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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9 Co1 Final

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

Quarter 2
Lesson 4: Bridging Connections between Poetry and Life

I. The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding

A. Grade level of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other texts types
Standards for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Most Essential Make connections between texts to particular social issues, concerns or dispositions in
Learning real life.
C. Objectives At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
1. Make connections between texts to issues, concerns, or dispositions in real life;
2. Use Literature as a way of understanding one’s life experiences as well as other
people’s lives and circumstances; and
3. Distinguish the features present in poetry.
II. Content Bridging Connections between Poetry and Life
III. Learning Resources
A. References ENGLISH 9
Learning Activity Sheet Grade 9
English Quarter 2-Module 1
B. Other Resources English Module
C. Materials Learning Activity Sheet
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminaries  Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Health Protocol
Men always find meaning in anything that
happens to them; whether good or bad, pleasant
or dishonorable, blissful or anguished. Indeed,
there is always a connection between poetry and
life. And why not, when poetry is given life by
men’s experiences, feelings, decisions,
dispositions, struggles, and successes? Let us
then be inspired with what is written for no
matter how excellent or miserable its subject
may be, poetry still bears bright ripples of hope
and success.

A. Reviewing To start our lesson, let’s have this simple

Previous lesson or activity, this activity is what you call BREAK
presenting the new THE EGG ACTIVITY!
lesson As I play the music, 5 plastic eggs will be passed
to you, when the music stops, whoever has the
egg will break/open the egg and will answer the
question inside it.
Are you ready class?
Yes ma’am.
(The teacher will play the music, while 5 plastic
eggs are pass to students, after 1 min. of playing,
whoever has the egg will break it and answer the
question inside it.

Questions inside the egg.

1. In poetry, how do you call the underlined
“ Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Who’s the greatest of them all?”
Very good.

2. What literary device is used in the tongue

“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper
Where’s the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper

3. Where are these romantic lines lifted?

“If profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this;
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss
Romeo and Juliet of William
Absolutely right Shane. Shakespeare

4. What comprises the seven ages of man or

stages in life of man according to the poem?

Infancy, schoolboy, teenager,

young man, middle age, old age,
and death
5. “O Captain, My Captain” is an example of

I am glad that you can still recall your lessons on
these literary devices
Now, let us take another look to your answers.

RHYME- the repetition of the same or similar

sounds at the end of each line. It is achieved
when two or more words have the same sound
when spoken or read, though these words may
not have the same spelling.

ALLITERATION- is the repetition of consonant

sounds at the beginning of the words.

ELEGY- a form of serious reflection, typically a

lament for the dead.

The Seven Ages of Man by William


Romeo and Juliet of William Shakespeare

B. Establishing a At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

purpose for the 1. Make connections between texts to issues,
lesson concerns, or dispositions in real life;
2. Use Literature as a way of understanding
one’s life experiences as well as other people’s
lives and circumstances; and
3. Distinguish the features present in poetry.
C. Presenting Now let us proceed to this activity.
examples/instances of
(Pictures of Great personalities of the World
will be posted in front)

1. Can you name some of the great

personalities of the world who are
included in the collage?
2. Do you think they are truly great?
3. Among those whom you have identified,
who do you consider as the greatest?
4. In this time of pandemic, who do you
regard as truly great? Why?

Answers vary but make sure that

the students were able to justify
their answers.
D. Discussing new Very good class, because you are familiar to the
concepts and different great personalities of the world.
practicing new skills This time let us read this famous poem.
#1 Read the poem aloud and listen to the message it
whispers to you. Observe the abundance of
literary devices used by the author. Analyze how
wonderfully the words are chosen to extract the
richness of the ideas in each stanza.

(The copy of the poem is being flash on a TV

screen and posted on the board to cater the needs
of near sighted and far sighted students.)


By: Stephen Spender
I think continually of those who were truly

Who, from the womb, remembered the soul’s

Through corridors of light, where the hours are
Endless and singing. Whose lovely ambition
Was that their lips, still touched with fire,
Should tell of the Spirit, clothed from head to
foot in song.
And who hoarded from the Spring branches
The desires falling across their bodies like

What is precious, is never to forget

The essential delight of the blood drawn from
ageless springs
Breaking through rocks on worlds before our
Never to deny its pleasure in the morning
simple light
Nor its grave evening demand for love.
Never to allow gradually the traffic to smother
With noise and fog, the flowering of the spirit.

Near the snow, near the sun, in the highest

See how these names are feted by the waving
And by the streamers of white cloud
And whispers of wind in the listening sky.
The names of those who in their lives fought for
Who wore at their hearts the fire’s centre.
Born of the sun, they travelled a short while
toward the sun
And left the vivid air signed with their honour.

Discussion on the meaning and analysis of the

poem I Think Continually of Those Who were
Truly great through Powerpoint Presentation

The students will read the poem

aloud, preferably by row.
E. Discussing new Check Me Out!
concepts and
practicing new skills 1. Who are being described by the persona
#2 in the first verse? What tone did the
author use to describe them?

Yes, Althea
These are people who have great
contribution in the society. The
author is proud to describe them.

Absolutely right, Althea.

Spender describes these truly great people as
those ‘who remembered the soul’s history from
the womb and Those individuals who have made
a big difference in the world.

2. According to the second stanza, how are

we supposed to treat precious things and
great people?

May I have your idea, Abbygale

Never forget them and their
legacy, Ma’am.

Correct Abbygale. Never forget them and their

legacy. Spender states that their effort has
broken through rocks before our earth, which is
another way to say that their efforts are timeless.

3. In the last two lines of the third stanza,

name a few groups of people who, by
virtue of their job or vocation, fall under
this category.

Born of the sun, they travelled a short while

toward the sun
And left the vivid air signed with their honour.

Possible answers
Soldiers, Social workers, peace
advocates, teachers, etc.

Wonderful answers.
Thank you
F. Developing What are the elements of a poetry shown in the
Mastery poem?
Give the particular line/part of the poem that
shows/reflects the element.
Answers may vary.

G. Finding Practical A Wall to Remember!

Applications of
concepts and Skills in Let us do this activity by group/row.
Daily Living Imagine that these frames will be hung on the
Wall of Fame. Whose faces would you like to
appear in the frame based on the given category.
Cut their pictures and paste them on their
appropriate frames. You can use symbolism on
this category.

State their name, their greatest contribution in

the society, give/state their famous lines.

I have pictures here that you can use for this
activity. You are free to choose 1 picture for
each frame.

5 minutes to accomplish this activity.

Rubric for A wall to Remember

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Creativity Exceptional Most of the Only a few Minimal
degree of wall of fame areas of the creativity or
creativity is reflects wall of fame wall of fame
displayed in student reflect is a
creating the creativity in student recreation of
wall of fame, creating a creativity presenting
showing collage image
flexibility of
thought and
Design The The The The wall of
organization of organization organization fame did not
the wall of of the wall of the wall unify and
fame of fame of fame appeared
synthesized synthesized synthesized disjoined
independent all but a all but a
parts into couple of couple of (3)
singular work of (2) areas areas into
art that unifies into singular singular
and balances work of art work of art
that unifies that unifies
and and
balances balances
Craftman Wall of fame Wall of Wall of Haphazard
ship seamlessly fame was fame was craftmanship
assembled and well well
completely assembled assembled
covered with only a with only a
few pieces few pieces
(1-2) that (3-4) that
are not well are not well
cut or well cut or well
glued down glued down

Good Job! After 5 mins, each group will

present their output.

H. Making I think Continually…

generalizations and
abstractions about Think of a person who you consider as a true
the lesson great man or a man who did greatness in his
Write 2 to 3 sentences in a ½ sheet of paper
I. Evaluating You have been exposed to different types of poetry.
Learning It would be nice to show us your take-away by doing
the Exit Ticket. Be sure to answer all items to pass
through the next level.

1. In this lesson, I learned new words, such
a. ______________
b. ______________
c. ______________

2. I was especially Hooked in the particular

topic on


But then I think I need more time understanding

the topic on ______________. As a
consequence, I will try to cope with it

3. Through this lesson, I realized, that life


J. Additional Have an advance reading on the difference

activities for between Prose and Poetry for our next lesson.
application or

Remember class, always practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Prepared by:


English Teacher

Observed by:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher V

Region 2, or popularly known as Cagayan Valley, has eight major IP groups

found in its five provinces. The Isinay and Gaddang of Nueva Vizcaya, the
Calinga, Aeta, and Agta- Dumagat of Isabela, the Aggay, Agta, Aeta and
Malaueg of Cagayan and the Ivatan of Batanes.

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