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Dangers of Electromagnetic Frequencies To Health, Privacy, Democracy and National Security

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Wireless Technology

The Worst Threat to our Health Personal Privacy Democracy and National Security

in Canadas Entire History

Jerry Flynns BIO

Retired Canadian Armed Forces Captain. Spent 22 of 26+ years service in Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW) and Radio Warfare (RW): 2 yrs as Executive Officer (2-i/c) & Operations Officer at ultra-sensitive radio station directly employing 200+ radio operators & technicians; 2 yrs in National Defense Headquarters, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare, as the Staff Officer EW for Canadas only Army EW Sqdn. Conducted EW operations at sea with RCN and

Table of Contents
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Name Title of Presentation Jerry Flynns Bio Table of Contents Electromagnetic Spectrum and Discussion Microwave Sickness or EHS Government / Military / Industrial Complex Conspiracy and Corruption The News Media EMR and Safety Code 6 Cell Phones Cell Phone Towers/Masts Wi-Fi Power Line Freq. (60 Hz) radiation Smart Meters Smart TVs National Security/Electronic Warfare Conclusion Reference Web Sites

Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum

Non-Ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation



2.4 GHz


We Are All Electromagnetic Beings

You wouldnt have a thought in your head without electromagnetic signals. There is electrical signaling going on in your body all the time, and the idea that external electromagnetic fields cant affect us just doesnt make sense.
Dr. Louis Slesin, PhD. editor of Microwavenews

People and all living things are bio-electrical beings

Heart 2 Hz Brain 1-30 Hz Body 7.83 Hz

An ECG is used to measure the hearts electrical conduction system.[2] It picks up electrical impulses generated by the polarization and depolarization of cardiac

Electrocardiogram ECG or EKG

One tends not to think of people being bio-electric beings, but ECGs and EKGs are used to measure the hearts electrical impulses - which are extremely weak signals - meaning that they are at risk from any stronger electrical signals interfering with the bodies own natural frequencies.

Natural Frequencies: 0 30 Hz Man-made Harmful Frequencies: 35 500 Hz

ELF (60 Hz) and Microwave Frequencies pulsed at 60 Hz have same biological effect on growing cells, incidence of certain cancers, abnormalities in embryos, central nervous system, learning ability, etc.
Cross Currents by Dr. Robert O. Becker, pp 214

Evolution of Technology
(1920s) AM radio (1930s) radar (Microwave Sickness was
first reported in 1932 in Germany, yet all five Western Alliance countries, including Health Canada, continue to deny such a thing exists.)

(1950s) FM Radio and TV (1970s) computers (1980s) mobile phones (2000s) wireless technologies & compact fluorescent lighting

All wireless devices

emit harmful non-thermal RADIATION
AM & FM radio towers, satellite TV, Amateur Radio, airport radars, police radars, Microwave ovens, cell phones, cell phone towers, Phones, smart phones, cordless phones, iPads, tablets, Wi-Fi routers (2.4 or 5 GHz) home security systems, baby monitors, laptops, garage door openers, Bluetooth, remote control units, GPS satellites, TETRA Networks, WiMAX, mobileWiMAX and LTE (698-960, 1710-2170 and 23002690 MHz) towers;

Wireless Devices (Contd)

military & scientific satellites, motion detectors, Wi-Fi hotspots: cities, towns, buildings, school buses, Greyhound buses, VIA Rail trains, planes, restaurants), body area networks (BANs), Car Wi-Fi; RFIDs (900 MHz), X-rays, CT Scans, MRIs, Pagers, some Copiers, Motion Detectors, Wii and Wii U, and Xbox 360 games. Car-collision avoidance, Smart Meters, Meshed-grid networks, radar guns, etc.


Microwave Sickness

(To-days Electro-hypersensitivity or EHS)

First reported by Germany, symptoms include:

headaches, dizziness, disrupted sleep, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, heart palpitations, memory loss, tinnitus, skin rashes, muscle and joint pain, leg and foot pain, tingling, irritability, numbness, nosebleeds, depression, anxiety, etc.


Microwave Sickness (EHS)

Clinics in several cities in the Soviet Union and E. Europe studied and treated thousands of workers suffering from new occupational disease: radio wave sickness. The workers manufactured, inspected, repaired or operated M/W equipment. Some worked at radar, radio or TV stations or telephone companies. Others operated RF heaters & sealers being used in industries using technology developed during World War II.

1973 Radiowave Sickness

Microwave Sickness Electro-Hypersensitivity and EHS - theyre all the same

Excerpts of reports from the Warsaw Conference of 1973 documented the diagnosis of such a disease in other countries. Yet Health Canada and its Western Alliance partners say there is no such thing!
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck pp 221


New York Supreme Court Rules on Microwave or Radiowave Sickness

The court ruled Dr. Milton Zaret provided the board with ample evidence of the existence of the disease which, today, is known as Electro-hypersensitivity or EHS.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 221

WHOs own Director General is worlds 1st celebrity to admit she is EHS
c 2002 Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, MD, MPH (Harvard U), former two-time Prime Minister of Norway before she became DG of the WHO (1998 to 2003), shocked everyone when she volunteered that she was/is electrosensitive. She no longer uses wireless technology.

WHO Scientists Recognize EHS


World Health Organization, Workshop on ElectroSensitivity, Czech Republic, Oct 2004. Scientists recognize electrohypersensitivity and propose calling it idiopathic syndrome, which means no known cause.


EHS is recognized by NIOSH in the USA

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health finally recognized Electromagnetic Sensitivity in 2005

Fifty-five (55) years after the Soviet Union!

Victor_tribute.pdf Adobe Reader


UK Recognizes EHS

In a major report released in November of 2005 The British government recognized EHS as illness for the first time and said at least 3% of the population in that country is severely affected. A recent survey of doctors in Switzerland concluded 5% of the symptoms seen in patients could be attributed to EMF exposure. Canada & U.S. wont recognize it!


WHO Recognizes EHS

The World Health Organization recognized in a December 2005 bulletin that Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity is a growing worldwide concern.
Canada & USA wont recognize it!


- EHS in Sweden

EHS is considered a physical impairment and is recognized as a disability. Local governments grant support to individuals with EHS. Employees with EHS have a right to support from their employers so as to enable them to work despite this impairment. Some hospitals in Sweden provide rooms with low EMF exposure.

Terrifying Prediction
By Royal College of Physicians, Ireland
In a mere six years half of us will become electromagnetically sensitive. A prediction by Salzburgs Dr. Gerd Oberfeld who addressed the Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA) April 9, parallels the prediction by the Royal College of Physicians last year which predicted that half the Irish population will have some form of cancer by the year 2025!


50% of Entire Population Expected to be EHS

Electrical sensitivity will be more common in the near future. The trend shows that 50% of the total population can be expected to be electro-sensitive by 2017.
Canada & USA still wont recognize it!
. Olie Johansson. Dept. of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden "Electrohypersensitivity: State-of-the-art of a functional impairment

Global Electromagnetic Pollution of the Environment

The World Health Organization has coined an official term global electromagnetic pollution of the environment and put that problem on the list of priorities. Also, there has emerged a special term electromagnetic smog, by analogy with air pollution.

U.S. Government / U.S. Military / Industrial Complex - Collusion - Conspiracy - Corruption

The Writers Assertion

Western Alliance countries (U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand) led by a corrupt U.S. government/military/industrial complex, are aggressively pushing wireless technology globally for military purposes and for unprecedented economic gain. Yet the Council of Europe (47 countries, 800million people) abandoned in 2011 todays Westernsponsored dangerously high radiation Safety limits in order to protect its people. Europeans are now urged to adopt the Precautionary Principle but Western Alliance countries refuse to protect their citizens.
Captain (retired) J.G. Flynn, CD (Electronic Warfare Specialist)


Russian Research

Russia has systematically studied electromagnetic bio-effects on all life forms: plants, animals & people since 1933. Found harmful effects from even the weakest radiation intensities - depended greatly on frequency used and cumulative effect.
Caused the Russians to drastically reduce their own safety levels by a factor of 1,000!
Cellular Radiation Is This Our Next Titanic? Pp 77 The Body Electric, pp 289, Dr. Robert Becker, Md

U.S Embassy Moscow (5376)

(6-8 Hours a Day, 5 Days Week)

Was irradiated with M/W frequencies at intensities of 0.1 to 24W/cm, ie., about 1,000 times lower than the US standard of 10 mW/cm. 2 ambassadors died of cancer; 3rd developed leukemia-like blood disease & bleeding eyes & eventually died from it; At least 16 women developed breast cancer; Many other staff suffered adverse health effects, e.g. immune system disorders, high white blood cell counts, chromosomal breaks, chronic fatigue, cataracts, etc. U.S. knew but did not tell embassy for about 15 years!


Exposure Limits and Fear of Lawsuits

Participants at the Bethesda, Maryland navy conference understood that once a standard was set lawsuits could become an issue. The simplest way to avoid lawsuits would be to resist setting standards below existing exposure levels, but resisting lowering standards for legal reasons would again bring nonscientific pressure to bear on standard setting.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 47

Radiation Sterility and Baldness


Bell Laboratories, alarmed by reports of sterility and baldness among its own workers as well as military radar personnel, suggested a safety level of 100 microwatts, a hundred times less than the USA Limit of 10mW/cm (see Becker & Selden, 1984).


US Dept. of Defense (DOD)

Directed the U.S. Army, Navy & Air Force to investigate the biological effects of exposure to Radio frequency / Microwave (RF/MW) radiation. In 1957 they reported many implications: serious damage to the eye, evidence it can cause cancer, damage to major organs and disruption of important biological processes. Pulsed radiation appears to be more harmful than non-pulsed radiation.
Radiofrequency/microwave radiation biological effects and safety standards: A review.


Power Struggle in USA

Dept. of Defense had given responsibility for standardization of EMR hazards to personnel to the US Air Force, but U.S. Navys Bureau of Ships was assigned standardization responsibility for electromagnetic hazards common to personnel, fuel and equipment, which upset IEEE and ANSI, respectively.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 56, 57

RF/MW Radiation Central Nervous System

Soviet scientists report several CNS disorders among 525 workers exposed to RF/MW radiation: hypotension, slower than normal heart rates, increased histamine content of the blood, increases in activity of the thyroid gland, headaches, irritability, increased fatigue, etc.
The U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare, NIOSH Contract No. 210-76-0145 , Mar ch 1978



- President Eisenhowers concern about Military-Industrial Complex and Democracy

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can (protect democracy)

Exposure Limits Czechoslovakia vs USA


The safe exposure limit set for the general public in Czechoslovakia was in the range of 1 W/cm2 - ten thousand times lower than that in the United States (10 mW/cm) !


- Project Pandora

In Sept. 1967, the CIAs Jo Johnston observed in a memo summarizing the early results of Pandora, For the record it should be noted that all the positive findings of Project Pandora [Pandora] were achieved one half an order of magnitude below the accepted U.S. standard for safe exposure.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 117

- Industry Lies to U.S. Congress about EMR

1968 Raytheons Microwave Division informed Congress there was no problem to solve, that studies concluded that: 1) The biological effects of microwave energy are thermal. 2) The effects are non-cumulative. 3) Man has a built-in alarm system coupled with his threshold of pain that protects him from thermal injury.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp125, 125


- Dr. Herman Schwan Disagrees with Raytheon

Dr. Schwan, who established USAs Exposure Limit of 10 mW/cm, disagreed with Raytheon saying there was not sufficient evidence to limit RF bioeffects solely to thermal energy. Nor would he discount possibility of genetic and cumulative effects completely. Said more studies were needed.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 125


President Lyndon Johnsons State of the Union Address

He pledged to keep Americans safe in their homes and at work. Part of the new deal consumers were being promised was protection against hazardous radiation from TV sets and other electronic equipment. This became law when he signed the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act. on Oct. 18, 1968.
New York Times, January 18, 1968 Public Law 90-602, Oct 18, 1968


RF Bioeffects Research

Throughout the 70s approximately two of every three research dollars spent on RF bio-effects research can be traced to the navy, air force or army. With this support inevitably came control.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp169

70s -

Modulated Microwave Signals are Dangerous!

Researchers had known since the early 70s that a properly modulated signal could interfere with normal brain activity.
Effects of Modulated UHF Fields on Specific Brain Rhythms in Cats, Brain Research 58 (1973): 365-384

Modulation of Signal

Non Lethal Microwave Weapons

Frequency 4.5 Hz 6.6 Hz 8 Hz 11 Hz 25 Hz Illness Caused Paranoia; Depression/Suicide; Animals fall asleep; Manic behavior/Anger; Blindness if aimed at the head; Heart attack if aimed at the chest. Other frequencies cause hysteria, trauma, lust, murder and cancer, and may all be induced.


Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI)

The U.S. military had by 1971 compiled 2300 reports on the biological responses to radio and microwave frequency (RF/MW) radiation - - which paid particular attention to the effects on man of non-ionizing radiation at these frequencies.

Project Pandora (1954-1971)

Eldon Byrd, a scientist for the Naval Surface Weapons Centre, USN, said about M/W radiation in 1986: 'We can alter the behaviour of tissues, cells, organs and whole organisms.... you can cause up to six times higher foetus mortality and birth defects in laboratory animals, and it is known how to induce malignant diseases in human cells and how to cure them


RF/MW Radiation and

Cardiovascular Disease
Soviet study of 100 patients exposed to radiation for periods ranging 5-15 years concluded it is a PROBABLE cause of cardio problems. A smaller group exposed for shorter periods also experienced cardio irregularities.
Radiofrequency/microwave radiation biological effects and safety standards: A review.


Highest Cancer Rate in the World!

U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski told Chicago Daily News columnist Keyes Beech, in March 1976, that the U.S. Embassy in Moscow had the highest cancer rates in the world!
Brodeur, Zapping of America, pp 129 and The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck pp 199


Microwaves: Their Deadly Risk and the Cover-up

Microwave radiation can blind you, alter your behaviour, cause genetic damage, even kill you. The risks have been hidden from you by the Pentagon, the State Department, and the electronics industry. With this book, the microwave cover-up is ended.
The Zapping of America Paul Brodeur (1977)

CBSs 60 Minutes Electronic Smog Blanketing America


Host Mike Wallace interviewed U.S. opthalmologist, Dr. Milton Zaret and spent 20 minutes alerting the public to the possible dangers of microwaves. Dr. Zaret was one of the first scientists to warn of the harmful effects of microwave radiation, especially to eyes.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck pp 190.

Mass Media and the Public

What must the press do to get the truth out to the public about low-level radiation? Well we simply have to keep digging; check, doublecheck, and if possible triple-check every press release, tip, and press briefing; remain always suspicious of authority, and never lose sight of that old Latin admonition, Illigitiati non carborundum dont let the bastards wear you down
William Hines, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1979)

Public have deliberately been deceived and kept ignorant

The effects of low-level exposure to RF radiation that have been withheld from the public extend from heart disease and cataracts to birth defects and cancer. Information about such hazards has been withheld to protect the military and its industrial contractors from the economic burden of lower standards.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 195

1985 -

The Power of the Telecom and TV Industry

Dr. Robert O. Becker and Brian Selden: Our survival depends on the ability of upright scientists and other people of goodwill to break the military-industrial death grip on our policy-making institutions.
(Becker, RO, and Selden, G, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, (New YorkL Harper) 1985, p.329.)

1994 - Microwave


Microwave Research Department of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research states, "Microwave energy in the range 1 to 5 GHz, a militarily important range, penetrates all organ systems of the body and thus puts all organ systems at risk. Yet these are the very frequencies used in todays devices, including baby monitors! Effects on the central nervous system are considered very important.
Orvotron, The Bimonthly Newsletter, March/April 1994

Most Dangerous Frequencies!

Frequencies from about 700 MHz to 1,000 MHz interact most efficiently with human tissue to yield the greatest energy absorption!
(Yet to-days Cell Phones and Smart Meters operate within this very range!)

Barrie Trower
Cited a 1950s report stating: If this paper becomes known around the world, it will threaten military and commercial interests. He especially condemned Health Canadas Code 6

He also said: A 1976 Document summarizing U.S. Defense Intelligence research is the saddest and most despicable document ever published in history. The document lists all of the health hazards caused by wireless devices and concludes: This should be kept secret to preserve industrial profit.

Agencies That Establish so-called Safe Radiation Exposure Limits IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers) FCC (Federal Communications Commission) ICNIRP (International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection WHO (World Health Organization) Health Canada Individual Provincial Chief Medical Officers (Contd)

The REAL Power Brokers

U.S. Military (Air Force, Army & Navy) The Wireless and Telecom Industries in USA, Canada, UK, Australia & NZ; Electric power utilities in the same five (5) countries; CTIA The U.S. Cellular Telecommunications
and Internet Agency (powerful Lobby group)

CWTA Canadian Wireless & Telecomm.

Assn. (Canadas powerful lobby group)

I.E.E.E. have influenced world standards since the 1960s, through its internal Committee - ICES: International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety whose members are: U.S. Army US Air Force Motorola Nokia Siemens Alcatel-Lucent Bell 2006 - Recommended raising Exposure Limits!

U.S. Arms Industry Influence on White House Policies

Senator John McCain, Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee best summed it up, we have seen compelling evidence that there is an incestuous relationship between the defense industry and defense officials that is not good for America.

Unparalleled Global Power Brokers

Apparently it is out of bounds in American politics to question the ethics of a former president who makes money from policies pursued by his son in the White House. But the public needs to be aware of the global reach of the Carlyle Group, which combines the public and private interest in a form rarely seen in Washington.


IEEEs goal: To get world to adopt its Radiation Exposure Standards

Dr. B Jon Klauenberg (US Air Force Research Lab. and long-time member of ICES) was awarded the IEEE SA International Standards Award Dec. 2011 for helping to convince world bodies and international agencies of the rigor, benefits, and provenance of IEEE Standards.

Health Canada and IEEE Complicity and Corruption

Health Canadas own senior radiation protection Scientist, Dr. Art Thansandote is, and has been for many years, Co-Chairman of Sub-Committee 4, which is THE group responsible for establishing Exposure Limits for the IEEE, which are then adopted by FCC as the USAs Safe Exposure Limits!

ICES TC-95, Sub-Committee 3

(Determines Standards for 0-3 kHz)
Noteworthy members include:
Drs. William Bailey, Linda Erdreich and Yakov Shkolnikov of Exponent Inc. Drs. Art Thansandote, James McNamee and Pascale Bellier of Health Canada, Dr. Josette Gallant, Industry Canada, Daniel Goulette, Hydro Quebec, Richard Link, Radiation Safety Institute of Canada Mays Swicord, Mays Swicord consulting
ICES (SCC-39) Annual Report: 2011 2012

IEEEs TC-95 Sub Committee-4

(Determines Safety Levels for 3 kHz 300 GHz) Noteworthy Members Include
Dr. William Bailey, Exponent Inc. USA Dr. Linda Erdreich, Exponent Inc. USA Dr. Yakov Shkolnikov, Exponent Inc. USA Dr. Art Thansandote, Health Canada Dr. James McNamee, Health Canada Dr. Pascale Bellier, Health Canada Dr. Josette Gallant, Industry Canada
ICES (SCC-39) Annual Report: 2011 2012

(Federal Communication Commission)
Is the U.S. regulating agency for radio frequency (RF) spectrum usage & compliance; Is headed up by five (5) Commissioners appointed by the U.S. President: three from party in power; two from other party; Not one is a scientist; March 2013, FCC began its review of Safety Limits


FCCs New Chairman

Tom Wheeler, a major fund-raiser for Pres. Obama and a career lobbyist for both the National Cable and TV Assn and the Cellular Telecom and Internet Assn (which he headed up 1992-2004). During his stint at the CTIA, his own scientists told him that cell phones were causing brain tumors. He buried the data and fired the scientists! eyond_brain_cancer_partner/

(International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection)

Most of its funding comes from industry and most of the members of ICNIRP are engineers for whom only thermal effects may cause biological effects.
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, June 2013; 32(2): 200208

Conflicts of Interest in ICNIRP

In addition to its inaugural Chairman, Dr. Michael Repacholi, whose corruption is legendary, a disproportionate number of ICNIRPs members have been discredited due to their historical ties to industry, eg., Dr. John Moulder, Prof. Anders Ahlbom, Dr. Alexander Lerchi.

FCC Frequency Spectrum Auctions 2011 - $33 Billion

2010 - $120 billion due to iPad boom


2008 - $20 Billion

The U.K. Defence Intelligence Agencys own research shows the dangers were known in the 50s. Soviets used the cell phone frequencies we use today: 1800 MHz and 900 MHz as weapons!

2014 -

Corruption in WHOs IARC Continues

The 650-page World Cancer Report 2014 produced by the WHOs International Agency for Research on Cancers (IARC) predicts new cases of cancer world-wide will increase from 14,000,000 to 22,000,000 annually by 2020, yet scarcely mentions EMR as a possible cause of cancer; whereas independent scientists are convinced it is a probable if not DEFINITE cause! Posted By Adan On April 1,

The News Media

2014 - Media

Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers

There is more than ample evidence available today linking health problems with the RF radiation emitted by smart meters to enable regulatory authorities to compel power utilities to abide by the precautionary principle. But the public are not aware of this because the issue is being blacked out in the press. James F. Tracy.

(Electro-Magnetic Radiation)


Safety Code 6

Illnesses Linked to EMR

Many cancers, neurological conditions, ADD, sleep disorders, depression, Autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cognitive problems, cardiovascular irregularities, hormone disruption, immune system disorders, metabolism changes, stress, fertility impairment, increased blood brain barrier permeability, mineral disruption, DNA damage, etc.

The Western Alliance versus U.S.S.R. Double Standard


Health Canada all protect only against THERMAL radiation. The U.S.S.R./Russian Federation considers the non-thermal effects which they have studied since 1933.

The Omnipotent IEEE

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is an organization of some 425,000 engineers in 160 countries. Head-quartered in New York City, IEEEs internal committee: ICES - International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (not to be confused with ICEMS, a truly independent globallyrespected scientific organization) essentially sets the Safety Limit for the U.S. and, hence, for other Western Alliance countries. IEEE wants the world to adopt its standard.

Public Exposure Guidelines 1800 MHz W/m

Health Dept. Salzburg (indoor) (02) 1 Health Dept. Salzburg (outdoors) (02) 10 EU Wkg Grp recommendation (2001) 100 Salzburg 1998 (sum GSM) 1,000 Italy (single frequency) 1,000 Russia, PRChina 100,000 Italy (sum of frequencies) 100,000 Belgium (ex Wallonia) 1,115,000 ICNIRP (98), WHO, Canada 10,000,000 FCC/IEEE, USA (09) 10,000,000

Crime Against Humanity

Continuous exposure of the public to radiation 24/7/365 in perpetuity was never - and still is not - considered by the U.S. Military/Industrial complex
USAs Radiation Safety Exposure Level of 10 mW/cm was developed primarily by producers for industrial and military users, not by consumers for consumers.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 61, 62

Non-thermal Radiation
Todays wireless devices i.e., baby monitors, Smart Meters, Smart phones, cordless phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi routers, TV games etc. all emit nonthermal microwave radiation. Yet Health Canada and its four other Western Alliance countries protect ONLY against brief exposures to thermal radiation!


Athermal (Non-thermal) Radiation

The first major debates on possible existence of non-thermal effects occurred in late 1920s. Also, in 1926, Dr. J.W. Schereschewsky, a surgeon with U.S. Public Health Service (later an associate in preventative medicine and hygiene at the Harvard Medical School) determined that RF bioeffects were also frequency dependent! (25% of mice irradiated had cancers cured!).
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 70, 71

German and U.S. Physicians use Non-Thermal Radiation in Short Wave Diathermy
1930s This alarmed the AMA (American Medical Association) as it could weaken the influence AMA exerted over medical practice through science. In 1935, the AMA rejected outright the existence of non-thermal effects of RF and discouraged its use.
The Microwave Debate. Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 74-76

1934 -

The Cancer Cure That Worked!

Royal Raymond Rife (1913-1973) discovered that exposing a virus to certain frequencies or radio waves killed it quickly. Years of experimentation led to Rife's invention of the Frequency Instrument, a device that produced the exact frequencies needed to destroy various viruses. Read about a corrupt AMA President and a ruthless medical industry that feared and ultimately ruined Rife.

Late 1940s.

Non-Thermal Radiation at 2450 MHz

AMA (American Medical Association) claims notwithstanding, the University of Iowa, on contract from Collins Radio, concluded from its experiments that 2450 MHz causes testicular damage (in rats) at a temperature below that causing heating effect.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 78


U.S. Air Force

Reported First Symptoms of EHS

The U.S. Air Force reported that personnel experienced a tinnitus or ringing of the ears (a symptom of electro-hypersensitivity or EHS) during exposure in the strongest cross section of a radar beam, the cause of which could have been thermal or non-thermal. No followup study was done to find out cause.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 81

Canadas Radio Frequency Exposure Limit 1000 W/cm

Russia, China, Italy, France, Australia, Most European Countries, Switzerland & Austria

100s to 1000s of times LOWER (Safer)

(10 W/cm was recommended by Toronto Board of Health back in 1999)

BioInitiative Report - 2007 Recommended 0.1 W/cm, which is 10,000 times lower than Safety Code 6!

Canadas Guilty Players

Who is putting at risk your health and well-being and that of all future generations? People within

Health Canada Industry Canada Canadian Wireless Telecom Assn (CWTA) Samuel McLaughlin Research Centre Provincial Medical Officers Municipal Governments Wireless and Telecom Industries Electric Power Utilities Public Utilities Commissions

IEEEs TC-95 Sub-Committee 4

(Determines Safety Levels for 3 kHz 300 GHz) Noteworthy Members Include:
Dr. William Bailey, Exponent Inc. USA Dr. Linda Erdreich, Exponent Inc. USA Dr. Yakov Shkolnikov, Exponent Inc. USA Dr. Art Thansandote, Health Canada Dr. James McNamee, Health Canada Dr. Pascale Bellier, Health Canada Dr. Josette Gallant, Industry Canada
ICES (SCC-39) Annual Report: 2011 2012

Health Canada and IEEE/ICES Conflict of Interest

Dr. Art Thansandote, Health Canadas Senior Radiation Protection Scientists is, and has been for many years, Co-Chairman of ICES Sub-Committee 4, which is responsible for establishing IEEEs (i.e., the USAs) egregiously high radiation Exposure Limits, which happen to be similar to Canadas!

Dr. Michael Repacholi

Worked very closely with Dr. Maria Stuchly in establishing Canadas Safety Code 6s radiation Exposure Limits; Was instrumental in establishing WHOs (the World Health Organizations) radiation Exposure Limits; Was instrumental in establishing ICNIRP (the International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection) radiation Exposure Limits all of which are virtually identical and recognize only thermal

Dr. Michael Repacholi

71-83) Health & Welfare Canada: 80) Ph.D. Biology: U of Ottawa 71-83) Radiation Protection Bureau. 75-83) Head, Non-Ionizing Radiation Program. 78) Co-authored Safety Code 6 Exposure Limits with Prof. Maria Stuchly 8306) W.H.O. Led 10-year study on EMR 92-now) ICNIRP inaugural Chairman, now Chairman Emeritus and a consultant to industry!

Dr. Maria Stuchly (1978-2004)

76-91: Health & Welfare Canada: She Coauthored Safety Code 6 and other papers with Dr. Michael Repacholi; Worked with Dr. Daniel Krewski; Was at U Vic 2002-04 (now retired) In 2003, co-authed paper with Dr. Repacholi on bio-effects of non-ionizing EMR (Safety Code 6) and with Dr. William Bailey of Exponent Inc. Had close historical ties to industry.

Canadian Wireless and Telecommunications Association

Pres. & CEO Is bilingual Bernard Lord, QC, ONB, former 2-time Premier of N.B. with unparalleled connections in all three senior levels of government and a potential heirapparent to PM Stephen Harper. No wonder Wi-Fi is being pushed into public schools and communities everywhere, Smart Meters forced onto all dwellings, and cell phone use encouraged.


McLaughlin Research Centre

Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association's former President Roger Poirier still manages McLaughlin Research Centre's projects. CBC Marketplace exposed that the wireless industry, CWTA, funds both the research and salary of Dr. Krewski who promotes that Wi-Fi is safe.

Prof. Daniel Krewski

Since 98: is Director of R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre, Ottawa, which was founded & funded by industry. His salary is paid, in part at least, by industry, as are the Centres studies; 93 worked with Repacholi at U. of O. 98 Health & Welfare Canada: Dir. Risk Mgmt, Health Protection Branch; 01-03: Collaborated with Dr. Stuchly on reports.

Corruption in WHO
Russian research done in 1960-1985, with real control groups, in real, healthy environments, without the negative influence of the cell-phone industry (such as the publication of the fictional scientific results, disregarding the danger of the radiation, censorship of inconvenient research results), should be considered and added to this project as No. 1 source (reference study) or at least should be included in the WHOs database.

Corruption in WHO
Russian scientists conducted more than 1500 epidemiological and human laboratory studies during the Soviet Union era which are not even in the WHO database (IEEE Study Database or EMF Studies Database). Today, special industries dismiss Russian results in RF (radiofrequencies) research as nonsense science.

Conflict of Interest in U.K.s own Health Protection Agency

Prof. Andrew Swerdlow chaired HPAs review panel on safety of wireless technologies even though he and his wife are shareholders of multi telecom companies!


Compare USA and USSR

Safe Exposure Levels

USAs limit of 10 mW/cm applied to workers for just 30 minutes exposure! One thousand times lower/safer, USSRs limit of 0.01 mW/cm (or 10 W/cm ) applied to continuous exposure for an eight hour day! USSR workers could be exposed to levels as high as 1mW/cm for 15-20 minutes provided suitable measures were taken.
The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, pp 63

1967 Pulsed microwave more dangerous than continuous wave (CW)

So says Herbert Pollack, M.D., on behalf of the Institute for Defense Analysis Research and Engineering Support Div.

1971 U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute

Researched 2300 studies listing all illnesses resulting from thermal and non thermal effects of Radio / Microwave Frequency radiation.
Paid particular attention to the effects on man of non-ionizing radiation.
Zorach R. Glaser, Ph.D. LT, MSC, USNR Research '


Warning to U.S. White House

The U.S. Presidents own Management Advisory Council warned: power levels in and around American cities, airports .. and homes may already be biologically significant. The population at risk may well be the entire population. The consequences of undervaluing or misjudging the biological effects of long-term, low-level exposure could become a critical problem for the public health, especially if genetic effects are involved.
The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur (1977) pp. 228


Microwave Radiation A Potential Threat to Health

Research by NRC (National Research Council) Canada and Queens University produced concerns for the long term, lowintensity non-thermal microwave radiation that will result from uncontrolled proliferation of MW devices.


U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency

Warned its own personnel of the risks from low level EMR including: microwave sickness (flu-like symptoms, depression, suicidal tendencies) to cancers and leukemia

Sworn to Silence About non-thermal EMR

1976 -

U.S. Government advised its western allies not to talk about non-thermal effects of microwave radiation. If it did not heat the body, they were not to talk about it.
Ref. Barrie Trower


NIOSH & OSHA Warning

(National Institute Occupational Safety & Health, and Occupational Safety Health Agency)
Both agencies believe there is sufficient evidence of harmful non-thermal effects to humans, they recommend that PRECAUTIONARY measures be instituted to minimize the risk to workers from unwarranted exposure to RF energy

Understanding Microwave Radiation

Following the 1986 Chernobyl incident it was found that long-term, continuous, low-level radiation of all types was as dangerous as high level doses of radiation!

1986 -

1990 U.S. EPA

Environmental Protection Agency EPAS Draft report recommended EMR be classified 2B Possible carcinogen. 33 of 35 international research studies conclusively linked EMR to brain tumors, leukemia & other forms of cancer, etc., but Pres. H.W. Bushs White House quashed recommendation due to pressure from US Military, Telecom/wireless Industries. EPA was forbidden to research EMR further. 1996 US Telecommunications Act 1996 - EPA had funding cut drastically! 1996 - EMR was re-assigned to the FCC!


ICNIRP was born

The International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection claims to be an independent scientific organization responsible for providing guidance and advice on the health hazards of non-ionizing radiation exposure, yet considers only the THERMAL effects of EMR as harmful. If the radiation does not heat the skin, it cant be harmful!


- U.S. FDA

Food & Drug Administration

Data Strongly Suggest microwaves can promote cancer. FDA biologists concluded that the available data strongly suggest that M/W can accelerate the development of cancer.
(obtained by Microwave News under the Freedom of Information Act.)



EPAs own research caused them concern about EMR/F wanted to establish guidelines to protect the public, but the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations stated: EPA should not engage in [electromagnetic field] activities!


International EMF Project

Ten-year, USD $250-million International EMF Project, lead by Prof. Michael Repacholi, to assess the possible health effects of EMF (electro-magnetic fields) in the 0 to 300 GHz. range.


U.S. Consumer Affairs Commission

Current thermal guidelines associated with EMR are irrelevant.

Cancer and Alzheimers are associated with non-thermal EMR effects.


Salzburg Resolution

European scientists recommended the maximum RF exposure for humans to be no more than 1/10th of one microwatt cm. In the U.S. RF exposure limits are 1,000 microwatts cm, with no limits for long term exposure.[4] Such lax standards have been determined by outdated science and the legal and regulatory maneuvering of the powerful telecommunications and wireless industries.

2001 - Corruption and Greed

Industry is placing its absolute need to sell products above the health and well-being of its own customers. The practice of producing such products can only be viewed as predatory.


- Conflict of Interest IARC / WHO

Then IARC Director, Lorenzo Tomatis plus 30 other scientists from around the world went public claiming IARC had let industry get too involved in the decision-making as to what is or is not cancerous - referring to the downgrading of DEHP, which compromises public health, and that scientific papers showing a possible link to cancer had been "ignored or intentionally suppressed.

2002 - FCC sets M/W limits >10,000

times HIGHER than levels known to cause illness! [Remember: FCC are politically-appointed non-scientists]
FCC. Set public Exposure Limits for M/W radiation at levels at least 10,000 times higher than levels which, according to the EPA, were causing illnesses all over the world!

2002 -

Freiburger Appeal

Signed by more than 6,000 doctors. lists 13 severe chronic illnesses & various disorders involving: behaviour, blood, heart, cancers, tinnitus, migraines, susceptibility to infections and sleeplessness. All ascribed to pulsed M/W from mobile communications devices.

- Health Canada is urged to lower Exposure Limits drastically


Toronto's Public Health Officer recommended Health Canada's Safety levels for microwave exposure be lowered by a factor of 100 times!


OPHA urges Health Canada

to reduce SC 6 Exposure Limits

The Ontario Public Health Assn urges Health Canada to introduce strict governmental research, quality control and testing of cell phones available in Canada. The recom-mendation by Toronto Public Health to reduce the SC6 exposure limits by a factor of 100 has merit and deserves serious consideration by Health Canada.
http// s/papers/2003-02_pp.pdf

EMR causes Breast Cancer

These are sufficient to classify a causal relationship between EMR and breast cancer, with melatonin reduction as the biological mechanism. Dr Neil Cherry


Low Level Microwaves are Dangerous!

The Nobel Prize winning Irish Doctors Assn listed 70 research papers showing the dangers from low level microwaves. Dr. Santini listed 20 similar studies, The EM. Radiation Research Trust listed 9 studies, Dr. Blackwell listed 6 similar studies in his report.

2005 -

Corruption in W.H.O.

On July 5, 2005, it was published that

Dr. Michael Repacholi

Coordinator of the WHOs Radiation & Environmental Health Unit- receives $150,000 a year (via Royal Adelaide Hospital, S.A.) from the cellular phone industry with additional money for meetings and travels.
( 5.7.05)

W.H.O. Funding Summary for the International EMF Project

(July 2006-June 2007)

INCOME $249,682 Governments $529,820 Others (i.e. Industry) USD $779,502 TOTAL INCOME

Health Canada again is urged to lower Exposure Limits drastically


November 2007 - Toronto's Chief Medical Officer of Health recommends Health Canada's Safety levels for microwave exposure be lowered by a factor of 100X


BioInitiative Report

Twenty-five scientists, doctors and public health experts from 5 countries released a 650-page document with over 2,000 studies linking RF and EMR to cancer, Alzheimers disease, DNA damage, immune system dysfunction, cellular damage and tissue reduction.
[Inferred Health Canadas Exposure Limits were 10,000 times too high!]
Prof. James F. Tracy in


European Parliament

European Environment Agency called on its 27 Member States (500-million people) to: protect the public more effectively by taking Appropriate, precautionary and proportionate actions ... to avoid ... serious threats

2007 -

EMR Suppresses Melatonin

Produced by the Pineal gland, melatonin is a powerful cancer-fighting hormone produced in the body at night. Sleeping in a room surrounded by our favourite devices cordless phone, cell phone, digital clock, CD/radio player, computer and TV can seriously suppress melatonin production.
Electropollution, Hormones and Cancer Aug-Sept.2007

EMR, Melatonin and Estrogen

One of melatonins most important functions is to release estrogen, which suppresses the development of breast cancers - 70% of which are estrogen sensitive. When EMR inhibits the release of melatonin the activity of one of the bodys most protective hormones is lost.
Srinivasan V, Spence D, et al. Melatonin, environmental light, and breast cancer, Breast Cancer Res Treat 2007 May 31; PMID:

2008 International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) calls for GLOBAL application of the

and more protection is needed for pregnancy, newborns, children, and elderly people. ICES says worlds Exposure Limits are inadequate as only thermal effects are considered. (Signed by 56 world-class scientists from 16 countries)

European Parliament greatly concerned that Exposure Limits are obsolete


The E.U. Parliament accepts premise of Bio-Initiative 2007 report concerning EMFs .. and says todays EMF Exposure Limits are obsolete.

Non-industry Scientists Say

Prof. Yurij Grigoriev, Chairman of RNCNIRP: Man conquered the Black Plague, but now hes created EMF pollution
The International Doctors Appeal (more than 1,000 doctors): This is the greatest biomedical experiment in human history ever.

Dr. Robert O. Becker, Two-time Nobel Nominee said in 2000: The greatest polluting element in Earths environment is the proliferation of EMF.

Non-industry Scientists (Contd)

The 2011 Seletun Scientific Panel: Global population is at risk. Reduce Exposure Limits 1,000 to 10,000 times. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt: exposure to microwave and EMF is significantly harmful to all health and life itself.

Dr. George Carlo: Theres a major health crisis coming, probably already underway cancers, learning disabilities, ADD, Autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, psychological/behavioral problems.

Non Industry Scientists (Contd)

Dr. Gerard Hyland, a physicist, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, says, "Existing safety guidelines for cell phone towers are completely inadequate Quite justifiably, the public remains skeptical of attempts by governments and industry to reassure them that all is well, particularly given the unethical way in which they often operate symbiotically so as to promote their own vested interests.

Non-industry Scientists (Contd) (Contd)

I think its becoming the disaster of the 21st century says Dr. William Rea, one of the foremost experts on EHS disorder in the U.S., a cardiovascular surgeon who has treated patients for EHS disorder for 40 years

2010 Published

by Canadas National Research Council (NRC) Press

Many Canadians are being exposed to dangerous levels of radiation and concluded that a new biologically based guideline is needed, instead of the dangerous, outdated thermal guidelines!
Authors: B. Blake Levitt and Henry Lai


- Corruption

In April 2010, eminent researchers: Olle Johansson (Sweden), Dr. Annie Sasco (France), Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos (Greece) and Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy (U.K.) took part in conference before Canadas House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) outlining the dangers of low level EMR from cell phones, masts and wi-fi with reproductive decreases from cell phone EMR. All were subsequently censured/punished in some way by their employers.

President Obamas own Cancer Advisory Panel urges Precautionary Principle for EMF

Pointing to cell phones and other wireless technologies as potential causes of cancer, and recommended: When credible evidence exists that there may be a hazard, use PRECAUTIONARY approach.

2011 - European Parliaments (47 countries 800 million People)

The Council of Europe and the European Parliament recognize for the first time biological effects of EMF on living plants, animals and human beings. The need now is to protect citizens from EMR, particularly "pregnant women, newborn babies & children.

of Europe Urges Break from ICNIRP & WHO

News release, urged all 47 Governments to reconsider ICNIRPs Exposure Limits (which are followed by the WHO & Health Canada) which have serious limitations and apply as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) principles Governments should take all reasonable measures to reduce exposure to EMFs

May 27, 2011 - Council

World Health Organization

May 31, 2011

W.H.O. Classified EMR a Class 2B Carcinogen Possible Cause of Cancer


Concrete evidence EMR causes cancer

Dr Annie Sasco, PhD. who worked 22 years in W.H.O.s International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC), including nine as Group Leader, then was Unit Chief of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention said: Despite the voices of industryfunded scientists saying otherwise there is concrete evidence that mobiles/cellphones and wi-fi cause cancer in humans.

2012 All

Wireless Devices are Harmful

Nobel Co-laureate Dr Devra Davis has two videos that provide critical information about how all wireless devices (cell phones, cordless phones, wi-fi, cell towers etc.) harm our health.


- Alarming Facts

Global increases in past 20 years

Autism --- 600% to about 70-million! ADD ----- 400%! (increasing 3% yr in US!) Asthma 300% to about 300-million! Food Allergies 400% to >270-million! Diabetes 220-million now; rising to 400-million by 2030! Male Sperm Average man has lost 53% in past 50 years! Will be 0 in 70 years!


The Breast Cancer Risk Nobody Talks About EMR/EMF

Both Powerline (60 Hz) EMFs and radio / microwave electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) significantly disrupt melatonin, convincingly proving the negative effect of EMFs on the anti-estrogenic effect of melatonin in breast cancer cells, German scientists find.

EMFs and Cancer

Adding melatonin to cancer cells in a laboratory dish will cause them to stop growing. Placing the same dish in an electro-magnetic field (EMF) will cause the cells to start growing again!


- Michelle Obama

While her husband has endorsed the electromagnetic Smart Meter, Michelle Obama, quietly contacted (Barrie) Trower for information through an agent in New York. After all, she has two daughters to protect. The hand that rocks the cradle may, yet again, rule.

2012 -

EMR and Pregnant Women

Wireless devices such as phones and laptops used by pregnant women may alter brain development of the fetus. This has been linked in both animal and human studies to hyper-activity, learning and behavior problems.

BioInitiative 2012 Report

EMR, i.e., Microwave radiation, should be classified a Human Carcinogen. Existing FCC, IEEE and ICNIRP [and Health Canada] guidelines do not protect us!

Recommends Exposure Limit for chronic exposure > 3-6 million times lower/safer than Safety Code 6! (i.e. 0.3-0.6 nW/cm vs 1000 W/cm)
Five new cell tower studies report bio-effects from Powerline (60 Hz) ELF at levels 1,000 to 10,000 times lower than current Exposure Limits provide for!

- Compare Austrias recommended radiation limits to Canadas


Salzburg Health Department recommends 0.001 W/cm outdoor and 0.0001 for indoor exposure. Canadas is 10,000 W/cm- 24/7/365 in perpetuity for everyone: 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 times more dangerous!


- Effects of Microwave Radiation

Genetic effects, cancer, cellular/molecular effects, electrophysiology changes, behavioral changes, nervous system impairment, blood-brain barrier permeability, calcium efflux, cardiovascular changes, hormonal disruption, immune system changes, metabolic changes, fertility impairment and much more.

Down Syndrome
An increase of Downs syndrome was also found amongst the children of radar operators, and amongst residents near satellite uplinks in the microwave bands in Vernon, NJ (radar and satellite also fall within the microwave band).

Effects of Radar
Radar has also been linked to internal bleeding, leukemia, cataracts, headaches, brain tumors, heart conditions, and liver involvement with jaundice at certain power densities.


Children are at Risk!

On December 12, 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics sent a letter to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warning of dangers to children because of current radiation Exposure Limits. New standards are needed!


- All EMR is Dangerous!

Dr. Martin Blank, two PhDs: Physical Chemistry & Colloid Science says:
Radio frequency in any form cell tower radiation, Wi-Fi networks, cell phones etc. is potentially bad, especially if one is exposed for extended periods (e.g., asleep in bed at home, seated at a desk in school).

BIO 2007

Health Canada scientist, James McNamee, admitted in Quebec Superior Court in Feb. 2013 that for frequencies between 100 kHz and 300 GHz Safety Code 6 is based only on HEATING!

Failings of Provincial Chief Medical Officers

Given that Safety Code 6 applies to all individuals working at, or visiting, federally regulated sites . it therefore DOES NOT necessarily apply to provincial jurisdictions. Consequently, provincial CMOs who blindly adopt Safety Code 6 are derelict in their duty to protect the health and well-fare of their constituents!

Autism: 1 in 88 in China & North America

North America: 1 in 88 is Autistic; China: No official numbers exist, but estimate 10-million children are Autistic, and 1 in 88 of general population.

Birds Bees Butterflies

Over Last 25 years
Butterflies 5 species now extinct in U.K.; Arctic Migratory Birds - 109 species have shrunk in No.s.; Australian Shore Birds - 36 species have shrunk by 75%; Butterflies (world) - 10% face extinction; British Butterflies - 50% face extinction; Bees up to 75% fewer; Asian Migratory Birds - 62% threatened; Australian Wading Birds - 80% of them declined; British Bees half of species have declined by <70%; U.S. Bees No. of species decreased in size by <98%; Birds 190 different species face imminent extinction Birds 1 in 8 of worlds species under threat

Pregnant Women - EMR

. pregnant women are at risk of miscarriage if they are subjected to high intensity EMFs during pregnancy. Miscarriage is an extreme (and tragic) response to a high level of EM radiation exposure. Lesser EMF levels may still damage the foetus while not causing an actual miscarriage.

M/W Ovens are Dangerous!

Soviets have issued an international warning on the health hazards (both biological and environmental) of M/W ovens and similar frequency electronic devices (i.e. 2.4 GHz)
Health Effects of Microwave Radiation - Microwave Ovens by Lita Lee, Ph. D.

More about M/W Ovens !

What about the lawsuit in 1991 involving a woman who died after being given a transfusion of blood warmed in a microwave oven?
It is routine to warm blood for a transfusion, but not in a microwave. The blood in this case was changed into a toxic chemical.

Water heated in M/W oven kills plant

Danish grade 9 students 12-day cress seeds and Wi-Fi experiment

shielded from Wi-Fi router radiation

Danish grade 9 students 12-day cress seeds and Wi-Fi experiment

exposed to Wi-Fi router radiation

Effects of Radiation are Cumulative

The effects of radiation are cumulative, in both senses: 1) The meters add to the cumulative radiation as sources proliferate, and 2) microwave radiation is cumulative in sense of increasing the bodys sensitivity over time. Research shows that test subjects dont always recover completely and that subsequent exposures can cause effects at lower levels.

Evidence that EMR and EMF are harmful to all life forms
A body of more than 6,000 studies has been accumulated since the 1930s producing an overwhelming conclusion that exposure to microwave and electromagnetic fields is significantly harmful to all life and health itself.

Transmitter Distances
Wi-Max Towers 50 Km Cell Towers < 40 km Spacing: 2-3 Miles (suburbs) -1/2 miles apart (hi-density) Cell Phones Cordless Phones < 5 Km < 900 feet

Wi-Fi Routers: 802.11(a) 50, (b) 150, (g) 150 or (n) 1450
Baby Monitors: > 2000 feet!

BlueTooth -

<10 meters

Smart Meters: 1) LAN < 3 Km; 2) ZigBee: < 246 feet

Radar Speed Guns and Brain Cancers in Baseball

A shocking number of MLB pitchers get frontal brain tumors - a coincidence? A shocking number of MLB catchers and umpires get tumors at the back of their heads a coincidence? Historically, radar speed guns have emitted pulsed microwave radiation on 2.4 GHz the same frequency as microwave ovens!

Lloyds and Swiss Re, have recommended to other insurance companies to write in exclusion clauses against paying compensation for illnesses caused by continuous long-term low level radiation.

$Billions in Profit for the Government

The Cellular Communication industry generates billions in profit and in revenue for governments. It is linked to retirement funds, media, banking giants, entertainment industries, the educational market, the music industry and medicine.


700 MHz Auction

Industry Canada reaped $5.3 Billion by auctioning off a portion of 700 MHz band (frequencies which penetrate deep into underground parking garages, elevator shafts etc.) to telecom companies. In 2015 theyll auction off portions of 2.5 GHz band for more billions. How can Industry Canada possibly be concerned about the public when it makes so much money from Industry? Clearly, the public comes 2nd.

EMR - The Nuremberg Code

In essence, says: a person being experimented upon must first: give their consent - free from force, fraud,
deceit, duress or coercion; have sufficient knowledge of what is happening; and know the possible effects upon ones health. It is the responsibility of the electric utility to ensure the public are fully aware of and understand what is happening to them and what, if any, risks to their health might be involved.

Global Insurance Firm Warns of Losses Due to Health Effects of EMFs


Specialists from the Emerging Risks team at leading global reinsurance firm, Swiss Re, warn the insurance industry that unforeseen consequences of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) could lead to a raft of claims and significant product liability losses in the next 10 years.

This industry and those parts of governments which are encouraging them will be responsible for killing more people than all those killed in the entire 2nd World War! This will be the worst genocide this planet has ever known not just people, but plants and animals. The U.K, U.S., Canadian and Australian governments are lying to the public to protect themselves against lawsuits and to make money for industry!
Barrie Trower.

Cell Phones

Cell Phones



Cell Phone Radiation Penetration of a Human Head

Cell Phones

Billion in world (2012)

Scientists have now studied EMR for 40 yrs. Know latency period is 10 30 yrs. Brain cancers increased 50% in 10 yr period 1999-2009! Blackberry advises users: keep phone 0.98 from head . Or any part of body! Apple advises users: keep phone 5/8 from head or any part of body! Motorola advises users; Keep phone 1 from body and dont point phone at any part of body! Dont use cell phone inside vehicles - more radiation! Childs head absorbs 5X more radiation than an adults.


Industrys own studies prove cell phones are dangerous!

The telecom industrys own six-year, $25 million study to prove cell phones are safe - proved just the opposite: 1) Federal microwave exposure standards are dangerously high! 2) Cell damage and tumors can be easily induced in the lab at about one-third of the FCC's exposure guidelines!


Cell Phones and Cardiac Pacemakers

Separate studies at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, FL, and the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, conclude that cellular phones can interfere with cardiac pacemakers

1997 - Cell Phone Warning

This is the first generation ever, in the entire history of humankind, which holds a powerful microwave transmitter up to its head, on a regular basis, hour after hour, day after day. Excessive telephoning on mobiles is going to have serious consequences. In the course of the next few years, health problems could arise, especially leukemia and brain tumors.
Prof. Dr. W.Ross Adey, Scientist with Loma Linda University

Industry should prove the harmlessness of their technology


Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Muller says just one millionth of a watt (0.000001 W or 0.001 mW or 1 uW) could already be sufficient to kill off one human brain cell!
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Muller, physicist at South-Westphalian Technical College in Soest and Head of the Institute of Science and Technology Transfer.


- U.K. Govt Bans Cell Phones in All Schools


UK Education Secretary David Blunkett bans cell phones from all schools in England and Wales, saying mobile phones should only be used by pupils under 16 in EMERGENCIES.
The Sun, UK Press Sunday, November 16, 2003

2004 -

Bluetooth wireless headsets: DANGEROUS!

even more than regular wireless headsets because the wire is replaced with a transmitter and receiver operating on 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz. The power of wireless headsets rivals that of microwave ovens, which also operate on 2.4 GHz!
Cellular Radiation: Is this our next Titanic? by Dr. David R. James & Ora James Murphy (2004)

2004 Radio Frequencies are

There are well over 10,000 scientific reports from many countries around the world, many of them dating back to the 1950s, verifying that high frequency energy shoots straight into the brain, is absorbed by the brain cells, heats them up and damages the DNA. U.S Senate Committee Confirms Dangers of Cell Phones, http://emf//

French Scientists Forbidden to Speak about EMF


These people: Richard Gautier, PhD, Roger Santini, PhD, Pierre Le Ruz, PhD, and Daniel Oberhausen, PhD are the best French independant experts on EMF & health. They published a "white book" last year on mobile phone health risks, which caused quite a stir.


- Corruption in W.H.O.

On July 5, 2005, it was published that

Dr. Michael Repacholi,

Coordinator of the WHOs Radiation & Environmental Health Unit, receives $150,000 a year (via Royal Adelaide Hospital, S.A.) from the cellular phone industry with additional money for meetings and travels.
( 5.7.05)

Cell Phones Heart Problems

There is also a higher incidence of cardiac problems, states Dr. Cherry. It has now been shown in many studies that mobile phone users get more heart attacks and more heart disease.


- Cell Phones Affect Sperm Count


- Cordless (D.E.C.T.) Phones

2.4 GHz radiate <200 Meters

Increased risk of brain tumor (high grade malignant glioma) when used mostly on only one side of head is

(BioInitiative Working Group August 2007)

Todays Frequencies are Dangerous to Humans!

A worse frequency could not have been chosen for the human anatomy. Researcher Carolanne Patton has found that the brain reaches peak absorption in the UHF bands (300 MHz-3,000 MHz), right where mobile phones operate.
Blake Levitt states in his book: Electromagnetic Fields

2008 Cell

Phones Russian Roulette by Robert C. Kane

Cell Phones expose users to levels of radiation that are much higher than the levels allowed for microwave ovens, and that radiation is focused directly into the brain of each and every user.


Two Billion May Suffer

From Cell Phone Cancer by 2020

Studies indicates that almost one-third of worlds population (about two billion) will suffer from ear, eye and brain cancer, and other major body disorders like heart ailments, impotency, migraines, epilepsy. 51:2-billion-may-suffer-from-cell-phone-cancer-by2020&catid=6:emfemr-information&Itemid=36.


India Bans Cell Phones

Karnataka State, India Bans cell phones in all schools and pre-university colleges!

- Corruption Governments and Industry

2009 German government made > 100 Billion DM (German Marks) selling UMTS (3G) cell phone licenses to telecom companies, who need to recover their investment and make profits. Successful nationwide lawsuits would interfere with this; hence, government and Industry set high Exposure Limits which can't be justified medically. In case of doubt a justice committed to corporate interests is appointed.

Cell Phone Russian Roulette!

A cell phone, held against your head in the normal operating position, will provide a power density of radiofrequency radiation about 2 billion times greater than occurs naturally in the environment!

2010 - Cell Phone Industry Owns W.H.O.

.there is no doubt: the Microwave Syndrome is not only the biggest experiment in the history of Mankind, but also, it is one of the biggest epidemics recorded in Medicine (after the Black Death, influenza, malaria, AIDS, etc) As long as the cell phone industry owns the World Health Organization, the crime will proceed.
Dr. Carlos Sosa, M.D., Colombia, S. America.


Council of Europe Notes Conflict of Interest

33% of studies funded by industry find cell phones harmful to humans. Over 80% of studies NOT funded by industry find cell phones harmful to humans. This is a manifestly unacceptable situation pointing to CONFLICTS OF INTEREST which undermine the integrity, the genuine independence and the objectivity of scientific research.


Conflict of interest?

Dr. Henry Lai, a University of Washington scientist in cellular and molecular engineering, who reviewed 85 papers on the DNA-damaging effects of the type of EMR from cell phones found: 75% of studies funded by the wireless industry or the military showed no genotoxic effects, 80% of studies done by independent scientists showed harmful effects. 12/20/cell-phone-research-deception.aspx


- Fragility of Human Brain

The levels of RFR needed to affect the blood-brainbarrier have been shown to be as low as 0.001 W/kg, or less than holding a mobile phone at arms length. The US FCC standard is 1.6 W/kg; the ICNIRP standard is 2 W/kg of energy (SAR) into brain tissue from cell/cordless phone use. Thus, BBB effects occur at about 1000 times lower RFR exposure levels than the US and ICNIRP limits allow.

- Brain Cancers and Other Central Nervous System Disorders

2012 Brain tumors increased 50% in the UK between 1999 and 2009; brain cancers in children have increased 1-2% annually. Also, in 2012, the Danish Cancer Society reported a doubling in aggressive brain cancer in men over the last 10 years. That is in addition to an epidemic of autism, ADHD and Alzheimers.

- Italian Supreme Court Links Tumor to Cell Phone Use


Italys Supreme Court sides with a businessman who developed a tumor after using a cell phone for 12 years. This is the first time that a High Court in any country has ruled in favor of a link between mobile phone radiation and tumor development!

2012 -

Russia Warns

Pregnant women:
Avoid using mobile phones entirely Also children under 18. Austria, China, Germany, India, U.K., Israel, Finland, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Sweden & Toronto have issued health warnings for children: use cell phones in emergencies only but only on speaker phone
Prof. Yury Grigoriev, Chairman of Russian National Committee on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (NIRP)

2012 -

Cell Phones and Pregnant Moms

Children whose mothers used cell phones during pregnancy had: 25% more emotional problems, 35% more hyperactivity, 49% more conduct problems and 34% more peer problems.

Cell Phones are Dangerous!

Men who carry cell phones in their front pockets run the risk of sterility, impotence, and even testicular cancer, and women who keep mobile phones in their pockets risk the same problems with their ovaries.

Dr. Michael Repacholi a man with no conscience, said:


certainly, from the health viewpoint there is no concern that weve seen thus far that parents need to be worried about childrens use of mobile phones.


Children are at Risk!

On December 12, 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics sent a letter to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warning of dangers to children because of current radiation Exposure Limits. New standards are needed


Autism and Cell Phones

In the 1970s, before widespread use of cell phones, autism was a comparatively rare health issue. Today, it is so prevalent that the Centers for Disease Control call it a national health crisis.

2013 - Nine

Types of Cancers Linked to Cell Phone Use

May 2013

Cell and Cordless Phones PROBABLY cause cancer!

Swedish review strengthens grounds for concluding that radiation from cellular and cordless phones is a probable human carcinogen.

Unequivocal, Cell Phones Cause Cancer

Human DNA altered Three times lower sperm count 290% more brain tumors Autism Birth Defects 61% of medical journals surveyed publish fake studies for money - NPR

Beware of 4G/LTE Phones

LTE or 4th generation phones, being much faster, require much wider bandwidth and are fitted with "smart antennas" - a series of 4 antennas in a single phone handset. This is like the equivalent of having four cell phones in one device rather than one. For 4G to work efficiently, more high-power towers have to be erected and networked with each other. ell_phones.html# and


Heart Pacemakers and Cell Phones

The Health Industry Manufacturers Assn recommends a minimum separation of 15 cm (6 inches) be maintained between a handheld wireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. _US/ipad_2_att_important_product_info.pdf

Cell Phone Towers/Masts

Why are cell towers so dangerous?

Because of the constant pulsed radio frequency radiation, which has been shown in thousands of studies to cause biological damage to the body and is a precursor to diseases (besides cancer) such as: Genetic mutations Memory disruptions Hindered learning ADD Insomnia Brain disorders Hormonal imbalances Infertility Dementia Heart complications

Michael Repacholi W.H.O. Employee & Primary Expert Promoted BellSouths proposed new GSM cell site in New Zealand, but the N.Z. Environment Court rejected his position that there was no evidence of adverse effects below the international guidelines . because the only effect of RF/MW was tissue heating. Dr. Repacholis own research proved this was not true, said Dr. Neil Cherry !

1995 - Dr.



Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which made it illegal for any community to consider health or environment in regulating cell towers.

a Prudent Avoidance Policy

Torontos Board of Health gave their support to a Prudent Avoidance policy, which recommended that the levels of radio frequency radiation from cell phone towers in the City of Toronto be kept 100 times below Safety Code 6 guidelines.
Havas, Recommendations, TPH, Prudent Avoidance RFR, Nov 4, 2013

1999 Toronto Adopts

Cell Towers Need to Reduce Radiation 10,000 times!

The Salzburg Resolution, adopted in 2000 at the International Conference on Cell Tower Siting, would prohibit any cell site from emanating more than .1 mW/cm2 - 10,000 times more strict than the current U.S. standard. This limit takes into account the growing evidence for non-thermal RF bioeffects.
signed by 19 of 23 speakers, including Dr. Carl Blackman of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


2002 -

Cell Towers and Cancer

People living in 5 of the 7 homes surrounding Forest House in Carnarvon Road, South Woodford, which has 16 masts on its roof, have contracted cancer.


Telecom Company Stops Operations at School Following 8 Cancers

Telecom giant Orange has suspended operations at a school phone mast site in Paris after eight cases of cancer were confirmed among children in the district.

2004 - TETRA

Cell Phone Tower

One morning in a British primary school, 11 children in various classrooms suddenly and simultaneously developed nose bleeds and nausea for no apparent reason. One child collapsed and was rushed to hospital. Cause? Weeks later it was found that a TETRA transmitter mast, which had been installed in the village some months earlier located 75m/210 feet from the school had been switched on for the first time on that very same disastrous morning!
Cellular Radiation by Dr. David R. James & Ora James Murphy, pp 46/47

Cell Towers 7 Develop Brain Tumors



Cell Towers and HV Power Lines

Greece prohibits cell phone towers and HV powerlines within 500 meters of schools.
(World News 24/10/2006)

2007 - Cell

Phone Towers & Cancer

Around the world cancer clusters and other illnesses have been reported in the vicinity of cell towers and on top floors of buildings that have antennas on their roofs, e.g., hospitals and universities. In 2007, a cancer cluster in a hospital in Israel was found with 10 people on the top floor contracting cancers.


Cell Towers and Cancer Clusters

The Sunday Times reported that seven clusters of cancer and other serious illnesses have been discovered around mobile phone towers in the UK, raising concerns over the technologys potential impact on health there.


1 Cell Tower 8 Brain Cancers

San Diego State University. All 8 cancer victims worked in or near the 3-story building on which a cell tower was mounted. Another professor who worked in the building is said to be suffering from another kind of brain cancer.

Cell Tower Radiation and Down Syndrome

Vernon, New Jersey (pop. 25,000) ranks 5th in the USA in terms of the number of microwave transmitters it has. The towns incidence of Downs syndrome is nearly 1,000 per cent (1,000%) above the national average!
Cross Currents by Dr. Robert O. Becker, pp 199 (Dr. Becker is a two-time Nobel Nominee)


Toronto adopts Prudent Avoidance re. Cell Towers

City Councils new PA policy urges telecom companies installing new cell towers in the city to keep radiation levels 100 times below Health Canadas Safety Code 6.


1 Cell Tower 43 Cancer Victims


Two Cell Towers 7 Cases of Cancer

British cell phone company ordered to remove 2 cell towers from 5-story building: 7 residents struck down by cancer. Three died; another 4 have battled the disease since masts were erected on roof.

Known as the Tower of Doom, the cancer rate on the top floor is 20%, 10 times national average!


Saskatoon calls for dialogue before Cell Towers are erected

City council calls for public consultation before telecom companies can build cell towers less than 15 metres in height within 30 metres of a residence.


>7,000 cancer deaths

linked to Cell Tower Radiation

Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 80% of victims lived < 1/3 mile from a cell tower. People died from cancers of prostate, breasts, lungs, kidneys, liver. Studies in San Francisco and cities in Austria, Germany & Israel dating back to 1970 shared similar findings.

2013 Toronto

Reaffirms Prudent Avoidance Policy - Cell Towers

Torontos Board of Health reaffirms Citys Prudent Avoidance policy re. cell phone tower radiation levels (100 times lower than Health Canadas Safety Code 6) despite recommendation of citys current Medical Health Officer to drop it!

Cell Phone Towers and House Prices

Cell phone towers also have a terrifying impact on prospective house purchasers or tenants. It is now known that cell phone masts can reduce the sales price of real estate by 40 - 60% (if it can be sold at all) and result in rent reductions of 10 - 20%!!1_action=einzel &id=3244

2014 -

People Power

Telus (telephone company in B.C.) withdrew its proposal to build a 35metre cellphone tower in Hammond Bay, B.C. following Nanaimo councils 8-1 vote opposing it citing health, environmental and visual impact concerns from residents.

Beware of 4G (4th Generation) Phones: LTE and WiMAX

They enable users to stream rich media content on their smartphones and tablets but use more bandwidth than 2G or 3G networks, which causes more radiation. Plus 4G needs more high-power towers built and networked together, which is believed to emit much more radiation than before, which could cause severe health issues at a later time.


Is Wi-Fi in School Safe?


- The Wi-Fi Alliance

Is a global non-profit organization with the goal of driving adoption of high-speed wireless local area networking. It consists of 500 companies and is sponsored by T-mobile, Texas Instruments, Sony, Samsung, Qualcomm, Nokia, Motorola, Microsoft, LG, Intel, Huawei, Dell, Comcast, Cisco, Broadcom, and Apple.


Telcos own studies show RF radiation leads to cancers

In 2000, European telecom giant T-Mobile commissioned the German ECOLOG Institute to review all available scientific evidence in regard to health risks for wireless telecommunications: found over 220 peer-reviewed, published papers documenting the cancer-initiating and cancerpromoting effects of the high frequency radiation employed by wireless technology! http;//

2003 - Swisscom admits the danger

but does nothing about it!

Swisscom, the leading telecom provider in Switzerland, reveals the true DANGER of Wi-Fi in a patent application. It devised a way to reduce the microwave radiation from Wi-Fi LANs
In its patent application, Swisscom clearly states the elevated risk of cancer and genetic damage from the constant low level microwave/RF exposure from Wi-Fi.


Industrys Roving Ambassador

Dr. Michael Repacholi, on leaving the

W.H.O. became roving ambassador for industry, promoting wireless devices to children and schools. Hes also Chairman Emeritus of ICNIRP


E.U. Countries Dismantling Wi-Fi in Schools

In the past 2 years alone Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium and England have begun removing Wi-Fi from schools and public libraries . other countries are pressing to do same. [Yet here in Canada, thanks to CWTA, it is being pushed into schools and public places!]

2010 -

Wi-Fi in Schools

The dangers of Wi-Fi come from the fact that its always on pulsing away sending out microwave carrier signals 24 hours a day even if no one is online. The computers dont even need to be turned on - its coming from the schools transmitters situated on the ceilings.

Doctors/Scientists Call for Moratorium or Stricter Guidelines on All Wi-Fi Devices

Seletun Consensus Statement 2010 Copenhagen Resolution 2010 Intl Appeal of Wrzburg 2010 Dutch Appeal 2009 EMF Resolution 2009 Porto Alegre Resolution 2009 European Parliament Paris Appeal 2009 London Resolution 2009 Venice Resolution 2008 Berlin Appeal 2008 Brussels Appeal 2007

2011 - Council of Europe (47 countries 800 million people)

Committee called for ban of cell phones and Wi-Fi in all schools immediate action is required to protect children its crucial to avoid repeating mistakes concerning the dangers of asbestos, tobacco and lead. [Yet Canada refuses to heed these 47 countries!]


- Canadians perilously overexposed to EMR

In Ontarios Simcoe County, children in at least 14 schools have become ill since the schools installed Wi-Fi, beginning in 2006, with symptoms of speeding heart rate, fatigue, headaches. Two children have had cardiac arrests and are on heart medication. Now every school in Simcoe County has its own defibrillator, as though teenage heart attacks are normal. g-wireless-bandwagon

2012 - Teachers call to BAN

Wi-Fi in Ontario schools.

Ontarios English Catholic Teachers Assn. (45,000 teachers) wants to ban new Wi-Fi installations in the provinces 1,400-plus Catholic schools and wants computers in all new schools to be hard-wired.


- Wi-Fi in Schools

UNICEFs, a childrens charity, own research found an 85% increase in central nervous system disorders, a 36 % increase in epilepsy, 11 % in psychiatric problems, 82 % in blood / immune disorders in children and risk to the fetus. 12pressreleases/statisticalyearbookofireland2012/

American Academy of Pediatricians on Wi-Fi in Schools

The AAEM (60,000 pediatricians) issued a public warning: Evidence clearly exists that EMR is harmful; dont use Wi-Fi in schools!

Oct. 2012


Concrete evidence EMR causes cancer

Dr Annie Sasco, PhD. who worked 22 years in W.H.O.s International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC), including nine as Group Leader, then was Unit Chief of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention said: Despite the voices of industryfunded scientists saying otherwise there is concrete evidence that mobiles/cellphones and wi-fi cause cancer in humans.


- Wi-Fi & Cell Phones

If they are so safe, why has Didier Bellens, who runs Belgium's largest telecom. company, banned them from his offices?

ttp:// ers_Belgium.html#ixzz2Uzyu8CHh

March 2013 -

L.A. Teachers Union

Adopted a resolution to ensure safety from hazardous EMF in schools including emissions from Wi-Fi technology.

- Wi-Fi Technology is an Uncontrolled Global Experiment on the Health of Mankind


So say Marko Markov - Research International, Williamsville, NY, USA and Prof. Yuri G. Grigoriev - Russian National Committee of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow, Russia
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, June

2013; 32(2): 200208

2014 -

Pacemakers, Defibrillators and Microwave Radiation

Items that generate or use electricity, or transmit wireless signals such as a portable generator, power drill, cell phone (or Smart Meter) have electromagnetic fields (EMFs) around them, some of which may affect the normal operation of your heart device. Electromagnetic compatibility is the relationship between these electromagnetic fields and your heart device.
Medtronic Patient Services at 1 (800) 551-5544, ext. 41835.

Invasion of Privacy
New Samsung LED HDTVs will now include built-in, internally wired HD cameras, face tracking and speech recognition capabilities, and twin microphones. In the 2012 8000-series plasmas, the cameras and microphones are built directly into the screen bezel. The 7500 8000ES-series TVs, however, will have the cameras permanently attached to the top of the set.

Powerline Frequency (60 Hz) EM Fields

ELF EMFs cause tubes to glow

SAFE Levels of EMF Who is Right?

Government standards for the allowable SAFE output of EMFs from electrical appliances and equipment. (Measured in milliGauss - mG), at a distance of 30 centimetres or 1 foot from the appliance/equipment): Russian Safety Standard - 1.5 mG

Swedish Safety Standard - 2.5 mG

US/Canada/Australian Safety Standard 1000-5000 mG

Power Line (60 Hz) Magnetic and Electric Fields are Dangerous!
Studies have shown a 500% increase in the risk of childhood leukemia, lymphomas and brain tumors in children exposed to power lines generating an electromagnetic field of only four milligauss.(12) Most scientists believe we should be exposed to no more than 1 mG onesmicrowave17.htm


Electromagnetic Radiation

Studies showed links to depression and suicides in England, to cancers in children and adults in Colorado. Occupants of houses with radiant electric heating were subject to increased cancer risk. Sweden & U.S. reported links between cancer in juveniles and proximity to high-voltage power lines, also to Air Force bases.


Brain Tumors and

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

Workers exposed to 60-Hz fields in electric-power utilities had an incidence of brain tumors 13 times greater than that in a comparable unexposed group.
Dr. Marjorie Speers of the Dept. of Preventative Medicine at the U. of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, In Cross Currents by Dr. Robert O. Becker, pp 207


Pulsed EMF and Cancers

Pulsed EMFs cause cancer in a study of electric utility workers in Quebec (follow-up, 19701988) and France (follow-up, 1978 1989): 2,679 cases of cancer were identified. (Hydro Quebec was furious results were published; stopped further research.)


EPA Says Power Line EMF is a Probable Carcinogen

A leaked EPA document said it should be classified a Probable (2A) human carcinogen." William Farland, then-director of the EPA's Office of Health and Environmental Assessment ordered this conclusion deleted from the report.



Electric Blankets Cause Brain Tumors in Children

"a quadrupling in the risk of brain tumors among children whose mothers slept under electric blankets during the first trimester of pregnancy.


- Sewing Machines and Alzheimers

Industrial and home sewing machines produce much larger EMFs than other appliances, and people who use sewing machines regularly have the greatest exposure of any occupation--as much as three times that of electric power line and cable workers!


Exposure to High Levels of Magnetic and Electric Fields

Utility workers exposed to high levels of magnetic and electric fields have 11 times the expected rate of leukemia.
Dr. Tony Miller, University of Toronto. Microwave News July/August 2001


- Corruption in the W.H.O.

Dr. Michael Repacholi said: Precautionary policies SHOULD NOT be applied to EMFs! Recruited only ICNIRP & utility scientists to help write 1st draft of WHOs Exposure Limits. Later had them review the completed draft. Then invited 8 utility reps. to attend a task group meeting Media were banned & independent scientists excluded!

U.S. Federal Court ruled citizens cant sue electric utilities over EMR

U.S. Federal Court ruled that citizens may not bring suit against electric power companies over electromagnetic radiation emissions!



National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Classified ELF EMFs a 2B Possible Carcinogen.
(Electrical sub-stations, power lines, house wiring electrical appliances)

50-60 Hz Magnetic Fields Are Dangerous!

(2000) In his book, Cross Currents Robert O. Becker, MD wrote, scientific evidence is absolutely conclusive: 50-60 Hz magnetic fields cause human cancer cells to permanently increase their rate of growth by as much 1,600 per cent and to develop more malignant characteristics!

WHOs own IARC says ELF EMFs are Possible carcinogens

Twenty-one scientists from 10 countries unanimously find ELF EMFs are a Class 2B Possible carcinogen
(U. Vic.s Dr. Maria Stuchly remains unconvinced Dr. William. Bailey-Exponent, Dr. Michael Repacholi-WHO observer)


(Electrical sub-stations, power lines, house wiring, electrical appliances)

Microwave News July/August 2001 and


- Corruption

Dr. Neitzke from the ECOLOG Institute proved that the special one of the researches conducted in Australia on the harmlessness of pulsing radiation has been forged (Utteridge, 2002)


- WHO and Electric Utilities: A Partnership on EMFs

Assisting Repacholi to determine Environmental Health Criteria for ELF EMFs were Leeka Kheifets & Gabor Mezei - EPRI; Jack Sahl - Southern California Edison and John Swanson - National Grid, the U.K. utility. Repacholi sent a draft of the EHC out for review, to: William Bailey -Exponent Inc., U.S. Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan (FEPC); Kent Jaffa - Pacificorp, U.S. Michel Plante - Hydro-Quebec, Canada, etc.

August 2005


$$$than matter more to INDUSTRY concerns about HEALTH

The Health Sciences Utility Group, another power industry group that Dr. Repacholi asked to review the EHC draft document, stated: increased costs to industry should take precedence over health considerations when they proposed a change in the chapter on protective measures


Corruption: Money Talks

A clear and disconcerting pattern emerges: 32 of the 35 studies that were paid for by the mobile phone industry and the U.S. Air Force show no effect. They make up more than 75% of all the negative studies. You don't need to be a statistician to infer that money, more often than not, secures the desired scientific result.

Electropollution Can Directly Affect Efficiency of the Heart

Workers at high voltage power station switchyards had cardiovascular disease including bradycardia, instability of pulse and blood pressure, and tremors. The Body Electric. Robert O. Becker. Pp 291


- U.S. E.P.A.

Environmental Protection Agency

Publicly acknowledged that ELF EMF are a serious threat to health. More and more people living near HV lines have reported severe symptoms and even life-threatening diseases.


- Alzheimers Disease and Down Syndrome

Dr Koslov, Director Applied Physics at John Hopkins University recently went public with a link between EM field microwave exposure and Alzheimers disease out of frustration over lack of funding for electromagnetic bioeffects research. National Institute of Mental Health


- Electricity and the Amish

(who shun Electricity) compared to the U.S. national average, experience:

ADHD 0% Allergies 7.2% Alzheimers 0% Autism virtually none (1 in 100,000) Cancers 56%; Diabetes 40%; Dimentia very low Suicides 50%;
Dr. Sam Milham &

BioInitiative 2012 Report

Five new studies report bio-effects from powerline (60 Hz) electro-magnetic fields (ELF EMFs) at levels 1,000 to 10,000 times lower than current Exposure Limits provide for!


- Powerline (60 Hz) Magnetic Fields are a Carcinogen

Sufficient epidemiological evidence exists: EMF (power frequency magnetic fields) can be classified a Group 1 Known Carcinogen


- EMF & Female Breast Cancer

Female breast cancer has reached epidemic proportions, with 1 in 10 American women developing it and 1 in 4 dying.

Alarmingly, of women who develop the disease, 55% have no known risk factors.
Undeveloped countries fare much better.

ELF/EMF Melatonin - Tamoxifen

Breast cancer patients have <1/10th normal level. Prostate cancer patients have <1/2 normal level. Autistic children have <1/2 normal level. Night-shift workers have <1/2 normal level.

EMR/EMF stops TAMOXIFEN from working.

Dont Live Near High-Voltage Cables!

A survey of 67 U.K. households living within 50 yards of high-voltage cables found one case of childhood leukemia and 11 of other types of cancer. No cases of the disease were found in a similar group of homes well away from the power lines. The homes also reported 18 miscarriages, compared with just one in the control group, as well as higher rates of depression, digestive problems and insomnia.

What links these apparently disparate EMF health outcomes?

Childhood leukemia Adult leukemia Adult brain tumours ALS (motor neurone disease) Miscarriage & adverse birth outcomes Depression & depressive symptoms Alzheimers disease Breast cancer

They could all be explained by Melatonin & circadian rhythm disruption by electric & magnetic fields

Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity
on 60 Hz Power Lines is caused by:

Switched Mode Power Supplies, Door bell transformers, Electric blankets, Heating pads (of all kinds), Recessed ceiling light fixtures, Furnace control circuits, Refrigerators, TV top and stereo, amplified antennas, Light dimmers, Aquarium heaters, Screw-in photocells, Low-energy compact (screw-in) fluorescent lights, Touch control lamps, Clean air machines (table top and furnace type)

Plummeting House Prices

Due to high ELF and EMF

Buying a house or living in a house with EMF will be an economic disaster. In a few years, when power line radiation is as well known as asbestos and radon, a house near power lines or with high EMF will be practically impossible to sell. Business Week writes that there are over 100 lawsuits regarding power lines and property devaluation.


Community-wide Radiation

BC Utilities - Chose WIRELESS

Japan, France*, Idaho, Tennessee, Virginia Chose Fiber Optic Cable Italy , Spain Chose Power Line Carrier

(Tobacco, Asbestos, DDT, Thalidomide, Lead)

Safety Code 6
are Guidelines only, as Canada has NEVER done its own studies it simply adopted INDUSTRY studies which protect only against Thermal effects and ignore Non-Thermal/Biological Effects.

Safety Code 6
The public is never told that it does not apply to the general public but rather, the safety limits in this code apply to all individuals working at, or visiting, federally regulated sites . and These guidelines may also be adopted by the provinces, industry or other interested parties.


- Most Lethal M/W Frequencies are used by Smart Meters!

Research conducted at Stanford Research Institute, C.A., showed that experimental exposure to high levels of M/W radiation well above U.S. and Canadian guidelines killed rats within seconds to a few minutes. Of the 4 frequencies tested, the two most lethal were those inside every Smart Meter: 0.95 and 2.45 GHz!

calls for moratorium on Smart Meters

In Nov. 2011, the Board of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), a national organization of medical and osteopathic physicians, called on Californias Public Utilities Commission to issue a moratorium on further installation of Smart Meters in residences and schools based on a scientific assessment of the current available literature.

Nov. 2011 AAEM

2013 - Health

Canada still says

2013 - Safety Code 6 Review Member

Dr. John Moulder, Prof. at Medical College of Wisconsin, in Milwaukee, has a lucrative consulting practice on EMFs and health. Over the years, hes earned hundreds of thousands of dollars disputing the existence of adverse EMF health effects, even those accepted by most other members of the EMF community...."

Will Lead to Time of Use Billing

Smart Meter Frequencies are more dangerous than the Microwave Oven Frequency!
918 MHz energy constitutes a greater health hazard to the human brain than is 2450 MHz energy for a similar incident power density.

Smart Meters vs Cell Phones

Electric Utilities say one can stand next to a Smart Meter for 20 years and receive no more radiation than from a 30 minute cell phone call.
Dr. Daniel Hirsch, PhD. U. of C. says: whole body radiation from a Smart Meter equates to from 45 to 450 times more than a cell phone - depending on ones distance from the Smart Meter

Smart Meter Radiation Kills Plants

Smart Meters vs Cell Phones

Electric Utilities say: On average, a meter

transmits customer data 4 to 6 times a day, for a total average of one minute per day.

Pacific Gas & Electric admitted in a California Court of Law that meters pulse on average 14,000 times/day to a max of 190,000/day.

Who is telling the truth?

San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDGE) responded to an Administrative Judges enquiry that smart meters installed by SDGE transmit messages on average 1270 times/day and at a maximum 25,920 times/day. (540) 341-8911

Utility tells the truth

Silver Spring Networks also admitted Smart Meters are transmitting continuously 24/7. Even though they only upload customer data 6 times/day to PG&E, they are continuously chatting with each other 24/7 every few seconds in order to authenticate and keep the network synchronized.

ZIGBEE RADIO 2.4 GHz controls and talks back and forth to 15-or-so pulsing M/W appliances

ZigBee and Smart appliances

Where Industry Wants to Take Us via ZigBee

$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$
On February 6, 2013, Pike Research announced the results of their latest smart appliances study, which found that they will grow from $613 million in 2012 to $34.9 billion annually in 2020.

What Utilties Dont Tell You

Each Smart Meter contains two (2) Transmitters: 1) LAN range 3 Km 2) ZigBee range 250 Meshed-grid communities will comprise: From 500 to 5,000 homes Each home having 15-or-so Smart appliances Each appliance has its own 2.4 GHz Transmitter Collector Meter has 3-8 Transmitters: 1) LAN 2) ZigBee 3) WWAN 850/1900 MHz

Trojan Horse SMPS

Smart Meters have a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) to convert 110/220V AC to low voltage DC power, which constantly creates powerful spikes of EMF and RF -- dirty electricity -- as the meter switches back and forth from AC to DC. This gets on house wiring, couples to water and gas pipes, travels into other buildings, and travels on and radiates from power lines.

How a Meshed-grid Works

Community of 500 homes has 500 Smart Meters = 1,000 transmitters (i.e., 500 LAN and 500 ZigBee) !
15 smart appliances per home= 7,500 transceivers all operating on microwave oven frequency: 2.4 GHz! All homes will endure many, up to hundreds of relays on every transmission - in BOTH directions!

All 8,500+ Tx/Rx in community emit pulsed M/W radiation 8,001 on same M/W oven freq. of 2.4 GHz! Reflected radiation & Hot Spots
All of the above incalculable amount of EMR is on top of the ambient level of EMR already in your community!

One Smart Meter

Can produce RF exposure levels that caused the biological effects found in either most or many of the 67 studies, depending on the distance from the Smart Meter
(BioInitiative Report 2012 explained by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D. App. Physics Harvard U. 1975)

Radiation Distances

The BioInitiative 2012 Report bioinitiative-2012-report-and-the-im

Biological Effects of Low-Level EMR

WWW.BioInitiativReport-2012 Explained by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D. (App. Phys. Harvard U. 1975)

Smart Appliances
Smart appliances emit pulsed microwave signals at a power density of 100 mW and utilities envisage 15 appliances in a typical home. None of this 2.4 GHz radiation exists in your home now!

Smart Appliances
A single Smart Appliance in the home can produce RF exposure levels that caused the biological effects found in nearly half or fewer of the 67 studies, depending on the distance from the Smart Appliance. Multiple Smart Appliances in a home multiply the total exposure.
(BioInitiative Report 2012, explained by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D. App. Physics, Harvard U., 1975)

A Neighbors Smart Meter

A Smart Meter on a nearest neighbors home can produce RF levels that caused the biological effects found in many of the 67 studies. A given home may have 1 to 8 nearest neighbors, each with a Smart Meter, multiplying the total exposure in the given home.
(BioInitiative Report 2012, explained by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D. App. Physics, Harvard U., 1975)

Radiation in Your Home

(BioInitiative Report 2012, explained by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D. App. Physics, Harvard U., 1975)

Electric Utilities Say:

Smart Meters will help keep rates lower and lower meter reading costs.

CBC Survey of Toronto found monthly bills doubled, tripled & even quadrupled; >80% customers experienced higher bills! Analogue meters cost $50 & last 30-50 yrs Smart Meters cost <$500 & last <8 to 12 yrs Smart Meters have caused countless fires Electric Utilities refuse to accept financial responsibility for SM-attributed fires.

Smart Meter Fires and Explosions

Evidence speaks for itself; view: p=1&

Safety - FIRES - Culpability

Invasion of Privacy
NonIntrustive Load Monitoring
Utilities have digital NLM monitors which can tell when different appliances and even individual light bulbs in a home are turned on and off! They can detect what types of appliances people have and their behavioral patterns, such as routine times that nobody is at home, or embarrassing or illegal behavior of residents.

Home Invasion Security

CRIMINALS no longer need to stake out a home or a business to monitor the inhabitants' comings and goings. Now they can simply pick up wireless signals broadcast by the building's utility meters.


Home Insurance ? Better Check

Will Smart Meters invalidate your homeowners insurance? They are neither UL (Underwriters Laboratory) tested nor CSA (Canadian Standards Association) approved.

2012 - Health Experts from 20 Countries

Caution About Smart Meter Risks

54 experts (including Yury Grigoriev, Chair of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) say children may particularly be at risk of developing EHS or diseases such as cancer from overexposure to radio frequency M/W emitted by smart meters and other wireless devices.


AAEM (60,000 pediatricians) oppose Smart Meters

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine opposes wireless smart meters in homes and schools. Chronic exposure to EMR is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action.

2012 - Smart Meters

Unethical Experiment
Dr. Eilhu Richter, M.D., an associate professor at Hebrew University-Hadassah, has said, Were these population-wide exposures to smart meters to be a part of a project carried out in a medical setting, to test the risks and benefits of a new technology on human health and well-being, it would be rejected as an unethical exercise in human experimentation.

May 10, 2013

UK delays Smart Meters

The UK Government announced that the smart meter installations throughout the country will be delayed by more than a year to investigate risks.

2013 -

Germany Rejects Smart Meters

The German Federal Ministry of Economics retained Ernst & Young, a widely respected accounting firm, to evaluate the economics of a full smart meter rollout. Its conclusion Smart meters are not in the interest of German consumers. The savings dont justify the costs - particularly for residential customers.


Austria rolls back Smart Meters & Now Allows Opt-Out

The government has now decided that customers can opt out smart meters are no longer to be mandatory! The concerns in the German-speaking world partly revolve around privacy, with smart meters considered something easily hacked and a way of spying on consumers.


Europeans Use Smart Meters Differently Which Your Utility Does Not Want You to Know!

The only two countries that have "completed" the introduction of smart metering, Italy and Sweden, use Smart Meters primarily to cut-off power to customers who have not paid their bills.

Opposition to Smart Meters

British Columbia 60 municipalities plus the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) want a moratorium. BCs Utilities Commission (BCUC) approved Fortis BC smart Meters - with what is feared will be extortionistic Opt Out fees

Osoyoos Indian Band refuses to allow them on their land (Press Release June 2013) Quebec allows Opt Out (at a cost)

Opposition to Smart Meters in USA

The following states have either banned smart meters, have pending legislation against them, or have offered customers the opportunity to opt out. Some for health concerns, others over privacy issues: California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas and Vermont.

2014 -

New Englands largest utility is against Smart Meters

Northeast Utilities says: No Rational Basis for Smart Meters! They are not a good choice for customers! Their costs can not be justified! They are not an appropriate technology platform for grid modernization! Smart Meter Technology May Soon Be Rendered Obsolete!


- NO Wireless Smart Meters in China

Chinas larger state-run utility has begun testing smart-grid technology using fiber optic cable that can be run inside electric power cables without interference that could eventually be deployed nationwide to deliver electricity, high-speed Internet, TV, and telephony to the farthest reaches of the country.

- State of Victoria, Australia, to review Safety of Smart Meters

2014 Because 69% of public are concerned that Smart Meters will impact negatively on their health, Victorias Energy Minister will launch a full independent safety audit to determine whether smart meters pose any health risks to the public. and


- Town Bans Smart Meters

Fairfax Town Council (California) declares Smart Meters are a deception a poor investment of ratepayers money have potential health effects that have not been fully studied and the impact to privacy has not been dealt with effectively by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

Smart TV

Beware of Smart TVs

If your TV has a webcam and is connected to the Internet, a hacker can use your webcam to find out whether you have anything worth stealing in your home or when you are most likely to be gone for long periods of time. Even without a webcam, you need to understand that everything you do is being tracked by the company providing you with the content. ats/what_is_a_smart_tv/index.html#.Uxz4Bz9dXTo

Wireless Keyboards
Newer keyboards use the same frequency that microwave ovens use to cook food and heat liquids: 2.4GHz, but keyboards emit PULSED radiation which is more dangerous than a microwave ovens continuous wave (CW). Typical keyboards have an Output Power of 4.5V/13mA and a range of 30 meters - in all directions! per.pdf

Which is Worse?

National Security

No communications technology is more vulnerable or more defenseless than is a wireless radio system (Jerry Flynn)

Enemies: Solar storms, solar flares & severe lightning storms; ECM and/or signal jamming by malcontents, organized criminals, terrorists, hostile nations, electronic warfare weapons, e.g., HAARP and EMPs, cyber attacks, etc. (Jerry Flynn)


NASA Warns of coming Super Solar Storms could wipe out entire U.S. power grid and end Life as we know it. Transformers will short circuit and burn out; satellites will be destroyed. This could be worse than the 1859 humungous storm. Will set country back for months to years

2012 -

Cloud Technology Insane National Security

2012 CyberSecurity
Telvent (Spain), maker of industrial control systems for smart grid networks admitted last week hackers had breached its network and accessed project files related to a control system used in portions of the electrical grid. Owned by Schneider Electric (France), Telvent told customers attackers installed malicious software on its network and accessed project files for its OASyS SCADA system, according to KrebsOnSecurity, which first reported the breach

2012 - CyberSecurityCalgary

CBC News confirmed a recent cyberattack successfully breached a Calgarybased supplier of control systems for electrical power grids, municipal water systems, public transit operations, and most of Canadas major oil and gas pipelines. (Kacper Pempel/Reuters)

2012 - U.S.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta

An aggressor nation or extremist group could gain control of critical switches and derail passenger trains, or trains loaded with lethal chemicals. They could contaminate the water supply in major cities, or shut down the power grid across large parts of the country., he said.

2012 - Former

U.S. C.I.A. Director James Woolsley

The utilities dont want to talk about this but 17 of our (USAs) 18 national critical infrastructure sectors depend on electricity, including our power grid and all but one of our military bases. If the grid goes down we dont even want to think about it. Were so vulnerable to cyberattack and any number of other threats.


- Cyberattack #1 threat to U.S.

The Director of National Intelligence (top intelligence official in U.S.) warns Congress that, for the first time ever, a cyber-attack could cripple Americas infrastructure and economy.
Globe and Mail, March 13, 2013

2013 - Pentagons

own Cyberattack Teams to Strike Across the World

March 13, 2013. Cyber Command chief General Keith Alexander revealed in a Senate hearing the creation of 13 cyberattack teams, which he dubbed part of the cyber cadre, that are authorized to engage in preemptive cyberwarfare across the planet. (by Jason

2013 -

Attack on PG & E

On April 16, six snipers with AK-47s knocked out 17 transformers at a California transformer sub-station raising concern for country's power grid. Large high-voltage transformers take from months to years to build. A surprisingly small number of U.S. substations knocked out at once could cause a blackout encompassing most of the U.S.! 1621778

2012 - EW Weapon USA

High Powered Advanced Missile Counter Electronics Weapon, can knock out a countrys entire electric grid!

Non-Lethal: No harm to people or structures.

Boeing US Air Force Raytheon

EW Weapon USA


- Electronic Warfare USA

Heat Ray


- Electronic Warfare USA

Heat Ray

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Weapons

A full-scale EMP attack in a developed country would instantly bring modern life to a screeching end. Many people could survive this attack, but they would find themselves in a very different world. All electrics and electronics would literally be fried i.e., completely destroyed by an EMP weapon.

2014 HAARP

USAs EW Weapon of Mass Destruction

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program Weapon is a weapon of mass
destruction. Radio Waves strong enough to cause earthquakes are controlled by the U.S. military. It's the largest ionospheric heater ... some believe, no less than governmental control over the earth's weather and its tectonic plates. or

HAARP Demonstrated?
March 1, 2014 11:43 PM EST -- (TRN) -- A significant earthquake has struck the Crimean peninsula in the Ukraine within the last hour and Russian military sources are claiming it was a deliberate attack by the United States using it's HAARP Array in Alaska, in retaliation for Russia placing troops into the Ukraine.

NORTH KOREAs last round of tests, conducted in May 2009, appear to have included a "super-EMP" weapon, capable of emitting enough gamma rays to disable the electric power grid across most of the lower 48 states.

US Power Grid Vulnerable to Sabotage

So said the Wall Street Journal on March 14, 2014, claiming that destruction of just nine (9) key substations would plunge the entire nation into darkness! 33670284061220 and

Electronic Warfare & Cyber Warfare
The PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) has developed a doctrine of "Integrated Network Electronic Warfare," similar to the Soviet concept of Radio Electronic Combat, with the goal of degrading the enemy through EW, cyber, and space warfare before a shot is fired. The Chinese hacking threat is so common that the security industry has a new euphemism for the country, an "Advanced Persistent Threat."

Scientific evidence leaves no doubt that EMR poses the biggest single threat to humans and all other life forms in Canadas entire history and, in the case of Smart Meters, to our personal privacy and safety, and to our countrys National Security! Governments must be made to divorce themselves from industry and instead protect the public. But this will not happen unless


Reference Web Sites Google: Resonance Beings of Frequency Google: Dietrich Klinghardt Google: Dr. David O.Carpenter Google: Dr. Andrew Michrowski Google: Microwave Warfare - Barrie Trower Google: Dr. Devra Davis, Ph.D.

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