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Table of contents
It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

1 Technical data............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Operating data ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Tower ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.3 Nacelle................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.4 Rotor................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.5 Transformer........................................................................................................................................................................ 17

This technical specification describes the S95‐2.1 MW wind turbine generator. The specification has to be recognised by its reference
WIND TURBINE GENERATOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION S95‐2.1 MW at Revision 02, dated 2012‐02‐21. The seller must not recognise
this specification at any other issue or revision level unless accepted by him in writing. Each page carries its specific revision date and
revision code. Chapter numbers that are not included in this specification are unassigned.
If typographical errors or conflicts exist between a customer purchase agreement and this standard specification, SUZLON Energy
Ltd. reserves the right to issue a revision or a temporary revision. It is the user's responsibility to ensure to have the correct issue and
revision level where applicable.
The information in this document contains general description of the technical options available which may not apply in all cases.
The required technical option is therefore to be specified in the contract.
Reconciliation with purchase agreement
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy between this specification and the purchase agreement, the controlling document must
be the purchase agreement.
Reconciliation with illustrations
The illustrations contained in this specification are intended to assist in understanding the text and do not form part of this
specification for contractual purposes, except where otherwise stated.
Specification precedence
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy between the requirements of this specification and any other specification referred to in
this specification the requirements of the text of this specification must be held to govern.

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S95‐2.1 MW
Project: Standard | STV/LTV | 50 Hz
Revision Code: PDG‐CD‐S‐PDO‐00822 [Original]
Document Class: Public
Revision/Date: 02/2012‐02‐21

SUZLON Energy GmbH

Kurt‐Dunkelmann‐Str. 5 +49 381 12884‐0
Building 245 +49 381 12884‐550
18057 Rostock germany‐

It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Approved by
Technical Product Manager

Released by
Program Manager
Digital signature

List of changes*

Revision Name/Date Page Change aspect (by buyer, manufacturer or developer)

01 B. Malcher/2011‐12‐07 all New document
02 J. Mueller/2012‐02‐21 7 New power curve added with ct, cp values, footnote added (by developer)
14 Converter chapter shifted into generator chapter (by developer)
16 Mass moment of inertia blade withdrawn (by developer)

* Changes to the design of the wind turbine generator (WTG) from the standard detailed in this specification have to be made as
Buyer originated changes
This specification can be revised by Specification Change Notices (SCN) which describe the changes to be made to the specification.
Manufacturer originated changes
This specification can be revised by the seller without the buyer's consent to incorporate development changes if such changes do not
adversely affect price, delivery, guaranteed performance of the WTG, or the interchangeability or replaceability requirements of this
Development changes
Development changes are changes considered necessary to improve the WTG, prevent delays or to ensure compliance with the
purchase agreement. The seller has to notify the buyer of all changes that are made as described in this section, by giving the buyer
revised pages for this specification on a periodic basis.

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This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.
It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 1‐1:

Hub height
Rotor height
Tower height
Rotor diameter

Ground top level

Technical data

Revision 02 | 2012‐02‐21 | PDG‐CD‐S‐PDO‐00822 | Public


Dimensions of wind turbine generator (WTG)

80.0 m
79.0 m
77.5 m
95.0 m

89.0 m
87.6 m

90.0 m
97.7 m
96.2 m

100.0 m
S95‐2.1 MW

4 /17

Description Information
It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Wind class IIa

WTG certification Germanischer Lloyd (according to GL guideline 2003)

Estimated service life 20 years

Ambient temperature range – operation STV: –10 °C to +40 °C LTV: –30 °C to +40 °C

Beyond the temperature ranges stated above, a WTG may shut down if any of its core
equipment moves outside its safe operating range. This is dependent on WTG load as
well as on external conditions.

Ambient temperature range – general STV: –20 °C to +50 °C LTV: –40 °C to +50 °C

The WTG always has to be connected to the grid.

Ice/snow on blades Considered in calculation of structural design

A‐factor 9.59 m/s

Form factor, c 2.0

Annual average wind speed 8.5 m/s

Vertical average shear component 0.2

Extreme wind speed (10‐minute average) 42.5 m/s

Survival wind speed (3‐second average) 59.5 m/s

Automatic stop limit (10‐minute average) 25.0 m/s

Characteristic turbulence intensity 18.0%

according to IEC 61400 (15.0 m/s)

Air density 1.225 kg/m³

Altitude 1000 m above sea level

Humidity conditions

Permissible relative ambient humidity 30 to 99%

Permissible relative humidity during 30 to 99% (no precipitation)

operation (outside cabinet, inside WTG)

Permissible relative humidity during 20 to 80% (no precipitation)

operation (inside cabinet)

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Description Information
It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Corrosion protection

The corrosion protection applies in accordance with ISO 12944‐2.

Corrosion protection class C4 (long)

Corrosion protection Anti‐corrosion paint

Lightning protection

The lightning protection applies in accordance with IEC 61400‐24, 62305‐1, 3, 4 and DIN EN 50164‐1, 2. The lightning protection
system is based on the lightning protection zone concept.

Rotor Lightning rod

Blades Lightning receptors on blade surface, spark gap for protection of blade bearing

Nacelle Spark gaps, lightning rods, EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), protection mesh

Grid connection

Find further and more detailed information in the document "Grid connection".

TN‐C‐S System

Voltage range (continous operation) 90%‐110%

Current range (nominal) ~ 2000 A

Overcurrent protection via SUZLON CONTROL SYSTEM and air circuit breaker

Frequency range (continous operation) –6% to +5% | 47 Hz ≤ f ≤ 52.5 Hz

Voltage harmonics Total harmonic content of the grid voltage has to be less than 3% of fundamental
frequency and less than 1% for any single harmonic.

Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) applicable

High Voltage Ride Through (HVRT) applicable


The tonality applies according to the noise curve.

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It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Quality standard

ISO 9001

1.1 Operating data

Description Information

Rated power 2.1 MW

Rotor speed 12.1 to 17.6 rpm

Power regulation Active pitch regulated

Rated wind speed 11.0 m/s (without turbulence intensity according to GL guideline)

Cut in wind speed (30‐second average) 3.5 m/s

Cut out wind speed (3‐second average) 34.0 m/s

Cut out wind speed (10‐minute average) 25.0 m/s

Restart wind speed (10‐minute average) 23.0 m/s


Type Programmable Logic Controller with SUZLON CONTROL SYSTEM software

Communication system Internal: CAN‐bus

External: Ethernet, optional: MODBUS, OPC

Access Multi‐level, user authenticated

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Power curve *
It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Annual average energy yield 9439,8 MWh/a (average wind speed of 8 m/s p.a.)

Figure 1‐2: Power curve

The released power curve is created according to IEC 61400‐12 guidelines. The actual power curve on specific sites
varies due to site‐specific conditions.

Wind speed vHub [m/s] Electrical power [kW] Energy yield [MWh/a] Cp [‐] Ct [‐]

3,00 0,0 0,0000 0,0000

3,50 2,6 0,8 0,0139 0,9568

4,00 52,3 16,7 0,1881 0,9275

4,50 122,5 42,1 0,3097 0,8986

5,00 206,4 74,8 0,3803 0,8754

5,50 304,0 114,5 0,4209 0,8515

6,00 414,9 160,2 0,4425 0,8387

6,50 539,5 210,8 0,4525 0,8399

7,00 683,1 267,1 0,4587 0,8409

7,50 839,2 325,0 0,4582 0,8354

8,00 1010,0 383,5 0,4544 0,8151

8,50 1197,1 441,6 0,4490 0,7815

9,00 1393,2 494,8 0,4402 0,7430

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Wind speed vHub [m/s] Electrical power [kW] Energy yield [MWh/a] Cp [‐] Ct [‐]

9,50 1592,4 539,9 0,4278 0,7030

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This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

10,00 1787,7 574,0 0,4118 0,6618

10,50 1931,2 582,4 0,3843 0,6076

11,00 2016,3 566,9 0,3489 0,5352

11,50 2068,3 538,0 0,3132 0,4631

12,00 2096,4 500,9 0,2794 0,4005

12,50 2109,2 459,5 0,2487 0,3474

13,00 2114,0 417,1 0,2216 0,3031

13,50 2116,5 375,5 0,1982 0,2668

14,00 2116,2 335,4 0,1776 0,2368

14,50 2116,0 297,5 0,1599 0,2115

15,00 2115,8 262,2 0,1444 0,1901

15,50 2115,0 229,5 0,1308 0,1717

16,00 2114,5 199,6 0,1189 0,1558

16,50 2114,2 172,5 0,1084 0,1419

17,00 2113,8 148,1 0,0991 0,1298

17,50 2112,2 126,4 0,0908 0,1190

18,00 2111,2 107,1 0,0834 0,1096

18,50 2110,5 90,3 0,0768 0,1012

19,00 2109,8 75,6 0,0709 0,0936

19,50 2107,3 62,9 0,0655 0,0869

20,00 2105,5 52,0 0,0606 0,0808

20,50 2104,4 42,8 0,0563 0,0753

21,00 2103,2 34,9 0,0523 0,0703

21,50 2102,0 28,4 0,0487 0,0658

22,00 2096,4 22,9 0,0453 0,0616

22,50 2092,8 18,3 0,0423 0,0579

23,00 2091,2 14,6 0,0396 0,0545

23,50 2089,7 11,6 0,0371 0,0513

24,00 2088,2 9,2 0,0348 0,0485

24,50 2086,6 7,2 0,0327 0,0458

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Wind speed vHub [m/s] Electrical power [kW] Energy yield [MWh/a] Cp [‐] Ct [‐]

25,00 2084,9 5,6 0,0307 0,0434

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1.2 Tower

Description Information

Material Welded steel plate according to EN 10025

Colour RAL 9003

Internals Ladder, platforms, anchorage points, cabling, lights, emergency light, climbing
assistance (optional), service lift (optional)

Foundation Project‐specific

Tower height 77.5 m 87.6 m 96.2 m

Top end diameter 3.02 m 3.02 m 3.02 m

Bottom end diameter 4.30 m 4.55 m 4.30 m

1.3 Nacelle

Description Information

Colour RAL 9003, RAL 5021

Main frame

Type Cast frame

Material EN‐GJS‐350‐22U‐LT

Main shaft

Type Forged shaft and flange

Material 42CrMo4/42CrMoS4

Main bearing

Bearing type Spherical roller bearing

Housing type Cast housing, flanged feet

Housing material EN‐GJS‐350‐22U‐LT

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It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Heating STV: no fan heater LTV: one fan heater, power: 9 kW

Lubrication Automatic lubrication system

Tank capacity: 8 l

Type 1 planetary stage, 2 helical stages

Housing material Cast

Gearbox mount material EN‐GJS‐350‐22U‐LT/EN‐JS 1019

Shaft seals Maintenance‐free labyrinth seals

Cooling Forced oil cooling lubrication system

Mechanical power 2.250 MW

Heating STV: no fan heater LTV: two fan heaters, power: 9 kW each

Gear ratio 1:98.8 (±0.5)

Gear ratio of each stage 1. stage: 5.68 2. stage: 3.86 3. stage: 4.50

Gearbox – electric oil pump

Voltage (phase to phase) 3 × 690 V

Oil capacity 410 l

Mechanical brake

Type Hydraulic disc brake, activated by hydraulic pressure (active brake)

Brake disc Steel

Mounted on high speed shaft (HSS)

Hydraulic power unit

Voltage (phase to phase) 3 × 400 V

Power 1.5 kW

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It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Maximum hydraulic pressure Hydraulic brake: 115 bar

Rotor lock system: 700 bar

Oil capacity 0.0045 m³ (4.5 litres)

Heating STV: no fan heater LTV: one fan heater, power: 9 kW


Type Flexible coupling

Yaw system – yaw bearing

Type Friction bearing with gear rim

Yaw system – yaw drives

Type Electric asynchronous motor, electric motor brake (spring‐applied), 5‐stage planetary
gear box with output pinion

Quantity 4

Yaw speed 22.0 °/min

Voltage (phase to phase) 3 × 690 V

Rated output power 3.0 kW per drive


Type Asynchronous 3‐phase induction generator with slip rings operated with rotor circuit
inverter system (DFIG)

Rated frequency 50 Hz (+5%/–6%)

Number of poles/synchronous speed 4/1500 rpm

Speed at rated power rotor short‐circuited: 1511 rpm

Operation speed range 1200 to 1800 rpm

Rated generator speed 1568 rpm

Efficiency 96.8%

Max. rotor slip ±20.0%

Power factor (compensated) 0.94 lagging to 0.94 leading

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It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Cooling IC6A1A6 (as per IEC 60034‐6), air‐cooled; forced air‐air cooled

Winding connection of stator/rotor Delta (Δ)/Star (Y)

Rated power 2.1 MW

Apparent power 2.265 MVA

Locked rotor voltage rotor short‐circuited: 3300 V

Rated voltage ‐ rotor DFIG operation: 220 V

Rated voltage ‐ stator 690 V/±15%

Rated current ‐ rotor rotor short‐circuited: 385 A DFIG operation: 390 A

Rated current ‐ stator rotor short‐circuited: 1895 A DFIG operation: 1785 A

No‐load current rotor short‐circuited: 340 A

Starting current rotor short‐circuited: 12317.5 A

Starting current (full load) rotor short‐circuited: 6.5 A

Maximum current to grid connection DFIG operation: 2150 A

(stator current)

Reactive power absorbed without load rotor short‐circuited: 405 kVAr

Reactive power absorbed at rated power rotor short‐circuited: 890 kVAr

Sub‐synchronous speed for DFIG 1205 to 1500 rpm

Reactive power curve as a function of active


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It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Load in % of rated active power 25 50 75 100

Power factor without compensation 0.74 0.88 0.91 0.92

Power factor with compensation Variable

0.94 cap.
1 – 0.94 ind.

Stator resistance (Rs) starting and operation: 0.0065 per unit

Rotor resistance (Rr) starting: 0.0083 per unit operation: 0.0074 per unit

Stator reactance (Xs) starting: 0.0851 per unit operation: 0.0972 per unit

Rotor reactance (Xr) starting: 0.0686 per unit operation: 0.1049 per unit

Magnetising reactance (Xm) starting: 1.8672 per unit operation: 5.572 per unit

Magnetising reactance (Rfe) 131 Ω

Generator rotor type Wound rotor, bar winding

Damping ratio 1128 Nm/rpm

Mass moment of inertia Approx. 195 kgm²

Protection class IP 54 (slip ring IP 23)

Thermal classification Class H

Lubrication Automatic lubrication system

Tank capacity: 1 l

Converter section

Technology IGBT

Operation range of converter/generator: ±20%

slip range

Nominal slip Depends on power curve

Protection class IP 54

Cooling Liquid

Temperature range of coolant inlet 25 °C to 60 °C (operation)

Maximum flow of coolant Approx. 120 l/min with approx. 1 bar pressure drop

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It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Maximum IGBT power loss in form of heat 18 kW

during continous operation

Rated current Line side converter: 500 A, machine side converter: 435 A

Rated voltage Line side converter: 690 V, machine side converter: 690 V

Voltage range Line side converter: 690 V/±10%, machine side converter: 0 to 760 V

Rated frequency Line side converter: 50 Hz, machine side converter: 10 Hz

Switching frequency Line side converter: 4500 Hz, machine side converter: 2250 Hz (≥1.2 Hz), 1125 Hz
(<1.2 Hz)

Frequency variation capability –6% to +5%

1.4 Rotor

Description Information

Rotor cone angle 5°

Rotor speed at rated power 15.83 rpm

Tip speed at rated power 78.7 m/s

Main shaft tilt angle 5°

Power regulation DFIG inverter system

Rotor orientation Upwind

Colour (rotor with blades) RAL 9003


Type Cast spherical hub

Material EN‐GJS‐350‐22U‐LT

Mass moment of inertia n/a



Quantity 3

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This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Length 46.3

Material Glass‐fibre reinforced plastic (GRP)/Epoxy

Mass moment of inertia n/a

Type of aerodynamic brake Pitch/full blade

Profiles Risoe B

Pitch system

Type Electric asynchronous motor with forced ventilation unit, electric motor brake (spring‐
applied), 3‐stage planetary gear box with output pinion, frequency converter and

Pitch angle range (operating range) 0 to 90°

Pitch system – blade bearing

Type Double row ball slewing bearing

Lubrication Blade bearing/teeth: automatic lubrication system

Tank capacity: blade bearing: 8 l, teeth: 4 l

Pitch system – pitch drives

Type Electric asynchronous motor with forced ventilation unit, electric motor brake (spring‐
applied), 3‐stage planetary gear box with output pinion

Quantity 3 (1 per blade)

Pitch speed 0 to 8 °/s

Emergency pitch speed 8 °/s

Rated output power 7.5 kW per drive

Pitch system – pitch batteries

Quantity 1 battery box per blade

Service life 2 to 4 years

Rated voltage per battery 12 V

Rated capacity (20 hour rate) 7.2 Ah

Heater Each battery box equipped with 4 heaters (120 W each) and 2 fans

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It must not be copied nor reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. its affiliates or their respective owners. © 2012 by SUZLON Energy Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is the property of SUZLON Energy Ltd. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Thermal insulation Thermal insulation tiles

1.5 Transformer

The scope of supply of the transformer is agreed by contract. If the transformer is supplied by the customer the below
values are to be referenced as recommendations.

Description Information

Type Oil filled transformer

Winding connection Delta (Δ)/Star (Y)

Vector group Dyn5/Dyn11 (grid‐dependent)

Rated apparent power 2500 kVA

Tapping At HV ±5% in 2.5% steps India: At HV ±6% in 3.0% steps

Reactance 6% India: 6.25%

No‐load losses ~ 2550 W

Full load losses ~ 22500 W

Total losses ~ 25000 W

Rated winding ratio (XX) kV/0.69 kV

Voltage level at line side depends on supply voltage level.

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