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RTVue XR 100 Avanti Edition

 Model CAM

CAM User’s Manual

Software Version 2014
Publishing details

Version 2014

Optovue Inc.
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone : 510-623-8868
Fax: 510-623-8668


For Customer Service or Technical Support:

866–941-9240 (U.S.)
510–743–0985 (U.S. and international)

Revision Control

Part Number Rev Software Ver. Description Release Date

580-49193–001 A V 2014 Reference ECR#1151 10/2013

1 SAFETY NOTES ............................................................................................................ 1
2 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 5
2.1 XR/CAM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: ............................................................................ 5
3 GETTING STARTED .................................................................................................... 7
3.1 MOUNTING THE LENS ADAPTERS ................................................................................... 7
4 PATIENT MENU ............................................................................................................ 9
5 EXAMINE MENU ........................................................................................................ 11
5.1 SCAN PATTERNS ......................................................................................................... 11
5.2 SCAN ACQUISITION: .................................................................................................... 11
5.3 SCAN ALIGNMENT ....................................................................................................... 12
5.4 TECHNICAL NOTE OF “ DEWARP” ............................................................................... 14
6 REVIEW MENU ........................................................................................................... 15
6.1 REVIEW LAYOUT ........................................................................................................ 15
6.2 MEASUREMENT ........................................................................................................... 15
6.3 REVIEW RESULT LAYOUT ........................................................................................... 15
6.3.1 Line ................................................................................................................. 15
6.3.2 Cross Line Scan .............................................................................................. 16 Scan with Thickness Measurement Tool ............................................... 17
6.3.3 Angle............................................................................................................... 17 TISA/AOD Measurement Tool ............................................................. 18
6.3.4 3D Cornea ...................................................................................................... 18
6.3.5 Pachymetry..................................................................................................... 20 Symmetry & Change Analysis .............................................................. 22 Corneal Power ....................................................................................... 23 Epithelium Thickness Mapping ............................................................. 26
7 FILE MANAGEMENT MENU ................................................................................... 29
8 MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................ 31
CARE. .................................................................................................................................... 31

9 SCAN PATTERN SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................... 33

10 TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................................................... 35
10.1 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 35
11 APPENDIX –A .............................................................................................................. 37
11.1 LICENSING CORNEAL POWER................................................................................... 37
11.2 VALIDATING CORNEAL POWER CALIBRATION TOOL ............................................... 37
12 APPENDIX –B .............................................................................................................. 47
12.1 LICENSING EPITHELIUM MAPPING ........................................................................... 47
12.2 DETECTION OF EPITHELIAL BOUNDARIES ................................................................ 48
12.4 CLINICAL VALIDATION STUDY ................................................................................ 52
12.4.1 Enrollment Criteria ........................................................................................ 52 Normal .................................................................................................. 52

XR CAM User Manual PN 580-49193-001 Rev A CL ......................................................................................................... 52 LASIK .................................................................................................. 52 PRK ...................................................................................................... 52 KCN ...................................................................................................... 53
12.4.2 Study Subject Demographics and Characteristics ......................................... 53
12.4.3 Epithelial map measurement parameters ....................................................... 55
12.4.4 Repeatability of Epithelial Mapping Software ............................................... 58

XR CAM User Manual PN 580-49193-001 Rev A

1 Safety notes
This XR system accessory has been developed and tested in accordance with the
Optovue safety standards as well as national and international regulatory guidelines.
A high degree of instrument safety has been ensured. Observe all safety notes and
information in this manual and on the device labels.

Proper instrument use

1. Always clean all patient contact surfaces (forehead and chin rest according to
the cleaning method in the XR Users Manual.
2. Ensure the CAM lens is attached when capturing scans in “Cornea” category.
3. Note the working distance to the cornea surface for CAM lens (13mm for the
4. Align the eye to the proper eye position (canthus) indicator mark on the chin
5. Illuminate the external eye structures using the Red LED illumination lights
6. Use the Live IR video image on the LCD monitor and the OCT scan window
to monitor distance and focus relative to the patient’s eye.

Intended Use

The CAM, an auxiliary lens adapter, when used in conjunction with XR, is indicated
for in vivo imaging and measurement of the cornea and other ocular structures of the
anterior segment of the eye, including pachymetry and corneal power.

Note: Either XR or XR/CAM OCT is not intended to be used as the sole

diagnostic aid in disease identification of classification.

Warning: Corneal Power Feature

The Net Corneal Power value determined by the

TCP function is NOT INTERCHANGEABLE with the
corneal power value determined by any other
device. The Net Corneal Power determined by the
TCP function of the CAM option for XR is not
intended to be used in lieu of, or replace a value
from another device into your standard IOL
calculation formula.

Warning: User Changes to Software or Hardware

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 1

The XR and XR with CAM Option are medical devices. The software and hardware is
designed in accordance with U.S., European and other international medical device
design and manufacturing standards. Unauthorized modification of RTVue XR100 or
RTVue XR with CAM Option software or hardware in any way can jeopardize the
safety of operators and patients, the performance of the instrument, and the integrity
of patient data. Modification of either of these in any way also voids the instrument
warranty in its entirety.

Product Compliance

0197 2007/47/EC Medical Device Directive

European Conformity

European Notified Body:

TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH

Tillystrasse 2, 90431 Nuremberg Germany
CE 0197

European Representative

Medical Device Safety Services (MDSS) GMbH

Schiffgraben 41
30175 Hannover, Germany

Warning: Phototoxicity

The CAM Option is an accessory only for the RTVue XR system and has no function
what-so-ever as an independent product. As such, the CAM option may not be used
independently of the RTVue XR system, and should be kept in the storage (wooden)
box when not in use.

There is no increase in the risk of phototoxicity from the RTVue XR system when used
in conjunction with the CAM option. Please refer to the RTVue XR Users Manual for
all Safety Notes pertaining to the use of the system.

Lens Identification and Serial Number Location:

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 2

CAM-L Lens (also referred to as CAM Lens)

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2 Instrument Description

What is the XR / CAM system?

XR/CAM is comprised of the XR system and the CAM option (cornea lens
adapter) for use in imaging the cornea and anterior chamber of the eye.

The lens adapter is attached and removed by a trained operator. The cornea
scan patterns and analysis functions are enabled only after the XR/CAM license
is purchased.

2.1 XR/CAM System Configuration:

The lens adapter with low magnifications (CAM-L) is not included in the standard
XR systems:

1. XR Scanner:
2. Computer:
3. System Table:
4. Monitor (Computer Display):
5. Keyboard and Mouse
6. Printer
7. Cornea lens adapter (CAM)

Please reference the XR User’s Manual for detailed descriptions of each


RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 5

External Fixation
(yellow LED)

Cornea Illuminators
(red LED)


XR CAM User Manual PN 580-49193-001 Rev A 6

3 Getting Started
Please refer to the XR install Manual for unpacking/installation instructions for the XR

3.1 Mounting the lens adapters

1. The lens has a bayonet mount system.

Note: The working distance between the lens adapter and

cornea is 13mm on CAM-L model.

Pull the scanner head all the way back, align using the live IR
video image of the patient’s eye, then gradually move the
scanner head forward until OCT scan is in the target area.
This will coincide approximately with the patient’s iris coming
into focus in the live IR video image.

Do not move the instrument head quickly and monitor

proximity to patient in order to avoid incidentally hitting the
patient’s eye with the CAM lens surface.

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4 Patient Menu
Please reference to the XR user manual for this entire section.

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5 Examine Menu
5.1 Scan Patterns
Select Cornea

Select scan pattern from pop up list and mouse click to activate scan
acquisition (a list of scan patterns and specifications is provided in
section 9).

5.2 Scan acquisition:

The following is a general procedure to acquire Cornea OCT images:

1. Turn off the exam room light (recommended)

2. Attach the CAM lens
3. Use the two red external illumination LED on headrest to illuminate the
cornea (one for each eye).
4. Instruct patient to fixate on the center of light blue internal fixation target.
5. Use the yellow external fixation LED on headrest to guide patient fixation
if required. For corneal power scan, use internal fixation target
a. Operator should center the scan on the pupil. If the misalignment
exceeds 1 mm (pupil center exceeds the boundary of the smallest
alignment circle), the scan should be excluded.
b. Operator should make sure that the eyelid or eyelashes are not
blocking or shadowing a significant portion of the image in vertical
meridians concentric circle on the screen. If there is blocking or
shadowing, the scan should be excluded.
c. Operator should observe the measurement reliability index status
on the report screen (for cornea power). A measurement with
poor measurement reliability indicates increased risk of
measurement variability. Measurements with poor reliability
should be replaced if possible.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 11

Note:Corneal power measurements are not displayed for
poor quality scans in which an algorithm failed. In this case,
the scan should be repeated

6. Align on the desired area to scan

7. Move forward until the iris is in focus in the live IR image (the image of the
desired external scanned region should be within the target zone (two
dashed red horizontal lines).
8. Adjust scan beam to target zone and orientation with joystick.
9. Adjust image quality/scan strength (P-Motor adjustment)
10. Capture scan using joystick button or capture button on screen
11. Review and process (averaging) the OCT images
12. Save the scan

Remember the follow key operation points:

1. Use the XR with CAM like a Photo slit lamp in that when the live IR video
image is in focus, stop forward motion of the scanning head as the scan
should be in the target area (or very close).
2. Auto All and Auto-Z are disabled.
3. Minimal Focus motor adjustment may be used (only available in manual
scan control options)
4. Use the P-Motor to optimize scan signal strength

The following items are pre-set and not adjustable.

1. Internal Illumination: Set to 0

2. Focus: default set to cornea (can be adjusted to optimize the image
intensity for Line, Cross Line and Angle scans)
3. Z position: Set at constant value depends on the system

5.3 Scan alignment

OCT scan window: Place the cornea B-scan image in between the two red
guide lines to optimize the cornea scan images. Pachymetry and cross line
scans will have two OCT windows, one for vertical b- scan, and one for
horizontal b- scan.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 12

Live video window-alignment of scan pattern will depend on scan type

1. Pachymetry scan: Align the aiming circle (inner circle is 4mm diameter
and outer circle is 6mm diameter) to the center of the pupil.

2. Angle scan: Use the external fixation (yellow light on gooseneck cable) to
guide the patients fixation (of the fellow eye) until the cornea/sclera edge
is parallel and located in the red guided lines region. Place center of
scan line pattern on the limbus and cornea/scleral OCT image parallel to
the red horizontal guidelines.

Note: Only when the posterior cornea/sclera tissue is parallel or

contained inside the red lines (from left to right edge of scan) are
the AOD/TISA measurements accurate.

3. line, cross line, 3-D cornea: these scans be centered on the pupil or
particular area of interest.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 13

5.4 Technical Note of “ Dewarp”

“Dewarp” is a mathematic calculation (Snell’s Law) used to transfer the OCT

image in “optical distance space” to “physical distance space”. A good
example of the image in “optical distance space” is when you see a straw in a
glass with half water full. The straw in the water seems bent at the interface
between water and air, and the portion of the straw in the water looks thicker
than the portion of the straw in the air.

There are two aspects to the dewarp calculation:

1. Shape change (like the bending of the straw): This is caused by the
cornea surface that is not perpendicular to the scan beam. This cannot
be avoided when scanning a length greater than 3mm of the cornea. If
you scan on a relative flat surface of cornea or sclera, the incident beam
is relatively perpendicular to the surface. In this instance the beam will
not be bent or warped. For example, if you make the straw perpendicular
to the water surface, the straw does not look bent or warped at the water
and air interface.

2. Distance Change: The straw looks thicker because the index of refraction
(n) of water is 1.33 times of the air (n=1.33). The cornea (n= 1.38) and
aqueous (n=1.34) are very similar but are at a higher index than that of
air. To make the physical distance measurement, the tissue thickness
needs to be divided by the index of refraction of the media.

A dewarp calculation is used on the cornea Line, Cross line and Pachymetry
scans to transfer the OCT image into a physical image of the cornea for both
shape and distance. For all other scans, the live scan image is placed within
the red dashed lines, so the incident beam is relatively perpendicular to the
tissue surface. A distance scale factor is only applied in the measurement
tool to get accurate distance and area measurements.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 14

6 Review Menu
6.1 Review Layout
Please refer to XR Users Manual

6.2 Measurement
Please refer to XR Users Manual

6.3 Review Result Layout

6.3.1 Line

On both Line & Cross line scans, if the image saved is an average processed image,
then both the averaged and single frame image will be saved.

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6.3.2 Cross Line Scan

Showing both vertical and horizontal scan images of the cornea

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 16 Scan with Thickness Measurement Tool

The artifact in the image is from an interference signal caused by the strong
signal on both anterior and posterior cornea surface. The artifact is “fixed” at
the same location. To avoid or remove the artifact from your scan, use the
joystick to move the scan on the eye slightly up/down, left or right. (you may
also use the chinrest elevation control up/down switch for chin adjustment
down to avoid the artifact).

6.3.3 Angle

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 17

This surface
should be
parallel or
fall between
the red
lines TISA/AOD Measurement Tool

TISA (Trabecular Iris Surface Area) Measurement tool is used to measure the angle
area and AOD (angle open distance) in the anterior chamber angle. The number 500
or 750 is the distance (in microns) measured between the two upper points along the
posterior cornea surface. One of these two upper points shall be located on the
sclera spur and the other one on the posterior cornea surface 500 or 750µm away
from sclera spur. The AOD is the distance from cornea to iris. The area is measured
as the trapezoidal area encompassed by these four points.

6.3.4 3D Cornea
The Cornea 3D scan has scan density of 513 A-scans and 101 B-scans.

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See the RTVue XR User’s Manual for more information about the 3D scan
presentations. The 3D Cornea presentation is similar to that for the retinal 3D
presentations (without retinal features). Below is a sample presentation created by
clicking on 3D Display.

3D volume presentation of the 3D Cornea

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 19

6.3.5 Pachymetry
The pachymetry scan is a set of 8 radial meridians 6mm in length and centered on the

Illustration of Pachymetry scan pattern consists of 8 median scans 6mm in length.

The pachymetry report is a comprehensive collection of maps, tables, and images that
provide qualitative and quantitative assessment of the cornea.
Cornea thickness results are presented as a color-coded map (6mm) and a color
scale provides reference values for colors. Thicker values are hot colors like red and
orange, while thinner values are cool colors like blue and black.

Individual B-scans are displayed in the presentation window above the map. Different
B-scans can be displayed by clicking on the thickness map (making it interactive) and
moving the cursor around slowly to the white lines (scan location indicators).

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 20

Pachymetry Assessment

The Pachymetry analysis provides some key thickness parameters in the table to the
left of the Pachymetry report (note the values in the red circle above). It is suggested
in literature that a difference (delta) of 50 microns or more between the superior and
inferior sectors being compared is suspect.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 21 Symmetry & Change Analysis

Symmetry analysis for Pachymetry results

Change Analysis results for Pachymetry, Cornea Power and Epithelial Map

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 22 Corneal Power

The Corneal Power feature is available to customers who have purchased the
Corneal Power upgrade. For information on how to install and validate the cornea
power tool, please refer to installation manual.

The Net Corneal Power value determined by the TCP

function is NOT INTERCHANGEABLE with the corneal
power value determined by any other device. The Net
Corneal Power determined by the TCP function of the
CAM option for RTVue XR is not intended to be used in
lieu of, or replace a value from another device into your
standard IOL calculation formula.

Summary description
Corneal power is one of the key input parameters for IOL power calculation in cataract
surgery. In clinical practice, corneal power is commonly measured by manual or
automated keratometry or by simulated keratometry (Sim-K) from Placido-ring corneal
topographers. Corneal power provided by keratometry or topography is based on
measuring the anterior surface curvature of the cornea and assuming a fixed ratio of
0.883 between posterior and anterior curvature to compute the total corneal power.
Corneal power measurement with keratometer or topographer works well enough in
normal eyes, but the assumption of fixed ratio between anterior and posterior
curvature could lead to erroneous corneal power assessment in eyes with corneal
pathology or eyes with prior refractive surgery for obvious reasons. Therefore,
direct measurement of both anterior and posterior corneal curvatures to assess
corneal refractive power as implemented in XR CAM could be advantageous.

The XR CAM net corneal power is not clinically interchangeable with keratometric
corneal power measurements or Pentacam net corneal power measurement for IOL
Power calculation. In other words, the XR CAM corneal power measurements cannot
be directly applied in existing IOL power formulas developed based on measurements
provided by other devices, such as keratometer or Pentacam

XR corneal power scan is performed with CAM adaptor and with the “Pachymetry”
scan protocol which consists of 5 sets of pachymetry scan. Each set of pachymetry
scan consists of 8 evenly spaced meridian scans (6 mm in length each) centered on
the pupil.

The corneal curvature radii are derived based on best fit sphere to the central 3 mm
for anterior and posterior surfaces. The anterior and posterior corneal power is
calculated based on refractive indices of 1.376 for the cornea and 1.336 for the
aqueous. The net corneal power is calculated using a thick lens formula based on
anterior corneal power, posterior corneal power, taking into account the central
thickness of the cornea. See Appendix A for additional description.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 23

Summary Report
The results of the Corneal Power scan provides Net, Anterior, and Posterior power
measurements, representing the net corneal power, anterior corneal power, and
posterior corneal power respectively, in measurement unit of diopter (D). The radius
of curvature measurements are also provided, in measurement unit of mm. A
measurement reliability index for the corneal power measurement is also provided on
the analysis report.

When acquiring Corneal Power scan, the following steps should be observed.

 Patient must be instructed to fixate on the center of light-blue internal fixation

target with the test eye.
 Operator should center the scan on the pupil. If the misalignment exceeds 1
mm (pupil center exceeds the boundary of the smallest concentric circle on
the screen), the scan should be excluded.
 Operator should set the working distance properly by placing the corneal
cross-sectional images within the range defined by the two horizontal red
lines to avoid image cropping.
 Operator should make sure that the lids of the eye are not blocking or
shadowing a significant portion of the image in vertical meridians.
 Operator should observe the measurement reliability index status on the
report screen. A measurement with poor measurement reliability indicates
increased risk of measurement variability. Measurements with poor reliability
should be replaced if possible.
 Corneal power measurements are not displayed for poor quality scans in
which an algorithm failed. In this case, the scan should be repeated.

Correct patient fixation and alignment centered on pupil are both critical to
produce consistent corneal power measurement.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 24

Examples of corneal power scan quality problems to watch for are provided in
Appendix A

The repeatability (standard deviation) of the corneal power scan with XR CAM is
summarized in the table below. The repeatability of corneal power parameters is
better than 0.25D for a single scan in the normal eye and the post-laser refractive
surgery eyes. For clinical use, it is recommended that a user takes at least 3 corneal
power scans and calculate mean corneal power to further reduce measurement

Pathological or
Post-Laser Refractive
Normal Post-Incisional
Net Corneal Power (D) 0.21 0.17 0.35
Anterior Corneal Power (n=1.3375) (D) 0.20 0.16 0.39
Posterior Corneal Power (D) 0.05 0.05 0.16
Anterior Radius of Curvature (mm) 0.034 0.030 0.064
Posterior Radius of Curvature (mm) 0.050 0.048 0.172
Central Corneal Thickness (µm) 2.1 1.9 3.8
Thinnest Corneal Thickness (µm) 3.8 1.3 18.0

To ensure system stability overtime, the corneal power software automatically
prompts for a weekly validation test. The validation test is performed with the corneal
power validation tool stored with the instrument. The result of the validation test is
compared with the stored value obtained during the initial corneal power calibration to
verify system stability. The limit of acceptable difference is ±0.25D; if exceeded, the
software will not allow acquisition of corneal power scan. A warning message is
displayed on screen with instructions for further actions. See Appendix A for
instructions to perform the Validation Test.

If the weekly validation test is not performed on schedule, the corneal power feature
will be automatically disabled and only pachymetry measurement will be produced. To
reactivate corneal power measurement, select the validation test and perform the test
according to instruction.


1. Seitz B, Langenbucher A, Nguyen NX, Kus MM, Ku¨chle M. Underestimation of

intraocular lens power for cataract surgery after myopic photorefractive
keratectomy. Ophthalmology 1999; 106:6936–702.
2. Wang L, Hill WE, Koch DD. Evaluation of intraocular lens power prediction
methods using the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Post-
Keratorefractive Intraocular Lens Power Calculator. J Cataract Refract Surg 2010;
3. Tang M, Li Y, Avila M, Huang D. Measuring total corneal power before and after
laser in situ keratomileusis with high-speed optical coherence tomography. J
Cataract Refract Surg. 2006; 32:1843-50.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 25 Epithelium Thickness Mapping

The Epithelium Thickness Mapping feature is available to customers who have

purchased the Epithelium Thickness Mapping upgrade. It is not offered in the US or
USCFG countries

There is a clinical need to measure epithelial cell layer separately from the
pachymetry of the cornea. The thickness distribution of the layer is useful in the
evaluation and follow up of patients for irregularities and/or changes due to
pathologies, contact lens, or refractive surgeries. Epithelium Thickness measures
the thickness from the epithelial cell surface to Bowman’s membrane. The Epithelium
Thickness Mapping feature is an upgrade to the pachymetry scan – a sample
pachymetry report with epithelium thickness mapping is shown below.

The scan report of epithelium thickness displays an Epithelium Map to the right of the
pachymetry scan. Note: the Epithelium Map uses a different color legend than that for
the Pachymetry Map. An Epithelium Thickness analysis is displayed underneath the
Pachymetry analysis as well.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 26

Symmetry Analysis

Pachymetry change analysis with epithelial thickness and corneal power

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 27

OU Report

Pachymetry OU report with epithelial mapping and corneal power

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 28

7 File Management Menu
Please reference to the XR manual for this entire section.

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8 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Please refer to the XR manual for this entire section plus additional
CAM lens care.
1. Keep the CAM lenses in the wooden case provided when not using
2. Routinely check the lens for dust, fingerprints, or smudges.
3. Use the same cleaning method as is recommended in the XR User
Manual to use to clean the front ocular lens of the XR.

Cleaning the Corneal Power Validation Tool

1. Keep the Corneal Power Validation Tool in the wooden case provided
when not in use.
2. Routinely check the lens for dust, fingerprints, or smudges.
3. Use the same cleaning methods as is recommended in the XR User
manual to clean the front ocular lens of the XR.

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9 Scan Pattern Specifications
Name Description # A- Adjustability Default
Scan Pattern
Pachymetry 8 radial lines with 6mm 1020 x 8 Fixed 6mm radial
scan length (1020 A- scan
scans/line) and 22.5
degree interval.
Pachymetry 8 radial scans with 6mm 1020 x 8 x Fixed 6mm radial
+ Corneal scan length (1020 A- 5 (due to scan
Power scans/line) and 22.5 5 repeated
degree interval. sets)

5 repeated sets are

Cornea Line 1020 A-scans/line with 1020 x 1 Transverse: 2 -8 mm 8mm, 0
adjustable scan length (0.5 mm increment) degree
Angle: -90° - 90° (1°

Cornea Cross Two scan lines 1020 x 2 Transverse: 2 -8 mm 8mm, 0

Line orthogonal to each other (0.5 mm increment) degree
with adjustable scan Angle: -90° - 90° (1°
length (1020 A- increment)

Angle 1 scan line with 1020 x 1 Transverse: 2 -6 mm 3mm, 0

adjustable scan length (0.5 mm increment) degree
(1020 A-scans/line) Angle: -90°- 90° (1°

3D Cornea 101 horizontal scan 513 x 101 Transverse: 4mm -6mm 6 mm

lines with 6mm scan (1mm increment)
length (513 A- Angle: fixed at 0°
scans/line) and 60 µm
interval between each
horizontal scan.

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10 Technical Data
10.1 System Specifications

A. Performance Specifications Summary:

1. OCT Image Resolution: 5 µm (in tissue)
2. OCT Image Scan Rate: 70,000 A-Scan/Second
3. Scan Depth: Maximum of 2.3 mm
4. Scan Length:
a. CAM-L: 2-8 mm

5. Cornea Image FOV:

a. FOV: 12mm x 8mm

B. Cornea Imager:
Monochrome CCD Camera: 811x 508 pixel 1/3” CCD Format
NIR Illumination: 735nm LED

C. Patient Interface:
Working distance:
CAM-L: 13 mm

Motorized Chin-Rest adjustable range: 65mm

Joystick controlled X-Y-Z adjustment: X-100m, Y-85mm, Z-25mm
Lock-mechanism: Manual

D. Measurement Features:
Cornea Analysis:
- CAM-L:
i. Pachymetry map
1. Cornea thickness map
2. Flap/Stroma thickness Measurement
3. Pachymetry Assessment
4. Corneal Power Assessment
ii. Line: Flap/Stroma, Distance/Area measurement
iii. Cross line : Flap/Stroma, Distance, Area measurement
iv. Angle Scan (3mm scan length, 2.3mm depth)
1. AOD 500/750 measurement
2. TISA 500/750 measurement
3. Angle in degrees

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11 Appendix –A

11.1 Licensing Corneal Power

This feature is a license controlled revenue product and payment for the license
is in advance only.

Please follow the activation instructions provided with the license key in the document
titled “Corneal Power License Key – Activation Instructions.”

11.2 Validating Corneal Power Calibration Tool

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 37

Corneal Power (Calibration) Validation
The Cornea Power scan must be re-calibrated every 7 days. Clinical staff should be
trained to perform the below calibration validation steps every 7 days. Before using
the calibration tool, please make sure tool is clean. Refer to section 8 maintenance
and troubleshooting for steps to clean the calibration tool.

1. Attach the CAM lens onto the RTVue XR machine and slip the calibration tool
on the end of the lens until it stops. Tighten the white lock nut as shown in
the figure below.

2. Select Test Patient

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 38

3. Click Examine and select the Pachymetry scan. A warning window will pop-
up as shown in the below image. Click Yes in the window.

4. Start the scan

5. Click that the two images are between the red parallel lines. The 2 images
are in the X and Y axis planes.

6. Using the mouse, click and hold the target on the aiming screen and move the
aim LEFT or RIGHT to get a wide reflection on the image and to align the
center of the reflection to the center guideline on the X Axis plane.
7. Using the mouse, click and hold the target on the aiming screen and move the
aim UP or DOWN to get a wide reflection on the image and to align the center
of the reflection to the center guideline on the Y Axis plane.

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8. Press “Auto P” to optimize the signal.
9. Once the OCT reflection and red dotted line are aligned, click the green check
mark, and save the scan. The machine will confirm calibration of cornea
10. The machine is now ready. Note: The calibration procedure will need to be
repeated every 7 days.
11. If validation fails and error message similar to the one below appears, remove
and clean the Validation tool.

12. Re-install the Validation tool over the CAM lens until it stops, tighten the white
lock screw and retry validation.
13. If error message continues to appear when attempting the Validation, the TCP
requires a re-installation. Contact your Optovue service department for

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11.3 Corneal Power Scan and Calculations with RTVue

The corneal power scan consists of 5 sets of pachymetry scans in rapid succession.
Each set of pachymetry scan consists of 8 meridian scans of 6mm in length centered
on the pupil.

As illustrated in the figure below, the anterior and posterior corneal curvature radii are
calculated from 8 meridian corneal cross-sectional images based on the central 3 mm
zone. The corneal anterior power ( K a ) and posterior power ( K p ) are calculated
based on the anterior radius ( Ra ) and the posterior radius ( Rp ) as follow:

n1  n0 n2  n1
Ka  , Kp 
Ra Rp
where n0 = 1, n1 = 1.376 and n2 = 1.336.

The net corneal power is computed using thick lens formula:

K  Ka  K p  * Ka * K p
where D is the central corneal thickness.

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11.4 Examples of Poor or Borderline Quality Corneal
Power Scan

Invalid scan. No corneal power measurement are calculated

Poor reliability index.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 42

Scan out of range, placed too low in the window that part of the corneal cross-
sectional OCT image is cropped.

Eyelid blocking more than 1mm of the image.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 43

Eyelid blocking between 0.5mm ~ 1 mm of the image.

Occasionally, eyelid or eyelash artifact in meridians other than the vertical one (due to
blinking) could cause obvious artifact in the pachymetry map but no obvious impact on
CCPNet measurement quality.

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Misalignment on pupil between 0.5mm ~ 1mm.

Pupil blocked by eyelid in the video image and alignment cannot be assessed.

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Page intentionally left blank

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12 Appendix –B

12.1 Licensing Epithelium Mapping

This feature is a license controlled revenue product and payment for the license
is in advance only.

Please follow the activation instructions provided with the license key in the document
titled “Epithelium Mapping License Key – Activation Instructions.”

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 47

12.2 Detection of Epithelial Boundaries

The automatic algorithm measures epithelial thickness from corneal anterior surface
to the posterior boundary of the epithelia. The posterior boundary is defined as the
interface of epithelia and Bowman’s Layer. When the Bowman’s layer is absent as in
post-PRK eyes, the posterior boundary is defined as the interface of epithelia and the
corneal stroma. There is characteristic reflectivity change at the interfaces which is
utilized in the automatic algorithm for boundary detection. The automatic
segmentation of the corneal anterior and posterior boundaries and epithelial posterior
boundary and resulting corneal thickness map and epithelial thickness map are
illustrated with a post-LASIK eye and with a post-PRK eye as illustrated in the
following two images respectively. Because of the difference in the characteristics in
the epithelial posterior boundary in LASIK and PRK eyes, for this validation study, we
separated the post-laser refractive surgery eyes into LASIK group and PRK group in
the data analysis.

Automatic segmentation of corneal and epithelial boundaries in the right eye of a 33

yrs. old male study subject with LASIK previously. The Bowman’s layer is clearly
visible and in some region, the LASIK flap interface is also visible. The automatic
segmentation lines for the corneal and epithelial boundaries are shown in the middle.
The resulting thickness maps are shown on the right.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 48

Automatic segmentation of corneal and epithelial boundaries in the left eye of a 42
yrs. old female study subject with PRK previously. The Bowman’s Layer is absent as
the result of the PRK procedure. The automatic segmentation lines for the corneal and
epithelial boundaries are shown in the middle. The resulting thickness maps are
shown on the right.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 49

12.3 Identification of Segmentation Error and Manual

Check epithelial map for obvious segmentation error along the 8 meridian scan lines.
When segmentation error was noted, corresponding cross-sectional OCT image with
segmentation line overlay was reviewed for confirmation.

Examples of scans from the same eyes with successful segmentation and with
obvious segmentation error are shown in the figure below.

Pachymetry maps (Left) and epithelial maps (Right) of a 44 yrs. old KCN patient. The
epithelial segmentation was acceptable for the 1 scan (Top row) but failed in
meridian 2 (M-2) in the 2 scan (Bottom row). The segmentation error is easily
recognized based on sharp color change along the scan lines.

Manual correction is quite feasible when the error is limited to a small number of
meridians, and could be helpful when imaging difficult eyes. As illustrated in the figure
below, the segmentation error in meridian 6 causing a visible artifact in the epithelial
map (Top row), and with manual correction of the segmentation error in meridian 6,
the artifact in the epithelial map is much reduced. Note that manual correction of the
posterior boundary of the epithelial layer didn’t affect the pachymetry map. If a scan
has segmentation error in multiple meridians, it is probably more efficient to retake the
scan instead of manually correcting each affected meridian.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 50

Pachymetry map and epithelial map of the left eye of a 65 yrs. old male KCN patient.
Note the artifact in the epithelial map in meridian 6 (M-6) in the Top row. After
manually adjusting the epithelial segmentation line for Meridian 6, the epithelial map
was reprocessed with the correction. Note the defect in the epithelial map after is
much reduced (bottom row). The pachymetry map remains the same before and after.

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12.4 Clinical Validation Study

Clinical validation of the software was performed based on the following study groups
 Normal cornea with no contact lens wearing history (Normal)
 Normal cornea with regular contact lens wearing history (CL)
 Post-laser refractive surgery cornea (Post-LRS), which was further
separated into two sub groups in the analysis: post-LASIK group
(LASIK) and post-PRK group (PRK)
 Keratoconus cornea (KCN)

While we do not expect the dry eye syndrome group to pose extra difficulty in the
epithelial thickness automatic measurement algorithm as compared to the KCN group
or the LASIK and PRK groups, the performance data for the dry eye syndrome
group has not been established and extra caution is recommended when using
the device for the measurement of the dry eye subject group.

12.4.1 Enrollment Criteria Normal
Subjects were recruited from staff volunteers, patients seeking refractive
surgery consultation, and patients seeking cataract surgery consultation
according to the following criteria
18 years of age or older
No corneal pathology
Not a contact lens wearer
No prior ocular surgery and no prior laser refractive surgery CL
Subjects were recruited from staff volunteers, patients seeking refractive
surgery consultation, and patients seeking cataract surgery consultation
according to the following criteria
18 years of age or older
A regular contact lens wearer
No corneal pathology
No prior ocular surgery and no prior laser refractive surgery LASIK
Subjects were recruited from the pool of post-LASIK patients according to the
following criteria
18 years of age or older
No corneal pathology
No prior ocular surgery except laser refractive surgery
At least 1 week post laser refractive surgery without complication PRK
Subjects were recruited from the pool of post-PRK patients according to the
following criteria
18 years of age or older
No corneal pathology
No prior ocular surgery except laser refractive surgery

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 52

At least 1 week post laser refractive surgery without complication KCN
Subjects were recruited from the pool of patients with keratoconus diagnosis
according to the following criteria
18 years of age or older
Clinical diagnosis of keratoconus
No prior laser refractive surgery

Epithelial measurement parameters evaluated:

 Min: Minimum epithelial thickness of the map

 Max: Maximum epithelial thickness of the map
 Std Dev: Standard deviation of the epithelial thickness of the map
 Superior: Average epithelial thickness of the superior region of the
map between 2mm to 5mm in diameter
 Inferior: Average epithelial thickness of the inferior region of the map
between 2mm to 5mm in diameter.
 Central: Average epithelial thickness of the central 2mm diameter

12.4.2 Study Subject Demographics and Characteristics

17 normal subjects, 10 CL subjects, 12 LASIK subjects, 9 PRK subjects, and 13 KCN

patients were included in the validation study.

Age distribution by study group.

Analysis Variable : Age

Group Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 34.50 12.748 38.000 18.000 56.000
KCN 13 13 48.53 12.306 42.000 27.000 69.000
LASIK 12 12 50.58 12.937 39.000 26.000 65.000
Normal 17 17 46.29 15.280 46.000 19.000 65.000
PRK 9 9 41.77 12.969 41.000 23.000 64.000

Signal strength distribution by study group.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 53

Analysis Variable : SSI
Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 40.91 3.548 12.590 36.097 48.686
KCN 13 13 42.13 8.810 29.304 33.072 62.376
LASIK 12 12 39.23 3.921 12.453 32.500 44.953
Normal 17 17 39.78 3.029 12.410 32.090 44.500
PRK 9 9 42.01 4.545 11.828 36.199 48.027

Central corneal thickness distribution by study group.

Analysis Variable : CCT

Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 525.70 16.174 58.267 497.644 555.911
KCN 13 13 486.50 54.382 182.26 367.665 549.930
7 5
LASIK 12 12 530.35 34.791 122.61 467.318 589.930
0 1
Normal 17 17 541.93 46.227 159.12 468.417 627.540
0 3
PRK 9 9 464.73 57.486 173.95 361.434 535.391
4 7

Thinnest corneal thickness distribution by study group.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 54

Analysis Variable : Thinnest_CT
Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 515.25 23.813 83.673 465.889 549.562
KCN 13 13 427.43 79.515 273.88 239.691 513.578
0 6
LASIK 12 12 522.21 35.396 126.34 457.260 583.606
5 6
Normal 17 17 534.25 46.444 164.25 457.860 622.114
4 4
PRK 9 9 455.63 57.296 170.37 353.674 524.047
6 2

12.4.3 Epithelial map measurement parameters

The descriptive statistics for the epithelial thickness map derived parameters are
provided in the tables below.

Descriptive statistics for minimum epithelial thickness by study group.

Analysis Variable : Min

Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 47.89 5.320 17.809 36.545 54.354
KCN 13 8 37.68 6.727 20.220 25.436 45.656
LASIK 12 12 52.15 3.073 8.639 47.839 56.478
Normal 17 16 51.03 2.318 9.110 46.432 55.542
PRK 9 8 52.53 6.057 19.257 42.105 61.362

Descriptive statistics for maximum epithelial thickness by study group.

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 55

Analysis Variable : Max
Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 56.01 4.710 13.925 50.603 64.528
KCN 13 8 61.29 4.459 14.686 53.635 68.321
LASIK 12 12 62.07 3.620 12.184 55.970 68.154
Normal 17 16 58.53 3.443 13.710 53.741 67.452
PRK 9 8 63.34 6.285 20.470 54.738 75.208

Descriptive statistics for standard deviation of the epithelial map by study group.

Analysis Variable : Std Dev

Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 1.790 0.537 1.664 1.059 2.723
KCN 13 8 5.731 2.265 6.986 2.662 9.648
LASIK 12 12 2.299 0.854 2.623 1.457 4.080
Normal 17 16 1.783 0.923 3.699 0.788 4.487
PRK 9 8 2.587 0.988 2.963 1.615 4.578

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 56

Descriptive statistics for central epithelial thickness by study group.

Analysis Variable : Central

Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 52.62 4.482 14.617 46.577 61.194
KCN 13 8 50.70 5.867 14.214 42.379 56.593
LASIK 12 12 57.97 4.489 17.259 49.258 66.517
Normal 17 16 55.26 2.739 9.578 51.014 60.592
PRK 9 8 56.90 7.229 22.800 45.082 67.882

Descriptive statistics for superior epithelial thickness by study group.

Analysis Variable : Superior

Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 51.88 4.319 13.774 44.528 58.302
KCN 13 8 52.17 6.448 20.869 39.955 60.824
LASIK 12 12 56.72 3.438 10.247 51.808 62.055
Normal 17 16 54.03 2.162 7.721 50.873 58.594
PRK 9 8 57.62 5.739 17.515 49.821 67.336

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 57

Descriptive statistics for inferior epithelial thickness by study group.

Analysis Variable : Inferior

Group N Obs N Mean Std Dev Range Minimum Maximum
CL 10 10 52.99 4.176 11.650 46.827 58.477
KCN 13 8 50.48 3.351 9.280 46.380 55.660
LASIK 12 12 58.18 3.413 12.416 51.682 64.098
Normal 17 16 56.08 3.163 11.229 51.337 62.566
PRK 9 8 59.15 6.420 19.837 50.678 70.515

12.4.4 Repeatability of Epithelial Mapping Software

Repeatability was assessed based on 3 repeated scans acquired per subjects. An
example of typical repeated scans is shown in the figure belowof a study subject in
the LASK group. The video images in the left column shows good alignment on the
eye for all 3 scans, the middle column shows the pachymetry maps, and the right
column shows the epithelial maps.

For the automatic algorithm, the repeatability was assessed for the 6 measurement
parameters respectively.

Repeatability (within-subject standard deviation) of epithelial parameters

Central Superior Inferior Std Dev Max Min

Group (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)
µm µm µm µm µm µm

CL 1.46 1.51 1.79 0.37 2.06 2.40

KCN 1.23 1.29 1.10 0.44 1.59 0.97
LASIK 0.79 1.07 0.67 0.24 1.18 1.20
Normal 0.84 1.24 0.69 0.32 0.78 1.50
PRK 0.72 0.90 0.47 0.34 1.08 1.15

RTVue/CAM User Manual PN 580 -49193-001 Rev A 58

Three repeated scans from the right eye of a 33 yr. old male from the LASIK group.
The left column shows alignment on the eye well centered on the pupil. The middle
column shows the pachymetry maps, and the right column shows the epithelial
thickness maps.

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