Laser Machining: Natarajan Jeyaprakash, Che-Hua Yang and Manickam Bhuvanesh Kumar
Laser Machining: Natarajan Jeyaprakash, Che-Hua Yang and Manickam Bhuvanesh Kumar
Laser Machining: Natarajan Jeyaprakash, Che-Hua Yang and Manickam Bhuvanesh Kumar
Laser Machining
Natarajan Jeyaprakash, Che-Hua Yang
and Manickam Bhuvanesh Kumar
The increasing demands of materials with superior properties are given priority
by most of the industries in recent years due to their higher performance levels.
Machining of hard materials is a challenging task since it involves higher cutting
forces and rapid tool wear. This leads to complexity in shaping these difficult-to
machine materials such as advanced composite and ceramics. There have been many
alternative techniques developed to overcome the shortcomings of conventional
machining processes. Laser beam machining (LBM) is one of the advanced non-
contact machining processes that employ monochromatic light with high frequency
for machining using thermal energy. The highly energized photos are focused on a
material cause heating, melting and vaporizes the material which is effectively used
to remove unwanted portion of a material. Due to higher coherency of laser beam,
materials can be machined very precisely than conventional machining processes.
Generally, the laser-based material processing is suitable for a brittle type of mate-
rial with minimum conductivity. However, this laser machining can be used for all
kinds of materials in most cases. This chapter provides the principle of laser and its
types, mechanism of material removal using laser, applications, advantages, and
limitations of LBM.
1. Introduction
Practical Applications of Laser Ablation
2. Principle of laser
Figure 1.
Excitation between energy levels.
Laser Machining
Figure 2.
Excitation between energy levels.
Figure 3.
Excitation between energy levels.
Practical Applications of Laser Ablation
3. Properties of laser
3.1 Coherence
3.2 Monochromatic
Figure 4.
Components of electromagnetic wave.
Laser Machining
Directionality is a property by which a light beam bends after passing sharp cor-
ners of objects. Diffraction or scattering of light at sharp edges increase the distance
Figure 5.
Schematic of spatially and temporally (a) coherent light and (b) incoherent light.
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
Comparison of radiation from normal light bulb and a laser beam.
Practical Applications of Laser Ablation
from light source therefore certain amount of energy is lost. But laser beams possess
very low-diffraction property hence higher energy transfer can be effectively
achieved. This directional characteristic is useful when directing the laser beam for
machining applications.
The intensive radiance of a light is defined as the amount of power emitted per
unit area for a given solid angle. The unit for radiance is watts per square meter per
steradian. The angle by which a light beam is focused as a cone is called a solid angle.
Since the intensity of photons is high in laser beam, it can have high output powers.
Laser light source possess extreme amount of intensive radiance and transmitted
through a small solid edge angle. This property makes it very convenient to be
used for machining operations. Figure 7 gives the comparison of power density
transmitted by normal light source and a laser [3].
4. Types of laser
Lasers are classified based on the state of lasing medium used and the temporal
mode. Based on the physical nature lasers are classified into solid-state lasers, gas
lasers, semiconductor, and liquid dye lasers [4]. Based on temporal mode, further
laser is categorized into two modes namely continuous wave (CW) and pulsed
mode. Continuous mode emits the laser beam continuously without interruption
whereas pulsed mode emits the laser beam periodically. Tables 1 and 2 shows the
important laser types along with their wavelengths.
In solid-state layers, the lasing medium is doped with very small number of
impurity ions. Maimam has developed the first solid-state laser during 1960 which
was a ruby laser. There are a number of laser types developed in the solid-state
category in which Nd:YAG is majorly used for LBM applications. Solid-state lasers
such as Nd:YAG, ruby and Nd-glass are highly used for machining metallic materi-
als. Nd:YAG lasers can also be used to ceramic materials. Gas lasers are grouped
HeNe 632.8
CO2 10,600
Table 1.
Solid-sate and gas lasers with their wavelengths.
Laser Machining
InGaAsP 1150–1650 — —
Table 2.
Semiconductor and liquid dye lasers with their wavelengths.
into three categories based on the composition such as neutral atom, ion, and
molecular. Gas lasers generally can be of CW or pulsed mode lasers and available
with axial flow, transverse flow and folded axial flow in construction. CO2 laser is
the most commonly used gas laser for machining plastics, ceramics, nonmetals and
sometimes organic materials also.
Semiconductor lasers, though made of solid materials the working principle are
different from solid-state lasers. It is based on radiative recombination of charge
carriers. Unique characteristic of a semiconductor laser is that they are capable of
producing wide beam divergence angles around 40°. Comparing to other types of
lasers, liquid-state lasers are easier to fabricate. Main advantages of liquid-state
lasers are ease cooling and replenishment in laser cavities. Spectral properties of
liquid organic molecules enable liquid dye lasers to get tuned within wide range of
wavelengths from 200 nm to 1000 nm. The detailed working principles of these
lasers are beyond the scope of this chapter and can be found in any standards texts.
Practical Applications of Laser Ablation
Figure 8.
Laser beam machining setup.
Figure 9.
Laser beam-work material interactions: (a) heating, (b) melting of surface, (c) vaporization of surface,
(d) formation of plasma, and (e) ablation.
Laser Machining
Figure 10.
Difference between the effects of (a) long-pulsed and (b) short-pulsed lasers.
stresses resulting in crack and void formation, and surface debris. Short pulse dura-
tion leads to lesser thermal conduction thus resulting in precise machining opera-
tion and good surface finish. Figure 10 shows the difference between the effects of
long and short pulse durations [6].
Machining using laser is generally categorized into three types namely one-
dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional machining processes. In one
dimensional machining process, the laser beam will have no relative motion with
the work piece material. In this relatively stationary arrangement, the erosion front
is located at the work piece and focused laser beam removes the material in the path
it propagates through which is a straight line. Hence one-dimensional LBM process
is generally used for drilling applications. In contrast, the work piece also will move
along with laser source in two-dimensional LBM process. The erosion front placed
on the beam edge and the material removal happens in a two-dimensional plane
Figure 11.
Schematic of (a) one-dimensional (drilling), (b) two-dimensional (cutting), and (c) three-dimensional
(milling) machining operations.
Practical Applications of Laser Ablation
6. Applications
Laser Machining
Figure 12.
Schematic of laser drilling.
avoided. Helical drilling is more preferred in the case of laser beam diameter is very
near to helical diameter at focus point. Energy balance is important in laser drilling
among the energy released by laser beam, energy absorbed by material, energy lost
to the surrounding and the energy utilized for melting (phase changing) the mate-
rial as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 13.
LBM for cutting operation.
Practical Applications of Laser Ablation
Figure 14.
Three-dimensional LBM for (a) lathe operation and (b) milling operation.
Laser Machining
7. Advantages
• Due to precise machining capability, LBM can produce excellent surface finish
therefore post processing can be eliminated.
• LBM can be easily automated for higher productivity and to achieve high speed
• LBM depends on thermal and few optical properties of work material rather
than mechanical properties such as hardness and brittleness. As a result, most
of the materials with any degree of mechanical properties with lower diffusiv-
ity and conductivity can be machined.
• Machining micro features with large aspect ratio is possible with LBM.
8. Limitations
There are many issues and limitations associated with the aforementioned LBM
technique. The major issues are produced accuracy, achieved surface quality and
rate of material removal. The erosion front is the main factor decides the amount of
material removal in LBM technique. In one-dimensional machining, the speed of
propagation in erosion front in the straight line decides the rate of material removal.
In another hand, the scanning speed plays a significant role in metal removal during
the two-dimensional machining processes. Similarly, the laser scanning speed is
produced the intersecting surfaces for volume formation and the decisive factor
for material removal rate during the 3D machining processes. Controlling the LBM
parameters for a balanced and effective machining is a real challenge faced by
industries. Secondly, the dimensional accuracy is affected by the kerf shape of laser
which leads to tapered holes instead of narrow holes. Surface quality is the other
important aspect of machining, which is measured by surface roughness, formation
of dross and the HAZ. Since LBM is completely thermal based machining process it
also has several limitations such as,
Practical Applications of Laser Ablation
9. Conclusions
The chapter presented an overview of the LBM technique and the principle
of laser production, properties, types of lasers, and its application in machin-
ing field. The advantages and limitations are also discussed at the end. Based on
the discussions from the presented sections, the following conclusions are made
regarding LBM.
The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan ROC
for the financial support to carry out this work.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest in the work.
Laser Machining
Author details
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Practical Applications of Laser Ablation