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Sustainable Solar Electricity

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Green Energy and Technology

Antonio Urbina

Green Energy and Technology
Climate change, environmental impact and the limited natural resources urge
scientific research and novel technical solutions. The monograph series Green Energy
and Technology serves as a publishing platform for scientific and technological
approaches to “green”—i.e. environmentally friendly and sustainable—technolo-
gies. While a focus lies on energy and power supply, it also covers “green” solu-
tions in industrial engineering and engineering design. Green Energy and Tech-
nology addresses researchers, advanced students, technical consultants as well as
decision makers in industries and politics. Hence, the level of presentation spans
from instructional to highly technical.
**Indexed in Scopus**.
**Indexed in Ei Compendex**.

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Antonio Urbina

Sustainable Solar Electricity

Antonio Urbina
Institute for Advanced Materials
and Mathematics (INAMAT2)
and Department of Sciences
Public University of Navarra (UPNA)
Pamplona, Spain

ISSN 1865-3529 ISSN 1865-3537 (electronic)

Green Energy and Technology
ISBN 978-3-030-91770-8 ISBN 978-3-030-91771-5 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
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To Marijose,
for everything,
including the little thing(s).

Over the last thirty years (my time as a researcher of photovoltaics), the solar photo-
voltaic (PV) industry has grown at an astonishing rate from an installed global
capacity of less than 100 to over 800,000 MWp . Solar PV has become the fastest-
growing energy technology and the primary future source of electricity in most
scenarios for low-carbon development. The “coming of age” of renewable electricity
has been one of few good news stories in our efforts to mitigate climate change.
Thanks to solar power and wind, the decarbonisation of electricity is no longer seen
as a major challenge and has become a tool that can assist the decarbonisation of
other sectors (transport, buildings, industry). The question of how to harness solar
electricity affordably is more or less solved. But we still need to establish how to
achieve the energy transition sustainably.
In this book, Antonio Urbina presents a lucid account of the principles and tech-
nology of solar photovoltaics, alongside an introduction to the concept of sustain-
ability and to the metrics that quantify sustainability. He shows how, starting from the
production process, the environmental impacts, resource requirements and energy
balance can be quantified, making these impact assessments a natural extension to the
design of PV technology. He also places photovoltaic technology in its larger global
context by addressing economic aspects and the international regulatory and policy
framework, in a detailed, up to date and informative manner. To my knowledge, this
is the first book of its kind and I find it timely for three reasons.
First, while energy technologies are commonly compared in terms of cost and
performance metrics (such as power conversion efficiency for a solar cell), cost is
not enough to distinguish options in terms of their effectiveness at reducing carbon
emissions. A solar module with a shorter energy payback time and a smaller life-cycle
averaged emissions intensity will be more effective than an alternative at mitigating
CO2 emissions when it replaces a higher carbon technology. Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) techniques allow PV developers to evaluate the module designs and produc-
tion processes that optimise those metrics. The best options may not be those of the
lowest cost or the highest conversion efficiency. Identifying these priorities at the
design stage allows more efficient use of resources.

viii Foreword

Second, as the energy transition advances, it becomes more necessary to consider

solutions from a system-level perspective. For solar PV, that means not only consid-
ering the output of a module but also the effectiveness of integrated systems, such
as solar PV integrated with hydrogen generation for fuel supply or solar PV with
desalination for clean water supply. To evaluate different technical solutions to the
same demand in terms of their energy balance, resource costs or emissions impact, a
means of comparing quite different technologies is needed. Life Cycle Assessment
provides that and can be applied as part of the selection of technologies, avoiding
lock-in to solutions that are less effective in terms of energy or emissions balance.
Third, the technological revolution that lies ahead of us (if we are to avert the worst
consequences of climate change) will be as great as the last industrial revolution, but
much more rapid. Rapid change brings risks of social, economic, environmental
and geopolitical impacts as well as emissions impacts. Before choosing pathways,
it would be wise to evaluate them in terms of their overall sustainability. This book
provides the basic knowledge to formulate and evaluate these questions.
Antonio Urbina is well qualified to write this work, having researched the science
of PV materials, evaluated solar PV systems and pioneered the application of LCA
and sustainability assessment to emerging PV technologies. From this experience,
base he shows how to make sustainability a central part of technology evalua-
tion. Although the book presents LCA and sustainability analysis in the context of
solar electricity, the methodologies are very readily transferrable, and increasingly
relevant, to other energy, and non-energy, technologies.

London, UK Jenny Nelson

November 2021

I started working on photovoltaics at two levels in the mid 90s during the final years
of my Ph.D. (which was focussed on the Quantum Hall Effect, a very different issue,
but which shares with photovoltaics the use of advanced semiconducting devices).
The first level was a very practical approach: the use of small photovoltaic solar home
systems for rural electrification in developing countries, an interest which started with
a course delivered by the Instituto de Energía Solar (Madrid) and I must acknowl-
edge the enthusiasm on the subject put by the researchers that delivered the course:
Dr. Pablo Díaz, Dr. Estefanía Caamaño and Dr. Miguel A. Egido, which taught me the
fundamentals of practical PV system design. The second level was the deepening of
the theoretical understanding provided by the books of Prof. Jenny Nelson (Imperial
College London) and Prof. Eduardo Lorenzo (Instituto de Energía Solar, Madrid),
and I must acknowledge the authors not only for writing the books, but also for facil-
itating always friendly communications and discussions on photovoltaic technology
and its practical deployment. The acknowledgement to Prof. Jenny Nelson must be
extended to her invitation for a research stay at Imperial College, and the subsequent
research collaboration that we have kept since then and which continues to this day,
also including other colleagues at Imperial College which I acknowledge: Prof. Ji-
Seon Kim, Prof. James Durrant, Dr. Sachetan Tudhalar, Dr. Christopher Emmott and
Dr. Wing Chung Tsoi (now at Swansea University).
Regarding my research work in organic and hybrid photovoltaic technologies
with a special focus on stability studies, I acknowledge Prof. Frederik Krebs (CEO of
Infinity PV, Denmark) and Prof. Mónica Lira-Cantú (Institut Catalá de Nanociència i
Nanotecnolog a) for his and her constant support and fruitful collaboration, and Prof.
Ana Rosa Lagunas (Centro Nacional de Energas Renovables, CENER, Spain) for
helping me to bridge the gap between academic research and the complex world of
standardization, certification and industrial applications of photovoltaic technology.
It has also been very important the work of Dr. Lucía Serrano (Universidad Rey Juan
Carlos, Madrid), Dr. Nieves Espinosa (Joint Research Centre, European Commis-
sion), Dr. Rafael García-Valverde (Infinity PV, Denmark), Dr. Carlos Toledo (ENEA,
Italy) and Dr. Rodolfo García (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain), who

x Acknowledgements

have been fundamental contributors to the research of our group on Life Cycle Assess-
ment of photovoltaic technologies, during and after their respective Ph.D. thesis
work, which was completed under my supervision a few years ago. This research
work was carried out in the context of projects in collaboration with Dr. José Abad,
Dr. Antonio J. Fernández-Romero, Dr. Javier Padilla (UPCT), Prof. Jaime Colchero
(Universidad de Murcia), Prof. Ana Cros and Prof. Nuria Garro (both at Univer-
sidad de Valencia), Prof. Wolfgang Maser and Prof. Ana Benito (both at Instituto de
Carboquímica ICB-CSIC, Zaragoza); to all of them I acknowledge their support with
access to instruments and materials that have been used to fabricate and characterize
organic and hybrid solar cells in the context of several collaborative projects and the
discussions during seminars (and coffee breaks) during many fruitful years.
Financial support must be acknowledged to Agencia Estatal de Investigación
(Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain), grant PID2019-104272RB-C55, and
to Fundación Séneca (Spain), grant 19882-GERM-15, both including European
Commission FEDER funds.

Part I Introduction
1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Evolution of Installed Photovoltaic Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Photovoltaics in the Scenarios of the International Energy
Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3 The TeraWatt Scale of Photovoltaic Deployment: Is There
Any Limit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2 Photovoltaic Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power
Conversion from Sun to Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.1 A Brief History of the Development of the Solar
Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.1.2 Solar Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.1.3 Metals and Semiconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.1.4 Equivalent Circuit and Parameters of the Solar Cell . . . . 30
2.2 The Basic Structure of a Solar Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2.1 Active Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2.2 Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.2.3 Transporting Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.3 Classification of PV Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3 Assessment of Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.1 Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Assessment
Applied to Energy Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.1.1 Goal and Scope of the LCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1.2 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI) Phase . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.3 Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Phase . . . . . . . . . 59
3.1.4 Life Cycle Interpretation Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

xii Contents

3.2 Socioeconomic Sustainability: Energy and Sustainable

Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.2.1 Life Cycle Costing and Total Cost of Ownership . . . . . . 66
3.2.2 Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2.3 Value-Adjusted Levelized Cost of Electricity
(VALCOE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.2.4 Circular Economy, Environmental Footprints
and Sustainable Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Part II Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Electricity

4 Production of PV Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.1 Crystalline Silicon Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.1.1 Silicon Processing: From Raw Material to Solar
Grade Ingots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.1.2 Crystalline Solar Cell Manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.2 Thin Film Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.2.1 Amorphous Silicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.2.2 Cadmium Telluride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.2.3 Chalcopyrites and Kesterites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.3 III-V Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.4 Organic and Hybrid Emerging Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.4.1 Organic Bulk Heterojunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.4.2 Dye Sensitized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.4.3 Perovskites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.5 From Cells to Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules . . . . . . . . . . 131
5.1 Silicon Feedstock and Other Raw Materials Embedded
in the PV Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
5.2 Glass, Plastics and Frames for the PV Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5.3 Strategic and Scarce Materials Embedded in PV Modules . . . . . . 142
5.4 Polluting and Toxic Materials Embedded in PV Modules
and Used in Its Manufacturing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.4.1 Silicon Mining and Processing Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5.4.2 Cadmium Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5.4.3 Lead Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5.4.4 Sulphur Hexafluoride Environmental Damage . . . . . . . . . 152
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.1 Embedded Energy in Photovoltaic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.1.1 Embedded Energy in the Processing of Materials . . . . . . 158
Contents xiii

6.1.2 Embedded Energy in the Manufacturing

of Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6.2 Solar Electricity Production of a Photovoltaic System . . . . . . . . . 163
6.2.1 Electricity Production and Yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.2.2 Lifetime of Photovoltaic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
6.3 Energy Payback Time and Energy Return on (Energy)
Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
6.3.1 Energy Payback Time Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6.3.2 Technology Dependence of the Energy Payback
Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
6.3.3 Geographical Dependence of the Energy Payback
Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
6.3.4 Energy Return on (Energy) Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
7 Impacts of Solar Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
7.1 Human Health Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
7.2 Environmental Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
7.3 Land use, Water, Mineral, Fossil and Renewable Depletion
Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
7.4 The Rapidly Evolving Impacts of Emerging PV
Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
7.5 Size Dependant Impacts of PV Systems: Land Occupancy
and Agrivoltaics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
7.6 Impacts of Module Transportation During Manufacture,
Installation and End of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
8.1 Reusing PV Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
8.2 Recycling PV Modules: Recovery of Components
and Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
8.3 Recovery and Reuse of Substances Required for PV
Module Manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
9 Balance of System (BoS) and Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
9.1 Life Cycle Assessment of BoS Electronic Components . . . . . . . . 216
9.2 Life Cycle Assessment of BoS Structural and Mechanical
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
9.3 Introduction to Electricity Storage for PV Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
9.3.1 Electricity Storage Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
9.3.2 Battery Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
9.4 Overview of Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Batteries . . . . . . . 224
9.4.1 Phases in LCA for Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
9.4.2 Phases in LCA Including Second Life of Batteries . . . . . 225
xiv Contents

9.4.3 Results of LCA for Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

Part III Beyond Life Cycle Assessment: Socioeconomics

and Geopolitics of Solar Electricity
10 Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
10.1 Cost of Ownership of Photovoltaic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
10.2 The Cost of Solar Electricity: A Steady Learning Curve . . . . . . . . 241
10.3 The Cost of Electricity Storage in Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
10.4 Employment Opportunities Linked to the Solar Electricity
Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
11.1 International Technical Standards for Photovoltaic
Technology and Life Cycle Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
11.1.1 International Organization for Standardization . . . . . . . . 250
11.1.2 International Electrotechnical Commission . . . . . . . . . . . 251
11.1.3 Other International and National Standardization
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
11.2 Regulatory Frameworks for Production, Recycling and End
of Life of PV Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
11.2.1 China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
11.2.2 European Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
11.2.3 United States of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
11.2.4 Other Countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
11.3 Ecodesign, Ecolabelling and Green Public Procurement . . . . . . . . 261
11.3.1 Ecodesign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
11.3.2 Ecolabelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
11.3.3 Green Public Procurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
12 Solar Electricity and Globalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
12.1 World Electricity Consumption Per Cápita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
12.2 Access to Energy and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
12.3 Solar Electricity for Rural Electrification: When There
is No Electricity Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
12.4 Mitigation of Climate Change: From Kyoto Protocol
to Paris Agreement and Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
12.5 Geopolitics of Photovoltaics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

AC Alternating Current
AM Air Mass
a-Si Amorphous Silicon
BGS British Geological Survey
BHJ Bulk Heterojunction
BIPV Building Integrated Photovoltaics
CdTe Cadmium Telluride
CIGS Copper Indium Gallium (di)Selenide, chalcopyrite structure
c-Si Crystalline Silicon
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
CSS Closed Space Sublimation
CZ Czochralski
CZTS Copper Zinc Tin (di)Selenide, kesterite structure
DC Direct Current
EC European Commission
ED Electro Deposition
EPBT Energy Payback Time
EPR Extended Producer Responsibility
ETL Electron Transporting Layer
EVA Ethylene-Vinyl-Acetate
FAPI Formamidinium Lead Iodide, perovskite structure
FF Fill factor
FTO Fluor Tin Oxide
FU Functional Unit
FZ Floating Zone
GHG Greenhouse Gases
GRR Ground Requirement Ratio
HIT Heterojunction with an Intrinsic Thin layer
HTL Hole Transporting Layer
Isc Short circuit current
IBC Interdigitated Back contact Cell

xvi Acronyms

IEA International Energy Agency

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
III-V Elements of groups III and V of the periodic table
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITO Indium Tin Oxide
I-V Current–voltage characteristic curve of a solar cell or module
JRC Joint Research Centre (European Commission)
LCA Life Cycle Assessment
LCIA Life Cycle Impact Assessment
LCOE Levelized Cost of Energy (or Electricity)
LEC Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski
LPE Liquid Phase Epitaxy
MAPI Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide, perovskite structure
MBE Molecular Beam Epitaxy
mc-Si Multi-crystalline Silicon
MOCVD Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition
mono-Si Mono-crystalline Silicon
MOVPE Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy
mpp Maximum power point (in a I–V or P–V curve)
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA)
OPV Organic Photovoltaics
Pmpp Power at maximum power point
P3HT Poly-(3-Hexyl-Thiophene-2,5-diyl)
PANI Poly-Aniline
PAR Photosynthetically Active Radiation
PCBM Phenyl-C61 -Butyric acid Methyl ester
PCE Power Conversion Efficiency
PECVD Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition
PEDOT Poly-3,4-Ethylene-Dioxy-Thiophene
PERC Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell
PET Poly-Ethylene Terephthalate
PPV Poly-(p-Phenylene-Vinylene)
PR Performance Ratio
PVD Physical Vapour Deposition
PVF Poly-Vinyl Fluoride
PVPS Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA)
RFS Radio Frequency Sputtering
sc-Si Single-crystalline Silicon
SLS Soda Lime Silica
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
USGS United States Geological Survey
Voc Open circuit Voltage
VALCOE Value-Adjusted Levelized Cost of Energy (or Electricity)
Part I

Part I is an introductory part which describes the main concepts regarding pho-
tovoltaic technology and life cycle assessment. The book contents are built upon
the combination of both areas of knowledge, and it is, therefore, important from the
beginning to clarify the purpose and the scope of the study. This part also emphasizes
the importance of the problem that the energy transition is facing: a huge amount of
photovoltaic systems has been already deployed and many more are planned for the
near future; many of these systems will have to be revamped, replaced or extended
with new modules, and the old ones will need to be recycled or landfilled. In Chap. 1,
the working scenarios proposed by the International Energy Agency are presented
and the implications for photovoltaic capacity growth will be analysed in detail. In
Chap. 2, the main components of photovoltaic systems are presented, ranging from
cells to modules and then to whole systems; this chapter describes each component,
its principles of work and the equations governing its main output (but not going into
details of the physics behind semiconductor photogeneration and transport dynam-
ics); the objective of this chapter is to define the main parameters used to evaluate
photovoltaic (PV) cells, modules and system performance and to classify the “prod-
uct” parts (a classification which is used for the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study
of the different technologies). The “product” from the LCA perspective is the final
PV system, which includes different steps: cells, modules and whole system (with
Balance of System (BoS), components). In Chap. 3, the Life Cycle Assessment
methodology is presented, with a special focus on its application to energy systems
in general and photovoltaic systems in particular and also the inclusion of social and
economic considerations for a broader LCA approach (methodologies still under
discussion in the scientific community).
Chapter 1
Scenarios for Solar Electricity
at the TeraWatt Scale

A world shock has occurred in 2020, and it has strongly affected the energy sector.
According to the preliminary estimations included in the most recent report from the
International Energy Agency (World Energy Outlook 2020, [9]), the global energy
demand dropped by 5% in 2020, and energy-related CO2eq emissions dropped by
7%. This shock in the demand side, concentrated in a single year, is higher in terms
of energy demand reduction than the shock in the supply side that started in October
1973 due to an oil export embargo proclaimed by the Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) that lead to a sudden rise in oil prices. The impact of the
oil crisis was long lasting, it reshaped the energy landscape worldwide and triggered
the first steps to unlock the “carbon lock-in” and initiate an energy transition that is
now fully fledged [1].
After a sudden shock, a well-established paradigm can be shifted if the policy
response is clearly defined and enough investment is provided, initially in research
activities and later in demonstration projects. The initial efforts triggered by the oil
crisis put in place technological advancements that supported the early stages of
the energy transition a few decades ago. In 2020, an external shock, the catastrophic
COVID-19 pandemia led to public policies designed with strong investment efforts to
reactivate the economy, and this “new deal” has created the opportunity to accelerate
the energy transition with renewable mature technologies that are cost-competitive.
Wind and photovoltaic technologies are already the cheapest source of electricity
in many parts of the world. This combination of shock, new investment and tech-
nological readiness could definitely move the world from the carbon lock-in to a
renewables lock-in. Large investments have been announced worldwide to reacti-
vate the economy, and a good share of this investment is oriented to reinforce the
energy transition and to mitigate climate change. It is a great opportunity that will
require new ambitious policies and a worldwide coordination of a good regulatory
framework to support this move towards a more sustainable energy landscape.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 3

A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
4 1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale

But despite the brilliant perspective, this transition is still in its early stages. In
2019, total primary energy consumption in the world was 583.9 Exajoules,1 with
an annual growth rate of 1.6% averaged for the past ten years. The renewables
contribution to the total primary energy consumption was 66.64 Exajoules (11.3%, of
which 6.4% from hydropower), while oil continues to hold the highest share (33.1%),
followed by coal (27.0%), natural gas (24.2%) and then renewables (11.3%) that have
already surpassed nuclear (4.3%). Electricity generation in 2019 was 27004.7 TWh2
(average annual growth in the past ten years was 2.7%, almost doubling the primary
energy average annual growth, a clear indicator of the “electrification” of the global
energy consumption), and renewable electricity generation was 7027.7 TWh (26.1%,
including hydropower, its main contributor, with 4222.2 TWh equivalent to 15.6%
followed by wind 1429.6 TWh, 5.2% and solar photovoltaic with 724.1TWh, 2.7%)
[2]. According to the International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems
Programme, world final electricity consumption was 24,700 TWh in 2019, with a
share of renewable energy in the global electricity production of 28%, including 810
TWh produced from solar photovoltaic systems; thus, the solar electricity production
share was 3.3% [11].
In 2020, due to the world reduced energy demand and the increment in photo-
voltaic power installed capacity, around 3.7% of world electricity production has
been supplied by photovoltaic systems and the avoided emissions have been 875
Mt of CO2eq (a calculation by the IEA-PVPS based on the emissions that would
have been generated from the same amount of electricity produced by the different
grid mixes in all countries and taking into consideration life cycle emissions of PV
systems). This world average hides a large variation among countries, where a group
of seven countries are in the range of 10% and another seven have already surpassed
5%. In this group, it is important to emphasize that the two most populated coun-
tries in the world have already reached 6.5% (India) and 6.2% (China) share of its
electricity supply from photovoltaic systems [10].
Despite the progress in rural electrification, still 733 million people are lacking
access to electricity, three quarters in sub-Saharan Africa (580 million), and another
100 million people cannot afford electricity although they have access to the grid [5].
Either to substitute electricity from non-renewable sources or to supply new demand,
the contribution of photovoltaic systems has been growing steadily since many years
ago and has now become the fastest growing technology in terms of annual installed
capacity. The share of world electricity supply from photovoltaics is going to increase
significantly in the coming decades in all scenarios that are proposed by different
institutions. The rate of growth and the cumulative capacity depend strongly on the
assumptions for these scenarios, and in all of them, photovoltaic technology share
is very high, in some cases the top of the list of annual installed capacity during
several years. This fact emphasizes the urgent need of a detailed evaluation of the

1 1 Exajoule (EJ) = 1018 Joules; another broadly used unit for primary energy is tonnes of oil
equivalent (toe), 1 toe = 4.1868×1010 Joules.
2 1 TWh = 1012 Wh = 3.6 × 1015 Joules.
1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale 5

sustainability of solar electricity massive deployment. This is the purpose of this

In this introductory chapter, an overview of the world photovoltaic energy status
and trends are presented. After showing the rough numbers of installed capacity and
its most recent evolution, the world energy supply and demand in future scenarios
proposed by the International Energy Agency are analysed, and the implications for
the growth of photovoltaic installed capacity are commented. The analysis of the
sustainability of the photovoltaic electricity generation is the subject of the whole
book, and the methodological tools both for the calculation of the electricity that
can be generated with different photovoltaic technologies and its environmental and
economical impacts are the framework to organize the book into three parts and
twelve chapters:

Part I. Introduction. It is an introductory part which describes the main concepts

regarding photovoltaic technology and life cycle assessment. The book contents
are built upon the combination of both areas of knowledge, and it is, therefore,
important from the beginning to clarify the purpose and the scope of the study.
This part also emphasizes the importance of the problem that the energy transition
is facing: a huge amount of photovoltaic systems has been already deployed and
many more are planned for the near future; many of these systems will have
to be revamped, replaced or extended with new modules, and the old ones will
need to be recycled or landfilled. In Chapter 1, the scenarios proposed by the
International Energy Agency are presented and the implications for photovoltaic
capacity growth will be analysed in detail. In Chap. 2, the main components of
photovoltaic systems are presented, ranging from cells to modules and then to
whole systems; this chapter describes each component, its principles of work and
the equations governing its main output (but not going into details of the physics
behind photogeneration and charge transport in semiconducting materials); the
objective of this chapter is to define the main parameters used to evaluate PV
cells, modules and system performance and to classify the “product” parts (a
classification which is used for the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study of the
different technologies). The “product” from the LCA perspective is the final PV
system, which includes different steps: cells, modules and whole system (with
Balance of System (BoS), components). In Chap. 3, the Life Cycle Assessment
methodology is presented, with a special focus on its application to energy systems
in general and photovoltaic systems in particular and also the inclusion of social
and economic considerations for a broader LCA approach (methodologies still
under discussion in the scientific community).
Part II. Life cycle assessment of solar electricity. The Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) of the photovoltaic systems (the product) and the electricity produced
by them (the service) requires a very clear statement of the scope and the func-
tional unit (FU) used for the LCA study. The main part of the book is devoted
to the two stages of the whole life cycle of a PV system: first, the PV system
manufacture phase (from cradle to gate), starting with raw materials production
and ending with the PV module delivery (at the gate of the factory); then, the
6 1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale

second stage focuses on the use phase and the end-of-life phase (including recy-
cling and landfilling) and requires additional tools to calculate the electricity
produced during the operational phase. Part II starts with a detailed description of
the manufacturing process of all PV technologies, either commercial or emerging
(Chap. 4), and the requirements of raw materials (Chap. 5); the energy balance of
the PV system life cycle (Chap. 6) will be presented and, together, they comprise
a life cycle inventory of the PV technologies. Beyond the standard LCA approach,
an analysis of the energy payback time (EPBT) has been included; it is a param-
eter broadly used to assess the sustainability of electricity production but which
is strongly dependant on the operational phase of the PV system life, including
the geographical location where it is operated, and some authors consider that
it is not a reliable parameter. The impact assessment in several LCA categories
of the whole inventory (materials and energy) will be presented in Chap. 7 with
a special focus on commercial technologies and a section devoted to emerging
technologies. The focus will be shifted to end-of-life and recycling issues in Chap.
8 and the final chapter of Part II is devoted to Balance of System components with
a more detailed analysis of the use of batteries for energy storage.
Part III. Beyond Life Cycle Assessment: socioeconomics and geopolitics of solar
electricity. Finally, Part III goes beyond the standard approach to LCA and
includes economic and social assessment of impacts. Economic evaluation of
the economic cost of installed capacity and produced electricity is accomplished
in this part. Comments on the geopolitics of photovoltaics provide the closing
remarks of the whole book. In Chapter 10, the definition of economic parame-
ters used to evaluate the impact of PV systems is provided. Those comprise the
levelized cost of electricity (also with the modern definition of IEA, called the
“value-adjusted” LCOE). Employment opportunities by sector and by country
are analysed, including investigation on socioeconomic networks that range from
NGOs or other associations to small, medium or large companies linked to solar
electricity. Chapter 11 provides a list of the regulatory framework worldwide,
with a presentation of technical standards and regulatory policies, including a
comparison between countries and a comment about its evolution. The book ends
with Chap. 12 in which solar electricity will be put into the context of global-
ization, when on the one hand still a large amount of population lacks access to
electricity while on the other hand solar electricity is now subject of speculation
by investment funds and big multinationals. Climate change mitigation and the
related international agreements are the closing subjects of the book.

1.1 Evolution of Installed Photovoltaic Capacity

At the end of 2020, the cumulative installed photovoltaic capacity in the world
reached 760.4 GW DC , steadily approaching the landmark of 1 TW that could be
reached in two years if annual installed capacity follows the growing trends of the
past few years (see Fig. 1.1, reproduced from [8]). Despite the COVID-19 pandemic,
1.1 Evolution of Installed Photovoltaic Capacity 7

Fig. 1.1 Evolution of cumulative installed capacity (GW p ). Source IEA-PVPS (Reproduced with
permission from [8])

the annual installed capacity in 2020 was 139.4 GW DC , with at least 20 countries
installing more than 1 GW, indicating a sustained annual capacity installation of
more than 100 GW/year since 2017 that seems to be accelerating (see Fig. 1.2).
China alone represented 253.4 GW on cumulative installed capacity followed
by the European Union (as EU27, 151.3 GW), the USA (93.2 GW), Japan (71.4
GW) and India (47.4 GW). Considering that China installed a third of global new
capacity in 2020 and that Vietnam and Korea have seen their highest growth in
one year, the trend is clear: Asia is going to be the leading photovoltaic region in
the next decade, with Australia also becoming an important actor and reaching the
first position in the ranking of PV installed per capita (749 W/capita), surpassing
Germany which had been the leader in per capita PV capacity until 2019. The Asia-
Pacific region installed 61% of new global PV capacity in 2020. The European
Union have been leader for many years, but it seems that the trend is slowing down,
with only a few European countries keeping a strong growth (Germany still clearly
at the head of installed cumulative capacity with 53.9 GW, followed by Italy and
the United Kingdom at some distance). In America, the new USA administration
announced a strong investment in new renewable energy infrastructure that could
reinforce its already strong position in the photovoltaic market; two countries in
Latin America installed more than 1GW (Mexico and Brazil), but others presented a
contraction in annual installations (Argentina) or very limited growth (Perú, Chile).
Africa and the Middle East, with a large potential for PV (due to its very high
annual irradiation), showed a limited growth with new installed capacity in 2020
of only 3% of world total. Still both annually installed and cumulative capacity are
mostly concentrated in a few countries, with the rest of the world (ROW in Table
1.1) contributing only 6.8% and 0.3%, respectively. Details of world data for PV
annual and cumulative capacity and energy generation can be found in the regular
8 1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale

Fig. 1.2 Evolution of annual installed capacity (GW p ) (Reproduced with permission from [10])

reports from the International Energy Agency (IEA) “World Energy Outlook”, the
IEA-International Renewable Energy (IRENA) “Capacity Statistics and Highlights”,
the IEA-Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS) “Trends in Photovoltaic
Applications”, the IEA-PVPS “Snapshot of Global PV Markets” and the reports from
the World Bank initiatives for off-grid electrification programmes “Energy Sector
Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP)” and “Lighting Global”.
There are two main categories of photovoltaic system size classification: roof-top
or utility scales. Until 2014, the roof-top scale was predominant with more than 50%
of annual installed capacity, which kept the cumulative capacity also above 50% for
this kind of system; since 2015, the annual installations have been clearly dominated
by utility scale (grid-connected PV plants at MW scale), although roof-top systems
continued to grow and this application sector has seen an unexpected increase in 2020
due to the very large programme for roof-top systems in Vietnam (and a continuation
in Germany and United States were it was already strong): in 2020, around 55GW
of new PV systems were roof-top; regarding off-grid systems, further 180 million
of roof-top solar home systems have been installed to date providing electricity to
420 million people, and 47 million people are connected to 19,000 photovoltaic
powered minigrids in the world (mainly in Asia, with 85% of minigrids, while the
future planning is centred in Africa) [3, 4]. Nevertheless, the trend seems to point
to a future domination of medium to large size plants. On the other hand, the two
broad categories need to be extended to incorporate variations: building integrated
photovoltaics (BIPV) complementing the first group of “building attached” (BAPV)
roof-top systems (small to medium power systems), or floating systems, agrivoltaics
or other utility scale but with very flexible plant design adapted to multiple func-
tionalities of medium to large size plants. Other small groups of applications are
still not significant in terms of capacity, but represent targeted markets that could
grow significantly in the future: vehicle integrated systems, indoor systems adapted
1.1 Evolution of Installed Photovoltaic Capacity 9

Table 1.1 Annual installed and cumulative photovoltaic capacity in 2020, with data from IEA-
PVPS “Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2021” [10]; the European Union grouped 27 countries in
2020; power is expressed in GW DC and when data are available in GW AC they have been converted
for better cross country comparison of data
Annual installed capacity Cumulative capacity
1 China 48.2 34.6 1 China 253.4 33.3
(2) European 19.6 14.1 (2) European 151.3 19.9
Union Union
2 United 19.2 13.8 2 United 93.2 12.3
States States
3 Vietnam 11.1 8.0 3 Japan 71.4 9.4
4 Japan 8.2 5.9 4 Germany 53.9 7.1
5 Germany 4.9 3.5 5 India 47.4 6.2
6 India 4.4 3.2 6 Italy 21.7 2.9
7 Australia 4.1 2.9 7 Australia 20.2 2.7
8 Korea 4.1 2.9 8 Vietnam 16.4 2.2
9 Brazil 3.1 2.2 9 Korea 15.9 2.1
10 Netherlands 3.0 2.2 10 UK 13.5 1.8
ROW 9.5 6.8 ROW 2.1 0.3
Total: 139.4 Total: 760.4

to indoor light, portable flexible and low weight systems, cladding systems inte-
grated in paths or roads and a broad range of new system designs in an already old
application class dedicated to supply power to signals, lighting or electronic devices.
Off-grid systems, mainly for rural electrification in developing countries, represented
an important market at the beginning of PV system deployment (80s and 90s), and
now its share market is strongly reduced, although in terms of installed capacity,
it is still a significant application and have a very large impact in human develop-
ment in rural livelihoods without previous access to electricity; in 2030, the off-grid
PV systems should be extended to provide electricity to 1.2 billion people [3]. The
evolution of the broad classes of PV applications can be seen in Fig. 1.3.
The massive deployment of PV capacity is already producing electricity from a
renewable source at a lower price than grid electricity in some countries at some time
intervals. The produced solar photovoltaic electricity has been growing steadily at a
similar pace of installed capacity, in Fig. 1.4, and overview of the aggregated data for
different world regions is presented, the data can be downloaded from the IRENA
website, and it is updated regularly. Asia is now the leading country in solar electricity
production followed by Europe which was surpassed in 2016, North America comes
in third position and the rest of the regions are clearly lagging behind, but they are
expected to grow significantly in the coming years due to strong cost reductions of
PV systems.
10 1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale

Fig. 1.3 Annual share of centralized, distributed, off-grid and floating installations (GW). Source
IEA-PVPS Trends in PV Applications 2020 (Reproduced with permission from [11])

Fig. 1.4 Solar photovoltaic electricity production (TWh) per region during the past eleven years
(with most recent real production data from IRENA Renewable Energy Statistics website (last
update April 5, 2021,

The availability of cheap electricity from photovoltaics will also contribute to

enhance the penetration of other technologies that are energy consumers required in
an energy transition aimed at a 100% green electricity. These sectors are hydrogen
production and electric vehicles. The developments of PV technologies are acting as a
strong driver for the development of other technologies linked to the energy sector and
1.1 Evolution of Installed Photovoltaic Capacity 11

it has created a synergy between the need for efficient storage of electricity produced
from photovoltaics at time intervals where demand is lower than supply (similarly
for other intermittent sources like wind) and the need for higher electrification of the
transport sector. The use of hydrogen as a fuel “vector” and the charging of batteries
in electrical vehicles require electricity produced from renewable sources. The link
between this renewable intermittent electricity production and the transport sector is
pushing the development of technologies for efficient charge storage and green fuel
production. This link is still not clear and a strong effort in research and development
is currently being carried out.

1.2 Photovoltaics in the Scenarios of the International

Energy Agency

The International Energy Agency scenarios are the basis for projections shown in the
World Energy Outlook reports, and they are linked to socioeconomic scenarios set
up by the United Nations and in particular, the Sustainable Development Goals now
used by most countries to set up their own sustainable objectives and to contribute
to international cooperation policies [5].
The Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS) is a baseline scenario that is built upon
the policies announced by each country; the targets related to new renewable energy
capacity installations or emission reductions are backed up by detailed technical
and economical measures needed for their realization. In particular, the Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDC) for emissions reductions that the countries are
announcing as part of their commitment with the Paris Agreement are considered
in the STEPS scenario only if they are backed by a clear plan of implementation.
In contrast, many policies that have been announced with net zero pledges already
reaching 70% of global GDP and CO2 emissions, but still with high level of uncer-
tainty or no technical backing in its energetic policies, are not considered; in general,
those lousy undefined pledges are not considered in the STEPS scenario. On the
other hand, the STEPS scenario already includes the impact of COVID-19 pandemic
in the economic activity of 2020 but considers that the pandemic is brought under
control and the economy will recover its pre-crisis levels before the end of 2021.
Prior to the crisis, energy demand was projected to grow by 12% between 2019 and
2030, and growth over this period is now estimated at 9% in the STEPS scenario.
Additionally, economic policies have already been modified by recovery policies and
stimulus packages including additional investments in the energy transition infras-
tructure towards a low-carbon energy sector. Nevertheless, commitments declared so
far, even if successfully fulfilled, will keep global annual emissions in the range of 34–
36 Gt CO2 eq between 2020 and 2030, followed by a reduction that would still leave
around 22 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions worldwide in 2050; the continuation of
that trend is consistent with a temperature rise in 2100 of around 2.7 ◦ C (with a prob-
ability of 50%), well beyond the limits set in the Paris agreement. Furthermore, the
12 1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was even

more pessimistic and considered that the initial nationally declared commitments
(NDC) for greenhouse gases (GHG) emission reductions of 119 countries could lead
to a temperature increase in the range of 2.7–3.7 ◦ C, indicating that much greater
emission reduction efforts than those associated with the NDCs will be required in
the period after 2025 and 2030 to hold the temperature rise below 2 ◦ C above pre-
industrial levels [12]. The updates of NDCs by 75 parties (representing about 30%
of global GHG emissions) were recently assessed by the UNFCCC, but still are not
on track to meet the Paris Agreement; the reality is that far from a reduction, the
figures contained in the NDCs will lead in 2025 to GHG emissions around 14.04
Gt CO2eq , that is, 2.0% higher than the 1990 level (13.77 Gt CO2eq ), 2.2% higher
than the 2010 level (13.74 Gt CO2eq ) and 0.5% higher than the 2017 level (13.97
Gt CO2eq ). Nevertheless, the long-term mitigation measures announced by many
countries for 2050 (still without detailed roadmaps for its fulfilment) are ambitious,
and the UNFCCC considers that if implemented, the per-capita emissions by 2050
could be reduced by 87–93% compared to 2017 levels and this is consistent with the
objective of a temperature rise in the range of 1.5–2 ◦ C with low overshoot scenarios
(with the IPCC models for scenario SR1.5) [13]. In the STEPS, renewables meet
80% of the growth in global electricity demand to 2030, hydropower remains the
largest renewable source of electricity, but solar is the main driver of growth as it sets
new records for deployment each year after 2022, almost tripling from today’s levels
and followed by onshore and offshore wind. The modelled change in global energy
generation from 2019 to 2040 is expected to be 4813 TWh for photovoltaics in the
STEPS scenario, a change in twenty years that is seven times larger than the change
occurred in the previous twenty years (664 TWh from 2000 to 2019). This deploy-
ment of PV capacity will require a fast development of smart, digital and flexible
electricity networks and the requirement of new transmission and distribution lines
is 80% larger for the next decade compared to the extension paths seen during the
past ten years. Data about population growth in the STEPS is taken from the United
Nations and considered that the total population rises from 7.7 billion in 2019 to 10.4
billion in 2070, an average growth of 0.6% per year, with almost three quarters of
global increase up to 2070 occurring in Africa, and India accounting for a 10% share
in the growth and becoming the most populous country in 2024.
The Delayed Recovery Scenario (DRS) is designed with the same policy assump-
tions as in the STEPS, but considering that a prolonged pandemic causes lasting dam-
age to economic prospects. The global economy returns to its pre-crisis size only in
2023, and the pandemic ushers in a decade with the lowest rate of energy demand
growth since the 1930s. Prior to the crisis, energy demand was projected to grow
by 12% between 2019 and 2030. Growth over this period is now 9% in the STEPS,
and only 4% in the DRS with the consequent slowdown of the economic activity
in all end-user sectors and, therefore, in energy demand (with important impacts on
transport, for example, where the number of cars in the DRS is 50 million lower than
in the STEPS).
The Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS), where a surge in clean energy
policies and investment puts the energy system on track to achieve sustainable energy
1.2 Photovoltaics in the Scenarios of the International Energy Agency 13

objectives in full, including the Paris Agreement, energy access and air quality goals.
The assumptions on population growth, GDP and other socioeconomic parameters
are the same as in the STEPS. The SDS scenario is based on a stronger technological
development of the energy sector that is modelled by using the Energy Technology
Perspectives 2020 Model (ETP) of the International Energy Agency, which explores
the evolution in energy supply (using an energy conversion model from primary
energy, grouped in fossil, nuclear and renewables to final energy such as electricity,
heat, gasoline and diesel) and in the three end-user sectors with the highest energy
demand and largest greenhouse gas emissions (using models for industry, transport
and buildings). The energy conversion step considers 400 technological options,
described in terms of detailed technical and economical parameters including learn-
ing curves, thus providing a broad range of possible combinations. Interestingly,
the model also considers hydrogen-based fuels (synthetic hydrocarbon fuels from
hydrogen and CO2 or ammonia) and direct air capture of CO2 from the atmosphere,
though a cross-cutting technology option; but although these technological options
have been demonstrated at small or medium scale, they are still not deployed com-
mercially, and, therefore, some uncertainty is introduced in the model. The modelled
change in global energy generation from 2019 to 2040 is expected to be 8135 TWh
for photovoltaics in the SDS scenario. Details of the model can be found in the IEA
report “Energy Technologies Perspective 2020 Model” (updated in 2021 from its
previous 2016 version, [6]).
The new Net Zero Emissions by 2050 case (NZE2050) extends the SDS analysis.
The NZE2050 scenario is consistent with around a 50% chance of limiting the long-
term average global temperature rise to 1.5 ◦ C, as stated in the Paris Agreement. A
rising number of countries and companies are targeting net zero emissions, and all
stated policies are considered to come into force although there is still not a clear
commitment or detailed plans from governments to do so. The NZE2050 includes
the first detailed IEA modelling of what would be needed in the next ten years to
put global CO2 emissions on track for net zero by 2050. Reaching net zero globally
by 2050 would demand a set of dramatic additional policies and actions over the
next ten years, starting already in 2021 with no new oil and gas fields approved for
development and no new coal mines or mine extensions; only new coal plants with
carbon capture and storage could be approved beyond 2021.
The NZE2050 scenario considers that total energy supply falls by 7% between
2020 and 2030, reaching a total of 550 exajoules (EJ) and remains at around this
level until 2050, this reduction achievement occurs by reducing the energy intensity
of GDP growth by 2% annually. Renewable sources will supply 80% of total energy
supply by 2050, growing from 20% in 2020. Electrification is one of the key drivers
towards a de-carbonization of the energy sector with global electricity demand more
than doubling from 2020 to 2050.
Bringing about a 40% reduction in emissions by 2030 requires that low-emission
sources provide nearly 75% of global electricity generation in 2030 (up from less
than 40% in 2019). Again, hydrogen and CO2 capture are essential for this horizon;
150 million tonnes of hydrogen should be produced with 650 GW installed capacity
of electrolyzers by 2030 (rising to 435 million tonnes and 3000 GW, respectively, in
14 1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale

2045); 4 Gt of CO2 should be captured by 2035 (rising to 7.6 Gt by 2050). Importantly,

the NZE2050 model considers that by 2030 all world population will have access to
electricity and clean cooking (at an estimated cost of 40 USD billion) and the cost
of energy services for households will be affordable and stable even if an increase
in energy consumption is produced. The achievement of the NZE2050 scenario will
require of strong policy impulse for emission cuts already in 2030 and a constant
technological development (most of the reductions beyond 2030 rely on technologies
yet to come); only new international standards, regulations and intense cross-border
cooperation could guarantee the needed framework for this ambitious objective.
A large investment is required in the electricity generation, energy infrastructure
for distribution and end-user sectors. In electricity generation, an initial surge from
annual investment of about USD 0.5 trillion (average over the past five years) to
USD 1.6 trillion in 2030 should be achieved, then annual investment in renewables
in the electricity sector should be around USD 1.3 trillion (slightly more than the
highest level ever spent on fossil fuel supply which was USD 1.2 trillion in 2014);
after this peak in 2030, investment can be reduced to around 30% by 2050. Similarly,
investment in energy infrastructure for distribution (electric vehicle charging stations,
hydrogen) and carbon capture, transport and storage should increase from USD 290
billion over the past five years to about USD 880 billion in 2030 and for low-carbon
technologies in end-user sectors should rise from USD 530 billion in recent years to
USD 1.7 trillion in 2030.
The NZE2050 scenario can be considered as an optimistic path for a more sus-
tainable energy generation, and in particular electricity generation as indicated in
Table 1.2; therefore, it is an scenario where photovoltaic electricity will play a sub-
stantial role with a large increase both in installed capacity and electricity generation
in the coming decades. In this scenario, the TeraWatt scale for PV capacity will be
surpassed within two or three years, reaching almost 5 TW in 2030 and surpassing
10 TW in 2040. Beyond this point, new installed capacity will coincide with the
decommissioning of several GW of previously installed capacity that would have
reached its end of life and recycling could become an important industrial activity.
The contribution of renewable electricity generation is key to achieve the ambi-
tious objective of net zero emissions by 2050. The evolution of total CO2 emissions
in Table 1.2 includes carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels
and non-renewable wastes, from industrial and fuel transformation processes (pro-
cess emissions) as well as CO2 removals. The energy transition becomes evident in
the evolution of the CO2 intensity (elec.) shown in Table 1.2, that refers to the CO2
emissions per each kWh of electricity generation; it will achieve a net zero balance
before 2040 and become negative afterwards, with the electricity sector acting as
a carbon sink for other sectors. Details of the scenario are provided in the Interna-
tional Energy Agency report “Net Zero by 2050—A Roadmap for the Global Energy
Sector” [7].
1.3 The TeraWatt Scale of Photovoltaic Deployment: Is There Any Limit? 15

Table 1.2 Electricity capacity (GW) and generation (TWh) (total, renewables and solar PV) and
energy-related CO2 emissions evolution for the NZE2050 scenario of the International Energy
Agency. Data from the International Energy Agency report “Net Zero Emissions by 2050. A
Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector” [7]
Share (%) CAAGR∗ (%)
Electricity 2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2050 2020– 2030–
2030 2050
Total capacity GW 7795 14933 26384 33415 100 100 100 6.7 5
Renewables capacity GW 2994 10293 20732 26568 38 69 80 13 7.5
Solar PV capacity GW 737 4956 10980 14458 9 33 43 21 10
Total generation TWh 26778 37316 56553 71164 100 100 100 3.4 3.3
Renewables generation TWh 7660 22817 47521 62333 29 61 88 12 7.2
Solar PV generation TWh 821 6970 17031 23469 3 19 33 24 12
Total CO2 Mt CO2 33903 21147 6316 0 –4.6 –55.4
CO2 (electricity + heat) Mt CO2 13504 5816 –81 –369 –8.1 n.a.
CO2 intensity (elec.) kg 0.438 0.138 −0.001 −0.005 –11 n.a.
CO2 /kWh
a CAAGR = compound average annual growth rate

1.3 The TeraWatt Scale of Photovoltaic Deployment: Is

There Any Limit?

The energy transition that slowly started after the oil crisis in 1973 has gained momen-
tum and it will change the energy landscape in the coming years. The main driver for
this change has been shifted from the fear of a supply risk of fossil fuels, sometimes
linked to the frequent claim that fossil fuels were achieving their peak production
and become more scarce and more expensive every year. This was not the case so far
(although some oil fields have indeed reached their peak). But the main driver now
is the need to reduce the demand and consumption of fossil fuels, due to the urgent
need to reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate climate change, the biggest challenge for
the twenty-first century. The contribution of renewable energies to the electricity mix
and the increasing electrification of the global energy production and consumption
for all end-user sectors create a synergy path where photovoltaic could become the
main electricity supplier and perhaps the main global primary energy supplier.
In all the International Energy Agency scenarios presented in Sect. 1.2, photo-
voltaic deployment is going to reach the TeraWatt scale in the coming years, with
the most optimistic NZE2050 scenario pointing to 2030 to nearly reach the 5 TW
milestone. It seems that at the initial stages of the TeraWatt scale, no insurmountable
limiting factor has been pointed out in the reports, although some barriers have been
identified and policies have been recommended to overcome them, but:
Is there any limit?
16 1 Scenarios for Solar Electricity at the TeraWatt Scale

Throughout this book, the different potential insurmountable barriers from the
point of view of the sustainability of solar electricity are explored. The reader will find
a summary of results that aim to answer this question, but also provide methodological
tools related to photovoltaic technology and to sustainability assessment that will
allow any researcher to perform his or her own calculations in search for a response.
The main factors that could pose a threat to a massive deployment of photovoltaic
technology in the TeraWatt scale are grouped and briefly described below. All issues
will be analysed in depth in the corresponding chapters.
The risk of materials supply. A huge amount of photovoltaic modules will have to
be manufactured in the coming decades. There are many different photovoltaic
technologies based on different materials, but today the PV market is relying in
more than 95% on one technology (crystalline silicon), the excessive dependence
on one single option could be seen as a weakness. Other technologies require in
some cases the use of scarce materials (for example, Indium or Tellurium). This
possible risk will be assessed in Chap. 5.
The risk of energy balance. Long ago, it was clearly established that the balance
between the energy embedded in a PV module (materials processing and module
manufacture) and the energy delivered by the PV module throughout the lifetime
of any PV technology is overwhelmingly positive. In a few years of operation
(depending on the technology), the energy is “recovered” and there is a net clean
energy supply of decades before the module reaches its lifetime. This will be
analysed in Chap. 6.
The risk of environmental and health damage. This is an important issue that has
been already addressed by many research groups by a detailed Life Cycle Assess-
ment methodology, that is constantly updated and re-evaluated for the commercial
technologies and newly developed for the emerging technologies, some of them
including materials with potential toxicity risks (for example, cadmium in already
commercial CdTe technology, or lead in emerging perovskite technology, just to
mention two examples). These results are presented in detail in several chapters
throughout the book (Chaps. 7, 8 and 9).
The risk of high economic cost. The cost of PV modules was an important bar-
rier for the deployment of PV systems and several policies were implemented to
overcome this barrier. This is no longer the case, and currently in many countries,
solar electricity from photovoltaic systems is cheaper than the electricity pur-
chased from the grid. Furthermore, the International Energy Agency considers
that solar photovoltaic electricity will become the cheapest source of electricity
by mid twenty-first century. This was achieved thanks to an impressive learning
curve that is analysed in Chap. 10.
Geopolitical risks. Energy supply from oil was plagued by political risks, and the
best examples were the two oil crisis of the 70s. Apparently, renewable energies in
general, and specially photovoltaic energy benefit from the ubiquity of the energy
source, but the supply chain for manufacture could face some geopolitical risks
(materials supply chain, technological dependence, commercial wars, etc...); they
are presented and discussed in Chap. 12.
References 17


1. Aklin M, Urpelainen J (2018) Renewables. The politics of a global energy transition. The MIT
2. BP (2020) Statistical Review of World Energy 2020 (69th edn). Tech. rep.,
British Petroleum.
3. ESMAP (2019) Mini Grids for Half a Billion People: Market Outlook and Handbook for
Decision Makers. Tech. Rep. Technical Report 014/19, Energy Sector Management Assistance
Program (ESMAP). World Bank.
4. GOGLA (2020) Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2020. Tech. rep., GOGLA—
Lighting Global - World Bank.
5. IEA (2020) Sustainable Recovery. Tech. rep., International Energy Agency—World Energy
Outlook Special Report, world Energy Outlook Special Report in collaboration with the Inter-
national Monetary Fund
6. IEA (2021a) Energy Technologies Perspective 2020 Model. Tech. rep., International Energy
Agency, Paris.
7. IEA (2021b) Net Zero by 2050. A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector. Tech. rep., Interna-
tional Energy Agency, net Zero by 2050 Interactive Net Zero by 2050 Data
8. IEA (2021) The Role of Critical World Energy Outlook Special Report Minerals in Clean
Energy Transitions. IEA—World Energy Outlook special report, International Energy Agency
9. IEA (2021d) World Energy Outlook 2020. Tech. rep., International Energy Agency. https://
10. IEA-PVPS (2021) Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2021. Tech. Rep. Report IEA PVPS T1
3 9 : 2021, International Energy Agency—Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme—Task1,
iSBN 978-3-907281-17-8
11. Masson G, Kaizuka I (2020) Trends in Photovoltaic Applications 2020. Tech. Rep. Report IEA-
PVPS T1-38:2020, International Energy Agency - Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme—
Technology Collaboration Programme, iSBN 978-3-907281-01-7
12. UNFCCC (2016) Aggregate effect of the intended nationally determined contributions: an
update. Tech. Rep. FCCC/CP/2016/2, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
13. UNFCCC (2021) Nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement. Synthesis
report by the secretariat. Tech. Rep. FCCC/PA/CMA/2021/2.
Chapter 2
Photovoltaic Technology

2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power

Conversion from Sun to Electricity

An energy technology can be considered renewable when the source of the supplied
work is naturally available or replenished within a certain time frame. The availability
of any renewable source is always variable in time, that is, intermittent with different
periodicity depending on the technology. Also, the energy density of the renewable
source may be low and disperse when compared with non-renewable sources like
fossil fuels or radioactive fuels. Those are common characteristics of any renewable
technology: wind, geothermal, hydro, tidal, etc…and specially evident for the case
of solar photovoltaic technology. The source of photovoltaic energy is the Sun light;
it is intermittent in its daily and seasonal cycling; it is low density but universally
available on the Earth’s surface; it does not require replenishment since the Sun can
be considered a permanent source within the human-scale time frame. Although it
is not really permanent, since the evolution of a G-type, small to medium size main
sequence star like the Sun indicates that it may be through approximately half of its
life, and therefore, it will provide light to the Earth for another 4,500 million years
before becoming a red giant whose radius will be probably larger than the Earth’s
Solar photovoltaic energy is the technology which converts the Sun light power
available on the Earth’s surface into useful electricity. It converts an intermittent,
low power density resource into a reliable source of electrical work which can be
delivered on demand at the required power density. According to this definition, solar
photovoltaic is a renewable energy, although it is not a completely clean technology
since, like any other energy technology (being it either renewable or not), it requires
some input of energy to manufacture the devices that are able to convert the power
from the Sun into useful work at the Earth. It is important to distinguish between
a renewable energy technology and a clean, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions-free,

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 19

A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
20 2 Photovoltaic Technology

technology. Within the lifetime of the devices, solar photovoltaic technology will
provide much more energy than the one required to its manufacture: the balance is
positive from the point of view of generated versus embedded energy, and it is also
positive when the GHG emissions associated with electricity production is compared
to any other means to produce the same amount of electricity by non-renewable
sources. A quantification of this balance is one main conclusion of this book.
An important characteristic of photovoltaic technology is its modularity, that is,
its capability to work as an efficient power converter at all scales. A small solar cell is
as efficient as a module, or as a generator, or even as a very large plant; in fact, a small
laboratory cell is more efficient than the larger devices or systems. A device with
100 cm2 active area is more efficient than a 100 Ha PV plant. Of course, the small
cell will provide a few Watts of power, while a solar plant may reach hundreds of
Mega Watts (MW, even nowadays a few Giga Watts, GW), but the power conversion
efficiency (PCE) when converting the Sun light power into electrical power is better
in the small cell. In this chapter, an introduction of the working principles of the
solar cell is presented, followed by the “scaling-up” from cell to module with a focus
on its material components. Power management once it is converted from light into
electricity requires additional elements of the photovoltaic system which are grouped
in the so-called “balance of system” components, including electricity storage means.

2.1.1 A Brief History of the Development of the Solar Cell

Three main stages can be proposed to summarize the development of photovoltaic

technology. One early stage characterized by slow experimental progress during nine-
teenth century since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect by Edmund Becquerel
in 1839 and culminating with the discovery of the electron by J. J. Thomson in 1897,
followed by a second stage coincident with the quantum revolution, from Planck’s
proposal of the Light Quanta in 1900 to the development of quantum solid-state
physics, where theory and experiment progressed steadily with two interruptions
caused by the First and Second World Wars. Two technological advances culminate
this second stage: the discovery of the transistor in 1947 and the first solar cell with
power conversion efficiency higher than 5% in 1954. These two stages are summa-
rized in this subsection. The third one is a stage of technological development in
pursuit of higher power conversion efficiencies, when experimental advancements
in small laboratory solar cells have been quickly applied to commercial photovoltaic
modules during fifty years and accelerated since the early 2000s with the onset of
organic and hybrid technologies and the massive deployment of installed power
capacity of inorganic technologies. This third stage of technological development
during the past seventy years is summarized in the final subsection of this chapter.
The first scientifically reported effect of the light on the electrical transport prop-
erties of a material was presented by Edmund Becquerel in 1839 [3, 4]. These reports
are considered the discovery of the photovoltaic effect. He observed an electrical cur-
rent passing through a liquid electrolyte (aqueous alkaline, neutral or acidic) when
2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power Conversion from Sun to Electricity 21

the Sun light illuminated a silver chloride or silver bromide coated platinum electrode
and analysed the chemical reactions triggered by the action of light. It took almost
forty years for a new report of a photovoltaic effect, in this case on a solid-state
selenium sample; in 1876, Adams and Day were studying the photoconductivity of
selenium and they observed an increase in photocurrent when the sample was illu-
minated, but intriguingly, the current was also produced in the absence of a driving
voltage: the current was produced by the action of light and not by an applied voltage
[1]. They had invented the first solid-state photovoltaic cell: by using two platinum
electrodes in the selenium sample, a metal-semiconductor rectifying Schottky bar-
rier contact had been created, although those concepts were not known at that time.
The same structures (a metal pressed on a piece of semiconducting material) was
used by several scientists with the aim to develop a device which could work as a
reliable, calibrated, light sensor: Charles Fritts, by coating the selenium with gold,
created the first working solar cell in 1883 with 1% power conversion efficiency [7]
which was pushed up to 2% shortly afterwards by Heinrich Hertz with more focus
on the photodetector research that he was carrying out and which ultimately lead
to the discovery of the photoelectric effect when ultraviolet light was illuminating a
metallic plate and produced the effect of discharging the plate [10]. A decade later,
and also by illuminating with ultraviolet light, J. J. Thomson discovered that the
“cathodic rays” emitted by the metallic plate could be composed of tiny particles,
that he called “corpuscles” and were later named electrons [25]. All experimental
ingredients of the photovoltaic and photoelectric effects had been discovered by the
end of nineteenth century, but the theoretical explanation and the full understanding
of the difference between them was only possible after the full development of the
quantum theory, which started in the first year of twentieth century (Fig. 2.1).
The discovery of the electron by J. J. Thomson was followed by the revolution-
ary proposal of Max Planck in 1900, the equation which describes the blackbody
radiation in terms of Light Quanta [20]. The equation was successful in explaining
experimental data about the radiation emitted by a body at temperature T and which
had been elusive so far. Planck’s equation, written in terms of the light frequency, is

2hν 3 1
B(ν, T ) = . (2.1)
c2 e khνB T − 1

Equation 2.1 is the spectral distribution of the radiation emitted by the blackbody, that
is, the number of light quanta at each frequency interval from ν to ν + δν. Planck was
aware that his empirical equation was correct since he had first-hand information from
experimental colleagues. He then tried to deduce the equation from first principles,
which he did in a second article where the revolutionary proposal of light quanta was
made in order to be able to deduce the equation proposed in his first 1900 paper. The
light came in packages of energy, each light quanta with an energy proportional to
its frequency ν [21]:
E = hν = , (2.2)
22 2 Photovoltaic Technology

Fig. 2.1 Time frame of the theoretical and experimental developments during the first half of the
twentieth century which led from the discovery of the electron and Planck’s quantum theory of light
to the fabrication of the first solar cell with power conversion efficiency higher than 5%

where h is Planck’s constant, h = 6.62607015 × 10−34 Js, the quantum of “action”

(energy×time), c is the speed of light, c = 299792458 ms−1 and λ is its wavelength.
Planck’s 1900 articles did not have a very strong impact in the first years of the twen-
tieth century. Planck was always trying to keep a connection to classical thermody-
namic theory via the concept of entropy and the inclusion of Boltzmann’s constant
in his equation (k B = 1.380649 × 10−23 JK−1 ). It was only after Albert Einstein
applied the light quanta revolutionary concept to his successful explanation of the
photoelectric effect when the old quantum theory started to be broadly accepted [5].
The origin of the old quantum theory is, therefore, linked to photovoltaic technology
by two fundamental concepts: first, the blackbody radiation describes the resource
which is coming from the Sun, that is, the light and its spectral distribution in terms
of the number of photons with given energies at each frequency (or wavelength inter-
val), and second, the light quanta and Einstein explanation of the photoelectric effect
that describes how ultraviolet light interacts with matter; it explains how the light
quanta are absorbed by the material: in packages of well-defined energy, later called
photons [5].
Nevertheless, the photoelectric effect should not be confounded with the photo-
voltaic effect. In the photoelectric effect, high-energy photons (blue or ultraviolet)
are absorbed by a metallic material and electrons are expelled from the material (in
air or preferably in a vacuum chamber); its main application are in photomultiplier
detectors or photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS, XPS). In the photovoltaic effect, the
2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power Conversion from Sun to Electricity 23

electrons are not expelled from the material, the photons are absorbed and excite the
electrons to higher levels of energy inside the material, and if these electrons can be
effectively used to generate a current through an external load, they can supply work
to this load; in this sense, the solar cell, driven by the photovoltaic effect, is acting
as a current source where the amount of current delivered to the load is controlled
by the light arriving at the cell.
The explanation of this process had to wait for the development of the modern
quantum theory. At the time of Einstein’s 1905 article and the confirmation of the
corpuscular nature of both the cathodic rays (electrons) and light (photons), atomic
models were being developed and proposed by J. J. Thomson (1904), E. Rutherford
(1911) and N. Bohr (1913) in rapid succession, but it was not until the development
of modern quantum theory a decade later that the deep understanding of the atom
and, therefore, light–matter interaction was possible. First in 1925 with the matrix
mechanics (W. Heisenberg, M. Born and P. Jordan) then in 1926 with the wave
equation (E. Schrödinger) and finally in 1927 with the relativistic quantum equation
of the electron, the discovery of spin and the first proposal for an anti-particle, the
positron, was made by Paul Dirac.
For the understanding of the behaviour of electrons and photons with the aim to
explain the photovoltaic effect, the equations of modern quantum theory need to be
complemented with the statistical description of both kinds of particles. This task
was accomplished first by S. N. Bose and A. Einstein for particles with integer spin,
called “bosons”; they proposed an equation to describe how these particles occupy
states of a given energy. The bosons can condensate in the same energy state, and so
do photons (with zero spin) which behave like bosons:

f γ (ω, T ) = ω−μγ
, (2.3)
e kB T

where ω in the energy of the photon with  = h/2π and ω = 2π ν its angular fre-
quency. The chemical potential of light is μγ , which is the average thermodynamical
energy of the set of photons at a given absolute temperature T; the link with classical
thermodynamics is provided by the energetic term k B T where k B is Boltzmann’s
constant and T the absolute temperature (in Kelvin). This equation, when applied to
a body at absolute temperature T which emits electromagnetic radiation (photons),
recovers Planck’s blackbody radiation, Eq. 2.1.
If the particles have half odd integer spin (s = 1/2, 3/2, etc…), they obey Pauli’s
exclusion principle and are called “fermions”. This principle, proposed by W. Pauli in
1925, indicates that two or more identical fermions cannot occupy the same quantum
state (of a given energy). Fermions obey the Fermi–Dirac statistics and electrons,
with spin s = 1/2, behave like fermions:

f e (E e , T ) = E e −E F , (2.4)
e kB T
24 2 Photovoltaic Technology

where E e is the energy of the electron, and E F is the Fermi energy that indicates the
energy level below which all states are fully occupied at T = 0. If T > 0, a small amount
of electrons is excited across this Fermi energy and occupy states with E > E F . In
intrinsic semiconductors, with well-defined conduction and valence bands, the Fermi
level is given by
Ec − Ev
EF = , (2.5)
where E c is the minimum energy level within the conduction band and E v is the
maximum energy level within the valence band. Both the Bose–Einstein and the
Fermi–Dirac statistics recover at high temperatures (and low concentrations of par-
ticles) the classical thermodynamic Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution function.
With those statistical ingredients, the development of solid-state physics pro-
gressed rapidly. Bloch’s theorem (1928) enabled the possibility of solving Schrö-
dinger’s equation in crystalline solids and obtaining the wavefunction and eigenen-
ergies of electrons within a solid. When solved for a large number of atoms, the
atomic orbitals are very closely spaced in energy (around 1022 available states per
eV1 ), thus creating some ranges of quasicontinuum energy called “bands”; these
bands are separated by ranges of forbidden energy, commonly known as the “energy
gap”, E g , for which there is no solution of the wave equation, i.e. there is no
wavefunction at this energy, and therefore, there is no available state to accom-
modate any electron. The combination of the Bloch theorem and the progress in
experimental solid-state physics enabled a very rapid progress in the understand-
ing of the behaviour of electrons within solids, with the works of Eugene Wigner
and León Brillouin on the atomic structure of materials and Arnold Sommerfeld
which developed the first models of electrons in solids (Drude–Sommerfeld model,
1927) and later by Nevill Mott who proposed a full quantum theory for elec-
trons within solids, including metal–insulator transitions and electrons in disordered
semiconductors [15, 16].
A detailed description of band calculations and quantum electronic transport in
solids is out of the scope of this book and can be found in very good solid-state
physics books, like the classical Ashcroft and Mermin book [2] and with more focus
on photovoltaic technology, in the excellent books by Jenny Nelson and Peter and
Uli Würfel [18, 27]. Nevertheless, the concepts of Fermi energy and energy gap
are at the core of semiconducting physics, and an understanding of the underlying
physics of photogeneration requires at least a grasp of its physical meaning which is
presented in the following subsections.
The final steps of the second stage of the evolution of the solar cell are provided
by two inventions. The first one is the fabrication of the first solid-state transistor
by John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs in 1947 on a
piece of germanium with metallic gold contacts; this experimental device opened the
door to solid-state electronics based on semiconducting materials which was rapidly

1The electron-volt, eV, is a very convenient energy unit in solid-state physics, it is defined as the
energy that an electron acquires when accelerated in an electric field of 1V and, by definition, is
equal to 1.602 × 10−19 J.
2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power Conversion from Sun to Electricity 25

developed with the fabrication of diodes, transistors and ultimately the first silicon
solar cell fabricated also at Bell Labs by Pearson, Chapin and Fuller in 1954 with
power conversion efficiency of 6% which demonstrated the possibility of using them
for power generation by converting Sun light into electricity. The key to this impres-
sive performance was the ability of Fuller, a chemist, to efficiently dope the silicon
semiconductor and create a controlled p/n junction. The two principal ingredients of
a solid-state solar cell had been developed and combined: a semiconducting material
with an energy gap and an asymmetry in doping which creates an internal electric
field to drive the photogenerated electrons into the external metallic electrodes.

2.1.2 Solar Radiation

The source of photovoltaic energy is the light arriving from the Sun. The total solar
radiation includes photons and also several subatomic particles, such as electrons,
protons, alpha particles and neutrinos, and some atomic nuclei such as carbon and
nitrogen and others, comprising the solar wind plasma. Most of the solar wind par-
ticles are deflected by the magnetosphere, which protects the Earth’s surface from
the solar wind. When considering solar radiation with the purpose of evaluating the
resource of solar energy for electricity production, only the photons are accounted
for. The blackbody radiation model proposed by M. Planck (Eq. 2.1) provides a very
good fit to the spectral distribution of the photons arriving at the Earth from the Sun,
which is acting like a black body at temperature T = 5960 K. Some of the photons
arriving at the outer part of the atmosphere are scattered by atoms, and others are
absorbed (for example, by water in the clouds, producing dips in the wavelength
range of 900, 1000, 1400 and 1900 nm or by carbon dioxide, producing dips in the
wavelength range of 1800 and 2600 nm); finally, part of the radiation arriving at the
surface is reflected. The spectral irradiance of the Sun’s light is the power density (in
units Watts per square meter) and within wavelength λ and λ + δλ which arrives at
the Earth’s surface; it is shown in Fig. 2.2. For an average distance between Sun and
Earth of 1AU,2 the power density integrating all wavelengths is 1367 W/m2 , which is
called the solar constant. Depending on the atmosphere thickness that the solar light
has to cross before arriving at the surface, the spectral irradiance is slightly different.
Air Mass (AM) zero is defined for the outer part of the atmosphere, while for any
point on Earth’s surface, Air Mass is defined as the ratio between the optical path
length to the Sun and the optical path length if the Sun were in the zenith, which is
the inverse of the cosine of the angular height of the Sun on the horizon as seen from
this point of Earth’s surface. For example, AM1.5 corresponds to the Sun elevated
at an angle of 42◦ .
The total (also called “global”) solar radiation includes direct (or beam), diffuse
and albedo (or reflected) components. Several models for its calculation and empirical
measurements have been presented in the past decades and important databases

2 Astronomical Unit (AU) is 149, 597, 870, 700 m, i. e. roughly 150 million kilometers.
26 2 Photovoltaic Technology

Fig. 2.2 Spectral irradiance outside the Earth’s atmosphere (AM 0), on the Earth’s surface for direct
sunlight (AM 1.5D) and the direct sunlight together with the scattered contribution from atmosphere
integrated over a hemisphere (AM 1.5 G) (according to ASTM G173-03 and in comparison to the
spectrum used by Shockley and Queisser of a blackbody with a surface temperature of 6000 K (BB
6000 K). Reproduced with permission from reference [23]

have been constructed and are available. Diffuse radiation is calculated by using
isotropic and anisotropic models, where one circumsolar anisotropy component is
considered, or an additional horizon-dependant second anisotropy is also included [9,
17, 19]. Albedo contributions are strongly dependant on geographical location and
surrounding topography or structures; therefore, the best estimations are provided
by empirical databases, like the Copernicus Global Land Service3 of the European
Union, which is based on satellite observations. The most important solar radiation
database is PVGIS,4 the Photovoltaic Geographical Information System of the Joint
Research Centre of the European Commision, which provides free and open access
to its irradiation and meteorological database including the following, among other
• Solar radiation and temperature, as monthly averages or daily profiles (database
and maps).
• Typical Meteorological Year data for nine climatic variables.
• Full-time series of hourly values of solar irradiance.
Other databases, such as those of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (in the United States
of America) or other national meteorological organizations are also available. With

3 Copernicus Global Land Service,

2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power Conversion from Sun to Electricity 27

these online tools, either solar radiation data or electricity production data by using
different PV technologies and system configurations are easily available and a very
accurate calculation of the potential of solar electricity production at any geographical
location is within the reach of anyone with Internet access.

2.1.3 Metals and Semiconductors

To classify materials according to their electrical properties, the best property to

choose as the main criteria for the classification is resistance. First, resistance in
metals is low, while in semiconductors, it is very high (and in insulators much higher),
and secondly, resistance in metals increases when the material is heated, while in
semiconductors, it is reduced when the material is heated. Therefore, this criteria
is useful and easy to measure. Resistance is a parameter that is defined by Ohm’s
law: a current passing through a conductor between two points is proportional to the
applied voltage across those two points
I = , (2.6)
where R is the resistance and it is measured in Ohms (). Since the resistance of a
piece of material depends on the shape and size of this material, it is better to define
the resistivity:
R=ρ , (2.7)
where ρ is the resistivity and L, A are, respectively, the length of the conductor and
the area of its cross section. The units of resistivity are  m. The inverse of the
resistivity is the conductivity, σ , with units of −1 m−1 also called “Siemens per
meter” (S m−1 ). In Fig. 2.3, a summary of resistance values is included for some
metals, semiconductors and insulators; note the huge span of values for the materials.
For thin films, it is convenient to define a “sheet” resistance, Rs , when the thickness
of the sample is small and uniform and the area of cross section can be considered as
the product of a width (W ) and a thickness (t). Then, the resistance can be rewritten
as follows:
ρ L L
R= = Rs , (2.8)
t W W
where Rs = ρ/t is the sheet resistance and has units of , but in order to emphasize
that it refers to a thin film, it is often indicated as /. In photovoltaic technol-
ogy, since many materials are used in thin films (specially for the emerging organic
and hybrid technologies), the sheet resistance is commonly used to characterize the
materials used in those layers.
28 2 Photovoltaic Technology

Fig. 2.3 Draft of bulk and thin film materials for whom resistance and sheet resistance are defined
in the main text, and the table includes resistivity and conductivity values for representative metals
(grey), semiconductors (green) and insulators (yellow)

The resistivities listed in the table of Fig. 2.3 have been measured at T = 20 ◦ C
and present a very large span of values, with an extremely broad range of more than
thirty orders of magnitude that could be enough to classify the materials. But most
importantly, the temperature dependence is very different in metals and semiconduc-
tors. For metals, the resistivity behaviour with temperature is well described by the
model of Bloch and Grünesein, given by
 n T
T xn
ρ(T ) = ρ(0) + A dx, (2.9)
θR (e x − 1)(1 − e−x )

where θ R is the Debye temperature and n depends on the kind of scattering interaction
of the electrons within the material. This equation produces a constant growth of
resistivity when the material is heated. For intrinsic semiconductors, an empirical
model explains the behaviour of most materials:

ρ(T ) = ρ(0)e−αT , (2.10)

where α is an empirical coefficient. The exponential behaviour indicates that intrinsic

semiconductors have a very broad range of resistivity, which can be strongly modified
by using doping. When the values of resistivity are very high at room temperature
(ρ > 1010  m), the material can be considered as an insulator.
The resistivity versus temperature behaviour provides a good empirical classifi-
cation, but an understanding of the electronic transport mechanisms requires another
classification based on the structure of the energy levels of the material. It was only
2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power Conversion from Sun to Electricity 29

Fig. 2.4 Schematic representation of the energy levels of a metal (left) and a semiconductor (right),
with the Fermi energy position within a partially filled band or within an energy gap, respectively

with the onset of the quantum theory of solids that such an explanation was provided.
The materials have energy bands with states that can be filled with electrons (fol-
lowing Pauli’s exclusion principle and the Fermi–Dirac statistics), and the ultimate
electron of a given material that is accommodated in a state within an energy band
(ideally at absolute temperature T = 0 K) establishes the Fermi energy level of this
material (energies are measured with respect to a “vacuum level” which corresponds
to the energy of the electron immediately out of the material). In Fig. 2.4, a simplified
draft of the energetic structure of bands is presented. In a metal, the Fermi energy lies
within a band, and thus, at absolute temperature T = 0 K, all levels below the Fermi
energy are full and levels above it are empty but there is no energy gap between
the filled and the empty states; therefore, statistically speaking, the Fermi energy
lies within a band of allowed states which are partially filled. In a semiconductor,
at absolute temperature T = 0 K, one band is completely filled and the next one is
completely empty, both bands being separated by an energy gap, with energy levels
in which there is no available state to accommodate electrons (there is no solution of
the wavefunction at the energies within the gap); statistically speaking, in a semicon-
ductor, the Fermi energy lies within the energy gap, the band below the Fermi energy
is the valence band and the band above the Fermi energy is the conduction band.
Only the energy levels at the top and bottom of those bands are useful for calculations
and for measurements and are labelled, respectively, E V and E C in Fig. 2.4.
With the help of Fig. 2.4, some definitions can be made which will be useful to
characterize the materials within the different parts of a solar cell:
• E vac − E F is the Work Function, q m where q is the electron charge.
• E vac − E C is the Electron Affinity, χ and does not depend on E F .
• E vac − E V is the Ionization Energy (first, second, third, …binding energy.)
30 2 Photovoltaic Technology

• E C − E V is the Energy Gap, E G . The difference between a semiconductor and an

insulator is the size of the energy gap. Roughly speaking, if E G < 4eV , the material
is a semiconductor, and if E G > 4eV , it is an insulator, the frontier between them
being a diffuse one.
The selection of metallic or semiconducting materials for the fabrication of the
different parts of a solar cell will depend upon the relative values of all these mag-
nitudes and how they are combined to optimize the process of generating excited
carriers within the active layer of the cell and extracting them out of the cell. The
energy band structure and the resistivity of the materials are enough to provide a link
between the nanoscale quantum properties of the solid (the energy gap is a purely
quantum phenomena) and the macroscopic classical characterization of an operating
solar cell whose main parameters are described in the following paragraphs.

2.1.4 Equivalent Circuit and Parameters of the Solar Cell

A solar cell requires two main ingredients, the energy gap of the material which
enables the possibility of absorbing photons and excite electrons, and an internal
electric field to drive the photogenerated electrons out of the device and deliver an
electric current (at some voltage) to an external load. Semiconductors are required to
provide the energy gap, and the combination of a metal/semiconductor interface or
a semiconductor with two differently doped regions (homojunction) or two different
semiconductors (heterojunction) is required to provide the internal electric field. All
these ingredients are included in the diode, and if this diode is capable of absorbing
photons, it will behave as a solar photovoltaic device when illuminated by light. The
most simple electronic circuit to represent this combination is the parallel connection
of a current source and a diode as shown in Fig. 2.5 (top).
In this schematic view, the photogenerated current can be driven through an exter-
nal load (R L ) or “lost” through the diode, which in this case would represent a loss
of power which is not available to make work at the load (this loss is mainly due to
recombination). The sign of the currents in Eqs. 2.11 and 2.12 representing this equiv-
alent circuit is arbitrary: in conventional electronic circuits, the current is considered
positive when it flows through the diode from p-type material to n-type material
(from anode to cathode within the diode), but in photovoltaics, the positive sign is
applied to the photogenerated current and to the delivered current to the load; then,
the current through the diode, also called dark current, is subtracted from the photo-
generated current. Using the Shockley equation to describe the diode, the equation
for the ideal solar cell is given by

J (V ) = Jsc − Jdark (V ), (2.11)

J (V ) = Jsc − J0 e k B T − 1 , (2.12)
2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power Conversion from Sun to Electricity 31

Fig. 2.5 Top: Equivalent circuit of the ideal solar cell, summarized in the right-hand side by the
symbol of the solar cell, which is connected to an external load R L . Bottom: Equivalent circuit of
the real solar cell, with parasitic resistances, Rs and Rsh

which is the equation of the ideal solar cell and current densities (J (V ), Jsc and
Jdark ) are used with most common units mA/cm2 . The diode is described by the
saturation current J0 and an ideality parameter, β, which in this case of “ideal diode”
is equal to one and not included in the equation for the ideal solar cell. Jsc is the
short circuit current and J (V ) is the current delivered to the load and it is also called
J-V or I-V characteristic curve of the solar cell. The shape of the J-V characteristic
is shown in Fig. 2.6 where the dark current is shown in grey, with initially positive
sign in the left-hand side of the figure (standard convention for electronics) but then
it is flipped downwards (changing the sign of current) and a shift of the whole curve
is applied upwards when the solar cell is illuminated and a photocurrent is created
(positive sign). The photocurrent through the solar cell and through an ideal load of
R = 0 (voltage across this load would be V = 0) is called short circuit current,
Isc , or Jsc when referred to current density. When the circuit is open (R L = ∞), there
is no current flowing through the load and the voltage between the terminals of the
solar cell is called open circuit voltage, Voc . If the solar cell is illuminated, all other
intermediate cases with 0 < R L < ∞ produce an electromotive force on the load
with power density P(V ) = J (V ) × V .
The open circuit voltage (Voc ) does not appear explicitly in Eq. 2.12 because it
refers to a single point, when the J-V characteristic curve crosses the voltage axis.
It is the case when the current delivered to the load is zero, that is, J (V ) = 0 and
V = Voc . Considering this particular point, an equation for the open circuit voltage
is easily obtained:
32 2 Photovoltaic Technology
kB T Jsc
Voc = ln +1 . (2.13)
q J0

The photocurrent generated by the solar cell at short circuit conditions, Jsc , is a
quantum phenomenon which depends on the ability of the solar cell to absorb photons
and use its energy to promote electrons from the valence to the conduction band to
generate charge carriers that are delivered to the external load. Jsc is independent of
the voltage between the solar cell electrodes. Using the incident spectral photon flux
(bs (E)) which is the amount of photons with energy between E and E + d E per
unit area and unit time arriving from the Sun, and the quantum efficiency (Q E(E))
of the solar cell, which is the probability that a photon arriving into the solar cell
with energy between E and E + d E generates an electron in the active layer that
is collected by the negative electrode of the solar cell and delivered to the external
load, then the short circuit current can be calculated as follows:
Jsc = q bs (E)Q E(E)dE, (2.14)

where q is the electron charge and the integral is calculated for all photon energies.
The shape of Q E(E) depends on the materials in the solar cell and the cell architecture
for photons with energy larger than the energy gap of the semiconducting material,
while for photons with energy below the energy gap of the cell is zero. Therefore,
the lower limit of the integral in Eq. 2.14 can be replaced by E G , the energy gap of
the material.
A more detailed description of the real solar cell includes two parasitic resistances
in the equivalent circuit of the ideal solar cell as shown in Fig. 2.5 bottom. They are
the shunt resistance (Rsh ) and the series resistance (Rs ) which accounts for different
losses thus reducing the delivered power to the load, mainly recombination losses
and transport losses (voltage drop due to resistance of materials and of mismatch of
energy levels from the active layer to the transporting layers and the electrodes). If
the parasitic resistances are considered, the equation of the ideal solar cell must be
modified; the voltage drop across Rs , which is J A Rs , indicates that the voltage in the
circuit branch to the left of Rs is higher than the one across the load, then V + J A Rs
is the voltage now biasing the diode and must be included in the Shockley equation
of the diode instead of just V ; the diode is no longer considered ideal and therefore,
the ideality factor β must also be included in the equation (typical values for β range
from 1 to 2), and finally, there is a current loss through the shunt resistance given
by (V + J A Rs )/Rsh which reduces the current delivered to the load. With all these
modifications, the equation of the real solar cell becomes
 q(V +J A Rs )  V + J AR
J (V ) = Jsc − J0 e βk B T − 1 − , (2.15)
2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power Conversion from Sun to Electricity 33

Fig. 2.6 J-V characteristic curve of a solar cell, and P-V curve which defines the maximum power
point, the area of the green square in the J-V plot, divided by the area defined by the Jsc × Voc
square illustrates the graphical ratio of areas which provides the value of the filling factor, FF

where A is the active area of the solar cell. The effect of the parasitic resistance is
to reduce the “squareness” of the J-V characteristic curve of the solar cell. From
Eq. 2.15, it is clear that Rs must be small and Rsh must be large to recover the
ideal case. Typical values for the parasitic resistances depend on the photovoltaic
technology under consideration, but a general rule is that Rs must be lower than
a few Ohms, and Rsh must be larger than a few hundred thousand Ohms. A good
measurement of the quality of the solar cell is the “squareness” of its J-V characteristic
curve which can be quantified by the filling factor, FF, which is defined as
Jmpp Vmpp
FF = , (2.16)
Jsc Voc

where Jmpp and Vmpp are the current density and voltage at which the maximum power
is delivered to the load, and define a special point in the J-V characteristic curve called
the maximum power point, mpp. The current and voltage at this mpp point are neither
the maximum current (which is Jsc ) nor the maximum voltage (which is Voc ) that can
be delivered to the load, but the combination in which P(V ) = J (V )V , the delivered
power, is maximum (Pmpp ). The relationship between the J-V characteristic and the
P-V curve is graphically shown in Fig. 2.6, and the maximum point of the P-V curve
defines the special mpp point at which the filling factor is defined.
34 2 Photovoltaic Technology

Table 2.1 Summary of electrical parameters used to characterize solar cells

Parameter Symbol Units
Power conversion efficiency η or PCE No units, %
Peak or nominal power P Wp
Power density at maximum Pmpp mW/cm2
power point
Short circuit current Isc mA
Short circuit current density Jsc mA/cm2
Current density at maximum Jmpp mA/cm2
power point
Open circuit voltage Voc V
Voltage at maximum power Vmpp V
Filling factor FF No units: between 0 and 1 or %
Saturation current J0 μA or nA
Diode ideality factor β No units, usually between 1
and 2

The power conversion efficiency, PCE (or η) of the solar cell is the ratio between
the electrical power density delivered by the solar cell operating at the maximum
power point and the power density arriving from the Sun on the active area of the
Pmpp Jmpp Vmpp Jsc Voc F F
PC E = η = = = , (2.17)
Ps Ps Ps

which is given in %. Since the solar cell efficiency depends on the irradiance and the
temperature of the cell, all solar cells from different photovoltaic technologies must
be characterized at the same ambient conditions for a fair comparison. The Standard
Test Conditions (STC) have been set by the international standard IEC-60904-1 to
provide the values of the solar cell parameters for any technology: solar irradiance
1 kW/m2 with spectrum AM1.5G (defined by the international standard IEC 60904-
3), cell temperature T = 25 ◦ C and wind speed lower than 1 m/s. The parameters
measured at STC are often called peak parameters and indicated with a p subindex
in the units: for example, a module delivering 300 W at STC is said to have a peak
power or nominal capacity of 300 W p .
Table 2.1 summarizes the main parameters which are used by manufacturers to
characterize the solar modules. Another group of parameters widely used are the
thermal coefficients of the solar modules, which are needed to calculate thermal
losses; they are empirical parameters measured in operating conditions different
of the STC; for example, the nominal operating cell temperature, NOCT, which
is the temperature of the cell measured when operating with irradiance 800 W/m2
and at ambient temperature T = 20 ◦ C. This NOCT parameter is used to calculate
2.1 Introduction to the Physics of Solar Cells: Power Conversion from Sun to Electricity 35

Table 2.2 Empirically determined coefficients used to predict module back surface temperature as
a function of irradiance, ambient temperature and wind speed with the SANDIA model [12]
Module type Mount a b
Glass/cell/glass Open rack –3.47 –0.0594
Glass/cell/glass Close roof mount –2.98 –0.0471
Glass/cell/polymer Open rack –3.56 –0.0750
Glass/cell/polymer Insulated back –2.81 –0.0455
Polymer/thin film/steel Open rack –3.58 –0.113
22× Linear Tracker –3.23 –0.130

the operating temperature of the cell at any other ambient conditions by using the
linear Ross model given in Eq. 2.18, and the thermal coefficients of losses are fitted
experimentally [22]
N OC T − 20
Tm = Ta + G = Ta + K G, (2.18)

where K is the Ross coefficient, it is expressed in units ◦ Cm2 /W and can be defined
as K = (N OC T − 20)/800 when G is expressed in units W/m2 . The first value
reported by Ross was 0.03 ◦ Cm2 /W for crystalline silicon and wind speed lower
than 1 m/s2 (which delivers a NOCT around 47 ◦ C) [22]. For other thin film PV
technologies such as a-Si, CIGS, CdTe in different orientations and even in BIPV
applications, the obtained Ross coefficient is always around 0.03 ◦ Cm2 /W with small
deviations; only organic technologies deliver lower values (around 0.02 ◦ Cm2 /W)
but in this case, the value seems to be more dependant on the encapsulation and fram-
ing material than the organic photovoltaic cell material [26]. Manufacturers always
provide the empirical NOCT for the PV modules as the main thermal parameter.
A more sophisticated thermal model for the solar cell includes the influence
of wind and an exponential behaviour was proposed by researchers from Sandia
National Laboratory (USA) in reference [12] and it is presented in Eq. 2.19; the two
parameters a and b to be used are obtained empirically for different combinations
of materials in cell, encapsulants, cover, backsheet and frames; they are found in
scientific references, but very rarely reported by the manufacturers of modules; a
summary is presented in Table 2.2.

Tm = Ta + e(a+bWs ) G. (2.19)

Outdoor tests carried out in different climatic regions have lead to more detailed
models for NOCT in real operating conditions according to the international stan-
dards IEC 61215 and IEC 61646, showing that natural convection can be neglected
36 2 Photovoltaic Technology

Table 2.3 Empirically determined coefficients used to predict cell temperature [13]
U0 U1
c-Si 30.02 6.28
c-Sia 26.9 6.2
a-Si 25.73 6.24
CIS 22.64 3.61
CdTe 23.37 5.44
a Used in reference [11] and calculated as an average of values reported in [13]

Table 2.4 Summary of thermal parameters used to characterize solar cells

Parameter Symbol Units
Nominal operating cell NOCT ◦C

Power (Pmpp ) thermal γ %/◦ C (negative)
Current (Isc ) thermal αI %/◦ C (positive)
Voltage (Voc ) thermal βV %/◦ C (negative)

for wind speeds above 2 m/s, that the main effect of radiation cooling can be found
during night time which is not relevant for the solar energy gain and that the effect of
wind gusts and fast temperature changes is low [13]. Therefore, yet another method
was proposed to calculate module temperature in different ambient conditions; it is
used by the PVGIS model (European Commission Joint Research Centre, [6]):
Tm = Ta + , (2.20)
U0 + U1 W

where Ta is the ambient temperature and W is the wind speed. The coefficients
U0 and U1 used in PVGIS have been obtained by fitting experimental data and are
summarized in Table 2.3 by providing the average value for each PV technology
Once the module temperature is calculated by using any of those simple models
or others which include additional environmental variables such as wind direction
and relative humidity, the temperature losses present a linear dependence such as
thermal coefficient × T where the thermal coefficient is given as a relative loss in
% (with respect to nominal STC values) per temperature degree (older PV module
datasheets used to provide absolute thermal losses, but it is no longer the case).
Typical values are around -0.3%/◦ C for power and voltage losses and +0.05%/◦ C for
current gains when the temperature of the operating module is above 25◦ C (opposite
effect when temperature is below 25 ◦ C) (Table 2.4).
2.2 The Basic Structure of a Solar Cell 37

2.2 The Basic Structure of a Solar Cell

The basic structure of a solar cell contains one active layer and two electrodes. In the
active layer, fabricated with a semiconducting material, the charge carriers (electrons
and holes) are photogenerated. The electrodes, fabricated with metals in most cases,
selectively collect the carriers and deliver them to the external load. The inclusion
of transporting layers is not compulsory but in certain technologies is required to
optimize the carrier transfer from the active layer to the electrodes. The final archi-
tecture of the whole solar cell, comprising the active layer, transporting layers for
electrons and holes and electrodes at both sides of the cell, must take into account a
good matching of the different energy levels in the materials that guarantee the most
efficient carrier extraction from the cell to the load. In the following subsections, the
properties of these layers are presented, with a simplified explanation of the physical
principles of their operating procedures.

2.2.1 Active Layers

The active layer of a solar cell of any technology must be fabricated with a semi-
conducting material. The Fermi level of this material in thermal equilibrium must
be located within the energy gap. The energy gap of the semiconducting material of
the solar cell will define the absorption edge for the incoming photons: as mentioned
in Sect. 2.1 any photon with energy lower than the energy gap cannot excite elec-
trons from the valence band to the conduction band (the quantum efficiency value
at energies E < E G is zero). Any photon with energy larger than the energy gap
will have a certain probability to excite an electron from the valence band to the
conduction band. This initial excitation will create a bound pair electron-hole, called
exciton whose lifetime strongly depends on the material (and therefore, the PV tech-
nology) under consideration. The minimum energy that the incoming photons need
to generate an exciton is equal to the energy gap, any excess energy will promote
electrons to states with higher energy than the conduction band edge (they can also
be excited from deeper states below the valence band edge), and this excess energy
will be thermally lost in a very fast photon–phonon scattering process (of the order
of a few femtoseconds). In other words, the excess energy will heat the solar cell.
It is still a technological challenge how to extract these hot carriers from the active
layer before they lose this extra energy. For any given energy gap, there is a maxi-
mum power conversion efficiency of light into electric power (detailed balance limit)
that can be ideally achieved with the corresponding active layer; this is called the
“Schockley–Queisser limit”, which for a single junction solar cell has a maximum
of 33.16% at T = 298.15 K and AM 1.5 G for the ideal energy gap (1.34 eV, λ =
985 nm) [23, 24]. In Fig. 2.7, a curve representing the maximum power conversion
efficiency is shown (with some bumps which arise from the different dips in the
AM1.5G solar spectrum due to atmospheric absorption). The maximum achieved
38 2 Photovoltaic Technology

Fig. 2.7 The maximum light to electric power conversion efficiency (detailed balance limit) for a
solar cell operated at 298.15 K and illuminated with the AM 1.5 G spectral irradiance (ASTM 173-
03, STC) as a function of the band gap energy of the semiconducting active layer of a single junction
solar cell. Efficiencies of laboratory cells of different technologies are superimposed differentiating
between homojunction (circles) and heterojunction devices (squares) with an indirect band gap
(empty symbols) and absorbers with direct optical transitions (full symbols). Reproduced with
permission from reference [23]

efficiencies for single junction solar cells with different semiconducting active lay-
ers are superimposed in the graph, showing the relative distance with respect to their
maximum achievable efficiency.
The absorption of a photon with energy larger than the energy gap can generate
an exciton (with certain probability, given by the quantum efficiency as explained
above). The lifetime of the photogenerated excitons strongly depends on the material
of the active layer and ranges from a few femtoseconds to several microseconds; the
shorter lifetimes are measured in inorganics crystalline active layers, and the longer in
organic and hybrid active layers. The dissociation of the exciton into separated charge
carriers (electrons and holes) requires the overcoming of its binding Coulomb energy
and the subsequent separation of electron and hole to avoid geminate recombination
(which is produced when the excited electron in the conduction band losses its energy
and goes back to the original hole which had been left behind in the valence band)
or non-geminate recombination (when the excited electron recombines with another
hole whose origin was a different exciton).
The internal electrical field which separates the photogenerated carriers is created
within the active layer by selective doping. This doping creates an asymmetry in the
energy level distribution within the material and ultimately builds an internal electri-
cal field in a zone of the cell around the boundary between the layers which have been
doped differently; this zone is called the “depletion layer”. The doping of semicon-
2.2 The Basic Structure of a Solar Cell 39

Fig. 2.8 The Fermi level of an intrinsic semiconductor lies in the middle of the band gap; Nc
and Nv are the effective density of states in the conduction and valence bands, respectively. When
the material is doped, the Fermi level moves towards the valence band (p-type material) and the
conduction band (n-type material). If both p-type and n-type materials are in contact, a p-n junction
has been created

ductors is also required to increase the conductivity of the intrinsic semiconducting

material, which is usually low at room temperature (see the table in Fig. 2.3). The
Fermi level of a semiconducting material lays in the energy gap because statistically,
when the electrons have filled all available energy states within a band, the ultimate
electron occupies the last available state in the valence band and the conduction band
is completely empty (at T = 0 according to the Fermi–Dirac statistics and Pauli’s
exclusion principle, which applies to fermions since electrons are fermions with spin
= 1/2). In this “intrinsic condition”, the Fermi level is equally separated from the
valence and conduction bands edge. If the semiconducting material is doped, the
position of the Fermi level within the energy gap can be modified.
There are two kinds of doping: n-type and p-type. When the material is doped with
donor impurities, it becomes a n-type semiconductor and the Fermi level gets closer
to the conduction band; the donor impurity is a material which has one more electron
in the outer shell in comparison to the host semiconductor. This extra electron has
an energy (the donor level) below the conduction band edge and it is loosely bound
to the donor impurity; if this electron overcomes a small energy called the ionization
energy of the donor (q Vn ), it will occupy an empty state in the conduction band of
the material. Statistically, the Fermi level is pushed upwards in energy, just above
the donor impurity level and close to the conduction band edge as shown in Fig. 2.8
(close but still below the edge, if the doping is so strong that the Femi level lies
within the conduction band, then the semiconductor is considered “degenerate”).
When the electron from the donor is promoted to the conduction band, the impurity
is left behind positively charged, although the material remains globally neutral.
Similarly, if the material is doped with acceptor impurities, it becomes a p-type
semiconductor and the Fermi level gets closer to the valence band; the acceptor
impurity is a material that has one less electron in the outer shell in comparison to
the host semiconductor. An electron from the valence band of the host can be trapped
40 2 Photovoltaic Technology

by the impurity atom, and a hole is created in the valence band. This hole will move
within the valence band and statistically the Fermi level is now below the acceptor
level and close to the valence band (again if the p-doping is so strong that the Fermi
level lies within the valence band, the material is “degenerate”). The impurity with
a trapped electron is negatively charged, but the material remains globally neutral.
If a material is selectively doped with a p-type layer and a n-type layer which are
in contact, then a p-n junction is created. If the material is the same in both layers,
the junction is a homojunction, and if the material is different for each doped layer,
the junction is a heterojunction. In both cases, a p-n junction is a complex electronic
system where an equilibrium is reached between the diffusion and the drift of the
carriers within the doped material. The carriers within a material are moved by
two different driving forces, leading to a diffusion motion (due to the gradient of
the concentration of carriers) and to a drift motion (due to an internal electrical field
created by the charges along the junction) which are opposed and reach an equilibrium
depending on the doping level of both sides (the zone of the material where the internal
electrical field in equilibrium is felt by the carriers is called the “depletion zone”). The
equilibrium created throughout the p-n junction is altered by two mechanisms: the
application of an external electrical field which modifies the drift motion of carriers
(a biased diode) or the incidence of light on the material which creates additional
carriers which modifies the diffusion motion of the carriers (a photodiode, which is
a solar cell, under illumination). A new equilibrium is reached very quickly and the
availability of power delivered to a load will depend on the impedance value of this
load. The most simple load is a resistance, a passive element with values between
two extreme cases 0 < R L < ∞. In Fig. 2.9, the relationship between the J-V curve
and the energy diagrams are graphically shown for an illuminated solar cell. When
the load is R L = 0, the solar cell is in short circuit condition, then the maximum
current (Isc ) is delivered to the load, but the voltage is V = 0, and therefore, no
external power is generated; this point corresponds to a flat Fermi level throughout
the solar cell, which puts the two sides (p-type and n-type) at the same voltage and the
photocurrent generation is maximum (electrons move on both bands from higher to
lower energy levels, but in the valence band, this motion can be represented by holes
moving in the opposite direction and going upwards in the energy diagram). The
other extreme case is when R L = ∞ and the solar cell is in open circuit condition,
the Fermi level is maximally bent, thus generating a maximum voltage between both
sides of the solar cell (Voc ) but no current flows through the external load as indicated
by the flat bands, and again no power is delivered to the load. All intermediate cases
with both Fermi level and band edges bent will deliver power to the load, with both
current flowing through it (I L ) and voltage built across it (VL ). For points along the
J-V curve, JL and VL must fulfil simultaneously the equation of the solar cell (either
(2.12) for the ideal solar cell or (2.15) for the real solar cell) and Ohm’s law applied
to the load.
When organic and hybrid photovoltaic technologies are considered, the doping
effect is created in a different way: molecular or polymeric materials with different
electron affinities are used in a layered or in a blend structure; the molecules with
higher relative electron affinity are called “acceptors” and those with lower relative
electron affinity are colled “donors” (relative to the other material within the cell).
2.2 The Basic Structure of a Solar Cell 41

Fig. 2.9 The different points of the J-V curve of the solar cell correspond to different alignments
of the band edges and the Fermi level: short circuit with flat Fermi level, open circuit with the most
bent Fermi level and flat band edges and all intermediate cases with solar cell power delivered to
the load

In this case, the name applies to the material and not to the doping atom, that is, the
donor is a p-type material and the acceptor is a n-type material.

2.2.2 Electrodes

The electrodes are the outer layers of an electronic device which are connected to the
external circuits. In a solar cell, which is a two-terminal device, two electrodes are
required to deliver the photogenerated current to an external load. Considering the
equivalent circuit of Fig. 2.5, the arrows indicate that the current through the load is
positive while the dark current through the diode is negative (applying the Kirchhoff
rules to the right-hand side loop of the circuit). Then the positive sign is used for
the external connector to the upper branch of the circuit, and the negative sign is
used for the external connector to the lower branch. The current flowing through the
external load will flow from positive to negative connectors (electrons move in the
opposite direction), in J-V curves where Jsc is considered positive, the sign for this
current flowing through the load is positive. In many scientific articles, it is common
to consider Jsc negative. Throughout this book, the applied convention for current
is Jsc positive, J-V curves with positive current flowing through the external load as
indicated by arrows in Fig. 2.5.
42 2 Photovoltaic Technology

Fig. 2.10 When a

semiconducting material is
connected to electrodes, the
optimization of charge
extraction (or injection) is
obtained by matching the
work function of the metal in
the electrode to the band
edge whose carriers are to be

A good electrode is the one that is able to transport carriers from the device
to the load and vice versa with a minimal loss of energy. Its conductivity should
be high (metals or highly doped semiconductors), but the most important property
of a good electrode is that its work function should match the band edges of the
material to which it is connected: an electrode to extract or inject electrons into the
conduction band should have a work function matched to the conduction band edge
of the semiconducting material and an electrode to extract or inject electrons into the
valence band should have a work function matched to the valence band edge of the
semiconducting material.
Electrodes in a solar cell will extract electrons from the conduction band (current
flowing into it) and inject electrons into the valence band (holes extraction, current
flowing out of it). The optimal matching of the work function of the electrodes to
the band edges of the active layer is shown in Fig. 2.10. The selection of electrodes
with different work functions will enable the possibility to selectively block the
extraction of carriers through the wrong electrode by creating potential barriers;
but those barriers have an energetic cost which is a loss of voltage between both
electrodes and the subsequent reduction of generated power.

Anode or cathode?

When the p-n junction is working as a diode, the convention is to consider the
electrical current flowing from p-type material to n-type material when the diode is
in forward bias, while no current flows in reverse bias unless the rupture voltage is
reached and avalanche current is achieved (in opposite direction). In this scheme, the
electrode connected to the p-type part of the diode is called anode and the electrode
connected to the n-type part of the diode is called cathode. In other words, the anode
is the electrode through which the current enters into the device and the cathode
is the electrode through which the current leaves the device (electrons flowing in
the opposite direction, that is, leaving the device through the anode and entering the
device through the cathode). It is important to emphasize that the conventional names
for the electrodes depend on the current flow and not on the voltage polarity. The
sign of the voltage polarity will depend on the operating conditions of the device: if
2.2 The Basic Structure of a Solar Cell 43

it is a device that provides power to a load, then the anode is negative (and cathode
positive), but if the device consumes power, the anode is positive (and the cathode
For solar cells in operation or for batteries during the discharging process (both
devices supplying power to the load), the anode is the “negative” electrode through
which the current flows into the solar cell or the battery and leaves the external load
(the electrons are leaving the cell or battery and entering into the load), while the
cathode is the “positive” electrode through which the current flows out of the solar
cell or the battery and into the load (the electrodes are entering into the cell or battery
and leaving the load).5 This convention for signs is used by manufacturers to include
labels in the connectors of the photovoltaic modules.
Following the convention of p-n junction diodes for solar cells and light emitting
diodes, the electrode with lower work function is called cathode, and the electrode
with higher work function is called anode. This convention is applied to all PV
technologies with one exception: dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC), which usually
follows the electrochemical convention of oxidation/reduction criteria. In the DSSC,
the electrolyte (acting as hole conductor) is reduced in the cathode (usually a metal)
and oxidized in the anode (typically TiO2 ). In the DSSC technology, the anode has
lower work function and extracts electrons, while the cathode has higher work func-
tion and extracts holes (injects electrons), opposite to p-n junction diode convention.
Regardless of the convention applied for electrode name, always, in all PV tech-
nologies, the higher work function electrode extracts holes from the active layer and
should be matched to the valence band edge, while the lower work function electrode
extracts electrons from the active layer and should be matched to the conduction band

Normal or inverted geometry?

The general rule of the high/low work function criteria is used to define the best
electrodes for a specific active layer, but some metals may be used as anodes or
cathodes depending on the photovoltaic technology and the solar cell geometry.
The concept of solar cell geometry or architecture refers to the detailed design of
the stacking of several layers, comprising electrodes, transporting and active layers,
for single junction cells or for tandem cells (with several junctions monolithically
connected in the same device). The use of transporting layers have improved the
collection efficiency of the electrodes and provided a large amount of design options
for the internal architecture of solar cells.
Normal or inverted geometries are defined according to the side of incoming
light and the flow of electrons through the device. These concepts are most often
used in organic and hybrid emerging technologies, where one of the electrodes is

5 When batteries are considered, another useful definition is often applied in electrochemistry: the
anode is where oxidation of the electrolyte occurs (loss of electrons) and the cathode is where
reduction of the electrolyte occurs (gain of electrons).
44 2 Photovoltaic Technology

Fig. 2.11 Different configurations of solar cell geometry are defined according to the illuminated
side of the solar cell and the flow of electrons through the solar cell. The classification was proposed
originally by F. Krebs for organic solar cells depending on the use of transparent or opaque substrates
(ETL: electron transporting layer; HTL: hole transporting layer) [14]

transparent and has been deposited on a transparent substrate, but it could also be
used in commercial technologies, including bifacial solar cells. In normal geometry,
the light enters the cell through a transparent electrode which is extracting holes. In
inverted geometry, the light enters the cell through a transparent electrode which is
extracting electrons. The materials used for the transparent electrode in organic and
hybrid technologies are the same in both geometries (ITO or FTO) but they act as
anode (in normal architecture) or cathode (in inverted architecture) usually with the
addition of transporting layers which help to extract carriers selectively [27].
In all other PV technologies (crystalline silicon or thin film), there is no transparent
electrode. The light enters the cell on the side where the electrode is designed as a
grid to minimize the reduction of incoming light (a central bush-bar and fingers).
Many technological advancements have focussed on the design and manufacture of
electrodes that reduce the loss of light. In bifacial solar cells, the grid is used on both
sides of the solar cell. According to the classification shown in Fig. 2.11 [14], that
was originally proposed for organic solar cells, the most common silicon solar cell
has a normal geometry with backside illumination (since it is considered a cell with
non-transparent substrate); the cell is usually a p-type wafer acting as the “substrate”
and a thin n-type layer on top of it, the light enters the cell through the grid electrode
and into the n-type doping side of the active layer which is collecting electrons.
The problem with this classification is that illumination through the electrode grid
is considered backside, which is counter-intuitive for inorganic technologies. If the
wafer used to manufacture the cell is n-type, and a thin layer of p-type doping layer
is on the top part of the cell (the one with a grid electrode), then the geometry should
be considered inverted, again with backside illumination.
2.2 The Basic Structure of a Solar Cell 45

2.2.3 Transporting Layers

The transporting layers are intermediate layers between the active layer and the
electrodes which help to extract the photogenerated carriers from the active layer
and inject them into the corresponding electrode. Ideally a transporting layer should
also block the carrier of opposite sign to the one to be collected and transported.
A hole transporting layer (HTL) helps to extract holes from the active layer and
inject them into the high work function electrode (usually called anode) while at the
same time blocks electrons. An electron transporting layer (ETL) helps to extract
electrons from the active layer and inject them into the low work function electrode
(usually called cathode) while at the same time blocks holes. The word “transporting”
is used to indicate the “extracting” capability of the layers.
In some technologies, the function of the transporting layers is achieved by a
doping gradient from the bulk active layer to the electrode, thus creating the same
effect as the layer of a different material. In emerging technologies, specific materials
with tailored band edges and band gaps are introduced between the active layer and
the respective electrodes as will be explained in detail in Chap. 4 devoted to cell

2.3 Classification of PV Technologies

The practical implementation of the working principles of solar photovoltaic energy

conversion described in this chapter can be achieved by the use of a broad range of
materials and device architectures. A specific combination of materials and architec-
tures used to manufacture a photovoltaic module defines the photovoltaic technology
of this module. The materials and processes used to manufacture photovoltaic cells
of a given technology are described in Chap. 4. In this final section, the main photo-
voltaic technologies are briefly presented and classified according to the efficiency
chart regularly published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) [8].
This classification (names and grouping) is used throughout the whole book.

Crystalline silicon technologies. The main group, currently more than 90% of
the photovoltaic market, comprises solar cells that are fabricated with monocrys-
talline, multi-crystalline or thin film crystalline silicon. Silicon heterostructures
(HIT) are a new type of cells at a research stage that may become important in
the coming years.
Thin film technologies. The second most important group, with a market share of
around 10% in the past years (slightly lower since 2020), comprises a large variety
of materials with the common characteristic that the solar cells are thin films of
materials of a few micrometers thick (by contrast with the 150 to 300 micrometers
thick crystalline silicon cells). Three technologies are classified within this group:
amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper indium gallium
diselenide (CIGS).
46 2 Photovoltaic Technology

III-V technologies. They are cells that are crystalline but also very thin het-
erostructures of alloys composed by elements of the groups III and V of the
periodic table. They are cells with high power conversion efficiency used in space
applications or on Earth with concentrating systems. The devices are tandems of
monolithically connected cells, with two terminals and a stack of two, three or
four junctions (and more in some cases); single junction gallium arsenide (GaAs)
cells can be considered as a subgroup of this technology. They are usually fabri-
cated on a germanium substrate, and other germanium containing cells are also
included in this group.
Emerging technologies. This group contains a variety of technologies manufac-
tured with different materials that are still in the research and development stage,
and although some of them are starting to be commercialized, they still do not
have a significant share of the market. This group include: organic solar cells
(polymeric, small molecules or combinations of both), dye sensitized solar cells,
perovskite solar cells, perovskite–silicon tandem monolithic solar cells, quan-
tum dot solar cells and inorganic CZTS cells (sometimes included in the thin
film group); there are single junctions or tandem cells within each group or in
combinations with cells of different groups.

The parameter used to rank PV technologies is the power conversion efficiency

(PCE). Other electrical parameters, such as short circuit current, open circuit voltage,
or fill factor, are also used for the electrical characterization of the modules and they

Table 2.5 Examples of power conversion efficiency of best research cells and best commercial
modules for photovoltaic technologies. Summary of data from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) efficiency chart and data published 1st July 2021 [8]
PV technology Best research cell PCE(%) Best module PCE(%)
mono-Si (concentrator) 27.6
mono-Si (non-conc.) 26.1 24.4
multi-Si 23.3 20.4
HIT-Si 26.7
a-Si 14.0 9.8
CdTe 22.1 19.0
CIGS 23.4 19.6
III-V (4 junction, conc.) 47.1 38.9
III-V (4 junction, non-conc.) 39.2 31.2a
Organic 18.2 11.7
Dye-sensitized 13.0
Perovskite 25 17.9
Perovskite-Si tandem 29.5
Quantum dot 18.1
CZTS 12.6
a For non-concentrator triple junction III-V modules
2.3 Classification of PV Technologies 47

are useful for module configuration and PV system design; they will be described
in more detail in Chap. 4. Lifetime is also important, but all commercial technolo-
gies guarantee lifetimes that go beyond 25 years, and this parameter is only used
to compare emerging technologies where shorter lifetimes are still a problem for
commercialization. The power conversion efficiency tables are constantly updated,
the most referenced efficiency chart is the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL), which is updated every six months and since 1993 is published as an article
in the journal Progress in Photovoltaic: Research and Applications. In Table 2.5, a
summary of the most recent PCE values at the time of writing is presented for the
best research cell and for the best commercial module [8].


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Chapter 3
Assessment of Sustainability

Concepts such as conservation or sustainability are today widely accepted and used
to qualify almost any social and economic activity. The more widely used, the more
diffuse its meaning becomes, and sometimes this indefinition is intentional. It is
a socially accepted term with a massive positive consensus, but the indefinition
surrounding the concept risks weakening its meaning and losing its political effects.
As Bryan G. Norton indicates in [60] (p. 168):
It is no doubt useful, in policy discussions, to have a term like ‘sustainability’, which like
‘conservation’ in days of old, can stand as a label for the many activities of environmentalist.
The danger is that the term, like ‘conservation’ before it, will become a cliché. Nobody
oposses it because nobody nows exactly what it entails.

Sustainability is, therefore, a widely used concept whose meaning is open to dif-
ferent interpretations. Let’s analyse briefly its meaning with the objective to propose
specific methodologies and tools that can be used to evaluate qualitatively, but also
quantitatively, if any good or service is sustainable. According to the Cambridge
English Dictionary, sustainability is:
the quality of being able to continue over a period of time,

or more specifically, when the environment is considered, it is

the quality of causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue
for a long time.

This short definition is too general and diffuse and therefore requires a clarifi-
cation of the concepts used in the definition. An initial scope for the sustainability
definition can be limited to a specific good or service (the word product is used to
encompass both meanings). Then according to the dictionary definition, sustainabil-
ity is the quality of any product to extend its operational lifetime for a certain period
of time (ideally a long period of time, although how long is ill defined). Alternatively,

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 49

A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
50 3 Assessment of Sustainability

and focussing on the second definition provided by the dictionary, the required main-
tenance and replacements of the product should guarantee that this period of time
is long enough to repair the negative environmental impacts (damage) created dur-
ing the manufacture, operation and end-of-life stages of the initial and subsequent
The adjective sustainable can be applied to specific goods or services which are
often linked in more complex structures or systems. The scale of the systems to be
qualified as sustainable ranges from single objects to whole cities, regions or coun-
tries (if only considering a geographical scale), and philosophical and moral ques-
tions also arise when the concept is applied to human groups or to the conservation
of biodiversity [60]. Furthermore, social organization and economical development
in the past have consequences in the present which affect different geographical
regions. The best example is the problem of climate change and how greenhouse gas
emissions from a small set of countries in the past 150 years are now affecting all
countries in the world, thus generating the concept of climate justice. Sustainability
can, therefore, lead to political concepts related to the so-called globalization that go
well beyond the analysis of environmental impacts of a single object manufacture.
When a specific technology, such as photovoltaic technology, is evaluated in order to
measure its degree of sustainability, the scale of application of the concept spans from
the well-defined industrial manufacture processes to the more diffuse geostrategical
The methods and tools to evaluate the degree of sustainability depend on the scale
of the systems to be evaluated. These methods and tools are under constant devel-
opment since those issues were raised in two important United Nations documents
that contributed to a more detailed definition of the concept of sustainability.
Sustainability is linked to the concept of human development. The World Commis-
sion on Environment and Development defined sustainability in the famous Brundt-
land’s Our common future report [9].
Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable - to ensure that it meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The concept of sustainable development does imply limits - not absolute limits but limita-
tions imposed by the present state of technoloqy and social organization on environmental
resources and by the ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activities.

This definition includes a much broader scope that overcomes a single product.
Sustainability is linked to the present and future needs of the people which establishes
a temporal link with a time scale of human generations; it also extends to the whole
set of products that a generation requires to meet his needs. Sustainability is linked
to present and future human development, but the preservation of environment was
secondary at that stage. The evolution of technology and socioeconomic organization
could guarantee human welfare in the future, but this quality is considered indepen-
dent of the preservation of the environment as a task by itself, environment is included
in terms of supplier of resources and sink of effects of the human activities; nature
is in a subsidiary position which depends on the technological and socioeconomical
development of each generation.
3 Assessment of Sustainability 51

A different link between preservation of the environment and human development

was declared in the “Earth’s Summit”, the United Nations Conference on Environ-
ment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992 [84]. The Report
of the conference proclaimed 27 principles which created a new framework for the
work of the United Nations Organization on human development and environment.
Some of the principles are inspired in the previous Brundtland’s declaration of 1987,
but five years later, in 1992, the definitions of sustainability and conservation go
into deeper details, thus avoiding empty meanings. It is worth to reproduce here
a few of the principles proclaimed in the Rio Declaration on Environment and
Development [84].
Principle 1: Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They
are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.

Brundtlands’s concept of needs is extended to include a healthy and productive

life, that should be in harmony with nature, therefore linking human wellbeing with
environment conservation. Harmony is not linked to the stage of technology and the
ability to consume natural resources.
Principle 3: The right to development must be fulfilled so as to equitably meet developmental
and environmental needs of present and future generations.

This principle builds upon Brundtland’s definition, with the word needs and
the temporal extension linked to human generations, but goes beyond it because it
includes a new concept, the environmental needs. Human beings have environmental
needs, although they are not clearly defined. This link is reinforced in
Principle 4: In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall
constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation
from it.

Sustainability has also a spatial, geographical meaning, either in present time or

in future time. The basic needs, the healthy and productive life, must be guaranteed
to all human beings at any time. It is a geographical extension of the concept of
sustainability, entailing an implicit justice demand. The practical requirements to
guarantee this geographical part of sustainability are extremely demanding, specially
with regard to the socioeconomic organization. Already Brundtland’s report pointed
out this challenge [9].
Poverty is not only an evil in itself, but sustainable development requires meeting the basic
needs of all and extending to all the opportunity to fulfil their aspirations for a better life. A
world in which poverty is endemic will always be prone to ecological and other catastrophes.

It is a very powerful paragraph indeed, linking endemic poverty to ecological

catastrophe. This link was emphasized in the Rio Declaration [84].
Principle 5: All States and all people shall cooperate in the essential task of eradicating
poverty as an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, in order to decrease
the disparities in standards of living and better meet the needs of the majority of the people
of the world.
52 3 Assessment of Sustainability

Principle 6: The special situation and needs of developing countries, particularly the least
developed and those most environmentally vulnerable, shall be given special priority. Inter-
national actions in the field of environment and development should also address the interests
and needs of all countries.

Sustainability is, therefore, linked to reducing socioeconomic disparities, and spe-

cially to eradicate poverty. Nevertheless, it seems to focus only on the environmental
damage caused by endemic poverty, and not on the impacts caused by developed
countries. This asymmetry is only partially smoothed by
Principle 8: To achieve sustainable development and a higher quality of life for all people,
States should reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption
and promote appropriate demographic policies.

Not only poverty may cause environmental catastrophe, but also unsustainable
patterns of production and consumption should be reduced (there is no specific men-
tion to developed countries with higher levels of consumption). The unsustainable
pattern may also refer to the size of the consumption, in developed countries the
problem arises because there is a huge consumption rate per cápita (not mentioned
in the Rio declaration) and in developing countries because there is a large population
growth (mentioned in the Rio declaration when it points to appropriate demographic
It is clear that a difficult equilibrium must be obtained when an official declaration
is intended to be approved by all countries. Nevertheless, Brundtland’s report and
the Rio declaration 30 years ago already contained good definitions and all the
concepts required to establish a clear meaning for sustainability. The time dimension
of sustainability means intergenerational solidarity, and the spatial dimension of
sustainability means solidarity between peoples living now on the planet. And in
both cases, environmental protection of nature is a compulsory requirement to fulfil
both dimensions of solidarity.
From an economical point of view, two paradigms have been discussed since
earlier definitions of sustainability were proposed: weak sustainability and strong
sustainability. Weak Sustainability (WS) can be considered an extension of the neo-
classical welfare economics developed by Robert Solow and John Hartwick [26,
29, 73]. WS considers that the important concept is the aggregated stock of natural
capital (the environment), human capital (skills) and human-made capital (infras-
tructure) and how it evolves in the future; since the aggregation is the quantity that
must be kept constant, it does not matter if the environment is contaminated or if non-
renewable resources are consumed if they are used to increase the aggregated stock
of capital, for example, built infrastructures, (roads, factories, machinery, etc…in-
cluding schools and universities) which can be used to produce goods and services
and to increase human skills. In the WS paradigm, natural capital can be depleted if
the means to increase other forms of capital in the future are provided, hence Eric
Neumayer calls it the substitutability paradigm. Opposed to it, Strong Sustainability
(SS) regards natural capital as non-substitutable when considered for the production
of goods and services, as a sink to negative externalities and as a producer of envi-
ronmental services and therefore it is also called the non-substitutability paradigm
3 Assessment of Sustainability 53

[58]. Norton argues that strict comparison of WS and SS approaches to sustainability

cannot be carried out since the methodology used for their evaluation is very differ-
ent and there is no agreement on a common approach and on what capital should be
considered as the true subject of analysis [60]; valuation methods for monetization
of externalities caused by economic growth are still under discussion; also, the cost
of opportunity of not preserving the natural capital for future generations requires a
methodological consensus that is far from reached. But despite these uncertainties,
there is an increasing consensus that at least certain forms of natural capital must be
preserved as life-supporting functions required for the survival of mankind, despite
the uncertainties that future technical developments may bring in order to artificially
restore the lost functionalities of natural capital; in the end, it is a discussion of a
balance between the economical evaluation of future risks and the cost of opportu-
nity of using the required capital to reduce the environmental impacts of economic
growth. The best example that following this path a very broad consensus can be
achieved is the publication in October 2006 of the landmark study called the Stern
Review on “The Economics of Climate Change”, which concluded with this clear
statement [76].
This Review has assessed a wide range of evidence on the impacts of climate change and
on the economic costs, and has used a number of different techniques to assess costs and
risks. From all of these perspectives, the evidence gathered by the Review leads to a simple
conclusion: the benefits of strong and early action far outweigh the economic costs of not

All these different perspectives and paradigms require a scientific or technical

consensus about quantification of inputs that contribute to whatever definition of
sustainability is considered and how it is achieved in different categories. This quan-
tification is built upon the measurement of well-defined parameters and on calcula-
tions of how these parameters contribute to qualify a certain activity as sustainable.
In this book, the objective is to evaluate the sustainability of photovoltaic tech-
nology. This objective narrows the broad scope of the principles cited above and
focuses on a specific human activity: production and consumption of energy. There
is a strong link between access to energy and human development, and there is also
a strong link between the production of energy and environmental destruction.
Solar electricity produced by photovoltaic technology is considered a clean (or
green) technology, but this cleanliness (or greenness) is a relative concept. A detailed
quantification of the sustainability of solar electricity in comparison with other means
of energy production is the main objective of this book. It is very difficult to analyse
all dimensions of sustainability of solar electricity and all the broad options of photo-
voltaic technologies. In the following sections, the methodological procedure applied
in the book for this task is presented. Two main approaches will be applied: on the one
hand, a well-established and regulated procedure, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), is
explained in Sect. 3.1, and on the other hand, a more general socioeconomic analysis
including policy regulations whose methods and scenarios are explained in Sect. 3.2.
54 3 Assessment of Sustainability

3.1 Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Assessment

Applied to Energy Systems

The quantitative evaluation of the sustainability of any good or service (the products1 )
is a difficult task. One of the techniques used to understand and address the environ-
mental impact of producing and consuming the products is Life Cycle Assessmet
(LCA). LCA is a methodological tool which is defined and regulated by two stan-
dards of the International Organization for Standardization: ISO14040 and ISO14044
were prepared by the Technical Committee ISO/TC 207 (Environmental manage-
ment, Subcommittee SC 5, Life Cycle Assessment), both were approved in 2006 and
later revised and confirmed in 2016.2 The life cycle assessment is the compilation
and evaluation of all inputs and outputs of a product throughout its full life cycle,
comprising all consecutive and interlinked stages from the raw material acquisition
or generation from natural resources, use, end-of-life treatment, recycling and final
disposal. According to these standards, any LCA should include at least the following
phases (Fig. 3.1).
• the goal and scope definition of the LCA,
• the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase,
• the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase and
• the life cycle interpretation phase.
The results of the different phases for the LCA study of any product can be
compared with results for similar or substitutional products, but this comparison will
only be useful (and fair) if the context, scope and methods of data gathering for the
inventory and impact assessment calculation are transparent at every step of the LCI
and LCIA phases. The ISO standards recommendations are good practice to improve
the methodology and enable the possibility of comparison of results of different LCA
studies. Since LCA can be applied to very different fields, the definitions contained
in the standard are open to different interpretations, thus leading to methodological
discussions in the scientific community. This is specially the case for the LCIA phase,
where several methods of impact assessment have been proposed and evaluated, thus
leading to a constant evolution in the methodology. Furthermore, depending on the
field of application, some LCIA methods are more adequate than others.
The Institute for Environmental Protection of the Joint Research Centre (Euro-
pean Commission) has launched the The International Reference Life Cycle Data
System (ILCD) which is a set of documents, databases and software tools that pro-
vides recommendations on models and characterization factors that should be used
for impact assessment in a broad range of applications [45, 46]. Other organizations
have also provided methodological tools to implement LCA studies: the Society of

1 In the international standards described in this section, the term product includes goods and
2 The previous versions ISO 14040:1997, ISO 14041:1998, ISO 14042:2000 and ISO 14043:2000

were cancelled and replaced by the new standards.

3.1 Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Energy Systems 55

Fig. 3.1 Life cycle

assessment framework
showing the four phases of a
LCA study

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), a not-for-profit, worldwide pro-

fessional organization; and private companies such as PRé Sustainability B. V. (devel-
opers of SimaPro, LCA software); Sphera Solutions GmbH (developers of GaBi,
LCA software) and GreenDelta GmbH (developers of the open-source OpenLCA
software). Also a public–private multi-stakeholder partnership has been launched in
the framework of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): the Life
Cycle Initiative, aiming to provide education and training in “life cycle thinking”
and access to LCA databases as well as a library of recommended impact assess-
ment factors through the “Resource Efficiency through Application of Life Cycle
Thinking” (REAL) project and the Global LCA Data Access (GLAD) network.
A summary of the scientific discussion on these issues regarding the four phases
of an LCA is presented in the following subsections, with a special focus on energy
related products.

3.1.1 Goal and Scope of the LCA

LCA is a method focussed on environmental evaluation of well-defined products;

it is a relative approach in which the product under assessment may have global
impacts, but those impacts arise from the product specification and its particular
relationship to the environment. It is not a classical “dynamical systems” methodol-
ogy approach, although well-documented LCA studies can be included as parts of a
global dynamical model if the time variable is correctly addressed.
The functions and performance requisites of the product under study should be
clearly specified in the scope of a LCA. More precisely, a LCA is structured around
a well-defined functional unit (FU). The FU definition is a crucial step in any LCA
and the results will strongly depend on this initial selection; the FU can be considered
as the quantified performance of a product system for use as a reference unit (as it
is literally defined in the ISO14040 standard). This “circular” definition provided
by the standard is very open and requires a careful analysis which will depend on
the product under evaluation. The FU provides a reference that can be used for
mathematical normalization of results and to which other LCA results of similar
products performing the same function can be compared.
The selection of the functional unit and the definition of the goal and scope of
the LCA study determine the complexity and the methodology to be applied in the
56 3 Assessment of Sustainability

Fig. 3.2 Product system of a LCA study, the system boundary includes all stages of the product
lifetime. Other systems and the environment are out of the system boundary

subsequent phases. The ISO standards provide a set of definitions which helps to
determine the scope of the LCA. Once the FU has been defined, the next step is
to build a hierarchy of processes and to define which phases of the lifetime of the
product are included in the scope of the LCA. The processes that contribute to the
manufacture or delivery of the product (good or service) constitute an initial cradle-
to-gate stage, while all other later processes such as use, maintenance and end of life
constitute the gate to grave stage. A draft of the main life cycle stages of a product
system is presented in Fig. 3.2. The LCA may comprise only one or both stages (in
this latter case, it is called cradle to grave) in which all contributing processes are
The product system is determined by the system boundary. All processes within
a system boundary are linked by flows of intermediate products, including recy-
cled products and waste from production or end of life; also transport and energy
contributions may be included within the system boundary. Flows to and from the
environment through this boundary exist and they are called elementary flows (from
or to the environment) or product flows if they are linked to other product systems
as shown in Fig. 3.2. The elementary flows include natural resources (as an input)
and releases to air, water and land (as an output), and therefore, their accountabil-
ity is important for the quantification of environmental impact of the process under
study. Other releases may be considered such as odour, noise, vibration, radiation,
etc…. The scope of the LCA should include information about the functions of the
product system, the system boundary, the allocation procedures to be used in the
following LCA phases and a list with all data requirements, applied assumptions and
its limitations.
Depending on the scope of the LCA study, the modelling of all processes and flows
within the system boundary may require a complex network connecting the different
processes, which in turn are a network of activities that transform the inputs into
outputs. Once the functional unit, scope and system boundary has been established in
the first phase of the LCA, an inventory of all interconnected processes and activities
leading to a detailed list of inputs and outputs has to be carefully carried out.
3.1 Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Energy Systems 57

3.1.2 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI) Phase

The LCI is the phase of life cycle assessment involving the compilation and quan-
tification of inputs and outputs for a product throughout its life cycle. At the end of
this phase, the LCI result is an outcome that catalogues the flows crossing the system
boundary and provides the starting point for life cycle impact assessment. An LCI
phase can also be considered as a study by itself when an interpretation phase fol-
lows the compilation of the inventory and results are analysed and presented without
including an impact analysis. These are called LCI studies.
In a bottom-up approach, the LCI starts with the identification of all unit pro-
cesses. The unit process is the smallest element considered in the life cycle inventory
analysis for which input and output data are quantified (the flows); they are organized
in networks that build more complex processes and ultimately lead to the product
system. In this view, the system boundary is defined as the set of criteria specifying
which processes are part of a product system. A top-down approach can also be
used, but ideally, both directions (bottom-up or top-down) should lead to the same
network that can be represented using a process flow diagram. The compilation of
the LCI is an iterative process and it can be modified as a result of a deeper analysis
of the processes (or a better understanding of the underlying physical and chemical
mechanisms) during the work. It may even require a modification of the goal and
scope of the LCA study.
The common practice of developing the product system network of processes
is called attributional approach and depicts the reality of the analysed system’s
processes and life cycle stages in close analogy to the supply chain, use stage and end
of life. On the other hand, when the LCI modelling framework aims at identifying
the consequences of a decision in the foreground system on other processes and
systems, it is called consequential approach; the actual processes are not depicted
(for example, the suppliers of a specific product supply chain as an attributional model
does) but it models the forecasted consequences of decisions that have to be included
as decision trees in the LCI phase of the LCA study [45, 46]. The consequential
approach is strongly affected by market analysis and economic modelling of the unit
processes, since the decision-makers usually choose the most cost-effective approach
(independently of the environmental impacts unless they are monetized).
The more tedious part of the LCI is the careful compilation and listing of all
inputs and outputs of the product system. The input is any product, material3 or
energy flow that enters a unit process. Similarly, the output is a product, material
or energy flow that leaves a unit process. Any of two or more products coming
from the same unit process or product system is a co-product. A special kind of
inputs and outputs are those which are exchanged with the environment and cross
the system boundary, it is called elementary flow, which is a material or energy
entering the system being studied that has been drawn from the environment without
previous human transformation, or material or energy leaving the system that is

3 Products and materials include raw materials, intermediate products and co-products. Secondary
raw materials may include recycled materials.
58 3 Assessment of Sustainability

released into the environment without subsequent human transformation (emissions

to air, discharges to water and soil and radiation). Data may be obtained by in-situ
experimental work in the location (laboratory or factory) where the unit processes
are carried out, but they may also be taken from scientific publications. Usually a
LCA study will have a mixture of different sources of data. The LCI compilation
requires an intensive search for data collection but also a calculation to quantify the
amount of inputs and outputs required for the functional unit. Data and calculations
for each unit process and for the whole product system should be clearly presented
and explained, either if they are the result of an experimental measurement or of
a model simulation. All unit processes must obey the laws of mass and energy
conservation, and therefore, mass and energy balances provide a useful check on the
validity of a unit process description. In most cases, a cut-off criteria are applied to
specify the amount of materials or energy flows that are excluded from the study to
avoid an exaggerated level of hierarchy in the product system network; the cut-off is
associated to the lower threshold of environmental impacts that will be considered
(low environmental significance). The decision to include waste treatment within the
LCA system boundary is linked to the cut-off effect on the final LCA result and may
result in a refining of the system boundary itself; a balance must be achieved and
explained in the final report.
Part of the materials entering into the processes are finally embedded in the manu-
factured product, but others are not. The ancillary input is a material input that is used
by the unit process producing the product, but which does not constitute part of the
product, while the waste substances or objects are those which the holder intends or
is required to dispose of (may include hazardous waste which is strongly regulated).
Once the LCI has been completed, the calculation of impacts may proceed in the
next phase.
The energy input into the processes is said to be embedded in the manufactured
product. When the output of the system process under study is more than one product
(independently of the selection of one single functional unit), all inputs and outputs
must be allocated to the final product. Some outputs are waste, but the allocation
procedure should include only products and not waste; care must be taken to avoid
allocation of outputs to waste. Sometimes this allocation is also applied to parts of the
final product; criteria linked to the physical and chemical processes for allocation to
parts must be taken into account for this purpose. If reuse and recycling are included
within the system boundary, they are treated as processes of the system (including
energy recovery), but this will imply that some unit processes linked to extraction
and processing of raw materials are shared by more than one product (either final or
intermediate); furthermore, some materials from recycling may not have the original
properties of raw material and, therefore, modify the functional parameters of the
final product, which have implications in the functional unit of the LCA. Some
methodological discussions are still going on about allocation procedures with open
and closed loops when reuse and recycling processes are included within a system
boundary [20].
In a LCA study applied to energy technologies, some of the flows crossing the
system boundary need to be considered with special attention in any of the life cycle
3.1 Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Energy Systems 59

phases: production and use of fuels, electricity and heat; transportation (strongly
linked to energy consumption); emissions released to the air (specially greenhouse
gases because of its implications in climate change). The ISO standard mentions
that [47].
the calculation of energy flows should take into account the different fuels and electricity
sources used, the efficiency of conversion and distribution of energy flow, as well as the
inputs and outputs associated with the generation and use of that energy flow.

Care is required not to count twice the energy contents of raw materials, and part
of this energy is released to the environment and not included in the final product
as part of its embedded energy; this is called feedstock energy, mostly arising from
heat of combustion of a raw material. It is important to emphasize that the process
energy is the energy input required for operating the process or equipment within
a unit process, excluding energy inputs for production and delivery of the energy
itself ; again, care is required not to count this energy twice.
No compulsory distinction between renewable and non-renewable sources of
energy is included in the ISO standards. In a LCA related to energy processes and
sustainability, this distinction should be considered and therefore go beyond the
established ISO14040 or ISO14044 basic recommendations.

3.1.3 Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Phase

The LCIA is the phase of life cycle assessment aimed at understanding and evaluating
the magnitude and significance of the potential environmental impacts for a product
system throughout the life cycle of the product. The LCIA associates the data com-
piled in the inventory to selected environmental impact categories (classification)
and calculates the value of all the indicators associated with each category (charac-
terization) to provide a unique aggregated category indicator result per functional
unit. One LCI result can be assigned to one or more categories. The compilation of
the LCIA category indicator results for the different impact categories is referred
to as an LCIA profile. There are several characterization models to carry out this
task, and each model involves the selection of equations and characterization factors
(parameters) to calculate the value of the category indicators with its correspond-
ing magnitude and units; therefore, the results of the LCIA phase depend on the
method selected for the calculation and a strong commitment to transparency must
be adopted throughout all the procedure. The LCIA should provide all informa-
tion about assumptions and other decisions in order to enable critical review and
reporting. Roughly, all LCIA methods can be grouped into two families: methods
determining impact category indicators at an intermediate position of the impact path-
ways (midpoint) and damage-oriented methods aiming at more easily interpretable
results in the form of damage indicators at the level of the ultimate social concerns
(endpoint) [52].
60 3 Assessment of Sustainability

The LCIA calculation is applied to each individual midpoint impact category,

and one or more midpoint categories will end in a category endpoint, which is
an attribute or aspect of the natural environment (ecosystems), human health or
resources, identifying an environmental issue giving cause for concern; the category
endpoints are clustered in endpoint areas of protection, now called damage cate-
gories [42]. The impact categories should represent the aggregated impacts of inputs
and outputs of the product system on the category endpoint(s) through the category
indicators. The most common categories used by different LCIA methods (some-
times with slightly different names) are as follows: climate change (sometimes called
global warming), ozone depletion, human toxicity (sometimes separating cancer and
non-cancer effects), particulate matter (respiratory inorganics), ionizing radiation,
photochemical ozone formation, acidification, eutrophication, ecotoxicity, land use,
resource depletion, etc…. Examples of impact categories calculated for some case
studies are provided by the standard ISO/TR 14047 [49].
Depending on the method used for the LCIA phase, between ten and thirty cat-
egories at midpoint will deliver a smaller set of categories at the endpoint. Both
sets of categories and the damage pathways used to move from midpoint to end-
point impact categories differ from one method to another. The quantification of the
indicators and characterization factors associated with each category are in constant
evolution and depend on the knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological
processes occurring in the ecosystems. The best methodology to be applied for each
LCA study will depend on the LCA functional unit, goal and scope, and both mid-
points and endpoints have advantages and disadvantages that must be clearly stated
in the interpretation phase of the LCA [4, 21].
The characterization models deliver values for each indicator and it is a first result
of the LCIA phase. But further calculations can be carried out (not mandatory, they
are optional elements in the ISO standards); they are the normalization, grouping and
weighting procedures. Normalization is applied when the magnitude of a category
indicator is divided by a well-known reference value (it depends on the selection
of the functional unit) or to provide results on a per cápita basis, or for a specific
geographical area. Grouping is sorting and ranking the impact categories into value-
choice sets, hierarchies or priorities. Weighting is used to convert and aggregate
indicators across impact categories, this task requires some decision-making about
parameters used in the calculation and therefore introduce some subjectivity in the
LCIA results, which is being discussed by the scientific community in a constant
effort to develop and improve the LCA methodology; when weighting is applied,
data and indicator values prior to weighting should be always available. In the scope
of the LCA study, a clear description of the model used in the LCIA phase and
the parameters applied in the weighting operation must be included, and in the final
interpretation phase, it is strongly recommended to include sensitivity and uncertainty
analysis of the LCA results. It should be emphasized that although often used in
publications, there is no scientific basis for reducing LCA results to a single overall
score or number, since weighting is subjective and requires value choices.
LCIA includes mandatory and optional components (according to ISO14040 stan-
dard). The selection of impact categories, category indicators and characterization
3.1 Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Energy Systems 61

Table 3.1 Some examples of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methodologies currently
Methodology Developed by Country of origin References
CML 2002 CMLa Netherlands [28]
Eco-indicator 99 PRéb Netherlands [25]
EDIP 2003 DTUc Denmark [30, 31, 67–69, 86]
EPS 2000 IVLd Sweden [74, 75]
Impact 2002+ EPFLe Switzerland [12, 51, 52, 56,
63–65, 70]
LIME AISTf Japan [32–34, 50]
LUCAS CIRAIGg Canada [80]
MEEuP VHKh Netherlands [54]
ReCiPe CMLa , PRéb , RIVMi Netherlands [14, 39–42, 72, 78,
Swiss Ecoscarcity 07 E2j , ESUk Switzerland [7, 22, 23, 57]
TRACI 2.0 US EPAl USA [2, 3, 5, 35–38, 59]
a Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (Institute of Environmental Sciences) Universiteit Leiden
b PRé Sustainability B. V.
c Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
d Svenska Miljöinstitutet (Swedish Environmental Research Institute)
e École Polytechnique Fédérale de Laussane
f Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability (National Institute of Advanced Indus-

trial Science and Technology)

g Centre international de référence sur le cycle de vie des produits, procédés et services at Polytech-

nique Montreal
h Van Holsteijn en Kemna B. V., Delft
i Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (National Institute for Public Health and the Envi-

j E2 Management Consulting A. G.
k ESU-services Ltd.
l United States Environmental Protection Agency

models; the assignment of LCI results to the selected impact categories (classifica-
tion) and the calculation of category indicator results (characterization) as defined
above are all mandatory components of the LCIA phase (Table 3.1).
Some methods are more focussed on midpoint categories (for example, CML
2002, TRACI, EDIP 2003), while others include midpoint and endpoint categories
(ReCiPe, Impact 2002+, LIME, Swiss Ecoscarcity) or only endpoint categories (Eco-
indicator 99, EPS2000). A detailed analysis of existing environmental LCIA method-
ologies for use in LCA has been carried out by the Institute for Environment and
Sustainability of the Joint Research Centre (European Commission) [45, 46]. In
these reports, a detailed analysis of the impact categories and pathways covered
by each LCIA method is provided, including how normalization and weighting are
performed. The Life Cycle Initiative, which is a joint project between UNEP and
SETAC, has been working to propose a comprehensive LCA framework in order to
combine midpoint and endpoint-oriented methods and recommend best practices to
62 3 Assessment of Sustainability

carry out LCIA studies [56]. Furthermore, the new framework takes a worldwide
perspective, tackling the problem of spatial differentiation of impacts so that LCA
will progress towards a tool meeting the needs of both developing and developed
countries [30, 52, 69]. In particular, special attention has been devoted to differenti-
ate between continents regarding the human intake of toxic substances, and although
some significant continental variations have been found, they are lower than the
differences between substances and much even lower if cumulative risks are consid-
ered [55]. In the framework of the United Nations Environment Programme, the Life
Cycle Initiative published a report to evaluate current LCIA methods and proposed
a roadmap for the harmonization of indicators and categories, which should not be
seen as static, but rather in constant evolution and capturing the cross-cutting scien-
tific knowledge of physical and chemical processes and best practice to quantify the
impacts by evaluating current indicators and developing new ones in each damage
category [53, 81, 82].
A critical assessment of how each LCIA method quantifies impact indicators and
elaborates damage pathways from midpoint categories to endpoint areas of protection
(damage categories) has been carried out by the International Reference Life Cycle
Initiative (ILCD) of the European Commission Joint Research Center [45, 46]. As
an example, in Fig. 3.3, a draft of the damage pathways of the ReCiPe LCIA method
is presented; a group of 17 midpoint impact categories is quantified and end up in
three broad areas of protection (human health, ecosystems and resource depletion)
The different LCIA methods evaluate several impact categories whose definition
varies from one method to another despite referring to the same impact. Many of
them are very similar in their definition and the units used to quantify them. A small
set of the most commonly used impacts is briefly described below:

Climate change quantifies the global warming potential due to greenhouse gases
emissions that increase radiative forcing in the atmosphere. It may be defined
over various time horizons. The reference unit for this indicator is kg CO2eq , a
unit which aggregates several gases normalized by their respective radiative force:
carbon dioxide, methane and dinitrogen oxide.
Freshwater eutrophication quantifies the spilling of nutrients such as phosphates
and nitrates resulting from human activities into freshwater environments; the
breaking of equilibrium in complex ecological systems such as rivers, lagoons or
coastal reservoirs triggers the growth of plankton and the decrease of available
light and oxygen (hypoxia) in aquatic environments which ultimately leads to
the loss of algae and animal life. The reference unit is kg PO3−4 (phosphate ion)
Human toxicity quantifies the toxic potential of substances in the human body.
It is commonly divided into two categories: non-cancer and cancer effects. The
calculation considers a large set of substances and the exposure or dose that the
human body sustains. In some cases, specific categories for radioactive substances
and ionizing radiation are also defined. The reference unit for this indicator is kg
of 1,4-dichlorobenzene equivalents emitted to urban air.
3.1 Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Energy Systems 63

Fig. 3.3 Overview of the impact categories that are covered in the ReCiPe 2016 method and their
relation to the areas of protection. The dotted line means that there is no constant mid-to-endpoint
factor for fossil resources (Reproduced with permission from reference [42])

Freshwater ecotoxicity quantifies the toxicity of released substances to living

organisms other than humans; it is measured in 1,4-dichlorobenzene equivalents
emitted to freshwater.
Mineral depletion quantifies the global reduction of available mineral resources,
based on the estimation of current available reserves. Since the reserves quan-
tification is constantly updated, this category requires a careful description of the
database used (usually the United States Geological Survey annual reports). Some
methods also include fossil fuel depletion in this category. The characterization
is based on economical considerations and includes a modelling of cost damage
of the mineral depletion, which is calculated as the marginal cost increase per kg
extracted and it is measured in kg iron (Fe) equivalents.
64 3 Assessment of Sustainability

Particulate matter quantifies all particulate matter emissions. The reference unit
is kg PM10 (particles with up to 10 µm diameter) emitted to air. Some LCIA
methods consider different particulate matter categories depending on its size.
Photochemical oxidant formation is an impact category that evaluates the contri-
bution of individual substances to ozone formation, and therefore, it is also called
simply “ozone formation” in some LCIA methods. Ozone is an hazardous sub-
stance to humans causing inflamed airways and lung damage. It is measured in
kg non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emitted to air.
Terrestrial acidification quantifies the release to air of inorganic substances that
ultimately increase soil acidity, mostly due to acid rain (oxides react with humidity
in the air to form acids) which is hazardous to plant species. The reference unit is
kg of sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) equivalents ultimately contaminating the soil.
Land occupation is the aggregation of all agricultural and urban land directly or
indirectly occupied by a system throughout its life cycle. Global landscape impacts
are still under methodological discussions about how to be included in LCIA cat-
egories. It is measured in m2 -a (square meters annualy), a quantity that represents
how land (measured in square meters) is occupied over a given amount of time
(measured in years).

At the end of the LCIA phase, the classification, characterization, normalization,

grouping and weighting elements are provided and documented in such a way that
enables the life cycle interpretation phase of the LCA to be carried out.

3.1.4 Life Cycle Interpretation Phase

The Life cycle interpretation is the phase of the life cycle assessment in which
the findings of either the inventory analysis or the impact assessment, or both, are
evaluated in relation to the defined goal and scope in order to reach conclusions and
recommendations. A critical evaluation of results should be accomplished in order
to ensure completeness and consistency between the obtained LCA study results and
the recommendations of the ISO14040 and ISO14044 standards. In the interpretation
phase, both sensitivity analysis, which is the estimation of the effects of the choices
and assumptions made regarding uncertainties in the data, allocation methods or
calculation of category indicator results, and a uncertainty analysis, which is the
procedure to quantify the uncertainty introduced in the results due to the cumulative
effects of model imprecision and input uncertainties. A critical assessment of data
quality and variability must be included in the final report. Other significant issues
that may affect the LCI compilation and LCIA calculations should be identified and
addressed in this phase.
Depending on the goal and scope of the LCA, the interpretation phase may
offer information structured in different ways as recommended by the ISO14044,
p. 46 [48].
3.1 Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Energy Systems 65

a differentiation of individual life cycle stages; e.g. production of materials, manufactur-

ing of the studied product, use, recycling and waste treatment;
b differentiation between groups of processes; e.g. transportation, energy supply;
c differentiation between processes under different degrees of management influence;
e.g. own processes where changes and improvements can be controlled, and processes
that are determined by external responsibility, such as national energy policy, supplier
specific boundary conditions;
d differentiation between the individual unit processes; this is the highest resolution pos-

Once the structure of results presentation has been selected, further analysis can
be carried out to evaluate the relevance of individual or grouped data, such as contri-
bution to each life cycle stage or to each category indicator, dominance of significant
contributions after a ranking has been established, influence, which is the possibility
to influencing the environmental issues and anomaly identification, when unusual
or surprising deviations from expected or normal results are observed and require a
double check of data and calculations.
Finally, a report summarizes all phases of the LCA study. The style and extension
of the report vary depending on the audience to which it is intended. Conclusions,
limitations and recommendations are presented to the commissioner of the LCA
study, to stakeholders or to any other interested party which may use the LCA results
for different purposes ranging from very specific product manufacture improvement
to very general policymaking recommendations. When comparison of different prod-
ucts or technologies is carried out, the publication of results must be specially careful
to guarantee a fair comparison; a good selection of the functional unit is critical for
this fairness in comparative studies and an interpretation of a detailed sensitivity
analysis must be provided.
Sometimes the LCA report is combined with the use of multicriteria decision
methods to generate prioritized recommendations for a specific application, specially
if the LCA is used to compare different technological alternatives, which is common
practice when energy systems are compared [10].

3.2 Socioeconomic Sustainability: Energy and Sustainable


LCA as regulated by ISO14040 and ISO14044 standards are strongly focussed on the
environmental impacts of a product assessment. The social and economic dimension
of a product manufacture, use and disposal are out of the scope of a standard LCA,
but a global sustainability approach should include a socioeconomic analysis and
therefore go beyond what is regulated in the standard. Several international groups
are working with this purpose in developing a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment
(LCSA) methodology.
66 3 Assessment of Sustainability

As Jeroen Guinée et al indicated more than ten years ago, the challenge for a
broad sustainable focus should go beyond a new LCA extended methodology, it is
more about the integration of multidisciplinary approaches in a common framework
Unlike LCA, LCSA rather is a framework of models than a model in itself: a transdisciplinary
integration framework for disciplinary models and methods, selected and interlinked for
addressing and answering a specific life cycle sustainability question. LCSA is a framework
for looking from one viewpoint, i.e. the life cycle viewpoint, to sustainability questions and
only providing life cycle answers and no other; risk assessment (RA) is, for example, not
part of this framework. However, RA is very relevant for certain sustainability questions and
should then be added to or performed instead of LCSA-tools.

The scope of a LCSA framework includes and integrates environmental impacts

(Life Cycle Assessment), economic impacts (Life Cycle Costing) and also social
impacts (Social Life Cycle Assessment). In many countries, sustainability is becom-
ing a requisite for public policies and this requirement is being rapidly transferred to
the private sector of the economy, ranging from small stakeholders to big multina-
tional corporations. The task for a comprehensive approach is difficult since many
trade-offs exist between socioeconomic and environmental impacts and a common
base for quantitative assessment is still under development [87]. Two main issues
remain open: to standardize the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) methodology and to
develop tools to monetise the environmental externalities of products throughout its
life cycle in order to include these impacts in any LCC method.
The economical evaluation of a product (considered as a good or service in the
broad LCA interpretation) is a mandatory task to address the sustainability. The
monetary calculations of the cost of ownership of the product and the cost of the
service provided should be considered to evaluate the socioeconomic impacts. The
economic parameters can be included in a LCC assessment method, which is often
merged with conventional LCA studies in a joint approach which is very useful for
market analysis and environmental economics [50].

3.2.1 Life Cycle Costing and Total Cost of Ownership

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is a methodology that aims at calculating all the costs
incurred during the life cycle of a product. The main categories of costs that are
accounted are as follows: research and development, design and prototyping, pro-
duction, use, maintenance, recycling and disposal. Depending on the application
of the product, the cost boundaries, cost categories and cost bearers may change;
similarly, different quantification, aggregation and interpretation of results can be
used in a LCC study and recommended good practice codes have been developed
by SETAC, although no standardization has been carried out so far [16, 79]. Similar
to LCC is the methodology to calculate the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of a
product, although in this case, the analysis is more business and market oriented,
with special attention to the acquisition cost (either purchase price or lease cost) of
3.2 Socioeconomic Sustainability: Energy and Sustainable Development 67

the products and the final calculation also includes net profit margins for companies
in all stages of the product lifetime. Since TCO is strongly dependant on purchase
decisions of buyers, the value-choice for parameters in the TCO calculation is broad
and difficult to quantify since it strongly depends on the short-term retail market
fluctuations. Advertising campaigns can influence public decisions and buyers will-
ingness to pay when purchasing any product; its impact is difficult to evaluate in a
LCC of the product. Furthermore, when considering environmental impacts, a new
wave of “green” marketing is now pervading almost all marketing campaigns of any
product. The real economic impact of this green marketing is still under debate and
it is strongly influenced by geographical and cultural differences [11, 13, 66].
Some legal directives are becoming mandatory in several countries. They provide
a simplified list of issues to be included in a LCC study. For example, the European
Union directive 2014/24/EU Subsection 3 Award of the contract, Article 68. Life-
cycle costing (point 1) [62].
Life-cycle costing shall, to the extent relevant cover parts or all of the following costs over
the life cycle of a product, service or works:

(a) costs, borne by the contracting authority or other users, such as:
(i) costs relating to acquisition,
(ii) costs of use, such as consumption of energy and other resources,
(iii) maintenance costs,
(iv) end of life costs, such as collection and recycling costs.
(b) costs imputed to environmental externalities linked to the product, service or works
during its life cycle, provided their monetary value can be determined and verified;
such costs may include the cost of emissions of greenhouse gases and of other pollutant
emissions and other climate change mitigation costs.

Importantly, the EU directive includes an explicit mention to externalities, but it

does not make compulsory its inclusion in the LCC since it depends on the provision
that their monetary value can be determined and verified, this is the key question:
the determination and verification of externalities [6, 15, 71]. Externality evaluation
involves a monetization of impacts (environmental and social) that are excluded from
the LCC scope used by companies to calculate their production costs. The impacts
can be quantified by the LCA methodology in the environmental impact categories,
and this LCA quantification has to be translated into economic units and be included
in the study, that is, “internalized” in the LCC methodology. The social impacts
are multidimensional and a social LCA methodology is still not clearly defined,
making the internalization of the social externalities a more challenging task. Only
public bodies are starting to include sustainability considerations in their purchase
orders, with some policies towards sustainable public procurement (SPP) slowly
advancing; according to United Nations Environment Programme, only around 30%
of public bodies worldwide include some kind of enforcement of SPP or ecolabelling
policies [83].
When energy systems are considered, the parameters to evaluate the monetary
cost of the means of production and the energy produced are well defined. With a
68 3 Assessment of Sustainability

focus on energy socioeconomical evaluation, two parameters are broadly used: the
TCO of the energy production system and the levelized cost of energy that this system
is producing. The International Energy Agency provides good definitions for these
parameters that are used in his World Energy Model [44].

3.2.2 Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)

The levelized cost of energy is the total cost of an energy system divided by the
produced energy. Both the cost and the production are calculated for the whole life-
time of the energy system. The total cost is the sum of the building cost of the
energy plant, including financing the initial capital cost, its operation and mainte-
nance (O&M) cost, fuel cost and (eventually) its decommissioning cost. When a
fossil fuel or nuclear system is considered, the fuel consumption during the produc-
tion stage represents a large part of the expenditures during the operational lifetime
of the plant; for most of the renewable energy systems, there is no fuel cost (in partic-
ular photovoltaic or wind electricity production). The LCOE is used as a comparative
parameter between different energy production systems and it is widely used by gov-
ernments and international agencies to take or recommend energy policy decisions.
Depending on some assumptions, slightly different equations are used to calculate
the LCOE of the produced energy; the main approach is to consider all costs and
investments as net present values (NPV, that is, discounted costs) and also includes
a discounted energy generation assuming a lifetime for the energy system; with this
assumption, a simple equation can be used for the LCOE calculation:
n It +(O&M)t +Ft
t=1 (1+r )t
LCOE = n Et
, (3.1)
t=1 (1+r )t n

• It is the investment in year t, including financing and first-year lump payments,
• (O&M)t is the operations and maintenance expenditures in year t,
• Ft is the fuel expenditure in year t (it may include a CO2 emission cost),
• E t is the energy generation in year t,
• r is the discount rate and
• n is the lifetime of the energy system (in years).
A different formulation is used by the Department of Energy (DOE) of the United
States, and in particular by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
It has the advantage that some of the value-choice options implicitly included in
Eq. 3.1 are made explicit, and therefore, a more detailed calculation of different
energy generation conditions for each technology can be accomplished. The DOE
formulation is:
3.2 Socioeconomic Sustainability: Energy and Sustainable Development 69

CC × C R F + (O&M)fixed
LCOEDOE = + F × H R + (O&M)variable , (3.2)
8760 × C F

• CC is the capital cost,
• C R F is the capital recovery factor,
• O&M are the operation and maintenance expenditures (fixed and variable),
• C F is the capacity factor (a fraction between 0 and 1, it is sometimes expressed
in hours/year),
• F is the fuel expenditure and
• H R is the heat rate, which is the efficiency of the power plant to convert fuel into
In this equation, the capital expenditure has been turned into annual payments by
using the capital recovery factor (C R F), which is defined as

r (1 + r )t
CRF = , (3.3)
(1 + r )t − 1

where r is the discount rate (the assumed effective rate at which future income streams
are discounted) and t is time (in years). If r = 0, then C R F = 1/t is used instead of
Eq. 3.3. In both Eqs. 3.1 and 3.1, the discount rate can be different for each technology.
Some formulations of LCOEDOE include the present value of a depreciation factor
in the first term of Eq. 3.2, which depends on the tax rate paid; it has not been
included here (for more information, check NREL model documentation in [8] and
Open Energy Data Initiative4 ). In both cases, the LCOE delivers a price at which the
energy has to be sold to recover the initial capital investment and the interest paid
if all or part of the capital has been financed with a loan. It is the minimum price
to recover all investments and O&M costs (including fuel) during all the life of the
Alternative methods have been proposed in which some of the values are not
discounted, for example, the undiscounted cost of energy (UCOE), or the discounted
costs of cost energy (DCCOE), or the total cost of energy (TCOE) where the capital
costs are financed on an annuity basis over a defined lifetime. The most widely used
Eq. 3.1 depends on some assumptions for the calculations such as the lifetime of the
energy system or the capacity factor (that may present strong seasonal and annual
variations), and although this value-choice dependability of the LCOE calculation
can be slightly improved by the other metrics, only more sophisticated methods such
as those based on the Monte Carlo simulations may capture all subtleties of the LCOE
calculations [1].

4 OpenEI database:

70 3 Assessment of Sustainability

3.2.3 Value-Adjusted Levelized Cost of Electricity (VALCOE)

When renewable energy systems are considered, the best practice is to calculate
the LCOE for the electricity produced by the energy system. Both the installed
power capacity and the produced energy are calculated for an electrical system by
using Eq. 3.1. Then, comparison with any other fossil fuel or nuclear resource is
based on electricity production and electricity end-user or wholesale prices. This
option reduces the uncertainty in the LCOE calculations although it keeps a strong
dependance on the different socioeconomic scenarios that are projected during the
lifetime of the energy system and which differ from one geographical region to
other. In order to deal with these uncertainties, the International Energy Agency
has proposed a new metric to calculate the cost of electricity: the regional value-
adjusted levelized cost of electricity (VALCOE) that was presented for the first time
in the World Energy Outlook 2018 [43].
The VALCOE is calculated as a correction to the LCOE value by adding three
elements of value: energy, capacity and flexibility. Each of these elements is calcu-
lated as the difference between an average value for the whole energy system and
the average value of the specific energy technology under consideration. It can be
calculated for all technologies and provides a measure of technology competitive-
ness in a given geographical location which may be affected by market and policy
conditions. The dependance on intermittency of the energy source (renewables),
capacity factors or flexibility required by electrical grid managers are some of the
causes of uncertainty in the standard LCOE calculation that are addressed by the
VALCOE calculation. The value differences between dispatchable and intermittent
electricity generation technologies are better captured in the VALCOE definition,
since different operational patterns are accounted for. Nevertheless, the impact of
policies regarding special tax provisions, subsidies or other support measures are not
included in the VALCOE, and therefore, the vision of investors is not fully captured
in the new approach (neither it was in the LCOE).
The VALCOE is composed of LCOE and energy, capacity as well as flexibility
value. Its calculation is graphically represented in Fig. 3.4 and goes as follows [44].

VALCOE x = LCOE x + [ Ē − E x ] + [C̄ − C x ] + [ F̄ − Fx ]. (3.4)

The energy value (for the average energy system of a given region or country
and for the specific energy technology (x) in the same location) is calculated with
statistical information about the wholesale electricity prices and output volumes for
each technology. The wholesale price is based on the marginal cost of generation and
does not include scarcity pricing or other monetized policies specific to each country.
Data are calculated on an hourly basis (USA, European Union, China and India) or
in four load segments, which depend on the capacity installed and the electricity
demand: baseload (demand higher than 5944 hrs/year), low-midload (between 5944
and 3128), high-midload (between 3128 and 782) and peakload (lower than 782).
Local policies may have a strong impact on the duration of energy generation by
3.2 Socioeconomic Sustainability: Energy and Sustainable Development 71

Fig. 3.4 Moving beyond the LCOE to the value-adjusted LCOE. Combining costs and value pro-
vides a more robust basis for evaluating competitiveness across technologies than costs alone (Inter-
national Energy Agency—World Energy Model Documentation 2020 detailed in [44])

each technology and the price of electricity paid to companies depending on the load
segment in which that specific energy system is mostly working. The adjustment
for the capacity value mostly depends on the intermittency of the energy genera-
tion, affecting more to renewable technologies; for dispatchable technologies, the
capacity value is near unity and only reduced if the unplanned outage occurs, while
for renewables, it is calculated on an hourly basis by using International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) regional data. Finally, the flexibility value depends on the
share of renewables in the electricity mix of a given country and it is corrected by a
multiplier which reflects available market data about the monetized flexibility of gen-
eration capacity (possible rewards or tax credits). All details about the calculations
and the database are included in the documentation of the World Energy Model of the
IEA [44].
Nevertheless, either with LCOE or with VALCOE modelling, the capacity factor
and lifetime of the energy systems are still open to a large uncertainty, and even the
robust model used by the International Energy Agency to produce their World Energy
Outlook reports cannot avoid them. The capacity factors are based on statistical data
of their massive database of power plants built and operated worldwide, which can
be affected by market and policy factors with strong geographical variations. The
other source of uncertainty is the assumption of lifetimes for the energy systems:
roughly, the IEA assumes a range between 45 and 60 years for existing fossil fuel
plants and nuclear plants, for hydropower plants 50 years, for wind and photovoltaic
plants a distribution centred around 25 years and for bioenergy power plants 25 years.
These lifetimes are too optimistic for fossil fuels and too pessimistic for renewable
sources: for example, a PV plant is built with PV modules whose guarantee is today
between 25 and 30 years for T80 , that is, the PV modules will still produce electricity
with a power conversion efficiency which is 80% of its initial efficiency in year one.
Therefore, the expected lifetime of PV plants can be much longer than the average
25 years considered by the IEA model, although it is a good starting point for LCOE
72 3 Assessment of Sustainability

and VALCOE calculations, since in this case real lifetime production will in most
cases outperform the initial assumptions of the IEA [44].

3.2.4 Circular Economy, Environmental Footprints

and Sustainable Development

Circular economy, like sustainability, is a general concept with different meanings,

but it is becoming a new paradigm for economic growth. Only a few actions are clearly
perceived as steps towards a circular economy: extending the lifetime of products and
increasing reuse and recyclability of its components, either biological or technical.
And yet these minimal steps towards circular economy will require big changes in
the behaviour of society, mainly in rich countries. A population constantly buying
new products is one of the main drivers of the actual economic model. The transport
of raw materials and manufactured goods through large distances is also an inherent
component of the model. Both characteristics are opposed to the implementation of
circular economy and will require big behavioural changes in society: accept reused
objects and favour recycled products in the retail shops, keep bought objects in use for
longer times and contribute to collection and recycling of waste products. Similarly,
companies must accomplish important changes to move from planned obsolescence
to extended lifetimes of manufactured products and include the design for recycling
and better end-of-life treatment in the manufacturing process. Both end-users and
producers need access to information that allows them to make decisions towards
circular economy. The role of interpretation phase of Life Cycle Assessment and the
diffusion of results reaching broader public beyond academic or technical groups is
key for the contribution of LCA to the circular economy.
Material recycling and reducing energy use are two important components of a
future circular economy, but they are not enough to guarantee sustainability. The
always increasing demand of resources of a growing population requires a circular
economy approach to redefine the global economic growth and reach all aspects
of production and consumption cycles. Although the first steps are slowly being
implemented, there is still a long road to circular economy [61].
Recently, the European Union has moved forward with the proposal of tools that
are claimed to integrate LCA methodology and extend it in such a way that may
have a direct impact on personal, organizational and institutional behaviour. They
are the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the Organization Environmental
Footprint (OEF) methodologies, proposed by the European Commission in the fol-
lowing reports: [17, 18]. These methods have also been applied to the evaluation of
sustainability of electricity production from photovoltaics [77, 85]. Sometimes, the
calculated footprints are limited only to carbon or water, which is a serious limitation
with respect to previous LCA approaches.
The new proposals have been criticized on several points: on the one hand, they are
redundant to LCA methods in many of the new proposed categories and on the other
3.2 Socioeconomic Sustainability: Energy and Sustainable Development 73

hand, the introduction of new routes to include recycling of substances and products
may lead to inaccurate accountability of impacts. This is because some characteriza-
tion factors in inventory flows are missing and others are difficult to apply at regional
level and have been replaced by European averages leading to possible inaccuracies.
Other weaknesses have been also pointed out and recommendations for improving
the PEF and OEF have been proposed by Professor Matthias Finkbeiner; he consid-
ered that PEF and OEF instead of being a breakthrough in sustainability evaluation
may become a breakdown, reducing the implementation of LCA approaches in Euro-
pean Union environmental policies and he claims that “May the sadly missed sense
of (LCA) reality finally find its way into PEF!” [19]. The reply to this criticism from
Directorate-General for the Environment of the European Commission was based
mainly on the aim to avoid the proliferation of methods for LCA implementation that
can be used within the scope of the ISO14040 and ISO14044 standards, thus leading
to different results for the same processes, and to narrow the scope of calculations
and LCIA methods to be applied; this was identified as a need by several companies
that have requested to join the European Commission initiative, of which seven-
teen out of ninety were selected for the first pilot plans for implementation of the
PEF and OEF methods. Also some of the technical concerns are being addressed to
update the methodology and to include the recommendations derived from the pilot
plans [24].
The risk of moving from well-established LCA methods to new concepts is high.
LCA has been developed throughout many years thanks to the expert work of several
research groups; it has led to standards that regulate the methodology and allow
researchers, stakeholders and end-users to work with clear concepts and provide clear
and measurable recommendations to companies and institutions. May LCA results
be easily communicated to policymakers? Will LCA methods be finally useful to
implement sustainability policies? Perhaps the only remaining challenge for LCA
methodology is how to communicate results to the general public.
Other concepts under development may deviate from this well-regulated methods:
carbon, water or more generally environmental footprints are attractive concepts, but
they are still not well defined in scope and methodology for its calculation, either
referred to as product footprint or to organization footprint. Furthermore, when the
economical considerations move beyond cost calculations (ownership of systems or
price of products) and aims to broader “circular economy” outreach, it risks again that
not well-defined concepts ends up dominating the debate about sustainability; this
fact may push environmental considerations to a backstage discussion of experts and
focussing the interest of society into ill-defined environmental impacts or reductionist
economical considerations.
The challenge remains: How to make Life Cycle Assessment a tool useful for
society that influences future sustainability policies? How to combine LCA with
other emerging tools used to evaluate sustainability without losing its strict scien-
tific methodology and well-established standardization? How to define and quantify
sustainability in all its multiple dimensions, interactions and complexity?
74 3 Assessment of Sustainability


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Part II
Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Electricity

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the photovoltaic systems (the product) and the
electricity produced by them (the service) requires a very clear statement of the scope
and the functional unit (FU) used for the LCA study. The main part of the book is
devoted to the two stages of the whole life cycle of a PV system: first, the PV system
manufacture phase (from cradle to gate), starting with raw materials production and
ending with the PV module delivery (at the gate of the factory); then, the second
stage focuses on the use phase and the end-of-life phase (including recycling and
landfilling) and requires additional tools to calculate the electricity produced during
the operational phase.
The organization of Part II is the following: in Chap. 4, the production steps of
each main kind of photovoltaic technology are presented including a comparison
of the different industrial production routes. In Chap. 5, the materials required for
photovoltaic cells and modules manufacture (with information from the inventory
part of the LCAs) are presented and discussed in detail, with a focus on impacts of
mining and on the limits imposed by scarce or toxic materials. Life Cycle Impact
Assessment (LCIA, a part of LCA) methodology is used in this stage, including a
discussion of the slightly different results provided by the different LCIA method-
ological approaches. Chapter 6 is devoted to the specially important energy impacts
of the PV module manufacture; the embedded energy in the modules (or cumulative
energy demand for its production). Also, the energy payback time (EPBT) has been
included in this chapter; it is a parameter broadly used to assess the sustainability
of electricity production but which is strongly dependant on the operational phase
of the PV system life, including the geographical location where it is operated, and
some authors consider that it is not a reliable parameter. This is a methodological
discussion that needs a detailed analysis of the most recent recommendations by
the International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Program (IEA-PVPS)
Task 12 working group. Chapter 7 is devoted to a detailed presentation and analysis
of the 15 impact categories (in some cases more) of most common LCA approaches;
the production routes described in Chap. 4 are analysed from the LCA perspective,
with a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each route. The focus will be
shifted to end-of-life and recycling issues in Chap. 8, and the final chapter of Part
82 Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Electricity

II is devoted to Balance of System components with a more detailed analysis of the

use of batteries for energy storage.
Several functional units may be used in a LCA study of a PV system. All have
some advantages and disadvantages, and the scope of the study is strongly dependant
on the selection of the FU. The most used ones are AC electricity delivered to the
grid and quantified in kWh (defined as a service), and a group of FUs that can also
be considered as a “reference flow” since they are products at different stages of the
life cycle of the PV system: module surface quantified in m2 and electrical power
quantified in kW p (either nominal power of PV modules or DC-rated power of the
PV system). They are briefly described below:

kWh of AC electricity delivered to the grid. It is the FU recommended by the

IEA-PVPS Task 12 report on Methodology Guidelines on Life Cycle Assessment
of Photovoltaic. It evaluates a delivered service by the PV system (the electricity
output) and therefore evaluates a quantified performance of a product system as
recommended by ISO guidelines for LCA; the main advantage of this FU is that
it provides a direct comparison between PV systems of different technologies
and system configurations and with any other electricity-generating technology.
The disadvantage is that it requires the consideration of many parameters that
are strongly dependant on the specific PV system design and the environmental
conditions of the location where the system is operating (they affect the perfor-
mance ratio to be used in the calculation of the electricity output). Only in a full
cradle-to-grave LCA approach, this FU can be properly calculated.
m2 of modules. It is a FU for a cradle-to-gate scope, where the life cycle of the
module fabrication is assessed, sometimes also including an end-of-life phase.
But it should not be considered a cradle-to-grave scope since the use phase is
not analysed. Furthermore, since different balance of system components must
be evaluated in a use phase, this FU is not useful to compare the performance of
different PV systems. Additionally, since power conversion efficiency is not con-
sidered, a fair comparison of PV technologies is not possible: a module with poor
efficiency may deliver better LCA results per m2 (in terms of reduced impacts),
while other much better modules which required additional manufacturing steps
to increase their efficiency may deliver poorer LCA results per m2 . In building
integrated PV systems (BIPV), where the module coverage of a façade or roof is
an important function strongly dependant on the surface size, an LCA with this
functional unit may be useful and should be carried out including the contribution
of additional elements to attach or integrate the modules in the building.
kWp nominal peak power at module level. The DC power delivered by the module
in standard conditions can be used as a FU. It should be taken into account
that systems with equal kW p may deliver very different amounts of electricity
(kWh) depending on their operational conditions and the performance of the BoS
components. If cabling, support structures, regulator, etc…are included, the kW p
FU will correspond to the rated DC power of the PV system.
Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Electricity 83

As recommended by the IEA-PVPS Task 12 report on Methodology Guidelines

on Life Cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic, transparency in the LCA reporting is
of paramount importance; it is required for a correct interpretation of results and
to enable a fair comparison between PV technologies and with other energy tech-
nologies. When a LCA study is communicated, the following information should be
clearly included:
1. PV technology;
2. Type of system (e.g. roof-top, ground mount, fixed tilt or tracker);
3. Module-rated efficiency and degradation rate;
4. Lifetime of photovoltaic modules and balance of system (BoS) components;
5. Location of installation;
6. Annual irradiation and expected annual electricity production with the given
orientation and inclination or system’s performance ratio.
The motivation behind this transparency requirement is that a LCA study needs
the input of technical parameters that depend on the manufacturing process of the
photovoltaic module of a given technology but also there is an important contri-
bution of the final design details of the whole photovoltaic system including BoS
components. The location where the system is built and will produce electricity
(the output depends on irradiance and temperature) and the performance ratio of the
system working in operating conditions during a long period of time will have a
strong impact on the results. There are additional relationships between geography
and technology: the factory where the silicon, cells and modules are fabricated will
consume energy with a specific electricity grid mix of the country (or region) where
the factory is operating, and this is also a dynamical relationship, since this mix is
time-dependent, and therefore, the results of any LCA study will also depend on the
time considered for the PV module manufacture.
Chapter 4
Production of PV Modules

The performance of a solar cell is measured using the same parameters for all PV tech-
nologies. Nowadays, a broad range of power conversion efficiencies can be found,
either in laboratory solar cells or in commercial PV modules, as was shown in Chap. 2;
the working principles of solar electricity generation may differ from one PV tech-
nology to another, but have a common basis: the photovoltaic effect and the need to
extract the photogenerated carriers from the active layer of the solar cell. A small
company devoted to PV systems design and installation (either small BIPV systems
or large PV plants at MW scale) will not pay much attention to the manufacturing
process of the PV module that is being installed. The technical specification sheets
will include the electrical and thermal parameters described in Chap. 2, but no infor-
mation about the manufacturing process (although sometimes the labelling codes
may provide an insight of the solar cell structure). Despite this uniformity in the
information to installers and general public, very large differences exist between the
manufacturing processes from one technology to another.
The initial classification proposed by Professor Martin Green is strongly related
to the manufacturing processes: a first generation of cells manufactured from silicon-
wafers, a second generation of cells, mostly fabricated by deposition of a thin film
of materials on a substrate and therefore using much less material in the active
layer, and a third generation, similar to the second one, in which the manufacturing
techniques are also based on a deposition of a thin film on a substrate (although more
sophisticated methods are used) and aiming at very high power conversion efficiency
cells. With this rough criteria in the initial classification, the generations led to three
groups (one for each generation) that could also be classified based on cost, either
cost per square meter of module or the cost per nominal power, both costs are linked
by the power conversion efficiency as presented in [42]. The cost of manufacturing
a solar cell will roughly depend on the amount of material to be included in the cell
and the difficulty of the processing (material, cell and module); the first generation

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 85

A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
86 4 Production of PV Modules

was (and still is) the benchmark technology with the biggest share of market and
the one setting the baseline cost to be reduced by the other competing technologies.
The second, “thin film” generation, could potentially be cheaper because it uses
much less material per solar cell, and the third generation, although it is also a “thin
film” technology, it uses scarce and expensive materials and complex manufacturing
processes making them an expensive technology in cost per square meter, but if
the efficiency is high enough, it could become a cheap, competitive technology, if
the cost per nominal power is reduced below the first-generation silicon-wafer solar
But these expectations have not happened yet despite intensive research effort in
the past decades. Several strategies within the so-called third generation have been
implemented to boost the power conversion efficiency and go beyond the single
junction Shockley–Queisser limit and fabricate high efficiency solar cells. The most
successful approach is the fabrication of tandem cells by deposition of several stacks
of materials in a thin film device while other advanced approaches include the cre-
ation of intermediate levels within the band gap or silicon band gap engineering by
creation of quantum well structures in thin film silicon devices including interca-
lated layers of isolating materials (dielectrics) at nanometer scale [22]. The tandem
approach based on III-V elements has achieved the record efficiencies (see efficiency
charts mentioned in Chap. 2 or the constant updating in the NREL web site,1 also
published periodically by M. Green in the journal Progress in Photovoltaics, Reseach
and Applications) and they are currently used in spatial applications such as commu-
nication satellites or the International Spatial Station (ISS), where they have proved
to be radiation resistant and showed lifetimes in space above 20 years [52, 83, 137].
In terrestrial applications, this advanced third generation high efficiency cells are
used under concentrated Sunlight and thus requiring precise tracking systems. They
are still not competitive enough to gain a significant market share.
The new set of emerging technologies that have been developed in recent years
(organic and hybrid technologies as mentioned in Chap. 2) does not fit in the third-
generation group although they are already reaching very good efficiencies. They
share with the second generation the thin film concept of low material usage and the
technique of fabrication based on deposition on a substrate. The emerging technolo-
gies aim at getting a competitive cost (per square meter and if efficiencies are high
enough, also per nominal power) but also targetting to very specific market niches for
applications that require flexibility, low weight or highly modulable light absorption
bands. Many of these new approaches are close to reach the market but it remains
to be seen if they can dent into the crystalline silicon market share, or perhaps other
markets, such as spatial applications thanks to its low weight and flexibility [108].
In this chapter, a classification based on production methods is considered for the
organization of the sections. It is inspired in the classification proposed by Professor
Martin Green, but a new group has been introduced to cope with the new organic and
hybrid emerging technologies. Additionally, the rationale behind the classification

1 Efficiency charts published and updated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
in Golden, Colorado, USA.
4 Production of PV Modules 87

is more based on the manufacturing process of each technology: wafer-based silicon

in the first group, with special attention to silicon process; amorphous silicon in a
second group; a third one for other thin film technologies fabricated by different
deposition methods on a substrate (specially CdTe and CIGs, but also others with
some mention to new approaches); a III-V group (thin film tandems, oriented to high
efficiency); and finally, organic and hybrid emerging technologies, also characterized
by deposition methods on a substrate, but also including the new perovskite-silicon
tandem technology, where the silicon part is wafer-based.

4.1 Crystalline Silicon Technology

The crystalline silicon technology manufacturing process is based on the fabrication

of the solar cell from a crystalline or polycrystalline silicon wafer. There are three
big steps: silicon processing to fabricate the wafer, cell manufacture from this wafer,
and a final step of cell encapsulation towards the full module manufacture. Rarely
the three steps are carried out in the same location, and therefore transport stages are
important in this technology (not only in the very initial mining of the raw materials,
but also within the PV technology process system).

4.1.1 Silicon Processing: From Raw Material to Solar Grade


Silicon is an atomic element Si with atomic number 14 and three main isotopes: 28 Si
with 92.23% abundance, 29 Si with 4.67% abundance and 30 Si with 3.1% abundance.
Other isotopes are radioactive with atomic weight ranging from 24 to 44 and with
very short lifetimes and with only 32 Si traces present in the Earth’s crust due to
its relatively longer lifetime (152 years) [82]. Silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) in the
form of sandstone or quartz, together with a variety of silicates, are the most abundant
materials on Earth’s crust; measured by mass, Si accounts of 27.7% of Earth’s crust
Silica is the raw material for silicon manufacture. It is chemically reduced to
remove the oxygen and convert silica into elementary silicon. There are several
methods for the reduction reaction, but in the photovoltaic industry, it is the thermal
reduction in the presence of coke with high content of carbon and few impurities the
one that is used. The reaction proceeds as follows:

SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO (4.1)

2SiC + SiO2 → 3Si + 2CO (4.2)
88 4 Production of PV Modules

An excess of SiO2 will avoid the formation of unwanted silicon carbide (SiC).
The high temperature required for the reduction is obtained in an electric arc furnace,
with carbon electrodes, which rises the temperature of a large chamber (of 10 m3
or more) to 2000 ◦ C. Once the reaction is complete, Si with purity around 99% is
obtained; the main impurities are Fe, Al, Ti, Mn, C, Ca, Mg, B and P, with iron the
most abundant (being the processed material in most cases a ferrosilicon alloy). The
presence of impurities during the silica reduction process leads to toxic elements that
need to be removed from the furnace and filtered, thus posing some environmental
potential risk.
The purity obtained in the arc furnace is not enough for solar cell manufacture,
it is called metallurgical grade silicon (MG–Si), with good purity around 99% but
not enough for electronic applications. A few years ago, the main market for high
purity silicon was the microelectronics industry, requiring purity in excess of 9N or
10N (nine nines or ten nines) 99.99999999% (with less than 0.2 parts per billion
ppb impurities) called semiconductor-grade or electronic-grade silicon (EG–Si). For
solar cell manufacture, the purity requirement is less demanding, and purity of 6N
or 99.9999% (1 part per million ppm of impurities) is enough for solar grade sili-
con (SOG–Si). Therefore, the arc-furnace Si product requires a further purification
The manufacture of solar grade silicon by purification of metallurgical grade sil-
icon is dominated by a few industrial processes which have in common the need to
produce intermediate silicon compounds which are then chemically and/or thermally
processed to obtain silicon with the desired purity. The processes are energy consum-
ing and have a low yield, thus producing a large amount of waste; furthermore, most
of the intermediate products and reactants are toxic, explosive or may produce a high
environmental damage. The dominant industrial process is the hydrogen reduction
and/or thermal decomposition of tri-chlorosilane (SiHCl3 ) known as the Siemens
process. In Fig. 4.1, a schematic representation of the main stages (numbered 1 to 4
in the figure) of the Siemens process are presented, they are as follows:
1. Production of tri-chloro silane from metal grade silicon. The MG-Si mate-
rial is crushed to small size particles (around 2 mm) and then hydrochlorinated by
HCl gas in a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) at 573 K. Several reactions are produced
during this process; the summary, with reaction yield around 90% depending on
the conditions, is
Si + 3HCl → SiHCl3 + H2 (4.3)

2. Purification of tri-chloro silane. By using the different boiling points of the

impurities and the tri-chloro silane, a repeated distillation procedure yield high
purity SiHCl3 .
3. Production of polycrystalline silicon. The tri-chloro silane gas mixed with
hydrogen is introduced in a metal bell jar reactor where Si cylinders acting as
seeds are heated up to 1373–1423 K by an electrical current. The Si deposition
occurs by hydrogen reduction and/or thermal decomposition in a complex chem-
ical process occurring in the hydrogen gas atmosphere of the bell jar and on
4.1 Crystalline Silicon Technology 89

Fig. 4.1 Overview of the Siemens process for silicon purification, showing the four main stages of
the production described in the text: production (1) and purification (2) of SiHCl3 , production of
poly-Si by H2 reduction and/or thermal decomposition (3) and recovery and reuse of by-products
(4) (Reproduced with permission from [136, 139])

the surface of the rods. A summary of the process is presented in the following
chemical reactions:

4SiHCl3 → Si + 3SiCl4 + 2H2 (4.4)

SiHCl3 + H2 → Si + 3HCl (4.5)
90 4 Production of PV Modules

It can be considered a chemical vapour deposition process, and the yield and speed
of the process depend on the hydrogen pressure and the jar and rod temperatures.
An average growth speed is 1mm per hour, the seed grows from 10mm to 250mm
in a week. The concentration of impurities that are present in the final Si solid
rods are included in Table 4.1.
4. Recovery and reuse of by-products. The different by-products produced in
stages 2 and 3, mainly SiCl4 , SiHCl3 , SiH2 Cl2 and H2 are recovered, separated
by condensation into the liquid phase and re-distilled, then they can be partially
reused in stages 1 and 3 or used in external processes such as production of high
purity SiO2 (for example, the SiCl4 ).
The final product is a cylindrical rod with diameter between 140 mm to 150 mm
(in some cases up to 400 mm rods are obtained) and 2 m length. The rods are often
crushed into smaller pieces of 10 to 100 mm (chunks) or 1 to 10 mm (chips) before
further processing. The energy efficiency of the Siemens process is quite low. A large
amount of energy has to be fed into the system mainly in stage 3 to heat up the Si
seed rods, most of this energy is radiated from the rods, but the bell jar has to be
cooled down to avoid deposition of Si on the wall; therefore, most of the energy is lost
in a water-cooling system that recover heat from the jar. Additionally, the Siemens
production speed is very slow.
Nevertheless, the Siemens process is still dominant in the production of solar
grade silicon (still around 90% worldwide in 2021). Other processes are challenging
this dominant position; they can be classified into three groups: modifications of
the Siemens process based on hydrogen reduction and/or thermal decomposition
of silane-based gases, metallothermal reduction of silicon halides by Zn or Al, and
metallurgical purification methods to upgrade metallurgical grade silicon.
The second most used process so far, known as the Komatsu process is a modified
Siemens process, in which silane (SiH4 ) is thermally decomposed at slightly lower
temperatures (1073 K), thus leading to a more energy efficient production, although
the use of silane makes the overall manufacture more complex [140]. The Komatsu
process accounts for all the commercial SOG-Si that is not produced by the Siemens

Table 4.1 Comparison of the amount of impurities present in solar grade silicon manufactured by
different purification methods and market share for solar cell production
Impurity Siemens (solar, bell Komatsu (FBR) (value UMG-Si (value range)
jar) (value range) range)
P (donor) 0.3–5 ppba 0.3–20 ppba 300–1000 ppba
B (acceptor) 0.1–5 ppba 0.3–20 ppba 500–2000 ppba
Total metals 20–50 ppbw 30–1000 ppbw 10–1000 ppbw
C 0.25–1 ppma 0.5–10 ppma 50–200 ppma
O 0.5–5 ppmw 10–100 ppmw (100 ppmw)
Market share (%) 90 10 n/a
ppm = parts per million; ppb = parts per billion (atomic or weight)
Data source [15, 139]
4.1 Crystalline Silicon Technology 91

process [136]. Another improvement of both the Siemens and Komatsu processes
has been the introduction of fluidized bed reactors (FBR) instead of the bell jar; the
Si rods acting as seeds are replaced by the injection of Si particles in the reaction
chamber providing a much larger reaction area than the rods and therefore increasing
the reaction speed, the final product are spheroids with 0.1 mm to 1 or 2 mm diameter.
By using the FBR an important energy saving is achieved although other practical
problems remain to be solved for a full commercial success [30, 31].
A detailed review of these alternatives was published by Yasuda et al in 2014 and
they pointed out to the improved metallurgical processes leading to a new class of
silicon called upgraded metallurgical grade silicon (UMG-Si) as the most promising
due to its relative simplicity and high yield, overcoming some of the problems posed
by the Siemens and Komatsu processes [139]. Nevertheless, the purity obtained in
UMG-Si is lower than other methods, leading to lower quality in the subsequent
crystallization processes and performance of the manufactured crystalline silicon
cells (Table 4.1).
The high purity silicon needs to be further processed into ingots that will be used
by the photovoltaic industry for solar cell production. The next step is to obtain highly
crystalline material from the purified silicon. Two main crystallization processes are
widely used, with a market equally shared between them with small variations in
recent years: the single crystal Czochralski method (CZ) and the multicrystalline
directional solidification method (DS).
The CZ method was developed in 1916 for the crystallization of metals by Jan
Czochralski when he was working in the german company AEG (Allgemeine Elek-
trizitäts Gesellschaft). He published an article in 1918 describing the method: a simple
idea based on pulling a crystalline seed out of a crucible with molten metal, the crystal
grows in a columnar shape while it is pulled out and the liquid material slowly solid-
ifies [24]. This apparent simplicity when applied to molten silicon requires a high
degree of technical sophistication in order to control the growth of single-crystalline
silicon and to avoid its contamination by impurities from the crucible. The method
was applied to grow single-crystalline semiconductors by Bell Labs since 1948 and
has been technically developed to manufacture large size rods of monocrystalline
material (an ingot of several kilograms which is a single crystal). A variation of the
CZ method is the molten floating zone (FZ) where a moving coil surrounding a sili-
con rod is heated to a temperature near the melting point temperature of silicon and
moved up and down until all the rod is crystallized [111]. The DS method is based
on the melting of silicon loaded in a crucible which is allowed to cool down with a
refined temperature control. The material solidifies by crystallization from multiple
seeds that create single-crystalline domains that grow up to several cm3 size. Both
in the CZ and DS methods, the ingots (cylindrical and squared, respectively) have
to be cut with special wire saws into wafers of the desired size, with sectional boule
diameter between 165 mm (wafer area: 155 cm2 ) and 205 mm (wafer area: 237 cm2 )
and thickness, ranging from 180 µm to 300 µm; since the wire saw diameter is
around 120 µm, more than 30% of the crystalline material is lost during the cutting
stage and it is one of the main bottlenecks to increase the yield of crystalline (either
single or multi) cells from ingot to wafer; additionally, the mechanical requirements
92 4 Production of PV Modules

Table 4.2 Properties of ingots and bricks from monocrystalline (CZ) and multicrystalline (DS)
silicon crystallization process
Parameter Mono-Si Multi-Si
Energy consumption 40 kWh/kg 10 kWh/kg
Crystallization yield >90% 70–80%
Growth rate 100–200 mm/min 5–10 mm/h
Weight 40–150 Kg 100–300 Kg
Size Cylindrical Square
D = 15 cm, L = 1–3.5 m 66 cm × 66 cm × 20 cm

of the wafers will also make very difficult any further processing of Si cells with
thickness lower than 80μm below [39] (Table 4.2).
Another crystallization method is the growth of multi-crystalline ribbons from
a thin layer of silicon powder by two consecutive melting steps achieved by using
focused incoherent light as the heat source. Sheets of 80 × 150 mm2 with a thickness
of 350 µm were achieved in laboratory scale fabrication since the early 90s [27].
Nevertheless, due to the poorer crystallinity of the ribbons and an excess of impurities
when compared to CZ or DS methods the industrial production of ribbon-Si solar
cells has not been capable to gain a significant market share.

4.1.2 Crystalline Solar Cell Manufacture

The evolution of the solar cell manufacture from the first Si solar cell with less than
1% power conversion efficiency (1941) to the 25% milestone that was achieved in
2009 is strongly linked to the research carried out at the University of New South
Wales (UNSW, Australia) by Professor Martin Green [43]. Now best cells are at
27.6% (IBC technology). The basic research led to technological developments that
have been transferred from laboratory to industry very fast, leading to commercial
modules that are today approaching the research cell milestone (best modules in
2021 reached 24.4% as shown in the NREL efficiency chart published in [47]).
A simplified route for crystalline silicon solar cell manufacture is presented in
Fig. 4.2 starting from silicon single crystal wafer and ending in a fully operational
solar cell. The basic processing steps are linked to the cell structure presented in
Sect. 2.2. The process starts from a p-type Si monocrystalline wafer (for multicrys-
talline wafers the process is similar), aims at the fabrication of a vertical p-n junction
with the n-type material on top of the wafer (top is used to indicate the side of
incoming light) and ends up with two kinds of contact: a grid on the top to allow
light penetration and a uniform back contact.
The common fundamental processing steps, that may have some variations
depending on the manufacturer and the technological family, are the following:
4.1 Crystalline Silicon Technology 93

Fig. 4.2 Model process flow for fabrication of crystalline silicon cells (Reproduced with permission
from [39])

Wafer testing and texturation. All wafers have been cut in a wire saw and have
surface damage. After testing the wafer quality (usually with an in-line photocon-
ductance test of minority carrier lifetime in all wafers or in a random selection
of wafers within a production batch), and checking the presence of microcracks
by IR absorption attenuation [116, 119], the wafers are textured by exposing the
surface to an aqueous solution of NaOH or KOH with isopropyl alcohol [116,
119]. The etching of the different crystallographic orientations proceed at differ-
ent speeds creating a textured surface of random micropyramids of a few microns
size (between 5 µm and 15 µm) that improves the light absorption by multiple
reflection/refraction events of the incoming light; more advanced structures which
combine pyramids, grooves and regular patches have improved light trapping by
texturation of both surfaces of the wafer [16].
Creation of p-n junction. Usually, the wafers have been cut from p-type Si ingots
(doped by acceptor impurities, such as boron) and the p-n junction is created by
incorporation of donor impurities (phosphorus) to the textured top side of the
wafer; this process reverses the bulk p-type doping near the surface to a thin layer
of n-type doping (<1µm), called the emitter. This process is achieved by heating
the wafers up to 900 ◦ C in the presence of phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3 ) gas
within a quartz furnace; the phosphorus atoms are diffused into the top surface
of the wafer [138]. A thin glassy layer of silica or phosphosilicate (PSG) is also
formed and has to be removed by acid attack with HF dip, a process which also
eliminates the phosphorus diffused in the edges of the wafer to avoid shortcuts
and is called edge isolation [53].
Anti-reflecting coating. The micropyramids reduce significantly the reflection of
incoming light, but an additional layer with a different refractive index provides
94 4 Production of PV Modules

further reduction of reflectivity of the cell surface. The most common layer is
hydrogenated silicon nitride (Si3 N4 ) and it is created when a reaction between
ammonia and silane gases is triggered by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour depo-
sition (PECVD) in a reaction chamber at 400 ◦ C, the advantage of silicon nitrides
to be used as ARCs is that it also contributes to surface passivation by reducing
surface recombination and they are now the standard in the industry; by modify-
ing the proportion of Si and N in hydrogenated oxides (SiNx :H), the refractive
index can be modulated since Si-rich films have higher refractive index and N-rich
films have lower refractive index and therefore a modulation of incoming light can
be reached [102]. Other oxides such as SiO2 , SiC, TiO2 or diamond-like carbon
coatings have also been used, but they do not have an effective surface passivation
additional functionality.
Fabrication of contacts. Screen-printed contacts from silver (Ag) or aluminium
(Al) pastes have been the most used method for contact fabrication on both sides
of the solar cell. The front side is made from Ag paste creating a grid of thin
fingers with a compromise in section between small size to minimize shadows
on the cell and large size to optimize charge transport and reduce resistance, with
rectangular cross section typically ranging from 45–100 µm × 10–20 µm [10]);
the fingers are connected to two or three busbars that run across the surface of
the cell and collect the charge from the fingers. After screen printing of front
contacts, the cells are dried in an oven at around 200 ◦ C. Then, the back side is
either fully covered or printed again with a finger grid with Al (or Ag or a mixture
Ag/Al) and the corresponding busbars (this kind of cell is called Al alloyed back
surface field, Al–BSF). After new drying process a final step of paste-firing is
carried out at around 810 ◦ C in order to eliminate unwanted paste additives and to
create a reliable bonding of the contacts to the cell surface by lead boron-silicate
glass frit (PbO–B2 O3 –SiO2 ) which is contained within the Ag paste. This frit
etches and difusses through the Si N x :H ARC layer to form a direct bond with
good electrical contact to the underlying n-type emitter region [39]. The contact
fabrication, including local diffusion of dopants near the contact points to reduce
recombination and to improve charge extraction, and specially the development
of buried contacts, has evolved in the past decades and in both cases involving the
use of laser technology.
Testing and shorting of cells At the end of the cell production line, all manufac-
tured cells are tested by a flash J-V characterization to measure the electrical
parameters of each cell. Then, they are automatically sorted into groups depend-
ing on the value of photocurrent at maximum power point. The modules will
be fabricated with strings of serially connected cells of each group to avoid cur-
rent mismatches within a module. A production line will therefore manufacture
batches of modules with slightly different performance according to this sorting
The simple process described above and drafted in Fig. 4.2 has evolved since the
late 80s when the power conversion efficiency of best c-Si solar cells was around 20%.
In 1989, a new concept was proposed by Professor Martin Green at University of
4.1 Crystalline Silicon Technology 95

Fig. 4.3 The Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) family: a Simple PERD cell (Passivated
Emitter, Rear Directly-contacted); b PERL cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Locally-doped); c PERT
cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Totally-diffused); d PERF cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Floating-
junction). The PERC configurations now most widely implemented are the PERL and PERT (Repro-
duced with permission from [44])

New South Wales: the Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) that allowed a rapid
development of several technological families until reaching the 25% milestone in
2009, 20 years later [43]. The structure and evolution of the PERC family is presented
in Fig. 4.3.
The technological improvements were carried out on p-type silicon wafers,
although tests with n-type were also carried out, where the results were poorer due to
the difficulty of reliable doping of large surfaces by diffusion of boron. Three basic
modifications were introduced in the back contact processing: reduction of rear sur-
face recombination by a reduced metal/semiconductor contact area and the use of a
dielectric layer to passivate the surface with the simultaneous increment of internal
reflection by the use of a metal reflector acting as a back mirror. Aluminium oxide
(Al2 O3 ), was used with success as a good passivator with low refractive index for
p-type surfaces. Also top surfaces were improved by local diffusion of phosphorus
to create n+ regions near the metal/semiconductor top contacts and better texturation
strategies (inverted pyramids). Local diffusion of boron created p+ regions to improve
back contacts. For the local diffusion of dopants and contact fabrication, a combi-
nation of laser and photo-lithography was carried out with constant technological
improvements mainly developed by University of New South Wales and Fraunhofer
Institute for Solar Energy [44, 107]. The evolution of the family is indicated in Fig.
4.3: (a) Simple PERD cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Directly-contacted); (b) PERL
cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Locally-doped); (c) PERT cell (Passivated Emitter,
Rear Totally-diffused); (d) PERF cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Floating-junction).
The PERC configurations now most widely implemented are the PERL and PERT.
An additional improvement is the use of advanced laser technology to create grooves
in the front side of the cells to be filled with metals and create buried contacts by
electroless plating, light induced electro-plating, screen printing, ink jet printing,
or aerosol printing with Cu and Ni instead of the standard screen-printed Ag (left
drawing of Fig. 4.4). More recent research has proposed the modification of the
96 4 Production of PV Modules

Fig. 4.4 Buried contact solar cell on a p-type wafer and interdigitated back contact cell (IBC) on
a n-type wafer (Reproduced with permission from [39])

cell architecture to put both contacts in the rear side of the cell; this technological
approach is called interdigitated back–contact cell (IBC) and it has advantages like
strongly reducing shadowing in the front face and increasing the emitter to metal
area coverage thus reducing series resistance (and increasing filling factor), but also
poses technical challenges like the requirement to use high quality n-type Si wafers
with lifetime of photogenerated carriers in excess of a few ms to allow the carriers
that have been photogenerated near the front face to travel to the back of the cell
where the interdigitated p-n junctions are located; front, back and edge surfaces can
be passivated with Si O2 which is a technical advantage. The IBC Si solar cell today
has the power conversion efficiency record of single crystal homojunction Si cells,
26.1%, but still no large scale commercial manufacture is available [1, 39, 48, 57].
A more recent approach is based on heterojunction cells fabricated by depositing an
intrinsic thin layer of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) followed by a p-type
a-Si:H layer on top of n-type Si wafers, and a n-type a-Si:H layer on the back of the
wafer creating a back surface field; this kind of c-Si based cell is called heterojunction
with an intrinsic thin layer technology (HIT), initially developed with screen-printed
contacts [123], and later combined with the interdigitated back contact approach by
alternating p-type and n-type a-Si:H patterned layers deposited on the back side of a
n-type c-Si wafer to deliver a record breaking efficiency of 26.6% [142, 143].
The industry has invested strongly to improve the production lines for manufac-
turing high efficiency, cost competitive commercial modules, although power con-
version efficiencies of modules (around 22%) are still far from the values achieved
by the best laboratory cells; there is room for improvement by reducing rear sur-
face recombination, specially in the emitter region, and by reducing resistive losses
in charge collection contacts and finger/busbar wires. The boron-doped p-type Si
wafers, wether mono or multicrystalline, and PERC familiy technological variations
with buried contacts are now dominating the commercial approach although some
companies are moving to the use of n-type P-doped Si wafers to avoid the problem
of recombination in boron-oxygen defects found in Czochraslki p-type B-doped Si
ingots [91] The c-Si-based technology world record power conversion efficiency for
4.1 Crystalline Silicon Technology 97

a medium size module is 24.4%, held by Kaneka, for an heterojunction interdigitated

back contact (HJ-IBC) approach [47].

4.2 Thin Film Technologies

In this group, different technologies are included. They have in common that the
amount of material required in the manufactured cell is lower than in the crystalline
wafer approach. The thin film technologies are not fabricated from a wafer cut out
of an ingot or brick of previously purified and crystallized material; the main fabri-
cation procedure is the deposition of thin films from chemical precursors on top of a
substrate within a reaction chamber; other procedures consider printing techniques
in a less demanding environment. The thickness of thin film cells are around ten
times lower than the thickness of wafer-based cells, ranging from a a few or tens of
μm in comparison to the hundreds of μm required for c-Si cells. A second charac-
teristic of the solar cells grouped under the thin film category is that their production
is potentially compatible with lower cost procedures since the crystalline quality of
the material is not as demanding as the c-Si wafer category and therefore the cost per
square meter of module can be reduced [42, 94]. Regarding module assembly, thin
film technologies share a common advantage: the deposition of the materials can be
carried out on large surfaces (up to a few square meters) and the individual cells are
“cut” by different techniques, mostly laser-based, before final contacts are deposited
to create a serially connected string within each module, where the array of inter-
connected cells has been produced at once; this manufacture procedure contributes
to further reducing the final cost of the modules. The technologies considered in this
thin film group are amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, chalcopyrite and kesterite
solar cells.
Other technologies are also thin film technologies, like III-V solar cells or emerg-
ing organic and hybrid solar cells, with active layers as thin as a few μm, but they have
properties that differentiate them from the thin films grouped here in what could be
considered a “second generation” between the first generation (based on crystalline
silicon cells) and the third one, with higher cost per square meter of module although
they require low amount of material (the III-V), or an “emerging” generation with a
potentially very low cost because they are based on abundant and low cost organic and
hybrid materials that can be easily processed. Both III-V and emerging technologies
will be presented in other sections.

4.2.1 Amorphous Silicon

Amorphous silicon (a-Si) has been used to produce solar cells since the early 80s,
and it is the most developed thin film technology. Silicon is deposited on different
substrates by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) from chemical
98 4 Production of PV Modules

precursors such as silane (SiH4 ), which is the most widely used for amorphous
silicon cells, or a mixture of SiH4 and GeH4 for graded alloys of amorphous silicon
and germanium cells; the deposition is sequential and creates layers of doped and
intrinsic material. Other methods of deposition such as sputtering or “hot wire”
techniques are being developed. The substrates are mainly glass covered with a thin
layer of silicon oxide (SiO2 ) and a transparent conducting oxide (usually indium-
doped tin oxide, ITO, or fluor-doped tin oxide, FTO) or plastic (with ITO or FTO)
and sometimes on metal sheets (copper or steel). Finally, a zinc oxide (ZnO) layer
is deposited followed by a metallic back contact, usually from Al paste by screen
printing. Texturation strategies similar to the ones used for crystalline technology
may be applied both on the substrate covered by the conducting oxide or on the final
ZnO layer.
The amorphous silicon has very different properties compared to the crystalline
silicon. In the amorphous material, the nearest neighbours of the silicon atoms resem-
ble the diamond-like fcc structure of the crystalline material, but the structure is
distorted and some atoms are not bonded to four neighbours, thus leaving an unused
valence orbital called dangling bond and the long range order is lost, thus delivering
an amorphous material. The dangling bond of the silicon atoms may be neutral, posi-
tively or negatively charged. In the vapour phase, hydrogen is added and incorporated
in the structure to saturate the dangling bonds of the amorphous structure which are
linked to a loss of efficiency in the first days or weeks of insolation of the cells: the
cells suffer a light induced degradation process called “Staebler-Wronski” effect that
may produce a 30% loss of the initial efficiency [134]. The addition of hydrogen to
the structure stabilizes the performance of the cells and its understanding contributed
to an improvement in the performance of a-Si:H cells. Passivation with 5–10% of
hydrogen makes the a-Si material suitable for stable and efficient solar cells. If the
gases used to deposit the silicon are very diluted in hydrogen, a microscopic domain
of crystalline material is formed within a matrix of amorphous material, this is called
“microcrystalline” or “nanocrystalline” silicon, with improved stability more similar
to crystalline material [85].
An advantage of the distortion of the atomic structure from crystalline to amor-
phous material is the relaxation of the optical selection rules for the absorption of
photons which gives rise to a direct band gap in the disordered material (in crys-
talline silicon the band gap is indirect and the light absorption is low). This increased
absorption, almost one order of magnitude higher compared to c-Si at optical wave-
lengths, is the reason why the thickness of the amorphous silicon cell can be reduced.
Disorder and the addition of hydrogen also contributes to increase the band gap up
to 1.7 eV, a too high value (not optimal for solar energy conversion), but if hydrogen
is not added, the solar cell has very poor transport properties due to the high defect
density of the unpassivated cells [106]. The a-Si:H material can be p-type and n-type
doped, but the inclusion of impurities alters the dangling bond equilibrium, reduces
the lifetime of minority carriers and makes the doping less effective. Additionally,
when the density of dangling bonds is very high, the Fermi level is pinned amongst
the remaining defect states, which also act as charge traps and recombination cen-
tres thus dominating the carrier transport properties of the solar cell. Since diffusion
4.2 Thin Film Technologies 99

Fig. 4.5 Structure of a-Si:H

single junction (left) and
a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H double
junction (right) solar cells
(layers thickness not at scale)

lengths are short in doped a-Si:H, an undoped intrinsic region is included between
the p-type and n-type regions delivering a p-i-n structure (Fig. 4.5). The intrinsic
region increases the thickness of the cell thus improving its absorption properties.
The built-in bias between p and n regions is dropped along the intrinsic region creating
an electrical field which drives charge separation [94]. Several strategies to improve
power conversion efficiency of these cells are used; despite its large band gap (1.7
eV) the open circuit voltage is low (around 0.9 V) due to the high activation energies
of the amorphous material which results in a low built-in bias; this can be improved
by adding a wider band gap emitter such as a-SiC:H. The inclusion of additional
layers can be extended to a multijunction tandem design, where two or more p-i-n
cells are monolithically connected in series, the cells use a relatively thin intrinsic
layer with larger thickness in the back cell in order to match the photogenerated cur-
rent. If the material for each of the cells in the tandem include alloys, the absorption
profile can be tuned since each of the cells will have a different energy gap; cells with
a-SiC:H alloy in the active layer have a wider gap, while those with a-SiGe:H have
a narrower gap (Fig. 4.5); tandem cells with two, three or four stacked cells have
been manufactured with efficiencies up to 13.6%, in some cases including a graded
Ge content in the absorber layer [109]. When the tandem cells include both amor-
phous and microcrystalline silicon material, they are called “hybrid micromorph”
devices [80, 81].

4.2.2 Cadmium Telluride

Cadmium telluride (CdTe) was used to produce solar cells with power conversion effi-
ciencies above 5% since early 60s [23]. It is a semiconducting material compounded
with atoms from groups II and VI of the periodic table. Many II-VI combinations
are possible, but only CdTe and zinc telluride (ZnTe) can be doped both n-type and
p-type. While ZnTe has a too large band gap to be a good absorber (2.26 eV), CdTe
has a direct band gap of 1.54 eV at room temperature and good absorption coefficient
above 105 cm−1 at a wavelength of 700 nm, and a layer as thin as a few μm can
100 4 Production of PV Modules

Fig. 4.6 Structure of CdTe cells. Left: layered n-CdS/p-CdTe heterojunction cell grown on a glass
substrate with Au back contact. Right: n-CdS nanopillars/p-CdTe matrix heterojunction, with ultra-
thin Cu/Au front contacts (layer thickness not at scale)

absorb up to 90% of incident light [61]. It was considered as one of the best alter-
natives to crystalline silicon to produce cheap and efficient solar cells. Nevertheless,
there are important technical difficulties to manufacture high quality monocrystalline
or polycrystalline films; CdTe crystallizes with a wurtzite crystal structure, but the
size of the crystallites is a few μm wide and the grain boundaries (with excess Te
atoms) give rise to defect states deep in the band gap, thus creating recombination
centres that reduce the efficiency of the cells. Furthermore, the high intraband defect
density of states reduces the p-type doping efficiency, although several treatments
have been developed to saturate the intraband traps and rise power conversion effi-
ciency. An additional difficulty arises at the CdS-CdTe heterojunction due to lattice
mismatch or to the formation of compounds such as CdTeO3 that increases junction
recombination [94].
The typical CdTe cell structure is presented in Fig. 4.6. The p-n heterojunction
cell is formed by a n-type CdS layer and a p-type CdTe layer, deposited sequentially
on a glass substrate covered with a transparent conductive oxide (typically indium
or fluor-doped tin oxide). An extra doping process of CdTe with lithium or copper
to improve the conductivity near the rear contact is carried out before deposition
of the back metal contact. This thin p+ layer is required to improve ohmic contact
since CdTe has a high work function which makes difficult to find a metal with
work function higher than the hole affinity of CdTe (–5.78 eV). Different metals or
alloys and compounds such as Au, Al and ZnTe/Cu are being tested to overcome this
problem [61].
Surprisingly, in the first years of development of CdTe solar cells, a very simple
fabrication procedure was reported by Nakayama et al.; both CdS and CdTe lay-
ers were screen printed from a paste on a glass substrate covered with In2 O3 . The
process was followed by a thermal annealing in nitrogen atmosphere (800 ◦ C) and
immersion in an aqueous cuprous solution to create a Cu2 Te p-type layer that was
contacted with silver paint; the resulting “ceramic” layer was around 10 µm thick
and showed a power conversion efficiency of 8.1% [90]. Despite this impressive
advance with a potentially very cheap printing technique, most of ulterior develop-
4.2 Thin Film Technologies 101

ments were carried out with vacuum evaporation or chemical bath techniques since
the barrier of 10% power conversion efficiency was very difficult to surpass due
to the poor control of the thin layer crystallinity and the high density of defects.
Only in mid-90s a jump in power conversion efficiencies was achieved, reaching
16% with a high control of deposited layers; for example, CdS as thin as 50nm on
ITO/glass substrate was achieved [5]. Several techniques were optimized: physical
vapour deposition (PVD), chemical vapour deposition (CVD), close space sublima-
tion (CSS), electrodeposition (ED), metal-organic CVD (MOCVD), radio frequency
sputtering (RFS) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [61]. Activation of the solar
cells by heating in CdCl2 is an essential step to improve material quality, but this
step involves the use of toxic chemical compounds. Alternative routes for the acti-
vation have been proposed such as annealing the CdS/CdTe structure in a mixture of
argon and a non-toxic gas containing Cl2 such as chlorodifluoromethane (CHClF2 )
at 400 ◦ C [103]. Also, sputtering in argon atmosphere with a low content of CHF3
incorporates fluorine to the CdS layer, which grows with higher quality (more dense
and defect free), with the additional benefit of forming CdF2 at the grain boundaries,
which are passivated and thus delivering a better CdS/CdTe interface [100]. Good
contacts to electrodes have been a challenge in this technology and buffer layers
between the transparent conduction oxide and the CdS layer were included, such as
SnO2 and ZnO2 . The ternary compound cadmium zinc telluride has also been used
as active layer of solar cells since its band gap can be tuned from 1.45 eV to 2.26
eV depending on the proportion of zinc added to the alloy (Cd1−x Znx Te) thanks to
the band engineering of the II-VI alloys (see Fig. 4.8); post-treatment of deposited
films with ZnCl2 vapour at 400 ◦ C improved the crystallinity of the alloy, reduced
the density of defects and delivered a high Voc = 0.78 V [61]. A promising approach
still with low power conversion efficiencies but with a high potential to reduce the
use of materials in ultra-thin cells was also reported [28, 29]: the cells are fabricated
by growing single-crystalline nanopillars of n-type CdS directly on an aluminium
substrate by vapour–liquid–solid (VLS) process using an anodic alumina (Al2 O3 )
template and gold nanoparticles as seeds, the template is then partially etched and
replaced by a 1 µm thick polycrystalline matrix of p-type CdTe by chemical vapour
deposition (CVD); the cell is completed with the top electrical contact, fabricated by
the thermal evaporation of Cu/Au (1 nm/13 nm) and delivering good ohmic contact
with the CdTe layer thanks to the high work function of gold (Fig. 4.6). Due to the
low transparency of either the aluminium substrate or the Cu/Au top contact, the
power conversion efficiency of this cell was low (6%), but it could be improved and
it opens the door to nanostructured CdTe solar cells. This approach has inspired the
fabrication of core/shell nanowires for nanostructured solar cells looking for low-cost
solution-based processing, such as CdS/CdTe, or CdS/Cu2 S [2, 121].
Also module manufacture was improved by deposition of materials on very large
surfaces (>1 m2 ) and using laser scribing to create a serially connected string of cells.
This progress allowed manufacturing companies to be optimistic, since the predicted
requirements for competitivity against crystalline silicon had been surpassed by the
end of the 90s [76]. First Solar was the first company to develop CdTe solar cells
with efficiency above 21% in 2014 and to manufacture CdTe modules with 19%
102 4 Production of PV Modules

efficiency and large area (2.3 m2 ) in 2019, but it is struggling to get a good market
share in competition with c-Si modules [46].

4.2.3 Chalcopyrites and Kesterites

Copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2 , or CIS) has been developed since the 70s as
a material with high potential for photovoltaic applications since it is a direct band
gap semiconductor, with energy gap around 1eV and high optical absorption. Due
to its properties, an active layer of a few μm could absorb as much as a silicon solar
cell of hundreds of μm thickness, additionally, it can be doped both p-type and n-
type. The material has a chalcopyrite crystalline structure, with grains of size around
1μm that tend to grow in columnar shape and therefore with most grain boundaries
perpendicular to the p-n junction direction. Initially, p-n homojunction CIS cells were
fabricated, but low power conversion efficiencies (less than 5%) were obtained; by
using a n-type CdS layer, deposited on top of p-type CIS layer, p-n heterojunctions
were fabricated. Due to the large energy gap (around 2.5 eV), it acts as a window
layer which is highly doped so that surface recombination losses are reduced at the
same time that transport of electrons from the junction is improved due to series
resistance reduction. A further improvement was obtained by the partial substitution
of indium by gallium in the active layer alloy (CuIn1−x Gax Se2 , or CIGS), the addition
of Ga increases the band gap to 1.3 eV and improves the electronic properties of the
back contact [85, 94]. The typical CIGS cell structure is completed by adding the
electrodes, which usually are a molybdenum layer on top of the glass substrate that
acts as hole collecting electrode and a bilayer of intrinsic and Al-doped zinc oxide
(ZnO) on top of a transparent conducting oxide acting as an electron collecting
electrode (see energy level scheme in Fig. 4.7 from [20]).
The use of scarce and expensive indium in the CIGS solar cell motivated research
on similar structures in which it can be replaced by abundant and cheaper materials.

Fig. 4.7 Electronic and optical structure of CIGS solar cells. Left: Scanning electron micrograph
of a cross section obtained from a complete CIGS device. Right: schematic band diagram of a CIGS
solar cell under zero-bias voltage condition. Conduction band energy (EC), valence band energy
(EV), Fermi level E F , space charge region (SCR), and quasi-neutral region (QNR) are indicted as
well (Reproduced with permission from [20])
4.2 Thin Film Technologies 103

This effort lead to the development of the kesterite solar cells, in which two group
III atoms in the chalcopyrite are replaced with a group II and a group IV atom. The
composition of the absorbing layer is therefore Cu2 ZnSnSe4 (or CZTS). Both in CIGS
chalcopyrite and CZTS kesterite solar cells, the selenium can be partially replaced by
sulphur. The kesterite solar cells are expected to have similar behaviour since they are
isovalent and have similar crystalline structure compared to chalcopyrite cells, but
so far, best efficiencies with kesterite cells are still far from those obtained with the
chalcopyrite cells [6, 101]. This is mainly due to the high density of defects both in
the bulk and the interfaces, leading to very high recombination rates. A big research
effort on the combination of materials for the kesterite alloys and modelling of the
resulting properties is being carried out with the aim to improve the photovoltaic
parameters of the kesterite solar cells with special focus on the understanding of the
role of atomic disorder on the cation sub-lattice, as well as unwanted phase separation
of Cu2 ZnSn(Sx ,Se1−x )4 alloys into ZnS, ZnSe, CuSnS3 and CuSnSe3 by the effect
of thermal treatments after deposition of materials [54, 128].
Both chalcopyrite and kesterite solar cells are manufactured by vacuum deposition
techniques following two main routes: (i) the co-evaporation of the elements either
uniformly deposited or using the so-called three-stage process, or (ii) the deposition
of the metallic precursor layers followed by selenization and/or sulphidization. The
deposition stage is usually followed by thermal annealing, involving temperatures
as high as 500 ◦ C to enhance grain growth and recrystallization [85]. The CdS
window layer and other anti-reflecting coating layers are deposited by chemical bath
either in liquid or vapour phase. The structures with CdS/i-ZnO/n-ZnO window
and buffer layers are good for finishing both chalcopyrite and kesterite devices,
with ZnO doped with aluminium or boron and partial substitution of Zn by Mg
in the ZnO layer. Other window layers acting as n-type material have been used,
such as ZnS, ZnSe, In2 S3 , (Zn,In)Se, Zn(O,S) and ZnMgO6 that can be deposited
by wet chemistry or dry processes [115]. Recently, manufacture of chalcopyrite
and kesterite solar cells by printing techniques are being explored with the aim to
reduce process complexity and energy consumption by avoiding high temperature
annealing processes (which will also permit the use of flexible plastic substrates).
All solution-processed chalcopyrite and kesterite solar cells have been demonstrated
with efficiencies slightly above 17 and 10% respectively, approaching the results
of best vacuum processed cells (23.4 and 12.6% in 2021 [47]). The best results are
obtained by routes that use hydrazine (N2 H4 ) based solutions which can be either fully
dissolved molecular species or a mixture of suspended nanoparticles and dissolved
molecules. The properties of the inks and the printing methods have to be fine-tuned to
control the growth of the different layers. Since hydrazine is a flammable and highly
toxic material, effort has been devoted to explore non-hydrazine-based processing
routes, although the fabricated cells show poorer performance than those based on
hydrazine routes; thermal annealing steps in the printed processing routes are still
broadly used, specially for a final selenization step, although in some limited cases
temperatures have been reduced to as low as 200 ◦ C opening the door to the use of
cheap plastic substrates [6].
104 4 Production of PV Modules

On top of the problem of defects as mentioned above (specially for kesterites),

it is difficult to control the growth process since differences in the composition of
the two materials in the p-n heterojunction may lead to the formation of unwanted
species due to diffusion of atoms across the junction, such as CuSe2 and CuS2 in
chalcopyrite cells and CuZn or SnZn in kesterite cells, creating narrow spikes in the
conduction and valence bands near the junction that act as recombination centres and
barriers to charge collection, since the carriers have to tunnel through the spike before
it can be collected. Furthermore, the effect of alkali doping of the absorbing layer by
Na or Li (or heavier K, Rb or Cs) ion migration from glass is still under discussion,
but may have a positive effect on the improvement of stability and power conversion
efficiency of both chalcopyrite and kesterite solar cells; also grading of composition
by inclusion of Ga in the CIGS and Ge in the CZTS absorbing layers and postsurface
sulfurization (or sulfurization after selenization, SAS), is being explored [54].

4.3 III-V Technologies

Also called third generation technology, it aims at producing solar electricity at a

competitive cost with solar cells that are expensive and therefore they must have
an ultra high conversion efficiency [42]. This can be achieved with tandem config-
urations in which several cells are monolithically connected in series, each having
materials in the active layer that are good light absorbers with different spectral sen-
sitivity. Ideally, an infinite stack of solar cells, each one absorbing photons of a given
energy and using all incident photons to generate electrons (assuming that they can be
extracted efficiently from the active layer of each cell) will have a power conversion
efficiency close to the detailed balance thermodynamic limit (93% for a temperature
difference between the Sun surface at 6000 K and solar cell at 300 K, while the limit
calculated by Shockley and Queisser for a single junction solar cell is 30% [114]. For
more practical designs with a limited number of cells within the tandem structure,
the efficiencies that can be achieved depending on the combination of optimal band
gap for each of the subcells in the tandem, ranging from 44.9% for two cells to 58.2%
for incident spectral Sunlight AM1.5G, which can be further increased up to 68.5%
under a ×1000 light concentration factor [84].
The combination of elements of groups III and V of the periodic table produces a
III-V semiconducting alloy with a band gap that can be engineered depending on the
relative amount of the elements. In binary compounds, an equal number of elements
of groups III and V are included in the unit cell of the material, which is a zincblende
crystal structure (two interlocking face centred cubic lattices) [94]. Group III atoms
contribute three valence electrons to bonding and group V contribute five, all the
valence electrons are used in the bond and therefore an energy gap opens between
both bands (at room temperature the valence band is mostly filled and the conduction
band is mostly empty). When some of the atoms of group III are replaced by atoms
of a different element of the same group, a ternary blend is obtained and the band
gap can be modified in a controlled way depending on the amount of substitution.
4.3 III-V Technologies 105

Fig. 4.8 Band gap energy and lattice constant of binary semiconducting alloys (symbols). The band
gap can be engineered by partial substitution of elements leading to ternary semiconducting alloys,
whose band gap and lattice constant is indicated by moving along the lines (dotted for indirect band
gap and continuous for direct band gap)

In Fig. 4.8 some of the possible combinations are shown, the vertical axis indicates
the band gap of a given alloy, the horizontal axis indicates the lattice constant of the
unit cell; if two binary compounds have similar unit cells (mismatch lower than 5%)
a ternary compound can be grown on top of a binary one and the bulk material still
has good crystalline quality (with low strain and low defect density) and the band
gap can be tuned accordingly if an epitaxial control of the doping and growth of the
layers is achieved, delivering good quality p-n heterojunctions stacked in a tandem
device. Doping in III-V semiconductors can be achieved by replacing one of the
elements with another of different valence, acting as donors or acceptors in a similar
way to doping in silicon.
For many of the possible combinations of III-V alloys, the gap is direct (gallium
arsenide, GaAs, indium phosphide, InP, and gallium antimonide, GaSb). In particular,
GaAs, with near-optimal direct band gap (1.42 eV) has an absorption coefficient ten
times larger than silicon (with indirect 1.12 eV band gap) and therefore less material is
required to manufacture a good absorbing layer. A single junction GaAs cell of a few
μm thick could theoretically achieve 31% power conversion efficiency close to the
thermodynamic limit for a single junction cell. Another advantage of GaAs compared
to Si cells is a better temperature coefficient (temperature losses are lower) which is
important for cells operating under concentration at high temperature. GaAs can be
doped with silicon atoms, which act as donors when replacing some trivalent gallium
atoms in the lattice, thus delivering a n-type material; tin is sometimes also used as
tetravalent donor impurity to deliver n-type doping. For p-type doping carbon is the
most widely used impurity, in this case, the carbon atom replaces an arsenic atom,
106 4 Production of PV Modules

which is pentavalent, creating a deficiency of valence electrons and thus acting as an

acceptor impurity and delivering a p-type material. Alternatively, and arsenic atom
can be replaced by a group II element, like beryllium, which creates an acceptor state
and also delivers p-type material. Other relevant binary alloys are indium phosphide
(InP) and gallium antimonide (GaSb). The ternary alloys can be fabricated with
different fractions x of the third element that replaces some of the gallium atoms,
for example, aluminium gallium arsenide (Alx Ga1−x As), indium gallium arsenide
(Inx Ga1−x As) and indium gallium phosphide (Inx Ga1−x P).
In the first approaches to III-V technology, n-type wafers from single crystals pro-
duced using either the liquid-encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) method or a Bridg-
man method were used [12, 24, 64]. But the best power conversion efficiencies
were achieved with cells that are grown by a variety of epitaxial techniques: the most
commonly used is molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), followed by others such as metal-
organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD), metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy
(MOVPE) and liquid phase epitaxy (LPE); the need to grow high-quality crystalline
layers with very low impurity content almost make impossible the fabrication with
cheaper processing routes already used in other technologies [85]. In all cases, the
active layer of the solar cell is a single crystal. The slow growth of the layers (epi-
taxial atomic monolayers) enables a very high control of the atoms in each layer,
which is used to carefully tune the composition of each layer. The doping impurities
can be introduced during the growth of the layers or in a later stage by diffusion of
chemical compounds. The configuration of single junction cells can be either a p-n
design, or an n-p design, in both cases with a thin emitter (0.5 µm emitter for the
p-n design and even thinner, 0.2μm for the n-p design) and a thicker base (2–5 µm),
much thinner than in silicon. The tandem cells include a monolithical configuration
with tunnel junctions between the stacked cells to create a series connection between
each cell in the tandem. In Fig. 4.9, a schematic draft of a single junction cell (left)
and a tandem with three cells (right) are shown. In all designs, the series resistance
should be minimized, since it is a critical parameter when the cells are going to work
under highly concentrated light.
A practical problem of III-V technology is the high cost of materials and the
need to use cheaper substrates to grow the epitaxial layers that constitute the single
junction or the tandem devices. This problem is still to be solved, recycling of GaAs
wafers is one way to reduce cost; also germanium (Ge) substrates are commonly
used, with a very good lattice constant match with GaAs, thus allowing epitaxial
growth on Ge, although it is also a scarce and expensive material. Multijunction III-
V cells have also been bonded to Si wafers, delivering efficiencies similar to those
on Ge [18]. Also cells have been grown on GaAs substrates that are removed at a
later stage of the process and recycled. When very thin substrates are used, the cells
need to be glued to additional materials acting as supporting substrates to provide
mechanical strength.
This third-generation technology was intended to provide solar electricity at
a competitive cost; ten years ago it was expected that III-V tandem solar cells,
once they achieved very high efficiency, will dominate the market [42]. In 2021,
this technology holds the efficiency records for single junction cells: GaAs,
4.3 III-V Technologies 107

Fig. 4.9 Structure of III-V cells. Left: a single junction GaAs cell with an Alx Ga1−x As window
layer. Right: a triple junction tandem cell, grown on a Ge substrate that also acts as third cell; in the
monolithic tandem configuration with two contacts, tunnel junctions must be included between the
cells (layer thickness not at scale)

29.1% under 1 Sun standard conditions (global AM1.5 spectrum at 1000 W/m2
at 25 ◦ C) and 30.5% under ×258 concentration [45, 65]; and for six junctions:
AlGaInP/AlGaAs/GaAs/GaInAs(×3) tandem cells, 39.2% at 1 Sun and 47.1% under
×143 concentration [35]. Despite this progress, the deployment of III-V technolo-
gies for terrestrial applications has not occurred so far. In part it is explained because
c-Si technology has reduced its cost below what could be expected a few years
ago, and in part because the III-V tandem technology without concentration is still
extremely expensive (cost per square meter of module) and working under concen-
tration requires additional investment in the balance of system (BoS) components,
modules with incorporated non-focusing Fresnel lenses and heat dissipation systems
and biaxial solar trackers, which increases BoS cost and maintenance.

4.4 Organic and Hybrid Emerging Technologies

One of the most active areas in physics, chemistry and materials science in the past
decade has been the development of organic and hybrid photovoltaic technologies.
Thousands of articles have been published in scientific journals, hundreds of books
in many publishers worldwide. Since the first demonstration devices, these emerging
technologies were considered as one of the best alternatives to silicon and thin film
technologies, capable to deliver very cheap solar electricity at a massive scale with
low weight and flexible modules. This prediction has not been fulfilled yet, since
crystalline silicon modules have continued reducing its price and have kept its mar-
ket share; neither thin film inorganic technologies, nor emerging organic and hybrid
have posed a real challenge to its market domination so far. Nevertheless, due to the
large portfolio of materials and processing techniques that can be used to manufac-
108 4 Production of PV Modules

ture organic and hybrid photovoltaic modules, it is possible that a strong reduction in
environmental impacts and economical costs will enable a disruptive penetration in
the market for a broad range of photovoltaic applications. In this section, an overview
of these technologies, with special focus on the materials and fabrication processes
is presented, first for organic solar cells based in the bulk heterojunction concept,
then a special class of photoelectrochemical devices known as dye sensitized solar
cells, and finally, the most recent development, perovskite solar cells which have
already demonstrated power conversion efficiencies higher than 25% in single junc-
tion devices and reaching 30% when used in a tandem combination of perovkskite
and silicon junctions. Despite this impressive progress, organic and hybrid solar cells
still do not have reached the market, although some companies are starting to sell
modules for specific applications where flexibility and low weight provide a compet-
itive advantage. The main drawback for a strong penetration in the market is the poor
stability of the devices, due to degradation mechanisms still under investigation, the
lifetime of these technologies is still too short to compete with crystalline silicon or
thin film technology. A big effort in research is devoted to the extension of lifetime
and impressive progress has been achieved in the past three years.
For a more in depth study of these technologies, there are excellent reviews and
books with a detailed analysis of the physical and chemical phenomena involved in
its operation and manufacturing procedures [9, 11, 49, 69, 95, 97, 98, 141, 146].

4.4.1 Organic Bulk Heterojunctions

Since the development of organic semiconducting polymers, its application to a broad

range of electronic devices, previously manufactured with inorganic materials, has
created a whole industry called “plastic electronics”. Small organic molecules are also
included in the class of materials used in plastic electronics. Organic light emitting
diodes are already dominant in the screen industry, and growing in energy-saving
lighting applications [32, 122], and organic thin film transistors are broadly applied in
flexible and/or disposable electronic products [36]. The possibility of using solution
processing techniques, including roll-to-roll printing of cheap and abundant materials
prepared by organic chemistry recipes, opens the door to low-cost manufacturing of
light weight and flexible organic photovoltaic modules [58, 95].
The first organic solar cell was prepared by creating a bilayer molecular hetero-
junction. A layer of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) followed by a second layer of
organic material, a perylene tetracarboxylic derivative (PV) and a final silver elec-
trode were evaporated in vacuum on a glass substrate covered with indium tin oxide
(ITO), a transparent conductive oxide. The cell had a low power conversion efficiency
(around 1% at AM2 illumination), but already contained all fundamental ingredients
for the development of organic photovoltaic devices: two organic materials with dif-
ferent electron affinity and two selective electrodes; interestingly, also a stability test
was carried out during five days, in which Jsc and Voc showed a degradation of <2%
4.4 Organic and Hybrid Emerging Technologies 109

of its initial value, while FF degraded 30%, which was attributed to an increase in
series resistance due to the degradation of the Ag electrode [120].
An important step was the use of conjugated polymers in the active layer of organic
solar cells. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000 was awarded to Prof. A. J. Heeger,
Prof. A. G. McDiarmid and Prof. H. Shirakawa for “the discovery and development of
electrically conductive polymers”. The prize recognizes a work of many years, since
the 70s, to develop a special class of polymers with sp2 hybridization which enabled
to conduct electricity. The work started with polyacetylene, as the first polymer
to show a conductivity which increased with temperature, like a semiconducting
material [19, 113]; improvements in synthetic routes allowed the preparation of
highly conductive thin films of polyacetylene and a broad class of sp2 polymers that
could be used in organic electronic devices and in particular in solar cells [112].
The conjugated polymers have a backbone of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms and the
overlapping of neighbouring pz orbitals along the backbone creates delocalized π
electronic systems which extend through several monomers of the backbone (lengths
of a few nanometers). The energy difference between the highest occupied molecular
orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) creates an
energy gap of a few electronvolts (typically between 1 eV and 3 eV). Photons can be
absorbed creating a neutral excited state called exciton, which can be considered as
a bound pair of the photoexcited electron (in the LUMO) and a hole (in the HOMO)
which is localized in a small volume of a few nm3 of the molecular material or the
polymer segment. Because of this localization, the main difference with inorganic
semiconductors is that the exciton is bound by Coulomb interaction with an energy
around 1 eV and it is difficult to dissociate into a separated electron and hole before
it decays to the ground state. In inorganic materials, the exciton is extended to much
higher volume, the Coulomb interaction is around 0.1 eV and the exciton is almost
immediately separated into different charge carriers in the valence and conducting
bands. In the conjugated polymer, the separation of the exciton can be assisted by
adding a second organic molecule with higher electron affinity and thus acting as
electron acceptor; the electron is transferred to the acceptor and the hole remains in the
donor, both still bound by Coulomb interaction, they form a geminate pair that must be
separated into different charge carriers that should travel to the respective electrode
to be collected and delivered to the external circuit. Usually, the photogeneration
process occurs in the donor material (a conjugated polymer, that can be considered
as a p-type material by analogy to the inorganic case) and the acceptor (a molecule or
another conjugated polymer with higher electron affinity, that can be considered as
a n-type material). The difficulty is to separate the exciton into a geminate pair (still
bound by Coulomb interaction) and then collect the carriers before they recombine,
either before separation (in this case it is called geminate recombination) or after
separation (called non-geminate recombination, occurring with an carrier generated
in a different part of the material). For a good performance of the organic solar
cells, the materials constituting the active layer must have energy levels carefully
tuned to enable good light absorption and to facilitate charge separation after exciton
generation, but also the layer morphology demands two important requirements:
firstly, the size of the domains of donor an acceptor phases has to be of the order of
110 4 Production of PV Modules

the exciton diffusion length (a few nm), so the exciton created can find an interface
between both phases and separated into a geminate pair before it decays; secondly, the
donor and acceptor phases must have a percolation path to carry the separated charges
to the different electrodes. On top of that, electron and hole transporting layers may
be included to facilitate charge extraction from the active layer to the electrodes, they
must be different: one with low work function (for electron collection) and another
one with high work function (for hole collection).
The structure of the organic solar cell with bilayer structure in the active layer is
not optimal since one planar interface between the donor and acceptor materials and
with enough thickness to absorb light efficiently does not comply simultaneously
with those requirements: a thickness of a few hundred nanometers is needed for light
absorption, but then most of the photogenerated excitons will decay before they can
be collected since they will be too far from the donor/acceptor interface. All inorganic
solar cells, either single junction or tandem are designed with layered structures in
which the p-n junction is planar; the organic equivalent was not delivering good
efficiencies, although the possibilities of organic chemistry to synthesize a huge
variety of compounds in principle granted multiple combinations for donor/acceptor
interfaces. It took almost ten years to find a solution to this apparent contradiction:
an active layer composed of two interpenetrating polymer networks which creates a
distributed internal donor/acceptor heterojunctions; the so-called bulk heterojunction
[50, 144]. The bulk heterojunction (BHJ) can be composed of two polymers with
different electron affinity (donor and acceptor), or a polymer (usually a donor) and
a molecular material (usually an acceptor). The other layers of the device have a
planar architecture, either with traditional or inverted architecture as can be seen in
Fig. 4.10. In the traditional or standard architecture, the electrons are collected by
an electrode evaporated on top of the organic layers (usually Ca, or Al, electrode,
with low work function and assisted by an electron transporting layer, ETL, acting
as cathode interlayer) and the holes are collected by the transparent conductive oxide
(usually indium doped tin oxide, or ITO, with a hole transporting layer, HTL), while
in the inverted architecture, electrons are collected by the transparent conducting
oxide (the ITO, but in this case with a zinc oxide ETL, while the holes are collected
by a silver electrode (with higher work function and assisted by a HTL) [70]. The
advantage of the inverted architecture is two-fold: on the one hand, it is more stable,
since Ag is less reactive than Al or Ca (although Ag stability in oxygen is low)
and on the other hand, it can be printed from a paste, avoiding vacuum evaporation
processing. Furthermore, by including selective ETL and HTL layers, Ag can be
used to fabricate both electrodes thus enabling an ITO-free all-solution fully printed
roll-to-roll organic solar module manufacture [68].
Organic solar cell manufacture combines the possibility of designing and synthe-
sizing a broad range of novel polymers and organic molecules for all the layers in the
device, with the option of designing solar cells with different architectures, standard
and inverted, or including tandem stacks, that can be manufactured by potentially
low-cost processing routes based in all-solution printing methods that can be carried
out in air, at low temperatures and on different substrates (glass, plastics, ceramics
or metals). In 25 years, the portfolio of materials has increased enormously, from the
4.4 Organic and Hybrid Emerging Technologies 111

Fig. 4.10 Energy levels and architecture of normal and inverted organic bulk heterojunction
(P3HT:PCBM) solar cells. In the upper plots, the HOMO, LUMO and work function of typi-
cal materials are shown, the organization of the layers changes the electron extracting electrode
(opaque aluminium for the normal architecture or transparent ITO for the inverted architecture)

first demonstration devices using only one conjugated polymer, to the complex struc-
tures of tandem devices comprising several blended active layers and other organic
and inorganic transporting layers and electrodes. A short summary of materials and
device designs of plastic solar cells are presented below.
Photodiodes were fabricated with a thin film (100nm) of a conjugated polymer,
poly- p-phenylene-vynilene (PPV), which is a good hole transporting material, on a
glass substrate with an ITO transparent electrode and aluminium (or calcium or mag-
nesium) as low work function opaque electrode evaporated on top of the structure
[79]. This photodiode, initially considered as a photodetector device, achieved quan-
tum efficiencies around 1% pointing to its possible use as a solar cell. Side chains
were added to the PPV to increase solubility delivering poly[2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethyl-
hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene], MEH-PPV, and then a second component was
blended in the active layer, the fullerene C60 used as “sensitizer” with higher elec-
tron affinity, thus creating for the first time a blend of donor and acceptor materials;
another conjugated polymer, poly[3-octyl thiophene], P3OT, was also used in the
photodetectors [145]. The films were spin cast from solution, delivering very thin
active layers (100–300 nm). The road to create efficient plastic solar cells was open;
all ingredients and recipes were already on the table.
112 4 Production of PV Modules

The first bulk heterojunction solar cell had an active layer composed of a mix-
ture of MEH-PPV and another modification of PPV, synthesized by adding a cyano
group to increase its electron affinity in order to act as electron acceptor in the blend
(CN-PPV). It was fabricated by spin casting on an ITO covered glass substrate and
then annealed at 100 ◦ C, a low temperature which could make it possible to fabricate
solar cells on a plastic substrate [50]. The polymer mixture is segregated in differ-
ent phases due to the low entropy of mixing, thus generating two interpenetrating
networks which percolate throughout the volume of the active layer; the control of
the morphology of these networks by thermal or solvent annealing is a technological
tool to improve the nanostructure of the active layer at the required length scales.
Very soon the combination of materials that has been the benchmark active layer for
a long time was proposed: poly[3-hexyl-thiophene] (P3HT) acting as electron donor
and a fullerene derivative [6,6]phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) acting
as electron acceptor; the energy gap is not optimal (2 eV) and efficiency for this
P3HT:PCBM active layer is low (hundreds of laboratories have fabricated cells, with
most reported efficiency values between 3.8% and 4%, with a few reporting up to
5%), but it is very reproducible and many laboratories used this design as a starting
point for further developments [25].
Several strategies were followed to increase light absorption by the polymers in
the active layer, the phenyl units were replaced by thiophene units (as seen above for
P3OT and P3HT) to planarize the backbone and extend the π conjugated domains;
if π -stacked aggregates form, the energy gap is reduced. Bridging atoms have also
been used to planarize the polymers [89]. The modification of the polymer backbone
by combining electron donor and acceptor units enables a fine-tuning of the energy
levels (energy gap, HOMO and LUMO) of the polymer in the blend, for exam-
ple, including benzothiadiazole, carbazole, dithienobenzene or diketopyrrolopyrrole
units in the copolymer backbone creating a so-called “push-pull” structure [13, 99].
The absorption of the electron acceptor component of the blend is low because the
high symmetry of the C60 molecule forbids some optical transitions; if the molecule
reduces its symmetry, the optical absorption is enhanced and therefore C70 with
good blue and green absorption are currently used in combination with low band gap
polymers; other modifications of PCBM, such adding more side chains or including
endohedral atoms to slightly reduce its electron affinity and thus enhance the Voc
of the cell have also been realized [55, 74, 104]. The use of non-fullerene acceptors
(NFAs) in recent years has increased the absorption of the acceptor in the blend
and therefore has boosted photocurrent generation, and at the same time increased
Voc , leading to cells with very good power conversion efficiency, reaching values
comparable to inorganic cells (>18%) [77, 132, 133]. A large variety of NFAs
have been used; they can be organized in three main groups; the first one based on
Acceptor-Donor-Acceptor (A-D-A) calamitic small molecules, like fluorene, car-
bazole, indaceno-dithiophene and indaceno-dithieno-thiophene based acceptors; the
second group based on perylene-3,4:9,10-tetracarboxylic acid diimides (PDIs), that
may comprise one or more PDI monomer units in planar structures and a third group
of polymer acceptors, such as polymeric naphthalene diimides, perylene diimides or
terpolymers [127]. A large variety of soluble low band gap conjugated polymers act-
4.4 Organic and Hybrid Emerging Technologies 113

ing as donor (and occasionally acceptors) and fullerene or non-fullerene molecules

for acceptors have been synthesized and used in single junction or tandem organic
solar cells [4].
Another task in organic solar cell manufacture is the control of the blend mor-
phology, which should have phase segregated domains of a few nm width and should
percolate in networks throughout all the volume of the active layer [33, 78] Solution
processing can be tuned by using different solvents and by the addition of side chains
to modify the polymer solubility in halogenated and non-halogenated solvents. Com-
bination of solvents, and using solvent/anti-solvent combinations, processing addi-
tives, and thermal annealing procedures permits good control of the nanostructure for
solution-processed devices, including tuning of optimal phase separation and vertical
segregation of components in active layers that have a typical thickness between 100
nm and 300 nm [17, 126].
Electron transporting layers (ETL) and hole transporting layers (HTL) are usu-
ally included in the cell structure to improve charge carrier collection with good
ohmic contact at the electrodes and to reduce surface recombination: low work
function materials such as lithium fluoride (LiF) as ETL and high work function
materials such as NiO, WO, MoO3 and V2 O5 as HTL [86]. The conjugated polymer
poly[ethylene-dioxythiophene] doped with poly[styrene sulphonate] (PEDOT:PSS)
can be used both as HTL (in standard cells) and as ETL with the help of an additional
zinc oxide (ZnO) or titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) layer which have low work function
(in inverted cells). Other polymers have been included in transporting layers, like
polyoxyethylene tridecyl ether, included between ITO and solution-processed layers
TiOx [118]; or the addition of conjugated poly-electrolyte interlayers [110].
The most used transparent electrodes are tin oxide doped with indium (ITO) or
fluor (FTO); the opaque electrodes are a variety of metals, used depending on the
architecture of the cell: low work function (Ca, Al, Mg) for standard cells and high
work function (Ag, Au) for inverted cells; an inconvenience is the requirement of
vacuum-based evaporation or sputtering process of this kind of electrodes (with
the exception of Ag, that can be screen printed from inks or pastes of different
composition). Other alternatives for cheaper and easily processable electrodes are
silver grids embedded in PEDOT:PSS, silver nanowires, copper nanoparticle-based
metal grids, carbon nanotubes, or graphene layers [26, 37, 66, 135]. The ITO, FTO or
other transparent electrodes can be deposited on glass or on plastic substrates, being
poly[ethylene-terephthalate] (PET) the most used plastic for this purpose. ETL, HTL
and electrodes have typical thickness of 50nm to 100nm.
All these layers, with the exception of some electrode materials, are compatible
with solution processing. The prepared inks can be printed, layer by layer, in a
continuous roll-to-roll (R2R) or sheet-to-sheet (S2S) manufacture line, using a variety
of methods that are already well known and optimized in the printing industry:
slot die coating, spray coating, inkjet printing, flat bed and rotary screen printing,
doctor blade, flexography, gravure, knife over edge, etc…. Some of these techniques
have been successfully applied to manufacture large-size organic solar cells and
modules. The number of patents filed for organic solar cell technology (materials
and processes) is more than 5000 (2000–2018), with a peak of more than 400/year
114 4 Production of PV Modules

in 2013–2015 and a slight decline since then [69, 70, 105]. Several companies are
already manufacturing OPV modules: Infinity PV (Denmark), Solarmer Energy Inc.
(USA), Toshiba (Japan) and ZAE Bayern (Germany), which since 2019 holds the
record of power conversion efficiency (12.6%) for an organic photovoltaic submodule
of 26 cm2 [47].
With this large portfolio of materials and manufacturing routes for each layer of the
organic bulk heterojunction solar cell, it seems possible that an optimal combination
with low environmental impact and low cost can be found. The materials are abundant
with a few exceptions (like indium), but its chemical precursors and processing
routes have impacts on human toxicity and may create environmental damages that
should be reduced. Temperature process is usually low, and therefore devices with
less embedded energy compared to inorganic cells may be manufactured. Life cycle
assessment is the tool that will provide constraints to the broad range of possibilities
and point to the alternatives that are worth to investigate in more depth.

4.4.2 Dye Sensitized

Inspired by early studies of artificial photosynthesis, and based on previous structures

of photoelectrochemical cells, a breakthrough was achieved in 1991 when Brian
O’Regan and Michael Grätzel demonstrated a power conversion efficiency of 7% with
a new design of dye sensitized photovoltaic cell [7, 41, 92, 96]. The device consisted
on a transparent 10 µm thin mesoporous film of titanium dioxide particles (TiO2 ) a
few nanometres in size, coated with a monolayer of a charge-transfer molecular dye
to sensitize the film for light harvesting; a photon absorbed by the molecule excites an
electron which is injected into the conduction band of the TiO2 . The regeneration of
the dye is achieved by a redox reaction in a liquid electrolyte, an electron is delivered
to the dye and the redox couple in solution is reduced in a counter electrode. The
transfer of electrons from counter electrode to TiO2 is mediated by the electrolyte
and the photovoltage correspond to the energy difference between the Fermi level
of the TiO2 semiconductor (n-type) and the Nernst electrochemical potential of the
redox couple in the electrolyte. This working mechanism, shown schematically in
Fig. 4.11, is different from a solid-state inorganic (or organic) solar cell; the presence
of a liquid electrolyte resembles the original electrochemical photovoltaic cell of
Edmund Becquerel.
The success of Grätzel’s cell in comparison with previous designs was the meso-
porous quality of the titanium dioxide layer. It was deposited on a conducting glass
sheet from a colloidal solution and then heated at 450 ◦ C to create a percolative
porous network by sintering the particles. The dye covers the sintered particles
and the electrolyte penetrates the pores; the contact surface TiO2 /Dye/Electrolyte
is hugely increased by the mesoporous quality of the film (×2000 increase in surface
area for a 10μm layer of nanoparticles around 15 nm size assuming a cubic close
packing, achieving around 50 m2 /g). Similarly to the bulk heterojunction cell, the
morphology of the active layer is essential for an efficient operation of the solar cell.
4.4 Organic and Hybrid Emerging Technologies 115

Fig. 4.11 Energy levels and architecture of a dye sensitized solar cell with liquid electrolyte showing
how the intricate surface of a mesoporous TiO2 layer is covered with dye molecules (the energy
scale is referenced to Normal Hydrogen Electrode, NHE)

In the past 30 years, the power conversion efficiency of the dye sensitized solar
cells (DSSCs) has almost doubled from the initial 7% to 13% in 2021. The original
structure, composed of a stack of photoanode, dye sensitizer, liquid electrolyte with
a redox couple and counter electrode has been kept constant although a very large
variety of elements, compounds and molecules have been used for each of the layers
(see Fig. 4.11).
The photoanode is the mesoporous nanostructured thin film deposited on a glass
previously covered with a transparent conductive oxide, the most widely used mate-
rial for the photoanode is anatase TiO2 particles prepared by hydrolysis of a titanium
precursor such as titanium(IV) alkoxide with excess water catalyzed by acid or base,
followed by hydrothermal growth and crystallization [49]. The nanoparticles can be
deposited from colloidal solutions by a variety of methods, such as sol-gel, spray
pyrolysis, hydrothermal/solvothermal, always trying to reduce the temperature to
find processing routes compatible with the use of plastic substrates. The application
of a TiCl4 treatment improves the quality of the films [93]. Other more complex
routes like the growth of arrays of TiO2 nanotubes or the use of alumina or poly-
meric templates to achieve the desired morphology were also tested, sometimes in
combination with atomic layer deposition techniques [51, 88]. Also ZnO, SnO2 and
Nb2 O5 have been used to fabricate photoanodes [141].
The dye, or sensitizer, is a critical component since it absorbs light to generate
the photoexcited electron and inject it into the semiconductor anode; hundreds of
molecules have been tested looking for the optimum HOMO/LUMO energy levels
for effective charge injection, but also for good light absorption, good solubility and
chemical stability, and good adsorption to the mesoporous photoanode (if possible
avoiding surface recombination). All these tasks have been subject of intense research
for the past 30 years and the results can be classified into the following groups:
ruthenium polypyridyl dyes, metal-free organic dyes, porphyrin dyes and quantum
dot sensitizers (alloys such as PbS, CdS, CdSe, Sb2 S3 ), organic perovskites were
also used and as will be seen in the next section, it was an important step towards the
116 4 Production of PV Modules

development of (solid state) perovskite solar cells. Detailed lists of sensitizers used
in DSSCs can be found in reference [73].
The redox couple electrolyte must transfer electrons from the counter electrode to
the oxidized dye without absorbing light; the iodide-triiodide (I− /I− 3 ) is easy to pro-
cess, is low cost, has good reaction kinetics and it has been the most successful redox
couple despite some inconveniences: it absorbs light at 430nm, it corrodes the counter
electrode and its Nernst potential limits the maximum Voc achievable by the solar cell
to 0.9V [130]. Other couples have also been used, such as Co(I I /I I I ) polypyridyl com-
plex, ferrocenium/ferrocene (Fc/Fc+ ) couple, Cu(I /I I ) complex and thiolate/disulfide
mediator [129, 131]. Quasi-solid electrolytes such as ionic liquids and polymer gels
have also been used as electrolytes to avoid the problems of leakage or evaporation of
the liquid, which nevertheless is still present in the quasi-solid electrolytes due to their
thermodynamic instability. Solid electrolytes acting as hole transporting layers have
been investigated; they range from inorganic p-type semiconductors (CuI/CuSCN
and CsSnI3 ) to polymers (PEDOT, P3HT) or organic molecules; the most successful
has been 2,20,7,70-tetrakis (N,N-di- 4-methoxyphenylamino)-9,90-spirobifluorene
(spiro-OMeTAD) [117]. The use of CsSnI3 , which has a perovskite crystalline struc-
ture, delivered the first solid-state DSSC with power conversion efficiency higher
than 10% [21].
The counter electrode should create a good ohmic contact with the external
circuit of the solar cell and inject electrons to reduce the redox couple (or trans-
porting holes when considering a solid state electrolyte). Platinum (Pt) for liquid
electrolytes and silver (Ag) or gold (Au) for quasi-solid or solid electrolytes, have
been the best counter electrodes; but due to its high cost, other alternatives have
been proposed: inorganic compounds (sulfides, phosphides, carbides, nitrides and
metal oxides), conjugated polymers such as polyaniline (PANI), poly[3,4-ethylene-
dioxythiophene] (PEDOT), and polypyrrole (PPy), carbon materials (sp2 carbon
nanotubes or graphene and sp3 carbon black or mesoporous carbon) or composites
fabricated with combinations of any of them; a detailed analysis of all tested counter
electrodes in dye sensitized solar cells can be found in [49, 71].
The multiple choice of processing routes is compatible with a low energy con-
sumption, low cost, printable technology, but two main inconveniences hinder the
practical application of DSSCs and have made difficult the penetration of this tech-
nology in the market: some of the required materials are expensive (for example,
ruthenium in most used dyes and platinum as the best counter electrode) and the
requirement of a liquid electrolyte posed some challenges for encapsulation and
operational outdoor stability without leakage. Despite these difficulties, some com-
panies like Solaronix SA (Switzerland), Greatcell Energy Pty Ltd (Australia) or G24
Power Ltd (United Kingdom) have successfully commercialized dye sensitized solar
On the other hand, the intensive research to overcome these problems led to a
new breakthrough: the development of the hybrid perovskite solar cell, that can be
considered as a natural evolution of the dye sensitized solar cell, in which the search
for a solid electrolyte, the inclusion of a solid good hole transport layer and the
modification of the counter electrode led to a new solid-state hybrid technology.
4.4 Organic and Hybrid Emerging Technologies 117

4.4.3 Perovskites

The perovskite crystalline structure was well known for inorganic compounds with
general formula ABX3 , where A and B are cations (A with larger size than B) and
X is oxygen or an halogen atom. An inorganic perovskite containing layers of cop-
per oxide delivered the first high-temperature superconductor material, which was
discovered by Bernodz and Müller in 1986 and deserved the Nobel prize one year
later [8]. Around a decade later, hybrid halide perovskites had shown an interesting
transition from semiconducting to metallic behaviour and were used as layers to
improve the performance of organic electronic devices [75, 87]. It took a long time
until the hybrid metal(tin or lead)-halide perovskites were used as light absorbers in
dye sensitized solar cells with liquid electrolytes, delivering a modest power con-
version efficiency (3.8%) and poor stability [67]. Both efficiency (6.5%) and sta-
bility (a few hours) were improved very soon with perovskite “quantum dots” for
liquid electrolyte cells, still resembling the dye sensitized approach [60]. The break-
through came one year later, in 2012, when methyl ammonium lead iodide perovksite
was used as sensitizer of a TiO2 mesoporous structure with spiro-OMeTAD as hole
transporting layer in solid-state cells which delivered power conversion efficiencies
around 10% [72]. Importantly, all production steps were compatible with solution
process and low temperature. This led to an impressive and very fast improvement
of power conversion efficiency and lifetime for perovskite solar cells, reaching more
than 25% since 2019 by several laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy (MIT, USA), Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT, South
Korea), Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST, South Korea),
and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland),
with operational stability of thousands of hours [47, 62, 63]. Remarkably, flexible
perovskite solar cells on plastic substrates have also reached very high efficiency
(19,51%) and retained 90% of its initial value after more than 1,000 hours in air
(10% humidity) without encapsulation [59]. Perovskite solar cells in a two-terminal
tandem structure on a crystalline silicon solar cell have been developed at University
of Oxford by combining an infrared-tuned silicon heterojunction bottom cell with a
caesium formamidinium lead halide perovskite [14]; this perovskite/silicon tandem
approach is close to commercialization by Oxford PV (United Kingdom) and has
achieved an impressive certified 29.5% power conversion efficiency in 2021, beating
the record of the best GaAs single junction solar cell (without light concentration)
The first perovskite solar cells had a structure very similar to dye sensitized
solar cells with solid electrolyte (acting as hole transporting layer). Very soon, PSCs
departed from its DSSC birth structure by adding electron transporting layers (ETLs),
hole transporting layers (HTLs) and by modifying the mesoporous TiO2 structure
into a compact/mesoporous bilayer. The electrodes were changed to avoid the use
of expensive metals (originally used as contraelectrodes in DSSC); also indium in
the transparent conductive oxide (ITO) which cover glass or plastic substrates was
replaced by fluor (in FTO) or by other cheaper materials. A schematic structure
118 4 Production of PV Modules

Fig. 4.12 Energy levels and architecture of a MAPI perovskite solar cell with a compact layer and
a mesoporous layer of TiO2 . The energy diagram shows various options for cathode configuration,
using a porous carbon layer, a hole transporting layer and two possible metals (Au and Ag)

of an advanced perovskite solar cell is shown in Fig. 4.12. The research effort has
included a strong focus on increasing stability and thus providing longer lifetimes
for outdoor operation of the PSCs; this focus has accompanied the aim of improv-
ing power conversion efficiency and at the same time reducing the environmental
impact concerns that may arise by the use of lead and of some processing routes for
organic compounds that include the use of toxic solvents or reactives (for example,
spiro-OMeTAD synthesis has a strong environmental impact). With this combined
purpose a large variation of materials (both organic and inorganic) have been used in
all the layers of a PSC. A brief summary is presented below; a more detailed analysis
of the advances in PSC technology is presented in recent books and reviews [97, 98,
125, 146].
The light absorbing material is the ABX3 perovskite mentioned above; the
most used so far is methyl ammonium lead iodide (CH3 NH3 PbI3 ; MAPI), related
ethylammonium lead iodide (CH3 CH2 NH3 PbI3 ) and formamidinium lead iodide
(CH5 I3 N2 PbI3 ; FAPI) have also been used; other halides (Cl, Br) have totally or
partially substituted iodine in the MAPI or FAPI compounds; the metal in the per-
ovksite has been mostly lead, but also tin (or mixtures) have been used although
generally producing lower efficiencies and worst stability. In order to improve the
stability of the active layer, molecular additives have been used and mixed with the
perovskite, the aminovaleric acid iodide (HOOC(CH2 )4NH3 I, AVAI) delivered an
impressive extension of lifetimes up to more than 12,000 hrs by providing a 2D/3D
interfacial structure [40]. For HTL, the most used compound is spiro-OMeTAD, but
it has stability problems (on top of its complex synthetic route) and many HTLs have
been developed with good results, small organic molecules, metal oxides (ZnO, NiO,
NiOx , Cu:NiOx , NiCo2 O4 ), polymers (PEDOT, PANI) and carbon materials (nan-
otubes, PCBM, carbon black). Several ETLs are being used, mainly compact and
mesoporous TiO2 bilayers, ZnO (layers or nanostructures), MgO, SnO2 , MoO3 /Ag
structures, and again carbon materials (graphene, doped carbon nanotubes, PCBM,
4.4 Organic and Hybrid Emerging Technologies 119

PC70 BM, with recent approaches using a carbon black porous structure where the
perovskite is infiltrated). The electrodes are similar to organic cells, where ITO or
FTO covered glass or plastic is used as base for solution processing of the several
layers and a final solution processed or evaporated metal electrode completes the
structure (mainly Al and trying to avoid nobel metals, although silver and silver
nanowires are still widely used).
It should be emphasized that a very good efficiency (22.7%) was obtained with
P3HT as hole transporting layer, thus avoiding the use of spiro-OMeTAD, opening a
new route for the development of cheap PSCs [63]; the recent use of P3HT, together
with inclusion of PCBM layers, is a nice demonstration of crossover of technolog-
ical research, where the organic bulk heterojunction classical P3HT:PCBM blend
materials have come back to be merged with the perovskite technology [34, 38].
Further efforts towards better encapsulation, the development of tandem devices and
better serial interconnection of cells in strings to fabricate large area modules are still
going on. Several companies are working to manufacture modules with efficiencies
above 20%, the best certified efficiency included in the NREL module efficiency
chart is 17.9% for a module manufactured by Panasonic (area 800 cm2 ) [47, 56]. For
now, it seems that the most competitive commercial opportunity for perovskite solar
cells will be the tandem structures on silicon developed by Oxford PV with 29.5%
efficiency mentioned above.

4.5 From Cells to Modules

Once the solar cells have been manufactured they have to be connected to each
other in order to increase the overall output power of the photovoltaic module. The
manufacture of photovoltaic technologies has been explained in more detail in the
previous section; the general concepts behind the jump from cell to module are briefly
explained in the following paragraphs for the two main approaches: crystalline cells
that are manufactured one by one and then connected into a single module or thin
film cells manufactured simultaneously in a single block at module scale and then cut
into single cells mostly by laser techniques; both methods are schematically shown
in Fig. 4.13.
In the first case, the manufactured cells are connected serially in strings thus
rising the output voltage of the module by adding the voltage delivered by each cell;
a string with n cells will deliver a string voltage n times higher than the voltage of
a single cell and will carry the same current as the one delivered by a single cell.
The connection is carried out by a stripe of aluminium or copper that connects the
busbars of the p-side of one cell to the busbars of the n-side of the next cell, and the
same for all cells in the string. Ideally all the cells in the string should have the same
photocurrent, if one of the cells is underperforming, it will act as a bottleneck for the
current and limit the total current of the string to the value of this underperforming
cell and the extra power generated by the other cells in the string will be dissipated
as heat; roughly, this dissipated power is n − 1 times the difference between the
120 4 Production of PV Modules

Fig. 4.13 Most common photovoltaic module structures: individual crystalline cells interconnected
forming strings that are encapsulated in EVA and sandwiched between glass and Tedlar® (left) and
thin film cells grown on a glass substrate and then scribed to form serially connected strings (right)

photocurrent delivered by each one of the good n − 1 cells and the photocurrent
delivered by the bad cell, multiplied by the voltage of the cells under operation in the
string. In some module architectures two or more strings are connected in parallel
and therefore its current output is added. The trend in modern manufacture is to
include a single string or even string of half-cells in order to increase the voltage and
reduce the current delivered by each module (always the total power delivered by an
ideal module with n cells will be n times the power delivered by a single cell).
The complete strings are then encapsulated in a plastic foil which in most cases is
a thin film of ethylene-vinyl-acetate (EVA), around 0.5 mm thick and with a density
of 0.92 g/cm3 ; this process is called lamination and it is carried out at a temperature
around 150 ◦ C. The next step is adding the backsheet layer of the module, which
is usually a Tedlar® /poly-ester/Tedlar® composite film. Tedlar® is the Dupont’s reg-
istered trademark name for poly-vinyl fluoride film (PVF). Semitransparent Ted-
lar® films are being developed to be used as backsheet for bifacial modules. These
backsheets are used in combination with poly-ethylene terephthalate (PET) films,
delivering a total thickness which may vary from 0.25 mm to 1 mm. The module
is completed with a toughened glass cover of around 3mm thick and an aluminium
frame. Flat glass (SiO2 ) for PV applications represent a growing industrial sector,
and contributes to an important part of environmental impacts of PV modules and
around 15–25% of its final cost in 2020 depending on the technology (its share
depends on the specific technology as will be presented in Chap. 7). The soda-lime-
silica (SLS) float glass industry for solar applications is highly developed and room
for manufacture improvement is limited, although from the scientific point of view,
still several improvements could be achieved and recent research points to functional
4.5 From Cells to Modules 121

glasses with photon management of UV radiation (most effective filtering to protect

the polymeric components of the module, even with recycling UV photon capabili-
ties that can be re-emitted in the visible part of the spectrum and delivered to the cell)
and by chemical formulations to reduce ion migration (in order to avoid potential-
induced degradation) and increase resistance to cracks [3]. The module manufacture
is completed by a junction box, where the strings of the module are connected and
acts as the output interface of the PV module by standard electrical connectors (usu-
ally models MC4 or MC5 rated for high voltage: 1500 V, and high current: 15 A).
The junction box is glued to the back side of the module.
Thin film panels have a different approach to the internal connection of cells: they
are not individual cells connected to each other by stripes as in the previous case;
the cells in thin film modules are grown directly on a glass substrate of the same
size of the module that is covered by the different layers (see Fig. 4.13). During the
manufacture process, there are steps in which this film is cut creating scribe lines
which divide the film into individual cells serially connected (usually a large stripe
around 1cm width and with a length that goes from one side of the module to the
other). The process of cutting requires using lasers or mechanical blades or in some
emerging technologies a controlled displacement of the printing heads between the
different printing steps in R2R or S2S processing (see Sect. 4.2 for details). The
result is a series connection of the cells. The module is completed by a backsheet
cover, a frame and a junction box similar to the previous case.
Recent models of photovoltaic modules may present variations from these stan-
dard descriptions. The most important is the absence of frame. These frameless
modules reduce environmental impacts and economic cost (by strongly reducing
aluminium consumption), but they require reinforcement of front glass and back-
sheet cover (in some cases they use double glass, specially in bifacial technologies)
because they are more fragile and have an increased risk of breaking during transport
and installation.


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Chapter 5
The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded
in PV Modules

In this chapter, the limits of raw materials consumption in the fabrication of solar
modules will be analysed. Two kinds of limits can be considered. First, the limits
that arise from the ultimately recoverable reserves of a given element required to
manufacture the module; secondly, the limits that arise from the impacts on human
health and the environment from mining, processing and eventually recycling of the
materials embedded in the module and used in the manufacturing process.
In the first case, the philosophy behind the limitation is similar to fossil fuels
where the production of the fuel obeys a logistic curve which will peak at some time
and then decrease [23]. This simple hypothesis, when applied to fossil fuels, predicts
a future time were production from a given exploitation site will peak, which together
with the rate of production, the ultimately recoverable reserves can be extrapolated.
Depending on the symmetry of the logistic curve (the rising and decaying parts of the
peak can be different) some uncertainty is introduced in the calculation, but it has been
successful to predict the decay of production in important oil fields [22]. Similarly,
the limitations arising from element scarcity may pose a risk on photovoltaic module
production if a scarce material is used in some specific technology and the required
production rate per year becomes important compared to the known reserves.
In the second case, the limitation is created by the health and environmental
impacts due to the use of the material within the module and during the manufac-
turing process. Again, a similarity with fossil fuels can be observed: greenhouse gas
emissions emitted by fuel burning have important environmental impacts, in partic-
ular in climate change, and it makes clear that consumption of fossil fuels must be
reduced and eventually stopped before the ultimately recoverable fossil fuel reserves
are burned; it has been calculated that in order to limit global warming to 2 ◦ C, a third
of oil reserves, half of gas reserves and over eighty per cent of current coal reserves
should remain unused from 2010 to 2050 [28]. In renewable energy technologies
there is no fossil fuel consumption, but environmental impacts arising from use of
raw materials may generate important risks that could limit a massive deployment

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 131
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
132 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

of installed capacity. The quantification of impacts obtained by LCA methodology,

and in particular, some impact categories, are specially focused on raw materials
depletion and other associated categories associated to consumption of materials
(see Chap. 3). On the other hand, material processing (from mining, purification, use
in production lines of different photovoltaic technologies, recycling and landfilling)
also generate impacts on many other categories, such as cumulative energy demand
and associated emissions (analysed in Chap. 6) and many other categories such as
climate change (warming potential), ecotoxicity or human health impacts, etc…that
will be presented in Chap. 7.
The detailed analysis of mineral resource use impacts and in particular materials
depletion in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methodologies has been discussed
by the scientific community since long time ago. No LCIA method has a globally
accepted sets of impact categories or characterization factors, leading to variations
in depletion potential results across models [11, 21]. An expert group formed by 62
members and called “task force mineral resources” was created by the Life Cycle
Initiative hosted by the United Nations. They accomplished several tasks: (i) defin-
ing the safeguard subject for mineral resources within the area of protection natural
resources; (ii) formulating seven key questions regarding the consequences of min-
eral resource (for example, current resource use leading to changes in opportunities
for future users to use resources, or potential restrictions of resource availability
for current resource users); (iii) reviewing 27 different life cycle impact assessment
methods for mineral resource use in the “natural resources” area of protection; and
(iv) recommending seven existing LCIA methods to evaluate mineral resource deple-
tion (ADPUR , SOPURR , LIME2endpoint , CEENE, ADPER , ESSENZ, and GeoPolRisk),
adding several suggestions to improve the methods [3, 35].
The methods can be grouped in four categories: depletion methods, future efforts
methods, thermodynamic accounting methods, and supply risk methods. The first
two cases provide the basic assessment about resources while the other two provide
complementary information. The depletion methods quantify the decrease in min-
eral resource stocks due to extraction; between abiotic resource depletion potential
methods, ADPUR is the one that provides most robust relative potential of long-term
depletion of natural stocks of mineral resources, and its assessment is constant over
time since Earth crustal mineral content estimates have been quite stable over time
[7, 35]. Some uncertainty is contained in future effort methods since they quantify
the additional societal efforts required in the future as a result of current extraction, in
these methods ore mining is normally assumed to occur from the highest to the lowest
grade of mineral content, which is not generally the case since different grade ores
are exploited in parallel in different parts of the world according to technological,
economical and even political considerations; despite these uncertainties, the SOP
method provides reliable results, while ORI or SCP relies excessively on volatile
mineral demand price [11]. Thermodynamic accounting methods, such as CEENE,
calculate the exergy difference between the mineral resource as found in nature and a
reference compound in the natural environment, they provide complementary infor-
mation to LCIA methods, but are still to be integrated in a global LCA framework.
Finally, supply risk methods (like GeoPolRisk) are more focused on highlighting
5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules 133

the supply risk between countries based on trading relationships, country stability
and international politics, its conclusions may vary over time since the scenarios and
assumptions also vary over time and are sometimes subject to unexpected shocks (as
it was the case of oil crisis in the 70s), also provisioning local stocks to guarantee
supply chains for products and services affect the risk assessment [10]; this focus
lays beyond the conventional LCA framework and will be discussed in more detail
in Part IV of this book.
Recently, Arvidsson et al. proposed a midpoint-level mineral resource impact
assessment method called the crustal scarcity indicator (CSI), with characterization
factors called crustal scarcity potentials (CSPs) measured as kg silicon equivalents
per kg element [2]. For assessment of mineral resource depletion associated with
photovoltaic technologies, this method is interesting because it relates silicon (with
CSP = 1 by definition since it is used as the reference value) to all other materials,
which are assessed relative to silicon. The CSPs proposed for each element can be
multiplied by the amount of mass extracted from Earth to obtain the CSI indicator for
a certain product. Furthermore, since crustal concentrations of elements have been
suggested to correlate with several important resource metrics (reserves, reserve
base, reserves plus cumulative production, and ore deposits), they constitute good
proxies for long-term global elemental scarcity. The CSI method has been compared
to other LCIA methods (such as abiotic depletion, the surplus ore, the cumulative
exergy demand and the environmental priority strategies in product development
methods); the results of the comparison indicate that CSI is reliable and robust for
long-term global elemental scarcity calculation while requiring few assumptions and
input parameters.
The characterization factor for element i in the CSI method is called crustal
scarcity potential and it is defined as:
CSPi = , (5.1)

where Ci is the crustal concentration (in ppm) of element i, and silicon is considered
the reference element. The CSPs can be applied in a LCIA method for resource
depletion by multiplying the mass of element i extracted from the crust (m i , in kg
required for the manufacture of the functional unit used in the LCA, data collected
from life cycle inventory) by the corresponding CSPi as indicated in the following

CSI = m i × CSPi . (5.2)

Data on crustal concentrations of elements have been evaluated since more than
one century ago and most recent standard data are available for upper, middle and
lower Earth’s crust; also an average crust is calculated with a mix in proportions of
31.7%, 29.6% and 38.8%, respectively [33]. In some cases, crustal concentrations are
134 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

given for the corresponding oxides (silicon, titanium, aluminium, iron, manganese,
magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorous) and the concentrations
of the pure elements are calculated based on their molar shares of the respective
oxides in order to obtain their CSPs [2].
An important clarification about the dynamic nature of the concept of produc-
tion, reserves and resources should be made before a detailed analysis of potential
limitations for future PV production due to access to raw materials is carried out. In
most of the studies, the risk of supply is analysed in terms of annual production of
a given element and the trend in production growth that is extrapolated in different
scenarios; therefore, its value depend on past trends and on choices for the scenarios’
definition. At a second level, the reserves are used for risk evaluation; but reserves
data are also dynamic, they may be reduced by constant mining of a raw material,
or they can be increased if new deposits are discovered and may be exploited with
known technology in an economically viable way (or expected to be viable with a
reasonable technological development in short or medium term). The reserves can
be considered as an aggregated working inventory of all mining companies’ supplies
of an economically extractable mineral commodity; the CSI definition provided by
Eqs. 5.1 and 5.2 correlates well with reserves (including base, marginal and inferred
reserves). The resource is defined by the U. S. Geological Survey as [38].
Resource is a concentration of naturally occurring solid, liquid or gaseous material in or on
the Earth’s crust in such form and amount that economic extraction of a commodity from
the concentration is currently or potentially feasible.

Again, the definition is linked to technical and economic considerations, although

in this case it is projected into future “potential” developments. The quantification
of resources involves a certain degree of uncertainty and therefore several categories
have been established: identified (location, grade, quality and quantity are known
or estimated from geologic evidence), demonstrated (quantity and quality computed
from sampling in specific sites) and inferred (estimates from geologic evidence that
may or may not be supported by samples or measurements). The extraction of a
specific material may be restricted by laws or regulations and in this case they are
considered “restricted resources” (it may also apply to reserves).
In this chapter, a list of required elements for each photovoltaic technology is
provided by the numerous LCA studies which include a detailed inventory. The
annual production and estimated reserves are obtained from the most recent min-
eral commodity summaries of the United States Geological Survey [38], the world
mineral production report of the British Geological Survey [6] and the reports on
critical metals for strategic technologies and sectors of the Joint Research Centre of
the European Commission [9, 14, 29]. The resource depletion impacts are calculated
following the CSI methodology described above.
5.1 Silicon Feedstock and Other Raw Materials Embedded in the PV Cells 135

5.1 Silicon Feedstock and Other Raw Materials Embedded

in the PV Cells

The materials embedded in solar cells for different technologies are considered in
this section. It refers to the materials that are included as constituent part in the final
product. The list of considered minerals that are the raw material at the starting point
of the whole manufacturing process are listed in Table 5.1, where data from different
sources have been included. A very large list is obtained and not all elements will have
the same impact since they contribute with different weights to the composition of the
cell and the world production of each technology is dominated by silicon technology.
Hydrogen and oxygen are not included when embedded elements are considered
since they are effectively inexhaustible and their use will not have impact on long-
term resource depletion, furthermore, data of elementary or molecular hydrogen and
oxygen abundance on Earth are usually not provided in reports [2].
A list of materials is provided in Table 5.1 in alphabetical order. All included
elements are related to one or more PV technologies. The main contribution of each
element to the different parts of the solar cell is detailed in the fourth column. This
list will be used as reference for the subsequent analysis of raw material production,
reserves and demand projections carried out in this section.
The list of elements required for the PV technologies is long, but its relative
importance is mediated by two factors: the amount of each element required per
functional unit of photovoltaic electricity and the market share of each technology.
Today, the market share for crystalline silicon is higher than 90% (see Chap. 3) and
it is expected to remain dominant in the following decades.
Therefore, silicon is the element with the higher potential impact on the future of
PV technology. Fortunately, silicon is the most abundant element on Earth’s crust and
it is taken as reference to calculate the crustal scarcity potentials of the other elements
shown in Table 5.1 [2]. But silicon technology could be affected by scarcity of pro-
duction capacity of crystalline ingots for wafers, as it happened for two years (2007–
2008) provoking a transitory rise in silicon wafer price. Today industrial capacity is
able to provide demand for the forthcoming years (even without considering silicon
recycling, which is low).
Other technologies can be more affected by scarcity of elements required for
its active layer. It is the case for thin film materials, that although they require
less material per functional unit, the elements are scarce. For CdTe technology,
specially tellurium may pose a supply risk; for CIGS technology, indium, gallium
and selenium are also scarce minerals, with indium competing as a reference material
for transparent conducting oxides used in organic and hybrid technologies. In this
case, tensions between demand and supply could appear for production volumes in
the range of a few hundreds GW p [8, 43].
Material usage for silicon cells has been reduced significantly during the last 15
years from around 16 g/W p to about 3.6 g/W p due to increased efficiencies and
thinner wafers, which have evolved from 300 µm in 2004 to 175 µm in 2020,
although it has remained stable for the past ten years [15]. For thin film materials,
136 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

Table 5.1 List of elements (listed by element alphabetical order) used for manufacturing solar cells
of all technologies
Element Symbol Technology Cell component
Aluminium Al III-V and others (as electrode) Active layer, electrode
Arsenic As III-V Active layer
Boron B c-Si, m-Si, a-Si:H p-type dopant
Cadmium Cd CdTe, Active layer, window layer
Calcium Ca Organic Electrode
Carbon black C Organic and hybrid ETL, HTL, electrode
Carbon C Organic and hybrid Electrode
Copper Cu CIGS and others (as electrode) Active layer, electrode
Fluorine F Organic and hybrid Dopant in TCO
Gallium Ga III-V Active layer
Germanium Ge Si/Ge and Ge/CdTe, III-V Active layer, substrate (in
Indium In CIGS, III-V, and others (as Active layer, dopant in TCOs
Iron Fe Organic and hybrid ETL, HTL, ferroelectric layers
Lead Pb Hybrid Active layer
Lithium Li Organic ETL
Magnesium Mg Organic and hybrid ETL, HTL
Molybdenum Mo CIGS, organic and hybrid ETL, back contact
Nickel Ni Organic and hybrid ETL, HTL
Phosphorus P c-Si, a-Si:H n-type dopant
Ruthenium Ru Organic and hybrid Sensitizer (DSSC)
Selenium Se CIGS Active layer
Silicon Si c-Si, a-Si:H, Si/Ge, Si/PSC, Active layer, substrate (in
Silver Ag All Electrode
Sulphur S CdTe, organic Window layer (CdS) active
layer (organic)
Tellurium Te CdTe Active layer, window layer
Tin Sn All Active layer, electrode, TCO
Titanium Ti Organic and hybrid ETL, electrode
Vanadium V Organic and hybrid ETL
Zinc Zn CdTe, organic and hybrid ETL, HTL, electrode
5.1 Silicon Feedstock and Other Raw Materials Embedded in the PV Cells 137

Table 5.2 c-Si technology: material requirements for a solar cell in kg/MW p from several refer-
ences indicated in first row and calculated average. It includes metals required for frames, soldering
and cables of typical module
c-Si Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4 Average
Si 3653 5377.53 4515.26
Al 10593 12511 11552
Cu 2741 2194.1 7597.5 3554 4021.65
Sn 577 463.1 442 494.03
Ag 24 19.2 355.9 113.08 128.04
Mg 53.5 45.84 49.67
Ni 1.1 0.94 1.02
1: [29]
2: [30]
3: [12]
4: [39, 40]

Table 5.3 CIGS technology: material requirements for a solar cell in kg/MW p from several refer-
ences indicated in first row and calculated average
CIGS Ref. 1 Ref. 2 Ref. 3 Ref. 4 Ref. 5 Ref. 6 Ref. 7 Average
Cu 21.2 21 16.9 19.7
In 18.99 18.9 27.4 15.5 22.5 27.4 27.4 22.58
Ga 2.34 2.3 5 7.5 5 5 4.52
Se 9.56 9.6 45.3 45 45.3 30.95
In (in 44.29 94.3 69.25
Sn (in 5.95 85.8 45.8
1: [29]
2: [30]
3: [12]
4: [16]
5: [5]
6: [1]
7: [8]

where thickness of active layer has been kept almost constant during a long time
of development, the material use is already highly optimized around a few µm, but
efficiency has been increased and therefore the material use per W p has been also
reduced; in particular average values for use of main elements in the active layers
are: 0.068 g/Wp silicon in a-Si:H technology, 0.064 g/Wp cadmium and 0.067 g/Wp
tellurium in CdTe technology and 0.019 g/Wp copper, 0.022 g/Wp indium, 0.004
g/Wp gallium and 0.031 g/Wp selenium in CIGS technology (calculated as average
of reported values provided in Tables 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5; with the limiting material
(or “restricted metal”) being indium and tellurium for CIGS and CdTe technologies
respectively [16]. Indium is also used in transparent conducting oxide electrodes
138 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

Table 5.4 CdTe technology: material requirements for a solar cell in kg/MW p from several refer-
ences indicated in first row and calculated average
CdTe Ref. 1 Ref. 2 Ref. 3 Ref. 4 Ref. 5 Ref. 6 Ref. 7 Ref. 8 Average
Cd 61.1 63.3 85 63.3 49.2 64.38
Te 93.3 47.2 61.9 55 97.5 47.2 67.01
Cu 42.8 42.8
In (in 15.9 15.9 15.9
Sn (in 21.4 6.6 14
1: [29]
2: [30]
3: [12]
4: [16]
5: [4]
6: [5]
7: [1]
8: [8]

Table 5.5 a-Si technology: material requirements for a solar cell in kg/MW p from several refer-
ences indicated in first row and calculated average
a-Si Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4 Average
Si 68.55a
In 5.32 5.32
Sn 0.714 0.714
Ge (in 6.9 4.4 6.9 6.06
a Calculated from thickness and electrical parameters for typical a-Si:H cell mentioned in text.

1: [29]
2: [12]
3: [16]
4: [1]

(indium doped tin oxide, ITO, with around 0.022 g/Wp indium and 0.045 g/Wp tin)
and could be a restriction to massive deployment unless it is replaced by fluorine
doped tin oxide (FTO)
The difference between the material finally embedded in the cell and the initial
input required for cell production, that is, the utilization rate for c-Si is currently
50% and may be strongly improved up to 90% in optimistic scenarios by 2040; for
a-Si is already at 90%, while for other thin films there is still room for improvement
from current 60 to 90% by 2040 [43].
The values provided in the tables refer to typical solar cells with the following
parameters: c-Si cell thickness 170 µm, PCE = 15.8% [42]; and for thin film tech-
nologies: CIGS cell thickness 3 µm, PCE = 12% , CdTe thickness 3 µm, PCE = 10%,
a-Si thickness 5 µm, PCE = 10% [30]; or small differences in performance (given
5.1 Silicon Feedstock and Other Raw Materials Embedded in the PV Cells 139

in the corresponding references). For TCOs, it has been assumed a 100 nm layer
thickness with composition In2 O3 (90%) and Sn (10%). Some data are originally
provided in g/m2 and it has been converted to kg/MWp , assuming the cell power
conversion efficiency and layer thickness mentioned above.

5.2 Glass, Plastics and Frames for the PV Modules

The content of glass, plastic and metallic frames of PV modules is linked to the
technology under consideration. The most common crystalline silicon modules have
a weight per nominal capacity around 80 g/Wp to 100 g/ Wp , with glass accounting
for more than 70% of total weight and frame around 10%. These contributions have
evolved in time with a tendency to increase the share of glass in total weight and
reduce the contribution of frame leading to the manufacture of frameless modules.
This tendency is also observed in thin film technologies, where frameless modules are
more commonly manufactured. In Table 5.6 the composition of a typical crystalline
silicon solar cell with 15% power conversion efficiency is presented, these values have
slowly evolved by reducing frame weight (and share), glass weight (although its share
in total weight increased), and also reducing silicon layer thickness (with limited
impact in its share of total weight); the nominal peak power per module between
2000 and 2010 was around 200 Wp but since 2010, the peak power per module have
increased to peak powers per module around 350 Wp to (more recently) almost 500
Wp , with reduced glass thickness and lighter frames, leading to slightly different
weight percentage of each component as shown in Table 5.7. For the purpose of
comparison, both modules have been considered to have the same power conversion
efficiency (15%).

Table 5.6 Example for the composition of a c-Si standard module (215 Wp ) up to 2010 [41]
Component Share Share Weight
(%, 2003) (%, 2007) (g/W p , 2007)
Solar cells 4 3.48 3.6
Glass 62.7 74.16 77.3
Frames (e.g. 22 10.3 10.7
EVA 7.5 6.55 6.8
Backing film (Tedlar) 2.5 3.6 3.8
Junction box 1.2 1.1 1.2
Adhesive, potting 1.15 1.16 1.1
Total Weight (g/W p ) 104.5
140 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

Table 5.7 Example for the composition of a c-Si module (450 Wp ) after 2010 [42]
Component Material g/W p %
Cover Glass 59.9 76.22
Encapsulant EVA 4.5 5.75
Backsheet PET 3 3.77
Frame Al 6.1 7.82
Cells and Ribbon Si 3.7 4.7
Ag 0.032 0.04
Cu 0.58 0.74
Sn 0.056 0.07
Pb 0.033 0.04
Sealant, Potting, PIB, TPT, silicone, 0.67 0.85
Compound other

Table 5.8 Composition of CdTe and CIGS modules [4]

Material Layer CdTe mass Mass Layer CIGS mass Mass
thickness (kg) fraction (%) thickness (kg) fraction (%)
(µm) (µm)
Glass 6400 11.40 96.7 6000 11.67 96.9
EVA 450 0.356 3.1 450 0.356 2.96
CdTe 3–4 0.012– 0.11–0.13
Cu 0.4 0.003 0.02
SnO2 0.5 0.002 0.02
CdS 0.4 0.001 0.01 0.05 0.000037 0.0003
ZnO 1.0 0.0042 0.035
CuInS2 1.5 0.005 0.04
Mo 0.4 0.0031 0.025

For thin film cells, the glass amount is more than 95% of total weight in frameless
modules, where EVA backsheet is the next major contributor with 3% and solar
cells not reaching 1% as expected for thin film technologies where the thickness of
active layers are lower than 5 µm. In Table 5.8 a summary of weight distribution for
CdTe and CIGS modules is presented, as reported in a study by Berger et al about
end-of-life of modules and the possibility of recovery of materials by using a novel
approach for recycling [4].
In all technologies, front glass contribution to weight and to LCA category impacts
is important. Reduction of glass thickness is limited due to structural considerations
and in 2020 module production had reached a glass thickness of 3 mm in 85% of
manufactured modules worldwide, and between 2 mm and 3 mm for the remaining
15%; this ratio is expected to change to 55/42% by 2030 with a few modules (around
5.2 Glass, Plastics and Frames for the PV Modules 141

3%) using glass thinner than 2 mm [25]. Furthermore, a recent LCA study has shown
that single-crystalline silicon modules with glass-glass encapsulation have around
10% lower impacts in several categories compared to glass-backsheet encapsulation
[31]. This is independent of total absolute emissions which are different according to
the country of production; for example, regarding greenhouse gas emissions (carbon
footprint), the impact is reduced 8% in China, 10% in Germany and 12.5% in average
European Union, a result confirming that bifacial modules (with glass in the two sides)
could potentially have lower impacts than conventional modules.
If the materials embedded in the solar cells and balance of system components
(including supporting structures) are added, a fair comparison with other energy
alternatives (renewable or non-renewable) can be shown in terms of demand of
materials per unit of delivered energy along the lifetime of energy systems. In Fig. 5.1,
the comparison of four common materials whose demand is presented (cement, iron,
aluminium and copper); the bars in the figures spans from higher to lower estimates
using collected data (2010) and the extrapolation to possible reduction in material
demand due to technological improvements that may be achieved by 2050 (data
from [37]). Cement and iron demand is similar for photovoltaic technology and non-
renewable energy technologies, while the most demanding are large hydro, wind and
concentrated solar power. Regarding aluminium and copper, this trend is reversed,
with photovoltaic technology on top of demand but with high uncertainty in potential
material savings due to future technological development (the only exception is CdTe
with has lower aluminium demand).

Fig. 5.1 Bulk material (g) requirements per unit energy (kWh) produced by different energy tech-
nologies [37]
142 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

5.3 Strategic and Scarce Materials Embedded

in PV Modules

When considering the concepts of abundance (or scarcity) of an element and the
classification of the material as strategic, not only its abundance on Earth’s crust and
the estimated reserves are considered, also the availability of the resource according
to the geographical location of mines and the geopolitical considerations of the
countries which supply significant shares of annual mineral production. The focus
of this section is to present the data of production trends of all materials involved
in any of the current or emerging PV technologies. Data of production and reserves
are obtained from [6, 38] and they are compared with estimated demand for PV
industry in the coming years as well as the crustal scarcity potential calculated by
Rickard Arvidsson [2]. A more detailed analysis of the geopolitical risks is provided
in Chap. 12, Sect. 12.5.
In Table 5.9 all elements are listed in alphabetical order, for the details of which
technology (and part of cell) uses a given material, see Table 5.1. Silicon is the most
abundant element in Earth’s crust and has been kept in the list since its CSP is used
as reference (hence its value is 1 for Si), other four abundant elements have not
been included although they are also used for PV module fabrication, because its
production is very high compared with PV industry demand, they are carbon (black
or coal), with CSP = 14, iron (CSP = 5.4), calcium (CSP = 6.2) and sulphur (CSP =
700); a few comments on these four elements are included below. On the other hand,
metals such as aluminium, titanium or magnesium, which are abundant, have been
included in the table because its world production although being high is one order
of magnitude lower than the other four.
The values provided in Table 5.9 are a present-time global view of world annual
production of all elements related to any PV technology. Values for 2019 production
from BGS and USGS are coincident in most materials, with slight deviations due
to data collection from some countries or mineral definition. Values from USGS
for 2020 may be affected by COVID-19 pandemia, since some mining sites were
closed for a period of time in major producer countries. Silicon production both for
ferro-silicon and silicon metal (>99% Si content) have been included in the table,
although there are other silicon-containing minerals that can be also used as a starting
point for a purification process for solar grade or electronic grade silicon. Silicon
does not pose any risk for future availability of the element, and only purification
and crystallization capacity could potentially suppose a bottleneck for solar cell
manufacture for wafer-based Si technology that represented 95% of market share in
2020 (130 GWp of installed capacity in 2019 as reported by [15]); but nowadays,
and up to 2030 production capacity is able to match demand at the current trend of
production and the only risk is the excessive concentration of industrial capacity in
China, which accounts for high shares of mineral production (53%), Si processing
(50%), Si cell manufacture (86%) and module assembly (70%) in 2019 [9, 14]; and
therefore the main recommendation for the rest of the world regarding Si supply and
5.3 Strategic and Scarce Materials Embedded in PV Modules 143

Table 5.9 Crustal scarcity potential (CSP), production, production growth and estimated reserves
of elements required by PV industry
Material Symbol CSP kg Annual Production (tonnes) World
Sieq /kg reserves
2019 2019 2020 %
Aluminium Al 3.4 62,850,158 63,200,000 65,200,000 51.61 55,000–
Arsenic As 110,000 57,585 32,300 32,000 38.96 0.64
Boron B 26,000 6,889,063 3,632,000 3,630,000 17.48 1,200
Cadmium Cd 3,500,000 27,526 24,400 23,000 18.12 0.57
Carbon C 140 1,132,328 1,100,000 1,100,000 –46.81 320
Copper (mine) Cu 10,000 20,676,784 20,400,000 20,000,000 28.41 870b
Fluorinec F 510 6,478,841 7,460,000 7,600,000 –9.50 320
Gallium Ga 18,000 380 351 300 156.76 1
(estimatedd )
Germanium Ge 22,000 95 131 130 –22.13 Not
Indium In 5,400,000 851 968 900 32.35 Not
Lead (mine) Pb 26,000 4,684,075 4,720,000 4,400,000 7.43 2,000
Lithium Li 18,000 1,906,494g 86,000 82,000 240.93 86
Magnesium Mg 10 1,059,736 1,120,000 1,100,000 39.83 Unlimited
Molybdenum Mo 350,000 275,187 294,000 300,000 12.29 25.4
Nickel (mine) Ni 4,800 2,702,428 2,610,000 2,500,000 68.36 >300
Phosphorus P 650 226,162,769 227,000,000 223,000,000 25.56 >300,000
Ruthenium Ru 470,000,000 60 30 30 –1.79 0.005
Selenium Se 2,200,000 4,264 2,880 2,900 69.88 0.1h
Silicon Si 1 1,807,840 8,410,0009 8,000,000i –34.66 Unlimited
Silicon Si 1 3,010,606 52.35 Unlimited
Silver Ag 5,100,000 26,261 26,500 25,000 12.27 0.5
Tellurium Te 57,000,000 625 520 490 359.56 0.031
Tin Sn 170,000 304,572 296,000 270,000 –7.15 4.3
144 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

Table 5.9 (continued)

Material Symbol CSP Annual Production (tonnes) World
kg Sieq /kg 2019 2019 2020 % Million
Titanium Ti 67 13,262,262 16,300,000 16,010,000 18.53 2,000
Vanadium V 2,000 81,031 86,800 86,000 19.24 63
Zinc (mine) Zn 3,900 12,333,887 12,700,000 12,000,000 –1.24 1,900
a Production growth in ten years 2010–2019 calculated with BGS data.
b Copper reserves: identified 2.1 billon tonnes; estimated undiscovered 3.5 billion tonnes.
c Fluorine production and reserves refer to fluorspar (CaF ).
d Gallium: estimated reserves as by-product of bauxite (50 ppm) and Zn (50 ppm) but only 10%

potentially recoverable.
e Germanium: data on recoverable Ge from Zn ores not available; globally only 3% of Ge content

is recovered.
f Indium: most commonly recovered from zinc-sulphide ore mineral sphalerite (1–100 ppm).
g Lithium: data from BGS for Li includes all minerals and in particular 1.6 million tonnes produced

by Australia (Spodumene).
h Selenium: estimated from 40 to 900 ppm in copper reserves, and uneconomical recovery from 0.5

to 12 ppm from coal reserves.

i Silicon data from USGS includes ferro-silicon and silicon metal.

silicon-based technologies is diversification of the supply chain. This geopolitical

recommendation will be analysed in more detail in Chap. 12.
Other required elements have not been included in the table because they are abun-
dant and its annual production is much higher than its global demand; furthermore,
its use in the PV industry is low. They are carbon (coal) and iron (used for steel
manufacture of BoS components for electronic components, framing and support
or tracking devices for modules either in plants or roof-top or BIPV systems), with
annual production >8 and >3 billion tonnes in 2019 respectively, and estimated world
reserves in excess of 800 billion tonnes for both minerals [6]. Similarly, calcium and
sulphur are produced from a broad range of minerals of which the most abundant are
gypsum and anhydrite, providing an almost unlimited amount of reserves, and they
are scarcely used in PV technologies [38].
Other metals included in the table require a more detailed analysis. Copper is
used mainly for BoS components (power electronics and cabling), its annual world
production is high (>20 million tonnes in 2020) and reserves amount to 2.1 billion
tonnes identified and an extra estimated undiscovered 3.5 billion tonnes. But price
of copper is unstable with a sustained increasing trend, which has led to high shares
of recycled copper in the supply chain; for example, copper recovered from scrap
contributed about 38% of the U.S. copper supply [38]. Aluminium (second most
abundant element in Earth’s crust, with annual production >60 million tonnes) is a
metal widely used in the PV industry and it is not considered a bottleneck for future
supply [14]. On the other hand silver could pose a potential risk of supply, its annual
production is 26,000 tonnes and although silver was a principal product at several
mines, silver is primarily obtained as a by-product from lead-zinc mines, copper
5.3 Strategic and Scarce Materials Embedded in PV Modules 145

mines, and gold mines (reserves estimated around 500,000 tonnes as reported by
[38]); silver content is being reduced in alloys for contacts in all PV technologies,
with increasing use of tin and aluminium as substitutes. Silver is the only element
in silicon technology that could require a replacement in the medium term, specially
if an impact on final price of system is to be avoided, in competition with other
energy-related technologies (since silver is itself a replacement for more scarce and
expensive metals, for example as catalyst in batteries). Currently around 30% of
silver is recovered and recycled worldwide, with an annual growth of 0.6% [39, 40].
A very different picture arises for thin film technologies. Ideally they were consid-
ered a good alternative to silicon because they require reduced amounts of material
in the active layer (see Tables 5.3 and 5.4 for CIGS and CdTe technologies). But
despite this fact, several elements have been identified as potential bottlenecks for a
massive production of PV modules, which may limit future cumulative manufacture
of PV modules of these technologies, although it has been estimated that production
could peak around 100 GWp /year by 2030, then be reduced again but with a potential
recovery that in any scenario will be lower than 200 GWp /year by 2100 [8, 17, 19,
27]. Market trends have reduced the share of thin film technologies to around 5% of
global market which represents around 7.5 GWp of annual installed capacity (2019),
well below the possible limits posed by mineral supply and it is expected to remain in
these values [15, 24, 25]. Nevertheless, six metals have been identified which could
generate a potential supply risk for thin film technologies, they are scarce in Earth’s
crust and only produced as by-products of other primary commodities:
Cadmium is used in CdTe technology. It is produced as a by-product of processing
sphalerite, a zinc sulphide ore containing varying amounts of cadmium (average
about 0.03%). With production in the range of 20,000 tonnes per year, a few
thousand tonnes are not recovered every year because it is actually uneconomical,
but it could be recovered if high demand for cadmium pushes prices up. Moreover,
around 25% of world production is obtained from recycled NiCd batteries [5];
therefore the risk for CdTe technology arising from Cd is much lower than the
risk from Te.
Tellurium pose a risk for CdTe technology. It is produced as a by-product of
copper mining, and only 490 tonnes were produced in 2020, in ten years (2010–
2019), the production has grown 360% despite a small reduction in the past two
years [6]; reserves are only 31,000 tonnes (estimated as recoverable from slimes of
copper mining with 100ppm of Te content and without including data from Russia,
which for this mineral are not available in the USGS [38]). A very small amount of
tellurium is recovered from scrapped photoreceptors employed in old photocopy-
machines in Europe and some pilot plants are starting to recover tellurium from
recycled CdTe solar cells (see Sect. 8.2).
Indium is obtained as a by-product of zinc mining (also mainly from spharelite
mineral, in ranges from 1ppm to 100ppm). Its use in many electronic devices
as transparent conducting oxide (50% of current indium production is used in
ITO coatings) creates a very competitive market which has generated high prices
for indium with a production around 900 tonnes in 2020, an increment of 32%
146 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

in the past ten years. The recovery of indium from reprocessing mining wastes
(tailings and slags) is now being practised on a limited scale but could become
a significant source of future indium supply if high demand pulls prices up and
justifies investment. As secondary source, indium is recovered from electronic
scrap waste and processed domestically in many countries; in 2017 around 37.5%
of indium was recycled worldwide, half of it reprocessed in China; this recycling
industry could be a significant source of indium in the near future [5, 39, 40].
Scarcity and very high prices could pose a risk on CIGS and III-V technologies,
which rely on indium for its active layer [26], but also on other organic and hybrid
emerging technologies which require indium for the TCO contacts, in this later
case, replacement with fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) and the use of alternative
electrodes is a good solution (see Sect. 4.4).
Gallium is a component of the active layer of CIGS and III-V technologies and
it has been considered an element that could hinder the massive deployment of
both technologies. Most of gallium production (380 tonnes in 2019 [6]) comes
as by-product of bauxite ore processing for aluminium, and minor amounts are
obtained from residues produced during the process to recover primary zinc metal;
in both cases the gallium content is around 50 ppm and only 10% is potentially
recoverable with total reserves estimated around 1 million tonnes. Considering
that gallium production has grown in two steps, from less than 20 tonnes before
2010 to 237 tonnes in 2011, and more than doubled in seven years to be reduced
since then, it is difficult to make estimations of future production. Very high power
conversion efficiency III-V solar cells for PV space applications and high mobility
transistors for electronic devices rely on this material and it is difficult that CIGS
technology could compete in a horizon of high prices for this commodity although
supply is enough to meet the actual demand; still very little gallium is recovered
from recycled obsolete electronic materials and there are increasing commercial
tensions: China produces 80% of gallium and a small reduction in Chinese primary
production lead to a 32% increase in 2020 price [38].
Selenium is refined from primary copper ores. Around 4,000 tonnes are currently
produced every year by reprocessing anode slimes resulting from electrolytic
purification of copper mining ores, with a ten years increment of 69% [6]. Reserves
of 100,000 tonnes are estimated from 40 to 900 ppm in copper reserves, and uneco-
nomical recovery from 0.5 to 12 ppm from coal reserves. Although it is a scarce
material, it is not considered that it could pose constraints to CIGS technology
since search for primary deposits is progressing fast and recent technological
improvements for its extraction from copper, coal, zinc, lead and gold mining
residues and in oil refineries could result in an increase in supply if prices justify
recovery. Only 5% of selenium is currently recycled, with an increasing trend that
could double by 2050 [39].
Germanium production of around 100 tonnes per year is obtained from two main
sources: refining of zinc mining residues (60%) and from leaching of fly ash,
a waste product of coal combustion (30%). Until 2010 germanium supply was
strongly dependant on zinc production and when zinc demand was low but ger-
manium demand remained high, a reduction in Ge production lead to supply
5.3 Strategic and Scarce Materials Embedded in PV Modules 147

shortages and sudden price hikes (around 20% in 2007 and 2008); since then,
an despite a constant or slow reduction in annual production, prices have been
stable an even they have been reduced in recent years. World reserves are undis-
closed, but could be considered high if technology for recovery of germanium
from coal combustion is improved. Furthermore, worldwide around 30% of the
total consumed germanium is produced from recycled materials, a figure which
is increasing, specially in the infra-red optics industry, where 60% of the used
germanium metal is routinely recycled as new scrap. This trend indicates that
although germanium production is low, it will not pose a significant risk to the
two PV technologies where it is mostly used, a-Si/Ge tandem cells and as substrate
for III-V technology.

The European Union regularly assess the criticality of raw materials applying
a methodology which is a combination of indicators about mineral global supply
risk (internal production, import reliance and recycling), economical considerations
(capital cost, value added) and potential substitutes for each application (evaluat-
ing trade-off of cost and performance). The first assessment carried out in 2011
identified 14 critical raw materials (CRM); it has been updated in 2014, 2017 and
2020 which has increased the list up to 30 CRMs. Interestingly, silicon metal has
been considered a CRM by the EU since 2014, and in the final list of 2020 the
following materials related to different photovoltaic technologies (from Table 5.1)
were included: bauxite (for aluminium production), borates (for boron production),
coking coal, fluorspar (for fluor production), gallium, germanium, indium, lithium,
magnesium, natural graphite, phosphorus, silicon metal, titanium and vanadium [14].
A long list that emphasizes European vulnerability of its own photovoltaic industry
(in 2021 almost completely delocalized outside Europe with the exception of some
emerging technologies).
As a summary of global worldwide potential risks for solar electricity sustain-
ability arising from the use of raw materials, two main conclusions can be pointed
out: firstly, the c-Si (wafer based) photovoltaic technology, currently representing
95% of the market (and expected to remain high in the near future) is not threatened
by any supply risk; the only possibility of a supply shortage could arise from silver,
which is an expensive metal with many industrial uses, but silver could be replaced
by aluminium, copper and tin without compromising power conversion efficiency
or stability of c-Si PV modules. Secondly, two thin film technologies already in
the market are constrained by high supply risk of tellurium (CdTe technology) and
indium (CIGS technology); despite its small market share (around 5%) and the small
amount of material used in the cell layers (<5 µm), its manufacture at a rate of a few
hundreds of GW p cannot be achieved in the future; furthermore, the competition for
indium against other PV technologies (III-V) and the electronics industry (TCOs)
could push prices up and reduce more its market share. Indium scarcity could also
represent a problem for other emerging organic and hybrid technologies, since they
require transparent electrodes fabricated so far with indium tin oxide (ITO), but this
risk is also low, since there are effective replacements for ITO to be used as electrodes.
148 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

Other materials, such as gallium, selenium and germanium, could also pose a
certain risk, but it is considered low in most reports, with the other two metals
(tellurium and indium) representing the real bottleneck for massive production in the
affected technologies [5, 9, 14, 29]. The copper zinc tin sulphide (CZTS) kesterite
approach to thin film technology aims to replace all scarce materials used in CIGS
technology with Earth’s crust abundant materials, which together with potentially
low-cost printing technologies used in its production, could open a good market share
for this thin film technology in competition with c-Si and other emerging technologies
Finally, although used in very small quantities in dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC),
ruthenium deserves a special mention: it is included in the “platinum-group metals”
(PGM) production lists, with a stable production reported between 30 and 60 tonnes
and estimated reserves of only 5,000 tonnes, it has seen a strong price increment
of 136% in 2020 due to increasing demand [6, 38]. The most efficient molecular
sensitizer in DSSC technology includes a ruthenium atom, but research is intensive
to develop sensitizers that does not include critical metals. Nevertheless, forecasts
for DSSC does not seem to include a significant share in future PV market, since
its solid-state evolution led to the perovskite approach which seems to have much
brighter future.

5.4 Polluting and Toxic Materials Embedded in PV

Modules and Used in Its Manufacturing Process

A list of materials and substances embedded in the PV modules and used during
its manufacturing process, including a brief comment on environmental hazards
and health risk during manufacture are listed in Table 5.10 and commented below.
The detailed analysis of impacts on several categories (including human health or
ecotoxicity, between others) of embedded materials in solar cells and processing or
end-of-life waste are included in the LCA studies presented in Chap. 7. In this later
case, the relative importance of impacts is linked to the amount of materials embedded
in the final product (cell or module) and the amount of substances required during
processing; futhermore, they can be partially recovered, reused or recycled. Since
characterization factors and a LCIA method should also be considered to calculate
quantitatively the impacts, only a detailed life cycle assessment provides a realistic
vision of impacts and risks, which in general are low despite the quite impressive list
provided in Table 5.10.
The list is a long one and it emphasizes the need to carry out a detailed analysis
of health and safety precautions in all manufacturing lines for all PV technologies.
Most of the potential hazards may occur during fabrication (and during recycling, see
Chap. 8). Nevertheless, after a PV module is fabricated, including its encapsulation,
glass, backsheet and frame, the toxic elements content of the module is very low and
therefore risks for human health and environment during installation, operation and
5.4 Polluting and Toxic Materials Embedded in PV Modules … 149

Table 5.10 List of polluting and toxic materials and substances used during manufacture of PV
Hazardous material Used in Health issues
Arsine III-V CVD Accidental risk, blood, kidney
Arsenic compounds III-V CVD MBE Cancer, lung
Ammonia CdS deposition Lung desease, irritant, environmental
Cadmium CdTe and CdS Extremely toxic, Cancer, kidney
Cadmium chloride CdTe deposition Cd release, environmental damage
Cadmium sulphate CdTe deposition Cd release, environmental damage
Carbon tetrachloride Etchant Liver cancer, greenhouse gas
Chlorosilanes a-Si and x-Si deposition Irritant
Diborane a-Si dopant Central nervous system, pulmonary
Germane a-Si dopant, Si/Ge Blood, central nervous system, kidney
Hydrogen a-Si deposition Fire hazard
Hydrogen fluoride Etchant Irritant, burns, bone, teeth
Hydrogen selenide CIGS sputtering Irritant, gastrointestinal, flammable
Hydrogen sulphide CIGS sputtering Irritant, central nervous system, flammable
Hydrochloric acid Reduction chamber Irritant, corrosive
Indium compounds CIGS deposition Pulmonary, bone, gastrointestinal
Lead Soldering Central nervous system, gastrointestinal,
blood, kidney, reproductive
Nitric acid Wafer cleaning Irritant, corrosive
Phosphine a-Si dopant Irritant, central nervous system,
gastrointestinal, flammable
Phosphorous oxychlo- x-Si dopant Irritant, kidney
Potassium hydroxide c-Si, Wafer treatment Irritant, eye, lung, and skin damage
Selenium dioxide CIGS deposition Irritant, tissue poison
Silane a-Si and x-Si deposition Irritant, spontaneous explosion in air
Silica Si Mining Silicosis, a severe lung disease
Silicon tetrafluoride a-Si deposition Corrosive, irritant to eye, lung, and skin
Silicon tetrachloride c-Si React with water and cause environmental
Sulphur hexafluoride Clean the reactors Potent greenhouse gas (25000× CO2eq )
Sulphur dioxide Within chamber Acid rain
Sodium hydroxide c-Si, Wafer treatment Irritant, eye, lung, and skin damage
Tellurium compounds CIGS deposition Central nervous system, cyanosis, liver
Thiourea CdS deposition Carcinogen, damage to bone marrow, skin
150 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

Table 5.10 (continued)

Hazardous Material Used in Health Issues
Trichloroethylene III-V as solvent Carcinogen
Triethyl gallium III-V Severe eye and skin burns, fatal if
swallowed or inhaled, highly flammable,
espontaneous explosion in air
Trimethyl arsenic III-V Releases arsenic and has effects on lung,
liver, immune, and blood
Trimethyl gallium III-V Severe eye and skin burns, respiratory tract
burns, spontaneous explosion in air

dismantling is low, even in the case of accidental damage (for example fire events or
floods). Several agencies worldwide have carried out a detailed analysis of those risks
and published recommendations for the handling of the PV components, in particular
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
In the following sections, special mention to four of the potentially most hazardous
materials related to photovoltaic technologies are described.

5.4.1 Silicon Mining and Processing Risks

Silicon is the most abundant element in Earth’s crust, but the mining of silica creates
an important human health problem: silicosis, a severe lung disease that cannot be
cured. It occurs after long exposure to silica dust; once the lung is damaged, the
sickness cannot be reversed and therefore prevention is the only mitigation measure.
Treatment of silicosis is focused on slowing down the progression of the disease and
relieving the symptoms. In the past, incidence of the sickness was high, but strict
rules on working conditions in mines, glass factories and building industry were able
to reduce the incidence in twenty-first century, although contrary to expectations, it
is increasing again specially in emerging economies of developing countries. Many
experts consider that silicosis could become a pressing global health issue and that
it should be considered an “epidemic in the making” [32]. PV industry is a high
consumer of silica, mostly for the manufacturing of glass for the modules and should
implement regulations that prevent using silica that has not been mined with the
highest standards of workers safety.
Several chemical substances that are used in the silicon processing, specially
in the chloride-hydride purification stage, present high toxicity according to EPA,
OSHA and ECHA. Between them SiHCl3 , SiH2 Cl2 , SiH4 , SiCl4 , and SiHBr3 are
the most dangerous for human health and environment. Nevertheless, they are used
in small quantities and in very controlled working environments within high-tech
factories where overall health risk for workers is kept under control. Special mention
5.4 Polluting and Toxic Materials Embedded in PV Modules … 151

requires silane (SiH4 ), which present a very high explosion risk because it explodes
spontaneously in air in a broad range of concentrations; it has also been coded
by OSHA as HE4, meaning acute toxicity and short-term high-risk effects. High
economical investment is required for chemical security in all factories using silane,
chloro-silane(s) and its derivatives for silicon based technologies, specially a-Si:H.

5.4.2 Cadmium Toxicity

Cadmium is considered “extremely toxic” by EPA, OSHA and ECHA. It is a car-

cinogenic substance that may affect kidney, liver, bone, and can lead to blood damage
from ingestion and lung cancer from inhalation. It is suspected of causing genetic
defects, of damaging fertility and of badly affecting the unborn child. It can cause
severe environmental damage, and it is considered very toxic for the aquatic life.
Additionally, in pure form, it is pyrophoric and catches fire spontaneously if exposed
to air. In a manufacturing centre for CdTe modules, workers should not be exposed
to an airborne concentration of cadmium in excess of five micrograms per cubic
meter of air (5 µm/m3 ), calculated as an eight-hour time-weighted average exposure
(TWA) according to OSHA.
The risk of cadmium release can be produced during manufacturing process with
risk to exposed workers, and to the environment by accidental destruction of pho-
tovoltaic CdTe modules during its lifetime or due to a bad waste treatment at the
end of life. Nevertheless, risk during fire events have been evaluated and considered
low since its evaporation temperature is higher than the one that can be reached in a
fire event [16, 18]. On the other hand, cadmium is produced as a by-product of zinc
mining and can either be collected for several uses or discharged to the environment
posing another risk. The use of Cd in the photovoltaic industry can make Cd treat-
ment much safer than other current Cd uses, for example in Ni-Cd batteries, where it
is used less efficiently and the handling of the substance is less controlled throughout
its lifetime; CdTe PV technology is considered a safer way to sequestrate cadmium
and therefore avoiding its release to environment as a by-product of zinc mining.

5.4.3 Lead Toxicity

If exposed to lead through accidental inhalation or ingestion, workers may develop a

variety of ailments, such as neurological effects, gastrointestinal effects, anemia and
kidney disease, and it may also damage fertility. The maximum accepted levels of
lead in drinking water and air were set to 15 and 0.15 µg/L, respectively, according
to EPA. The OSHA establish a permissible exposure limit of lead at 50 µg/m3 an
eight-hour TWA (ten times higher than cadmium limits); nevertheless, if levels go
beyond 30 µg/m3 in manufacturing centres, specific compliance activities must be
carried out, including regular medical tests for workers.
152 5 The Limits of Raw Materials Embedded in PV Modules

Lead can also be released to the environment, where it remains as dust indefinitely
and it can result in decreased growth and reproduction in plants and animals, and
neurological effects in vertebrates. Perovskite photovoltaic technology contains lead
in the most efficient active layers. Rain with different pH on perovskite photovoltaic
modules may induce lead release into the environment; this effect was experimentally
evaluated in detail and the results find that even in the case of catastrophic module
destruction, the release to the environment is extremely low [20]. The total content
of lead in perovskite cells is very small and health detailed life cycle assessment have
found that the impact of lead on several categories is low and in any case lower than
other processes including in perovskite manufacture, like spiro-OMeTAD production
[13, 34].

5.4.4 Sulphur Hexafluoride Environmental Damage

On top of those mentioned above, between all the substances listed in Table 5.10, the
risks of releasing sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ) should be emphasized. According to
the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), it is rated as one of the most
potent greenhouse gases (GHGs) per molecule; as one tonne of SF6 is equivalent
to 25,000 tonnes of CO2 . Furthermore, if released to atmosphere, it can create acid
rain when reacting with silicon to generate silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4 ) and sulphur
difluoride (SF2 ), or be reduced to tetrafluorosilane (SiF4 ) and sulphur dioxide (SO2 )
In this chapter, the risks arising from the materials used in PV technologies have
shown that future deployment of photovoltaic capacity may reach the Tera-Watt scale
without facing insurmountable risks. Nevertheless, the impacts on human health and
the environment of the production routes of the embedded materials in the modules
and the substances used during its manufacture should be carefully evaluated. The
tool to do so is Life Cycle Assessment and its results will be presented and analysed
in Chap. 7.


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Chapter 6
The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

The discussion of the energy balance of a photovoltaic system during its lifetime
started at the beginning of PV systems deployment in the early 80s. The critics often
argued that a photovoltaic system never produced more energy than the required
to manufacture it. The discussion was finished many years ago, when the energy
embedded in the PV systems were compared with the electricity produced during its
lifetime, resulting in an overwhelmingly positive balance. This balance, often mea-
sured as the energy payback time (EPBT) or as energy return on (energy) investment
(EROI), requires the careful compilation of the energy embedded in the manufac-
ture of cells, modules and balance of system components. Therefore, this chapter
is organized in three main sections: one devoted to the calculation of embedded
energy in different photovoltaic technologies, another one devoted to the calculation
of the energy produced by a photovoltaic system during its lifetime, which is strongly
dependant on the performance ratio of the system, a parameter that informs about
all possible losses that an operational PV system may have in an given location;
and finally the analysis of the balance provided by the EPBT and EROI parameters,
which enables a fair comparison between PV technologies and with other energy
technologies (renewable or non-renewable).

6.1 Embedded Energy in Photovoltaic Systems

The compilation of the embedded energy, that is, the cumulative energy demand
(CED), of a photovoltaic system is part of the life cycle inventory. It is considered
as an input for the production process of the product (the cell, or module, or system)
or the service (the provided electricity). The energy input may arise from different
contributions that are analysed in detail in this section: the energy embedded in the

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 157
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
158 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

processing of materials, in the manufacturing of modules and in the transport and

building of the system. In many studies, the energy required for end-of-life operations
are also included in the embedded energy calculation. This provides a comparison
of embedded energy in different PV technologies. The balance of system life cycle
inventory and impact assessment will be presented in Chap. 9.

6.1.1 Embedded Energy in the Processing of Materials

The cumulative energy demand embedded in PV module production has been cal-
culated in detail using LCA inventories. An aggregation of the energy demand for
each group of processes is shown in Tables 6.1 and 6.2 for two examples of crys-
talline silicon technologies, together comprising more than 95% of actual module
production. The calculations were carried out by Erik Alsema, Vasilis Fthenakis,
Marco Raugei and many others since late 90s; the values shown in the tables are a
cap to actual CED values; on the one hand, the material requirements per module
have been reduced (see Chap. 5) and industrial processes optimized; on the other
hand the values originally provided are primary energy per area of module (MJ/m2 )
which refers to a functional unit for the LCA study of 1 m2 ; one step forward is to
compute the CED for a functional unit of the nominal peak power (1 Wp ) of module.
This information has the disadvantage that the quality of the module (influenced
by the processing method) is considered indirectly in the evaluation of the CED: a
manufacturing route that demands the same CED per square meter of module may
deliver better modules, thus reducing the CED per Watt peak without improving the
energy efficiency of the process. In Tables 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 both values are provided,
in the second column, with MJ/W p assuming the efficiencies indicated in the Table
caption. Again, the efficiencies of commercial modules are today better than those

Table 6.1 Cumulative energy demand (CED) breakdown for single-crystal silicon PV modules,
calculated with data from inventories by Alsema et al. [1, 19] (MJ/m2 module area, and converted
to MJ/W p assuming module PCE = 14%)
Process sc-Si MJ/m2 MJ/W p Share (%)
Silicon production 450 3.21 7.3
Silicon purification 1800 12.86 29.0
Crystallization, 2300 16.43 37.1
Wafering 250 1.79 4.0
Cell processing 550 3.93 8.9
Frame (Al) 500 3.57 8.1
Module assembly 350 2.50 5.6
Total module 6200 44.29 100.0
6.1 Embedded Energy in Photovoltaic Systems 159

Table 6.2 Cumulative energy demand (CED) breakdown for multi-crystalline silicon PV modules,
calculated with data from inventories by Alsema et al. [1, 19] (MJ/m2 module area, and converted
to MJ/W p assuming module PCE = 13%)
Process mc-Si MJ/m2 MJ/W p Share (%)
Silicon production 450 3.46 9.6
Silicon purification 1800 13.85 38.3
Crystallization, 750 5.77 16.0
Wafering 250 1.92 5.3
Cell processing 600 4.62 12.8
Frame (Al) 500 3.85 10.6
Module assembly 350 2.69 7.4
Total module 4700 36.15 100.0

Table 6.3 Cumulative energy demand (CED) breakdown for amorphous silicon PV modules,
calculated with data from inventories by Alsema et al. [1, 19] (MJ/m2 module area, and converted
to MJ/W p assuming module PCE = 7%)
Process a-Si MJ/m2 MJ/W p Share (%)
Cell material 50 0.71 4.2
Substrate + 350 5.00 29.2
encapsulation material
Cell/module 400 5.71 33.3
Overhead operations 250 3.57 20.8
Equipment 150 2.14 12.5
Total module 1200 17.14 100.0

considered for the calculation, and therefore, the results can be considered a cap for
CED values.
For both crystalline types of module (single crystal and multi-crystalline), the
most energy consuming step is the purification process nearly followed by the crys-
tallization of the silicon material. This process is nowadays highly optimized and it
is difficult to expect big improvements in energy saving during the coming years.
The energy consumption rate in the Siemens process has reached 140 kWh/kg of
Si, 50 kWh/kg for the production of high purity SiHCl3 and 90 kWh/kg for the H2
reduction and/or thermal decomposition [40].
For thin film amorphous silicon, the most energy consuming process is the cell
manufacture, while the most important energy embedded in materials is the encapsu-
lant and substrate, and not the materials of the photovoltaic cell active and transporting
layers, a characteristic which is common to all thin film technologies and can be seen
in Table 6.3 for a-Si modules.
160 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

The cumulative energy demand of emerging technologies requires a different

approach. Again, the energy embedded in the processing of materials is important,
but focussed on chemical processing instead of mining and purification techniques
(typical of inorganic PV technologies). Due to the very diverse chemical routes used
to synthesise organic molecules, the range of reported values is wide.
When tandem of mixed technologies are considered, the lifetime of the cells mono-
lithically connected is an important factor. The most successful perovskite/silicon
tandem, currently with record power conversion efficiency (29.5%), combines two
cells, one with long lifetime (Si, with T80 > 25 years) and one with much shorter
lifetime (perovskite, with T80 still below a few years). The final energy balance
between cumulative energy demand and the solar electricity produced throughout
its lifetime is strongly affected by the time at which the perovskite cell reduces its
functionality and the transparency of the material once it has reached its lifetime
since the perovskite is on top of the silicon cell which will be operational several
years more. Although it may be a major drawback for a reduction in the final balance,
the cumulative energy demand is still low [33].
The sputtering of transparent conducting oxides is a process which demands high
energy, either in inorganic commercial technologies or in organic/hybrid emerging
technologies, with values ranging from 6.3kWh per m2 of module area, in contrast
with printing technologies which require much lower energy, for example, for screen
printing it ranges from 0.02 to 0.41 kWh/m2 [29].

6.1.2 Embedded Energy in the Manufacturing of Modules

The energy required for cell processing is around 550, 600 and 400 MJ/m2 for
single crystal, multi-crystalline and amorphous silicon respectively (from Tables
6.1, 6.2 and 6.3); which can be converted to embedded energy per nominal capacity,
delivering values of 3.93, 4.62 and 5.71 MJ/Wp . Note the impact of power conversion
efficiency used for the calculation, which are the same as reported by the researchers
at the time of their work; since PCE has improved steadily, and assuming that energy
process is kept constant, with present day best PCE at module level, the values
reported above are reduced to 2.25 MJ/Wp , 2.94 MJ/Wp and 4.08 MJ/Wp respectively.
These values for energy embedded in the cell are similar absolute quantities per
square meter of module, but its share with respect energy embedded in the whole
module is very different, being only 8.9 and 12.8% for sc-Si and mc-Si, but increasing
to 33.3% for a-Si, emphasizing the different strategies that are required to reduce
CED in wafer-based versus thin film technologies: in the first case reducing the CED
embedded in material processing (already difficult and only achievable because the
thickness of the wafers are reduced) while for thin film, the roadmap is to reduce
the CED of the cell and module processing, where there is still plenty of reduction
possibilities thanks to the large diversity of processing methods for deposition and
structuring of materials embedded in the thin film cells. Cumulative energy demand
embedded in PV module manufacture has been constantly reduced in the past few
6.1 Embedded Energy in Photovoltaic Systems 161

years, and currently the most advanced silicon heterojunction solar cells (SHJ) have
a best value of CED = 0.8 MJ/Wp [29].
The three commercial technologies (CdTe, CIGS and III-V tandems) are based on
material deposition on substrates by different methods that require vacuum chambers,
the methods are being improved and energy consumption is slowly reduced. But a
breakthrough in energy embedded in the thin film processing has been achieved
with emerging technologies where the film deposition method is based on printing
technologies from solution, the CED for thin film technologies varies from 894
MJ/m2 to less than 200 MJ/m2 , which together with the variation in reported power
conversion efficiencies translates into values ranging from 2–5 MJ/Wp , overlapping
with the values obtained for crystalline silicon solar cells reported above; several
authors recommend to use CED calculations per square meter of module (FU =
1 m2 ) when comparing different technologies to avoid excessive dependence on
value-choice; the use of harmonization procedures narrows the wide dispersion of
reported data [5]. For small molecules and polymer photovoltaic technologies, the
values have a similar order of magnitude and were found to range between 2.9 and
5.7 MJ/Wp [3]. Nevertheless, the reduction of cell processing energy in thin film
and emerging technologies can be potentially higher, which together with the small
amount of material required in thin films (of a few hundreds of nanometers thick),
have constantly reduced the CED of the devices in the past few years and as will be
presented in Sect. 6.3 have led to energy payback times lower than one year.
For all PV technologies, the energy embedded in the frame of modules is impor-
tant because aluminium is a material which requires high energy processing. The
typical energy embedded in aluminium framing is about 500 MJ/m2 of module,
independently of the technology under consideration [1, 2, 19]. In crystalline silicon
cells, an Al frame is still included by most manufacturers, although there is a trend
to manufacture frameless modules that could reduce aluminium consumption (lower
impacts on mineral resources) and the energy required for aluminium and frame
processing, thus bringing down the module CED around –10%. Thin film modules
are now commonly manufactured without frame.
Table 6.4 presents the top contributor of primary energy demand at module level
for different PV technologies, in the table a distinction between either process energy
or energy embedded in materials has been carried out, data for the table have been
collected from references indicated in each row, the compilation in reference [9], and
from the recent report “Solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems: options
and feasibility of EU Ecolabel and Green Public Procurement criteria” by the Joint
Research Centre (European Commission) [11].
When renewable and non-renewable energy technologies are compared, fossil
technologies have high cumulative non-renewable energy demand (CED), which is
typical of energy technologies with very different life cycles, since the consumption
of fuel in fossil and nuclear electricity technologies provides the biggest contri-
butions of energy demand from the manufacturing stage (including raw materials
extraction, equipment manufacture and building of the production plants) to the
operational phase when the fuel is consumed. This very different approach has risen
some criticism on the direct comparison of cumulative energy demand of renewable
162 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

Table 6.4 Top contributor to cumulative energy demand (CED, primary) at module level classifying
between either process energy or energy embedded in materials
Technology Electricity intensive Energy embedded in Module component Reference
process material
sc-Si Si crystallization Active layer Alsema [1]
sc-Si Si wafer growth (FZ) Active layer Celik et al. [8]
mc-Si Si purification Active layer Alsema [1]
a-Si Cell process Active layer Alsema [1]
a-Si/nc-Si PECVDa Active layer Kim and Fthenakis
a-Si/nc-Si PECVDa Active layer Mohr et al. [32]
CdTe Al Frame Kato et al. [26]
CdTe, Zn3 P2 Substrate cleaning in Collier et al. [10]
heated ultrasonic bath
cleaning drying with
CIGS Co-evaporation of Active layer Collier et al. [10]
Cu,In,Ga and
CZTS Co-sputtering of Cu, Active layer Collier et al. [10]
Zn, Sn and
GaAs MOVPEb Cell stack Meijer et al. [30]
GaAs MOVPEb Cell stack Mohr et al. [31]
OPV N2 glovebox Active layer, back García-Valverde et al.
electrode, [21]
OPV ITO sputtering Transparent electrode Espinosa et al. [13]
OPV Al/Cr sputtering Back electrode Espinosa et al. [14]
OPV PEDOT:PSS slot-die Hole-transport layer Emmott et al. [12]
coating and drying
OPV ITO sputtering Transparent electrode Anctil et al. [3]
OPV [ITO-free] PET film Substrate and Espinosa et al. [15]
encapsulation barriers
PSC [TiO2 ] Au Back electrode Gong et al. [22]
PSC [TiO2 ] TiO2 annealing Transporting layer Celik et al. [8]
PSC [ZnO] ITO sputtering Transparent electrode Gong et al. [22]
QDPV Al, ETFEc , EVAd Encapsulation Sengül and Theis [37]
a Plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition.
b Metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy.
c Ethylene tetra-fluoro-ethylene.
d Ethylene vinyl acetate

and non-renewable technologies; a parameter that considers the balance of energy

throughout the whole lifetime will provide a fairer comparison although it is not
included in standard LCA approaches: this is the energy payback time, which is
presented in Sect. 6.3.
6.2 Solar Electricity Production of a Photovoltaic System 163

6.2 Solar Electricity Production of a Photovoltaic System

A photovoltaic system will generate a certain amount of electricity during its lifetime
“use phase” that depends on two main groups of parameters: technical parameters and
environmental parameters. The first group defines the characteristics of the module
at the gate of the factory and depends on the PV technology under consideration,
they have been presented in Chap. 2. The second group is comprised of operational
parameters that will influence the PV system output during a long period of time and
which mainly depend on environmental parameters (irradiance, temperature, wind
and humidity) of the geographical location where the PV system is built; but also
good design of the system and good practice during the operational phase have a
strong impact on the electricity output during the system lifetime; monitorization
methods and maintenance practice should be taken into account for an evaluation of
a system performance.
In this chapter, the methods to calculate the energy output of a photovoltaic system
are briefly presented and then analyzed from the Life Cycle Assessment perspective,
focussing on what could be considered a “gate to grave” scope. The environmental
impacts of operational and the end-of-life phases are evaluated and, together with the
“cradle to gate” results of Chap. 5 comprise a full LCA scope of PV technologies.
First, the tools to calculate the electricity production of a PV system with a given
nominal power and installed in a specific geographical location are provided. Then
an overview of the large variety of PV system applications is presented, with exam-
ples of case studies of yield and performance, including some recommendations of
exploitation and maintenance best practices. The end of life of the PV systems are
considered. Finally, the issue of size dependant impacts of PV systems is presented,
with a comparison of roof-top, BIPV or large plants and the possibility of multifunc-
tional use of the required space is discussed, with special focus on a new important
trend for double use of land in more landscape-integrated PV systems: agrivoltaics.

6.2.1 Electricity Production and Yield

The electricity output of a photovoltaic system with a given nominal power is called
yield. Depending on PV technology, system design, environmental conditions and
good maintenance practice, the yield relates energy and power, it informs about how
much electricity can be obtained from a PV system in a certain location during a
certain period of time. There are three definitions of photovoltaic yield, regulated by
the standard IEC 61724 [25]: PV module (array) energy yield (Y A,t ), final yield (Y F,t )
and reference yield (Y R,t ). All yields are measured in hours, but it is recommended
to indicate the ratio of units from which it is calculated in order to avoid confusions.
The PV module array energy yield is the ratio of energy (DC electricity) produced
by the array of modules (the generator) to the nominal power (measured in STC
164 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

conditions). In other words, it is the generated DC electricity (kWh)/kW p of installed

PV. It is calculated for a certain period of time (hourly, daily, monthly or annual)
E G DC ,t kWh
Y A,t = →h . (6.1)

The PV system final energy yield is the ratio of energy (AC electricity) produced
by the PV system to the nominal power (measured in STC conditions); it is the
generated AC electricity (kWh)/kW p of installed PV. It is calculated for a certain
period of time (hourly, daily, monthly or annual)
E SAC ,t kWh
Y F,t = →h . (6.2)

The reference yield is the ratio of the total in-plane irradiation (or insolation)
per square meter to the standard conditions irradiance (STC, 1 kW/m2 ). It provides
information about the available solar resource in a geographical location, and can be
expressed as “Sun equivalent hours” because it is equivalent to receive STC irradiance
during the calculated reference yield hours for a certain period of time (hourly, daily,
monthly or anual, but it is most often used on a monthly or annual basis). It is the
amount of theoretically available solar resource in a geographical location
E Htheo ,t kWh/m2
Y R,t = →h . (6.3)
G STC kW/m2

When calculated or measured, the three yield definitions deliver different values
and the differences between them have seasonal variations. The performance ratio
(PR) is considered as the best parameter to aggregate the diversity of effects that
may affect the yield of a PV system, its definition is simple and at the same time
powerful: the PR is the ratio of the final yield to the reference yield
Y F,t
PR = . (6.4)
Y R,t

The performance ratio is expressed as % (or with a value between 0 and 1) and
indicates the amount of useful energy that is delivered by the system as a % of
what could be ideally achieved for a given PV technology in a specific geographical
location. It is an aggregated indicator of losses of the PV system, and provides infor-
mation about the quality of the system design, construction and operation during a
period of time. The PR has many contributions: temperature losses, low irradiance,
spectral effects, angular losses, soiling, shadowing, parameter dispersion (from man-
ufacturers), maximum power point tracker and power electronic efficiencies, losses
in wires, degradation of modules, etc…
The PR is a combined measurement of how good a PV system has been designed
(minimization of intrinsic losses by design: for example, inverters efficiency or cable
6.2 Solar Electricity Production of a Photovoltaic System 165

Fig. 6.1 Performance Ratio (PR) development for PV systems in Germany, with data from Fraun-
hofer ISE “1000 Dächer Jahresbericht” 1994, 1997 and 2011 (system evaluation) (Reproduced with
permission from [17])

thickness optimized to reduce voltage losses) and how good it is performing in real
operation conditions (cleaning, maintenance, quick failure detection and fixing). The
PR has evolved in time from typical values around 70% in the 90s to values around
90% after 2010, thirty years of knowledge which has allowed to reach high levels
of performance for any PV system. An example of this evolution are the PR values
measured in Germany from 1994 to 2010 shown in Fig. 6.1 for similar geographical
conditions and maintenance policies. This values may vary around the world, but are
indicative of the ultimate possibilities of improvement in PR values: 90% with low
variance is a limit that is very difficult to surpass.
In an inverse approach, if the reference yield of a location and the performance
ratio of a system is known, the calculation of the produced useful energy (delivered
AC electricity) is straightforward, starting with the definition of the energy delivered
in a period of time t (Eq. 6.2)

E t = PG STC × Y F,t , (6.5)

and substituting the definition for final yield using Eq. 6.4:

E t = PG STC × Y R,t × PR. (6.6)

For the calculation of energy produced during the lifetime of the PV system, a
careful modelling (or experimental measurement) of the PR must be carried out, it is
166 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

Table 6.5 Empirically determined coefficients used to predict module power at maximum power
point in environmental conditions different from standard test conditions (STC) for three different
PV technologies ([24])
Coefficient c-Si CIGS CdTe
k1 −0.017237 −0.005554 −0.046689
k2 −0.040465 −0.038724 −0.072844
k3 −0.004702 −0.003723 −0.002262
k4 0.000149 −0.000905 0.000276
k5 0.000170 −0.001256 0.000159
k6 0.000005 0.000001 −0.000006

difficult to make predictive calculations since degradation of the PV modules must

be taken into account, and the environmental data required to calculate the reference
yield also varies in the long term due to climate change. The JRC recommendations
for LCA applied to photovoltaic systems is to use a site-specific PR value or the
following default values: PR = 0.75 for roof-top installations and PR = 0.8 for ground-
mounted utility installations [18, 19]; degradation is included in these values that
must be considered as time averages. For annually calculated energy production, PR
should be updated every year to check for changes in parameters contributing to PR
calculation, especially the degradation of the modules. In 2021, most manufacturers
of PV modules guarantee degradation coefficients lower than 0.5% per year (that is a
0.5% reduction in nominal peak power per year); this leads to T80 times longer than
25 years, although the modules will be operational much longer times.
An alternative approach is used by the Joint Research Centre (European Commis-
sion) PVGIS on-line calculation tool. It is based on an empirical power rating method
proposed by Thomas Huld in which the power of the system is calculated for differ-
ent irradiance and temperature conditions by a correction to the power conversion
efficiency provided by manufacturers for standard test conditions [23, 24]

P(G  , T  ) = G  (PSTC + k1 ln(G  ) + k2 ln(G  )2

+ k3 T  + k4 T  ln(G  ) + k5 T  ln(G  )2 + k6 (T  )2 ),

where the normalized in-plane irradiance G  and temperature T  are defined as

G  ≡ G/G STC , (6.8)

T  ≡ Tmod − TSTC . (6.9)

The coefficients k1 to k6 are empirically obtained for each PV technology by

fitting to measured data. The coefficients used in PVGIS are based on measure-
ments performed at the European Solar Test Installation (JRC-ESTI) and are given
in Table 6.5.
6.2 Solar Electricity Production of a Photovoltaic System 167

Besides the detailed calculation of the electricity production of a PV system in

order to obtain the energy balance, the production phase of a PV system has an
important contribution to impacts in any LCA study. The production of PV modules
of different technologies have been analyzed in detail in Chap. 4 and for Balance of
System (BoS) components will be presented in Chap. 9. The following aspects are
taken into consideration in order to calculate the contribution of the construction
phase and use phase of the PV system to the different impact categories [18].

• Construction phase
– Transports to the PV power plant site (where the PV plant will be operated);
– Construction and installation, including foundation, supporting structures and
• Use phase
– Auxiliary electricity demand;
– Cleaning of panels;
– Maintenance;
– Repair and replacements, if any.
A special mention should be made for building integrated PV systems (BIPV),
where the double functionality of the PV modules must be included in the LCA study:
the modules produce electricity and are also a structural part of the building providing
additional services like weather protection, thermal insulation or shading. The best
FU for this case is the amount of AC electricity produced by the system (quantified in
kWh for a certain period of time) and the boundary must include all BoS which may
have special characteristics for the integration in the building structure (mounting
systems, microinverters). The calculation of electricity production of BIPV systems
require a site-specific analysis since module orientation and electrical connections
will depend more on the building structure and architecture design requirements and
in most cases will not be the optimal for PV production; similarly lifetime should be
adapted (usually larger than 25–30 years unless the modules are replaced before the
end of building lifetime wich is usually much longer) and operation and maintenance
activities strongly differ with respect to small home-systems (roof-top attached) and
large PV plants. Furthermore, the quantification of the double functionality is often
very difficult to define, but LCA studies will be more useful if they are able to quantify
and compare the global performance of the combined building+PV system with the
separated cases of building and PV system whose impacts are added. On the other
hand, the focus of the LCA may be the building itself, and BIPV is considered as a
modification of the default characteristics of the building.
168 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

6.2.2 Lifetime of Photovoltaic Systems

The IEA-PVPS Task 12 report on Methodology Guidelines on Life Cycle Assessment

of Photovoltaic recommends the following life expectancy considerations for the
LCA study of operational PV systems throughout its full lifetime [18].

Modules: 30 years for mature module technologies (glass-glass or glass-Tedlar

backsheet) used in ground mounted, building attached and building integrated
PV modules; life expectancy may be lower for foil-only encapsulation; this life
expectancy is based on typical PV module warranties (T80 , for 20% or less effi-
ciency degradation after 25 years) and the expectation that modules last beyond
their warranties. In BIPV systems, since modules are integrated in the building
structure (façades, roofs), the lifetime is longer and degradation losses after T80
should be evaluated according to manufacturer’s recommendations and included
in PR calculation.
Inverters: 15 years for small plants (residential PV); 30 years with 10% part
replacement every 10 years (the parts that are assumed to be replaced need to
be specified) for large size plants utility PV;
Transformers: 30 years;
Mounting and supporting structures: 30 years for building attached roof-top and
façade installations, and between 30 and 60 years for building integrated installa-
tions and for ground-mount installations on metal supports. Sensitivity analyses
should be carried out by varying the service life of the ground-mount supporting
structures within the same time span;
Cabling: 30 years;
Manufacturing plants (capital equipment): The lifetime may be shorter than 30
years due to the rapid development of technology.

All assumptions need to be listed clearly in the final report of any LCA study.

6.3 Energy Payback Time and Energy Return on (Energy)


A Net Energy Analysis (NEA) methodology was developed since the early 70s
to complement economical prospective analysis. The oil crisis was the shock that
prompted a careful analysis that was focussed on quantifying the energy returns of
any economic investment, and soon the analysis was closing the loop on energy itself:
How much energy must be invested to harvest an energy return? Is it possible to get
an net energy gain (surplus) delivered to the end user?
The aim of the methodological discussions was to measure the relation of energy
diverted from society to make energy available to society and the metric used for
the calculation should be applicable to any energy technology. The “energy pay-
6.3 Energy Payback Time and Energy Return on (Energy) Investment 169

back time” and the “energy return on (energy) investment” are the two main tools
developed to answer these questions.

6.3.1 Energy Payback Time Definition

The Energy Payback Time (EPBT) is the period of time required by a renewable
energy system to generate the same amount of energy that was used to produce the
system itself. It is usually quantified in equivalent primary energy using a conversion
efficiency factor. It can also be defined as the ratio of cumulative energy demand
(CED) to mean net energy generated annually
EPBT = , (6.10)
E G,a /ηgrid − E O&M

• CED is the cumulative primary energy demand (in MJ oil-equivalent);
• E G,a is the mean energy generated annually (kWh electricity);
• ηgrid is the grid efficiency, that is, the primary energy to electricity conversion
efficiency at the demand side (kWh electricity per MJ oil-equivalent) for the grid
of a specific country or region where the PV system is deployed, it is calculated
as the ratio of the yearly electricity output of the entire grid to the total primary
energy harvested from the environment for the operation of the grid in the same
• E O&M is the annual operation and maintenance primary energy consumption of
the PV system (in MJ oil-equivalent), it may vary from year to year and a lifetime
average is recommended, maintenance requirements tend to be higher at the end
of life of the system.
Two important clarifications should be emphasized in this definition. Firstly, the
amount of energy produced by the PV system is a net delivery to the grid (or to
AC or DC consumption in off-grid systems), and therefore, the self-consumption
of energy required for operation and maintenance of the system must be subtracted
in the denominator of Eq. 6.10. Secondly, the produced energy is a mean energy,
which must be calculated as an average of the system production throughout its
lifetime, including degradation losses. The recommended energy unit is primary
energy in MJ oil-equivalent since it covers all kinds of energy generated or used; the
conversion efficiency strongly affects the results; in some cases kWh can be used (it
facilitates electricity calculations) but inverse conversion factors for primary energy
contributions should also be applied in this case.
The cumulative (primary) energy demand was presented in Chap. 3 for general
life cycle inventory cases, and it is described here more specifically for a PV system

CED = E mat + E manuf + E trans + E inst + E EOL , (6.11)

170 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

where (all primary energy in MJ oil-equivalent):

• E mat is the primary energy demand to produce the materials embedded in the PV
• E manuf is the primary energy demand to manufacture the PV system;
• E trans is the primary energy demand to transport all materials and components of
the PV system during its life cycle;
• E inst is the primary energy demand to install the PV system;
• E EOL is the primary energy demand for end-of-life management.
The EPBT calculation is a concept used to quantify the beneficial effects of pro-
ducing energy from a renewable source. In early years of PV development, it was
used to demonstrate that PV systems indeed produced a net environmental benefit,
since the calculated EPBT was shorter than the system lifetimes. The focus was
(and still is) the displacement of non-renewable energy generation by photovoltaic
energy generation. But the most common approach is to include in the calculation
all contributions to the energy mix of the grid electricity that is being displaced,
that is, renewable and non-renewable sources of energy production, whose relative
contribution depends on the mix (it may contain a large amount of hydro or wind
contribution). In this case, the displacement concept behind EPBT approach is not
strictly speaking a substitutional one. The annual electricity generation (E G,a in Eq.
6.10) is converted into its equivalent primary energy with a calculation based on
the efficiency of electricity conversion at the demand side, which uses the current
average or average non-renewable (in attributional LCAs) or the long term marginal
(in decisional/consequential LCAs) grid mix where the PV plant is being installed
[18]. Since the electricity mix is changing in time with increasing renewable contri-
bution every year in many countries around the world, this conceptual approach to
EPBT may lead to misleading interpretations, especially in the consequential LCA
approach with uncertainties in future energy mix. The EPBT of a PV technology
may change significantly without the technology having changed at all because of
the impacts of variations of grid mix and efficiency.
To avoid this ambiguity, another conceptual approach can be used: the non-
renewable energy payback time (NREPBT) [18]. It considers the photovoltaic
electricity as a replacement for only the non-renewable energy sources included in
the energy mix. In the NREPBT calculation, the renewable primary energy is not
accounted for, neither on the demand side (during manufacturing), nor during the
operation phase. It provides information about the time required by the PV system to
generate the electricity equivalent to only the non-renewable contribution of the CED
of the system; the conversion factors from primary energy to electricity should be
modified accordingly in Eq. 6.11. The newly calculated CED is not the total energy
embedded in the PV system, but the non-renewable energy embedded in the sys-
tem, a NRCED, and strongly depends on the characteristics of the energy mix of the
country were materials and modules were manufactured. Also, the annual generated
electricity is converted to primary energy considering only the non-renewable contri-
bution to the mix (it considers only the non-renewable primary energy to electricity
conversion efficiency).
6.3 Energy Payback Time and Energy Return on (Energy) Investment 171

Nevertheless, both the EPBT and the NREPBT depend on the electricity mix,
the first one is commonly used to provide larger-scale utility grid replacement infor-
mation, while the second one is more locally sensitive on the particular conditions
of the mix where the PV systems were fabricated or installed for its operational
phase. While the renewable contribution to the electricity mix is low, both EPBT
and NREPBT deliver similar results, but if the share of renewable sources becomes
important, as it is envisaged in the future, the values will diverge. The geographical
scale and time of the mix and its conversion efficiency must be clearly indicated in
any LCA study which informs about payback times [34, 36].

6.3.2 Technology Dependence of the Energy Payback Time

In Table 6.6, a comparison of EPBT for different PV technologies is presented; the

environmental parameters are the same in all cases (insolation of 1700 kWh/m2
per year, average performance ratio to account for all losses, including temperature
losses, of PR = 0.75 and a lifetime of 25 years). Technical parameters with impact
on EPBT (power conversion efficiency, lifetime and degradation rate) are best for
each technology at the time of the cited reference.
The EPBT of all PV technologies is ranging from 4 years or less for crystalline
silicon technologies (reduced from 6 to 7 reported in early 90s) to less than one
year for thin film CdTe and some organic and hybrid emerging technologies. In
some extreme cases, even EPBT of a few days have been reported as a possiblity for
the “factories of the future” [15]. The values for crystalline and thin film inorganic
technologies have been stable since some years ago, with some promising results
in experimental silicon heterojunction technologies which are about to reach 1 year
EPBT. In the case of emerging organic and inorganic technologies, the embedded
energy in the devices (contributing to CED) is strongly dependant on the electrodes
to be used, with special focus on transparent conductive oxides (ITO or FTO), which
contribute to more than 70% of embedded energy, and thus there is a great potential
to reduce EPBT in organic and hybrid technologies by replacing ITO or FTO by
other electrode alternatives described in Sect. 7.4 which have lower CED [12].
The hybrid perovskite/silicon tandem is a promising option which has reached
a very high power conversion efficiency with small size research cells (29.5%) and
thus have a great potential to reduce EPBT. In this case, the calculation requires
taking into consideration the different lifetimes of a crystalline silicon (>25 years)
and perovskite (around 1 year) cells; the perovskite top cell will reach its end of life
much sooner and it is important that once it ceases operation, it does not diminishes
the power conversion efficiency of the silicon cell that will be operating many more
years. For its calculation, Monteiro et al. considered two scenarios, one in which the
perovskite cell is transparent at the end of life (1 year), the other one in which it is
opaque [33]; the difference between scenarios reduces the EPBT between –11.7%
and –18.7% depending on the electrode and architecture of the tandem and in all
cases the EPBT is lower than any crystalline silicon technology single junction cell.
172 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

Table 6.6 Energy Payback time of PV technologies for the same environmental parameters and
best technical parameters at the time of cited references
Technology EPBT (years) References
c-Si 4.1 Bhandari et al. [5]a
c-Si 2.3 de Wild-Scholten [39]
mc-Si 3.1 Bhandari et al. [5]
Si heterojunction 1.5 [29]
a-Si 1.4 de Wild-Scholten [39]
a-Si 2.3 Bhandari et al. [5]
CdTe 1.2 Bhandari et al. [5]
CdTe 0.6 Leccisi et al. [28]
CIGS 1.7 Bhandari et al. [5]
CIGS 1.1 Leccisi et al. [28]
OPV 1.3 Espinosa et al. [13]
OPV 0.6 Espinosa et al. [12]
OPV 1 day Espinosa et al. [15]
Perovskite Ag 1.1 Espinosa et al. [16]
Perovskite Au 1.1 Serrano-Luján et al. [38]
Peroskite Aub 1.1–1.5 Celik et al. [7]
Perovskite Al 0.9 You et al. [41]
Perovskite/Si (HIT) tandem Agc 1.5–1.7 Monteiro Lunardi et al. [33]
Perovskite/Si (HIT) tandem Au 1.5–1.7 Monteiro Lunardi et al. [33]
Perovskite/Si (p-n) tandem Al 1.3–1.6 Monteiro Lunardi et al. [33]
a Data from reference [5] are mean values from different sources harmonized to the environmental

parameters under consideration.

b The range of values reported in reference [7] depend on the use of solution process (low CED),

vacuum process (high CED) and HTL free architecture (lowest CED).
c The low and high values represent two scenarios where the perovskite cell becomes opaque or

transparent after 1 year lifetime, as described in more detail in reference [33]

6.3.3 Geographical Dependence of the Energy Payback Time

The geographical dependence of the EPBT is related on the one side with the envi-
ronmental parameters (mainly irradiance and temperature) and on the other side
with technical parameters (mainly local grid efficiency) that depend on the location
where the PV system is built and operated. As an example of the range of variation
of EPBT values depending on environmental parameters and grid efficiency, Table
6.7 includes data for c-Si (Cz PERC, PCE = 19.6% modules with 60 cells) roof-
top PV systems, in different geographical locations (with different environmental
parameters and grid efficiency as indicated in the table) and for modules fabricated
in the European Union (EU) and China with BoS components fabricated in the EU
in both cases.
6.3 Energy Payback Time and Energy Return on (Energy) Investment 173

Table 6.7 Comparison of EPBT (EU/China) for c-Si (Cz PERC, PCE = 19.6% modules with 60
cells) roof-top systems in different locations. Data from Fraunhofer ISE 2021 [17]
Location Houston Arica Ottawa Brussels Catania C. Town Cairo Jaipur Lanzhou Perth
Country USA Chile Canada Belgium Italy S.Africa Egypt India China Australia
EPBT EU 0.86 0.86 1.28 1.15 0.97 0.48 0.61 0.40 0.89 0.69
EPBT 0.95 0.93 1.46 1.26 1.05 0.52 0.66 0.44 0.94 0.74
Irradiationa 1913 2279 1566 1249 2048 2163 2416 2242 1799 2166
Grid 9.2% 11.0% 11.9% 8.5% 11.2% 6.1% 8.2% 4.9% 8.9% 8.4%
a Irradiation is measured at module level (= Global Tilted Irradiation GTI) in kWh/m2 /year
b Grid efficiency: Electric to primary energy conversion ratio in percent as kWhGrid /MJeq

The share of EPBT corresponding to each part of the PV system is very similar
for all locations and for the c-Si modules considered for Table 6.7 is: poly-Silicon
production (22.5%), ingot/wafering (15.5%), cell (5.4%), module (17.8%) and BoS
(35.7%) manufacture and finally a contribution from transport, which can be more
geographically dependant, around 3%.
As expected and as can be deduced from the case studies presented above (and
many others in the scientific literature), the Energy Payback Time of PV systems
is strongly dependent on the geographical location where the system is built and
operated: for example, PV systems in North Europe need around 1.5 years to balance
their embedded energy, while PV systems in South Europe equal their embedded
energy after 1 year and less, depending on the technology installed and the grid
efficiency. The reduction in EPBT has been constant since the late 90s when typical
EPBT was around 3 years for a crystalline silicon roof-top PV system installed in a
location with irradiation of 1700 kWh/m2 per year (typical of southern Europe) to
less than one year in 2020. The variation of the EPBT today ranges from 0.4 to 1.5
years for all commercial technologies in 2020; this implies that a typical roof-top
PV system produce net clean electricity for about 97% of their lifetime, assuming a
life span of 30 years or more [17].

6.3.4 Energy Return on (Energy) Investment

The Energy Return On (Energy) Investment (EROI) is defined as the ratio of energy
delivered by a system to the energy required to deliver that energy. For an energy
production system to provide a positive net energy “return” to the end user, the
gross energy return must be larger than the total energy “invested” in the chain of
energy harvesting and transformation processes that make up the system itself. Only
if EROI is larger than 1, there is a net energy return. The EROI is defined for the
whole lifetime of the energy system, and a direct relationship between EPBT and
EROI can be established if the lifetime (LT) of the PV system is known (or assumed)
174 6 The Energy Balance of Solar Electricity

EROI = . (6.12)
The EROI is an indicator more strongly focussed on returns for society and if a
direct link between CED, EPBT and EROI is established (for example by combining
Eqs. 6.10, 6.11 and 6.12), the results of EROI calculations can be misleading and
special care should be put to CED contributions (for example, excluding some flows
or fine tuning of weighting) when it is going to be used for an EROI calculation. This
is due to CED contributions that are not a measure of diverted energy that would
have been “useful” to the society as the EROI purpose requires. A few examples
are the loss of heating value of coal when transported or stored due to fugitive dust
emissions from coal stockpiles, or methane emissions from oil wells, or mischarac-
terisation of solar power as qualitatively equivalent to chemical energy content of
combusted fuels; any of them have an impact on society benefits, but it is difficult
to extract them from the CED calculations. EROI can be affected by the system
boundary chosen for the study, which defines the stage of the energy supply chain
at which an energy carrier is identified as the system’s output; the energy carrier
to which each calculated EROI applies must be clearly defined and comparison of
EROI calculations with different energy carriers should be avoided (for example,
liquid fuels versus electricity) [36]. Furthermore, comparison of EROI values across
different energy technologies must be carried out carefully and with full transparency
about the considered parameters [4].
Hundreds of results are published in scientific journals that report on CED, EPBT
and EROI values for PV technologies, and a careful revision of methodological
consistency indicates that only around 20% deliver values that allow a consistent
harmonized comparison of different parameters throughout the different technolo-
gies; the need for harmonization of parameters considered for the calculations is
important to reduce the large range of reported values [5]. Without harmonization,
the range of values is very large even within the same technology, since assumptions
(or measurements) for lifetime, system design and performance ratio strongly affect
the results; in Table 6.8 the lower, higher and mean harmonized EROI measured
values for commercial technologies are presented.

Table 6.8 Energy return on (energy) investment, EROI of commercial PV technologies, including
modules and BoS components. The reference included in the table is for the minimum values, the
maximum values are obtained from reference [39] and the mean harmonized values are obtained
from reference [5]
EROI: Min. Max. Mean References
c-Si 2.2–3.3a 15.3 8.73 [6, 20]
mc-Si 3.4 24.2 11.6 [6]
a-Si 7.7 21.7 14.5 [1]
CIGS 7.1 29.7 19.9 [35]
CdTe 13.3 44.1 34.2 [35]
a These two values for c-Si refer to stand-alone (2.2) and grid connected systems (3.3)
6.3 Energy Payback Time and Energy Return on (Energy) Investment 175

The best energy return on energy investment is obtained for CdTe technology,
which is the most successful EROI alternative to crystalline silicon within the group
of thin film solar cells. Nevertheless, the market share of PV capacity installation per
year is dominated by crystalline silicon, and the share of thin film technologies have
been reduced in recent years despite its better EROI values.


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Photovolt: Res Appl 11(4):275–287
31. Mohr NJ, Schermer JJ, Huijbregts MAJ, Meijer A, Reijnders L (2007) Life cycle assessment of
thin-film GaAs and GaInP/GaAs solar modules. Progress Photovolt: Res Appl 15(2):163–179
32. Mohr NJ, Meijer A, Huijbregts MAJ, Reijnders L (2013) Environmental life cycle assessment of
roof-integrated flexible amorphous silicon/nanocrystalline silicon solar cell laminate. Progress
Photovolt: Res Appl 21(4):802–815
33. Monteiro Lunardi M, Wing Yi Ho-Baillie A, Alvarez-Gaitan JP, Moore S, Corkish R (2017)
A life cycle assessment of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells. Progress Photovolt: Res Appl
34. Raugei M (2013) Energy pay-back time: methodological caveats and future scenarios. Progress
Photovolt: Res Appl 21(4):797–801
35. Raugei M, Bargigli S, Ulgiati S (2007) Life cycle assessment and energy pay-back time of
advanced photovoltaic modules: CdTe and CIS compared to poly-Si. Energy 32(8):1310–1318
36. Raugei M, Frischknecht R, Olson C, Sinha P, Heath G (2016) Methodological Guidelines on
Net Energy Analysis of Photovoltaic Electricity. Tech. Rep. Report T12- 07: 2016, International
Energy Agency, PVPS Task 12: Subtask 2.0, LCA, iSBN 978-3-906042-39-8
37. Sengül H, Theis TL (2011) An environmental impact assessment of quantum dot photovoltaics
(QDPV) from raw material acquisition through use. J Clean Prod 19(1):21–31
38. Serrano-Luján L, Espinosa N, Larsen-Olsen TT, Abad J, Urbina A, Krebs FC (2015) Tin- and
lead-based perovskite solar cells under scrutiny: an environmental perspective. Adv Energy
Mater 5(20):1501119
References 177

39. de Wild-Scholten M (2013) Energy payback time and carbon footprint of commercial photo-
voltaic systems. Thin-Film Photovolt Solar Cells 119:296–305
40. Yasuda K, Morita K, Okabe TH (2014) Processes for production of solar-grade silicon using
hydrogen reduction and/or thermal decomposition. Energy Technol 2(2):141–154
41. You J, Hong Z, Yang YM, Chen Q, Cai M, Song TB, Chen CC, Lu S, Liu Y, Zhou H, Yang
Y (2014) Low-temperature solution-processed perovskite solar cells with high efficiency and
flexibility. ACS Nano 8(2):1674–1680
Chapter 7
Impacts of Solar Electricity

The impact assessment of solar electricity is the next stage of the Life Cycle Assess-
ment. Once the inventory or materials and energy have been established, a specific
method has to be applied to evaluate the impacts generated in different categories by
all the elements of the inventory. Each LCA study will depend on the specific tech-
nology under evaluation and on the selected functional unit. If the whole life cycle
is considered, for example, for a functional unit referred to the generated electricity
averaged over the lifetime of the PV system, also the operating conditions influence
the final result. Several studies have been published about LCA on different PV tech-
nologies since the late 90s. Most of them have been focussed on crystalline silicon and
thin film technologies, both already in the market. More recently, many LCA studies
of emerging technologies have been published and the Task 12 group of the IEA-
PVPS has been working to compile and systematize them [19, 20]. This chapter will
focus first on crystalline and thin film impact assessment results in different impact
categories, and compare them with the impacts of other energy technologies; then a
specific section is devoted to emerging technologies (organic and hybrid) and a final
section focuses on land occupancy requirements and agrivoltaics, a more recent issue
which is still not fully integrated in LCA methodology (although there is an impact
category, “land occupancy” that is already assessed by some LCIA methods).
The main drivers to reduce impacts per functional unit of generated electricity is
the technological improvement of PV modules reflected in power conversion effi-
ciency (PCE) that is the parameter which more strongly influences results based on
“service” functional unit. Particularly, in thin film technologies, the main objective
to reduce LCA impacts is first the improvement of PCE and then the module dema-
terialization (reducing material content in each layer of the cell, a task difficult to
achieve for thin film, and already very challenging even for crystalline silicon beyond
100µm thickness), this combined challenge was already pointed out in the first LCA
studies of thin film technologies (CdTe and CIGS mainly) carried out in the 90s
but has been kept as the main challenge since then in more recent studies [10, 27].

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 179
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
180 7 Impacts of Solar Electricity

Then, research at laboratory scale must be translated into manufacturing lines, but
the new developments only become profitable for manufacturers if the production
can be up-scaled; this was a requisite clearly identified for thin film technologies
which were very promising in the past decade despite its lower PCE compared to
crystalline silicon [35]. But since then, its production stalled and the prediction was
fulfilled but in a regressive way because CdTe and especially CIGS technologies
could not accomplish the task of up-scaling production and have lost market share
since then.
A detailed and updated Life Cycle Inventory for PV technologies was carried
out by Andreas Wade et al in 2017 with the objective of including the PV module
manufacturing routes in the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) category rules
[46]. The functional unit used for the impact assessment is 1 kWh (DC) of electric-
ity produced with PV modules of different technologies, the reference flow is the
photovoltaic module, expressed in the maximum power output measured in kW p
(kilowatt peak) under standard conditions and the product system of the electricity
production considered three stages: manufacturing, use and end of life. This FU is
not exactly the one recommended by the IEA-PVPS-Task 12 working group in the
“Methodology guidelines on LCA of Photovoltaic”, where the 1kWh AC electricity
is prioritized, but has the advantage that the contribution of inverters and AC cabling
is not considered and therefore the LCA provides an impact evaluation more focussed
on PV technology [18].
Nevertheless, since the FU is the produced electricity, some assumptions for the
operational stage of the PV modules have been considered. The following use phase
scenario was considered: optimally oriented PV modules mounted on a slanted roof
in Europe with an average annual yield of 1090 kWh/kWp (excluding degradation),
which corresponds to 975 kWh/kWp including an average 10.5% production loss
during 30 years or 0.7% per year due to degradation.
The life cycle impact assessment categories and indicators used to compare the
PV technologies are shown in the graphs of the following sections and summarized in
Table 7.1. They have been considered relevant for the “Product Environmental Foot-
print” [46]; several different methodologies exist as was explained in Chap. 3, and
up to 27 categories have been developed, but for the purpose of comparing PV tech-
nologies, the 15 categories considered below are enough to provide a clear overview
of impacts for mono-Si, multi-Si, a-Si/micro-Si, CdTe and CIGS PV modules.
The contribution to each category of the different PV module phases is presented
in Fig. 7.1: raw material supply and module production; installation and mounting;
module operation; dismantling and recycling and finally, a future potential environ-
mental benefits that result from recycling the PV modules (50% of the net potential
benefits are allocated to the PV system delivering the goods and 50% are allocated
to the product system reusing the recycled goods in the future). The calculation was
carried out for an “average” module in Europe within a 3 kWp PV system installed
on a slanted roof.
7 Impacts of Solar Electricity 181

Table 7.1 Impact categories and indicators considered relevant for the “Product Environmental
Footprint” and that are used to compare PV technologies in the figures of Sects. 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
Impact category Indicator Units
Climate change Radiative forcing as Global kg CO2eq
Warming Potential (GWP100)
Ozone depletion Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) kg CFC-11eq
Human toxicity, cancer effects Comparative Toxic Unit for humans CTUh, c
Human toxicity, non-cancer effects Comparative Toxic Unit for humans CTUh, n-c
Particulate matter/respiratory Intake fraction for fine particles kg PM2.5eq
Ionizing radiation, human health Human exposure efficiency relative kBq U235eq
to U235
Photochemical ozone formation Tropospheric ozone concentration kg NMVOCeq
Acidification Accumulated Exceedance (AE) mol H+ eq
Eutrophication, terrestrial Accumulated Exceedance (AE) mol Neq
Eutrophication, freshwater Fraction of nutrients reaching kg Peq
freshwater end compartment (P)
Eutrophication, marine Fraction of nutrients reaching kg Neq
marine end compartment (N)
Ecotoxicity, freshwater Comparative Toxic Unit for CTUe
Land use Soil Organic Matter kg C deficit
Resource depletion, water Water abstraction related to local m3 watereq
scarcity of water
Resource depletion, mineral, fossil Scarcity kg Sbeq

The values obtained for the indicator units in the impact categories are meaningful
for the expert LCA developer, but a comparison with other alternative sources of
electricity is required to put its value into context and compare with the impacts of
different technologies that supply electricity. In this case, the full balance of system
contribution (inverters included) has to be included in the impact of the functional unit
(service electricity, in AC). The United Nations Development Programme carried out
a detailed study to evaluate the impacts of electricity generation in different scenarios
which is used to compare impacts of solar electricity with other renewable or fossil
fuel electricity sources [43].
182 7 Impacts of Solar Electricity

Fig. 7.1 Environmental impact results (characterized, indexed to 100%) of 1 kWh of DC electricity
produced with a residential scale (3 kWp ) PV system with average PV panels mounted on a slanted
roof (Reproduced with permission from [46])

7.1 Human Health Impacts

Single crystal Si modules have the largest impacts and CdTe the lowest in all cat-
egories related to human health. This may seem contradictory since the impact of
modules containing cadmium may be expected higher than other technologies which
do not contain toxic materials. But this is an example of how LCA can provide insight-
ful evaluation of risks. The contribution to impact categories arises from any process
related to material processing or module manufacture and wafer-based silicon tech-
nologies are high consumers of energy, with the largest primary embedded energy,
which, due to the energy mix of the electricity consumed, create higher health risks
(the grid efficiency of about 35% to convert from primary energy to electricity is
usually considered in most LCA studies) (Fig. 7.2).
All PV technologies have impacts in the same order of magnitude, when an end-
point impact category is evaluated using different methodologies as explained in
Chap. 3, a single score can be obtained for “human health” impact. In this case, the
comparison to other renewable and non-renewable technologies for the production
of the same functional unit of electricity is more clear. As an example of this kind of
comparative results, a summary graph of a study carried out by the United Nations
Environmental Programme is shown in Fig. 7.3. The study was carried out using
the ReCiPe(H) impact assessment method to evaluate an aggregated human health
7.1 Human Health Impacts 183

Fig. 7.2 Average (diamond), maximum and minimum (bars) climate change and human health
impacts of 1 kWh DC electricity produced with mounted mono-Si, multi-Si, a-Si/micro-Si, CdTe
and CIS/CIGS PV modules. Data source [46] based on Ecoinvent data v2.2+

Fig. 7.3 Comparative human health impact of electricity production, in aggregated endpoint cat-
egory measured in units of disability adjusted life years (DALY) per TWh of electricity generated
following different damage pathways according to the ReCiPe (H) impact assessment methods
(CCS: CO2 capture and storage, IGCC: integrated gasification combined cycle, SC: supercritical).
Data source [43, 46]
184 7 Impacts of Solar Electricity

impact in units of disability adjusted life years (DALY) per TWh of produced electric-
ity; in these units of DALY/TWh, the aggregated impact on human health for thin film
technologies are for multi-crystalline silicon 87 DALY/TWh and 97 DALY/TWh for
ground or roof-top mounted systems respectively; for CdTe, 25 DALY/TWh and 28
DALY/TWh for ground or roof-top mounted systems, respectively, and for CIGS 26
DALY/TWh and 29 DALY/TWh for ground or roof-top mounted systems, respec-
tively. Again it is confirmed that wafer-based crystalline silicon PV technologies
have three times more human health impacts than thin film technologies, although
this group of PV technologies have around five times less impact than any fossil fuel

7.2 Environmental Impacts

When environmental impacts, including climate change, are considered, a similar

trend can be observed (Fig. 7.4). All crystalline wafer-based silicon technologies
have larger impacts than thin film technologies, with CdTe being the one with slightly
lower imacts in all categories and always of the same order of magnitude.

Fig. 7.4 Average (diamond), maximum and minimum (bars) environmental impacts of 1 kWh
DC electricity produced with mounted mono-Si, multi-Si, a-Si/micro-Si, CdTe and CIS/CIGS PV
modules. Data source [46] based on Ecoinvent data v2.2+
7.2 Environmental Impacts 185

Fig. 7.5 Ecosystem impacts of electricity production measured in species-year affected per TWh
of electricity following different damage pathways according to the ReCiPe (H) impact assess-
ment method (CCS: CO2 capture and storage, IGCC: integrated gasification combined cycle, SC:
supercritical). Data source [43, 46]

Again, when an endpoint aggregated calculation is carried out, the comparison to

other electricity production technologies is more clear; in this case, the aggregated
ecosystem impact measured in species-year affected per TWh of electricity following
different damage pathways according to the ReCiPe (H) impact assessment method
is shown in Fig. 7.5 and the climate change impact measured in Green House Gases
(GHG) emissions in grams of CO2eq per kWh of produced electricity throughout
the lifetime of the energy system is shown in Fig. 7.6, note the logarithmic scale in
this graph illustrating the large difference in life cycle emissions of PV technologies
compared to any fossil fuel technology. For the PV technologies, the emissions, taking
the upper limits, range from 14 gCO2eq /kWh for CdTe technology or 17 gCO2eq /kWh
for CIGS technology (typical of thin film) to 58 gCO2eq /kWh for polycrystalline
silicon technology, in all cases considering ground mounted systems. The range
varies depending on the geographical location of the module factory because the
grid mix of the country where the module is manufactured have an influence on
the embedded emissions that are used for the calculation; also the location where
the system is installed has a strong influence on the electricity produced during its
lifetime (the performance ratio depends on irradiance and temperature). In some
cases, the climate change impacts are evaluated in terms of “avoided” emissions, a
parameter that depends even more strongly on the geographical location where the
PV system is installed because the solar electricity is (ideally) replacing electricity
that otherwise would have been consumed from the grid, via the electricity grid
mix of the country under consideration; this substitutional approach is also used to
evaluate “avoided” NOx and SOx emissions, but it is not considered as part of a LCA
study and will be discussed in Sect. 12.4.
186 7 Impacts of Solar Electricity

Fig. 7.6 Life cycle carbon emissions of different electricity supply technologies, modelled for 1
kWh produced in Europe (CCS: CO2 capture and storage, IGCC: integrated gasification combined
cycle, SC: supercritical). Data source [43, 46]

7.3 Land use, Water, Mineral, Fossil and Renewable

Depletion Impacts

In this case, the trend observed in all other impact categories is altered for mineral,
fossil and renewable resource depletion because CIGS technology has much stronger
impacts than the other technologies as shown in Fig. 7.7, where a different axis has
been included in the graph, emphasizing that CIGS has impacts that are an order

Fig. 7.7 Average (diamond), maximum and minimum (bars) environmental impacts of 1 kWh
DC electricity produced with mounted mono-Si, multi-Si, a-Si/micro-Si, CdTe and CIS/CIGS PV
modules; note the different axis scale for CIGS in the resource depletion graph. Data source [46]
based on Ecoinvent data v2.2+
7.3 Land use, Water, Mineral, Fossil and Renewable Depletion Impacts 187

of magnitude higher than the other technologies. The impacts on mineral resource
depletion is strongly linked to materials demand presented in Chap. 5, where tellurium
and selenium were the two elements posing higher risks for supply; when LCA is
carried out, the impact is much higher on CIGS technology, putting both gallium and
selenium as the main contributor to impacts.
Detailed LCA studies which project energy scenarios to the future point that the
demand of copper per unit of generated solar electricity, mainly embedded in BoS
components, is larger than other fossil fuel alternatives and may require between
11 and 40 times more copper in a scenario with 39% electricity generation from
renewable sources in 2050 (the BLUE scenario proposed by the IEA in 2010); the
more ambitious NZE2050 proposes 33% for PV generation, a lower value that is
compared to a baseline scenario, but this apparently striking result is smoothed by
the consideration that the copper demand for all low carbon technologies projected
for 2050 can be supplied with only two years of current copper world supply, although
future supply may be a concern [26].
Water use should be considered in PV LCA studies. Water is consumed as an
input during the operational phase for cleaning purposes (maintenance work) and
it is also used during fabrication and end-of-life phases of the PV module lifetime
in the associated industrial processes. Water should be included in the inventory,
and its impact on several categories must be taken into account, especially when
water scarcity is becoming a pressing issue in many regions in the world, some of
them with high irradiance levels, and therefore, locations where PV systems are
likely to be installed. Either by direct use or indirectly via sub-processes, the use of
water in the life cycle of PV modules must be addressed. For the water depletion
category, thin film amorphous and micro-Si technology consumes slightly more water
than multi-crystalline silicon; water consumption is produced during manufacturing
phase (quantities are well defined by processes and depend on the technology) and
during the operation phase when water consumption strongly depends on the cleaning
strategies and may vary strongly between different locations; unfortunately, regions
with higher insolation often coincide with water scarcity and atmospheric conditions
where dust particles in suspension are common, leading to a higher water demand
for module cleaning. Rain is only effective for larger particles (pollen >50 µm,
dust >20 µm) and may lead to problems of dew formation which reduces module
efficiency, and glass self-cleaning surface treatment for self-cleaning purposes are
being developed although the extra cost added to module price is not yet competitive
[6, 39].
When land occupation is considered, the comparison to other energy technolo-
gies is unfavourable for solar electricity, but two issues are evident in Fig. 7.8 and
must be emphasized: roof-top versus ground PV systems and the high land impacts
of coal-based technologies. The first issue refers to the strong difference between
roof-top and ground mounted PV systems, roof-top systems do not have an impact
on land occupation during operational phase because the land was already occupied
(the same for building integrated systems), while ground PV plants have a much
stronger impact on land occupation and also on landscape visual impact (although
188 7 Impacts of Solar Electricity

Fig. 7.8 Land occupation is required for the production of electricity. For coal energy, the dark
green bar represents open pit mines (land use largely associated with the mine itself) and the total
size of the bar reflects the land use associated with coal from underground mines (CCS: CO2 capture
and storage, IGCC: integrated gasification combined cycle, SC: supercritical). Data source [43, 46]

this later “category” is not included in LCA methodologies). The occupation of

very large swathes of land by MW scale PV plants also poses an additional risk
on biodiversity which is still not included on the other environmental categories
due to the lack of clear attributional routes to this categories via land occupation
[25, 45]. Furthermore, the construction of very large plants (>100 MWp ) which
occupies hundreds of hectares is raising social concern and competition with agricul-
tural exploitation of land. A more deep discussion of the possibilities of combination
of PV systems with agricultural use of land is presented in Sect. 7.5.
The second issue is the much larger land impact of coal-based technologies. All
of them, including integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) with or without
carbon capture and storage technology have larger land impacts than all renewables
(with the exception of large reservoir hydropower); this land requirement occurs in
the initial stages of coal extraction, due to land occupation of open pit mines or the
use of hardwood as structural material in underground mines; during the burning of
coal in plants, the land required is lower (as expected), but the full life cycle impact
of coal on land is very large, larger than any ground mounted PV plant.
7.4 The Rapidly Evolving Impacts of Emerging PV Technologies 189

7.4 The Rapidly Evolving Impacts of Emerging PV


In the previous sections, the commercial PV technologies were analysed in more

detail since its massive deployment is already occurring (especially for crystalline
silicon technologies) and experimental data from systems deployed worldwide are
available and although some dispersion in the impact assessment is still found, the
results are robust and can be used to characterize the impacts of a given technology.
For the case of emerging technologies, the challenge is larger since the variety
of materials, processing methods, lifetimes and end-of-life options makes difficult
to assign impacts to a given representative technology at industrial level; on the
contrary, the published results are case studies aimed at comparing the selection
of materials or methods within a technological family. Additionally, there is still
a lack of long term experiments where PV systems of emerging technologies are
deployed in a variety of locations (with different environmental parameters and cli-
mate conditions) and during a few years to provide operational case study data. Some
round-robin experiments were carried out with initial focus on measuring power con-
version efficiency in outdoor conditions, and analyse the rapid degradation of organic
and hybrid modules with the aim to propose a consensus for measurement protocols
which allows fair comparison of results [29, 32, 36]. On the other hand, there is still
no commercial deployment of organic or hybrid emerging PV technologies, beyond
a few small systems for demonstration purposes (BIPV systems, stand-alone mini
systems), and therefore, its real impacts on LCA categories are still lacking enough
empirical results measured in operational systems; also the future factories that may
produce PV modules at MW scale are still under development or working as pilot-
plants and no established production line can be considered as representative of the
technology. A common task for all of them is extending the lifetime of devices, a
parameter that needs to be significantly improved if emerging technologies want to
compete against inorganic technologies and gain a significant market share.
Nevertheless, many LCA studies for organic and hybrid technologies have been
published in recent years and the information they provide is useful for decision-
making with regard to materials selection, device architectures and processing routes
selected with the aim to minimize impacts and at the same time keeping good perfor-
mance parameters of the manufactured modules (mainly power conversion efficiency
and lifetime).
The first LCA studies of organic technologies already pointed to the high rela-
tive contribution to impacts that the evaporated transparent conducting oxide (TCO),
up to 86% of energy embedded in the materials or 74% of total cumulative energy
demand of organic module processing (with variations depending on the printing
technologies used for the other layers) [16, 21]. Similar important contribution of
TCO on the substrate is found on other impact categories, with a share of more than
50% in all categories analyzed in the previous section for inorganic technologies (see
Table 7.1). These findings lead to the proposal of several technological variations
for the electrodes of organic solar cells, ranging from silver nanowires, carbon nan-
190 7 Impacts of Solar Electricity

otubes, PEDOT:PSS with silver grid, but all of them keeping a high share of total
embedded energy in the modules, which only reduced to a range between 36% and
50%, lower than ITO, but still high [14]. Only highly conductive PEDOT:PSS used
as a transparent conducting electrode reduced significantly its contribution to 6%.
After TCOs, the substrate is the second contributor to impacts, either glass or plastic-
based (mostly PET). Active layers for different combinations of organic donor and
acceptors always had a much lower impact in all categories of life cycle impacts
than the electrodes plus substrate block, and therefore, the main recommendation to
reduce impacts for this technology is improving alternatives for metal-based elec-
trodes [4]. Detailed LCA studies based on the benchmark P3HT:PCBM blend for
organic solar cells on FTO/PET substrate and roll-to-roll production showed great
potential to reduce environmental impacts more than 90% when compared with crys-
talline silicon for the same functional unit of 1W p of peak power; small variations
are produced by different routes of PCBM synthesis [41]. Power conversion efficien-
cies of organic solar cells are improving steadily and the more challenging problem
remains the extension of lifetimes to become a really competitive technology that can
reach the market; if a significant share of solar electricity in future scenarios such as
NZE2050 is achieved in the next few years by organic technologies, the aggregated
environmental impacts of solar electricity will be strongly reduced for any functional
unit under consideration in the corresponding LCA study.
Perovskite solar cells are a promising technology which has already reached PCE
above 20% and lifetimes of more than 10,000 hours. The rapid evolution of both
PCE and lifetime indicates that perovskite technology is a strong candidate for a
commercial penetration in the coming years; probably the first step towards this
commercialization is the perovskite/Si tandem approach. The balance between PCE,
lifetime and environmental impacts strongly depends on the selection of materials for
the solar cell structure (active layer, HTL, ETL and encapsulant material). The main
concern about the sustainability of perovskite solar cell technology is the presence
of lead in the active layer of the most efficient alternatives; nevertheless the lead
content has a lower impact than other components of the cell, for example, in the
Human Toxicity or Freshwater Ecotoxicity categories: evaporation of transparent
conducting oxides for electrodes is the main contributor with around one third of
the total, followed by active layer with 28%, spiro-OMeTAD (HTL) (20%) and
titanium dioxide (17%) (results are similar in studies with different impact assessment
methods such as ReCiPe or TRACI and percentages are an average of several studies
[8, 24, 44]. When evaporation is avoided, the contribution of active layer becomes
the most important, but in this case, studies are for spin-coated layers, a method
which will not be up-scaled to industrial production. Several studies are coincident
in the identification of complex chemical processing routes for spiro-OMeTAD as
the main contributor to impacts in perovskite technology, and therefore, from an
LCA perspective, the research for good HTL replacements is important: polymers,
fullerene derivatives or small molecules have been tested with good results, thus
reducing impacts while keeping good PCE and extended lifetimes [3, 17]. The studies
which focus on the future industrial production of perovskite or perovskite/Si tandem
cells deliver promising results built upon the experience of roll-to-roll processing or
7.4 The Rapidly Evolving Impacts of Emerging PV Technologies 191

organic solar cells and providing recommendations for better encapsulation in order
to extend lifetimes; early results with pre-industrial slot-die coating methods have
been recently improved to provide good efficiency and reproducibility with low
environmental impacts [2, 5, 37].

7.5 Size Dependant Impacts of PV Systems: Land

Occupancy and Agrivoltaics

The size of photovoltaic systems, measured in installed capacity or square meters

of module surface, can be roughly divided into two main categories: roof-top and
ground mounted systems, with several subcategories. Roof-top PV systems, in the
scale of a few kW p to a few hundreds of kW p of installed capacity, do not generate
an extra demand of land occupancy since they are installed in already occupied land,
similarly for building integrated (BIPV) systems; roof-top and BIPV systems con-
tribute to distributed generation injected into grids, usually within a self-consumption
framework (with or without net balance). The monetary economic return of roof-top
systems is slightly lower than ground mounted ones due to limited use of economy
of scale advantages, but the socioeconomic return must be evaluated more carefully
since roof-top systems require extra engineering design time and extra installation
time per unit of installed power. If the economic return includes job creation, the
economic savings of end-users that benefit from self-consumption, and the reduction
of demand (since users are more aware of its consumption), the distributed roof-top
systems appear as the most beneficial scheme. For example, in the United Kingdom, a
detailed study on 302 households with roof-top PV systems that participated in smart
grid demonstration project found a 24% reduction of the average UK household’s
annual electricity demand, which implies savings of 138 GBP per year per household
(assuming a cost of electricity of 0.15 GBP/kWh) [34]. When a broad approach for
socioeconomic impacts is included in the studies, the apparently obvious better mon-
etary return of larger plants is modulated and smaller systems provide more global
socioeconomic benefits; a multicriteria decision support system analysis led to the
following recommendation for policymakers: “the smaller the better” to maximize
community scale benefits with PV system installations [23]. And with regards land
occupancy, if the small PV systems are roof-top or building integrated, then it is a
much better solution.
But the economy of scale of investments in large plants provides better monetary
return, with break-even points at shorter times. This is moving the momentum gener-
ated by policies oriented to promote roof-top systems to an economically driven push
for large plants in the scale of a few to hundreds of MW p of installed capacity. In this
case, the competition for land occupancy is becoming a problem. Many locations
optimal for PV system installation are already occupied by small farms or larger
agro-industrial facilities for food production, thus generating a competition for land
use. The displacement of food production by solar electricity production is already
happening in several countries, and an important concern is growing at two levels:
from a global point of view and in the context of climate change, the reduction of
192 7 Impacts of Solar Electricity

land availability for crops may generate a shortage of food production in certain areas
already stressed by extreme weather events and increasing droughts; and at the local
level, the displacement of traditional cultivation areas because the economic returns
of solar electricity per square meter of occupied land is larger than most crops have
already lead to tensions and even protests from farmers. The quantitative measure-
ment of this impact of land occupancy is not included in the conventional category
of “land use” of many LCIA methods, but should be taken into consideration in a
sustainability evaluation of large PV plants.
A technical report from the International Electrotechnical Commission about land
usage of photovoltaic plants (IEC TR 63149:2018) describes the mathematical mod-
els and provides examples for the calculation of land requirement by large PV plants,
minimizing the distance between arrays to avoid shading and reasonably reducing
the land usage of PV large plants. It can be calculated for different tracking systems
where the ground requirement ratio (GRR), which is the ratio between the land occu-
pancy of the PV system and the surface of the PV generator (all the modules), varies
between 2 and 6; for fixed systems is around 2, with uniaxial tracking is around 4 and
with biaxial tracking is around 6, in all cases with shadow losses below 2%. For large
plants of several MW p of installed capacity, the land requirement rises to several
hectares, and in some cases, to hundreds of hectares. Furthermore, the change in
land use induced by the massive deployment of PV systems fostered by investment
in the energy transition may lead to an unwanted increment of emissions induced
by the reduction of carbon sinks that result from the change in land coverage: a cal-
culation by Dirk-Jan van de Ven et al. for European Union, Japan, India and South
Korea analyses several scenarios up to 2050 and indicates that penetration of solar
electricity generation between 25% to 80% into the electricity mix of those countries
may lead to a net release up to 50 gCO2eq /kWh and a land occupancy between 0.5%
and 5% depending on the country, PV technology and land management [45]. This
is an important result which alerts about the need to focus on global analysis of
sustainability that go beyond LCA to inform stakeholders and governments in order
to regulate land use for photovoltaic large plants.
The integration of activities that require rural land occupancy is possible: pho-
tovoltaic technology and agriculture have now been combined in the concept of
“agrivoltaics” with the simultaneous use of land for solar electricity production and
farming (agriculture or livestock). It was first proposed at an early stage of PV deploy-
ment, in the 80s [22]; and during the past ten years, it has been broadly applied and
demonstrated as a good alternative to minimize land occupancy impacts of PV sys-
tems and maximize the benefits of the food-energy-water nexus, especially in dry-
lands [9]. The use of photovoltaic modules integrated into greenhouses is a growing
area of research, with PV greenhouses providing a good example of shared use of
land for agriculture and photovoltaic applications [7, 12, 15]. But the more clear
realization of the concept of agrivoltaics is the large photovoltaic system mounted
on special supports adapted to be compatible with land cultivation.
The economic assessment of agrivoltaic systems compared to equivalent nominal
capacity ground or roof-top systems indicates that the capital expenditure is about
33% higher in agrivoltaic systems, which is mainly due to increased cost of balance of
7.5 Size Dependant Impacts of PV Systems … 193

system components (requiring support structures compatible with agricultural work)

and higher land costs, with larger GRR to avoid too much shadowing in the crops.
This extra investment increases the LCOE of solar electricity produced with agri-
voltaics systems between 5 and 15 euros per MWh with respect ground mounted
systems (90 euro per MWh in the cited study); and EPBT to around 9 years, higher
than other PV systems [1]. But this lower economic performance of energy production
of agrivoltaic systems must be balanced by the benefits of sharing land occupation
with crop production and a combined economic analysis is more adequate to evaluate
the returns of land use.
This is a complex task. Detailed monitorization of microclimatic conditions to
compare a vegetated ecosystem, a traditional PV system and an agrivoltaic system,
where solar panels share land with crops under the panels have delivered a clear
conclusion: the photosynthetically active regions of the solar spectrum are reduced
for the plants, but this could be beneficial in dry locations to boost crop resilience
to droughts and at the same time improving PV performance due to the reduced
temperature of the panels (compared to the case where there is no vegetation under
the modules); the agrivoltaic system prevents photosynthesis depression due to heat
and light stress and this allows higher carbon uptake for growth and reproduction
of the plants while the transpirational cooling from the crops induces a reduction in
PV module temperature that are 1.2 ± 0.3 ◦ C lower compared with a traditional PV
setting and water losses are reduced since soil moisture remained between 5% and
15% higher in the agrivoltaic system depending on the irrigation patterns [9]. These
promising results build upon other studies focussed on specific crops which evaluated
the balance between crop yield reduction and PV module coverage (in greenhouses
or in open field agrivoltaic systems), although crop yield was reduced, the combined
yield of crop and PV was improved with respect to the separated systems [13, 28, 33].
The impacts on agro-labourer’s health working under solar panels have not been
studied in detail, but it may be envisaged that the additional risks arising from the
presence of the PV system (cabling, structures) can be compensated by the better
conditions arising from lower sun exposure and reduced temperatures. The mounting
evidence of the aggregated benefits of agrivoltaics is boosting the investment in this
kind of PV systems although they require a higher capital expenditure. Agrivoltaics,
therefore, creates a synergy which reduces competition for land exclusively in terms
of monetary returns and may contribute simultaneously to food and energy security,
especially in drylands.
Two further considerations about the impact of large PV plants must be addressed,
in both cases with substantial research being published in recent years. The first one
is the impact on local biodiversity of the installation of a large PV plant, with a special
focus on vegetation patterns that are modified by the presence of the solar modules,
with clear differences in areas under the modules and between the arrays due to
different irradiation patterns. This vegetation can be managed to obtain ecosystem
benefits and reduce soil erosion, for example, with species for the soil between
the photovoltaic panels that include perennial grasses (Lolium perenne, Dactylis
glomerata) and perennial herbs (Pastinaca sativa, Trifolium repens, Silene latifolia,
Galium album), while species recommended for the soil under the photovoltaic panels
194 7 Impacts of Solar Electricity

are particularly perennial herbs (Achillea millefolium, Potentilla anserina, Plantago

major); a few extra maintenance work will enable these plants and other native
species to create functional ecosystems, including local fauna recovery and reducing
erosion or desertification in locations with high insolation and low precipitation and
humidity [42].
The second consideration is about landscape protection. Landscape integrity is
difficult to evaluate because it combines ecosystem preservation with visual and
cultural concerns, and therefore, requires a multidisciplinary approach that must
be added to the technical agrivoltaic design and production yield calculations. The
inclusive multidisciplinary approach will deliver results which are closer to a global
sustainability concept than the exclusively technical approach, but it is more difficult
to evaluate quantitatively. Sconamiglio and Toledo have recently proposed a new
methodology based on considering the agrivoltaic system as a three- dimensional
landscape pattern (land surface topology plus the height of PV panels), it includes
the definition of a multidimensional performance matrix with several parameters that
can be calculated for the assessment and design of agrivoltaic systems (greenhouses
and open field crops with agrivoltaic patterns). The matrix also evaluates the trade-
offs between the different yields involved in the agrivoltaic system (agriculture,
electricity, ecological services, cultural values, community services) and it is useful
for stakeholders and policymakers to make decisions related to the regulation of land
use in the context of an energy transition that will require large swathes of land for
photovoltaic systems [38, 40].

7.6 Impacts of Module Transportation During

Manufacture, Installation and End of Life

Transportation is present in any LCA study, and play an important part in life cycle
inventories of energy demand in three main steps: initial stages when raw material
from mining or recycling sites are transported to the location where purification of
material is carried out and then to locations where cells and/or modules are manufac-
tured; intermediate step when the manufactured module will have to be transported
to the PV system construction site and a final step where decommissioned modules
are transported to recycling or land-filling sites.
These initial steps, that is, the transport means required in the supply chain for
module manufacture, has to be included in the cradle to gate LCA. The standard
databases include complete and updated inventories of different kinds of transport
(ship, lorry, train, plane, etc…of different sizes and consuming different fuels); the
transport contribution for a LCA study of a PV technology will require a geograph-
ical analysis of supply chains and a calculation of distances. This effort has been
accomplished by several research groups which found a contribution of transport to
several impact categories ranging between 5% and 30%, interestingly with more con-
tribution from transport to recycling or landfilling sites at end of life and recommen-
7.6 Impacts of Module Transportation During Manufacture … 195

dation to limit this final phase transportation to a range lower than 100 km [30, 31].
The economic cost of transportation only increases marginally with distance accord-
ing to a USA case study that could be extrapolated to other regions; transport cost
starts with a baseline quantity ranging between 2 and 2.5 USD per square meter of
c-Si modules and per 1000km of transportation, slightly more for other technologies
(depending on the weight of modules), and adding only a marginal contribution even
for module distribution (or collection) when the distance of 1000 km is doubled [11].
The problem with this kind of study is that they rely on strong assumptions about the
routes (distance and time) and transport means, mainly a combination of ships and
lorries of different size. Case studies provide robust results but it is difficult to obtain
general conclusions applicable to other cases. The databases (for example Ecoinvent)
provide an easy way to include transport impacts in the processes under evaluation,
but a separated contribution analysis is often useful to provide recommendations to
improve logistics in three main phases of the module life cycle: first for import/export
transport requirements of materials in the supply chain for the manufacture of mod-
ules, then its transport to the location where the PV system will be finally built, and
finally, end-of-life routes to collection, recycling or landfilling sites.


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Chapter 8
Recycling and End of Life of PV

Photovoltaic technology is an example of the application of reduce, reuse and recy-

cle strategies to increase the sustainability and diminish the environmental burden
of the final product. The “3R” approach is still in its initial stage for PV systems, but
the technology is ready to be applied and has progressed very fast in the past few
years. “Reducing” has been already achieved with regards to the reduced amount of
material that is required for the manufacture of modules with improved power con-
version efficiency; the mass of material required per unit of peak power (kg/kW p ) in
the manufacture of modules, with special focus on silicon use in crystalline silicon
technology and critical raw materials in thin film technologies have been analyzed
in detail in Chap. 5. In this chapter, both “reusing” and “recycling” strategies will be
presented and discussed. After a few methodological considerations about recom-
mendations for LCA methodology with regard to recycling, the following sections
will be devoted, first to describe reusing strategies, then to present recycling state-
of-the-art technology and prospects and finally to discuss end-of-life strategies and
how the production lines for PV modules could be modified to take into account
requirements for higher recyclability of the modules.
The Life Cycle Assessment of the end-of-life phase of a PV system should include
at least the following aspects [11]:

• Deconstruction, dismantling;
• Transports;
• Waste processing;
• Recycling and reuse;
• Disposal.
All of these LCA studies are required in any of the “3R” strategies. Reuse is
strongly affected by deconstruction, dismantling and transport of used modules (it
will require further activities to be evaluated like new tests for relabelling and the
logistics of secondary markets); recycling require, on top of the previous ones, a

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 199
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
200 8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies

detailed study of all the physical and chemical processes involved in the recycling
stage. If neither reuse or recycle is applied (or only partially applied), then the module
will be disposed off, and landfilling or other disposal strategies should be used.
Ideally, this final stage should be avoided if a 100% reuse and/or recycling of modules
is achieved in the future.
Methodologically, care should be put in LCA studies considering reused and
recycled material to avoid double accountability of inputs in the process flows. The
recycled material could originate from any industrial activity which recovers and
recycles material or the PV industry itself, which are increasingly recovering and
recycling components and materials from modules. In all cases, recommendations
from ISO14040 standard in clause should be applied for the allocation pro-
cedures for recycling [13, 14]. In particular, the following points should be taken
into account: (i) the possible change in the properties of recycled or reused materials
compared to the original ones, (ii) the required recovery processes between the orig-
inal and the subsequent product systems and (iii) the possibility that the inputs and
outputs associated with unit processes for extraction and processing of raw mate-
rials and final disposal of products are shared by more than one product. All these
points may lead to a redefinition of the system boundary and the product systems or
the allocation procedures are often classified as open or closed loops according to
the criteria summarized in Fig. 8.1. Combinations of open and close allocation and
product systems can be considered in a LCA study but the choices must be explained
and assumptions clearly stated in the final report.
When a PV module is fabricated using some amount of recycled material, it is
recommended to perform several analyses on material recycling using the recycled
content (cut-off) allocation approach as default and the end-of-life (avoided bur-
den) recycling approach in a sensitivity analysis. If the analysis is focussed on the
recycled material embedded in the PV module (or substance required for processing
of the module), it serves to the strong sustainability concept since it contributes to
reduce the amount of primary materials use and increase the recycled content. On
the contrary, an end-of-life recycling approach results in a higher eco-efficiency of
primary raw materials production compared to secondary production, and the loss

Fig. 8.1 Distinction between a technical description of a product system and allocation procedures
for recycling according to standards [13, 14]
8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies 201

in natural capital is compensated by human-made capital, it, therefore, serves better

to the weak sustainability concept [10, 26]. For a consequential LCA study, where
impacts are projected to the future and depend on choices and scenarios, allocation
of recycling and multi-output processes are based on system boundary expansion to
reduce consequential uncertainty [7]; in the case of PV electricity production, this
uncertainty is inherently introduced when the future displaced energy production
of alternative energy sources and their “avoided” impacts are calculated. A detailed
definition of future scenarios is required and a sensitivity analysis should be carried
The LCI and LCA reports with recycled material must be very clear on the applied
recycling approach, since different stakeholders may opt for one or another depending
on their interests and they will benefit from a sensitivity analysis of the results before
making the final decisions about investment in factories (industrialist) or regulatory
frameworks (policymakers).
When sustainability is considered beyond standardized LCA methods, the impor-
tance of recycling materials and reusing or recycling PV modules is enhanced. Vasilis
Fthenakis proposed a sustainability metrics where environmental impacts, system
costs and availability of resources appear linked to each other in a prospective LCA
approach and lead to the important conclusion that the concerns related to crit-
ical materials availability (especially indium and tellurium) can be reduced with
enhanced recovery of materials during module production and recycling of spent
modules, together with the conventional approaches of PCE increment and layer
thickness reduction, but with the advantage that recycling contributes to the three
dimensions proposed for the sustainability metrics [12].

8.1 Reusing PV Modules

Many of the modules that are dismantled in PV systems after its T80 lifetime have
been reached (between 25 and 30 years) are still functional modules delivering power
and its operational lifetime may be extended in many cases another 10–20 years. The
dismantling of useful PV modules is increasing due to revamping and re-powering of
large PV plants, where some underperforming modules are replaced by new modules
after a few years of operation (with or without rearrangement of strings), the disman-
tling of PV modules and associated BoS components (cables, regulators, inverters)
require skilled workforce. Also, modules which failures can be repaired; in many
cases the failure is just a problem of cabling or junction box which can be repaired in
an elementary workshop, in other cases, failures of sealing or framing require more
skilled workers but can still be easily repaired, finally, reparation of damaged cells
will require specialized facilities. In all cases, secondary markets for modules and
for components are created.
In recent years, an important stockpile of PV modules that can have a second life
without requiring a recycling process is growing. Only a good logistic approach and
the regulation of a secondary market is required, standards for reused modules should
202 8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies

be kept equal to standards for new ones; a new power rating (ideally in standard test
conditions) should be carried out and a relabelling of peak values and new warranties
must be included in the reused module as a proof of its real functionality. There is
still no regulation in this regard, and an international coordination should be carried
out both for the relabelling requirements and for the secondary market regulations.
In Europe, directives for waste hierarchy are applied (within the framework of waste
from electrical and electronic equipment directives), but the regulation is lost when
PV modules are exported for reuse.
The market for reuse of PV modules is strongly driven by logistic costs: efficient
collection and transport networks will be the main contributors to added cost, storage
and export duties can have a relative impact on final costs; in all cases assuming that
the price of dismantled modules will be very low. Often, the secondary market is
linked to rural electrification projects in developing countries, Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) for development promote energy projects for rural livelihoods
that may benefit of this secondary market, but also a wide network of local small
companies with technical capacity to design and build small PV systems with reused
modules can be an economic drive for local development with economic support from
local banks or institutional loans and, therefore, a growing cross-border secondary
market for PV modules is expected.

8.2 Recycling PV Modules: Recovery of Components

and Materials

The International Renewable Energy Agency published an estimation of the amount

of waste projected from now to 2050 considering a lifetime for modules of 30 years
and it emphasizes that recycling or reusing of PV modules can provide a stock of up to
78 million tonnes of raw materials and other valuable components (of which, China
accounts for 20 million tonnes, USA 10 million, India and Japan 7.5 and Germany
4.5 million as the main contributors); this “waste”, may provide an economic value
of the recovered material that could exceed 50 billion USD [29].
The amount of waste arising from PV systems at its end of life has been estimated
by different researchers and institutions. Based on IRENA’s REmap2030 scenario
and country data, Karsten Wambach and Knut Sander presented a model assuming a
constant annual addition of PV capacities from 2014 to 2029 in a country multiplied
by an annual growth factor of 1.083 and a reduction in the mass required per installed
capacity due to technological improvement and module (conversion factor of 79
kg/kW installed was used), the modules were to be dismantled after 40 years and
partial earlier replacement was accounted for in the maximum waste scenario; they
found the total expected waste per country that is presented in Table 8.1 [27].
The values that they calculated for 2020 have demonstrated a good accuracy for
the amount of waste really produced in 2020 and are similar in its 2030 projection
to the values provided by IRENA-IEA PVPS in its 2018 report: cumulative waste
8.2 Recycling PV Modules: Recovery of Components and Materials 203

Table 8.1 Cumulative PV module waste (in kilotonnes) in two scenarios (minimum and maximum)
as described in [27]
Cumulative kt 2020 2030
Min Max Min Max
Europe 30 417 744 2350
Asia 23 225 465 2690
Africa 1 5.6 1.4 130
North America 11 79 154 739
Latin America 0.3 2.8 6.4 52
Oceania 1.8 14.6 27 115
Middle East 1.3 10 24 219
ROW 4 63 125 815
Total: 72.4 817 1546.8 7110

ranging between a minimum of 1.7 million tonnes and 8 million tonnes in 2030 and
between 60 and 78 million tonnes in 2050 for regular loss and early loss scenarios
commented above [17, 18, 29].
PV modules’ end-of-life treatment has been included in the European directive on
waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) [9], requiring 80/85% of recov-
ery/recycling rate for PV modules (from 2018 onwards) and making module installers
accountable for their electronic waste and requiring solar producers to recycle. Dis-
cussions are ongoing with the purpose to approve at the end of 2021 a new ecolabel
regulation which will require that PV modules shall be designed to allow for easy
disassembly for recycling by a specialist firm using ordinary tools [6, 8]. In Japan,
there is no specific regulations for end-of-life PV panels, which, therefore, must be
treated under the general regulatory framework for waste management (the Waste
Management and Public Cleansing Act), but project developers and owners have to
contribute to a decommissioning fund and are liable for waste treatment. There is
currently no regulatory framework for PV recycling in the United States at federal
level, only Washington and North Carolina states have some regulatory framework,
California, where most PV is currently installed consider PV modules as “universal
waste” and Arizona, Florida and Texas as “common waste”; this is in stark contrast
with the initiative by the NSF/ANSI to propose the 457 Sustainability Leadership
Standard for Photovoltaic Modules [21]. China currently has no specific regulations
for end-of-life PV modules, although the 13th Five Year Plan (FYP) for 2016–2020
already pointed to create regulations and accelerate the management of PV modules
end of life, the recently approved 14th FYP (2021–2025) concedes a leading role
to PV technology and high capacity (>100 MW/year) recycling demonstration lines
and on-site recycling for the large Chinese plants is planned. Nevertheless, a very
large regulatory work is still required worldwide, and quotas for recycling should be
imposed and fomented with incentives.
204 8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies

Dismantling of PV modules in a PV system is a task that can be carried out easily

requiring elementary technical skills in small systems, but some additional expertise
is required in large PV plants were dismantling modules may involve working with
high voltage strings. Additionally, the logistics of module transport to storage points
and then to recycling plants require regulations about the management of electronic
waste which are often local regulations or at most country regulations. The role of
local authorities and waste management service providers is critical for a proper
recovery of PV waste and more international coordination of regulations is strongly
required. In many cases, the PV waste to be recovered is dispersed in small to
medium size installations, either in urban areas (roof-top, BIPV systems) or for
rural electrification; this fact requires end users’ and stakeholders’ involvement in
the process of recovery, the owners of the systems or the technicians that built the
system should collaborate in an extended liaison to guarantee this recovery service.
In the case of large PV plants, the tasks are highly concentrated and the owner of the
plant (usually a large company) is responsible for proper PV module recovery and
transport at end of life.
Once the modules have been dismounted and transported to the recycling site,
the recovery process of materials is accomplished. Until very recently, the principal
sites for crystalline silicon PV module recycling were glass recovery plants were
recycling of the laminated glass used in the modules was carried out by low-cost
processing, mainly involving mechanical (automated but also manual in many cases)
dismantling of frame and recovery of the glass which were subsequently ground. In
terms of mass, since glass accounts for more than 75% and frame around 7–10%
of total panel weight, it is an efficient recycling process. But the recovery of other
materials like the PV cells or the metals of electrodes is not carried out by these
elementary processes. The early stages of recycling of thin film technology modules
have been developed by a first solar plant in Germany for CdTe modules using a
combination of chemical and mechanical processes that achieved a recovery rate of
90% for glass and nearly 95% for semiconductor materials [17].
Several projects involving companies and research centres have demonstrated
pilot plants for a more advanced recycling industrial processes for all PV technolo-
gies. The IEA-PVPS Task 12 workgroup published recently some important reports:
first, a survey on “Life Cycle Inventory of Current Photovoltaic Module Recycling
Processes in Europe” carried out in operational recycling pilot plants in 2017 by con-
tacting 16 recyclers throughout Europe, although only 5 provided life cycle inventory
data [28]; then two reports in 2018, devoted to “End-of-Life Management of Photo-
voltaic Panels: Trends in PV Module Recycling Technologies” [17] and “Life Cycle
Assessment of Current Photovoltaic Module Recycling” [26], which analysed the
processes for recycling crystalline silicon (c-Si) and thin film modules and its envi-
ronmental impacts.
The general flow of the end of life for any PV technology can be described in
three main steps carried out in three different locations: (i) the initial dismounting of
failing or damaged PV modules or decommissioning of underperforming modules (in
revamping operations or dismantling of the system) at the PV plant site, (ii) recyclers
or intermediate processors disassemble frames, junction boxes, glass, in a process
8.2 Recycling PV Modules: Recovery of Components and Materials 205

that separate valuable materials (glass, plastics, metals, compound semiconductors)

and final disposal (landfilling or burning) of non-recoverable materials and (iii) in a
specialized material processing plant, some of the outputs of the recycler’s site are
further processed for the purification or refining of materials, which can be sold in
the market, additional waste for final disposal (landfilling) can be generated at this
An initial life cycle inventory (LCI) compilation for PV recycling routes was car-
ried out using as functional unit the “processing of one metric tonne of crystalline
silicon PV modules” and as input data all the information collected with the survey
on five of the existing pilot plants on a batch to batch scale, but extrapolating the
energy consumption to an annual scaled-up average, with plant capacity estimated
around 200,000 tonnes per year [28]. The bulk materials: glass, aluminium, copper
were recovered by using a combination of mechanical crushing, shredding, milling,
grinding and ulterior sorting and separation methods [9]. The recycled cullet feed-
stock glass can be used for foam or fiberglass production and the obtained metals can
be further purified in downstream processes in smelters or metal recycling industrial
sites. Other foils, including residues of metals and cells were incinerated or landfilled.
Incineration can be carried out in the recycling plant or sold to a waste-for-energy
standard plant if halogenated content of plastics is less than 1% measured as chlo-
rine; if it is higher, it can only be incinerated in a specialized hazardous-waste facility
according to European regulations. Only in one plant, the diluted ash resulting from
in-situ incineration was further processed for recovery of silicon using a leaching
process and for recovery of metals by ulterior electrolysis of the leachate. Regarding
electricity consumption, all plants ranged in the order of 50–100 kWh per tonne of
processed module for the mechanical process and an extra 494 kWh/tonne for the
metal processing. The yield of the recycled glass varied between 59% and 75% and
for non ferrous metals between 13.5% and 21.8%.
An important conclusion of the report was the recommendation to improve the
processing of the “polymer fraction” (the foil) which is the mixture of different
plastic compounds (ethylene-vinyl-acetate, EVA; polyethylene-terephthalate, PET;
polyester and Tedlar® ) resulting from the mechanical processes, mixed with silicon
and metal components. Efforts to separate particles using thermo-mechanical pro-
cessing can be carried out at the cost of increased energy inputs. Recovery metals,
and especially valuable silver, together with optimization of the industrial processes
to reduce energy consumption and increase yields could make the PV recycling cost
competitive. If similar methods are applied to thin film (CIGS, CdTe, III-V) technolo-
gies, valuable and scarce materials could be recovered, representing a small fraction
in weight but a large fraction in price of recycled products.
In Fig. 8.2, a schematic representation of all possible steps involved in c-Si module
recycling is presented. The processes can be classified into those that eliminate
the encapsulant (mostly EVA) from the laminated structure of the module (using
thermal, chemical or mechanical methods), a difficult step in the recycling process
after disassembly of frame and glass; and those that recover the metals from the Si
cells, involving additional chemical steps to complete the cycle of a full recycling of
the module, and sometimes involving the use of metallurgical techniques in a metal
206 8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies

Fig. 8.2 Possible processes for crystalline Si PV module recycling, from Report IEA-PVPS T12-
10:2018 (Reproduced with permission from [17])

refining industry, always struggling to reduce costs of the recovered materials in

comparison to the purified material obtained from raw mineral mining. The chemical
processes, such as the use of solvent treatments to eliminate the encapsulant from the
laminated structures will enable the recovery of Si cells and other semiconductors
and metals, but it requires liquid waste treatment facilities for halogenated solvents,
strong acids (such as hydrofluoric, nitric or sulphuric) and alkali hydroxides at a
very large scale to become competitive [4]. Recovery rates achieved in research
laboratories where Si wafers were recovered and treated are very high 80, 79 and
90% for Si, Cu and Ag, respectively (and 93% removal rate for Pb), which are very
promising results, but this method is still not applied at industrial scale, where wafer
recovery has never been successful [15].
Similarly, the processes for recycling thin film modules are classified in those that
eliminate the encapsulant from the laminated structures and those that recover the
metals and substrate glass from the modules as indicated in Fig. 8.3. In this case, the
recovery rate for metals and semiconductors is higher, and may reach up to 95%. For
CdTe technology, hazardous waste of cadmium and cadmium hydroxide is produced
during the use of strong acids (mostly sulphuric) for stripe-off the metals from the
glass; for CIGS, small amounts of gallium, selenium, selenium hydroxide can be
released and are not usually recycled, only recovery of indium is applied in this case.
The main difference between recycling methods for c-Si and thin film technologies
8.2 Recycling PV Modules: Recovery of Components and Materials 207

Fig. 8.3 Possible processes for thin film module recycling, from Report IEA-PVPS T12-10:2018
(Reproduced with permission from [17])

is the objective of the elimination of the encapsulant material: for c-Si it focuses on
the separation of front glass, and then recovery of cells and metals is left for another
stage, while in thin film, the objective is to recover both front glass and substrate glass
which contains the semiconducting material layers. In both cases, the final recycled
materials are grouped in glass (broken, ground or unbroken), plastics, metals from
frame (almost always aluminium) and elements from cells, especially metals, and
semiconductors in thin films, since Si cells or material is still not recycled at end
of life (although Si is often recovered in the initial module manufacture steps of
crystalline or multicrystalline ingots or bricks sawing for manufacture of wafers).
The IEA-PVPS Task12 workgroup carried out a Life Cycle Assessment on recy-
cling processes for c-Si and CdTe technologies with the inventories collected from
previous studies. The functional unit was the recycling of 1 kg of used framed c-Si and
unframed CdTe PV modules at the place of installation and the applied methodology
for impact assessment indicators was ILCD-Midpoint (2011). The study included
the impacts of dismantled modules transport to the recycling site. The results, shown
in Fig. 8.4, emphasize the importance of recovered materials: for c-Si modules, the
potential benefits due to recovered copper have the highest impact in the indica-
tors mineral, fossil and renewable resource depletion and human toxicity non-cancer
effects, while the avoided burdens of aluminium recovery have a high contribution
to cancer effects in humans, which is mainly due to chromium (VI) emissions to
208 8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies

Fig. 8.4 Relative contributions of recovered materials to the potential benefits (left) and relative
contributions of the recycling processes to the environmental burdens (right) of first generation c-Si
PV module recycling based on data from four European recyclers and presented in 2018 by the
IEA-PVPS Task12 workgroup (Reproduced with permission from [26])

water in the production of primary aluminium. Waste disposal is also responsible

for the major part of the freshwater ecotoxicity, human toxicity and climate change
impacts. Transportation and electricity supply (for the recycling process) have signif-
icant contributions in climate change and human toxicity (by consumption of fossil
fuels) [26].
For CdTe recycling, the LCA carried out with inventory data from the First Solar
plant in Germany, delivered the results shown in Fig. 8.5. The largest benefits are
obtained (as may be expected) in the mineral, fossil and renewable resource deple-
tion impact categories, which are 750 times higher than the impacts caused by the
recycling of CdTe PV modules. In other indicators, the beneficial balance is lower
and even negative for the case of human toxicity cancer effects, where the use of
hydrogen peroxide in the recycling process of metals and semiconducting materi-
als strongly increases health risks. On the other hand, glass recovery dominates the
avoided burdens in climate change, particulate matter, human toxicity cancer effects
and freshwater ecotoxicity impact categories. Again, transport and electricity sup-
ply has a relatively high impact in particulate matter, human toxicity non-cancer
effects and mineral, fossil and renewable resource depletion. In this case, waste dis-
posal impacts are much lower due to the lower weight of material for landfilling or
Keiichi Komoto et al. projected the above presented methods into a recycling
industrial line and calculated its environmental impacts using LCA methodology and
LIME2 category indicators. In particular, they assumed a thermal approach that could
by applied to crystalline and amorphous silicon and CIGS thin film technology with
the following steps: aluminium frame dismantling, back sheet removal by a milling
process and disposed as industrial waste, then the EVA encapsulant is thermally
decomposed in a muffle furnace at temperature reaching 500 ◦ C in several steps
(the decomposition gas is sucked and burned out) and the heat generated from the
combustion of the EVA resin is thermally recycled to the furnace. The recovered
8.2 Recycling PV Modules: Recovery of Components and Materials 209

Fig. 8.5 Relative contributions of recovered materials to the potential benefits (left) and relative
contributions of the recycling processes to the environmental burdens (right) of first generation
CdTe PV module recycling based on data for the First Solar recycling facility in Germany and
presented in 2018 by the IEA-PVPS Task12 workgroup (Reproduced with permission from [26])

glass is recycled to float glass and metals are recovered from the cells, silver in the
case of Si and the CIGS metals are recovered by a cyclone collector and further
processed in a metal refining industry. The expected secondary material recovery
rates are about 77% of crystalline Si module, 96% of thin film Si module and 85%
for CIGS modules. The conclusion of the LCA study is a net environmental benefit in
four analysed indicators (Global warming potential; Acidification potential; Human
toxicity potential (HTP); and Abiotic resource depletion potential), while on the other
hand, the avoided environmental burdens by recovered materials don’t outweigh
photochemical ozone creation potential caused by the recycling efforts, and impact
arising from the transport of modules to the recycling site, thus emphasizing the
importance of logistics in the recycling strategy [17].
Other recycling methods have been demonstrated experimentally at laboratory
scale, although not implemented at industrial level for thin film technologies; for
both CdTe and CIGS, it has been proved that the environmental impacts associated
with wet mechanical methods that avoid the use of chemicals are lower and have
similar efficiency in recovery of indium and tellurium than conventional methods [1];
another group has shown innovative methods based on crushing, sulfuric acid leach-
ing, precipitation and filtration, as common processes for thin film module recycling
and then extraction with surfactant (in toluene solution) and electrodeposition for
CIGS or decantation and electrowinning for CdTe; it was found that the process for
CdTe has lower impacts compared to CIGS process, mainly due to the enviromental
“credits” that the recovery of materials provided to the LCA study [23].
The recovery of glass is still a dominant part of the recycling process of PV mod-
ules of any technology. Regulations by the European Committee for Electrotechnical
Standardization (CENELEC) stablish purity requirements that must be accomplished
by the recycled glass, where the content of hazardous substances in output glass frac-
tions shall not exceed the following defined limit values (from standards EN50625-1
and EN50625-2-4:
210 8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies

– 1 mg/kg (dry matter) cadmium (Si-based PV)/10 mg/kg (dry matter) cadmium
(non-Si-based PV)
– 1 mg/kg (dry matter) selenium (Si-based PV)/10 mg/kg (dry matter) selenium
(non-Si-based PV)
– 100 mg/kg (dry matter) lead
Despite the importance of future PV recycling needs, in terms of the required
annual weight processing capacity once the PV plants now in operation reach its
end of life, still few facilities are operating worldwide, mostly in Europe (due to
strict regulatory framework for PV waste). In contrast, a very large research and
development effort is being carried out by several research centres and universities,
often in collaboration with companies in order to improve recycling methods and to
reduce its energy consumption and environmental impacts. The IEA-PVPS carried
out an analysis of R&D activities related to recycling PV modules and found that the
numbers of effective patents directly related to PV recycling technology are 128 for c-
Si and 44 for thin film modules (survey from 1976 to 2016), with the first patents found
in mid 90s), very few until 2011 (mostly in Europe) and an increasing number since
then (mostly in China, Korea and Japan). Regarding c-Si technology, patents targeting
the removal of encapsulant (mainly EVA) account for 45% of total, thus emphasizing
that it is the most challenging step; it is followed by frames (30%), solar cells (24%),
and Cu ribbons (1%) recovery strategies, classifying by methods, 40% of patents
are filled for mechanical processes, 25% combined methods, 19% chemical and
15% thermal [17]. For thin film technology, the number of patents is still dominated
by the USA, followed by Asia, with a stronger focus on semiconductor recovery
and a domination of combined methods (64%) indicating the higher technological
complexity. This trend indicates that the amount of patents is still reduced, that the
geographical location of filing is moving from Europe to Asia and that the knowledge
progress is still dominated by mechanical, relatively low-tech processes focussed on
the most challenging process, which is the separation of the encapsulant from the
But so far, silicon cells cannot be recovered as Si wafers at an industrial scale
although some laboratory scale success has been achieved [20]. The recycled glass
is a low grade product and the recovery of scarce or expensive metals are still mini-
mal with very low yields. Higher purity levels for the recovery of glass and silicon
are required in order to approach quality and value of the original material. R&D
has progressed steadily in the past ten years, yet commercialization of recycling pro-
cedures, especially recovery of semiconductors and metals is still at an early stage.
There are plenty of room for improvement in this research field, especially moving
from proof-of-concept already demonstrated experimentally to a large scale indus-
trial facilities devoted to recycling of PV modules, which is strongly required to close
the loop for a really circular economy for photovoltaics.
Several demonstration projects have been carried out with the purpose to recover
crystalline silicon cells without the need to broke them. The approaches are based
on incineration of EVA encapsulant materials, but in most cases, the solar cell is
accidentally broken during the process. A research into the mechanisms that lead to
8.2 Recycling PV Modules: Recovery of Components and Materials 211

this unwanted destruction of cells pointed to the combined effect of the formation of
bubbles between EVA and the glass and the deformation of EVA by thermal stress
putting too much pressure on the cell; a simple pretreatment of glass cracking and
EVA patterning allowed researchers to recover unbroken cells which underwent acid
treatment to obtain second generation silicon wafers that then were used as input in a
standard module fabrication process delivering modules with same efficiency as first
generation modules (18.5% compared to original 18.7%). It is a remarkable result
which opened the door to a new path for PV module recycling [20].
The LCA study of a complete recovery and recycling process combining several
methods (mechanical, thermal and chemical with acid treatment and electrolysis)
was carried out by Cynthia Latunussa et al; they were careful to exclude environ-
mental benefits arising from the use of secondary materials, and therefore, the results
are a proper LCA evaluation of the recycling process of 1 tonne of crystalline sil-
icon waste modules; the conclusions indicate that the major contributor to impacts
is the incineration of the encapsulation layers illustrated as an example in the global
warming potential impact category and being the major contributor in Human Toxi-
city (cancer, 50%) and Freshwater Ecotoxicity (75%), but similar in others; recovery
of silicon, silver, copper and aluminium comes second in impacts and transport is also
an important contributor in all categories, varying between 10% for freshwater eutro-
phization to 80% in the abiotic depletion potential for minerals, and therefore, a clear
recommendation arises: it would be convenient to explore decentralized schemes for
PV recycling industrial sites of smaller capacity, but strategically distributed; also
fluorinated plastics in the module components are major contributors to impacts and
eco-design approaches should point to reduction of the use of this materials and
simplify the disassembly process with clever designs for aluminium frames; a final
recommendation of the study is to encourage manufacturers to use recycled glass
for the production of new modules [19]. The potential reduction of economic cost of
using high purity recycled silicon or intact silicon wafers in a circular manufacturing
process can be as high as 20% and provide long term environmental and economic
benefits [5].
Futhermore, recent studies indicate that recovery of key minerals (copper, palla-
dium, gold and silver) from printed circuit boards could require as little as 5% of
the energy as compared to primary supply from mining [24, 25]. This is a promising
result that can be extended to PV module recycling (and BoS electronic compo-
nents) to emphasize the large potential to reduce environmental impacts by recycling
metallic components.
Recycling at end of life of perovskite technology has been demonstrated recently,
including examples of recovery of materials at end of life [2, 16]; lead was recovered
up to 99.8% by using deep eutectic solvents in recovered cells [22]. Furthermore,
in another example, Chen et al fabricated perovskite solar cells with lead recycled
from lead-acid batteries achieving the same efficiency as the control cells [3]. The
impacts of the processing routes used for the recycling have not been studied so far
and should be included in any future global assessment including second generation
cells or use of recovered or recycled materials.
212 8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies

8.3 Recovery and Reuse of Substances Required

for PV Module Manufacture

Several materials and substances are required during the manufacturing of solar cells,
these materials are not embedded in the final cells, but they could be considered as
a limiting factor for PV module production and also contribute to environmental
impacts that are evaluated by the LCA methodology. If part of the substances used
during the manufacture are recovered and reused in the factory or recovered and sent
to another production centre for further processing, the overall LCA impacts can be
reduced. This approach is already implemented in the two standard recycling routes
used for crystalline silicon and thin film technologies, as described in the previous
section) [17, 29].
It is more complex to recover and reuse the solvents used in organic and hybrid
technology manufacture. Either chlorinated or nor chlorinated solvents pose impor-
tant risks to human health and environment, and therefore, reducing its consumption
is paramount to reduce impacts of the overall production process. Regulations in
many countries require avoiding any spill of substances out of the factory, and the
storage of used solvents needs to comply with strict rules (see Chap. 11). Then,
another cycle for recovery of used solvents is initiated, but in this case it is usually
left out of the scope of the LCA studies of PV cell and module manufacture.


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recycling of lead from hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites using deep eutectic solvents. Green
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214 8 Recycling and End of Life of PV Technologies

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PVPS Task 12.
Photovoltaic-Panels, iSBN: 978-92-95111-99-8
Chapter 9
Balance of System (BoS) and Storage

When a life cycle assessment study of a complete photovoltaic system is carried

out, an important contribution comes from the balance of system (BoS) components.
From a life cycle assessment perspective, BoS is becoming an important contributor
to impacts, both environmental and economic, with an increasing share of impacts
compared to the contribution of modules. In particular, the Joint Research Centre
(European Commission) Methodology Guidelines on Life Cycle Assessment of Pho-
tovoltaic recommends to include at least the following items in a LCA study [15]:
Manufacture of the mounting system; manufacture of the cabling; manufacture of
the inverters and manufacture of all further components needed to produce electricity
and supply it to the grid (e.g. transformers for utility-scale PV). To this recommended
list, the manufacture of batteries should be added for a LCA study of stand-alone
systems which requires energy storage.
Together with the PV modules, the electronic system for power management is the
component with most contributions to environmental impacts (and also to economic
cost). Basically, there are two stages in the power management of solar electricity
generated with a photovoltaic system: DC/DC regulators and DC/AC inverters.
Regulators are used for adapting DC power to different loads and they include a
maximum power point tracker device to optimize the PV module operation: individ-
ual modules or strings of interconnected modules must always work at its maximum
power point for a given irradiance and temperature, independently of the load that
is connected to them. Originally, regulators were designed to be used with one or a
few modules in stand-alone systems that supply power to a DC load (for example,
solar home systems for rural electrification); they manage the energy generated by
the PV system, the energy stored in the battery and the energy consumed by the loads
with the objective to provide a good service (often using priority load control algo-
rithms) and at the same time protecting the battery against excessive discharging or
overcharging and thus extending its lifetime. Nowadays, most DC/DC converters are
designed to work at a single module level or at string level with current optimization

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 215
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
216 9 Balance of System (BoS) and Storage

in PV systems connected to the grid and without any storage device. In this case, in
order to supply the generated power to the grid, the regulator requires an additional
connection to a DC/AC inverter and all the electronic equipment is integrated into a
single device. The final combined apparatus including mppt tracker, DC/DC power
management and DC/AC inversion is commonly called inverter.

9.1 Life Cycle Assessment of BoS Electronic Components

The electronic equipments required for power management are grouped into three
“inverter” typologies which include in the same equipment the DC/DC regulator
with maximum power point tracking systems, DC/AC inverter, monitorization and
communication devices, safety switches both at DC input and the AC output lines
(either monophase or three-phase output) and ground/earth connections; its market
share is presented in Table 9.1. They are: string inverters, the most commonly used
so far; central inverters, for large size PV plants, and micro-inverters, designed to
work at single module level and which require additional electronic equipment to
connect more than one module to the grid or AC application. Since all stages of
the power management and the required components are actually integrated into a
single electronic block, when considering LCA studies of electronic components,
their contribution is often reduced to the “inverter”. There is one exception to this
general rule: rural electrification in isolated livelihoods where there is no grid and the
electricity supply by the PV generator is DC and no inverter is required in the system;
in this case, only regulators (with internal mppt tracker) are considered in the LCA
study, optional small DC/AC inverters for specific AC loads may be included and
the contribution of batteries to LCA becomes important; this case will be presented
in Sect 9.4.
The evolution of inverter design and nominal power has been fast and strongly
relying on regulations for PV feed-in tariffs or other subsidy policies (for example,
the limit of 100 kWp for eligibility for a subsidy scheme was a driver for a strong
development of this size of inverter). All designs have been optimized and now
work with efficiencies >98%, with the exception of micro-inverters, a more recent

Table 9.1 Typology of inverters, depending on its size. Best efficiencies and market share are
provided for 2019 typical products. Data from Fraunhofer ISE 2021 PV report [14]
Inverter/Converter Power Efficiency (%) Market share (%)
String inverters Up to 150 kWp Up to 98 61.6
Central inverters More than 80 kWp Up to 98.5 36.7
Micro-inverters Module power range 90–97 1.7
DC/DC convertersa Module power range Up to 99.5 5.1
a DC/DC Converters still require a DC/AC inverter in order to be connected to the grid, that is why

total market share is larger than 100% in column four

9.1 Life Cycle Assessment of BoS Electronic Components 217

Fig. 9.1 Inverter shipments to the European Union (AC-rated MW power per year; E = Estimate).
Reproduced with permission from [11]

development, which still has room for improvement from actual efficiency around
90% with some manufacturers already approaching efficiencies of large size invert-
ers. The evolution of the global market is illustrated by the shipments to Europe
during the past years. Europe was the strongest market a few years ago, and although
it is not the first one any more, it is the better example to illustrate the evolution
of PV size, and therefore, inverter size. In Fig. 9.1, the evolution of shipments of
inverters to Europe is presented, the market now is dominated by three-phase string
inverters (75%), followed by centralized inverters (26%) that are used as stand-alone
systems or in combination with transformers, single phase string inverters (20%) and
more recently micro-inverters (1% at module or a few modules level) complete the
technological portfolio [11]. Average lifetimes of inverters are about 15 years, and
recent developments with improved metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transis-
tors (MOSFET, with wider bandgap, they keep high efficiency at higher temperatures)
have extended the lifetime to 20 years; improved design for better maintenance and
for easy replacement of some parts more prone to failure (electronic control subsys-
tems, for example) will extend this lifetime further with the consequent big impact
on LCA contribution of inverters during the lifetime of PV systems (currently at an
average of 30 years).
There are two main approaches to evaluate the human health and environmental
impacts of the inverters (in the broad meaning of the integrated electronic component
described above). One is focussed on the calculation of the cumulative energy demand
(CED) required to manufacture the inverter, which comprises energy embedded in
the materials and process energy. This energy is added to the CED of other PV system
components and it is used for energy payback time calculations, which was the main
parameter to compare the “sustainability” of different energy systems or different
PV technologies when solar photovoltaic energy is considered. The inverter is an
218 9 Balance of System (BoS) and Storage

important contributor for the BoS total embedded energy; the CED strongly depends
on the nominal power of the equipment. When the CED data is reported as primary
energy per nominal power (MJ/kW), the expected scaling down is observed, but
with an attenuated power law decay indicating that very large inverters will meet a
lower limit that is very difficult to surpass unless a breakthrough in inverter design or
materials is achieved (it is not expected in the coming years). The second approach
is a full LCA study of a PV system where the inverter is included and it contributes
to impacts in all categories. In this LCA approach, the CED is often included as a
part of the life cycle inventory and its global contribution is in general low, about
1–1.5% adding all impact categories. The advantage of the LCA approach is that
the contribution of inverters to other impact categories can be analyzed in detail and
targeted recommendations for manufacturers can be provided with the aim to reduce
its impacts.
The cumulative energy demand of inverters was calculated by Erik Alsema in
pioneering work in late 90s, delivering an early value for primary energy embedded
in small inverters (3 kW) of about 1000 MJ/kW [2, 3]. Fifteen years later, several
detailed LCA studies of small and medium inverters had reduced this value; for
example, the study carried out by Laura Tschümperlin (Treeze Ltd., commissioned
by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, reference [51]) is now widely used as
a reference and had found that the cumulative energy demand for manufacture has
been reduced by a factor of four in comparison to “old” inverters, with a minimal
impact contribution of 1.5% to total impacts. The minerals, fossil and renewable
resource depletion has been reduced by a factor of two, with tantalum being the
individual element most affecting this category (65%). On the other hand, impacts
on human health are in general higher: for human toxicity cancer effects results
are similar, while for human toxicity non-cancer effects and particulate matter they
had risen around 30% compared to the “old” inverters due mainly to the higher
complexity of electronic control printed boards and microelectronic circuits which
makes them the main contribution to these categories (55% and 58%, respectively).
Similarly, impacts on ecosystems, illustrated, for example, by freshwater ecotoxicity
category, has also risen around 30% with respect to “old” inverters, again mainly
due to the contribution of the electronic printed board and the metals included in
the new inverters (impacting in metal depletion category). A graphical summary of
results is presented in Fig. 9.2 for new inverters of different sizes where the data
are normalized as impact per nominal AC power unit of the inverter; an economy
of scale in impacts is observed with the best fit provided by a power law, having
a faster reduction of impacts when increasing the size of the inverter from small
(around 5 kW) to medium (around 20 kW) and then a lower rate of reduction that
is extrapolated to inverters of 100 kW and is indicated in the figure by a dotted red
It is important to emphasize that the standard lifetime of inverters is 15 years,
and therefore, during the lifetime of a PV system (either roof-top or large plant) will
require at least one replacement of inverters, a fact that should be taken into account
in LCA studies comprising a whole lifetime of systems. Uncertainties in data related
to inverters are still large, but new results are constantly emerging and databases are
regularly updated.
9.1 Life Cycle Assessment of BoS Electronic Components 219

Fig. 9.2 Impacts of manufacture and disposal of solar inverters on six impact categories, the error
bars indicate a 10% error, the dotted red line indicates an extrapolation to 100 kW AC nominal
power inverters; fits are power laws ∝ x α with exponent α shown in each graph. Source of data
used in the graphs: [51, 52]

In 2021, the market share of string inverters is estimated to be 52%; that is, half
of power conversion electronics that is currently installed is still used in residen-
tial, small and medium commercial applications in PV systems up to 150 kWp . The
market share of central inverters, with applications mostly in large commercial and
utility-scale systems, is about 44%, and the trend seems to indicate that this market
share for large inverters will grow in the coming years since large PV plants are
expected to represent the largest share of future PV system construction. A small
part of the market (about 1%) is represented by micro-inverters (used on the module
level and connected to electronic modules which optimize the self-consumption or
the injection to the grid of the AC electricity generated by each module working
220 9 Balance of System (BoS) and Storage

with independent maximum point trackers per module). The market for DC/DC con-
verters, also called “power optimizers”, is estimated to be in the same range [14].
The observed trends for future developments of inverters (and power management in
general) are: digitalization, repowering, new features for grid stabilization and opti-
mization of self-consumption; storage; utilization of innovative semiconductors (SiC
or GaN) in electronic components of the inverters which allow very high efficiencies
and more compact designs; increase to 1500 VDC maximum for string voltage and
the corresponding improvement on safety and ground connections of frames and
rack structures. It is desirable that this innovations will also lead to a reduction in
its LCA impacts, which has not been the case for the transition from “old” to “new”
generation of inverters.

9.2 Life Cycle Assessment of BoS Structural

and Mechanical Components

The total cumulative primary energy demand for total Balance of System manufacture
and installation is presented in Fig. 9.3; several studies reported values for CED
measured or calculated in different conditions, hence the large dispersion of published
data around a mean value with high standard deviation (as can be observed in the small
lines). Roof-top systems BOS has a mean CED of 623 MJ/m2 and ground systems
BOS has a mean CED of 923 MJ/m2 , the conversion to embedded energy per nominal
power (installed capacity), MJ/kW p , will depend strongly on the efficiency of the
PV modules, and therefore, in this case, the units of CED per square meter are more
meaningful to be used for LCA studies of any system despite that the final CED for
the whole system is commonly reported as MJ/kW p . In Fig. 9.3, a statistical analysis
of data reported in several publications is presented and the average value is a CED
for total BoS components of 623.24 MJ/m2 and 932.26 MJ/m2 for roof-top and
ground mounted systems, respectively. In this case, the functional unit of 1 m2 is the
one which allows a better comparison and a meaningful average, because typology
and efficiencies of the modules to be installed can be very different, but with low
impact on the CED of the BoS components. Only as an indicative calculation, for
Si modules with PCE = 18%, the values of BoS contribution to CED would be 3.46
MJ/Wp and 5.18 MJ/Wp , respectively.
The main source of uncertainty in LCA calculations related to BOS components
other than inverters is the amount of concrete and steel to be used in the mount-
ing racks, which strongly differ between ground mounted or roof-top systems. On
the other hand, there is no expected technological innovation on concrete and steel
production that could change their manufacturing process contribution to LCA cat-
egories. A recent report by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commis-
sion provides estimations for the use of concrete (60.7 tonnes/MW) and steel (67.9
tonnes/MW) required for photovoltaic systems, future scenarios considered in this
report keep these figures without significant changes in all but the most optimistic
9.2 Life Cycle Assessment of BoS Structural and Mechanical Components 221

Fig. 9.3 Cumulative energy

demand for the balance of
system (BoS) of different PV
system configuration
(roof-top vs ground
mounted) showing a mean
value (diamond) with
standard deviation error bars
and the large dispersion of
reported data in the literature
for different scenarios and
systems (bars); with data
from [5, 16, 30] and
references therein

scenarios where a small reduction in materials intensity use is predicted for 2050
(concrete: 48.6 tonnes/MW, steel: 54.3 tonnes/MW) [7].

9.3 Introduction to Electricity Storage for PV Systems

All future scenarios of major supranational organizations (such as IEA, IRENA,

OCDE) as well as specific plans at the country level point to an acceleration of
the energy transition that is already occurring. This transition will require a high
penetration of renewable energy in the electricity sector and other sectors such as
transport. The management of power generated by renewable sources, especially in
electricity generation and consumption, already demands the use of energy storage in
some applications, but a much larger storage capacity will be required in the coming
years [26]. In the NZE2050 scenario of the International Energy Agency, demand
for batteries for transport reaches around 14 TWh in 2050, 90 times more than in
2020 [22]. The variability of photovoltaic electricity generation and the mismatch in
real time between generation and consumption requires energy storage at different
scales [1]: ranging from small scale in local isolated systems to medium or large
scale, for example, in electricity grids with distributed renewable generation in order
to stabilize the grid and manage generation and consumption.

9.3.1 Electricity Storage Technologies

There are several available technologies for electricity storage. At very large scale,
pumped hydro energy storage is at present time the only available technology for
economic storage of energy; it is not an efficient method, but it is competitive when
the alternative is to stop generating and disconnecting from the grid the photovoltaic
222 9 Balance of System (BoS) and Storage

(or wind) production sites. This storage method requires specific infrastructure and
reversible pumps usually associated with hydroelectric dams [9]; however, due to
the location restrictions of the hydro pumped storage plants, the expansion of this
technology is limited. At smaller scales, the technologies for storage of electricity
can be organized into three main groups: superconducting magnetic energy storage
[37, 45], electric double layer capacitor [44] and the most reliable nowadays: systems
based on electrochemical energy storage usually grouped with the common name of
In a different group, the production of chemical fuels using renewable electricity
should also be mentioned. The most extended is the production of hydrogen using
electrolyzers whose electricity supply comes from a renewable source; the photo-
voltaic systems can be coupled to the electrolyzers either by using DC-DC power
management electronics or with direct connection using clever design rules [18, 19].
The so-called “green” hydrogen (it is green only if produced with renewable elec-
tricity) can be used as an energy vector in transport or heating sectors (by burning) or
electricity generation (by closing the cycle with fuel cells). The combination of elec-
trolyzers and fuel cells are usually included as a single block for electricity storage
covering a large energy range and the possibility of physical separation between the
electrolyzer and the fuel cell makes it a reliable system, although unfortunately with
very low round trip global efficiency (35–45%) and much higher capital cost (17
USD/W) as compared to batteries (2–5 USD/W) makes this combination unreliable
for competing in the market for small and medium applications [1, 42].

9.3.2 Battery Technologies

For solar electricity, the coupling of PV generators to batteries has been since the
early development of photovoltaics the most common storage mean for isolated small
systems where there is no grid, or more recently batteries have been used as a buffer to
optimize self-consumption in systems with grid connection. The rapid development
of electric vehicles that have batteries can be used as a complement for solar electricity
storage, either to be used during driving or as a battery system managing electricity
supply and demand in local systems (with or without photovoltaic production on
site). Batteries are also considered as a means of storage in large PV plants, with a
much larger storage capacity in order to moderate the intermittency of generation
before injecting into the grid; these large storage systems can also be used to store
electricity from the grid at some specific time slots depending on real-time electricity
prices and global supply-demand equilibrium required by electricity grid managers.
Therefore, batteries will be required at very different scales: from very small
energy supply for portable gadgets to medium and large systems in combination with
photovoltaic electricity generation either in isolated locations or for grid-connected
locations. Grid stabilization will require both power quality and flexibility of the
energy management from short time scales (ms) to hourly variability (typical of PV
systems); storage will be unavoidable when renewable electricity penetration reaches
9.3 Introduction to Electricity Storage for PV Systems 223

more than 80% [21, 26]. And batteries will be also required especially for the massive
penetration of electric transport using small or medium size batteries.
Battery technology is constantly developing, with many alternatives already in
the market and many others very close to commercialization. Lead-based, alkaline
or lithium-ion-based batteries are the two most broadly used, with Li-ion gaining
market steadily. In fact, for photovoltaic applications, Li-ion batteries represent cur-
rently 90% of the market [24]. Applications of batteries are very different, therefore,
demanding different characteristics both on size and cyclability. A summary of oper-
ational parameters for different battery technologies is presented in Table 9.2. Two
broad families must be taken into account: primary batteries designed for a sin-
gle use (not rechargeable) and rechargeable batteries. Advanced lead–acid, alkaline
(sodium–sulfur and sodium–sulfur–chlorine), Nickle–Cadmium and Li-ion batteries
are considered cyclable and well established technologies, with round trip efficien-
cies around 85% and operating cycles above 3000 (Li-ion above 7000).
Besides those already established kinds of battery, emerging technologies are
being developed, such as redox flow batteries (Fe–Cr, V–Br or V–O2 cells) which are
a promising alternative in which the redox processes are carried out in the battery
but the fluids are stored in external containers and delivered on demand [54]. They
are scalable and flexible, have a high round trip efficiency (85%) and low environ-
mental impacts, although the only one which has reached the market is the VRB
option which uses vanadium (IV-V)/vanadium (II-III) dissolved in aqueous sulfuric
acid, but it is difficult to scale down to small systems and to use for electric vehicles
[1]. Besides all-vanadium options, there are other technologies combining differ-
ent metals: vanadium/bromine; iron/chromium; Fe-EDTA/bromine, Zinc/Cerium,

Table 9.2 Typical parameters of some current and emerging battery technologies
Battery Top power Top energy Energy Round-trip Cycles References
MW MWh density efficiency (×103 )
Wh/kg (%)
Lead acid 10–40 01–10 25–50 78–80 3 [48]
Na-S 34 10 150–120 85–90 4.3–6 [40]
Na-Ni-Cl 1 6 95–120 85 3—4 [39, 40]
Ni-Cd 40–60 75 >15 [42, 49]
Redox flow 2–100 6–120 9–50 85 >13 [1]
Li-ion 16 20 80–250 95 4–8 [20, 28, 42, 56]
Zn-ion 250 80 1 [27]
Li/Air 600 66 [23, 39, 56]
Zn/Air Power 350–500 60 1–2 [10, 31, 32, 47]
200 776 prim.,
mW/cm2 378 s.
224 9 Balance of System (BoS) and Storage

etc…with potential for the redox couple in the range of 1.2–3.4 V [54, 55]; recent
advances in redox flow batteries using low cost carbon polymer composites and
graphene-based nanoparticles have extended their lifetime [8, 33], and accelerated
degradation charge–discharge studies have shown that bench-scale vanadium redox
flow batteries (VRFB) can be adequate for storage of solar photovoltaic electricity
and wind electricity [34, 36].
Other systems, such as Metal/Air batteries, have attracted much attention recently
as rechargeable batteries due to the high capacity and energy densities. Nowadays,
Zn/Air primary is the only Metal/Air battery with a real commercial single use appli-
cation, but no rechargeable Metal/Air batteries have been sufficiently improved to
reach a commercial level. Li/Air, Na/Air, Al/Air and Zn/Air batteries are the main
systems that are under investigation and can achieve an energy density theoretically
ten times higher than current Li-ion batteries [17, 46, 56]. Furthermore, from a sus-
tainability point of view, those batteries which focus on the use of Zn as negative
electrode have many advantages, such as its low cost, abundance of Zn in the nat-
ural medium or the availability of use aqueous-based electrolytes. Finally, aqueous
Zn-ion batteries have also been proposed recently as a cheap alternative (see dis-
cussion on capital costs of batteries in Sect. 10.3), although they are still far from
commercialization [27].

9.4 Overview of Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Batteries

For the fabrication of any kind of battery, a large amount of raw material and energy
are consumed during the process; waste and end-of-life recycling or disposal also
generates an important environmental impact [10]. All the solutions for renewable
energy storage provided by batteries should ideally be sustainable from an environ-
mental and an economical point of view. The result of its sustainability evaluation
depends mainly on the processing routes for battery fabrication, the efficiency and
cyclability of the battery during the operational phase and the decommission of the
battery including recycling and/or land-filling at the end of life [6]. The Life Cycle
Assessment methodology can be applied to evaluate the impacts of battery produc-
tion; the large variety of technologies makes compulsory using the same functional
unit to quantify the impacts and define clearly the scope of the LCA study.

9.4.1 Phases in LCA for Batteries

In order to define a functional unit based on the service that the battery provides to
the end-user, in this case, the amount of electricity stored and delivered in the battery
throughout its lifetime, it is necessary to clarify the limits for depth of discharge
9.4 Overview of Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Batteries 225

(DOD) that each kind of battery considers for safe operation (usually around 80%)
and its nominal lifespan. The lifespan is the number of cycles for which cell capacity
does not fall below the specified limit, that can be the DOD or a lower value for
optimal cycling (for example, 60% of nominal storage capacity, expressed in Ah).
An additional difficulty for a functional unit based on service for batteries is that
this limit used to define the lifespan decreases with time. A complete LCA study
for batteries should comprise at least three phases: production phase, where raw
materials or materials from recycling input should be considered; use phase for the
different applications (such as electric vehicles or energy storage for photovoltaic
systems) including maintenance and end-of-life phase where final collection, disposal
or recycling of the used battery is carried out. In each stage, besides material input
(which generates a material inventory), inputs of energy and gas emissions must
be taken into consideration, as well as other emissions treated as waste (that may
or may not be recycled). Each of the main phases may be subdivided into stages
depending on the scope of the LCA. Usually, the selected functional unit of the LCA
is product-based, when LCA focuses on production phase, or service-based, when
LCA includes also the use phase.

9.4.2 Phases in LCA Including Second Life of Batteries

Different use phase of batteries poses different requirements for their peak power,
maximum energy storage and cyclability. It is possible to use a battery for a second
application once their lifetime for their primary application has been exhausted. In
particular, batteries designed for their use in electric vehicles can be used for solar
applications after they are discarded, since the requirements that the battery needs
to meet for its second application are less demanding; nevertheless, a reconditioning
phase is often required to adapt the old battery for its second life. This processing
changes the scope of the LCA and provides different figures for the overall use of
any kind of battery at the end of its two possible lives (see Fig. 9.4). The industry for
battery reconditioning for second life will develop if the economical return is good;
initial studies are promising for Li-ion batteries designed for electric vehicles and
with a second life for energy storage in photovoltaic systems: cost of battery range
between 150 and 250 USD/kWh for the new battery and after reconditioning, the
refurbished battery may be back into market costing between 44 and 180 USD/kWh
depending on model; since the cost of refurbishment is around 25–50 USD/kWh, the
market possibilities are open although the marketing model is still uncertain [29].
From a LCA point of view two roads are open regarding recycling of battery
components and reconditioning as indicated in Fig. 9.4: first, fabrication of the ini-
tial battery that may or may not use recycled materials or components is an initial
226 9 Balance of System (BoS) and Storage

Fig. 9.4 Scope and phases of Life Cycle Assessment for batteries with second life, including a
reconditioning phase and recycling processes during manufacture and at end of life

production phase, followed by the first life use phase; then an intermediate produc-
tion phase that is called reconditioning phase is included leading to a second use
phase. The difficulty will arise with the selection of a single functional unit for the
full LCA, since it should include services which may be very different depending on
the application during the two lives of the battery: electric vehicle often use km of
service, while photovoltaic applications use energy (kWhAC ) delivered throughout
its lifetime. At least two collection points are needed for a cycle of batteries for two
lives, the first one as an intermediate point between first life and reconditioning; this
stage is important to recover the maximum parts or whole battery after the end of
first life, disposal of some parts may be required, eventual recycling of materials and
pieces at this stage are included in the reconditioning process. The second collection
point at the end of second life leads to recycling of materials and disposal.

9.4.3 Results of LCA for Batteries

Production of raw materials by the mining industry creates important environmental

impacts. The review carried out by Dehghani-Sanij et al. in reference [10] indicates
that 85% of lead production worldwide is used in the fabrication of lead–acid batteries
according to the International Lead Association (ILA) “Lead Uses—Statistics and
Lead Facts” web site1 and to [38]. Similarly, already in 2017 around 45% of Li
production was devoted to the fabrication of Li-ion batteries and 50% of cobalt and
10% of graphite production worldwide is used in battery electrodes. As mentioned

1 International Lead Association Database:–statistics.

9.4 Overview of Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Batteries 227

in Chap. 5, graphite has been declared a strategic material by the European Union.
Toxicity of lead, although it is efficiently recycled (more than 95%), probably will
slowly reduce the production of lead–acid batteries, in spite of their low cost and
good performance. The environmental burdens of manufacture of the Li-ion battery
is dominated by the production of the negative and positive electrodes and the battery
pack, while single cell, separator, lithium salt and solvent play a minor role [38]. The
use of graphene has been proposed for several applications related to energy storage
and could eventually reduce the environmental impact of those systems, especially
those requiring metallic electrodes that could be replaced by graphene nanocomposite
materials [25].
Recycling of components to recover Li or investment for the second life of Li-ion
batteries could reduce environmental impacts up to 30% [56], but at present there is
almost no industry dedicated to the recycling of lithium batteries since the economic
return is very low and it will not happen unless there is an enforcement policy that
makes recycling of Li compulsory [53].
Cumulative primary energy demand (CED) for current Li-ion battery production
is from 350 to 650 MJ/kWh, which brings greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to
figures between 120 and 250 kg CO2eq /kWh, although these calculations are strongly
dependant on the country under consideration through the local electricity grid mix,
these figures come from a study carried out in Sweden [42, 43]. For Li/Air battery,
Zacrkisson et al. carried out a detailed LCA which calculated a climate change
impact of 1100 kgCO2eq /kWh of stored and delivered electricity, considering only
the production phase of their study for the STABLE Li/Air battery prototype; the total
impact including use and end-of-life phases is 1299 kgCO2eq /kWh, thus showing that
the higher impact comes from the production phase [56, 57]. The changing conditions
with time for the use of any energy storage system must also be taken into account
for the LCA which evaluates service-based functional units for a service extended
in time, this approach was recently applied to Li-ion battery LCA [12].
The main impact categories are summarized in Table 9.3 for two kinds of Li-ion
batteries and for a functional unit of 1 kg of battery. Conventional Li-ion batteries
have values of 14.19 kg CO2eq /1 kg or more recently reported impacts for redox flow
batteries, of which the all-vanadium type has lower embedded emissions (2.86 kg
CO2eq /1 kg), both have lower values (even if the transport has been included in LCA),
therefore, pointing to all- vanadium redox flow as the battery with lower emission
impacts [13].
Often a second functional unit is used, in this case considering the electricity
stored in the battery. For a FU of 1MJ energy storage capacity, the numbers for Li-
ion battery for several impact categories are: climate change 17–27 kg CO2eq ; Human
toxicity 3-5 kg 1,4-DBeq ; Metal depletion 28–44 kg Feeq , and Fossil depletion 2.2–
3.4 kg Oileq [35]. Considering several studies, the average results for 1 kWh of energy
storage capacity in Li-ion batteries for cumulative energy demand for production is
328 kWh and generates 110 kgCO2eq of greenhouse gas emissions; when detailed
information about cyclability and lifetime of the battery are available, the results for
1 kWh of electricity provided over the entire life cycle of a battery, the cumulative
energy demand is reduced to 26 kWh and consequently, the GHG emissions are
228 9 Balance of System (BoS) and Storage

Table 9.3 Main impact categories for LCA of Li-ion battery for a FU of 1kg of battery
Impact indicator Unit Lithium ion battery
NMP solventa Water solventb
Cumulative energy MJ/kg 90–97 88
Climate change kg CO2eq 12.5 4.4
Metal depletion kg Feeq 20 20
Fossil fuel depletion kg Oileq 1.6 1.5
a [35, 49]
b [35]

reduced to 74 gCO2eq [41]. For emerging Zn/Air batteries, an initial LCA study
based on laboratory scale delivered some cap values for environmental impacts that
can be improved in an up-scaled factory: CED of 590.8 MJ/1 kg of fabricated battery
(1780.3 MJ/1 kWh of stored energy), which translates into emissions amounting
to 20.3 kg CO2eq /kg of fabricated Zn/Air battery (61.2 kg CO2eq /1 kWh of stored
energy), those values (for FU 1 kWh) are estimated for a primary battery with a
single cycle use; if cyclability is demonstrated with this kind of batteries, its impacts
for FU of stored electricity can be reduced by at least two orders of magnitude [47].
These results emphasize the need to carry out a detailed LCA of the manufactur-
ing process of any emerging battery technology, pointing to upscaling of production
according to predicted demand for energy storage and not only analyzing cumula-
tive energy demand or GHG emissions, but also toxicity, acidification and resources
depletion [4, 42]. Also, in order to complete impact analysis, an integrated hybrid
approach is recommended since economic impact may be important for LCA studies
when functional units related to services are chosen and the entire background econ-
omy is affecting the service provided; the hybrid approach avoids truncation of the
studies due to a limited scope and will also influence the recycling and disposal stages
since these industrial activities will be strongly affected by economic incentives
[50, 57].


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Part III
Beyond Life Cycle Assessment:
Socioeconomics and Geopolitics of Solar

Part III goes beyond the standard approach to LCA and includes economic and social
assessment of impacts. Economic evaluation of the economic cost of installed capac-
ity and produced electricity is accomplished in this part. Comments on the geopolitics
of photovoltaics provide the closing remarks of the whole book. In Chap. 10, the defi-
nition of economic parameters used to evaluate the impact of PV systems is provided.
Those comprise the levelized cost of electricity, also with the modern definition of
IEA, called the “value-adjusted” LCOE. Also, employment opportunities by sector
and by country are analysed, including investigation on socioeconomic networks
that range from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) or other associations to
small, medium or large companies linked to solar electricity. Chapter 11 provides a
list of the regulatory framework worldwide, mostly a presentation of standards and
regulations, a comparison between countries and a comment about its evolution. The
book ends with Chap. 10 in which solar electricity will be put into the context of
globalization, where on the one hand still a large amount of population lacks access
to electricity while on the other hand solar electricity is now subject of speculation by
investment funds and big multinationals. Climate change mitigation and the related
international agreements are the closing subjects of the book.
Chapter 10
Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar

10.1 Cost of Ownership of Photovoltaic Systems

Total installed cost of a utility-scale PV system has experienced a constant reduction

in the past 10 years; the global weighted average in 2010 was 4.71 USD/Wp , and
in 2020 it dropped below the 1USD mark, reaching 0.88 USD/Wp , with even lower
price cases (within the 5% percentile) reaching 0.57 USD/Wp [8]. It is important
to emphasize that these data are calculated using real installed costs in different
countries, and presented as an aggregate of a large variety of systems. The main driver
for this reduction has been the technological improvement of all PV technologies,
which have reached prices below 0.5 USD (2020 prices) per peak power (W p ). In
Fig. 10.1, the evolution for crystalline silicon PV module price is shown, with two
clear phases in the past 30 years. One initial phase is when cumulative production
slowly advanced until it reached 1 GWp of installed power in 2000; in this initial
stage of lower production capacity, the learning rate was around 18% during the
whole period. Then, in the years ranging from 2000 to 2006 approximately, a sudden
increase in module demand, driven by subsidized policies in several countries, led to
a shortage in poly-silicon production and the trend of price reduction stalled for a few
years (even with a slight momentary increase of module price in some countries) until
new silicon production capacity was installed in China to supply the new module
factories that were rapidly built in this country allowing world production capacity
to reach a cumulative production of 10 GWp by 2007 and close the gap between
demand and supply by 2010 [2]. When the new production capacity became fully
operative, a new trend in price reduction with steeper slope started and has been kept
during the past 10 years, with a learning rate double than before, reaching 41% and
not showing signs of wearing when total installed capacity is about to reach 1 TWp
[10]. The average learning rate for the whole 30-year period has been 21%.
All technologies have experienced a steady learning curve that appears displaced
almost parallel one respect to the other in the horizontal axis (which represents
cumulative production) and have a similar slope as can be seen in Fig. 10.2. The

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 235
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
236 10 Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar Electricity

Fig. 10.1 PV modules spot price learning curve (1992–2020). Source IEA-PVPS Trends in PV
Applications 2020 (Reproduced with permission from [10])

Fig. 10.2 PV modules price learning curve (2006–2020) of crystalline silicon and thin film tech-
nologies. Source Fraunhofer-ISE PV Report 2021 with estimated data from different sources (Navi-
gant Consulting, EUPD, pvXchange for 2006–2010; and IHS Markit for 2011 onwards; reproduced
with permission from: [4])

learning curve of crystalline silicon with a cumulative production at the end of 2020
of 773 GWp and thin film technology with cumulative production of 52 GWp (also at
the end of 2020) are presented; the resulting learning rates are 32 and 30, respectively,
delivering prices at the end of the curve presented in the graph lower than 2 euro
cents per W p for both technologies.
10.1 Cost of Ownership of Photovoltaic Systems 237

Table 10.1 Average solar PV module prices by technology and manufacturing country sold in
Europe in 2020 (the country in parenthesis is where the module was manufactured)
PV technology (2020 Average Cheapest
USD/Wp )
Crystalline Si (Germany) 0.523 0.271
Crystalline Si (Japan) 0.616 0.271
Crystalline Si (China) 0.535 0.271
Bifacial Si 0.407 0.381
Thin film a-Si/µ-Si 0.864 0.283
Thin film CdTe 0.522 0.281
Low cost (emerging) 0.192
Data source IRENA PV Power Costs Database 2021 [8]

A summary of the PV module cost for the commercial and emerging technologies
is provided in Table 10.1 for 2020, according to the most recent IRENA average data.
All technologies have reached prices below 0.5 USD/Wp , with reductions of about
70% in the past 15 years.
When the costs of other Balance of System (BoS) components of the PV system
are added, with the inverter cost as the more important contribution, the total price of
PV systems rises to a range from 2.5 to 0.3 USD/Wp (in 2020), with a clear difference
between roof-top or BIPV residential systems and utility-scale large PV plants. The
range goes from 2.5 to 0.5 USD/Wp for residential scale and from 1.5 to 0.3 USD/Wp
for utility scale, with significant differences among countries as can be observed in
Table 10.2 and Fig. 10.3. The breakdown of costs also differ among countries and has
varied along time; in 2020, the cost of PV modules approximately represent 50% of
hardware cost on average, with the other half for the balance of system costs, mainly
inverter (20% at a cost of around 50 USD/kW) and the rest of BoS (30% for wiring,
racking, transformer and grid connection, monitoring and control, safety switches and
security). PV modules have reduced its price in recent years and therefore its share
in the total cost of hardware components of the PV system has constantly decreased,
while inverters and other BoS have also reduced its cost, but not so fast and there-
fore its share in total cost has increased. At an average price of 30 USD/kW, there
is still room for cost reduction in inverters, which are experiencing a fast change
in design and materials use in recent years. The total cost of systems decreased
during the past decade between 69% and 88% depending on the countries of
installation [8].
To these hardware costs, additional “soft” costs for system design, transport,
installation, financing costs, overheads (margins), permits and taxes, cost of applying
for incentives and customer acquisition provisions must be added; an economy of
scale is achieved for the soft costs in large utility plants (which represent around
20% of total costs) in comparison to smaller systems (around 30%, for BIPV even
larger due to extra design and installation costs); in both cases, variations among
countries may be large due to different engineering costs, overheads, regulations and
238 10 Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar Electricity

Table 10.2 Detailed breakdown of utility-scale solar PV total installed costs in the top five coun-
tries with most cumulative installed capacity in 2020, the European (1) average (calculated for 22
countries including the Russian Federation and representing more than 99% of European cumu-
lative capacity) and the World (2) average (calculated for 37 countries representing more than
99% of cumulative capacity). Data source IRENA PV Power Costs Database 2021 [8] and IRENA
Renewable capacity statistics 2021 [9]
China USA Japan Germany India Europe World
(1) (2)
Capacity Cumulative 253.4 93.2 71.4 53.9 47.4 164.8 760.4
(GW) Installed (in 48.2 19.2 11.1 8.2 4.9 21.2 139.4
Total cost 2020 USD/kW 650.7 1,100.6 1,832.1 699.6 595.9 919.6 971.2
Category Cost
Modules Modules 258.0 356.1 366.9 234.0 223.7 304.8 307.5 307.5
BoS Inverters 33.8 67.0 132.0 32.6 33.9 45.0 50.0
Racking and 16.2 85.6 81.5 57.1 56.6 79.0 78.8
Grid 56.9 79.5 101.2 67.0 33.2 63.8 65.5
Wiring 17.0 64.6 58.0 36.8 38.0 35.5 44.3
Safety and 9.5 27.3 22.3 8.9 34.0 19.6 23.3
Monitoring and 2.5 14.4 18.4 4.8 2.3 6.3 8.9 270.7
Installation Mechanical 61.6 171.4 485.6 60.0 29.2 91.4 99.1
Electrical 41.0 27.5 316.6 46.9 20.4 76.9 73.3
Inspection 9.5 7.7 45.2 11.6 5.6 18.1 17.9 190.4
Soft costs Margin 67.3 125.2 96.0 91.2 23.6 108.3 111.3
Financing costs 41.4 14.6 18.2 3.9 52.4 15.7 25.6
System design 6.3 28.2 4.1 9.0 12.1 14.8 16.3
Permitting 9.2 6.5 39.1 19.5 13.5 29.1 29.8
Application 14.2 17.5 38.8 5.1 7.6 5.4 12.3
Provision 6.3 7.6 8.2 11.1 9.9 5.9 7.2 202.5

tax policies [10]. The O&M cost at utility scale differs strongly among countries, and
IRENA uses for its calculations 17.8 USD/kWp for OECD countries and 9 USD/kW p
for non-OECD countries for an “all-in” O&M costs that include insurance and asset
management (concepts that are usually not reported in O&M surveys) [8].
A detailed breakdown of costs for PV systems in 37 countries representing more
than 99% of cumulative installed capacity is available in the IRENA Renewable
Power Cost Database [8], a summary for the top five countries with more cumulative
capacity in 2020, and European and World averages are presented in Table 10.2 and
Fig. 10.3.
10.1 Cost of Ownership of Photovoltaic Systems 239

Fig. 10.3 Detailed breakdown of utility-scale solar PV total installed costs in the top five coun-
tries with the most cumulative installed capacity in 2020, the European (1) average (calculated
for 22 countries including the Russian Federation and representing more than 99% of European
cumulative capacity) and the World (2) average (calculated for 37 countries representing more than
99% of cumulative capacity). Data source IRENA PV Power Costs Database 2021 [8] and IRENA
Renewable capacity statistics 2021 [9]

A graphical summary of the data included in Table 10.2 is shown in Fig. 10.3. A
strong variation of costs can be observed, for example, leading to more than the triple
total cost difference between China and India with respect to Japan, with Germany
and the United States in an intermediate position; this variation does not depend on
cumulative capacity (or even on installed capacity in the year for which data of costs
were collected, 2020), on the contrary, it is the variations in soft costs and installation
(also related to labour cost), the factor that has a larger impact on total system cost.
When an average is calculated for 22 European countries and 37 World countries (in
both cases representing more than 99% of cumulative capacity, respectively) with
the data available at the IRENA Renewable Power Database (2021) [9]; the obtained
breakdown is very similar, and the share for the broad categories (Modules, BoS,
Installation and Soft Costs) is shown in the pie chart of Fig. 10.4.
If as expected PV module prices become even cheaper, and similarly inverter
prices are further reduced, the breakdown of total costs for a PV system will be
roughly less than one-third for PV modules, less than one-third for BoS components
and more than one-third equally distributed in installation and other soft costs. The
pie chart in Fig. 10.4 for the average world data is representative of this trend, despite
variations among countries that can be large due mainly to very different installation
and soft costs.
The values presented in Table 10.2 for the capital cost of photovoltaic systems in
different countries can be compared with those estimated by the IEA for its World
Energy Model 2020 [7]; for example, in the stated policies scenario, the starting point
in 2019 is very similar to the values indicated in the table, in all cases slightly higher:
for example, the USA has the higher cost per installed capacity at the system level,
240 10 Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar Electricity

Fig. 10.4 Share of utility-scale solar PV total installed costs for aggregated categories of cost
for the 2020 World average (calculated for 37 countries representing more than 99% of cumulative
capacity). Data source IRENA PV Power Costs Database 2021 [8] and IRENA Renewable Capacity
Statistics 2021 [9]

Table 10.3 Estimation of investment, area and staff requirement for a 10 GW PV factory
Capital expenditure Total manufacturing Staff 24/7 (5 shift)
(million euro) area m2 max. persons 24/7
Ingot/Wafer 570 210,000 2,100
Cell 970 140,000 2,700
Module 395 150,000 2,700
Total 1,935 500,000 7,500
Source Estimated data by scaling up from a factory size of 1 GW, [4]

1220 USD/kW, the European Union 840 USD/kW, China 790 USD/kW and India
610 USD/kW. The projected costs for 2040 are reduced to 680 USD/kW for the USA,
490 USD/kW for the Europeon Union, 450 USD/kW for China and 350 USD/kW
for India, values that can be considered a cap, since the stated policies scenario
is a baseline, and it is expected to be surpassed with regards to the penetration of
renewable sources in the electricity mix of all countries worldwide.
PV technology has already proven that it is the cheapest source of energy in many
countries. This competitive position can be reinforced if coordinated efforts to up-
scale production facilities size is accomplished; this has been the case for China, and
other efforts in this direction have been launched at the European level: the Fraunhofer
Institute for Solar Energy Systems claims that it is possible to work out a coordinated
implementation concept via the European Commission through cooperation among
countries (such as France–Germany, Germany–Poland, Croatia–Germany…) and
other regions, in order to build a factory with a 10 GW PV production capacity per
year and it has calculated the costs, the required manufacturing area and staff (see
Table 10.3), and it claims that considering today’s overall political situation, the
chance is high to find investors and build the factory [4].
10.2 The Cost of Solar Electricity: A Steady Learning Curve 241

10.2 The Cost of Solar Electricity: A Steady Learning


The strong reduction in system cost and the improvement in cell efficiency and
lifetime have contributed to a constant reduction in the price of electricity produced
by a PV system throughout its lifetime.
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the global
weighted average levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of utility-scale photovoltaic
(PV) plants declined by 85% between 2010 and 2020, from 0.381 USD/kWh to 0.057
USD/kWh in 2020. The year- on-year reduction that year was 7%. In Fig. 10.5, the
time evolution is presented, showing the average value and the 5 and 95% percentiles
to illustrate variations, interestingly, the variations only have a weak correlation
with the size of the PV plant, with small (≤1 MWp ) or large (≥300 MWp ) systems
randomly distributed along the column representing each year, although larger plants
tend to accumulate in the middle to lower part of the column.
The range of LCOE that can be obtained with a PV system can vary depending on
irradiance and temperature ambient parameters of the location where the PV system
is operating throughout its lifetime and also on the global performance ratio which
depends on different contributions to losses; even if the cost of ownership of the PV
system is the same, the LCOE may vary as shown in Fig. 10.6 for different countries
and for three retail prices.

Fig. 10.5 Global utility-scale solar PV project levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and range
evolution from 2010 to 2020, showing 5 and 95% percentiles and representing PV plant size.
Reproduced with permission from Ref. [8]
242 10 Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar Electricity

Fig. 10.6 LCOE of PV electricity as a function of solar irradiance and retail prices in key markets.
The country yield (solar irradiance) here shown must be considered an average. Figure from IEA-
PVPS Task 1 report “Trends in PV applications” (2020). Reproduced with permission from Ref. [10]

The main drivers for LCOE reduction in the past years have been the drop of PV
module price (a 46% share of total reduction), followed by inverters (29% share),
with also an important contribution of aggregated soft costs, which varies strongly
among countries; this contribution to LCOE reduction is represented in Fig. 10.7.
On a country-by-country basis, the reductions in LCOE range from 77% to 88%
between 2010 and 2020. The reduction in LCOE during the past 10 years has been
large in all countries, although with some differences where the drivers for LCOE
reduction acted with different intensity. In Table 10.4, the utility- scale solar PV
weighted average cost of electricity in selected countries is shown, and the reduction
from the first year of available data to 2020 has been calculated; the reduction is in
most cases higher than 80%, with the largest drop in LCOE in India, Korea, China
and Australia, while the lower drops are more due to the lack of older data and
therefore the year span for the calculation is shorter.
The effect of using the Value Adjusted Levelized Cost of Electricity (VALCOE)
indicator introduced by the International Energy Agency in its World Energy Model
[7] and explained in Chap.3 is a correction of LCOE values that in general increases
the cost of solar electricity. For the IEA Stated Policies Scenario, the results are
summarized in Table 10.5 for the four countries where more capacity is expected to
be installed in the coming years and is representative of four different socioeconomic
The model shows that solar PV VALCOE is always slightly higher than LCOE,
while fossil fuel technologies keep their value or are reduced. This adjustment plays
against solar PV in this scenario which is a baseline based on stated policies. If
other IEA scenarios more optimistic in terms of renewable capacity deployment are
considered (for example, the Net Zero Emissions by 2050), the VALCOE calculation
would deliver better results for renewable electricity costs. But it is convenient to
Table 10.4 Utility-scale solar PV weighted average cost of electricity in selected countries, 2010–2020
LCOE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Changea
(2020 (%)
Australia 0.380 0.393 0.242 0.142 0.119 0.104 0.081 0.091 0.076 0.074 0.057 –85
China 0.305 0.248 0.185 0.148 0.113 0.086 0.076 0.068 0.053 0.051 0.044 –86
France 0.355 0.371 0.402 0.236 0.161 0.116 0.094 0.086 0.075 0.070 0.064 –82
Germany 0.338 0.292 0.240 0.194 0.146 0.118 0.105 0.099 0.096 0.079 0.066 –80
India 0.309 0.199 0.171 0.173 0.114 0.076 0.072 0.067 0.049 0.039 0.038 –88
Italy 0.380 0.366 0.186 0.167 0.140 0.072 0.064 0.060 0.058 –85
Japan 0.402 0.299 0.250 0.226 0.166 0.171 0.138 0.131 0.124 0.119 –71
Netherlands 0.125 0.145 0.113 0.111 0.107 –14
Republic 0.503 0.430 0.175 0.210 0.164 0.153 0.148 0.101 0.084 0.079 0.061 –88
of Korea
Spain 0.292 0.206 0.168 0.130 0.126 0.075 0.049 0.046 –84
10.2 The Cost of Solar Electricity: A Steady Learning Curve

Turkey 0.103 0.097 0.076 0.068 0.052 –50

Ukraine 0.448 0.338 0.107 0.108 0.073 0.070 –84
United 0.479 0.453 0.272 0.226 0.189 0.150 0.146 0.122 0.128 0.097 0.084 –82
United 0.204 0.240 0.208 0.207 0.143 0.133 0.121 0.089 0.069 0.059 0.057 –72
Vietnam 0.166 0.243 0.072 0.065 –61
a Changefrom first year of data to 2020 (%)
Data source IRENA Renewable Cost Database (2021) [8]
244 10 Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar Electricity

Fig. 10.7 Drivers for LCOE reduction in the past 10 years, showing the absolute reduction in
USD/kWh and percentage of contribution of each driver to the total reduction (EPC: Engineering,
Procurement and Construction costs ; WACC: Weighted Average Cost of Capital; O&M: Operation
and Maintenance). Data source [8]

consider the baseline scenario for the discussion because despite the adjustment,
solar electricity becomes the cheapest option in three of the considered countries
that are representative of three regional socioeconomic environments; only in the
case of the European Union, gas is cheaper (and this can be discussed in the view of
new regulations for the energy transition in the European Union since it may seem
a contradiction for a region with the advanced environmental protection legislation
of the European Union and the strong commitments for greenhouse gas emission

10.3 The Cost of Electricity Storage in Batteries

Batteries will be a strategical part of global energy transition since storage will be
required at very different scales. The most rapid development has been the use of
batteries in electric vehicles that can store solar electricity for their own consumptions
for moving the vehicle or as a buffer storage when the vehicle is parked and can
exchange electricity with the grid. The cost of stationary storage is today higher than
mobile storage, mainly due to the need of including extra components for battery
installation (including packing and health and safety measurements) and more costly
10.3 The Cost of Electricity Storage in Batteries 245

Table 10.5 Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) and Value Adjusted Levelized Cost of Electricity
(VALCOE) calculated by the International Energy Agency for the Stated Policies Scenario of the
World Energy Model 2020 for Solar photovoltaic, Wind onshore, Coal and Gas (Combined Cycle
Gas Turbine (CCGT))
2019 2019 2040 2040
Solar PV 55 55 30 55
Wind onshore 65 65 55 60
Coal 50 50 70 60
Gas CCGT 75 70 100 95
Solar PV 75 80 40 55
Coal 75 75 75 75
Gas CCGT 50 45 65 65
European Union
Solar PV 85 85 50 80
Wind onshore 75 80 65 80
Coal 120 110 150 125
Gas CCGT 65 50 110 75
Solar PV 35 40 20 50
Wind onshore 55 60 50 55
Coal 55 55 55 50
Gas CCGT 60 60 85 65
Data source [7]

power management and battery protections to deal with more demanding charge and
discharge cycles.
A calculation of the levelized cost of energy storing capacity of the battery (aver-
aged throughout battery lifetime) provides an economical comparison of different
technologies and poses clear requirements for any new technology in order to pen-
etrate the market. In the United States of America, 869 MW of utility- scale battery
capacity was installed at the end of 2018, with an electricity storage capacity of 1236
MWh. The average cost of this storage fell 71% during the past years, and reached
635 USD/kWh in 2020; the decline in price is driven by the development of lithium-
ion batteries, which represent 90% of the market and have experienced a steep rate
of decline in costs in the past 5 years. Similar trends have been observed in other
countries, for example in Germany, where for small-scale, residential and commer-
cial buildings; battery storage is slightly more expensive, with prices around 776
USD/kWh in 2020. Nevertheless, and despite variations among countries, the cost
of electricity storage in batteries is declining at strong rates and reached competitive
prices in 2020 (see Table 10.6).
246 10 Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar Electricity

Table 10.6 Average prices for electricity storage (net capacity) with lithium-ion battery systems
Country USD/kWh Year Scale
USA 635 2018 Utility
Australia 670 2020 Residential
UK 752 2021 Residential
Germany 776 2020 Residential
France 955 2021 Residential
Italy 1069 2021 Residential
Data source IRENA, EUPD Research GmbH, Solar Choice [8]

Fig. 10.8 Comparison of

capital cost for power (blue,
left axis) and energy storage
(orange, right axis) for
several battery technologies.
Data from references as
indicated in labels: a [1],
b [3], c [11] and d [12].
Reproduced with permission
from [12]

The cost of electricity storage in batteries will depend on the cost of ownership
of the battery and the number and efficiency of cycles during its lifetime. All tech-
nologies deliver similar cost per stored electricity as indicated in Fig. 10.8.

10.4 Employment Opportunities Linked to the Solar

Electricity Sector

At the end of 2019, the PV sector employed up to 3,5 million people globally, of
which 2,2 million work in China clearly leading the PV job intensity in the world;
India and the United States of America are following at great distance with about
a quarter-million people employed in the PV sector, followed by Europe (170,000)
and Japan (74,000), with much lower numbers in the rest of the world at the end of
2019. An estimated 1,3 million were employed in the upstream part (PV and BoS
manufacture, more concentrated in a few countries), including materials and equip-
ment, while 2,2 million were active in the downstream part (system construction,
including O&M, more distributed where the systems are deployed, strongly varying
10.4 Employment Opportunities Linked to the Solar Electricity Sector 247

in time depending on local policies and PV market development). The job inten-
sity is very different for upstream or downstream activities; on average, upstream
workload require around 10 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs per MW p of produced
PV modules, while downstream workload demands 20 FTE per MW p of installed
PV capacity, with differences depending on the size of the system, with small-scale
systems generating more jobs than utility-scale large plants. In the whole PV value
chain, the job quality is good, with more focus on technical expertise in the upstream
(and specially in the research and development stage) and more on manual skills in
O&M operations [10].
The report about Sustainable Recovery of the International Energy Agency anal-
ysed the important impact that the COVID-19 crisis had produced on energy access
[6], where lockdown measures have cancelled or reduced severely new development
projects putting off-grid development at risk in one of the PV sectors with more
decentralized creation of jobs. More than one thousand small companies employ
around half a million people, and this job is now at risk if investment oriented to
recovery electrification projects is not delivered. The policies that are announced in
developed countries to dynamize the economy (Next Generation funds in Europe,
the Infrastructure Bill announced in the USA) should also take into account the
importance of maintaining or even enhancing international cooperation projects, and
especially those oriented to rural electrification, since it will have a strong impact on
job maintenance of a growing sector that is now at risk.
If universal access to electricity is kept as a priority in the world recovery, the
decentralized photovoltaic systems could create around 900,000 jobs a year within
the next 3 years, as it is estimated in the Sustainable Recovery report cited above,
where every 100 solar home systems could generate the equivalent of 20 full-time
induced jobs (although mostly informal) with half of them for women, improve
health and education services and increase agricultural productivity and hence food
security [5].


1. Alotto P, Guarnieri M, Moro F (2014) Redox flow batteries for the storage of renewable energy:
a review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 29:325–335.,
2. Bye G, Ceccaroli B (2014) Solar grade silicon: Technology status and industrial trends. Solar
Energy Mater Solar Cells 130:634–646., https://
3. Dehghani-Sanij AR, Tharumalingam E, Dusseault MB, Fraser R (2019) Study of energy storage
systems and environmental challenges of batteries. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 104:192–208.,
4. Fraunhofer-ISE (2021) Photovoltaics Report 2021. Tech. rep., Fraunhofer Institute for
Solar Energy Systems, ISE, Germany.
248 10 Socioeconomic Impacts of Solar Electricity

5. GOGLA (2020) Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2020. Tech. rep., GOGLA -
Lighting Global - World Bank.
6. IEA (2020a) Sustainable Recovery. Tech. rep., International Energy Agency - World Energy
Outlook Special Report, world Energy Outlook Special Report in collaboration with the Inter-
national Monetary Fund
7. IEA (2020b) World Energy Model. Documentation. Tech. rep., International Energy Agency.
8. IRENA (2021a) Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2020. IEA-IRENA. https://www.irena.
9. IRENA IREA (2021b) Renewable Capacity Statistics 2021. IEA-IRENA. https://www.irena.
10. Masson G, Kaizuka I (2020) Trends in Photovoltaic Applications 2020. Tech. Rep. Report IEA-
PVPS T1-38:2020, International Energy Agency - Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme -
Technology Collaboration Programme, iSBN 978-3-907281-01-7
11. Posada JOG, Rennie AJR, Villar SP, Martins VL, Marinaccio J, Barnes A, Glover CF, Wors-
ley DA, Hall PJ (2017) Aqueous batteries as grid scale energy storage solutions. Renew
Sustain Energy Rev 68:1174–1182., http://www.
12. Santos F, Urbina A, Abad J, López R, Toledo C, Fernandez Romero AJ (2020) Environmental
and economical assessment for a sustainable Zn/air battery. Chemosphere 250:126273. https://, GotoISI://MEDLINE:32120147, type: Journal
Chapter 11
Standardization and Regulations for PV

At least three regulatory levels for the production, installation, operation and end of
life of photovoltaic systems can be considered. Additionally, the Life Cycle Assess-
ment methodology is also regulated by standards. In this chapter, the three levels are
presented. First, a technical approach where the international technical standards of
different standardization organizations are cited and briefly commented; the technical
documents are accessible upon payment of a fee, unless some country organization
provides free access to national standards that are identical or very similar to the
international ones. The second level refers to regulatory frameworks (acts, direc-
tives and orders) that are mandatory in several regions or countries, and the third
one is devoted to concepts that are still under development but that could be part
of future broader regulatory frameworks in different regions (especially in Europe).
Each section of this chapter focuses, respectively, on these three levels.

11.1 International Technical Standards for Photovoltaic

Technology and Life Cycle Assessment

In this section, the main international technical standards regulating photovoltaic

technology and life cycle assessment are briefly commented. The regional or national
standards are adapted to international standards and sometimes the original document
(or a very similar one) is freely available. Otherwise, its full access requires a fee
payment per document or subscription to groups of standards.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 249
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
250 11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies

11.1.1 International Organization for Standardization

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides the wider

overarching collection of standards (23,912 in 2021), including the ISO 14000 family
for Environmental Management (with the subfamily of ISO14040 for Life Cycle
Assessment), the ISO 45000 family for occupational health and safety for better
and safer working conditions (developed in collaboration with USA-OSHA and the
International Labour Organization, ILO) or ISO 50001 for Energy Management with
a strong focus on energy efficiency and savings.
The Life Cycle Assessment methodology is regulated by two ISO standards (and
complemented with sectorial recommendations to analyse the impacts on some cat-
egories, especially water). They are the following:

ISO 14040:2006. Environmental management—Life cycle assessment

—Principles and framework. It describes the principles and framework for life
cycle assessment (LCA) including definition of the goal and scope of the LCA, the
life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase, the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA)
phase, the life cycle interpretation phase, reporting and critical review of the LCA,
limitations of the LCA, the relationship between the LCA phases, and conditions for
use of value choices and optional elements. It covers life cycle assessment (LCA)
studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) studies. Approved in 2006, reviewed and
confirmed in 2016.
ISO 14044:2006. Environmental management—Life cycle assessment
—Requirements and guidelines. It specifies requirements and provides guidelines
for life cycle assessment (LCA) (described in the ISO 14040 standard). It extends
the definitions list and clarifies issues related to recycling and how to avoid double
accountability of processes and outputs related to recycling activities. It also provides
case study examples with models for spreadsheets. Approved in 2006, reviewed and
confirmed in 2016.
ISO 14046:2014. Environmental management—Water footprint—Principles,
requirements and guidelines. It specifies principles, requirements and guidelines
related to water footprint assessment of products, processes and organizations based
on life cycle assessment (LCA). It provides principles, requirements and guidelines
for conducting and reporting a water footprint assessment as a stand-alone assess-
ment, or as part of a more comprehensive environmental assessment. Approved in
2014, reviewed and confirmed in 2020.

On the other hand, ISO standards for photovoltaics are scarce (in comparison
to what is regulated by other organizations), they are developed by the technical
committee TC-180 and the focus is on setting references for solar spectral irradi-
ance (ISO 9845-1:1992 with a new standard under development) and on irradiance
measurement instruments and methods (ISO 9060:2018 and ISO 21348:2007 which
were reviewed and confirmed in 2021). The standard ISO 15387:2005 (reviewed and
confirmed in 2021) was devoted to calibration and measurements of single-junction
solar cells for space applications (under AM0 spectral irradiance). They also pub-
11.1 International Technical Standards for Photovoltaic Technology … 251

lished one standard related to specification for glass to be used in building integrated
photovoltaic (BIPV) applications (ISO/TS 18178:2018 and an extension with focus
on module recycling for BIPV which is under development ISO/TS 21480).

11.1.2 International Electrotechnical Commission

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has developed a broad

range of standards for electric and electronic products (more than 10,000 in 2021).
The IEC Technical Committee TC-82 for “Solar photovoltaic energy systems” is
responsible for writing all IEC standards related to photovoltaic technology since
the early 1980s. The standards are constantly updated, and new ones are prepared
by working groups to include new technical developments either in the manufacture
of new types of PV modules or in the instruments used for their characterization.
Also, balance of system components, including batteries, are regulated by standards.
There are currently 169 published IEC standards by TC-82 related to photovoltaic
technology, and work is in progress for 69 more (new ones or revisions). This set of
standards is the most broadly used by the scientific community and technicians in
research centres and companies.
The full set of IEC standards related to photovoltaic technology can be found
on its website which has an efficient search engine; additionally, a compilation with
comments can be found in the European Commission Joint Research Centre report on
standards for the assessment of the environmental performance of photovoltaic mod-
ules, power conversion equipment and photovoltaic systems [5]. The most important
series of IEC standards for PV is the IEC 60904, with 11 active parts devoted to
photovoltaic devices: Measurement of photovoltaic current–voltage characteristics
in natural or simulated sunlight, applicable for a solar cell, a subassembly of cells
or a PV module (1); details for multijunction photovoltaic device characterization
under concentrated or non-concentrated light (1.1); details for bifacial devices (1.2);
requirements for reference devices (2); principles designed to relate the performance
rating of PV devices to a common reference terrestrial solar spectral irradiance dis-
tribution, which is provided in the standard in order to classify solar simulators
according to the spectral performance requirements (3); procedures for calibration
traceability to SI units for reference cells (4); description of the open-circuit volt-
age method for the determination of the equivalent cell temperature (ECT) of PV
devices with the purposes of comparing their thermal characteristics, determining
the nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT) and translating measured I-V char-
acteristics to other temperatures (5); computation for spectral mismatch corrections
(7); requirements for the measurement of the spectral responsivity of both linear and
non-linear photovoltaic devices for the determination of recombination processes:
it is of special interest for research work (8 and 8.1 with focus on multijunction
cells); methodologies for classification of solar simulators, which are labelled and
classified as A+, A, B or C based on criteria of spectral distribution match, irradiance
non-uniformity in the test plane and temporal instability of irradiance (9); methods
252 11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies

to analyse the dependence of any electrical parameter of a PV cell with respect to a

test parameter and to determine the degree at which this dependence is close to an
ideal linear function and how to deal with deviations from linearity (10); methods
to capture electroluminescence images of PV modules and how to interpret it (13);
guidelines for measurements of the maximum power output of single-junction PV
modules and for reporting at standard test conditions (STC) in industrial production
line settings, with the aim to have consistent practices across the industry (14).
This IEC 60904 covers many issues related to photovoltaics summarized above,
and it is the most broadly used set of recommendations. It is complemented with other
standards, and a brief selection out of the 169 active ones is included here: IEC 60981
with procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections to measured I-V cell and
module characteristics; IEC 61215 for the design and qualification of PV modules
for terrestrial applications and long-term operation in open-air climates, including
test requirements for different technologies: c-Si (1.1), CdTe (1.2), a-Si (1.3), CIGS
(1.4) and a more recent publication for organic, dye-sensitized and perovskite cells
(IEC TR 63228:2019); IEC 61683 with guidelines for measurement of efficiency of
power conditioners; IEC 61724 for monitoring PV system performance (including a
capacity and energy evaluation methods); IEC 61730 for safety qualification, with a
description of the fundamental construction requirements for PV modules in order to
provide safe electrical and mechanical operation and the methods and requirements
to carry out the safety tests; IEC 61853 for module performance testing and energy
rating, including irradiance and temperature performance measurements and power
rating (1), spectral responsivity, incidence angle and module operating temperature
measurements (2), energy rating of PV modules (3) and standard reference climatic
profiles with climatic data sets (4) with the purpose to define a methodology to
determine the PV module energy output and the climatic-specific energy rating for
a complete year at maximum power operation for the reference climatic profile(s);
IEC 62093 for balance of system components design qualification; IEC 62108 for
concentrator PV modules and assemblies; IEC 62109 for safety issues related to
power converters; IEC 62446 for inspection, tests, commissioning and maintenance
of grid-connected systems; IEC 62458 with recommendations for PV array design
and construction including wiring, electrical protection devices, switching and earth-
ing provisions; IEC 62670, IEC 62688, IEC 62789 and IEC 62989 for concentrator
PV systems; the broad family of IEC 62788 provides several recommendations for
characterization of all kinds of materials involved in the PV system, either cells,
encapsulation, glass, backsheet, edge seals (including degradation tests of which
potential-induced degradation is treated in more detail with the IEC 62804, glass
properties and degradation in the IEC 62805 and crystalline silicon cell light-induced
degradation in IEC 63202); solar trackers are covered by IEC 62817; connectors in
IEC 62852; maximum power point trackers in IEC 62891; inverters in IEC 62894.
Also, a set of different tests for PV system construction quality control (in factory
and on-site) and commissioning as well as maintenance procedures are described
broadly in several standards.
Regarding stand-alone PV systems which include a battery for electricity storage,
several standards have been approved. First, to regulate system design and battery
11.1 International Technical Standards for Photovoltaic Technology … 253

function: IEC 62124 for stand-alone PV system design recommendations and PV

performance evaluation (including battery testing and recovery after periods of low
state-of-charge) in a variety of climatic conditions, and IEC 62509 for battery charge
controllers. But secondly, a whole set of standards has been developed for rural
electrification with PV systems: the IEC 62257 family.
Another important family of IEC standards is IEC 62257, which introduces a
methodology for implementing rural electrification using autonomous hybrid renew-
able energy systems for setting up decentralized rural electrification in developing
countries or in developed countries. There are 11 active parts for this standard with
an ambitious objective of covering all stages of this kind of PV projects; after an
introduction (1), it includes recommendations for the analysis of the socioeconomic
conditions of the rural area where the decentralized electrification project is going to
be implemented (2); project development and management, covering from contrac-
tual issues with stakeholders to technical test on the PV system and even requirement
for recycling and environmental protection (3); recommendations for system selec-
tion and design for isolated systems in order to meet end-user identified needs (4);
protection against electrical hazards (5); proposes a methodology to achieve the
best technical and economic conditions for acceptance, operation, maintenance and
replacement of equipment and complete system life cycle (6); a broad approach to
other renewable systems or hybrid generators (7); the selection of batteries and the
possible use of car flooded lead–acid batteries for a second life in PV systems are
also addressed with regulations for tests to check if new or used car batteries can be
used in PV stand-alone systems assuring a proper operation of the system, therefore
creating a battery management system which covers the whole cycle including end
of life (8); the other approach for rural electrification with micropower systems and
microgrids are also addressed (9); and finally, recommendations of visual inspection
of silicon modules for battery maintenance (10) and recommendations for laboratory
tests for lamps and other appliances to be used in off-grid rural electrification (12).
A new standard has been recently approved, the IEC 62994 (2019) devoted to
environmental health and safety risk assessment of PV systems throughout its life-
time; it proposes a method to characterize and evaluate potential adverse impacts to
human health or environment and make it possible to take measures to reduce them
in the first attempt by a standardization organizations to tackle the sustainability
evaluation at a technical level in the manufacture, use and end-of-life phases of PV
systems by combining life cycle assessment and risk assessment methods (for rou-
tine and non-routine operation), and additional guidance for risks in PV systems in
buildings addressed fire hazards in the more recent IEC TR 63226 document (2021).
254 11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies

11.1.3 Other International and National Standardization


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a Standards

Coordinating Committee SCC-21 on Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Genera-
tion, and Energy Storage whose standardization work focused on grid connection and
minigrid quality of supply with distributed energy sources (IEEE Std. 1547 series
1–7, updated in 2020 and IEEE Std. 2030.9-2019 for microgrids), for smart grid inter-
operability (IEEE Std. 2030–2011), for discrete and hybrid energy storage systems
that are integrated with the electric power infrastructure, including end-use appli-
cations and loads (IEEE Std. 2030.2-2015) and for design, operation, maintenance,
integration and interoperability, including distributed resources interconnection, and
of stationary or mobile battery energy storage systems (IEEE Std. 2030.2.1-2019).
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) is
another organization that provides more than 13,000 standards, of which around 300
are devoted to photovoltaic technology with recommendations which range from
materials quality, monitorization, maintenance or safety requirements which pro-
vide a good complement to other regulations (work of Subcommittee E44.09 on
Photovoltaic Electric Power Conversion, which is part of Committee E44 on Solar,
Geothermal and Other Alternative Energy Sources). For example, their standards
for the mechanical integrity of modules (ASTM E1830—15(2019)), standard tests
for hot spot protection (ASTM E2481—12(2018)), fire prevention (ASTM E2908—
12(2018)), insulation integrity and ground path integrity (ASTM E1462—12(2018))
or hail impacts (ASTM E1038—10(2019)) are very useful and cannot be found in
other standards at this detailed level.
Several countries have their own institutes for standards which grant access to
international ISO or IEC standards, develop their own standards and provide consul-
tancy services to companies and institutions worldwide. The most important are the
British Standards Institution (BSI), the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) and the
Japanese Standards Association (JSA). Although the main reference for standards
regarding solar electricity is the IEC and the most important standards are those cited
above, the national bureaus provide complementary details to many of the interna-
tional standards, with detailed worked examples and usually, the compliance with
national standards in the manufacturing of PV modules or design and construction
of PV systems is compulsory.

11.2 Regulatory Frameworks for Production, Recycling

and End of Life of PV Modules

Production of photovoltaic modules are not specifically regulated in any legislative

framework, with the exception of recent Chinese policies. For the rest of the world, the
environmental impact regulations that in general apply for any industrial activity are
11.2 Regulatory Frameworks for Production, Recycling … 255

the ones that should be applied to the PV industry; even in some cases, the PV industry
is exempted to comply with them. Very different is the framework for recycling and
end of life of PV modules, which are treated as electrical and electronic equipment
and it is strongly regulated in several countries; but there are comparatively very few
standards with recommendations for PV recovery, reuse and recycling. PV modules
and other balance of system components at their end of life are considered E-Waste.
In 2017, the Global E-Waste Report (United Nations University) warned that the
waste from electrical and electronic equipment have been 44.7 million tons in the
year 2016 (around 6 kg per person on a world average basis) [2]. And for 2021, it is
estimated to surpass 50 million tons. Photovoltaic panels (and inverters) were only
partially included in the calculation, since data gathering was difficult, with only a
few countries recording the amount of decommissioned panels, and only partially.
Despite this growing problem, none of the IEC standards for PV technology does
cover recycling issues, with a few exceptions: IEC TR 62635(2012) with guidelines
for end-of-life information provided by manufacturers and recyclers and for recycla-
bility rate calculation of electrical and electronic equipment, and more specifically for
PV technology, the IEC 62257-3 (2015) which includes recommendations for recy-
cling of components and environmental protection in rural electrification projects
with PV systems and the one devoted to health and safety issues IEC TS 62994
(2019), both commented in the previous section.
A few ISO standards can be found for recycling of materials, and those are strongly
focused on rare-earth elements. The ISO recognizes the need to extend regulations
to recycling and recovery of materials and has started a programme to analyse the
current situation and provide recommendations. The first task was devoted to plastics
in 2008 and reviewed in 2018 (the results of the study were published as a standard
ISO 15270); a more recent document (ISO/TR 23891:2020) gives a brief overview
of the current situation in plastic recycling systems, compiles relevant existing stan-
dards and provides a short description of different recycling techniques and methods
for recovery of plastic waste arising from pre-consumer and post-consumer sources;
it aims to identify the necessity of standards in the plastic recycling system and
give direction for the adoption of regional standards and/or the development of new
and existing standards. Curiously, there is one single standard for recycling of glass
to be used in BIPV applications (document ISO/TS 21480 under discussion, to be
approved in 2021). More recently, ISO has developed a set of standards devoted to
recycling of rare-earth elements (REE) (ISO 22450:2020, ISO/TS 22451:2021, ISO
22453:2021) and focused, respectively, on the requirements for providing informa-
tion on industrial waste and end-of-life products (including a classification scheme),
on measurement methods for quantifying REEs in industrial wastes and end-of-life
products in solid, solid–liquid mixture or liquid forms, and finally on methods of
information exchange between waste handlers and recyclers for REEs contained in
industrial waste and end-of-life products. The aim is to increase the amount of REEs
recovered from recycling and thus reducing the dependency on mining production
and the associated geopolitical risks. These standards have limited impact on the PV
industry, where the use of plastic is low and the content of REEs in PV modules is
almost non-existent (although the dependence is higher in electronic equipment of
256 11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies

BoS). Another ISO standard is more relevant for the end-of-life stage of PV modules
and may have an impact on “design for recycling” of components; it is the technical
document ISO 8887-1:2017 (Design for manufacturing, assembling, disassembling
and end-of-life processing) which was written with the aim to provide multiple life
cycles to manufactured products; interestingly, it extends beyond specifications for
manufacturing and assembling of products and incorporates guidance on the ulti-
mate reusing, recovering, recycling and disposing of the components and materials
used in the manufacturing process and during the operational lifetime (including
maintenance and spare parts); a second part for this standard is under development.
In the following subsections, a brief summary of regulatory frameworks is pre-
sented for the main countries where either PV manufacture or PV installation is being
carried out.

11.2.1 China

China has become the main PV manufacturer worldwide as was presented in Chap. 1.
It is also the main PV installer in the world. Comparative LCA studies have shown
that cumulative energy demand for PV module production was higher due to lower
grid efficiency (on top of the electricity mix which includes an important contribution
from coal plants) [10, 21]. Additionally, environmental impact regulations have been
weak for Chinese industrial production. An effort was initiated by the Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology since 2013, and reinforced in the more recent
14th Five Year Plan, with the aim to set standard conditions for the photovoltaic
industry and promote a “healthy development” of the industry [12, 13]. Enforce-
ment of central policies by local authorities are often weak, and the impact of these
regulations is slow to penetrate all the supply chain for the PV module industry, start-
ing with the more than 20 poly-silicon Chinese manufacturers. On the other end of the
industry, the installation, operation and end of life of PV systems installed in China
are requested to comply with environmental impact assessment reports required by
the Environmental Protection Law originally adopted in 1989 and amended in 2014;
it is a strongly regulated system which requires permits by the National Development
and Reform Commission or the provincial equivalent and subsequent authorization
of the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), the Ministry of Environmental Pro-
tection (MEP) and the Ministry of Water Resources. For end-of- life and recycling
treatment of installed PV modules, the lack of strong enforcement of the electronic
waste regulations already approved has created important environmental and health
problems in China, which on top of its own electronic waste (including PV modules)
is the first world importer of this kind of waste; the problem is to tackle informal
recycling activities and implement effectively an already strong legislation of the
11.2 Regulatory Frameworks for Production, Recycling … 257

11.2.2 European Union

In the European Union, globally the second region in manufacture and PV cumu-
lative installation, the use of hazardous substances in industrial manufacturing is
regulated by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (RoHS) Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council (new consolidated text in April 2021 [8]); but for now, PV module manu-
facture is exempted to comply with this directive (Article 2, 4.i, which indicates that
“The directive does not apply to photovoltaic panels intended to be used in a system
that is designed, assembled and installed by professionals for permanent use at a
defined location to produce energy from solar light for public, commercial, industrial
and residential applications”). Indirectly, the directive may affect PV systems, since
electronic power equipment of BoS components are not included in Article 2, 4.i
exclusion, referred only to PV “panels”. Lead and cadmium are strongly restricted
(and broadly used in electronic components); if in the future this directive is to be
applied also to PV module manufacture, it may pose a restriction to the manufac-
ture of CdTe technology since the maximum allowed concentration of cadmium is
0.01% (weight), while for lead-based perovskite technology the restriction would
be compatible with PV manufacture since maximum allowed lead concentration is
0.1% weight, compatible with current technology.
On the other hand, when considering end-of-life stages, the most important reg-
ulation affecting recycling of electrical and electronic equipment, which include PV
system components, is the Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of
the Council on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) [9]. Its declared
purpose is (Article 1)
This Directive lays down measures to protect the environment and human health by pre-
venting or reducing the adverse impacts of the generation and management of waste from
electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and by reducing overall impacts of resource use
and improving the efficiency of such use in accordance with Articles 1 and 4 of Directive
2008/98/EC,1 thereby contributing to sustainable development.

Photovoltaic panels are mentioned explicitly in Articles 5 and 7 and included in the
list of Annex I (more detailed in further annexes) clearly stating that the WEEE
directive applies to the treatment of photovoltaic modules until their end-of-waste
status is met or fractions of the photovoltaic modules are sent for recycling, recovery
or disposal. The directive is mandatory for all European Union Member States, and
it has ruled important issues regarding electrical and electronic waste management:
• The design and production of electrical and electronic equipment to facilitate
reuse, dismantling and recovery of WEEE, its components and materials, is pro-

1 Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008
on waste and repealing certain Directives; article 1 sets the subject and scope as “protect the
environment and human health by preventing or reducing the adverse impacts of the generation and
management of waste and by reducing overall impacts of resource use and improving the efficiency
of such use”; article 4 establishes a waste hierarchy (a) prevention, (b)preparing for re-use, (c)
recycling, (d) other recovery, e.g. energy recovery, and (e) disposal.
258 11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies

moted. It points to ecodesign requirements that are currently under discussion in

the European Commission.
• Minimum WEEE collection rates are established. They must rise from 45% in
2016 to 65% in 2019, calculated as the average weight of electrical and electronic
equipment placed on the market in the three preceding years, or alternatively 85%
of the weight of electrical and electronic waste generated on the territory.
• Collection and transport of separately collected WEEE should be carried out in
a way which allows optimal conditions for preparing for reuse, recycling and the
confinement of hazardous substances. Reuse is given high priority and all treatment
must be “proper”, a definition which is left for future regulation of Member States
that shall introduce certified environmental management systems.
• The European Commission request the European Standardisation Organisations to
develop European standards for the treatment of WEEE (including recovery, recy-
cling and preparing for reuse). This formal request aims at developing a “harmo-
nized standard” which according to European Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 (article
2) is a standard recognized by any of the European Standardisation Organisations
(CEN, CENELEC or ETSI.2 ) This has prompted important efforts to extend these
standardization procedures at the European level as explained below. An already
achieved practical consequence is that for the end-of-life phase of a PV system,
a decommissioning plan is becoming a requirement for large systems, and facili-
ties and processes are now being developed to handle modules and ensure proper
treatment according to this directive.
• Appropriate inspections and monitoring to verify the proper implementation of
this directive are left to Member States future regulations. The inspections should
include shipments which export WEEE, an increasing activity which is producing
the problem of uncontrolled dumps of toxic waste in developing countries.
This European regulation has put the European Union in a leading position with
regard to recycling of electrical and electronic equipment in general and photovoltaic
technology (modules and BoS) in particular. The global WEEE collection rate was
42% in 2018 in the European Union (the most recently available statistic for 28
member states, if the UK is excluded, for EU 27 member states the rate goes down to
38.9% according to Eurostat estimates). For category 4 WEEE (consumer equipment
an photovoltaic panels), it is even lower with a European average of 14% (27 member
states in 2020), but although waste collection rates are lagging behind objectives in
many Member States, the policy has created a good framework for investment in
recycling pilot plants (those presented in Chap. 9) and promoting research projects
to develop and improve recycling methods for the different PV technologies. Nev-
ertheless, the WEEE Forum3 calls on legislators and policymakers to stop applying

2 European Committee for Standardization (CEN), European Committee for Electrotechnical Stan-
dardization (CENELEC) and European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI); only stan-
dards developed by these three European Standards Organizations (ESOs) are recognized as Euro-
pean Standards.
3 WEEE Forum, a not-for-profit association of 43 WEEE producer responsibility organizations

across the World,

11.2 Regulatory Frameworks for Production, Recycling … 259

collection targets based on the “put on the market” methodology to PV panels and lay
down realistic separate collection targets specifically aimed at PV panels that should
be considered as a separate category (to be introduced in the European WEEE direc-

11.2.3 United States of America

The production of photovoltaic modules in the United States is regulated by the fed-
eral Clean Air (1970) and Clean Water (1972) Acts that are applied to any industrial
production. The Federal Government approved these pieces of legislation due to the
inactivity of state legislatures which did not regulated the emissions to air and water
at the state level, a regulation vacuum which had led to serious pollution problems.
These acts, together with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
(1976) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (1976), regulate the emissions to air
and water of any substance that may create a potential harm to the environment and
human health. The study and classification of substance potential risks is carried out
by the EPA and OSHA, federal agencies mentioned in Chap. 5. The photovoltaic
industry in the USA is required to comply with the regulations if they use any of the
substances listed by EPA, but there is a lack of enforcement mechanism that leaves
to company’s decisions the real application of these regulations.
By contrast with the European Union, the United States of America has no federal
law requiring electrical and electronic waste collection, reuse or recycling (only acts
for general waste management and potentially hazardous waste should be applied);
instead, 25 states have passed their own WEEE legislation, with a broad range of
scope and objectives, ranging from more strict rules in California to other very light-
touch non-compulsory regulation aimed at voluntary compliance from end-users
and companies. The result is that around only 22% of WEEE is accounted for [20].
The recycling procedures are regulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA) mentioned above, with specific Regulations, for example, for silicon
tetrachloride, a by-product of poly-silicon production which is now recovered and
recycled, but most substances are not regulated. Since 2012, a Toxicity Character-
istics Leach Procedure (defined by EPA) has to be applied to the manufacturing
and recycling processes of any new photovoltaic technology in order to evaluate its
potential toxicity level.
Many countries develop their own national standards and in many cases go
beyond international regulations with some requirements for quality or sustainability
of products. An example is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in
collaboration with NSF International has developed the standard NSF/ANSI 457-
2019 focused on “Sustainability Leadership Standard For Photovoltaic Modules And
Photovoltaic Inverters” [14]. The USA also launched the initiative called “Energy
Star: Guidelines for Energy Management”, focused on energy savings in the built
environment, both for green buildings (residential or commercial) and for industrial
energy management.
260 11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies

11.2.4 Other Countries

In the United Kingdom, regulations are implemented by national legislation, in par-

ticular the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010 No. 675, which applies in
England and Wales and obliges any industrial operator to request a permit for certain
specified activities with the aim to minimize impacts on the environment and human
health. It is a very general regulation but curiously contains specific treatment for
electrical and electronic equipment (Schedule 12), titanium dioxide (Schedule 17,
which may affect emerging PV technologies) and batteries and accumulators (Sched-
ule 19). Similar legislation applies in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The European
Union WEEE directive was transposed to the UK legislation and will effectively be
applied even after Brexit.
In India, the environmental and human health impacts of industrial production
are (weakly) regulated at the state level under the federal framework of the Envi-
ronmental Protection Act (1986). Only large PV plants, in excess of 50 hectares of
land occupation, are required to comply with environmental impact assessments.
The electronic waste management in India is becoming an important problem since
it is a country importing increasing amounts of electronic waste; attempts to regu-
late the sector started with the E-Waste Management and Handling Rules that were
introduced in 2011 and were updated with the Solid Waste Management Rules and
the Hazardous and Other Waste Rules in 2016. Any company recycling electronic
waste must get a permit after inspection and approval by a board (at the state level).
Nevertheless, the growing informal sector for electronic equipment recycling escapes
regulation and the efficiency of the licence scheme is reduced. The regulations have
to be applied on the basis of toxicity of PV panel components, and the problem with
this approach is that the toxicity of PV modules is usually not declared and therefore
the PV modules are not correctly treated at end of life [1, 15].
Despite the fact that in Japan PV module waste is expected to reach 1 million
tons by 2030 and 7 million tons by 2050, there is no specific regulation for end-of-
life management of PV modules [19]. Japan has a strict Law for the Recycling of
Specified Kinds of Home Appliances (LRHA) since 2009 which puts responsibility
and costs of recycling on consumers; recycling of electronic appliances has reached
around 50%, but still a large part of electronic waste generated in Japan is exported to
other countries. The Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association has proposed a roadmap
for end-of-life management of PV modules that will be implemented by companies
on a voluntary basis and has triggered some research and development effort for PV
recycling technologies (for example, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, Toho Kasei
Co., Ltd., Hamada Corporation and Shinryo Corporation). The PV CYCLE organi-
zation has launched a Japanese chapter in collaboration with the Akita Prefectural
Resources Technology Development Organization in 2021; this private foundation,
specialized in mineral resources, aims to exploit the waste management market to
recover materials from PV panels in the context of an increasing circular economy
in Japan.
11.2 Regulatory Frameworks for Production, Recycling … 261

Like Japan, South Korea lacks a specific regulation for PV module end of life,
and it is a big exporter of electronic waste to other countries. The regulations applied
to photovoltaic waste are the Enforcement Rule of Wastes Control Act (Act 14783,
2017) which aims to reduce the amount of generated waste and sets recovery and
recycling targets. The promising market for PV recycling in Korea is moving some
companies to develop new technology and invest in pilot plants; for example, the
Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has announced in August 2021 a “non-
destructive” technology that is claimed to recover 100% of glass and 20% of silicon
to be reused in the production of new solar cells. The South Korean government
(Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy) has built a PV recycling centre in North
Chungcheong [11].
An increasing problem that affects countries already mentioned (China, India) but
which is extended to many other countries with very weak environmental protection
frameworks in Africa, Latin America and South East Asia is the legal or illegal export
of electronic waste to be treated in countries where the cost is low, labour is exposed
to health risks and substances are released to the environment because it is an activity
which is not regulated or, if regulated, no enforcement is effective. This is often called
a “race to the bottom” in the search of maximizing benefits, or simply, to avoid the
cost of externalities that in this case are externalized also physically out of the country
which generates the waste. Since the PV industry is set to grow in the next 2 years up
to the Tera Watt scale of cumulative installed capacity, it is urgent to create a global
framework to avoid this “race to the bottom” with respect to PV module recycling.
Ideally, the modules should be recycled in the country where the PV system has been
installed (with the additional benefit of avoiding emissions related to long transport
routes), but there is no legislation to apply this recommendation in any country. Only
a true global approach to solar electricity worldwide will avoid the worst effects of
the externalization of electronic waste processing, including PV modules and other
balance of system components.

11.3 Ecodesign, Ecolabelling and Green Public


A more broader scope is also being developed encompassing circular economy con-
cepts, such as ecodesign, ecolabelling and green public procurement. This kind of
market-related tools are considered an efficient substitute to transnational regulations
which are difficult to negotiate and even more difficult to implement. These tools
create a differentiation between products that are not obtained by normative regula-
tions but by stakeholder- and end-user-informed choices; ecolabelling is more related
to individual choices, ecodesign to industry-led voluntary actions guided by corpo-
rate social responsibility and green public procurement (or similar public purchasing
tools) to institutional policies.
262 11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies

The European Commission has published in 2021 two reports, the first one is a
discussion paper on potential ecodesign requirements and energy labelling schemes
[7], and the second one is a preliminary report of the Joint Research Centre devoted to
exploring the options and feasibility of EU Ecolabel and Green Public Procurement
(GPP) criteria [4], in both cases for solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and whole

11.3.1 Ecodesign

Regarding ecodesign, despite standards ISO 8887-1:2017, more general, and IEC TR
62635:2012 which indirectly focus on ecodesign recommendations for electrical and
electronic equipment, there is still no ecodesign approach in the manufacturing lines
of PV modules or BoS components. The reuse or recycling approach is not applied
to the manufacture of commercial products, although the first steps for an ecodesign
approach are being applied at the research level for emerging technologies.
Life Cycle Assessment of PV technologies provide useful results for ecodesign
considerations, because it identifies the materials and processes that are more harmful
to the environment and human health or that have more embedded energy and there-
fore guide future research and development to tackle the more demanding issues.
The design of next generation devices and processing routes benefits from this infor-
mation. For example, many studies point to the electricity consumption during metal
deposition as the main contributor to energy embedded in thin film PV module manu-
facture, and future ecodesign developers should look for alternatives to these methods
[3]. This recommendation is coincident with what is observed for emerging organic
and hybrid technologies, and alternatives have been proposed and analysed from an
LCA perspective [6]. Another example is the design of encapsulant materials that
can be either more easy to separate from the cells at the end of life and then facilitate
crystalline cell recovery and recycling of materials, or in a different approach, the
encapsulation is used as an active material that at the end of life of the cell captures
the toxic (or scarce) materials whose release to the environment should be avoided,
thus facilitating a recovery process.
These ecodesign considerations must be extended to the manufacture of the bal-
ance of system components of PV systems, going beyond what is recommended in
the IEC TR 62635:2012 technical report and focusing on life extension of the com-
ponents (for which systematic assessment of failures is a useful tool) and reduction
of embedded energy and materials in the future design of inverters, support structures
and batteries for stand-alone systems.
The investment in ecodesign can be boosted if Extended Producer Responsibil-
ity (EPR) for photovoltaic-related products (PV modules and balance of system) is
included in national and regional legislation. The EPR schemes make manufacturers
responsible for end-of-life treatment of the product they have manufactured (respon-
sibility shared with end-users); if this responsibility is translated into liability and
possible fines if objectives for recycling and low-impact land filling are not achieved,
11.3 Ecodesign, Ecolabelling and Green Public Procurement 263

then companies will improve their manufacturing lines and include the ecodesign
approach for longer lifetimes and better recyclability at end of life of the products
that they manufacture. The PV industry can be a good example where these kinds of
policies are implemented and evaluated.

11.3.2 Ecolabelling

Ecolabelling is nowadays very extended and applies to a broad range of products.

There is potential for a new EU ecolabel product group devoted to PV systems, but
it is not clear how the scheme could be implemented because much of the retail sales
of modules and inverters are business-to-business products and when the end-user
receives the product, the market decisions have already been taken by the companies
which design and build the PV system. Therefore, it seems that the ecolabelling will
be more effective for “do-it-yourself” kits where final end-users make the decision
of buying the PV system in the retail shop; this will limit the ecolabelling scheme to
small roof-top systems (around 5 kWp ). The European Union should take into con-
sideration the recommendations of the NSF/ANSI 457-2019 standard and coordinate
actions for an ecolabelling scheme on a global scale for PV systems.
Other schemes similar to ecolabelling are being implemented by private initiatives
like the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) in the USA, which has established
a Solar Industry Environmental and Social Commitment programme; the companies
can apply to be part of the programme if they comply with several key performance
indicators that are related to environmental impact reduction and human health pro-
tection; the SEIA publishes a report about the “sustainability” achievements of the
companies added to the commitment programme. All the schemes work on a volun-
tary basis, but the companies must be proactive and transparent in publishing their
own evaluation reports. A similar scheme is used by the Silicon Valley Toxics Coali-
tion (SVTC) which applies also to PV manufacturers. Solar Power Europe (formerly
the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, EPIA) publishes a report with infor-
mation about specific achievements with several technical parameters which inform
about the progress towards a more sustainable production for all PV technologies.
It is now common practice to relate these parameters or indicators to the Sustain-
able Development Goals proposed by the United Nations Organization and volun-
tarily adopted by 195 countries in 2015 with the aim to end extreme poverty, reduce
inequality and protect the planet by 2030. Within a few years, an evaluation of this
kind of voluntary schemes and targets linked to corporate social responsibility should
show if they have been useful to increase the sustainability of the PV industry or are
just a new stage of greenwashing marketing.
264 11 Standardization and Regulations for PV Technologies

11.3.3 Green Public Procurement

In some countries, local regulations for energy consumption of public bodies have
included percentages for a minimum consumption of energy from renewable sources.
But up-to-date, photovoltaic-related products have not been specifically considered
for Green Public Procurement (GPP) policies; nevertheless, photovoltaic technology
comprises a group of products that could be easily incorporated because they have
a clear link to objectives related to GPP schemes: they provide greenhouse gas
emissions that are “avoided” in a quantitative way that can be easily calculated,
contribute to energy efficiency and reduce air pollution in cities where ambitious solar
roofs programmes are implemented. Therefore, solar electricity is a good candidate
for GPP policy. Acting as a positive feedback, inclusion of PV in GPP policies
will contribute to supporting greater deployment and yield optimization of solar
photovoltaic power, will promote the reduction of environmental impacts along the
life cycle of solar photovoltaic systems and components (to make them more eligible
in a competitive GPP selection within other renewable sources for electricity) and can
contribute towards the achievement of grid parity for the cost of solar electricity by
promoting the best practices in design optimization and component selection. GPP
will supplement market options in the currently ongoing process that is stimulating
innovation in module and inverter manufacture, in PV system design with better
performance ratio and in more user-friendly monitorization schemes that improve
operation and maintenance strategies.
In the European Union (EU), the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive
(2009/28(EC)) established a target of 20% for the percentage of renewable energy
consumption in the EU by 2020. Globally, the target has been accomplished on aver-
age, because some countries clearly surpassed this level, but many others are lagging
behind. One tool to comply with the target for 2030 (32%, there are proposals to
be increased to 40%) is the practical implementation of Green Public Procurement
policies. It will require close collaboration between agencies of the European Com-
mission, working on evaluation reports of the contribution to sustainability of a
given product, such as the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) which is a
management tool developed to help companies and other organizations to evaluate,
report and improve their environmental performance, or the EU Product Environ-
mental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) which complements conventional Life
Cycle Assessment of the PV systems [16, 18]. The United Kingdom developed an
economic tool, the Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) that are granted to
electricity suppliers which are compelled to reach a minimum target of renewable
generation; these ROCs can be sold to other suppliers creating a secondary market
trading system which acted as an incentive to the production of solar electricity.
Suppliers either produce enough renewable electricity or purchase ROCs to cover
the deficit; failing to do so, they have to pay a penalty.
In the United States of America, the Energy Policy Act (2005) has regulated at the
federal level a minimum of 5% of energy consumption from renewable sources in all
federal departments (to be implemented between years 2010 and 2012) and rising to
11.3 Ecodesign, Ecolabelling and Green Public Procurement 265

7.5% thereafter; this act led to a practical Clean Energy Contracting requisites for all
public Power Purchase Contracts by federal agencies (with some exceptions, like the
Department of Defence) but limited to the maximum time extension that PPCs may
have (10 years) which is detrimental for renewable energies whose economic return
maximization often requires longer payback times [17]. Photovoltaic technologies
have EPBTs well below this limit, but in order to compete in this kind of contracts,
margins are only sufficiently high with longer periods. Many states in the USA
have set targets for Renewable Electricity Standards which compel electrical utility
companies to produce at least a certain percentage of electricity from renewables, in
some cases also including specific targets for solar electricity (California is the most
ambitious with 33% in 2020 and Hawaii has proposed 40% by 2030).
In India, the Electricity Act (2003) created two instruments that are pushing for a
renewable electricity penetration in the market via green procurement: one oriented
to energy suppliers, which are obliged to purchase and distribute a specific amount
of energy from renewable sources, the Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) and
Renewable Energy Certificate, and the other one to state authorities that are compelled
to adopt an RPO to their own energy purchases; these policies are being adopted by
the Indian states at a different pace, with Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and
Punjab leading the way [17].


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92-808-9054-9 / (ITU) 978-92-61-26321-8
3. Chatzisideris MD, Espinosa N, Laurent A, Krebs FC (2016) Ecodesign perspectives of thin-
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ment of the environmental performance of photovoltaic modules, power conversion equip-
ment and photovoltaic systems. Tech. Rep. JRC111455, Joint Research Centre (European
Commision)., https://doi.
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Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous
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12. MIITa (2013) Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Healthy Development of
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13. MIITb (2013) Standard Conditions for Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry. Tech. rep., Min-
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14. NSF (2017) NSF 457 Sustainability Leadership Standard for Photovoltaic Modules. Tech.
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silicon photovoltaic modules considering international trade. J Clean Prod 94:35–45.,
Chapter 12
Solar Electricity and Globalization

Solar electricity has always been linked to development projects aimed to bring
energy access to people in regions where there is no electricity grid and the only access
to energy consists in burning biomass or using diesel generators. Electrification
of rural areas in developing countries has always been an important application
of photovoltaic technology; also, in countries with 100% electrification there are
applications which required electricity in locations where the grid is not available:
signalling, communications or remote buildings in isolated areas. Finally, satellites,
the International Space Station (ISS) or other spatial exploration vehicles consume
electricity generated by highly efficient photovoltaic modules. This was the original
portfolio of solar electricity applications: locations where there is no electricity grid
and the market competition are against a very expensive extension of grids to remote
This sector of applications was dominant until the early 90s and it is still important,
but has been relatively dwarfed by the huge deployment of photovoltaic systems
in locations within the reach of the electricity grid. Initially, this new sector of PV
development in competition with grid access required specific policies and economic
incentives due to the high prices of PV systems and cost of solar electricity since
direct competition in an unregulated market would have not been able to overcome
the barriers faced by photovoltaics in developed countries in direct competition with
commercial cheap grid electricity whose generation was locked to the burning of
fossil fuels; the so-called “carbon lock-in”. Two main drivers motivated the adoption
of specific policies to promote solar electricity: first, the oil crisis in the 70s which
demonstrated the vulnerability of the energy supply required to cover the always
increasing demand for cheap energy by developed countries: the supply was cut for
a few months and prices peaked to figures never seen before. The world suddenly
faced the need to diversify the energy sources and slowly start to unlock the carbon
lock-in. The second driver has been climate change: in 2021, it is considered as one
of the main challenges faced by humankind; this second driver slowly started to be

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 267
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
268 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

evident at the same time that the oil crisis developed, but it was not common worrying
beyond specialized circles until in the early 90s scientific evidence about the link
between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and global warming was overwhelming
and the first supranational policies to curtail GHG emissions were adopted, first the
Kyoto Protocol (1997), later the Paris Agreement (2015).
These socioeconomic considerations go beyond the conventional approach of Life
Cycle Assessment, and there is no methodological procedure to quantify its impacts
on different categories. But the policies that are implemented to face the two big
challenges mentioned above (lack of access to electricity and climate change) have
strong impacts in all LCA categories. Photovoltaic technology provides a tool to
tackle both problems simultaneously: providing access to cheap solar electricity (for
people living with or without access to the grid) is a powerful tool for climate change

12.1 World Electricity Consumption Per Cápita

The map of electricity consumed per cápita in each country presented in Fig. 12.1
shows large inequalities among countries; furthermore, the average figure represent-
ing each country often hides the large inequalities within the country, which are more
difficult to measure, although generally, the lower the consumption, the more unequal
within the country (many data commented in this section are obtained from the Uni-
versity of Oxford “Our World in Data” website which
uses different data sources, in particular for energy data: BP Statistical Review of
World Energy [4] and the World Development Indicators of the World Bank, https:// In 2020, there are more than 20 countries with an average
electricity consumption per cápita lower than 100 kWh/year, all of them in Africa
with the exception of Palestine, Afghanistan and Haiti, while there are 20 countries
which consume more than 10,000 kWh/year: a factor 100 difference! In the middle,
a majority of countries consume between 3,000 kWh/year and 7,000 kWh year per
cápita, delivering a World average of 3,316 kWh in 2020; but a whole continent,
Africa, is well below this average, with only 665 kWh/year.
The two most populated countries in the world, China (5,297 kWh/year in 2020,
a huge increment from 382 kWh/year in 1985) and India (972 kWh in 2020, a more
modest increment from 238 kWh in 1985), have diverged strongly in its statistics
thus showing how a committed policy can make an impact. On the other hand,
the countries showing lower electricity consumption in 2020 (<100 kWh/year per
cápita) are almost the same as those in 1985 with only a few exceptions, one which is
worth mentioning because part of its increment in electricity consumption has been
driven by photovoltaic technology: Vietnam moved from 83 kWh/year in 1985 to
2,745 kWh/year in 2020, the largest relative change in the world, with an increment of
+3,198% (followed by China with +1,287%). Although not so impressive in absolute
terms, Cambodia was the third country in relative change, with +1,097% (moving
from 38 kWh/year in 1985 to 460 kWh/year, still in the lower group).
12.1 World Electricity Consumption Per Cápita 269

Fig. 12.1 Average annual electricity consumption per cápita in 2020, measured in kWh/year.
Source online data server (University of Oxford, UK) with data from
BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2021) [4]

Globally, there is a steady progression towards a higher electricity consumption

per cápita in a majority of countries; specially for countries with lower levels which
at different paces are moving to higher levels of consumption. Interestingly, there are
also a group of countries which are reducing their electricity consumption: they can
be divided into two very different subgroups, on the one hand, countries with low
consumption levels which are further reduced due to war, conflict or severe economic
crisis (for example, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, Ukraine, Namibia, Mozambique,
Paraguay and Jamaica), and on the other hand, there are countries which are reducing
their electricity consumption from already high levels in 1985 to still high but smaller
levels in 2020, thus providing a demonstration that electricity consumption (and
more generally, primary energy consumption) can be reduced without compromising
economic development; examples of this subgroup are the United Kingdom, Canada,
Denmark and Switzerland.

12.2 Access to Energy and Development

Access to energy has been linked to development throughout human history. The
Human Development Index (HDI) was proposed in 1990 by the United Nations
Development Program as an aggregated indicator to measure development. The HDI
combines three dimensions: a long and healthy life measured by life expectancy at
birth, an education index represented by a combination of mean and expected years
270 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

of schooling and an econometric quantification of a “decent standard of living” mea-

sured by gross national income (GNI) per cápita [31, 43]. The values of HDI run
from 0 to (ideally) 1, with the most developed country, Norway, reaching 0.975.
The minimum access to energy for the “decent standard of living” varies according
to different studies, but it is set around 40 GJ/year per person [18]. The curve rep-
resenting HDI versus primary energy demand per cápita has been used for a long
time to provide a clear correlation between both parameters, showing that an initial
access to a few GJ per year and per cápita has a very strong effect on HDI, gen-
erating a steep increment up to HDI = 0.8 (achieved with around 100 GJ/year per
cápita), while access over 100 GJ/year per cápita reduces the slope of the increment
although it still contributes to an improvement in HDI; that is, to increase HDI from
0.8 to 0.9 requires (on average) another 100 GJ/year per cápita and any extra energy
consumption has a low impact on HDI. Furthermore, the HDI of some countries has
increased in recent years at the same time that the energy consumption per cápita
has been reduced.
More recent approaches redraw this correlation between HDI and GJ/year per
cápita by using the energy footprint defined as the energy consumed worldwide to
produce the goods and services demanded by that country; the result is the graph pre-
sented in Fig. 12.2 where the actual energy consumption in a country is redistributed
and assigned to the countries where the produced goods are consumed [2]. This
approach has a strong effect in some countries, for example, China, which is a high

Fig. 12.2 Human development index versus Total Primary Energy Footprint(in GJ/year per cápita)
and its evolution during 1998–2008. Reproduced with permission from reference [2]
12.2 Access to Energy and Development 271

consumer of energy but which exports many of the manufactured goods, while coun-
tries like United States of America or the European Union members are high energy
consumers not only because they demand a high supply of energy but also because
they consume a large quantity of imported goods that have been produced in other
countries. Although methodologically the calculation is more complex, the footprint
approach shows that the conventional total primary energy demand assigned to any
country (energy consumed in that country) underestimates the energy required to
maintain a high level of development because a significant part of the energy used by
emerging countries is being devoted to sustaining the welfare of developed countries
with high HDI. International trade of goods encompasses a subtle international trade
of energy consumption and therefore also of greenhouse gas emissions that are not
represented by direct statistics of primary energy consumption.

12.3 Solar Electricity for Rural Electrification: When

There is No Electricity Market

When the map of Fig. 12.3 is compared to the one shown in the previous section
(Fig. 12.1), an approximate correlation becomes evident: the countries with lower
electricity consumption per cápita are roughly those with lower access to electricity.
Since 2015, the number of people without access to electricity fell for the first time
below 1 billion, and since then this number has been slowly reduced because a big
effort on rural electrification has been carried out in the past decades, delivering
electricity at an average rate to around 300,000 people per day who got access for
the first time in their lives. The increasing population demands that this effort must
be kept or even accelerated to reduce the share of people without electricity, currently
at a world average of 13% (in 1990, this percentage was 29%).
The situation is different depending on geographical regions. In sub-Saharan
Africa, a subcontinent with average access to electricity of 42.79% of the popu-
lation, there were around 462 million people without access to electricity in 2020.
The access in 1990 was only 15.9% so the improvement has been large, but still more
than half the population is excluded from electricity, and this population is steadily
growing, thus indicating that despite the efforts in electrification, the challenge is
growing. Ten countries of sub-Saharan Africa still have access to electricity lower
than 20% and only the improvements in South Africa (84.2%) and Nigeria (59.3%),
the two most populated countries, have improved the average. Fortunately, no country
in Africa has reduced its access percentage between 1990 and 2020, indicating that
at least the increment in population is being met with a commitment to improving
electrification at the same pace.1
In India, 85% of the population has access to electricity, but it still leaves 200
million people without access despite efforts in rural electrification. The population

1Strictly speaking, only Djibouti reduced its access form 59.6% in 1990 to 51.7% in 2020, but with
only 1 million inhabitants, the impact on the African average is minimal.
272 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

Fig. 12.3 Share of the population with access to electricity. Source online data server https:// (University of Oxford, UK) with data from World Bank—World Development

growth rate is 1% annual (in 2019), posing a challenge to increment the share of
people with access to electricity, which has strongly increased since 43.3% in 1990,
but has recently declined since the all-time high of 88% was achieved in 2015.
By contrast, in China, full rural electrification was achieved in 2015, thanks in part
to massive subsidies for small solar home systems, especially in Yunnan and other
south-west regions, and to the extension of the electricity grid to cover almost 100%
of the country. Since then, the Chinese government has promoted poverty alleviation
policies in which the construction of small solar photovoltaic systems connected to
the grid is a substantial part of the investment: the objective is to install two million
systems (around 5 kWp each) and sell the produced solar electricity to the grid, thus
generating an extra income of about 3,000 Chinese Yuan (CNY) per household.
In Malaysia, rural electrification has progressed steadily, and it will reach 100%
electrification in 5 years, with many locations where isolated systems will be installed,
often in combination with other technologies in hybrid energy systems, such as PV-
diesel generators or PV-micro-hydropower in small microgrids or solar home sys-
tems; as an example, the Sarawak Alternative Rural Electrification Scheme (SARES)
that was launched in 2016 has a high rate of success with the electrification of almost
5,000 households in 192 villages so far [24].
In some high-income countries, the governments have launched policies aimed to
provide cheap electricity or additional income in low-income households by subsi-
dizing the installation of small or medium-size PV systems. As an example of such
policies, Italy has launched “reddito energetico” (energy income) projects in some
municipalities, where the PV system is installed on loan (at low cost) and used in a
self-consumption scheme, which results in an important reduction in the electricity
bill of the household; another example is Seoul, in Korea, where 30 kWp PV systems
12.3 Solar Electricity for Rural Electrification … 273

have been built and are “shared” by 100 poor households, thanks to non-profit orga-
nization subsidies (around 300 Wp per household, although peak power consumption
could be higher at some time intervals, thanks to smart meter control). Contrary to
initial deployment of solar electricity as an expensive energy supply that required
subsidies in electrified locations even in developed countries (the 1990s and early
2000s) and strong investment in developing countries for rural electrification where
the electricity grid did not reach remote locations, it has become the cheapest option
both in developed and developing countries, thanks to a combination of high grid
electricity prices and a strong reduction in PV system prices. The break-even point
for solar electricity has been definitively broken.
From a technical point of view, an important breakthrough was achieved in rural
electrification with photovoltaic energy when a technical standard for Solar Home
Systems (SHS) was proposed [12, 41]. This standard provides recommendations for
the design and quality of components for small solar home systems in order to achieve
a good performance ratio, low maintenance requirements and extend the operational
lifetime of the systems which were usually much lower than the PV module lifetime.
Importantly, this SHS standard was proposed for stand-alone systems which include
a battery, the component that requires more maintenance and more replacements
during the lifetime of the system; the recommendations of the standard are very
useful for local installers and final users; furthermore, a good system design is often
complemented with an analysis of local operational conditions, ageing of equipment
or replacement of spare parts, which should also be effectively monitored in order to
obtain information about best practices by using “dependability analysis methods” for
case studies in the field: a full understanding of the complex interactions surrounding
rural electrification is required to increase the success rate in this kind of development
programs [10]. Millions of SHS of different sizes and configurations have been
the backbone of rural electrification in remote livelihoods in developing countries
during the past five decades, delivering a very large experience about hardware
design and maintenance and the social organization that is often needed to keep the
solar electricity running in these locations (user’s networks, local markets, spare part
replacements, second-hand equipment, etc.) [37]. A more recent family of standards
was developed since 2015 by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC
62257) with recommendations for rural electrification using photovoltaic and hybrid
Related to stand-alone systems for rural electrification, there is a large variety
of small and medium photovoltaic systems designed for water pumping, either for
human consumption or for irrigation purposes. Again, these kinds of systems were
related to development programmes which were subsidized and involved local stake-
holders to design, construct and maintain the systems that were called “the silent
water” in contrast with the very noisy diesel generator which was (and still is)
the principal equipment for water pumping. Several projects increased the practi-
cal knowledge required to improve the performance ratio of the photovoltaic/pump
system and deliver the demanded water to the end-users [15]. Several field experi-
ences exist and have been carefully evaluated to provide recommendations in order
to improve future projects [8, 17, 29, 30].
274 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

The relationship between agriculture and photovoltaic technology goes beyond

the solar electricity supply for pumping and irrigation. It is related to land occupa-
tion which is considered an environmental impact of large PV plants, especially in
competition with the use of land for food production and has generated an increasing
area of research called “agrivoltaics” [1, 11]. A redesign of PV systems is carried out
to optimize the combined yield of the crop and the solar electricity production. The
strategies go from developing new technologies with tuned band gaps for selective
absorption that preserves the photosynthetically active regions of the solar spectrum
required by the plants to simply increasing the height of the rack-mounting systems
[9, 14, 36]. The PV systems can be installed on greenhouses, floating in irrigation
dams or dispersed and sharing the land with the crop, in many cases also taking into
account the impacts on landscape [23, 42]. Agrivoltaics is also related to the water-
photovoltaic synergy and especially provide additional benefits in drylands that are
prone to droughts and have high irradiance; the trade-offs between the agricultural
activity and the solar electricity production may even affect the local microclimate
[3]. A more detailed discussion of “agrivoltaics” has been presented in Sect. 7.5.

12.4 Mitigation of Climate Change: From Kyoto Protocol

to Paris Agreement and Beyond

Climate change is the most pressing issue that the world is facing. It is beyond doubt
that climate change is already occurring and that the main cause is anthropogenic. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is the United Nations
body for assessing the science related to climate change, has released on 9 August
2021 the results of Working Group I about “The Physical Science Basis” of the Sixth
Assessment Report [22]. A selection of headline statements are as follows.
A.1 It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land.
Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have
A.2 The scale of recent changes across the climate system as a whole and the present state
of many aspects of the climate system are unprecedented over many centuries to many thou-
sands of years.
B.1 Global surface temperature will continue to increase until at least the mid-century under
all emissions scenarios considered. Global warming of 1.5 ◦ C and 2 ◦ C will be exceeded
during the 21st century unless deep reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and other greenhouse
gas emissions occur in the coming decades.
D.1 From a physical science perspective, limiting human-induced global warming to a spe-
cific level requires limiting cumulative CO2 emissions, reaching at least net zero CO2 emis-
sions, along with strong reductions in other greenhouse gas emissions. Strong, rapid and
sustained reductions in CH4 emissions would also limit the warming effect resulting from
declining aerosol pollution and would improve air quality.

The need to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions was clear since many
decades ago. The first international agreement aimed to reduce GHG emissions
was achieved in 1997. After several years of negotiations in the United Nations
12.4 Mitigation of Climate Change: From Kyoto Protocol to Paris … 275

Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol was

adopted on 11 December 1997 [44]. It entered into force in 2005 after 55% countries
representing at least 55% of emissions (1990 levels) ratified its signature; currently,
it has been signed by 192 countries. 37 industrialized countries assumed individual
targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; these targets add up to a
reduction of 5% in the first five-year period of reductions (2008–2012) compared
to 1990 levels. Although world emissions globally grew in the same period, the
results may seem a success since the 37 countries which committed GHG reductions
surpassed their aggregate commitments by an average 2.4 Gt of CO2eq . But these
apparently good results have mixed interpretations, since a more careful look at the
data indicates that i) the former Soviet Union states achieved a 2.2 Gt CO2eq reduction
(–38%, a true collapse) due to the severe economic crisis which almost stalled its
industrial output and the reductions were not due to a policy of energy efficiency
derived from the Protocol, ii) the hypothetical participation of the USA (did not
sign) and Canada (formally withdrew) would have reduced this over-achievement by
a net 1 Gt CO2eq , iii) nine countries achieved their targets by buying “carbon credits”,
which means that 0.3 Gt of CO2eq per year of the claimed reductions were not true cuts
because these countries did not domestically achieve their reduction commitments
and iv) the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) contributed with a further 0.3 Gt
of CO2eq annual emission reductions which are a result of accountability mechanisms
not reflecting true net reductions (on top of that, the CDM mechanism has been
contested by several beneficiary countries) [19, 39, 40].
Nevertheless, the Kyoto Protocol was a political success because it created inter-
national binding legislation that had to be obeyed by the signatory parties. And it was
done so by all of them, including Canada, which signed the Protocol and preferred
to withdraw (using the mechanisms and respecting the deadlines of the Protocol)
instead of non-complying. Even if there is no overarching international authority
with executive powers to enforce the Protocol, its mere existence has been enough
for all Parties, which felt compelled to comply with the Protocol.
Even if the Kyoto Protocol only involved 37 countries, and the two biggest GHG
emitters did not have reduction commitments (the USA did not sign, and China signed
but it did not have to comply with reduction targets), it opened the road for more
ambitious targets aiming to involve all countries in the World and which ultimately
led to the Paris Agreement. Furthermore, the first period of the Kyoto Protocol was
extended to a second commitment period which lasted from 2013 to 2020 and aimed
to a reduction of 18% compared to 1990 levels (the Doha Amendment) and thus
acted as a bridge to cover the period before the next agreement entered into force.
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change.
It was adopted by 196 Parties at the UNFCCC 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21)
in Paris on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016. It aims
to limit global warming as declared in Article 2.a [45].
Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 ◦ C above pre-
industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 ◦ C above
pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts
of climate change.
276 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

In order to achieve this ambitious target, all countries should aim to peak their
GHG emissions as soon as possible and then start reductions with the long-term target
of “carbon neutrality”. A few countries claim they had already peaked before 1990
since the Kyoto Protocol compliance already reduced its emissions below the level of
1990, but most countries were not required by the protocol to reduce their emissions.
These short-term and long-term targets demand ambitious efforts to mitigate climate
change, adapt to its effects and at the same time reduce poverty and accomplish the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
All countries must submit their plans for climate action in 2020 (the deadline
is now 2021, since the COP26 to be held at Glasgow was postponed, and still not
celebrated at the time of writing). These plans are known as nationally determined
contributions (NDCs). The NDCs are specific plans, which should quantify the
aimed reductions and the policies to be implemented in order to accomplish the
objectives; it therefore requires technical analysis and quantification of emissions
from all sectors, and in particular an analysis of future energy demand and sup-
ply, with well-defined targets for renewable energy capacity. This NDCs should be
complemented with long-term strategies, sometimes defined only with very general
statements. The NDCs declared so far and evaluated by the UNFCCC fall far short in
order to achieve the proposed targets in the Paris Agreement despite a recent update
of commitments for 2025 and 2030.
The quantitative data provided by the UNFCC 2021 report indicates that
10. Total GHG emission levels resulting from implementation of the targets communicated
in the new or updated NDCs are projected to be around 14.04 Gt CO2eq in 2025 and around
13.67 Gt CO2eq in 2030, which is about 0.3% (38 Mt CO2eq ) lower for 2025 and about
2.8% (398 Mt CO2eq ) lower for 2030 than the total emission levels according to the Parties’
previous NDCs.
11. The Parties’ total GHG emissions are, on average, estimated to be:
(a) By 2025, 2.0% higher than the 1990 level (13.77 Gt CO2eq ), 2.2% higher than the 2010
level (13.74 Gt CO2eq ) and 0.5% higher than the 2017 level (13.97 Gt CO2eq );
(b) By 2030, 0.7% lower than in 1990, 0.5% lower than in 2010 and 2.1% lower than in

After the results presented in paragraphs 10 and 11 reproduced above, the UNFCC
report provides a very strong statement indicating that [46]:
According to the SR1.5,72 to be consistent with global emission pathways with no or limited
overshoot of the 1.5 ◦ C goal, global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions need to decline by
about 45% from the 2010 level by 2030, reaching net zero around 2050. For limiting global
warming to below 2 ◦ C, CO2 emissions need to decrease by about 25% from the 2010
level by 2030 and reach net zero around 2070. Deep reductions are required for non-CO2
emissions as well. Thus, the estimated reductions referred to in paragraphs 10–11 above fall
far short of what is required, demonstrating the need for Parties to further strengthen their
mitigation commitments under the Paris Agreement.

The world’s primary energy consumption in 2020 generated 12,5 Gt of CO2eq

emissions, slightly below the amount of 2019 (–3.3%, a decrease that can be attributed

2This is one of the climate scenarios developed by the International Panel of Climate Change in its
2018 special report [21].
12.4 Mitigation of Climate Change: From Kyoto Protocol to Paris … 277

both to lower energy consumption in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic and to the
largest share of renewable energy generation in the electricity sector). This value is
expected to rise in the coming years, although the Paris Agreement aims to peak
emissions “as soon as possible”. The challenge will require a deep transformation
of the energy sector, either on the demand side or on the supply side, in both cases
definitively breaking the carbon lock-in of the past century and moving to a new
energy paradigm based on a renewable lock-in. The oil crisis was the shock that
initiated the move, but today it is the mitigation of climate change, let’s call it the
“global warming” shock, the more urgent challenge that humankind is facing. The
discussion about how to avoid (or prepare) for the peak oil is no more the driver for
change, the push for the energy transition is now coming from the discussion about
how to achieve the peak of GHG emissions and adapt to the climate change that is
already occurring. The problem is not running out of oil, the problem is how to keep
this oil (and coal, and gas) underground. In a high-impact article, Christophe Mc
Glade and Paul Ekins provided a clear conclusion: “globally, a third of oil reserves,
half of gas reserves and over 80% of current coal reserves should remain unused
from 2010 to 2050 in order to meet the target of 2 ◦ C” [25]. The need for out-phasing
fossil fuels has been emphasized by Fatih Birol, the International Energy Agency
chief executive in the presentation of the recent Net Zero Emissions by 2050 report;
he told The Guardian (18 May 2021)3 :
If governments are serious about the climate crisis, there can be no new investments in oil,
gas and coal, from now, from this year.

The IEA has insisted that exploitation and development of new oil and gas fields must
stop in 2021 and that no new coal-fired power stations can be built if the World is to
stay within the safe limits of global warming and meet the goal of net-zero emissions
by 2050 [20]. And again in 2021, P. Ekins et al. have updated the assessment of the
amount of fossil fuels that would need to be left in the ground to allow for a 50 per
cent probability of limiting warming to 1.5 ◦ C; their results increase the previous
calculation of 2015, and the new recommendation is that 58% for oil, 59% for fossil
methane gas and 89% for coal must remain unextracted by 2050 (percentages refer
to the 2018 reserve base). The new analysis assumes a stronger climate ambition and
a more positive outlook about emerging technologies for renewable energies and
zero-emission vehicles [34, 47].
To accomplish this challenge, renewable energies and in particular solar electricity
from photovoltaic technology will provide an important contribution to emission
reductions by replacing electricity produced with fossil fuels by solar electricity. The
net balance of GHG emissions for photovoltaic technology is negative, and therefore
they are always analysed as avoided emissions. It seems very difficult that all the
countries move to the decisive actions reclaimed by Fatih Birol; for example, the
UK has announced new investments in oil and gas exploration and China is building
new coal-fired power plants. Nevertheless, the avoided emissions approach for GHG
accountability is valid since energy consumption is set to grow in the coming years

3 The Guardian, 18 May 2021.

278 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

Fig. 12.4 Yearly CO2 emissions avoided by PV in the first 30 countries in the ranking of cumulative
installed PV and which represent in total around 97% of the global avoided emissions in 2019. Source
IEA-PVPS Trends in PV Applications 2020, reproduced with permission from [24]

and facilitates the path for a fossil-fuel-free electricity generation as a first step to
move to a completely fossil-fuel-free primary energy generation. In Fig. 12.4, a
graphical presentation of avoided emissions in the first 30 countries in the ranking
of cumulative installed photovoltaic systems is presented, with China clearly at the
head by a double effect: it is the country with the most installed capacity and where
the displaced electricity from the grid reduces more emissions since its grid mix has
a strong contribution from fossil fuels and specially from coal.
In Chap. 6, the greenhouse gas emissions produced during the manufacturing
of PV systems was discussed, and the amount of CO2eq emissions per kWh of solar
electricity production throughout the whole lifetime of the PV systems was presented
and compared to other renewable and non-renewable energy production technologies.
When climate change mitigation measurements are implemented, this accountability
of produced emissions is the base for the calculation, but in the global balance, solar
electricity also contributes by “avoiding” emissions that would have been emitted
by consuming the demanded electricity that has been supplied by the PV system.
This calculation is strongly dependent on the geographical location where the PV
system is installed; on the one hand, the amount of produced electricity depends
on irradiance and temperature; on the other hand, the grid electricity that is being
substituted has a specific electricity mix which evolves in time. The calculation of
the avoided emissions is therefore a challenging task that requires the assumption
of scenarios where the electricity mix of a given country evolves depending on the
amount of renewable energy share in the total installed capacity and on the grid
12.4 Mitigation of Climate Change: From Kyoto Protocol to Paris … 279

Fig. 12.5 Avoided emission (CO2eq ) dependence on the installation place for 1 kWp of installed
capacity throughout its lifetime for three different PV technologies: c-Si, CdTe and organic pho-
tovoltaics (OPV), assuming that their manufacture has taken place in China. Reproduced with
permission from [38]

Several country combinations for the manufacture and installation of the PV

systems can be considered, although the PV market today is dominated by Chi-
nese manufacturers, and therefore Chinese electricity mix has a large impact on the
embedded emissions of the PV modules; but also, since China is the country where
most capacity is installed (especially in north western parts of the country), it also
influences in terms of avoided emissions. In Fig. 12.5, the avoided emissions by PV
modules of three different technologies assuming that they have been manufactured
in China and installed in several countries are presented: the global geographical
optimization for the decision where a PV system will be installed can avoid a much
larger amount of GHG emissions with the same installed PV nominal capacity.
A graphical representation of the possibilities of the potential to avoid GHG
emissions by a planned combination of manufacture and installation country selection
is shown in Fig. 12.6; a few years ago, the PV manufacture was more distributed,
with Europe, the USA, Japan and China having significant share, and this kind
of proposal could have been (although ideally) considered. Today, production is
dominated by China (more than 70% of market share since 10 years ago), and this
fact strongly limits this kind of imagined policy [38]. Nevertheless, the picture is
very dynamic, the electricity mix of countries are rapidly evolving and the market
is facing a development of production capacity outside China. Dynamical models
280 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

Fig. 12.6 Geographical dependence of the possibilities to avoid emissions by combining countries
where modules are manufactured or installed. The numbers within the squares indicate the GHG
avoided emissions (tonnes of CO2 eq/kWp of installed PV capacity throughout lifetime of the PV
system) for a given combination of locations: the origin of the arrow is the manufacturing place and
in the end is the installation location of the facility. Reproduced with permission from [38]

have been used to evaluate the benefit of technologies with a lower GHG footprint
in achieving rapid GHG emission reductions for modules manufactured in Germany
and India; in addition, it was demonstrated that short lifetime PV technologies, with a
low GHG footprint, such as organic PV, can show greater emission reductions despite
a higher levelized global warming potential (g CO2eq /kWh of produced electricity
throughout its lifetime) due to the need for more replacement of this short-lived
technology compared to the 30 years considered for crystalline silicon technologies
The real contribution of solar electricity to climate change mitigation will be
determined by the photovoltaic capacity to be installed in each country in the com-
ing years and the avoided emissions that the generated electricity will allow to dis-
place from the electrical grids with its actual mix (which is constantly changing). In
Chap. 1, the future scenarios of International energy Agency were presented, with
the corresponding envisaged PV capacity to be installed in the coming years. These
projections have taken into account some of the already known NDCs. It is possible
that more ambitious targets will be announced in Glasgow, but nevertheless, the IEA
NZE2050 scenario is sufficiently ambitious to be considered as a realistic cap for
future PV deployment.
12.5 Geopolitics of Photovoltaics 281

12.5 Geopolitics of Photovoltaics

In this final section, which could be expanded into a full book, only a few comments
that fall well beyond a Life Cycle Assessment approach will be included.
One important advantage of renewable energies is that they are distributed around
the world and that access to the resource should not be affected by geopolitical
conflict. This is even more evident for photovoltaic technology, since the primary
source of energy, the light coming from the Sun, can be collected and converted with
good efficiency in any country. There is more or less yearly irradiation arriving from
the Sun into any country, but even in countries at high latitudes with low irradiation
levels can benefit from solar electricity.
Nevertheless, the energy conversion requires the manufacture of photovoltaic
modules and balance of system equipment, whose material components are not
equally distributed around the world. Although photovoltaic technologies are not
strongly dependent on very scarce materials, there are risks associated with some
specific technologies. In Chap. 5, Sect. 5.3, the materials embedded in solar cells or
required for the manufacturing process were listed and the world annual production
was commented. The geographical dependence of this production is analysed here
in more detail for the scarcer materials included in Table 5.1.
In Table 12.1, the total production in 2019 (tonnes) and the share for the six main
producers are shown (data from the British Geological Survey [5]). Those are the
minerals identified as more critical for photovoltaic technologies.
For silicon-based technologies (crystalline or amorphous), the bottleneck for pro-
duction due to mineral scarcity could arise from the use of silver in electrodes. Silver
mining is highly distributed around the world, with México and Perú as the main
producers, followed by China. Silver content could be reduced in tin–silver alloys
or replaced by copper if scarcity becomes a serious risk in competition with other
applications for silver.
The risk is higher for CdTe thin film technology; the production of both minerals
is highly concentrated in China, which is the main supplier, with 37.4% for cad-
mium and 73.8% for tellurium. The market for CdTe could keep its modest share,
but if global production grows, it may face a scarcity problem, exacerbated by the
excessive dependence of the production in China, with tellurium being the main
problem with production levels 40 times lower than cadmium (although data do
not include undisclosed information from Australia, the USA, Germany and for-
mer Soviet Union countries that are believed to produce tellurium). Similarly, for
other thin film technologies, like CIGS and III-V tandem cells, mineral production
is highly concentrated in China, especially for gallium, a fact that represents a high
risk since gallium is demanded by the microelectronic industry for the fabrication of
high-mobility transistors; it is difficult that photovoltaic technology could compete
in this market for modules other than for spatial applications; scarcity of germanium
may also affect III-V technology because it is used as a substrate to the growth of
the III-V tandems (as well as for amorphous silicon/germanium tandem technology);
production of germanium is highly concentrated in China (90.5%). Finally, it is worth
282 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

Table 12.1 Share of production of critical minerals for PV technologies.

Mineral Major producers Share (%) Total Production in 2019
Silver México 22.2
Perú 14.7
China 13.1 26,261
Australia 5
Chile 4.9
Bolivia 4
Cadmium China 37.4
Korea 17.8
Japan 6.9 27,526
Canada 6.5
Russia 6.5
Kazakhstan 5.1
Tellurium China 73.8
Japan 8.8
Russia 8 625
Sweden 6.7
Canada 2.4
Bulgaria 0.5
Indium China 62.7
Korea 11.7
Japan 8.2 851
Canada 7
France 4.7
Belgium 2.3
Gallium China 93.9
Russia 3.4
Ukraine 1.1 380
Japan 0.8
Korea 0.8
Selenium China 31.8
Germany 18.5
Japan 18.1 4,264
Belgium 4.7
Russia 4.3
USA 3.4
Germanium China 90.5
Russia 6.3 95
USA 3.2
Graphite China 61.8
Mozambique 10.1
Brazil 8.5 1.1 million
Madagascar 4.7
Korea (Dem. P. R.) 3.5
Turkey 1.5

Data from [5]

12.5 Geopolitics of Photovoltaics 283

mentioning graphite, a material that has been included in the strategic minerals list
despite its high production rate (more than 1.1 million tonnes in 2019); graphite is a
source for graphene that is being used for emerging organic and hybrid technologies;
it is again an example of how dependence on Chinese production affects a majority
of minerals of strategic interest.
The mining of minerals in several countries has been linked to bad working con-
ditions and even to human right abuses, including child labour. The Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has published a report which
analyses the situation around the world with a focus on high-risk areas with armed
conflict or high level of violence; the report also provides recommendations with
the aim to enhance global responsible supply chains of all minerals. The problem
with these kinds of recommendations is that they are not followed and in many cases
only contribute to an image washing for mining companies [32, 33]. The four min-
erals that are linked to the worst conflicts worldwide are tin, tantalum, tungsten and
gold (the so-called T3G group of minerals) and have been the focus of attention for
their role in fuelling ongoing conflict in recent years. Tin is the only one of the T3G
group that affects the PV module manufacture supply chain (also at a much lower
level, gold, which is used in emerging technologies for research cells), but many
other minerals required for PV technology are linked to mining sites associated with
violence in several African or Latin-American countries. Of special interest due to
the importance of China in the supply of minerals for photovoltaic technology are
the “Chinese Due Diligence Guidelines for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains”
published by the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemi-
cals Importers and Exporters (CCCMC), which follows the “Guidelines for Social
Responsibility in Outbound Mining Investments” and the “Chinese responsible min-
ing guidelines” [7]. These guidelines were developed in a collaboration regulated by
a memorandum of understanding signed by the CCCMC and the OECD in 2015; they
are the basis of a commitment by Chinese mining companies to comply with OECD
recommendations. The declared objective by the CCCMC with this guidelines is [7]
... providing guidance to all Chinese companies which are extracting and/or are using mineral
resources and their related products and are engaged at any point in the supply chain of
minerals to identify, prevent and mitigate their risks of contributing to conflict, serious
human rights abuses and risks of serious misconduct, as well as to observe the United
Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights during the entire life-cycle of
the mining project.

The next step in possible geographical dependencies can be found in technolog-

ical development PV module manufacture in the past decades. Although scientific
knowledge about photovoltaic technology has been built in a broad international
cooperation since the early 90s with leading universities and research centres in
Europe, the United States, Japan and Australia, later joined by China and Korea (an
in a minor degree other countries), the module production has been concentrated in
a few regions not always coincident with the location where scientific development
was carried out (for example, Australia has been a major country for the development
of silicon technology, but never a big producer of PV modules); this knowledge is
now being applied by Chinese manufacturers either by exploitation of patents or by
284 12 Solar Electricity and Globalization

Fig. 12.7 Photovoltaic module production by Region 1990–2020 Percentage of Total MW p Pro-
duced. Data source Up to 2004 Strategies Unlimited; 2005 to 2009: Navigant Consulting; since
2010: IHS Markit. Graph: PSE Projects GmbH 2021; reproduced with permission from Fraunhofer
ISE Photovoltaic Report 2021 [16]

developing their own patents after applying the knowledge of many Chinese PhD and
postdoctoral students who worked in world leading research centres and then moved
to existing Chinese companies or founded new companies. Two clear phases can be
identified in the time evolution of PV module manufacture shown in Fig. 12.7: from
an earlier more distributed manufacturing capacity when the total volume was small
(below 10 GWp /year, roughly before 2006), the biggest share of production has con-
centrated in China since 2010; these two phases had an intermediate stage, roughly
between 2006 and 2009 when poly-silicon supply was low (prices were higher),
then the installed new factories multiplied by ten the production capacity, moving
definitively to China the dominance of the poly-silicon market; the increasing output
scale led to more concentration [6]. In 2013, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology designed a production policy and approved a set of stan-
dard conditions and production objectives for photovoltaic module manufacture in
which the supply chain for silicon PV technology was up-scaled and modernized
with the result of a clear market dominance since then [26, 27]. Nevertheless, the
picture is dynamic and correlates with shifts in the share of the market of different
technologies: the USA was a major manufacturer of thin film CdTe modules that
are now losing market share, while China is the larger manufacturer of silicon tech-
nology and since then this technology is still dominating the market thanks to its
competitive advantages (performance and cost); the emergence of new technologies
and the more distributed manufacturing facilities evidenced by the increment of the
production share in the rest of the world may evolve again to a more diversified
picture. Europe and Japan (and in a lesser degree the USA), big manufacturers up to
2008, will need a big investment effort to reinstall manufacturing capacity in their
own land.
12.5 Geopolitics of Photovoltaics 285

Clearly, the geopolitical issues regarding photovoltaic technology are focused on

China. It will be a mistake to approach this reality in a confrontational way; either on
the side of access to materials, or to manufactured modules, or to installed capacity,
China is leading by the brute force of numbers. The initial response by other countries
has been defensive, for example, the European Union, together with Japan and the
USA, has filed a case in the World Trade Organization against China’s quotas on
rare earths and other minerals; in 2014, the WTO ruled out that the Chinese quotas
were “designed to achieve industrial policy goals rather than conservation” and thus
violated international law; these rulings may seem contradictory to the objective
of diminishing impacts on mineral depletion categories. Later on, the European
Union started negotiations with the objective of reducing import duties changing the
strategy to a less confrontational one, and long-term supply contracts have also been
signed. Despite these kinds of actions that may be effective in the short term, several
authors consider that the long-term risks are still important due to an increment in the
dependence on China that will hamper European competitiveness in global markets
[28, 35].
An all-out commercial war affecting photovoltaic technology will disrupt sup-
ply chains and slow down future capacity deployment, strongly needed to increase
solar electricity share in world energy consumption and thus reducing GHG emis-
sions. On the contrary, a scientific, technological and commercial cooperation among
countries will improve the technology and strongly contribute to optimizing man-
ufacturing lines by reducing its impacts (the information to do so is coming from
detailed LCA studies); the scientific cooperation has always created links between
research communities, reduced barriers of mistrust and paved the way for more
global cooperation among countries. The progress of photovoltaic technology, either
at a fundamental level in emerging technologies or to improve the industrial output
of already well-established technologies with the objective of reducing impacts and
increase recyclability, has already been an international success and it shows the way


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The energy transition which slowly started since the oil crisis in the 70s has been
accelerated by the need to displace fossil fuels and generate energy by using renew-
able sources. The initial shock produced by the sudden reduction of oil supply lead
to investment in photovoltaic technology, which was then seriously considered as
a renewable energy technology with a large potential to become a main supplier
of electricity; the huge research and development advances that were produced in
the final decades of the twentieth century made possible the massive deployment of
photovoltaic modules that initiated an exponential growth since 15 years ago.
Simultaneously, the growing evidence that climate change had been mainly pro-
duced by greenhouse gas emissions originated by anthropogenic activities has created
a huge pressure to increase renewable energy generation as a tool to mitigate climate
change. The recently released report of Working Group I of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (part of the Sixth Assessment Report, AR6) is focused on
the physical basis of climate change and has declared that “It is unequivocal that
human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land”. The importance of
the AR6 report is not only that it contains the scientific consensus about climate
change, but also that it is endorsed by the signatory governments, which recognize
and accept its conclusions. Therefore, the governments are compelled to act deci-
sively with policies aimed to tackle climate change. The Paris Agreement approved
in 2015 provides the tool to coordinate internationally policies aimed at the reduction
of emissions, and thus, many countries have declared a set of Nationally Determined
Contributions (NDCs) which set specific objectives to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
sions that should be accompanied by specific policies and roadmaps to achieve the
declared objectives.
The conviction that renewable energies will need to supply a large part of primary
energy and most of the electricity that is consumed worldwide before 2050 in order to
mitigate climate change has substituted the initial motivation due to the “oil peak”,
that is, the threat that fossil fuel supply had reached its peak and was going to

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license 289
to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
290 Conclusions

be reduced because of a lack of resources. Renewable energy technology benefits

from inexhaustible resources (by definition), but needs large investments in research
and development, design and construction of generators, maintenance and operation
during lifetime and end-of-life treatment, including recycling or landfilling.
In particular, photovoltaic technology will be one of the main contributors to
the future world energy supply. The progress of photovoltaic technology is a long
story which started almost two hundred years ago, with the discovery by Edmund
Becquerel of the photovoltaic effect in 1839; the understanding of the physical phe-
nomena underlying electricity generation from light needed the development of the
quantum theory and its application to solid-state electronic devices; it took half a
century to advance from the concept of light quanta proposed by Max Planck in
1900 to the fabrication of the first solar cell with power conversion efficiency above
5% in 1954. Since then, technological advancements for the construction of photo-
voltaic modules and a deeper understanding of photogeneration phenomena make
photovoltaic electricity generation from Sunlight simultaneously a mature commer-
cial technology and a scientific subject still under investigation. Solar electricity is
competing with any other energy technology to achieve the cheapest generation costs,
but it is also a technology still under intense research effort in laboratories around the
world to propose and realize new concepts in emerging photovoltaic technologies
that are constantly producing breakthroughs in power conversion efficiency or in the
lifetime of devices. Photovoltaic technology is an energy supplier which is compet-
ing in the electricity market with cheaper cost per generated unit of electricity than
any other technology and at the same time it is one of the more exciting topics in
fundamental research in laboratories worldwide. The two ends of the technological
readiness level of solar electricity are immersed, respectively, in fierce competitions
to make solar electricity the best option to supply sustainable electricity.
Still the contribution of solar electricity to the actual world supply is small; it
reached more than 700 Giga Watts (GW) of cumulative installed capacity worldwide,
including 140 GW of new capacity added in 2020, thus indicating that the Tera
Watt (TW) milestone is within reach in the coming years. The International Energy
Agency projections for energy supply that are in line with the objectives of reducing
to near zero the greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 indicate that 5 TW of cumulative
photovoltaic capacity will be installed by 2030, 10 TW by 2040 and almost 15
TW by 2050 which will provide a third of total electricity generation worldwide
in 2050. This steady growth, of more than 10% annually on average, will demand
the use of a large quantity of materials and energy inputs required to manufacture
a huge quantity of photovoltaic modules that will be deployed in a large variety
of photovoltaic systems of different sizes. The environmental, human health and
socioeconomic impacts of such a large deployment require a careful evaluation to
demonstrate the sustainability of solar electricity at all scales. This electricity can
be generated by a variety of different photovoltaic technologies that can be roughly
grouped in crystalline silicon (comprising both mono- and multi-crystalline), thin
film technologies (comprising different materials but sharing the reduced thickness
of the solar cells and therefore the reduced amount of semiconducting materials
that can be cadmium telluride, CdTe, copper indium gallium (di)selenide, CIGS or
Conclusions 291

semiconducting alloys from groups III and V of the periodic table just to mention
a few examples), both already in the market, or emerging technologies that still
have not reached the market (comprising either inorganic kesterite, organic bulk
heterojunctions or hybrid dye-sensitized or perovskite solar cells). Although the
technical parameters used to describe the performance of photovoltaic modules are
the same for all technologies, the working principles of photocurrent generation
and the manufacturing processes or embedded materials are different and must be
analysed separately from a sustainability point of view.
The best methodological tool to evaluate the impacts of the photovoltaic technol-
ogy is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); it is a robust methodology regulated by ISO
standards (14040 and 14044) that enable a fair comparison of all photovoltaic tech-
nologies between themselves, either available in the market or in a research stage, and
also with other energy technologies (renewable or non-renewable). The experience of
many years of work on LCA applied to photovoltaics by several research groups has
provided a large amount of evidence that quantifies the impacts in many categories
of the manufacture, operation and decommissioning of photovoltaic technologies. It
also evaluates the risks that a massive deployment of solar electricity may face in
the future. And also many groups go beyond the standard LCA approach and are
proposing extended tools with the aim to evaluate the sustainability of solar electric-
ity with a broader scope; proposals such as carbon footprint, or methods to integrate
the socioeconomical evaluation and associated risks are still under development and
subject of methodological discussions.
The LCA methodology proceeds carefully by selecting a functional unit (FU)
whose impacts are going to be evaluated. Several FUs can be selected for an LCA
study of solar electricity: one square meter of photovoltaic module, the nominal power
in standard conditions, or the unit of supplied electricity (either direct current or
alternating current, including the electronic devices required for power conversion);
a clear scope of the study is declared in each study, which may range from cradle
to gate (the manufacture of modules) or include all life stages of the photovoltaic
system, that is, manufacture, operation, decommissioning, recycling and landfilling
in a full cradle to grave study.
The first deliverable of an LCA study is the inventory of materials and energy
inputs, which allows a first evaluation of sustainability of the photovoltaic tech-
nology under investigation. From inventory analysis, the first conclusion emerges:
photovoltaic technologies do not have high risks associated with materials supply.
The most important technology in the market is based on crystalline silicon; in the
form of oxides and silicates, silicon is the most abundant element on the Earth’s crust;
but the technology also depends on other materials that could face supply tensions,
like silver or tin, but its replacements are being investigated and can be available at
competitive prices with similar performance (carbon-based electrodes or metal grids
with lower metal contents). Thin film technologies in the market may face higher
risks in materials supply; in particular, tellurium and indium are strategic elements
whose supply in the future may be at risk. They pose an additional burden to CdTe and
CIGS technologies, which are struggling in the market to recover some of their old
share, but they now are below 5% of global new annual capacity installations, around
292 Conclusions

7 GW out of a total of 140 GW in 2020. Similarly, some emerging technologies rely

on indium supply for transparent conducting oxides, but good replacements have
been demonstrated (fluor-doped tin oxide, conjugated polymers, or semitransparent
metal grids). Gallium is also a scarce material that may affect CIGS and III-V tech-
nologies, although its supply could be increased in the near future because known
reserves are larger than in the previous cases. Regarding energy input, the discussion
about the energy balance of photovoltaic technology and the doubts that were cast in
the early 80s saying that the energy input required to manufacture a PV module was
larger than the energy supplied along its lifetime is no more an issue of discussion:
the energy balance of solar electricity is always positive, and the energy payback time
(EPBT, a parameter out of the scope of LCA but very useful for energy balance dis-
cussions) is between 1.2 and 3 years for crystalline silicon technology (depending on
the performance ratio and the environmental parameters of the geographical location
where the system was operating); this figure must be compared with the lifetime of
any commercial photovoltaic technology, which is 25 or 30 years, defined as the time
that it takes to lose 20% of initial power output; nevertheless, operational lifetimes
can be much longer. Emerging technologies, such as organic or hybrid solar cells
have demonstrated EPBTs as low as a few days or weeks, although their lifetime
is still low in comparison to inorganic technologies and therefore, the extension of
lifetime is a major research topic in the field of emerging photovoltaic technologies.
Once the inventory of materials and energy has been compiled, the next step in
the LCA study is to calculate the impacts that they produce in several impact cate-
gories which are carefully described and calculated by using an up-to-date scientific
knowledge that is constantly revised; there are more than 25 categories that are com-
monly used. For these purposes, several life cycle impact assessment methods have
been proposed; they use different approaches to analyse the path linking inventories
to impact categories, which are then aggregated in fewer end-point broader impact
groups. The obtained results are similar, but depending on the LCIA method used
they may present variations and therefore sensitivity and robustness analysis are
commonly carried out. If the most important fifteen categories are chosen for a fair
comparison of PV technologies, the results show that all of them deliver impact
quantitative values that are of the same order of magnitude, and between one and
three orders of magnitude lower than impacts of fossil fuel technologies. These
categories are Climate change, Ozone depletion, Human toxicity (cancer and non-
cancer effects), Particulate matter, Ionizing radiation, Photochemical ozone forma-
tion, Acidification, Eutrophication (terrestrial, fresh water and marine), Ecotoxicity,
Land use and Resource depletion (water, mineral and fossil). The only exception is
land occupation, where ground photovoltaic systems require more land than other
energy alternatives (but not for the case of roof-top systems). When the comparison
is made between different commercial photovoltaic technologies, the conclusion is
that crystalline silicon is above the other technologies in all categories, but with
similar values, always in the same order of magnitude as indicated above (with one
exception: in the mineral and fossil resource depletion category, CIGS has higher
impacts). When emerging technologies are considered, the results of LCA are varied
because very different manufacturing routes are available and still not a standard pro-
Conclusions 293

cedure is clearly established; nevertheless, the LCA studies for organic and hybrid
technologies show a large potential for reducing impacts in most of the categories,
a fact mainly due to the low energy consumption processing routes: printing meth-
ods versus evaporation methods, or annealing temperatures much lower than those
required for crystallization of silicon; the emerging technologies since they are thin
film technologies require a reduced amount of materials per square meter of mod-
ule (or per peak power output). For the LCA study of emerging technologies, the
reduced lifetimes make compulsory considering one or more replacements when
their impacts are compared to commercial technologies. When LCA of complete
photovoltaic systems are considered, the contribution of Balance of System (BoS)
components is important, and while the contribution of the module has been reduced
along time, the BoS share of impacts becomes important and will require more studies
in the future to recommend ways to reduce its contribution in many categories.
It is becoming of paramount importance the issue of end of life of photovoltaic
modules, of those already deployed and those to be deployed in the future. Although
the lifetime of modules is large, at least 25 years, many photovoltaic systems installed
at the end of the 90s are reaching their end of life, which together with early
replacement of defective modules (or simply revamping systems with new mod-
ules to repower them) are already producing a large amount of photovoltaic panels
that must be treated as electronic waste. According to the International Renewable
Energy Agency estimations, around 8 hundred thousand tonnes in 2020 and more
than 7 billion tonnes in 2030 of PV modules will reach their end of life. Despite this
pressing issue, still a few recycling facilities have been designed and constructed
worldwide, and some of them are still pilot plants. Landfilling of modules will pro-
duce impacts that can be strongly reduced if a large share of modules is recycled.
Also, the recovery of materials from recycled modules will reduce their impact on
resource depletion categories. The economic return of recovered silicon wafers or
recycled poly-silicon or other elements are still non-profitable when compared to
the purchase of original materials, but could become profitable if new technologi-
cal advances are achieved and up-scaled at the industrial level since some efficient
recycling methods have already been demonstrated at the laboratory scale. Regu-
latory measures and their enforcement will increase the rate of recycled modules
in the future and create incentives for more research and development investment
for recycling technologies. Still, the regulations framework worldwide is very poor
and although some countries are advancing in this regard (European Union), there
is a risk of creating an additional problem with exports of electronic waste to third
countries where regulations are more permissive or non-existent.
As part of a more broader approach to sustainability, the Life Cycle Assessment
methods must be complemented with socioeconomic considerations. The economic
cost of manufacturing modules and cost of ownership of final systems (installed and
operational) have been strongly reduced in the past years, thanks to potent drivers
such as availability of poly-silicon, module manufacture optimization and reduction
of Balance of System costs. Total photovoltaic system costs fell below 1 USD/W p in
2020, with module costs below 0.4 USD/W p . In many cases, the reduction of these
294 Conclusions

hardware costs has been accompanied by a reduction in soft costs: engineering,

workforce, taxes or permits. The hardware cost reduction is very robust and occurs
worldwide, while soft costs are more dependent on country regulations and they
are the main source of differences of total capital costs of photovoltaic systems in
different locations. When the solar electricity cost is analysed, the influence of the
geographical location where the system has been installed is large due to the direct
dependence on irradiance and temperature of the produced electricity. As a world
average, the levelized cost of solar electricity was 0.057 USD/kWh in 2020, with
reductions in most countries larger than 80% in the past 10 years. Solar electricity
has become the cheapest option in many countries, and yet there is room for further
reduction of costs.
Other socioeconomic impacts are more difficult to evaluate. The contribution of
energy access to human development index (HDI) has been clearly demonstrated
many years ago, with initial access to electricity in rural livelihoods producing a
large impact up to average world HDI values and reducing its impact in countries
reaching high HDI values (almost 9 for 200 Giga Joule per year of primary energy
consumption per capita) and then showing that additional per capita energy con-
sumption seems useless for improving human development. Access to electricity
in developing countries with programmes of rural electrification with solar home
systems has proven to be effective for human development. Despite the continued
effort of electrification, still almost one billion people lack access to electricity, and
photovoltaic solar home systems combined with microgrids will continue to be an
important application of photovoltaic systems which at the same time contributes
to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions because they mainly substitute diesel
Land occupation is an impact which depends strongly on the size of the PV sys-
tems; the same total capacity can be installed with a large set of small to medium size
photovoltaic systems (roof-top or ground-mounted but occupying reduced amounts
of land) or with a few large plants (occupying hundreds of hectares, in some cases
competing with food production), with much higher impact on land occupation.
Since the economic return for large scale solar plants is higher, incentives for roof-
top systems, complemented with electricity self-consumption schemes, will need to
be kept in order to fully exploit the roof-top and building integrated applications
market. Additionally, the competition for fertile land between agriculture and cattle
on one side and large photovoltaic utility plants on the other side is growing and it
can be considered a conflict between food versus electricity production. The impacts
of these large PV plants on landscapes and ecosystems are growing and must be
carefully assessed. In some cases, this competition has lead to social unrest. Agri-
voltaic applications, where photovoltaic systems and crops share the same land, are a
possible solution to this dilemma, and the design of photovoltaic systems compatible
with agriculture is one of the most fastest growing market areas for photovoltaics
(either integrated in greenhouses or in open fields with different rack-mounting struc-
tures). These are only two examples that illustrate the complexity of sustainability
evaluation, where Life Cycle Assessment approaches need to be complemented with
additional tools.
Conclusions 295

Solar electricity is a fundamental part of the energy transition that is already occur-
ring. Electricity generated by photovoltaic modules will supply a third of worldwide
electricity consumption in 2050 according to some scenarios of the International
Energy Agency. Such a massive deployment of solar modules is feasible, but its
sustainability must be carefully assessed. The Life Cycle Assessment studies car-
ried out so far indicate that solar electricity produces much lower impacts than any
other fossil fuel alternative, and has reduced impacts in several categories even when
compared to other renewable energy sources such as wind or hydro. The risk arising
from material scarcity is low and affects only some technologies, thus indicating
that large-scale manufacture of solar modules can be achieved to supply even the
scenarios with higher photovoltaic contribution to electricity generation. Neverthe-
less, environmental and human health impacts still have room for improvement and
more investment is necessary to develop new technologies with lower impacts, and
importantly, to develop recycling pathways for the massive amount of photovoltaic
modules that will reach their end of life in the coming decades. The strong cost reduc-
tion of solar electricity (both cost of ownership of the systems and levelized costs
of electricity) is a driver for technological improvement, but recycling may require
additional regulations and worldwide coordination to ensure minimal impacts on the
environment and human health.

A Bulk heterojunction, 108, 110–112, 114,

Active layer, 32, 37, 38, 42–45, 85, 97, 99, 119, 291
101, 102, 104, 106, 109–114, 118,
135–137, 140, 145, 146, 152, 162,
190 C
Africa, 4, 7, 8, 12, 173, 203, 261, 268, 271 Cadmium, 16, 101, 136, 137 143, 145, 149,
Agrivoltaics, 8, 163, 179, 192, 193, 274 151, 182, 206, 210, 257, 281, 282,
Aluminium, 94, 95, 101, 103, 106, 111, 119– 290
121, 136, 141–147, 161, 205, 207, Cadmium telluride, 45, 97, 99, 290
208, 211 Capacity, 4–9, 11–15, 20, 34, 69–71, 132,
AM1.5, 25, 107 135, 139, 142, 145, 152, 160, 175,
Amorphous silicon, 45, 87, 96–98, 159, 160, 191, 192, 202, 203, 205, 210, 211,
208, 281 215, 220–222, 224, 225, 227, 235,
Anode, 30, 42–45, 115, 146 238–240, 242, 245–247, 252, 261,
Antireflecting coating, 103 276, 278–280, 284, 285, 290, 291
Asia, 7–9, 203, 210, 261 Carbon, 11, 13, 14, 25, 62, 72, 73, 87, 88,
94, 105, 109, 113, 118, 141–144, 149,
186–188, 192, 193, 224, 274–276,
B 291
Balance of system (BoS), 5, 6, 20, 107, 141, Carbon black, 116, 118, 119, 136
144, 157, 158, 167, 172–174, 181, Carbon lock-in, 3, 267, 277
187, 193, 201, 211, 215, 218, 220, Carbon nanotubes, 113, 116, 118, 190
221, 237–239, 246, 251, 252, 255– Cathode, 30, 42–45, 110, 118
258, 261, 262, 281, 293 Chalcopyrite, 97, 102–104
Batteries, 6, 11, 43, 145, 151, 211, 215, 216, China, 4, 7, 9, 70, 141, 142, 146, 172, 173,
221–228, 244–246, 251–254, 260, 202, 203, 210, 235, 237–240, 242,
262, 273 243, 245, 246, 256, 261, 268, 270,
Becquerel, Edmund, 20, 114, 290 272, 275, 277–279, 281–285
Biaxial tracker, 107, 192 Climate change, 3, 6, 15, 50, 53, 59, 60, 62,
Bilayer, 102, 108, 110, 117 67, 131, 132, 152, 166, 181, 183–185,
Black body radiation, 22, 25 191, 208, 227, 228, 267, 268, 274–
British Geological Survey (BGS), 134, 142– 278, 280, 289, 292
144, 281 Conduction band, 24, 29, 32, 37–39, 42, 43,
Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV), 8, 102, 104, 114
35, 85, 144, 163, 167, 168, 189, 191, Copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS),
204, 237, 251, 255 35, 45, 46, 87, 102–104, 135–138,

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license 297
to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
A. Urbina, Sustainable Solar Electricity, Green Energy and Technology,
298 Index

140, 145–149, 161, 162, 172, 174, Fill factor, 46

179, 180, 183–187, 205, 206, 208, Floating zone, 91
209, 252, 281, 290–292 Fraunhofer ISE, 165, 173, 216
Cost of ownership, 66, 235, 241, 246, 293,
Crustal scarcity potential (CSP), 133, 135, G
142, 143 Gallium, 102, 105, 106, 135–137, 143, 144,
Cumulative energy demand, 132, 157–162, 146–148, 187, 206, 281, 282
169, 189, 217, 218, 221, 227, 228, Glass, 94, 98, 100–102, 104, 108, 110–115,
256 117, 119–121, 139–141, 148, 150,
Czochralski method (CZ), 91, 92, 172, 173 187, 190, 204–211, 251, 252, 255,
Globalization, 6, 50
D Grätzel, Michael, 114
Dark current, 30, 31, 41 Graphene, 113, 116, 118, 224, 227, 283
Degradation, 98, 108, 121, 164, 166, 168, Graphite, 136, 143, 147, 226, 282, 283
169, 171, 180, 189, 224, 252 Green house gases (GHG), 12, 19, 50, 59,
Delayed Recovery Scenario (DRS), 12 62, 131, 152, 185, 227, 228
Directional solidification method (DS), 91, Green public procurement, 161, 261, 262,
92 264
Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY), 183, Green, Martin, 85, 86, 92, 94
184 Greenhouse gases (GHG), 227, 268, 271,
274–280, 285
Earth’s Summit, 51
Ecodesign, 258, 261–263 H
Ecolabelling, 67, 261, 263 Heeger, Alan, 109
Ecotoxicity, 60, 63, 132, 148, 181, 190, 208, Heterojunction, 30, 40, 96, 97, 100, 102, 104,
211, 218, 292 105, 108, 110, 117, 161, 171
Efficiency chart, 45–47, 86, 92, 119 Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital
Einstein, Albert, 22, 23 (HOMO), 109, 111, 112, 115
Electron affinity, 29, 40, 108–112 Holes, 37, 38, 40, 42–45, 100, 102, 109, 110,
Electronic waste, 203, 204, 256–261, 293 111, 113, 116–119
Electrons, 20, 22–24, 29, 32, 37–40, 102, Hole transporting layer, 45, 110, 113,
109–112, 112, 114, 115 116–119
Electron transporting layer, 44, 45, 110, 113, Homojunction, 30, 38, 40, 96
117 Human development index (HDI), 269–271,
Employment, 6, 235 294
Energy gap, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 37–39, 102, Human health, 60, 62, 131, 132, 148, 150,
104, 109, 112 152, 181–184, 212, 217, 218, 253,
Energy payback time, 170, 217 257, 259, 260, 262, 263, 290, 295
Environmental footprint, 73, 180
Ethylene-vinyl-acetate (EVA), 120, 139,
140, 205, 208, 210, 211 I
European Union, 7, 9, 26, 67, 70, 72, 73, Ideality factor, 32, 34
141, 147, 172, 192, 217, 227, 240, III-V, 46, 86, 87, 97, 104–107, 136, 146, 147,
244, 245, 257–260, 263, 264, 271, 149, 150, 160, 161, 205, 281, 292
285, 293 India, 4, 7, 9, 12, 70, 173, 192, 202, 238–
Eutrophization, 211 240, 242, 243, 245, 246, 260, 261,
265, 268, 271, 280
Indium, 16, 100, 102, 105, 106, 108, 110,
F 113, 114, 117, 135–137, 143–149,
Fermi energy, 24, 29 201, 206, 209, 282, 291, 292
Index 299

International Electrotechnical Commission, 151, 157, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167–
192, 251, 273 174, 179, 185, 187, 189–191, 201,
International Energy Agency, 3–5, 8, 11, 13– 202, 215, 217, 218, 224–227, 235,
16, 68, 70, 71, 221, 242, 245, 247, 241, 245, 246, 253, 256, 263, 273,
277, 280, 290, 295 278–280, 290, 292, 293
International Organization for Standardiza- Light quanta, 20–22
tion, 54, 250 Lithium, 100, 113, 136, 143, 144, 147, 215,
International Reference Life Cycle Data 227, 228
System (ILCD), 54, 62 Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
International Renewable Energy Agency, 71, (LUMO), 109, 111, 112, 115
202, 241, 293
Inventory, 6, 54, 56, 57, 59, 64, 73, 133, 134,
157, 158, 169, 179, 180, 187, 204, M
205, 208, 218, 225, 250, 291, 292 Maximum power point, 33, 34, 94, 164, 166,
Inverted architecture, 44, 110, 111 215, 216, 252
Inverter, 216–218, 237, 239, 264 Metal organic CVD (MOCVD), 101, 106
Mining, 87, 131, 132, 134, 142, 145, 146,
149–151, 160, 194, 206, 211, 226,
J 255, 281, 283
Japan, 7, 9, 61, 114, 192, 202, 203, 210, 238, Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), 101, 106
239, 243, 246, 260, 261, 279, 282– Mppt tracker, 216
Junction box, 121, 139, 201
Nationally determined contribution (NDC),
K 11, 12, 276, 280, 289
Kesterite, 97, 102–104, 148, 291 National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Krebs, Frederik, 44, 108, 110, 114 (NREL), 26, 45–47, 68, 69, 86, 92,
Kyoto Protocol, 268, 274–276 119
Nelson, Jenny, 24, 97, 99, 100, 102, 104, 108
Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario
L (NZE2050), 13–15, 187, 190, 221,
Lead, 3, 12, 16, 21, 35, 50, 57, 73, 92, 94, 280
103, 104, 116–118, 136, 143, 146, Nominal operating cell temperature
149, 151, 152, 170, 187, 189, 190, (NOCT), 34–36, 251
192, 200, 201, 210, 211, 220, 223,
226, 227, 235, 257, 289, 294
Learning curve, 16, 235, 236, 241
Learning rate, 235, 236
Oil crisis, 3, 15, 16, 133, 168, 267, 268, 277,
Levelized cost of electricity, 6, 70, 242, 245
Life cycle assessment (LCA), 5, 16, 53–62,
OpenLCA, 55
64–67, 72, 73, 114, 132–134, 140,
141, 148, 152, 158, 162, 163, 166– Organisation environmental footprint
168, 170, 171, 179–182, 185, 187– (OEF), 72, 73
190, 192, 194, 199–201, 204, 207–
209, 211, 212, 215–218, 220, 224–
228, 235, 249, 250, 253, 262, 264, P
268, 281, 291, 293–295 Paris Agreement, 11–13, 268, 274–277, 289
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), 54, 57, Particulate matter, 60, 64, 181, 208, 292
59–62, 64, 73, 132, 133, 148, 179, Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC),
180, 192, 250, 292 95, 96, 172, 173
Lifetime, 16, 20, 37, 38, 47, 49, 56, 67–72, Performance ratio, 157, 164, 165, 171, 174,
86, 87, 93, 96, 98, 108, 117, 118, 141, 185, 241, 264, 273, 292
300 Index

Perovskite, 16, 46, 108, 116–119, 148, 152, Rural electrification, 4, 9, 202, 204, 215, 216,
160, 171, 172, 190, 211, 252, 257, 247, 253, 255, 271–273, 294
Perovskite , 152
Phenyl-C61 -Butyric acid Methyl ester S
(PCBM), 111, 112, 118, 119, 190 Sandia National Laboratory, 35
Photocurrent, 21, 31, 32, 40, 94, 112, 119, Scarcity, 70, 131, 133, 135, 142, 146, 147,
120, 291 181, 187, 281, 295
Photodiode, 40, 111 Screen printing, 94, 98, 113, 160
Photoelectric effect, 21, 22 Sensitizer, 111, 115, 117, 148
Photovoltage, 114 Series resistance, 32, 96, 102, 106, 109
Photovoltaic effect, 20–23, 85, 290 Sheet-to-sheet (S2S), 113, 121
Planck, Max, 20–23, 25, 290 Shockley-Queisser limit, 86
Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposi- Shunt resistance, 32
tion (PECVD), 94, 97 Silane, 90, 94, 98, 149, 151
Poly[ethylene-terephthalate] (PET), 113, Silicon, 16, 25, 35, 44, 45, 86–95, 97–101,
120, 140, 162, 190, 205 105–108, 117, 119, 133–136, 139,
Poly[3-hexyl-thiophene] (P3HT), 112, 116, 141–145, 147, 150–152, 158–161,
119, 190 171, 173, 175, 179, 180, 184, 185,
Power conversion efficiency, 20–22, 25, 34, 187, 189, 190, 199, 204, 205, 210–
37, 38, 46, 47, 71, 85, 86, 92, 94, 212, 235, 236, 252, 253, 259, 261,
96, 99–101, 104, 105, 108, 112, 114– 280, 281, 283, 284, 290–293
118, 139, 146, 147, 160, 166, 171, Silicon crystallization, 92
179, 189, 199, 235, 290 Silicon feedstock, 135
Product environmental footprint (PEF), 72, Silicosis, 149, 150
73, 180, 181, 264 Silver, 21, 94, 100, 108, 110, 113, 116, 119,
136, 143–145, 147, 189, 205, 209,
211, 281, 282, 291
Q SimaPro, 55
Quantum dot, 46, 115, 117 Slot die coating, 113
Quantum efficiency, 32, 37, 38 Solar home systems, 8, 215, 247, 272, 273,
South Korea, 117, 192, 261
R Spray coating, 113
ReCiPe, 61, 62, 190 Standard test conditions (STC), 34, 36, 38,
Recombination, 30, 32, 38, 94–96, 98, 100, 163, 164, 166, 202, 252
102–104, 109, 113, 115, 251 Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS), 11–13,
Recovery, 11, 58, 69, 89, 90, 140, 144–147, 239, 240, 242, 245
194, 200, 201, 203–212, 247, 253, Stern, Nicholas, 53
255, 257, 261, 262, 293 String, 94, 97, 101, 119–121, 201, 204, 215–
Recycling, 6, 14, 54, 58, 65–67, 72, 73, 106, 217, 219, 220
121, 131, 132, 135, 140, 145–148, Strong sustainability (SS), 52, 200
180, 194, 195, 199–212, 224–228, Sustainability, 5, 6, 16, 49–55, 59, 61, 65–
250, 251, 253, 255–262, 290, 291, 67, 72, 73, 147, 190, 192, 199, 201,
293, 295 203, 217, 224, 235, 253, 259, 263,
Redox flow battery, 224, 227 264, 290, 291, 293–295
Regulator, 201, 215, 216 Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS),
Renewables lock-in, 3 12, 13
Repowering, 220
Reserves, 133, 277
Resources depletion, 228 T
Reuse, 58, 72, 89, 90, 199, 200, 202, 212, Tandem, 43, 46, 86, 87, 99, 104–108, 110,
255, 259, 262 111, 113, 117, 119, 147, 149, 160,
Roll-to-roll (R2R), 113, 121 171, 172, 190, 281
Index 301

Tedlar, 120, 139, 205 Utility plants, 237, 294

Tellurium, 16, 135–137, 143, 145, 147–149,
187, 201, 209, 281, 291
Texturation, 93, 95, 98 V
Thermal coefficient, 34–36 Valence band, 24, 29, 37–40, 42, 43, 102,
Thermal evaporation, 101 104
Titanium dioxide, 43, 113–115, 117, 118,
Titanium dioxide mesoporous, 114, 115, W
117, 118 Weak Sustainability (WS), 52, 201
TRACI, 61, 190 Work function, 29, 42, 43, 45, 100, 101, 110,
Transparent conducting oxides, 98, 102, 110, 111, 113
135, 137, 145, 160, 189, 190, 292

Uniaxial tracker, 192 Yield, 88, 90–92, 163–166, 180, 193, 194,
United Kingdom, 116, 117 205, 210, 242, 264, 274
United States, 8, 9, 26, 61, 63, 68, 134, 150,
239, 243, 245, 246, 259, 271, 283
United States Geological Survey (USGS), Z
63, 134, 142–144 Zinc, 136, 144–146, 148, 151

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