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Litt s Drug Eruption Reaction Manual

30th Edition 2024 Neil H. Shear

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George until the affair had completely blown over; but Great
Heavens, what a bore!
He was not yet free! The bonds which held him were invisible,
intangible, yet he felt their pressure and writhed beneath it. God!
Would he ever succeed in breaking them? Must he be forever a
prisoner in these chains of his own forging?
Chapter XXII.
At the Club
On the following day, to George’s surprise and gratification Storm
appeared at his office at noon and dragged him unceremoniously off
for lunch. In the course of their long friendship he had been almost
invariably the one to seek out his more brilliant companion, and he
was touched at this evidence of a need of him.
“I must say you look pretty bad, Norman,” he began with tactless
solicitude. “And you were as nervous as a woman last night; I could
see it. You are not taking care of yourself——”
“I don’t sleep well,” Storm interrupted shortly. “I wanted to talk
things over with you. I’ve been thinking about that trip I proposed
“Yes?” George urged eagerly as he paused.
“Well, I don’t know but what you are right if I can only pull myself
together somehow.” Storm weighed each word with care. “You
cannot appreciate what I have been through in the last month or you
would realize how desperately I want to get away from all reminders
of my—my grief; but if I can fight it without cutting myself adrift and
losing my connection with the trust company, it would be foolish to
sacrifice such a sinecure, especially when I have nothing else
absolutely definite in view.”
He could invent that ‘something else’ easily enough, he reflected
as he watched George’s glowing face, when the moment came for
departure. Meanwhile, he had decided to play safe; it would not be
long! As the words formed in his mind he shuddered involuntarily;
that had been Jack Horton’s expression! He had boasted of playing
safe in the very hour of his death!
“Of course it would! I knew you would come to your senses, old
man!” George cried warmly. “I do realize what you must have
suffered, but the only way to forget is to fight it. You—you can count
on me, you know!”
Storm nodded.
“I am sure of that.” He paused and added: “About that little fishing
trip you suggested; do you think you could get away?”
“Surest thing you know! I’m feeling seedy myself, and it will do us
both good. Shall we ask Millard to join us?”
“Heavens, no! He is an infernal nuisance!” Storm exclaimed
hastily. Through the long night hours he had planned his trip for the
express purpose of keeping George and his inconvenient theories
away from the too loquacious disseminator of news from
Headquarters. “I only want you, George. How soon do you think you
can get away?”
In secret distaste he watched the other’s puppy-like wriggle of
affectionate gratification at this mark of favor. What a fool he had
been to fear him! Yet there might still be a chance for George to
suspect, and if he did he would not rest until he had ferreted out the
“Let’s see; this is Wednesday,” George responded. “I ought to be
able to make it by the first of next week. I’ll talk to Abbott about it this
afternoon and let you know later. Say, why don’t you meet me at the
Storm made a quick gesture of rejection.
“I haven’t been there since——”
“I know, and that’s just why it will do you good,” George urged.
“You’ve got to take the plunge some time, you know. There is no
good in isolating yourself and brooding, as you have been doing.
Most of the fellows are away now for the hot weather; you won’t find
half a dozen there before dinner.”
“We-ell,” Storm conceded. The ubiquitous Millard would not be
present, at any rate, nor would anyone else who had the slightest
interest in the murder of an obscure paymaster; and now that the
suggestion had been made he felt a vague desire to see the old club
once more. “I’ll meet you there at half-past five.”
The papers were still devoting much front-page space to the
murder and robbery, but it was concerned principally with the
activities of the detectives employed by Miss Saulsbury and those of
the Mid-Eastern Corporation. The Police Department was reported
as making progress, but its nature was not disclosed; and Storm
smiled to himself as he read. No mention was made of the two men
seen walking on the Drive, but the incident of the motor car was
prominently exploited, and the generally accepted theory seemed to
be that the body had been brought from some undetermined
distance and flung over the wall.
All reference to the bag and its contents when found at the
terminal had been permitted to drop, and he looked in vain for any
suggestion that the numbers of the bills were known.
When he reached the club that afternoon he found that George
had not yet arrived; but a tall, lanky figure arose with outstretched
hand from the window seat.
“Hello, old fellow! Glad to see you back! We’ve been asking
about you.”
“Thanks, Griffiths. I’ve not been away,” Storm replied briefly. “Just
haven’t felt sociable, that’s all.”
“I know. We heard of course. Very sad! We all felt for you.”
The lawyer, who was noted for his eloquence in court, halted now
in a constrained fashion, and Storm replied quietly. “I’m sure of that.
Everyone has been very good, but this is the sort of thing one has to
bear alone. I am thinking of getting away shortly for a trip——”
“There was another matter, too, of which I was sorry to learn,”
Griffiths interrupted him. “You were badly hit in the Mertens-Du
Chainat swindle, weren’t you?”
“I?” Storm’s surprise at the question was unfeigned, and his eyes
shifted beneath the other’s level gaze. “Indeed, no! Where did you
hear that?”
“From a rather direct source,” the lawyer responded slowly. “In
fact, from a private examination of some papers belonging to the
pseudo Du Chainat which were unearthed after his departure. A
client of mine happens to have been among his victims, and I was in
a conference of attorneys who were permitted to make an
examination of the effects which Du Chainat overlooked or had no
time to destroy. Among them was a list of his victims, together with
the amount he had obtained from each; a methodical scoundrel,
wasn’t he? He had you down for sixty thousand, and as all the other
items on the list were verified by the victims themselves I naturally
concluded that his plans had gone through in your case. Sorry if I
have made a stupid mistake.”
“Not stupid!” Storm smiled frigidly. “Natural enough, under the
circumstances. I met the fellow and he put his proposition up to me; I
didn’t bite, but I let him down so easily that probably he considered
me one of his prospects. To tell you the truth he interested me as a
type, but I wasn’t fool enough to fall for his game.”
“I am glad for your own sake.” There still remained that dry note
of mental reservation in the lawyer’s tone. “He victimized some of the
most astute business men in the country. ——Hello, Holworthy!”
Storm turned as if stung. George was coming forward from the
door with a preternaturally grave expression upon his wide,
ingenuous face. How long had he been standing there? Confound
his pussy-footing ways! How much had he heard? Storm was
inwardly seething with rage at Griffith’s interference in his affairs as
well as at George’s inopportune arrival, but he forced himself to
greet the newcomer equably, striving to learn from his manner if the
conversation had reached his ears.
“I was late because Abbott kept me going over some details at
the office,” the latter explained quietly. “He thinks I can get away all
right by Monday. Suppose instead of the Beaverkill we try the north
woods? The bass ought to be running well up there——”
“So that’s the trip you meant, eh?” Griffiths interrupted. “Gad,
wish I could join you! I’d like to get a breath of the big woods in the
silence and peace of it after the eternal court wrangles of this last
term, but there isn’t a chance for me. I envy you two fellows!”
Two more members, a banker and the editor of one of the big
dailies, joined them, refreshments were ordered, and to Storm’s
relief the talk drifted off on general topics; but he studied George
furtively. If he had heard, would he accept Storm’s denial that he had
been victimized by Du Chainat? The lawyer had evidently remained
skeptical, but he was not as conversant with Storm’s affairs and
financial position as was George. If the latter believed that his friend
had been hard hit, would he not naturally wonder where he had
obtained the money for the long overseas trip he contemplated, and
wondering, blunder upon the truth?
A half hour passed, the little group broke up and Storm and his
companion were on the point of departure when a hearty, good-
humored voice boomed from the doorway and an elderly man with a
bluff military swagger bore down upon them.
“Great Guns, Storm, but it’s good to see you here again! I wrote
you—you got my letter?—when I heard of your loss. Terrible thing,
terrible! Damn fine little lady——”
He paused, clearing his throat and clapping Storm resoundingly
on the shoulder.
“Thanks, Colonel; yes, I received your letter,” the latter
responded. “Meant to reply to it, but George here can tell you that
I’ve been rather unsettled——”
“Heard you had moved to town and taken somebody’s rooms up
on the Drive,” Colonel Walker interrupted. “We’ve needed you here
for a fourth at bridge; had to take on Paine, and he’s rotten——”
“I like that!” the editor retorted indignantly. “Who revoked twice in
one evening——?”
“That was because we were playing for low stakes. I’m never on
my mettle unless the game is away over my head.” The Colonel
laughed and added: “Saw you the other night, Storm, and tried to
hail you but you got away in the crowd. I wanted to drag you off to a
stag house party up in Westchester. Let’s see; that was last
Wednesday night, over by the Grand Central Station——”
“You must have been mistaken!” Storm interrupted hastily. He
could feel George’s eyes upon him, and this fresh turn of affairs left
him aghast.
“No, I’m not,” Colonel Walker insisted bluntly. “It was Wednesday
night, I remember, just around dinner time, for it was raining like
blazes and you were dodging along under your umbrella——”
“Oh, yes!” Storm parried desperately. “I recall it now, but I didn’t
see you, old chap. I was on my way to my tobacconist’s. By the way,
that was a wonderful brand of cigarettes you used to get from Turkey
before the war. I’ve been trying to remember the name——”
The colonel’s laugh boomed out in good humored derision.
“Much good it would do you now! They aren’t made any more; in
fact I doubt if that grade of tobacco is grown over there since the
world turned upside down! I’ve found something new, however; try
one of these.”
He passed around a cigarette case and the hoped-for diversion
was created, but Storm’s heart felt like lead within him and he dared
not meet George’s eyes. He tried to think collectedly, but the very
weight of his own guilt prevented him from viewing the case sanely
from an unbiassed attitude. Here, within the hour, the last links in the
chain of circumstantial evidence had been forged against him in
George’s eyes had the latter but the sense to grasp the full
significance of what he had learned. The reported loss of his capital,
his presence at the terminal at the time of Horton’s supposed arrival,
George’s own theory that Horton had been a victim of someone he
knew and trusted, the proximity of the place where the body was
found to Storm’s rooms, the testimony of the policeman as to the two
pedestrians, the coincidence of the newspapers in Horton’s bag
supplying the missing parts of those in Storm’s possession; why, the
thing was patent on the face of it!
Only George’s ignorance concerning the newspapers, his blind
faith in his friend and the improbability of his grasping so monstrous
a solution stood between Storm and certain exposure. But was it an
improbability? Was George even now putting the facts together and
waiting to strike?
Storm sat back in silence, puffing his cigarette and leaving the
burden of conversation to the others. He heard the Colonel’s deep
bass, Griffiths’ keen, incisive tones and George’s measured,
phlegmatic voice with no change in its unemotional timbre, but they
came to him as from a distance. Did George know? The thought held
him as in a vice and he longed for yet dreaded the moment when
they should be alone together, which he felt must reveal the truth.
At length George rose somewhat heavily and turned to his friend.
“Shall we be getting on, Norman? Unless you would prefer to
dine here, of course——”
“No.” Storm, too, got out of his chair. “We’ve a lot of things to
settle about our trip.”
They took leave of their friends and left the club, and still
George’s manner remained, to the other man’s over-analytical state
of mind, significantly grave and reticent. He could endure the
suspense no longer, and a spirit of bravado entered into him.
“That did me good, rather; to get to the club and see some of the
old fellows again,” Storm declared mendaciously. “What are you
silent about, old man?”
“Nothing; I’ve been thinking,” George responded. “All your fishing
gear is down at Greenlea, isn’t it? Can you write to MacWhirter and
get it here by Monday?”
Storm gave a furtive sidelong glance at him, but George was
plodding along with an inscrutable countenance.
“I can run down overnight and pick out what I need,” Storm
asserted shortly. “We can make out a list to-night. Suppose we stop
at the Blenheim Grill here for a bite and then go on up to my rooms?”
George accepted without comment, and they were soon
ensconced at a table as far as possible from the blatant orchestra, in
a corner half screened by palms. As Storm studied the menu he
glanced up to find his companion’s eyes fixed upon him in troubled,
questioning scrutiny, and he flung the card aside.
“What is it?” he demanded savagely. As well to have it over here
and now! He could endure the suspense no longer. “There’s been
something wrong with you ever since we left the club. For heaven’s
sake get it off your chest!”
“Well,” George responded slowly. “I couldn’t help hearing what
Griffiths said as I came in, and to tell you the truth, old man, I am
rather hurt at your lack of confidence in me.”
Storm unconsciously braced himself. It was coming!
“You mean about the Du Chainat affair?” he blustered. “That
meddlesome old fool knows nothing about my business! I call it
infernal cheek, his attempting to say the man ever victimized me!
There’s not a word of truth in it.”
“I read of the swindle in the newspapers, and I remember that I
was the one to tell you of the Du Chainat exposure; I showed the
article to you myself.” George spoke more to himself than to the
other man, as though correlating his thoughts aloud. “I recall that you
seemed interested about it, even excited, but you never mentioned
the fact that you knew the man, much less that he had tried to take
you in on his schemes. It wasn’t like you, Norman; you’ve told me
everything, ever since we were boys, and I am wondering where I
could have failed you.”
An injured, plaintive note had crept into his patient voice, and in a
sudden access of hope Storm seized upon his opportunity.
“You haven’t failed me, dear old George! It was my accursed
pride, as usual. I wouldn’t admit it to Griffiths for worlds, but I did
pretty nearly fall for that fellow’s bunk! When you showed me that the
whole thing was a swindle I was aghast at my narrow escape, and I
made up my mind I wouldn’t give you the chance to preach at me
again about reckless investments. If I had told you how nearly I
came to letting Du Chainat hoodwink me you would have been as
worried as a maiden aunt about any future venture I might want to
make, and I didn’t care to have you know what an ass I had been!”
His tone was a perfect simulation of shame-faced confidence.
“Millard might have told you that I knew the pseudo Du Chainat. He
introduced me to him himself, and if it hadn’t been for Mrs. Millard,
who holds the purse strings, the old boy would have been one of Du
Chainat’s victims. He was strong for the scheme, but for once I had a
gleam of sense and held out.”
George shook his head.
“I’m sorry if I have seemed to preach at you,” he said. “Your
money is your own, of course, to do with as you please, and you are
a man grown, but you have always been to me the impulsive,
reckless boy I knew at college——”
“Whom you helped out of many a scrape!” Storm put in quickly.
“You don’t think I have ever forgotten, do you, old man? It wasn’t
lack of confidence, but fear of ‘I told you so’ that prevented me from
telling you what I knew personally of Du Chainat. Griffiths was all
wrong in that, however. Du Chainat may have put me down for a
boob, but I never dropped a cent in his scheme.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” George remarked earnestly, but to Storm’s
apprehensive ear there was the same hint of skepticism in his voice
that the lawyer’s had evinced, and he burst out recklessly:
“Look here, you don’t think I am holding out on you now, do you?
You don’t think I was such a fool? If I had put all my capital in Du
Chainat’s hands, and he had taken it to the bottom of the sea with
him, where on earth would I have gotten the money for this long trip I
proposed taking or investment in a new concern when I got back?”
He could have bitten his tongue out the instant the words had left
his lips. What a consummate fool to open the way for suspicion to
enter George’s mind, if it were not there already! But while he sat
inwardly cursing himself for his mad indiscretion, the other’s face
cleared as if by magic.
“Of course, Norman! I have been worrying a little for the last hour,
but I might have known you hadn’t gone into the scheme, for it would
have pretty well cleaned you out, wouldn’t it? Now that you are going
to stay on at the trust company——” he broke off and added: “I’m
sure that you are! Our fishing trip will buck you up wonderfully, and
you’ll come back in fine form!”
“I hope so.” Storm breathed freely. The danger point was past!
But he must cinch it in the other’s mind . . . . “I’ve still got my capital,
you know; what there is left of it from that copper gamble two years
“Well, nothing is sure but death and taxes, you must remember.
Even the Mammoth Trust might go under, so don’t regard your fifty
thousand as velvet and take some wild flyer with it, without
consulting Foulkes or me.” George checked himself with a sheepish
grin. “There I go preaching again! I vow I won’t any more—Say! That
waiter has been hovering about for the last twenty minutes. What are
we going to have?”
Dinner ordered, the conversation turned upon their forthcoming
expedition, and as the meal progressed all of Storm’s wonted self-
confidence returned to him in full measure. These vague fears about
old George and his suspicions were nothing but the chimera of
exhausted nerves, and he was a fool to permit them to give him a
moment’s disquietude. Millard and his damned wager had worked
upon him, but Millard was an ass! The very way that he had fallen for
Du Chainat proved—— Storm caught himself up in his chain of
reasoning with a grimace of ironic disgust. He, too, had fallen for Du
Chainat, and harder even than had Millard. Gad, was he getting so
that he believed his own lies?
At any rate, the result of the wager was a foregone conclusion.
He could not fail to carry on successfully to the end now; his plans
had been laid too well! Not one single setback had occurred and no
one, nothing could touch him. He could endure old George’s
unadulterated company for a week or so, and the sojourn in the
woods would steady his nerves and give him time to plan cool-
headedly for the future.
By the time they returned, the Horton investigation would have
slumped to a mere nominal affair, and soon thereafter he might
announce his adherence to his original plan, to which George could
then have no opposition to offer since his own suggestion would
have failed of its object. Everything would work out smoothly,
perfectly; the greatest stunt of the age would go through without a
hitch; and it was all due to his foresight, his genius for detail! There
was nothing he could not accomplish in the future, no one living who
was his master; and the best of it all was that no one suspected his
greatness! Not a living soul with whom he came in contact realized
that he was other than a pleasant enough fellow, a gentleman born
and bred but without much business head or executive ability; a
tame, futile sort of person, who would never set the Thames on fire.
God, it was the biggest joke perpetrated on the community since
time began! It was almost too good to keep!
But as they left the grill and made their way to his rooms, in the
midst of his exultation there came to him another dampening
thought. Had George noticed the coincidence of his having been
near the Grand Central Station at the very hour of Horton’s
supposed arrival, as revealed by Colonel Walker’s unlucky chance
remark? Storm dared not draw his attention to the coincidence itself
if it had escaped him, yet a perverse instinct drove him on to
ascertain if he had noted the significance of the date mentioned.
“Old Walker is putting on flesh again since demobilization took
place,” he began tentatively. “I hear he has been hitting it up quite a
little lately.”
“He is a pretty good fellow,” George replied tolerantly. “Likes to
swagger and make out that he’s a regular devil, but there is no real
harm in him.—Say, we’d better get some new G. lines, and if I were
you I’d look over that four-and-a-half-ounce rod of yours.”
“That’s all right.” Storm returned insistently to his point. “I wonder
who was giving the stag house-party up in Westchester for which the
Colonel was bound when he hailed me? Odd that I should not have
heard him, for he bellows like a bull.”
“Oh, well, in a crowd——” George’s tone was absent and he
broke off to announce with vigor. “I’ll tell you one thing; if you expect
any luck you had better get a Montreal or two. The pet Parmachini
Belle of yours would make any bass in the lake give you a laugh!”
Another dangerous chance eliminated!——Danger? Storm
chuckled with amusement at the thought. To test old George further
was like taking milk from a blind kitten! Only a miracle could harm
him now and the age of miracles was past. He was invincible,
“Ashes be damned!”
Chapter XXIII.
The Scourge of Memory
The next morning as Storm was on the point of starting for his
office Homachi ushered in a visitor. He was a sturdy, well-built man
with sandy hair and a lean, lantern-jawed face, and as he advanced
and stood fumbling with his cap only a slight limp and sag of one hip
betrayed the artificial limb which replaced the one he had left in
“Well, MacWhirter,” Storm began cordially, and then his tone
sharpened. “There isn’t anything wrong at Greenlea?”
“No, sir.” The erstwhile gardener shifted uneasily. “Everything is
right as can be. Since you left me there as caretaker there’s been
nothing for me to do; not even a stray dog to be warned off the
“Then sit down, man, and tell me what brings you here.” There
was a trace of impatience now in Storm’s voice. Another reminder of
Greenlea and what had happened there!
“Well, sir, it’s just that; I’ve not enough to do.” MacWhirter eased
himself down gingerly upon the edge of a chair. “I’m not earning what
you pay me and I’m well fit——”
He flushed, glancing down at his curiously stiffened leg, and
Storm said hastily:
“Of course you are! You’re in every way as efficient as you were
before the war. I put you in charge because you are a responsible
man and I trusted you. All I want is to have the place guarded and
looked after during my absence.”
“I know, sir. I’ve kept the flowers up, though you told me not to
bother, because it’s a rare fine garden to go to waste and because
the mistress took such pride in it, begging your pardon, sir. I’ve never
forgot her kindness in keeping my place open for me and sending
me word at the hospital that no matter how bad I was hurt I was to
come back.” The man’s honest eyes misted and his voice grew
unsteady, but he controlled it respectfully after a moment’s pause. “If
I felt that the place or you, sir, actually needed me I’d stay on, but
“You want to leave, eh?” Storm interrupted shortly. “Well, you
must please yourself, MacWhirter. You are getting a head gardener’s
wages now.”
“Yes, Mr. Storm, and I’m not earning it, though I’m as able to as
any man alive. If I keep on being just a caretaker, folks’ll think I’m not
fit for anything else. I’m a farseeing man, and I’ve got to look out for
the future.” The shrewd, kindly Scotch eyes narrowed and then
swiftly darkened as he added in a lowered tone, “It isn’t only that, sir;
it’s main lonesome out there now.”
“In Greenlea, with all the neighbors about?”
“Not Greenlea; I mean the place itself. There’s something about it
since—since it has been closed up that fair gives me the creeps, sir!
Something uncanny, like! I—I’d rather not stay on, sir.”
There was a note of superstitious awe in the man’s tones which
awoke an unexpected answering chord in Storm, and his anger rose
swiftly to combat it.
“You’re a fool, MacWhirter!” He exclaimed roughly. “There’s
nothing wrong with the place. However, as you say, I don’t really
need you there; the night watchman at the country club can look
after things for me. I hope for your own sake that you have another
position in view——?”
“They’ll take me on as assistant ground keeper at the club, sir.”
MacWhirter’s tone was abashed. “Please don’t think I’m ungrateful
Storm waved that aside.
“It will be mean less wages.” He watched the man closely.
“Yes, sir. But I——” MacWhirter’s eyes fell. “I’d rather take it, sir, if
you don’t mind.”
Storm shrugged.
“It is all the same to me, MacWhirter. Let me see; your month is
“Tomorrow, sir.” There was unconcealed eagerness in the man’s
tone. “Of course, if you were thinking of getting another caretaker, I
could wait——”
“I shan’t.” Storm spoke with sudden decision. “I’m going away on
a long trip myself, and I have closed out my bank account, but I’ll pay
you off now in cash. Put the place in good order and mail me the
keys to-morrow.”
“I’ve brought them with me, sir.” MacWhirter rose, placed a bunch
of keys upon the table and gravely accepted the money. “Thank you,
sir. You’ll find the place in perfect order and the garden doing brave
and fine if you run out before you go away. I appreciate what you’ve
done for me, Mr. Storm, and I wouldn’t speak of leaving but for the
lonesomeness and my being of no real use.”
Storm cut the man’s protestations short and got rid of him with a
curtness but poorly masked. His manner more than his words had
conjured up a picture of the silent, deserted house standing amid the
bright flowers like a corpse decked for the funeral which made
Storm’s senses recoil as before a vision of something sinister and
full of dread.
For the life of him he could not put from his mind the swiftly
recurring memory of that sleeping garden on the night when he had
cast the handful of ashes out upon it and then drawn the curtains
that the coming moon might not peer through at what lay within. Had
those ashes of his first crime bred a fatal growth there among the
flowers? Had a phoenix risen from them to cry the deed in tones
audible only to MacWhirter’s susceptible Celtic ear?
In vain he cursed himself for a superstitious fool. Of course the
place was lonesome, but thank God! he was rid of the man and his
silly whims and fancies! No caretaker was needed there, anyway,
and in the fall he would cable George to sell it for him. Every closed,
deserted house in the country bore an aspect which the ignorant
would term ‘uncanny’, but there could be nothing real, nothing
tangible in the sensations which had driven MacWhirter away; no
lingering influence of that night’s event could remain to manifest itself
to those who might come within its aura.
He would like to have asked MacWhirter to explain himself, had
not common sense forbade. He felt an inordinate curiosity as to the
latter’s sensations, and a sort of dread fascination settled itself upon
him, a desire to see for himself if that house at Greenlea retained the
power to thrill or unnerve him.
Then with a supreme effort he cast aside the spell which had held
him in thrall. What utter rot such superstitions were in these
materialistic days! MacWhirter was lonely, and he had made use of
the first excuse which came handy to get out of an uncongenial job.
No ghosts walked save those which lived in memory, and Storm
would soon be free from them forever! But he must go soon! Such a
mood as this could not have fastened upon him had he not been
near the breaking point; not now, when everything had gone so
splendidly, when with consummate skill and daring he had attained
all his aims, overcome all obstacles, turned the very weapons of fate
into tools to serve his own ends!
He told himself defiantly that everything was before him, but he
was deucedly tired, that was all. He would rest thoroughly in the
woods, recoup his nerves and then start upon the real adventure.
Meanwhile, for the sake of his continued sanity he must put all
morbid thoughts of MacWhirter’s nonsense and of Greenlea from his
Yet when he presented himself before Nicholas Langhorne in the
latter’s sanctum at a little before noon his haggard face was
sufficient excuse for his errand.
“I wanted to know if it would be convenient for me to turn my work
over to someone else for the next week or two, Mr. Langhorne,” he
began. “I’m not feeling quite up to the mark; thought if I got away for
a time——”
“My dear Storm, I was going to suggest it to you myself.”
Langhorne waved him to a chair. “I’ve noticed that you were looking
badly, and it is natural enough under the circumstances. You really
should have taken a good rest at the time—er, a month ago. Arrange
for as long a vacation as you need to put yourself in shape again.
Sherwood or Bell or any of the minor officials can take over your
Storm flushed in resentment at the unconscious imputation. So
that was how his services were regarded by this pompous old idiot!
That was how he was appreciated!
“Thank you,” he said stiffly, adding in swift irony: “If you can
possibly get along without me I should like to leave town almost
Langhorne nodded blandly.
“Just turn over your books to Sherwood to-morrow morning and
don’t give another thought to business until you return. Where have
you planned to go, my boy?”
The note of personal interest was as unusual as the paternal
address, but Storm still glowered.
“Up in the north woods, I think, for some bass fishing. I shall not
be gone longer than about ten days.” He rose. “I’m glad you can
spare me for I feel about all in.”
“Fishing!” Langhorne mused. “There is a lot of malaria in those
woods, Storm, and the discomforts of camp are abominable, to say
nothing of the indigestible cooking provided by the average guide.
Now, if you will take my advice, you will pick out some nice, quiet
country club with a good green and play your eighteen holes every
day. There is nothing like golf to set a man up; gentleman’s game,
steadies the nerve, clears the eye, fills the lungs with good fresh air
and not too strenuous. Golf——”
“I’ve played it,” Storm interrupted quietly, but the cold fury which
possessed him trembled in his tones. “I prefer fishing and I want to
rough it for a time. I won’t detain you any longer, Mr. Langhorne. My
books are in perfect order and can be turned over to-morrow.”
He withdrew, inwardly seething. Great God, must everyone he
encountered remind him? That driver, with the smudge of blood and
the long golden hair clinging to it, rose again before him as it had so
many times before, and in the privacy of his own office once more he
buried his face in his hands to ward off the vision. When, in heaven’s
name, would he be free from them all?
At least, his dismal treading of the eternal mill here had ceased
forever. When he turned over his books to Sherwood on the morrow
and locked his desk, he knew that he would never reopen it. When
he returned from the fishing trip it would be easy to plead further ill-
health until the moment came to send in his resignation. This phase
of existence was over.
He raised his head and looked about at the small but luxuriously
appointed office, grown familiar through more than fifteen years of
occupancy; revoltingly familiar, he told himself bitterly. He loathed it
all! How had the smug, complacent years slipped by without
arousing rebellion in his soul before this? He had been a mere cog in
the machine——No! Not even that!—a useless appendage, tolerated
because of his father! And all the time, how little these daily
associates of his had known of the real man, of his possibilities, his
subsequent achievements!
He had fooled them, deceived them all, gotten away with two
stupendous crimes under their very noses, by gad, and not one of
them had an inkling of the truth!
A tap upon the ground glass door interrupted his self-laudation,
and Millard entered.
“Hello, Storm. Came to see if you would run out and have a bite
of lunch with me,” he began. “Glad you’ve reconsidered your
decision to take that long trip. Holworthy told me the news. Deucedly
hot to-day, isn’t it?”
“Holworthy?” Storm repeated in unguarded annoyance. What
perverse fate had brought those two together?
“Yes,” Millard replied to the unvoiced query. “When he ’phoned to
me this morning I asked him out to Greenlea, but he said he couldn’t
come; had to work late at the office with Abbott putting him in touch
with his details for the next fortnight because you and he—
Holworthy, I mean—were going off fishing together. Delighted to hear
it, old chap; only I wish I could join you, but you know how I am tied
up at home. It will do you a lot more good than months of poking
around by yourself thousands of miles from home.”
He chattered on, but Storm scarcely heard. What had George
telephoned to him about? The Horton case had not even been
mentioned between them on the previous night, but Storm knew well
the tenacity of George’s grasp of an opinion or theory. Had he been
sufficiently interested to try to probe Millard for further news? But
what news could there be?
This time he voiced the thought aloud.
“How about our wager, Millard? Still think you are going to win?”
“I wish I were as sure of eternal salvation!” the other retorted
stoutly. “Of course I’ll win, Storm; that man and the money will be
“So it is ‘that’ man now, eh?” Storm watched him narrowly. “Your
friends at Headquarters have given up the idea of a gang, then?
They think it was a one-man job?”
“Well, no, not exactly.” Millard wriggled uncomfortably in the chair
in which he had seated himself, uninvited. “I haven’t learned
anything further from that source, but Holworthy’s theory the other
night sounded mighty feasible to me. It is a lot more likely that
Horton met some close friend and went off quietly to make a night of
it than that he trusted himself with that bag in his possession to a
crowd; and he couldn’t very well have been kidnapped. Holworthy is
getting to be as much of a bug on the case as I am. Said his one
regret in leaving town was that he would not be able to keep in touch
with it. He told me when he called me up to ask about the papers
“What papers?” Storm interrupted.
“Why, those that were found wadded around the pistol in the
bag,” explained the other. “He wanted to know what the names of
them were and I told him they were all ‘Daily Bulletins’ of May
twenty-eighth, thirtieth——”
“Oh, for the Lord’s sake Millard, don’t go over all that again!”
Storm cried in uncontrollable exasperation.
Millard snickered.
“That’s what Holworthy said, or words to that effect. He had the
dates all down pat.” Then his face grew grave. “You may laugh at it if
you like, but I think it is a very important clue and one that is apt to
be a big factor in the solution of the case.”
“If you are basing your hopes of winning the money on a wad of
unmarked sheets of newspapers, I’ll get it from Holworthy and spend
it for you now.” Storm laughed a trifle grimly. “You two are a couple of
nuts over this thing! I hope Holworthy will leave his theories behind
him when he hits the woods trail with me!”
Millard took the hint and rose.
“You’ll see!” he declared. “How about lunch?”
Storm shook his head.
“Sorry. Like to, old man, but I’m turning my books over to an
associate to-morrow and I’m up to my ears in work. By the way, I’ve
dismissed my gardener, MacWhirter, who has been looking after the
house out at Greenlea. It really doesn’t require a caretaker, you
know, and he has got a job as assistant ground keeper at the club.”
“He is a very good man,” Millard observed. “He kept your garden
in wonderful shape in the old days. How proud your poor wife was of
her flowers!—Well, I’ll run on. Hope I shall see you again before you
start on your trip, but if I don’t, I wish you the best of luck!”
“And you, with your wager,” Storm called after him. “Remember,
the money and the man, Millard!”
When the door had closed he sprang from his chair. Leila and her
flowers! Would no one let him forget? On a sudden impulse he had
told Millard a modified version of MacWhirter’s defection in order to
silence any idle gossip which might spring up at the club and in so
doing he had brought that tactless reminder down about his own
He could see her now in a soft cotton frock standing out under a
towering old lilac bush, its top just burgeoning in clusters of misty
lavender, the sun glinting down between the branches on her golden
hair. When she was warm it used to curl in little moist tendrils about
her forehead and the nape of her slender, white neck, and it felt like
spun silk between one’s fingers. . . .
Storm struck his forehead sharply with his clenched fist. What
was the matter with him to-day? Why couldn’t he control his
treacherous, wandering thoughts? This last unnerving vision had
been Millard’s fault, curse him! Well, he was through with Millard, just
as he was through with Langhorne and all the crew here and at the
club! They were out of his path from this moment on! Only George
remained to be tolerated a while longer for discretion’s sake——
Then the thought recurred to him of George’s telephoned query
to Millard. What on earth did he care about the papers that were
found in the bag? Horton had been a mere acquaintance of his of
years gone by; why should he take such a profound interest in the
Could old George have begun to suspect the truth after all?
During the long evening in his rooms on the previous night nothing

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