mohammadi C Reproducibility Evaluation of Composite
C A Highly Sensitive RF Biosensor Based on Dielectric Materials Based on an Error
Splitter/Combiner Configuration for Propagation Model
Single-Cell Characterization

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 10 / 15]

St. Mark’s Hospital, UK

S Brian Saunders, Zacharias Tsiamoulos
ShanghaiTech University, China C Miniature Flexible Planar Microwave and
Xiong Wang, Dajun Zhang RF Energy Delivery Structure for New
C Feasibility Study of Applying Endoscopic Procedures — Design and
Ferromagnetic Contrast Agents in Initial Pre-Clinical Data
Thermoacoustic Imaging Swansea University, UK
Southeast Missouri State University, USA Steve Luzio
Xianping Wang C Microwave Noninvasive Blood Glucose
C Numerical Study of Pore Density Monitoring Sensor: Penetration Depth and
Distribution and Pore Formation Energy Sensitivity Analysis
C Simulation of Electroporation in Cell Using
Bipolar AC Pulse
Stanford University, USA
Gabriel Buckmaster, Tammy Chang,
Jonathan A. Fan, Thomas H. Lee,
Nicholas D. Saiz
C Evaluating the Microwave Performance of
Epidermal Electronics with Equivalent
Transmission Line Modeling
C A Ka-Band Beamformer for Wireless Power
Transfer to Body Area Networks
Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Mehrdad Nosrati, Negar Tavassolian
C Multi-Target Vital-Signs Monitoring Using a
Dual-Beam Hybrid Doppler Radar
C Accuracy Enhancement of Doppler
Radar-Based Heartbeat Rate Detection
Using Chest-Wall Acceleration

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 11 / 15]

Temple University, USA

T Fauzia Ahmad, Sayemul Islam, Albert Kim
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany C Robust Radar-Based Human Motion
H. Ulrich Göringer, Robert Knieß, Mario Mueh Recognition with L1-Norm Linear
C Material Characterization for the Detection Discriminant Analysis
of African Trypanosomes Using C Ultrasonic Energy Harvesting Scheme for
RNA-Derivatized Surface Layers with Implantable Active Stent
mm-Wave and THz Sensors Texas Tech University, USA
C Spurious Material Detection on Ravindra Joshi
Functionalized Thin-Film Sensors Using C Numerical Study of Pore Density
Multiresonant Split-Rings Distribution and Pore Formation Energy
Technische Universität Graz, Austria
Wolfgang Bösch, Lukas Görtschacher,
Jasmin Grosinger
C UHF RFID Sensor Tag Antenna Concept for
Stable and Distance Independent Remote
Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands
L.C.N. de Vreede, Z. Hu, A. Neto,
M.A.P. Pertijs, M. Spirito,
H. Thippur Shivamurthy, G. Vlachogiannakis
C A Compact Energy Efficient CMOS
Permittivity Sensor Based on
Multiharmonic Downconversion and
Tunable Impedance Bridge

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 12 / 15]

Universität Innsbruck, Austria

U S. Bergmueller, Jan-Christoph Edelmann,
Umeå University, Sweden Fabian Eichin, Viktoria Kalpen, D. Mair,
Emadeldeen Hassan Gilbert Prokop, Thomas Ussmueller
C Effect of Thickness Inhomogeneity in Fat C Acoustic Transmission of Biomedical Data
Tissue on In-Body Microwave Propagation via the Intercommunication System of an
Università di Pavia, Italy MRI
M. Bozzi, S. Di Meo, P.F. Espin-Lopez, C Inductive Ear-to-Ear Communication
A. Martellosio, G. Matrone, A. Mazzanti, Systems: Coupling Enhancement by Means
M. Pasian, L. Pasotti, L. Perregrini, L. Preda, of Constructional Coil Features
F. Svelto C Bone Conduction: A Feasible Concept for
C Correlation Between Dielectric Properties Ear-to-Ear Communication?
and Women Age for Breast Cancer Universität Ulm, Germany
Detection at 30GHz Christian Damm
C Realization of Breast Tissue-Mimicking C Material Characterization for the Detection
Phantom Materials: Dielectric of African Trypanosomes Using
Characterization in the 0.5–50GHz RNA-Derivatized Surface Layers with
Frequency Range mm-Wave and THz Sensors
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy C Spurious Material Detection on
F. Apollonio, P. D’Atanasio, A. Denzi, Functionalized Thin-Film Sensors Using
M. Liberti, S. Pisa, E. Pittella, E. Piuzzi, Multiresonant Split-Rings
G. Sacco, A. Zambotti Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
C Shared Knowledge, Gaps and Challenges of Jan Beutler
Microdosimetry: Realistic Models of Cells C Microwave Noninvasive Blood Glucose
and Endoplasmic Reticulum Monitoring Sensor: Penetration Depth and
C Power Budget and Reconstruction Sensitivity Analysis
Algorithms for Through the Wall Radar
Imaging System

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 13 / 15]

University of Florida, USA University of Southern California, USA

Joaquin Casanova, Jenshan Lin, Negar Golestani, Gianluca Lazzi,
Justin J. Saluja Mahta Moghaddam
C A Supervised Learning Approach for Real C Multiscale Modeling and Electroneural
Time Vital Sign Radar Harmonics Interfaces for Neuroimplants: from a
Cancellation Retinal Prosthesis to Restore Vision to the
University of Hong Kong, China Blind to a Hippocampus Implant for
Li Jun Jiang, Rong Wang Memory Restoration
C Microwave Sensing Based on Peelable C Improving the Efficiency of Magnetic
Microfluidic Thin Film Resonator Induction-Based Wireless Body Area
University of Manitoba, Canada Network (WBAN)
Gregory Bridges University of Tokyo, Japan
C Biosensors for Measuring the Dielectric Kayo Waki
Response of Single Cells to Applied Stress C A Noninvasive Blood Glucose Measurement
University of Minnesota, USA by Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy:
Rhonda Franklin, Alexander Nelson, Drift Correction Technique
Bethanie Stadler, Joseph Um, Yali Zhang, University of Washington, USA
Wen Zhou Hung Cao, Silviu Gruber, Miguel Huerta,
C Ferromagnetic Resonance Characterization Tai Le, Alexander Moravec, Konnor Wilson
of Magnetic Nanowires for Biolabel C Characterization of Passive Wireless
Applications Electrocardiogram Acquisition in Adult
University of North Texas, USA Zebrafish
D.K. Biswas, J. Hyde, I. Mahbub, M. Sinclair, C Wireless Passive Monitoring of
N.T. Tasneem Electrocardiogram in Firefighters
C Miniaturized Wireless Power Transfer University of Waterloo, Canada
Module Design for Brain Optoelectronic Doojin Lee, George Shaker
Implant C Monitoring of Healing Progression of
Cranial Vault Using One-Dimensional
Pulsed Radar Technique

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 14 / 15]

University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden

Christopher L. Brace, Sevde Etoz, Per Enblad, Anders Lewén, Daniel Nowinski
William Greisch C Monitoring of Healing Progression of
C Development of a Tissue Dielectric Cranial Vault Using One-Dimensional
Properties Model Based on Maxwell-Fricke Pulsed Radar Technique
Mixture Theory C A Four-Layer Phantom for Testing in-vitro
Uppsala University, Sweden Microwave-Based Sensing Approach in
Noor Badariah Asan, Robin Augustine, Intra-Cranial Pressure Monitoring
Mauricio D. Perez, Syaiful Redzwan, C Initial in-vitro Trial for Intra-Cranial
Jacob Velander, Thiemo Voigt Pressure Monitoring Using Subdermal
C Monitoring of Healing Progression of Proximity-Coupled Split-Ring Resonator
Cranial Vault Using One-Dimensional
Pulsed Radar Technique
C Effect of Thickness Inhomogeneity in Fat
Tissue on In-Body Microwave Propagation
C A Four-Layer Phantom for Testing in-vitro
Microwave-Based Sensing Approach in
Intra-Cranial Pressure Monitoring
C Initial in-vitro Trial for Intra-Cranial
Pressure Monitoring Using Subdermal
Proximity-Coupled Split-Ring Resonator

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IMBioC 2018 Affiliation Index [Page 15 / 15]

VAT (UMR 8203), France XLIM (UMR 7252), France
F.M. Andre, T. Garcia-Sanchez, L.M. Mir P. Blondy, C. Dalmay, R. Manczak, A. Pothier
C Shared Knowledge, Gaps and Challenges of C Discrimination of Glioblastoma Cancer
Microdosimetry: Realistic Models of Cells Stem Cells by Measuring Their
and Endoplasmic Reticulum UHF-Dielectrophoresis Crossover
Villanova University, USA Frequency
Robert Caverly, Ahmad Hoorfar
C Total Variation Constrained Sparse Image
Reconstruction of Multiple Stationary
Human Targets Behind Walls
C Recent Advances in RF Aspects of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Z
West Virginia University School of Medicine,
James E. Coad
C A Novel Miniature Tissue Resection Device
with Moveable Jaws that Combines
400KHz and 5.8GHz Energy for Cutting
and Coagulation

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