PWHT Procedure F3 - Code - 1
PWHT Procedure F3 - Code - 1
PWHT Procedure F3 - Code - 1
Approval or review hereunder shall not be [ construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his
responsibilities and liability under the Contract.
Contractor Review Result
1. Approvede / No Comments
Doc. No.: VS3160-002-A-2016
Doc. Name: Post Weld Heat Treatment Procedure (PWHT)
Client: SKEC / KNPC – MAA
Date 17-Feb-2017
Project Clean Fuels Project – KNPC MAA Refinery
Company / Contractor Comments Al-Kulaib Response JGSK Comments
1 N/A Para 5.6 (PWHT) Revised Noted
Project Title :
Document Title :
Sub-Contractor NO.
Document No. REV.
Job Code.
0-6798-Z-3160-002 (CFP-MAA) 0-6798-20-0000 VS3160-002-A-2016 F3
Page 3 of 24
Record of Revisions
F3 Page 12, 13, 21~23 Comments Incorporated & Issued for Construction
2.0 SCOPE 5
5.6 PWHT 12
5.9 SAFETY 14
The purpose of this procedure is to provide the specific requirements to perform the
Pre-heating & Post Weld Heat Treatment to meet the specific contractual
specifications and requirements of the Project - Clean Fuels Project (CFP), KNPC.
This document describes the requirements for Pre-heating and Post Weld Heat
Treatment of piping fabrication/erection welds using Electric Resistance Method
(Local heat treatment). This document has specific reference to the Project – Clean
Fuel Project (CFP), KNPC
3.8 Shell DEP Gen. - Shop and field fabrication of piping
3.9 - Proj. Variation to SHELL
DEP31.38.01.3, Shop and Field
Fabrication of Piping
3.10 - Proj. Variation to SHELL
DEP30.10.60.18, Welding of Metal
(Amendments/Supplements to API RP 582)
3.12 API RP 582, Rev.2001 - Welding Guidelines for the Chemical, Oil
and Gas Industries
4.1 ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
4.2 ASNT - American Society for Non-destructive Testing
4.3 PWHT - Post Weld Heat Treatment
4.4 COMPANY - Kuwait National Petroleum Company
4.5 HB - Brinell Hardness
4.6 HAZ - Heat Affected Zone
4.7 HV - Vickers Hardness
All the above items wherever applicable, valid test certificates, equipment calibration
certificates must be submitted before using it.
When the heat treatment is applied locally, a circumferential band of the run
pipe and the branch where applicable shall be heated until the specified
temperature range exists over the entire section a band which includes the
weldment section and at least a length of 2.5 √Rt mm from the centre of the
weld (Where R is the inside radius in mm & t is the wall thickness in mm) on
either side.
Pipe ends, flange tees, Flange faces, bolt threads and machined surfaces
shall be protected with mineral wool wrapping to avoid excessive oxidation
and dissipation of heat.
All flammable substances shall be removed from the heat treatment area.
Heating pads shall be centered on the weld for PWHT at least a length of 2.5
√Rt mm from the centre of the weld (Where R is the inside radius in mm & t is
the wall thickness in mm) on either side.
These elements shall be applied either as a single band or two discrete bands
arranged symmetrically above the centreline of the weld.
For pipe sizes 10" and above, heating pads shall be arranged to have
independent control of temperature for top and bottom halves.
Electrical resistance heating element in the form of flat ceramic heater pad
shall be used.
Elements shall be securely fixed in contact with the work piece by stainless
steel / mild steel banding tape or soft iron tie wire. Under no circumstances
shall galvanized wire be utilized.
Heating elements shall be securely fixed in contact with the work piece by
stainless steel / mild steel banding tape or soft iron tie wire. Under no
circumstances shall galvanized wire be utilized
Pre heating temperature shall comply with the applicable piping code (Refer
attachment C)
No. of
Size of Pipe(OD) Location
OD 2” ~ 10” 2 (as per figure 1) Bottom & top side of the weld
The copper lead (+ve) shall be connected to the Nickel Chromium conductor of the
thermocouple (non-magnetic) and the constantan lead (-ve) shall be connected to
Nickel-Aluminium conductor (magnetic)
The chart speed shall be set at 25 mm per hour and it shall be recorded in the PWHT
It is required to carry out post heat treatment after welding. Such heat treatment can
be carried out with 1 temperature sensor if the following conditions are satisfied when
there are a few welding each place contained within the range of 1 power control.
Carry out heat treatment under the instruction of the Subcontractor field technical
designer in accordance with the tolerance of the special requirements specified in
paragraph 331.2. ASME B 31.3.
Mineral wool mats of sufficient thickness shall be provided for insulating heater coils.
The thickness of insulation shall depend on the pipe diameter, wall thickness and joint
configuration. The width of insulation shall extend to a minimum distance of 5√Rt mm
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from the weld centre (Where R is the inside radius in mm & t is the wall thickness in
mm) on either side.
Wherever possible, the internal of the pipe shall be sealed with insulating material to
avoid air current creating difference in temperature.
When Pre Heating is applied by electric resistance method, Mineral wool mats of
sufficient thickness shall be provided for insulating heater coils. The thickness of
insulation shall depend on the pipe diameter and wall thickness. The width of
insulation shall extend to a minimum distance of 150 mm from the minimum required
heated zone on either side.
5.6 PWHT
The weld shall be heated uniformly and the temperature raised gradually. The
temperature difference of any two thermocouples shall not be more than 50˚C.
The PWHT soaking temperature range & soaking period shall be as per piping code
ASME B 31.3.
Limitation of the rates of heating / cooling, soaking time and temperature for carbon
steel materials shall be as given below unless otherwise stated specially in the
contract or applicable client specification.
For CrMo (P4, P5B) material, PWHT temperature shall be 704°C ~ 729°C and
holding time is 2.4min/mm (Min 2 Hours)
For Sour Service, if specified by the principal, the soak time shall be 1 h/in nominal
thickness with a minimum hold time of 1hr at a minimum temperature of 610°C
(1125°F). The maximum PWHT time, temperature and permissible range shall be
governed by the service conditions, requirements set forth by the Principal, the
design code requirements and the material properties as guaranteed by the material
Proper supports shall be provided to the pipe to prevent distortion during the heating
cycle and to avoid undue stress at the time of heat treatment.
The pipe or piping spool shall have no restraint which could prevent it's expansion
and contraction during the PWHT operation.
Protection from rain and wind shall be provided during the PWHT operation. The QC
Inspector shall verify the location and attachment of thermocouple and inspection
and document review shall be carried out as per approved relevant Inspection &
Test plan and project specification. For dissimilar metals the PWHT temperature
shall be approved by the Contractor.
Exceeded cooling rate:- The PWHT shall be repeated with specified heating rate, full
range of required holding time and controlled cooling as per WPS.
Incomplete holding time:- The heating shall be started with specified heating rate,
held at holding temperature for the balance period required to fulfill the required
holding time and cooled at specified rate .
If the interruption has occurred before reaching the holding temperature, the PWHT
shall be repeated as originally required.
Page 14 of 24
After the PWHT, hardness survey shall be conducted on the weldment, base metal
and HAZ by using Equotip portable hardness tester as per approved hardness test
procedure. The required hardness value shall be as per Project specifications
Ceramic beads in heater coils shall be checked for any damage, which would
otherwise cause electric short circuit.
Fire or fume hazardous substances shall be removed from the pipe surface and the
vicinity of the operation.
PWHT chart and PWHT report with hardness test report shall be presented to
contractor / company latest by the next day. After Contractor / Company verification
and hardness check, the weld shall be cleaned; thermocouple tack will be ground to
enable subsequent NDE.
All relevant details as per the attached sticker form shall be available on the PWHT
chart. Correction on the PWHT chart not permitted without company approval.
Page 17 of 24
4 3 Alloy steels, All All All All 149 300 ··· ···
1/2% ≤ Cr ≤ 2%
5A, 5B, 4, 5 Alloy steels, All All All All 177 350 ··· ···
5C 2 1/4% ≤ Cr ≤ 10%
6 6 High alloy steels All All All All ··· ··· 149˚ 300˚
9A, 9B 10 Nickel alloy steels All All All All ··· ··· 93 200
10 ··· Cr-Cu steel All All All All 149-204 300-400 ··· ···
10l ··· 27Cr steel All All All All 149˚ 300˚ ··· ···
11A SG 1 ··· 8NI, 9NI steel All All All All ··· ··· 10 50
11A SG 2 ··· 5NI steel All All All All 10 50 ··· ···
21-52 ··· ··· All All All All ··· ··· 10 50
(1) P-Number or S-Number from BPV Code, Section IX, QW/QB-422.
(2) A-Number from Section IX, QW-442.
(3) Maintain interpass temperature between 177˚C - 232˚C (350˚F - 450˚F)
(4) Maximum interpass temperature 316˚C (600 ˚F)
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1 1 Carbon steel ≤ 20 ≤ 1/4 All All None None ··· ··· ··· ···
>20 >1/4 All All 593-649 1,100-1,200 2.4 1 1 ···
3 2, 11 Alloy steels, ≤ 20 >3/4 ≤ 490 ≤ 71 None None ··· ··· ··· ···
Cr ≤ 1/2% > 20 >3/4 All All 593-718 1,100-1,325 2.4 1 1 225
All All > 490 > 71 593-718 1,100-1,325 2.4 1 1 225
4 [Note (5)] 3 Alloy steels, ≤ 13 ≤ 1/2 ≤ 490 ≤ 71 None None ··· ··· ··· ···
1/2% < Cr ≤ 2% >13 >1/2 All All 704-746 1,300-1,375 2.4 1 2 225
All All > 490 > 71 704-746 1,300-1,375 2.4 1 2 225
6 6 High alloy steels martensitic All All All All 732-788 1,350-1,450 2.4 1 2 241
A 240 Gr. 429 All All All All 621-663 1,150-1,225 2.4 1 2 241
7 7 High alloy steels ferritic All All All All None None ··· ··· ··· ···
8 8,9 High alloy steels austenitic All All All All None None ··· ··· ··· ···
9A, 9B 10 Nickel alloy steels ≤ 20 ≤ 3/4 All All None None ··· ··· ··· ···
>20 >3/4 All All 593-635 1,100-1,175 1.2 1/2 1 ···
10 ··· Cr-Cu steel All All All All 760-816 1,400-1,500 Note (10) Note (10) 1 ···
[Note (6)] [Note (6)]
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10H ··· Duplex stainless steel All All All All Note (7) Note (7) 1.2 1/2 1/2 ···
10l ··· 27 Cr steel All All All All 663-704 1,225-1,300 2.4 1 1 ···
[Note (8)] [Note (8)]
11A SG 1 ··· 8Ni, 9Ni steel ≤ 51 ≤2 All All None None ··· ··· ··· ···
>51 >2 All All 552-585 1,025-1,085 2.4 1 1 ···
[Note (9)] [Note (9)]
11A SG 2 ··· 5 Ni steel >51 >2 All All 552-585 1,025-1,085 2.4 1 1 ···
[Note (9)] [Note (9)]
62 ··· Zr R60705 All All All All 538-593 1,000-1,100 Note (10) Note (10) 1 ···
[Note (10)] [Note (10)]
(1) P-Number or S-Number from BPV Code, Section IX, QW/QB-422.
(2) A-Number from Section IX, QW-442.
(3) For holding time in SI metric units, use min/mm (minutes per mm thickness). For U.S. units, use hr/in. thickness.
(4) See para. 331.1.7.
(5) See appendix F, para. F331.1.
(6) Cool as rapidly as possible after the hold period.
(7) Postweld heat treatment is neither required nor prohibited, but any heat treatment applied shall be as required in the material specification.
(8) Cooling rate to 649 ˚C (1,200 ˚F) shall be less than 56˚C (100˚F)/hr, thereafter, the cooling rate shall be fast enough to prevent embrittlement.
(9) Cooling rate shall be > 167˚C (300˚F)/hr to 316˚C(600˚F)
(10) Heat treat within 14 days after welding. Hold time shall be increased by 1/2 hr for each 25mm (1 in.) over 25mm thickness. Cool to 427˚C (800˚F) at a rate ≤ 278˚C
(500˚F)/hr, per 25mm (1 in.) nominal thickness, 278˚C (500˚F)/hr max. Cool in still air from 427˚C(800˚F)
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Attachment # E - PWHT Requirement as per Piping Class
Piping Holding Time Brinell
PWHT Requirement as Thickness Metal Temp
Sl No Class Licensor Requirement Pipe Material 0
(HR) Hadrness
Piping Class (mm) Range ( C)
Number Minimum (BHN)
1 11011K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
2 11011KT ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
4 11031K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
5 11031KT ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
6 11042K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
7 11042KT ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
8 11055K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
12 11201K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
13 11261K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
16 11373K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
20 115101 ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
22 115103T ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
23 115104 ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
24 115104T ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
28 115111 ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
37 115154 ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
42 115160 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 Cement Lined
51 115201 API 5L-B Cement Lined/ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
60 151071K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A333-6 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
66 31031K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
71 31076K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
72 31076KT ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
79 315101 ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
80 315101T ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
82 315107 ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
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Attachment # E - PWHT Requirement as per Piping Class
Piping Holding Time Brinell
PWHT Requirement as Thickness Metal Temp
Sl No Class Licensor Requirement Pipe Material 0
(HR) Hadrness
Piping Class (mm) Range ( C)
Number Minimum (BHN)
100 32021K ASTM A335-P11/ A691-1.25Cr CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >13MM 704-729 2 225
101 325104 ASTM A335-P11/ A691-1.25Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 225
102 325118 ASTM A335-P5/ASTM A691-5Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
103 325119 ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
104 325119T ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
105 325124 ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
106 61011K ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
107 61031K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A333-6 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
108 61071K ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
109 61261K ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
113 615101 ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
114 615126 ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
115 62021K ASTM A335-P11 As per ASME B31.3 >13MM 704-729 2 225
116 625119 ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
117 625124 ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
118 625127 ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
119 625131 ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
120 91011K ASTM A106-B/ASTM A333-6 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
121 92021K ASTM A335-P11 As per ASME B31.3 >13MM 704-729 2 225
123 925119 ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
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Attachment # E - PWHT Requirement as per Piping Class
Piping Holding Time Brinell
PWHT Requirement as Thickness Metal Temp
Sl No Class Licensor Requirement Pipe Material 0
(HR) Hadrness
Piping Class (mm) Range ( C)
Number Minimum (BHN)
124 925119T ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
125 925132 ASTM A335-P11 As per ASME B31.3 >13MM 704-729 2 225
126 A11 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
127 A31 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A333-6 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
128 A5 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B/API 5L-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
129 A5V Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
130 A6 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
131 A7 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
132 A8 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
133 AB4 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
134 AD3 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
135 AD5 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B All welds and HAZ per KNPC ENG STD 50D11 irrespectiveALL
of thickness.593-649 1 200
136 AD6 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
137 AE1 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A335-P5/ASTM A691-5Cr CL42 Per KNPC ENG STD 50D11 ALL 704-729 2 241
138 AE3 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A335-P5 Per KNPC ENG STD 50D11 ALL 704-729 2 241
139 AG1 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL42 Per KNPC ENG STD 50D11 ALL 704-729 2 241
140 AH3 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
141 AY2 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
142 B1A1 Licensor-8 (UOP) ASTM A106-B/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
143 B2A1 Licensor-8 (UOP) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
144 C1 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
145 C3 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
146 C4 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
147 C5 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
148 CD3 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
149 CD6 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B All welds and HAZ per KNPC ENG STD 50D11 irrespectiveALL
of thickness.593-649 1 200
150 CD9 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
151 CE1 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A335-P5/ASTM A691-5Cr CL42 Per KNPC ENG STD 50D11 ALL 704-729 2 241
152 CE2 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A335-P5 Per KNPC ENG STD 50D11 ALL 704-729 2 241
153 CH1 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
154 F1 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B For Thickness over 3/4"as per KNPC ENG STD
50D11 593-649 1 200
155 F3 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B For Thickness over 3/4"as per KNPC ENG STD
50D11 593-649 1 200
156 GR11 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B For Thickness over 3/4"as per KNPC ENG STD
50D11 593-649 1 200
157 L1 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
158 L2 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B Galvanized As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
159 L3 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B Cement Lined As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
/ASTM A672-C65 CL22 Cement Lined
160 S1 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) ASTM A106-B As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
163 125129T ASTM A335-P9/ASTM A691-9Cr CL22 PWHT ALL 704-729 2 241
164 152021K ASTM A335-P11 As per ASME B31.3 >13MM 704-729 2 225
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Attachment # E - PWHT Requirement as per Piping Class
Piping Holding Time Brinell
PWHT Requirement as Thickness Metal Temp
Sl No Class Licensor Requirement Pipe Material 0
(HR) Hadrness
Piping Class (mm) Range ( C)
Number Minimum (BHN)
169 A6 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) CS As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
170 C2 Licensor-7 (KNPC Old) CS As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200
171 LPE Licensor-9 (Kellogg) CS (Galvanized) As per ASME B31.3 >20MM 593-649 1 200